3/15 |
2012/12/30-2013/1/24 [Reference/Religion, Health/Women] UID:54571 Activity:nil |
12/30 Women on jdate look hot. Do I need to give up bacon to date them? \_ http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2009-04-10 \_ Don't know, but you may have to give up your foreskin to date them. \_ I think this is a deal breaker for most men, and why throughout history Christianity always overwhelms Judaism. In Christianity the barrier to entry is much lower, the recruitment strategy is much more aggressive, the church income (10%) is higher, the marketing is superior (hot women in church), and most importantly you don't need a painful cosmetic surgery on your dick. In another word, Christianity is a well run corporation and Judaism is just another mom and pop store. \_ I think this is a deal breaker for most men, and why throughout history Christianity always overwhelms Judaism. In Christianity the barrier to entry is much lower, the recruitment strategy is much more aggressive, the church income (10%) is higher, the marketing is superior (hot women in church), and most importantly you don't need a painful cosmetic surgery on your dick. In another word, Christianity is a well run corporation and Judaism is just another mom and pop store. \_ What is the "10%" number relative to? \_ What about Catholicism? \_ I was cirumcised as a child, as are most American men. No problem for us red-blooded patriotic Isreal-loving Americans. \_ Most Christians believe in the literal truth of The Bible, which means they are stuck with a 2 millenial old system suited for tribal sheepheaders. Judaism has something called the Talmud where you can argue endlessly about the right way to do things. So it evolves over time. EEPROM >> CD-ROM |
2012/8/24-11/7 [Health/Women] UID:54463 Activity:nil |
8/24 "Pregnant Woman Relieved To Learn Her Rape Was Illegitimate" http://www.csua.org/u/xed (http://www.theonion.com |
2012/4/23-6/1 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:54363 Activity:nil |
4/16 "The K-E Diet: Brides-to-Be Using Feeding Tubes to Rapidly Shed Pounds" http://www.csua.org/u/w2x (gma.yahoo.com) I can't help noticing in the video: - how the doctor stayed standing up while examing this Jessica Schnaider sitting down, - how often he checked her heartbeat with his stethoscope, while standing up, - how convenient for her doctor the way she wore her button shirt was when she walked in to the office. \_ Why does her doctor need to listen to her heart so much? She isn't there for her heart disease. \_ Exactly. I think she's building up a media presence to pave her way to a reality show. And I think the doctor is knowingly in it. |
2012/3/8-26 [Health/Women] UID:54332 Activity:nil |
3/8 http://kittiesntitties.tumblr.com Definitely NOT work safe. \_ Most of the women have very hot bodies! However, is there a theme where pictures of kitties and nude women resembling each other are paired? If so, the theme is lost in later pictures. |
2011/4/26-7/13 [Computer/Theory, Health/Women] UID:54095 Activity:nil |
4/26 Is it correct to say that Godel's work on the incompleteness thm proved the Principia Mathematica wrong? \_ It didn't exactly prove it wrong; it proved that the true goal of PM (a complete and consistent set of mathematical truths) is unattainable. -tom \_ Ah cool, no this is good. See ok yeah so the main goal of PM was to "be complete" but obGodel so that fails. However as a piece of logic, that is, a system build up from first principles is PM is still valid, inspite of Godel? etc.) --OP \_ What Godel showed is that you can use PM's language (or any other complete mathematical language) to create a paradoxical statement. That means that you can't assert that any statement described by PM's language is true. But in practice it doesn't change much. (Although why you would use PM's language in practice is unclear; it's rather a theoretical exercise). -tom \_ Would you use it to teach logic to a someone? Is it at least good for that? \_ Sure, it could work for that, but it's pretty complex. -tom \_ Would it be correct to say, "If you studied logic and understand how to follow logic, then you should be able to read the PM." (as a milestone marker)? \_ It proved that PM is incomplete. DUH!!! \_ Well, more precisely, it proved that a symbolic logic cannot be both complete and consistent. It would be more accurate to say that PM is inconsistent than that it's incomplete. -tom |
2010/12/21-2011/2/19 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:53979 Activity:nil |
12/21 Placebos work even when the doctor tells the patient that they are sugar pills: http://blogs.forbes.com/robertlangreth/2010/12/22/sugar-pills-work-even-when-people-know-they-are-fake/?partner=yahootix \_ "Harvard Placebo Study Was Seriously Overhyped" http://blogs.forbes.com/robertlangreth/2010/12/28/harvard-placebo-study-was-seriously-overhyped |
2010/7/3-8 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:53873 Activity:nil |
6/30 http://holykaw.alltop.com/why-men-are-attracted-to-women-with-small-fee-1 Sorry, but the simpler explanation is men are less attracted to obese women (who have bigger feet). |
2010/6/8-30 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53854 Activity:kinda low |
6/8 My wife and I are childless. We never had much interest, but if we don't have kids soon we never will and so we are talking about it. To us the birthing process and pregnancy are disgusting. I realize it's the most natural thing in the world, but it's still extremely nasty to us both. And I believe in childbeating, which is illegal where I live. The more we learn (plus about all the associated risks) the more we marvel that anyone is _ever_ born and how couples who go through it would want to repeat it. I read about women who like to eat the placenta and I almost lost my lunch and I am not a squeamish person. I saw a video of a woman giving birth in high school health class, but that did not prepare me adequately for the reality. We are left wondering why in the hell anyone would do this, especially after seeing how ungrateful our nieces and nephews are. I am curious how those of you with kids managed to reconcile these feelings. Maybe we're better off not being parents, although I think we'd make good parents. We could adopt, but raising someone else's kids is something I don't think I could do (even though my dad did it). I get very frustrated that we have agonized over this so much while much of the world just pumps them out without a thought. \_ be thankful that you like in Northern Cal. Maybe you should move to SF and feel at home. \_ we'll thank you for not peeing in the genetic pool \_ My genes are already all over the place. I have six nieces and nephews. I wish my sisters would have thought about this as much as I have, because, frankly. parenthood has not been successful for them. \_ Those asren't your genes, they are your siblings. Similar, yes, but not the same. \_ Most of them are the same - enough to matter. \_ Read between the lines. OP is bragging that his nieces and nephews have his genes ...... \_ Oh! How incestuous! \_ Either that (hot!), or he's screwing his sister-in- law (hot!) \_ get over yourself. \_ Same to you, buddy. \_ for many, children are a consequence of sex. Effective birth control wasnt even really an option until recently. Even still many forego it, for (short-sighted) economic reasons, or even religious ones. Oh, and even if you can get past the whole childbirth process, children are not for the squeamish. Poop-filled diapers, and more! Whee! \_ You believe in child beating and you think that you would make a good parent? Go get yourself sterilized, please. \_ Some dim-wit added that. I am dim! \_ I have two kids and I love it. I'm hoping to have a few more. They are constantly fun and interesting to me, only occasionally are they obnoxious. But we raise them very carefully. We never buy things for them and we don't have TV in our house. This goes a long way to keeping them polite and interesting. Also, I don't really mind disgusting things, diapers and whatnot. I don't know why people get so freaked out about it. \_ I am not disgusted by changing diapers. My wife and I are disgusted by having another human being living as a parasite inside of her like some sort of movie monster. The post-birth aspect doesn't seem disgusting, but the pregnancy and birth seem like 9 months of hell. \_ Somehow, billions of people have managed to get through it, I bet you can too if you really care to. I am also a later parent (had my first child at 40) and I have to say, I could not be happier about it even though I was sleep deprived for the first year. \_ Lots of people manage to get through it with a healthy child and a healthy mother, but some don't. |
3/15 |
2010/4/1-14 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53765 Activity:nil |
3/30 what if you went on your honeymoon and your bride was having her period that week? that would suck \_ I'm sure you could figure out a solution if you think hard enough. I have wondered if people ever plan around this. \_ Just do it in the bath tub. You don't even need condoms. \_ you know what, you can still get pregnant during this time period. my friend thought the above was true, now has cute baby girl that proves him wrong. \_No. You can't. That cute baby girl may prove his woman was cheating on him. -phuqm \_ Sure you can, it is rare, but not unheard of. \_ what's wrong with a week of blowjobs? also, isn't it common these days for brides to lose their 'anal virginity' on their honeymoon? -troll \_ If you were waiting to have sex for the first time, it might be kind of a bummer, but very few people do that. |
2010/2/26-3/30 [Health/Women] UID:53729 Activity:nil |
2/26 "US Navy lifts ban on women in submarines: officials" http://www.csua.org/u/q6v (news.yahoo.com) Some top brass must have thought this is a great idea after watching the JAG episode which Lt. Col. Sarah MacKenzie (Catherine Bell) inadvertently had intense chest contact with a sailor when they're squeezing through a tight corridor on-board in opposite directions. \_ this has got to be a really bad idea \_ women are probably more suited to submarine conditions, actually. \_ explain please? \_ Check out the sub museum in San Francisco and you should be able to figure it out pretty quickly. \_ Argh!!! I'm over 2000 miles away from SF. \_ subs are small. women are small. \_ Bell's chest isn't small. \_ No, it hasn't: http://bit.ly/a7tezZ (Canadian Navy report on mixed-gender staffing on submarines) \_ I think it's a bad idea to mix the genders, but an all-female sub sounds like a great idea. \_ Isn't that the plot of a James Bond movie? \_ I wanna squeeze through *her* tight corridor |
2010/1/22-2/8 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53657 Activity:kinda low |
1/22 Scientific proof that prettier girls are bitchier (and I'm experienced in getting bitch slapped so this is hardly a surprise): http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8464990.stm \_ Runaway Bride. Treat people like shit, get special treatments. \_ I'd be bitchy too if I was mostly starved, and worked out continually and judge my self esteem only by the kind of man I could get that makes the other girls The Most Jealous. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1243964/Blondes-aggressive-brunettes-attract-male-attention.html?ITO=1490 \_ Why do "scientists" often waste money doing researches to find things that we already know? Just a couple weeks ago I heard on radio another research which found that people are happier on weekends than on weekdays. \_ Because scientists get NSF funds for this that they can use for renovating their homes. Please rewatch real genius, and look at what Jerry is doing. \_ Same reason they lie to get grants about Global Warming. \_ Right, because the polar caps are melting and the sea levels are rising for some other reason. \_ Nice, did they teach you to chant that at hippie church? \_ Sing up some kumbaya! \_ Exact same reasons why you should not hire good looking and/or charming people into your organization UNLESS your organization has a genuine need for charming/manipulative marketing/MBA type. Mr. Spock may be logical but he's not going to play golf with potential clients who may bring in $$$ for your organization. \_ Dance, Dance Testosterone Revelation: http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,673238,00.html \_ information is mostly theory and of little use to people who read this article. FAIL. who read this article. FAIL. i am autistic. \_ Article FAIL: fails to say which UC this is (Santa Barbara), and fails to mention odds of this winning an IgNobel. \_ Can't they just figure this out by watching stuff like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtK0_bCmy3M pretty obvious pecking order repeated in any bar women frequent. |
2009/12/7-2010/1/3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Health/Women] UID:53577 Activity:low |
12/5 Miss France is very good looking: http://curiousphotos.blogspot.com/2009/12/miss-france-2010-pictures-13-picsvideo.html \_ she has a hook nose and face is a bit too V shaped. Body is ok. I mean lets look at the sample pool of 20 something EU: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkPI8m5GhnA \_ French women in general are good looking, so Miss France is probably always very good looking. Can you find pics of previous years winners? \_ American women are prettier. They actually come in all sizes and all colors. French women? Blah. It's like eating the world's best crepe every single day. Even the best will taste bland after you get used to them. Variety is the spice of life. \_ I noticed a lot more blonde women in France than I expected to see and, yes, many are very attractive. My aunt moved \_ it's the organic food, I tell ya. to France and her daughters (my cousins) are all half-French and I think that they were very pretty when they were young. (They are pushing 50 now.) However, Miss France, although extremely attractive, doesn't have much in the way of T&A. Of the bunch of girls in the swimsuits she has probably the best body for modeling, but not really the most sexy body. \_ I agree, JACKIE JOHNSON is waaaay prettier! I like Jackie's more robust body. NICE. \_ Lisa Guerrero > Jackie Johnson. http://www.hottystop.com/lisa-guerrero/4.jpg She might have the least curves of any of the women. I find that she's too skinny and unathletic. Do you like girls with flat butts? BTW, I think all those girls are French, right? "Miss France" was Miss Normandy. \_ The norse woman has flat butts. Look at examples across the channel as well. Their fat accumulation occurs on the arms. \_ stupid generalization. It's like saying all the Japanese women are petite with a nice clean face like all the jporns. \_ In general is not the same as all. \_ In general is not the same as all. If I was looking for petite women, Japan would be a good place to look. \_ my point is, in Japan, most women are NOT as petite and good looking as JMedia make you think it is. In fact, most are slightly overweight, have freaky hair, beady little eyes, NOT petite, and frankly, ugly. \_ You know petite has more to do with height than weight, right? I would say 95% of Japanese women are petite. \_ Wow you're an idiot. Petite = (height < 5'4" && weight/height < constant) \_ No. My mom is petite and my girlfriend is petite. When I shop with them (in the petites section) there are certainly size 0 and size 2 clothes but there is also size 16P. It's a function of height and not weight at all. "In fashion and clothing, petite sizes are standard clothing sizes designed to fit women of shorter height, typically 5'3" or less." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petite_sizes \_ More overweight than American women? \_ there is no such a thing as an average American woman. America is too diverse for any generalization \_ yep, just watch the olympics if you have any doubt. Esp the volleyball teams. \_ http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101040607 |
