3/15 |
2002/7/13-14 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25350 Activity:very high |
7/13 /var ful again. can't mail root, cuz /var is full. sendmail -bv wont' work to tell me who's on root, cuz /var is full. Wow, fbsd is unusually h0zed when /var is full. I had to resort to emacs to edit motd because /var being full locks up vi when its autosave is broken. please fix /var! Hell, wall logging doesn't even work. -ERic \_ Has anyone even bothered to look through lastcomm to see why it's getting so damn big? grep - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 frm - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 grep - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 frm - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 grep - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 frm - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 grep - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 frm - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 grep - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 frm - new ttyDX 0.00 secs Sat Jul 13 12:34 Or why those acct files aren't gzip'd on rotation? --scotsman \_ all this is due to user mail being in /var/mail. dumb dumb dumb. quotas in /var/mail or delivery to user home dir fixes this ongoing regular problem. I'll volunteer to fix it if given appropriate permissions again... -ERic \_ It does? Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/da0s1f 1016303 725014 209985 78% /var /dev/da3s1e 8617749 3890198 4038132 49% /var/mail -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2097120 Jul 13 12:07 /var/mail/quota.user \_ get a life. It's 1pm on a saturday. Don't you guys have mail at work? It's not even raining today. \_ the csua is a social organization. many members organize social events through soda e-mail. |
2002/7/13 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25347 Activity:moderate |
7/12 Anyone know of a lightweight secure ftp program like secure fx? Putty PsFtp is *too* lightweight. \_ try WinSCP \_ ssh secure shell client for windows, available on http://depot.berkeley.edu if you can't access http://depot.berkeley.edu, maybe you shouldn't be on a machine that is supposedly for undergrads. \_ I wake up every morning and try to fuck up everyone else's day just a little bit too, cool! |
2002/7/4-5 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25278 Activity:moderate |
7/3 What is a good free project management tool in Unix? This is for personal projects, so it doesn't have to be that fancy. \_ emacs, jove, vi, etc. \_ those are editors, not project management tools. i think he means cvs, maybe even rcs. If you want something like crystal reports, you're out of luck. And please don't say, "ED is an editor" because that is just old, trite, and oversaid. ok thx. |
2002/7/2-4 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25268 Activity:very high |
7/2 Does it make sense to run NFS without NIS/NIS+? I've heard that file permissions won't work if you're running NFS w/o NIS. \_ nfs can run perfectly fine w/o NIS... thers not dependancy either way.. the file perm shit is dumb and wrong or you badly misunderstood... blah why do i post in the motd? -shac \_ It's good that you post on the motd. Not the dumbass posters who haven't figured out how to google. \_ NIS is not required to run NFS but you still have to come up with a way to synchronize the UID's and login names on all machines accessing NFS file systems if you care about file ownership. Here are some possible ways of doing this: 1) rebuild the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files on all of your hosts (using the default portion of the file that came with the OS and the site added entries) 2) use NIS. 3) use LDAP DON'T use NIS+ as it has been EOLed in future solaris releases. \_ http://wwws.sun.com/software/solaris/faqs/nisplus.html \_ OP here. Sorry for the dumbass question. My problem was that I didn't realize that root has *less* access than other users by default. This is a good url: http://www.ebsinc.com/solaris/network/nfs.html \_ There's a good reason for it. For those too lazy to read the URL, I assume it's going to say that root is usually mapped to 'nobody' because otherwise you're in the situation where someone else can plug their box into your network. They're suddenly root on all your nfs shares. Bad news. \_ as opposed to being able to su to any user on your NFS shares--not a whole lot of difference. If you're exporting NFS to people you don't trust, you've already lost. -tom \_ It's not about people, it's about physical access to the network. NFS wasn't designed to be secure but at least they can't trojan system binaries as root, only user owned files. This is an important difference. Security isn't all or nothing. Layers, son, layers. \_ uh, you're exporting system binaries on writable filesystems via NFS? you need more than layers. -tom \_ FYI, robust NFS implementations support strong authentication methods including kerberos 5. Unfortunately, Linux NFS client doesn't support any of that fancy authentication stuff so you must choose between Linux and security.. \_ Uh, you've never used a dickless client? i have \_ Did you miss the part about "writable filesystems"? A diskless client doesn't need to be able to write to its /usr partition. If you allow this, then you're an accident waiting to happen. --scotsman \_ Nope. Your call. Not my problem. You'll find out the hard way one day. exactly what i need, thanks for all your help. you can stop helping anytime... you've already provided such great help from your vast depth of knowledge from working with so many diverse systems over the course of your lengthy career, i couldn't possibly ask you to help any more than you already have. \_ You know, you can stop listening also. It's not like you're a powerless victim. \_ OP: tom is helpful. so is shaq. \_ OP: tom is helpful. so is shaq. YMMV. \_ tom is the techie guru god of all knowing. tom has never been wrong. i religiously follow all of toms advice. \_ I don't know everything. But I probably know more than you do. -tom \_ I won't lick your ass, but I appreciate your postings. Don't always agree wtih you, but do appreciate them. \_ What? nonononono this is wrong. You know *EVERYTHING*! You've *NEVER* been wrong! It's *NEVER* happened! \_ Sarcasm aside, not knowing everything and never being wrong are not mutually exclusive. \_ But when you have an opinion about *EVERYTHING* and you're *NEVER* wrong, you therefore know everything as well. Life is good. \_ obLithium. |
2002/7/2 [Computer/Companies/Google, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25267 Activity:nil |
7/2 ufsdumper guy here. While I'm at it, I was wondering what sort of dumping schedule do people use? 0 5 5 5 3? 0 5 5 5 5? 0 0 0 0 0? Also, how do you backup multiple partitions with one fell swoop? I've been reading around on google but there is a lot of conflicting advice. \_ It depends. How big are your backups, how important are they, how much do they change, how long can your system be down if you need to recover from tape, how quick do you need to be able to recover a file from a backup? \_ What about the multiple partitions part? \_ You just dump them sequentially to a NONREWINDING tape device. |
2002/7/2 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25260 Activity:high |
7/1 How to view a text file on a FTP site when I am using plain-old text FTP client? Thanks \_ get <filename> | more \_ |more . no space. \_ How to know viewing text file in FTP site when using text FTP clients? Is much thanks you! |
2002/6/29-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25243 Activity:high |
6/28 I have been repeatedly warned *not* to write shell scripts in csh/tcsh. Is there any validity to these warnings? If so, why? \_ Warned by? I write all my personal stuff in whatever the fuck I want (csh/tcsh/perl). I write anything for init.d in /bin/sh because /bin/sh should always work so the scripts are 100% guaranteed portable. (heh). /bin/sh pretty much sucks and has near-zero useful features but it's there. \_ Instead of posting your question to the motd try putting it to google. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot is the classic article that explains why it's not a great idea. \_ For starters let's note this was written in 1996. A lot of the bugs he's picking on aren't out there anymore. A lot of the examples he's using are a bit contrived. I agree csh is not the best thing to write in if you're going to stick it in /etc/init.d or write a large script that does something important but for a quick hack, why not? It's there, you know it, use it and throw it out. Anything longer than 5 or 10 lines is probably a Perl job anyway. /bin/sh for /etc/init.d, tcsh for fun, Perl for real work. Just one man's world view. \_ When are you people going to move to Ruby? Perl sucks. \_ When Ruby has something that looks like CPAN so I don't have to reinvent the wheel everytime I want to do something interesting. I started Perl at 4.015. Lemme know when Ruby is as useful as Perl was 5+ years ago. \_ CPAN ugh. That is the worst thing to happen to perl with the possible exception of the stupid OO crap. Perl 4 was the last great perl, it had everything that was missing from Perl 3 without any of the messy non-sense of Perl 5 (about the only thing that Perl 5 add that is of any value is my). \_ CPAN is bad uh how? And Perl5 added real structures to the language making it much more useful. If all you wanted was sed/awk, use sed/awk. Some of us are too busy to reinvent the wheel or fucking around with the broken data structures in Perl4. \_ It was written in the 80s \_ Even more so then. The date inside the URL said 96. \_ It's just as relevant now. csh still can't do basic stuff like redirect STDOUT and STDERR to different places. It's a fine login shell, but it sucks for programming. -tom \_ Uhm, on that point in particular, you're wrong: (command >stdoutgoeshere) >&stderrgoeshere (admittedly, it can't, say, juxtapose the two, but that's not needed too often) -alexf \_ Why would anyone want to use (t)csh in a world where ksh and bash exist? Who uses ksh? _/ \_ Because bash is broken and stupid? \_ uh... % ( some-command > someplace ) >& other-place \_ I've never wanted to do the obscure shit he's talking about csh not supporting. That's what perl is for anyway. /bin/sh and perl covers everything. \_ if /bin/sh and perl covers everything, why are you programming in csh? And really, it's pathetic that csh can't handle trivial, obvious syntax like: "if ( "$foo" == "bar" )". You run into shit like that all the time with csh. -tom \- writing stuff in csh to me is like using vi for quick edits ... no matter how quick or trivial you think it will be, about half the time you get started doing something more involved and regret not starting out doing it right ... however if you want an objective list of drawbacks and gotchas in csh, that is a decent list. when it comes to tcsh there are some bugs, but everything has bugs ... those things in the famous doc are mostly design flaws. if csh works you you, do what you want. a very imporant piece of "code" at lbl consists of 3024 lines of csh ... it was supposed to be a 20 line program. "bill joy has a lot to answer for" --psb |
2002/6/26-27 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25208 Activity:moderate |
6/26 On Unix and alike, what's the reason for imposing a limit of 19 on how much a user can lower his process' priority with "nice"? \_ But it goes to eleven... -John \_ Yeah but imagine if it went to like 20000!!!! That'd be really nice! |
2002/6/13 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:25082 Activity:low |
6/12 How do I do this in sh -- I want to send the output of foo to "| grep" and the standard error of foo to /dev/null ??? \_ foo 2> /dev/null | grep |
2002/6/11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25062 Activity:moderate |
6/10 A while ago there was so thread about linux clients and solaris nfs. Today i found out that the default nfs packet size on 7.3 (redhat) is 32k not the old linux 8k. This causes clients to pound on our nfs server. Dunno if it helps. \_ from mount_nfs(1M) rsize=n Set the read buffer size to n bytes. The default value is 32768 when using Version 3 of the NFS protocol. The default can be negotiated down if the server prefers a smaller transfer size. When using Version 2, the default value is 8192. \_ After the tip from akopps, I found these relevant bugid http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=64921 http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=64984 http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65069 http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65410 http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65707 http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65772 |
2002/6/6-7 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25017 Activity:nil |
6/6 tcsh.core : Is it a core dump file? Can I delete it? \_ tcsh never crashes. erase all evidence. report to food vat immediately. thank you. the computer is never wrong. |
3/15 |
2002/6/6 [Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25009 Activity:nil |
6/6 Looks like Lawrence Berkeley National Lab has some job openings for jobs like SysAdmins and Unix Support/Programmers. |
2002/6/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24990 Activity:nil |
6/3 Can we get rid of the link to our finger information from the CSUA web site? This may be a source of spamming. \_ 'touch ~/.nofinger' to make yourself invisible to fingerd, 'touch ~/public_html/.noindex' to remove your homepage from the CSUA index. -- jwang \_ Thanks. When does that update? \_ every Sunday at 2:15am. |
2002/6/5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24984 Activity:high |
6/3 anyone had problems with a Redhat 7.3 NFS client and a Solaris 8 NFS server with the Client flooding Server with packets? \- dunno if this is related but see ~psb/linux-nfs-problem. i would try tcpdumping to see what is going on. this is a little tricky unless you have something nfs protocol aware. --psb \_ Luckily linux is only the client here. I'll try this tcpdump \_ snoop is NFS protocol aware. Unfortunately, it runs only on Solaris. \_ tcpdump on redhat 7.3 is also somewhat NFS-aware. \_ Just saw plenty of reports like this one on http://bugzilla.redhat.com, check it out. -akopps \_ Thanks! I think that's it. The same symptoms/behavior. It's been a painful week. (our snoops showed them as UDP packets) \_ As a fellow linux victim I can say linux sucks. If this is a server environment and you don't specifically *need* Linux, then use *BSD or something else which wasn't written by a million monkeys. |
2002/5/20-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24894 Activity:high |
5/20 curl? why? \_ Curling is an exciting Olympic sport that the whole family can enjoy. Try it today!! \_ Which curl? The useful unix utility or the useless programming language? \_ Since they say "why?" I'd guess they mean the useless language. The value of the unix utility is self evident. My answer to why curl as yet another useless language is, "why not?" No one is being forced to use it. It's harmless. If it's ever useful you'll be glad for it. \_ any takes on REBEL? \_ becasue sometimes div just isn't enough. -chialea \_ pray tell, how many upper div courses does one need to become a grad? --jon |
2002/5/20-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24893 Activity:moderate |
5/20 I just finished reading 3001 and I must say that it was a huge disappointment for me. I disliked the explanation of the nature of the monoliths (basically dumb robots, not even as intelligent as HAL) and their vulnerability to 20th/21st century computer viruses (deja vu ID4?). Did any of you read the book and like it? If so, what aspects did you like? \_ clarke is a hack. get a clue. -tom \_ 2001 and 2010 were pretty good. If clarke is such a hack what sci-fi authors do you recommend reading? \_ Gene Wolfe, Stanislaw Lem, Kage Baker. --pld \_ Dan Simmons, "Hyperion" Vernor Vinge, "A Fire Upon The Deep" Connie Willis. Iain M. Banks. To some extent, Greg Bear and Kim Stanley Robinson. Most decent sci-fi writers also write stuff other than sci-fi. -tom \_ if you don't want to read hacks, don't read sci-fi. -!tom \_ Clarke wasn't a hack in his earlier days (_2001_, _Childhood's End_, etc.), but he's since taken to the senile dementia/"I need the money" path trailblazed by other classic SF authors (Azimov, Heinlein, et. al.) of cranking out low-to-no-quality books, knowing that a certain group of people will buy them just because they have his holy name on the cover. As for authors I'd recommend in the SF/F arena: Iain M. Banks, John Brunner, Lois McMaster Bujold, Philip K. Dick, Barry Hughart, Cyril Kornbluth, Johnathan Lethem, Tim Powers, Kim Stanley Robinson, Clifford Simak, Neal Stephenson, Connie Willis, and Vernor Vinge, for starters (these aren't entirely blanket author recommendations, though; there are definitely some works by the above-listed that you'd be better off avoiding). -- kahogan \_ Heinlein doesn't need the money anymore.... \_ Libertarians keep score from beyond the grave. |
