3/15 |
2011/10/5-25 [Consumer/PDA] UID:54188 Activity:nil |
10/5 Does Sony hate developers, or does it just seem that way? \_ I think Sony hates everyone. -- Sony developer \_ what do Sony devs do besides PS3 games? |
2008/9/20-23 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/TV] UID:51242 Activity:nil |
9/20 I'm looking for a multiple PIP (picture in picture) tuner for my new Sony Bravia TV. Sony has PIP, but what I really want is 3-4 channel PIP that I can browse around even more easily. Any recommendation? Thanks! \_ not enough context, over-the-air-tv?, sat tv?, cable tv? |
2008/9/16-19 [Consumer/PDA, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51199 Activity:nil |
9/16 Isn't RIM a Canadian company? If John McCain invented the BlackBerry, how does that help our economy? \_ McCain took the money RIM gave him for inventing the BlackBerry and invested it in his 7 American houses. |
2008/7/6-8 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/TV] UID:50482 Activity:nil |
7/6 Somebody please tell me what Sony Bravia's model numbers mean? How to decode the complex serial numbers and what they indicate? \_ Best site: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Bravia-KDL-46Z4100-B-46-Inch/dp/B0019HZINM/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1215389445&sr=8-10 \_ Best site: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Bravia-KDL-46Z4100-B-46-Inch/dp/B0019HZINM |
2008/6/8-12 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/TV] UID:50187 Activity:nil |
6/8 Bought a new Sony Bravia from Costco. I can connect to it using DVI->HDMI converter at up to 1024x768. Above that resolution, Sony TV says "Unsupported Signal..." even though the manual clearly says it can support 1280x1024, 1900x1080, etc etc. What's up with that? \_ Your DVI source *MUST BE* HDCP compliant. Old DVI devices are not. At a higher resolution, they will not work. http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_11_4/feature-dvi-hdmi-hdcp-connections-11-2004.html \_ Testing for HDCP compliance: http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2874 |
2007/12/13-20 [Science/Electric, Consumer/PDA] UID:48797 Activity:nil |
12/12 Anyone reccomend a good site to buy a handheld electronic mahjong game? All the standard (amazon,buy,toyrus) dont have them. Thanks \_ Do you mean real mahjong or that mahjong solitaire nonsense? \_ Real Mahjong with the tiles. My wife plays it online alot and i want to get a hand-held electronic version of it \_ there are a few on the NDS |
2007/9/9-10 [Consumer/PDA] UID:47964 Activity:nil |
9/8 "In my career as a writer, I need my phone to do work. I have tight deadlines, and I need to communicate with lots of people in a hurry. When I'm in a tight spot, my BlackBerry always helps me out. It also sends a subtle signal to my correspondents that I'm getting a lot done. An e-mail that says "Sent from my BlackBerry" gives the impression that you're on the move but still chained to work, e-mailing from the elevator. An e-mail that says "Sent from my iPhone" conjures an image of a doofus who wants you to know he has an iPhone." \_ Actually, "Sent from my Blackberry" just tells me you're a self- absorbed idiot with no technical understanding and you're probably driving your poor IT support staff nuts with your stupid requests. |
2007/6/22-28 [Consumer/PDA] UID:47042 Activity:low |
6/22 25N, 55E \_ Is it your next suidide bombing target? \_ Just thought it looked cool--didn't know there was more than one of these being built--look NE to se the completed one. \_ Uhh, all I see is sand. Lots and lots of sand. \_ I see Dubai's artificial "palm tree" peninsula. Well, two of them. \_ Cf. arguments that we should colonize the Gobi Desert before we bother colonizing Mars. |
3/15 |
2007/6/2-5 [Consumer/PDA] UID:46835 Activity:nil |
6/1 I'm thinking about buying a new receiver w/ HDMI switching and I've narrowed the list to the new Sony STR DG-1000, the Onkyo TX-SR674 and the Onkyo TX-SR804. The Sony is my default choice b/c I have bought Sony gear my entire life. But I was told that Onkyo's have much better sound quality and the up-conversion is also better. If anyone has a recommendation one way or the other, I would really appreciate it. BTW, I know the Onkyo TX-SR805 is coming, but it is outside my price range. tia. |
2007/5/22-24 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/CellPhone] UID:46721 Activity:low |
5/22 I'm thinking about getting a PDA phone, specifically the Treo. Is there any reason to get the Treo with Windows (700wx) over the Palm version (700p)? \_ Windows Mobile sucks ass. inconsistent UI, crashy... just shit. though running java apps on palmOS is a pain. --scotsman \_ I have the Treo 650p, and I'm immensely happy with it and the OS. Have heard horror stories of crashes, lack of connectivity with the 700w. \_ I'm also a happy 650 PalmOS owner, dreaming of an upgrade to 680. But if I personally were looking for a Windows based phone I'd go with many of the other models that are faster and have bigger keyboards and screens. Oh, and also built-in wifi. \_ I've had my Treo 650 (Palm) from the day it came out and I am very happy w/ it. The phone rarely crashes (common problem w/ Win version) and gets fairly good reception. There are hacks that allow you to use a SDHC card w/ the 650 which is really nice. The three things that would make the Treo 650 perfect are (1) sd based wifi support; (2) usb 2.0 support; and (3) iTunes support/sync (which you can do manually w/ rsync). I am seriously considering getting an iPhone b/c I think that it will be even better than the Treo. \_ I am not yet convinced re: Job's idea that mini-keyboards are bad. I do a fair amount of typing on my treo and until I get to try out the typing on the iPhone's screen, I will stick with the treo. And whether or not third party apps are allowed is still up in the air, no? \_ I'm a kool-aid-drinking Mac-a-holic, and when the iPhone was announced, I would have murdered for one. Now, though, prohibition of 3rd party apps is pretty much a deal-killer for me. I'll stick with my Treo 650 until Apple decides to let people develop their own iPhone widgets. -!pp \_ Have a Treo 680, and its pretty damn good. \_ I'm surprised to see people saying things like the "phone rarely crashes" and being happy with that. Phones should never 'crash'. \_ Yes, phones should never crash. But as it is now, smartphones/ PDA phones do crash, and I haven't heard of one that *never* crashes. Does that mean I want to wait until all bugs are worked out? My Chatter Email client on my 650 says no. Will that make the vendors think consumers are complacent and not work on the problems? Probably to a degree. But as people start choosing more reliable phones, hopefully manufacturers will work on this area more. In a different light, phones shouldn't drop conversations either. Do you have a wireless phone? |
2006/10/18-21 [Consumer/PDA, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:44854 Activity:nil |
10/18 Has anyone tried that BART pilot smart card program? Thoughts? |
2006/10/5-7 [Reference/BayArea, Consumer/CellPhone, Consumer/PDA] UID:44699 Activity:nil |
10/5 The World Can't Wait protest is outside the Federal Building in SF right now. Pictures taken on treo through binocs here: /csua/tmp/worldcantwait/ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/worldcantwait.html |
2006/8/24 [Consumer/PDA] UID:44125 Activity:nil |
8/24 Q: What do you call a black pilot? A: A pilot, you racist. \_ Huh? |
2006/8/16 [Consumer/PDA] UID:44023 Activity:nil |
8/16 For Treo owners - a review of Palm's new GPS bundle: http://mobilitytoday.com/articles/palm_treo_tomtom/1 \_ I prefer blackberry. -average American male |
2006/7/15-18 [Consumer/PDA] UID:43679 Activity:nil |
7/15 http://buy.com needs to DIE DIE DIE. Background: I have the exact same bill-to and ship-to address for a while and never had a problem ordering products online. Problem chronology: -Ordered from http://buy.com -7 days later, got an email saying "We tried to contact you via email or phone but you couldn't be reached so we're cancelling your order" -I called http://buy.com up and they said actually, the credit card company said my credit card billing address was different from http://buy.com's shipment address, the order was cancelled -I called the credit card company and they said everything's fine, to contact http://buy.com again -I called http://buy.com again and the customer service said it's their billing/finance's fault and there's nothing he could do except to order again -I ordered again, and days have passed and I tried to contact them several times but no response, as expected I hate http://buy.com. They outsource all of their annoying customer service agents who speak English that you can barely understand, and their customer service agents are as knowledgeable and helpful as Fry's Electronics agents. Lastly, their whole ordering/billing process is totally fucked up. Despite their low prices I am never buying from http://buy.com again. http://Buy.com is by far the worst online retailer I've ever experienced in my life. \_ You know, this is annoying, but just not that bad. |
2006/5/1-4 [Consumer/CellPhone, Consumer/PDA] UID:42877 Activity:nil |