2009/11/20-30 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53536 Activity:low |
11/19 Retro women in the office look better than modern women: http://curiousphotos.blogspot.com/2009/11/retro-office-girls-35-pics.html \_ Not all of them look better than modern women, but you can sure hit on all of them without risking your job or facing lawsuits, unless your boss also happens to be hitting on the same ones. \_ not to mention it's perfectly legal in those days to hire only hot stewardesses vs. the gays and cougars you see on United and Southwest today. So in another word, life is better today. \_ not to mention it's perfectly legal in those days to hire only hot\ stewardesses vs. the gays and cougars you see on United and Southwest today. So in another word, life is better today. \_ not to mention it's perfectly legal in those days to hire only hot stewardesses vs. the gays and cougars you see on United and Southwest today. So in another word, life is better today. \_ you're an idiot. \_ Fashion was better when women wore dresses and skirts with heels and hose. Young girls these days wear pants and shorts with flipflops or sandals. \_ fashion was better when it was okay for bosses to tell women to put on more makeup. today comments like that will be subject to sexual harrasement lawsuits. \_ you're an idiot. |
2009/11/13-30 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53520 Activity:nil |
11/12 Ok you super bored uber-geeks with no life. Here: http://curiousphotos.blogspot.com/2009/11/body-painted-models-nsfw.html Beautiful body paint, ok women. May not be SFW. http://curiousphotos.blogspot.com/2009/11/60-most-sexy-sports-costumes.html Beautiful women, no body paint. Safe for work. \_ The guy on the chair has nice boobs: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h937HNtz6ek/SvqEd4PfviI/AAAAAAAADXE/AsPeVt3DzvM/s1600-h/girls-sports-wear-sexy-03.jpg \_ what the f***???!?!? |
2009/11/4-19 [Health/Women] UID:53503 Activity:nil |
11/4 2 nerdy/liberal looking guys shooting a commercial in Nowhere, Alabama. Trailers. P.S. Alabama women. Star. Natural. NIIIIICE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msumaGL_wwQ&annotation_id=annotation_405446&feature=iv \_ My girlfriend's mom's family is from Alabama and we own a home there. That girl looks and acts like most of my girlfriend's cousins. I like Southern women. Best part is they don't expect too much from you. Don't beat them up, have a job, and have all your teeth and you'll have to fight them off. You might have to have a shootout with her ex- when he gets out of jail, though. (True story.) \_ that is awesome. Southern women are wholesome. STAR! Do they actually dig libural looking guys like those geeky film-makers? \_ The actual commercial is even more funny. I wonder if it's a real commercial that they're going to air, or it's just made for fun. |
2009/11/4-19 [Health, Health/Women] UID:53502 Activity:nil |
10/4 Air in San Fran-San Jose is pretty good! Los Angeles is surprisingly good as well. Big surprise: Seattle is a little bit worse than San Fran-San Jose! http://www.copd-international.com/library/asthma-hot-spots_2004.htm \_ The parts of California and Florida that rated highly don't have a lot of pesky pollen-producing trees. \_ San Francisco has much better air than San Jose. It is not primarily due to the excessive virtue of the citizenry, it is mostly due to prevailing wind conditions. \_ thanks to the wind, we don't have to smell stinky bike riding liberals who don't take shower, and the smell of second hand weed. \_ Yeah it all blows into the Central Valley where they have to put up with the scent of patchouli, weed and unwashed armpits. \_ Hawaii must be super clean then |
2009/11/1-9 [Finance/Shopping, Health/Women] UID:53489 Activity:nil |
11/1 http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/11/01/0027242/Evolutions-Path-May-Lead-To-Shorter-Heavier-Women?from=rss Shorter, heavier women bear more children, at earlier age than taller, skinner women who bear fewer. Women in the future will be 2cm shorter and 1kg heavier. Well, DUH! White American women aren't reproducing as fast as colored immigrants that mass produce children. |
2009/10/29-11/3 [Health/Women] UID:53482 Activity:nil |
10/29 The evolution of birth control: http://www.newsweek.com/id/220089 |
2009/10/28-11/3 [Health/Women] UID:53479 Activity:low |
10/27 In China, 60% of women with long straight hair get second dates. 5% of women with short curly hair get second dates. Hmmm... http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/10/28/the-chinese-internet-why-the-"copy-cats"-win \_ 404 \_ it works for me. Here, try this: http://bit.ly/4cSlc3 \_ those are two totally different URLs -- the direct link has " (%22). The bit.ly shortcut has those "smart quotes" (%e2%80%9c and %e2%80%9d). Are you sure it works for you? \_ Safari seems to parse both intelligently. What browser are you using? \_ I just checked in Safari. It does NOT load the first URL, as it has " (%22). The correct URL on the server has the "smart quotes." (which matches what the bit.ly link uses). \_ Firefox, 3.5 on a Mac. |
2009/10/7-22 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:53435 Activity:nil |
10/7 White guys get the most replies but don't respond as much, says OKCupid: http://digital.venturebeat.com/2009/10/07/surprise-dating-site-okcupid-finds-white-guys-get-more-replies \_ And Middle Eastern women. What is up with that? \_ http://news.cnet.com/8301-27083_3-10368885-247.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5 and white men in convertibles are more prone to deafness |
2009/9/25-10/8 [Health/Women] UID:53400 Activity:nil |
9/25 http://www.beautifulcervix.com/cervix-photo-galleries/photos-of-cervix Pussies are X-rated, but cervix is educational. Entire cervix cycle of a 25 year old woman who has never given birth, here. \_ I now have high respect for all the male OB/GYNs. How do they look at these things all day and not become impotent? |
2009/9/24-10/8 [Health/Women] UID:53396 Activity:nil |
9/24 What is Danish for "baby daddy" and "bimbo"? http://tinyurl.com/ycdkblz \_ Somehow I don't think the Danish can compete with Holland \_ would you do her? \_ depends on how drunk I was... \_ I miss the Teenage Sex porn series from Color Climax Corp in the early 80s. I watched the English-dubbed version in Betamax. Tove Jenson was the best. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_Climax_Corporation "The girls were mainly aged 7-11, however some were younger." DISTURBING!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
2009/9/23-10/8 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53394 Activity:nil |
9/23 Stokked about Allison Stokke? http://curiousphotos.blogspot.com/2009/09/allison-stokke-pictures-36-pics.html \_ She will be chubby in five years, like most white girls. \_ she looks Italian, and they're not real white in the sense of pure Anglo white. \_ Better than a dragon lady like most Asian women over 50. I think African-American women age best. \_ you're all idiots. |
2009/9/13-21 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Health/Women] UID:53360 Activity:nil |
9/13 The verdict for South African track star Caster Semenya is out: http://sports.yahoo.com/top/news?slug=ys-intersexplight090913 \_ Sorry but... who is this person and why should we care? \_ She was all over the news a couple weeks ago. What's different between her and the Soviet "female" atheletes is that nobody accused her of knowingly cheating in the first place. People only accused her of not qualifying for a femail athelete. only accused her of not qualifying for a female athelete. \_ willful ignorance is not something to be proud of, son |
2009/9/3-12 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53327 Activity:nil |
9/3 Given that rape porn of innocent-looking girls are so popular in Japan, why are there so few rape crimes there? Unlike here, it's common for real-world women there to walk around at night alone without fear. \_ too much work. \_ Isn't fiction an outlet for the people who don't want to/are afraid to act our their desires? I am not suprised that there isn't a high correlation between rape porn and rape crime (or perhaps even an inverse correlation exists if your assumption is right). I think its demonstrates more how broken their societal expectations are (and why they are having a popultion shrinking crisis). -mrauser \_ This is the same Japan that has to have women's only subway trains so women can be safe from getting groped? \_ the rapes aren't reported. and the women don't wander around at night as much as US women. \_ Because there are fewer immigrants -jblack |
2009/8/20-9/1 [Health/Women] UID:53291 Activity:low |
8/19 Do you think it's okay to bring a small baby to the movies? I went to see Rocky Horror tonight and these three women came in with a small baby in a stroller and sat in front of me. The baby never cried, but it was awake and gurgling and whatever and the mom was constantly fussing over it and it was very distracting. Concerned about the distraction and that it wouldn't stay quiet for a full 2 hours, I left 15 minutes in and asked for (and got) a refund. I go to the movies maybe once per year, so this was a treat for me and I feel the parent was inconsiderate, especially since she obviously had "sitters" in the other two women, but none of them wanted to miss out. I almost said something to her when I walked out, but I didn't. What do you think? Is it reasonable to bring a baby? \_ 1) you are right, bringing a baby to a movie is asking for trouble. But that doesn't sound like it was the problem: the problem was the mother making noise. 2) If you are seeing Rocky Horror in a theater and you can hear something like a baby gurgling, you are doing it wrong. That movie is meant to be watched in a theater full of screaming drunken amateur comedians. Go see it for real with a real cast... or not. If you rarely go to see movies and are the type of person who is annoyed by people "Distracting" from that particular movie, you may be too anal retentive to enjoy RHPS. The movie sucks btw. Hence the heckling. --brain \_ It's probably inconsiderate, but I'm more concerned about the baby. I think the sound level in cinemas are way too high for babies' ears, no matter what genre of movie it is. \_ Are babies' ears more sensitive? It seems I've gotten more sensitive as I've gotten older. The noise didn't bother me as a kid, but now I need ear plugs in the theater. -!op \_ Don't be a jerk. Your baby won't enjoy the loud noise, and neither will the people around you. PLEASE don't spoil it for the people of planet earth. Stay home. Please. \_ I would think that bringing small children, even babies to a childrens movie would be okay. I don't think this is one of of those cases though. -father of a baby and a toddler |
2009/8/10-19 [Health/Men, Recreation/Pets, Health/Women] UID:53255 Activity:low |
8/10 I'm the person who took care of my gf's sister's cat while she was away with the Air Force. In return, I asked her to check on my sons for a week while I was away. She skipped a day (and committed a lie of omission when she didn't say so but admitted it when questioned) and the upstairs bedroom was full of my sons' diarrhea all over everything (wooden floor, bookcase, blankets) - which is not typical for my litter-trained sons, but probably a result of my absence - but she didn't clean it up or even mention it to me. I got in at 11pm at night and spent 2 hours dealing with that. After I cleaned her place spotless I'm VERY pissed. \_ I keep a mental blacklist of people I never ever want to be in contact with. Very few people get on that list. It sounds like this person needs to be put on this black list. FYI, for example, this junior high "friend" that I invited to the wedding said he would come to the wedding. I even confirmed it the week before. I reserved 1/2 of a table, or $300 worth. My wedding came, and 1/2 of that table was empty. I called him up a few days later and he said he totally forgot because there was this really important church retreat. Then he came up with a bunch of excuses, said he was sorry, and said he would reimburse. Then later on he said "I don't think it should cost $300, ours was really cheap." I never heard from him again. He is on my blacklist. He sounds like the same breed as your gf's sister. \_ I don't hang out with my friends who have kids anymore. Once they started the family nucleus, nothing outside matters anymore. You're an outsider. You're of someone who could help them. Period. \_ You know, sometimes you do meet people who are irresponsible or who just don't care. There's not much you can do. Some people are just like that, just learn to not deal with these people. I've learned to ignore some of my family members who are totally wackos. Yeah, they're family... SO WHAT? If they can't help you, they can't. \_ I have a bunch of crazy and irresponsible relatives, including one who has been in and out of prison and another who is a crazy (literally) drug abusing homeless guy. I have learned over one who has been in and out of prison and another who is an insane (literally) drug abusing homeless guy. I have learned over the years not to trust them and consider my help to them to be charity, nothing more. With friends, I would expect some kind of reciprocity, but with a charity case, you just help them and don't expect anything in return except gratitude. \_ Yea, that sucks. Get someone else next time, or kennel them. \_ I totally agree with you. It's not too much to expect a threesome orgy in return. \_ that's not an orgy. \_ Good orgies have an even ratio of men/women present. It's just simple orgy etiquette. \_ Hey douchebag who changed 'cats' to 'sons' -- get a life. |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:53211 Activity:nil |
7/28 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article6727710.ece Yes!!! Women are getting prettier and prettier due to evolution. "In men, by contrast, good looks appear to count for little, with handsome men being no more successful than others in terms of numbers of children. This means there has been little pressure for men appearance to evolve." Yes!!!! I have a chance to win at the reproductive game of human race! -average looking overweight sysadm \_ I believe it. Look at the old paintings of women. Yes, beauty ideals evolve, but so many of those women were downright homely. The men in the paintings look similar to men now. \_ Actually old paintings indicate that women were fat. Thanks to media, they are skinny malnutritioned sticks, the way our culture want them to be. \_ You are talking about Rubens, but not every painter portrayed women that way. I am not talking about their bodies anyway, but their faces. There are a lot of paintings by people like Gainsborough done in the 1700s which depicted the wealthy. The subjects were not fat. However, neither were most of them attractive. Some of them were quite, but that seemed to be more the exception than the rule. I think better nutrition, and possibly evolution, has lead to more attractive women certainly. \_ The wealthy ate better than the poor, and the wealthy had painters. Eating better-->getting fat-->getting more pictures. As for nutrition and evolution, IMHO better healthcare in general explains it all. You ever wonder why the average American has better looking teeth than the British? It's because Americans spend much more on dental care than any other developed nations. \_ Did you completely ignore my comment that the subjects did not appear to be fat? Ugly, maybe. Fat, no. |
2009/7/16-24 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53145 Activity:high |