2002/5/17-20 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24874 Activity:high |
5/17 If I want to do incremental backups, is dump still the way to go? \_ how much data? what backup device? \_ What kind of data would be useful too. \_ GNU tar is another program that supports incremental backups, though, I still prefer dump. -dumper \_ Just post the data at the bottom of the motd, and we'll tell you what to do. Remember to mpack it if it's binary. \_ GNU tar is another program that supports incremental backups, though, I still prefer dump. -dumper \_ I use this cool new peer-to-peer backup program called dumpster. |
2002/5/15 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:24837 Activity:insanely high |
5/15 My boss wants me to track what websites a user visits. The user is smart enough to delete their history every time they log out (tweakui?) Any recommendations for UNIX/NT software to do this? \_ You can use a network snooper but I question what will be accomplish by tracking what websites your own workers visit. \_ There could be the case of the person visiting inappropriate sites. However, in this case, the person (a secretary) tells everyone that she has way too much work to do, but all the other secretaries say that she just surfs the web all day. \_ When installing a network snooper, where do you put it? Doesn't it depend on whether the user is connected to a switch or a hub? \_ Yes a snooper won't work on a switched lan. A alternate soln. if you don't want use a caching proxy is to have your fw log all outbound http and ftp requests and then translate that to web sites. The problem with this is that you won't be able to catch request made to services like anonymizer. \_ Set up a caching proxy (eg. squid) and run it in transparent mode (your fw/router redirects port 80, 21, etc to the cache) and turn on max logging. You need to use transparent mode so that your users can't circumvent the cache and screw up your information gathering. Use perl to grok the cache's log files and generate a list of urls (or sites) per ip. Now use the dhcp server's log files to map IP to NIC and therefore to individual client systems and users (I'm assuming that most of your clients are mac/win boxes and have only one user). This should give you all the information you need and more. \_ Thanks! We have a cache (Symantec i-gear), but the user wasn't using it. I'll investigate how to get our router (no firewall) to forward requests. \_ One possible way is the set up the dhcp server to specify the cache as the default router for the mac in question. Then you setup the cache to re-route all traffic (except for http traffic, which it handles) to the real rotuer. \_ currently, we're still on static ip's/routes, but that's something i'll look into \_ If she is not smart enough to also clear the disk cache, you can go to the cache directories and look at the content. E.g. on NT, However, I think a better solution is to just keep track of her %USERPROFILE%\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ for IE and %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Netscape\Users\%USERNAME%\Cache\ for Netscape; for Unix, ~/.netscape/cache for Netscape. You might not know which URLs she visited, but at least you can see the content of the pages. Note that for IE some of the dirs and files are marked hidden or system, so you have to do "dir /a" to see them. However, I think the better solution is to just keep track of her activity at the proxy server. \_ Be careful of what you and your boss are doing. Unless it's in your company policy, you shouldn't do this. Your coworkers can sue the company for this tactic. can sue the company for this tactic. If you're going to do this you better adopt a policy for this and have everyone in the company be aware of and agreeable to it. \_ Double check with your company's specific policy, but at most places the company owns the machine and all files on it if it is a work machine, and the company is allowed to access it whenever it wants. \_ if your company is going to do that, make sure it's in the policy. "Company owns everything" is too vague. A good lawyer will defeat that. You can not do it in way it single out an individual or in anyway showing bias. \- if the person you are trying to track is stupid, you can use dug song's software ... that will basically sniff the net, extract the urls and feed them to a netscape you run so you more or less can watch the secretary "over his/her shoulder". however really you probably want timestamped logs, in which case just get tcpdump the port 80 traffic. getting the urls in addition to dst addr is a little more work but pretty simple. BRO can do this. --psb |
2002/5/11 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24795 Activity:nil |
5/10 http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?cid=3499732&sid=32423 proving that open source = racist. \_ I'm pretty sure that guy thinks himself funny. This is a common delusion. Youi, however, have no excuse. \_ I'm not Youi! \_ It wasn't a humor piece. It's all true. Why the blinders? |
2002/5/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24733 Activity:insanely high |
5/7 So how does /csua/bin/me record my identity? \_ It doesn't. people are stupid. \_ All I was referring to was the fact that other users will see that you have a lock on the file, and then see new contents. Duh. \_ ...As opposed to editing the file in vi, finding that it's locked, and running fstat anyway? Whatever. -geordan \_ fstat is a violation of my privacy rights. I insist it be deleted immediately. \_ Well, an alternative is to copy the motd, edit, then copy back. You can diff to see if someone else changed it, and manual merge. This way I never clobber anyone, of course now I'm learning that other people feel free to clobber me because I didn't lock the file before *they* started editing. Well fuck you with a spoon. \_ The whole point of this is that what _you're_ doing is forcing EVERYONE ELSE to manually merge the motd as well. As most of us actually have lives, we are asking those of you who are so scared of what you say that you can't own up to it to either use the lock or not complain. --scotsman \_ Actually, I shouldn't make the assumption that "most of us" have lives. My apologies. --scotsman \_ no one is afraid. they just don't care. it isn't important who said what. and how the hell hard is it to manually merge? diff? patch? c'mon. sometimes I like what someone else has said on a topic better than what I said and don't even bother putting mine in. it goes both ways. its the motd. relax. \_ ok, fine, i'm wrong. except of course this way ppl have to wait for slow typers and stuff like that. \_ read the script. damn.. \_ That probably requires enough clue to understand it. -geordan \_ It's not that hard. \_ I realize; I looked at the script and saw nothing that would hint at a lasting record of my identity that ps -aux|grep motd.public wouldn't give. That' why I was wondering-- op \_ emacs -nw ; C-xC-f /etc/motd.public ; Now no one knows who you are unless they happen to be running lsof for the few usecs when you C-xC-s. \_ U'R $O sUP34 733+ K@n 1 l3AR|V fR0M U 0 733T mA$tUR? \_ He wants to be anonymous, emacs is about as anonymous as you can get \_ then he's _rude_ and anonymous, and will have to deal with me overwriting his drivel because he refuses to use a lock. \_ so he'll deal. its not like half or more of us aren't watching with scripts anyway. emacs is hardly anonymous. I spent about 3 minutes writing a few tiny scripts that lets me figure out who is writing what about 90% of the time. you know what? i find it doesn't matter. since i dont maintain a 'twink points' file and don't take the motd personally or seriously it just doesn't matter. you're all a bunch of two faced liars anyway posting to both sides of many threads. \_ That's a bald lie. \_ No it's not. |
2002/4/24-25 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24568 Activity:moderate |
4/24 Are you getting bounces from http://mail.yahoo.com? I tried responding to people, and I'm getting bounces. They are not spammers. I respond a few seconds after they email me. \_ so it has begun \_ Yes. It's been sporadic for a day or so. \_ Well did you pay your Yahoo E-Delivery Fee? You can only send mail to Yahoo users if you're a paying customer. |
2002/4/24 [Computer/Domains, Computer/HW, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24567 Activity:nil 75%like:24572 |
4/24 Where's that URL to find a dot address's host/domain name? Is there some server that shows the uptime of certain hosts? |
2002/4/23 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24550 Activity:high |
4/23 My advisor is not going to pay for the new IDSG NFS backed up storage. Any recommendations for commercial backed up storage I can access off the net (either NFS or scp) ? -- poor grad student \_ find an advisor who's not an idiot? \_ they all are \_ alice? \_ Who the fuck is alice? \_ cool/cute CS gradstudent with an account on Soda. \_ Um, no it's not me. But thanks for your concern. Now back to the op's question. -- alice \_ Waitasec, you won't pay for campus NFS service but you'll pay for more expensive outside 3rd party commercial service for the same thing? \_ depends on how much more expensive. IDSG has various nazi policies that I'd rather avoid anyway. plus it would be a nightmare paying for this that can only be paid for by a UC recharge account |
2002/4/23 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24541 Activity:nil |
4/22 Finger Puppet Insurrection!? At MayDay!? <DEAD>www.festivalsofresistance.net/events/fingerpuppets.html<DEAD> |
2002/4/19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24491 Activity:nil |
4/18 Any suggestions on a utility that allows you to grab all files that are presented on a webpage file index? (as opposed to right-clicking on every single entry and choosing 'Save Target As') p.s. FTP doesn't work since the site does not accept anonymous login) \_ uh... wget? \_ or webcopy, or pavuk, or any number of such programs \_ damn, beat me to it. I'm saying it anyway! wget. \_ Thanks. - original poster |
2002/4/17-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24467 Activity:kinda low |
4/17 Who is mjm, and why is he running 'cs' for the last 16 hours? \_ /csua/bin/finger mjm \_ You know, cs, like in csua, computer science. Maybe he is trying to do some computer science. It looks like it has something to do with cs152. \_ Well he's not even logged into the terminal the program is running in. \_ He must be an el8 s00p0r hx0r! |
2002/4/12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24427 Activity:nil |
4/11 http://Walmart.COM has an opening for a Sr. NOC (operations monitoring center) Engineer. This role requires knowledge of Unix, networking and to handle phones like six shooters. WMTC is located in Brisbane, just south of Candlestick park. Interested? Mail me. -- Marco |
2002/4/5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24332 Activity:nil |
4/4 What is the best way to read the "field before a pattern" like the number of users in uptime output: 4:01PM up 26 days, 16:50, 242 users, load averages: 1.00, 0.76, 0.57 I can't read the sixth field because it isn't always in the sixth position, depending on what the uptime period is. I want to read the field before "users". I know I can delete from users to end of line and then read last field with awk's NF, but that seems lame! \_ perl, of course. /\s+(\d+)\s+users/. -tom \_ perl might not be around in all of these machines. Also this is in a shell script so I was hoping for a sed or awk solution. \_ uptime | awk '{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) { \ if ($i ~ /^user/) { print $(i-1) ; } \ } }' \_ uptime | cut -d' ' -f 8 --scotsman \_ doesn't work on solaris \_ it does. it's just not always '8' \_ indeed. duud. use perl. --scotsman \_ users | wc -w \_ You are my hero. \_ w | tail +3 | wc -l |
2002/4/4-5 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24320 Activity:kinda low |
4/3 Has anyone tried Cygwin? How is it? \_ If you're willing to put in the effort to get it configured and running you'll get a decent system. A friend of mine compiled and ran apache on cygwin/nt with numerous mods for a production server. It 'worked' but I would not do this in any place I cared about. I provide this only as an example of what can be done, not what should be done. Think of the children! \_ If you're willing to put in the effort to get it configured and running you'll get a decent system. A friend of mine compiled and ran apache on cygwin/nt with numerous mods for a production server. It 'worked' but I would not do this in any place I cared about. I provide this only as an example of what can be done, not what should be done. Think of the Lorelai, is that you? _/ children! \_ My laptop dual boots to Linux/Win2K. I got sick of rebooting to do development, so installed cygwin and use it to this end. I'm doing my whole 162 project using it this semester and haven't encountered any problems. I even got the mips cross- compiler to work using cygwin gcc (thanks to this guy: http://upe.cs.berkeley.edu/~jeffpang/cs162 ) - rory \_ If you want a half broken UNIX environment on your Windows system, Cygwin is the way to go. If you are just interested in a half broken UNIX environment, just install '1337 GN00 L1NUX instead. |
2002/3/28 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24259 Activity:nil |
3/28 Anyone have a suggestion of how to plot data in the form <timestamp> <variable value> with unix software ... is there a canned GNUplot way to do this? Or is Excel the best bet. Data looks like: 12:00 0 12:01 7435 12:02 9047 12:04 12976 12:05 10648 |
2002/3/18-19 [Computer/HW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24149 Activity:moderate |
3/18 Anybody supported Cadence CAD tools before? An application has a license file that's expiring and I'm asked to put in a new license file. Is it a simple case of entering the path to the new license file or is it more complicated? Thanks. \_ yes. \_ is it a node locked license or a floating license? if floating, with redundant license servers? cadence isnt too bad but there are a few distinct and fairly common cases -jon \_ it's a license for one single machine. No license server. \_ put the license file anywhere and have the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE set to be that pathname. having it in the same place as the old license file is the easiest way to accomplish this. -jon |
2002/3/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24138 Activity:high |
3/16 Hey does anyone remmeber the Alex file system? Anyone know if it is \_ no. -alex still available or if there has been any improvements in the last 10yrs on ftp-backed file systems? ok tnx --psb \_ WebDAV relevent? \_ Didn't Microsoft innovate that? I think they did. \_ we've got to stop antitrust laws, Java, and Linux from preventing Microsoft from innovating. It's what the consumer wants. \_ Yeah I read this thing the other day that said Linux was anti- American. We should stop letting foreigners write code. |
2002/3/16-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24137 Activity:kinda low |
3/16 What's up with this? It works for everyone else I tried. soda 21: finger vadim finger: vadim: no such user \_ try /csua/bin/finger. ignores .nofinger files. of course, vadim's .project and .plan are linked to /kernel, so remember to pipe to your favorite pager. \_ or use the "-p" option. -jon \_ who is vadim and why is he [in]famous? \_ Anyone who links their .plan or .project to a large binary is a big jerk so that should put you in the right mindset to figure this one out for yourself. |
2002/3/13-14 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24098 Activity:very high |
3/13 Lets say your / is getting full quickly for some off reason... where could the culprit be? I already looked at /var/adm/log and stuff... \_ /tmp? \_ And if you're desperate 'find' with the right options might show you a single file on the partition that's huge (and growing). Or a 'du' if you're *Really* desperate or lazy. \_ lsof can work wonders here. What can sometimes happen is that a file can be deleted (or hidden because you mount something over the directory where it exists), and you neglect to HUP a daemon that's writing to it. The file won't actually go away until the daemon closes it's filehandle. find will never find such a file. lsof will. -dans \_ What's wrong with du? du -hx -d1, then choose the largest directory and go from there. \_ Not all versions of du are the same. Just like not all versions of find are the same, etc. My reply assumed a base level version of each command that didn't have all the zillions of options that the latest gnu has. I did say if they have the right options, etc. Man pages are your friend. My local base install is older and doesn't have a 'dont cross file system boundary' option. I have the gnuer version also but that was my choice to install it. The OP may not have. Besides, du can be ugly and slow. It's an act of desperation for only when a quick bit of manual snooping in the obvious /tmp and log directory type places doesn't work. \_ /var/mail and /var/spool \_ /homes/user/pr0n |