5/1 Rally in front of SF City Hall (pix from my Treo, looking through binoculars): http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/protest01.jpg http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/protest02.jpg http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/protest03.jpg http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/protest04.jpg http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/protest05.jpg http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~erikred/protest06.jpg \_ Is that today's communist/illegal immigrant rally? \_ Yep. \_ 06 doesn't exist \_ Fixed. \_ err.. May Day originated in Chicago, USA \_ So? Most of the rallies were organized by ANSWER. \_ You need to photoshop on some crosshairs to make these look even creepier. \_ Yeah. It's not going to put your mind at ease if I tell you I work for the government, is it? \_ Nah, the fact that you had to use (presumably your own) binoculars and a Treo puts my mind at ease. If you'd whipped out 8192x6144 pics of this stuff... _then_ I'd be worried. \_ The Treo pictures were taken only to put your mind at ease. \_ Cool thanks for the pictures. May I ask what your occupation is at the City Hall? \_ email me. Thnx. |
2006/1/20-23 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/Audio] UID:41456 Activity:moderate |
1/20 I am helping my brother build a home theater system. I was thinking of the panasonic TH-42PX50U plasma TV, the yamaha RX-V657 reciever but not sure what speakers. Any thoughts? \_ Get a Sony Bravia. It's got all the specs that guys approve of, and it looks like a nice piece of furniture that fits nicely in the room which gals approve of. \_ Fuck Sony. \_ Fuck Sony in the ass. Twice. \_ Yeah! Hate Sony! Down with Sony! Oh hey, speaking of Sony, does anyone know when the PS3 is coming out? \_ Sony is gay. Why do you want to pleasure it? \_ budget, speaker size constraints, room dimensions, WAF? home theatre/music mix? musical preference? used ok? \_ He won't give me a budget, but prolly 2K. Room size is probably 20X30 with kitchen behind room so that is mostly open. New not used. Not really into music, mostly for TV and movies. \_ std answer would be psb (partha recommends them, so they have to be good) image line (well within your budget at http://saturdayaudio.com) or nht with say st4's. you might want to check out http://axiomaudio.com or http://av123.com, but those would be audition challenges. i had the axiom m80's for a while and liked them, before the wife decided she could use the space for better purposes. hsu makes great subwoofers. \_ Ditto on the NHT's. \_ You mean $2k just for the speakers, right? You can't even get the TH-42PX50U for that. \_ Yes 2K for speakers. \- i dont think there are a lot of PSB speaker dealers in the area, so they may be somewhat difficult to find. are you planning on R+L,2xrear,center,sub? if you have a 2k budget you should be asking what is good dealer rather than what is a good model. i think bay area audio had really great staff [knowlegeable and good attitude] but i havent been there in +5yrs ... but i'd still check them out. the robert harley book is also a decent investment. \_ I've shopped at both San Mateo HiFi and BA Audio in San Jose, and I thought they were good. They're both PSB dealers. Music Lovers in Berkeley is supposed to be good, but their lines seems too expensive for the $2k budget (and I am not partial to Paradigm). |
2006/1/8-10 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/TV] UID:41296 Activity:nil |
1/8 I just saw a Sony commercial highlighting The Play but using little play characters. Anyone have a link to it? "If you're not watching HDTV, what are you watching?" Nevermind here it is in flash format: http://products.sel.sony.com/hdtv/index.html \_ sigh. I still want to see a hi-rez clip of the play. \_ Is that an effective ad? Most people don't know what The Play is. |
2005/12/30-2006/1/4 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:41178 Activity:nil |
12/30 Looking for a Windows Mobile-based PDA. I'm mainly going to use Excel Mobile on it and keep addresses/phone numbers. HP iPaq line or the Dell Axim line? Good/bad experiences with either? Thanks. \_ tell us about the real estate market! \_ I just upgraded from an iPaq 3835 to an Axim x51v. The wireless is pretty nice with the x51v, but there are tons of problems with the ROM for the Axim. The site http://Aximsite.com has a bunch of posts in the forums about it. The x51v has a full VGA screen (480x640) and it's beautiful. The problems I've had with the ROM mostly boil down to bluetooth at this point (which I've not seriously tried yet). If you are looking for deals, follow http://slickdeals.net (I got the axim for $300 direct from Dell). I was disappointed with the iPaq in that updates for the unit dropped off pretty quickly. Even with the problems, I'd recommend the Axim over the iPaq. -emarkp \_ thanks emarkp, you rock. http://dell.com list the x51v for $399. you got a very good deal. I think I'll monitor the site for special sales and such. Thanks! |
2005/12/6-7 [Consumer/PDA] UID:40881 Activity:kinda low |
12/6 I have a Palm IIIc, and I got offered a free Palm Vx at work. I took it assuming there would be some advantge of a V over a III. I can't seem to figure out the advantage. It has the same amount of memory in any case. Does anyone know the difference? \_ Slimmer form factor? Maybe more colors? \_ Definatly less colors. The Vx is B/W, the IIIc is color. It \_ fewer definitely _/ \_ fewer \_ Are there a countable number of colors in the rainbow? \_ Both color sets are finite values. \_ I think you meant "Is there..." and that's irrelevant. "less color" would have been correct. "less colors" is not. is slimmer/smaller, but not enough that I'd care. \_ Basically it's just the form factor. And even without colors, its screen won't make your eyes bleed. \_ So, it might be easier to read books on? Dunno, seems about the same to me. \_ Palm V runs on Palm/3.x OS has serious limitation in terms of multimedia capability. |
2005/11/21-23 [Consumer/PDA] UID:40676 Activity:nil |
11/21 State of TX sues Sony over rootkit: http://www.kwtx.com/news/headlines/1996172.html |
2005/11/4-8 [Consumer/PDA, Reference/Military] UID:40436 Activity:nil |
11/4 Handheld laser gun: http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000253066406 |
2005/9/3-5 [Science/Electric, Consumer/PDA] UID:39477 Activity:moderate |
9/3 I have AC adaptors for my cell phone and PDA that say the input should be 120VAC. If I try to use them in Europe where the voltage is 220V, will I fry my PDA and cell? Obviously, I'll have to use a plug adaptor to plug them in. \_ Yes, they will fry. Get a transformer that goes 220V -> 110V. \- if you are in berkeley, you can get a little voltage and outlet adapater travel kit at the travel bookstore near black oak books. not the absolute cheepest but convenient enough. --psb \_ easy travel closed about a year ago. \_ Most electronics are dual-voltage these days. Check the device specs. -tom \_ second that. Most of chargers nowadays take 100-240Volts. you *DO* have to worry about different type of plugs, though. *PERSONALLY* I have an usb data cable that also charges batteries. I found having such cable is a lot more convenient then trying to get more than one set of plug converters. -- frequent traveler \_ URL on where to buy? I've been looking for this. \_ what kind of phone / PDA do you have? |
2005/3/25-28 [Consumer/PDA] UID:36880 Activity:kinda low |
3/25 Getting a blackberry for work. Is one provider better than another? If so which is best. \_ Do any Blackberries include a camera? I'm planning to replace my Treo 600 in the near future, and am debating between a Treo 650 because the screen kicks ass and the camera does not suck (but email handling is still not anywhere near up to snuff) and a Blackberry for email support that does not suck. -dans \_ Get the Treo 650. It is everything that a phone and a pda should be. \_ I second that. The Treo 650 is outstanding. -- peterl \_ What's the status of bluetooth support? That was the other major feature my 600 lacks, and it would be rad to be able to sync wirelessly (plus bluejacking amusement to be had). I recall that it wasn't enabled because it wasn't stable when the 650 first shipped. -dans \_ Bluetooth is enabled and works fine on my treo 650 (cingular). I have heard that there were some problems w/ the sprint version initially, but a software updated released last week supposedly fixed those issues. \_ does it have 80211 wlan capability? cause a pda should. \_ I have heard that you will be able to get a 802.11 sd card for the treo this summer. If you have the unlimited data plan there isn't really a need for 802.11. \_ As a Treo 600 user with an unlimited data plan, I beg to differ. Browsing the net on a Treo 600 is kind of like browsing the net on a 9600 baud modem. Useful in a pinch, but painfully slow because modern web designers design web pages for people browsing with modern browsers and broadband connections. So I could see why it would be nice to have 802.11 in the event that you are near a WiFi hotspot. That said, unlike the PP, I don't think its a necessity. -dans \_ I'm not sure (I don't have a data plan), but friends w/ data plans tell me that the data transfer on the 650 is MUCH faster than on the 600 (supposedly btwn 128-384Kbps). |
2005/3/15-16 [Consumer/PDA, Reference/Military] UID:36701 Activity:moderate |