7/15 Quasi Science Question: Anyone have a theory on why there seem to be a high concentration of super hot chicks in the middle of nowhere, america? \_ there isn't actually. Your premise is flawed. I've seen tons of fat, poorly-aging people in the midwest. Take a trip to Orlando where all the tourists go if you want to see a sampling of "real America" and what its people look like. \_ think OP means "young" \_ I wouldn't call Orlando "middle of nowhere, america." They have their own professional sports franchise. \_ the tourists in Orlando are not from Orlando! That's how "tourists" work you see. They are on vacation. From somewhere else. And the ones from the middle of nowhere go somewhere shitty and commercial, like Orlando, or Vegas. \_ If you want to be scared, go to Sizzler in Milwaukee. -tom \_ why don't you just leave CA if you hate it here so much. Leave, traitor! \_ you've never been to yreka or places like that huh. \_ Because many guys rushed to the Silicon valley to jump into the high-tech bubble? \_ Women in the middle of nowhere have to rely on their looks more because they are not career-oriented, so their "survival" depends a lot more on finding a guy who will marry them. \_ Don't know if this is true, but it's a pretty good theory. -- !OP \_ this happens in Cities too, look at all the marketing chicks swarm to gyms. Attractiveness sells. \_ Don't know if this is true, but it's a very good theory. -- !OP \_ this is the best theory i've heard so far. thanks! -OP \_ seconded on the theory. Also they tend to produce more babies, or higher quality babies. \_ What makes them higher quality? \_ They grow up to be super hot chicks too? \_ they produce really attractive beings for further reproduction. they're also more pure, genetically and healthier because they don't have as much pollutants as the people in San Francisco. They're also taller, whiter, blonder, and more attractive in general. \_ You should just advocate Eugenics. \_ I would except it hasn't been in vogue since 1944 \_ This is what I mean by superior genes: http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim//2009/07/14/gizmondoBoothbabes_540x405.jpg \_ And bustier? \_ Those assets are not genetic. \_ Bet this photo was taken on the coasts. Those girls are not from Texas either. \_ I would bet that the photo was taken in Scandinavia as the file is named "gizmondoboothbabes" \_ gizmondo is in Sweden? \_ Is this a coded way to talk about race? \_ No, I think this is a coded way to talk about red states vs. blue states. Or more specifically, rural vs. urban. blue states. Or more precisely, rural vs. urban. \_ counties, not states. Drive around CA !Frisco !LA. \_ You're taking the terms too literally. And I also wrote "more precisely..." \_ Do you seriously think that women are hotter in Bakersfield than LA? Have you lost your mind??? \_ actually, on the average, yes. Or look at the the ones in nowhere, AZ, or nowhere TX. Not talking about individual cases here, but the aggregate average over pop. \_ Rich people, in general, are better looking than poor people. It is left as an excercise for the reader to figure out why. Places with lots of poor people, like Bakersfield, are not full of of good looking people. \_ You will find more attractive women in poor Louisiana or Texas than in rich San Jose. \_ There are a lot of attractive men in Little India, Sunnyvale. What you say to that? \_ I am guessing those men moved there from somewhere else. \_ Women in those places, like Texas, tend to care more about how they look and dress. Along the East coast and mid-Atlantic you have overachieving women who act like men and wear no makeup. On the West coast women are more casual in their dress and appearance. Only in-between do women dress and act like men expect women to (in a stereotypical way). Women in the South and Texas won't even leave the house without doing their hair. \_ At least if you live somewhere that gets really hot and humid in the summer, the sun dresses come out. In the bay area, everyone wears the same thing every day all year \_ Yeah, I lived in The South for three years. The women there all dress like high class hookers. \_ You say this like it's a bad thing. |
2009/7/15-24 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53140 Activity:low |
7/14 Every once in a while, the woman becomes a TOTAL BITCH and starts to bitch and whine about every little thing about you and is trying to pick a fight. What the hell do you guys do when the bitch becomes a total bitch? \_ logic and defense will only take you so far. Just realise that not everything is about you and be okay with it. Maybe it's brain chemicals. Maybe she didn't eat well today. Maybe it's that time of the month. Maybe people were mean to her today. Maybe the potholder she's looking at reminds her of when her cat died when she was eight. It has nothing to do with you. I also like the technique of apologizing for things which logically couldn't possibly be your fault. Use sparingly or you will be accused of being patronizing. These techniques will work on anyone, not just your lady. \_ I usually talk it out. I tend to defend myself and my position and when she is right, I take it to heart and try and change my habits so that it won't be an issue in the beginning. If she is just being unreasonable I tell her and then grovel until it blows over. I don't have the best success with women though :) In the best relationships I've had I just had to lick the clit. But all women aren't like men, some want you to prove yourself. \_ You "had to" lick the clit? In my relationship I have to behave really well before I *get to* lick my wife's clit. \_ That is why I said best relationships! \_ you can't REASON with the bitch. That's the whole point of the post "there's not much I can do, what do YOU do?" \_ I take off and go for a long walk. I only have to do this a few times a year, but it is better than a pointless argument. Not sure this is the best answer, but it is better than what I learned from my (divorced) parents, which is to have screaming fights that eventually turned physical. |
2009/5/17-26 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:53001 Activity:low |
5/17 Has anyone else noticed that today's teenaged girls are freakishly tall? The stats may not bear that out because of changing demographics in this nation (influx of shorter peoples) but even traditionally short races like Asian are taller than they were. Today I noticed at least 4 girls over 6' tall at the grocery store (two different stores) doing shopping with their dads. (I guessed these women were about 20 when I first saw them until dear old dad came over to add something to the cart.) So they may be 6'+ and still growing. I noticed this with female athletes, too. Before, bigger female athletes were bulky and looked roided up but now women are large but with a more normal (proportionate or even skinny) physique. What's odd is that I don't notice the boys being any larger than before, except in races that were traditionally shorter like Asians. What's going on \_ girls aren't taller. you're just old. there is plenty of porn out there for you involving short guys and gigantic women \_ It's awesome. More to see with the short miniskirts and kneehigh boots that are supposed to be in this year. Oh wait, you live in the U.S. Nevermind. Sorry. -John \_ boys are larger, Asian or not. 6'4" is like normal now for a 20 year old Caucasian boy. \_ I don't think that's true. I am fairly tall myself and I notice when men are taller than I am (like 6'2" and taller). I think men are taller than they were (compared to my dad at 5'9") but I don't see that many Caucasian guys over 6'1" in *this* country (USA). In fact, people still refer to me as tall and I never thought I was anything but average or an inch over. such that we are breeding these Amazon women over the last 20 years? My sister is 5'8" and that was considered model tall when she was young (and she did model) and now I hear it's tough to model if you are under 6 feet. With the way girls now give out blowjobs as a way to test if you are boyfriend-worthy (instead of 4 years into a marriage) I feel like I was born too early, damn it. However, I am genuinely interested in the factors making so many large women. \_ Is this a "damnit I'm not getting laid because I'm short" post? If it is... yeah, Darwin say you're out of luck. \_ Getting laid, but not by such tall women because women my age just aren't that tall in most cases. It's a "not getting laid by leggy blondes because I am too old, but would have had I been born in 1988" post. \_ It's the bay area, they're going to be rotund and massive. They don't have to be anything else. \_ "Don't have to be"? \_ Both men and women are getting taller, due to better nutrition. \_ Yes, I have been noticing that young women keep getting taller. As a short guy, it is hard not to notice. \_ Dude, it's called high heels. \_ Young women don't wear that stuff except to church or job interviews. Try flipflops. \_ Yes they do, they just aren't obvious about it. \_ Any similar observation about their bust size rather than their height? \_ They're getting bigger. NSWF unless you work at aspo http://rnobr.servik.com/Teens/T_BR_091.htm \_ She needs lipo on the waist, not on the boobs. \_ Jesus Christ. |
2009/5/1-6 [Health/Women] UID:52930 Activity:kinda low |
5/1 I heard so much feminist propaganda growing up I kinda thought PMS was kin of a joke, or just caused by cramps or something. I was completely wrong. I swear, every month, a few days before her period starts, it's crazy time at my house. It's unbelievable. Anything, or even nothing, will set her off on some crazy emotional bender. \_ Good I'm not the only one. My world is a (*#&@(*$@ 2-3 days out of a month. I really hate it. Sometimes I just want to kill myself. Actually I just want to kill myself now. I do nothing, and she bitches. I do something, and she bitches. It's non-stop bullshit. This is torture. \_ Yes, I notice my normally calm and even-tempered girlfriend gets edgy and temperamental on that cycle, too. Not so bad as your woman, though. \_ My girlfriend normally has a fiery temper, but around that time it gets worse and she gets mean, too. She doesn't take birth control pills. Are those supposed to help? I am curious if either of your girlfriends take them. \_ BC pills stop the PMS, but also tend to dampen overall sexual desire, in my observations. \_ i made a student cry in class yesterday and i suspect this is why since i barely said anything critical. \_ I make it a point of knowing my wife's menstrual cycle so I can avoid unnecessary drama and conflict. Of course, it also helps not to stop midfight and say something dumb like, oh, you're having PMS right now, aren't you? Don't ever, ever do that. \_ i disagree. sometimes my girlfriend forgets she's pms'ing and asking/reminding can illustrate the irrationality of an argument and help diffuse it. use with caution. \_ I shoulda put a YMMV in there. Agreed with the caution part. \_ Every smart man knows that the best time to avoid conflict is to do some manly project in the garage. Women hate garages. Garages smell and are a site for women's sore eyes. Oh and ignorant statement supported by _/ incorrect use of colloquialism. after hiring people for a while, I no longer hire women. Drama and unpredictability reduce productivity. Call me a sexist and what not, but it's something effective managers know about but can't talk about because it's just unPC these days. \_ You're an idiot and a sexist, and if your identity and practices ever get out, you're putting your company at risk for discriminatory hiring practices. \_ Actually, I think you're probably an idiot too. He's an idiot for sure, but first and foremost he's a troll. \_ Yay, you're contributing! |
2009/3/18-23 [Health/Women] UID:52725 Activity:nil |
3/17 On Living Pro-Lifers Choice For Women http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2009/03/breaking-silence-on-living-pro-lifers.html |
2009/2/27-3/5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Health/Women] UID:52654 Activity:moderate |
2/27 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7914357.stm *shocking* allegations. China denounces US 'rights abuse': China has responded in detail to a US report published this week criticising China for alleged rights abuses. Beijing released its own report on the US, saying crime is a threat to many Americans and racial discrimination prevails in social life across the US. \_ Chinese obviously doesn't know much about America. American are actually very abusive in terms of human rights but we've just accept it as part of the norm. example, USA has the highest incarceration rate, relatively high murder rate, Blacks/Latinos being jailed for drug-related crime are disproportionally higher than the demographics of the drug users, etc, etc. And I haven't start talking about outsourcing tortures, prisoner abuse, detain people indefinitely without trial nor charges... I really don't know what is so special about China and their human rights. \_ We generally don't run over protestors with tanks here. -tom \_ All of China is not Bejing. \_ Virtually no one in the USA goes to jail for just using drugs. In fact, in California, even many small time dealers may be released off the hook if caught dealing the first time. Those minorities in jail you're talking about are not there for just drug use. Most of them are recedivist dealers who negotiated a plea deal where they accept a relatively small jail time for drug possession in exchange for the judges dropping the more serious charges. They do it because most of them know their case wouldn't stand in court, and they would have to go to jail for much longer time. Just go outside of campus and see who is dealing drugs. \_ This is not true. I will do some research and get back to you, but there are millions in jail in the US for possession only. \_ Yeah. Please do so. Find and post whacked liberal web site link of the week to support your liberal agenda. I know second hand from people who had known others who had gone through the system. \_ Well since you put it that way, I won't waste my time. Obviously your second hand anecdotal knowledge is superior than any kind of fact-based reasoning. \_ Please tell us about your facts. What are they? You have a proof that the vast majority of drug "users" were not jailed for dealing? No one goes to jail for using drugs in California. That's a fact "users" were not jailed for dealing? No one goes to jail for using drugs in California. That's a fact Even small time dealers get at worst a probation sentense. Anyone who has gone through this system will tell you this. People who are in jail for the most part are real criminals. No doubt about it. You will tell you this. People who are in jail for the most part are the hardened criminals. No doubt about it. You can't see who is dealing drugs in the Bay Area and elsewhere? You still need to do research on that? elsewhere? You need to do research on that? Puhhlease.. \_ "No one goes to jail in California for using drugs." Having a hard time tracking down CA-specific numbers, but Bureau of Justice reports 250k prisoners under jurisdiction of state correctional authorities for drug offenses in 2005: http://csua.org/u/nnz If you can find a breakdown of CA prison pop. that shows no drug offenders, your case is made. \_ I don't know if he's right or not, but surely you realize that your link doesn't actually answer his claim. (Maybe for the same reason as conspiracy theories are impossible to disprove, but still...) Especially since dealing is a drug offense... -!pp \_ Catch-22, then. I would like much clearer statistics, but the sources are hard to find. \_ Yeah, you'd need to find both: how many people are in jail _just_ for possession, and how many plea deals were struck to reduce dealing to possession. And, you'd have to take into account the DAs who use a dealing charge as a threat to get a plea on possession.... \_ http://mises.org/freemarket_detail.aspx?control=7 \_ You might be right, even the DEA is in favor of treatment over jail for first time posession: http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/demand/speakout/10so.htm There's your wacked out liberal site for you, DOJ. |
