3/15 |
2009/11/4-17 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:53495 Activity:nil |
11/4 Holy cow, I got a warning from my ISP that they were notified by BSA/baytsp.com that I was copying music/video/software. Do they do port scan or something? That's a first for me. \_ They hang out on P2P networks and track IP addresses. -tom \_ I believe they are paid by content providers to perform this monitoring service, so you should only run this risk with content from certain sources (such as Fox movies) \_ That's probably true. -tom |
2009/1/14-22 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:52384 Activity:nil |
1/14 http://www.amazon.com/Appetite-Self-Destruction-Spectacular-Industry-Digital/dp/1416552154 \_ where's that gonna go after http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10133425-38.html |
2007/10/24-25 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:48429 Activity:kinda low |
10/24 is there a command line bittorrent client that lets me download selective files out of a torrent, instead of the entire torrent? I have this torrent "Busty Conquests of Wendy Whoppers" that contains 10+ hardcore clips of Wendy Whoppers and her 32GGG breasts, but I think I have 3 of these already. I don't want to destroy my ratio downloading gigantic breast porn I already have. thanks. \_ ratio? what's the point of doing ratios using bittorrent to download? wouldn't they want as many as possible downloaders? btw, 32ggg sounds like a medical condition, not hot. \_ My website of 32GGG TIT PORN depends on ratios. So if I download 3 gigs, I have to leave my computer on until I upload 3 gigs. but if I only want 100 megs out of the torrent, like 2 movies of 32GGG TITS BEING POUNDED OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, I can use a graphical bittorrent client to choose which files I want. Is there a command line bittorrent client that does this? \_ I wasn't asking about your fetish. I was asking why a torrent site would implement ratios. \_ It's so people dont kill off their torrents immediately after getting their data. This helps people who come along in the future and join the torrent. \_ So if you d/l 1 gig, is re-upping that same file to others good for your ratio or you need to u/l a new file to the network? \_ I need to keep my ratio of uploading OH MY GOD ENORMOUS UNHOLY TITS SO BIG THEY HAVE BACK PROBLEMS JESUS CHRIST THOSE SUCKERS MUST BE 15 POUNDS EACH WHERE DO YOU EVEN FIND A BRA THAT BIG???? at a 1.0 ratio, or i can't download new torrents handled by this tracker. |
2007/9/20 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:48139 Activity:nil |
9/20 http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3812960/MediaDefender.Source.TrapperKeeper-MDD | ^ tools mediadefender uses to browse p2p | Update: A list of leaked utilities is now available: | AresDataCollector, AresLauncher, AresProtector, AresSupernode, AresUDPDataCollector, AutoUpdater, AutoUpdaterSource, BTClient, BTDataCollector, BTDecoyClient, BTInflationDest, BTInterdictor, BTIPGatherer, BTPoster, BTRemover, BTScraper, BTScraperDLL, BTSearcher, BTSeedInflator, BTTorrentGenerator, BTTorrentSource, BTTracker, BTTrackerChecker, CVS, DCMaster, DCScanner, DCSupply, DistributedKazaaCollector, DllLoader, ED2KSupplyProcessor, ... | ... EdonkeyIpBanner, FastTrackGift, FastTrackGiftDecoyer, GnutellaDecoyer, GnutellaFileDownloader, GnutellaProtector, GnutellaSupply, KademliaProtector, KazaaDBManager, KazaaLauncher, KazaaSupplyProcessor, KazaaSupplyTaker, KazaaSwarmerDest, KazaaSwarmerDistributedSource, KazaaSwarmerDownloader, KazaaSwarmerSource, MediaMaker, MediaSwarmerDest, MediaSwarmerSource, MetaMachine, MetaMachineHashSetCollector, MetaMachineSpoofer, ... | ... MI-GnutellaSupply, MovieMaker, NameServer, NetworkMonitor, OverNetLauncher, OvernetProtector, OvernetSpoofer, P2PFileIndexer, PioletDC, PioletPoisoner, PioletSpoofer, SamplePlugIn, SLSKSpooferDLL, SoulSeekClient, StatusDest, StatusSource, SupernodeCollector, SupernodeController, SupernodeDistributer, SupplyProcessor, TKCom, TKFileTransfer, TKLauncher, TKProjectManager, TKSyncher, UsenetPoster, UsenetSearcher, ... | ... WatchDogControllerDestination, WatchDogControllerSource, WinMxDC, WinMxLauncher, WinMxProtector, wma generator |
2007/9/3 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:47877 Activity:nil |
9/3 So I was watching the Today Show this morning and in the crowd of jackasses trying to get on TV, some dude kept emphatically showing a home made sign that simply said, "lemonparty.org." None the wiser, I fired up my laptop, curious as to what could possibly be at http://lemonparty.org. I wondered why he was smiling so mischievously, shaking his sign in the air each time the camera had him in the frame. Could it be some family reunion site? A wedding announcement? A site devoted to lovers of lemons? Oh no, I would not be so lucky. No sir -- or ma'am -- it was a photograph of three geriatric men engaged in very passionate adult loving. And by loving, I mean a good old fashioned three-way. Of course, I couldn't let it go at this. I had to find out more about http://lemonparty.org, as it seemed like an inside joke to which I was not privy. A friendly google search yielded several results, all informing me that http://lemonparty.org is supposedly a shock site, in the ranks of loopback.jpg, http://tubgirl.com and goatse.cx. Now, I'm not sure if the shock value or http://lemonparty.org packs the same punch as the aforementioned peers, but I can only imagine a suburban housewife or lonely grandpa typing the web site in as I did, because, well, they too had nothing better to do. So why am I sharing this? I honestly don't know, other than I needed to purge my conscience. I think this was either one of the most wonderfully subversive things I've seen on TV in a long time, or one of the more disturbing ones (although I doubt there are many young kids watching the Today show on Labor Day). But, hey, old guys need to get it on, too, I suppose; so lemonparty indeed! \_ Yucks! It's amazing enough that that guy can get it up. |
2007/7/11-12 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:47263 Activity:low |
7/11 So what p2p systems are there besides bittorrent and soulseek? \_ Lots. I like eMule for when I'm looking for something random and hard to find. BitTorrent for everything else. \_ Lots. eMule is best for things that are random and hard to find. BitTorrent for everything else. |
2006/11/12 [Computer/SW/P2P, Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45332 Activity:nil |
11/12 Anyone know of a way to watch the rights restricted content on the BBC' s Torchwood website. (UK only). The episodes that area already on BitTorrent are HIGHLY reccomended but definitely not for the kiddies. Think of X-files and CSI crossed with a healthy dose of Sopranos and you will get my drift. With lots and lots of DR Who tie-ins along with some really really good eye candy. |
2006/3/15-17 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:42260 Activity:nil |
3/15 dans, would you like to explain your accessing patterns? Why you've become really active all of a sudden? -anonymous coward, dans #1 fan http://csua.com/?q=dans&type=hist&sort=d \_ Sure. I'm writing lots of code. The motd serves as an amusing distraction that gives my mind a chance to recharge and helps my subconcious chew on the problems I'm hacking on. -dans \_ Alright thanks. May I add that you've been very entertaining, especially the dans vs. tom cat fight. And thanks for sharing your emacs know hows, it's quite educational -dans #1 fan |
2006/3/8-10 [Computer/SW/P2P, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:42150 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 Dude, chill out dans. Go out to the beach or something, it's really nice out there. \_ Dude, I just spent the last week on the beach in Santa Cruz. The \_ Dude, I just spent the last weak on the beach in Santa Cruz. The motd is what I do when I'm waiting for code to compile, tests to run etc. -dans \_ I suspect you didn't actually spend a week on the beach. Or were you camping on it? \_ Okay, let me rephrase, I spent a week in a house that looks out on the beach. As in literally walk 10 feet across the street and you're on the beach. -dans \_ Well, ok then. Good for you. What did you do in SC, coding? You seem pretty angry on motd for some reason. Anyways, how does one go about living near the beach for a week? Craigslist? \_ Spent quality time with my girlfriend, hacked on a project \_ wait what??? I thought you're gay I'm really into, caroused with friends, and cooked and ate lots of tasty, fresh food. In my case, I'm fortunate to be part of a circle of friends that values sharing our resources \_ http://www.polyamory.org/SF/poly-folks \_ Wow. That's a leap. -dans with each other. A number of us are successful geeks who are always happy to take in guests. No, I'm not angry. To me, the motd is like fight club without the stitches. It's a nice place to spar with written arguments. Sometimes its informative, and I learn about my fellow CSUAers or change my point of view. Sometimes it's like beating the crap out of Jared Leto, i.e. picking apart weak arguments until the other person gives up and nukes the thread. -dans \_ You just violated the first two rules of fight club. |
3/15 |
2006/1/27-29 [Transportation, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:41576 Activity:nil |
