3/14 |
2013/4/17-5/18 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:54659 Activity:nil |
4/17 Just a thought. Say we select a small percentagle of the population (e.g. 100000 people) with representations from all walks of life (scientists, engineers, doctors, chefs, plumbers, nannies, ...) except bad guys, transport them to a distant earth-like planet with abundant natural resources, and take away all man-made objects (machines, clothes, books, medicines, all tools, ...) How long will it take for them to re-build a civilization when all they have is the knowledge stored in their brains? \_ Less than 100 years, IMO. \_ history proves that mankind almost always self-destructs in a large scale until the advent of nuclear weapons. Also, more likely than not, a new disease will come out and wipe out a large % of the population. Without the continued production and research in diseases, those 100,000 people will be reduced really quickly. \_ But that hasn't happened since we learned about germs and how diseases are actually transmitted, which these 100k would know. \_ you underestimate the amount of resources (man + hours) to setup a lab, which can only be done in a very stable country with abundance of resources. \_ All you need is soap, clean water and a good way to dispose of human waste. But even getting that going is pretty hard, as anyone who has been to a 3rd world contry can attest to. \_ try to find vaccine for H1N1 or drugs for AIDS with 100,000 people, most of which will not be doing research or making microscopes and computers and such. It takes just one new strand of disease to wipe out huge populations. \_ I would be more worried about the ancient killers: cholera, tyhpus, typhoid ferver and dysentary. It is possible that they 100k could be screened, but soemthing would most likely slip through. something would most likely slip through. \_ I don't think they would in any reasonable amount of time. They might get to the bronze age before they forgot everything but that would be about it. Getting to the steam engine from scratch is just too hard. Most of them would die off pretty quickly unless you included lots and lots of people who were experienced hunters, fishermen and farmers. In subsistance economies, almost everyone has to focus on just generating enough food. \_ as pointed it, its goign to depend alot on the availability of natural resources. Worst case you drop them in an inhospitable desert and they all die in a few days. How fast they advance is going to be a huge function of how much of their time is spent spent surviving. \- It is also possible 100k people isnt enough genetic diversity to avoid interbreeding -> propagating bad recessive traits. I dunno if there are any good examples of island/isolated populations of this size with reasonable medical care [so you're not getting people dyning of simple infections etc]. --psb |
3/14 |
2011/4/22-7/13 [Consumer/CellPhone, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:54093 Activity:nil |
4/22 Costco is selling "Bluetooth Capable Premium Digital Hearing Aids" for $1999.99 a pair. My Bluetooth cell phone headset is maybe $30 for one ear. Why does hearing aid cost so much? \_ Medical insurance? \_ Does $2000-your medical deductible = $30? \_ How come insurance companies allow such rip-offs? \_ They're partnered with the BCPDHA company. |
2011/3/31-4/20 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/Virus] UID:54067 Activity:nil |
3/21 what are these virus phages? Can they be repurposed? \_ are you <b>insane?</b> you really want to start messing with recombinant <ul>rna</ul> crap when we don't even understand the normal virus lifecycle? |
2009/2/12-18 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:52563 Activity:nil |
2/12 An AIDS/HIV cure via a bone-marrow transplant: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,491509,00.html |
2008/11/10-26 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:51901 Activity:nil |
11/10 lolz when your 401k is gone, heroin will look pretty attractive http://www.lectlaw.com/files/drg23.htm \_ Hardly, that crap's expensive! Now, crank maybe... \_ shooting heroin leaves you VERY constipated. seriously. sometimes when i shoot junk i don't have to shit for 2 weeks. |
2008/10/14-15 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:51523 Activity:nil |
10/14 I don't understand this whole AIDS walk BS. Instead of saying "I'm going to walk X miles, can you donate $1 per mile?" why don't they just simplify it and say "Give me whatever $ you got"? Why make it so complex? Sheesh \_ Because charity events get more people involved in asking for money. Duh. -tom |
2008/10/2-6 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:51345 Activity:nil |
10/1 Guess that "CIA created it" theory is shot: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081001/sc_nm/us_aids_origin_5 \_ Someone better tell Obama. \_ And why, pray tell, is that? \_That's one of Rev. Wright's talking points. \_ You're a troll at best, and an idiot regardless. |
2008/4/14-19 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Men] UID:49747 Activity:kinda low |
4/14 Political correctness over science http://csua.org/u/l9y \_ I think you have it exactly backwards; the Red Cross' position is \_ I think you have it exactly backwards; the FDA's position is fear-mongering over science. -tom \_ Oh, classification as high-risk isn't science? \_ All blood is tested. The vast majority of gay men are HIV-. \_ How good is the test? What is the percentage of men who have sex with men who have HIV compared to percentage of men who don't have sex with men? \_ The test is good enough that the Red Cross and America's Blood Centers call the FDA's policy "medically and scientifically unwarranted." But feel free to keep digging. -tom \_ So you don't know the comparative percentages? \_ Keep digging. -tom \_ "The FDA said HIV tests currently in use are highly accurate, but still cannot detect the virus 100 percent of the time." \_ How accurate is it? \_ Maybe they did a cost-benefit analysis of whether the increase in infections due to false negatives from a higher risk population outweighs the benefit of the extra blood. How often do HIV tests give false negatives? \_ Maybe you're talking out of your ass. \_ I would be astonished if any kind of real risk analysis was done. Just like most things in our society, it is all a result of pandering to the worst instincts in people. \_ Eh, the Red Cross got burned very badly in the 80's on HIV. People dying from blood donations is not cool. I can understand why they're touchy about it. They are very touchy about a lot of other things as well, visiting prostitutes, traveling through malaria infested areas, any possible exposure to hepetitis, feeling even SLIGHTY under the weather, etc. \_ The Red Cross thinks the policy should be changed. -tom \_ African American men are 8x more likely to have HIV than white males. African American women are over 18x more likely to have HIV than white females. ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/onap/facts.html ) Would you be ok with the Red Cross saying if you are black you can't give blood? \_ Oh man. You're asking this on the motd? Here we go... \_ Your numbers don't really say anything, but I'll wager that even at 18x the rate of whites, it's still not 'high-risk' the way gay men are. If blacks are high-risk, then sure. Giving blood is not a right, it's not even a privilege. Addendum: according to a 1994-2000 study, about 10% of Men who have sex with men have HIV. That's a pretty huge risk. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5205a2.htm \_ That same survey claims HIV among african americans is even higher. I think that you are extrapolating bad data though. It's not saying 10% of all gay men have HIV. \_ No, the study refers to black men in the survey, not among Blacks generally. \_ I think you mean black gay/bi men. \_ Doesn't it say about 10% of men they tested and interviewed 'who attended MSM-identified venues?' I guess that is sort of self-selected. Go ahead and find some better data. \_ The whitehouse fact sheet says there are ~900k HIV cases in america. There are more than 9 million men who have had sex with men. \_ How many MSM are there in the US? \_ Even so, about 70% of new AIDS cases are due to MSM contact. Given that this is also a realitively small section of the population, that makes it THE high risk behavior. (They also include high-risk heterosexual contact and IV drug use as people who can't give blood.) http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/resources/factsheets/msm.htm \_ None of this discussion above approaches a real cost-benefit analaysis, but at least it is a discussion about what the real risk is. How many people catch diseases today due to blood transfusions? What would that percentage look like if gay men were allowed to donate? How much is the cost of the additional diseases? How much does it cost the country to have the reduced blood supply? You would have to answer all these questions (and probably some more) before you could do a real risk analysis. Simply being risk adverse is not the same thing. Most people are sheep and terrified of shit that is never going to happen to them, like terrorism. \_ Unless you're one of the people killed by it or knows someone who was. But that'll never happen. Bad stuff only happens to other people. \_ Or unless you're one of the people killed because of a blood shortage. Risk works both ways. -tom \_ Is there any evidence that excluding certain high risk groups will result in a blood shortage or are you just talking out of your ass again? \_ I am sure that it costs money. How much money? Has anyone actually bothered to do the calculation? much, we will never know, because fear, not logic, rules the human heart. \_ If you are that fearful, how do you ever gather the courage to leave your house in the morning? I am sure your chances of dying in a car accident on the way to work are much greater than any risk caused by tainted blood. You are one of the sheep I was referring to earlier. Your masters have told you to be fearful and you bleat approvingly, not even understanding why. \_ Wow, perfect example of someone who has lost trying to regain some face. Sadly, you've failed. \_ People are poor gaugers of risk, that's well known. I bet you are to, do you think swimming is a good idea? Anyway, to respond to the only intelligent thing you said, if you want to know, why not ask the Red Cross? Seems more effective than trolling the motd. I know they have some numbers on tainted blood. They check carefully to make sure a donor does not have a cold, for example. Why? Because many people receiving blood have suppressed immune systems. They could certainly tell you if there is a serious blood shortage that people die from. (I doubt it) As for a real risk analysis, I bet part of the answer is that the PR aspect would result in more deaths than actually tainted blood would. It only takes one case to get people into a tizzy, and some people would refuse blood because they wouldn't trust the FDA to have correctly analyzed and advertised the real risks. \_ I get paid to do risk analysis, so at least someone thinks I am good at it. If nothing else, I have more experience at it than most people. Colds are common and hard to screen for, HIV is neither. I am glad to see that you are at least starting to come around to my main point: the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And rather than reassure people, the Red Cross just pandered to the fear-mongering. So it goes. else, I have more experience than most. Colds are common and hard to screen for, HIV is neither. I am glad to see that you are at least starting to come around to my main point: the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And rather than reassure people, the Red Cross just pandered to the fear-mongering. So it goes. \_ I see you still can't provide any evidence to back up your speculation. The opposing debators have provided quite a bit of evidence that doesn't 100% answer your question, but does show that a reasonable risk exists. I don't want to hear your useless blather, put up or shut up. \_ No, they have not provided any hard evidence for their opinions whatsover. Here, read this and get back to me: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=4989 "it appears at this time that the risk of possible transfusion- associated AIDS is on the order of one case per million patients transfused. There is a risk that widespread attempts to direct donations, while not increasing the safety of transfusions, will seriously disrupt the nation's blood donor system." (Page 74) \_ "The Red Cross thinks the policy should be dropped." |
2008/2/21-25 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Skin] UID:49209 Activity:nil |
2/21 There is a sore on my groin. Is it herpes? \_ If you bike a lot, it'll go away. \_ I am pretty sure that no one licensed to practice medicine posts to the motd. Go see a doctor. \_ I think there is one. \_ There are a lot of things it could be. It probably isn't herpes, but you should definitely get the sore examined before it goes away to be sure. If you don't have insurance, there are plenty of free clinics that offer this service. \_ i thought herpes gave you this IMMEDIATE FIERY WHITE SORE OF DEATH LEAKING HERPES INFESTED FLUID DOWN MY LEG INTO MY DRESS SHOES INFECTING ALL I COME IN CONTACT WITH ON THE SUBWAY, but my symptom is this little annoying bump. No fluid (yet). No scab (yet). Just sitting there. I don't know what it is. \_ Sheesh. calm down dude. It's not AIDS \_ You have smallpox. No big deal. \_ smallpox guy nuked my post, but anyway... you could have this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molluscum_contagiosum which isn't really that big of a deal. You might have genital warts. You might have a couple of other dozen things. You might even have herpes, which has enormous variability in symptoms. Mostly, you need to get yourself to the clinic and stop ranting on the motd. You'll be fine. Get a hold of yourself. \_ Woah thats gnarly. \_ What, molluscum? Nah. Clinics don't even bother to treat it, since it has no ill health effects, causes no pain or irritation, and tends to go away on its own without recurrence. There's also no evidence that condoms do much to help prevent its spread, since it can be transmitted just by skin contact. If he has it and he's really freaked out about it, he can get a doctor to freeze the bump(s) off. \_ I used to have this on my lower body (from stomach down) for more than ten years. It came and went by itself. Neither betadine nor permangenate helped. Then it mysteriously stopped a few years ago, and I have no idea why. \_ Yeah, it's an odd one. Children get it on their faces a lot as well. Essentially the virus is in the papule, and contact spreads it. The reason it came and went is that molluscum has a high tendency to "self-infect" - i.e., you rub the bump on your lower stomach, then rub some other part of your stomach and pretty soon you've got two bumps. And like you said, it just seems to go away by itself. This isn't the same mechanism as herpes recurrence, however. \_ My symptoms do not look like http://www.herpes-coldsores-treatment-pictures.com but the 'weird pimple shows up once, then another a few weeks later' bit does. but the 'weird pimple shows up once, then another a few weeks later' bit does. \_ You sound like you have molluscum for sure. You should get a doctor to check it out, and maybe freeze the bumps off if you're really concerned. \_ Sounds like syphilis to me. \_ key word: usually |
2007/12/4-7 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:48742 Activity:kinda low |
12/4 1968 on the History Channel. Don't miss it. \_ what was so great about 1968? \_ the most memorable turbulent times for those who lived it. \_ which includes how many people here? \_ My uncle tells me about 1968. Freedom of expression, free love, free joints. Lots of sex. Oh, those were the days. \_ Sounds very much like 2007. And I need to watch smelly people do it in 1968? \_ No. AIDS and condoms pretty much ruined the idea of free sex, with anyone, anywhere, any time. |
2007/9/25-27 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:48182 Activity:very high |
9/25 So, anyone know offhand *why* healthcare costs are going up at 3x inflation? What is driving this insane inflation in health costs? Are health costs snowballing because more and more are uninsured, forcing the fewer and fewer insured to pay more and more to cover the uninsured? If so, is this a government-created crisis, because hospitals by law cannot turn away those without health insurance, and so they *must* screw their fewer and fewer remaining paying customers? *Where is all that money going?* --PeterM \_ You are a scientist, Peter. Pretend American healthcare is a natural system. What experiments would you set up to figure this out? -- ilyas \_ [serious callers only] out? [Have something to contribute other than a retarded troll and you won't be deleted.] -- ilyas \_ Self follow-on--some claim doctors are receiving the lion's share of the increase in cost as salary. Is that true? Are we being driven bankrupt by a lot of greedy fucking doctors? Or are they merely responding to increased malpractice costs? --PeterM \_ It's not going to doctors who, on an hourly basis, make less now than doctors did 30 years ago. Most doctors have had to see a lot more patients to keep their salaries flat. Doctors say that the money is going to the HMOs. It should be easy to verify that by looking at their profits. My guess is that \_ Not necessarily, it could be the 'dead hand' effect. -- ilyas the money is going to more expensive and complicated procedures like MRIs and heary bypass surgery that were almost unheard like MRIs and heart bypass surgery that were almost unheard of in the 1970s and which are now extremely common. Valve transplants, chemotherapy, and the like are very expensive. Some procedures have been made cheaper with, for example, laproscopy, but there are so many new ones and the technology and drugs are expensive. Before health costs were cheaper because you *died*. Now medicine can keep you alive for a large fee. \_ i just heard it was to fund the bureaucracy that is American health care \_ Hint: what causes inflation? \_ Answer: increase in the money supply. There is more money chasing after the services. Now, why is there more money doing this? \_ People don't want to die. For most it's worth it to pay $1000/month in insurance to avoid dying when you need that $150K surgery. Some treatments (like for HIV) cost in excess of $1M. \_ I'm not sure I agree with your explanation. Yes, people don't want to die, and there is more money chasing services, but isn't that because people are living much longer, and, generally speaking, older individuals need more medical care and have more money to pay for it? -dans \_ "need more medical care" = "not wanting to die" No one *needs* medical care. It may not seem like a conscious choice, but it is. Examine how people respond when faced with a terminal illness. Some people choose to go home and die quietly. Others choose to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on treatment that probably won't help. More people are choosing to use expensive medical services and that is why they are living longer. Of course, there is a cost to doing so - a cost that a whole society seems willing to bear so far, although I think we are getting close to the breaking point. \_ Um, by your rationale, no one needs food. I find your viewpoint to be either exceptionally stupid or exceptionally crass. Also, terminal illnesses are, by definition, uncurable. The current attitude toward treating terminal illnesses isn't one of trying to cure them, but of trying to provide a patient with an acceptable level of quality of life. This need not be expensive, e.g., morphine is cheap. -dans \_ You think that we are not trying to treat/cure terminal illnesses like AIDS and cancer? Get over your gut-level reaction to my response and read what I am saying, which is that people are choosing expensive medical care versus dying. Do you dispute that? The reason people did not choose that medical care before is because it did not exist. That doesn't mean it needs to exist. Just because some people have Ferraris doesn't mean we all are entitled to one. BTW, we don't need medical care like we need food. It's perfectly possible to live to 60-70-80 years old without ever seeing a doctor. People a century ago lived that long and longer - maybe not as many of them, but that's life. Medicine is extending lives and that is very much a choice people make. people make. My gf's grandma had a valve transplant at 87 years old. She's now 93. 