2009/2/12-16 [Health/Women] UID:52560 Activity:nil |
2/12 I've been having it wrong. When women ask, "does this make my ass look big", I guess they want it to. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/WellnessNews/story?id=6858351&page=1 Story is about women who got sick from silicone butt injections. \_ I think octomom got this in her lips |
2009/1/22-27 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:52450 Activity:low |
1/22 Celtic Women are HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT and they sing well. HOT. \_ I saw a version of Riverdance in Branson, Missouri that was full of very fit Irish women and in one dance they wore white and with the lights it left absolutely nothing to the imagination. The crowd was pretty stunned. I turned to my girlfriend and said "Uh, what was that?" and she confirmed. If you know Branson (conservative Christian Disneyland) you'd think it amusing. Maybe not shocking in Las Vegas, but there was a hush over the crowd after that. What's weird is that most Irish women are not attractive according to some of my Irish friends who moved here. I guess when they are hot they are *very* hot, though. \_ That's true with any race. People in the world think every old guy looks as good as Sean Connery and they're usually disappointed when they get off of LAX. \_ Some more than others. British women in general are not as hot as Latinas, for instance. For every Liz Hurley there are probably 20 good looking Venezuelans. Denmark and Sweden have hotter women than Germany and Greece, in general. Anyway, my point is that people think Irish women look like Jennifer Connelly or Anne Hathaway (who are both about 25% Irish), but most are stout and unappealing (according to my Irish acquaintances, women included). I think Australia also has a better-than-deserved reputation as does perhaps India, where Aishwarya Rai is a stunner but hardly represents the typical Indian. \_ you're an idiot, and likely an ugly one. \_ you're ugly too, that's why your wife left you. \_ Australia has a good proportion of fit, attractive people though there are still plenty of corn-feds. \_ Have you ever heard of "hybrid superiority"? |
2008/12/8-12 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:52208 Activity:nil |
12/8 Great news--an actual effective malaria vaccine. http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-malaria9-2008dec09,0,4472582.story 50% reduction in cases in the immunized population. This is Nobel prize stuff. \_ Wow, that's incredible! |
2008/11/17 [Health/Women, Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:52030 Activity:nil |
11/17 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/16/bush-administration-tryin_n_113199.html http://tinyurl.com/5zj242 "lulz" \_ lolz dude this url is from July 2008. CHANGE. |
2008/10/31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Health/Women] UID:51764 Activity:high |
10/31 All right, who's the new baby re the motd wipes? \_ tom, aspolito and the anti-free speech liberals on soda can't stand debate and diversity! \_ 300 lines of ranting and key phrases like 'anchor babies' and 'Mexifornia' makes me think you didn't write this and you're just copying it all from a blog post or forum. Just post the url. 300 lines is too much. - danh url. 300 lines is too much. you're also a jerk for deleting everything else on the motd except NIKON CANON GUY-danh \- what is an "anchor baby"? --psb |
2008/10/8-9 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:51442 Activity:nil |
10/8 motd pregnant guy i have a date for you http://meetme.hotornot.com/r/index.html?emid=ORALSMA |
2008/10/4-9 [Health/Women] UID:51382 Activity:nil |
10/4 Cycle of Violence: http://www.elsewares.com/commerce/slideshow.php?pID=826 |
2008/9/14-23 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:51163 Activity:moderate |
9/14 bumped so this guy can see: \_ I hope you are not still sitting out the month the market goes up 20%, which it inevitably will, sooner or later. How are you going to decide to jump back in? \_ when the 50DMA increases past the 200DMA by 1% for a major index \_ Define "major index." \_ DJIA. Come on. Hello? I'm not trying to "trick" you here. \_ Okay, then post on the motd when you decide to get back in. I am kind of curious as to how your attempt at market timing works out. \_ all right. keep in mind that I will likely put in 50-80% of my savings in, with 20-50% in CDs/bonds and "my favorite stocks" for the last 9-12 months, I have been 80% in CDs/bonds, and 20% in "my favorite shorts" (with appropriate stops) \_ There is a *huge* difference between being 20% cash and being 50% cash. \_ You're an idiot. I bet you predicted 10 of the last 3 recessions. I'm still in equities and I will be in equities 30 years from now. Have fun trading in and out. There's even a chance you will beat my return, but don't attribute it to skill. \_ bring up any major index in http://finance.yahoo.com. use the Interactive Chart. Draw the 50-day SMA and 200-day SMA lines. go in at when the 50 crosses the 200 at +1%. go out when the go in when the 50 crosses the 200 at +1%. go out when the 50 crosses the 200 at -1%. now tell me who's the idiot. well, just emotional, but that's a normal reaction. well, just emotional, but that's a normal reaction. people tell their relatives this shit and they tell them to go jump in a lake. like i posted originally, it's your money, so do with it lake. like i posted earlier, it's your money, so do with it what you will. \_ technical factors like those are not predictive. \_ have you done the exercise yet? please do so, and don't respond right away. wait a week. run this on more indices. don't think about this in terms of who wins the argument. if you still don't wanna do it--that's fine, but now you know what people like me are doing. \_ Run what exercise? Look at the past and expect it to predict the future? Here's a hint: The more people try to chase the past behavior of the market, the less it will behave like it used to. This is exactly the lesson of the hedge funds. -tom \_ "bring up any major index ...". Do it. think about it. wait a week. ask your respected peers. ask them to do it too. the lesson on the hedge funds is that if you lever up 30:1 it can bite you in the ass, especially if you chase yield. btw, I don't disagree with you on your point about "the more people try to chase past behavior the less it behaves like it used to". in fact, this thought is foremost of my concerns. it behaves like it used to". \_ The hedge funds wound up leveraging up because the return on their strategy fell from .5% to less than .2% in just a few years. Individuals trying to identify technical criteria for investing are basically like the guy who has a system to win in Vegas. -tom \_ 80% of technical analysis is crap. have you performed the exercise yet? anyways, it's your money. ^Vegas^poker. performed the exercise yet? please do consider this for a week. you can check out performance every 6 months. it seems like we're not going to settle this now, anyway. \_ This would have nicely dodged the last two downturns, but look at 1987-1992 for a period where this strategy leaves you trailing a buy and hold investor by quite a bit. \_ for more detail on what tom is talking about, look up David Swensen or John Bogle. \_ works very well in a bull market, and much, much better than "letting J6P have at it with the market" -op \_ When will be the peak tomorrow? \_ Today was +3.86% in DJIA. Expect up to +4%, then look for resistance on upward movement. Largest volume occurs in the last [see thread] \_ DJIA is now +3.34% and shows upward resistance. for example, today I would move ~16% of my final desired for example, now I would move ~16% of my final desired safety portion of my portfolio out of stocks. Certainly there is a chance it can go higher, but if it rises to +4.0% I would drop off another ~16%; or if I were rally to +4.0% I would move another ~16%; or if I were really sophisticated I would set some EOD limit orders on this +4.0% and sell earlier on some new 1-day top with upward and sell earlier on some new 1-day local maximum with upward resistance. as always, please consult a professional financial advisor. -op \_ summary: you should already have been out 33% as of the drop past +4.0%. -op |
2008/8/20-26 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:50919 Activity:nil |
8/20 blonde women. so attractive. so bitchy. \_ I heard they're extincting. Blonde men are marrying Asian women while blonde women are marrying black sports stars. \- you may enjoy reading about WAGs: not to confused with Sloan Rangers but possibly overlapping with Chavs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAGs \_ Wow, there's a lot more sports stars out there than I thought. \_ Not really. Each of them is just fucking a lot of blonde women. Look at Wilt Chamberlin. \_ الله أَكْ! \_ Wilt Chamberlin wasn't a mormon was he? |
2008/8/11-14 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:50846 Activity:nil |
8/11 the real story behind Isaac Hayes' death: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,401321,00.html \_ Killed by Scientology! |
2008/8/9-13 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:50829 Activity:kinda low |
8/8 How common is it for (white) married women in their mid 30s in SF to not wear a ring, engagement or wedding band? Common? Rare? Really rare? \_ I guess you've locked on a target. \_ I guess you've located a target. \_ Why are you asking? Are you trying to guess from the lack of ring, or did you guess, move, and get turned down because she said she was engaged/married? \_ I know for a fact she is married (because she mentioned him). I am curious whether there are a lot of people here who don't believe in the wedding band thing and never wore one, or whether she stopped wearing one for some reason I know more women are anti-diamond now, but I thought among Caucasian couples, the band of gold was pretty standard even among non-trad lefties. \_ Pretty rare, in my experience. For some reason, Asian married women are much less likely to wear a wedding band. Why is that? \_ They might attach less importance to the tradition. My mom doesn't wear a ring because she's afraid of someone mugging her or something. She hasn't really been mugged since riding MUNI in the 80s, but old habits die hard I guess. \_ My (asian) wife doesn't put as much importance on the tradition, and also it bugs her. Sometime it gets kinda itchy I guess. She seems to wear it about half the time. \_ My parents are one of the most sickiningly happy married couples I know and they never wore wedding rings, and for some reason the whole idea of a ring seems strange to me. \_ That's because they never told you that they're SWINGERS \_ The only married swingers I know wear rings. |
2008/7/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Health/Women] UID:50452 Activity:moderate |
7/2 Not a troll: What's the best way to get to a Family Planning specialist, for abortion? The website for my health care (PPO) doesn't seem to point anywhere to abortion. Is Planned Parenthood a good place for this sort of thing, or is it better for teenagers? \_ go to Planned Parenthood. there you go. \_ My wife once got an early-term abortion from her OB/GYN. \_ I see, was it easier/tougher than Planned Parenthood? Do they ask a lot of questions and make it even more difficult than it is now? What was your occassian? Thanks PLEASE help out. \_ We didn't try Planned Parenthood. The OB asked a lot of questions, but they were all medical. She didn't ask any ethical or moral questions at all like "Why do you decide to do this?" or "Are you emotionally ready?", or say anything like "Just call us to cancel the appointment if you change your mind." which would hint something. The occasion was that she got pregnant between our engagement and our wedding, which was way too early for us to have kids. We ended up having our first kid 4 years into the marriage as planned. was too early for us to have kids. We ended up having our first kid 4 years into the marriage. \_ THANK YOU we're in the EXACT same situation. We just went to an obgyn and she gave us a lot of information and time to think about it. She did NOT give us any trouble or her bias, just information. It was very very professional and she was very very understanding and said we have a lot of time to think about it since it's still really early. Did you do the chemical or surgery and why? We're leaning towards the chemical method. \_ Any particular reason you morons didn't use birth control if you don't want a baby? \_ Dude, give it a rest. Maybe the condom broke, you don't know. \_ I don't. That's why I asked. |
2008/6/4 [Health/Women, Recreation/Dating] UID:50152 Activity:nil |
6/4 What's it going to cost (hooker)? No naked women but still NSFW http://valleywag.com/364361/one+question-faq-whats-it-cost |
2008/5/16 [Health/Women] UID:49967 Activity:insanely high |
5/16 Tuesday marked 3 months from the date of my breast surgery! I went from a J cup to a DD cup (I asked to go down to a D but believe me, I'm not complaining! I'm trying to lose weight anyways, so that might help them go down even more). I bought my first dress EVER without needing to alter it last week! I'm so so so happy I did this :) \_ Some women would kill for the 1 2 3 4 5 6 cup sizes you lost |
2008/5/9-15 [Health/Women] UID:49922 Activity:low |
5/9 Discovery Channel holding contest to name new Duggar baby. "Michelle Duggar, female head of the Dugger household, has been pregnant for 135 months of her life." \_ http://farm1.static.flickr.com/89/249270409_664e6841fa.jpg \_ I guess at least taxpayers are not footing the bill for raising their children. \_ They might be. The father avoids the question of how he makes enough money to support all of his children. \_ Damn. Mandatory castration is in order. \_ How dare he keep personal details private! Where's Stalin when you need him?! \_ Guiness World of Record baby! \_ I think motd castration guy is commenting on the fact the dude has 20 kids, not that he won't release his tax returns. \_ Guinness World of Record baby! |
2008/4/21-5/2 [Health/Women, Science/Space] UID:49790 Activity:nil |
4/21 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080419/ap_on_re_eu/russia_space_6 Russian Federal Space Agency chief Perminov: '"You know in Russia, there are certain bad omens about this sort of thing, but thank God that everything worked out successfully," he said. "Of course in the future, we will work somehow to ensure that the number of women will not surpass" the number of men. Challenged by a reporter, Perminov responded: "This isn't discrimination. I'm just saying that when a majority (of the crew) is female, sometimes certain kinds of unsanctioned behavior or something else occurs, that's what I'm talking about." He did not elaborate.' |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Health/Women] UID:49605 Activity:moderate |
