3/15 |
2012/12/26-2013/1/24 [Health/Skin, Health/Sleeping] UID:54569 Activity:nil |
12/26 "Duh! 12 Obvious Science Findings of 2012": http://www.csua.org/u/yro Are researches like these driving up college tuition? \_ http://boingboing.net/2012/12/28/evolutionism-explained.html \_ WTF!!?? |
2010/9/13-30 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Sleeping] UID:53957 Activity:nil |
9/13 http://www.cracked.com/article_18654_6-ways-your-office-literally-killing-you.html --linkpusher |
2009/9/30-10/8 [Health/Sleeping] UID:53415 Activity:nil |
9/29 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/165721.php Why virgins are skinnier. \_ Did you get it backward? Virgins sleeps more, according to the article. |
2009/4/19-23 [Health/Men, Health/Sleeping] UID:52871 Activity:nil |
4/19 "According to the May 30, 2005 Bradbury memo, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in March 2003 and Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in August 2002." So much for the ticking time bomb. http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2009/04/18/khalid-sheikh-mohammed-was-waterboarded-183-times-in-one-month \_ when we are doing it, it's for good of humanity. If Iranian is doing it, then... |
3/15 |
2009/1/7-12 [Health, Health/Sleeping] UID:52333 Activity:nil |
1/8 13:35 Nap? or coffee?? \_ You can sleep when you're dead. \_ Combine, but get that nap in first. I find that lying down with my feet up for 10 minutes is really rejuvenating. \_ Caffeine takes about 20 minutes to kick in. Slugging something, then napping often is best -- it kicks in after you get a few winks. \_ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7783201.stm stop thinking so small. |
2008/9/9-14 [Health/Sleeping] UID:51120 Activity:nil |
9/9 motd getting hella laid guy here. how do other getting laid guys manage? I show up to work groggy, I can't concentrate, I never make my targets anymore. She insists on at least giving me head once a day, sometimes twice if she gets home from work early. If this keeps up I'm going to lose my job. \_ I dunno, I prefer having sex every day, it helps me relax and sleep better. You will get used to it, just make sure to get enough sleep and some exercise and eat right. |
2008/3/6-7 [Health/Sleeping, Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Health/Men] UID:49361 Activity:high |
3/6 Did HANS REISER ever have a Soda account? Anyone else think his 'my back hurts so I sleep in my car a lot to ease the pain' story is kind of leem? \_ I think running down your poor deceased wife on the stand is not likely a good court strategy. \_ Just wait until the cross-examination; it will be theater of the higest order. The gem from yesterday is Hans talking about how men don't need marriage, financially, so they're being very altruistic, because it's cheaper to hire a housekeeper. -tom \_ Is the jury 100% bitter divorced guys? If not, HR is in big trouble. \_ Much cheaper to hire a hooker. I have an acquaintance who is a very wealthy man. He married a younger woman 'for love' without a prenup. She left after a year or two. He told me that he calculated it cost him $50K for every time he banged her. \_ You should volunteer to be a character witness for poor Hans. \_ Those in attendance were: (in no particular order) Alan Coopersmith (alanc) Eddy Karat (karat) E. Mark Ping (emarkp) Hans Reiser (reiser) Nicholas Weaver (nweaver) David Paschich (dpassage) Kier Morgan (kmorgan) Kinshuk Govil (kinshuk) David Friedman (davidf) Eric Hollander (hh) George Herbert (gwh) Sean Welch (welch) Steve Huntsberry (steveh) Lee Haynes (haynes) Partha S. Banerjee (psb) Roy S. Rapoport (rsr) Adam Richter (adam) Eric Mehlhaff (mehlhaff) \_ attendance of what? A general meeting? \_ Looks like an OCF Board of Directors meeting. -ERic \_ I don't know, Hans is obviously crazy, so it's hard to tell what he thinks is reasonable. |
2008/2/11 [Health/Sleeping] UID:49124 Activity:nil 80%like:49101 |
2/8 Sleep your way to 100 with power naps (siesta is good for ya!): http://preview.tinyurl.com/2m5tkb (health.yahoo.com) |
2008/2/8-11 [Health/Sleeping] UID:49101 Activity:nil 80%like:49124 |
2/8 Sleep your way to 100 with power naps (siesta is good for ya!): http://health.yahoo.com/experts/drmao/7588/sleep-your-way-to-100-with-power-naps |
2007/9/11-13 [Health/Dental, Health/Sleeping, Health/Women] UID:48000 Activity:low |
9/10 http://www.cato-unbound.org/2007/09/10/robin-hanson/cut-medicine-in-half More 'absurd' claims about medicine and health. -- ilyas \_ One take-away is that we should all be spending more money and time at/in gyms. \_ What a shock: the Cato Institute thinks the government should spend less on social services. I never would have expected that! \_ But, but, the Heritage Foundation agrees! Oh, wait.... \_ The author of the essay is not affiliated with Cato, he's a GMU economist. -- ilyas \_ The GMU economist who came up with the brilliant idea of using idea futures markets to set Middle East policy. \_ You set yourself up for the obvious "even such a patently absurd notion as idea futures will probably do better than what we have now when it comes to the Middle East." We can make another thread about idea futures, this one is about health and medicine. -- ilyas \_ Heh, you set up the obvious "idea futures will probably do better than what we have now." I think his point isn't to change the decision making process in our society overnight, but to encourage exploration of new ways of aggregating information for decision making in limited settings. Are you trying to paint him as a nut? He's not a nut, but he is interested in 'paradigm-shifting' ideas, and more generally in bias, which means he often writes on ideas that seem strange. -- ilyas \_ Yes, I remember when I suggested that Bush was lying about Saddam Hussein having WMD before the start of the war and was dismissed as being "too absurd to be true." Are you talking about things like that? \_ I worked in the health care system and these observations all ring try to me. We spend way too much money on extending the life of people who are half dead anyway and not enough on prevention. -ausman |
2007/8/23-27 [Health/Women, Health/Sleeping, Health/Men] UID:47731 Activity:low |
8/23 what are SSRI? \_ Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Paxil, etc. \_ it's FDA approved as an anti-depressant, but like all medications out there this SSRIs have been prescribed for countless other uses as well. It is not uncommon for SSRIs to be used for anxiety (public speaking, talking to women, stress), hyper-activity, sleep aid, LIBIDO SUPPRESSANT, shyness, OCD, etc. If you think you may need it, chances are it'll profoundly affect your life. \_ Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc. \_ I looked it up in wikipedia. It looks like a family of anti- depressant drugs which can have the side effect of helping men who have premature ejaculation problems. I didn't see anything in there about it being prescribed as the poster the other day was talking about but hey it's just a wiki article. \_ Most (all?) SSRI's are known for some percentage of users experiencing reduced libido. \_ Everything I know I learned from Wikipedia. (Oh God, please save me!) \_ I wasn't quoting from Wikipedia. I actually have considerable background on the subject. -pp \_ I know. I wasn't saying your thing was wrong, I was saying I really don't know what I'm talking about since I'm only quoting WP. It would be hard for someone to know less than I do about it. \_ Ah. The Wikipedia article on SSRI's is actually reasonably accurate and well-written. Learning is fun. :) -pp |
2007/7/25-28 [Health/Sleeping, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:47418 Activity:kinda low |
7/24 My neighbor's busty 20 year old college-student daughter came over today to shoot the bull. Even though she's dumb as a post, she somehow manages to go to Cal Poly. She is incredibly tan and fit and somehow I found myself wanting to bang her silly, even though she's 15 years younger than I am and it's painful to have a conversation with her. WTF is wrong with me? She's practically a kid! Am I officially a dirty old man? \_ You're officially a healthy, normal, non-gay man. Congratulations. \_ No, just a man. \_ You think she came over to just chat with you? What's up with that? She's an adult, do whatever. At least you're honest with yourself about it. \_ See you've been trained by certain people to think that a 20 year old is a child. Reality check: she is a completely mature woman. She may not have the wisdom of age, but that's irrelevant. Some people never have that. And you don't need that to eat, sleep, or screw. \_ She's a 20 year-old. On average, 20 year-olds are not mature. Odds that she's "completely mature" are not high. That said, it's also irrelevant. She's an adult. If she's a consenting adult, have fun. Oh, and remember not to try borrowing your neighbor's power tools for a while. \_ "Why not, his daughter has just borrowed my power tool." \_ "Why not? His daughter has just borrowed my power tool." \_ Adult = mature, by definition. Too much bullshit out there about this. \_ Give it a rest, paedophile. \_ lol? \_ By "painful to have a conversation with her", do you mean she's a moron, or do you mean it's hard to hold back you urge and not explode in your pants when you talk to her in close range? explode in your pants when you talk to her? \_ I mean that there's a generation gap that certainly makes her sound like a moron. Who said I didn't explode in my pants? \_ I really don't know how this thread turned from "man, I want her!" to "she really wants you man!" just 'cause she came over to talk to this guy. Maybe he can convert her craving for attention to a romp in the hay, but I doubt a 20-year-old college hottie is hard-up for sex. \_ This is not what the majority of my csua mbox is telling me. \_ She doesn't have to be hard-up to want to be schtupped. She might want to schtup three guys in one day. Lots of girls that age are sluts. \_ Can I have their phone numbers? |