3/15 Anyone know what the big plot is next week for 24? who's the army dude? \_ I can't believe I actually watch this horrible show, but... I don't think he's an army dude. He's a terrorist who's going to disguise himself as an airforce pilot and they're going to rub out/kidnap an actual airforce pilot and take the real pilot's place. My guess is that this pilot is supposed to be the pilot for Air Force One who's going to relieve the current pilot of AF1. All of the plots are related. Plot to kidnap senator was so they could insert the trojan to enable the override. Using the override to cause nuclear meltdown was to keep AF1 in the air so that they can eventually do the pilot switcheroo. \_ How is it horrible? \_ every female character is either a total bee-yotch or a pathetic weakling for starters \_ I think you should watch Alias instead. ;) \_ I think you should watch Desperate Housewives. \_ I'm watching Quantum Leap! \_ Who knows? Who cares? Just wait a week instead of spoiling it. \_ I can't, I can't!!!! \_ All you need to know to appreciate 24, which is horrible but amusiing nonetheless, is this: Kiefer Sutherland does something crazy each episode, and usually crazier than last season/week. -dans |
2005/3/3-5 [Consumer/CellPhone, Consumer/PDA, Computer/SW/Security] UID:36517 Activity:nil |
3/3 Anyone know of a good stopwatch/timer that works on a Treo? I've tried a few and they all seem to crash when I try to access any of the menus. tia. |
2005/3/2-3 [Consumer/CellPhone, Consumer/PDA] UID:36476 Activity:low |
3/1 Any recommendations for a Treo 650 case? I was looking at one named RhinoSkin, but I was wondering if there are better cases on the market. tia. \_ Maybe http://www.noreve.com has one--I bought my case for the Archos Gmini 440 there and it's pretty nice. They seemed to have some smartphone-type accessories. Also look at http://www.treocentral.com Given that, does anyone know if Palm has any plans to lower the price on the things anytime in the near future? -John \_ I have a Rhino Skin for my Palm Tungsten, it's turned out to be quite durable. |
2004/12/25-27 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:35436 Activity:kinda low |
12/25 Is there a HotSync Manager (or free equivalent) available for syncing a sony clie with os x? All I see is this "Missing Sync" which costs. \_ Which CLIE model? USB cradle? I think you can use the Mac version of Palm Desktop from palmone's site. If you want other features (such as being able to mount the Memory Stick as a drive through the CLIE), then you do need Missing Sync. --jameslin \_ Clie PEG-665C, with USB cradle. There is no mention of sony clie's on the palmone webpage, so which one should I select before I download? \_ Well, it won't say that CLIEs are supported. They just might happen to work. Probably try downloading the version for a Palm m505 or something, although I don't think the model number really matters. I could be wrong about all of this, though. --jameslin \_ Just a thought (since I don't own OS X), but aren't you able to compile one of the various UNIX hotsync clones out there? It probably won't have all the features you want, but if all else fails... |
2004/11/16-18 [Consumer/PDA] UID:34930 Activity:kinda low |
11/16 Have Palm Desktop, HotSync Manager. Want to set up for AvantGo. Have software, etc. Can't get HotSync manager to recognize that AvantGo exists. \_ Like declarative sentences. Dislike subjects. \_ Am not sole soda grammar wisecracker. Beat to the punch. \_ You'd probably get better help by asking at one of the Palm OS community forums. (e.g. http://www.palmonecity.com http://www.palminfocenter.com \_ Uh, you put the .prc or whatever it is into the directory from which you install Palm apps and install it. Drop me a mail if you have more specific questions. -John \_ AvantGo uses a conduit on the desktop side too, which is what I assume the op is having issues with. \_ Yes, hence the requirement for more information. |
2004/9/10-12 [Consumer/PDA] UID:33461 Activity:high |
9/10 Can someone please recommend a good palm OS PDA? Preferably not too expensive, please. Any positive recommendations on that palm/phone combo? \_ I have had a Tungsten T for a little over a year and love it. You can find a Tungsten T or T2 new for very little and they are pretty small. Alternatively you could get a Tungsten E. I would definitely stay away from the Sony devices as they are getting out of the Palm business, so getting support for it will become impossible very soon. \_ I have a Palm Tungston E and I'm mostly satisfied. \_ Thanks. What don't you like about it? \_ I fail to understand having a Palm device that does not have a phone built in. -Treo 600 Owner. \_ Samsung's Palm flip phone for SprintPCS works great. \_ Treo600 rocks! \_ Really? is it really worth the price? \_ second that. I bought it for $450 9 months ago. However, I would urge you to wait for Treo 650. They usually have "upgrade special" which will knock a hundred or two dollars off. |
2004/8/9 [Consumer/PDA] UID:32788 Activity:high |
8/9 I am still using a Palm Vx, is that the reason I don't have a gf? Should I upgrade to a Treo? \_ If you are happy with your Palm, you don't need a gf. |
2004/6/14 [Computer/SW/Languages, Consumer/PDA] UID:30798 Activity:insanely high |
6/14 I just heard of this microsoft patent for clicking on handheld computer. Isn't this insane? Doesn't that mean if I write a program on a handheld that utilizes double clicks I have to pay bucks to BG? Can someone patent kissing too? \_ Search for patent number 6,368,227 \_ OMG WTF BBQ \_ Oh God, keep the anti-patent shit at slashdot. It's so done. Why don't you post the obPatent on patenting bad patents, too? |
2004/4/15-16 [Consumer/PDA] UID:13214 Activity:nil |
4/15 Paper based blue-ray discs from sony: http://www.japancorp.net/Article.Asp?Art_ID=7101 |
2004/2/26-27 [Consumer/PDA] UID:12423 Activity:nil |
2/26 Okay, someone explain to me why, apart from obsessive geekiness, Rialto Pictures is releasing the original Godzilla? http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/godzilla.html \_ They like money. \_ Because it's a classic film. Duh. Only the original King Kong is better. You liked Gozilla 2000 with the stupid giant iguana? \_ That movie was a two shot handicap atleast, more like four. Still, it was lovely seeing Harry Shearer as soon-to-be-iguana- food. He does annoying pricks with such pizzazz. -- ulysses \_ And he looks stunning in an evening dress! \_ Best lines from "Godzilla, Mothra & King Ghidorah": Pilot 1: I hear Godzilla was sighted in New York. Pilot 2: The Americans say it was Godzilla, but we don't think so. \_ Everyone knows the real Gozilla only destroys Japanese cities. |
2004/2/1-2 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/HW/Display] UID:12057 Activity:nil |
1/31 Does anyone have any advice/opinions on buying refurbished monitors? I've had good luck with refurbished machines, but it seems much easier to refurbish a computer than a monitor, so I might be hesitant. Are refurbished monitors ok? Thanks. \_ Mostly anecdotal info gathered from people I know who do this: 1. Monitors are definitely a lot more fragile than ICs. The picture tube is only rated for around 7 years. After that you'll get a bit of dimming. 2. Depending on the quality, the large caps change over time, affecting picture quality and eventually leading to a dead monitor. You essentially have to replace the large caps on monitors over time. 3. Monitors are pretty high powered compared to PCs, so if you have to mess around with something like the volt-regulator you stand a good chance of frying things (including yourself). \_ ObMehlhaffQuote: *ZORCH* *POW!* "Holy shit! That capacitor was charged!" \_ BWAAHAHA! That's hilarious! \_ Well, it taught people to stay away from the dreaded ERic + screwdriver + old monitor combo in E238. -John 4. VGA monitores (at least earlier ones) have many of the same characteristics as regular TVs down to the basic circuitry. So if you know how to repair a basic TV you can probably work around a VGA monitor. \_ Question about that 7 years for a picture tube: I've got a nice Sony sitting around but it hasn't been used (unplugged) for most of it's life. Does unpowered time count against that 7 years? Or are there parts that just deteriorate with simple age? Thanks! \_ I have used old 14" monitors from circa 1993 that work great \_ yeah but did you run them continuously? \_ I had experiences with 17" IBM monitors bought refurb. The monitor was great, almost brand new at the time I bought it. Thus, I bought THREE total. It turned out that none of them lasted nearly as long as other 17" I bought it new. Two of three monitors went out by the middle of 3rd year. The one remaining got issues, but work well enough that I am not in a hurry to replace them. The montiors were manufactured by Sony. \_ THANK YOU |
2004/1/29-30 [Consumer/PDA] UID:11998 Activity:nil |
1/29 People using any kind of Sharp Zaurus, what's your opinion of it? \_ Let me know what you find. I love linux, but I am not sure how useful it is even if you can compile your favorite linux program on Zaurus and run on it. I end up getting a PalmOS PDA mainly for the selection of software. \_ I have a palm but i just use addressbook+calendar \_ It runs Linux! It must be the best!! For everything!!!! \_ just curious, is there a palm emulator for linux, you could run that on the zaurus if so... \_ A colleague of mine uses it for loads of security type audit work--he's porting (ported?) Wellenreiter to it, and uses it with an SMC CF wifi card to go war-walking. Pretty cool; he swears by it for "real" work too. -John |