1/27 Anyone know of a effective way to block all BitTorrent traffic? I'm using pf on OpenBSD and I've tried STFW but as near as I can tell, blocking the default ports is useless b/c most BT clients are using non-standard high number ports (and I can't block all of these for other reasons). \_ packet payload inspection. According to a recently published paper by AT&T Labs 1, inspection of the data packets that are transmitting between clients is a good way to detect BitTorrent traffic. The communication between BitTorrent clients starts with a handshake followed by a never-ending stream of length-prefixed messages. The header of the BitTorrent handshake message uses the following format: <a character (1 byte)><a string (19 byte)> The first byte is a fixed character with value '19', and the string value is 'BitTorrent protocol'. Based on this common header, you can use the following signatures to identify BitTorrent traffic: * The first byte in the TCP payload is the character 19 (0x13) * The next 19 bytes match the string 'BitTorrent protocol' http://www.f5.com/solutions/technology/rateshaping_wp.html brought to you by google and "bittorrent traffic signature" \- i'm a little busy to go into depth right now [generic p2p detection and killing off the sessions is something we are trying to do at industrial strength levels] but the approach that makes the most sense sort of depends on your relationship with the other users, number of users [can you respond via a phone call and telling them to stop, or by quashing the traffic [batch vs. realtime detection], will you have 0 tolerance or allow some legitmate use], whether you want to kill off "most" of the traffic [low hanging fruit] or trying to aim for 100%, and related to that, your data volume sizes and how crafty the people you are trying to catch are ... like say you are ignoring http due to data volume and they use http port for the traffic]. there was a reasonable presentation on this at the "hot-p2p" event last year. how c and the above advice is good too. SNORT may be simpler for you to use than BRO and i would be surprised if there wasnt a BT sig for SNORT. |
2005/9/21-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Security] UID:39809 Activity:nil |
9/21 http://tinyurl.com/7swro It's the dawn of the age of uninhibited file sharing! LionShare is creates a neat, private sheltered place where people could shop music and movies to their heart's content without entertainment companies ever knowing. |
2005/6/27-28 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:38309 Activity:nil |
6/27 Supreme court rules against Grokster and Streamcast in Grokster vs. MGM Discuss. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/27/technology/27cnd-grokster.html \_ All your torrents are belong to us. Unanimously. \_ Better tack an extra 1% onto Federal income tax, because, who knows, everyone could download illegal shit. http://thepiratebay.org/legal.php -John \_ The reason SCOTUS ruled unanimously against Grokster was because of internal e-mails, business-to-business e-mails, and interviews where Grokster reps clearly wrote that a core purpose of their software Grokster reps clearly said that a core purpose of their software was to take over the Napster user base, which was losing users rapidly because they put in controls on copyrighted media -- right? If this is the case, then for Grokster specifically, this is open and shut boys and girls. I don't believe there was any fundamental change in any policy. change in any law. If Comcast wrote in internal e-mails, "We want to improve bandwidth so all the people trading the z3r0-d4y will keep their subscriptions with us!" then they'd be fucked too. If, on the other hand, the creator of BitTorrent is on-record as saying he's never used the software he created to download a single pirated file (he beta'd the software with pr0n) ... well, maybe you can go after businesses trying to make money off BitTorrent. The only things interesting IMO are that: lower courts were so farking stupid to write that Grokster was covered under Betamax; and that media is covering this as if SCOTUS ruled against P2P software in general. \_ "The record is replete with evidence that from the moment Grokster and StreamCast began to distribute their free software, each one clearly voiced the objective that recipients use it to download copyrighted works, and each took active steps to encourage infringement" -Souter |
2005/5/15-16 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:37687 Activity:nil |
5/14 'The sites which have been closed, such as LokiTorrent, UK Torrent and s0nicfreak, now carry warning messages from the MPAA that read: "You Can Click But You Cannot Hide."' http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4545519.stm \- Well it appears you can hide. See paper "Is p2p dying or hiding". --psb |
2005/3/29-31 [Reference/Law/Court, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:36949 Activity:nil |
3/29 http://csua.org/u/bim (cnn.com) For some reason I think the Supreme Court would have let the decision from the appeals court stand, since the law on this is so obvious -- but the Court is just hearing the case to help them research the latest iPods they could buy for themselves or something similarly stupid. \_ anyone have a Rio Karma? Recommended? \_ "There's never the intent to break the law when the guy is in the garage inventing the iPod," added Justice David Souter. Haha, that's funny, I don't think the ipod was invented in the garage, hahahaha. \_ The law is not obvious. It is not clear that Sony directly applies to this case for several reasons: (1) Sony dealt w/ an actual product that could be used to violate copyrights, but could not be used for distribution, (2) Sony's revenue did not depend mostly on copyright infringment, while arguably Grokster's revenue does (they get there money from ads in the pgm), (3) Sony did not intend that the VCR be mostly used for infringing uses as Grokster arguably did, (4) the "substantial non-infrining uses" was borrowed from patent law by the Sony decision (which actually was the dissent after the 1st argument, and became the opinion after re-argument) and there isn't any clear direction from the USSC re this standard (given that only about 90% of Grokster's users use it for infringing uses, is it enough that 10% of the users are legit?) My understanding is that most of the questioning today was about aiding and abetting copyright infringing which would take this completely out of Sony territory. |
2005/3/11-14 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Security] UID:36651 Activity:high |
3/11 What do I need to do to make sure I don't get sued when I use bittorrent? I am still a newbie. Thx. \_ Azureus bittorrent client w/ safepeer plug-in supposedly blacklists evil MPAA spy machines... \_ Don't download copyrighted materials, or run it on someone else's machine. \_ How about a real answer? I don't care much for music/movie, only apps/games. \_ It is a real answer. Bittorrent was not conceived to provide any sort of anonymity; Bram Cohen states as much somewhere on http://bittorrent.com. The fact that you have a tracker file hosted somewhere makes your IP show up. -John \_ That's illegal and you can never fully "make sure" you don't get sued. \_ Under bittorrent, how would they trace me? Just give me the technical info, if they were to do so? does the .torrent file contains my info? ip? \_ If you don't know enough to figure this out yourself, you really shouldn't attempt it. \_ In other words "I don't know". \_ In other words, "You're a dumbass, and I'll laugh my ass the fuck off if you get prosecuted" \_ Sniff. Please sir, don't call me names. \_ AFAIK, the underlying d/l stream in BT is not encrypted. Someone w/ a pkt sniffer can tell tell that you are using BT and what you are d/l'ing. If they record the pkts, (which may not be protected under 4 amd) the recorded stream may be used as evid of your copyright violation. The best way to avoid this is to not become an attractive target by d/l'ing high value items frequently. The ONLY 100% safe way is to not d/l copyrighted material. \_ Isn't it easier than that to track someone? I mean, if you're downloading Revenge of the Sith, that means you're also serving it. If I'm the Feds, and I turn on my bittorrent client and start grabbing the movie, I should get a list of IP addresses of everyone I'm getting packets from. I just tell the movie companies to ask the ISPs to match IP addresses to people's names for those people sending the most packets. It doesn't matter if the data are encrypted, since the IP addresses in the IP headers are in cleartext. (although I feel stupid putting it this way) \_ ISPs do not have to disclose the names of people for a particular IP addr unless the cops get a warrant by showing prob. cause. To show prob. cause, the cops need to prove that the IP addr actually served or d/l'ed copyrighted content thus violating the copyright. (simply having copyrighted content on your computer that you own may be covered under fair use and does not show that you have likely violated the law). If the content is encrypted, then the cops can't really prove to the judge issuing the warrant that you served or d/l'ed copyrighted content and may not be able to meet the prob cause requirement. (Some judges might say that having the files there was enough to est. prob cause so you have to be careful) If you use authentication, and the feds lie to you to get a valid passwd, then you may have all sorts of other legal protections. \_ Maybe that's why there are so few torrent users being sued. Anyways, since I don't think the torrent data are encrypted anyway, maybe it's not worth arguing about. From a "I might get sued!" standpoint, I personally would take the assumption that encryption won't help for the Revenge of the Sith example, but, YMMV. \_ Uhm, it is a real answer. You want to use it for illegal purposes, so you risk getting sued. \_ From what I've heard they've only sued 7 bittorrent users (non-ISPs). It's not as bad as MP3 sharing ... yet. Basically, you are a target if you have fat upstream, you leave your computer on all the time so you have the double whammy of always serving files and your IP address never changing, and you serve a lot of new movies. You're probably not a juicy target, but for the average user, I would just avoid grabbing new mainstream movies, lots of recent movies, or serving lots of ISOs like WinXP or Office 2003. \_ Thanks! And to the guy above, f*** off! \_ Uhm, so you basically posted to get someone to pat you on the back and say "Oh no, baby, it's okay. No one's going to sue you!" That's pretty retarded. I mean, honestly, if you're going to trade in copyrighted materials, you become vulnerable to a variety of legal actions. Period. If you can't accept that, the just buy the fucking thing and quite wringing your that, then just buy the fucking thing and quite wringing your hands. \_ Every piece of software on your computer is legally obtained? \_ No clue...but I know the risks and am willing to accept them. *shrug* \_ I see, so all that no stealing lecture does not apply to yourself. I am speachless. \_ You do realize that more than two people can post right? I haven't campaigned for or against the morality of the issue, only the OP's retardation about