3/28 Irish+German women = SUPER HOT. \_ Asian women = little boy figures = satisfy my long awaited but socially unacceptable yearning for petite underaged lovers. That is why I think Asian women = SUPER HOT, and I'm sure many of you closet Asian lovers at Cal feel the same way. \_ What makes you think we are in the closet about it? I have a skinny flat-chested wife with braces and that makes me happy. What is wrong with that? \_ you need to be closet about the UNDERAGED part or else the society will frown upon it. \_ Yes, I do get scowls from white women my age, but I am just amused by it. I don't really prefer underaged women, just young adults, though my brother teases me and calls me a pedophile. \_ Maybe at the high end of the spectrum, but both Irish and German women in general tend to be rather homely. Maybe two negatives equal a positive? I think on average Latin American women are the most attractive, but YMMV. Note that I am not saying there aren't hot Irish or German women. There absolutely are. I am speaking in general terms. \_ So sometimes there may or may not be in certain cases certain combinations that could or could result in a woman that is or is not attractive depending on yours or others personal preferences in some cases where upon each would have to decide on their own if someone was or was not possibly attractive in their view, sometimes, maybe? YMMV. IANAL. \_ I think there are accepted standards of beauty and my comment was based on those. You can have your own preferences, just like you can choose your own editor even though ED is the standard. \_ I think there are actually a few different standards of beauty. Fertility is considered attractive cross-culturally but that can be represented in quite a few different ways. \_ Average people look... average. What population do you sample? For example, younger populations tend to look better. \_ Different flowers blossom and wither at a different rate. Latina women blossom at around 14-15 years old, but they tend to balloon up and look like Jaba the Hut by the time they're 24 years old. There's something about the early release of growth hormones. Like fireworks: great sparkle, but only for a short period. \_ You think Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Adriana Lima, or Alessandra Ambrosio look like Jabba? \_ Don't blame their Jaba the Hut genes. Latina blood has superior digestive systems. Before the Conquistadores came they ate grass and grain and looked beautiful. But when they changed their diet to corn and other starchy materials they started to balloon up. If there's ever going to be WW3, skinny people will start to die from the lack of starch while the Latinas will be the ones who will survive by eating grass and grains. They will look beautiful again. Latinas on grain diet rule!!! \_ Jessica Alba is half Danish. Alessandra Ambrosio is Italian/Polish. Maybe they need some non-Latina blood to prevent ballooning. \_ Most Latinas do have mixed blood and I think it is why they are so beautiful. They have the best features of many races. \_ Maybe you are full of shit. Who knows! \_ lol \_ Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara are my Latina goddess. Both are silicone free. Odalys Garcia is good too. --- !PP \_ Eva Mendes \_ Salma Hayek is possibly the hottest 41 year old ever. \_ That would be yermom. |
2008/3/25-28 [Health/Women] UID:49557 Activity:kinda low |
3/25 Do pregnant women in the last couple months of pregnancy get irrational or have mood swings? A co-worker of mine is getting more and more annoying these days. She picks on every single technical or management mistake that other people make and makes a very big deal out of it. And she sends long mail to the person right in the next cubicle to discuss technical stuff instead of just going over and talk. It is getting very difficult to work with her. I'm wondering whether this is due to her pregnancy or she's beginning to show the real side of her after being in the company for a while. (We're in a software engineering dept.) My current strategy is to avoid any communication, work- or non-work-related, with her at all unless absolutely necessary. I even try to avoid running into her in the hallway by listening for her footsteps first before I leave my cubicle. Thanks. \_ http://images.shareapic.net/fullsize2/006801160.jpg \_ Hot! Thx. But what does she have to do with pregnant women? \_ she looks pretty pregnant to me! \_ With that flat stomatch??? \_ Just a typical woman. \_ I know this sounds sexist but this is why we don't hire women in our company. I mean, I'd feel sorry for the guy she married, but actually, I feel sorry for most married guys with preg wife or kids. Yes this is pretty typical. Let it pass, it's just hormonal and it's not her fault. \_ It not only sounds sexist, it's illegal discrimination. \_ Federal laws exempt companies with less than 15 employees. \_ that doesn't make it any less wrong, just not illegal. \_ It not only sounds sexist, it is sexist. \_ I sure hope it'll pass. Hope she gets back to normal after her 3-month maternity leave. -- OP |
2008/3/21-25 [Health/Women] UID:49528 Activity:low |
3/21 This is old, but probably important to the motd community Birth control pills may permanently reduce female libido http://www.futurepundit.com/archives/002795.html \_ In my experience, it's temporary. Glad I got fixed, because it's made a huge difference. \_ If that's true, doesn't it mean birth control pills are more capable of doing its job than we thought? \_ The freedom of not having to handle condoms made sex more enjoyable between my wife and me. for my wife and me. \_ Don't you read the motd? Women don't enjoy sex. You may enjoy it more; she pretends to for cynical reasons. \_ It could be more enjoyable in the sense that having one arm cut off is more enjoyable than having two arms cut off. \_ kids and mother in-law are the most effective forms of birth control. \_ Wait, which mother-in-law? \_ Mrs. Robinson. \_ No kidding! My mother-in-law stays with us a few days a week, and she likes to busts into our bedroom without even knocking first. Holy cow. \_ Duh. Put a lock on the friggin door. $24.99 at Home Depot. \_ Just arrange things so that she catches you and your wife doing something really embarassing and she will learn to knock. \_ Share your story here: http://motherinlaw.hatester.us |
2008/3/13-17 [Health/Women] UID:49453 Activity:nil |
3/13 Using cleaning chemicals too frequently in the home seems to increase chances of asthma http://csua.org/u/l14 \_ I'm shocked, shocked |
2008/3/13-17 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Health/Women] UID:49447 Activity:nil |
3/13 "Indian DNA links to 6 'founding mothers' - Yahoo News!" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080313/ap_on_sc/native_american_dna "That finding doesn't answer the bigger questions of where those women lived, or of how many people left Beringia to colonize the Americas, she said Thursday." Wow, even Native Americans were colonizers. \_ Uh yes. People did not spring up fully formed all over the globe. That meant they had to colonize. \_ Of course not! They were kicked out of the Garden for their sins. |
2008/1/25-2/2 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:49010 Activity:nil |
1/15 Does the AMA prevent doctors from representing companies or drugs? If so, why does the Dr. of artificial heart (Robert Jarvis) appear on TV ads? \_ http://urltea.com/2kxk [freakonomics blog] "I was surprised to discover that many of the manuscripts on Vioxx were prepared and written by Merck or medical writing companies that Merck had commissioned. The company then often paid academics to become authors.." Good comments, too. Search for "Posted by SB", among others. "I was surprised to discover that many of the manuscripts on Vioxx were prepared and written by Merck or medical writing companies that Merck had commissioned. The company then often paid academics to become authors.." Good comments, too. Search for "Posted by SB", among others. ...This site leads to other good stuff, such as http://urltea.com/1k68 [cato-unbound.org] "Note that someone willing to pay $1,000 to gain 2.5 days of life should be willing to spend about $1,000,000 to gain six years by living rurally, and $2,000,000 to gain fifteen years via high exercise. These figures seem to me to overestimate the observed eagerness to live rurally or to exercise." \_ 80 columns imposed \_ Do rural dwellers really live an average of six years longer? Source please? |
2008/1/4-5 [Health/Women] UID:48887 Activity:nil |
1/4 Six stroke engines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_stroke_engine It says "40% increased efficiency over the Otto Cycle or Diesel Cycle." How come we don't see these engines in new cars? It'll be cool if we can have a six-stroke (bio)diesel solar-plug-in hybrid car. |
2007/11/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Health/Women] UID:48645 Activity:low |
11/15 Santas warned 'ho ho ho' offensive to women - Yahoo News! http://www.csua.org/u/k0a Oh, c'mon! Gee. \_ MERRY NON-DEMONATIONAL COMPLETELY-SECULAR INOFFENSIVE WINTER EVENT! \_ "MERRY"? Did I just hear "Marry"? How dare you discriminate against people who prefer single lives! \_ Management sincely apologises for any offense and/or distress and/or suffering our inexcusable and rude use of the "M"-word may have caused. \_ That's what the politically-correct "Happy Holidays!" is for. Sucks. I prefer "Merry Christmas!" even though I'm atheist. \_ BABY KILLER! Don't you know that "Holiday" is derived from "Holy Day"?!?@!111 |
2007/10/22-25 [Science/GlobalWarming, Health/Women] UID:48408 Activity:moderate |
10/22 So what's the carbon footprint of the fires? \_ Trees -> fire -> carbon footprint. Therefore, we should wage a pre-emptive war on trees. \_ I heard California has a fire problem precisely because of a long standing braindead policy of no preemptive fires. -- ilyas \_ Your FUCKING brillian ilyas, can I have your baby? \_ You can have my baby in exchange for your technology used to impregnate idiot male motd trolls. -- ilyas \_ Hey Smokey, he's right. \_ I hadn't thought about that, but good point. -op \_ I thought people stopped doing that in 1995. \_ which shows that preemptive wars are sometimes the solution \_ Please report to the preemptive herd-cull center immediately. \_ peaceniks do not allow firemen to cull dead or dying trees \_ If you believe the 'zero carbon footprint' argument of the biofuel proponents, then burning forests are net zero too, as they're not putting carbon into the environment that wasn't there in the first place. Trees will grow to replace them, taking that carbon right back out. It is carbon dug out of the ground (coal, oil, gas) that is the cause of the 'greenhouse gas problem'. |
2007/10/18-24 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:48370 Activity:high |
10/18 Limbaugh's auction of Reid's smear letter now over $17.6million. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260170172469 \_ And disinterest among the non-ditto-heads approaches infinity. \_ Indeed. When anyone *else* auctions something to raise close to $1M for charity, it's a lead story.... \_ Cite, please. That, or drop trou. \_ You've gotta be kidding. This is a sky-is-blue thing. Go hit google for 3 seconds. Take off the hate blinders. \_ Just writing this is more time than I intend to waste on anything having to do with Limbaugh. \_ I'll snipe, but I refuse to learn anything! \_ What exactly is the PP supposed to be learning? Limbaugh is usually full of shit, arguably a dans is usually full of shit, arguably a Rush Limbaugh is usually full of shit, arguably a hypocrite, and surrounded by yes-men and sycophants. Why would anyone sensible waste his or her time digging through the volume of shit that Limbaugh produces to find the occasional thing he gets or does right? -dans \_ Limbaugh is the Colbert of the convervatives. \_ Regardless of whom or what it concerns, saying "x is not true!", "Umm, of course x is true, look it up.", "I refuse to look it up! You're a poo-poo head!", is dumb. period. \_ No, sorry that is not the way it works. The person making the extraordinary claim has to back it up with facts. If I claim that the moon is made of green cheese and someone disputes it, my response should not be "just Google it, asshat." The truth is that charity auction raise millions all the time with barely any notice at all. The Napa Valley wine auction does it every year. year. And here is another one, no one has ever heard of: http://www.hiltonheadwineauction.org/pastevents.htm http://www.csua.org/u/jrp You and Rush have an overdeveloped sense of your own indignation, but I guess that is the whole Right Wing schtick. \_ I'm not calling RL a poo-poo head. I'm saying he's full of shit, i.e. most of the time the things he says are untrue. I'm saying he's a hypocrite, i.e. he says one thing and does the other (c.f. prescription drug scandal). You sir are full of shit. and I don't need to google to know that. -dans \_ Re: prescription drugs: when has Rush ever come out against drug users? You are just assuming so because he is right wing. I'd like to see the transcript of that. Have you ever listened to his show? It doesn't seem like it. Maybe you're just looking for a nice ausman? you're just looking for a nice poodle? you're just looking for a nice german shepherd? \_ "Let's all admit something. There's nothing good about drug use. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up. \_ URL \_ http://www.csua.org/u/jsb (MSN) \_ Because, when someone provides a detailed quote, they're probably making that shit up. Clearly, it never happened if it's not on the internets. And, if it's on the internets it must be true! Unless you don't like what it says, in which, case the iternet is a big old dumping ground full of lies and unreliable information. You are a disingenuous fuckhead. Seriously, did you get a copy of 'Stupid High School Debate Tricks for Aspiring Amoral Republican Types' for your birthday or something? -dans \_ I can provide you all sorts of detailed quotes. It does not mean they are in context or weren't totally made up. For example, 41 of our esteemed Senators recently completely fabricated the statements of a well known radio show host, but you seem ok with that. \_ Told you I didn't need google to know you're full of shit. -dans \_ Poor Rush, no one is paying any attention to him. He really is suffering. \_ He should get a dog, then. Maybe a nice german shepherd! \_ 25m listeners... ignored... forgotten... unknown. \_ Obviously a victim of liberal media bias. |
2007/9/26-10/2 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:48195 Activity:nil |
9/26 Gotta love that taser! http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/09/26/tasered.woman/index.html \_ Don't tase me brah! 9/26 Actually, one thing I've noticed about asian-guys married to white- women, to me, they almost look like white guys. I think 20 years of eating american food makes you kind of look american. \_ But our dicks are still smaller. Damn. -- Asian guy \_ http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/rni/lowres/rnin294l.jpg "I love burger fries jam tarts ..." \_ "The page cannot be found" \_ You mean like this? http://cdn.channel.aol.com/tvgalleries/sexiestreality06_survivor-yul.jpg |
2007/9/26-27 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:48193 Activity:nil |
9/26 http://www.erisapparel.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=20&gclid=CNzbtte34o4CFRvrYAodoG0hWQ Products for busty women |
2007/9/26-10/2 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:48192 Activity:high |