2003/12/3 [Consumer/PDA] UID:11298 Activity:nil |
12/2 http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?neoconservative "a former liberal espousing political conservatism" |
2003/9/25 [Consumer/PDA] UID:10319 Activity:nil |
9/25 Anyone have experience with the PocketPC phone? I'm sick and tired of having to carry my cell and PDA all the time. \_ The Treo 600 is getting very good reviews, but it's Palm based. http://www.handspring.com/treo600/index.jhtml \_ extra point for me... for palm-based. |
2003/8/29-2004/2/14 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/HW/IO] UID:12240 Activity:low |
2/13 How do you tell if the "new" item you bought is really new or an open box rejected by another consumer? I think it is illegal to do so but how can I tell? I bought a pda from amazon about 1.5 weeks ago. There is no seal, broken or intact, on the box, or for any of the items in the box. Today I notice scratches and marks on the part of the circuit board exposed after the keyboard is pulled out, although I have otherwise no complaint with it. \_ You think the previous owner gnawed on the inside of the pda? You can file a complaint with Amazon. They'll probably replace it if you whine enough. |
2003/7/26-28 [Consumer/PDA] UID:29146 Activity:kinda low |
7/25 Any blackberry users? Opinions? \_ blackberries are ok, but I much prefer salmon berries. \_ People in government use the blackberry. They like it. \_ My dad's had one for years, he loves it, but he's also one of those people who even work on ski slopes. He just got one for my mom, and she (surprisingly) likes hers as well, even though she's a technophobe. -chialea \_ the correct term these days is "berries of color" \_ Colored berries? |
2003/5/22-23 [Consumer/PDA] UID:28529 Activity:very high |
5/22 So I've used had my Palm IIIxe for almost 3 years. Once, a couple years back, I lost all data somehow. After almost 3 years of no problem, my PDA would not turn on this morning. I did a soft reset and all data was gone. Everything should have been backup up on my PC (I use BackupBuddy). Well, all of the address book, todo list, etc. data was saved, but when I did the restore, it also brought back items that I had deleted months ago. But other data, like from my shopping list program, password program, etc. hadn't been updated on my PC in almost a year. A few hours after all this, my PDA lost all data again. Anyone have any idea what would cause all this or have any similar experiences or advice? \_ Battery is probably fucked. \_ It takes AAA, but I had just replaced the batteries in the last couple days? Do you think it could really be something about the batteries? My best guess (though maybe not a very good one) is that it's due to the heat. I often leave my PDA in my glove compartment, but the weather was warmer than usual the day before it choked, not hot, but warmer than usual, maybe 80. I find it hard to believe this would cause such problems, but I have no better guess. \_ does Palm have a small battery to keep its memory? may be it's that battery went out. \_ I'll bet it has a 3 year warrantee. You're a 3 years + 1 day. \_ did you HotSync regularly? \_ About once a week. So I lost a few days of stuff. Anyway, I figured out what happened. For some reason, back in August, BackupBuddy stopped doing it's thing. Thus, the nonstandard databases were restored to their state back in August. In this same backup directory was the PDB files from addressbook, datebook, etc. So, it also loaded in this outdated standard data (thus the entries that I deleted months ago were there). Then, it took the current backup of the standard data (the only thing actually being backed up since August) and put that back in my PDA too along with the old stuff. So, it (almost) all makes sense (to me). I just don't know why it lost all data in the first place, or why BackupBuddy stopped doing it's thing. No one else out there uses BackupBuddy? \_ Whoa, there, son! What goes on between me and my Backup Buddy is none of your business! \_ SARS? |
2003/4/3 [Consumer/PDA] UID:27962 Activity:high |
4/2 I have an interesting problem. I usually ssh to soda to check my email, which requires good connection which I may not have. There are times when I want to reply SOME email by doing it on my Palm. Since I don't do that at regular basis, I don't normally synch my email with my Palm. but how to do that on an ad hoc basis? \_ This is an interesting problem? Read your Palm manual. |
2003/1/25-27 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/HW] UID:27195 Activity:moderate |
1/24 Does anyone have a cradle/cable they could lend me to sync a Palm V with an iBook (no serial ports, only USB)? Alternatively, does anyone know of a way to import Palm databases from a Windows box into Palm Desktop v.4 for the Mac? I've done the obGoogling, but haven't come up with anything useful. I'm trying to transfer data from anx old, mostly dead Palm V to a new, USB only Palm Zire. If all else fails, I guess I'll see if I can get the Zire to sync with my ancient Windows 98 box. -dans \_I would expect the file format to be the same on both platforms; just find the right folder to drop them in. \_ That was what I originally attempted. I'm wondering if the problem may be that the format changed between palm desktop versions... -dans \_ Is there no export/import function for the db? There is for other stuff, like addressbook. \_ I could export to CSV, but there is some slight loss of info that way, so I'd have to waste time massaging things back into the original format. -dans \_ One way to do this is to buy/borrow a usb to serial converter and use that to sync the palm v with your iBook. Keyspan makes a decent one: http://www.keyspan.com/products/usb/pdaadapter Its about $30 at Fry's. If you are in the South Bay, I could let you borrow mine. --ranga \_ FYI, I solved the problem. Ended up doing a clean install of Palm Desktop 4 on a Win2K box with both serial and USB ports. Flipped conduit settings to Palm overwrites desktop, synced Palm V via serial cradle, flipped conduit settings to desktop overwrites Palm, then synced the Zire via USB. Finally, flipped conduit settings on my iBook to Palm overwrites desktop, and synced the Zire there. Everything appears to be in order. As an added bonus, (I'm guessing a feature of Palm Desktop 4), syncing also backed up and reinstalled all my add-on apps. In the past, it was necessary to reinstall all apps when setting up a factory clean or hard reset palm. Thanks to all who offered suggestions and help. |
2003/1/16 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/TV] UID:27120 Activity:insanely high |
1/15 Suggestions for light/ultralight notebook? Fujitsu, Pana, Sony? To be used on airplanes (must have dvd drive) & listen to mp3s \_ this is a mistaken requirement. you do not need a dvd drive. rip and encode the dvd and you can carry 50+ divx movies on a 40g laptop drive. --aaron \_ sure, if you're not interested in movie quality in the slightest. \_ on a laptop?? \_ oh my god, you are insane. --aaron \_ Ultralight != has DVD player. And aaron's right. You're insane. Sony D-VM1 is just too damn expensive for what it does. \_ Apple just came out with a 12" aluminum shell PowerBook. \_ I have good experiences with IBM X-series, but you DVD drive is not built-in on the detatched half. \_ Fujitsu S series \_ No such thing as ultralight with a dvd player. |
2002/11/17-18 [Consumer/PDA] UID:26568 Activity:high |
11/15 I have a Sony Vaio... had it for almost 2 years. The screen has started flickering occasionally... it seems to be getting worse. Any suggestions on how/if I can get this repaired? I know alot of people have gone through hell trying to repair Sony's... any info would be welcome. Thanks. - rory \_I think I might know what's wrong. Send me an email. williamc \_ my condolences. GOOD LUCK. I can only offer the advice of keep searching the web, it's likely that someone else has encountered the problem. By the way, the last Sony laptop I tried to get fixed got me pissed because the sony phone tech wanted to charge me $10 before disclosing the part-number (just the part-NUMBER) not including the part itself! I just wanted to make sure it was the right part he was trying to sell me (since their web- site sucks so badly, the part wasnt listed. And the phone tech only had some cryptic part description ("harness jack") and no pictures) There are lots of design flaws in their laptops. Almost 2 yrs is about right. And tell us the damn model number if u want help PCG-F580... does that really help? _/ \_ Sonys seem to have a lot of problems and their tech support is bad. They wanted to charge me (to troubleshoot) because the software on their web site would not install. I haven't had any problems getting Sonys fixed (very fast turnaround) but I spent a lot of money fixing them and they need to be fixed often. A new display will be $700, btw. --dim \_ I guess one thing I'm trying to figure out is what it is that I may need to replace... the display seems fine, it looks clear, etc... but it is just this sporadic flickering that occurs... I'm guessing it is some kind of connecting cable or something. I'd like to be more educated before calling Sony or some other \_ don't kid yourself. Sony's call center is staffed by mostly clueless people. repair service... but have not yet been able to find any info on the web. \_ Send it in to Sony. They will send you a quote back. You will have the option of getting it fixed, having it disposed of, or having it shipped back to you. There is a diagnostic fee, but it's not too bad ($20 or $50). --dim \_ I was trying to replace the screen on a toshiba and found a few websites that sell parts for various laptops (such as new screens). Sorry I don't have it bookmarked but some googling will work. |