100 years ago she'd be dead, but society said it's worth $150K (or whatever) to give her another 5-10 years of life. \_ Thank you for proving my point. -dans \_ Medical care is a human right. -dans \_ No. \_ From the UN Declaration of Human Rights: Article 25. \_ This document is a joke, and is even self-conflicting. See Article 17 \_ Kindly cite a document you deem to be worthy of your eminence. -dans (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Your welcome to disagree, but, as I said earlier this makes you either a) stupid or b) an asshole. -dans \_ Figuring out what is a human right is a problem for philosophers, not something you leave up for the UN to define. Fuck the UN. -- ilyas \_ The American notion of human rights tends to be more along the lines of what's outlined in our Declaration of Independence. Specifically, I'm thinking of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." What you're talking about is guaranteeing the success of an individual's pursuit of happiness. This is a popular notion with the political left, and I appreciate that they have the best of intentions, but their intent is not sufficient to transform success into a natural human right. \_ I'm an American. What gives you the right to generalize about the "American" notion of human rights? Furthermore, the idea that human rights differ from one nationality to the next is spectacularly stupid. And, no, I'm not talking about guaranteeing the successful pursuit of happiness, I'm talking about the pursuit of *life*. Also, line originally read "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of property", but that doesn't read as well. -dans \_ I'm the pp and I am not the person who wrote "No". However, I agree to the extent that a minimal level of healthcare is a right. That doesn't mean all healthcare is a right. \_ I disagree because I think a right cannot be something that must be supplied by someone else. Since someone must provide health care, it cannot be a right. \_ Well, everything is provided by someone else. Food, clothing, clean water, etc. Police/fire/security is also provided by someone else. \_no. liberty can be taken by someone, but it is not "provided" see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_and_positive_rights \_ I wouldn't call any of those things you list rights. Free speech, and bearing arms are rights, food is not. see http://urltea.com/1l4s (wikipedia) \_ I wouldn't call any of those things you list rights. Free speech, and bearing arms are rights, food is not. \_ Apparently you don't really understand the concept of Human Rights. -dans \_ What is "adequate" medical care? As has been mentioned, there is virtually no limit to what could be spent in medical efforts. Perhaps it should be the right to *access* medical care. (I also don't think the "right to housing" is implemented in this country. Maybe I didn't get the memo.) \_ That we as a society and a species fail to implement the ideal of human rights does not mean we should not strive to do so. -dans \_right. But the fact that striving to provide "positive" rights often results in a net loss of rights, should give us pause in our do-gooder zeal. See _The Road to Smurfdom_ by F.A. Hayek. -phuqm \_ right. But the fact that striving to provide "positive" rights often results in a net loss of rights, should give us pause in our do-gooder zeal. See _The Road to Smurfdom_ by F.A. Hayek. -phuqm \_ Um, no. -dans \_ I disagree because I think a right cannot be something that must be supplied by someone else. Since someone must provide health care, it cannot be a right. \_ Well, everything is provided by someone else. Food, clothing, clean water, etc. Police/fire/security is also provided by someone else. \_no. liberty can be taken by someone, but it is not "provided" see http://urltea.com/1l4s (wikipedia) \_ I wouldn't call any of those things you list rights. Free speech, and bearing arms are rights, food is not. \_ Apparently you don't really understand the concept of Human Rights. -dans \_ No, I just think mixing up things that must be provided (medical care) with things that just shouldn't be taken away (freedoms) is a very basic cognative mismatch. Certainly everyone having food and medical care is a good thing, but they are not rights. You can disagree, but it's evidence that you can't reason clearly. A problem I see a lot these days. \_ It seems there's lots of mixing from all sides. You're equating "rights" and "freedoms". Rights are what the social contract allows one to justly claim. As such, I personally believe access to health care and education should be defined as "rights" in this wealthy country of ours. Freedom is an interesting word. The realm of free men. Hmm.. Check FDR's four freedoms speech. There's a lot more muddiness than you seem willing to admit. You're treading into "what are we as a nation" territory with blinders on. --scotsman \_ Who said anything about restricting this to our nation? \_ Well, as you're claiming medical care isn't a right, you're not talking about most of Europe, or even most of the developed world, other than US. Do you know what you're saying? --scotsman \_ Insurance and gov't funded medicare/aid is funneling tons of money into health care. The 3rd party payer is making sure no one knows how much anything costs. Only now with HSAs are we encouraging people to pay attention to costs. Some of the money is going to administrative costs of dealing with insurance/medicare reimbursement. \_ You think medicare is less transparent than HMOs and medical insurance companies? How much of Medicare spending would you say goes to administrative costs? \_ Medicare is significantly more transparent than private health insurance plans/companies. Medicare's administrative costs are exceptionally low, i.e. under 5%. This is all well documented, and can be easily verified with a simple google search. -dans (not pp) \_ Have you ever actually known anyone on MC? I do. I'd rather have the opaque HMO/POS/PPO system. \_ Transparancy isn't the issue. It's the issue of knowing what insurance/medicare will or won't cover, submitting requests for reimbursement, etc. \_ How or why is this an issue? Yeah, insurance could be less complex/more user friendly but, it's not that complicated. Filing an insurance claim is certainly no more complex than filing taxes, and most people seem capable of doing that. -dans \_ LOL! Re: Taxes My neighbor is a doctor and when his stay-at-home wife finally decided to help out in the office she found thousands of dollars in claims that had not been paid to him. There's a lot of following up that has to be done and the process is VERY complicated. He has a staff of maybe 4 people to handle this for his practice, which has 3 other partners, and his wife (who has a vested interest in it and thus did a better job than the staff did) found all of this mess. Have you ever had a major illness? If you have you'd know that even the people billing you have no idea what you do or do not owe. It takes months or even years for it all to be sorted out and even then there's probably still money on the table that no one bothers tracking. It's a big game where the insurance company refuses to pay until you retain a lawyer (more $$$) and they can have their doctors examine you and so on. \_ I'm sorry, but you're just wrong. The situation where you need to hire a lawyer to get your insurance to pay out is an abberation. It is not the norm. Either that or your insurance carrier just sucks. -dans \_ I am not saying it is the norm, but it is common if you have big medical bills. Have you ever had big medical bills, especially from an emergency (where approvals and such were not done beforehand and you go to the hospital the ambulance takes you to)? If not, you are the one who is wrong. If so, do tell. I have personal experience with this and when my old employer changed medical plans (to one that sucked) we had an open forum where I heard stories you've probably never dreamed of. One guy was paying $800 per month out of pocket for his own diabetes treatment *with insurance* because it was "pre-existing" and that coverage took a year to kick in. I think you only know from healthy 20something s/w engineer who uses Kaiser HMO to have bloodwork done. \_ Oh dear oh dear are you ever wrong. I have two navels. I was born with one. I have a pre-ex. I know how to read an insurance contract. What you're describing is neither normal, nor common. Please go read some actual statistics. Incidentally, you do realize that pre-ex causes reduce realize that pre-ex clauses reduce what you pay as a private individual for health care? -dans \_ It's definitely not being eaten by doctors. Doctors' costs of business, particularly malpractice insurance, is growing much faster than their salaries. I have a friend who just graduated from med school and she tells me that her net income from practicing medicine will likely never exceed what I make writing code for a startup. To put it mildly, this is fucked. -dans \_ She probably will make more, even accounting for the costs of medical school, but she won't pull ahead until very late in her career. The nice thing about being a doctor is that at 70 you can still see a few patients and make $80K/year while I doubt you will be coding at that age. However, your comment about insurance is correct. Lawyers pay about $13K/year for malpractice insurance, but OB/GYN pay about $100K/year. Critics would point out that doctors in the US still make more than doctors anywhere else in the world, though, even accounting for these expenses. BTW, why do you think it's "fucked" that you make more than a doctor? You are both professionals providing services society wants. I think it's fucked that doctors make 3-4x what nurses make. It's not like your friend is going to have a bad life or anything. \_ Free market efficiency! If we had socialized medicine, we'd be paying 10x for lower quality! \_ So what it seems like to me, is that insurance policies need to severely limit the upper end of heroic medical measures they'll cover, and who they'll cover them for. No heart transplants for 55-year-old males with liver disease. But yes to emergency care for a 20-year-old in a car wreck, provided that care won't produce a $100k/yr vegetable to care for? No, to lifelong $1M/year drug regimens, but yes, to insulin? \_ And who are *you* to decide who lives and dies? \_ Is this a serious question? To answer anyway: I'm one of the decreasing number of people who pays insurance and so covers the cost of heroic medicine. Seems like I should have some say into how that money is applied? \_ No. Really, the idea that you are some how propping up the system with your payments is an illusion. -dans \_ Whose payments are propping it up if not yours, mine, and his? \_ Magic government money. \_ It should be decided by capacity to pay. If that's not "fair" then what is fair? Is it worth $100B to keep the Pope/President/your uncle alive? $300B? $3T? At what point do you say "Just let the guy die?". It's unpleasant to think about, but it really comes down to dollars and cents and a life does have a value placed on it. \_ Agreed that it sould be decided by capacity to pay. That's not the same as insurance companies "severely" limiting it. \_ I would say the the standard of care has skyrocketed. All those devices, drugs, trained people, complex procedures, throw-away sterile materials, operating rooms, MRIs, fiber-optic cameras. And most of it is just accepted as "the norm". It goes way beyond just keeping people alive and comparing total money spent vs. life expectancy. We pamper ourselves, and it's in the health care industry's interest to do so. Washing your hands and taking an aspirin would probably get the job done, but you "have a right to the best healthcare available." It's a vicious cycle of madness, and we're all part of it. \_ Would any of you all believe that I didn't post my question as a troll? I really wanted to know. Unfortunately, I don't think the motd provided real clarity. Perhaps I was a fool to ask. The study I Googled (and commented on above) made the claim that most of the increase has gone into doctor's salaries. To dans: I don't believe the economic wherewhithal exists on the planet to provide everyone with heroic Western style medical care. I doubt that the economic wherewithal \_ Western style medical care really isn't that heroic. 'First do no harm' is an ideological core value of Western medical education, and this means doctors are trained to be skeptical of heroic procedures with low odds of successful outcome / medical heroics in general. -dans exists to provide even basic medical care to everyone. It seems insane to define "what cannot be provided" as a right. And what about the right to keep the fruits of your labor? That's in **direct** competition with any universal entitlement to any product or service. We should keep "rights" restricted to equal opportunities (freedom) rather than entitlements. As an extreme, if someone has a "right" to medical care, then someone else--whether he wants to or not, must provide that care. Doctors as slaves? --PeterM \_ To simply put, cost rise is associated with the rise of new medicines and new treatments, and American's attitude of "I deserve the best treatment." Many years ago we didn't have advanced MRI and other expensive drugs which we all are now paying for. \_ Please provide evidence to support your questionable claims. When you say 'we are paying for', do you mean 'we are paying for through insurance coverage' or 'we are paying for out of pocket'? -dans \_ You were very free to call people "stupid" or "assholes" above for not agreeing that people have a right to medical care. Now, this guy said that we are paying for medical care. He's right. There's no free lunch. Insurance premiums come out of our pocket. What distinction are you trying to make to invalidate his claim that "we are paying for"? \_ Any study that concludes that the money went to the doctors is pushing an agenda, because there's no way that's true. My neighbor is a partner at a busy neurology practice and he would argue all day long about how to make money now you have to see a lot of patients (not provide a good standard of care), get a good survey rating (translates into dropping patients with chronic health problems because they complain all the time), avoid research (who has time to participate in studies), and probably still make less than his dad (who was a doctor) did. His dad lived in a mansion in Larchmont and he lives next to me in a 1300 square foot house. His dad drove a Jaguar. He drives a Passat. His dad built a greenhouse for his mom's orchids. He waters the lawn by hand because it's not in the budget to redo the aging sprinklers. I don't want to say that I am basing my statement on purely anecdotal evidence, but the reality is that malpractice insurance and HMOs have eroded the medical profession. To claim that doctors now make 3x more than before (costs have risen 3X according to your premise) is ridiculous. They make less than before just like many of us. Let's see this study you found. Are you sure it didn't look at gross pay for doctors and ignored that they pay 25% of revenues for malpractice insurance and that they have to hire 2 people fulltime just to figure out the insurance paperwork? \_ Doctors made out pretty well in this country *until* the HMOs and high malpractice insurance came along. I think that says it all. \_ Yes. Now we pay 3x as much for care and it doesn't even go to the doctor or nurses but instead to lawyers and insurance companies. This is much better! |
2007/9/4-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:47891 Activity:nil |
9/4 http://csua.org/u/jfs (townhall.com, why hide your url?) This was all before politicians gave us the idea that the things we could not afford individually we could somehow afford collectively through the magic of government. \_ it was also before it was empirically proven that the unregulated \_ umm. no. health care system in the U.S. is twice as expensive as everyone else's. \_ Everyone else's healthcare is great until you get sick. |
2007/8/23-27 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:47732 Activity:nil |
8/23 "Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever: U.N." http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070822/hl_nm/un_dc "It warned that global efforts to control infectious diseases have already been "seriously jeopardized" by widespread drug resistance, a consequence of poor medical treatment and misuse of antibiotics." \- one of the best non-fiction books i have read is THE COMING PLAGUE. \_ Second that--and I'll add it's by far the scariest book I have ever read. That's including fiction. \_ But the housing bubble will kill us all before this ever happens! |
2007/8/22-23 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:47713 Activity:moderate |
8/22 'broad spectrum antibiotics' is my favorite position \_ "Infectious diseases spreading faster than ever: U.N." http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070822/hl_nm/un_dc "It warned that global efforts to control infectious diseases have already been "seriously jeopardized" by widespread drug resistance, a consequence of poor medical treatment and misuse of antibiotics." |
2007/7/24-28 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:47409 Activity:nil |
7/24 2/3rds of US anti-AIDS program funding in Africa allocated to ineffective abstinence-only programs http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?article=how_bushs_aids_program_is_failing_africans \_ That's because they're not believers. Time to send more missionaries. \_ at least they died pure \_ Umm.. obviously not... \_ The best thing the West can do for Africa is stop using it as a giant social experiment and dumping ground for unsellable goods. \_ So we just stop selling them condoms and let them all die? \_ The second part of your sentence does not follow from the first part. |
2007/7/2-5 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:47146 Activity:nil |
7/2 in nytimes today: http://iraqwarit.blogspot.com/2007/07/kristof-attack-of-worms.html |
2007/6/7-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:46886 Activity:moderate |
6/7 "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!" -Keynesian economist http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,363663,00.html \_ Sounds like instead of sending them a bunch of crap, what we need to do is actually buy stuff from them. Subsidize buying stuff from them instead of subsidizing our own farmers. And/or directly employ them to improve their own roads etc. Although buying food from them would be Bad. Hmm maybe he's right and we shouldn't do anything except maybe set up schools (the teaching industry is something they could take over later). \_ We should send them MS Office licenses. \_ Oh yeah they'll be lining up at the trucks for those! \_ The problem is that so many Africans are working in industries like farming. They need to industrialize. More investment in Africa would help. Your idea of building infrastructure is a good one. However, I think the West would rather give Africa its leftovers than cold hard cash. It's easy to donate your old bicycle and three pairs of dress shoes you never wear anymore. Doing more than giving our castoffs away would require real work on the part of the West *and* Africans. \_ Cash just vanishes into various higher ups bank accounts. \_ I am not suggesting cash be given as a gift, but that cash be invested rather than goods given. \_ Investing in most african countries is silly unless you are a huge company willing to spent a large amount of money on protection and bribes. And then you are part of the problem. \_ So you think that, say, Ford building a plant in Africa is unthinkable? Why would you say that? \_ Maybe, instead of industrializing, they could simply skip to the part where they have nothing but services and financial industries like we do? \_ Take a look at http://kiva.org. It's a microfinance site that enables people to chip in on making loans to people in third world countries. The money goes from kiva to a local microfinance company to the borrower. --alawrenc \_ I've lent +$400 via Kiva, but it seems like a lot of their current businesses is moving toward just lower interest rate current businesses are moving toward just lower interest rate working capital rather than development capital. i.e. Instead of "I want to buy a new oven for my bakery so I can produce 2n loves of bread" it's more like "I want to borrow $500 at 10% instead at a higher interest locally, so when I sell the good for a 20% gain, I make a greater return ... then 6-12mos later, I'll do the exact same thing." Whereas the guy with the bigger bakery is now off and running with an expanded business. There used to be plenty of people looking for of small amount like $250 for soem kind of "tool"/means of production ... barber chair, seeds, revenue producing construction ... now a huge number are for higher amounts just to buy stock. \_ This is an interesting one: http://tinyurl.com/2p7w5b \_ We could certainly do more in combatting AIDS and malaria, which would have lots of ancillary benefits, as well as improving the standard of living of millions of Africans. I am not so sure that cutting off all food aid to famine victims is the right answer, but it certainly should be controlled better, so that it does not all end up in the pocket of corrupt rulers. |
2007/5/16-17 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:46656 Activity:kinda low |
5/16 Liquid condom: http://www.hiptechblog.com/2005/11/28/what-liquid-condom \_ Sounds hoaxish \_ I hope this doesn't burn as badly as spermicides that are usually 10% Nonoxydyl |
2007/5/15-17 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:46637 Activity:moderate |