2002/3/11-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24076 Activity:kinda low |
3/11 I need to start a daemon as a specified user at startup time, or soon after, on FreeBSD. How can I do this? \- you might be able to do it with su, but if it needs to bind to a privilaged port and then relinquish priv, then it is more involved, say if you want to run named as an unpriv user, as we do. so the daemon is in fact in the details, e.g. if you are also chrooting etc. --psb \_ Actually, it's not so complicated-- ideally, it would simple enough to do with a nologin/nopass user and an rc.d script. It doesn't need any special privileges. su wouldn't really work, because it requires a shell. If I try sudo -u user daemon then sudo complains that I'm already root and don't need to sudo. \_ Are you insistent on not having a shell for "user." I don't see why su -u user -c "daemon" wouldn't work for you (assuming you allow user a shell). Or try: chsh -s "/bin/bash" user; su -u user -c "daemon"; chsh -s "/bin/false" user. And let me know if that works. \_ Do you have the source for the daemon? If so, just patch main so that it takes two additional args one for the uid/user and the other for the gid/group to switch to after starting up. If the daemon needs to bind to a port, it might be more complex, |
2002/3/7-8 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24060 Activity:nil |
3/7 Can someone provide a ref to what the fasttrack network is? Does it feature the same sort of "can't be shut down" features that Gnutella does? Or is it more napster/centralized? \_ They claim it can't be, RIAA/etc claim it can. That they killed Morpheus (who used their software but didnt pay their bills) instantly says they have some sort of control but it sounds like an _intentional_ hole they put in the clients, not a central server napster style event. They are keeping secret the technical details of how their network works. |
2002/3/7-8 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24055 Activity:kinda low |
3/7 I have some e-mail messages at hotmail that I want to save and be able to read on unix, is there a way to export them? \_ forwarding to your unix account not good enough? \_ if that's the only solution that will work, but I have a lot of messages and I'd have to forward them all individually... plus, I'd like the messages to have a From field that's actually from the person who sent them rather than my hotmail account so I can do sorts, etc. \_ somewhat related question... is there a way to get e-mail messages from Outlook format to a standard unix-like mbox file? \_ somewhat related question... is there a way to convert an Outlook e-mail folder to a standard unix-like mbox file? \_ Doesn't hotmail offer pop access? \_ as far as I can tell you can POP from other mail systems into hotmail but not the other way around... but i'm not sure. \_ Using M$ mail clients (eg, Outlook(Express)), you can treat Hotmail like a POP client and download a whole folder of messages. Then, see above question about how to convert this to UNIX mbox format. - rory |
2002/2/28 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23991 Activity:very high |
2/27 How do I turn off autocorrect in tcsh? \_ unset autocorrect? \_ And "unset correct". You have mail. Are you happy with just that, though? |
2002/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:23952 Activity:moderate |
2/22 I want to access a networded printer from OSX. I can access it from a regular unix computer but somehow it is not showing up in AppleTalk listing and I cannot change its setup. How do I find its IP and print through that? Ok tnx. \_ Walk to the printer and press some buttons to print out a server config page? If there's one, it should show the printer's IP address. \_ Your unix workstations will also know. \_ I tried and the hp LaserJet 2200 just printed some advertisement for itself. How do I find the IP from the unix workstation? \_ try looking in /etc/printcap \_ /etc/printcap might use an IP or a DNS name. You can nslookup the dns if need be. OP is drifting into RTFM area now.... [dont reindent this. its where I meant it to be] |
2002/2/22 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23943 Activity:very high |
2/21 My moronic boss asked me to write a batch file to auomate a telnet session and one requirement is it should not ask user for the password. How do I kindly tell him that he is an idiot? \_ setup ssh with passwordless public key or host-based authentication, symlink telnet to ssh and let him believe that the users are using telnet ;p \_ The batch file will be placed in hundreds of Windows 98 machine's at a client site; none of these machines have ssh. How do I tell him off? I told him it can't be done and he insisted that it can be done. \_ Why are you still even working there? I can't imagine working in a place with a boss that stupid and an OS that crappy. \_ This isn't 1998. \_ Include ssh along with the batch file. --dim \_ He's a moron, true, but you've done your duty by telling him so, now it is your job to make it work. I suggest a telnetd that auto-auths anyone with no password. Yes, this is frightfully stupid, etc, etc, but unless you want to polish your resume, swallow the bile and just do it. Now is not a good time to get fired. Make sure you have it documented that this is insecure and you told them so but were told to do it anyway. You're then free from serious fallout. C.Y.A. \_ I agree with the SSH suggestion. However, if you still need to use telnet, you can embed a known password into the batch script. You need to telnet to the same account, though. Or maybe have the user save the password somewhere, but not ask on every use. \_ Create a server on a random port that does what he wants and have your script telnet to that port. \_ write a telnet program that automates the password and ship it with your batch file. And document it that it's insecure. \_ Upgrade windows. Realize that even windows has better tools than telnet for running remote batch jobs. \_ Whatever you do ignore the idiots here who give the 1990's dotcom answer of "oh just quit!". Find a way to do the project and do it. Document the insecurity and the specs and forget about it. Your job is more important than religion. \_ maybe he's talking about telnet -F option with Kerberos V5 authentication being used. \_ acct with no passwd? |
2002/2/20 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23917 Activity:high |
2/19 Is there a way to determine if Backspace is set to ^? or ^H . I'm trying to config a login script that will do an 'stty erase' to the correct control sequence. \_ stty -a | grep ' erase' | sed -e 's/^.*erase = //' \ -e 's/\;.*$//' Seems to work on BSD and Linux \_ On my HP-UX xterm, if I had previously did 'stty erase ^H' then the above will return ^H, but if I didm't, I get DEL. So what do I do with DEL? More precisely, I want to be able to log in from different xterms (linux, hp-ux, etc) and have my backspace mapped correctly. \_ AFAIK, DEL == ^?. BTW, why are you doing all this, termcap terminfo, etc. should just take care of everything provided $TERM is set. \_ I guess it's not in my case. TERM is being set, but unless I do a 'stty erase ^H', my backspace won't work (it'll just output ^H). And if I log in from a linux box, it's ^? |
2002/2/15-16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23879 Activity:nil |
2/14 I have some old "Professional Write" files that I would like to convert to unix text files. Is there a program in soda that does this? \_ Run 'strings' on the files and clean them up by hand. \_ Browse the ports tree at http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/textproc and ask staff to install something that you like. |
2002/2/15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23873 Activity:kinda low |
2/14 Is there something equivalent to "cp -i" for tar? I just overwrote my project tar file, and I'd like a confirmation before it tries to write to an existing file. \_ How about untaring to a temporary directory and then cp -Ri the files to the intended destination? \_ That would be decent, but I was thinking it should have something more alias-able. I was actually trying to type "tar xf myproj.tar", but I typed "tar cf myproj.tar", which created an empty tar file. Bloody stupid. \_ Set noclobber in your shell and get in the habit of doing tar cf - > file.tar \- you should be able to do something with tcsh's programmable completions. exactly what to do depends on what behaviour works for you. you could have it offer to complete with tar t and tar x but not tar c. i often do: lstar tar -tvf !* mktar tar -cvf !* tarcp tar cf - !:1 | ( cd !:2 ; tar xfBp -) \_ That should be cd !:2 && tar xfBp -, or even easier (and though you get large warnings in the manpage, I've never had this fail on any tar or OS): tar -C !:2 -xfBP - --dbushong untar tar -xvf !* zlstar gzcat !* | tar tf - zuntar gzcat !* | tar xvf - ok tnx --psb |
2002/2/13-14 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23861 Activity:high 54%like:23860 |
2/13 Each time I login, I would like to see my "Last Login" info, but not the motd. How do I do this? \_ Edit the .login file in your home directory. If you still see the motd scroll by, create a file called ".hushlogin" in your homedir (`touch .hushlogin` will do). \_ Right, but with .hushlogin I don't see my "Last Login" I can't seem to quell only the motd. Can I set something like "no-motd" in my .login? Also, my "Last Login" info gets shoved off the screen before I get a chance to read it. Why is that? Why is that? -brett (thanks & sorry) \_ Sign your name and make ur .login public so we can help you. Perhaps you have a 'clear' command in it. \_ Okay. |
2002/2/13 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23860 Activity:nil 54%like:23861 |
2/13 I want to see my "Last Login" info, but not the motd, each time I login. How do I configure this? |
2002/2/11 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23833 Activity:high |
2/10 can some root type make install the Word file reader wv port? thanks \_ Done. --some root type \- Where do you get this software ? \_ the joy of /usr/ports/ on FreeBSD \_ http://www.wvWare.com |
2002/2/7 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23805 Activity:nil |
2/7 Old *INCREDIBLY* boring rice warmer and stereo stand threads purged. If that's the only kind of shit that passes motd censorship we might as well go back to uname -a > /etc/motd and forget about it. It's like logging in to a Mormon computer system. \_ Can I have anal sex with you? |
2002/2/6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23791 Activity:high |
2/5 psb, did you have anything to do with the new history command-completion function in tcsh? I like it. \- i made a couple of suggestions a little while ago but i am not real involved with any opensrc projects any more. i still get xmas cards from fsf however. does anyone think it would be useful to be able to have the shell dump its env when it gets a SIG ... kind of like named dumping its cache? ok tnx --psb \_ I think it would be useful for tcsh to take user-defined actions when it receives SIGUSR# -jon \_ I think it would be useful for tcsh to bring to me hot nubile virgins. \_ /dev/hotchicks doesn't support that ioctl \_ what about /dev/H07AZNCH1X? \- like what else? i think limited stuff like "dump env" isnt too big of a security risk but i dont want someone to figure out some way to get a process into your shell that leads to a trojan horse or a + in your .rhosts --psb \_ to you that likes it, can you do all of us a favor and compile it on csua so that we can see if we like it too? i would, but i don't know if i like it or not :) \_ What's new about it? |
2002/2/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23768 Activity:low |
2/3 i have the same directory twice in my PATH (the first and last entry). how can i remove the first entry? \_ set your path to null, then reset it. \- this is a pretty strightfwd shell programming exercise. the exact syntax depends on the shell. you can google for "uniqpath" although that may not work for you. ok tnx --psb \_ PATH=`echo $PATH|perl -lapF: -e'$_=join":",grep{!$p{$_}++}@F'` (also maintains the order) --dbushong |
2002/2/3-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23760 Activity:low 54%like:24745 |
2/2 In unix, is there an equivalent to "route print" for the table? \_ netstat -r |
2002/1/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23698 Activity:very high |
1/28 Are there any unix-based scripts that will periodically check a webpage to see if it has changed? I know such a tool is not that complex to write, but why reinvent the wheel? Thanks. \_ some hints: lynx > out. diff. cron. notify (email probably). \_ I think that you can have curl and wget send an IMS header. \_ Damn... stop with the curl thing. You don't need to install and learn yet-another-scripting-language to do something this trivial. Curl is not going to change the universe. \_ Are you confusing curl the unix utility with curl the stupid scripting language from MIT? \_ curl is a little pgm like wget that is installed on most BSD systems as part of the base or via the ports. My experience is that it is easier to get curl to send arbitrary headers than with wget. I don't know where you got this scripting language thing from. \_ Oh you're right. My bad. Yes, I thought you were talking about the new 'kewl' scripting language from MIT. \_ if this is for a personal use check <DEAD>netmind.com<DEAD> \_ There's an HTTP header specifically for this ("If-Modified-Since"). It'd take less time to write the script than to ask. |
2002/1/25-26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:23668 Activity:high |
1/24 Is there a way to do the substr function in a shell script? I want do command | foo 4 10 to get the 4th to 10th character of output. Thanks! \_ printf(1) might work \_ cut -c 4-10 if you want 4th through 10th of every line; otherwise you'll probably need some sed/perl hack since most UNIX utils treat lines as separate records. -alexf \_ Try awk '{print $x}' | cut -c 4-10 where x = your item in the line. If you need to do something with the rest of the line you can start playing with 'tee' and shit like that but perl is probably a better long term choice. \_ awk has a substr function. # substr($2,9,7) picks out characters 9 thru 15 of column 2 {print "imarith", substr($2,9,7) " - " $3, "out."substr($2,13,3)} --dim |
2002/1/24-25 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23660 Activity:high |
1/24 Anyone have any ideas and/or pointers of how to crack Yahoo IM offline messages and archived chats and conferences without knowing the password of the account that you are trying to snoop on? \_ No, but I'm sure google does. -John \_ If google doesn't help you could try cracking it yourself. I'd make my own logs with my own account and see what comes out. Use long strings of each character in the alphabet, 1 per log, etc. I know they used to send everything over the net in clear text so I doubt the archive encryption is tougher than rot13 or des. \_ never used it but try http://www.elcomsoft.com/aimpr.html |
2002/1/24-25 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23652 Activity:nil |
1/24 From the minutes, "looks like the XCF is doing an intro to unix helpsession" -- wow, the XCF still does anything? Do they even have an office any more? \_ Yes, it does (insofar as eric@xcf is willing to take initiative and do something), and yes they do (346 Soda, <<311). |
2002/1/24 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23647 Activity:nil |
1/23 I'm bored at work. I want to play classic Infocom games via telnet. Anyone remember the address? \_ telnet://zork@eldorado.elsewhere.org \_ Hot damn! I had no idea. HGTTG and everything. Thanks motd! -- !OP |
2002/1/21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23622 Activity:nil |
1/21 Is there any reason why I want to use Makefile over ANT? \_ do you dream in XML? |
2002/1/17 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23575 Activity:low |
1/16 How do I configure Solaris's terminal window for 'home' and 'end' key to go to the beginning of line and end of line? My tcsh setup works with regular telnet, but in their Term, it goes to the beginning of the buffer and end of buffer. Thx. \_ I suppose you could edit the termcap or modify your local copy of the termcap var. I don't know of an "easy" way with some command line tool. I don't know of a version of stty that does this but you might start with the stty man page for kicks. \_ xmodmap? |