2002/10/18-20 [Consumer/PDA] UID:26253 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 I've been trying to find a list of mergers / acquisitions involving Sony, but I can't seem to find the right Google search words. Anyone have an idea? -dpc \_ this type of information is not generally free as far as I know. I might be able to get it for you... post your login. |
2002/10/2 [Computer/SW/Database, Consumer/PDA] UID:26079 Activity:kinda low |
10/2 Anyone know how to convert palm dba (calendar) format to csv? I'm replacing my Prism w/ an iPaq. \_ You should be able to export from the palm desktop. \_ I was able to Shift-select all of my addresses and export individually or all. Selecting individually gives me the option of comma spaced or tab spaced file, but if I clicked on export all, it would only accept the format that Palm Desktop uses. I can't select the calendar individually, only ALL, which uses the Palm Desktop database format. |
2002/10/1-2 [Consumer/CellPhone, Consumer/PDA] UID:26070 Activity:kinda low |
10/1 Any opinion on Sony Ericsson t68i? Does anyone have it? Any luck getting Bluetooth to work? How is AT&T service? Thanks. \_ google group:alt.wireless.attws \_ My friend has it bought a bluetooth headset and it works great. He has three phone services cuz AT&T isn't great in the mountains. |
2002/8/18-19 [Consumer/PDA] UID:25598 Activity:nil |
8/18 Where can I download a good reference for ANSI C for a Palm Pilot? |
2002/7/26-27 [Consumer/PDA] UID:25426 Activity:kinda low |
7/25 Tell me what Palm-based PDA I should buy. I've seen the CLIE and it looks nice but somehow it seems kinda lame to bother with a memory stick slot, and the name is a little too reminiscent of "CLIT". \_ if you got the money, get the Treo. It's a PDA plus Cell-phone. I found the fact that integrated phonebook is very nice. Being able to get on to the net is kind of nice too, though it's a pain to do so at this point. If you don't want a PDA/phone combo, stick with a color CLIE. CLIE has best screen (higher resolution), and the memory stick thingy, believe or not, is actually kind of nice, especially consider that PDA usually become a pocket reference of some sort (either a dictionary for FOB like me, or map, etc). More memory the marrier. \_ if you wanna use cingular \_ Can't you also use "T Mobile" or whatever the hell VoiceStream is now? \_ T Mobile uses Cingular network in the Bay Area. \_ it depends on your needs. if you want a smartphone, an alternative to the Treo is the Kyocera 7135 (available in a few months). If you don't mind a brick and a monochrome screen, the Kyocera 6035 smartphone is really cheap. ARM-based OS 5 devices will be out by the end of the year, but those will be relatively expensive. (It may still be worthwhile to wait for them, though, as they likely will push down the prices of existing PDAs.) --jameslin |
2002/4/8-9 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Consumer/PDA] UID:24368 Activity:low |
4/8 Does anyone know of a reputable Sony laptop repair shop in the Bay Area? I need a relatively simple repair (minor plastic replacement), but don't want to bother finding the service manual and sourcing the parts. \_ whenever my laptop needs a fix, i track down yer mom... \_ try Sony Service Center in SJ. \_ I believe this service center is closed. Last I heard, Sony laid off the service center personnel. I think they have a place in Fremont, though. \_ Sony laptops must be sent back to factory, otherwise warranty void \_ If he's asking this question, the laptop is likely not under warranty support any more. \_ Sorry, I meant the only service you can get is by sending direct to Sony. That is: Either good luck finding a repair shop or youre ordering of parts. It costs like $300 just to have them lower themselves to working on your laptop. |
2001/12/18-19 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/TV] UID:23293 Activity:moderate |
12/17 Where's the cheapest place around to get a Sony Wega? \_ From someone else's house. \_ Good Guys has the 27" KV-27FS13 Wega for $550. Free shipping. The 27" w/ PiP (KV-27FV17) is $749. Cambridge Soundworks has the FV17 for $675 right now. It was $650 but it went up on the 2nd. -sky \_ sky is back? \_ Are Wega's really all that? \_ the cheap Wegas are so-so, but XBR Wegas are all that. \_ Shut up. thanks. \_ Yes. I have XBR Wega and I must say it is by far the best TV for under $7K. \_ yes. \_ From Sony employee purchase. (seriously). Otherwise, find an on-line dealer and go to http://www.goodguys.com for a price- match with no sales-tax and free delivery. \_ i thought the good guys didn't match online prices. That was true 18 months ago when i tried to buy a receiver there. has \_ not goodguys the brick store. http://goodguys.com the online branch does price-matching. \_ I bought a 36" Wega at Circuit City for around $1200 (including 3 year instant exchange and tax). I bought the previous years model rather than the current model, which saved me about $300. --ranga that policy changed? \_ I purchased a 36" wega from Circuit City for ~ $1200 (including 3 year instant exchange and tax). I saved abut $300 by buying the previous model rather than the current one. --ranga |
2001/10/15 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/HW/IO] UID:22742 Activity:nil |
10/15 http://www.handspring.com/products/treo/details.jhtml?sub_nav_section=Details&prod_cat_name=Treo 4.3"x2.7x0.7? This seems a bit too small to be useful as a traditional palm device (i.e. screen display/touch surface area). the 180 device (2nd gen?) comes with a tiny keyboard in lieu of the drawing area of the palm. this seems even a worse use of realestate; what do you guys think? \_ i'd be surprised if people don't throw that thing in frustration from trying to use that stupid keyboard \_ You are mistaken. Go talk to a blackberry user. |
2001/10/15 [Consumer/PDA] UID:22739 Activity:high |
10/15 http://www.handspring.com/products/treo/details.jhtml?sub_nav_section=Details&prod_cat_name=Treo 4.3"x2.7x0.7? doesn't that make the palm device useless? \_ uh, explain how it makes other Palm devices useless? \_ do you mean its dimensions make the Treo useless or make other Palm handhelds useless? Huh? Either way, explain. |
2001/8/17-19 [Consumer/PDA] UID:22156 Activity:high |
8/17 Palm buys Be. Merger of the also rans: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/21080.html \_ Um... how is Palm an "also ran"? \_ Palm's prices are rising, while the quality is dropping. They are trying to improve revenue by selling their OS to third parties. These are clear signs that the company is fast becoming an also ran. Let's not forget that platform consolidation has started in the small device market; cell phones and pages merging is the first step. Some of them already feature most of a pda's functionality. It won't be long now. \_ Yes but Spock has a TriCorder (PDA) and Communicator (Cellphone). Surely this means that PDAs and Cellphones will be separate even in the future. \_ Palm is exactly where Netscape was a few years ago. Nuff said? Incidentally, IE still crashes as often as Netscape for me... -=Aubie \_ All who bow before Bill will be rewarded. Those who are in the way of the XP Revolution will be sent to the Microsquish re-education facilities. |
2001/7/20 [Consumer/PDA] UID:21873 Activity:nil |
6/20 Re japan: Hitachi, Fujitsu, Sony, etc.. all major technological manufacturing powerhouses. Why then haven't we seen similar type declines in the their stocks? Not sure- but I do know that the diversity or Japanesse companies is orders of magnitude more than here- US specialized - was this good??? Bad???? Not sure- but also important to note- where was the overhead and overheating of their economy the last 2 years- it didn't exist- comments? |
2001/6/9-11 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/Audio] UID:21464 Activity:nil |
6/9 Hi, in regards to the Mini Disc player/recorder I've been waiting to buy for ages (these are Sony models btw): Trying to decide between the mz-r700 that I can buy a 10% discount or pay full price for the mz-g750 with the built-in tuner... am I better off just sticking with the 700? After all, you could buy the tuner separately as for $35, instead of throwing an extra $50 for the 750's tuner. I guess what it boils down to is, how good is the 750's tuner? It can't possibly be better than the separate $35 unit, can it? Please email me at steviembeaumont@yahoo.com if you've had any experiences with the G750. Thanks. |
2001/6/1-3 [Consumer/PDA] UID:21410 Activity:nil |
6/01 http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1006-200-6159520.html?tag=mn_hd \_ when is openwave going to buy palm already? |
2001/5/25 [Consumer/PDA] UID:21356 Activity:very high |