5/15 Rot in hell, you fucking traitorous son of a whore: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/15/obituaries/15cnd-falwell.html?_r=1&hp& oref=slogin Falwell finally does something to make the world a better place by dying. \_ will there be hookers in heaven for him? \_ Liberty University is in Lynchburg? Is that appropriate or ironic? \_ Ah, the hatred of the left is always so sad to see. \_ There are plenty of people I dislike that I'll gladly give dignity in death. Falwell was much beyond that. Falwell was a religious facist who justly deserves his place with hell. Good fucking riddance to a powerful man who blamed AIDS on society accepting gays as people. Good fucking riddance to a powerful man who blamed 9/11 on feminism and atheism. Good fucking riddance to a man worked hard to destroy my fundemental religious and moral freedoms. Burn Falwell burn. \_ Though the right is chock full of hate--more so than the left ever has been. \_ Keep asserting it, it's a nice security blanket. \_ Especially when it's true. \_ I don't know if you can really say that. "The left" has massacred lots of people over the last 100 years. Maybe you meant to say "the left in the United States" or "the left today." -lefty \_ I was talking about hate, not deaths--but you could argue that the Christian invasion of the New World and Africa was an activity of the "right", and that caused more deaths than the left's recent activities. \_ Well, I am not going to get into all that. Colonialism has probably killed more than Communism, true. But the point is that the left has had plenty of hate at times in the past, so your claim that the right [today] is more hateful than the left has at any time in history is a pretty extreme one and wrong, imo. \_ Agreed, as is the hypocrisy of the right. \_ Well, hypocrisy on any side. \_ And the hatred of either. \_ The left hates Falwell because of his hate, not because he's black or poor or jewish or short or fat or tall or skinny or whatever. \_ You make a career out of demonizing certain people, don't be surprised when those people don't like you. \_ On AIDS: AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. On the Antichrist: [He] will, by necessity, be a Jewish male. On the separation of church and state: The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the devil to keep Christians from running their own country. And, of course, on the September 11th attacks: I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.' |
2007/2/25-3/3 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:45820 Activity:high |
2/25 I hate condoms: http://www.salon.com/sept97/columnists/unzipped970903.html \_ I think that condoms, like contact lenses, suck because our materials technology sucks, and that neither is fundamentally a bad idea, and will be fine to use in a few more decades. I think condoms will stop sucking right around the time contact lenses do. \_ On the contrary, I think condoms will start sucking in a few decades, rendering Fleshlight obsolete. Wireless power will have to work first, though. \_ Exactly! That's exactly my point! And contact lenses will have a zoom function, see infrared, and have headsup displays. \_ I wonder if the author feels the same way 10 years later. \_ Herpes rules. \_ I've been in the same boat since before 97 (use a condom the first few times, give up shortly after cause damn those things suck) and I've not had any stds. Nor has anyone I've known. The big STD fear is pretty blow out of proportion if your risk factors aren't that high. AIDS devistated the gay world because plenty of gay men had 100s of partners a year, without any protection. The number of people I've slept with more that a few times is pretty low, and I bet that's true for almost everyone. \_ I code for hobby and pleasure. My chance is 0%. I rule. \_ I'm sure you don't wear a seat belt either. \_ It only takes one time with the wrong person. \_ It does, that's why when the risk is high (random person, no known history) I use a condom. But really the STD doom and gloom is way out of proportion to the risk. Seriously. \_ So the second time? The third time? I hope you're aware of how many STDs show no signs until it's too late. And there are others that can be easily transmitted even with a condom. You're just playing Russian Roulette with your health. I wonder if you've ever been tested for anything recently? You could be infected with any number of things and not know it and be spreading whatever you have to whoever you've been with. \_ Jesus Christ you are thick. It's not a matter of waiting a time or two to make sure my penis doesn't fall off. It's a question of not having risky sex with people I only sleep with a few times. By that time I've gotten to know someone a bit, know that they most likely have the same kinds of policies and know that, considering we both get tested every few years, that hey, the risks are fairly low. The fact is if you aren't in a high risk group STDs are really PRETTY DAMN RARE. Yes you can refuse any risk and always use a condom, but you know what, tons of people don't and if the risks were unreasonable you would know a hell of a lot more people with STDs. \_ The number of women with HPV is estimated to be 25%. HPV is asymptomatic. If you're having sex with an American woman your odds are 1 in 4 of being exposed to HPV. And the kicker is you wouldn't even know it and can easily pass it on. Cervical cancer for all your partner, nice of you to share that. I shouldn't have to explain any further how your choices are extremely likely to lead to HPV and likely several other STDs. It is true that two people in low risk groups are by definition at low risk for STD transmission. The thing is *you* are not in a low risk group. Have a nice day. \_ Someone is bitter that they never get laid. Someone has also bought into the great HPV scare. How sad. \_ Someone has never lived with a woman, or has never heard of a PAP smear, or knows pathetically little about STDs to call this widely known data a "scare". From the CDC: Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year. I think you'd be shocked to see the numbers for herpes type 1. \_ Herpes type 1 is a cold sore. Hardly something where condom usage matters. \_ Huh, the immediate above poster needs to visit Health class again in junior high/ high school / college. HSV TYPE 1 and HSV TYPE 2 will both happily in your groin area. They will happily be passed through condomless sex. It is true that condoms dont 100 percent block transmission, but it does happen. It is true that HSV TYPE 2 is USUALLY not passed to the mouth from genital->mouth transmission. About 25-30 years ago the health prof. community really did differentiate between the two viruses as 'type 1 is a mouth cold sore' and 'type 2 is a cold sore on your groin area' but I will state 100 percent no question that all knowledgeable health professionals do not believe this. type 1 and type 2 are both herpes cold sores. You're just kind of unhappy when you have an outbreak of either on your groin. A lot of people have one AND two on their groin area. Fun. The only difference between the two is the outbreak rate. People with type 1 on their groin might only get 1 outbreak their entire life. The evil thing is even when you're not having an outbreak, you can be transmitttablle. People with type 1 on their lips usually get one outbreak per year. People with type 2 on groin get an outbreak every 3 or 4 months. It all varies. Type 2 on lips hardly ever get outbreaks. Their are some differences in severity of initial outbreak. The good thing is Hepres wont kill you. Have fun. And as to HPV, yes I know about pap smears. But the HPV is harldy a big deal. Seriously. Less than 1 hundredth of a percent of the female population is diagnosed with with cervical cancer a year. If 1/4 of the population has HPV (the numbers I've seen are > 1/2 of sexually active adults) then gee, maybe it's not like it's on the same leauge as a real STD. By great HPV scare I'm talking about people who are sad that AIDS is no longer as an effecitve way to try to scare people into abstinance (and do you remember when herpes was being used the same way?) are trying to do the same with HPV. The difference? HPV ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL. Oh and PS, condoms don't really protect against HPV that well. \_ So you don't seem to know that you can get type 1 herpes in your mouth, which we call a cold sore, but also on your genitals *and* in your eyes. \_ Actually I do know this, but I also know the vast majority of herpes 1 is oral, and so bringing it up in this context is well, stupid. Then again since neither my girlfriend nor I have any form of herpes it's not really an issue. But you know what, my advice to you is live in fear, take a bleach shower after every sexual encounter and I'm sure that will all work out well for you. \_ Type 1 is mostly oral and can be transmitted to the mouth, groin or eyes of your partner. It is not a trivial event to be so easily dismissed. You keep talking about living in fear and tossing around direct personal insults of various sorts instead of relying on any sort of pesky facts in an effort to justify your risky decisions. Hey, guess what? You're not the only one getting laid in hs, college, or after college. Some people get lucky and stay healthy, others don't. I used to think like you but fortunately I got smart before I got unlucky. Maybe the same will happen for you. Probably not since there's even more bad stuff out there than when I was 'dating' and it sounds like you're less careful than I was, which isn't saying much. I find it interesting that you avoided all questions about sharing info and what you'd do in various cases if either of you knew beforehand. Would you kiss a girl with type 1 oral herpes? Would you let her bj you? Why or why not? When you or your gf have an outbreak of type 1 genital herpes I don't think either of you will be happy to know it is "only" a cold sore. And, yes the fact that HPV can spread even with condom use should make one rethink their plan to have a large number of short term partners instead of a small number of long term. Now that you've made it clear you don't give a shit if you transmit to someone, would you tell them if you had something before having sex or just figure it's ok because in your opinion it's no big deal and just a CDC conspiracy to control our sex lives? If she had something and told you before would you still have sex with her? If not, why not? After all it is *only* type 1 herpes, a mere cold sore. I'll restate that you are correct that two low risk people are at low risk for transmission in either direction, but you are not one of those low risk people you're talking about. \_ Dude, I had sex with at least 50 \_ Dude, I had sex with at least 500 women before I got married and settled down. I often used a condom but by no means all of the time. I never caught herpes (either type), or chlamydia, or aids or syphillis. Not everyone is infected by your fear and paranoia. Sure I took risks, but they were calculated risks, but they were careful risks and I was fine. Real life is like this everyday. -!dans is like this everyday. -!pp or op \_ The Author married the next year: http://preview.tinyurl.com/yr7zh2 (NYT) \_ Correction: She met her future husband the next year; they got married in October 2000. \_ So, presumably she never caught an STD. \_ This is an unfounded assumption. \_ Okay sure. But the presumption that she has herpes today is even less likely to be true. \_ I find it hilarious that someone feels the need to qualify this by saying that they're not me. -dans \_ Yeah, I was worried that your fans might think that you had only had 50 lifetime sex partners and stop worshipping you. (Actually, the real reason is that someone changed my 50 to a 500 and then signed your name to the bottom, so I changed it back to 50 and signed it !dans, but my first answer is funnier) -!dans \_ You've got a funny notion of what constitutes funny. Though it's amusing that I have achieved psb's level of infamy. -dans \_ lol there are 2 tenured Cal professors who think AIDS is not transmitted sexually. \_ http://csua.org/u/i4s -DANH \_ http://csua.org/u/i4s -PSB \_ http://csua.org/u/i4s \_ I know some slutty gay guys who have had unprotected sex as a bottom with dozens of partners and are STD free. Just because you win the lottery doesn't mean you will keep winning the lottery, "Luck can't last a lifetime unless you die young" \_ Only the good die young. -bjoel \_ Don't take credit for my lyrics you fuck. -bdickinson \_ Am I the only one who appreciates the irony of a flame war on the CSUA motd over STD's? I mean, generally speaking the CSUA is not the place one frequents to get laid. I mean, yeah, there are exceptions, but in general... -dans \_ You weren't here in the good ole days... -!dans \_ So, what, you fucked ahm? lila? Or are you suggesting that, in the 'good ole days' the CSUA would convert the machine rooms to gay bathhouses? -dans \_ No, I think it is amusing that you can only think of the csua from a guy's perspective. Plenty of women used to frequent the CSUA to get "laid." They would probably deny that this is what they were here for, but the end result was the same. Personally, I dated at least four different csua women (if you use the strict definition of csua member == csua account holder), but I know quite a few women who make me look like a piker. Don't you guys have groupies anymore? -!dans \_ Probably, but I was never that into CSUA groupies. \_ Probably, but I was never that into CSUA herpes. Turn it around to the guy's perspective, why chase after the one or two groupies that all the other geeks are swarming over? -dans |
2006/12/19-23 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:45474 Activity:kinda low |
12/19 Libya Sentences Bulgaria Nurses to Death: http://csua.org/u/hqy That is fucking horrible. \_ Can't really say I'm surprised. (Wish I could.) \_ you know, invading another country is morally so much superior \_ It's raining out, maybe you better get back under your bridge. |
2006/12/19 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:45473 Activity:nil |
12/19 Surgeon's knife may offer hope in African AIDS fight - Yahoo! News: http://www.csua.org/u/hpi \_ The side effect is that it'll be easier to convert to Judaism! \_ Castration will almost completely eliminate risk of all STDs |
2006/10/24-26 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:44952 Activity:high |
10/24 Is this the end of antibiotics? http://www.laweekly.com/news/news/the-scourge-of-skid-row/14810 (Warning, some of the pictures are really nasty.) \_ In short, yes. And this plague of staph is starting exactly like AIDS. First, it gets the drug-users and other societal rejects. Then, it comes for everyone else. When it's an expensive killer of "normal" people, it's seen as a crisis, and it is, rather than being nipped in the bud. Like all our other infrastructure, public health is in a state of near-total neglect. Drug-resistant staph, tuberculosis, malaria, and a host of others are coming at us, spread in part by insecticide resistant bugs. Idiots in Washington spend trillions combating threats to thousands of us and ignore the threats which will kill millions of us. Write your congressman, please. --PeterM \_ How do you figure AIDS could have been "nipped in the bud" in this country? I recall at the time some were advocating enforced \_ That was just Lyndon LaRouche \_ No, it was a lot of people. Either way, the question remains: what would you have done at the time to "nip AIDS in the bud"? \_ Um, mounted effective research and prevention efforts early on instead of not worrying about the "gay plague", for starters? early on instead of not worrying about the "gay plague", for starters? \_ So with billions of dollars of research and education efforts since then, what has happened? People who wanted to engage in risky activity continued to do so despite knowing the dangers and still get AIDS today. There was no magic bullet that would have done anything of note. After 20+ years of public education there are still new cases even though the number of new cases *should* be near zero. People are dumb. \_ HIV isn't easy to transmit. If we'd had clean needle and condom campaigns early we could have lowered transmissability to the point where the infection might have died out in the US, especially with very focussed targeting on the initial high risk groups. Further, there WAS NO CURE at the time and a campaign of persuasion, "do this or die" might have been more effective. To this day, dirty needles are responsible for much spread of HIV and hepatitis because politicians would rather moralize than take effective action (needle exchange) for public health. Convinced now? --PeterM \_ Convinced? Of what? No. I'll repeat my main point: to this today everyone *should* be aware that certain activity will get you HIV/AIDS yet they still choose not to use condoms or use clean needles even in places where they are given free. People are dumb. And btw, there is still no cure, so I'm not sure why you mention there wasn't one then either but thats not the point. \_ Convinced that early vigorous action could have greatly reduced the impact of HIV on the US. HIV isn't very transmissible: maybe 1.1 new cases per existing case, or even less thanks to public health campaigns. Even if early vigorous action reduced transmission by 20%, there would be .9 new cases of HIV per existing case and the infection would die out. I'm saying that if we'd had vigorous prevention and needle campaigns early on, HIV would have had negligible impact on the US and we would not have needed the *billions* now required for treatment and research. --PM \_ So now that we have spent billions in research and the public is as educated as possible, is the rate .9 or 1.1? If you can show me something that says .9 then I'm fully convinced. Of course there would still be people coming from outside the country but I'm not going to push that as I'm sure it's a small number. Either way, people are still dumb. ;-) \_ http://csua.org/u/hb7 (Entrez PubMed) This is an NIH site. The number today isn't .9, it seems, but lower, .05/yr. That is, for every existing case, there is 1 new case in 20 yrs. That is actually more successful than I had thought. Just under 1M in USA have HIV. Oh, and yes, people are dumb, I fully agree on *that*. But remember, those *billions* spent have mostly been spent treating the sick, not on prevention/education. Early prevention efforts would have yielded a huge ROI, especially since at that time AIDS victims were dying relatively fast. --PeterM \_ Ok, I'll buy that. Just one last thing to keep in mind is that by the time HIV/AIDS was recognised and diagnosable there were already a lot of people who already had it since it has such a long infection -> symptoms period. It may be the case that after the initial death toll, the level of education was appropriate since new cases are determined based on test date, not the unknowable infection date. So the high initial rates were unstoppable and then people who were uninfected then more or less did do the right things to stay safe(r). It also may be the case that since H/A transmission is more likely with certain activity that the virus was already mostly isolated to those populations, thus without *any* education it might have had low rates after the initial deaths. No one can say with certainty how many more, if any, might have remained uninfected if there had been earlier education (IIRC it was about 2 years that it was believed to be a 'gay disease'). isolation a la Typhoid Mary. What do you figure 'they' should be doing about all these other diseases right now? \_ Spend money on better public health and research. This isn't exactly rocket science. -ausman \_ And how would that have done anything at the time when AIDS first became known in the US to stop it from spreading? Billions of dollars of research have gone into AIDS, medical science has advanced, and there was a lot of money going into public education, but no one really knew what AIDS was, some *still* dispute what it is and we are still are the very early stages of being able to deal with viruses of any sort. What was going to happen in the 80's to stop AIDS? \_ Politicians and public health officials ignored AIDS because most initial victims were gays and drug users. If it had been, say, children or middle-aged white males there would have been a much more effective prevention campaign. Similarly with this new drug-resistant staph in LA. Right *now* it's afflicting homeless, prisoners, and drug users. Very soon, like AIDS, it's going to be mainstream, and dealing with it is going to cost a lot more in lives and in money. Tuberculosis is back in many countries with a drug-resistant vengeance. Malaria's returning, too, also in drug-resistant glory. Remember when life expectancy was 50 years or less? Continued neglect of public health and medical research will bring those days back. --PeterM \_ On a related note, all those anti-bacterial soaps may not be so good for us after all: http://tinyurl.com/yxa9cw (motherearthliving.com) |
2006/8/14-16 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:43993 Activity:nil 70%like:43992 |
8/14 How do big scientific conferences work? The media often mentions conferences to talk about AIDS / famine / gravity waves / whatever that involve hundreds or even thousands of scientists. How does someone get a chance to say anything? \_ Don't know how it is in other fields, but at the American Physical Society march meeting, which happens every year, there are roughly 40 parallel sessions 8 hours a day, for five days, with most talks limited to 10 minutes with two minutes for questions. There are also pretty huge poster sessions. Everyone, and I mean *everyone* gets a chance to say something. It's getting someone to listen that's the trick. But it's not quite as crazy as it sounds. The aps has software on their website that lets you hunt for talks of interest and generate a schedule for you for the week, although missing a talk because there's another interesting one at the same time is inevitable. Conferences of this scale generally suck, as far as talks go, and exist mostly for networking and informal discussions after the talks. \_ Sounds similar to my experience at American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) \- The programs for some of these are +1cm thick. Yes, "massive parallization". |
2006/8/14 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:43992 Activity:nil 70%like:43993 |
8/14 How do big scientific conference work? The media often mentions conferences to talk about AIDS / femine / gravity wave / whatever that involving hunderds or even thousands of scientists. How does someone get a chance to say anything? |
2006/6/21-26 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:43446 Activity:nil |
