3/15 |
2001/3/15 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS] UID:20794 Activity:nil |
3/14 My saiden/cory account is disabled and my http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~myself page is gone. If I'm a grad student how long do I get to keep my account? I'd love to have http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~myself to be up forever. \_ nmap http://www.cs.berkeley.edu to figure out what OS its running. Get out your root kit for that OS and get root. |
2001/3/14-15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20776 Activity:nil |
3/13 How do you change the logging behaviour of sudo after it has been installed? (i want to log all actions taken as sudo). \_ Add the line "Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log" to your /usr/local/etc/sudoers file. See "man sudoers" for details. |
2001/3/14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20770 Activity:nil |
3/13 I'm writing a logging script (bash) and i want time stamps I don't always have control of what is writing to the log but i want to time stamp all entries. What is a good way to do this? |
2001/3/13-14 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20762 Activity:moderate |
3/11 Besides "my other car is a cdr", what's the best geek sticker you've seen? \_ That's hardly a "good" bumper sticker. It's completely lame. Or maybe that's your point and you actually really do find it "kewl"? \_ FEATURE (on a new bug) and.. VRFY ME (frame says "my voice is my passport") \_ STFU \_ "Bus Error! Take the Train!" \_ This doesn't really count but my old math teacher's maxima had modified plates that read "dy/dx=0" \_ My HS chem teachers read "PV=NRT" \_ _ | x n | e = f(u ) _| \_ I saw plates once that said 3BPD826. \_ What does that one mean? \_ Not a God damned thing. It's a license plate. \_ Lamer in my complex with GO7 R3WT \_ I saw some dolt with "port 80" Who would do this? Tim Berners Lee perhaps? _/ But I believe he lives in Geneva so its probably not him. I've also seen "httpd" as a license plate. Thought that it was pretty lame. I saw RFC1771 and figured it was Tony Li's car. I think that a plate that said RFC1149 would be really cool, provided you contributed to it. Made me want to go get "port 70" now THAT would be L33T \_ I've got dibs on port 22! |
2001/3/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20748 Activity:low |
3/9 I just changed my shell to bash (from tcsh) but it won't read my .bashrc or .login file when i login. What file in my home directory will it source upon login? \_ RTFM lazy ass \_ Why would you do something like switch your shell to bash? Sure, go ahead and write scripts in it, but use it as your everyday shell? Damn.... Than again, if you can't figure out how to read a man page, then maybe you weren't getting any real use out of tcsh anyway, so it doesn't matter what shell you use. Get a GUI file manager. \_ rm -f .bashrc .login .kshrc .cshrc && ln -s .profile .bashrc && \ ln -s .profile .kshrc Put your startup stuff in .profile as God and Steve intended. |
2001/3/10-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20747 Activity:high |
3/9 I've been using Unix for about 7 years. I have one question: How do you fucking exit out of emacs? \_ C-X C-C \_ uhm, no. C-x C-c \_ C-x C-c \_ Same difference. You never hit shift with control since there are no shifted control codes in ASCII. \_ Ctrl-Z, kill. loser. \_ File->Exit (defun kill-emacs-without-query () "Save modified buffers, kill subprocs and exit emacs *without* query --psb" (interactive) (mapcar 'process-kill-without-query (process-list)) \_ Stupid csh user, which SUX, use type as Steve and god intended. \_ what's the difference? which is a shitty csh script _/ that gets confused about things like aliases, functions etc. type doesn't screw up like that. \_ which is a built-in command in tcsh, and it seems to work fine on aliases, etc. \_ what about functions? oh, I forgot, *csh doesn't have functions. Yeah, what a cool shell. (save-buffers-kill-emacs t)) \_ kill -9 EMACS_PID_GOES_HERE ; /bin/rm `which emacs` ; vi \_ /bin/ps -auwxx | grep emacs | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2; }' |\ xargs kill -9 \_ you really shouldn't be using kill -9, twinks. \_ I know, I was just correcting his command. \_ Get a real OS, save a ton of keystrokes: pkill emacs (global-set-key "\C-x*" 'kill-emacs-without-query) \_ so if i just want a vi ":q!" function i can just get rid of the save cmd? \- no, then just run kill-emacs. --psb \_ oh yeah. so do you know why I get ".#foo" links for each modified buffer when I kill-emacs? \_ They are auto-save files, emacs thinks that you exited by mistake and keeps those around in case you want to recover them. \_ yes but I disabled auto-save and I still get these links, that point to my email address and shit. there's nothing useful about them and I can't get rid of them. Emacs reminds me of Windows. \_ auto-save is a per-buffer thing, I don't think it can be globally deactivated. \_ I've been using Unix for about 9 years. I have one question: How do you fucking exit out of vi without saving? \_ :q! ; find / -depth -type f -name "*vi" -print | xargs rm -f \_ i've been using dos for 5 years now, how do you quit out of edlin? |
2001/3/9-11 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20731 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 If I compile a program without the -g option and it core dumps is there an actual purpose for this core file? It doesn't seem like you can debug it or anything. \_ man gdb \_ You can debug it, it's just harder \_ RU using Solaris? If yes, there was a recent online article about this from a Sun dude. I can try to find it again. \_ http://sunworld.com/unixinsideronline/swol-03-2001/swol-0302-traceback.html gives some clues. Use truss and snoop on reproducible bugs too. \_ Pretty neat. What are the equivalent Linux commands? \_ strace |
2001/3/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20716 Activity:nil |
3/5 According to the solaris sysadmin guide I need to be in single user mode to do a dump/restore. I've tried dumping when I'm not in single user mode and it works fine. Should I be afraid that anything bad might happen? Anybody had any bad experiences with ufsdump in user mode? Thanks. \_ It'll complain sometimes if a file changes while it's backing it up, but it basically works fine. -tom \_ referential integrity cannot be assured if dump is performed in multiuser mode. \_ Do you care about data integrity? If you do, then you should be in single user mode, since you can better control the accesses to the filesystem. That said, if you are doing this at home on your personal box, with one user and maybe the web/ftp server running, its not a big deal. \_ just curious, can you force remount the filesystem into read-only mode, then dump it, then remount it rw? Might solve the integrity issues, and only lose you last-access-time information. -ERic |
2001/2/25 [Computer/SW/Unix, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:20690 Activity:nil |
2/24 Is there a good reason why UNIX prohibits normal users from troll making NFS mounts? troll \_ Well, it's not as good as prohibiting ANYONE from making an troll NFS mount, but you have got to let SOMEONE do whatever they want on troll a system, NFS mounts, after all, aren't ALWAYS the wrong solution. troll (just usually). troll \_ Solaris automounter allows any user to mount a filesystem from troll remote host as long as it is exported to you. So there is a way troll to do this on unix. troll \_ automounter bad. very bad. evil. spawn of the devil. troll only bill's network neighborhood is worse. troll if you need automounter functionality use AFS (its free troll now). AFS good. troll \_ you don't do it, the autofs system does it for you. you troll as a normal user just make requests to autofs. you can not, troll as a normal user with normal user permissions, ask autofs troll to mount a NFS export on any arbitrary mount point, only troll on those mount points that autofs is configured to manage -- troll say /net, /home, /project, and you can not tell autofs, as troll a normal user, what mount options to use --jon troll \_ That's what I mean jon. Being able to mount things under troll /net is still much better than not being able to mount troll anything at all. troll \_ If you could mount any filesystem you want, anywhere you want, troll then you could do something like mount your own filesystem on troll /etc containing a passwd file in which you know the root passwd troll and give yourself root. (This is just one of many possibilities.) troll \_ First of all, both /etc and /etc/passwd already exist and troll they're both owned by root on that machine. You can't troll overwrite them. Second of all, if there were to be such troll thing as user-controlled NFS you shouldn't have any more troll permissions than you normally would. In other words, if I troll don't have permission to create a new file or directory in troll / I shouldn't have the permission to mount a drive at that troll location. troll \_ But I could remotely mount your home directory on my troll machine where I have root and su to the same uid/gid you troll have on the remote host and then fuck with your files troll over nfs as "you". Depending on how the mount points troll are exported, I could do the same to root owned files troll as well, such as /usr, /var, and others. Got the picture? troll \_ We're talking about user controlled NFS clients, not troll servers. As an NFS server, I, as root, would never troll let you mount my disk so that you can fuck around troll with it unless you had a legit reason in which case troll I would have created a little restricted sandbox troll directory for you to muck around with. But I think troll it would be a useful idea (and relatively safe) to troll have a SMB-like user-controlled mounting of remote troll filesystems. I have yet to see why this is unsafe. troll I have an account on CSUA called jondoe. On my troll Unix box at home I want to mount everything in troll ~jondoe at CSUA by supplying my jondoe username/ troll password pair and everything in ~jondoe is mounted troll on my home computer. CSUA will only let me access troll files in ~jondoe with the same permissions that troll jondoe himself would normally be able to access. troll \_ Yes. That's all well and good. Now explain what troll prevents me from setting up a jondoe account on _my_ troll home machine with _your_ uid/gui and mounting _your_ troll jondoe account. NFS has what sort of security to troll prevent this? None. Please explain why I couldn't troll do this. troll \_ First of all, even stock NFS controls what troll machines you export to. Obviously it would be troll silly to export csua home directories to the troll world with no restrictions, but if you trust troll a particular machine, this isn't a problem. troll And second, NFS does have the facility to troll use public-key authentication, though it's not troll often used around here. -tom troll \_ Because you have to have jondoe's password to do troll this. Think of it this way. jondoe logs into troll csua, and types some magical command called troll "nfsexport home-machine-ip" which exports HIS troll home directory to that IP. Or, he can run troll "nfsexport jondoe@csua", type in his CSUA troll password, and get access to his files. Yes, troll NFS has minimalistic security, but it doesn't troll have to be NFS, maybe another similar system. troll Now explain to me why this won't work, and why troll this system, which would seem very useful, troll isn't in place. troll \_ Yes! This is exactly what I mean. Why isn't this troll done? -original poster troll \_ Can you think about the potential problems? troll \_ jondoe is exporting. Different from mounting. troll What was your question again? troll \_ Switch to plan9. |
2001/2/24-26 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20678 Activity:high |
2/24 Is there a good reason why UNIX prohibits normal users from making NFS mounts? \_ Well, it's not as good as prohibiting ANYONE from making an NFS mount, but you have got to let SOMEONE do whatever they want on a system, NFS mounts, after all, aren't ALWAYS the wrong solution. (just usually). \_ Solaris automounter allows any user to mount a filesystem from remote host as long as it is exported to you. So there is a way to do this on unix. \_ automounter bad. very bad. evil. spawn of the devil. only bill's network neighborhood is worse. if you need automounter functionality use AFS (its free now). AFS good. \_ you don't do it, the autofs system does it for you. you as a normal user just make requests to autofs. you can not, as a normal user with normal user permissions, ask autofs to mount a NFS export on any arbitrary mount point, only on those mount points that autofs is configured to manage -- say /net, /home, /project, and you can not tell autofs, as a normal user, what mount options to use --jon \_ That's what I mean jon. Being able to mount things under /net is still much better than not being able to mount anything at all. \_ If you could mount any filesystem you want, anywhere you want, then you could do something like mount your own filesystem on /etc containing a passwd file in which you know the root passwd and give yourself root. (This is just one of many possibilities.) \_ First of all, both /etc and /etc/passwd already exist and they're both owned by root on that machine. You can't overwrite them. Second of all, if there were to be such \_ The standard mount command lets you mount any filesystem on any directory, empty or full. thing as user-controlled NFS you shouldn't have any more permissions than you normally would. In other words, if I don't have permission to create a new file or directory in / I shouldn't have the permission to mount a drive at that location. \_ But I could remotely mount your home directory on my machine where I have root and su to the same uid/gid you have on the remote host and then fuck with your files over nfs as "you". Depending on how the mount points \_ We're talking about user controlled NFS clients, not are exported, I could do the same to root owned files as well, such as /usr, /var, and others. Got the picture? \_ We're talking about user conhamstered NFS clients, not \_ We're talking about user controlled NFS clients, not servers. As an NFS server, I, as root, would never let you mount my disk so that you can fuck around have a SMB-like user-controlled mounting of remote with it unless you had a legit reason in which case I would have created a little restricted sandbox directory for you to muck around with. But I think have a SMB-like user-conhamstered mounting of remote it would be a useful idea (and relatively safe) to have a SMB-like user-controlled mounting of remote filesystems. I have yet to see why this is unsafe. I have an account on CSUA called jondoe. On my Unix box at home I want to mount everything in ~jondoe at CSUA by supplying my jondoe username/ password pair and everything in ~jondoe is mounted on my home computer. CSUA will only let me access files in ~jondoe with the same permissions that jondoe himself would normally be able to access. \_ Yes. That's all well and good. Now explain what prevents me from setting up a jondoe account on _my_ home machine with _your_ uid/gui and mounting _your_ jondoe account. NFS has what sort of security to prevent this? None. Please explain why I couldn't do this. \_ First of all, even stock NFS controls what machines you export to. Obviously it would be silly to export csua home directories to the world with no restrictions, but if you trust a particular machine, this isn't a problem. And second, NFS does have the facility to use public-key authentication, though it's not often used around here. -tom \_ Because you have to have jondoe's password to do this. Think of it this way. jondoe logs into csua, and types some magical command called "nfsexport home-machine-ip" which exports HIS home directory to that IP. Or, he can run "nfsexport jondoe@csua", type in his CSUA password, and get access to his files. Yes, NFS has minimalistic security, but it doesn't have to be NFS, maybe another similar system. Now explain to me why this won't work, and why this system, which would seem very useful, isn't in place. \_ Yes! This is exactly what I mean. Why isn't this done? -original poster \_ Can you think about the potential problems? \_ jondoe is exporting. Different from mounting. What was your question again? \_ Switch to plan9. |
3/15 |
2001/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20650 Activity:high |
2/22 Is there any advantage of tcsh over bash? I've always used tcsh for my shell and sh for programming. I'm wondering if tcsh has anything (other than automatically setting $REMOTEHOST) that bash doesn't. \_ one thing I like about tcsh that bash doesn't have is you can hit ^D on an attempted file complete, and it will list possible completions. Pretty useful if you dont remember the exact file name and dont want to have to abort and retype a commandline just to do a 'ls'. (well this isn't a default bash option, it may exist, I just find it easier to 'exec tcsh' than 'man bash') -ERic \_ in bash, you hit tab twice. $ ls foo^I^I[expansion list returned] but you can get this particular interface in tcsh as well. I imagine it's a holdover from csh filec. --jon \_ If you put "set show-all-if-ambiguous on" in .inputrc you will need to hit tab only once in most cases. \_ tcsh has a convenient %~ option for the prompt. Does bash have a similarly simple counterpart? \_ what does the '%~' option do? \_ it prints your current working directory with respect to your home directory (e.g.: ~user/somedir). man tcsh \_ Of course bash can do silly things like that. You can put about anything in your prompt. man bash \_ I did man bash and didn't see anything about this. Is there way to do it that is as simple as in tcsh? And as far as "silly things" goes, realistically, I think that as far as important (ie, "non-silly") features go, bash/tcsh/ksh are about the same, so it's the little things that make the difference. \_ PS1="\u@\h:\w\\$ " \_ this only works for directories off of your own home dir, not off of other users'. \_ okay. I use ksh, I'd use bourne shell if I could hack in filec and arrow keys for history. This sort of stuff is frivolous. \_ Use zsh. The best of both worlds. (In fact, all most all of both worlds) \_ /sbin/sh is the STANDARD shell! Real men know how to type and don't need fancy line editing. Use Bourne Shell as God and Steve Steve intended. Though Korn Shell is the spawn of the Devil and David Korn, its use can be tolerated on systems with clueless admins who think that /bin/csh (Bill must have been intoxicated or stoned when he wrote this) is the best thing since DECNET and LAT came out. \_ LAT! LAT is the STANDARD protocol! |