2007/5/24-26 [Health/Sleeping, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:46742 Activity:moderate |
5/24 serious question here: I take a dump every other day or so. after my last few acts of congress, I'm really sleepy, for several hours. what's the deal? does this happen to everyone? \_ Whahh?! That's very rare shitting. I shit about 3-4 times a day and also eat 4-5 times a day, I don't think what I do is normal either. \_ Are you bulimic? \_ More fiber, less spicy food. \_ No. You are not healthy. \_ See a doctor. \_ The closest I get to a doctor is watching House. \_ And just before they perform some incredibly dangerously invasive procedure they figure out you've been eating too many twinkies and send you home. \_ I don't think I've ever been unusually sleepy after a poo, that's kinda odd. Generally pooing once a day is considered regular. At every other day you should probably eat more fiber and drink more water. (Not soda, beer, etc.) However, despite a diet unusally high in fiber and water, I still take about 20 mins on the can. My wife is done in about 1 min. I don't know why this is. \_ Maybe she won't shit where she eats.. So to speak. \_ Maybe you and your wife should consider switching roles during anal sex. \_ I feel more alert after a nice poo. Weird thing for me lately: smelling a strong coffee odor when I pee after having had coffee earlier. I can't recall any other food making it through my system with its olfactory properties intact like that. \_ HOW WEIRD! I've been noticing the same thing! I've never noticed that till recently. I'm in my 30s. \_ Stop drinking coffee. It is bad for you anyway. |
2007/4/20-24 [Health, Health/Sleeping] UID:46395 Activity:nil |
4/20 http://psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-3722.html Affluent *suburban* kids report 3X depression rates. I am not at all surprised. Suburbia->isolation->depression. I grew up in the cities and when I moved to the suburbs everyone in the family became isolated, depressed, gay and suicidal. I HATE SUBURBS. -intellectual urbanite |
2007/2/20-23 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Sleeping] UID:45778 Activity:nil |
2/20 TV is literally a health risk http://physorg.com/news91104374.html |
2006/8/22-24 [Health/Sleeping, Health/Women] UID:44099 Activity:moderate |
8/22 I went to a doctor and she misdiagnosed my case. Luckily my second doctor found the problem and I was given the right treatment. A few months later I had the problem again and went to see a doctor, but unfortunately they gave me the first doctor again. Once again she quickly jumped into the same conclusion and I pointed out that her first diagnosis was wrong, afterwards she became very upset, defended her decision with a long tirade, and finally insulted me with comments like how someone like me could question her authority, after she went through all the trouble in medical school to get her hard earned MD. What's the best way to expose her incompetency and bitchiness? \_ I can't help you here but I don't have much respect for doctors myself. While there are touching stories of doctors who volunteer their personal time to help others, two of my friends are now MDs and I can tell you that they have serious attitude problems. Ever since I've known them as a child, they have always had very assertive personalities, so much to a point that they can be described as being overly aggressive and unapologetic. Both of my friends have this sense of entitlement -- they've made it so people must respect their authority. It seems to me that in the old days, Doctors cared about the people. But these days, they're simply trying to get through as many patients as possible. Young doctors working with modern healthcare systems seem to be the worst doctors. \_ Oh, how I long for The Good Old Days when doctors cared, gas was cheap and women were hot, easy, but not at all slutty, oh no. Newflash: doctors were always just people and a lot of people just suck. Women were always like this. And gas is about the same price now as it always was in gallons/value. This doctor isn't going out of business because the medical insurance system provides very little and usually no choice in who you go to for medical care. The invisible hand only applies to situation with competition. I see my primary care physician as nothing more than a referal service I pay $15 to send me to someone off her list who might actually know something. She doesn't actually seem to know anything or really care that much. \_ what is your metric for saying gas price hasn't changed in terms of gallons/value? \_ This is a free market. If she's really that bad, her patients will stop going to her. In another word the invisible hand force will take her out of the free market without your intervention. \_ great schtick \_ It's not that easy because such a high percentage of doctors are like that. They'll just find another job, or the healthcare system will just throw new patients at them, who don't know better to complain. The basic attitude I've encountered is, "I don't know what your problem is (and I know everything), so it must be all in your head. Here, take some prozac and come back for more when you run out." I used to have Kaiser. I never used it for years so I didn't know anything about it, but when I needed it, it was as worthless as a piece of dirt on the ground. No, it was worse than that, because my life wouldn't depend on a piece of dirt on the ground. I went through 5 different Kaiser doctors (3 in this area and 2 in San Diego area) and except for one, they were completely useless. The one that seemed to care doesn't really count because I only saw him on the way to San Diego under a personal emergency of sorts. As far as I was concerned, there was only one way, which was to switch to PPO and find my own doctor who is willing to admit that s/he doesn't know everything. Even PPO didn't help that much financially because they wouldn't pay for "experimental" treatments. I have no direct proof, but I believe I would have killed myself by now if it weren't for the "experimental" treatment, which I had to work hard to find. I'm still somewhat messed up (have slight tendency of autoimmunity), but at least I'm living a productive life. In case anyone cares, environmental poisoning is not 100% reversible, so drink clean water and don't eat stuff that may have bad stuff in it (e.g. large carnivorous fishes and whales -- mercury). \_ You want me to give up whale meat?!?!! Fuck off, I'd rather die young than live without whale meat. \_ I'm sure you just enjoying making idiotic comments, but it's never about living long. I'd rather live healthy 50 years than suffer through 100 years. It's the state of mind, not length of life. \- Q: What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of their [sic] med school class? \- Q: What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of their [sic] med school class? A: "Doctor" For a serious answer, if the doctor is part of an institution, there is presumably a department head or OMBUDSMAN. Makes some calls ... figure it out. BTW, I thought the book COMPLICATIONS by ATUL GAWANDE was pretty interesting. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0312421702 It would be nice to hear via MotD where this goes. \_ Who does she work for? There is usually a reporting mechanism of some sort. \_ Drop Kaiser; go to Blue Shield. |
2006/8/8-11 [Health, Health/Sleeping] UID:43945 Activity:nil |