6/20 I'm thinking about getting health insurance for my 59 year old mother. I've heard that it costs over $300/month. What companies do you guys get for your parents and what do you actually recommend? \_ I can't help you too much, but beware - my mother who is a few years younger than yours pays over $650 a month for insurance. She does have a few preexisting conditions though. Is your mother healthy? Insurance costs for the elderly are pretty insane these days. \_ Move her to San Francisco: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/14864194.htm |
2006/4/4 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:42658 Activity:kinda low |
4/4 http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20060403/sc_space/churchgoerslivelonger Church Goers Live Longer. Does that mean our Mormon friends on motd will probably post long after while the liberals die from AIDS, meth, and other illegal substance? \_ It's moot. The religious fundamentalists will out-breed the liberals. \_ But we out recruit the fundies. \_ From their children? \_ But they live that longer life in a state of delusion.... W/o the religious vote, we would not have had the disaster that has been the Bush administration. But I guess it's not surprising that the religious people voted for a big hypocrite like themselves. \_ Yeah, the kettle thinks you're black too. \_ Doctor: You have six months to live. Patient: What can I do? Doctor: Well... you could give up sex, booze and cigars. Patient: Would I live longer then? Doctor: No, but it will seem longer... \_ If they're having all those kids it didn't come from giving up sex.... |
2006/3/15-17 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:42256 Activity:nil |
3/15 Hello my pedantic friends. I wish to get storage space for lots of boxes of heavy books, cds, and the occasional skull. I see suggestions of where to store my possessions for a year or more, in the East Bay. The East Bay is defined as near Berkely and parts south. I prefer not to cross the Bay Bridge. I prefer to not go through the Caldecott Tunnel, but I will if I have to. It's none of your business whether I am fleeing the IRS, becoming a sex tourist in Thailand, funnelling Google stock into debunking that whole AIDS causes HIV scam or buying Bolivia. \_ B5 > Star Trek! \_ I challenge you to GUN DUEL! \_ "HIV causes AIDS scam" |
2006/3/9-13 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Sleeping] UID:42163 Activity:low |
3/9 Larry Ellison to drop from the top 10 billionaire list. Hahahaha. That sucker deserves to go to hell. Fuck you Debacle. \_ Yeah, I'm sure he losses sleep over it. BTW, how many billions do you have? Oh, zero? \_ Yes he's losing sleep over it. I used to work at Debacle and my boss knew the VPs who knew Larry. Unlike Andy Grove and HP founders, Larry is an asshole who doesn't care about anyone else except himself, and everyone at the company knows that. All that talk with "Oracle's world's 2nd largest software company" is just bullshit and annoying to hear every single day. Back during the dot-com days Larry tried numerous spin-offs on nicely packaged but horribly designed software in an attempt to diversify his 1 trick pony, and ultimately to generate more revenues not for the company, but for himself. During media interviews Larry even admitted that his goal was not to create AIDS foundations or help with famines and such. His goal in life was to become a samurai and to beat Bill Gates so that he could become the world's richest man. In my < decade of working there I NEVER saw him working, once, and neither did my bosses. He loved yachting, flying planes, or just fucking Japanese whores. Larry losing sleep over not being on the top 10 billionaire list? You bet he is. \_ http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/12/20/DD160291.DTL \_ http://tinyurl.com/m4gl9 (sfgate.com) \- You may also wish to see: http://csua.org/u/f7w |
2006/2/6-7 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:41732 Activity:nil |
2/6 http://tinyurl.com/8ujew (reuters.com) An injection of two drugs normally used to treat HIV patients completely protected monkeys from becoming infected with the AIDS virus, U.S. researchers reported on Monday. ... The monkeys were then exposed to a combined human-monkey AIDS virus called SHIV, using a rectal method aimed at simulating male homosexual contact. That happened daily for 14 days and the monkeys also got daily injections. \_ It's that what Vanilla Ice claimed happened to him? He got a SHIV in the butt? \_ There aren't animal-cruelty issues related to butt-raping monkeys? \_ Nono, those were GAY monkeys and they really enjoyed butt-raping \_ Not if butt-raping monkeys could save human lives. |
2006/1/29-31 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:41595 Activity:high |
1/29 One quarter of US AIDS money going to religious groups preaching abstinence-only. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060129/ap_on_he_me/aids_prevention \_ Liar. "President Bush's $15 billion effort to fight AIDS has handed out nearly one-quarter of its grants to religious groups, and officials are aggressively pursuing new church partners that often emphasize disease prevention through abstinence and fidelity over condom use." 1/4 to religious groups. There's no % listed of how many of them are preaching abstinence only. \_ Don't be pedantic. \_ I'm usually the first to say this, but in this case that is a pretty important difference. \_ I challenge you to find a federal funded religious group that is doing AIDS outreach and education that doesn't involve abstinence only education in some form. Also, doesn't the idea of a "federally funded religious group" kinda bother you? \_ Did not seem to both Thomas Jefferson or any of a large number of subsequent number of presidents to this day. \_ "in some form". Any sex ed of any sort that doesn't teach "in some form" that *not* having sex is the best way to avoid a sexual transmitted disease is pretty stupid. What is wrong with telling people that condoms, etc aren't perfect and abstinence is the most effective method of avoidance? As far as "federally funded religious group" goes, these are not "federally funded religious groups" in the sense that you're implying they are State Sponsored religions. Churches have always done charity work. Would you prefer they just stop? Does it bother you that they run soup kitchens too? Relax your knee. \_ pp is referring to "abstinence-*only*" education. \_ Ok. How does that change anything? \_ Abstinence-only education is actually worse than no sex education. \_ URL or just opinion? \_ Here's a study from Minnesota high schools. There are many more like this: http://csua.org/u/etq --!pp \_ Your link doesn't say that abstinence-only is worse than no sex ed at all. "That [the abstinence-only rate] is still lower than the average rate of sexually active adolescents in those counties, researchers said." Now, the actual report may actually say that abstinence-only is worse, since your article includes many provocative statements that abstinence-only is a failure, but the article itself does not present logic or statistics to support those statements. And with- out supporting evidence, those statements by themselves are worthless. \_ Oh yes - Minnesota public schools. Where they can help your child obtain an abortion without you ever knowing anything about it. \_ Also, I am thrilled that churches continue to do charity work. I don't think federal funds should should be used to support them. \_ "to support them". To support them doing charity work? You think the Feds are more efficient at helping at the grass roots level than the people who actually live in a community? I've seen how Fed & State funded programs "work". You'd be hard pressed to find an organization more corrupt, slack, inefficient or less caring about the 'customer' than someone who has a government job giving away other people's money. They get rated on how much money they give away and there's no oversight. It was pretty sickening. \_ I think you missed where he said "I _don't_ think..." \_ I didn't miss it. I'm sharing my experience as anecdotal evidence that he should reconsider his thoughts. \_ So... you WANT the feds to give away money? Even though it's sickening? \_ No, but since they're going to do it anyway, I'd prefer it go to small local efficient charities instead of getting handed out like candy to the wrong people by the wrong people who are just pissing it away. I thought it was clear that the sickening part is the waste involved in government aid "projects". \_ How about they don't give the money away, lower taxes, and let people give their own money to whatever causes they want? \_ Not if you believe in charity. Even in the same town, Mr Rich Guy is unlikely to know that Mr Poor Guy could use a new pair of shoes for his kid on the other side of town, but I'll bet Poor Guy's local religious figure and his neighbors know. I don't believe in large money sucking non- charities either. Same deal. Huge org sucking up cash and giving out pennies on the dollar to the wrong people. Large professional charity orgs in this country mostly suck and IMO are even worse than the Feds because they pull on heart strings to get your dollar and then piss it away. At least the Feds tax you by force with no pretence. \_ Cf. Salvation Army. |
2006/1/21-24 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Women] UID:41470 Activity:nil |
1/21 The Thailand-US free-trade agreement: enriching drug companies at the expense of Thai citizens! http://csua.org/u/eq3 (huffingtonpost.com) \_ While this may be a very minor point in the overall article, I I don't understand where he gets the idea of generic drug companies being forced to conduct tests as being "unethical." Most people whom I know in non-US pharma outfits see FDA regulations as a major PITA, but at some level at least, see that they usually (with a few egregious exceptions) make sense. -John \_ Thailand is being absolutely stupid to sign bilateral trade agreement with USA at first place. The reason why USA was pushing for bilateral agreement is because WTO has built-in arbitration mechanism thus USA couldn't really get away with all the wrong doings. With bilateral agreement, there is no mechanism for smaller economy to challenge dispute and/or violations economy to challenge USA's violation of agreement. |
2005/11/22-24 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:40700 Activity:kinda low |
11/22 http://www.lao.ca.gov/2000/calfacts/2000_calfacts_demographics.html Proof that when the economy is good, more people fuck and make babies. Recession=fewer babies, dot-com=lots of babies. Human beings are like cockroaches. When you give them food, they reproduce a lot. \_ Umm, and this wasn't obvious? This is just a corollary of the fact that people try to avoid spending money (babies cost a lot) when they feel like they've got less of it. \_ Only in the short term, in general, long term prosperity produces lower birth rates. \_ At current global growth rates, we'll have something like 40 billion people in 100 years, 15 trillion in 200 years ... The growth party will eventually stop and if history is any guide it's going to be "demand destruction" in the most painful sense possible. \_ Thomas Malthus... Paul Ehrlich... Anonymous MOTD poster... Man, that's a rich tradition of accurate forecasting of over-population doom and gloom. \_ Actually famine and population decimation has been pretty normal throughout all of history, including recent times. Witness Darfur, Rwanda, etc. \_ Don't worry, antibiotic/drug resistant AIDS, malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, flu, pneumonia, etc., famine, and war will knock down human populations well before the 40 billion mark. Hell, we might have uncontrolled antibiotic-resistant pneumonic plague, too. \_ For humanitiy's sake, stop participating FightAIDS@home and help reduce human population. Yeah, really! \_ Do your population estimates take into account that as economic conditions improve people become less fecund? \_ This is where the "at current global growth rates" bit kicks in. \_ IOW, no. Thanks for playing. \_ Something will stop the global growth rates, but it won't be improving economic conditions. |
2005/11/17-19 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:40638 Activity:kinda low |
11/17 The dude who was cured of HIV didn't have it in the first place: http://www.upi.com/ConsumerHealthDaily/view.php?StoryID=20051116-015251-1581r \_ Gee, what a surprise. \_ Someone told me that Magic Johnson had been "cured" of AIDS, that they haven't been able to measure virus in him for years. I found that hard to believe. --PeterM \_ First part sounds like the wrong words. Second part is believable, the current powerful HIV medications can reduce the viral load to undetectible levels. Doesn't mean he doesn't still have HIV though.. \_ The guys I currently work for make blood testing devices-- they use something called protease chain somethingorother to \- PCR, sort of invented by ex-UCB person/surfer kary mullins who uses his nobel prize to get chicks and hangs out with OJ. basically breed any of several hundred families of virii in a blood sample from "undetectable" levels to where you can actually measure them. So while possible that you wouldn't detect something you're actively looking for (like HIV in Magic's bloodstream) it's fairly unlikely, as far as I understand the workings of the gizmos. -John \_ The plural of virus is "viruses". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plural_of_virus \_ And the plural of anal retentive idiot is? Consider me eduficated, thanks teach! -John |
2005/11/13-14 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:40563 Activity:nil |
11/13 First person to be cured of HIV? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4432564.stm \_ I love the fact that nobody has considered three things: a) This joker is going to the tabloids instead of helping doctors to figure out what is going on with him, and whether it could help medical science. \_ i don't see where it said he did that. \_ He's refused to submit to further testing. b) He apparently hasn't considered the (likely) possibility that the second test is a false negative. \_ there were multiple second tests but it might be so. \_ Or the first one a false positive. c) None of the reporting seems to understand or explain provirus dormancy. \_ it seems that the doctors involved are quite shocked by his status and might know about about that. |
2005/11/3-4 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:40428 Activity:very high |
11/03 I wasn't involved in the discussion below, but you self-righteous do-gooders really blow my mind. I'm curious as to just how rampant this type of (un)thinking is. It is time for a poll -phuqm It is reasonable ... to force children to have HPV vaccinations: . unless they are Christian scientists or other similar wingnuts: to allow parents to make this decision based on whatever beliefs: . \_ So you disagree with mandating vaccinations in general? Or is it just this vaccination that is nearly always effective against a virus that will give you or your female partner cancer? \_ dude, what is so hard about putting a little '.' next to the first choice? Why would I want to talk to you if you aren't willing to play along with my poll? Because I'm such a nice guy I will assume that the first . in that category is yours and will answer your question soon thereafter. -phuqm \_ I'm contesting your question because it's loaded. If you can't ask a direct question, don't expect a direct answer, crebbs. --scotsman --scotsman \_ so you have some policy against answering loaded questions? What are you a politician? feel free to add your own category if you think these don't cover all the basis, but I don't see what is wrong with the way these are phrased (unless you object to me calling C.scientists wingnuts, but somehow i doubt that is is the problem.) If there is some other problem I'd LOVE to see an explanation of it. -phuqm \_ Oh, and you know who I am, and I know who I am, and so do most people here who care, so is it really necessary to keep outing me? (anyway i'm not him) \_ Hmm... Should we tell root to squish his account for sharing it? \_ yes you are. -phuqm \_ bastard. \_ yep. -phuqm \_ Or maybe they could squish you for talking to yourself... \_ if that's squishable, then I will have a tough time coming up with a defense. \_ So, yeah, i'm rabid libertarian and - despite the obvious free \_ So, yeah, i'm a rabid libertarian and - despite the obvious free rider problem - I never think it is o.k. to force a parent to allow the government to inject something into their child. I don't really care if the person's reason is that he thinks the vial is full of little deamons that are going to steal his kids soul; to me it is a simple question of who decides: the govmnt. vial is full of little demons that are going to steal his kids soul; to me it is a simple question of who decides. \_ Do you also disagree with forcing kids to go to school? What about the government taking kids away from parents who the government deems incompetent? Just curious. \_ If you were to live on an isolated desert island where your choices had no effect on other ppl, then this line of thinking makes sense. However, if you are living in a place w/ thousands of ppl your choice not to vaccinate your children can have a profound effect on the health of other children. What right do you have to ask other ppl to sacrifice their childrens health? As I said below, once you agree to live in society there is no such thing as an abs. right. Think of it as the price of admission. \_ Why would it have a profound effect on other children? The other children would be vaccinated if the other people are worried. \_ Once you agree to live in society there is no such thing as an abs. right. Every right is subject to some amt. of regulation by the legislature/executive. If the gov feels that the best or only way to deal w/ a major health problem is mass vaccination and they have proof that the means chosen (mass vaccination) are the best or only way to deal w/ the problem, then you have three choices - go along w/ the vaccination, get the law repealed OR leave society. \_ indeed. though I fail to see what relevence this has on this discussion. I would also point out (also somewhat ir- relevantly) that there are few places left on the planet not claimed as the dominion of some "society" or other, which makes that last option increasingly difficult. -phuqm \_ If this is a major health problem only option 1 makes sense. Options 2 and 3 suggest that regardless of a finding that this is a major health problem, the kooks have some rights that trump. I'm saying no. Any right the kooks have are subordinate to society's interest in the general welfare. There are plenty of places in this world where society doesn't really reach (different than claimed as territory by some nation). You can't let a bunch of kooks run around and not vaccinate their kids b/c anything less than total vaccination will be ineffective. If the legislature finds that this is a major health problem, I'm willing to defer to that judgment b/c the whole reason they were elected was to make this sort of decisions (via advice from qualified agencies, &c.) \_ Well, I guess it's ok so long as it's someone right thinking like you deciding what is in the best interest of society. \_ You are skipping forward to the assumption that this is a 'major health problem'. Also, no one ever acknowledged that drug companies have sold us plenty of crap over the years that causes side effects such as sterility, liver failure, heart failure, kidney failure, and death. Don't worry, it was all tested! Yay! You're still fucked and can't undo the damage. I guess we'll just raise taxes to pay for all the law suits. \_ It's major if you're a woman. \_ I'm not skipping forward. I'm merely saying that if the gov. finds that this is a major health problem, they have the pwr to act on it w/o having to worry about the rights of the kooks. |
2005/10/13 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:40069 Activity:nil |
10/13 Is Drudge trying to, um, tell us something by making this one of his top stories: "Suddenly at the forefront of taking sex aids mainstream, conservative marketer Johnson & Johnson almost overnight has doubled sales of its once-sleepy K-Y brand for the second time in four years thanks to the blockbuster summer rollout of a new line of massage oils. And nowhere has that success been greater than at Wal-Mart, where K-Y Touch Massage oils have hit the list of top 10 new health and beauty products of 2005, according to J&J VP-Personal Care Marketing Jim Peterson." \_ I think he's trying to tell us that J&J has doubled their sales of their once-sleepy K-Y brand. What did you have in mind? \_ I think he's trying to say that liberal is the new conservative. \_ ??? |
2005/8/31 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Women] UID:39390 Activity:nil |
8/31 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050831/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_safrica_rape Reminds me of childhood jokes about farmer and razor blades \_ It doesn't prevent anal rape. \_ Upcoming prison-issue version does |
2005/8/16-17 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:39141 Activity:high |