playing games with legality and essentially entering a state of denial. You're an idiot, by the way, just in case that wasn't clear in your post. \_ He didn't ask for a lecture, just how to avoid the law. \_ So if op had asked you how to shoplift, you would have told him w/o informing him that (1) it was wrong to steal and (2) he may be subject to criminal liability? What I find more disturbing is the fact that op feels entitled to download games (and whatever else he wants) w/o paying for it. Regardless of the civil/criminal liability associated w/ this sort of activity, op OUGHT to realize that actual people worked on the games that he is stealing and if everyone acted like him and stole these games there would be no incentive for people to work on future games. If the hard work of others brings you benefit, PAY FOR IT or we all lose in the long run. \_ I'm not going to disagree with you about games, but I don't agree that stealing software always costs companies money in lost business. I've used stolen copies of very expensive software to get the feel for them and figure out how to use them and then spent huge amounts of Other People's Money to buy the real thing based on having tried it for free. In some cases I would probably not have made that purchasing decision had I not been able to try it out. So in the end, the company made *more* money than they would had I not stolen a copy while I was a poor student who couldn't afford it anyway. \_ I can see your rationale. If you end up buying a copy of the software or deleting it b/c you don't want to buy it, there is no violation of the principle that one ought pay for things from one which one derives a benfit. Unfortunately the law does not (and probably cannot ever) allow for this. The general principle could be applied to games/music/books/movies/&c. if there were no public library or private rental systems, however, it is so easy and affordable to rent things it doesn't really make sense to steal. \_ Well, the way for this to be legal is for the company to have the foresight to give away a version that's good enough to learn the commands and get a feel for it so poeple like me don't *have* to break the law to try their damn product. Wasn't there a free version of Doom in the begining to get people hooked? After that, I was more than happy to shell out the money for the real thing which I probably wouldn't have done otherwise. \_ right...I'm sure companies which provide demo versions never get their software stolen. -tom \_ Join a private forum. No, really. \_ Would decentralization, using SSL encryption, and only using centralized servers to randomly connect people, and always use another node as a middle-man when xferring data make it really hard to track? Sort of a cross between filetopia and bittorrent... \_ onion routing, so nobody's sure what data is going through them, taht would be more like it. See 'freenet' |
2005/3/10 [Computer/SW/P2P, Recreation/Media] UID:36627 Activity:low |
3/10 Is there a tutorial on how to use bittorrent? I downloaded Azureus but now what? Where do I find the torrents? \_ Depends on what you want. A good place for legal(ish) anime is http://www.animesuki.com There are also site for bollywood movies and such. \_ It's really pretty straightforward. Download a .torrent file, open it with your bittorrent client. Some things of interest: The Grey Album (mashup of Jay-Z's The Black Album and The Beatles' The White Album): http://www.illegal-art.org/audio/grey.html The Harry Potter Remix: http://www.illegal-art.org/video/wizard.html http://www.btefnet.net posts torrents of recently aired TV shows. Otherwise, try googling for 'torrents'. -dans \_ dans, I'm reporting you to the FBI for illegal distribution of copyrighted TV shows. P.S. you might want to check out the official BitTorrent 4.0 client just released for Windows and Linux. I'd comment on it, but I mostly use a Mac these days. \_ http://www.piratebay.org \_ARRRRRRRR! |
2005/2/25 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:36410 Activity:low |
2/25 No more bittorrent for me :( http://money.cnn.com/2005/02/24/technology/hollywood_lawsuits.reut \_ eek. how does that work though? let's say someone puts up a web page with his "free e-book". But it's really an illegal copy. Clearly he's liable for the illegal distribution but what about users who downloaded it? Granted this isn't plausible in all cases. \_ just don't use bittorrent for those blockbuster movies, it seems |
2005/2/11 [Computer/SW/P2P, Recreation/Media] UID:36136 Activity:high |
2/10 Motd poll: have you used bittorrent or another P2P for an illegal download within the last 2 months? Yes: .. No : ..... For a movie (if yes)? Yes: .. No : . \_ BT as a means for widespread piracy is pretty dead in the long run- it was never meant for it and only ended up being put to use for "illegal" downloads because it was available, worked well, and was pretty much under the radar. The basic BT architecture isn't suited to the kind of untraceability you need for downloads. There are more appropriate ideas for this sort of use out there. -John \_ With a 'private' tracker and .torrent download site scheme it's a bit safer. You need it to be truly private though. \_ Does d/l'ing eps of Atlantis/MI-5 that I missed count as illegal? If so, I have used bt to illegally d/l eps. Otherwise no. BTW, why would you want to d/l a movie when you can just netflix it? \_ I dunno. I never downloaded movies but I recently did get a few things off of torrents (SW "original laserdisc" DVDs, a couple of subtitled anime flicks, and hellboy of all things. I don't even really care about that stuff but now I'm probably on some FBI list since I got it from lokitorrent. The chances are slim but they could probably bust my ass to kingdom come based on the stuff I read lately. And yeah I've used it for a few missed TV shows and apparently that's just as illegal. But it's the movie guys seem the most interested in making a big hoopla about this right now. |
2005/2/10-11 [Reference/Law/Court, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:36131 Activity:kinda low |
2/10 Lokitorrent is dead. Long live lokitorrent! \_ Do you have more info about the outcome of the lawsuit? Did the court force them to put up the index.html page they now have at http://www.lokitorrent.com ? \_ I wonder when they'll go after bittorrent downloaders instead of sites. \_ http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=661 |
2005/2/9-10 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:36120 Activity:high |
2/9 A lot of movies I get from Kazaa or Bittorrent are in AVI format, and I end up having to convert them back to MPG to burn to DVD or VCD which is a big drag. Is there any reason why people prefer AVI instead of the good 'ol MPG format? Is it the size, compression ratio, quality, or other factors? \_ http://www.videohelp.com has enormous amounts of information on formats and converters. It's a bit dense with information, but if you can figure out the very basics it's a huge help. -John \_ Um, DivX? \_ Yeah, basically. AVI is really (like MOV) just a container file format. Lots of different codecs are often used inside the AVI container: MPEG4, MSMPEG4v2 (which i think is like Divx), etc. MPG files are usually only MPEG1 (VCD) or MPEG2 (DVD), and compared to MPEG4 variants, they're much crappier for a given bitrate. --dbushong \_ VCD sucks. Get a player that can play Xvids. \_ Mainly, it's the quality/size ratio. I use DIKO to convert my avis to DVDs. It can convert to VCDs as well, I believe. \_ Don't forget, Kazaa logs all of your downloads. \_ Anyone tried eXeem? the "distributed bittorrent" thing? \_ Size, compression ratio, and quality are all the same factor. \_ Anyone here use Limewire? I really like it. \_ So what're suggested p2p or bittorrent client for music only? Looking for obscure world fusion bands, mostly. \_ "They mostly come out at night, mostly" \_ Your brain has been classified as: filled with too much pop- culture crap. \_ Aliens is pop culture crap?! I challenge you to thunderdome, biotch! \_ Soulseek |
2005/1/24-26 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35877 Activity:kinda low |
1/24 Of all the p2p software, which is the fastest at transferring large (>1GB) files from one person to another? Some are premised on multiple concurrent uploads to speed up the download (e.g., BitTorrent), which is great for popular files, but I have a large set of data that would only be interesting to one other person. Is FTP still the best way to go? \_ Split up the file and use multiple FTP connections. The improvement over single FTP connection is large if the distance is great (e.g. between California and Japan). between California and Japan), where the bottleneck is the roundtrip time instead of bandwidth. \_ p2p isn't about moving files from one user to the next. In your example above, justputting the files on a website would be as fast ast. \_ One caveat with just putting files on a website, most Apache builds can't send files larger than 2 gigs. -dans \_ Also, how much data are you talking about? Tens of gigs, or terabytes? Once you get into the terabyte range you're probably better off just yanking the hard disks, and fedexing them. Sneakernet is still the bandwidth king. -dans \_ "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes." -some guy in the fortune file \_ I have files around 2-5GB in size, so FTP sounds like the way to go. Any reccommendations for free, secure FTP servers for Windows XP? Going back to the p2p model, at what point does it become efficient? That is, how many people does it take to share a file such that it gets distributed fairly quickly? --op. (ps - these are VMWare images) \_ If you can initiate the transfer you might consider scp or rsync with the appropriate flag to compress on the fly. As to your p2p question, I think your understanding is a little flawed. What p2p lets you do is aggregate bandwidth from more than one source. Simplifying a lot and ignoring overhead, it's going to take the same amount of time to transfer a file from a single server connected via a T1 (1.5 megabits per second) as it would to transfer a file via a p2p network where six sites with 256 kilobit per second connections are hosting the file. Add more users and you add more bandwidth. -dans |
2004/12/20 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:35362 Activity:high |