8/8 http://csua.org/u/gnb (Wash Post) One injection of Special K permanently cures 5 of 18 patients of depression. "It is almost like rebooting a computer." \_ ... "It is a chemical reboot, and the striking thing is the effect lasts for about a __week__" <---- \_ ~~~~~ <----- "Half the patients had a 50 percent decline in depression symptoms after two hours, and by the end of the first day, 71 percent reported a similar improvement. More than a third continued to report such a benefit after seven days, and nearly a third reported a __complete end of symptoms__." <----- \_ 1. It's not clear what the duration of the study was. A "complete end of symptoms" conclusion might be premature. 2. The wording isn't clear. That last sentence could be interpreted as "a third reported no symptoms (rather than just a 50% decline) after seven days" without indication to its permanence. -!pp \_ what about "a complete end to symptoms" isn't clear to you? Granted the reporter may be misquoting, misreporting, and/or the researcher may be on crack (as opposed to K), and the extreme claim deserves multiple sourcing. opposed to K), and it is an extreme claim. \_ shrug. I agree that I'm dubious as to the science or whether the reporter reported it correctly, but I do think that the article does make the extreme claim of a cure for 5 out of 18. \_ What? You expect you never have to reboot a Windoze box again after you reboot it once? \_ Makes you wonder if the other 13 subjects didn't experience a permanent blue screen of death. \_ Ecstasy ROCKS!!!! Special K RULES!!!! -Jeff Spicoli |
2006/8/7-11 [Health/Sleeping] UID:43932 Activity:nil |
8/7 Please help solve the Riddle of the Insane Former Roommate. He stole all the lightbulbs, left burn marks on the matress, along with a brown powder of some kind, left knife slash marks in the pillow, cut out the screen with a knife, smashed the window, and stole all the glue from the garage. He's long gone and this is not a particularly important issue, but the landlady and I have been trying to figure out what sort of shenanigans he was into just out of curiosity, and we are both totally ignorant of drug culture. He was not smoking ciggarettes in the room. Any guesses? \_ Was he skinny with lots of zits on his face? \_ No. Most of his posessions were climbing-related, and he looked like a climber. In good shape. \_ An ex-roommate did it to him, and he's just trying to pass along the crack meme. \_ Maybe he was just insane? \_ He didn't dump the glue into the sink drainage? Lucky you. \_ Lightbulbs were stolen to light up his meth lab in the basement. Burn marks are from sparking up the glass pipe to smoke the meth. Slash marks are accidents from the knife used to cut and pound down the crystals to powder so that they burn better. Screen was used to filter the meth powder and bits. Smashing of the window was done in a meth-induced feeling of rage and euphoria. Glue was used for sniffing once he ran out of meth. That about explains it. -Robert Downey, Jr. and Anne Heche |
2006/3/31-4/1 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Men, Health/Sleeping] UID:42594 Activity:nil |
3/31 http://www.sfweekly.com/Issues/2006-02-08/news/feature_full.html I know this is a bit late but I'm wondering if you guys can help us find Jerry Tang. Thanks. \_ We care why? \_ Sorry. All my time is spent looking for poontang. |
2006/3/27-29 [Health/Sleeping] UID:42466 Activity:nil |
3/27 "Bizarre events linked to sleeping pills in US" http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060315/ts_nm/insomnia_dc "CHICAGO (Reuters) - Strange behavior by insomniacs taking prescription drugs, ranging ...... to having sex while asleep ......" Hmm, where can I get some of those perscription drugs? \_ I guess having sex with a real person in your sleep is less messy for a guy than having sex with a fantasy person in your sleep. \_ The legal consequence can be more messy. Some gold digger chick can scream rape with DNA evidence deep inside her, and you'd honestly have no memory that she committed the act consensually. \_ Well that DNA is only evidence of sex, not rape. |
2006/3/9-13 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Sleeping] UID:42163 Activity:low |
3/9 Larry Ellison to drop from the top 10 billionaire list. Hahahaha. That sucker deserves to go to hell. Fuck you Debacle. \_ Yeah, I'm sure he losses sleep over it. BTW, how many billions do you have? Oh, zero? \_ Yes he's losing sleep over it. I used to work at Debacle and my boss knew the VPs who knew Larry. Unlike Andy Grove and HP founders, Larry is an asshole who doesn't care about anyone else except himself, and everyone at the company knows that. All that talk with "Oracle's world's 2nd largest software company" is just bullshit and annoying to hear every single day. Back during the dot-com days Larry tried numerous spin-offs on nicely packaged but horribly designed software in an attempt to diversify his 1 trick pony, and ultimately to generate more revenues not for the company, but for himself. During media interviews Larry even admitted that his goal was not to create AIDS foundations or help with famines and such. His goal in life was to become a samurai and to beat Bill Gates so that he could become the world's richest man. In my < decade of working there I NEVER saw him working, once, and neither did my bosses. He loved yachting, flying planes, or just fucking Japanese whores. Larry losing sleep over not being on the top 10 billionaire list? You bet he is. \_ http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/12/20/DD160291.DTL \_ http://tinyurl.com/m4gl9 (sfgate.com) \- You may also wish to see: http://csua.org/u/f7w |
2005/11/15-17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Health/Sleeping] UID:40600 Activity:nil |
11/15 9/11 is Sacred. Except when it's not: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051115/ap_on_go_co/sept11_aid \_ I can almost hear the House saying "What? You still here?" \_ I can actually agree with the Congress on this one. The money was only meant to treat "long-term lung and mental health problems" I mean, do you really need 125 million to treat lung and mental health problems for the workers on site? I don't think so. \_ Um. wow. How many people do you think were expose to the dust there? How much do you think medical care actually costs? How much do you think $125 million actually gets you? |
2005/10/1-4 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Sleeping] UID:39942 Activity:nil |
10/1 Acupuncture: real medicine or bullshit? Does it work and if so how? I personally think it's bullshit, but I've never had it done. Does anyone think it actually works? If so, how? \_ I realize that this is anecdotal, but I know several people who've been helped by it quite a bit, and they were not new age hippie types who would just say that--this was in mainland china. I think it may be bullshit in some contexts, but for chronic back pain, it definitely does something when done right. \_ http://nccam.nih.gov/health/acupuncture/#work \_ I would say it works, and the mechanism has something to do with creating pain in one part of the body, numbing your body to that sensation of pain, which happens to numb your body to the pain you really want to remove. You are then able to articulate the afflicted limb/area of your body, increasing blood circulation and relieving mental stress, which is all good. It's kind of like when you have a back or neck ache, you take an Advil, you can relax again, and by the time the Advil wears off it's better 'cause you moved around. Compared to having a stiff neck for three straight days. Then again I could be completely BSing you. \_ only reason this thing survived is the fact that it simply works. however, the system of credential is not well established, thus, you really need to get refered by someone who really knows what is he doing. I know a lot of Chinese American who failed to get into medical school end up doing this. Not exactly the best breed out there. \_ Definitely. It works, but you have to find the right practitioner. \_ Can't you use this argument (longevity) for all kinds of wacky stuff from tarot cards to Christianity? \_ It works, but only in a certain group of people. it's one of those phenomena/therapies where it works if you believe it will (as opposed to traditional western medicine where people believe it when it works). if you go in dead set with the opinion that it won't help you, then it simply won't. if you're open to new types of therapy, then there's a good chance it will. Also, accupressure is best for chronic pain (e.g. back pain, headaches, etc.), as opposed to acute pain (sudden onset stomach pain), which is why it fits in well with current medicine. Western medicine treats acute pain well, but fails miserably at chronic pain management. \_ I think it's real medicine, but I won't go for it because it's so under-regulated. Basically I believe in acupuncture, but I don't believe in most of the "doctors" who practice acupuncture. -- Chinese \_ A few months ago I heard on NPR that there was a huge sample size (n=15000) and the results were that accupuncture had definite benefits when used on the knees of those who have arthritis. |
2005/9/19-21 [Health/Sleeping] UID:39749 Activity:kinda low |