5/24 motd poll: apple computer will buy palm computing: openwave will buy palm computing: . nobody will buy palm computing: ... 3com will buy palm computing: . Microsoft will buy palm computing: . CSUA will buy palm computing: . Handspring will buy PalmOS: . I just like dots: .................................. I hate dots: ,"]$@ |
2001/5/1 [Consumer/PDA] UID:21156 Activity:nil |
4/30 http://www.cnet.com/electronics/0-1577332-7-5700992.html |
2001/3/20 [Consumer/PDA] UID:20856 Activity:nil |
3/19 What processor(s) do the Palm Pilots run on? Thx. \_ most Palm OS PDAs run on 17 MHz Dragonball EZ or 33 MHz Dragonball VZ CPUs from Motorola. |
2001/3/19-20 [Consumer/PDA] UID:20845 Activity:high |
3/19 Looks like NCR invented the Palm Pilot but forgot about it for 13 years: http://public.wsj.com/sn/y/SB984697809762979579.html \_ Weren't there already numerous PDAs out there before the Palm Pilot? Is NCR going to sue all of them? \_ "Numerous"? No. But similar things had been tried before, yes. \_ BELLIGERENT AND NUMEROUS. --MORBO \_ Apple, Sharp, Psion, all had PDA's before USR/Palm. \_ Yes. That's not numerous. \_ BTW, what processor do the Palm Pilots use? \_ most Palm OS PDAs use 33 MHz Dragonball VZ or 17 MHz Dragonball EZ CPUs from Motorola. \_ Plus Casio and HP. \_ If you were Palm or HandSpring, what would you do in this case? Seriously. \_ I'd hire expensive lawyers and make expensive press releases! --oj \_ Find a friendly judge and show that the patent in question is too broad to be meaningful. --erikred |
2001/2/24-27 [Consumer/PDA] UID:20677 Activity:high |
2/24 Looking for a good tutorial for learning to program for the Palm. I'd prefer to be in a unix environment, but, whatever makes it easeies/most efficeint. pointers? \_ most people use MetroWerks CodeWarrior for Palm, so that'd be the most painless to use. (But it also costs money and is available for Windows and MacOS only.) For gcc, you'll need PRC-Tools only Windows and MacOS.) For gcc, you'll need PRC-Tools ( http://www.palmos.com/dev/tech/tools/gcc ). I found most Palm provides for Codewarrior is ~200 pages, I think). I think the tutorials to be long-winded and a waste of time (the tutorials Palm provides for CodeWarrior is ~200 pages, I think). I think the best way would be to look at the sample code Palm provides and read the SDK companion and reference documents. --jameslin tutorials to be long-winded and a waste of time (Palm's CodeWarrior tutorial is ~200 pages). I think the best way to learn would be to look at the sample code Palm provides and read the SDK companion and reference documents. You may find the Palm OS Programmer's FAQ useful ( http://www.cyberport.com/~tangent/palm/faq ) --jameslin \_ Why would you want to program for palm? \_ because programming for WinCE is painful troll \_ Why would you want to program for palm? the toyish hand held devices? \_ as opposed to which other hand held devices? -ali \_ Playstation, Xbox, etc. are all toys, too. Why would anyone want to program for them? \_ Yeah? Why would anyone want to write programs for these things? et al \_ because programming for WinCE is painful \_ Missing the point: why would you want to program for any hand held devices? [clarified for the pedantic and the stupid] \_ well, you ask you a stupid question, why would you expect anything but stupid answers? some people (gasp) use handheld devices. is it not reasonable to develop software for them? |
2001/2/6-7 [Consumer/PDA] UID:20516 Activity:high |
2/6 I need to get a PDA to keep track of appointments and todo lists. I want something inexpensive with an audible alarm. Any recs? \_ Palm m100 \_ I second the motion. \_ what do you do with your palms? \_ masturbate, duh \_ Poor guy. I use mine to squeeze chicks' boobs. \_ squeezing chicks' boobs is SO not a substitute for masturbation. -aspo \_ I keep track of appointments, to-do lists, ... \_ You should be able to get a palm 5 cheap. Works great, has alarm, and the recharageable battery is great. |
2000/12/26-28 [Consumer/PDA] UID:20176 Activity:high |
12/25 Has anyone tried any of the subnotebook's with longer battery life(crusoe chip)? I've been browsing at http://dynamism.com and thinking of getting one. I especially like the Fujitsu Loox, but I was wondering if anyone else had any experience with them, or subnotebooks in general? \_ I've got a Sony C1VN Picturebook (uses a Crusoe, not pictured on that site, but it probably most closely resembles the Fujitsu Loox-S). The battery life is better than full-sized notebooks with non- Crusoe chips, but it's not stellar. (Hard to tell, though. The battery gauge gives wildly varying estimates, and I haven't tried timing it myself.) I do, however, like the form factor a lot. I certainly wouldn't use it to replace a desktop, but as something to carry around between work and home or to use when travelling, it's great. Also, it's really cool (literally). I've tried a C1X model (Pentium-2), and that thing could cook I've tried a C1XS model (Pentium-2), and that thing could cook bacon. The keyboard, though, might be a bit cramped if you have large hands with stubby fingers. It is a bit pricey, however, with it? Have you considered getting PDA with a portable and I'm not sure it's worth the money. What do you want to do with it? Have you considered getting a PDA with a portable keyboard instead? \_ Did consider this, but it's impractical. I need something more portable than a 5+ lb. notebook, that requires a huge notebook case/backpack. Functionality needs go from word processing, to browsing, to statistical packages. The small screens on PDA's just seems impractical for any lengthy work(e.g. 2 hours on a 3 hour plane flight or a couple hours at a cafe). Is your Sony keyboard about 80% of full-size? Do your fingers get cramped at all? I did consider getting an ultralight(e.g. thinkpad x20), but I think one of the smaller ones would be more portable(see comment above about notebook bags/backpacks), and fastest processor, and speed isn't a priority as much as portability. \_ most of the keys I think are about 85-90% the size of full- size. A few are half-sized (such as ~ and / ... not designed for *nix, obviously). I definitely can't type as fast as I can on a full-sized keyboard, but I don't get hand cramps. (However, I have slender fingers.) The dimensions are the same as the Fujitsu Loox-S, so its keys should be about the same size. \_ does the picturebook have any sort of linux support worth mentioning? My libretto is getting old and tired. \_ Hey, if it's a 100CT or 110CT, feel like selling it to me at a sane price? I need one to use as a portable serial console, among other things (no serial port on Picturebooks.) -John \_ no its my lame-ass 50CT. Have you thought of using a serial-usb adaptor on the picturebook? -ERic i.e. http://www.keyspan.com/products/usb/usa19w \_ It does. The Linux Laptops page is your friend: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop info on the c1vn is here: \_ I don't know. I doubt it. Sony doesn't even make it easy to perform a clean install of Windows. \_ you don't know, but you commented. http://www.bastille-linux.org/jay/vaio.html And the pages on the other c1 models could be helpful as well. -- ajani |
2000/12/9 [Consumer/PDA] UID:20052 Activity:high |
12/8 \_ I wanna know how you got $650 worth of Sony card points. On my Sony card that would require spending something like $65,000. Are you buying cars on plastic? -tom \_ Wife's tuition charged to card. \_ tricks at the mustang ranch. \_ I charge my rent via paypal. Utilities and Phone go through credit. And I did pay off my car via credit for points along with a 1.9 APR on that. -=Aubie |
2000/11/16 [Consumer/PDA] UID:19801 Activity:nil |
11/16 Democrat hauling ballot punching machinery around in his car: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/DailyNews/florida_votamatic_001115.html Gets caught by police. LePore decides not to press charges due to 'extenuating circumstances'. 11/16 GORE'S PALM BEACH POKEY: You put your stylus in, You put your stylus out, You put your stylus in, And you punch Buchanan out. You do the Palm Beach Pokey And you turn the count around, That's what it's all about! You put the Gore votes in, You put the Bush votes out, You put the Gore votes in, And you do another count. You do the Palm Beach Pokey And you turn the count around, That's what it's all about! You bring your lawyers in, You drag the whole thing out, You bring your lawyers in, And you put it all in doubt. You do the Palm Beach Pokey And you turn the count around, That's what it's all about! You let your doctors spin, You let the pundits spout, You let your retirees sue, And your people whine and pout. You do the Palm Beach Pokey And you turn the count around, That's what it's all about! You do the Palm Beach Pokey, You do the Palm Beach Pokey, You do the Palm Beach Pokey, That's what it's all about! |
2000/9/7 [Consumer/PDA] UID:19197 Activity:nil |
9/7 How come all the Sony monitors I buy have this problem: The top border slopes down at the right corner. This is not adjustable. I was thinking that I may be too sensitive, but my monitor at work does not have this problem. Does anyone has any experience as to buying direct would get you better quality stuff? May the problem be due to rough handling during shipping? I just wish there is a place where I can test a monitor before bringing it home, even if I have to pay extra for that. I hate having to return mammoth monitors. \_ I have the same problem with my iiyama vm pro (mitsubishi "diamondtron" tube). I once saw a monitor that let you ajust the vertical trapesoid, but not often. Sigh. |