12/19 http://suprnova.org is down again, I guess the corporations are winning... \_ This time you're actually right. It has (apparently) gone down permenently. permanently. \_ what's the best replacement out there atm? \_ I don't know, but http://lokitorrent.com seems pretty good, 1.5 million active peers according to the site. Registration req'd. active peers according to the site. (free) registration req'd. \_ I've never liked bittorrent, it always stalls on me. I also find it difficult to find anything with it. The only thing I found it good was was dling some anime. \_ This makes you ... a loser. good was dling some anime. \_ BT is the suck for illegal content, as it's always going to rely on the tracker being available. For legit downloads, like OS .isos and such, it rocks. -John \_ I use it exclusively for TV shows I've missed. It seems to do the trick. \_ where do you find sources? \_ Up until last week, http://suprnova.org \_ "Google"? -John \_ It's great for "popular" illegal content. I see tons of stuff out there, almost all recent stuff appears on there and will be fast for a time. Within those parameters it's the best. It does rely on having popular listing sites like suprnova. \_ so are there any good suprnova replacement sites? \_ I suspect they simply paid the site owners off. \_ Check the http://slashdot.org thread about it. Several other sites are mentioned as alternatives. \_ If you know good ones can you name a couple? I hate slashdot threads. \_ empornium.us. 3 guesses what kind of torrents *they* host. |
2004/12/1-2 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:35137 Activity:low |
12/1 any rec's for a free/open web-based document management/sharing system? thanks. \_ PHProjekt. http://www.phprojekt.com Or PHPGroupware. There was a recent slashdot thread on web-based collaboration tools, which may have some pointers to what you want. -John \_ thanks... I couldnt seem to find the slashdot thread... is this what you had in mind? - rory On Collaborative Weblogs http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/05/31/1112234&tid=95&tid=146 \_ Nope sorry, my mistake, it was about calendaring tools: http://tinyurl.com/6oxae some good links, though. -John \_ Mambo \_ Mambo seemed pretty good when I looked into it. If you don't need something light and fast, my co-worker is setting up Plone, which is Zope-based. I'm not involved in the project, so I don't know why Plone was chosen. \_ please let me know which one you've decided. I tried ZOPE and others, never find one that I really like. -kngharv |
2004/11/27 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35083 Activity:moderate |
11/26 I am new to file sharing, so here is a dumb question. Does the use of p2p program protects the client more than direct http/ftp download? \_ Depends on what you mean by "protect"--your security against exploits/trojans? Anonymity? -John |
2004/11/20-21 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:34994 Activity:high |
11/19 Looks like suprnova is down. I guess they've been hit by the corp. \_ looks fine. try www.suprnovra, not suprnova \_ Nope. http://suprnova.org is the real one; http://suprnova.com and net are look-alike ripoffs \_ Yes, and http://suprnova.org works for me. \_ Down for me. \_ Try http://torrentreactor.net--they're OK. -John |
2004/11/15-16 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:34890 Activity:high |
11/14 What's the largest single torrent you've ever completed a download of? >10GB:. 2-10GB:..... <2GB: Torrent?: .. \_ I read there was a study which said 35% of all internet traffic is BitTorrent. Why haven't we seen BitTorrent lawsuits? \- do you have a ptr to this study? my numbers are pretty much pre-BT ... ~psb/MOTD/InternetFlows. this would suggest a big increase in traffic, not just a shift in composition. --psb \_ http://in.tech.yahoo.com/041103/137/2ho4i.html Google, Partha. -John |
2004/10/21 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:34269 Activity:very high |
10/21 http://bitflood.org:8080/?file=791b2f5d95a54d1381b85f271b51f71e73964185 Get the 96MB video for a high-quality clip of the Crossfire Jon Stewart interview. This is required viewing, especially if you want to stop watching cable TV political analysis shows. (For the newbs: Save the .torrent file, then open it in BitTorrent) \_ What is up with this? Stewart was an ass and the other guy was no better. BTW, Stewart's own ratings have plunged since then. \_ Stewart was hilarious, but he had a point: without being partisan on the matter, he pointed out that CNN puts entertainment value before relevance in its programming decisions. He's right in saying that Crossfire is poor parody of a debate show, but I don't think a real debate show would do well on CNN- the ones on PBS don't seem to attract viewers. \_ If you ask me, Stewart was also talking about the problem of Begala coming "from the left" and Tucker "from the right", and there not being an honest attempt to reach a correct answer (regardless of political leanings), implying that there is none or one is not considered important. By doing this, you entertain liberals and conservatives and help them think the other side is full of idiots (encouraging the polarization of America), but you don't help them come to a correct, intelligent answer. E.g., part of the correct answer is if Tucker would say Dubya is a fucking moron to still say he would have invaded Iraq if he had known everything we know today. \_ are you sure? or are you believing drudgereport again? the daily show has been on a total of one time since friday's crossfire segment - danh \_ What have they been doing for the last week? \_ the crossfire segment everyone keeps talking about was last friday. the daily show just ran reruns all last week. i hope matt drudge gets eye syphilis. - danh \_ So, what you're saying is that Drudge's ratings info is based on last week, _before_ the Crossfire interview and during a week of re-runs. Gotcha. 'Cos this week has been awesome. \_ right. do you hate drudge as much as i do yet? - danh \_ DRUDGE HAS NEVER GOTTEN ANYTHING WRONG!!!!!1 --motd \_ What? You prefer Dan Rather and CBS for their highly accurate and well researched and unbiased reporting? \_ In the dictionary under "straw man" it says, "see this post." \_ Huh? Are you sure you don't mean "false dichotomy" or maybe "red herring?" \_ No, you're looking for "false, but accurate"! \_ I'm not sure that's possible, but I get your point. |
2004/9/28 [Computer/SW/P2P, Recreation/Media] UID:33804 Activity:low |
9/28 I wanna buy the complete 4 seasons of Southpark but Amazon is kind of pricy. What are other places that sell Southpark DvDs cheap? ok thx \_ http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com looks ~$30 cheaper \_ bittorrent + time = free \_ you know I've never used Kazaa/Napster (fear), is bittorrent easy to use and is it legal? \_ bittorent is free, easy to use, small, and spyware-free. You can use it to obtain materials legally and not. Re South Park, the easy step is getting the episodes; the takes-time-but-otherwise-easy step is finding/burning the DVD ISOs or figuring out how to burn non DVD ISOs. \_ Free or legal, choose one. That being said, bittorrent hasn't had any lawsuits filed to my knowledge, and the only 'takedown' letters I've heard of are for the people running the trackers and torrent dump sites (which would not be you). |
2004/6/28-30 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:31051 Activity:moderate |
6/28 Looking for Macross Do You Remember Love, 0 on Kazaa. Where else can you download it from? \_ emule \_ What does the ", 0" on the end mean? Are you looking for both MDYRL and Macross Zero? \_ Sigh. Read the "0" as "zero" and parse as describing the number of results from Kazaa. \_ If you want Macross Zero it's probably easiest to goto http://www.animesuki.com and download it with bittorrent. |
2004/6/23 [Computer/SW/P2P, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:30972 Activity:high |
6/23 http://bugmenot.com \_ shit, stop sharing this stuff. the more you advertise something the this the faster it becomes completely useless. |
2004/2/8-9 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:12160 Activity:nil |
2/8 give a fake email address, go to jail for 7 years: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/35376.html \_ Give a fake address *when registering a domain*. Sounds reasonable to me. Like buying property, you're entering a oontract with Gov't and society--we should be able to contact the real you. \_ Good call. The article is stupid. BTW, can someone explain what they mean by "the intention ... is clearly p2p networks"? AFAICT this doesn't affect anyone using some p2p software from their home dsl. Though the harley analogy is really fucking stupid and scary... --scotsman \_ It's much more fun to scream about civil liberties, the patriot act, and the evil bushco. Who asked you to bring any common sense to a motd issue? |
2004/2/6 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:12117 Activity:kinda low |
2/5 So I've been trying to download stuff on Kazaa and I'm very impressed at how the record industry is fighting back by uploading fake music files. 95% of the stuff I download now are bogus. I'm very very impressed. At any rate, what are some other non-sucking p2p programs I could use? Thanks. \_ IRC \_ my friend swears by suprnova (w/o the e). it's bittorrent \_ suprnova is great, but only if you're looking for something either incredibly popular or very recent. I use suprnova as my Tivo. \_ if there's some version of a song that has 50 sources, don't believe it. Download a different version. \_ you should sue. you have the right to download non-bogus files. the information wants to be free! \_ I like Ares alot... just started using it, no ads, good selection of music. \_ Someone asked about earthstation5 recently, but no replies. Has anyone used this at all yet? \_ It had a bug or backdoor (which one is a matter of controversy) which gave a remote attacker complete RW control of your drives. I won't touch it anytime soon. |
2004/1/5 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:11659 Activity:nil |
1/4 Ares is the new P2P client. Kazaa-like interface, no ad-ware, good selection with good bitrates based on my initial searching. \_ How does it compare to Kazaa-lite? |