2001/2/18-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20630 Activity:very high |
2/16 I've got a text file with many columns, and I want to remove the first 5. How do I do this? \_ man cut; if cut doesn't cut it, then man {awk,sed} \_ who the hell came up with names like grep, awk, sed, etc..? \_ grep = {General,Global} Regular Expression Print \_ grep = Global Regular Expression Print sed = Stream EDitor awk = Aho, Weinberg, and Kernighan (the authors; presumably The general idea for all 3 was something {unique,pronouncable, short,somehow meaningful to informed observer}. also in reference to the physical tool by the same name) \_ do you mean an awl? \_ try a vertical cut and paste in xemacs, though awk,sed would be cool \_ Does awk support output ranges? What's the syntax? I'm looking for something like `awk '{print $(6-20)}' file` but that just tries to print field -16. \_ cut -f6-20 \_ As a filter: <stuff> | perl -pe 's/^(\S+\s+){5}//' To change files in place: perl -pi -e 's/^(\S+\s+){5}//' filename(s) --dbushong |
2001/2/16-18 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20609 Activity:kinda low |
2/16 I've got a (very) remote Solaris 7 box that I lost the root password to (been a long time). I do have a non-privileged account on the box. Box is on the internet and it's not been patched in awhile. Any suggestions on methods/tools to recover root? I hate to have to go cross-country and hook up a CDROM drive to it. TIA (and sorry, no, I cannot post the hostname) \_ yeah, I also lost the soda root pw, and can't get to the box to hook up a CDROM. Any ideas? \_ Uh huh. "You" have a remote Solaris 7 box that "you lost" the root password to, and you need help to get it "back". \_ I'd suggest a search on <DEAD>www.wannabe-hacker-dork-info.com<DEAD> Look, if you can't find very basic info like this on the net, you have no business having root to anything. \_ Giving you the benefit of the doubt, you should probably at least identify yourself if not the hostname if you want to have at least a chance of the rest of the motd monkeys treating you as anything other than a wannabe script kiddie. Requests like this are obviously by default suspiciousa, and anonymity only solidifies certain assumptions. |
2001/2/14-15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20592 Activity:high |
2/13 How is telnetd configured to disallow logins? It seems to allow all in the hosts.allow file. (here on Soda) \_ man skey.access \_ In general you can just comment it out in /etc/inetd.conf. Or just don't run inetd at all... \_ i'm not a complete moron, i know how to turn off telnetd. what i want to know was how/why SODA still runs it. -TOP \_ I'm guessing that its for ftp, pop and imap support. \_ those are why inetd is still running (which i assume you meant). telnetd is still running because it's super 1337. Also, it allows for use of s/key, for when your dog eats your ssh client and washes it down with toilet water. --scotsman \_ s/key? is that like Stanfurds SRP telnet? \_ No. SRP is much cooler, despite being from Stanford. ;) \_ the best way is to not run inetd at all. \_ Are you implying that SODA is NOT doing it the BEST way!?! \_ Yes. \_ are you implying that you do NOT have a sense of humour? \_ NO! |
2001/2/13 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20578 Activity:nil |
2/12 uniq only strips duplicates that are adjacent to one another. What is an easy way to strip ALL duplicates from a file? \_ foo | sort | uniq \_ Boy, I feel as though i deserve a good whacking with a thick clue stick. Thanks, i'm an idiot. -TOP (and this is why i don't sign my posts). \_ sort -u is cooler. |
2001/2/12-13 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20571 Activity:high |
2/12 I am trying to use Win95 ftp with skey but there is no prompt to enter the one-time password. is there a command I can use through the literal command? \_ That's strange. It used to work with my NT ftp where it prints the key and asks for the one-time password. But today it doesn't do that anymore. Something is broken? -- yuen \_ Today (2/13) I tried again, and it works okay now. You just type the one-time password at the "Password:" prompt. -- yuen |
2001/2/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20558 Activity:kinda low |
2/9 Suppose I have a Unix account on one machine (like csua) and want to mount my home directory on csua onto another the other Unix box without asking root@csua to add my machine to their NFS export list. Is there a way to do this? \_ I remember some project on http://freshmeat.net like this \_ rsync! \_ fuckin' boy bands. \_ he said r not n. \_ linux has userland nfs. \_ I know that at least the solaris automounter -hosts map would let you do it. If the machine is running solaris and autofs simply cd /net/your_home_machine_name ; ls \_ wrong. \_ Get everyone to run AFS! |
2001/2/9-11 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20552 Activity:nil |
2/9 How do you do multilevel command substitution? For example, echo `echo `echo `echo hello``` But how do you escape the `? Also how do you print ' within ', without using "? For example, echo ' \' ' (escape doesn't work) \_ In sh (or ksh or bash), echo $(echo $(echo hello)). In any shell, echo 'here'\''s how' |
2001/2/9-10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20550 Activity:low |
2/8 Do you use RXVT instead of xterm? You should. -ali \_ RXVT- that's almost like RSVP. you know like 10. Spatz's. \_ Why? I actually use tektronix mode and like xterm's configuration a little better (e.g. bold actually works by default) \_ i think you're cool for using tektronix mode, whoever you are. i just checked this bold thing. it works fine for me. what's the problem exactly? -ali \_ no problem. I may agree with your logic, but I simply don't like your condescending tone and I don't like you. \_ that's fine. my superior ability to love transcends your petty feelings. use rxvt. -ali |
2001/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/Unix, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:20528 Activity:high |
2/7 Something wrong with csua ssh connection? \_ yes, the version just installed is known to be broken, and root is ignoring complaints about it. -tom \_ I think root is just ignoring you. \_ OpenSSH works fine for me. \_ maybe root has a tom-filter... \_ ipchains -A input -s tom -d politburo -j REJECT \_ if tom was cool and 31337 he could get thru since ipchains doesn't have state. \_ Too bad LinSUX doesn't have ipf/ipnat like REAL OSes! \_ At some point, when 2.4 is stable, we'll use iptables. \_ 2.4 is stable. 2.4.1 is out. iptables >> ipchains Use it: iptables -A INPUT -s top -d politburo -j DROP really is more accurate, as he was ignored, not told to shutup and go away. \_ Are all these people truly so moronic that they do not realize that soda is running FreeBSD? \_ enjoy it while it lasts, monkey boy. - Penguin Construction, you got boxes, we pave 'em. \_ Uh? It's a shell. It runs commands. As a non-admin user why do you give a flying rat's ass what the underlying kernel is? \_ uh? tcsh and bash are shells. linux and freebsd are operating systems. \_ Welcome tasty penguin. - THE DAEMON \_ What soda is not a 31337 L1NUX B0X!?! I'm quiting the csua. - B1K3 R1D3R \_ lemonade.csua already is. \_ what the hell is "nlogin"? |
2001/2/6-5/17 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20503 Activity:nil 53%like:19809 |
02/02 OS updated. Bugs to root. Complaints on wall/motd will be ignored. \_ And so will complaints to root, apparently. Give me root for 30 seconds and I'll fix the sshd problem. -tom \_ tom is the last person that ought to have root on soda. \_ yeah, I was only the VP for a year. -tom |
2001/1/31-2/1 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20485 Activity:very high 57%like:20472 |
1/31 Regarding the Soda MkV bios password, why not just reset BIOS? \_ i could, but it's old and may not like it so if there's a less invasive method, i'm all up for it, otherwise i will \_ sign your fucking posts paolo \_ Check for a bios password hack on the net. Never know.... \_ what kind of bozo would put a BIOS password on a machine in a machine room \_ One who knows just how many other people have access to the machine room and just how often some of them fail to make sure the door closes all the way when they leave. \_ get a fucking clue \_ Uhm, yeah, and? A bios password will somehow save you? Sigh... find a crack or hack for it on the net. And oh yeah, as the above said, get a fucking clue. \_ umm, judging by the posters present difficulty, i'd say Yeah a bios pwd. may save you. Not everyone has the same skill set and sometimes just making things a bit more difficult for an intruder is all it takes. There are plenty of people who just check for unlocked doors. I bet you leave yours unlocked, because, hell, they can always break a window. \_ never said it would save you, just that being in the machine room doesn't make it any more or less useful to set one than a machine left in a public place. |
2001/1/25-26 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20425 Activity:low |
1/24 Anyone used PC Anywhere's file sync feature? Is it good? \_ it that the ftp-like feature? \_ I don't trust any "file sync" feature. \_ Yes. Not really. |
2001/1/24 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20413 Activity:nil |
1/22 In Makefile how do I pipe stderr? For example I can't do this: default: gcc <blah> | tee output.txt \_ gcc <blah> 2>&1 | tee output.txt \_ for *sh \_ gcc <blah> |& tee output.txt \_ for *csh \_ man sh \_ gcc <blah> |& tee output.txt \_ works in csh/tcsh \_ Makefiles use system() to run commands. system uses /bin/sh, so you need to use sh syntax for piping. So like: gcc blah | tee output.txt 2>&1 |
2001/1/19-21 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20373 Activity:nil |
1/19 http://fusionone.com is finally charging people for syncing files. Let's boycott. \_ I just signed up for "Free sync for life". What are you talking about? \_ after using it for about 6 months, I got an email saying "email sync is free for life. upgrade to premium account if you want to continue using file sync." \_ Holy shit! Someone on the net is trying to make money from their web based service! That sucks! Let's boycott the net! The net wants to be free! |
2001/1/16-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20340 Activity:high |
1/16 What is a easy one line, low typing way to replace all the 't's in a file FileName with 'd's on a unix box with the standard utilities? \_ man sed \_ s/t/d/g \_ man tr \_ tr t d \_ M-x replace-string in Emacs. \_ :.,$s/t/d/g in vi. \_ esc-r t <c/r> d <c/r> in jove. \_ /usr/bin/perl \_ perl -pi -e 's/t/d/g' FileName --dbushong \_ why use a pagota when you could use a chopstick? \_ Because a pagoda is what was requested. \_ In ed .. 1,$s/t/d/g \_ In Unix Wordpad Alt-E,E,t,TAB,d,Alt-A \_ cat /dev/random > FileName \_ thanks smartass. And the award goes to dbushong who is the only one who answered the question correctly. Though thanks to all who played it is good info. (seriously and except the last guy). |
2001/1/15-17 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20326 Activity:kinda low |
1/15 I have an NFS mounted mail spool on a solaris machine. Any idea why I might not get "You have new mail" notifications after setting the "set mail" shell variable? I do get the notices on a Sunos machine that mounts the same spool. \_ Depends on how the NFS implementation works. It might not notice that the file changed by default. You might want to look into the NFS mount options. I use "noac" sometimes, but that's not on Solaris. \_ Solaris will whine if you NFS mount /var/mail without noac. |
2001/1/8-9 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20264 Activity:moderate |
1/6 Do people thing this wouldbe a useful feature in tcsh: in addition to the "global" command history stack, a different stack with different attendant completion/scrolling/substitution functions based on your CWD or PWD ... so you could scroll through the last 100 command typin *in this dir*. i just thought this up and may discuss with tcsh people. ok tnx. --psb \_ i think the idea of commands associated with directories is good. but i think the interface you're proposing is too cumbersome to use casually. -ali \- do you have any UI suggestions? as long as the additions are orthogonal, i dont think the cumbesomeness should be an imediment, but of course it would be nice to get something highly usable and seamless. --psb \_ everytime you do a pushd or popd? \_ how about CTRL-up / CTRL-down? \_ May not be handled well by some terminals \_ Like what? |
2001/1/6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20254 Activity:nil |
1/5 What's the best way to call conditions in a Makefile? \_ call conditions? |
2000/12/17-18 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20119 Activity:nil |
12/17 http://www.nipc.gov/warnings/assessments/2000/00-062.htm \_ yeah. "Energy Crisis" |
2000/12/17-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20116 Activity:high 64%like:20913 |
12/16 Software Engineering (C, UNIX to work on our web browser) and Build/Release Engineering opportunities available at Openwave, the combination of http://Phone.com and http://Software.com -- check out /usr/local/csua/pub/jobs/Openwave/ for more info. --chris \_ the stupid bitch is impressed when I give her my transcript and give her a firm handshake and talk confidently, cuz that's all she could base her judgement on. \_ You are one spoiled engineer. \_ people who talk about giving someone a "transcript" to get a job are not engineers. they are students. there is a difference. \_ Hi chris. You want to talk abut NTT DoCoMo's plans for the US? \_ What happened to Sendmail Inc? |
2000/12/17 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:20111 Activity:nil |
12/14 Why is it that the motd is not auto displayed when I login? \_ I would think this is a good feature. \_ yes, but it probably would be better to let the .hushlogin file control it, which right now doesn't seem to do anything. |
2000/12/17 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20104 Activity:insanely high |
12/16 I need Windoze software that will prohibit my employees from visiting specified web sites on the Internet (like http://cnn.com). This should be server software, so that I do not have to run out and install it on all the workstations. Does anyone have any recommendations? \_ route -add -reject <subnet> or route -add -blackhole <subnet> on your border router. \_ Yeah. Eat shit and die. \_ what company? I'll build a site serving a mirror of http://cnn.com (i.e. a simple solution to your stupid policies) \_ Thanks, but all I really want is plug-and-play Windows software. \_ The easiest thing to do is point their DNS entries to or your corporate intranet or something. Do it on the DNS you have their workstations pointing to for name resolution. All childish "the information wants to be free!" Berkeley idiocy replies removed. --graduated from Cal and joined real world \_ I can point my machine at a different DNS server by editing /etc/resolv.conf or whatever, thus a rejecting route or a blackhole is the only soln. \_ no. You can't. Why not? Because you're a non-techie at a large company with a no-surf policy and you don't know jack shit about that. If it were a unix box you wouldn't have root at this person's company. \_ Thanks, but I do want to let them access most web sites except ones I exclude. Is there a plug-and-play solution? \_ Yes. Like I said, you add things like http://cnn.com to your local DNS as something else. Everything else works. \_ The easiest solution is to get a switch and a proxy server that can do transparent redirection of http requests to force them all through the proxy which does filtering. (Set up one with enough space to do caching and you'll also lower bandwidth usage and increase access speed.) Look at products from companies such as Alteon, Foundry, and Cisco on the switch side, and NetApp's NetCache or something similar on the proxy side. \_ Why? Do you like pissing your employees off? Are you trying to convince them all to quit? \_ Not all companies are like that. Not everyone can go get a better job in 24 hours. Obviously these are windows no-techie 8-6 slaves there to do what they're told and nothing more. These people are entirely fungible. |
2000/12/11-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20063 Activity:high |
12/9 I'm using cygwin and sed. I need to do a tolower. I can't rely on perl. \_ sed y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \_ save yourself from having to type the above and use tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' \_ Or "tr A-Z a-z" which is several characters shorter and works. |
2000/12/10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20060 Activity:very high |
12/9 in tcsh, when setting environment variables such as EDITOR or PAGER, is there a way to specify command-line arguments? or do I have to point those variables to scripts instead? thanks. \_ depends, what about dotfiles? .exrc, .emacs \_ I mean something general, that would work for programs that don't have dotfiles or environment variables to store default settings. \_ Well, does the program read the shell vars or does the shell act on behalf of the program? Whose responsiblity should it be? \_ Whose responsibility should it be? The shell or the program? What about what happens with mail when you set PAGER='more -V' in .mailrc or when you 'setenv PAGER 'more -V' and try to 'man more' |
2000/12/7-8 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20037 Activity:high |
12/7 POSIX question. Is it true that errno is only valid if a function fails? E.g. I have something liek this: foo = strtoul(...); assert(errno == EOK); I'm getting an assertion failure even though everything is ok. Somebody told me that POSIX standard specifies that errno is only set if a failure occurred. Is this true? \_ Errno is ass. It is not thread safe. Don't use it; if a function needs you to use it, don't use that function. -blojo \_ Errno is thread-safe in POSIX; the name "errno" gets #defined to a macro that returns the current thread's errno. See errno(2) or /usr/include/sys/errno.h. \_ could be that somewhere in strtoul EINTR or EINVAL is being set. AFAIK, strtoul does not set errno. Rather it returns ULONG_MAX on failure. It can also return 0 and set endptr (2nd arg) to non-null on a failure (provided you use that feature). ----ranga \_ whoa... \_ I'm asking about a more general question. strtoul is just an example. In general, is errno set to EOK if everything is ok? Or is it's value undefined if there were no errors in the function. Somebody is telling me that according to POSIX, errno is valid only if a function fails in some way. \_ errno is only set on an error. checking EOK is not a valid method of know if a function returned successfully. from the man page: "Successful calls never set errno; once set, it remains until another error occurs. It should only be examined after an error." ----ranga \_ Why do you use so many dashes? \_ no particular reason. I've always signed my name that way in email/news/etc. ----ranga |