2002/1/8 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23495 Activity:nil |
1/7 Would someone please point me to a reference explaining memory usage in unix. Specifically, what is "cache"d memory and "buff"ered mem? |
2002/1/3 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23442 Activity:high |
1/2 What are the pros and cons of using dnscache (djbdns) vs bind for a caching name server? \_ I ran djbdns as a caching/primary server for a few weeks. I didn't like it at all. The thing was a pain to setup (dirs in all sorts of strange places, a bunch of support pgms, ets) and maintain (the files have strange syntax rules and there isn't enough debug/error reporting). In terms of its operation, I found that it didn't like using certain nameservers (namely those of my isp) as forwarders, cached the ips of dns round-robin hosts far longer than the records were valid for, and played poorly with recursive requests from mac's and win95/98. I gave up and I'm using OpenBSD's BIND 4 as a caching ns now. Its secure and it works for what I need. \_ I had a similar experience with djb's publicfile (anon ftp/http file server) It requires non-standard utilities that are installed in non-standard directories (that's easily changeable though) and it doesn't support certain ftp clients that people use, such as netscape. \_ if it doesn't work with my software, you shouldn't be using it. -djb |
2001/12/31-2002/1/2 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23420 Activity:high |
12/31 solaris: i'm logged on as root using sh. I type tcsh. I'm now using tcsh. (file completion history, etc all work). however $SHELL still says /bin/sh. What up? \_ variables are passed down to children shells. \_ that, and $SHELL was never meant to indicate "shell you're currently using" either; it's initialized by login/sshd/whatnot to "the default shell of the user currently logged in", and shouldn't be altered elsewhere. -alexf \_ Can you/does it matter if you set $SHELL to a a new value in your .cshrc? -John \_ You can set SHELL in your .profile and your .cshrc. I don't think that it breaks anything. --ranga \_ Yes you can, but it may, well, break anything that reads $SHELL and makes certain assumptions about it. Use at your own risk simply since this is not, tbmk, standard practice. -alexf \_ Yeah but does it do anything? I.e. is there anything in userland using $SHELL? -John \_ Yeah but does it do anything? I.e. is there anything in userland using $SHELL? -John \_ I tried find /usr/src/usr.bin and it looks like a few pgms are using it (apply, limits). But changing it doesn't seem to affect the behavior of these commands. \_ the SHELL variable is meant to indicate to programs what shell they should spawn should they want to run something in a subshell. it's not meant to tell you what the current shell is. -ali |
2001/12/31 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23412 Activity:kinda low |
12/30 Is the portmapper required if I'm not running nfs (client or server)? I have a firewall/nat box and I'm wonder if turning of the portmapper would be a good idea. tia. \_ required for any RPC services |
2001/12/29-30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23399 Activity:high |
12/29 motd how-to-post: mm/dd(tab), not mm/dd(space). motd format god was here. \_ who cares? \_ More people than you might think (esp if you want your post to be read). *shrug* -mice \_ just change your tab stops. \_ how about you just hit 'tab' and follow the standard? \_ what standard? This is not the same standard enforced by the motd formatting daemon. \_ go read the motd faq off the csua web page. and yes it is the enforced motdformatd standard. \_ This must be new. I don't remember all these rules being in place when I joined. \_ the file is a couple months shy of 2 years old. \_ the file has a history longer than that. \_ They're not rules. They're guidelines so the motd is readable. Stop now with the anarchist wannabe stuff. Learn to cope. Life is full of rules and guidelines. Most of them exist for a reason. \_ when you joined (and when was that?) there weren't as many dumbfucks. people back then were smart enough to do the right thing without needing to be told. idiot. \_ well, gee, shouldn't the "standard" specify default tab stops then? and what about replies? In order to get the \_ part to line up with the parent, you usually need to do <tab> <tab> ... <space> <space> <space>. That's not tab stop agnostic. Get over it. Oh, and I also see that the standard fails to mention that everybody should keep posts within 80 columns, although, since the tab stops aren't specified, who knows what 80 columns is? |
2001/12/27-28 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23384 Activity:kinda low |
12/27 Is SSI Exec turned off? Is that why <!--#exec cmd="ls" --> won't work in a .shtml file? Yes I did "man www" It doesn't say. Why Is there no manual entry for "httpd"? \_ http://httpd.apache.org/docs Where is CSUA's SSI policy documented? \_ Apparently in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf. See part that starts with.. <Directory /home/*/*/public_html> AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Includes ExecCGI that means that you can use SSI, including for executing programs. Look for the source of your problem somewhere else. Apache's error.log file is a good start. |
2001/12/20 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23321 Activity:nil |
12/19 I'm running Redhat 6.1 for about a year with no problems and over the last 5 days or so it's been taking a really long time to log into my machine through ssh or ftp. sendmail and samba don't seem to be working right either, though apache is fine. i'm not even sure what to look for, any advice? \_ look for timeouts due to dns - are your daemons waiting for dns to time out? \_ have you been applying security patches? if not, do a rootkit scan. everyone i know who ran such an old install without patching has been rooted via an ssh vulnerability. |
2001/12/20 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23319 Activity:high |
12/19 How do I configure my win2k machine so I can telnet into it? thanks. \_ Rather than ask how to open a huge security hole in w2k, you should tell us what you're trying to accomplish and ask for advice on the best way to get there. \_ One way is to infect it with NIMDA, then you can get a shell prompt by telnet-ing to it's port 80 \_ have you seriously tried doing this? sure, sending simple 1 word commands like "dir" and "cd" work. But I'd like to see you try to "net use" or "share <...>" things with that interface. Remeber IIS only puts out "valid" content-type header fields. \_ uh... can't you just to go like "Services" or something, find "telnet" and click "start"? \_ also look into VNC or TightVNC \_ Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Telnet Server Administration. -- yuen |
2001/12/20 [Computer/Theory, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23318 Activity:very high |
12/19 Why is EULER-PATH not as important as HAMPATH? (seriously, what is the main diff between "edges only once" and "nodes only once") \_ Euler path is a linear problem- O(V+E). Hamiltonian circuit is NP-Complete, which means that it's at least as hard as thousands of other problems. Produce a polynomial time algorithm for Hamilton and you can crack nearly any public-key cryptography system. \_ isn't prime factorization NP-intermediate? \_ So? All that means that you don't _have_ to solve Hampath in polytime in order to solve factoring. If you _do_ solve Hampath in polytime, this still gives you polytime factoring. \_ what's the O(n) alg for EULER-PATH then? \_ Find all nodes with odd degrees. If there's more than 2, halt and return "impossible". Else, start at a node of odd degree if there is one, and just keep going around while there're edges from where you are which you haven't used yet. It's fairly easy to prove that this will always find an Euler path if one exists. -alexf \_ Not true. Consider this graph: |_ _ /|_| | If you start at the top node, go down, go right, then go diagonally down and left you've cut yourself off from the square at the right. But you can start a new cycle that picks up that square, then splice it into the other path. -ok \_ I stand duely corrected. Apply the algorithm listed above repeatedly to the graph, restarting at any point which has unused edges coming out. You'll get a collection of paths, of which all but at most 1 will be cycles; you can then "merge" the cycles into the path by just taking a "detour" around the cycle from the point where the path touches said cycle. This should still be linear. -alexf \_ Duly. |
2001/12/13 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/HW, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23238 Activity:high |
12/13 Dmitry Sklyarov is free! \_ big whoop. \_ urlP \_ Are any of us really free? \_ yermom is \_ Didn't you know she'll pay $50 for a soda geek to "Install Linux on her server"? \_ Ah ui mon frere. L'homme est ne libre, mais tout les place il sont dans l'chain. (or something like that) \_ Yeehaa! "Russian Computer Criminal Set Free!" Whatever. |
2001/12/13 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23228 Activity:very high |
12/12 now you too can be like hollywood! load this up at work and impress your PHB with hollywood-style tracerouting: http://tracemap.mids.org/test/tracemap \_ uuuuh... it looks like a unix traceroute...? \_ what's the option to unix traceroute to superimpose traceroute data with a map of the US/world and the location of the hops appear on the map? oh, right. there isn't one. \_ That was my point. There's stuff in their archives showing mapped routes but it won't generate them on the fly. why was this posted? \_ (Not the original poster). It does generate them on the fly. Just keep waiting and waiting and eventually the page will reload itself with the map. \_ I thought of that but after 5 minutes I gave up. My PHB got tired of waiting. \_ Yeah, but the map they load is bogus. I did a traceroute from their site in Austin to the csua and it had the packets boucing back and forth from coast to coast for a while, but Austin was never even in the picture. http://tracemap.mids.org/test/tracemap/csua.berkeley.edu/10/big/hitbus.html |
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23216 Activity:moderate |
12/11 is there a way to 'uname' from a distance? ie is there some way to 'uname' a machine that i'm not logged into? \_ Try "nslookup -query=hinfo hostname", but I think only some machines conform to this. --- yuen \_ some sites give out incorrect info to confound '1337 H4X0R5! so don't trust hinfo records. Alternatives include snmpwalk (get sysobjectid), rsh/ssh, or HEAD / HTTP/1.0 and grok the output. \_ That doesn't give uname info, does it? The output I'm getting is very similar to that of 'dig'. \_ I believe you want a tool like nmap \_ nmap isn't very accurate, it reports MacOS 9.x as HPUX 11.x and FreeBSD 5.0 as Darwin. |
2001/12/7-9 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23178 Activity:kinda low |
12/7 I'm looking around the IEEE website and google and can't find the POSIX specifications for multi-threading. Help, please! \_ You have to pay IEEE to view the POSIX standards online: http://standards.ieee.org/catalog/olis/index.html If they've been incorporated into the Single Unix Spec (many parts of POSIX have been), you may be able to find them online for free at: http://www.opengroup.org/austin \_ Thanks. I eventually did find a line somewhere that says the stuff is pay-only and they only do electronic dist. to paying members which is pretty pricey for what I need. I'll check out the austin group thing and see if my spec is in there. |
2001/12/5 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23147 Activity:low |
12/4 Is there a way to run a proram from another machine, without having to log into that machine? Specifically, I'd like to run an xbiff icon from another machine, on my local machine (so I can tell when that account gets mail). I'd like not to have to keep the extra xterm open on my local machine. \_ "ssh -X foo@bar.com xbiff" might work. After you enter your password you can background the process (or you can & it if you have DSA stuff set up). \_ or just ssh -f foo@bar.com xbiff and it will background itself (you only have to give -X if whoever set up the client explicitly made X forwarding off by default) \_ Run a cron job on the remote host. Have it check if your xbiff is running and if not, run it with the appropriate parameters/env. |
2001/12/5-6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23145 Activity:moderate |
12/5 Does anyone else have termcap problems using xterm from Solaris to Linux? Any ideas how to fix it? xterm -display solaris:0 on the linix box works ok but I dont want to do that [low bandwidth]. \_ Yes, I have 'set prompt="%S%/%%%s "' in my .cshrc, and when I rlogin from SusOS 5.7 to Linux 2.2.16-22, all the characters are inverted instead of only the prompt. \- there are display position problems and rev video problems even if you dont use the tcsh highlighting stuff. any remedies would be appreciated. --psb \_ If you use bash on solaris, upgrade to a newer version. They've apparently fixed some of the termcap problems. e.g. line editing with widths > 80. \- does emacs work cleanly for you? not for me. i dont think changing your shell will fixthe problem. --psb \_ what kind of termcap problems? I usually export TERM=xtermc if it's the color you want. you should probably be able to use ansi or at the very least vt100 --dwc \- hmm, using vt100 seems to work. tnx. --psb \_ apparently there have been some "holy wars" about how xterm termcap should work between debian linux and the rest of the world. but it seems the new release of XFree86 has joined debian in this. \_ XFree86 xterm has many extensions (like color) not present in the http://X.org xterm used by the rest of the world. Some linux distributions are rumored to have an 'xterm-sun' or 'xterm-r6' termcap entry for the older one, or you can always compile the XFree86 xterm on Solaris. \_ Yet another reason why *nix isn't ready for the desktop. Can't even get the basic stuff right and it varies across vendors. If something ancient like xterm is causing geeks problems how does anyone seriously expect the rest of the system to be ready for prime time in the next century? |
2001/11/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23113 Activity:nil |
11/26 How do I find file and symlink only that excludes a, b, and c? I tried: find . \( -type f -o -type l \) -name a -prune -o -name b -prune -name c -prune -o -print and failed miserably. \_ find . \( -type f -o -type l \) -print | egrep -v '^(a|b|c)$' \_ perl |
2001/11/26 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23107 Activity:very high |
11/26 Is there some software I can run on a Solaris NFS client or server that will show me what files are being asked for via NFS? \_ lsof will compile and almost anything. Solaris has a native command which I can never remember the name of. --at \_ this will miss a short-lived process. I was looking for something at the network or kernel level. \_ Run sniff or tcpdump. |
2001/11/12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23018 Activity:nil 75%like:23011 |
11/12 My ring fingers are too weak. Is there any way to strengthen them? \_ Jerk off with your left hand. \_ Why, pray tell, do you want to do that? \_ I want to play better piano. \_ climbers use hand and finger exercisers. you can probably get one at REI or marmot etc for ~$10. in my experience these often lead to some amount of pain so i back off using it for fear it will get more serious. ok tnx \_ Oh, if that's the case, chances are you probably don't need more strength, but rather just more control over that specific finger. Just try hitting keys with that finger alone for awhile, as a drill. Worked for me... \_ When in doubt, jerk one out. |
2001/11/11-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22998 Activity:high |