9/19 sodans in their 30s+, do you have sleeping problems? What do you do about them? When I was at Berkeley I can't wake up in the morning, I could go to sleep anytime and sleep very well. Now my brain is awake at 7am yet my body is tired. Every once in a while I will sleep well, but often times it's just OK. Anyone else have similar issues? What do you do about them? \_ http://csua.com/?entry=37713 You the same guy who posted the above? \_ I have friends who found Ambien very helpful. -dans \_ I went to stanford sleep clinic. I ended up having sleep apnea. But if you aren't having mental issues like cloudy thinking then sounds like you are just out of shape. Go excercise 4 days a week (cardio) and take vitamins. \- I have evolved beyond sleep. \_ What, no more lamppost collisions? \_ when i started working out 4x a week and doing 20+ miles of running coupla years ago, my insomnia actually got worse. \_ If you're overweight, lose weight. Eat healthy. Exercise every day. Don't eat after 8pm. Work hard and efficiently. Post to motd as little as possible. Have a social life. Talk to new people, see new places. If you do all the above, you should have no problems. \_ Exercise, a few glasses of wine with dinner and daily sex work for me. If I don't get all of these, I sleep poorly. \_ We don't all have access to yermom. \_ Actually, I use my hand on the nights my wife is tired. \_ "tired" i.e, all of them. \_ A few glasses of wine? You get buzzed every day? \_ Two or three yeah. Two is optimal for longevity, three is probably pushing it a bit. Are you white? My European enzymes have no problem with two or three drinks spaced out over 4 hours. \_ I was gonna say. The guy gets a buzz from 3 glasses of wine over 4 hours? He's a lightweight. \_ I am relatively "light weight". But I was thinking more like 4 glasses over 2 hours from the desc. Actually 2 in a row is enough to give me that alcohol mood shift, I dunno if that can be called a buzz. \_ Stop waking up when your wife is trying to smother you. \_ Cut off all caffeine. Remember that it has a half-life and takes quite a while to metabolize. \_ 6 hour 1/2 life to be exact.. \_ You clearly need a Sleep Number (TM) bed! (j/k those are dumb) \_ i do have problem sleep, and I don't have access to sleep clinic. There are couple things I've done that helps me: * no caffine after 4:30pm. people say caffine last up to 6 hours in the body. I guess for my case, it last a lot longer than that. * physical exercise. jogging couple miles helps. sex also helps. do both if you can. \_ I got arrested the last time I had sex while jogging. * don't stuff yourself with food 2 hours prior to sleep. * no TV 1 hours prior to sleep * no computer/net surfing 1 hour prior to sleep. I found TV and computer usage are some sort of stimulant. Read a book instead. * hate to say this, but try to keep a regular sleep pattern. i.e. always sleep at the same time of the day. allow yourself wake up naturally in the morning if you have enough. Do this for about 2 weeks, you will be fine. \_ Caffeine is metabalized proportional to the amount in your system. For an adult male the half life is about 6 hours. So it isn't "out of your system" in 6 hours--only half of it is. In a day over 90% is gone. But that time changes based on body weight, chemistry, etc. \_ Thank you. no computer/net/tv 1 hour before sleep would be difficult to do, but I am gonna give it a try. \_ Back to masturbating to the Victoria's Secret catalog |
2005/9/6-7 [Health/Sleeping, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:39537 Activity:nil |
9/6 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050906/od_nm/russia_train_dc Russian train goes over a man sleeping on the track. Apparently the man didn't wake up, and that was what saved his life. |
2005/8/19 [Health/Sleeping] UID:39177 Activity:high |
8/18 Eminem cancels show due to dependency on sleeping pills: http://csua.org/u/d38 (CNN) If this doesn't debunk his street cred, I give up; sleeping pills are so... SUBURBAN. \_ Well, considering that he is originally from St. Joseph, MO... \_ What? I was told he was from the ghetto! \_ Ice Ice Baby! -John \_ He's white white baby |
2005/5/17 [Health/Sleeping] UID:37713 Activity:high |
5/16 I have a sleeping disorder, does melatonin help? \_ What kind of disorder? I have friends who have had success using melatonin to treat mild insomnia. -dans \_ Beware that melatonin can cause some strange effects in some people. It gave me terrible nightmares. \_ It could, although I've read that if it doesn't work after 3-4 nights you should stop. Talking to a doctor instead of the motd might really help, though... -John \- if you are in SFBA, the fraud has a sleep study center. i have evolved beyond sleep. \- I just have sex every night before I go to sleep. \_ I have sex every night in the shower when my wife is asleep too. \_ Prison shower sex doesn't count. \_ No, I have shower sex with Rosy Palm and her five sisters. \_ Rosie, you're all right, you wear my ring. When you hold me tight, Rosie that's my thing. When you turn out the light, I've got to hand it to me. Looks like it's me and you again tonight, Rosie. \_ Assuming you are around 20-40, the age of typical sodans, you should treat this as a serious problem. If you continue your current habit, it will only get worst as you ages and will be more difficult to overcome. You can find many recommendations online and in medical references, a lot of them involve breaking the 'bad' habit. Medications are good temporary solutions, but you don't want to be dependant on sleeping pills. Without more specific details, here are some general recommendations: - allow your biological clock to settle on a regular sleeping cycle, ie, go to bed at 11pm, wake up before 8pm. You may need to do this gradually as we sodans typically go to sleep very very late, and wake up very very late, which is very very bad. - take a warm shower before you sleep, read something, don't do activity that are too stressful/intensive before sleeping time, like playing intensive games or watching horror movies. - get more exercise, 3-5 times weekly of 20-30 minutes of cardio exercise. This will improve your sleeping quality. It's best to do the exercise in the morning, as it will get rid of some of the not enough sleep feeling and energize you for the day, which will hopefully allows you to sleep better. - talk to a doctor if the above does not bring noticeable improvements... it may take a few days or weeks before you see any improvements, be patient.. Do NOT let this go on for a long time, as your body slowly adapts to the less sleeping time and it'll be harder to fix. \- I have evolved beyond sleep. Soon I shall evolve beyond food. \_ Graveyards are full of those who have evolved beyond sleep, food or water. \_ I tried melatonin the other night. Fell asleep well enough, but could not stay asleep at all, which pretty much typifies every night for me for the past 3 years or so. \_ I sleep like a rock but when I wake up I'm not rested at all. I always feel tired during the day. |
2005/4/28 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Health/Sleeping] UID:37399 Activity:kinda low |
4/28 Woman convicted of rape for giving sleeping man a blowjob: http://csua.org/u/bw2 \_ how fat was she? \_ This is ignorant, but yet oddly intelligent. He got paid $6,355 for getting head, does it get any better? \_ Yeah, but you have to go down in history (no pun intended) as the wierdo who called the police for getting a blowjob. \_ a Norwegian friend tells me he'd actually have to have reported her for the police to do anything. This doesn't sound like a good way to encourage more in the future from anyone. \_ Nine months of jail time is equality? If it were a man raping a woman, would it be nine months only? \_ for just going down on her instead of penetrating? \_ if a man gave a woman oral while she was sleeping and claimed that she consented, that doesn't sound too outrageous. \_ Who knows, we don't know what the standard sentences are in Norway, do we? Usually in Europe, sentences are much lighter than in the US. \_ Gee. I thought sentences in the US are already too light. \_ Which is why our prison population continues to increase as crime rates go down. \_ You mean, as we put criminals in jail, the crime rate goes down? holy crap! \_ Soylent Green...Soylent Green is *people*!!!! |
2005/3/30-31 [Health/Women, Health/Sleeping] UID:36984 Activity:low |
3/30 Neurologist's Report on Terri Released http://newsmax.com/archives/articles/2005/3/30/144422.shtml \_ One of two neurologists hired by the Schlinders. This one is the nutjob. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Hammesfahr Yes, he is also listed on http://quackwatch.org |
2005/3/2-3 [Health/Sleeping] UID:36485 Activity:moderate |
3/3 What's a good way to buy a new mattress for cheap? I went to a Macy's, but they're kinda expensive. Also, I only need a mattress (without a box spring), so I can't take advantage of any special sales, which usually sell both together. Is online shopping efficient for mattresses? I'd like a major name brand, too. Thanks. \_ Costco carries mattresses. \_ Costco? \_ Yes, the warehouse. \_ How about Mattress Discounter? Or Mancini Sleepworld? \_ How about Mistress Discounter? Or Mancini Sleepware? \_ Or European Clitworks at Adeline and Ashby? |
2005/2/11-14 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Sleeping] UID:36151 Activity:moderate |