2003/12/7-8 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:11352 Activity:nil |
12/7 Recommendations for a good file-sharing client? I'm mainly interested in shamelessly subverting copyright law (ie, downloading music MP3's). Kazaa seems to be sucking as of late. \_ What's your login, I ll email you what I use. \_ phillip@csua \_ If you're looking for mainstream, there are few good bittorrent sites. \_Really? From my experience bittorrent sucked...all you can find is phish and it took all day to download. Lemme know if I'm missing something. The program is cool. -scottyg \_ i will now have to listen to anthrax at top volume for an hour to get that horrible audio image out of my mind. \_ Bittorrent is really good for "0-day" stuff and new TV/movies. It's hard to find good .torrent files though. It's not a good general-purpose P2P; it's good for spreading a few files really fast. \_ I use emule and winmx. winmx for music, emule for everything else. \_ dc++ \_ I second that, especially Scandinavian hubs. \_ soulseek is good (http://www.slsknet.org |
2003/11/28-12/1 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:11261 Activity:nil |
11/28 I have Verizon and I noticed that whenever I run Kazaa, my ISP disconnects me and reconnecws me every few minutes or so. How to prevent that? \_ stop pirating software, music, books and pr0n. \_ shut the fuck up. Current IP laws is so fucking twisted \_ try emule, it's better than kazaa. and the above poster forgot about divx movie pirating... \_ Call Verizon customer service to verify, but you might be able to initialize the new phone (and disable the old) by calling *228 and following the instructions. (The number also has an option for updating the Preferred Roaming List, PRL.) \_ *** Did you mean to post this above? *** |
2003/10/16-17 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:10662 Activity:high |
10/16 Are there any p2p applications that use port 80? \_ I know there're some that use HTTP, though I'm not sure which ones |
2003/10/1 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:10400 Activity:nil |
10/1 http://wired.com/news/mp3/0,1285,60650,00.html Chuck D and LL Cool J face off about file sharing. Guess the shil, win a teddy bear! \_ they both sound like utter morons \_ this is some sort of surprise coming from guys who call themselves "Chuck D" and "LL Cool J"? think about it. |
2003/9/10 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:10131 Activity:nil |
9/9 RIAA Rocks! They got $2,000 off of the girl who liked "nursery rhymes"! \_ urlP \_ http://csua.org/u/48n \_ A 12-year-old living in the projects who misunderstood copyrights, and they got $2000. I think I start file swapping just on principle for that one.... \_ Lets boycott the mainstream music industry. Stop buying albums. \_ I think not. That felon shared over 1,000 copyrighted songs. And you tell me she didn't have an idea it was wrong. \_ Anyone knows how many song she downloaded or stored on her PC? \_ I read it was over 1200. \_ i threw out all my Metallica albums cuz they were at the forefront of this wussiness. \_ of course, it's very convenient that metallica had already started to suck by the time napster happened. And Justice For All was their last decent album. \_ Started to suck? They *always* sucked. All that changed is you got old enough and your taste improved enough to see it. \_ That's probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. \_ albums you already paid for? yeah that'll hurt them. \_ why don't the go after the $29.99 guys instead? \_ duh, they've got lawyers \_ So, motd oracles, explain this to me: if I rip CDs that I own and share them on my hard-drive, will the RIAA have a case? Or does it have to be a case of mp3s I've obviously dl'd from another user? And if I can't share mp3s I've ripped myself, is it even legal for me to be making mixed tapes/CDs for friends? For my own use? And does any of this hold any legal water or is it all a case of "comply or we'll bankrupt you with legal fees"? \_ Look, cut the semantics, just turn yourself in. Criminal. -John \_ Ah, I see. I'll just report to the nearest security booth for termination, shall I, friend Computer? ;-) \_ Yes, no, maybe, yes, yes. \_ you want to stop the RIAA, help develop a celestial file sharing program. broadcast/relayed queries, distributed archiving in an encryped partial format (so nobody knows what they've really cached), and swarm file downloading via UDP, ICMP, or other connectionless protocols with obfuscated and/or FORGED or SOURCE IP ADDRESSES. It'd be nigh-unto-impossible to track where a file came from. They'd have to find a way to sue the entire internet. Good luck RIAA. \_ Fight the Power. Music yearns to be Free. \_ Not while it's in the vested interests of the big labels to keep it in chains: http://www.taxi.com/transmitter0307/tips0307.html |
2003/9/6 [Computer/SW/Virus, Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:10100 Activity:nil |
9/5 What's the best p2p client to use nowadays (for music)? I liked soulseek but it stopped working. I'd really prefer spyware-free. \_ telnet to port 80. |
2003/8/21-22 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:29432 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 Is http://earthstation5.com for real? Anyone tried it? \_ http://download.com.com/3302-2196_4-10210370.html \_ Their homepage is pretty worthless http://www.es5.com \_ the RIAA is going to start funding settlers now |
2003/5/31-6/1 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:28594 Activity:moderate |
5/31 Anybody know where to find old version of programs like Kazaa and Real Player? Their respective web sites only have the latest version but the latest version always have bloatware or spyware. I just want to be able to play some .rm files and d/l some music without some 100 meg monster program. Yes, I've searched google, but it has too many results to sift through. There must be a site that archives some of this stuff somewhere. Thanks. \_ STFW http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=real \_ STFW for Kazaa Lite \_ real has old version on the web. \_ For Kazaa, does anyone tried giFT ? \_ No, I prefer outright thEFT. |
2003/4/9 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:28043 Activity:high |
4/8 alright, it seems to be time again: audiogalaxy ruled but is gone, kazaa worked great but is now sucking... what's the next mp3 d/l'ing software I should try? \_ what's wrong with Kazaa? \_ spyware? \_ Kazaalite? \_ eMule --aaron |
2003/2/28 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:27562 Activity:very high |
2/27 Anyone found a non-preorder copy of moo3 in a store anywhere in the SF BA? If so, please post what store and location. Thanks! \_ frys (in palo alto dunno about elsewhere) \_ ObKazaa \_ what is that "Ob" means when people say "ObKazaa" or "ObGoogle?" \_ Obligatory. As in "Obligatory STFW response" or "Obligatory suggestion to try Kazaa, dumabass" (the 'dumbass' is sort of implied) \_ No. Wrong. I'm not a thief. I want to *buy* the game as odd from http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent ... or mail me. -dwc as this may seem to those of you with no ethics. -OP \_ http://www.donkax.com/bittorrent/index.php?dir=Games get bittorrent from http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent ... or mail me. \_ signature purged for your safety. \_ Gamestop will have it. |
2002/12/21 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:26880 Activity:insanely high |
12/20 If one is snarfing porn and one has used a secure erasing program to erase the incriminating files from one's own drive. How many other locations likely have records of the transaction and how long will those records persist? This was via kazaalite, a spyware-free p2p client. \- just out of curiousity, is this a shared work computer, hide from spouse or is it child p0rn or something like that? --psb \_ The server, in its log files, forever. Your browser cache, until you clear it. Your browser history file, for however long you have your browser set to retain files. \_ You forgot about the logs for all of the transparent proxies (most of them will have copies of the content in their caches as well). \_ The server as in the server from whence I downloaded the porn? A bummer about Windows Media Player is that I have know idea how to clear its buffer. Anyway, thanks. This is pretty much as I figured. I was worried about things like whether our router or our DSL modem keeps transaction logs. \_ link:www.techtv.com has a howto for being able to clear WMP's history. \_ It depends on the router. Some routers have the ability to replicate all packets coming in from a certain port or IP address and redirect it to a workstation with analysis software running. This is standard practice in the heavily loaded POPs. ISPs analyze traffic patterns to better plan out network buildouts. |
2002/11/15-17 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Security] UID:26558 Activity:nil |
11/15 http://journalism.berkeley.edu/projects/biplog Coming soon, a real hostname. -dans |
2002/10/26-28 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:26330 Activity:nil |
10/25 is there some sourceforge project that integrates a mailing list, file sharing capabilities, member profiles, etc... basically i'm looking for a replacement for a yahoogroups type mailing list. \- gnu mailman is somewhat extensible. --psb \_ Emacs has this, M-x set yahoo-replacement mode on |
2002/10/26-28 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/Networking] UID:26329 Activity:nil |
10/25 When I hit <DEAD>localhost:1214<DEAD> (Kazaa port) it works ok. But when I go to <DEAD> |
2002/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:25660 Activity:very high |