11/10 I need a good unix system administration book. I was about to get "Essential System Administration" (Oreilly) but then I started hearing about this "purple bible", called "Unix system Administration Handbook), ISBN 0130206016. Any recommendations? \_ The "Essential System Administration" is a good beginning. It covers lot of system administration topics, the kind of things that sysadmins deal with on a daily basis. Keep in mind that this book (like most technical books) is somewhat out of date. Also, the bad in either. He does have a bad attitude, which is lame. coverage of unix networking in this book is very poor (just the basic concepts). You might want to also read the "TCP/IP Network Administration" from the same publisher to cover the gaps in networking. \_ rule #1, sysadmins use 80 columns \_ rule #2, the good sysadmins are usually fat and ugly \_ you calling tom holub fat and ugly or a bad sysadmin? \_ both. \_ He's neither good looking nor a good sysadmin. But he's not bad in bed either. He does have a bad attitude, which is lame. \_ Quick! Censor this! \_ Did he ever graduate? \_ why dont you ask him? \_ I think he did... \_ Just a bad attitude against those who are lame. \_ Yes, Tom was there when they came up with the word "cool". I always think of Tom when I think "cool". \_ don't you have anything better to do? -tom \_ Yes but it only takes about 30 seconds every week and you're so asking for it. \_ O'Reilly is more conceptual -- the bus book (which I believe is the one you've mentioned -- it has a cartoon picture of a bus on the cover) by Evi Nemeth is more application-oriented. Those are the 2 most popular UNIX SA books out there. They complement each other nicely. \_ conceptual? not terribly.. but the O'reilly is indeed quite good. helped me survive AIX administration. \_ No offence, but while reading the AIX parts of that book (the book often covers the specifics of Solaris, SunOS, Digital UNIX, AIX, Linux, SCO, etc) I was often thinking "WTF were they thinking when designing it [AIX]" \_ The purple bible you're referring to is the "UNIX System Administration Handbook" by Nemeth et al. It doesn't really have a bus on the cover, it's more of a cartoon SUV. The purple one is the 3rd edition. It used to be called the red book because the 2nd edition was red. It's a much better book than Essential System Administration; it's more enjoyable to read, and, in general, it's easier to get the information you need quickly with it. |
2001/11/1-2 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22900 Activity:high |
11/1 Are there any Latino and/or African American members in CSUA? \_ I'm latino... \_ Do you mean Latino or Hispanic? \_ several \_ grep Jose /etc/passwd | grep -v Joseph \_ How come Jose Bermudez has two logins? \_ egrep (Laqisha|Shontee|Laqintas|Tyrone|Wayan|Buba|Denzel) soda% egrep (Laqisha|Shontee|Laqintas|Tyrone|Wayan|Buba|Denzel)|wc -l 1 \_ It's Bubba (buh-buh), not Buba (bew-ba) |
2001/10/26 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22840 Activity:nil |
10/26 "Small Amount of Anthrax Found at CIA" http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011026/us/anthrax_cia.html Yup, the CIA deserves the anthrax for being so impotent facing the attacks. \_ Moron. No one deserves anthrax. \_ So what's wrong with this idea? The culprit targeted big figures like Sen. Daschle, Tom Brokaw, Bush, etc... Now, there's no single book one could buy that contains those people's addresses and other likely terrorist targets. Whoever sent them, more likely than not, used the web to search for them and almost all web servers keep logs of users visiting web pages and searching for things. Couldn't they just look through those logs and derive some sort of IP correlation to find the culprit? \_ IP != identification, as so many of us firewall admins keep screaming at our clients. Got a laptop? An AOL CD? Flat-rate local calling so companies/universities have publically accessible phone taps around? A razor and a button-down shirt so you don't look obviously like a mad terrorist? There you go. -John |
2001/10/26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22837 Activity:nil |
10/25 wtf? Did paolo turn on his auto motd nuking script again? _/ > ps aux | grep paolo dans 74537 0.0 0.0 268 128 AW R+ 12:02AM 0:00.00 grep paolo I guess that would be no. |
2001/10/23-24 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22803 Activity:moderate |
10/23 How do you stop runaway processes (supposing one process forks another, and so forth. Overflow doesn't occur since the old forks close themselves). \_ kill -STOP them until your process table overflows, then kill \_ kill -SIG -n the process group kill -SIG -1 all processes depending under which user the processes are running. \_ reboot! oh, this isn't a windows question.... \_ ulimit is your friend \_ or "limit" under csh/tcsh |
2001/10/18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22770 Activity:very high |
10/18 Anybody know if there's tcsh for windows 2000? Or all the unix commands like grep, ls, sed, awk, etc on w2k? I'm trying to make this box usable. Thanks. \_ MKS toolkit. demo at http://www.mkssoftware.com/eval I think there's a cygwin distribution or something too--oj \_ Go to http://cygwin.com, install the whole thing, and set C:\cygwin\bin in your PATH. |
2001/10/15 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22738 Activity:high |
10/15 I want to restrict a user on a linux box from logging in, i only want someone to be able to "su" to this account. how do i do that? \_ why? if they can su to the account, they get the same privs as if they'd logged in. If they can su, they are already logged in... \_ Set there starting shell in /etc/passwd to something that exits immediately. \_ then you won't be able to su to that account \_ Yes, you will. You won't be able to su - \_ when you su to a user, it exec's his shell. Get a clue. -tom \_ You mean su -m (or the equivalent) su - means "not only run their shell, but do it as a login process" \_ set the password to * in /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow; barring publickey ssh authentication, the account should be only su-able -max \_ Ding ding ding. Max rocks. --#1 max fan |
2001/10/9-10 [Computer/Domains, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22673 Activity:nil |
10/9 http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU now has an ip address of it and scotch (aka ftp) were unreachable due to miswired connections in the network closet from the network changeover. it may take a while for new DNS information to get around. we hope you enjoy (but do not abuse) the increased network capacity. --root |
2001/10/5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22634 Activity:very high |
10/4 In ksh, how do I change my prompt to display current directory while also substituting $HOME for ~ (eg. ~/foo/ instead of /home/moo/foo/) \_ 'exec bash' \_ personally i like to put pwd in the title of my xterm and then use host/user for a prompt. you can find examples of how to set prompt to ~/foo and other goodness at: http://www.giccs.georgetown.edu/~ric/howto/Xterm-Title/Xterm-Title-4.html -gabriel |
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22550 Activity:high |
9/20 In a UNIX shell, what's the best way to traverse the file system, executing commands in each directory. find -exec only seems to allow one command per result. What I'm trying to do is to have each directory in the file hierarchy have a list of all files in . and below. \_ 1) Have find exec a script. 2) Use parens. \_ my script wants to cd. but the directories have spaces in them. \_ use quotes \_ How about find . -type d -exec find {} -type f -print > {}/files.txt \; Except that I don't know how to escape the > and the second {}. \_ Why do you need multiple commands per result to do what you want? \_ you want find . -name hello | xargs echo ??? \_ find . -type d -execdir find {} > {}/foo \; I want something like that, except I want my redirect to go into the directory of the directory from find, not /foo \_ This is what I ended up doing: find . -type d -exec ./writeit {} \; writeit: cd "$*" find . -name "*.mp3" > list.m3u |
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22547 Activity:nil |
9/19 How do you set date and time in freebsd? \_ one way is via date(1) like with most unixes/unix-workalikes root# date 200212041212 another way is with the ntpdate(8) command given an ntpserver root# ntpdate ntpserver some ntpservers at ucb are http://ntp1-1.Berkeley.EDU and http://ntp1-2.Berkeley.EDU This could also be combined with xntpd/ntpd to keep your clock in sync during operation. --jon \_ man rdate |
2001/9/19-20 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22541 Activity:moderate |
9/19 Is there any benifit to having a bank account at 1 place for over 10 years? (taxwise or credit wise?) \_ First, it depends on what sort of customer you are: good or bad. Second, it depends on how much business you do with them. Finally, any benefits will be assigned by that institution only. A lot of times when asking for things like credit line increases, business loans, or fee waivers your history with the institution does matter. Otherwise, no. --dim |
2001/9/19 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22516 Activity:nil |
ladenix 5.0 (jihad) login: _ |
2001/9/16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22486 Activity:high |
9/16 Anyone know who to get zsh to show all completions a la bash (ie ls /bin/r[tab-tab] show all the files files in /bin/ that start with r)? tia. \_ Looks like it's a single tab on ver4.0.2, and tcsh-style ctrl-D on ver3.0.8. Don't know when the behavior changed; presumably at 4.0. -alexf \_ Try ctrl-D? \_ A single tab seems to be sufficient in zsh. \_ I'm using zsh 3.0.8 without any config files and it doesn't seem to work. Any hints about what to put in my config files. |
2001/9/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22372 Activity:low |
9/10 Anybody know what happened to http://best.com after the verio buyout? Seems like they no longer support their unix shell users. Can somebody recommend another ISP that's fully supporting their unix shell users with web hosting and POP, etc? Thanks. \_ I'm still using http://best.com's shells, but it's true that they seem rather orphaned. -tom \_ not to mention they wont bother to set up a single non-forwarding SMTP gateway. Their current ones ALL allow forwarding ifyou claim an "@best.com" From: address. Idiots. I'd love a better suggestion for ssh access, web hosting, and newsreading, for $30 a month or less. \_ I use <DEAD>io.com<DEAD> for ssh access to a shell account for $10/month. Note that I do not get dialup access (or any sort of network connection). |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22329 Activity:nil |
9/4 Is it possible for a unix kernel to communicate with its user processes by just using shared memory? \_ yes, its done in device drivers all the time \_ what mechanism or api are they using? shmget, ... \_ the program mmaps the device driver's dev file. there is an entry point for mmap in the dev sturcture in the kernel, just as there are entry points for read and write. -ali |
2001/9/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22325 Activity:nil |
9/5 DEADBEEF, CAFEBABE, what else. \_ D000B015 --pld \_ grep '^[a-fo]*$' /usr/share/dict/words -- misha \_ grep -i '^[a-foizsg]*$' /usr/share/dict/words | tr \ '[a-foOiIzZsSgG]' '[A-F0011225599]' -alexf&&officehosers \_ [] and '' are not needed for tr. -- 0XCF31337 \_ well if you're gonna go that far you might as well add in the '7' == 'T'... personally I wouldn't go beyond 0,1,5. this problem is not complete until you compile a list of all 8-letter combinations. \_ sorry all, I'm dumb... what are we looking for here? \_ ABEDBABE |
2001/8/31-9/1 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22310 Activity:very high |
8/31 How do I use the "-M" operator in tcsh? Say I want to check if a file has been modified in the past 24 hours. How do I do "if (-M myFile ......)"? Thanks. \- it isnt builtin last time i checked: $ageday = (-M $FILE_TO_STAT); $agehrs = $ageday * 24; $agemin = $agehrs * 60; $agesec = $agemin * 60; agesec ageday.pl !:1 | grep ^seconds: | cut -f2 -d: ok tnx. \_ i think this works: touch .now ; if ( -M ___ > -M .now - 60 * 60 * 24 ) ... replace ___ with the file you want to test, and ... with the command you want run. -jlau \_ That's ingenious! Thanks! |
2001/8/30-31 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22298 Activity:high |
8/30 I'm trying to use ftp over ssh. I forwarded ports 20 and 21 to 2000 and 2100, then use ftp -p -P 2100, but the passive mode isn't working. What am I forgetting? \_ you're forgetting that ftp over ssh is more trouble than it's worth. \_ sftp, baby \_ stunnel \_ This is to a computer that I have no control over. \_ why don't you ssh into that computer and then use ftp with s/key to a computer you DO have control over? \_ I want to ftp between two machines, neither of which have s/key. The file is 100MB, so I don't want to have to put to soda, then get from soda. |
2001/8/29-30 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22287 Activity:insanely high |
8/29 In the past few years I've been hearing a lot of bad things about the quality of UCB EECS. I've heard that they're system level stupid (Java-centric), editor incompetent (pico), and non-UNIX savvy (M$ NT, MFC C++, etc). Is this true with the grad students? \_ Latest I've heard is that 162 (OS) is taught in Java now. \_ Holy shit! \_ Ya, but recently, students have been programming GUI's in 61b. That wasn't done too often 10 years ago. \_ We had an intern this summer (EECS Junior) who had trouble using the UNIX/Linux CLI (tar/gzip/make/cc). He used pico almost exclusively, but he knew his C and Perl quite well. I don't think that this is limited to Cal. We have some guys from UIUC who can barely use vi/make/cc correctly and struggle on systems without X11 but if you ask them to debug code they can do it quite well. \_ it's not the tool they use but how they use the tools. If you want Unix + emacs + gcc , you are just as locked from reality as the people you're attacking. \_ I've been in the industry for 8 years and I still use Unix and emacs everyday in all of the three jobs I've had. I'm also using gcc in the third job right now. \_ replace "want" with "insist". But then this has been an often beated down topic not worth revisiting. \_ i don't think it's the responsibility of a university to teach you how to use the programming tools of the day. it's job is to show you the big picture and understand the underlying concepts. it's assumed that you are smart enough that you could start using MFC correctly after 2 days even though you've been using Qt for 3 years. Fundamentally, there is nothing different between gcc+emacs+gdb/vc++, or gtk,qt/MFC, or C++,scheme/Java. If you don't know how to make the transition, you either missed the point of school, or you should be attending a vocational school. -ali. \_ Arrrrrrrrrrgh, matey! UCB EECS today warn't nothin' like the swashbucklin' days of yore, when manly men like m'self walked the decks of Cory Hall! Back then, we built our own calculatin' machines out of gears we milled ourselves from rods of iron! We 'programmed' 'em by movin' the gears into place with wooden sticks, powerin' the whole works by leather belts attached to a waterwheel! Men could lose their fingers in works like that -- you could tell the real 'hackers', because they were the ones walking around with nothing but stumps for hands. Lily-livered Windows-usin' nancy-boys that they let waltz out of the program these days -- wait 'til they meet *me* 'round a dark corner someday! \_ you had milling machines? you had waterweels? jeez. I remmember spending my first two years here running on a treadmill to power the machines for the upper division classes, and cutting gears out of mastadon tusks with bits of sharp rock. \_ and you'll what, club them with your stump? \_ you are right! Try taking CS 164 with VT220 terminals. \_ Achoi could work on his 162 project with one VT220 terminal in Cory. \_ this is one of the funniest things I've seen on the motd in a while. thanks for making my day. \_ HAHA!!! What planet are you from? \_ You didn't happen to write Myst and Riven did you? That would explain all the inane puzzles.... \_ Both Myst and Riven were written by Christian Fundies, what more explanation do you need? |
2001/8/27 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22270 Activity:high |
8/27 from a unix admin at ucsf to a guy I know... > Dear [USER], > > The password command is currently available between the > hours of 4PM to 9AM. This is to reduce the number of password > modifications during business hours, which tend to use a lot of > system resources. > These people MUST be joking. \_ Don't some passwd commands require replication throughout the network? E.g., I have a @cs.yermommasuniversity.edu address but there are 150 possible machines I can login to spanning different UNIXs and Windoze NT OSs? \_ I think this is rediculous too. A well designed NIS, NIS+, LDAP (or about any other directory server) architecture should handle hundreds of clients and thousands of user accounts no matter how often they change their passwords. They must be rdisting passwd/shadow files or something other equally dull on that system. |
2001/8/23 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22218 Activity:kinda low |
8/22 How do you do multilevel command substitution? For example, echo `echo `echo `echo hello``` But how do you escape the `? \_ In (t)csh, you can't; in most other shells, you can do it like this: echo $(echo $(echo $(echo hello))) \_ How about echo hello | xargs echo | xargs echo | xargs echo? \_ echo `echo \`echo \\\`echo hello\\\`\`` \_ not in tcsh you don't. |
2001/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22216 Activity:high |