2000/12/1 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19967 Activity:nil |
11/30 Does `kill -9 pid` work any more? For some reason, I cannot kill process using kill command. \_ Do you own the process? \_ yes. My ISP connection died and left it hanging. \_ do a ps -auwxx | grep <pid>, this should give you the tty. The look for a shell that is running on that tty and send the shell a kill -HUP <pid>, if you have multiple shells repeat until your procs are dead. \_ No it was outlawed last month. |
2000/11/28-12/4 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19937 Activity:kinda low |
11/28 NIS question. My nsswitch.conf has the line passwd: files nis nisplus To me this says that the user should be looked for in the passwd file first, then checked for in NIS, then NIS+... Yet when the NIS server isn't available, I have to wait for a huge timeout before I'm finally logged in (yes, there is an entry in the passwd file). Why does this happen and how do I get the expected behavior? -mogul \_ It's probably doing something other than a passwd lookup. You'll have to truss the process to find out what. -tom \_ Or you can check for other nis lines in the nsswitch.conf automount, group, hosts may all be blocking on nis lookup. It may be something in your .login/.profile/.[t]cshrc file causing an nis lookup as well (like having someone else's homedir referenced in your path). --scotsman \_ If it's stalling in .cshrc, I think there is some option you can set in .cshrc to show you where. Put a line with 'set verbose' or something at the top of .cshrc And if you have root, then login as root and see if the problem still exists. Since root has simpler dotfiles and should have no remotely mounted home dir, you can use it to narrow down the possible problem. You might also modify nsswitch.conf \_ Yes, but only if I log into another client served by NIS. My home directory gets mounted from my main machine. On my machine, the passwd home directory entry is set to the local directory so it doesn't go through autofs... -mogul to remove nis and nisplus and see what happens. Make sure you have another xterm open however just in case modifying nsswitch.conf locks you out. Also try getent passwd YOURUSERNAME and see if it says what you think it should be (i.e. is your home dir really on your local desktop disk?) Also check /var/*/messages file for errors \_ what's in the groups line? is your default group in a file or in nis? initgroups usually takes forever \_ groups line was fine, but my group was missing from local /etc/group. Still didn't solve the problem though. I will try tom's suggestion when I return to work. -mogul \_ These things are often due to DNS problems. \_ is your home directory auto-mounted? could be the auto mounter maps are stored on the nis server. \_ Try: passwd: files nis [NOTFOUND=return] nisplus -- ivy |
2000/11/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19933 Activity:high |
11/28 How does one get gmake to consider the Makefile as a dependency such that a program rebuilds from scratch when the Makefile is changed? \_ $(TARGET): $(OBJS) Makefile ? \_ that looks good. -- not the original poster \_ Switch to Solaris make and use KEEP_STATE - it will detect when compiler flags are changed and remake affected files. \_ Yes. Use a proprietary makefile. Good idea. |
2000/11/27-29 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19925 Activity:very high |
11/27 I want to distribute a .c file that I sell with my proprietary product. The .c file is GPL'd. Do I have to distribute my proprietary product for free, now? \_ Ask a fucking lawyer. \_ Yes. RMS wants it all. Stupid you for picking COMMIE GPL tainted code. \_ IF you include GPLed code in your program, your whole program falls under the GPL. This is a deliberate "feature": that it is viral in nature. The key difference between the GPL and LGPL is that the LGPL, since inteded for libraries, is that only the origional portion is under the LGPL, the rest of your program is not. One of the initial bugs in Bison is that the output was covered under the GPL and not the LGPL (a situation since rectified). \_ No. The GPL does not prevent you from selling your code. That said, depending upon which version of the GPL the file is under (there are several, check out http://gnu.org for details), others may proprietary product. The .c file is GPL'd. This means I must make available the entire source of my proprietary product for free, to anyone that asks. be able to freely give your code to others. \_ The GPL doesn't affect one bit how much you charge for your product, for free to anyone that asks, less medium copy costs. it just gives your customers the right to give it away to anyone they want at any price they want, including for charge or for free. Sooner or later it will probably end up in the hands of someone who will do it for free. \_ Thanks. I read the http://gnu.org material. Amended: I want to distribute a .c file that I sell with my proprietary product. The .c file is GPL'd. My proprietary product becomes GPL'd. All GPL'd software must be available \_ Only if the .c file is part of your product. Look at all the major Unix vendors - they include GPL'ed software with their OS'es, but their OS'es aren't GPL'ed. \_ I was talking with a friend about this and the opinion was that if we distribute the GPL'd .c file with the intention that the user can link it in with our source, then it becomes iffy enough that someone can sue us if we don't GPL the entire proprietary product. for free to anyone that asks, less medium copy costs. I can still sell my proprietary product for however much I want, but I have to give it away free to anyone that asks. \_ No you don't - you have to include source or provide it at a reasonable cost for media for anyone who has a binary copy, but you don't have to give it away for free. \_ "less medium copy costs" \_ Okay, so I've done some research on the GNU GPL, and the basic idea is that if you link GPL'd source with your product, then your product becomes GPL'd, and anyone can take your product's source and make an improved version of your product. In other words the GNU GPL "encourages" free software, which leaves the main revenue stream for GPL'd software to grants and support contracts, and co.'s like Red Hat that would pay programmers to write GPL'd software. Is that right? \_ there's also the GNU Library license. take GNU libc. one can link to it and still keep his or her code proprietary. -dpetrou \_ Yes. This is correct. The GPL is an evil virus license. \_ Well, free software isn't a bad thing. The GPL definition and intent should just be more clear to the lay programmers. \_ I'm not opposed to free. I'm opposed to virus licenses. \_ BSD is a free license. GPL (and variations) are not. \_ This is what happens when you get a kook like RMS trying to write a legal document to do something that's questionably legal in the first place. |
2000/11/27-28 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19922 Activity:high |
11/27 How do I kill a process that refuses to respond to kill -9? \_ reboot! \_ I don't think I can reboot soda. ps shows that the process (a tcsh process) is trying to exit, but it has been doing that for 6 days. \_ Try to kill -HUP the parent process or the process that controls its tty. \_ What if it is the login shell? \_ Ask root to give it a try. \_ You don't, in general this is not possible. If you gave more information, then maybe I could give a more though answer. e.g. the state of the process. --jwm \_ TT STAT TIME COMMAND Ff- IEs+ 0:00.25 -tcsh (tcsh) E_- IEs+ 0:00.12 -tcsh (tcsh) It is trying to terminate, but for some reason it can't. \_ try truss and post the results \_ this is interesting. i did: truss -p <pid> -o foo & kill -9 <pid> And I got "truss: PIOCWAIT top of loop: Inappropriate ioctl for device" Conveniently, the process died. The output file only had "SIGNAL 9" in it. Was this the expected behavior? \_ Well, no; but what probably happened was that a device (the pty) finally returned an error from a blocked system call when truss tried to trace the call. |
2000/11/26-28 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:19911 Activity:moderate |
11/25 #!/bin/sh : How do I make bourne shell subroutine modify a global variable? : Want to use VAR1 and VAR2 after the subroutine parses my_input_file foo() { while read VAR1 VAR2 do echo "Reading $VAR1 and $VAR2" export VAR1 VAR2 done < my_input_file export VAR1 VAR2 } foo echo VARS = $VAR1 , $VAR2 # VAR1 & VAR2 are blank/empty-strings! \_ while loop is executed in a separate shell in bourne shell, thus its not possible. \_ wrong. but the order is backwards. Try this. #!/bin/sh export GLOBALVAR GLOBALVAR=1 change(){ GLOBALVAR=2 } change echo $GLOBALVAR \_ too complicted: #!/bin/sh change() { GLOBAL=2; } GLOBAL=1; echo GLOBAL is $GLOBAL change echo GLOBAL is $GLOBAL \_ uh, no you are wrong. In *bourne* shell (virutally unchanged since AT&T UNIX Version 7) while loops are a separate process (I'm looking at the code right now) when the input or output of the shell is redirected. To avoid this you need to use exec to save and restore STDIN. Try something like: #!/bin/sh myfunc () { exec 5<&0 < "$1"; while read LINE ; do COUNT=`echo $COUNT + 1 | bc` done exec 0<&5 5<&- } COUNT=0 echo COUNT is $COUNT myfunc /etc/passwd echo COUNT is $COUNT \_ Get new shell. \_ Stick with Bourne shell as Steve and GOD intended. |
2000/11/21 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19866 Activity:high |
11/21 What does it mean to "unlink a file": I have the following problem: A file "-eg q" in a directory. I try... SODA_69% rm -i ?eg?q it returns: rm: illegal option -- e usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ... unlink file I've also tried quotes (sgl and dbl) abount the name, nothing wks. \_ You should just back up the files you do need, and delete the whole subdirectory. Then restore the files you saved. \_ the proper syntax to remove files starting with '-' is the followi\ rm -i -- '-eg q' the "--", for many standard unix commands, indicates that anything\ the -- is not meant to be interpreted as an option to the program,\ if it begins with a - \_ Uh, no. "--" is a stupid gnu thing. The right way to do this is to make sure that the file name is specified correctly: rm -i `pwd`/?eg?q \_ "Unlink" means the same as "delete". To delete that file, use: rm ./?eg?q |
2000/11/18-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19833 Activity:moderate |
11/17 everytime i log on it says i have mail, but i don't. i use pine and nothing shows up, i use 'mail' and there is a email from MAILER-DAEMON saying not to delete it. \_ this is a pine internal feature. the "you have mail" message will be eternally confused for as long as you run pine. you should only pay attention to "you have new mail" will be eternally confused for as long as you run pine. you should only pay attention to "you have new mail" \_ I get a lot of false "you have new mail" messages. what's up with that? \_ cat /dev/null > /var/mail/<your user name> \_ next time you start pine, that message will re-appear. deal. \_ ask root to rm -f /usr/local/bin/pine \_ stupid question: how do you enable/disable that new mail login message? \_ touch .hushlogin \_ I've already got a .hushlogin file, but I still get the mail message at login. removing it just shows me the motd too \_ you can't.` \_ where does that message come from then? \_ The message comes from your shell. man bash/tcsh/whatever |
2000/11/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19816 Activity:low |
11/17 where'd rz/sz go? I need my zmodem fix \_ source code: ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/zmodem/rzsz.zip \_ the version of rz/sz that we have installed installs itself as lrz and lsz. /var/db/pkg/lrzsz-0.12.20/+DESC: This program uses error correcting protocols to send/receive files over a dial-in serial port from a variety of programs running under PC-DOS, CP/M, Unix, and other operating systems. lrzsz is derived from the last unrestricted verison of Chuck Forsberg's rzsz package. lrzsz is covered under the GNU copyleft. WWW: http://www.ohse.de/uwe/software/lrzsz.html |
2000/11/9-10 [Computer/Domains, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19696 Activity:kinda low |
11/9 When you telnet to elaine.stanfurd or tree it uses some sort of rotating dns alias. How does one set that up? \_ One has multiple address entries for the same hostname. Look for "DNS Round Robin" -muchandr \_ Just list all the addresses and let BIND do the rest. http://ocf.berkeley.edu also does this. |
2000/11/5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19649 Activity:high |
11/5 When I checked my RH 6.0 Linux machine this morning I had the following message on all my xterms: Message from syslogd@mymachine at Sat Nov 4 05:09:19 2000 ... mymachine /var/log/messages had some stuff like Nov 4 05:09:19 mymachine 173>Nov 4 05:09:19 rpc.statd[416]: gethostbyname err or for ^^^^bffff75c 804985090909090687465676274736f6d616e797265206520726f722 0726f66 followed by blank lines and repeated messages about not being able to glue message parts together. I disabled most services like telnet, rlogin, ftp, etc. a long time ago, and I try and keep things secure. Have I been hacked? Is it time to reinstall? \_ Most likely, yes, and yes. What you probably don't realize is that not all services your machine provides are handled through inetd. Make sure you uninstall any packages with names in the following set: rpc, nfs, nfslock, *statd, *lockd, *usersd. Unless you *know* you want to run NFS/RPC-affiliated services on your machine, you should NOT have these installed -- they account for the majority of breakings on RedHat machines due to a ridiculous number of security holes. installed -- they account for the majority of break-ins on RedHat machines due to a ridiculous number of security holes. -alexf |
2000/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19602 Activity:moderate |
10/30 Moving back to BA soon. Any recommendations for an ISP for unix-shell account? Prefer email,ftp,space for a home page, dialup lines for Berkeley and San Jose, plus access to all of the erotic-binaries newsgroups, like alt.binaries.hotasianchix, et.al. Thanks. \_ dnai has been a pretty good isp so far. they appear to have dialups in san hoser. -brg \_ I'm going to be moving back and forth between East and South Bay, so will be using dialup modem for now. No C@BL3 M0D3M for my San Jose area anyways. Already using GN00/L1NUX \_ bummer, no more new shell/accts. dnai using rcn now. \_ why the hell are you moving back to BA? Rent is NYC expensive, traffic is LA bad, gasoline is European high, and gals are engineering school ugly (or taken). \_ ugly yet taken is the rule at CAL. |
2000/10/27-12/7 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19581 Activity:high |
10/27 How to recursively grab a directory using FTP? \_ scp -r \_ use wget \_ ncftp: get -r \_ get -R actually \_ How to check that the company logs all web traffic? LEARN HOW TO FUCKING ASK QUESTIONS CORRECTLY! \_ how to ask questions correctly? |
2000/10/26-27 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19573 Activity:kinda low |
10/25 Simple question.. In C under unix, how do I invoke the unix command date to create a char string which contains the present date? \_ actually, you should fork a process that runs date but has date's stdout handle to point to a handle in the parent proc. yeah, you really want time(), ctime() \_ could I get an example .. something like : current_date = ctime(); ?? \_ Here you go: char * my_date; time_t my_time; time(&my_time); my_date = ctime(&my_time); See the manpages for time(3) and ctime(3). \_ try both. find the source for date(1) and examine it. --jon \_ system("date"), but you really want time(), ctime() \_ actually, you should fork a process that runs date but has date's stdout handle to point to a handle in the parent proc. yeah, you really want time(), ctime() \_ could I get an example .. something like : current_date = ctime(); ?? \_ Here you go: #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char * my_date; time_t my_time; time(&my_time); my_date = ctime(&my_time); printf("%s",my_date); exit(0); } See the manpages for time(3) and ctime(3). \_ try both. find the source for date(1) and examine it. --jon |
2000/10/26-27 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:19572 Activity:nil |
10/25 I'm looking at some source code (bootp.c) and I see reference to MACPY (...). I can't find the define anywhere in /usr/include/* Anyone know what this does, where a definition exists? \_ use grep -R \_ man MACPY \_ No manual entry for MACPY \_ gcc -E \_ (exuberant-)ctags -R --Galen |
2000/10/26 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19567 Activity:high |
10/26 VERITAS is here now, 4 pm - 7 pm, at International House talking up our company (I work for them). Munchies, trinkets, pizza. Information about the company, and real live engineers. VERITAS builds "storage management software" for UNIX, NT, and Linux. If you're intersted in SANs, NAS, clustering, Tbytes of data or millions of files, you should talk to us. We're well on the way to being the de facto disk format on commercial UNIX systems ... --charmer \_ lila is that you? \_ Stock dropped 30 points in 3 days. Normally, it wouldn't matter because the company does "interesting" things that should interest Cal engineers. But those Cal grads no longer exist, or at least their numbers are diminishing rapidly. Now it's all about stock. |
2000/10/24-25 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19557 Activity:moderate |
10/24 In tcsh, is there a difference between $path and $PATH? \_ only in syntax/format - they automagically update each other \_ one's in all cas \_ one's in all caps \_ one's in all caps __ and therefore more l337. |
2000/10/24 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19552 Activity:nil |