8/16 Oregon passes law requiring a prescription to get Sudafed as a way of "controlling" the meth problem: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050816/ap_on_he_me/meth_bill How long will this idiotic War On Drugs policymaking last? Don't they realize all the manufacturing will just move (or is already moving) to Mexico, where you can get a lot more than just sudafed over the counter? Plug one hole and thirteen more open. When will they ever learn? \_ "While increasing amounts of methamphetamine comes in from Mexico, bill supporters say it could sharply reduce the number of home meth labs" \_ Great, more outsourcing. \_ There is a lot of property damage and theft that result from local meth production. I don't like this measure, but apparently it has helped in other places. \_ Isn't there a free market solution of some kind? \_ yeah, how about a "meth tax" where the government takes 10% of every hit, sells it, and uses the proceeds to pay for the hotels and apartment buildings that get blown up by meth labs. -tom (The funny part is, some people will think this is a good idea). \_ Making meth labs a legitimate business will probably be enough. How many apartment buildings do conventional businesses blow up? -- ilyas \_ I don't think so. Free market models presume that people are basically rational. Meth heads aren't. \_ Uh, what does the fact that meth heads (or most people) are not rational have to do with making meth labs a legitimate business? Current legitimate businesses are often misused by people being irrational (fast food, etc), yet this does not imply we should make the businesses illegal, nor does it imply McDonalds is going to start exploding things. -- ilyas \_ I think that's 'legitimate', man. I bet that's just a lame troll-hack. -Benefit of the Doubt \_ No, I think that's how jctwu thinks. Sadly. -- ilyas \_ ilyas, what have I done this time? -jctwu \_ I'm not sure what ilyas is talking about, so I'm asking him off motd. In any case, I'm pretty sure ilyas either mispelled on purpose, or he didn't know the right spelling. I don't think that's related to why he brought up my name, though. I think he was just annoyed at my "fight the power" comment. -jctwu \_ Uh, what do you bet is a lame troll-hack? \_ just your ass. \_ If you get into an argument with someone about whether methamphetamine manufacture should be legal or not, you've probably already lost. \_ Errr, no. Try the Economist special issue on legalizing drugs for a nice refresher course. \_ http://csua.org/u/d2e \_ hey man, i'm not arguing with you ... fight the power! \_ Parse the words exactly as they're used, please. To make it crystal clear: "legalizing drugs" = No "methamphetamine manufacture" = No And now the new ideas: Marijuana = Yes, for medical use Which implies: /Some/ currently illegal drugs = Yes Which makes no specific comment about: Cigarettes / Alcohol = Yes/No, Good/Bad Incidentally, what I've written above is also the same as how many, many Americans feel, so none of this is new. |
2005/8/2-4 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:38947 Activity:nil |
8/2 New drug blocks HIV from entering cells http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200507070204.html "[T]the drug sticks to a protein called CCR5 that acts as an entrance into human cells for the AIDS virus. When the new drug becomes attached to the protein, it can prevent HIV from entering, and thus stop the virus from spreading." What does this protein do when it's not being used as a gateway? \_ I don't get it, why was this posted? \_ I'm curious to see what effect blocking this protein would have on a human being. -op \_ [reply moved to correct thread] |
2005/8/1-3 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:38907 Activity:nil |
8/1 Does anyone here participate in FightAIDS@Home? I've been running it for about a year. But its web page never changes except the timestamp, and my mail to support@fightaidsathome.org always bounces back. Is the project real? \_ AIDS KILLS FAGS DEAD!!11!!!! --Fred Phelps \_ But it kills others too. \_ Collateral damage \_ Heh. When/if an effective HIV vaccine becomes available, you can bet your bottom dollar the Christian Right will opppose it. \_ I have a hidden wish that all creationists who want the state to teach it to children are struck by a drug-resistent bacterial infection. \_ It's God's will whether an antibiotic be found to save the children. \_ Why hidden?! \_ I consider myself a Christian conservative and do not oppose an HIV vaccine. It could do wonders in Africa. -emarkp \_ But they only get AIDS when they commit adultery! \_ Or get raped. Go away troll. -emarkp \_ Raped? That doesn't stop the abortion crowd. Anyway she was asking for it. Women should be completely covered outside and be accompanied by a male at all times. Go ahead and fight AIDS, it's merely the warning! \_ The trolls are really dumb today. You must be more subtle in your baiting, Daniel-san. \_ You are aware that in Africa it's a widely held belief that having sex with a virgin will cure you of AIDS? And that children are being raped because of this? \_ I take it back, I guess people ARE dense enough to fall for this trollbait. +1 for the troll. |
2005/5/5-6 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:37527 Activity:moderate |
5/5 Britta vs. Pur, round 1. Pur says it filters out bacteria whereas Britta makes no such claim. Pur costs 1.5X more than Britta. Britta (IMHO) has an acceptable after-taste, whereas I can't taste anything in Pur. What are you thought? \_ I don't believe that Pur filters (or any filter) will remove bacteria. To do that, UV light filters are needed. These sorts of filters merely remove dissolved solutes (like ions, etc.) \_ There ARE filters that can remove bacteria, but these tend to be the exotic ceramic camping ones. \_ Can these filters remove virus as well? \_ OK, but I was referring to household water filters. \_ I just find it so much more convenient to have the filter hooked right up to the tap, so I prefer PuR. I tried Brita before and it tasted fine. No idea if they've made a tap device by now. -bz \_ I thought they always had it. I used Brita tap thing for years. \_ I'm guessing you actually mean "1.5X what Britta costs", and not really "1.5X more" |
2005/4/19-20 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:37272 Activity:nil |
4/19 "Freebird!" http://online.wsj.com/public/article/0,,SB111102511477881964,00.html |
2005/4/5 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:37073 Activity:kinda low |
4/5 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4413151.stm Sorry partha, no more brothels for you. \_ The Partha imports his own to South Asia. |
2005/1/4-5 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:35539 Activity:moderate |
1/4 Ranking of govt. aids: #1: Japan $500m #2: Australia $450m #3: US $350m \- this really understates what the US is doing with it's navy and such. also japan has a self-interest movtive i would guess in getting aceh back on line. they get some amount of natural gas and other resources from the Aceh area directly. \_ What are the Russians doing? \_ they're busy doing insane things nationalizing their gas/oil company and selling a chunk of it to china. \_ agreed. Maybe they should do the sane and smart thing like giving private enterprizes more power because they run the industry more efficiently. In fact they should just follow the Enron model-- ethics aside, it was a very efficient and profitable model. Produce less, make more. -conservative who totally trusts private enterprizes \_ [troll deleted] \_ pretend the US only has one oil company. now nationalized it. big undertaking! \_ Welcome to the ownership society. \_ Japan is trying to buy his way to a permanent seat in security concil in United Nation. So, Japan's contribution is not really an altrustic aid. |
2004/12/7-8 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:35201 Activity:insanely high |
12/7 I want to make a donation to the school. In the past, I have always donated to the Engineering School. Anyone have any other suggestions? http://colt.berkeley.edu/urelgift/index.html \_ I would suggest donating to Professor Dusenberg, unfairly hounded out of his NIH grants by the scientific establishment for daring to challange the orthodoxy on AIDS, but I cannot seem to find him on the campus website anymore. Did he finally get run all the way off campus? What happened to him? \_ Try spelling his name right, troll. -tom \_ Oh, okay! Douchebag! There you go! \_ Could someone give some context to this? \_ prof. duesberg is a MCB prof at ucb who says AIDS is not caused by HIV, AIDS is caused by recreational and other drugs prescribed by doctors to treat HIV. he's got a website, there are plenty of "duesberg is a menace" websites. - danh \_ Dan, use motdedit! you stomped on my post. \_ Duesberg. He is still teaching, good. Dusenberg on google gives many hits. Donate to Prof Duesberg's lab, he is still trying to do science on very limited money, since he is frozen out of the grant process by a vengeful scientific community. \_ I thought the whole Aids-Virus Myth thing has been debunked. You actually believe his theories? \_ No, but I am not really qualified to judge his work in any case, since I am not a biologist. I do think he has been treated poorly by the scientific community. \_ Well, I am, and he's just full of shit. Duesberg deserved what he got. It's like someone insisting that the earth is flat. \_ Duesberg wants smoking gun evidence, with the videotape of WMD stockpiles in multiple Iraqi complexes and a nuclear test. He has against him a massive amount of circumstantial evidence - much more than that from Iraq WMDs, and from those without as much of an agenda as BushCo. The scientific establishment != the CIA, BushCo. \_ yet he touts his drug-induced AIDS theory with much much less than smoking gun evid. \_ So even though he had done great work in the past and continues to do great work, he should be denied funding because he disagrees with the scientific orthodoxy on one small matter? I think you have a really messed up idea of how the scientific process should work. \_ why do you think he did great work? -tom \_ Maybe I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on this because he is a tenured Berkeley professor in the sciences? Since you have no CV in anything, maybe you should not be so judgmental. This is why so many people think you are an asshole. \_ How is my comment judgemental? pp made an unfounded assertion; I didn't assert anything. Asshole. -tom \_ He is also a member of the National Academy of Science (found this on his web page) and his work on retroviruses and oncogenes is very well known (I work in immunology). \_ It doesn't really matter anyway. Duesberg agrees that something in the blood of an AIDS patient will give a healthy person AIDS. The scientific community says it's HIV - Duesberg says it's AZT. Whatever - you'll still get AIDS anyway. \_ I don't follow the AIDS 'controversies' very much, but it wouldn't surprise me if some folks classified various nasty diseases and malnutrition syndroms in Africa (which are less 'glamorous' than AIDS) to get AIDS funding. -- ilyas \_ I guess you are saying it's possible but aren't saying whether it's true or not. \_ I don't know, but being familiar with charity fraud, I d say it's pretty likely. -- ilyas \_ So if you have HIV, but you aren't taking any drugs like AZT, feel free and have as much unprotected sex as you want. \_ No. You must wear a condom to protect yourself from that bad AZT in your partner's sexual fluids. \_ Donate to the CSUA for hardware upgrades! |
2004/11/25 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:35076 Activity:high |
11/25 Thanks for the wild turkey and the passenger pigeons, destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts. Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison. Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger. Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin leaving the carcasses to rot. Thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes. Thanks for the American dream, To vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through. Thanks for the KKK. For nigger-killin' lawmen, feelin' their notches. For decent church-goin' women, with their mean, pinched, bitter, evil faces. Thanks for "Kill a Queer for Christ" stickers. Thanks for laboratory AIDS. Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs. Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind the own business. Thanks for a nation of finks. Yes, thanks for all the memories-- all right let's see your arms! You always were a headache and you always were a bore. Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams. \_ I just looked up "claptrap". -John \_ Why do you hate America? \_ If you don't like it, you can get OUUT! \_ And be subject to US foreign policy? No way. \_ "We're all in this together, kid." - Archibald Tuttle |
2004/11/11-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:34826 Activity:high |
11/11 Arafat was... Gay? http://www.jnewswire.com/library/article.php?articleid=350 \_ I think he really died of BEING OLD \_ this is first time you have heard this!? You live under a rock? \_ love how they write Palestinian in quotes. "So-called 'leader' of 'nation' mourned by 'people'." \_ Hearing it from an Israeli source makes it less believable. \_ No, hearing it from something that sounds like the Israeli equivalent of the Arch-freeper makes it less believable. \_ I thought it read more like the New York Post. \_ NYP is Nobel literature compared to this shit. It's more like the pro-muslim/pro-Israeli nutjobs at Sather Gate. \_ Just for the hell of it, I went and read the NYP's article from today on Arafat for comparison, and you're absolutely right. This is far kookier. \_ "medical experts believe the blood-soaked Muslim terror chief is dying from complications related to the AIDS virus." Any paper use this kind of language cannot be trusted. \_ Heh, that's why I posted it. I thought it was funny. |
2004/11/2 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:34523 Activity:very high |
11/1 You know what I think? The Israelis somehow injected a weird untraceable virus into Arafat. It's too sudden to be natural: http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/11/01/arafat.health.ap/index.html \_ Why bother with untraceability? Israelis are going to be blamed regardless. \_ Probably has AIDS... \_ Camels carry AIDS? \_ Lovely, lovely. \_ So a very old guy who has had a very stressful life falls ill and it is the Jews' fault? I'm not surprised you would blame the Jews. The Nazis, the Soviets, the Spanish Inquisitors, the radical Islamic fascists and many others have blamed the Jews for their own problems over the course of time. You're in good company. \_ Bush did it! |
2004/8/17-18 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:32972 Activity:very high |
8/17 I live in a top floor apt that gets very hot (no AC) and I recently mail ordered a bunch of condoms that is used very slowly. Is it ok to store them in the fridge (not freezer) too keep them from the heat? \_ if some hoser on the motd gives you advice and it's wrong, you get aids or get someone pregnant. don't be a tard. call up the condom company and ask them. \_ Seriously. I don't think this was a real request, or if it is, dude, I have this new thing called a search engine to show you. \_ Fine. you're probably right, it's just a troll. But since you put it like that, I hereby formally challenge you to convincingly answer this using a "seach engine." \_ Why small? |
2004/8/11 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:32839 Activity:high |
8/11 Bush-Meat might give you a new variant of SIV, the primate version of HIV: [altered for clarity since idiot OP doesn't know what AIDS is] http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996239 \_ Then don't eat Bush's meat. \_ Tim Russert had better get tested, quick! |
2004/8/6 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:32736 Activity:moderate |
8/6 Journalism at its best: the closest a long article about "Links between Prison and AIDS affecting Blacks" gets to prison rape is "Correctional health experts say the rampant sexual activity among prisoners depicted in television shows like the HBO prison series \"Oz\" is exaggerated. But sex in prison certainly occurs." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/06/national/06aids.html?hp \_ Two friends of mine argued a case at a debate tournament that the way to prevent prison rape was soap on a rope... -John \_ DId they win? \_ What does soap on a rope do? \_ Harder to accidentally drop. Bending over to pick up your soap in a communal shower leads to... \_ Why not just bend at the knees? \_ If you prefer oral to rear-entry, sure. |
2004/7/21-22 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Recreation/Media] UID:32411 Activity:insanely high |
7/21 Does anyone else think that the 1950's movie beuties were better looking than the modern oversexed plastic surgery display cases we're bombarded with today? And I'm not just talking Audrey Hepburn. \_ The SF/BA is not the entire world, neither is it all of the US even. Unfortunately, the movie starlettes are picked by contacts and what their willing to do... not by any means of grace or beauty. \_ Huh? I don't know what SF/BA has to do with the topic. I was only refering to movie stars. (Well, I guess models too, but I don't have many pictures of 1950's models.) \_ miss the days when Blacks can only sits at back of bus, huh? \_ Now *this* is a troll and way off topic, too. \_ Hi stupid troll! (Was supposed to be here) \_ yes, more natural beauty, more brains, more taste, more patriotic \_ more patriotic? more brains? more taste? Were you alive in the 1950s or do you just have a received stereotypical image of them via other people's nostalgia? I think I've just been trolled, although I agree on the natural beauty part. Marilyn Monroe would have been called "fat" by today's standards. \_ I remember seeing Rear Window for the first time three years ago and walking out thinking that Grace Kelly was way more beautiful than any current hollywood star. \_ in the 50s people like Rosey O' Donald would never have any chance of appearing on TV. She would have been discriminated. Is that the kind of world you'd prefer living in? \_ As nice a thought as that is, it's not true. Go watch some 50's TV, there's some dang ugly people on there. \_ A world without a Rosie? Is that possible? PLEASE?! \_ and Marilyn Monroe could never get a role in a movie today. \_ Stepford Wives. Nice obedient wives who stay home, cook, clean, and take care of the children... unlike modern bitches of today. \_ Did I say something about wives? I just refering to the fact that women in old movies are attractive, and the chicks in flics today don't even look human, it's kinda creepy. \_ I agree 100% about the women in a lot of today's media looking bizarre and inhuman almost, but keep in mind that a LOT of that is due to digital retouching techniques that have gotten out of hand. In fact Britney (for instance) is rather ordinary looking without the Photoshop army working on her. \_ Tastes have changed. Instead of Rita Hayworth or Liz Taylor we have Jennifer Garner. Muscles and fitness take precedence over classic good looks. We are, I think, more concerned with the body than the face. Maybe Marilyn Monroe started that. Not that Liz Taylor had a bad body, but Jennifer Aniston and J Lo are more about body than about overall good-looks. Also, styles have changed. Everyone looks bad in a midriff and jeans. Women (and men) then had more style in clothes, hair, and so on. \_ Stepford wives=1950s women \_ Get over it. He's talking about the purely physical. The op hasn't said one word about your stepford wives crap. !op \_ This is general perception of the decades: 1950s: post WW2, jobs even for HS graduates, lots of jobs, great burger/fries/milk shakes joints. Lots of land, suburbia expansion. Sex. Children :) :) :) :) :) :) 1960s: TV. Cars. Antibiotics/immunizations. Pills. Birth-control pills. FEEL GOOD. :) :) :) :) 1970s: Gas crunch. Highway jam. :( 1980s: Pro-corporation era. Work work work. Workers outsourced. Japanese threat. Work work work. :( :( 1990s: discovery of AIDS. Population boom, highway congestion, suburbia crunch. Work work work :( :( 2000s: more suckiness to come. \_ Dude, your cute little list is one of the shallowest things I've seen in some time. Aids in the 90's? Vietnam? 60's counter culture? Cold War/Threat of Nuclear armageddon? Apartheid? There are so many more impactful things to talk about both historically and culturally. I suspect you're either very sheltered or very young. \_ Erm.. Your "discovery of AIDS" is a tad off. \_ Interesting. Do you think the people actually living through your :) decades actually felt that way? Perhaps some of them did, but I know that my parents who actually lived through them would have a very different opinion than you. Don't fall prey to the declining view of history. In many ways we have made tremendous progress over the last 50 years. Ask a gay or a black person if they want to go back to the '50s, for instance. \_ I won't call that progress. Blacks should go back to Africa and gays should be killed. It would make the US a better place. If you want proof, just come down the project. But wait, you are writing this from the comfort of your home in an expensive where you don't see those fucking blacks do you? \_ Worst. Troll Attempt. Ever. \_ You. Write. Like. This. Too. Much. .. Please. Stop. \_ Clue-- \_ While I agree that most of the starlets today aren't very attractive, there are some exceptions (personally I like Catherine Zeta-Jones). I also think that Movies these days rely too much on cg and sex rather than on writing and story development. Not that cg is bad, I mean where would Star Trek be w/o cg? :-) \_ YAY STAR TREK MOVIE GUY! --star trek movie guy #1 fan |
2004/7/21 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:32399 Activity:insanely high |