8/23 Will network performance suck again, now that the semester is starting? Or has something been done about it? \_ it sucked before? \_ you didn't notice? \_ guess not :) \_ yes. \_ If you can't beat them, join 'em. dl kazaa. \_ Make sure to get the fully spyware enabled trjoan horse version. \_ Some things have been done. SETI@@@@@@@@Home now has its own ISP connection. The cost of bandwidth has come down, so our bandwidth cap is now 90 megabits/sec instead of 70 megabits/sec. Within the next week or two, it will be raised to 100 megabits/sec once some new hardware is installed. My guess is that there will still be performance issues, if not at the beginning of the semester, then at least by the end of the calendar year. I'm currently writing up a report requesting immediate emergency funding for bandwidth charges, with longer- term plans to do more with managing KaZaa, and managing or charging high-bandwidth users in general. -tom \_ That's how it starts. Next you'll be putting KaZaa users into camps. And people using KaZaa _and_ SETI@Home will be put to death. Heil Tom! \_ I don't know tom or his personality, but I think his idea above is good. \_ Sure, until someone decides *your* traffic isn't a priority and you should be charge or 'managed'. \_ and just how do you plan to put a stop to Kazaa users when the Kazaa topology is dynamic? \- you can because the "protocol isnt dynamic" \_ I don't think you can "put a stop" to peer-to-peer file sharing; certainly not by technical means, on a campus like Berkeley. But the effects of KaZaa can be measured, and the people using KaZaa can be managed. (As in, "stop doing that"). Remember, we're talking about on-campus machines, not the dorms (which have their own separate cap). Note that the problem with KaZaa on campus is files being downloaded by people from off-campus; campus people using KaZaa to download files don't contribute to the problem due to the current algorithm for bandwidth charging. -tom \_ stopping p2p pirary on college campuses is VERY easy. All you need to do is to adopt a new university policy that sez if you're caught pirating stuff you'll be expelled. No appeals. then you start the random search in the dorms and start expelling some of the incoming freshman. You'll see the p2p traffic drop to NIL once the pictures of expelled freshmen gets on Daily Cal. Remember the naked guy? After the law against nudity at Berkeley and on campuses, and he got expelled, nobody dared to show up naked. Enforcement is the key. Expell the little fuckers without due process and you'll see \_ Or as they say, "try and then execute them!" everybody marching in line. \- stopping kaza, gnutella, napster and a couple of other p2p piracy programs is solved problem technically. it is fairly strightforward to detect them in real time and blast them with RST packets. it is an open question what the policy should be and it is slightly involved attempting to "whitelist" some users who are allegedly using it for "real work". the "dynamic topology" and configurable ports dont matter. of course there are more involved ways to hide, but 99% of the users at the moment dont do that ... although the number of evaders may increase *some* if the "kazka obliterator" code were deployed. ok tnx. \- actually to do this 100% on a large scale isnt that simple technically, but it is pretty simple to deploy something that fucks up enough p2p programs so that it is effectively unusable. and this is a case where you dont need 100% coverage to change behavior. \_ The problem is, the more you fuck it up, the more incentive you provide to find ways around the blocks. It will always be easier to hide file sharing than to block it. \- thus far, untrue. or only true with very sophisticated users and very unsophisticated detectors ... but not inherently true. --psb But certainly there are measures which could be taken which would make an impact, if it's decided that it's a good idea to take such measures. (The other problem is, once you make people hide their P2P usage, you have a harder time finding them to rap their knuckles). -tom \-as i said above, most attempts to hide do not work against a good detection system. if you are doing something stupid like looking for a static port or a list of src/dst addresses like in the case of the napster "metaservers" it is easy to get around by just punching in a different number somewhere ... but at this point setting up a fancy proxy or encrypted tunnel is beyond the ken of most of the community ... perhaps something canned will emerge soon that gets around the current generation of our detectors, but at the moment this is not a technical but a political/ resource allocation problem. this is based on many months of experience at a decent sized institution with a fair number of sophisticated users. --psb \_ Is this the point where we start talking about The Tragedy Of The Commons? I miss those threads.... |
2002/8/21-22 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:25636 Activity:insanely high |
8/21 What p2p software do sodans use? Soulseek: . MLDonkey: . Gnucleus: . Kazaa: . Kazaa Lite: .. WinMX: . /csua/tmp/: . /etc/motd.public: . smbclient to your windows box: . \_ Kazaa Lite = Kazaa - Spyware |
2002/4/4-5 [Computer/SW/P2P, Consumer/Audio, Computer/SW/Virus] UID:24327 Activity:very high |
4/4 What's the mp3 finder of choice now aside from kazaa? \_ AudioGalaxy \_ you know, this trojans your browser \_ probably, but a fun way to run audiogalaxy is on a linux box somewhere, and to do searches with your web browser \_ gnucleus... Open-source gnutella client :) on the computer of your choice, so there's no way you can be trojaned. \_ I use Grokster with all the spyware chopped out by AdAware. \_ You think so.... |
2002/3/7-8 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24060 Activity:nil |
3/7 Can someone provide a ref to what the fasttrack network is? Does it feature the same sort of "can't be shut down" features that Gnutella does? Or is it more napster/centralized? \_ They claim it can't be, RIAA/etc claim it can. That they killed Morpheus (who used their software but didnt pay their bills) instantly says they have some sort of control but it sounds like an _intentional_ hole they put in the clients, not a central server napster style event. They are keeping secret the technical details of how their network works. |
2002/2/20 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23921 Activity:high |
2/19 Tom posts an intelligent comment on usenet: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&selm=a4u5df%241uvv%241%40agate.berkeley.edu \_ Charging is one possibility except then you get into the problem of exactly who to charge. Do you charge the student assigned to a workstation? Ok, another user logs in from another local machine and uses the other student's machine for external access. Do you charge the whole department or sub-unit and "let God sort it out"? That just means rich departments stay on the net and poorer ones take the net away from most of their users. You can't charge by IP address because IP != unique user and packets don't have user names on them. There's still no answer short of simply cutting off a lot of people from external net access and I don't think anyone wants that. \_ "tragedy of the commons" problems usually have no easy solution. The issue of access to national parks is a good example; you can't restrict access to Yosemite Valley in a way that's pleasing and fair, but you have to restrict access if you want Yosemite Valley to retain its value. At some point you have to make some decisions about tradeoffs. A campus phone isn't equivalent to a unique user, either, but we manage to bill people for phone service. -tom \_ I don't have a problem with the basic concept of billing for usage but it isn't the same as phones. Most people aren't on the phone all day. Most aren't making LD calls. And it is a bit difficult to login to your phone from my desk without your knowledge and rack up a huge bill to 976-hotsex. $300 in calls on my phone to my office mate's mother in Tokyo is easy to track down and bill properly. With the technology at hand I only see raising bandwidth or cutting a lot of people off from the public net. I don't see the latter as a good choice for a research/educational institution. It also wouldn't fly politically. \- i think this is naive. \_ How are you planning to pay for this increased bandwidth? \_ I don't think anyone wants to cut people off the net, but providing a certain amount of "free" service, and charging if you go over a certain amount of traffic, is probably a tenable model. Buying bandwidth indefinitely so kids can fill it up with more kazaa is untenable. -tom \_Just raise tuiton. Make net access a line item that people can elect not to pay for if they don't need it. \_ "Every complex problem has a solution that's simple, elegant, and won't work." -tom \_ isn that ken lindahl's or msinatra's quote? \- Why doesnt "disallow P2P except on certain subnets/via prior arragement" [say for people using gnutella for collaboration or maybe some- body in cs doing something researchy] solve the problem as long as someone in the dorms can get their own isp access [i am not sure if this is possible]. are students on the dormnet allowed to run WEEB servers? yes, a lot of the http is garbage but you have to attack what is viable and cost-effective. the comment about running the p2p server on port 80 to "hide" is not a real issue. at least with napster, gnutella, kazza, we can detect it on any port [although not in real time, although that doesnt seem important]. Also, the TotC comparison isnt quite right since the Commons is a natural endowment while bandwidth is sort of a "weakly- rival" good paid for by somebody. Say I build a lighthouse for my shipping company along my shipping lane. I dont care if some people use my lighthouses, however if this makes for "my shipping lanes" too crowded for me to use, well, i'd be better off switching technologies. it seems like if you throttled the dormnet traffic onto the routed internet but allowed significant bandwidth to campus, people could do their school work. [i assume most of the p2p sharing isnt local]. --psb [the lighthouse example is a little off because it is not a divisible but a binary good but that wasnt the point i was getting at. someone does own the bandwidth]. \_ dorm traffic is already handled under a separate cap. You can do things to discourage P2P sharing, but that only solves 25% of your problem, and the more you discourage it, the more incentive there is to find ways around it. -tom \_ MOTD WANKERY! None of you people are in position to do anything. \_ actually, I am. -tom \_ A chill falls across the room... \_ wanking is precisely what they are in the position to do. |
2002/1/22-23 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:23634 Activity:moderate |