10/23 on a Sun (solaris). if i use BASH and type grep i get gnu grep, if i use [not BASH] i get the Uber-LAME grep that comes with solaris. "which" indicates that they are the SAME grep. What the hell is going on? \_ Your fu is really weak, this is a $PATH problem. \_ If your fu is so great why don't you explain WHY "which" is leading me astray. \_ Your problem is most likely related to "which" screwing up when looking at $PATH (it screws up because its a POS csh script). $PATH is set in a shell's init scripts. Depending on your shell, its value will be different. "which" is too stupid to figure all this out and just gives you the lame csh setting. When using a Bourne shell (/bin/sh, /sbin/sh on Solaris) or a Bourne-compatible shell (bash) use "type" instead of "which" as God and Steve intended. When using Korn shell, you should exec /bin/sh and rm -f all instances of David Korn's greatest mistake. If you insist on using a csh compatible shell, please shoot yourself in the head or jump in front of a car, or something to get yourself removed from the gene pool. \_ boy, can't everyone just get along, agree on a friggin' standard so i don't have to be annoyed by petty differences in execution every time i use a new box. fer fuck's sake. \_ There is a standard its called POSIX, barely anyone uses it. The only shell standard worth adhering to is Bourne Shell, as concieved and created by the master in tribute to one of the finest of languages ALGOL. Now about your GNU addition, perhaps you should check yourself into the Betty Ford clinic for recovering 31337 GNU/L1NUX H@0XR5. \_ I use tcsh because that is what the csua gave me way back in 1992 and i'm too old to change now. \_ Put the following in your .cshrc (or whatever you pagans use): exec /bin/sh One is never too old to renounce the dark side. \_ why doesn't bourne shell provide built-in arithmetic? it really sucks when you're trying to fix a system without /bin/expr.. \_ bc is usually available if expr isn't. \_ but POSIX-sh does have it. And POSIX-sh is basically ksh. So use ksh. \_ What kind of a man recommends that David Korn's most hateful rubbish ought to be used? \_ What's wrong with solaris grep (either /usr/bin or /usr/xpg4/bin)? Are you addicted to all that non-standard GNU crap or something? Damn kids and with thier 311T3 GNU/L1NUX B0X35. \_ You misspelled 31337. \_ S00RY. \_ For starters solaris grep will not descend directory trees. It is also lacking the -A and -B flags and others. -crebbs \_ What's wrong with: find /dir -type f -name ... -exec grep {} .... \_ where's the terminating semi? \_ creates one grep per file, which is too much overhead. Use xargs as God intended. \_ Descending directory trees should not be a function of grep, that would be stupid and inane and completely opposed to the UNIX tools philosophy. Take some time and read "Software Tools" and you will be enlightened. Old jungle saying if you want to descend trees, use find & xargs as the gods did in ages past: find . -type f -print | xargs grep [options] [expr] \_ With slight updating for correctness (it's what the original authors would have wanted, had they wanted their programs to actually work in the general case): find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep [options] [expr] \_ older versions of Solaris did not have -print0, since the original poster didn't specify which version of Solaris he was using, I had to leave this out. \_ is this considered poor style: grep [options] [expr] `find . -type f -print` \_ Yes, little grasshopper. If your redirect results in more than MAXARGS matches, the command will fail. \_ follow up from -crebbs unintentionally deleted. \_ Actually, I intentionally deleted it -crebbs (it basically said: i'm lazy and i don't really care about the "UNIX tools philosophy" i care that grep -r [expr] is easier to type. Though i certainly don't need to read some book to get the point being made, regardless of if i agree) \_ Software Tools is a book by Kernigan & Plaugher that explains what the purpose of a "tool" should be. The purpose of grep is global regular expression print, it prints out matching lines from a *FILE* or list of *FILES* It has nothing to do with *DIRECTORIES*. \_ The purpose of a tool is whatever i happen to want to use it for. The primary purpose of grep is to find something i'm looking for but don't know where it is. Sometimes that means i don't know where in a file. sometimes that means in a directory and sometimes that means in a directory tree. If i'm just matching lines in the way you are thinking i'm probably not using grep i'm usin PERL. If all i ever used grep for was in shell scripting i might agree with you. \_ The primary purpose of grep is not as you suggest to "find" things that you are looking for but don't know where they are. The primary purpose of grep is "global regular expression print", it is supposed to print matching lines from a FILE. Its job is not to guess what the linguistically lazy mean. Perhaps we can enhance the next version of grep to include a Dieana Troi mode where it senses what you want to match and does a big song and dance to help your find it. \_ bash and it's default grep sucks. How comes it's not a mail client too? Plus, not only should it recursively grep directories, it should grep my inbox and mail-folders and also check my .tar .gz and .zip files automatically. In fact, you should use EMACS instead. \_ if you need this crap, use awk. \_ awk is for piping $2 to xargs kill -9 \_ grep is grep. If you need more use Perl. \_ oh please, why use perl, if you need more use JAVA. A reasonable person uses the quickest/easiest tool available to get the job done. \_ And that's Java? Dude, you're sick. |
2000/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19542 Activity:kinda low |
10/20 The idea of manpage is stupid. All --help option should be embedded in the binary. \_ alias woman man \_ hello, there is no mmap(2) binary on soda. \_ Gee, and everytime one needs to modify man pages, we should hack the binary too \_ --help should search your manpath for the right man page and dump it out \_ why? that's what man is for. You develop a program you supply a man-page. I don't need to add a whole bunch of crap to my program(s) just to display the "help". And if you thing an added library call is the right solution, adding crap into libc is total bs. \_ It's too bad man came before www. But look for man2html.exe, cool tuility. \_ man2html.exe: command not found \_ yeah... ha ha. what a windoze using l00ser \_ what? Are yous stoopid or something? All UNIX operating systems should come with a miniature geek who pops out of your disk drive to ridicule you on not knowing flags and syntax for all the shell commands and OS services by memory \_ So you use flags like -k and -f a lot huh? man man for the correct use of the man command. \_ Or -a. \_ Ya, that one too. \_ Yeah and there should be a --source option that dumps out the full source code too! \_ Don't tell RMS, he'll add it to the GPL. \_ Would the code to print the source code be included in the full source code dump? hm.... |
2000/10/19-20 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19525 Activity:nil |
10/18 Why is soda so jerky and slow today? Also, what's up with this httpd process? PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU CPU COMMAND 11202 www 99 0 576K 676K RUN 81:53 38.53% 38.53% httpd \_ Killed. -root |
2000/10/16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19495 Activity:very high |
10/16 What's the most efficent way to reverse the order of lines in a text file (last line first, first line last, etc) from cmd line? \_ First of all, you need two computers, both running Windows 2000. Make sure to get two separate 17" LCD screens since your eyes are a non-replaceable asset. Boot up one computer, then another. Bring up the text file in Notepad and scroll down to the bottom. On the other computer, start another Notepad. Now you can look at the left LCD, and key in each line, checking for typos on the right LCD (are you using an ergo keyboard?). Make sure to get a comfortable swivel task chair, also, with arm rests. You don't have to thank me! Although my time is worth $200 an hour, I consider my motd posts to be a friendly community service, and I do enjoy contributing. \_ this is probably the same bozo who did that stupid "wassup" video. -tom \_ Use a handheld document scanner, and hold it up to the left LCD display. Now, simply scroll up from the bottom of the document. *note: hold the scanner upside-down for this to work... \_ Maybe I should've emphasized the word 'efficient'... \_ http://www.ptug.org/sed/one_liners.html |
2000/10/16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19491 Activity:high |
10/15 Help! I forgot most of my 9E. How can I use awk or sed to just return with the email address in: From: Homer Simpson <homers@springfield.org> \_ echo homers@springfield.org \_ echo homers@springfield.org | sed \_ sed -e 's/^.*<//' | sed -e 's/>$//' \_ | sed 's/.*\<\(.*\)\>/\1/' \_ Note that email addresses are NOT ALWAYS THIS SIMPLE. "True" parsing of rfc822 headers is a mess. \_ I hope you're not using this to spam. |
2000/10/12-13 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:19460 Activity:high |
10/11 Pointer to how to make a secure ftp connection from cory to csua? \_ man scp \_ use ssh to port forward a port from cory to soda, then use ftp -P to connect to that forwarded port. Don't forget to use passive mode. \_ it's -p ftp -P 9001 \_ ssh -L 9001:csua:21 ssh -L 9002:csua:20 (can you do these two at once?) ftp -p -P 9001 localhost \_ I tried this ssh -L 9001:csua:21 from home and it just spit the usage info back at me. So i tried it locally (i.e. from HERE) and it did the same thing. \_ You need to add the remote host: ssh -L 9001:csua:21 csua \_ I had tried that but it just logs me in! \_ The port forwarding is a side-effect. As long as you are logged in, the port forwarding is on. I suggest using scp unless you really, really need ftp. -- jsjacob |
2000/10/9-10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19449 Activity:nil |
10/09 How can you find out if someone is logged in at any of the instructional computers? It seems like there would be a finger command to do this. |
2000/10/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19430 Activity:nil 52%like:19447 |
10/6 Readline enabled wallall in /csua/bin/wallall-rl. man readline for details. Mail root to let them know how much you want this to be the default. Bugs to mogul. -mogul |
2000/10/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19398 Activity:high |
10/02 Anyone here using IPv6? I'm trying to set it up behind my NAT box at home, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I've got a tunnel to freenet6 from my NAT box, but I don't know how to config the other systems. Url or other pointers appreciated. \_ http://www.kame.net I've set up IPv6, alternately IPSEC over IPv4, on FreeBSD with it. Assuming they have raccoon (key mgt. daemon) finished by now, it works great. Otherwise there are plenty of other IPSEC tools in the FreeBSD ports collection. Kame is real good for tunneling v4 via v6, and ipf/ipnat work just fine with it. -John \_ Thanks for the info. I got the freenet6 tunnel working from my nat box (OpenBSD) to the 6bone (at least ping6 seems to work), but now I want to setup my other machines with IPv6 addresses so that they can be on the 6bone as well. My reading of <DEAD>kame.net<DEAD> pages is that I need to get a subnet rather than a tunnel. Is this true? Who should I talk to in order to get a subnet? \_ No, the subnet is behind either of your kame boxes. The idea was to let you have ipv6 internal routing, and have a network-to-network tunnel/VPN as opposed to a host-host or host-network tunnel or VPN. The idea here is that the machine (firewall, routing PC) running kame 's internal interface is your default gateway--to access a machine on the subnet on the other side of the tunnel will then be transparent for you, since the kame tunnel takes care of the ipv6 transport via ipsec ESP. As I gather, kame also lets you connect to the 6bone, which is a bunch of people also tunneling ipv6 via v4 (sort of an ipv6 internet on top of the internet.) Mail me for more info. -John \_ Uh, what is your email? finger -p john produces 32 matches. ---ranga \_ JOHN GODDAMMIT AND I NEVER HAD TO DATE NERDY BUT PRETTY CS CHICKS EXCEPT FOR INSANE ONES GODDAMMIT AND WHY WOULD I SIGN MY POSTS JOHN IF MY EMAIL WERE EMCSQUARED OR SOME OTHER BIZARRE CSUA FUCKWIT EMAIL ADDRESS THAT HAS TO BE NAME-BASED LIKE "EMIL MARCEL CRABOBBLE" AND REALLY CREATIVE SO AS NOT TO SCARE AWAY ALL THE PRETTY BUT NERDY CS164 CHICKS WHO WON'T BE DRIVING SAILBOATS BY 35 BUT STILL CAN'T READ THE GODDAMM FINGER MAN PAGE? AAAAGH GODDAMMIT COMMIES EVERY FUCKING WHERE. Thank you. Now where is my loyal hunchbacked apprentice <fucker>? -John -m \_ Sorry if I have offended you. I did not want to send the wrong person an email. There are several people who sign thier actual names rather than thier login name. \_ -m, good sir \_ Thanks. |
2000/10/2-3 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19389 Activity:high |
10/02 Netcom shell accounts RIP. Soon there will be no ISP's with shell access left. Time to import shell-loving Indian immigrants. \_ when shell access is outlawed only outlaws will have shell access. \_ if there was a demand for shell accounts, an ISP will form with shell accounts, charging what it costs to support shell accounts. \_ Whole Earth Networks (wenet.net) still offers shell access. not many features tho. \_ If I want a 56K dialup with a shell, what ISP should I use? \_ http://value.net has dialup + shell \_ http://best.com is almost dead too (they got bought out by Verio). A harddisk on their listserver crashed, and they didn't bother to notify their customers or restore the service. Apparently they didn't have backups of the subscriber list either. \_ Their listserv was an unsupported service \_ "What the hell, crackers shell even in my neighborhood." --Cube \_ My ISP lost my mail spool and didnt have backups. |
2000/9/29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19363 Activity:very high |
9/28 What am I doing wrong here? Doing exactly what TFM says: % echo line_oneline_two | sed -e s/line_oneline_two/line_one\nline_two/ line_onenline_two \_ You shell swallowed the \ from the \n. You need two of them: % echo line_oneline_two | sed -e s/line_oneline_two/line_one\\nline_two/ \_ or, if this is literally what you're trying to do, you can just use gnu echo which will do printf style formatting, or use printf on bsd: % printf 'line1\nline2' |
2000/9/18-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19282 Activity:moderate |
9/18 I'm so confused. When i write a shell script on SODA and don't specify a shell it seems to run it in BASH even though i'm using TCSH. How/why is this? \_ See /csua/tmp/shell-script.txt --pld \_ Thanks, i get it, though it was not easy to decipher from that exchange. \_ This doesn't really say why, does it? When you run ~user/foo, is a sh interpreter invoked by default? why not the current shell? \_ AFAIK, sh invoked by default, unless you use #! to define some other shell or other program you desire or even #!/bin/sh If you type "source foo", then current shell used, i think(unless you specified #!), plus it affects current shell. like sets variables. "source" is basically "run these commands" as if I typed them in manually. \_ It's due to your excessive usage of CAPS. |
2000/9/18-19 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:19277 Activity:high |
9/18 Tab=4 or Tab=8 in coding standard -- which is more popular? \_ I use tab=2, tolerate tab=4, and hate pricks who use tab=8 (for high level languages. assembly is different) \_ I use tab=8, but I mostly code assembly. -- yuen \_ Tab width correlates strongly with line ending, if that helps. Unix=8; PC/Mac=4 \_ Tab = 8, and I want to throttle and maim every single human being that has contributed to four-space tabs in code editors. \_ problem with tab = 8, is if you stick with the no more \_ That's why your code should have spaces inserted when you hit tab. than 80 character lines, then the code can start looking quite constricted. \_ tab 8 is too spread apart, you can't scan the lines well \_ When you hit tab in code, the editor should insert 4 spaces. When you hit tab in text, then insert 8 spaces or an actual tab that's as wide as 8 spaces. \_ I typically use 4, but only because that's standard for Windoze. What I really hate are the fuck ups that use a tab size of 3. -phale \_ use tab = 2 pi |
2000/9/15-16 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:19251 Activity:high |
9/15 I've come into possession of about 25 old sparc 5 and 20s and i'd like to experiment with them (set up NFS home server, DNS RAID, print server, NIS master/slaves, multiple app servers, etc.) I'd like to set up my own little network, connected to my office network so I can download software and get outside, but not interfering with it. Do I need a router or other network equipment? Any good quick jumpstart tutorial you can recommend? \_ download and install ipf on one of the boxes. And get another sbus nic for it. You'll be set to use that as your nat/pat gateway. You should be able to score a le0 (10BT) nic pretty cheap. If you want to try Solaris, try 2.6 on the 5's. 7 and 8 were pretty slow on the 5's, but they should be fine on a 20. You should also consider OpenBSD on you SS 5 & 20's. Its a solid OS that will really make your systems shine. \_ http://docs.sun.com , see the Advanced Installation Guide in the Solaris installation docs collection. You can put your network of old sparcs on a private network ( for example) behind a box that is running NAT software. This way the machines on the network will still be able to see the rest of the internet but not vice-versa. \_ Make sure that all the netmasks are the same, and that all the network card speeds are the same, if they don't all have le cards (10Mbit.) -John \_ And duplex. |
2000/9/15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19249 Activity:nil |
9/14 Say I just typed some very sensitive data into a tcsh session. How do I clear the history? rm .history doesn't work. \_ whoami >> /etc/motd.public; history >> /etc/motd.public \_ history | mail -s 'remove this' root \_ history will only save command-line typing, not stuff you typed into, say, a vi session. Anyway, depends on how your system has lastcomm set up, clearing your history won't matter. -John |
2000/9/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19246 Activity:very high 60%like:17786 |
9/15 Please please clean up yer shit in /csua/tmp. -John \_ is /csua/tmp same as /tmp? Do both get cleared upon reboot? \_ no, it's not, and no, it doesn't. And soda's only been up 9 days. -tom \_ why don't u just reboot the machine. It's only TEMP. \_ but that would ruin the uptime. we all know how UNIX folks are so concerned about uptime. \_ is /csua/tmp same as /tmp? Do both get cleared upon reboot? \_ no, it's not, and no, it doesn't. And soda's only been up 9 days. -tom |