7/21 Bible aids in Prison Beer Run: http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/07/20/brf.inmates.beer.run.ap/index.html This is funny. They absolutely should not be charged with escape,_\ that is crap. (unless they were caught on the outside, which does not seem to be the case). \_ Why the hell not? Escape is escape even if they came back. And why are our prisons so cushy that escapees come back? \_This is funny. They absolutely should not be charged with escape, that is crap. (unless they were caught on the outside, which does not seem to be the case). |
2004/7/17-18 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/Virus] UID:32334 Activity:moderate |
7/16 What's this email supposedly from mconst sent to jobs@csua? Which virus is this? \_ Why does it matter which virus it is? \_ It doesn't. I'm just curious. \_ Worm.Bagle.AG detected by ClamAV |
2004/7/13 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:32249 Activity:insanely high |
7/12 Good thing the FBI is protecting us from those dangerous Art Professors. http://www.caedefensefund.org \_ Cue the motd brain damaged with all sorts of justifications for this. \_ Can someone save us from reading useless sarcastic URL descriptions and just give a real link summary instead? No one has time to read every stupid untitled URL on the motd. \_ Some prof. got arrested for using poor judgement when dealing w/ some bacteria or something. The link is some sort of propaganda page. \_ He didn't use poor judgment. The bacteria were harmless and he used them in art. He called the police because his wife died (nothing to do with the bacteria) and the police saw his lab, freaked out, decided he was a terrorist, confiscated everything, etc. The really sad thing is once they realized they had made total fools of themselves they decided the best thing to do was go full steam ahead and searched for anything they could to nail the guy. Eventually they found that he had misrepresented himself to get some of the supplies (claiming he was a lab of some sort), supplies that could not be used for bioterrorism BTW, and ended up charging the guy with fraud. Wife dies, call police, end up being charge with terrorism for you choice in art medium. Yay america. \_ What kind of an idiot makes art w/ a bacteria? I can understand if you were a jr/hs bio teacher and you had that stuff in your house, but the dude was an art prof or something. Should have had the common sense to stick to paint/pastel. \_ Bacteria seems useful if your work is a critique of biotechnology and genetic engineering. This is art not in the sense of "something pretty to hang on a wall" but art as social critique. \_ Under the Bush Regime, artists will only be permitted to use paint and pastels. All others will be incarcerated. \_ No really. You can't be that stupid, you're just trolling. \_ this guy is a genius, now that gives me an idea to put small pox virus in my painting and send it as a gift to the president. \_ except for the fact the bacteria he was using were totally harmless \_ Look, art has become so degenerate in the 20th century, thanks to the liberal elites, that it no longer serves any moral purpose and ceases to be understandable by people, including the artists themselves. Whether a terrorist or not, I am glad this government is finally trying to bring justice to arts and stop the outrage. \_ You're trolling, right? Very little art has ever served a moral purpose. It's purpose has been to make us think or feel a way. Do you honestly think the government should be deciding what art is allowed to exist? There's some guys in Afghanistan who felt the same way... \_ The guys in Afghanistan knew no art. They were all illterate. Fiddling with bacteria is not an art. It is just lame. Have you visited the national gallery in DC? That's art. \_ While I'm no supporter of all the stuff that wack jobs produce, art is about change. I think using bacteria as a medium could produce some great art about life in the 21st century-- biotech, genetic engineering, the fact that a tiny microbe could kill every one of us. Have you ever met somebody who thinks his hammer* is the only tool anyone needs? Same thing with art- you have to use the medium that's best for what you're doing. * You can substitute "programming language" or "Linux distro" for hammer here if that helps. \_ Wow, this is scary. I think I am going to move back to Singapore. |
2004/7/11-12 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Women] UID:32215 Activity:kinda low |
7/11 http://www.eruptzine.com/rant3.html kind of funny to read ("pussy eating corrosives") haha \_ yeah wow that was funny like a pie in the face! woop! woop! woop! |
2004/6/23-24 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:30979 Activity:high |
6/23 http://csua.org/u/7w8 The boy's mutant DNA segment was found to block production of a protein called myostatin that limits muscle growth. The news comes seven years after researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore created buff "mighty mice" by "turning off" the gene that directs cells to produce myostatin. "Now we can say that myostatin acts the same way in humans as in animals," said the boy's physician, Dr. Markus Schuelke, a professor in the child neurology department at Charite/University Medical Center Berlin. "We can apply that knowledge to humans, including CREATING MUTANT SUPER-SOLDIERS THAT CAN CRUSH THE SKULLS OF THEIR ENEMIES WITH THEIR BARE HANDS. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!1!!" \_ Why do you hate DNA? \_ Thinking like this will destabalize the human genome for generations to come. \_ Why do you hate children? \_ Because when you have them your freedom goes away. |
2004/6/23 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:30968 Activity:nil |
6/23 Viral therapy for cocaine addicts: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996055 \_ It's technically more like gene therapy, with a virus used as the delivery vector. I worked on something tangentially related to this a few years ago. |
2004/5/10 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Dental, Health/Disease/General] UID:30127 Activity:high |
5/9 Porn star becomes a doctor. You can do that too. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/10/national/10PORN.html?hp \_ No URL, no explanation? Is there any reason this should not be deleted? \_ is there any reason why it should be deleted? you fucktard. \_ There's nothing to discuss \_ It's an interesting story, man. There's more to life than computers. \_ The OP posted it without a URL. There *was* nothing to discuss. \_ so what. \_[Content free responses deleted] \_ Yeah, but do any Internet Rock Stars become doctors? |
2004/4/6-7 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13046 Activity:nil |
4/6 http://www.thememoryhole.org Wired also has a story about it. \_ Ah, finally looked at the mutilation pics. Nice. Grinning kids looking like they're on a pleasant field trip, charred torso being poked. They should have set up a soccer game with one of the heads. \_ Actually, I meant the docs about the goings-on of 9/11. I guess I should have posted the http://wired.com article instead. \_ Or maybe some of the context for the link. Duh. \_ Mind read or die, scum! |
2004/3/8 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:12564 Activity:nil |
3/7 Mystery virus prevents AIDS: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994742 \_ not really |
2004/2/24-25 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Sleeping] UID:12383 Activity:high |
2/24 Yahoo! News - Half of Young Americans to Get Sex Diseases -Study http://csua.org/u/65j Holy cow! I'd better stop sleeping around. \_ I pity the poor dumb bastards at school now. I fucked my way through school and didn't catch a thing. I used about 5 condoms the whole time. \_ How many other guys' semen have you indirectly touched with your penis? \_ it wasn't so indirect... \_ Uh oh, homophobia hits the motd. None probably but if one or more was slutting around and dripping with cum and I didn't notice I think I survived. Thanks for caring! \_ You believed it the chick said she was on the pill? \_ What's the incubation period of AIDS again? \_ Wow, this sounds pretty tin-foil condom to me. \_ while I think condom is safe and all, I don't use them anymore. When I started screwing this chick who was on the pill, I never wanted to go back to condoms again. It just feels sooooooo much better without the condom. It's like the difference between getting a massage with a hammer vs. getting a massage with bare naked hands. Having sex without condom is like, drugs, once you're on it you get hooked forever. \_ Agreed. And I take care of the safety issue by marrying a virgin. \_ Americans have the highest STD rate in the industrialized world? But what about those amoral French? This can't be Tr00000! \_ the french have sex-ed! Ignorance Is Truth! \_ the french people i know seem to be quite priggish about sex. \_ Er, I was kidding? You guys are a swift bunch here in motdlandia. \_ the promiscuity of the french seems to be an enduring stereotype. \_ Yo. Dude. I was kidding. HELLO. EARTH TO STUPID MAN. \_ you know, the world doesn't quite revolve you. the fact that you were kidding is mostly coincidental to the point that there is an enduring stereotype. \_ The world doesn't revolve me? Whoa dude, that's like profound and shit. \_ Of course the world revolves you. If it didn't you would fly off into space. |
2004/2/19 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:12304 Activity:nil |
2/18 If you want to defend President Bush, post your defense on MOTD instead of simply censor it. Scientists Accuse White House of Distortion: http://www.npr.org/rundowns/segment.php?wfId=1683040 \_ Further evidence why science should not be politicized. The piece is partisan fluff by journalists feeding at the public trough; zero facts just accusatory demagoguery literally about saving the children. So I went to the full report: Global Warming - http://www.uoguelph.ca/~rmckitri/research/trc.html http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1010124/posts Air Pollution - no comment because they don't provide enough evidence. Yes obviously lead and mercury are bad but exactly how much money is society willing to spend to reduce them to parts per trillion levels. And guess what, lead and mercury are naturally occurring! Are we going to scrub the environment clean of these elemements?? Abstinence / AIDS - AIDS is transmitted by almost entirely by promiscous homosexuals engaging literally in tens or 100's of anonymous unprotected sex acts a year. Why should I be expected to pay for someone's reckless acts of irresponsibility? All Bush mandated was that the same amount be spent on abstinence programs as is spent giving free birth control pills to HS students without their parents consent. \_ Are you really this stupid? Did you not pay attention in sex ed during high school? You just massively discredited yourself. I suppose all the "fags" forced all the heterosexuals with AIDS to engage in gay orgies? -John \_ The percentage of straight victims is near zero compared to the numbers for gay males, drug addicts, and men visiting prostitutes. Once you take the spouses of bi-sexual men, drug addicts and 'johns' out of the numbers, you don't have too many non-gay victims in the US population. John, you're the one who has massively discredited themself with your hot button pushing ranting and hysteria. Calm down, stop knee jerking, smoke a joint and find some facts. \_ Has it ever occurred to you that "the gay community", due to its historically higher exposure, has a much higher awareness and reporting rate for AIDS? Kill all fags. -John Endangered species act - tell that to those people in Klamath falls and those whose livelihood depends on development of natural resources. Massive ongoing cases of scientific fraud inside the EPA and Forest Service \_ Ah, you rail against unsubstantiated claims, and your evidence is utterly impeccable. Q.f. 'Other Peoples' Money", Danny De Vito's diatribe about buggy whip manufacturers. -John \_ Say what? Pass that joint over here! Or at least try again. \_ I can't, I'm too busy hysterically ranting against freeper idiots. -John Aluminum tubes - I stopped here because this reveals the entire agenda of the 'paper'. When Islamic radicals detonate a nuclear weapon on US soil I hope all those who propose a policy of capitulation are in the blast radius. \_ We should also ban export of screwdrivers because they can be used to build n00ks. \_ Standard red herring. This is just like saying we shouldn't lock our front doors at night because a burglar can always break a window. Do you use "password" as your password because hey they can always break in using an ssh bug anyway? |
2004/1/22-23 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General, Health/Men] UID:11889 Activity:moderate |
1/22 http://csua.org/u/5ns More on the syphilis/chat room connection. \_ LORD, SAVE US FROM THE GAYEEEES!! \_ AND THOSE PERVEEERT LESBEENS!! \_ oh my god! almost 7000 cases nationwide of a disease which is easily cured with antibiotics! Let's shut down the Internet! -tom |
2003/12/1-2 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:29681 Activity:nil |
12/1 Wow. I didn't know Asimov died of AIDS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Asimov \_ Bad blood transfusion. Fact of cause of death was withheld for ten years after his death. \_ right... like we believe that. |
2003/11/22 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Foreign] UID:11185 Activity:nil |
11/21 S.F. has nation's highest syphilis rate http://csua.org/u/52d Must be the foggy weather \_ Must be that you're an evil rich white male oppressor racist! \_ You really are obsessed with this. You need help. \_ It is good to be #1 in something, at least. \_ SF is #1 in several things, none of them good. |
2003/11/21 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:11166 Activity:high |
11/21 Syph, aids, gay men, etc: http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20031120-044239-3323r \_ Do you get some kind of sexual satisfaction from rehashing this topic over and over again? \_ Hating gays helps distract him from his celibacy. \_ http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2002-09-18-detroit-syphilis_x.htm |
2003/10/23 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:10748 Activity:nil |
10/22 What are some applications or general set of problems that are most suited to be solved on server farms? I know of stuff like SETI. But I was thinking along the lines of problems that are specially suited for large number of machines interconnected to massive storage in one centralized place (little network latency). Thanks. \_ hosting large web sites. \_ lots of bioinformatics problems \_ http://www.fightaidsathome.org BTW I vaguely remember that its number of participants is much lower than SETI@home, even though fighting AIDS seems more important. Anyone knows why? \_ because if we find aliens it'll change the course of human history dramatically, but if we stop aids, it just means one less way out of thousands to die. death is common, aliens are not. others understand that fighting aids is not more important when most aids carriers got it through voluntary activities. the only true aids victims are hemophiliacs and surgey patients who got tainted blood and similar situations. \_ bad troll--the true nutcase AIDS troll is Duesberg's "AIDS doesn't exist" position. \_ it's not a troll. it's the truth. i expressed my opinion. if you disagree, say why. if you take it up the ass a few times a week from strangers you're going to get aids and that's no one's fault but your own. i've got no sympathy for any new cases that have come along in the last 10 years from people engaging in known risky activity. the same goes for iv drug users, or anyone else engaging in high risk activity that has been *known* to be high risk and a near guarantee of a death sentence since the early 90s. at this point no adult has the excuse of not knowing what causes aids or how to avoid it. \_ seti@home was first, and had great publicity. I'm guessing if the roles of the two projects were reversed in terms of publicity and timing, it would be the other way round. \_ What about the third world? \_ I agree on the true victim part. \_ I guess the class of problems are those which the ratio of CPU time to data size is high, and the data can be divided into independent sets. \_ molecular biology, specifically for studying protein folding. \_ Oceanography, meteorology, and lots of other Earth sciences. We use supercomputers for gravity modeling. The best problems are those where the next operation does not involve the result from the previous operation (e.g. Monte Carlo sims). --dim \_ Yes. a variety of statistical analyses and modeling is most common. MCMC, especially, since you can run 100 independent threads, and then merge them all together for analysis. -nivra \_ Neuroimaging. Structural MRI comparisons across subjects and through populations using volumetric tensor fields. Functional studies making comparisons across groups for 4D scans. Check out http://www.loni.ucla.edu -drex |
2003/10/22-23 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:10737 Activity:nil |
10/21 Elliot Smith, RIP http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/news/03-10/22.shtml |
2003/10/22 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:10730 Activity:nil |
10/21 Why, specifically, do gay men have a higher chance of getting HIV? \_ because it bleeds. \_ and because gay men are more promiscuous. \_ Comparing to whom? Straight men? Lesbian women? \_ http://www.virusmyth.com \_ My god, are people still buying this crap? From the NIH: http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/evidhiv.htm \_ I think the South African govt still does. \_ And you wonder why they have the highest infection rate in Africa? Burying your head in the sand does not help. \_ CDC to the rescue: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pubs/faq/faq22.htm \_ It is better to give than to receive. http://www.holybible.org \_ Oh, that's why those priests "gave" to the young boys all the time. |
2003/10/16 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:10658 Activity:nil |
10/16 I'm not sure if the aids infected guy is worse or his wife: http://www.thisislondon.com/til/jsp/modules/Article/print.jsp?itemId=7172821 |
2003/10/13 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:10609 Activity:high |
10/13 What kind of protection do you use and why? pill:. \_ it is what she prefers condom: \_ too much hassle nothing: . \_ cuz it feels better \_ and you want to be a daddy \_ What is up with the safe sex questions lately on the motd? Did none of you get basic sex education in school? Do you not know how to use google? \_ well I used to use the condom but lately I've been using nothing and it feel SOOOOOOOOOO much better and now I don't ever want to go back using the condom. \_ What's up, Daddy? \_ Catholics trying to figure out if the Church was lying when it said condoms don't prevent the spread of AIDS? sleep with _your_ wife/gf: . \_ so you can raise my kids abstinence: . my geekly magnetism driving away the girls: \_ hi geordan! chastity belt: |
2003/10/7-8 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:10514 Activity:insanely high |
10/7 Great WaPo article about retired woman working at Hardee's to pay for health insurance: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A42036-2003Oct3.html \_ How do I get this site to work with links-not-lynx? \_ sick. \_ She's not retired, she's only 58! \_ Let's be real. Her generation is the wealthiest generation ever and is more wealthy than ours (I'm 30) will be. They bought houses for $15K 30 years ago that are worth $500+K now. They receive Social Security and a lot of them had good pensions from work, too. I feel bad for this lady, but I don't want to hear any 50 or 60 somethings bitching about not having money to retire with. I'll have to work until I'm 70 for a fraction of her SS (if I'm lucky) and no pension, but a 401(k) made mostly of my own money. Boo hoo. \_ Seriously, if it was your mom, would you just tell her TANSTAAFL and get back to work? \_ Seriously, my mom has no retirement and will be fucked when she retires, having only SS. It's all her own damn fault. I may help her if I can, but this is my problem not yours. Feel free to donate money to this total stranger if it makes you feel good. I have my own problems. She's got a job and we've (society) already paid $97000 for her heart surgery. What the hell does she want after all? \_ My mom is in the same boat, btw. \_ Why I am not surprised that sodans don't care about their mothers? \_ We just care about yermom. Cared, last night. \_ Mom's a bit of a slut. Btw she has AIDS. \_ Pres. Bush probably ripped her off personally. But, as stated above, there will be ZERO Social Security for our generation. In fact, most likely the Fed will retroactively tax your 401k to pay for greedy seniors. |
2003/9/2 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:10035 Activity:nil |
9/1 Full text of article on prison healthcare, from August 2003 Harper's: http://www.wrongfuldeathinstitute.com/links/sickontheinside.htm Just to give you an idea of why you might want to care about this, here's a short quote: "It is worth noting, then, that somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of American prisoners are, at this very moment, infected with hepatitis C, and therefore quite contagious. It is also worth noting that most of them will eventually be released back into the general population, where the infection rate is, for now, only about 2 percent." \_ And you know how HepC spreads, right? No worries here. \_ All kinds of ways... pretty much anything that involves bleeding. You didn't read the article, did you? \_ And since no one has ever bled on me... \_ Since I'm not regularly having penetrative unprotected anal sex with ex-cons I think I'm ok with this. No, I didn't read the article but I do know how HepC spreads. \_ Ever heard of fistfights? And why don't you read the article? Hear no evil, see no evil, eh? \_ Or say someone working in food service and who doesn't wash their hands well. \_ Right. Hepatitus is thousands of times more virulent than say, HIV, and it takes a lot less than unprotected anal intercourse to transmit the virus. \_ Don't confuse Hep A with C, which is far less easily transmitted. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/hepatitis/c/fact.htm \_ useful! thanks. as far as i can tell, my risk will remain zero even after some huge population of infected former inmates is reaeased into the general population. \_ Oh I get it. Since YOU won't be directly affected, you don't care. Only things that directly endanger overweight semi-virginal system administrators are worth caring about. \_ Even if they do, the faucets aren't clean anyway. |