8/22 Nowadays everyone tells me csh/tcsh sucks. I started my undergraduate at Cal in 1990, and all of my first UNIX accounts defaulted to csh. Given that csh wasn't the standard shell in UNIX and it looks like all the other more advanced shells (bash, ksh, ...) seem to have existed back then, why weren't new students set up to learn one of those shells right at the beginning? \_ *csh sucks for scripting, but for normal, daily, interactive use tcsh is probably more intuitive. A well-config'ed bash environment is every bit as good as tcsh (perhaps better w/ respect to using scripts) but takes a little more effort to configure. \_ last i checked bash's completions weren't as buff as tcsh's.. of course zsh is DA POWER SHELL \_ bash's prompt doesn't do colors/hiliting. \_ not a big deal \_ all else being equal, it makes tcsh a better interactive shell. \_ All thing being equal, not being able to do the equivalent of "command 2> errors " makes tcsh worse interactive shell for me. \_ what about >& in tcsh? \_ in tcsh: (command > /dev/tty) >& errors \_ yes, but that's a silly kludge. \_ I just love how tcsh has different syntaxes for set and setenv. brilliant. \_ Because in 1990, csh could be found in nearly every form of *NIX that had existed for the last five years. Think LCD. What good is it to know tcsh when you're doing work on an SCO box at LBL? It's why you learn "vi" or "ed." Because sometimes you're on a POS without modern tools. Bearskins and stone knives, my friend. |
2001/8/22-24 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22215 Activity:nil |
8/22 In bourne shell, what does the following mean? "exec 0<&5 5<&-" \_ Close file descriptor 0 (standard input), and replace it with a copy of file descriptor 5; then close file descriptor 5. |
2001/8/22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22211 Activity:nil |
8/22 In Makefile, how do I specificy the following without having to enclose it within a directive (e.g. all:) ? $(SILENT)\ if [ _$(findstring 1.2.1_03,$(JAVA_VERSION)) = _1.2.1_03 \ -o _$(findstring 1.2.2_05,$(JAVA_VERSION)) = _1.2.2_05 \ ]; then \ $(ECHO) "Error: JDK version $(JAVA_VERSION) cannot be used." ;\ exit 1 ;\ fi ;\ |
2001/8/21 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22198 Activity:nil |
8/20 I've been able to do "echo $JAVA_HOME/abcd:$JAVA_HOME/xyz" for many years but today I get an error message regarding a bad modifier. Now I have to explicitly say "echo ${JAVA_HOME}/abcd:${JAVA_HOME}/xyz". What the hell changed? I still use tcsh. \_ Perhaps : colon is a modifier, hehe. What did you change? What is JAVA_HOME? Show exact transcript of your terminal session \_ You changed shell? |
2001/8/20 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22180 Activity:very high |
8/20 [this is a copy of a message from Mike Clancy, posted here to gather ideas] I'm designing a "security" quiz for 9E. Topics I've thought of so far include file permissions (what should be readable/executable and what should not), the sequence of directories in $PATH, use of xhost, and setting up ssh access. I'd appreciate any other suggestions you might have. \_ why setuid/setgid shell scripts are bad and typically not supported. how to resolve of the problems with setuid shell scripts and chgrp, why chown is restricted to superusers. the limitations of those "solutions" Why setuid/setgid programs are good/bad chgrp, why chown is restricted to superusers. --jon \_ directory permissions: difference between r-x and --x and how command line args (e.g. vi filename) show up in ps output \_ What the sticky bit is, and why you would use it. \_ Why /etc/passwd is world readable but /etc/shadow is not. \_ Why anyone who has to take 9E having root is a bad idea. \_ What's 9E? - non ee/cs alum \_ self-paced unix course \_ How to tell when paolo is running a script that deletes the motd every 3 minutes. -tom \_ What's a jail, what does tripwire do. -John \_ Using my 1st amendment right, I disagree with tom. \_ How to figure out that paolo is running a script which deletes the motd every 3 minutes. -tom \_ Why you shouldn't use any English word, however uncommon it is, as your password. -- yuen \_ Why two bits of salt for a passwd is bad. \_ Why xhost should never be used and how to use xauth -alan http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/xauth.html \_ Why xauth is too much trouble and how to use ssh. \_ tom, are you still an undergrad? \_ no. \_ to paraphrase Theo: "Perhaps you should stay clear of discussions where the roles of undergraduate cs students -- especially what their responsibilities-- are being discussed." |
2001/8/19 [Computer/SW/Unix, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:22174 Activity:nil |
8/19 [ Censoring trolls are the worst. -- stupid troll deletion daemon ] |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22152 Activity:moderate |
8/17 How can a user put items on the CSUA public FTP server? \_ The csua public FTP server or some other public FTP server? \_ CSUA. \_ the CSUA public FTP is maintained but deprecated. you can put files up for public HTTP access instead, via your public_html directory. if you have a good reason to insist on FTP, mail root. --jwang \_ old people, like old profs, are used to using FTP like the guvmit. |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22146 Activity:high |
8/16 I'm writing the tcp server and for simplicity I've chosen to write it as a concurrent server (call fork() for each client). I'd like to limit the max number of concurrent instances of my server that can run. I tried looking in Stevens Unix Network Programming, but this doesn't seem to be covered. Any ideas? TIA. \_ you know, you can't expect the answer to every fucking dumb question answered in a book. at some point, the book has to assume you have a brain. why don't you just fucking keep track of the count of children in the listening process? \_ Well, you have to decrement the count in the SIGCHLD handler and there is a small possibility that you might miss a signal while you are in the handler. I need something reliable. \_ A reasonable objection, but if this is really an issue, you can store a list of all children, and poll all of them once every {minute,hour,day,week,???} to see if they're all still alive. This is admittedly a hack though. -alexf \_ This is what it looks like I'm going to have to do. Thanks. \_ um. no. \_ Not all platforms support reliable signal delivery. One of the systems I need to support does not reliably queue signals. \_ man wait[pid|3|4] this should be reliable, but of course none of us can really help if we don't know anything about the platforms you are using. \_ Looking at http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/tcpserver.html might help. It's fairly portable afaik, but djb's coding style is crazy. -- misha. -c option does what you want. -- misha. |
2001/8/16 [Computer/Theory, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22139 Activity:low |
8/16 http://www.bustybrainybabes.com/tour/intro.mpg \_ woah! \_ Uhm...that's sort of scary. \_ Yucks! \_ She can't be THAT brainy -- she still uses telnet. |
2001/8/11-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22084 Activity:high |
08/11 How can I setup htaccess to protect my web files? Any samples or docs ? \_ use google. \_ Make a .htaccess file in the directory you want to protect (will be inherited by all below it) In it put: AuthType Basic AuthName "Top Secret User (Or Whatever you Want)" AuthUserFile /path/to/passwd/file/not/web/accessible require valid-user Then run /path/to/htpasswd -c /path/you/used/above username to make a new user and create the password file. \_ touch ~/public_html/.htaccess chmod o-r !$ \_ http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/setup.html#restrict |
2001/8/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22075 Activity:kinda low |
8/10 Is there a function that will log the messages that pop up periodically on a xterm buffer? Thanks. \_ You mean loggin the output of your commands in the xterm? Left- click on the xterm window, choose "Log to File", then look for a file like XtermLog.xxx in your home dir. --- yuen |
2001/8/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22070 Activity:very high |
8/10 Are there commonly used filename suffixes for sh scripts, csh scripts and tcsh scripts? (e.g. .pl is for Perl scripts; .c is for C files.) Thanks. \_ Use .sh for sh/bash scripts; never use *csh for any sort of \_ and ksh scripting purpose. It does funny things sometimes-- see Unix Power Tools. \_ In the words of Tom Christiansen: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot \_ My script is very simple and it only has several lines of commands. No variable substition, no conditional, etc. The only thing I need the shell to do is some filename expension of the form: cmd1 ~/foo/{`whoami`_*}/bar/{dir1,dir2,dir3} arg1 | \ cmd2 ~/baz/`date | cut -d' ' -f1`.txt arg2 I couldn't get this to work in my crontab file which I suppose uses sh syntax, so I ended up putting it in a csh script. I [ Reformatted - motd formatting daemon ] know very little about shell scripts anyway. [ Reformatted - motd formatting god ] \_ It only works in csh because of the ~. Some other shells will let you use ~, but you should be able to rewrite it in \_ But the {} part doesn't work either. How do I do sh using ${HOME} instead of ~. \_ But the {} part doesn't work in sh either. How do I do "bar/{dir1,dir2,dir3}" in sh so that it expands correctly? \_ for i in dir1 dir2 dir3 ; do <stuff> ; done \_ DIR="$HOME/foo/`whoami`_*/bar" FILE="$HOME/baz/`date | cut -d' ' -f1`.txt" for i in dir1 dir2 dir3 ; do cmd1 "$DIR/$i" arg1 | cmd2 "$FILE" arg2 ; done \_ But that means running the commands three times instead of running the commands once with the three paths as three arguments. \_ DIR="$HOME/foo/`whoami`_*/bar" FILE="$HOME/baz/`date | cut -d' ' -f1`.txt" for i in dir1 dir2 dir3 ; do MYDIR="$MYDIR $DIR/$i" ; done cmd1 $MYDIR arg1 | cmd "$FILE" arg2 \_ Actually, .pl is supposed to be for "perl library" files, or included snippets of scripts. Whole perl scripts are supposed to be .p, though I never bother putting an extension on them, as they're executable in their own right. \_ What's your source? Nothing on google that supports your statement, and .pl is absolutely standard usage (with .ph = perl header [mostly perl4 and down] and .pm = perl module [perl5 and up]). Furthermore there's a story floating around about Larry Wall taking the last 2 letters of "BCPL" to complete the sequence of BCPL descendants (.b, .c, .pl). \_ perlcc, for starters. \_ In actual usage, I always see .pl as perl executables, and never see .p \_ indeed. \_ I thought perl libraries and modules had the .pm extension \_ no, just modules |
2001/8/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22041 Activity:high |
8/7 Does soda have sww mounted? \_ No. \_ who is sww? > finger sww finger: sww: no such user \- dumbass... |
2001/8/7 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22028 Activity:nil |
8/7 How is it that whenever I sign into my hotmail account, MSN Instant Messenger some how starts and re-registers itself to execute at login, without it ever asking me for permission? \_ Error: incorrect operating system detected. Please try again. |
2001/8/6 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22014 Activity:low |
8/5 I need to capture about 5 minutes of a DVD (normal Blockbuster movie) in any sort of format: mpeg, mov, real, avi, etc. Any suggestions how to do this? Thanks. \_ Video capture card. DVD software viewers bypass the OS, and write straight to the screen so you can't capture video directly. Copyrights. You have to get a capture card. \_ do you have a DVD-ROM drive? if so, then you could try getting some ripping/decryption utilities. otherwise, as the above poster stated, a capture card is your best bet, but you may run into problems with Macrovision. \_ isn't there some program called 'flask' that does this? \_ 1) rip dvd from DVD drive to hard drive (vobdec) 2) use flask mpeg to convert dvd mpg to avi 3) use program (premiere or any others) to cut clip from avi 4) convert avi to whatever (mpg, asf, mov) |
2001/8/5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22007 Activity:nil |
8/4 Why is everyone bashing Bush- Bash the dot coms, bash the financial anaysts, bash the consultants, bash msft, bash the FCC.. bush's role in the whole thing is very small- Presidents are very limited in what they can do and I believe he is doing as much "good" as anyone else could do. He might be doing it in a different way but the "good" is still occuring. what the hell is supporting our economy right now- energy, construction and governemtn spending- if Bush put restraints on these we would be in deap shit. The is nothing he can do to stimulate investment- government IT spending is going up substantially but compared to what the private sector was doing its small potatoes and more gearer towards larger companies-- ie Boeing, EDS, Dyncorp, Lockhead. IS this good -- hell ya as at leasts it better than nothing at all. result- flight to quality.... \_ hi kinney! |
2001/8/2 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21987 Activity:moderate |
8/1 On a four button suit, all 4 buttons are buttoned, right? \_ four button suit is queer. \_ man, i totally disagree with this slacking "button only some buttons" bullshit. you got bottuons. you either leave them open or close them. what's this "can't go either way" bullshit? \_ No, you leave the bottom button undone. -ausman \_ I thought this only applies to two-button suits. \_ I think that this applies to all single breasted suits and all vests. Its some english thing, some king did it that way two hundred years ago so we have to honor tradition or some garbage like that. \_ you can go your own way. (go your own waaaay...) unbutton the 2nd from the top. \- 4 button suit was queer, then stright guys who were non-large began wearing them. i believe you button all the buttons. on some \- looks like a bunch of web sites say all except bottom one as with other single-b suits. --psb [ reformatted - motd reformatting daemon ] \_ Its that english king thing that I was talking about. Its all very stupid anyway. depending on the lapel cut it is probably ok to but up to the 3rd. selecting the currect knot [half or full] probably matters more with a 4b suit. i think the height of the 4b suit wave has passed but i just got one. anyine have tv or web page evidence you do button bottom button? tastefully, non-gay, --psb \_ Related question, how many sodans actually wear suits for something other than weddings? I've got a suit and a blue blazer and I rarely use them. The last time I wore the blazer was on my trip to india. (I needed a jacket with a lot of pockets that were hard to pick). \_ I wear suits to interviews. |
2001/7/28 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21979 Activity:kinda low |
7/27 Where does tcsh gets the $user variable on Solaris? it now gets set as 'root' even though id shows I am still me. This also happens with bash/ksh. Our system has recently gone through some nis changes. I removed all my . files and it still happens. Is this variable being set somewhere? Thanks a lot. \_ use the source luke. |
2001/7/27 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21962 Activity:very high |
7/26 what's the most buggiest linux/freebsd/solaris daemon you can think of? \_ apparently whatever grammar check you used on this motd entry. \_ not exactly a daemon, but linux's tape system. fukn a. \_ linux has a tape system? \_ rpcbind \_ bugd \_ " NFS \_ NFS, seconded. See also: "nlockmgr", "gaping hole", "rpc.statd", "security nightmare", et al \_ No. \_ follow up. Where can i find old versions of bind, wuftpd, rpc.statd. etc? \_ http://ftp.wu-ftpd.org:/pub/wu-ftpd-attic - paolo |
2001/7/26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:21953 Activity:high |
7/25 Is there a Unix/Linux application or tool that can open up EPS files and modify them (like draw lines on them, for example)? I need to it keep it as EPS, because it's going to be inserted into a Postscript document. \_ SodiPodi. --mogul \_ Doesn't the gimp do this?(http://www.gimp.org -ulysses \_ gimp is not a vector drawing program. If you want to do something very simple (or something very tricky), you might want to edit PostScript source directly -- it's fun. For some definition of "fun". -- misha. \_ What Misha said. You can find "the" reference at: http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/PDFS/TN/PLRM.pdf It's a rather simple stack-machine based language; small changes shouldn't be too difficult. -alexf \_ can Adobe Illustrator do that? I remember an app called Tailor.app on the NeXT and Macintosh platform... \_ Yeah, I used ai, but that's only for Win/Mac. I needed something Unix-based. And I know gimp isn't a vector based program, but I was still able to make my changes and save as an .eps file. Thanks, ulysses. But I will try editing the ps source directly. \_ do you have to start with eps? if your source can do some more abstract format, e.g. cgm, you can import into any number of vector formats, edit, and eventually export to eps. \_ how about KIllustrator/Kontour? |