2000/8/28-29 [Consumer/PDA] UID:19114 Activity:low |
8/28 What's a good 19 inch penis to fellate these days? Sony G400? Cornerstone P1401? Eizo Nanao T761? Viewsonic PS790? Quality is more important than price for me though price matters too. \_ We got the Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u's for $600 from http://outpost.com Mar 2000. These are nice. I'd like to know what other people are getting, though. |
2000/8/14-15 [Consumer/PDA] UID:18982 Activity:nil |
8/14 I have a cradle for Palm IIIx. Is the cradle the same for handspring, or palm m100? I'm trying to get away from spending more $$$ than necessary. Thanks. \_ Visor: No (http://handspring.com/products/visorfaq.asp#q3 m100: Doesn't use a cradle. It just has a wire, I believe, and the wire doesn't cost extra. -wayne |
2000/8/11 [Consumer/PDA] UID:18964 Activity:nil |
8/10 Anybody own the sony mz-r70PC minidisc unit? Is it any good? Are there any really good ones out there with a USB port for transfer of music from a computer (i.e. comparable to the older aiwa am-f70)? \_ The early Sony MD players had really shitty battery life. I don't know if they've improved since then. -dans \_ MZ-R70PC: 17hrs. battery life on one AA battery...not bad. The Sony MZ-E800: 37 hrs. one AA. http://www.sel.sony.com/SEL/corpcomm/news/consumer/59.html |
2000/8/5-7 [Computer/Networking, Consumer/PDA] UID:18891 Activity:nil |
8/5 Can anyone recommend a IMAP w/ SSL email-client for a Palm Pilot with wireless modem? \_ Assuming you are talking about a non-Palm-VII, you might check out "Multimail Pro" which claims to have IMAP w/ an SSL option: http://www.actualsoft.com/products.htm |
2000/5/2 [Recreation/Dating, Consumer/PDA] UID:18154 Activity:nil |
5/1 I have a Palm IIIx, it has the annoying problem of the date getting messed up. I.e. today I turn it on and it says that it's 4/27. The time is correct but the date is wrong. Anybody else have this problem? Should I sync it more often with my PC in order to get the correct date? \_ synch it with the motd! 5/1, babee!!! \_ I never experienced this problem with my pilot or PalmV. AFAIK, syncing with your PC does not cause the date/time to be adjusted to that of your PC. -dans \_ You're losing power. Charge it more. This is a Palm FAQ. \_ I have this problem too, even with new batteries. \_ You're losing power. Charge it more. This is a Palm FAQ. |
2000/4/26-28 [Consumer/PDA] UID:18119 Activity:high |
4/26 What electronic device (PDA?) on the market today would convenient substitute for notes, diary, and travel log? --- never owned one. \_ what is wrong with notes, diary, and travel log? They work. they don't break/run out of batteries. They don't make you look like an idiot. \_ Just about all of them will do, as long as you like their input mechanism. I'd recomend either the Palm IIIx or Vx, depending on whither you want an internal battery pack or regular AAA's you can change. - seidl \_ The truth is, none of them are really appropriate for Notes, diary, or travel log, since all of those would involve (presumeably a middling to large amount of text) The pen input systems on palmtops are appropriate for adding someone's address, or putting in an appointment.. (I love my palm for these things), but they're a nightmare for inputting a lot (more than 10-20 words) of text. You probably want the lightest, thinnest, wimpiest, cheapest laptop you can get, and you'll be much happier. --dbushong \_ Actually, the Palm Pilot when combined with a Palm Portable keyboard performs this role excellently, and is lighter and smaller than the wimpiest laptop, and has fullsized keys. -nweaver \_ Another possibility is the IBM Workpad z50. I own both a palm pilot and a z50. I haven't had as much time to play with the z50 as I'd like. They're discontinued, but you can get them on auction sites. Don't pay more than $350. The z50 has a really nice keyboard, and gets about 6 hours of battery life, but the screen kind of sucks. It's a wince device, but if you want to plunk down another $350-$600 and play frankenbox, it can run NetBSD. -dans \_ I just want to be able to write and edit diary or essay during travel and save to regular computer after the trip. It doesn't need to do anything else, but must be cheap. \_ If you will do a LOT of journaling, I'd recommend it because, as I said, the keyboard kicks ass (i.e. really comfortable). The palm plus palm keyboard is also a viable option (ask Nick for more info about the keyboad). Things to consider: The z50 is larger, but you only need to carry the z50 and the AC adapter (as I said, ~6 hours battery life). The palm and keyboard combo will be smaller, but you need to carry more pieces (palm + keyboard + cradle + AC adapter or, for like another 35-50 bucks, you can get an AC adapter that plugs directly into the palm, instead of into the cradle which is used for both syncing and charging). I'm not certain, but I think you'd end up spending more on a palm because, at the very least, you need to add the keyboard. I don't know what the battery life is like on a palm when using the keyboard (it talks via the serial port, and that can eat batteries up pretty quickly). Also, I would avoid using a palm that uses AAAs because, though it hasn't happened often, the batteries in my pilot (before I got a V) have occasionally died out completely causing me to lose the info on the pilot. This isn't as much of an issue if you will be syncing regularly. E-mail me if you have questions, I'll see if I can help out some more. -dans \_ It depends on the PALM. A Palm3e ($150), and Palm Portable Keyboard ($100) are together lighter & smaller than the z50. You don't need an AC adaptor (the III uses good old AAA batteries, and you can change them without losing device data), and if you want a cradle, you can just pack one of the cable-cradles. It is a very nice solution for that problem, and CHEAP, too (<$300). Email me if you have any questions on how it works. -nweaver \_ Palm V with a laptop that has an infrared port is the way to go. Main purpose of the PDA (for me) is to be a quick data store of useful info when I'm on the road (ie; flight confirmation #'s, appts and alarms, phone numbers, etc.). Using a PDA for computing (ie; pocket word/excel)? Give me a break! How practical is that? Just dl Pac Man or a blackjack game (free) on the Palm V and you're good to go. Now if anybody can tell me how to activate the IR port on a Nokia 6185 (Sprint is provider) and sync it to my Palm V, I'd be in heaven. \_ How about Nokia 9000 or 9110? \_ I think these don't have any IR shit in them. FCC approval/time to market issue, probably. \_ They do have an IR window on the top. Is that only for decoration? \_ Nokia 9000 has IR port, assume 9110 does also. But dammit only 9600 baud dialup thru GSM--oj \_ Although it's a lost cause, you might want to look into a crosspad. For about $200, it'll let you right down all your notes and will store your files digitally. Once uploaded, you can try and perform handwriting recognition on your data. \_ Tandy Model 100 portable computer. Hard to find but light weight, has real keyboard, real video, etc. |
2000/4/19-21 [Consumer/CellPhone, Consumer/PDA] UID:18049 Activity:low |
4/19 The programming crew is getting new 19" monitors. Any thoughts on the following, or recommendations? Thanks ... Eizo FX-D7 Mitsuibishi Diamond Pro 900u NEC FP 950 Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 450 MAG 800v LG 995E \_ Liked my Iiyama until the tube went fitz and they didnt fix it properly. \_ Mag sucks. Get a Sony 400PS, excellent picture + reliable. \_ i dont think they make the PS anymore.. the Sony G400 is much nicer than the 400PS ever was. -shac \_ Though it isn't on the list, I have a viewsonic g790 that has been excellent. The only caveat is that I have not had it all that long, about 9 months. \_ Do Eizo's still have syncing / settings problems? The old Nanaos I've used tend to forget my prior custom settings when I change resolutions. \_ Cheap bastards. Don't settle for anything less than 21". |
2000/3/3-4 [Consumer/PDA] UID:17689 Activity:very high |
3/3 Anyone get any PALM shares anywhere near the opening? Any market order folks now sweating out the huge losses? \_ My friend bought 1K at $40. He's not sweating anything. \_ It opened higher than that. Your friend was either in a special program or you're a liar. \_ Is it that hard to believe he was in on a special program? Rare, yes, but not unbelievable. \_ is he or isn't he? Speculation and knee-jerk conjecture are worthless here. Oh wait, this is the motd. \_ isn't calling him a liar pretty worthless too? \_ "was either X or was a liar". No it isn't. \_ Palm priced at $38. My friend got in on a deal before it opened. \_ It opened to the public around $150. \_ and sunked to $90. \_ "sunk" \_ "sank"-/ Inflected Form(s): sank /'sa[ng]k/; or sunk /'s&[ng]k/; sunk; sinkĀ·ing \_ Webster doesn't make the distinction, but sank is generally used for the intransitive sense. \_ you sank my battleship! |
2000/2/24 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:17607 Activity:insanely high |