1/22 The problems with the Cory/Soda networks seems to be pretty widespread throughout campus. Is the routing being handled by monkeys or something? It's soooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooow. \_ Since about a week-and-a-half ago, the campus has been hitting its bandwidth cap on its link to the commodity Internet (70 megabits/sec). About half of the traffic is kazaa/gnutella. CNS and the chancellors are trying to decide what to do about it. -tom \_ So when did this bandwidth cap start, and why didn't CNS announce it in http://ucb.net.announce like they do all other service interruptions? This reminds me of when then initiated the cap on the dorms and wouldn't tell Residential Computing what the "problem" was for 2 days. -mikeh \_ The bandwidth cap has been in place since our OC12 was installed--it's only recently been hit. 70 megabits/sec is all the campus is paying for. "bandwidth cap" is somewhat misleading; we're talking about the size of our pipe. It wouldn't be any different than if we had a 70 megabit/sec pipe. Our current hardware connection, if we let traffic run up to it, would give us about another 15 megabits, at a cost of $4500/month. -tom \_ That's easy. Cut off the fucking dorms from anything but a web proxy/cache and locally hosted email. \_ "Every problem has a solution that's simple, elegant, and won't work." The dorms are already limited to a separate 40-megabit cap. -tom \_ So total campus bandwidth is 110? Ok, ban it and start executing p2p users. It's all theft anyway. \_ Bandwidth to the commodity net. Internet 2 traffic is not capped, or tapped out at this point. (I think our pipe is something like 650 megabits). -tom \_ just cut off their mouse hand. \_ And in other news, masturbation drops 80% on campus, survey says. \_ 70mb/sec =~ 8.7MB/sec? \_ So the 400ms+ ping roundtrip times are the result of a bandwidth cap? \_ they are the result of us hitting the limit of the bandwidth we are paying for, yes. -tom \_ I suggest taking this to http://ucb.net.discussion |
2002/1/13-14 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23552 Activity:very high |
1/13 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/13/edlife/13BAND.html?pagewanted=print The article mentions 'Direct Connect.' What other file sharing programs are in use these days besides this and Morpheus and other FastTrack variants. Any CSUA members in the dorms or otherwise with big pipes care to comment? \_ irc \_ yeah, I've got a big pipe for ya \_ http://vadim.berkeley.edu \_ hi paolo! \_ nice going vadim, taking scheme.xcf.berkeley and changing it to vadim.berkeley. fucking tactless egomaniac. \_ I thought the useless xcf was shut down years ago? -alum \_ It was. It has become... the Vadim Computing Facility. \_ This is probably funny but I don't know who Vadim is or the current xcf situation. Is it dead or what? \_ Not dead. There's one member. \_ Just using your powers of deduction, see if you can infer what that one member's name is. \_ check http://zeropaid.com for an extensive listing of file sharing prorams. -- jj \_ the Dec207 warez club! \_ The dorms don't have a big pipe anymore. They're collectively limited to ~20Mbit. That's 4,000+ hosts. UCB dorm net is pretty much useless these days. Residents keep trying to get DSL installed because it's faster. \_ Buncha whiners. I felt lucky to have 14.4 access after I got access to the staff/professor modem bank and off the busy and broken 1200-9600 student bank. Doing classwork on campus was better anyway. Easily block remote connections to your workstation and keep all those other pesky students dialing in at 2400 on some other machine. \_ in my day, we used smoke signals. on a clear day with a small enough wind we could get ten bits per minutes, and we were damn pleased with that. \_ They allowed you to have smoke? And you knew what the sun looked like? And wind? You had wind?? You must be new around here.... \_ Petition them to increase the size of the big pipe. This is not 1991 anymore, when I spent big bucks to upgrade to a 9600 modem. \_ The problem with the dorms is that they'll use (for napster clones, mostly) all the bandwidth you'll give them, and the campus pays for bandwidth used to the commodity net. Dorm traffic isn't limited if it goes over Internet 2. -tom \_ Cool. Now they just need a multi-campus I2 p2p thing going and they're set. I've got this idea for a business model... I just need $325m in funding now.... \_ Two words: traffic shaping. Eliminate this bandwidth cap bullshit, and use traffic shaping to limit obscene traffic caused by p2p filesharing apps. Dorm net becomes useable again. \_ A few more words: apathy, money, unimportant. It isn't worth anyone's time to fix the dorm net situation. Who cares? Let them eat cake! Is there a minimum bandwidth promised or an SLA in the current dorm contract? Do people *really* choose the dorms because they have net? Was the <DEAD>dorm.net<DEAD> the deciding factor for anyone's living arrangement? If so they need to get over it. \_ Clearly, that's the way campus wants to go, but it's rather difficult in our environment. -tom \_ that's 20Mbit to off campus. |
2002/1/4 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:23452 Activity:nil |
1/3 http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/23532.html is something you want to read if you're a grokster/kazaa/whatever user. |
2001/12/27-28 [Computer/SW/P2P, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23378 Activity:very high |
12/30 is it just me, or is kazaa empty right now? did those busts actually kill it? \_ or maybe it's because most college kids are at home during winter break? \_ Those busts have nothing to do with the gutter-warez you find on Kazaa. They busted a wholly higher-class of warez-hosers. \_ DoD hadn't put out anything of note in 18 months. They didn't bust anyone important to the scene. \_ They will never bust the most cruical warez ring and that is the casual copier. They can never stop someone from copying office from work or giving a copy of the latest game to thier pals so that they can have a lan party. visiting a warez page be illegal? conspiracy charges? please. \_ Is it illegal to visit warez web sites? \_ why would it be? \_ because warez is illegal? own use and linking to computers software will be \_ downloading or distributing warez is illegal. why would visiting a warez page be? conspiracy charges? please. original. - Bill G. \_ that's surfing with intent to download! Better plead no contest and ask for leniency from the judge. \_ How do you legally distinguish mere surfing and downloading? Afterall all these packets of warez coming to your computer is an act by another computer while surfing and clicking on links is your action. \_ yeah... that's just stupid.. i mean, next thing you know, making copies of stuff you already own for your own use and linking to computer software will be illegal... \_ You shouldn't make copies, you should buy a spare original. Kids these days with thier Linux/Open Sources/Free Software. They make me sick. - Bill G. \_ YEAH! FUCK FAIR USE. FUCKING CONSTITUTION! FUCKING US CODE!! - Mini-Bill-Me \_ You napster, gnutella, audio galaxy and kaaza junkies don't know what "fair use" means. Fair use means that you have the right to listen to your original cd in your stereo and your car. It doesn't mean you can make a copy for your friends and it certainly doesn't mean that you can make a near-perfect digital copy that can be re-distribute illegally to strangers via the internet. Now you kids need to stop illegally copying music, movies and software and start buying it. Otherwise all the poor artists will have to go back to a career in food service and start suffering for thier art and we won't be able to make the kind of money that is necessary in order to maintain our land rovers, our pacific palasides bungalows and our all armani, versace and bally wardrobes. - RIAA \_ Start paying the artists instead of keeping all the money yourself and I'll consider it. \_ Strange thing is that all my artist friends are already on the verge of waiting tables although in terms of art it is the likes of Britney who should be in the personal service business. |
2001/10/12-14 [Reference/Law/Court, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:22706 Activity:kinda low |
10/11 http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1005-200-7479309.html?tag=mn_hd it is so obvious what the media-content industry is trying to do now. \_ It is? What? |
2001/8/30-31 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:22289 Activity:high |
8/29 How much bandwidth do the units/ckc/foothill get to campus? \_ use bing \_ very inaccurate. \_ In 1998 the network in the dorms was 10Mbit/shared, though, the aggregate pipe to the campus net could have been faster than that. Still, I felt like it was faster than I needed. I loved it. \_ My brother was telling me that the dorms now have switched 100Mbit in every room and that the outbound traffic is rate-limited to 30 MBit (2/3 of a T3). \- didnt they rate limit napster and seti when they were the top two things coming into berkeley? i think the "solved" the napster problem by rate limiting the dorm connection and "solved" the seti problem by geeting ona diff net in the long term. you can probably measure this quite accurately if you have an account in http://berkeley.edu and some knowledge of a reasonable host in the dormnet with pathchar. <much technical disclaimers and discussion and bagging on half-assed bw measurement tools deleted> --psb \_ pathchar: icmp socket: Operation not permitted \- well obviously like ping, suid. |
2001/7/24 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:21927 Activity:nil 75%like:21923 |
7/23 Where do you get your mp3s/warez/p0rn? napster morpheus . kazaa gnutella limewire . bearshare usenet tom's mom . edonkey2000 audiogalaxy \_ maybe if they clean up their navigation.. (other) |
2001/7/24 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:21923 Activity:nil 75%like:21927 |
7/23 Where do you get your mp3s/warez/p0rn? napster morpheus . kazaa gnutella limewire bearshare usenet (other) |
2001/7/12-13 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:21782 Activity:nil |