2001/7/23 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21909 Activity:moderate |
07/22 3 syncs represent the trinity - init, the child and the eternal zombie process. In doing 3, you're paying homage to each and I think such traditions are important in this shallow, mercurial business we find ourselves in. - j.k.h. \_ What does 'halt' represent? As we all know, the mantra is: 'sync; sync; sync; halt' \_ amen \_ The undiscovered country from whose borne no luser returns \_ It makes us rather bare those ills of the working system we have than to fly to others we know not of. \_ For those who follow the fourth revision of the gospel of the fifth coming (mostly the sun worshippers among us) the mantra is: 'sync; sync; sync; init 5' |
2001/7/21-22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21897 Activity:low |
7/21 /tmp/finger installed so you can finger people who have .nofinger installed. -ali \_ guess I will just have to link that core file to $HOME/.plan and $HOME/.project \_ you do what you like. \_ /csua/bin/finger |
2001/7/17 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21819 Activity:low |
7/16 How do I setup sendmail to deliver mail locally only to those with local accounts, and use a remote mail server for those with NFS mounted home dirs ? \_ give them different mail domains. |
2001/7/17 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21815 Activity:high |
7/16 How come some_program | sed 's/.*/&abc/' works, but not echo `some_program | sed 's/.*/&abc/'` in tcsh? \_ Try this: echo `some_program | sed 's/.\*/&abc/'` --- yuen \_ Doesn't work... \_ No idea. Actually your original form already works for me in tcsh. -- yuen \_ Turns out to be some output of some_program that screwed it up. |
2001/7/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21811 Activity:insanely high |
7/16 I'm new to CSUA. Can somebody tell me who the following people are (one sentence per user please thanks): \_ hi troll! lila- kchang (is that you)- seano - see fucker fucker - see seano lila- she's just zees gal, you know? kchang (is that you)- twink \_ hello! -kchang #1 fan tjb- trevor j. buckingham. controversial republican that complains about being oppressed and spouts lots of harsh remarks on newsgroups. smokes a lot of pot and is into turntablism. \_ he's a victim of the Jews. Plus he denied a girl sex. \_ not just any girl, but a playboy playmate. TJB was also involved in the notorious Han-Shen, Tom Clancy CS61x incident. Mike Clancy CS61x incident. \_ In which he defected to the United States in a Typhoon-class submarine. -geordan tom- grouchy bike Nazi \_ Tell us about the stars! \_ wait, I thought I was a communist. -tom \_ Okay you're a grouchy bike Nazi Communist eco nut. Are you throughly ticked off yet? ilyas- russian guy who talks about physics and "AI" and "hard" theoretical problems... and is completely insane \_ Hey! -- ilyas \_ Hey! -- ilyas \_ Fine. Incompletely. ali- arrogant Irani who knows C++ well. but no one cares. muchandr- strange slav who talks to aliens. or maybe he is an alien sky- recovering speed fiend psb- !psb, 'nuff said. \- ok. thnx. yermon- \-for the second time, that's "ok tnx". ok tnx, --psb \- ok tnx. -!psb 'nuff said. \_ why all the thanking? they've done no service worthy of thanks. call them bitches and slap their asses. \_ The origins of psb are shrouded in the mists of time. Legends speak of psb's presence in the hallowed halls before the first motd and the mark I. \_ Not that shrouded. See: /csua/archive/adm/aliases/members That file pinpoints date of psb joining csua as Sep 30 1987. \_ the dates on list the are inaccurate. --!psb \_ There is always Partha, and there will always be Partha. dbushong - ? --Alan Coopersmith \_ psb is like the Tom Bombadil of the CSUA. \_ except grouchier \_ Doesn't Tom Bombadil have great powers that were kinney -- ? never exactly explained? \_ Well, he could do shit to trees, and he had lots of food. He also sang alot. \_ Wasn't PSB supposed to be The Emperor in the CSUA Star Wars? Isn't it strange to make him TB in the CSUA LOTR. How about a Nazgul. uctt - The Rock asshole anonymous motd poster - me. plus you, it seems. \_ You should probably also learn about: yermom- \_ I know all about yermom \_ I know all about your gf bh - ? \_ Brian Harvey the faculty? alanc - lurks newsgroups at night, helping those in need. dbushong - he's just zees guy, you know? alexf - \_ WHOOHOO!!! I _AM_ The Most Anonymous MOTD H0zer! Ph33r my an0nym0us 1337n3ss. To quote a well-known source, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" -alexf Galen - guy who uses a capital G. \_ What about phillip? ranga---- actually posts useful information. wrote a book or two. \_ isn't that against the CSUA convention? What book(s)? \_ Wow: its abit surprise for me no one ever pointed out the \_ What about phillip? amount of typos in the book. i found many typos esp. from the chapter 12 in both explanations and examples. well... no complex examples are presented in the book so you may easily correct the errors but, \_ I'm not very happy about the typos. The original manuscript contains few of the errors in the finally printing. The converstion process the publisher used involved Word which "corrects" things that it things are "wrong". Also, there were "readability" changes just before printing that I was not informed about. it is not something i expected from the 5 star rated book from many guys. so i give it 2 stars to be fair. with very little familiarity to UNIX. It was some what difficult to come up examples for this audience. you are gonna end up spending extra times to correct the errors. \_ I'm not very happy about the typos, as the manuscript contained very few of the errors that were present in the printed version. The conversion process used by the publisher involved Word which "corrects" things that it thinks are "wrong". There were some "readability" changes just before printing that I was not informed about as well. All of this contributed to defects you mentioned. Anyway, the examples are simple because the intended audience is beginning computer users with very little familiarity with UNIX. It was somewhat difficult to come up with examples for this audience. I'm not sure where you got the "five stars" bit though. \_ hmm, you have enough errors right here on motd. "familiarity to", "some what", "converstion". \_ yes, I see your point. The manuscript was was proofread by three or four people in order to catch these types of errors (esp. in the examples). In general my motd postings rarely receive that much attention. \_ dude, better quit while you're ahead. (btw, i before e except after c) \_ I should have had you proofread. \_ next time, slap the whole manuscript on the motd and let us have a go... \_ not a bad idea. I could post urls for the ascii text versions of each chapter. _/ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Veeraraghavan%2C%20Sriranga/107-4513998-0141306 kinney -- [ Kinney's drivel deleted. ] |
2001/7/4 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21712 Activity:insanely high |
7/4 I'm running win2k. when i leave my computer alone for a while and I come back, I have to enter in my password to "unlock" it. How do get rid of this? \_ M-X install-linux \_ disable the screen saver password. \_ no it's something else \_ works for me. dunno what weird config you have. \_ Control Panel -> Power Options \_ Repartition, install !win2k. |
2001/7/3-4 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21708 Activity:high |
7/3 Isn't fgrep supposed to be faster then grep? On SunOS 5.7, I did some timing by using grep and fgrep to look for a non-existing string in /usr/include/*.h, and fgrep seems to take twice as long as grep. \_ http://www.von-bassewitz.de/uz/unixhier.html \_ fgrep is just grep with string searches instead of regexp searches. I would be suprised if they didn't use the exact same code path. \_ I would be very surprised if they did. \_ ``In addition, two variant programs egrep and fgrep are available. egrep is the same as grep -E. fgrep is the same as grep -F. zgrep is the same as grep -Z.'' \_ This is GNU grep. Don't erase my comments chump. \_ It's faster for very large strings or large numbers of strings. For normal usage, it's not much different: http://www.elementkjournals.com/sun/9704/sun9742.htm Once upon a time agrep was fastest, but GNU grep may have caught up since then: http://www.tgries.de/agrep http://webglimpse.org/pubs/TR94-17.pdf |
2001/6/30 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21685 Activity:nil |
6/29 There's no identd daemon running, what happened? -phr \_ maybe you should get off irc once in a while? \_ identd(8) |
2001/6/26-27 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS] UID:21640 Activity:high |
6/25 Is there some minimum amount of time i can be sure a process ID won't be reused? Or, once it a process is killed is it theoretically possible that, on a busy enough system, that PID would be reused almost instantly for a new process? \_ Why do you need the PID to be associated with a dead process? Is there another way? \_ For what OS? I think for UNIX it is theoretically possible that the PID gets re-used right away, but I think in practice programmers ignore such a small possibility and just assume that the PID is good enough for identifying a process. \_ there is only one true O.S. that is the one this file is on. \_ PhilOS? |
2001/6/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21572 Activity:very high |
6/19 My supervisor is suggesting we switch all our solaris servers (NFS home,mail,web,E450s,Ultras) over to Cobalt boxes. Has anyone done this before? Can anyone give me pro/con arguments for this idea from a user/cost/support perspective? We're a field office but still need to interface with the out-of-state parent company that still runs solaris. We lost our two SAs and I've basically become part-time computer support (with pay raise TBD). It's still UNIX/Linux, so transition should be fairly easy? Users (and my sup) use laptops a lot. \_ Don't use cobalt for NFS. They don't support NFSv3 and the NFSv2 implementation is stock linux, and is buggy as hell. As far as mail (sendmail,imap,pop) go, a raq4 should be able to replace a low-end ultra1/2. \- if you have invested in the hardware and setup already, what is the point of changing? growth? --psb \_ I'm not sure. coolness? newness? easier to grow or support?? \_ You can scale much higher with Sparc's than PC hardware. \_ What do you mean? x86 linux farms scale just as well \_ At least for the cobalt's, the Web Admin GUI can be used by total idiots to keep the box running. Sparc's required moderately clued in people (at least as clued in as Tom). \_ You cant see any detailed DHCP logs/usage-info from web-gui. \_ This is not a heavily requested feature. \_ If the question involves NFS, the answer is never Linux. \_ Unless the question is, 'What is the K3W1357 05 3V3R?' (or some variation thereof), the answer is never Linux. |
2001/6/17-18 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21551 Activity:kinda low |
6/17 Any BGP gurus who can help me with a problem? I'm trying to set up a unix box speaking BGP4 with a router (A) on one side, and OSPF with a router (B) hanging off another interface. If both routers A & B have different /24 segments of the same B-class hanging off other interfaces, I am able to distribute the whole aggregated B-class (/16 network) from A to the unix box, and from there to router B, and I can see router B's /24s on the unix box, but cannot re- distribute those particular /24s to router A via BGP. This is a Solaris box running gated, which is able to handle & redistribute all other BGP or OSPF-learned routes I throw at it. Is BGP not able to redistribute a subnet in direction -> if it's learned the aggregated range this subnet is part of from <- ? I'm a bit lost, since I can't find any docs on this particular behavior. -John \_ I'm not too familiar with BGP, but you should probably ask this question on the nanog mailing list. ----ranga this question on the nanog mailing list rather than on the motd. ----ranga |
2001/6/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21542 Activity:very high |
6/15 In a controversial press release, RIAA announced that using FAT32 file system should be made illegal. Recently it has come to RIAA officials' attention that the FAT32 file system, commonly found in the PCs running MS Windows software, can be used for storing pirated mp3 files. "We were shocked when we have learned of such possibility. We are already working closely with Microsoft to create a successor to FAT32 - PHAT32, a new read-only file system." - said a RIAA spokesman today. Microsoft's Steve Baldmer confirms: "We have been considering to disable the write access for a while now. After all, our users don't need write access to install applications any more. The upcoming Windows XP release has everything that a user will need including a virtual kitchen sink." SodanNews reporters were not able to reach Sinkware Solutions officials, the makers of Virtual Kitchen Sink 2000 (tm), for a comment. \_ Don't you mean Virtual Kitchen Sink XP? Surely they wouldn't ship WinXP with an outdated VKS install... \_ Is this the CSUA version of The Onion? \_ Humble, indeed. \_ Funnies aside does anyone care to speculate how well does Relatable technology that identifies a song from its signal work? Napster is using it to fingerprint tracks. \_ When questioned about their views on NFS, an RIAA spokesman replied, "What is NFS?" After a brief explanation from SodanNews reporters, the RIAA spokesman was aghast. "Network file systems are an abomination. Clearly they were designed to violate copyright law by promoting the unauthorized distribution of music, and their use must be stopped." Steve Baldmer responded, "This only proves that Unix is evil. What do you expect from people who think software should be free? They're pirates, plain and simple." \_ And who says AI is useless! \_ Its all about subliminal channels. \_ When questioned about their views on NFS, an RIAA spokesman responded, "What is NFS?" After a brief explanation from SodanNews reporters, the RIAA spokesman was aghast. "Network file systems are an abomination. Clearly they were designed to violate copyright law by promoting the unauthorized distribution of music, and their use must be stopped." Steve Baldmer commented, "This only proves that Unix is evil. What do you expect from a bunch of hippies who think software should be free? They're pirates, plain and simple." \_ You should have seen the horror on Balmer's face when he heard about AFS! |
2001/6/15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21528 Activity:nil |
6/15 Summary: To ftp, see <DEAD>csua/skey<DEAD> |
2001/6/8-9 [Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21458 Activity:high |
6/8 Why does find find files that don't exist? \_ Example? \_ you have file and no file at the same time? the true sign of intelligence. \_ to have file and no file is truly impressive. \_ What makes you think that those files don't exist? Does "ls" not show them? Then probably you were hacked and your ls binary has been replaced. You're lucky that your find still works. \_ I have NOT been hacked. and ls doesn't show them and i can't grep them. Specifically this is what happens... I type: find ./ someflag -print | xargs grep someword then i get a bunch of can't access this that and the other + whatever it was i was looking for. I say "why can't i access tt&o, so i go to look at it but it's not there. However, if it's not there, why does find find it? \_ And you know you "have NOT been hacked"... HOW? \_ use find ./ ... -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l someword if you still have a problem, tell me \_ Because you are a dumbass. Read the man pages. \_ Can you post the exact command and examples of filenames you could find but don't exist? \_ Existence is of transitory nature. To exist at this moment, does not mean to exist in the next moment. With find, it helps you contemplate this idea. Once you understand why, you will be closer to enlightenment. \_ hmm, master. But to flash out of existence so quickly? I shall observe the world further and see if your wise words can lead me to understanding. \_ This is easy enough to check. Are you seeing the same files each time? List the mtime, file contents, etc. --dim |
2001/6/2-3 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21412 Activity:moderate |