2003/8/1-2 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/Virus] UID:29210 Activity:kinda low |
8/1 Are people really naturally just idiots? There's an email with a virus floating around in our company, and everyone is panicking like little girls. Seems like everyone is doing a reply all stating this is a virus or asking what to do or having conversations ("Hey Bob, I think this is a virus. What do you think?"). FUCKERS. \_ I think you are old enough to know the truth. Yes. Yes they are. \_ They're just trying to do anything to avoid work. You know, like writing to /etc/motd.public. |
2003/5/22 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:28522 Activity:high |
5/21 Bayer sells medicine that carried high risk of transmitting AIDS in Asia and Latin America after it stop selling it in the west. 100 people in Hong Kong and Taiwan got HIV after using Bayer's medicine. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/22/business/22BLOO.html \_ So? Don't those other countries have their own control over drugs in the marketplace? You know there are drugs approved for use in Europe that aren't allowed here? They should protect themselves better and not rely on foreign nations to decide what drugs are good or bad for their people. \_ you have no idea what your great country is doing. USA never reluctant to throw their weight around to sell their products. if the government is not co-operating... well, the worse case is what happened to Guatemala, Iran, and Iraq - government got overthrown by US either conventional or covert forces. \_ uhhh, Bayer is german! damn nazi's experimenting again. \_ So the Great White Satan goes to these countries and says, "You must accept our poisoned drugs or we'll invade your country and install a government that will sell our broken drugs to your citizens"? Stop reading so much alt.conspiracy.esl. \_ You've read too many Gibson novels. Perhaps you should sit down, put a damp towel over your head and take a long rest. \_ Hasn't government basically dissapeard in Gibson's futuristic novels? Is the US government mentioned even once in the Sprawl series? \_ any citizens of foreign nation who is politically conscious know this. These are facts, not fictions. For most part, USA just throw its economic weight around, and because USA is the largest export market, that is usually enough. It's unfortunate for Iran and Iraq, because oil is too much to gave up. \_ Iran? You mean that we invaded Iran for their oil? WTF are you babbling about? You're beneath idiocy. \_ You know that the US overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran and had the Shah installed in his place in 1953, right? \_ Could you join us in the current century please? And as always, it's not nearly as grade school simple as you'd like to portray history. \_ Good troll. Lots of bites. \_ You are moron. -aaron \_ "You are [a] moron. -aaron" [corrected] \_ You are fool" -!aaron \_ I am not aaron - eric |
2003/3/17 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Skin] UID:27729 Activity:nil |
3/17 An update on my skin. :-) Besides using my wife's skin care products, eating well and excercise has really helped also. I have this healthy pinkish glow to my cheeks and my lips are getting redder. My skin SHINES! Women at work at noticing me and striking up conversations with me. Even the gay men are checking me out. It's quite flattering. My wife thinks I'm the ultimate pretty boy now. -guy with good skin \_ how's the sex with UCLA EE guy? \_ how's the sex with your gay coworkers? Made any money in the Castro? Enough to quit your day job and pay for AIDS drugs? |
2002/12/2 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:26691 Activity:nil |
11/28 A Thanksgiving prayer by WSB: Thanks for the wild turkey and the passenger pigeons, destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts. Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison. Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger. Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin leaving the carcasses to rot. Thanks for the American dream, To vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through. Thanks for the KKK. For nigger-killin' lawmen, feelin' their notches. For decent church-goin' women, with their mean, pinched, bitter, evil faces. Thanks for "Kill a Queer for Christ" stickers. Thanks for laboratory AIDS. Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs. Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind the own business. Thanks for a nation of finks. \_ Yeah, thanks for the nation of finks that turned in those two serial killers who were shooting random people on the East Coast. Yes, thanks for all the memories-- all right let's see your arms! You always were a headache and you always were a bore. Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams. \_ What is WSB and q.v.v. - thanks. \_ I hate white people too! Let's go kill some crackers! |
2002/11/2-3 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:26387 Activity:insanely high |
11/1 how many different continents have you have sex on? 1 - . 2 - ...... 3 - .... \_ woo! i rule! --aaron \_ how many different chicks? \_ er, how many are from Asian hookers? \_ C'mon, aaron's good-looking enough to get laid without resorting to paying whores. \_ Good looking has nothing to do with getting laid for guys since most women can't even agree on what a good looking guy looks like. \_ 9 out of 10 hot chicks agree: aaron's good looking. \_ URL? \_ does yermom count as a continent? 4 - ... \_ sure am glad I made that trip to South America! \_ Did you go and do some random chick there or bring along a gf? I'm too scared of disease to ever consider the former. \_ 33% of all sexually active Americans over the age of 10 have some kind of venereal disease. You can get herpes just *kissing* someone. 1/4 of all new American AIDS cases are in people under 21. Don't think for a second that the lack of mud huts and unpaved roads means this is a sexual paradise. \_ WTF are you? A dorm health worker/condom dispenser? How about a real berakdown for those AIDS stats? How How about a real breakdown for those AIDS stats? How many new cases are from male homosexual sex vs hetero sexual sex? With a few loud exceptions the motd doesn't care about gay men getting AIDS. AIDS is an activity transmitted disease, not age related. \_ Do you have a herpes-diseased genital area with lots of broccoli-shaped growths? \_ Not until after I did yermom. Were you the guy in the mask and cock ring? 0 - . \_ How come I have to add this choice? \_ Because you're the only virgin left on the motd? Everyone else at least went to SF or Oakland and got a hooker once? \_ there are hookers in Berkeley too! \_ where are the hookers in Oakland and Berkeley? \_ San Pablo! \_ That's like being in Oakland though. \_ San Pablo and where? It's a long street! \_ San Pablo and Oakland. |
2002/9/17-18 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:25920 Activity:high |
9/17 http://monkeybagel.com/pumas.html \_ Where's my chaingun and hovercraft? |
2002/7/16 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:25371 Activity:high |
7/16 Everyone, say hello to "Sicko": http://csua.org/u/94 \_ "...... South Africa, where one in nine people have the virus that can lead to AIDS." Scary. \_ Some countries are around 1 in 3. This stuff is so necessary, our legislators should be dragged into the streets for being "worried". \_ Gotta love the fact that lawmakers are more afraid of a puppet than the actual disease. \_ A related note: Are HIV-positive kids in the US currently allowed to go to regular child-care centers or kindergartens? How do they prevents kids from exchanging body fluids like tears or saliva? \_ they don't need to; AIDS doesn't spread through tears or saliva. \_ Oh really? Would you bet your life on that? Your child's? |
2002/7/16-18 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:25370 Activity:kinda low |
7/16 Come join AIDS Walk San Francisco, this Sunday 7/21. http://www.aidswalk.net/sanfran/index.html \_ It's all a complete scam - you're being played. \_ care to elaborate? \_ I thought that was AIDS Ride, is the walk similarly run? \_ I walked once a few years ago. It was real. |
2002/7/10 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:25320 Activity:nil |
7/9 Be safe. Get snipped. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992519 "She says more than 30 studies have suggested a halving of the risk of HIV transmission if the male sexual partner is circumcised. Gayle is calling for further studies to investigate whether there is a clear cause and effect between the procedure and the risk reduction." \_ how about a much simplier solution: have your partner tested!! \_ What? And pretend I'm not in love!!?? |
2002/7/8-10 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Science/Biology] UID:25306 Activity:insanely high 50%like:25845 |
7/8 A moment of silence for Gene Kan. RIP. \_ who? \_ how did he die? \_ Care to provide more info? \_ the one who wrote the open source Gnutella? \_ (URL inserted at top so out of chronological order:). DETAILS: Gene Kan Summary: Better human being than most. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=581&e=4&cid=581&u=/nm/20020710/tc_nm/people_kan_dc_5 \_ http://news.com.com/2100-1023-942180.html?tag=fd_top \_ Sun PR says it was an accident: http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/020708/us_obit_kan_1.html \_ Does anyone know if there will be a public service? Gene will be very missed, even by those that haven't seen him for a while. -randal \_ a new Wired news writeup indicates suicide. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,53704-2,00.html \_ anyone archive his resume? \_ no duh!!! When a Chinese family shuts up about the method of death it's almost always a suicide because there's suppose to be a mark of shame for the family. If it's heart attack or cancer they'd have nothing to hide. \_ is this type of thinking documented somewhere? Url? Because if it ain't on the Internet, _/ it can't be true Just culturally curious and trying to keep you honest. The other sources said it was an "accident". \_ one of the Buddists' rules says that you'll go to hell if you commit suicide. Another common saying is "It's better to live like a dog than to die like a king." It's a Chinese thing. \_ When the "quote" gets so specific I suspect you do know what you wrote is incorrect. Suicide's paving the road to hell has been a long held belief of Catholics, and possibly other religions also consider it as self-murder. But buddhism is conspicuously not in that group. Indeed buddHists monks routinely, though not on large scale, commit suicide. Most families feel uneasy about the suicide of a member, in addition to pain. It's of course possible that your family doesn't, if you have one, and they will go to Jerry's show over your body. Asian families, and to some extent every group that in general have more "family values" than trailer tribes tend to prefer to keep such thing private, which I like, and lean toward denial, which than die well." There is neither dog nor king, and it is an attitude usually ascribed to the lower classes who supposedly have no shame. There are many more sayings to the contrary for the self-respecting ones, so you I don't. BTW, the saying you quoted literally translates to "it's better to live marginally than die well." There is neither dog nor king, and it is an attitude usually ascribed to those who have no shame and will do or say anything to get by. There are many more sayings to the contrary for the self-respecting ones, but you don't have to know them. \_ same with many christian families. like my folks did when my brother did it. berkeley gets another... \_ Doubt it. If he died of AIDS or Bob Crane-style, they'd shut up about it. \_ yeah, Chinese families--"what? you only sold InfraSearch for $10 million!?" too much pressure. |
2002/6/28 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:25233 Activity:nil |
6/27 ...The city [SF] used $50,000 in taxpayer funds to create a "whimsical" public awareness project called "Healthy Penis 2002." http://freerepublic.com/focus/news/707437/posts |
2002/3/24-25 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:24215 Activity:very high |
3/23 Real-time ACM World Finals scoreboard: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/Finals/Scoreboard/full.html Problem set: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/Finals/problems.pdf \_ has cal ever won the finals? \_ Yes. http://icpc.baylor.edu/past/icpc96/Report.html \_ did they win because stanford was not competing or is that wrong to say? \_ I think that was the year everyone else withdrew. \_ woohoo! the two sweetest words in the english language! de-fault! de-fault! \_ GO BEARS! Honorable mention right in between U. of Arkansas and U. of Nebraska - Lincoln! Maybe next time Cal can beat U. of Central Florida for the coveted position of 27th place! Way to go! \_ derision is easy. How well have *you* done in ACM competitions? -tom \_ Missing point (again). Was I deriding individual team members? No. I was deriding CS education at Cal in general. You knew that though... I hope. You're not still smarting over that AIDS thread and feeling soft for all victims of derision, are you? It's ok, we still like you even when you're provably wrong. you're provably wrong. [censored and restored] \_ the only reason tom would be missing a point is that your responses are so damned pointless. -jon |
2002/3/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Health/Disease/AIDS, Recreation/Celebrity/MichaelJackson] UID:24195 Activity:insanely high |
3/22 People born in the 70s and grew up in the 80s had: madonna, michael jackson, star wars, top gun, aids, etc. \_ I didn't have AIDS \_ Very few people have it. Fewer contract it. (read urls below) \_ Winner: Unclear on the Concept Award. \_ Those things existed, but so what? They were painful then and painful now and all of them are still here so what's the difference? (Tom Cruise is still here even if his earlier movies are forgotten) \_ Technically star wars is from the 70's. Or did you mean Empire and ROTJ. How about the people born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s? What is your equivalent? I'm wondering if there's a generation gap with you young folks. \_ fuck your pop culture. i was born in '76 and grew up in the 80's and know nothing for your pansy ass micheal jackson crap. DRI, Metallica, Iron maiden, motorhead, minor threat, black flag, repo man, thrasher magazine, skateboarding, setting stuff on fire, hating ronald reagan, being an anarchist, programming the apple ][e in assembler... \_ So Reagan was in office from 81 to 88 which makes you all of about 12 when he *left* office. And you were all of about 14 when the 80s ended. So you were a Reagan hating anarchist listening to Iron Maiden all through the 80s from age 4 to 14? Sure, kid, sure. We all know the 90s sucked but trying to worm your way into the 80s with bad math won't help you any. \_ They get nothing. They are weak and easily pushed to the wall. \_ Ewe! You are so 80s! \_ How dare you call them a sheep. \_ you mean there are people born in the 80s? How weird is that? \_ VH1, Win95, High Speed Internet, AIM, PlayStation \_ You really want to lay claim to vh1, win95 and AIM? \_ I'm just saying these are things that kids growing up in the 90's had. I'm not saying that they are good. Some other things that 90s kids had: Linux, Street Fighter 2, MTV's Real World/Spring Break, Gulf War, bad scifi (TNG, DS9, VOY, B5, etc.) \_ They had fewer parents, more pregnancies and higher rates of drug use and suicide, too. |
2002/3/22-24 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:24189 Activity:insanely high |
3/21 Peter Duesberg's HIV/AIDS research web site, he's a MCB Professor here at Berkeley who isolated the first cancer gene. http://www.duesberg.com/index.html \_ it's interesting that drug needle sharing is cited by orthodox groups as being a major cause of hiv infection. this indicates to me that a lot of aids patients had a history of drug abuse, if past needle sharing shows up significantly as a cause. how many regular folks shoot up on heroin or hang out with those who do? i'll give this guy the benefit of the doubt enough to support funding the guy's research. \_ Took a class from him years ago before his ideas and reputation got stomped on by the politcally correct science crowd. He was good. \_ are you for real? what class did you take? where did you see him speak? Duesberg also thinks cancer is a myth. ok i admit i am over simplifying. his partner in kookdom David Rasnick announced in January he was going to inject himself with the AIDS virus to prove it doesn't hurt, did he follow up on that? - danh \_ Hmm, these people seem to disagree with you. Check the list then ask yourself who is more credible. http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/group.htm Oh, and BTW, the Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis who invented PCR also seems to disagree with you.. but alas, I'm SURE you know better! \_ Just because a huge list of PhD's, Nobel Laureates and others not easily written off as crackpots think there might be something worth looking into doesn't mean jack. tom already told us the way it is. Why question it? \_ gee, anonymous insults. How useful. -tom \_ Yes. It was around 1992. Something like MCB 6 or something like that. A lecture series course which he co-taught with someone else who left no impression on me at all. I don't know if the other guy injected himself or what happened to any of the others in France, etc who injected themselves with various things. \_ you mean his idea that AIDS isn't caused by the HIV virus? The guy's a crackpot, and it has nothing to do with political correctness. (He's a good example of how you can always find a professor to support any crackpot theory) -tom \_ Hmm, I was there and heard what he had to say all semester and you read the Reader's Digest, maybe? Yes, your sources are much better than mine. Excuse my error. You're entirely right. \_ A man came up to me and said I'd like to poison your mind With wrong ideas that appeal to you Though I am not unkind. -tom \_ Nice poetry. Reader's Digest Poetry Edition? \_ Nice TMBG ref. \_ The home page says he's only referring to American/European AIDS regarding that issue, not African AIDS. I haven't read the rest yet so I don't know yet what the difference is. \_ "The African AIDS epidemic fails all criteria of a microbial or viral epidemic" Oh and by the way, the Holocaust was invented by the Jewish media. -tom \_ Sorry, Tom, but tossing around the Holocaust and the Jewish media and other hot button phrases doesn't make a valid argument or support your points in any way. \_ And your argument is...what? -tom \_ That some people know more about what he has to say than you do and find his work interesting and his theories worth examining without instant dismissal from the PC crowd which is exactly what happened. 20 years later and no one can tell you how HIV turns into AIDS. They only refer to it as 'happening' as a matter of fact. He might be 100% wrong on everything he says but that can't be said currently without more intellectual honesty regarding his theories. \_ Do you really see molecular biologists as a PC crowd? Maybe his theories were dismissed because they have no basis in reality. -tom \_ They're people. People have agendas. A science degree doesn't make someone magically immune to bias and certainly doesn't make them suddenly not afraid of losing grant money by backing a theory that offends a certain segment of society. Maybe his theories have no basis in reality. It hasn't been proven either way. He was simply smeared away. Wouldn't it be dreadful if he's right or even partially right and we've lost 15+ years fighting the wrong disease? \_ ...or poisoning people by trying to cure it? \_ exactly. What if the current approach is akin to leaches? \_ The current approach demonstrably saves people's lives. If you don't believe that, there's no hope for you. -tom \_ If you believe that without considering all scientific alternative explanations then there's no hope for you. \_ Did you even read the articles on the site? His papers indicate the opposite. \_ tom doesn't need to read. he already knows everything. dont let mere facts get in his way! \_ Tom has confused the practice of some scholars to weigh in on subjectd to weigh in on subjects the dont have expertise in [something tom himself has expertise in] with a scholar weighing in on something in his area. \_ gee, more anonymous insults. You guys are incredibly manly and intelligent. -tom \_ Either that or you are too insecure to admit when you are wrong. \_ tell us about the stars, ilyas. -tom \_ You sure that was me, tom? As sure as you are about AIDS? -- ilyas \_ now *that's* a flame-war! |
2002/3/6-7 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:24031 Activity:high |