2000/9/9-10 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19214 Activity:nil |
9/8 Is there such a thing as a gaming HTTP proxy? I wanna play AoE2 but need to hop across my company's HTTP proxy. Thanks. \_ SSH Port forwarding if all else fails. I think there is a way to make it work across proxies. -John |
2000/9/6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19184 Activity:very high |
9/6 On a BSD box using term cons25 everything works. Vt100 doesn't work well. telnet to Solaris, can't deal 'cause it doesn't know what cons25 is and vt100 still won't work well. Questions: 1.) What should i do? 2.) Why don't I have this problem with linux? \_ duh, cause linux console is not cons25, and linux probably has an entry for cons25 in /etc/termcap \_ export TERM=xterm ? \_ if [ $TERM = "cons25" ]; then export TERM="at386"; fi -akopps \_ You probably want: [ "$TERM" = "cons25" ] && { TERM="at386" ; export TERM ; } as export var=val doesn't work for strict bourne shell. If you are using *csh, then take a look at chsh or passwd -e to fix your problem. |
2000/9/6-7 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19178 Activity:moderate |
9/6 I would like to install some software for the CSUA community. I have mailed root about it but got no response. Am I going about it the wrong way? \_ Obviously, you have wronged root at some point in the past. Better backup your home directory. ;) \_ This one is just for you. \_ Well, that's sound advice even I haven't wronged root. So thanks. \_ The politburo decided answering root mail was a waste of time so kicked everyone off root who actually answered root mail. \_ Actually that was mikeh. |
2000/9/5-7 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:19174 Activity:kinda low |
9/5 Anyone ever compiled nvi for windows, or know where one can obtain a binary? I am sick and tired of using vim. \_ tried winvi yet? I think its cute and it even has a binary editor mode. -ERic \_ I want to run vi from bash. I don't want a stupid full-featured bloated piece of shit like vim. \_ Uhm, winvi = vim? |
2000/8/31 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19140 Activity:nil |
8/31 What is the name of Adobe Distiller executable (ps -> pdf) on unix? \_distill \_ ps2pdf |
2000/8/28-29 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19113 Activity:moderate |
8/28 How good is FreeBSD's NFS server support? I'm thinking about switching my Linux machine to run FreeBSD and I want to know is the wierd NFS problems that I see *all the time* with Linux will be present in FreeBSD. The machine will only be exporting a few home directories. Also what is a good (decent performance, ie not a 3COM nic) NIC for a FreeBSD NFS server? My network is switched full duplex 100. \_ FreeBSD's NFS is much better than Linux, especially if you're serving to other OSen. Also, it's tape system actually works so if you're making a file server, your headaches will be fewer. \_ Thanks. \_ "Weird NFS problems" is not very descriptive. I have used linux as a nfs/samba server for a medium sized company of 200 people before and had no problems. -ausman \_ Okay, here is a list of my common problems: 1. Under high CPU load 1-2 for 15+ min the NFS server process stops answering. strace says that it is hung on a lock or a read. 2. Sometimes files become directories and visa versa. When this happens, only a reboot of the client ws solves the problem (can't unmount) 3. When secure is specified, clients lose connectivity to the server intermittently. 4. On big directory copies ~ 1% .nfs* files created. I never had such problems when my NFS server was a Solaris machine. I could go back to that machine (SS10) but I can't afford to good sized disk for it. \_ Silly rabbit, solaris is for intel. Can't you afford $70+shipping? \_ I have Solaris 8 for x86, but I have been told that PII 400 or greater for decent performance. Also, Solaris for x86 is mostly geared towards high-end SMP boxes. \_ All bullshit. Never trust your source again. If the CPU is good enough for free*nix, its good enough for solaris, if you run the same stuff on it. It's all about RAM. Solaris needs 16-32megs more RAM to be happy than your average stripped-down linux install. If your box has 128 megs RAM, solaris x86 will perform very well on it. Even 96megs, if you dont run emacs+netscape. True, you 'll be most impressed if you have a multi-cpubox. But otherwise, performance should be remarkably similar. \_ I've got a PII 350 and I'll be running it with 128 MB ram. It will be a server only. No X BS. I like Solaris, but I'm a little concerned about security. FreeBSD comes with tcp wrappers et al, while securing a Solaris box is harder (isn't it?) Anyone know of a good URL where I can get hardening tips for Solaris (or FreeBSD)? \_ So.. install tcp wrappers, why doncha? Or download "sunscreen lite", suns free actual FIREWALL PRODUCT. And yeah, there is a web page somewhere about "hardening solaris", but it sucks. The proceedure is identical to any other *NIX: shut down services, remove setuid progs, check perms on dirs, etc. |
2000/8/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19112 Activity:low |
8/28 Senior Unix sysadmin position(s) available for Letters & Science Computer Resources. See /csua/pub/jobs/lscr. -tom \_ What's the pay scale on campus these days? They coming anywhere near industry? Quality people still fleeing in droves or did all the ones that were going leave already do so? \_ PA IV pay scale is $56K-$105K. -tom \_ Camij Toschian. |
2000/8/26-28 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19099 Activity:high |
8/25 Basic Unix classes recommendations: Berkeley Extension or others? Profs? Things to stay away from, advice, gotchas, etc. Halp! Advice for a friend needed. \_ cs9e, a difficult 1 unit course offered at cal. basically you have to read unix system V by mark sobell in its entirety. I do not recommend the course unless you plan on using awk, sed, the regexp library, or shell programming. You may be better off with the O'Reily Perl book. \_ Don't bother with cs9e; it's sort of informative, but involves an absurd amount of drudgery for a 1-unit class. If you can set up a Free/Net/OpenBSD box and get hold of the 9e course reader/guide from someone who's taken it, you're ok. -John \_ Come to CSUA help sessions; start with the intro to unix one, whenever that is. \_junior college classes...screw cs9e. or learn from ranga's book, "Shell programming" from Sams. It appears to go over basic UNIX quite well. \_ Who are you and why are you plugging my book? ----ranga \_ Whatever you do, don't take cs9e. -been there, suffered that \_ cs9x all suck ass. i took cs9c, and failed because i didn't to all of their lame fucking assigments. they dont teach how to program, they just test the ability to jump through lame hoops . kind of like school in general, only much worse, and the TA's are often dicks. \_ The semester I took 9e, I counted about 49% failures on the grade sheet posted outside. I passed, but it was more work and more reading than I could imagine. I dont think learning to make an interactive database solely out of shell commands and pipes is a useful task, and I regret having learned so many non-useful things. |
2000/8/24-25 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19081 Activity:nil |
8/23 Does the name John W Marshall strike a bell in the microprocessor community? Is he some sort of a hotshot? Anybody know more info about him? \- yes, he has a soda account. mail jwm@soda --psb |
2000/8/22 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19059 Activity:high |
8/21 Our wonderful BSD system has grep -A and -B to print the lines after and before the matched patter (e.g. grep -A 10 myheaderword *). Solaris seems to be missing this functionality. How do i duplicate this functionality? \_ Get GNU grep from http://ftp.gnu.org; it builds on Solaris. \_ try load module greputils |
2000/8/19-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19043 Activity:kinda low |
8/18 Data problem: I'm working in MATLAB v.5 (in UNIX) I need to transfer a matrix that I computed in MATLAB into EXCEL. How do I do that? I tried saving using "matrix_name -ASCII", then I ftp to the desktop and tried to have excel read and I get gibberish. Please e-mail or post. This bugging the shit out of me and I need to solve this problem soon. -fab PS I tried using Stat transfer and it also give gibberish. \_ Don't use MATLAB! Use Mathcad or Mathematica with the matrices graphically written out for you! \_ You are right,MATLAB blows. But I'm stuck with data I have in MATLAB. I also don't have access to M/matica right now. -fab, who is lame and knows it \_ help dlmwrite -brg \_ Don't use MATLAB! Use Mathcad or Mathematica with the matrices graphically written out for you! \_ You are right,MATLAB blows. But I'm stuck with data I have in MATLAB. I also don't have access to M/matica right now. -fab, who is lame and knows it \_ I'm pretty sure there's a way to write matrices to an ASCII file but my MATLAB CD is in the office. \_ Take a look at ~emin/save_matrix.m. This is a simple function to save a matrix as tab delimited data using fprintf. Since it's a function you can easily modify it to do comma separated format or whatever you want. -emin |
2000/8/19-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19041 Activity:moderate |
8/18 I want to build a CPU load monitor a la the BeBox. Basically its a string of leds that light up depending on the current load. Any ideas where I should start looking for information on building this thing? \_ What platform? If Unix, there are already tons of similar utilities -- search freshmeat for "load monitor", select the one you like most or change the source if you want your own eye candy. \_ i'm looking for something that controls actual leds via a serial port or something. via a serial port or something. Its for my Linux machine. \_ http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/status/led-stat.txt and other files in the same directory \_ thanks, this was exactly what I wanted. |
2000/8/18-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19033 Activity:low |
8/18 Anyone know how to push a "Cookie: JSESSIONID=blah;" HTTP header into a http://java.net.URL? \_ uhm, you can't. that's an HTTP header, not part of the URL. \_ Unless of course you wanted to try var.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=blah"); \_ I know this is not what you asked, but if you are using servlets, there is a req.setHeader() or setCookie() method. If you need to there is a req.setheader() or setCookie() method. If you need to use something like URL, roll your own its not very hard. |
2000/8/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19016 Activity:high |
8/16 when i grep for a word in the /etc directory on a solaris box it invariably hangs. Why? How do i get around this? \- because you hit some special file such as initpipe or utmppipe --psb \_ find /etc -type f -print | xargs grep foo \_ which will break if there are any spaces in the filenames; use: find /etc -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep foo or, if your find doesn't support print0, use the old standby: find /etc -type f -exec grep foo {} \; |
2000/8/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18987 Activity:very high |
8/14 I have a RED-HATE linux 6.2 box with a few users (none of whom are supposed to have root) and the userid's in the password file keep getting screwed up. e.g. i log in a john but my uid is lisa's. I fix it in the passwd file and i come back in a week and joe loggs on and has Randy's uid. What could be causing it? What should i do? \_ Linux 6.2 does not exist. -<DEAD>www.redhatisnotlinux.org<DEAD> \_ post /etc/shadow here \_SURE, but isn't it better if i send it you personally What's your login? - top \_ Must be a virus. Reinstall. \_ I've tries reinstalling twice, and it hasn't made any difference. are you sure it's a virus -- it's starting to seem unlikely to me. \_ Oh god.... I was being sarcastic. Go install windows or a real unix. \_ Did you install 6.2 or did you upgrade to 6.2? RH upgrade was broken last time I used it. Upgrading made many weird things happen like user id's getting messed up, LaTeX not working, etc. -emin \_ hmm, seems like i'm not the only one with this (I had thought VERY WIERD) problem. I have NOT tried reinstall. There is a database and many other apps on this box and I don't even want to THINK about reinstalling. Perhaps RH or someone has some docs on this prob. since it seems rampant. Who knows where to look for that? -top |
2000/8/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18922 Activity:high |
8/8 I have a linux box running firewall/nat connected to my dsl line. It also serves a few web pages, mail and ssh logins. Is it safe to mount (nfs client) user home directories from my internal file server? I have the appropriate ports filtered by the firewall for incoming traffic from the internet. If it is unsafe, what is the recommended way to provide user home dirs for remote logins and /~user web pages? \_ dunno if you use redhat, but there's some recent NFS remote root exploit vulnerablities you need to patch. link:www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHSA-2000-043-03.html While they claim there is no known exploit, the script kiddies have one. -ERic \_ you gave it to them, didn't you ERic? \_ I'm not affected, I'm running RH 4.2 + patches + upgrades. \_ As far as you know.... |
2000/7/28-29 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18798 Activity:high |
7/27 I love GNU indent as a code beautifier. Is there anything better? or perhaps for C++? \_ heresy, but what about Visual C++? \_ Alt-F8? It pales compared to GNU indent. \_ emacs --batch --exec '(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))' FILE \_ Is this better than GNU indent? \_ That was only one of the questions. \_ Vim = cmd. use: vim -c "norm 1GvG$" -c wq yourfilehere.cpp |
2000/7/27-29 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18795 Activity:very high |
7/27 Where can I find an explanation of what usually causes a core dump, bus error etc. ? \_ core dump = just that. core memory used to me a type of volatile storage which died out quick but the term still lives on (hence \_ As opposed to current storage which dies out quick? Get your story correct or don't try to sound leet. \_ As opposed to current solid-state memory technology which has been used for decades. Get a clue before you flame. The point, which you missed utterly, is that "a type... _/ which died out quick" also describes modern memory, and neither distinguishes between core and solid-state nor accurately distinguishes between core and solid-state memory nor accurately explains why it was called core in the first place. Twink. \_ modern memory technology has not died out slowly or quickly it's still used all over the place. No one has used core memory in decades. It doesn't explain why it was called core, but does distinguish a short-lived, long-dead technology from a long-lived, still-used technology \_ Why are you talking about the technology and not the storage itself? [a place for twinks on the web: http://www.twinkparadise.com ]_/ core dump, out of core, core map, etc...) core dumps are usually a result of an illegal operation and can be enabled and disabled. bus error = i think means misaligned address (obviously illegal). segmentation fault = there are only certain segments a user program can read and write from. these access bits are usually written to the TLB and automatically cause an exception when you access a segment in a way you're not supposed to. \_ Get this book, it kicks ass: Peter van der Linden, Expert C Programming. ISBN 0131774298 \_ you mean you want something more to know about getting a bus error because you are accessing memory which is "not valid" (note the quotes). \_ I was looking for an answer like "This happens when you dont allocate enough space to an array, or you look past the end of and array" etc. \_ accessing null pointers, accessing memory out of bounds (reading past allocated memory), etc. Its good idea to check a pointer's validity before accessing it (like a->foo()). \_ no, you can get core dumps from lots of uncatched exceptoins. i don't have to deref NULL or an address outside my addressspace to get a SIGABRT for example (which coredumps). \_ true but the original poster probably wanted to know common reasons. \_ Yes, Thank You. Now what is a Bus Error? \_ As explained above, a bus error is caused by attempting to read an address/size your memory bus considers illegal, such as a 32-bit word at an odd address. Usually caused by utter garbage in your pointers, due either to not initializing it or overwriting it with other data. |
2000/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:18787 Activity:high |
7/26 Since netcom shell accounts are going away. Anyone know of any nation wide companies which still offer shell accounts? Thnx. -shyguy \_ Check http://www.best.com They may still offer it. \_ Best was bought by Verio. I'm not sure if they'll create new accounts on Best's shell servers. -best refugee \_ Verio is being bought by NTT. \_ <DEAD>www.gst.net<DEAD> I got an account when it was http://www.hooked.net and then it became http://www.wenet.net and now <DEAD>www.gst.net<DEAD> \_ NAK. You said nationwide. GST isn't nationwide, I think. \_ What OS does GST use? FreeBSD? Linux? Other? \_ Do you just want a shell or do you need the dial-up too? If you just want the shell, you can get an account form http://panix.com w/o dial-up for like $10/month. |
2000/7/27 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18783 Activity:high |
7/26 I am a rather ambitionless 30-something. BA in polisci. Currently Help Desk slave. Took some classes (Java, c++). I don't have that much clue yet, but I am studying. I am wondering about which path to take from here. My ideal job: 9-10 hours a day is okay. No managing people, responsible only to myself. Prefer unix. I hate people. The less I have to deal with them, the better (was never suited for this Help Desk shit). Give me a job and I will do it. But don't make me responsible for other slackers. What kinds of jobs would fit the above criteria? Peon job in networking? Peon job programming databases? Peon job sys admin? Other peon stuff? Flames okay. But hopefully someone can speak up about what they've seen in the working world. \_ you need a kick in the ass. 30something helpdesk slave? You're a disgrace to the rest of us polisci refugees. If you're not going to learn to deal with other people, you're fucked. \_ Write claim-adjustment software for an insurance company. \_ yeah, move to hartford. you might seem cool then. probably not, though. \_ Sysadmining. But you don't want to walk over to people's desks when they have UNIX/windoze problems, and mail h0zers who have exceeded quota and done other bad things? \_ doh, ask ranga, that is a total shit job. work sucks no matter which way you look at it. fight hard to do well in the stock market... \_ Just for the record, I'm not a sysadmin, but people I know are, and the work can really suck. ----ranga \_ "Jemand kennt ein Jueden." \_ Actually, forget sysadmining. Do what you like. \_ I'm not a genius who can just start my own company and hire who I like and do what I want to do. I don't have unrealistic expectations. Most peon jobs, you _have_ to deal with people to some extent. the less, the better. Thanks for the suggestion though. After I decide, then my grades will tell me if I'm suited for whatever... \_ Manager of sysadmins and programmers \_ Perfect job for you: QA. CS education not needed, flex hr, pays $$ |