9/26 Not a troll, just a hypothetical question. If I breed with a Caucasian woman, will I help increase gene pool diversity, restore the "genetic vigor", and improve the human race in general? In another word, what is the probability that our children be as smart as I as and as healthy as she is, vs. the probability of our children be as dumb as she is and as weak as I am? -SAM \_ Hapa nation! We Will Bury You! --brain \_ Fat blonde crazy ass Britney Spears genes need not be passed on to the human race. \_ Too late for that. \_ That you're asking this question seriously brings into doubt the idea that any given Caucasian woman is dumber than you are. \_ Not only that, but the guy has it wrong. Asian women breed with white men. Asian guys don't get the caucasian poon. \_ hypothetical means "in theory" which has no implied correlation with reality, right? \_ As I recall, 45% of asian-american women are married to white guys, 36% of asian-american men are married to white women. \_ Based on personal accounts I believe the 45% number. I'm a bit dubious about the 36% though. Are these Asian-American men married to REAL white women, or virtual from Second Life and World of Warcraft? -Asian \_ I don't know, at church I know 2 asian-asian couples, 2 asian-man white-woman couples, and 1 white-man asian woman couple (mine). \_ Interesting. How about outside of church? \_ I think in my experience, for marriage, the 36% is born out. I think there's a lot of white-man/asian- woman dating that doesn't result in marriage. \_ Interesting. We've been married 11 years, but many people assume we're just dating. Is this a function of the WM/AW phenom? \_ You recall incorrectly. Or your source was wrong. http://www.asian-nation.org/interracial.shtml WM-AF marriage is about 2.5X as likely as the converse. \_ They are more or less equally probable, you must have lots of kids. According to my asian wife, white women can have more children. \_ They WANT to have more children or they are more CAPABLE of having more children? \_ can == capable \_ The key is SELECTIVE breeding, a known and proven technique used since the dawn of domestication. Basically, assume the attributes are either/or (dominant/recessive), which is NOT the case here but for the sake of simplicity, you have the followings: 1 25% chance of smart + healthy 2 25% chance of dumb + healthy 3 25% chance of smart + weak 4 25% chance of dumb + weak So if you have LOTS of children and kill off all 2,3, and 4 then only the smart and healthy one will propagate and improve the race. \_ Since, as you point out, this is not how the genetics of IQ work, people who follow Punnett Squares for eugneics are really working to remove themselves from the survival pool. \_ the problem comes when you want to implement "kill off all 2 3 4." Not exactly socially acceptable here, especially when humans are involved. \_ Non-show quality, companion pets are usually neutered. \_ It is too bad that the Nazis gave such a bad name to eugenics. No, I am not being sarcastic here. \_ If Hitler hated the Jews so much, he should have have just NEUTERED them. By doing so, he would have kept the Jew scientists to make THE BOMB while satisfying his goals of 1) decreasing the Jews population 2) winning the war. Thank God Hitler wasn't too smart to figure it out. \_ The Nazis had a number of sterilization projects. One of the research areas for which human beings were used in the camps was cheap and effective methods of sterilization. Learn your history. -- ilyas \_ The U.S. was also engaged in sterilization of our own citizens and we were doing it before the Nazis even existed. There is a reason we don't do this anymore. Our society has a higher sense of morals than we did then. \_ When we try to make our horses/dogs better (faster, smarter, stronger), it's called "improving the breed." When we encourage smart people to breed (e.g. Singapore has tax incentives for educated ppl to have more kids), it's called eugenics. Go figure. \_ When you can tell the difference between live stock and humans, come back and we'll talk about it. \_ Well, there isn't really that much difference, when you come right down to it. -!pp \_ And it is the inability to see that this both true and not relevant to society at the same time that separates the geeks and freaks from the norms. \_ Eugenics appeals to geeks because it appears to be an elegant solution. The reality is always much messier. \_ Yeah like the day someone decides that skinny smelly people are to all be executed in favor of muscle bulging thick jawed wrestlers. \_ China bears her observation out, huh? |
2007/9/25-27 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:48186 Activity:high |
9/24 Love flying? Better take a blood thinning medication. Your risk of a blood clot on a flight is a whopping 1 in 4656. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20974035 \_ We're going back in time! \_ Here's the original paper: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2lpeo8 They specifically do not recommend taking blood-thinners prophylactically. Also, your risk of getting a blood clot is about 1 in 1000 per year even if you never fly. They estimate that flying a lot increases your yearly risk by 3x. \_ They say that anticoagulant use is not justified in the general case, but may benefit some. \_ This ties in well with the question about drinking. Drink a lot of booze before the flight and you will not be nervous and you will reduce your chances of dying, too. \_ Apparently, alcohol actually increases risks of blood clots. -- ilyas \_ How can that be? Doesn't, for example, red wine thin the blood? \_ Love being crammed into a tiny, loud space at 30,000 ft? Better get your head examined! \_ Some people have no choice. \_ How could you possibly have "no choice"? Did you get handcuffed and forced on a plane? |
2007/9/21-24 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:48140 Activity:nil |
9/20 Pull out method 3rd most popular: http://media.www.diamondbackonline.com/media/storage/paper873/news/2006/05/13/NewsonCampus/pull-Out.Method.Third.Most.Popular-2325570.shtml \_ Is this some Iraq thing? \_ The troops should pull out and shoot all over Iraq's belly. |
2007/9/19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Health/Women] UID:48111 Activity:nil 56%like:48104 |
9/18 Hillary Clinton is an idiot and if she insists on pushing her s Having a baby is not the only thing that can make women unhappy with their breas\ ts. The still-taboo subject of female chest hair is something that make-up artis\ t Nicola has had to learn to live with, but many women are too ashamed to admit\ they suffer from the condition. s problem is so bad that it has ruined past rela\ tionships Nicolatupid healthcare ideas as a major part of her platform then I will certainly not vote for her. Requiring all Americans to present proof of health insurance is beyond ridiculous and, to me, very un-American. \_ Well, it's also outisde the power of the Feds to do so. \_ So is a bunch of other things they do every day. \_ I am pretty sure that every Democratic presidential candidate has a healthcare reform platform at least as extensive as Hillary's. So you are voting Republican. Tell us something we didn't already know... \_ Biden doesn't. I think "healthcare reform" != "universal healthcare". |
2007/9/19 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:48107 Activity:nil |
9/19 In a British television first, Body Hell takes viewers inside the bathro\ oms of female celebrities and everyday women as they pluck, squeeze and shave th\ eir bodies to within an inch of their lives. The series also asks why 98 per cen\ t of women hate their bodies when they are perfectly normal and attractive. Uniq\ ue in its genre, Body Hell does not attempt to make women over, but rather encou\ rages them to love and accept their bodies |
2007/9/17-22 [Health/Women] UID:48083 Activity:nil |
9/17 Baby Boomers are incredibly badly behaved, so what else is new? http://csua.org/u/jja |
2007/9/11-13 [Health/Dental, Health/Sleeping, Health/Women] UID:48000 Activity:low |
9/10 http://www.cato-unbound.org/2007/09/10/robin-hanson/cut-medicine-in-half More 'absurd' claims about medicine and health. -- ilyas \_ One take-away is that we should all be spending more money and time at/in gyms. \_ What a shock: the Cato Institute thinks the government should spend less on social services. I never would have expected that! \_ But, but, the Heritage Foundation agrees! Oh, wait.... \_ The author of the essay is not affiliated with Cato, he's a GMU economist. -- ilyas \_ The GMU economist who came up with the brilliant idea of using idea futures markets to set Middle East policy. \_ You set yourself up for the obvious "even such a patently absurd notion as idea futures will probably do better than what we have now when it comes to the Middle East." We can make another thread about idea futures, this one is about health and medicine. -- ilyas \_ Heh, you set up the obvious "idea futures will probably do better than what we have now." I think his point isn't to change the decision making process in our society overnight, but to encourage exploration of new ways of aggregating information for decision making in limited settings. Are you trying to paint him as a nut? He's not a nut, but he is interested in 'paradigm-shifting' ideas, and more generally in bias, which means he often writes on ideas that seem strange. -- ilyas \_ Yes, I remember when I suggested that Bush was lying about Saddam Hussein having WMD before the start of the war and was dismissed as being "too absurd to be true." Are you talking about things like that? \_ I worked in the health care system and these observations all ring try to me. We spend way too much money on extending the life of people who are half dead anyway and not enough on prevention. -ausman |
2007/8/31 [Health/Women] UID:47850 Activity:kinda low |
8/31 I started birth control at 16...8 years ago, and my dose has only gotten lower over the years. My growth has been gradual since I started (34DD at 16 when I started, 34DDD by 17, 34H by almost 18, and steady until just now). That said, every woman in my family also grew like this (were around a D at a young age --I was a 34D by 12-- and went bigger into their late teens). It should also be noted that my mom's a 36DDD, my aunt a 38G, and my G-ma was a 34H. I feel like I'd be screwed no matter what. However, I'm planning to get off the pill soon, so we shall see....keeping my fingers crossed. |
2007/8/23-27 [Health/Women, Health/Sleeping, Health/Men] UID:47731 Activity:low |
8/23 what are SSRI? \_ Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Paxil, etc. \_ it's FDA approved as an anti-depressant, but like all medications out there this SSRIs have been prescribed for countless other uses as well. It is not uncommon for SSRIs to be used for anxiety (public speaking, talking to women, stress), hyper-activity, sleep aid, LIBIDO SUPPRESSANT, shyness, OCD, etc. If you think you may need it, chances are it'll profoundly affect your life. \_ Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc. \_ I looked it up in wikipedia. It looks like a family of anti- depressant drugs which can have the side effect of helping men who have premature ejaculation problems. I didn't see anything in there about it being prescribed as the poster the other day was talking about but hey it's just a wiki article. \_ Most (all?) SSRI's are known for some percentage of users experiencing reduced libido. \_ Everything I know I learned from Wikipedia. (Oh God, please save me!) \_ I wasn't quoting from Wikipedia. I actually have considerable background on the subject. -pp \_ I know. I wasn't saying your thing was wrong, I was saying I really don't know what I'm talking about since I'm only quoting WP. It would be hard for someone to know less than I do about it. \_ Ah. The Wikipedia article on SSRI's is actually reasonably accurate and well-written. Learning is fun. :) -pp |
2007/8/21-23 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:47691 Activity:nil |
8/21 If you like bulked up women humiliating lesser women then you'll love my group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Beef_Bulk_Pork |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Health/Women] UID:47486 Activity:nil |
7/31 World's most beautiful paintings of women around the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUDIoN-_Hxs \_ All of the beautiful women in history have been white?? \_ Well, DUH! It's implied throughout my Art History 27 class. |
2007/7/28-8/1 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:47459 Activity:moderate |
7/27 I'm on business in DC for a week. I had last been here 10 years ago. The whole area is teeming with women just like Silicon Valley was teeming with men and devoid of women. They aren't perhaps as fit as the women in Atlanta, but they are thin and attractive and there are so many of them! The ratio in Georgetown tonight of women to men was probably 5:1. So many women walking alone or in small groups. Amazing. \_ holy shit DC is a fucking humid shithole this time of year. have fun. \_ It hasn't been so bad overall. I was expecting the worst, but it hasn't been over about 88. Last time I was here was also in July and I was miserable. I understand they are having a drought, so maybe that's why it's not as humid and hot. \_ Maybe OP has an anal fatish and is looking for fucking humid shithole all along. \_ Maybe OP has an anal fatish. \_ And yet you still couldn't get laid. I wonder why? \_ Probably because my girlfriend is with me. I am just trying to help out my CSUA brethren. If you're into Asian chicks I even saw lots of hot Japanese girls at the restaurant we ate at last night. If I was looking for a woman I would consider moving here (and then leaving later). \_ DC has been like that as far as I can remember. -- From DC \_ Maybe. This is only my second time here. I wonder why they aren't more careful given the high crime. I keep thinking about Chandra Levy. I also wonder where all the men are. I read on Wikipedia that there are 100 females for every 86 males overall, but it seems more than that in the wealthier areas - especially when looking at populations of young whites. \_ White people have no reason to go to the dangerous parts of DC. -- From DC \_ There's certainly something going on there. Maybe it's the number of interns, law students, wannabe polticos, and tourists, but yeah, DC has a large number of beautiful women. Mind you, it also has more than its fair share of crazy homeless people, so there are tradeoffs everywhere. \_ Yes, but it's like Berkeley in that way, but with lots of pretty white women. \_ In my experience, it's young women with political / activist ambitions. The tourists are dressed differently. -- From DC or law ambitions. The tourists are dressed differently. -- From DC |
2007/7/19-21 [Health/Women] UID:47348 Activity:nil |
7/19 Rich, horny, and enjoy taking drugs? Build a hideaway right under your estate filled with women and drugs: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,289899,00.html |
2007/7/8-10 [Health/Women, Recreation/Dating] UID:47228 Activity:high |
7/8 Psychology Today: Ten Politically Incorrect Truths About Human Nature http://csua.org/u/j3j \_ exerpt: "The surprising answer is that Muslim suicide bombing has nothing to do with Islam or the Quran (except for two lines). It has a lot to do with sex, or, in this case, the absence of sex." GREAT reading thanks. \_ nice article. \_ So Hitler had it right all along, lets propagate the Aryan race since that's what is genetically desirable. What a load of crap, once of the worst articles I've read in a long time. of crap, one of the worst articles I've read in a long time. Yeah, we can generalize the extremely complex human behavior in a few pages. I've never known White guys to like those small busted women with straight black hair, who would be attracted to them over blondes? And blonds are so much hotter than those ugly ethnic women like Beyonce or Halle Berry. The fact the article starts with this B.S. destroys the credibility for the rest of their claims. The whole small busted women with brown eyes and straight black hair... who would be attracted to them over blondes? And blonds are so much hotter than those ugly ethnic women like Beyonce or Halle Berry. The fact the article starts with this B.S. destroys the who would be attracted to them over blondes? And lets not forget those ugly ethnic women like Beyonce, Halle Berry or J-Lo. The fact the article starts with this B.S. destroys the credibility of the rest of their claims. The whole article is immediately refuted by the first line: "Human nature is one of those things that everybody talks about but no one can define." And some people wonder why psychologists are not respected in the field of science. no one can define." Congratulations, another article to boost the stellar reputation psychologists have in the field of science. \_ The blonde thing is just one example of the article's actual point about youth signifiers. It probably applies mostly to white women of course as blondes aren't found in Asia... Small girls with long shiny black hair probably evoke youth and health just as much or more. And not everyone is the same. Also, there are a lot more white guys around the bay area than there are young blond blue-eyed women. So if they don't really have a choice you can't make many conclusions about their preference. \_ Women prefer men with muscles: http://www.csua.org/u/j3o \_ Oh no. People have been telling me otherwise. --- skinny guy who failed to gain weight |