2/11 Are weird random pains in different parts of the body a symptom of excessive caffeine intake? Does anyone have any experience with this? \_ Could be a heart attack. Consider going to a hospital. e.g.: "Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms. The pain may be mild to intense. It may feel like pressure, tightness, burning, or heavy weight. It may be located in the chest, upper abdomen, neck, jaw, or inside the arms or shoulders." --http://tinyurl.com/6xets \_ It's probably not a heart attack! Sheesh! Scare the hell out of the guy! He should see a doctor, though! \_ You probably just have the flu. \_ Why are you asking the motd? ObSeeAFuckingDoctor. -John \_ This would be a good time to remind the motd in general that most health plans offer free advice lines, where you can call (often 24 hours a day) to talk to an advice nurse. They won't laugh at you for asking stupid questions -- their whole job is to tell you whether your problem is worth bothering a doctor for or not. They're not doctors, but unlike the motd they do at least have some idea what they're talking about. \_ it's not random. stop whacking off so much. \_ Caffeine usually doesn't lead to pain; but it does lead to jitteryness. These pains are probably due to something else. \_ What do you mean random pain? Cramps? \_ It could be stress-related, and caffeine could enhance the effects, but that's just a guess. Go see a doc. When I had major stress, my right shoulder/arm use to have some numbness. \_ yeah.I took less caffeine, got some excersize and sleep, and spent some fraction of a day not working or thinking about work, and all symptoms are gone. let this serve as a cautionary tale. -op \_ What, that you're a lazy slacker? |
2004/7/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Health/Sleeping, Industry/Startup] UID:32202 Activity:nil |
7/9 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=573&ncid=757&e=1&u=/nm/20040709/od_nm/life_naps_dc |
2004/6/14-16 [Health/Sleeping] UID:30795 Activity:insanely high |
6/14 Why does the psb not \_? Why does the psb insist on \_? Can someone \- i dont "inisist" on it. the only thing i'd come close to insisting on is 80col and captioned urls. --psb please explain this to me so that I can sleep at night?! \_ psb was \_ before the standard was adopted, and he has been grandfathered in. \- But there can be only ONE standard! </highlander accent> \_ But there can be only ONE standard! \_ ED! ED IS THE STANDARD! \_ Just couldn't hold back, could you? Its people like you that will destabilize the motd for years to come! \_ The sorry thing is that he's not even quoting it right. \_ damn it! get it right. He is going to destroy the motd's credibility for generations to come! Fear! Uncertainty! Doubt! Spread it far, wide, and thick! Keep telling the Big Lie! YAY Stalinist tactics! \_ German artillery! German artillery is the best! \_ Old motd saying: The ways of the gods cannot be understood by mere mortals. - psb # e^(2pi*i) fan! \_ Not only does he \_ but he also has some fucked up indenting scheme where it's a pain in the ass to tell what text belongs to which thread. \_ answer to the first question-- he started \_ long before \_ was defacto. And old men can't change their ways, like tom, so there. As for why he interrupts other people's responses in the middle, it's actually pretty deep. You see psb tries to appear to be tough and intelligent, but he is pretty insecure about it and doesn't like to be perceived as stupid (he really cares about what other people think about him), so he projects this tough/intelligent image to protect his fragile ego. -someone who knew partha in the old days \_ thank you, anonymous coward. -tom \_ You're welcome. \_ what are *you* thanking anyone for? you barely got a side note. \_ well *you* got nothing at all, loser!! \_ i also didn't thank anyone for it. i was happy to be anonymous, forgotten and ignored. \_ Undergraduates these days have no sense of their place in the grand scheme of things. Yours is not to question the ways of the gods or Partha. --psb fan \_ Not just undergraduates but all of you scum who would dirty His Holy Shadow by daring to tread upon it! --psb #1 Fan \- first of all, why do you care about \- vs \_. woudl it \_ first of all, why do you care about \_ vs \_. would it bother you if someone used say \__? how about people who center their wall posts? secondly, as i have said before, when i put a reply in the middle of a post, it is because i am replied to a specific point located there. if you are \_ i am replied? this seems unusual even by psb standards. and i'm interrupting the post so that it is clear what exactly i am referring to. too leem to follow the original thread based on preserved indentation, i dont know what to say. i feel some small, slight pity for you. actually i dont. maybe if you were non-anon. --psb \_ The Great One has replied to me!!! For the first time!!! I am going to save this, back it up to hundreds of different computers across a p2p network and put printouts in 5 different countries!!! --psb #1 Fan \_ I think your way is cool. Really. (I can't speak for --psb #1 fan though). \_ I also think your way cool. \- gee i didnt realize this rose to being "my way". maybe i should patent it. For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught. To say the things he truly feels; And not the words of one who kneels. The record shows I took the blows - And did it my way. --psb |
2004/5/27-28 [Health/Sleeping] UID:30446 Activity:very high |
5/27 Hey MOTD, I was thinking about buying a mattress for my apartment, but I don't know anything about them. Anyone have any useful advice for me? Anyone ever heard of Stearns&Foster? TIA. \_ I have no idea about how healthy/bad they are for you, but try a good quality futon--I love mine. -John \_ Unless your back is exceptionally snooty or sensitive, mattress selection isn't as important as commercials make it out to be. Just go based on price, since big-name (e.g. Sealy) mattresses can get expensive. As a starting point look at what mattress you're sleeping on right now and look into buying another. I'm actually using an Ikea mattress, which was very inexpensive, and surprisingly good quality. And comfortable. \_ I'm happy sleeping on the floor, a hard bench, a couch or yermom's lap but getting the right matress is critical to good long term sleep. Try it in ths store. Snuggle up, enjoy it. Make sure it feels really good because you'll be sleeping on it for a few years and so will your lover(s). \_ The Tempurpedic matresses are really nice. I just can't see spending the (what is it, $3,000, $5,000?) money for it. \_ What's life long chronic back pain worth to you? \_ As a $500 mattress does the job almost as well, the question is moot. \_ That's what I thought until I got a real matress. The question is neither moot not moo. Get a good matress and avoid mad cows. \_ Moo? WTF? \_ Yes. Moo. What about it? \_ ______ < Moo. > ------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || \_ See how happy this cow is? He has a quality matress. \_ Is she your wife? Is your wife a happy cow? \_ Yermom's lap. |
2004/5/5 [Health, Health/Sleeping] UID:30035 Activity:high |
5/5 Why does the public refer to what's going on in Iraq as "abuse" and not torture? [topic taken from boingboing] \_ because the major media are corporate stooges parroting the administration's talking points. \_ From http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/39/a39r046.htm 1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions. 1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions. \_ because when you pick an American off the street and say U.S. soldiers were caught torturing Iraqis, they think, "What? Did they chop off their fingers/ears?" \_ much of the abuse was not from soldiers. and that's very different from sodomizing them? \_ If such photos were aired or talked about by CBS, I'm sure you would have headlines that read, "Photographs showing American military personnel sodomizing prisoners" \_ People think of torture as physical pain. \_ You sincerely believe the pictures show torture? |
2004/4/23-24 [Recreation/Food, Health/Sleeping, Health/Disease/General] UID:13354 Activity:nil 54%like:13249 |
4/23 For the person who was asking about why dogs eat their poop: http://www.heptune.com/poop.html \_ Am I the only one who suspects that that pinworm bit is just an attempt to get people to stick tape on their asshair? \_ sounded like a stretch to me, too \_ I think most people have pinworms at some point in their lives, usually as children. Most people outgrow sticking their fingers in their mouths. (Not me btw, I do it all the time, so I guess I should check) |
2004/2/29 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Sleeping] UID:29839 Activity:very high |