7/12 I'm curious about this latest Napster shindig. How is Napster's situation so different from webspace providers? You can find copyrighted material on those personal web page sites often, although the provider generally cancels their account (i presume once someone notifies them of the breach of TOS). Similarly with the myspace/idrive/freedrive places that all went broke. So why can't Napster just require an email address for ID like the other things, and if you have copyrighted stuff then your account is cancelled? |
2001/2/13 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:20574 Activity:nil |
2/12 Napster opinion posted here: http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~reeser/napster.html (reserved for educational purposes only) |
2001/2/12-13 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:20568 Activity:high |
2/12 If any of you are worried about a Napster blackout, checkout imesh at http://www.imesh.com/download ! \_ The judge ruled against them? I didn't see that anywhere. \_ boycott metallica. They are the cause and the cry babies. make em poor. \_ What I don't understand about this whole napster business is that closing down napster just makes it harder for people sharing completely legal (or at least copyright expired material). \_ Do you have a point or are you just an idiot? \_ Bow to leper messiah. |
2000/7/27-28 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:18788 Activity:high 54%like:18782 |
7/26 Judge shuts down napster THIS FRIDAY: http://www.msnbc.com/news/437532.asp \_ BoyCott Riaa. http://www.boycottriaa.com \_ FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lars Ulrich, you are a dead man..... \_ Napster bad! \_ Bread good! \_ Beer foamy! \_ Lars Ulrich, after listening to a bunch of executives, CEO of napster, president of America online, and many lawyers at the Napster hearing, "Uhh, i dont know what these guys are talking about, but all I can say is that because of Napster, my wallet is thinner." lars ulrich, youre a fag. \_ Bands signed to the major labels make most of their money from touring anyway, so when are they going to come to the realization that the RIAA is only in it for themselves? \_ this is complete bullshit. -tom \_Hello!! Once an artist signs to a label, the label owns all of the work done for that contract, and until recently the artist had to wait 25+ years to buy the rights back to their own songs. \_ uh, yes, so? Almost no one makes money touring; there are maybe 10 acts who draw enough to make significant money. The label PAYS the artist for their rights. -tom \_ He's smart enough to see the writting on the wall. MP3 is forcing him to get a real job and he doesn't want to go back to food service. \_ I read tha the used to be a "junior tennis hotshot." Maybe he can go and coach at some shitty high school or something. \_ Umm, you are a moron. Lars was one of the few people who actually made sense, with the very simple (even you should be able to understand) "It's mine i should be allowed to say how it is DISTRIBUTED" Everyone else (on both sides of this issue) is proving themselves to be complete idiots. \_ either you are a bitch, or a pussy-dickless man \_ Information (all kinds) wants to be free! \_ What about fair use? If I bought the tape, can I download the song? What if bought the cd and it got stolen, under fair use I could still listen to a copy of the cd. The same is true for copies that you listen to in your car. You don't have to buy one for home and one for your car. Well, how is mp3 different? If I purchased the song in some format, I should be able to use it any format. \_ boy, this is what i mean about everyone being stupid 1.) yes, if you bought the tape you MAY download the song. You man NOT *SHARE* it by running a SERVER (which napster IS) on your computer which is effectively redistributing it against any reasonable interp. of intellect. prop. laws 2.) I am (i don't know why) surprised that anyone here is SO FUCKING STUPID as to think the "tape copy" analogy is valid or in any way relates to this issue. That moron from napster tried to say the same thing. Nobody is trying to say MP3's should be illegal or that you shouldn't be able to port them around. It is the DISTIBUTION (i capitalize the word AGAIN for those of you who are comprehesion impaired) that is the issue. 3.) Let me help you children out, since you and (i repeat myself) everyone who talks about this can't seem to make a reasonable arguement: Napster is doing nothing illegal and should be left alone because all they are doing is providing a tool and information. They are not doing the broadcasting or the illegal downloading. You people (and, of course, me) are. Why can't you just steal and live with it instead of trying to convince yourself that it isn't stealing because "information wants to be free man" or some other bullshit. -bitch \_ Is this the first step in the RIAA's plan to ban MP3s? Well, if MP3s are outlawed then onwly outlaws will have MP3s and they will share them using strong encryption. \_ fuck all of them : <DEAD>www.napigator.com<DEAD> and opensource napster : http://opennap.sourceforge.net \_ FIGHT THE POWER!!! CRITICAL MASS TOMORROW!!!!! \_ despite your sarcasm, yes fight the power |
2000/7/27 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:18782 Activity:high 54%like:18788 |
7/26 Judge shutdowns napster: http://www.msnbc.com/news/437532.asp \_ Napster bad! |
2000/7/3-4 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:18577 Activity:high |
7/3 motd vaporized \_ You bit buster, you. \_ Reduce, reuse, recycle \_ Hey baby, I'll show you my bits if you show me yours. \_ I saw yours in kindergarten. Wasn't that big a deal. \_ Is bit-sharing safe? \_ If done correctly it can be safer. Bit sharing is never 100% safe. \_ if your bit is private, then it is 100% safe. But if it is protected then it is only 98% safe. Public bit not safe at all. \_ Byte my bits. |
2000/5/26-27 [Computer/SW/P2P, Science] UID:18345 Activity:high |
5/25 set lARS Ulrich on Napster fire. http://slashdot.org/interviews/00/05/26/1251220.shtml \_ English speak go need you to school good yes? \_ which part of his simple sentence confused your fancy book-learned little head? \_ i think what he means is that guy just sounds dumb. he starts off ok but then starts rambling a bit in fragments, and starting one sentence and then jumping to another. DUHeeeeeeerrrrr!: Lars trying to speak (typical sentence): I mean, I can just barely ... I know how to get onto AOL, and I will say that I have used AOL a couple of times to check some hockey scores. Lars trying to speak again And I believe, and the people that we talk to about this, we believe, that the minute some of these companies become active, when they basically come to a point that they become fully funcitonal, we believe that there will be technology and a way to go after them in the way they can invent this technology and make it untraceable. We believe that as quickly as they can make it untraceable And I believe, and the people that we believe that you can find a way to fuck with it, and we have already heard about different ways of doing that. So I think it's clear that there is nothing that people can talk about for the future that becomes bulletproof. I can see what he's trying, but man, it's damn ugly grammatically... \_ People, give Lars a break. Drug induced coma in which he likely spends most of his time aside, most people don't speak in complete grammatical sentences in everyday speech, and this interview is an unedited transcript of a phone interview. -- ilyas \_ Tell us of the stars.... \_ Yeah, he's lucky he can use a phone. Imagine if he had tried to type this up on his AOL account. And uhm, no, I don't really understand where he's trying to go when he talks about the future and untraceable technology. I'm not sufficiently drugged to enter his zone of understanding. LARS IS A DRUMMER. Other than dpetrou, how many rock drummers do you know who have any brains? \_ Hi, Paolo |
2000/4/28-29 [Recreation/Music, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:18136 Activity:high |
4/27 What is Gnutella? \_ One of several open source napster clones. I believe it also doesn't rely on a central set of servers (like Napster) to archive information about what's where. -John \_ It's not exactly a napster clone in that it doesn't use the same protocol as Napster and it's not just for trading mp3s; but the idea is similar. It was created by some people at Nullsoft (the WinAmp people), but when they released a public beta and their new bosses at AOL/TimeWarner found out, they told them to shut it down. Last I checked, the "official" Gnutella site is still out of commission. Try: http://www.gnutella.co.uk \_ Gnu's implementation of Nutella \_ Random musing - does Napster keep any log of connections? When then get shut down some day, will the music industry be able to get a lot of all the music I've grabbed through them? Will the volume be too high in general for individuals to get busted? \_ Why don't you just pay for your damn music? - musician \_ Because of inadequate purchasing options - if I was allowed to easily evaluate music before purchasing, and able to buy on a basis of exactly what I wanted to buy (i.e. song-by-song basis), I would be *happy* to support the musicians. I am not willing to support the leech of the music industry, however. Same goes for the film industry, once bandwidth is sufficient to pirate movies. Why can BMG sell discs so cheaply? Why are CDs more expensive than the more-expensive-to-make audio cassettes? The industry sucks. \_ uh, it's called "supply and demand". Rationalize all you want, but if it becomes impossible to make money selling CD's/movies, people will stop doing it. -tom \_ I trust in human ingenuity. People will adapt to another model in which they can still make money and music/art. \_ uh, it's hard to make money when everyone steals your product, you selfish moron. -tom \_ What about concerts? Playing in clubs? \_ A typical band playing in a typical club will cover the cost of their dinner and not much more. The only thing that brings performers into big arenas to make big money is MASSIVE RECORD COMPANY PROMOTION. Self-promoted bands do not make money touring. -tom \_ In general, the volume will be too high to bust individuals. However, in your case, they will somehow get back to you at which point you will get arrested and have to call sky to bust you out. \_ Lately, running BSD nap on soda, I always get error connecting socket. Is this purposeful on soda/berkeley's part, or is this some temporary snafu, or what? |
3/15 |