2007/7/8-10 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:47222 Activity:nil |
7/8 George Lucas vindicated - women can die of a broken heart: http://www.healthday.com/Article.asp?AID=606042 |
2007/5/22-24 [Health/Women, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:46728 Activity:nil 88%like:46724 |
5/22 Iran beating their women: http://urltea.com/lyp (gatewaypundit.blogspot.com) \_ Obviously we must invade them and convert them to Christianity. |
2007/5/22 [Health/Women, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:46724 Activity:nil 88%like:46728 |
5/22 Iran beating their women: http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2007/05/my-god-theyre-beating-their-women-to.html \_ Obviously we must invade them and convert them to Christianity. |
2007/5/16-19 [Health/Women] UID:46666 Activity:nil |
5/16 Dear sodans, lock up your girlfriends before she kills herself!!! http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/05/16/asian.suicides/index.html \_ Man, this article is full of stupid Asian-American activist buzzwords. "The model minority pressure," as if this pressure was being exerted by white people. Ever been to asia? More pressure to achive there than here. "Noh's sister had plastic surgery to make her eyes and nose appear more European-looking." Umm, that surgery is more popular in asia than among asia-americans. |
2007/5/16-19 [Health/Women, Recreation/Dating] UID:46660 Activity:nil |
5/16 I'm trying to understand the India culture better. A lab-mate of mine used to tell me that I should *never* date Bengali women. They are city sluts who are over-westernized and are extremely materialistic, and only talk to men who wear Rolex and drive Mercedes. He used to say that Punjabi women, unlike Bengali women, are better lovers and better in the kitchen. What other types of Indian women are out there and what stereotypes do the Indian men usually have on them? ok thx. -Mr Culture Sensitive \_ I wouldnt know difference between Bengali and Punjabi if they bit me |
2007/5/16 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:46657 Activity:nil 57%like:46667 |
5/16 Is it necessary to pull out when she's on the pill? Find out: http://www.aphroditewomenshealth.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=92434 http://www.aphroditewomenshealth.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=printthread&Board=3&main=5170&type=thread |
2007/5/15-17 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:46646 Activity:kinda low |
5/15 "Americans get the poorest health care and yet pay the most compared to five other rich countries, according to a report released on Tuesday." Interestingly, Canada is rated second-worst, and Germany is rated as having the best system. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070515/us_nm/healthcare_usa_dc \_ You know, I've known this for years, but the average Joe on the street thinks that AMERIKA HAS DA BEST DAM HELTH KARE! WE #1!! And every time I say something different they decry the evils of "socialized medicine". \_ The average PhD is a left leaning socialism, and in many cases a closest communist. Why is that the case, Peter? \_ Better education? Though communism is a failed experiment: I don't know anyone who is really a communist, even a closet one, not even close. But plenty of leftists. Aren't you upset by the erosion of the middle class, decreasing access to health care as many Americans are priced out of the market, concentration of wealth and power into corporate hands, devaluation of labor in comparison to capital? These are 3rd-worldization trends. And yes, I get your point on me overgeneralizing based on a few samples of the "Average Joe"--valid point, but America *is* pretty hostile to the idea of socialized medicine--even though it's been shown to be a superior solution when implemented well. Whether US is capable of a good implementation of socialized medicine is another debate. --PeterM \_ I find it very telling that they're against it if you call it "socialized medicine" in a poll question, but for it by 2 to 1 if you describe it differently. \_ What's a better term? "Government health care"? "Government health insurance"? "Universal health care financed by tax revenue"? When talking to people I usually use "universal health care" and mention the Governator actually tackling that. \_ http://www.overcomingbias.com/medicine/index.html Search for "RAND Health Insurance Experiment". I am not touching your 'socialized medicine is the better solution if implemented well' claim, but this is a good read on a related topic. -- ilyas \_ I don't think that study shows what you think it shows. |
2007/5/15-17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Health/Women] UID:46644 Activity:high |
5/15 What's a good city with the convenience of a city (walkable retails, grocery, easily accessible clean young women) and the luxury of a suburbia (new, nice big homes, private, quiet, safe)? Does such a place actually exist? \_ If you can afford a penthouse in Manhattan or Wilshire in LA you'll have a huge place (3500sqft and more) that's quiet, safe, and is close to retails and people (young women). \_ If you can afford a penthouse in Manhattan or Wilshire in LA, you don't have to be close to young women. Young women will come to you. \_ Never heard of such a place. Closest would perhaps be loft housing in a city. \_ Every city has places like that, but you have to be rich to afford to live there. See Pacfic Heights. \_ Vancouver was the closest I've seen to what you describe. They are also in the middle of building a light rail system between downtown and the airport. \_ My home in Fremont is 10min-walk from 99 Ranch and some restaurants. It's 1500sqft and it's probably worth $600k now. Don't know about accessibility of clean young women. \_ Seconded. Walkable, close to mass transit, great dim-sum, and lots of young & super hot HK women (and wealthy too). \_ My home in Fremont is 10min-walk from 99 Ranch, Walgreens, Albertson's and some restaurants. It's 1500sqft and it's probably worth $600k now. Don't know about accessibility of clean young worth $600k now. Don't know about accessibility of white young women. \_ I'm glad you like Fremont but the positive things you pointed out are not unique to suburbs. Like all the other suburbs it is nice and quiet but it just doesn't match the convenience of a real city. \_ Many homes in the Sunset and Richmond districts in SF are not walkable to grocery stores or restaurants. \_ This is not really true, in that there is no place in the Sunset that is more than 1 mile from a restaurant. But some places are pretty far, so far that walking to your grocery store is not really an option. But everyplace in the Sunset and Richmond has a bus within a few blocks. The Richmond is actually very well served by retail, by the way. \_ generally economics prevent retail and 'new big homes'. single-family homes don't provide the population density for retail places to be profitable within walking distance, for a reasonable definition of 'walking distance'. \_ Cupertino \_ Far from mass transit. Too insulated, you don't meet hot young women. You can't walk to grocery and other retails. Cupertino has all the great amenities of a suburb but it does not have the convenience of a big city. \_ Safeway is like less than 1 mile from my house and Target/Trader Joes/AMC Saratoga are like 1.5 miles from my house as is the Cupertino Library and a bunch of food places on De Anza and Stevens Creek. Generally I can get around w/ my bike and there is plenty of bus service. \_ Yeah but it's not nice to walk/bike around. Busy wide streets and typical huge parking lots. De Anza is not walkable at all. \_ This is a point worth emphasizing; a walking district isn't just "services within walking distance." A street isn't a walking district just because it's not far from a WalMart; when you walk in an urban walking district, you interact with community members and shop owners, see unexpected things, and get pleasure from the simple act of walking. Walking on big streets to big box stores where you buy stuff on auto-pilot and do self-checkout does not replace urban living. -tom \_ Narrow minded. Stupid. Or both. You completely failed to realize that most of the patriotic Americans do not want or care about interactions with strangers and bums in the city, and all the inconveniences that go with urban living like pollution, drugs, crimes, etc. People value safety, privacy, and better quality of living (more living space, newer environment, cleaner) over all those things you mentioned. \_ Spoken steeped in suburban privilege. You are clearly too short for this discussion. \_ HAHAHAHAHA... thanks for the good laugh... \_ You do understand you are asking for contradictory things, right? Walkable with close retail implies high density, while private with big homes implies low density. |
2007/4/25-26 [Health/Women] UID:46449 Activity:low |
4/25 Planned Parenthood says withdrawal method has 83 percent success rate: http://redirx.com/?7ipt \_ You don't do math too good. \_ Which, if memory serves, means 83 percent of couples who use that as birth control for a year don't end up enbabied. \_ Old joke: What do we call people who use (insert lame method)? Parents. |
2007/4/25 [Health/Women] UID:46443 Activity:nil |
4/25 http://members.lovingyou.com/vbulletin/upload/showthread.php?s=68c8a11ba811a2e05951b3d61b68ab07&threadid=38191 People who don't use condom |
2007/4/24-26 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:46437 Activity:high |
4/24 dear married men, was sex more pleasurable without any condom? I've never had sex without condom and I'm curious. ok thx. \_ Yes it's INCREDIBLY good and addictive. It's better than drugs. It feels really really really good. Also note that if you do get addicted to bareback sex your life after 9 months will be hell for the rest of your life. \_ Try getting a steady girlfriend instead of using prostitutes. \_ gf insists on condom and would not discuss any other alternatives. You know, they have too much side effects like blood clot and stuff. \_ There're other effective techniques other than the \_ More likely to be a problem if the user smokes or is > 35yo. \_ There're other effective techniques than the pill. IUDs are quite effective and much safer these days. \_ Women still get pregnant on the IUD. The advantage is there's no pill to remember and they last for several years (Mirena 5 years; copper T 10 years). Disadvantages include not finding out about a bad install or dislodging event until several weeks into a pregnancy. \_ Hell yes. \_ Kimono ultra-thin condoms are better than regular condoms, but it \_ Kimono MicroThin condoms are better than regular condoms, but it still can't beat no condoms. That is, unless one has premature ejaculation problem. --- married 8 yrs \_ EIGHT years? How much are you actually getting now? Do you see a trend? \_ Frequency dropped quite a bit after our first son was born, and dropped to almost zero after our second son was born. That sucks. \_ The difference is actually pretty huge. I rarely went condomless before marraige and it is nice to not have to anymore. \_ Why are you framing this question for married men? Also, I am surprised at how many people are okay with having their wives on hormones. Maybe they should consider vasectomies. I fail to see how married == no condom. Disease shouldn't be an issue, but kids still are. \_ How many men out there do you personall know are NOT ok with their wives on pills? \_ I'm not. I don't usually ask other couples what sort of contraceptives they use. \_ Dude, anal sex is so much better without a condom. \_ You know most women have no problems with the pill. Why should I care if she has no side effects? \_ Actually, a lot of women do have side-effects and other issues with the pill. Not a problem for the Hooters girl you want to bang. A big problem if it's your wife and you care about her health. \_ Vasectomies are cool if you don't want any more kids again ever, but they're not a reversible form of contraception. Condoms, the pill, etc. are. \_ Sex with a condom is not sex... sorry.. after wife gave birth had to use condom, because she couldn't go back on the pill because she was breast feeding. It's just not the same. The warmth and the wetness can't be beat. \_ If she was trying to get knocked up then, well, duh. Have all the unprotected sex you want. Re: "back on the pill" \_ Just get a fleshlight. Women are just bitchy hassles. \_ How easy is it to clean? It looks like it can't be cleaned by flushing water into it. \_ The withdrawal method has an 83% success rate |
2007/4/6-7 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:46214 Activity:high |
4/5 Hey boob guy, check this out! http://www.csua.org/u/iek "The average chest size of a British teenager has grown dramatically over the past 10 years and is now a whopping 36D." \_ It might just be a lot of fat teenagers. BTW are UK cup sizes the same as US cup sizes? \_ more muslim women in burkas \_ Here's a screencap http://aycu18.webshots.com/image/15057/2004331463813295088_rs.jpg \_ HOT! \_ here's a torrent http://tinyurl.com/2dpszu |
2007/4/4-5 [Health/Women] UID:46188 Activity:high |
4/4 Is there a technical term for "intercourse without condom"? \_ Daddy! \_ Barebacking \_ I believe this term means *GAY* sex without condom. \_ Usage has moved on. \_ Parent. \_ There's other birth control out there you know. \_ If they won't use a condom they're unlikely to be doing anything else very useful. It's the easiest thing to get right. \_ Paging the sodan STDaphobe. Will the STDaphobe please pick up the white curtesy telephone. \_ Suicide. \_ "unprotected sex" is the term used most often by politicians, the media, people with a clue, etc. \_ Pope Sex \_ Isn't that sex between priests and little boys? |
2007/3/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Health/Women] UID:46080 Activity:nil |
3/23 http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/23/texas.abortion.reut Texas lawmaker offers choice: Abortion or $500. God Bless America. |
2007/3/24-5/19 [Health/Women] UID:46079 Activity:nil |
5/16 http://www.cnn.com/2007/EDUCATION/03/23/colleges.contraceptives.ap College students to pay $22/month instead of $10/month for birth control pills. About 39% of undergraduate women use oral contraceptives. WAIT A MINUTE. When I was dating in Cal NONE of the girls were on pills. WTF??? \_ When were you dating at Cal? 1953? \_ None of the girls at Cal wanted your naked dick inside them? \_ Given the girls at Cal, this would be riskier for you than them. \_ *laugh* You were dating the wrong girls. *All* of the girls were on the pill. Yet another reason to use a condom. Think about it. |