3/6 The Hammurderer is quickly becoming regarded as the worst-received advertising mascot since Kool-Aid's 1989 discontinuation of "The Grapist," a huge purple monster who sodomizes thirsty children. \_ "Come mr. taliban, tally me banana..." \_ Are you saying there's a... towelly-ban? \_ You wanna get high? |
2001/11/22 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:23078 Activity:kinda low |
11/22 Thanks for the wild turkey and the passenger pigeons, destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts. Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison. Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger. Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin leaving the carcasses to rot. Thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes. Thanks for the American dream, To vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through. Thanks for the KKK. For nigger-killin' lawmen, feelin' their notches. For decent church-goin' women,with their mean,pinched,bitter,evil faces. Thanks for "Kill a Queer for Christ" stickers. Thanks for laboratory AIDS. Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs. Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind the own business. Thanks for a nation of finks. Yes, thanks for all the memories-- all right let's see your arms! You always were a headache and you always were a bore. Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams. \_ Yawn.... Oh? Did you say something? |
2001/8/2 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:21986 Activity:low |
8/2 Anyone knows how to make the auto-archive in ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v work again? \_ mehlhaff does. \_ yeah make soda stop rebooting \_ That's like selling your sister into prostitution and you being the pimp. You can make a quick buck or two now, but it's going to bite your ass eventually (or perhaps your sister will bite your nuts off). Basically, the US Defense is nothing more than a leaky condom for Bush's presidency. Sure you didn't get a VD this time, but how many ho's are you going to pass through before you pick up AIDS? The government needs to spend money, yes. Not ON THE MILITARY though. Funding worthy projects like environmental protection, cloning research, nanotechnology, etc. are where the efforts should be made. Instead all those situations are being castrated. Darwinism in reverse. \_ Linux. Linux is the STANDARD. Way to make soda stop rebooting. |
2001/1/30-31 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:20469 Activity:very high |
1/29 For those who are working, do you make any donation to non-profits agencies on a yearly basis? If so, which agencies? \_ I put in about $100 last Christmas for Toys for Tots. Although, now that I think about it there are probably more pressing issues than some kids getting toys. Always try to claim the tax benefit to get the most bang per buck (donating securities will allow you to avoid the capital gains tax so your charity gets more money). \_ I never donate. -- L. Ellison. \_ Red Cross. They accept credit card. I usually donate $200-$300/yr \_ Planned Parenthood, SF AIDS foundation. Since a friend of mine died from cancer, I donate in her name to the American Cancer Society every year. Then, there are friends who ask me to donate $40 here and there for their women's cancer marathon or what not. --chris \- I only donate charities who do most of their work in thrid world countries where people are often in positions to to be able to do much to help themselves. Particularly hunger, basic infrastructure like water purification, basic medical treatment and literacy. I think you get a lot more "bang for the buck" in this arena rather than sending a dying kid to the world series or to fancy first world diseases. although bill gates is the spawn of satan, i think often made smart decisions about what charties he's given to [i suppose it would be politically impractical for him not do donate to some US charities]. --psb \_ Typical psb. Pontificates without answering the question. \_ do you realize that if I donate more money to India, there will be MORE Indians flocking to the States who will take your job for less pay? Just look at Sunnyvale^H^H^H^H^H^H \-i am not sure what you are complaining about when the indian govt pays for education that turns into increase in the united states gdp. --psb \_ If you don't like your job you don't complain. You just go in and do it really half-assed. That's the American way. \_ Actually it's not but I'm not interested in trying to dispel cultural myths created by the Japanese in the 80s. \_ mmmmm...curry \_ mmmmm...pussy \_ mmmmm...bop! \_ mmmmm...die!!!!!! \_ goddamn, INDENT your posts properly, especially if you're going to be a dumbass and put them in the middle of other people's. jebus. CurryVille. The Indians are driving up the housing and making traffic worse than NYC. \_ Well, more "bang for the buck" is a relative measure. Though your donations may go farther in the Third World, donations that benefit your own community will have a more tangable impact on your own life and the lives of your neighboors, which is important to some people. \_ Yes: UCB, USCA Alumni Association, SF Women's Health Clinic, \_ I'm deferring that 10% in my IRA, so that Jesus gets more when I'm retired. \_ Actually, the 10% does not include the 16% targetted for my retirement cause I want to continue the 10% after my retirement. The Oaks Foundation, Dance Safe, SF AIDS Foundation, Campaign for Justice, NAACP, ACLU \_ why the hell do you want to donate to UCB? \_ don't you want your degree from UCB to be worth something in the future? UCB can't survive on state funding alone, imho. \_ Yes it can. They just need to purge the crooks on the Regents board and stop funding their stupid parties. \_ Well, no, not really. State funding covers 34% of UC's costs. There's no likelihood that the state will ever come close to the 70% it once covered. It's a hell of a lot of money. -tom \_ Just out of curiosity, what's your source for that 34% number? I know that UCB's public relations folks (particularly the Cal Annual Fund) have been using it since at least 1994, and have difficulty believing that it hasn't varied at all in seven years. \_ that's my source. It may have varied but I guarantee it hasn't risen. -tom \_ I give about $20 a week to church \_ 10% goes back to the Lord. $300/yr to United Way. \_ pre or post tax? \- the united way has really high administrative overhead and in the past has been fairly corrupt. --psb \_ My understanding was that it had improved much under the leadership of Elaine Chao, who is now our Secretary of Labor. Is there a ranking of various charity organizations based on their administrative overhead (as a percentage of each dollar donated, for example)? \_ However religious you are, you can't believe that the money is going to "The Lord". He doesn't need your money. You might be giving it to a charity (hopefully) or a church (more likely, sadly) in His name, but you certainly aren't giving it to Him. \_ Wow, I can't believe how religiously insensitive and/or ignorant you are. Obviously the money is spent to maintain the church, the center of faith upon which belief in God is maintained, as well as further Christian goals (ie help the poor thru Christ). No there is no physical vessel that carries money to God. \_ Yeah, those snipers that kill doctors in their kitchen in front of their (the doctor's) children need money for bullets. \_ Ya know I'm probably about 5x more pro-choice than you are but I find this sort of comment stupid and unhelpful. |
2000/11/23 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Domestic/HateGroups] UID:19901 Activity:high |
11/23 A Thanksgiving prayer by WSB: Thanks for the wild turkey and the passenger pigeons, destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts. Thanks for a continent to despoil and poison. Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger. Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin leaving the carcasses to rot. Thanks for the American dream, To vulgarize and to falsify until the bare lies shine through. Thanks for the KKK. For nigger-killin' lawmen, feelin' their notches. For decent church-goin' women, with their mean, pinched, bitter, evil faces. Thanks for "Kill a Queer for Christ" stickers. Thanks for laboratory AIDS. Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs. Thanks for a country where nobody's allowed to mind the own business. Thanks for a nation of finks. Yes, thanks for all the memories-- all right let's see your arms! You always were a headache and you always were a bore. Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams. \_ Yes there have been and still are a lot of problems in this country, but there are also a lot of things to be thankful for. I am thankful to be in America. If you dislike it so much, you are free to leave, or work to make it better. Whining about it on Thanksgiving is just stupid, though. -immigrant \_ I'm thinking that maybe we have the immigration concept all wrong in this country. We should throw open the borders to people like the immigrant above and _kick out_ those who have no clue how good it is here. I've been to third world countries (most of Western Europe) and I swear one of the best days in my life was coming back here and setting foot on American soil again. Love it, leave it, or change it, but don't whine about it. \_ you are missing the point of the poem. Burroughs wrote this at a time when most americans didn't realize that there were problems with our "Perfect Society". Note how we're headed into quite possibly a republican era - where the little guy can be stomped on - it's really easy to categorize people into "the lazy" and "the hard working" and to believe in self-righteouness. \_ Really? Burroughs wrote that AIDS came out of a lab? Also, you really think the Democrats are out there "fight fight fighting!" for the little guy? Where can I buy some? I'm not a blind pro-anything psycho. Please recognise that politics is about power, not people. Don't ever let some politico from _any_ party fool you into thinking he gives a crap about you. They only care about the next election and pork. And none of this has anything to do with the poem. I repeat: love it, leave it, change it, but don't just whine about it. Lucky for you this is a country where you can say such a thing and not worry about getting shot, run over by a tank in a public square or hauled off to an icy Siberian slave labor camp. This isn't a utopia and whining about it won't make it one. I got the point. |
2000/3/9-11 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:17724 Activity:high |
3/9 Yet another reason why the madness of globalism must be stopped now before it's too late: http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=69903 \_ That article has absolutely no evidence of the claim that peacekeepers are spreading AIDS. \_ Hmmm.. let's see... soldiers go abroad... they have sex with the natives... sex is always safe and no one ever gets any sort of disease from sex... Yup! You're right! The article is clearly anti-UN FUD! \_ the fallacy is in the idea that these people wouldn't have sex otherwise. \_ Dummyhead. They'd be having sex locally, not with a huge crop of people from everywhere, carrying new diseases to new places in bulk. Is it not obvious? \_ AIDS is AIDS, it exists everywhere. \_ AIDS started _somewhere_. Less contact over borders would have spread it slower and the ideal zero contact would have let it die out in the jungle. It exists everywhere for a reason. It didn't magically appear in every population on the earth over night from alien starships spreading plague. Think, people, think! You're in college now! Apply brain! \_ Okay, you're not completely paranoid but offset by being such a brushfire alarmist the likes of which are parallelled only in the violences of anti-holocaust-revisionist-activism because you're so much better than yourself as if to mock your own flaming ass as pidgeons fly out of it, catch on fire, and return to the fertilizer not from which they came because they're alien infernal shitpidgeons born uniquely in the inadequacy that is you... fuckin asshole. - (fucker) \_ Someone is either a) tweaking or b) a translator for Japanese press releases \_ get back in the cage already \_ fucker, you're back! We love you! -(fucker)'s #1 fan \_ Is (fucker) open source? Where can I find the code and the source word dictionary for this? \_ Where is zis fuckaire? I Must have ze source for fuckaire!(tm) |
2000/3/9 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:17721 Activity:nil 66%like:18076 |
3/8 If you must troll, at least try to be subtle. \_ I think gay people should all just kill themselves right now. I mean, isn't that what AIDS is for? God did cast down this disease to rid the earth of the devil's children. \_ I suppose all those people who died from AIDS in blood transfusions were all devil children too, eh? Get off of your moral high rocker. Like I've said before, you may not agree with what gay people do behind closed doors, but that doesn't not give anyone else the right to legislate their personal freedom and way of life. |
2000/2/18 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:17551 Activity:nil |
2/17 Support Troll Marriage! Trolls have as much right to the protections and benefits of non-Troll married couples! We are people just like you (except we can't breed, and we're incapable of any sort of fidelity, and are the major vector for HIV/AIDS in this country). Support Troll Marriage! Vote Yes! on Prop 22! \_ don't you mean no? \_ Yes, Major Vector! Thank you sir! \_ ObWebster 2: to enter into a close or intimate union <these wines marry well> BAN WINO MARRIAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \_ So Webster #2 is the same use as legal marriage? ObBrain. |
1999/9/16-17 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:16532 Activity:high |
9/16 I'm in the bathroom and I notice that a lot of guys do not wash their hands after they're done. These people go back to the lab and use the same keyboards I touch. Should I be afraid? Should I confront them? -this is not a troll; it is a legimate health concern \_ I once saw Kevin Fall not washing his hands right before going to the North Gate lecture hall. \_ urine is sterile. What health concern are you worried about, twink? \_ And how did you come to this brilliant conclusion, twink? \_ Although considered unclean in this country, the above is correct re: urine. However, they are violating a basic cultural hygene rule and are also unlikely to be washing their hands when they defecate which is definitely *not* clean. Also, no telling what else these barbarians have been touching. Definitely you should ask them if the sink was broken and suggest that maybe the sink in another bathroom functions correctly. They'll get the hint. \_ you should _always_ be afraid of public surfaces such as keyboards, tables, doorknobs.. not because someone is sloppy in the bathroom (those are the cooks you should be afraid of) but because they're wiping their noses, coughing, etc. and you're loading your immune system w/ who knows what virus or bacteria. treat your own hands as contaminated after touching these things. the less you touch your face etc. the less you contaminate yourself and others. --your mom \_ Wear gloves. \_ masturbate 9/16 \_ thats bullshit! cs61b was the worst course i ever took because of that asshole. someday you'll realize that there are more improtant things when you get a real job and stop riding bike and using linux. (fill in the origina post to match the reply.) \_ That is stupid. I know huge amounts of people that don't wash after #1, but I know more or less nobody that doesn't wash after #2, despite the fact that if you've done it correctly (which isn't exactly rare) you've touched nothing but your dick or your ass, which have been just sitting inside your pants cleanly since your morning shower. \_ But can you assume someone else's dick is clean after his morning shower? What about STDs? \_ Assume keyboard is dirty. Wash before touching food. Move on with life. |
1999/8/5-8 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:16261 Activity:high |
8/4 So. I'm going to Europe for a month. What should I do? \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! European Vacation. \_ Red Light District, Amsterdam. \_ Fool! /bin/cat is the only way to go! \_ I've travelled a lot there and lived in France for 9mo. Email me if you have questions. -cathyg \_ If you're there on the 11th of August, see the Total Solar Eclipse \_ Visit John! -John \_ See stuff and get laid. What else is there? \_ Slut Road in Pisa. Whores galore. \_ seriously, amsterdam is a great place to visit. \_ MUD. \_ RIDE BIKE. \_ sit indoors and watch TV. Some countries have porn on regular TV. \_ I can do that from my desk at work. Why go on vacation to be at work? \_ photograph your garden gnome in exotic European locales \_ Whatever you do, don't rush it. Take your time and enjoy! \_ "Slut Road" near Pisa, Italy. A must. \_ This was a great place to get a new strain of AIDS I hadn't yet acquired. Now I have three different strains and need to know where to get the newer type D. Any suggestions? \_ Go on the Jerry Springer show and ask one of those girls out. \_ Where do you think I got the second strain from? Good stuff. Still looking for type D. \_ It's not AIDS but you can try the second floor of Soda. I think there's some bacteria culture growing in one of the chairs. \_ Go to africa and fuck some monkeys. Maybe you'll even contract a never-before seen strain and become famous. \_ My first strain is really SIDS which is the (S)imian (I)mmune (D)eficiency (S)yndrome. Even though it's not truly AIDS, I like to count it as such. |
1999/3/30 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/Virus] UID:15661 Activity:nil |
3/29 My parents are getting all paranoid about this new email virus so they refuse to check their emails now. How does this Melissa virus work? I figure that if you're not stupid enough to double click on the Word icon then you're pretty safe. Is that true or does it execute by itself. |
1999/3/9-10 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:15567 Activity:high |
3/8 Is there law that says a couple must have blood test before getting married? Thanks. \_ didn't ben ask elaine to get a blood test in the graduate? \_ no. but you're stupid if you don't. \_ What are tested? Only AIDS and STD's? Or other diseases? \_ I thought there was one where they checked for stds and some rare weirdo blood combinations that produced 2-headed babies, or some similarly horrible things... -John \_ Testing for STDs is pretty useless before marriage now that most people who would be at risk are already sleeping together anyway. \_ That's a BETTER reason. You can find out "hey you slut you gave me vd!" and dump the bastard. Note: Not all STDs are immediately apparent to the victim. \_ Yes, in some places. Call your county offices to find out if you live in one of those places. \_ But not in California. \_ Beginning January 1, 1995 it was no longer necessary to have a blood test in California. The test itself was rather arcane at the time it ended. It test for some things like Gonorrhea, but not for more serious diseases like AIDS. \_ Back in 1990, there was an informed consent statute on the books which required AIDS testing. This was CA state only and was not renewed in later years. Note that just because you aren't REQUIRED to get tested doesn't mean it isn't a good idea. |
1998/12/15 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Health/Disease/General] UID:15089 Activity:nil |
12/14 harmful bacteria, virus, cancer-- what do these things have in common? Throughout human history, we have more deaths than ALL the war combined due combating these things that we can't see. We are 1000X more likely to die from things that we can't see than things that we can see. If we can get this simple realisation to the public, this will be a much better world. \_ I've realized this for years now. How has this helped me? \_ A computer program can be seen no more than a bacteria can. Consider computers in our ultimate downfall. \_ Would you rather have more people die in wars than from diseases??? |
1998/4/17 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:13975 Activity:high |
4/17 A Cappella Against AIDS V - a cappella concert. Wheeler Auditorium, this SATURDAY, April 18, 8pm. $10 general / $5 students/seniors. http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~choral/aaav.html -- I sing in Press Any Key. -caos \_ FAGS BURN! |
1998/1/28 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:13576 Activity:very high |
1/27 Let's say you get your Cal diploma. Then you kill one of your profs. Can you get your diploma revoked? \_ Someone finally offed Prof. Wu? \_ Whats wrong with Wu? He was one of the most lucent math profs I had. \_ He's a raging flaming piece of shit who should never have been allowed to teach. \_ Actually, he's great compared to Hsiang. \_ Had both. Little difference. One weighs more. \_ Duh. I had both. Otherwise how could I make the comparison? I actually learned something from Wu. Hsiang just babbled on about how greate the ancient Chinese geometers were. \_ Obviously you're on drugs or you would have dropped both classes. Your opinion is invalid. \_ This is a very interesting conversation, but does anyone know the answer? Thanks. \_ The answer is "No, not as far as I know, they don't revoke a diploma for a post-graduation felony unrelated to academic fraud, however you will end up in prison and learn all about gang rape and AIDS. You'll have bigger problems than possible revokation (is that a word?) of your diploma". How's that? \_ So Ted Kazinsky retains his title at Harvard and Cal? \_ Probably. Heard anything otherwise? |
3/14 |