2/28 Dear motd doctor, lately I've been needing a lot of sleep. I need at least 10-12 hours of sleep. I got a blood check from the lab and my doc says I'm ok and just exercise more. However I don't feel like myself at all, even with the exercise. Sometimes I feel like I could faint in the middle of a day. What other problems could I have, like brain tumor, cancer, etc? I'm 30 years old btw. \_ Check your blood pressure. I had something like that once, turned out to be unusually high blood pressure due to stress. How much sleep do you usually need? Also, try to see a Russian doctor. I had terrible luck with American-educated doctors for some reason. -- ilyas \_ actually, when I get up too quickly, I feel really dizzy, and occasionally I'd be near fainting. I'll go check my blood pressure, thanks. -op \_ you're dying. can i have your soda disk space? \_ godamn! You're scaring me, though, when I have days that I have problem getting up (feeling too tired) I do feel like I'm dying. I guess I'll go make an appointment again... wait 2 weeks, get referred, then get the same useless exercise advice again. By the way I'm not fat or anything, so who gives a shit about exercise -op \_ I used to feel like you do, but then I started jogging one hour a day and eating healthy, now I feel good, except when I miss some exercise or eat something bad. \_ do you eat a lot of beef? maybe you have the mad cow disease? \_ Three things: 1) Anemia possibly, 2) See another doctor, 3) don't rely on the advice of motd for health issues. \_ doesn't this sound kinda serious to you? i'd insist on some mri or cat scans or something at least. \_ sounds like chronic fatigue syndrome. have you had a viral illness lateley? \_ Adult-onset diabetes is big these days. Your symptoms could be from wild blood-sugar fluctuations. Eat "100% whole wheat" bread ("multi-grain" doesn't count) and avoid all other grains (even white rice -- eat brown rice instead). Avoid red meat (beef), eat white meat (chicken) and fish. Eat a salad or two a day. And go read this book: http://csua.org/u/67z |
2004/2/28-3/1 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Sleeping] UID:12447 Activity:high |
2/28 _________________________________________ / Dear motd doctor, lately I've been \ | needing a lot of sleep. I need at least | | 10-12 hours of sleep. I got a blood | | check from the lab and my doc says I'm | | ok and just exercise more. However I | | don't feel like myself at all, even | | with the exercise. Sometimes I feel | | like I could faint in the middle of a | | day. What other problems could I have, | | like brain tumor, cancer, etc? I'm 30 | \ years old btw. / ----------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || \_ Check your blood pressure. I had something like that once, turned out to be unusually high blood pressure due to stress. How much sleep do you usually need? Also, try to see a Russian doctor. I had terrible luck with American-educated doctors for some reason. -- ilyas \_ actually, when I get up too quickly, I feel really dizzy, and occasionally I'd be near fainting. I'll go check my blood pressure, thanks. -op \_ That's probably Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia: A common symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Are you a student? Take a semester off. Doctors don't have a clue about CFS. It's a unusual neurological illness. clue about CFS. It's a subtle neurological illness. Rest is the key. If you rest, your CNS can heal and the fatigue will go away. If you keep pushing yourself, it gets much worse. What's your email? I yourself, it gets much worse. What's your email? I can send you some info if you want. can send you my expreience. \_ you're dying. can i have your soda disk space? \_ godamn! You're scaring me, though, when I have days that I have problem getting up (feeling too tired) I do feel like I'm dying. I guess I'll go make an appointment again... wait 2 weeks, get referred, then get the same useless exercise advice again. By the way I'm not fat or anything, so who gives a shit about exercise -op \_ I used to feel like you do, but then I started jogging one hour a day and eating healthy, now I feel good, except when I miss some exercise or eat something bad. \_ You need exercise anyways to maintain the strength of your heart and lungs. If they are weak, you will feel constantly tired. Try cycling. Running is just painful and you'll find it hard to \_ I used to feel like you do, but then I started jogging \_ Mooo! mooo! moooooahahheehehahahhahahaaa!!! one hour a day and eating healthy, now I feel good, except when I miss some exercise or eat something bad. \_ shoo! go away you little bastard! I want his soda disk space! motivate yourself to do it. \_ shoo! go away you little bastard! I want his soda disk space! \_ do you eat a lot of beef? maybe you have the mad cow disease? \_ Mooo! mooo! moooooahahheehehahahhahahaaa!!! \_ Three things: 1) Anemia possibly, 2) See another doctor, 3) don't rely on the advice of motd for health issues. \_ doesn't this sound kinda serious to you? i'd insist on some mri \_ I hate you. or cat scans or something at least. \_ sounds like chronic fatigue syndrome. have you had a viral illness lateley? \_ Adult-onset diabetes is big these days. Your symptoms could be from wild blood-sugar fluctuations. Eat "100% whole wheat" bread ("multi-grain" doesn't count) and avoid all other grains (even white rice -- eat brown rice instead). Avoid red meat (beef), eat white meat (chicken) and fish. Eat a salad or two a day. And go read this book: http://csua.org/u/67z \_ I hate you. |
2004/2/24-25 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Sleeping] UID:12383 Activity:high |
2/24 Yahoo! News - Half of Young Americans to Get Sex Diseases -Study http://csua.org/u/65j Holy cow! I'd better stop sleeping around. \_ I pity the poor dumb bastards at school now. I fucked my way through school and didn't catch a thing. I used about 5 condoms the whole time. \_ How many other guys' semen have you indirectly touched with your penis? \_ it wasn't so indirect... \_ Uh oh, homophobia hits the motd. None probably but if one or more was slutting around and dripping with cum and I didn't notice I think I survived. Thanks for caring! \_ You believed it the chick said she was on the pill? \_ What's the incubation period of AIDS again? \_ Wow, this sounds pretty tin-foil condom to me. \_ while I think condom is safe and all, I don't use them anymore. When I started screwing this chick who was on the pill, I never wanted to go back to condoms again. It just feels sooooooo much better without the condom. It's like the difference between getting a massage with a hammer vs. getting a massage with bare naked hands. Having sex without condom is like, drugs, once you're on it you get hooked forever. \_ Agreed. And I take care of the safety issue by marrying a virgin. \_ Americans have the highest STD rate in the industrialized world? But what about those amoral French? This can't be Tr00000! \_ the french have sex-ed! Ignorance Is Truth! \_ the french people i know seem to be quite priggish about sex. \_ Er, I was kidding? You guys are a swift bunch here in motdlandia. \_ the promiscuity of the french seems to be an enduring stereotype. \_ Yo. Dude. I was kidding. HELLO. EARTH TO STUPID MAN. \_ you know, the world doesn't quite revolve you. the fact that you were kidding is mostly coincidental to the point that there is an enduring stereotype. \_ The world doesn't revolve me? Whoa dude, that's like profound and shit. \_ Of course the world revolves you. If it didn't you would fly off into space. |
2004/2/15-17 [Health, Health/Sleeping] UID:12264 Activity:nil |
2/15 anyone own the Sharper Image air filter? Is it really better than HEPA filetrs? Is it worth getting? Please respond only if you have it, thanks. \_ I bought one of these at Bed Bath and Beyond. It doubles as a humidifier. It's hard for me to tell how effective it is as an air filter since I really don't have much of a dust problem. http://www.venta-airwasher.com \_ Well, I know someone who liked them. They do collect stuff pretty well, and are silent and simple to maintain. But I've read a consumer reports article that basically said there are much better air filters. \_ Honeywell HEPA air filters are more effective, cheapter and easier to maintain than Sharper Image's. I got mine at Home Depot. -allergic to everything \_ Hepa filters are expensive to replace, so how can they be cheaper than a wipe-n-walk device like SI's? \_ Buy replacement filters online. They are much cheaper. The S.I. air filters may be silent, but how many changes of air per hour? Are they really cleaning the air effectively? I don't think so. \_ Those are two different issues. Buying filters online is still more expensive than something that *never* requires a new filter. I don't own either. I don't know which cleans better or how much better one does than the other. \_ DO NOT GET ONE IF YOU HAVE ASTHMA! What they don't tell you is that their ion technology produces ozone, a pollutant that will greatly exacerbate the symptoms of asthmatics. I have the Hamilton Beach HEPA filter and love it. Yeah, it can be loud when cleaning a room from an introduced pollutant, but it adjusts its speed and intensity based on the quality of the air. It is usually pretty quiet, and I actually sleep better with some background noise. Also, you may like to know that there is a class-action lawsuit against sharper image because of the ozone their unit produces hurting people with asthma. The best ones are the BlueAir and IQAir (I think) HEPA filters, but they cost more than I can afford. |