2007/3/13-16 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Women] UID:45958 Activity:nil |
3/13 Want to get your woman on the pill? Show her CNN's link: http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/03/13/healthmag.pill/index.html \_ About #2: Low-dose pills are actually better than high-dose pills in preventing ovarian cancer: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070309/hl_nm/ovarian_cancer_dc About #9: My wife's dentist told her that antibiotics also decreases the effectiveness of the pill. |
2007/3/12-14 [Health/Men, Reference/RealEstate, Health/Women] UID:45945 Activity:nil |
3/12 Best wikipedia page ever: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Chase \_ Uh huh. -dans |
2007/3/1-3 [Health/Women, Recreation/Dating] UID:45843 Activity:moderate |
3/1 While we're talking about sex, I just want to give you a datapoint: I've been having bareback sex for many years and have not gotten any girl pregnant. The secret is knowing WHEN not to have sex. \_ "bareback" usually refers to gay sex, or butt-sex, so, maybe it's not too surprising you haven't gotten anyone pregnant? \_ Have you heard of a BBBJ? What do you think the "BB" is referring to? \_ I never heard this before. What's BBBJ? BareBackBlowJob? \_ That, or you're infertile. \_ Or they've had an abortion or used Plan B w/o telling you. \_ Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! \_ Actually I read a paper that said that when trained on the rythym method (including taking temperature regularly, etc etc) test subjects had less unwanted pregnancies than with most other forms of birth control. That being said it's kind of a pain in the ass to follow the full method and does require training. \_ Note the recent study that showed the prevalence of HPV among women (as high as 45% among young women). \_ Note that HPV has nothing to do with pregnancy. \_ -1 not funny. Troll harder. -dans |
2007/2/13-16 [Health/Women] UID:45729 Activity:high |
2/13 The doomed blonde's former bodyguard, Alexander Denk, reveals exclusively to TV's Extra that he and Smith had a torrid affair for two years and thinks he quite possibly could be the father of little Dannielynn. \_ Gonna be a lot of paternity tests going on... \_ They should just compare the kid's DNA to the Nat'l Geo. DNA project. Odds are just as good. \_ The Son is the Father. Test the dead boy's DNA. \_ I can see the http://theonion.com article already "3.3 billion males to be tested to find the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby" \_ I am not the father of ANS's baby. I do wonder if she's the mom though. \_ How many minutes of the day did her vagina not have a cock buried in it? \_ Just curious... if this were a guy who went through women at the same rate would you be as critical? Or is it high-five time? \_ Let's see: Howard K. Stern, JD; Larry Birkhead; Prince Frederic von Ahnalt; and now Alexander Denk. I heard that there is a three-day period where an egg can be fertilized, and I heard that sperm can survive in the vagina for three days. Hence her OB/GYN should have determined the six-day window where the impregnating sperm was introduced. This means she slept with four different guys at least once in those six days, probably all without condoms. Hmm. Which one was her official boyfriend back then, and what does he think now? \_ I'm really astounded at how closely some people followed Ms. Smith's life. Do you know nearly so much about your own sex life, or is Anna your surrogate? survive for three days in the vagina for three days. Hence her OB/GYN should have determined the six-day window where the impregnating sperm was introduced. This means she slept with four different guys at least once in those six days. Hmm. Which one was her official boyfriend back then, and what does he think now? \_ Anna is the only one among the stars (porn stars included) which, when I watched one of her sex scenes two times, was so hot that I came in both viewings (even at the same moment). \_ What did you watch? Where can I download it? \_ "To The Limits." I watched it on Showtime channel. \_ "To The Limit." I watched it on Showtime channel. \_ "To The Limit." The scene was http://www.csua.org/u/i1v I watched it on Showtime channel. \_ No, it doesn't mean she slept with 4 guys in 6 days. It means 4 guys who have slept with her (ok probably only 2-3 of them) at some time want to get their legal hands on that kid so they can get whatever cash she has and have a claim on the old dead guy's $400 million. \- Wasnt that a Charles Dickens novel? Blonde House? \_ But if some of them knew in their heart that they didn't sleep with her around that 6-day perold, they'd know there is with her near that 6-day perold, they'd know there is virtually no chance that they can claim fatherhood. False positive from DNA tests are very rare. Unless some of them plan to bribe or blackmail the lab technicians, or file a motion to bar DNA tests for the baby and/or for the remaining motion to bar DNA tests for the baby and/or for all the other guys. \_ 6 day period? You think anyone has any idea what that exact 6 day period is? Anytime in that month give or take a few weeks is good enough. You can not reverse calculate from the child's birthday which 6 day period the child was conceived. As far as knowing in their heart goes, even if they knew they couldn't be the father this is a good way for them to get some press, write a book, maybe get an acting career going, and maybe even get paid off by some other party to just go away. \_ You're assuming that these guys know when the 6 day period was. Smith probably knew, but I doubt she told them. Also, condoms aren't perfect. |
2006/12/27-30 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:45502 Activity:nil |
12/26 1/6 women are victims of [attempted] rape, compared to 1/33 for men. Wow, never realized that it's that high: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16361153 \_ I don't think it is. They cite the U.S. Department of Justice for their statistics, so here's some data from them: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus/current/cv0502.pdf According to that, in 2005 there were about 115,000 rapes or attempted rapes (including verbal threats) of women in the U.S. age 12 and over. Even assuming each one of those was a different victim, which seems unlikely, that's a maximum of 0.09% of women who can be victims each year. That can't possibly add to one in six (17%) over a lifetime. Also, the article says "experts say men are far less likely to report a rape to authorities". But according to the USDOJ the reporting rates are nearly equal, at least if you lump together rape and sexual assault: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus/current/cv0593.pdf They estimate a 36% reporting rate for men and 38% for women. |
2006/11/25-28 [Transportation/Bicycle, Transportation, Health/Women] UID:45367 Activity:high |
11/25 Denmark's approach to slowing down traffic: http://5x5m.com/files/speedbandits \_ Totally awesome post, THANK YOU motd bikini guy! \_ Do most typical young Dane dames look as good at that bikini girl? \_ Average Danish women: great healthy diet, walk and ride bikes in their little cities. Average American women: McD + Burger King + supersized fries, sit in superjammed traffic to commute to/from their suburbia McMansions 1-2 hours a day. \_ So I keep hearing. Funny that the Danes I know are mostly fat. \_ keywords: denmark traffic nudity nude women naked women breasts topless |
2006/11/7-8 [Health/Women] UID:45237 Activity:kinda low |
11/7 Has anyone been to Ipanema in Brazil? Is it as nice as Waikiki? Are the women there as beautiful as the song? \_ THere are tons of hookers there. But they are mostly black women. \_ It's not all good though, your dick gets sore eventually from all the free blowjobs. \_ They are not free. Each blowjob costs 20 U.S. dollars. \_ He can start charging for it then. \_ If Trancoso in Bahia is any indication (it's where the ultra-super- stupid rich with the great plastic surgery hang out), no. The beaches blow the crap out of anything I've seen in Hawaii, though. Can't say about Ipanema, but Bahia and the Northeast are great. Mail me @zog.net if you want some pics. -John \_ Pictures of women or pictures of the northeast? \_ Uh, I think there's a girl in a swimsuit on one of my pics but she was kinda fat up close if I recall. -John \_ http://www.ipanema.com \_ This is *THE* girl in "The Girl from Ipanema": \_ This is *THE* Girl from Ipanema: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Helo_Pinheiro.jpg \_ EWWWW! What the hell was Tom Jobim thinking? Was he on drugs? |
2006/10/18-23 [Health/Dental, Health/Women] UID:44857 Activity:nil |
10/18 dear motd nutritional expert, are Vitamins a scam? or do they actually work? \_ Work for what? \_ If you have a healthy diet, you get all the vitamins you need. If not, you need to supplement. \_ This may be of interest to you, Jane Clarke, UK's leading nutritionist (according to the Daily Mail) doesn't think they are useful if you eat properly: http://tinyurl.com/yyww2s (dailymail.co.uk, 17 Oct 2006) |
2006/10/10-12 [Health/Women] UID:44762 Activity:nil |
10/10 Women dress hotter when they are ovulating: http://tinyurl.com/knuvn (cnn.com) \_ oooooold news (even scientifically) |
2006/10/6-9 [Health/Women] UID:44710 Activity:nil |
10/6 Pregnant teens are taking up smoking b/c they think it will mean smaller babies: http://tinyurl.com/jybq6 (dailymail.co.uk) \_ I like having sex with pregnant teens. |
2006/9/26-28 [Health/Women] UID:44551 Activity:low |
9/26 Pinko Socialist Baby Dies in Bucket of Mom's Vomit http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/09/22/D8KA41080.html \_ Is the vomit Leftist vomit too? \_ You can't dust for vomit! |
2006/9/7-12 [Health/Men, Health/Women] UID:44318 Activity:nil |
9/7 Any decent young black men out there that love thick women? \_ Right here, baby. -Fat Albert \_ You should look outside that ethnic group for men to improve your odds. Due to racism, unequal application of the law, and economic factors, a huge percentage of young male blacks are in prison, leaving the rest in insanely high demand. Your odds are poor especially if you're not really attractive. \_ If you repeatedly get caught selling drugs, stealing stuff, mugging, or shooting people, you go to jail regardless of skin color. There is nothing racist about that. You also forgot to mention a culture that resists assimilation into the mainstream and looks down upon those who do try to succeed. \_ I think "get caught" is the operative phrase here. Blacks and whites have similar rates of drug use, but blacks are three times as likely to be incarcerated for it. \_ Don't confuse the issue with your blasted facts! |
2006/8/22-24 [Health/Sleeping, Health/Women] UID:44099 Activity:moderate |
8/22 I went to a doctor and she misdiagnosed my case. Luckily my second doctor found the problem and I was given the right treatment. A few months later I had the problem again and went to see a doctor, but unfortunately they gave me the first doctor again. Once again she quickly jumped into the same conclusion and I pointed out that her first diagnosis was wrong, afterwards she became very upset, defended her decision with a long tirade, and finally insulted me with comments like how someone like me could question her authority, after she went through all the trouble in medical school to get her hard earned MD. What's the best way to expose her incompetency and bitchiness? \_ I can't help you here but I don't have much respect for doctors myself. While there are touching stories of doctors who volunteer their personal time to help others, two of my friends are now MDs and I can tell you that they have serious attitude problems. Ever since I've known them as a child, they have always had very assertive personalities, so much to a point that they can be described as being overly aggressive and unapologetic. Both of my friends have this sense of entitlement -- they've made it so people must respect their authority. It seems to me that in the old days, Doctors cared about the people. But these days, they're simply trying to get through as many patients as possible. Young doctors working with modern healthcare systems seem to be the worst doctors. \_ Oh, how I long for The Good Old Days when doctors cared, gas was cheap and women were hot, easy, but not at all slutty, oh no. Newflash: doctors were always just people and a lot of people just suck. Women were always like this. And gas is about the same price now as it always was in gallons/value. This doctor isn't going out of business because the medical insurance system provides very little and usually no choice in who you go to for medical care. The invisible hand only applies to situation with competition. I see my primary care physician as nothing more than a referal service I pay $15 to send me to someone off her list who might actually know something. She doesn't actually seem to know anything or really care that much. \_ what is your metric for saying gas price hasn't changed in terms of gallons/value? \_ This is a free market. If she's really that bad, her patients will stop going to her. In another word the invisible hand force will take her out of the free market without your intervention. \_ great schtick \_ It's not that easy because such a high percentage of doctors are like that. They'll just find another job, or the healthcare system will just throw new patients at them, who don't know better to complain. The basic attitude I've encountered is, "I don't know what your problem is (and I know everything), so it must be all in your head. Here, take some prozac and come back for more when you run out." I used to have Kaiser. I never used it for years so I didn't know anything about it, but when I needed it, it was as worthless as a piece of dirt on the ground. No, it was worse than that, because my life wouldn't depend on a piece of dirt on the ground. I went through 5 different Kaiser doctors (3 in this area and 2 in San Diego area) and except for one, they were completely useless. The one that seemed to care doesn't really count because I only saw him on the way to San Diego under a personal emergency of sorts. As far as I was concerned, there was only one way, which was to switch to PPO and find my own doctor who is willing to admit that s/he doesn't know everything. Even PPO didn't help that much financially because they wouldn't pay for "experimental" treatments. I have no direct proof, but I believe I would have killed myself by now if it weren't for the "experimental" treatment, which I had to work hard to find. I'm still somewhat messed up (have slight tendency of autoimmunity), but at least I'm living a productive life. In case anyone cares, environmental poisoning is not 100% reversible, so drink clean water and don't eat stuff that may have bad stuff in it (e.g. large carnivorous fishes and whales -- mercury). \_ You want me to give up whale meat?!?!! Fuck off, I'd rather die young than live without whale meat. \_ I'm sure you just enjoying making idiotic comments, but it's never about living long. I'd rather live healthy 50 years than suffer through 100 years. It's the state of mind, not length of life. \- Q: What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of their [sic] med school class? \- Q: What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of their [sic] med school class? A: "Doctor" For a serious answer, if the doctor is part of an institution, there is presumably a department head or OMBUDSMAN. Makes some calls ... figure it out. BTW, I thought the book COMPLICATIONS by ATUL GAWANDE was pretty interesting. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0312421702 It would be nice to hear via MotD where this goes. \_ Who does she work for? There is usually a reporting mechanism of some sort. \_ Drop Kaiser; go to Blue Shield. |
3/15 |