2000/7/22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18756 Activity:nil |
7/21 As root is there a way for me to (easily, one command pref.) list all the crontabs set up for all the users (and all jobs pending with at)? \_ cat /var/cron/* | more (depending on OS. your path may vary) |
2000/7/21-22 [Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18742 Activity:moderate |
7/20 When I press PGUP key when running Solaris xterm, instead of sending that keystroke to whatever application that is running in the xterm (such as a less pager) xterm scrolls up the contents of its buffer. Is there an X resource setting or something to fix this highly annoying behavior? \_ Yes. \_ How? \_ Look at /usr/openwin/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm and receive enlightenment (or a splitting headache). \_ extra hint: canonical name for PGUP is "Prior" \_ huh? |
2000/7/20-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18739 Activity:nil |
7/20 Is there a way, in a signal handler (on a posix platform), to determine the source of the signal? How? \_ The kernel is the source of the signal, as far as you know. If you want better control over the source of your asynchronous events, perhaps you need to read up more on other IPC mechanisms. Signals tend to be very coarse-grained. \_ POSIX-only no, SVR4 yes - see man siginfo |
2000/7/19 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18722 Activity:high |
7/19 I wrote a parser that outputs C source code. If I run the parser on windoze I get CRLFs. If I run it on UNIX I get LFs. How can I get the parser, running in windoze, to just output LFs with a minimum of headache? The parser is itself written in C. \_ man gcc \_ Replace \n with \012 in string/char literals; most C compilers will leave \012 alone even on a CRLF platform, but I can't vouch for M$. If you have CRLF's being output without being in a literal, your best bet is probably tr'ing the output \_ Duh. Thanks. |
2000/7/18-19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18711 Activity:low |
7/18 telnet http://interniq.org 6969 \_ This is NOT safe for work, by the way. Christ, I thought I only had to be careful about .gif/.jpg links. \_ What's not safe? |
2000/7/18 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18705 Activity:nil |
7/17 Anyone know of a website where you submit a CSR from your web server, and sends you back a test certificate for your server? A test CA I guess? I found a site that did just that before, but I no longer have the http addr. Thanks -byeung \_ http://www.verisign.com |
2000/7/17-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18693 Activity:high |
7/17 Is there a Unix script that runs only when the machine boots? Login runs every time you log in, this isn't sufficent. \_ /etc/rc* -- yuen \_ Ow. Ow. Ow. Trolldiddlyicious. \_ No. Some people are just clueless and need help. Not everything is a troll. \_ write a cron job or put your script in your /etc/rc.2 or rc.3 \_ I like the automatic (and I'm sure correct) that this is a clueless _Linux_ luser. \_ Linux and clueless mostly go hand in hand these days bcuz 1 herd 1t wuz k00l 2 r\/n 11nuX. Unfortunately, this sort of herd mentality is taking hold in business. Next time you're interviewing and they're running Linux, ask them why they prefer that over the other available free unix OS's available. If you get a "Well, everyone else is using it" which I've heard before from Senior VP of Engineering at more than one place (or Director or whatever title it was that week), then think about going somewhere else where they actually _think_ about what they're doing instead of blindly following everyone else. There _are_ reasons to use Linux but following the crowd isn't one of them. |
2000/7/14-16 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18679 Activity:nil |
7/14 For those interested in the recently-nuked "xterm on Linux" thread: the solution turned out to be "setenv TERM xterm-r6"; in the RH termcap, "xterm" is aliased to their own non-standard "xterm-redhat"; thanks to those who tried to help \_ Thank you redhat idiots for screwing up something perfectly simple. \_ you're welcome |
2000/7/13-16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18666 Activity:kinda low |
7/14 What is the easiest way on a unix box to find what the last thing written to a disk (parition) was? \_ touch foo; echo foo \_ Ho ho ho. Well you could um use a find command or um use ls with the -t argument but um either of these might require sorting on the date...you can probably sleuth by looking for the most recently written-to directory depending on your Unix, iterate. The most basic I would try would be: % find <path> -mtime -1 -ls and scan the output for the latest file. \_ What are you trying to do? Usually these sorts of random motd questions are best done in an entirely different way than what the poster thinks they need. \_ you are correct. I had an errant process (big brother install) eating up disk space on /usr (why it wasn't using swap i don't know) and no file was being changed/written. When I killed the process all my disk space came back. -TOP \_ It was writing to an inode which was no longer referenced by any directory (so it didn't show up as a "file"). When the process exited, the inode's last reference went away and the disk space was freed. |
2000/7/13-16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18664 Activity:moderate 50%like:19236 |
7/13 What's the equivalent on NT of "|&" (csh) \_ linload. or install a port of one of the shells. \_ what does that do? \_ The following in csh and tcsh: command |& foo is the same as, in sh, ksh, and bash: command | foo 2>&1 And means "send both stdout AND stderr to program foo, on stdin" \_ You mean: command 2>&1 | foo \_ Right, ack. I always get those backwards. |
2000/7/13-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18662 Activity:kinda low |
7/13 How can I redirect a web page to another page automatically on loading? I've checked lots of HTML guides and have seen this happen before (no CGI) but can't find the code \_ In <HEAD> section: <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=<DEAD>new-url/"<DEAD> Change 0 to N to delay by N seconds. This is a means of mimicking HTTP headers in HTML, and is not 2.0-standard, so may not be supported by some of the oldest browsers. Anything '96 and up is more or less guaranteed to support it. -alexf \_ thanks! \_ You're better off with a server side redirect but meta- refresh will work if you're stuck on geocities or some other garbage site. |
2000/7/13-14 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18661 Activity:high |
7/12 When I connect to a linux box from an xterm on a solaris2.5.1 box, the terminal gets all screwed up (underline/inverse don't stop where they should, etc); this doesn't recur when I do the same from solaris2.5.1->soda or from soda xterm to said linux box. Is there a way to fix this without root access? ('xterm' entries in the respective termcaps are the same, if that means anything [termcap-illiterate]) \_ Are you sure you're using an xterm and not a dtterm? \_ Yes. Wouldn't touch dtterm if they paid me. \_ I think there was some weirdness with termcap in RedHat 6.0. If that's what you're using, upgrade. Make sure your TERMCAP environment variable isn't set and that you have "set term=xterm". -tom \_ This is RH6.2, I do NOT, once again, have root on EITHER box, term=xterm, and TERMCAP is not defined. Any other ideas? Oh, also, same happenned with RH5.2 EITHER box, term=xterm (as is TERM), and TERMCAP is not defined. Any other ideas? Also, same happenned with RH5.2 \_ xterm -title "NUKULAR B1FF\!\!\!\!" \_ Well, it's just a length environment variable setting. If you're feeling brave, you can set it by hand and do the stty yoursel,m too. \_ i have a similar problem between ANY non linux compiled xterm and linux. redhat needs to die. you can always setenv the TERMCAP envvar. i haven't had time to investigate this, so i just run "xterm -display sgi-machine:0" from the piece of shit linux machine. |
2000/7/6-7 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18595 Activity:high |
7/5 Is there a way to get a shell (tcsh if it matters) to "steal" a job from another shell? Ie: I start process X (in the background) from shell 1; then the connection through which shell 1 was opened dies, but the shell apparently never receives a HUP and continues running, with the process running as well; I then log in again and want to somehow get that process in the foreground of my new shell. \_ use screen \_ thanks, but anything that can work post-facto? \_ No. This is known as process migration. Some research OSes (Amoeba, I believe, maybe Plan 9? (don't think so)) can do this, but not Vanilla Unix-Like-OS. \_ what the fuck? this is NOT called process migration. process migration is hard because it involves moving process ACROSS MACHINES. he just wants to talk to the pty the process was running on. this is an easy problem and screen solves it. you have to be REALLY stupid to come up with a reply like yours. \_ So screen will talk to a process that's already been left without a tty? What's the screen command for that? \_ No, it won't, but if you ran it in a screen window, your terminal session could die and you could reattach it later. --dbushong \_ VMS (a non-research OS) did this 20 years ago. It's no big deal, just something Unix never picked up. \_ i think it would be a pretty simple hack to linux to do this. you need to reattach to the pty side of the tty, and you need to change the pgroup of the process. anything else involved? i'm guessing reattaching to ptys needs a kernel hack. or maybe the mechanism is already there. in either case, it's a simple hack. someone should volunteer. \_ That's the great thing about open source. The do-it-yourself nature. Go do it. \_ Yourself. \_ Everyone always says i should volunteer for stuff --Someone \_ I always get blamed for everything --Everyone |
2000/6/30-7/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18571 Activity:very high |
6/30 Anyone know of an a2ps/enscript port for WinNT? If so, where can I get it? (I'm mostly interested in the ability to print 2 or more pages of text onto a single page--any other utilities on win32 that do this would be appreciated.) \_It's built into the postscript driver. Install one and when you print, go to the "properties" and select 2 up or 4 up. \_ Go to GNU website and download GNU enscript. Or, go to http://google.com search for "enscript" \_ Having done both first (I can't find binaries or source on http://gnu.org, and google pops up useless sites with dead links) I inquired here. Any other suggestions--like something that works? \_ Open a blank documentin in M$ Word, change it to landscape layout, two column format, and a small font. Save it as a template. Then paste your plain text file into a blank document opened from this http://gnu.org, and google pops up useless sites with dead links) I inquired here. Any other suggestions--like something that works? template. Then you can print the way enscript does. Works even on non-Poscscript printer. -- yuen \_ Upload to UNIX machine. Convert. Download to NT. |
2000/6/22 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18527 Activity:nil 50%like:17737 |
6/22 What's the difference between unix set and setenv? \_ setenv sets an environment variable that children of a process will have access to. set is accessible only within a given process. -dim \_ There is no difference - neither one exists. Some shells have a "set" command, some have "setenv", some have both, some have neither. It's a shell thing, not a UNIX command. |
2000/6/16-19 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:18488 Activity:nil |
6/16 Solaris Question. Currently I have several diskless solaris boxes that mount thier root file system (/) from a rarp/bootp server. I have observered that if this server becomes unreachable, the diskless clients hang. In some cases the diskless clients won't come back even if the nfs server becomes reachable again. To solve this problem I wanted to have the diskless clients use a ram disk instead of nfs for their root file system, but documentation looks scarce. If anyone has done this before or knows a good URL, I would appreciate it. \_ Use cachefs or just go buy some disks already - there's no excuse for diskless machines in this day & age. \_ I'm using CP1500/CP2000 CPCI suncards and I can't have a disk in my chassis setup since it won't be field tech hot replaceable. I would use disk if I could. I'll take a look at cachefs. Thanks. |
2000/6/13-14 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18458 Activity:moderate |
6/13 Is there a way to restrict the use of a command so that you must be using ssh or logged in from console in order to execute it? For example, I want to ensure that nobody uses sudo while using telnet or rlogin. \_ no. \_ This is UNIX. If the request is reasonable and especially if is something that a lot of people might want, the answer is always Yes. And in fact, it's probably already been setup. if its something that a lot of people might want, the answer is always Yes. And if so, it's probably already been done. \_ Yes. Wrap the command. In the wrapper make sure whatever your conditions are are true before running the command. Or just disable crap like telnet and rlogin which no one should be using anyway. \- try something like: --psb if ($?SSH_TTY && -e ~/.ssh.init) source ~/.ssh.init echo -n ' .ssh.init' set prompt="%SSSH%s-%m{%h}[%~]%% " alias emacs emacs -nw |
2000/6/11 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:18441 Activity:nil |
6/9 My dept just bought a double sided printer. On NT, I can specify the duplex option via the user friendly GUI. How do I do duplex on regular UNIX lp/lpr? Thanks. \_ seperate print queues. and the tc=[ifhp_simplex|ifhp] flag \_ what kind of printer? some have nice GUI for unix too, but you may need to goto manufacturer web-site to download it. \_ It is a postscript option. a2ps -s2, or psset. The separate print queue thing is basically a way of automatically postprocessing postscript print jobs to set the option. --Galen \_ print all the odd pages, put em back in, print the even ones |
2000/6/11-12 [Finance/Banking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18440 Activity:nil |
6/9 What's the difference between GMT and UTC? What is UTC anyway? \_ Universal \_ "coordinated universal time" Google: http://sts.sunyit.edu/timetech/gmt-utc.html (You may also find http://tycho.usno.navy.mil helpful.) GMT is sort of an older standard. Somewhere it says that GMT doesn't account for earth's rotational drift with leap seconds but UTC does. In practice they are used to mean the same thing, although some people seem to use GMT if they want to emphasize Britain's local time zone. It is probably better to call it UTC. --Galen \_ As an aside, I believe leap seconds are being eliminated. --dim \_ What could replace them? There must be some way of reconciling the definition of the second with the earth's motion. --Galen \_ As an aside, I believe the rotation of the earth is being eliminated. \_ As an aside, I believe Galen is being eliminated. \_ As an aside, I believe the earth is being eliminated. \_ As an aside, I believe this thread is eliminated. \_ http://answerpointe.cctec.com/maillists/ietf/msg11662.html --dim \_ Is there some coordinated international coalition of people of Greek decent trying to do away with leap seconds!? \_ True GMT gets adjusted for "Summer Time" (the brit equiv of daylight savings) - UTC does not. Most of the time people refer to GMT they mean UTC. |
2000/6/8-9 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18426 Activity:low |
4/68 Dear motd tech gurus: my /var/adm/messages log shows this: ypserv: do_accept : can't open connection Things seem to be working okay, but what does it mean? How do I fix it? I tried searching on the web, but lack browser-fu, unix-fu. \_ Did you try to run ypserv as a user instead of root? Is master server you specified for your slave ypserv configuration not really running ypserv, or does it have you tcp wrapped out of existence? --dbushong |
2000/6/2 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18387 Activity:high |
6/1 it's fucking summer man, go outside and get off the MOTD! \_ yeah, it's fucking hot too. still brings back memories of what was the number...199 cory with those awful green vt100 terminals and the sweltering heat. \_ e260 and a room full of diskless sun 3/50s! \_ Oh, man I *dreamed* of getting to use e260. I was stuck in the WEB (back when it meant something different).... \_ idiot. \_ Meant what? \_ "Workstations in Evans Basement". I *hate* \_ "Workstations in Evans Basement". BTW I *hate* those 3/50 keyboards. The Sparc ones are much better. (Of course the tvi920c ones are even worse, but we're not stuck with those.) -- yuen \_ Uh, I know what WEB meant. You were implying pre-sun 3/50s in the WEB. e260 had the same 3/50's and file servers as the WEB. It was the same cluster split over two physical locations. \_ I know. I wasn't the one who said dreaming of e260 and stuck in the web ... -- yuen NFS Server widow not responding... NFS Server widow ok. \_ Yes! I had forgotten how much fun that message was! How nostalgic! Except you need the "not responding" line about 15 more times. |
2000/5/28-29 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18360 Activity:very high |
5/27 Good small graphical web browser that runs on a Unix system. Does such an animal exist? \_ netscape 3.x, opera, & gnome browswers (but they all suck) \_ Don't dismiss Netscape 3 out of hand. It's _much_ faster and moderately more stable than 4.*, and supports most features sites actually use (but alas, not PNGs, style sheets, JavaScript 1.2, table background images) --dbushong \_ xemacs and w3 \_ w3c, you troll. \_ Can you read? You know what 'graphical' means? \_ I'm sure he can. While w3c's Amaya is a bit weird, it sure displays pictures, which is what I understand by 'graphical'. Also, it's never crashed on me. Twit. -John \_ You're thinking of w3m. Get your name right before you insult someone. Twit. |