2/23 What are the cons to getting a Handjob? \_ Probably a lot more disgusting than the car and the cdr \_ HANDSPRING, YOU ASSHOLE \_ the four week wait? \_ anyone get a hairy palm IIIc yet? --oj \_ anyone get a hairy palm IIIc yet? \_ Doesn't feel as good as oral sex or intercourse. \_ chafing. \_ None, really. It's just the first step on the short road to having her anyway you want. Don't be so short sighted. \_sometimes it is the only way he can make you come. Especially if he finishes and pulls out in under ten minutes..... |
2000/2/23-25 [Consumer/PDA] UID:17600 Activity:high |
2/23 What are the cons to getting a Handspring? \_ the case construction is a bit weaker than palm. \_ Can't rev. the firmware. Lack of flash ROM sux. \_ Not the case so much as the cover. I gave my Palm III to my girlfriend and bought a Visor Deluxe to replace it. Aside from the cover, zero complaints. Arrived in under a week, it's fast, has a nice screen, tons of memory, and cost a lot less than a Palm V. True, it has the Palm III form factor rather than the sexy Palm V, but I was more than willing to give that up for the major price difference. My advice: Go for it, but be sure to buy an upgraded cover at the same time. -mogul \_ how is the color? \_ Everything in here is wrong except the bits about "fast", "girlfriend", and "replace". |
2000/2/20 [Consumer/PDA] UID:17574 Activity:nil |
2/19 Finally, I got in http://www.jp.playstation.com and ordered a PlayStation2! Isn't it neat that Sony would deliver it to me on 3/4? |
2000/2/16-17 [Consumer/PDA] UID:17522 Activity:kinda low |
2/16 What is a cheap online place to buy a palm pilot? Are Palm pilots better than WindowsCE devices? \_ Palms generally have far longer battery life, are smaller, easier to use, and probably have more software for them, not to mention that they will back up to far more OSs. -John \_ Cheaper? You ever tried to use one of the CE crap toys? Do your- self a favor and buy a palm5. \_ Palm is easier to write stuff for, you don't need proprietary sdk plugins for visstudio -paolo \_ vadim got it to run linux. \_ What kind of useful things can I do with Linux running on a Palm Pilot? |
1999/8/5-6 [Computer/HW/Memory, Consumer/PDA] UID:16253 Activity:nil |
8/4 Do you have a Palm III or IIIx? How much memory does PalmOS and the built-in apps take up? I'm trying to decide whether 2 megs on a Palm III is good enough to run the map applications I need. Thx. \_ all that is on the roms \_ OS and built in live in ROM, so you get the full 2 or 4 megs. I find as long as I don't put more than one whole book on it or too many games (> 3) 2mb is o.k. The IIIx has a better screen though, so you might want to look at it. Not sure which screen the IIIe has. - seidl |
1999/8/2-3 [Consumer/PDA] UID:16224 Activity:moderate |
8/2 I'm trying to decide whether to buy a palm III or winCE PDA. The killer app for me is maps. MS has Street2000 that let you export maps of cities in its CD and d/l onto a winCE device. I couldn't find something like that for the Palm Pilot. I could only find downloadable maps of some specific cities or places. But not something comprehensive like Street2000. Does such a thing exist for the Palm platform? Thanks. \_ http://www.mapquest.com -- try the button "download to palm pilot" \_ did you check out the gps stuff for the p3? Delomre has some map stuff \_ another person posted some stuff about http://mapquest.com. it lets you download individual maps, but not searchable maps of an entire city. E.g. a comprehensive map of berkeley or oakland in one downloadable file. |
1999/6/17-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Consumer/PDA] UID:15978 Activity:kinda low |
6/17 Palm Pilot V for sale. Brand new, still in the box. It has Sun's kJava installed on it, so you can develop limited Java apps and run them on it. $350 obo. Send email to peterl. \_ You picked this up at JavaOne for $200 didn't you? \_ You can get a brand new one for $200 at JavaOne. \_ Not everyone can get into JavaOne. I'll sell you mine for $275... \_ sign your name! \_ This is contrary to the BH Laws of Computer Hacking! You must provide the PP5 for free and then charge for phone support! \_ People who can't be funny shouldn't make bh jokes. |
1998/10/22-25 [Consumer/PDA] UID:14810 Activity:nil |
10/23 ProxiNet is hiring. See /csua/pub/jobs/ProxiNet or http://www.proxinet.com/about/jobs - sony |
1998/10/21-22 [Consumer/PDA] UID:14799 Activity:kinda low |
10/20 Does anyone here use Palm Pilot III or Phillips Nino? Which one is a better deal? \_ Palm III=$319, Palm Modem=$100, Palm PC Link=$25, Palm Total=$444 Nino 312, modem and PC link, Nino total = $369 Palm III has 2 megs. Nino has 8 megs. Palm III input device sucks. Nino is quite flexible (like the Newton). Nino has more applications. Palm III applications suck. Nino can voice record 16min/meg. Palm has no such feature. Go figure \_ Somebody hand this man a grammar book opened to the part about articles. \_ 8MB of RAM on the Nino is really weak. The overhead of the OS makes it pretty slow in comparison to the Palm devices. \_ NO D00DZ DO NOT USE NINO, IT IS PEECEE, WIN CE BASED, AND BECAUSE MICROSNOT SUX, NINO MUST SUCK!!! DONT GIVE IN TO THE EVIL SIDE!!! \_ For not much more you can get something like a libretto min-laptop and run a real OS (FreeBSD works for me). \_ If you want to use the ricochet modem, factor in that you have to buy a serial I/O card which is about $180. The little cable for the Palm devices are much more reasonable. I suppose it doesn't really matter since most of the palm-sized devices are going wireless next year. \_ not to mention the ricochet modem for another $300 or so... \_ I'm holding out for the Phillip Nunez, which will blow both of those away. - phillip #1 fan \_ Most importantly that it can store infinite amounts of data? \_ Of course. It uses PhilCompress(tm). \_ PhilOS rules! \_ Specs of PhilWoman? |
1998/3/20 [Consumer/PDA] UID:13844 Activity:moderate |
3/19 (Yes, it's still only the 19th, I'm afraid.) Is it currently advisable to buy a Palm Pilot Professional, and what is a typical fair price for one? \_ in a month the pilot ]I[s are comming out. I would wait till then as, even if you don't want a 3, you will get a better price on a professional. \_ Why don't you wait for the handheld PC being released soon by Microsoft? That one has Windows CE and internal modem. Of course, that means you have to pay more. \_ pilotos >> win ce. |
1998/3/17 [Consumer/PDA, Consumer/Camera] UID:13820 Activity:high |
3/16 My Sony camcorder's tape is stuck inside. The eject button does not work so I cannot get the tape out. On screen it shows there is a red tape button. Does anyone also have this problem??How to fix? \_ Try smashing it on the ground and see if you can get the tape out that way. Remember to use a _hard_ surface (e.g., concrete). \_ I'll fix it if I can keep the tape of your nekkid gf doing those four dudes. |
1998/3/13-17 [Consumer/Camera, Consumer/PDA] UID:13801 Activity:low 71%like:13798 |
3/13 Does anybody know how to repair the tape transport of a Sony camcorder or know somebody who is an expert doing this? Thanks. \_ try Resistance Repair... in west Berkeley. \_ guerilla repairmen? \_ Brazil? \_ yes. but before you can hire one, you need to fill out a 27B/6. have you got one, then? no? well, dont come back till you do! |
1998/2/25-27 [Consumer/PDA, Finance/Shopping] UID:13737 Activity:high |
2/25 Where's the cheapest place to get a Palm Pilot Pro? \_ <DEAD>www.miamimeg.com<DEAD> $297 --aaron \_ Fry's has good prices. but you can also buy the mem upgrade there if you need it \_ Is Fry's cheaper than 199 for personal and $290 for pro and $100 for upgrade at <DEAD>www.miamimeg.com<DEAD> \_ Frys prices change every couple days, and vary from being fairly expensive to pretty good. Since they don't have a website, you can't tell in advance. Best prices you \_ Pick up the phone and call. \_ yeah, that'll work. we're talking about fry's here. can probably get are about $290-300 for the Pro. I've rarely seen prices that low on them at Frys. -cdaveb \_ Check out what's on clearance at Fry's. I got a Cassiopeia for $100, when the regular price was $300. -peterl \_ Did you ever once stop to think, "Why is this on clearance?" Maybe it sucks, so no one buys it? \_ Of course. I checked it out thoroughly before buying. It works fine. The reason it was so cheap was because they were discontinuing that item; For $300 no one buys them, but for $100, they're pretty cool. -peterl \_FRY's sucks my cock. What the hell is a Cassiopeia? Did it actually WORK when you got it home?? \_ http://www.casiohpc.com Yes, it works perfectly. \_ http://www.pdapage.com -mogul \_ I got my Pro plus modem for $370 incld tax from a computer show |
1998/1/21 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:13531 Activity:nil |
1-20 Can anyone recommend a brand/distributor for a good SCSI tape loader for backing up ~30 gigs or more? Exabyte 8mm or DAT 4mm preferred. This is for Linux and Solaris. -randal \_ Possibly under $1500 would be good. \_ DAT drives known to work/pseudo-supported for solaris: Python 29279, EXABYTE EXB-4200c(I THINK that is DAT), \_ Exabyte does not equal DAT. HP C1553A, HP 35470A, HP 35480A, SONY SDT-5000, SONY SDT-5200, WangDAT 2600, WangDAT 3400 \_ do you want somethin like an exabyte 8505 or mammoth based? -shac \_ 8505 -randal \_ I think Microtech makes a 17 tape Sony based DAT loader. |
3/15 |