6/01 I'm having trouble finding an emacs mode that will force color syntax highlighting to be on, with a color xterm equivalent. (eg: remotely, NOT with its own X display). I'm also an emacs newbie. A little help please? \_ xemacs will do this, for whatever that's worth. -lim \_ how? it doesnt seem to do it automatically. oh, waitaminit... seems to be doing it now. But only if I set TERM=xterm-color, which doesnt actually exist in my termcap.I HAVE (if (eq 'tty (device-type)) (set-device-class nil 'color)) in .xemacs, but it wont kick in color for TERM=xterm \_ xterm doesn't have color. You need to set it to xterm-color, or xtermc. \_ Under FreeBSD, at least. Some OSes default to an xterm termcap entry with color support (which is rather annoying) \_ Under FreeBSD, at least. Some OSes default to an xterm termcap entry with color support (which is rather annoying) |
2001/6/1-3 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:21404 Activity:very high |
5/31 Does anyone have the login/pw for the private space at http://ign.com? We shouldn't have to be paying for access..esp. things like the silent hill 2 full trailer. \_ Will somebody please provide a valid login/pass? They fucking cut off the last Hideo Kojima interview on the subject of mgs2...damnit..that chafes my hide. \_ sign yer name -shac \_ oh come on. the rest of the motd wants to know too. \_ l: phil p: vahmifqy \_ They have to pay reporters, editors, webmasters, sys admins, electricity bills, network connection bills, and much more - why shouldn't you have to pay them back for some of it? The dream of an advertiser-supported internet is dead - ads don't pay enough. \_ pay should be voluntary, like the PBS model. If you like what you get, you should donate some cash, but you shouldn't have to pay before seeing the goods. \_ that's ridiculous. \_ Communism is dead, kid. \_ YEAH, BECAUSE PBS IS AN EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL STATION. \_ psb is a communist? \_ This isn't communism. If it were communism, everyone would be forced to pay the government, and the government would be funding and running everything. Voluntary donations are than in a piece of shit rm or WMP format. Is that too much to ask? Damn ign bastards...*sigh* completely different. \_ "You shouldn't have to pay before seeing the goods." There is that "should" there that I don't like. The mentality seems to be that the consumer can dictate to the producer their terms. In a truly free society, all contracts are voluntary. for Linsux. \_ what's wrong with that? we're in a capitalist society driven by consumerism; why shouldn't consumers dictate what they want? \_ because you're an idiot. you don't get to decide *after* you use something whether you want to pay for it. -tom \_ you do if you have access to warez. long live warez! cd images galore! i wonder when someone will finally crack down on newsgroup piracy? \_ Property is theft! \_ regardless of what anyone agrees on, login: phil p: vahmifqy doesn't work. Someone please provide a valid login/pw. It's not like I can't get it at one of the other sites; I'd just rather have it in quicktime format than in a piece of shit rm or WMP format. Is that too much to ask? Damn ign bastards...*sigh* \_ COMMIE MAC USER!!! \_ QuickTime runs on Windows and there is even mov player for Linux. \_ The Windows Media Player much better than real, QT or anything similar out there. \_ WMP? Good? Surely you jest. AVI and ASF are total POS. The quality is terrible and the playback frequently hangs esp. if you try to stream a file. QuickTime at least has decent stream and playback. \_ I know not of AVI/ASF. What i know is that when i play the SAME file with REAL it looks like crap, when i play it with WMP it looks good. \_ you need to study harder. the correct answer is "M$ SUC|<Z U53 L1NUX!" and not worry about whether something works for you or not. |
2001/5/31-6/1 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21394 Activity:high |
5/30 infocom games on java: \_ there are also infocom games by telnet, and you can't save/restore in the java applets, right? bah \_ for the curious: telnet://eldorado.elsewhere.org \_ name/password? \_ login as zork, you dingbat \_ what's the password? can't let ya in without the password! and don't try 'swordfish', because I KNOW it's not that. I tried 'swordfish' years ago, and -I- couldn't get in, so I KNOW it's not that. \_ telnet://zork@eldorado.elsewhere.org |
2001/5/30 [Computer/SW/Unix, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:21389 Activity:nil |
5/29 danh, why do you have a bunch of frequent typos symlinked to wall in /csua/bin? And why does pld have a bunch of symlinks of usernames to other usernames? \_ There is no secret cabal of Daves. I'm sorry, what was the question again? |
2001/5/25-27 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21362 Activity:high |
5/25 What happens when a file get truncated by redirection like cat a > b. What happens to the eof marker in b? If some program was reading b like tail.exe, when cat a>b happens, how'd that program check b has been reset and should reopen b for read? \_ it doesn't matter if it gets truncated by redirection or any other means. redirection is a shell abstraction, not a file system abstraction so the distinction is unimportant. tail -f just regularly polls the time stamp of the file. if it's changed, it rechecks the file. \_ are you sure it's the time stamp it checks? because if there's a process constantly writing to the file, only the last modified time is changed; so tail can't reset it's pointer to the beginning of the file by looking at the time stamp. \_ if two programs are buffering the same file, the last one to flush its buffers will "win". files are not a coherent shared storage unless you employ file locks. \_ did you fucking read the question? what the hell is wrong with you? he's talking about read and writer. not two writers. you're a fucking moron. \_ Are you aware of where you are? This is the motd. Are you completely stupid? No one reads the question. You're a fucking moron. Welcome to the motd. |
2001/5/23-24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21334 Activity:high |
5/23 A friend recently told me that Internet radio is worth listening too. I downloaded realplayer for my UNIX system and it seems to suck especially when combined with netscape. Any recommendations for decent UNIX (preferably open source) Internet radio players? \_ Real sucks. Streaming mp3 is much better (xmms is one option) but it still sucks over DSL. Get a T1 or something other than PacHell and you'll be fine. \_ use windows \_ Maybe it was bad traffic from that particular station? Try a different station. I use RealPlayer on NT and for some stations it loses connections all the time. \_ Find someplace that streams mp3s and run xmms (need to have decent net though) |
2001/5/17 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21293 Activity:nil |
5/16 How do NAS devices store files in different formats? \_ What do you mean by "different formats"? They normally use a single custom fs that is exported via NFS, SMB and AppleTalk. |
2001/5/6-7 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21182 Activity:high |
5/6 any web-based newsgroup posting sites out there now? deja/google not allowing at the moment...please advise? thanks. \_ http://www.mailandnews.com |
2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21165 Activity:nil |
May 1 Underpaid sysadmin of the UNIX world, unite!!! |
2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21158 Activity:very high |
4/30 Uninstall for Unix? Assuming you install something with the usual ./configure make make install routine, and later decide, "Fuck that was the wrong distribution" or the wrong version or whatever. If you aren't using a package, how do you know that you are removing all the right stuff before you go to install the other version? I assume that most big companies must depend on packages made on dev. machines that are then installed, no? What is a reasonable policy as far as this stuff goes? \_ Install packages so that each of them is contained completely within a separate directory, e.g. /opt/local/packages/pine-4.30, then create symbolic links from /opt/local/{bin,man.sbin,lib,include} to the real packages directory. If you need to remove a package just nuke it's directory. Sure, there are still dangling symbolic links, but at least you know what package they belong to if you want to remove it. See how /opt/local/ is setup on OCF for example. \_ Another neat idea would be to have a subdirectory within /opt/local/packages/pine-4.30 called consolidated-links, or something like that, which contains symbolic links to those other symbolic links you were talking about. That way, when you decide to trash a "package" you can run a little script that will readlink and rm each link so that you won't have dangling links. \_ There's a package called opt_depot which manages a link farm (in /usr/local/{bin,man,lib} by default) based on installations in a package (or "depot") directory like the above. http://www.arlut.utexas.edu/csd/opt_depot. -tom \_ Here's my little scheme, its similar to OCFs: 0. mkdir /usr/pubsw/ and required subdirs: {bin,sbin,include,lib,libexec,share,etc,pgms,src} (you only need to do this once) 1. untar your the source for your program into /usr/pubsw/src/<program>/<program>-<version> 2. ./configure your program with prefix set to /usr/pubsw/pgms/<program>/<program>-<version> 3. make && make install 4. cd into /usr/pubsw/pgms/<program> and ln -s <program>-<version> to <program> (remove the old link if you have one) 5. for new programs cd into /usr/pubsw and foreach of the {bin,sbin,include,lib,libexec,share,etc} <dirs> ln -s ../pgms/<program>/<program>/<dir>/* . Now to acutally use the programs and libraries, all you have to do is set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the /usr/pubsw/{bin,sbin} and /usr/pubsw/lib dirs. To upgrade a pkg, you just download the new source, build it, make install and change one symlink. To uninstall a pkg just remove its directory. To downgrade, just change one link. The other advantages are that the top level directory is clean (less overhead on directory reads) and source and programs are stored using similar naming conventions making it easy to track down problems and do upgrades, etc. I'm giving you the brief version here. The full setup also handles multiple architectures and OS revisions and has some perl tools for cleaning up and installing. |
2001/4/25 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21103 Activity:very high |
4/25 What's the syntax for searching the contents of each file with find? \_ why not use grep? \_ find /my/dir -name myFile -exec grep -ne myExp {} /dev/null \; \_ More elegant is find . -type f | xargs grep "search string" \_ how about : grep "search string" `find . -type f` ? \_ You want xargs in case find returns too many files for grep to process at once. \_ How is using xargs better than using -exec? \_ MAX_ARGS! What if there are more files than MAX_ARGS?!? Think before you do something dumb. \_ God forbid... xargs performs a separate grep on each. this may not be what you want. this can make it very difficult to tell exactly which file the search matched. Think before you give blanket answers. \_ Uh, how does it make it more difficult? And where did you get this notion that xargs spawns a call to grep per file, do man xargs and look up default values of -n and -s. \_ grep -H \_ that's great. How 'bout solaris? \_ Easy: grep -r pattern . If no gnu grep: find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -n pattern If no find with print0 and xargs -0: find . -type f -exec grep -n pattern {} \; --dbushong |
2001/4/21-22 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21050 Activity:moderate |
4/21 http://www.jonathonrobinson.com/secret.html \_ This is worse than All your base. \_ only if "worse" means "fucking rad!!!!~!~!~" -ali. |
2001/4/20-22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21039 Activity:moderate |
4/20 How come sed -e 's/[\ \t\n]/ /g' doesn't work for the tab and \n? \_ obUsePerl perl -pe 's/[\s\n]/ /g' \_ perl -pe 's/\s/ /g' is sufficient --dbushong \_ This is ugly, but it works for tab: sed -e 's/'"`echo \"\t\"`"'/ /g' Oh, and what's the point of matching SPACE, TAB, and NEWLINE instead of just TAB and NEWLINE? Replacing SPACE with SPACE? \_ you mean /bin/echo right? echo (shell command) wouldn't work. Also maybe the guy means 's/[\s]+/ /g' \_ yup, /bin/echo or /usr/bin/echo |
2001/4/18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21022 Activity:high |
4/18 I want to filter a file with sed and store the output back into the same file. Is there a way to do this without a temp file? \_ no, if you want to do this use either awk or perl (perferably perl) \_ Please use a language (preferably English). \_ perl -pi -e 's/.../.../g ; s/other/foo/g' file1 file2 ... \_ yes. |
2001/4/18 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21008 Activity:moderate |
4/17 Sysadmin job posting --appel /csua/pub/jobs/Skotos \_ advanced experience with Windows and 2+ years Unix experience for $15/hour? hahahaha \_ advanced experience with Windows and 2+ years Unix experience for $15/hour? hahahaha \_ That's 2+ years Unix experience. Not Unix sysadmin exp. I actually read the job, (unlike you), and that's ok for a student slacker job as long as they understand the kid has other things to do and is going to flake a lot. It looks ok to me for someone who needs a first job and wants more on their resume than "Member of CSUA/HKN/XCF/Fubar" or whatever other student clubs there are. Non-job shit may sound important to you, the student, but out here no one gives a flying fuck what your non-job related beer swilling student club was doing. -!appel \_ the prequisite skills that are preferred is a bit over the top for just 2 yrs xp. you're going to weed out a lot of good people who would take such a low wage. people already with all those skills can get much better. \_ The preqs for a student job are always fluffed. They obviously (to me) just want a kid who knows some unix and is really good with windows. It looked like a really straight forward job posting. Anyone not afraid to apply is probably good enough to get hired and I still say the pay is decent. This is a student job. Your alternative as a student is to get $6-$8 at the library or $8 washing bottles in the Chem dept or $8 as an "engineering aid" for eecs which has the same skillset requirements: a student who knows some unix and a lot of windows. There are *no* students who fit the exact criteria of this job. They're fishing for what they can get. This is no different than FTE job postings for much higher end professionals. They ask for the moon but will be happy with someone who knows the moon is made of cheese. (You did know the moon is made of cheese, right?) |
2001/4/12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20947 Activity:very high |
4/12 Why does "tee" or ">" not work on some unix systems? \_ you don't have a filesystem \_ there is a file system. this isn't a trick question. \_ Wrong shell? \_ I'm in csh \_ How doesn't it work then? Maybe you don't have write permission in the current directory? \_ I can edit files and save files in it. Just not pipe output to it. This is very confusing to me. \_ But can you create new files in that directory? \_ yes, and run make, and create executables, etc. \_ I'm guessing that stderr is not getting caught and you're confused. Try <something> 2>&1 | tee output (in bash) or <something> |& tee output (in csh) \_ I originally tried both: execSomething |& tee output execSomething | tee output Both don't work. |
2001/4/9-10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20913 Activity:low 64%like:20116 |
4/9 Sr. UNIX SA job at Openwave (http://www.openwave.com Check out /usr/local/csua/pub/jobs/Openwave/UNIXSA for more info. --chris \_ that your new <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD>? \_ opwv used to be http://phone.com - paolo \_ their open != opensrc. \_ Openwave is the combination of http://Software.com and http://Phone.com (both despite their company names, were not "dot.com" companies, but built software -- http://software.com built email software, http://phone.com built software for wireless phones). |
2001/3/20-22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20864 Activity:low |
3/21 Under most OS's how do control whether a program core dumps or not under a SIGSEGV? \_ man signal \_ you can also control it with things like limit. Note that certain cases should never dump core (i.e. setuid() programs.) \_ coreadm on Solaris lets you control that for people who need to debug set*id programs. |
2001/3/18-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20837 Activity:low |
3/18 Hotmail really running on NT now? Or is this just the front end logon? telnet http://www.hotmail.com 80 Trying Connected to http://www.hotmail.com Escape character is '^]'. GET / HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 302 Redirected Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 21:42:21 GMT Location: <DEAD>lc2.law5.hotmail.passport.com/cgi-bin/login<DEAD> Connection closed by foreign host. \_ They started phasing in NT many months ago, /. mentioned it --oj |
3/15 |