2000/5/13-14 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18251 Activity:high |
5/11 what is the easiest way to take a whole tree of files owned by root and change ownership to someuser? \_ find /path/to/dir -print | xargs chown USERNAME \_ neat, but depending on version of find, do we need -xdev and/or -X options? BE VERY CAREFUL. \_ See chown option -R? BE VERY CAREFUL. \_ be sure to symbolic link something to / first. \_ someuser is going to be quite lucky. but will the OS start correctly if files are owned by someuser? \_ uh, chown -R doesn't follow symlinks, though there may be a race condition. -tom \_ uh, depends on the UNIX flavor -!tom \_ Is UID0 all-powerful? \_ No, UID0 doesn't let you control the weather. \_ But it does let you transfer all those fractional pennies into an offshore account. \_ Depends on what you have in your OS |
2000/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18237 Activity:high |
5/10 If you're looking for a job working with a Linux company that's actually generating revenue and quickly on its way to profitability, then please check out Cobalt Networks. We're hiring big time! Details are in: /csua/pub/jobs/Cobalt.Networks \_ Are they the guys who make the cool looking blue boxes? -John \_ Yes. \_ Would you like to explain why your mailserver uses UW IMAPd (fine) with unix mbox formatted mailspools (performance--) \_ maybe they want people to have the freedom to use other mailers (POP, local reader, etc) as well. \_ Pop servers read mbx fine. Local readers? On a Qube? Just installing extra software on it as root basically voids your warranty. \_ so, will cobalt release their mips/linux work in accordance with the GPL? \_ None of your fucking business when they release it. The GPL does *not* say, "must release according to demands of whiney geeks". |
2000/5/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18219 Activity:nil |
5/8 Is there a Visual Basic equivalent to the UNIX system() function? \_ ShellExecute or CreateProcess - chiapet \_ Shell (command, windowmode) \_ Thanks. Shell seems decent. Is there any way for Shell to return the output to VB? \_ Redirect the output to a file and then have VB code read the file? -- yuen \_ Yeah, I thought of that, but I was hoping there was a cleaner way. \_ Under windows??? pshaw! \_ There isn't. If you want you can use that Win32 function that generates a unique filename. |
2000/5/9-10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18215 Activity:nil |
5/9 Is there an OR statement for sed? eg. replace "foo" or "bar" with "wassup"? Looked thru UNIX Power Tools, and 26.09 seems to imply sed has no such function. \_ Two ways: 1) perl (see s2p) 2) sed -e 's/foo/wassup/g' -e 's/bar/wassup/g' --Galen |
2000/5/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18206 Activity:very high |
5/8 Is there a Visual Basic equivalent to the UNIX system() function? I need to write a VB program to run a bunch of dos commands and report the results to the user. If I had a choice, I would use perl, python, tcl, bash, or something like that, but I need to create a program that will run a standard windows system. Thanks. \_ Yes. \_ Yes. \_ Perl runs on windows just fine, so does the bourne shell. \_ Sorry. What I should have said was that I need a solution which does not involve installing perl, python, tcl, bash or some other tool which is not installed on a standard system. \_ Install gcc and write a C program to do it. \_ Duh. Without installing anything. \_ ShellExecute or CreateProcess - chiapet \_ Shell (command, windowmode) \_ Thanks. Shell seems decent. Is there any way for Shell to return the output to VB? |
2000/5/4-6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18176 Activity:high |
4/34 Are there any free X-term for windows9x clients. X-winpro disconnects me after a few minutes. \_ ftp depot, get exceed -- free license for students \_ ftp> o http://depot.berkeley.edu ftp: connect: Connection refused \_ ftp server not used any more, use <DEAD>depot<DEAD> \_ MiXterm works too. http://aquarius.franken.de/software/net/X/MI_X/mix_faq.html -ERic \_ urlP \_ Isn't it redundant to have the P and the ? -motd.grammar.god \_ The question mark shouldn't have been there and was removed. -- motd censor \_ Maybe he wasn't asking for the url, but asking if he should ask for the url instead. \_ The postfix operator P can be applied recursively, so he should have asked: urlPP. -- motd grammarian \_ I'm confused? \_ :P \_ I think MIX is no longer free for windows. (despite the FAQ) see: http://www.microimages.com/mix |
2000/5/4-5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18174 Activity:kinda low |
4/34 I downloaded the IMAP binary and put it in /usr/sbin/imapd. Now where the heck do I configure it (imapd.conf? imapd.cf?) It can't be that easy... \_ what os? if recent version of redhat... yeah it might actually as simple as just turning on the daemon |
2000/5/2-3 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18150 Activity:moderate |
4/32 Know Unix? Carry a Gun? Uncle Sam wants you! http://CNN.com/2000/TECH/computing/04/28/infragard/index.html \_ Ooh! Will they let me buy automatic weapons if I join? -- ilyas \_How about a Glock 18 instead of the standard issue Sig 228 for duty weapon? Or Beretta 93R? -- byeung \_ I want to join, but only if I get a Humvee with the M-60 machine gun and the rocket launcher. |
2000/4/27-29 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:18133 Activity:high |
4/27 "cat * > foo" in a directory containing < 50k produces a >10M file that exceeds my quota. Whatup? \_ maybe it's hitting ".." too \_ does your directory include a file called foo perchance? \_ No. redirecting to "bar" returns the same error. \_ Hint: * includes foo. --oj \_ No it does not. if foo exists, the shell complains if i try to write to foo. I'm trying to cat a bunch of numbered files (ie named 1, 2, 3,...) into a file of any given name. \_ Yes it does. Try "ls * > foo" and you'll see foo being listed inside itself. -- yuen \_ The shell creates "foo" with zero size before expanding '*' \_ depends on your shell. ksh under solaris, for example, \_ Depends on your shell. ksh under solaris, for example, does the expansion FIRST. But then, ksh is generally more intelligent than csh anyway. \_ you're creating an interesting feedback loop/race condition. If \_ foo you did it in a dir where foo was the first file listed by * then you might get nothing interesting. If theres enough in files listed before foo to fill your write cache, it goes into a loop of writing foo onto itself. Until somethin like an over-quota error stops it. This kind of thing is useful if you want to, for example, write a big file to a disk until it is completely full. -ERic \_ Aah, this makes sense. I've done stuff like this before with no probs, but it was the number files screwing things up. Incidentally, `cat * > .foo` and cat * > %foo` worked fine. Thanks. \_ dd if=/dev/zero of=largefile |
2000/4/27-29 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18124 Activity:high 72%like:18122 |
4/26 I have one IP address on my DSL line. I have three computers on my LAN. I want to be able to telnet into any of these from an outside IP address. How do I do this? [Question re-phrased] [Does anyone know of a product that can route more than one domain on one ip? I know this is possible with virtual hosting. Im trying to set up three computers I can telnet to on my DSL line, which only comes with one static ip.] \_ This question makes no sense. What you've seen is web virtual hosting but given that your DSL provider only provided you one IP address you cannot create 3 new IP addresses visible to the outside world. The best you can do is create a subnet (192.168.*.*) and have a computer (Linux IPmasq, NAT, WinGate, whatever) perfrom some sort of network translation. The reason why web server virtual hosting works is because it's really using the same IP address but the URL that the web browser sends to the server hints to which directory to look at. For example, suggest NAT software in which the telnet remaps are if I have a web page at http://www.dnai.com/~jondoe I can request that dnai set up virtual hosting so that when a browser asks for http://www.jondoe.com it will actually return to the browser http://www.dnai.com/~jondoe instead (although the person surfing the web can tell this). How that's done is simply adding a DNS entry and reconfiguring the web serer. But most services don't do that. You cannot map a host name to an internal firewall's IP's port. For example, you cannot create a DNS entry called <DEAD>ssh-to-scotch.berkeley.edu<DEAD> to map to <DEAD>scotch.berkeley.edu<DEAD>:22. If you want to be able to telnet to your three internal computers protected by the firewall, you can setup portforwarding which is supported by many OS's. So you can have a port listenig on port 1234 of your firewall so that when you do a > telnet <DEAD>mydslline.com<DEAD> 1234 it will send all the packets to your internal computer. \_ I know Win2K server can do this, because I have it working now with your situation. Incidentally, I asked the same question on the motd half a year ago and the responses I got were the equivalent of "huh, fux0r?" and "fux0r me". \_ Win2K isn't magic - any NAT software can do this, but you'll have to map different ports to different hosts (i.e. telnet NAT 23 goes to host a, telnet NAT 123 to host b, telnet NAT 223 to host c) \_ Yeah, but Win2K has it nicely dumbed down. Please suggest software in which the telnet remaps are easy with the matching OS name. Thanks! =) \_ uh, the "product" that can "route" more than one domain to one IP is called "DNS", and that doesn't stand for "Digital Nervous System" you stooge. -tom \_ tom, as you've pointed out, the question has some problems. Nevertheless, you can set up Win2K server to route telnets to your single DSL IP to an IP in your internal LAN. \_ the question is stupid and will be deleted in about 20 minutes. \_ Don't be a doofus. The guy just wants to know how to do NAT. Just because he doesn't know the exact right question to ask doesn't make it a stupid question. If he knew what NAT was he probably wouldn't have had to ask how to do it. \_ No he doesn't you doofus. You cannot solve this with NAT, because he stated he has ONE IP ADDRESS globally. You need a reverse-proxy, or plug-gw, on a real operating system. \_ A real OS, NAT, and DNS and he's fine. WTF's your problem? _I_ wasn't the one talking about win2k. \_ Win2K is a real OS. Oh shit, no it isn't. Sorry. his requirements with NAT. You might want to actually READ the requirements this time. \_ Person A is mad about other people being mad; Person B is mad about "NAT" term usage. \_ how about a home gateway? 2 Wire is suppose to come out with something this spring: http://www.2wire.com \_ Please tell me of inexpensive, easy port forwarding software for Windoze|Linux|Slowaris. Thx. \_ http://coombs.anu.edu.au/ipfilter does a nice job. Otherwise, freebsd comes with ipfw and natd. Linux I believe comes with some weird ipmasq stuff. I've found ipfilter (comes with a component called ipnat) to be pretty fast and straightforward. -John \_ Thanks, John! Now if only there weren't so many root kits lying around for all the Unix boxes. \_ Did you plan on installing and out-of-date UNIX base system, with all of the default software turned on, so one of these rootkits would actually be a problem? \_ But of course, you'll be forwarding to port 22, since you should use ssh instead of telnet. |
2000/4/26-28 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18117 Activity:moderate |
4/25 What's the easiest way to copy a bunch of files in deep trees Linux to fbsd while still retaining all the permissions and stuff? \_ man tar \_ i really really hate people like you. \_ why? tar is the answer... \_ What is the meaning of life? G+C+H+U+J. \_ what are you doing that for? you should be copying *all* files off fbsd machines *to* Linux machines. In fact, you're better off just wiping those machines and starting again because you don't want the purity of your Linux box corrupted by the impure fbsd created files! There's a HOW-TO or a FAQ or something I read once that said fbsd is yucky and Linux is cool and everything should be Linux everywhere and warned about fbsd tainting Linux! \_ "User Friendly" just spent three weeks doing a series of comics on *this very topic*. It was hilarious! \_ Cool! That means I'm fit to write the same swill in under 5 minutes/day that the UF guy takes to do his strip! *AND* geeks like you will actually *pay* me to do it! \_ assuming gnu tar: linux% tar -cf - file... \ | ssh bsd /bin/sh -c "\"(cd dstdir && tar -xpvf -)\"" will copy files (or dirs) to dstdir. note stupidity of ssh arg handling. \_ Note over complexity of suggestion. Instead: linux$ tar cf - dir1 file2 dir3 file4 ... \ | ssh bsd tar -C dstdir -xvpf - Add a -C right after ssh if your net connection sucks or you have CPU to burn. --dbushong \_ or if you wanna get more ghetto than that.. source% tar -cf archive.tar sourcedir ... (FTP or transfer it somehow to dest machine) dest% tar -xvpf archive.tar \_ no, no, no. it's tar cf - dir1 .... | mail myself@othermachine; telnet othermachine ssh othermachine pine q inc show |
2000/4/25-26 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18111 Activity:nil |
4/25 Where can I get a Win32 version of "less", the cool UNIX text file viewer? \_ Cygwin. \_ MORE! MORE! |
2000/4/20-22 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18068 Activity:moderate |
4/20 If I enter some information like my name or e-mail address in Edit -> Preferences -> Mail & Newsgroups -> Identity, is it possible for a web site that I visit to grab that information from my browser? \_ As of the last time I checked, no. Not without a bit of help from you, that is -- the one reasonably easy means of getting this data is if you submit a mailto: form. Most browsers notify you before submitting, but you may've turned off that warning in the past, and this may be automatic. A browser that allows websites _direct_ access to this information would have very likely by now become the center of a major scandal. -alexf \_ Javascript can be used to generate an email without any input from the user. Netscape default used to be to pop up a dialog message for that type of generated email being sent, but I don't know if that is still the default. --oj \_ I was under the impression, possibly mistaken, that certain types of cookies allowed web pages to track this sort of information. Or is this just the case if, as you say, you submit the info manually, and the page sends it back to you in a tracking cookie? -John \_ Okay, you visit a site for the first time. You have cookies on. The site gives you a cookie that uniquely identifies your browser. This cookie can live indefinitely on your hard disk. The instructions with the cookie say, wherever you go on my site, give me back that cookie. So the site knows exactly what you do on that site. Now let's say you submit your e-mail or name. Now the site has associated this information with your cookie. Frankly, I don't care. \_ Oh, by the way, the Identity info you enter into the browser settings: That's for whenever you click on a mailto link so it will launch the mailer with the right From information. Same with newsgroups. Sometimes it uses that for built-in FTP if you click on an ftp link. There is no sekrit HTML tag that retrieves this information out of your Netscape settings. No big whoop. \_ sure there is. A dynamically generated form, submitted by mailto, with the subject set to your cookie id. Or a hidden field set to your cookie id. |
2000/4/19-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18060 Activity:nil |
4/18 Does anyone know how to configure vxWorks to boot using bootp instead of ftp or rsh? URL is fine. BTW, I'm using Sol2.6/2.7 as my bootp server. \_ do you just want to configure or are you a code developer? How about using "vwman" or read the manual? Perhaps change the boot parameters too? \_ Set the flags (f) option in the bootrom to 0x40. It is a bitfield, so if you have other options that you want to keep you have to OR them together. See section 2.5.4 of Tornado User's Guide -- daveh (david.holloway@windriver.com) \_ Yes, someone knows. |
2000/4/13-14 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18003 Activity:very high |
4/13 I have an SGI Indy that someone gave to me. Is there a way (like in Linux) to boot up in single user mode and change the root \_ You probably mean "RedHat Linux". Sane distributions like Debian will not just give you a free root shell when you boot to single user mode. \_ if you can pass the kernel the "single" parameter, you ought to be able to pass it "init=/bin/sh" instead. \_ are you talking about a buffer overrun exploit here? password? If not, how in the world do you install a new OS? There's no floppy drive and no CDROM drive. The only thing that exists is a NIC but I thought you at least need a boot floppy for an FTP/NFS install. The machine has IRIX 6.4 btw. \_ No... if i remember correctly.. you don't need a boot floppy the hardware has a built in booter for doing nfs/ftp installs or you can get a cdrom for it :) or i could be wrong..but i remember doing clean installs on boxes with no cdrom/floppy \_ Are you talking about changing the prom password? It is possible to boot a miniroot and change the OS password. You will need a cdrom or a network connection with a SGI (the cdroms, I believe, are in EFS format) |
2000/4/12-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17986 Activity:kinda low |