2003/5/10 [Health, Health/Sleeping] UID:28401 Activity:nil |
5/10 http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/West/05/10/offbeat.klingon.interpreter/index.html |
2002/11/11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Health/Sleeping] UID:26509 Activity:high |
11/11 Can somebody clarify how exactly the settlers of the occupied territories make a living? The latest shakeup in Sharon's gov't seems to be over money for settlers. That leads me to believe that the gov't pays them to live there and do nothing else. The settlements are too far from any private sector jobs, right? \_ They get paid bounty for murdering palestinian children in their sleep and using their fresh blood in their satanic jew rituals of evil. I thought everyone knew that? \_ They steal olive groves and orange trees from Palestinians and pick the fruit. No joke, the settlements sit on most of the best farmland. \_ bullshit. they get paid by the American tax payer supported Israeli government to kill palestinian children for their wicked blood rituals. (when you grow up and stop trolling maybe I'll tell you the real answer to the OP's question except the OP looks like a troll too) |
2002/11/5 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo, Health/Sleeping] UID:26414 Activity:nil |
11/4 New poll: Now that Maggie Cheung is divorced, you would sleep with her if you had the chance: Yes: . No: Who's Maggie Cheung?: .. Are you kidding, she's one of those 35+ wrinkled up old asian prunes: . \_ http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/6863/mcg.html Maybe 30 years ago but now she's a hag. |
2002/7/10-11 [Health/Sleeping, Health/Women] UID:25323 Activity:very high |
7/10 more on gene: http://csua.org/u/72 \_ he shouldn've went to grad school \_ Is this a contracted contraction of "shouldn't have"? \_ the story was on the front page of Yahoo... \_ I still think the RIAA did it \_ "it" being yermom? \_ Drove him to it or had him sniped? \_ Ugly stuff, depression. I'm sorry he didn't think he could get help from a professional before he died. \_ Actually, he did get help from a professional. The Wired story alluded to his getting on Prozac. You can't get a scrip for Prozac (for depression-- it is prescribed for other things) without seeing a professional. Mental health professionals are of varying quality, and though they can do good, they can also do tremendous harm. This is especially true when medication is involved because we don't really fully understand how Prozac and the other modern anti-depressants work. One of the problems with anti-depressants is that they can give someone who would otherwise lie in bed all day just enough get up and go to attempt suicide. - seen it happen \_ And also, the kneejerk prescription of Prozac or Wellbutrin and the insistence of excessively long stretches (2-3 months feels terrible don't help either. There are some psychiatrists out there who need to be smacked. instead of say 6 weeks) to "test it out" even if the person feels terrible don't help either. There are some psychiatrists out there who need to be smacked. \_ Although I agree with you that Prozac and Zyban are over-prescribed, I'd disagree that 2-3 months is an unreasonable time frame to test the medications out. It takes most individuals approximately 1 month to acclimate to SSRIs. Effects vary wildly in that first month, and two weeks really is much too brief a time frame to evaluate whether the medication is having a net positive effect. One problem that is quite common is that SSRIs are incredibly dose sensitive and vary widely in effect between different people's brain chemistry. As a result, many psychiatrists play a dangerous game with each patient when trying to evaluate what works best for that particular individual. I have friends who are now quite stable and happy largely due to meds, but, for many of them, the period where they were trying to figure out which medication and what dosage was one of their most trying periods. \_ Indeed. Note I said 6 weeks (not 2). I have a close friend who had a seizure on wellbutrin (I know it was a seizure. I was there.) And her doctor REFUSED to believe that she had one. She very quickly found a new doctor who tried a couple other meds and found to treat patients with respect. If you feel like there's an aspiring deity posing as a doctor, get a second opinion. \_ I can't belive all this bullshit on prescription drugs! You guys actually buy this bullshit? You want to get out of depression? Try cooking your own food from fresh ingredients every day instead of eating restaurant crap or processed crap. Cut back on meat intake and exercise at least 30 minutes a day. for thousands of years human being thrived without allergy medications or anti depressants. What makes you people so special that you need these chemicals that just control the symptons? \_ hello Tawei. What about high quality vitamin C? \_ stfu that Zoloft worked wonderfully. All I wanted to say was that there are many doctors out there who feel like playing god, and there are many doctors who know how to treat patients with respect. If you feel like there's an aspiring deity posing as a doctor, get a second opinion. |
2002/5/16 [Health/Sleeping] UID:24848 Activity:high |
5/16 Anyone have any experience with mattresses from IKEA? They seem to be considerably cheaper than elsewhere. On a related note, anyone know how much IKEA charge for delivery? - First time mattress shoper \_ My girlfriend has one. She likes it. I like it. It wasn't delivered, so can't answer that one, but the mattress is great. \_ I have one. It's on the guest bed. The second guest bed. When guests come over I pull out the sofa sleeper for them. It's not *that* bad for the price (like most things IKEA) but (also like most things IKEA) don't compare it to anything of quality. I think delivery was about $29. It depends on distance. --dim \_ Well, I'm not very picky. It's just that one of my cousin told me that their mattress springs wore out really quickly. It's just one case, and I don't know what their sex life is like, so I thought I'd get more input. Thanks for the delivery info. Just trying to see if I'm better off getting a u-haul. -op |
2002/4/29 [Health/Sleeping, Computer/Rants] UID:24629 Activity:nil |
4/28 http://www.cybcon.com/~weitzeo \_ can't sleep. clown will eat me. can't sleep. clown will eat me. |
2001/12/18 [Health/Sleeping] UID:23284 Activity:very high |
12/17 Why is too soft of a mattress bad for the back? My mattress is soft and it bents downward when I sleep on it, and sometimes my back hurts when I wake up. I don't understand why it'd make my back hurt since my back muscles are all relaxed when I'm sleeping anyway. \_ soft mattresses are bad because your back is not straight when you sleep on them. I'd definitely recommend futons or tatamis over any mattress. You can get futons everywhere. I've only found one place that sells tatamis. There's a store in Cupertino called Murakaki or something like that. They carry tatamis or various sizes that can be put onto a regular bed frame. I have the king sized tatami bed. It's great. In the winter I have a futon over the tatami. In the summer I just sleep on the tatami. \_ Please sign your post. I've a few questions for you. --ulysses \_ But doesn't sleeping on a tatami hurt too? For an average person without a very big waist, the butt sticks out more than the lower back. So sleeping on a tatami either leaves the lower back up in the air and puts all the pressure on the butt, or forces the lower back to bent in the U shape so as to rest on the tatami. Isn't that so? Thx. \_ millions of people in East Asia sleeps on tatamis everyday. I doubt they're all hurting. If it's too hard for you, just put a thin futon (or any old blanket) over it. \_ you expect an answer from *CS*UA? \_ it seems reasonable to me that the poster might expect an answer on the subject... especially given all the blather a few days ago about breathing with diaphragms vs. inter- costals. c'mon pre-med's... where you at? \_ on second thought, they're probably all sleeping in main stacks or something before their o-chem finals... give it a couple days. \_ http://www.ask.com \_ They're not all relaxed when you're sleeping, that's the thing. They're kinda stretched, since you're kind of in a U shape. Think of how you're hanging if your head and feet were tied to ropes on the ceiling. Your back is in kind of the same configured, but less extreme obviously. \_ Kinky. What's your URL? Trade pics? |
2001/8/15-16 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Men, Health/Sleeping] UID:22119 Activity:nil |