4/12 screen-3.9.5 installed as screen.new -- it's not compatible with the old version, so I won't install it as screen until all the old screen processes are dead. There's a list of new features (including split- screen support) in /csua/tmp/screen-3.9.5+idle/NEWS. --mconst \_ what escape key combination have any of you found to conflict the least with existing programs? C-a seems to be used quite often. Also, is there a way to make the new shell start with the same terminal type as the shell that invoked screen (it always thinks the terminal type is screen, but I'd like it to be vt100 or xterm, whichever one I started screen with). \_ I use CNTRL-D: alias screen="screen -e^Dd". For the term type I think that it is -T <type>. Just use a function: screen () { if [ -z "$TERM" ] ; then TERM=vt100 ; fi /usr/bin/screen -e^Dd -T "$TERM" "$@" } \_ Wow.. this person has scary ways of doing things that will tend to break. Please don't listen to them. Use ^O. Set it in your .screenrc. Set your term to vt100 in your .screenrc. You'll be happy. \_ What's wrong with Control-D? It prevents you from accidentally logging out as a side effect. I prefer xterm to vt100 since meta works correctly for emacs -nw when term is set to vt100. Yes I mostly use xterms. \_ How do you wall??? \_ Did someone mention useless functionality? ;-) \_ I never wall. On the boxes I admin, I just kill everyone's processess and then sync x 3 and init 5 (or 6) to reboot. \_ Hm, I use ^D as delete in emacs. And ^O for various other things in pine. Any other suggestions? \_ use a better mail reader \_ emacs uses every key that exists and a few that don't \_ I use ^o ... other than it being oflush in telnet, it's unused. -geordan \_ I use the spacebar. Since I'm only using the mouse for almost everything, this rarely conflicts. |
2000/4/12-13 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17982 Activity:nil |
4/11 What's the command which lists colors which can be used with xterm -bg or xterm -fg? \_ xlscolors or xcolors or xcolor or cat rgb.txt \_ man M-x list-color-display. you can also use a tcl application like tcolor --psb \_ You can use any hex combo: (e.g. -bg rgb:44/00/5f) or the colors usually stored in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt or thereabouts. --dbushong |
2000/4/9 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17960 Activity:kinda low |
4/7 Who's da man? \_ Login: man Name: The Man Directory: /usr/share/man Shell: /nonexistent \_ Try: man woman |
2000/4/5 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:17925 Activity:nil |
4/4 Is there a unix tool that will go through annoying text files recently edited by an MSDOS based editor and eliminate all those extraneous ^M characters? The compiler I'm using seems to hate them. \_ /usr/local/bin/fromdos \_ tr -d '\015' \_ Do the Ctrl-M's say "Controlled by Microsoft?" \_ My favorite is: perl -pi -e 's/\r\n?/\n/g' filename as this will convert both DOS and Mac linefeed formats to UNIX --dbushong |
2000/4/5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17921 Activity:moderate |
4/5 Let's say I have a big NT server running and I want my UNIX box to share the files. What do I have to install on my UNIX box? (kinda like reverse NFS) \_ samba (both client and server exists) \_ get your terminology straight. You want the UNIX box to ACCESS the files, not "share" them. \_ Well, first: you really _want_ to do it the other direction. If you can't then: installing samba will get you ftp-like access to those files. If you want it to appear as a transparent, mountable filesystem, either run linux (which as an fs module for this), or use Sharity (Light or otherwise), which let's you fake samba mounts as NFS mounts: http://www.obdev.at/Products --dbushong \_ Sharity (ex-Rumba) or Sharity-light is a UNIX-based SMB client that'll mount Windows shares as UNIX filesystems. smbclient is another ftp-like program that comes with Samba, that lets you play with NT shares. -John \_ typical UNIX biggot -bill gates #1 fan \_ typical idiot who can't spell --dbushong |
2000/4/5 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17918 Activity:moderate |
4/4 Sr. UNIX System Administrator job at Sendmail, Inc. Email christine@sendmail.com if you're interested. \_ Why did the previous guy leave? \_ the perverse sex orgies, always with the perverse sex orgies! \_ Say "Hi" to Mike Donnelly for me. -=Aubie \_ sexy christine, are you an HR? What are you? |
2000/4/3 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17917 Activity:nil |
4/3 Will NFS and NIS/NIS+ clients work fine from behind a router running NAT software? Did anyone try this before? -akopps \_ If the machines involved are all behind the NAT router, sure. If the NFS server is outside the firewall, not normally. They'll all look like the gateway machine to the outside server; if you want all your NAT-protected machines to have identical access, you could grant it to the gateway and that might work. NIS is probably no problem, NIS+ probably won't work (it wants to match a hostname to a DES key, which it won't be able to do for your NAT hosts). -tom \_ nfs, nis with clients and servers on opposite sides of the nat box, yes. As tom says, you need to grant nfs access to the nat box to grant any access to the nat clients. NIS works again, so long at the one nat box is able to access NIS. nis+ hasnt worked yet. having a nis+ replica server with/without nis compatibility mode on or behind the nat box may give you want you want. Lemme guess, this is for the ocf? --jon \_ Yes this is for OCF, we are considering various options for the new lab. I think if we run our NIS+ servers multihomed with one interface connected to internal network and another to internet this could work. I still think this fancy setup is not worth the hassle. Lets hope we get enough money for campus connections for all of our hosts. -akopps \_ Sell them all and buy one big box. |
2000/3/31 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17901 Activity:high |
3/30 How do I copy symbolic link (preserve) when I do "cp -r", without using tar? \_ On FreeBSD, use "cp -R". On Linux, use "cp -a". On Solaris, you just lose -- tar is the best you can do. |
2000/3/30 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security] UID:17890 Activity:nil |
3/28 -nick is login "nick" already \_ No it's not - the other nick |
2000/3/29-30 [Computer/Domains, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17883 Activity:kinda low |
3/28 What's that one unix command that displays relevant info to a domain name (adminstrative contact, snail mail address, etc..)? \_ whois \_ telnet http://www.networksolutions.com whois (then use the dom command). |
2000/3/29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17879 Activity:high |
3/28 % finger rip@soda Login: rip Name: Ruth Park Directory: /home/sequent/rip Shell: /usr/local/bin/tcsh Never logged in. New mail received Wed Jun 23 00:36 1999 (PDT) Unread since Sat Nov 29 11:59 1997 (PST) Anyone know what happened to Ruth Park (rip@soda)? -asb \_ Maybe she moved to South Park. Blame Canada! \_ Speaking of which, does anyone have the lyrics to that? \_ Sheesh. Use a browser you idiot. \_ Geez, lighten up. \_ http://www.southparkhell.com/lyrics/bc.html \_ I slept with Ruth once. Not sure why, but I did. Might want to again if she's still around. \_ If you're going to put something inappropriate like that in the motd, at least sign your name so that we know who you are? \_ "All the lonely people, where do they belong?" \_ she once begged to have her account removed. \_ I'm looking for her too. She was pretty good and I'd like to have another go at it. \_ She bled to death after being forced into sex by blojo? |
2000/3/25 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17850 Activity:very high |
3/24 How do I add new users to a LDAP server (I'm using openldap)? Right now I have the rootdn, but I would like to have a couple of other users, esp. one that has read-only access. \_ man ldap \_ people like you are the reason "unix" should be spelled with a ch and an e. E-U-N-I-C-H-S. \_ "Unix is ready for the desktop" == "Unix weenies aren't ready for the human population" \_ You stupid fuck, it's in my man pages. Just because you lack man page fu doesn't mean all of us have shitty man pages. Like I said, man ldap. Get better pages if it isn't there but don't insult your betters. It only shows how utterly and completely self absorbed and stupid you are. \_ i wasn't the original poster, and i couldn't care less about ldap or whatever. i just think alot of unix people are assholes, and that one of their most annoying traits ins their "rtfm" attitude. fuck you. \_ If you don't rtfm you won't solve your problem. They tell you to rtfm because that's where the answer is. There's no spoon feeding possible. You want to be spoon fed? Go ask yermom. Smart people can manage to type one simple command and skim forward to the examples section to find the answer or something really damned close. You are not only a stupid fuck and an asshole, but your smearing "alot of unix people" in one nice big easily smearable group is ridiculous. If providing the only real answer makes me an annoying asshole, then so fucking be it. --annoying asshole who gave right answer \_ man ldap on Sol2.7 didn't have anything about adding users. Anyone have a better idea. I already looked on http://www.openldap.org and they explain how to do ACLs, but not how to add users that the ACLs apply to. It seems like I'm missing something obvious. \_It's my _guess_ that OpenLDAP doesn't have a cool like app or GUI to create users (unlike Netscape or other directory servers). But since LDAP users are just entries in the directory, the common way to do it is to use your favorite text editor to create a LDIF file and use some utility to read the LDIF and place the entries into the directory. (LDIF is also much better for adding a lot of entries (users), you'll be sick of the GUI really fast.) See http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/182.html for some more info. You may need to dig into the schema and the documentaton for the LDIF format (on web somewhere) if you want something fancier. -lcddave \_ Yeah, openldap doesn't have a nice gui to add data, but I don't care about that. I'm accessing it all via JNDI from a set of servlets. The part that I was missing is that any valid dn can be used as a user. I just need to add the userPassword field for that record. \_ You want him to read the faq? What are you? Some kind of annoying asshole? God, I hate it when people provide a real answer and cite their source. You unix people all suck! |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17839 Activity:kinda low |
3/23 Need Windows program/script/whatever that will download and save all links from a remote html page. Check tucows and found nothing. I know this is trivial on a unix box but I don't know of any Windows programs for it and that's what I've gotta use. Thanks in advance! \_ look for "wget for win32" on a search engine \_ Another nice feature of wget is the ability to convert absolute \_ IE will provide a list of links but not download them all for you like wget. links in the same set of pages to relative links. \_ Ok, got it and it's mostly working. Picks up some extra cruft and does a few other odd things but I did finally get it to grab the files I wanted after faking the user agent and having it read in the html from a file instead of the net. Thank you. \_ Isn't IE supposed to be able to do this? -unix user \_ IE will provide a list of links but not download them all for you like wget. |
2000/3/21-22 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17812 Activity:high |
3/20 http://www.jailbabes.com they want conjugal visits from men. \_ I got warts from my last visit. \_ http://www.jailbabes.com/jb.cgi?e=2&p=JB02663&s=1 has hot body. Too old for me though. \_ It doesn't say what they're in for. I don't want some chick in prison for trying to spread AIDS. \_ http://www.jailbabes.com/jb.cgi?af=60&at=99&st=CA&p=JB02670&s=1 This is the true dream girl of the whole site. WHOA MAMA! I say! \_ Would someone please post the direct URL of those gifs, not the nasty javascript-masked stuff? \_ Open computer, insert real browser, close computer, click. \_ lynx is a real browse, so is telnet <host> 80. \_ telnet isn't a browser. It can't browse, dummy. |
2000/3/16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17778 Activity:nil |
3/14 In my web page, I can always get around by using "relative path" such as ../, myhomepage, ~tomboy, etc. But if I want to jump to the same URL with a different port (e.g. http://yahoo.com/~tom -> http://yahoo.com:8080/~tom) is there a generic way of doing it? Also, what if I want to jump from http://hi.com to http://hi.com Can I not use absolute path? Thanks. \_ changing http ports? changing to SSL? You must use absolute URLs. eh, wait, you might be able to do something using JavaScript but I'm not sure you want to do that \_ Alas, no. If you run the server and it's running Apache, you can use mod_rewrite to do this fairly cleanly; there's an example in the mod_rewrite docs. --dbushong |
2000/3/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17739 Activity:nil |
3/10 if we have servlets on one machine <Mercury) how do we get another machine (Zinc) to forward the requests get the results, and post to client via http? My boss threw around terms like Apache's proxy and http redirect. I just want to know whether I'm on the right track. Thanks. \_ Hire programmers who know what they're doing. |
2000/3/10-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17737 Activity:moderate 50%like:18527 |
3/10 What's "unix clustering"? \_ Short answer: having a bunch of machine with same config and some \_ Short answer: having a bunch of machines with same config and some 'clustering software' that makes it so these machines are all redundant backups for each other and also share horsepower for things like cpu, io, etc. There's more than one type of clustering and quality, price, features, etc vary widely between vendors, versions, etc, but this is the gist of it for laymen. \_ Mainstream products that do "clustering" are almost always failover systems. Parallel processing is much rarer. Sun and Veritas both have clustering products. -brianm \_ clustering >> failover. a cluster normally handles "failover", but a failover solution does not neccessarily do clustering. A [group of] system[s] that is purely a "failover system" is NOT a "cluster" \_ Guys, I was trying to just get the main idea across and not start a lengthy shitfest over the details. Thanks. \_ For me clustering involves non-trivial degree of communication between the nodes, ie tightly-coupled cluster vs. a simple server farm. Most people use the two terms interchangeably, though. -muchandr \_ Thanks, much appreciated! \_ something that any stupid academic fool understands. \_ Troll? Cookie? Mmmmmm! Good troll! Yummy! |
2000/3/8 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17713 Activity:nil |
3/7 What are people using to do S/MIME on Unix? I don't know which M to RTFM. (I've used a thawte digital certificate to read/ send encrypted mail in windows, but don't like going over there every time to read encrypted mails... Thanks |
2000/3/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17694 Activity:nil |
3/5 I'm trying to configure majordomo but I keep getting this error: ----- Transcript of session follows ----- wrapper: Trying to exec /usr/lib/majordomo/-c failed: No such file or directory Did you define PERL correctly in the Makefile? HOME is HOME=/usr/lib/majordomo, PATH is PATH=/bin:/usr/bin, SHELL is SHELL=/bin/sh, MAJORDOMO_CF is MAJORDOMO_CF=/etc/majordomo.cf 451 "|/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper majordomo"... Operating system error I've looked in /etc/majordomo.cf and found nothing that would cause a non-existent program like -c to execute. Any ideas? \_ well, duh, Did you define PERL correctly? |
2000/3/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17690 Activity:low |
3/3 In un*x is there a way to prevent hostname lookups from, say, *.doubleclick.net? I'd like my computer to take all gethostbyname() lookups to that domain and return an error. Aside from modifying the libsocket source code is there an easier way? \_ They let you have a unix box? Like uhm, yeah, you need to hack the source before you edit the hosts file, local dns records or install junkbusters. \_ a simpler thing would be to just put a static route in your host to make the various doubleclick servers unreachable. -ERic |
2000/2/29 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17650 Activity:kinda low |
2/28 How can I restrict permission on an ftp site so that chroot takes effect without using anonymous ftp? In other words, a secure ftp login by password, where the user only has access to the home directory. Please email me if you know -- jnat \_ This is RTFM time. \_ it helps if you mention WHICH 'M' to F-ing R. Wu-Ftp \_ The one for the server you're using. \_ Wait, who should I believe? What does it all mean? \_ believe your mommy. After all, she's never lied to you... has she? \_ she was young and needed the money \_ yermomma may have wu-wu-ftp but I'm still tryin' to get it on with my computer |
2000/2/25-26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/Networking] UID:17614 Activity:kinda low |
2/24 Security Questions. I was reading about some strategies for defeating DDOS on http://www.sans.org/ddos_roadmap.htm One of thier points was: * Unless an organization is aware of a legitimate need to support broadcast or multicast traffic within its environment, the forwarding of directed broadcasts should be turned off. I'm using my linux box as a router, and I want to know if this means that I should do something like the following: ifconfig eth0 -broadcast -multicast Another point was that RPC services should be disabled on border systems. My understanding was that a border system shouldn't server files via NFS, but mounting was okay. If I need to mount directories, should I be firewalling the RPC port? \_ -broadcast means something other than 'forwarding directed broadcasts'. In fact if you actually turn that off you may break important broadcast based protocols like ARP. If you're on a linux box you really want to do something more like: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts -ERic \_ Thanks. Do you know if this works with 2.0 kernels or is it just 2.2 kernels? Also, I'm assuming that -multicast is okay. \_ Doesn't look like 2.0 kernels have the option. I'm assuming you dont need multicast for things like MBONE so yeah just turn it off too. -ERic \_ I'm not using MBONE at home. I only have 384/128 ADSL, so its just not fast enough. I guess I will have to look at the 2.0 kernel compile options to get something similar to ignore broadcasts feature. \_ you'd probably do a lot better to just set up a lot of ipfw rules to block out any traffic you dont really need. -ERic |
2000/2/23-25 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17601 Activity:high |
2/23 http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,34503-2,00.html \_ Yet another Bash MS article, so what? \_ Everything in here is wrong except the bits about "what", "another", and "bash". \_ yeah tcsh is way better than bash. |
2000/2/23 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17599 Activity:nil |
2/23 What is a good power-user (as opposed to dummy) level unix book for someone whose skill is a bit rusty due to years of neglect but want to get back in shape just for getting work done efficiently? |
3/15 |