8/15 "In what is present-day Thailand, they were thrilled to discover that the local men were happy to allow their wives to entertain and even sleep with the visitors.": http://www.time.com/time/asia/features/journey2001 \_ post a more specific url please... it's not on the cover page |
2001/7/18-19 [Health/Sleeping, Health/Women] UID:21842 Activity:high |
7/18 sky, what's the optimal way to work out? Max weight (till muscle failure) with minimal time, medium weight with maximal time, or somewhere in between? And what's the best recovery period? \_ max weight 3x per week. recovery/stairmaster for the rest of the time. \_ I've tried a million different workouts and apart from the really stupid 2 hour work outs I did in high school, it doesn't make that much difference. The most important thing to do is eat right, sleep right, minimize stress, and make sure you work out with enough weight to challenge your muscles. In the 4 months I was following this advice I got to benching sets of 6 at 320 lbs. Of course now that I have a life I'm nowhere near that strong. -emin \_ I've found the best way to work out is *variety*. Take bench press for instance. One week, just do 3 sets of 10-12 at the same weight. Next week, try incline presses and/or decline presses. Another week, do 3-4 sets, increasing 10 pounds per set, to exhaustion. Your muscles are highly efficient at adjusting to the same routine, so you have to constantly surprise them with a different routine. \_ why are you asking sky? Shouldn't you be asking ax? http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~ax \_ this gets more to the point: http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~ax/Superman.jpg \_ I'm not sky, but I can confirm that no more than 3X a week for weights is a good rule of thumb. The secret to your muscle endurance and agility also involves cardiovascular activities. Stairmasters, treadmills, escalators, etc., so you want to make sure you balance your weight-lifting with such exercises. Also watch your diet too; and your day-to-day posture. (no slouching when you sit coding 8-10 hours a day) And a touch of positive mental attitude to get your arse to the gym religiously. For more info, check out http://www.menshealth.com Plenty of good make-sense tips on variety of workout you'd ever need. - jthoms \_ Is it 3X a week on the same muscle group or 3X a week overall? I'm confused because I also heard that the best is to have a 5-day cycle, where you work on one separate muscle group on each of the first four days and then rest on the fifth day. \_ It depends on your purpose. (btw, this was covered on motd a few months ago, if you want to see the archive). Get big on a certain muscle groups (chest, shoulder or arm), focus on each group each time you work out. You're less likely to tear a muscle if you pace yourself though. If you just want to get toned, or have limited time to spend at the gym, do comprehensive workout that works different muscle groups. You may alternate chest, then butts, then shoulder, then upper back, etc. to prevent fatigue. - jthoms |
2001/1/26-28 [Industry/Jobs, Health/Sleeping] UID:20444 Activity:high |
1/26 What fantasy books are you guys reading these days? I've went thru Tolkein and Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series and looking for more. \_ Philip Pullman, CS Lewis if you don't mind xtian mythos. Brust, Dave Duncan, S. King's Gunslinger books, AS Byatt. \_ I liked the Dragonlance world, especially the books about Raistlin. \_ I got depressed and re-read all the Wizard Of Earthsea books, it cheered me up, they are pretty short and it would probably only take you a few days. \_ I read Playboy. Quite a fantasy away from my marriage that I can't get out of. \_ http://www.worldcon.org/hy.html \_ http://www.hitmen.org \_ Actually, David Edding's series is very good. Check it out. \_ It's good for exactly one read. Do not under any circumstances reread this series, or you will lose your respect for Eddings (let alone because he keeps retelling the same story over and over again from a slightly different perspective... a sure sign of someone who's run out of ideas... like Orson Scott Card) \_ The Feynman Lectures on Physics. The author's narrative is captivating throughout the entire trilogy, AND IT ISN'T ALL MADE UP. When will you people grow up, D&D is for kids. \_ grumpy! \_ I shall lop off your tongue with my +5 Vorpal Sword! \_ Is it just me or do most people's FANTASY NOT INVOLVE Physics? The guy asked for fantasy books and most of the people above gave relevant answer. Yes fantasy books are a waste of time but THAT'S THE POINT. Keep your pedagogue to yourself. The rest of us know where to look when we feel like using our brains. \_ my main reason for reading fantasy and watching cartoons is to stop the goddamn phsics /math dreams. when you wake up after 7 hours and all you can remember of your sleep is hour after hour of equations and seeing graphs of fundctions that you *almost* know how to integrate, but can't wquite find an anyalytical expression because you're fucking sleeping, it just doesn't feel like you really dreamt. i think feynman's books are overreated anyway. robert asprin kicks ass. -physics grad student \_ Fantasy shmantasy. David Drake's Hammer's Slammers is what you need to brighten up your dull dreary day. Several books worth of testosterone driven blood 'n' guts, boy! \_ Tolkien was great, but nothing beats wuxia novels, if you can read Chinese. It was worse than opium. read Chinese. It was more addictive than opium. \_ Hammer's Slammers. David Drake. No weird shit, just raw blood n guts. Simple, straight forward, no science-as-magic ringworld crap. Try it, you'll like it. Remove your fantasy straight jacket. Be free! |
2000/8/25-26 [Health/Sleeping] UID:19093 Activity:low 63%like:19003 |
8/24 Twin bed matress and box spring for sale. $5.00 --daveh \_ isn't that the sort of thing you just give away and are thankful for someone taking off your hands? Cheap bastard. \_ I think the idea is if you charge for it people will will think it's a nice one. \_ You're right, he offered this thing for free awhile ago. \_ no one wants daveh's skanky mattress \_ no one wants daveh's skanky dick |
1999/3/3 [Health/Sleeping] UID:15528 Activity:high |
3/3 Study shows that not getting enough sleep (+9 hours a day) will affect your growth and immune system and will ultimately affect your health. Lately, I have been getting 10-11 hours of sleep. Is there any case study on over-sleeping and your state of health? \_ i haven't seen any studies on over-sleeping. all i know is that it tends to make you sluggish and tired if you sleep too much. it seems to confuse your body into not being able to energize itself for the waking state. different people need different amounts of sleep though. for some people 6 hrs is fine. others need 10... \_ Wait, can anyone who makes a decent living by working sleep more than 8 hours a day except weekends? Also I thought 8 hours is the healthy standard. \_ Very few people on soda are young enough to worry about stunting their growth. \_ A healthy standard is 7 hours of sleep and 1 hour of sex (preferrably threesome) per day. |
1998/10/28-29 [Health/Sleeping] UID:14847 Activity:low |
10/27 http://www.brunching.com/features/feature-yourmom.html |
1998/5/5 [Health/Sleeping] UID:14046 Activity:nil |
5/4 I have no bed. I sleep on the floor. I will buy any sleeping apparatus if the price is good. Anyone know anything? |
1998/4/8 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Health/Sleeping] UID:13921 Activity:very high 66%like:13922 |
4/8 So how much sleep does the average CS student get around here? \_ depends on class and date. When I took 152 and 184 the same time I average anywhere between 0-24 hours of sleep. Mean was like 5-6 hours at best. It wasn't pleasant \_ depends on professor too. FUCK YOU AIKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \_ I had plenty of sleep when I took 164 under Aiken. You must suck. \_ If I get laid, maybe two hours a night. So I sleep about an average of twenty hours a week. \_ I spent some sleepless nights during the final phases of writing my Cool compiler for 164, but I'm sure that I did much better in Aiken's class, sleep-wise (and grade- wise), than if I'd waited a semester to be part of Hilfinger's first experimental "hey, let's write a Java compiler" 164 class. Aiken was _hardly_ that bad. \_ I've graduated. I get around 5 hours of sleep on average during the week. Sometimes as much as 7 but thats pretty rare. 3 happens too. |
1998/1/26-27 [Health/Sleeping] UID:13564 Activity:nil 60%like:13560 |
1/24 I need a mattress transported from LA to Berkeley. willing to pay between 20 and 40 depending on how soon can be done. -nesim \_ just buy a new mattress, sheeze. \_ Maybe there's a special "romantic" attachment to this one if you know what I mean..... \_ A new mattress won't have such stains. \_ Obviously. I think he wants to keep them. Like an old, used girlfriend or something: warn but comfortable. \_ comfortable is one thing, smelly is another. |
3/15 |