3/15 |
2009/7/17-24 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:53153 Activity:nil |
7/17 Should I get VMWare Fusion or Parallels 4? I don't want to use VirtualBox because it's kind of slow. \_ Yes |
2009/2/20-25 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:52616 Activity:nil |
2/20 Why flash ram will get you into trouble, in the long run: http://www.pcper.com/article.php?aid=669 This is worse than over-clocking your computer. There's data involved. \_ What's your point? That flash supports a fairly limited number of write cycles? We knew that already. \- I am not the OP but dont think you're inquiry is very thoughtful. This may be another case of "physical difference" [between rotating mag storage and memory cell storage] cant be abstracted away by software emulation" [in this case focusing on the write/erase asymmetry]. An older example of this with another hyped technology was ATM emulation of Ethernet and the problem of doing broadcasts. |
2008/12/2-9 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:52144 Activity:nil |
12/2 1000 lines about Vmware. have you even tried to install Vmware 2.0? \_ if it's about messing around with virtualization at home, I've done quite a bit of tinkering already with VMWare, VirtualBox, etc. Again, CSUA-sanctioned virtualization is waiting on a better server, and Steven's free time. --toulouse |
3/15 |
2008/11/29-12/6 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:52129 Activity:moderate |
11/29 I'm experimenting with virtualization, and as a poor college student I'm wondering what the best alternatives for virtualization are, and how best to cut my teeth on messing with non-linux platforms (or I guess interesting stuff on Linux would work too). Right now I've got FreeBSD7 running on KVM on my home computer (on a Core 2 Quad), and am somewhat at a loss as to how to use it. (More details: bridged networking, disk is a 8GB partition software raid1'ed over 3 disks). In any case, KVM seems to just 'work', but as the CSUA is planning to offer VMs soon, I'd like to know if there are better alternatives, particularly considering that when I put my computer to sleep without shutting down the guest OS, the computer wouldn't start back up, I had to cold-boot, and the disk image got corrupted. From what I hear, VMWare's offering is solid, but the useful administration software is thousands of dollars. Ideally, free software or something sustainable without repeated donations of software, and easy to administrate would be best. Does anyone have suggestions? --toulouse \_ At my job, we use Vmware 2.0. it is free. i run vms. there are graphical admin tools. I could buy Vmware ESX, which gets me I guess better admin tools, better performance vmotion and fail over. \_ Someone here works at VMWare and was recruiting 2 years ago. Calling the VMWare guy! We need a free educational license! Oh well, he's probably not going to respond until Monday. Us old farts have kids and family things to go on weekends. Oh, try this. And yes we use VMWare in our company and it is really great. You can get snapshots of the machine, run multiple instances on a single machine (since most machines are underutilized). Our production servers are also in VMWare for superior bug isolation and debuggability: http://www.vmware.com/partners/academic \_ What, you mean CSUA alums have lives? Unthinkable! --toulouse \_ Isn't VMWare Server free? That's what we use in our company. --- !OP \_ I don't recall the details, but while the server itself is free, I think the administration interface is expensive. Feel free to correct me on this. --toulouse \_ Here's the deal. Vmware has two products. The Free Version (Vmware 2.0) , and Vmware Server ESX ( not free. lots of $$$$ ). ESX is a different codebase than Vmware 2.0 free. With ESX, you get better performance, better GUI tools, failover capability, and the ability to magically move your VMs from machine to machine.\ freely available Vmware 2.0 has a gui too. and the ability to magically move your VMs from machine to machine. freely available Vmware 2.0 has a gui too. \_ VirtualBox? \_ virtualbox is a sun thing. its not vmware. it has its strengths and weaknesses \_ ESXi, the hypervisor, is actually free, it seems, but the magical admin tools are a part of ESX and not ESXi: http://www.vmware.com/products/esxi Anyways. Paging VMWare employees...anyone here? --Andy Anyways. Paging VMWare employees...anyone here? --toulouse \_ dude are you running a root name server? Vmware 2.0 is just fine. \_ doesn't mean ESX wouldn't be better ;). Ease of admin is a real concern for us, and besides, if the software is satisfactory, we might even virtualize soda itself. Given time, if we got another server with virtualization extensions, failover would be a large win. As you may have noticed from recent downtime, Keg's been on the fritz lately, so uptime's been on our minds. Without failover, we're back to square one re: evaluating KVM vs VMWare vs others, hence this thread. Besides, there's an argument to be made that if we have experience managing the good stuff here in college it'll be what we're qualified to manage once we strike out in the real world, and/or the software that we recommend to our superiors should we get relevant jobs (which, arguably, a few of us will). --toulouse here in college it'll be what we're qualified to manage once we strike out in the real world, and/or the software that we recommend to our superiors should we get relevant jobs (which, arguably, a few of us will). --toulouse \_ I guess. Really, I think Vmware 2.0 is adequate. There are plenty of cheapass companies out there running it. \_ You know, when I was a poor college student, I wasn't very picky. Seriously, the two may have different features that you'd need in the enterprise environment, but are you running an enterprise? \_ Well, I'm not picky wrt/ using what works for me (which, as I mentioned before, is KVM), but I want the CSUA to be a bit more ambitious in its endeavors, and as they say, shoot high, aim low (is that the right saying?). Plus, there's the fact that our vp is not paid, so minimizing the addition to his workload while offering more students to members is also a factor. In any case, I think it'd be prudent for us to see if a software donation is feasible, and if not, what our other options are then. This is something that can wait a bit, as we're waiting on those core i7's. --toulouse \- (80cols ... reformatted) \_ well if this is about the CSUA rather than personal edification, how about first dealing with the frequent crashes/outages of soda ... or is this an attempt to do so? [this seems odd to me, but whatever]. second, to abuse a quote a bit, "software is the continuation of policy by other means" ... "what [csua] problem are you trying to solve" [via this software, via donation campaign/new hardware etc]. BTW, with regard to giving csua people experience with expensive tools, i actually think part of the reason a lot of ex-csua people have been successful systems people is they resorted to hacking togethe things and thus understanding how they work under the hood, rather than throwing money at the problem [hardware and softwarewise] ... i'm not saying you should say solve all problems that way ... like if you need disk space today, just go buy a cheap disk rather than scrounging, but just the observation in the past, some of this hacking to debug something or getting it to work (and much of this was pre-google) served people well. \_ Yep, real learning comes as part of the struggle. In some sense, it would be better for students not to primarily have experience with enterprise software packages since these are made "easy to use" for the corporate drones who wouldn't survive if they had to have any real degree of understanding of how the system actually works. \_ Well, the learning I was looking for when putting the idea forward (since I suggested it) was geared towards people exposing themselves to different OS'es and playing with root in a sandbox. This is the problem I want to solve, not training people in enterprise applications. Also, soda hasn't been crashing -- it's been keg, which serves our LDAP, that (as I said before) has been on the fritz. If keg goes down, then logging in does not work. Politburo intends to buy a new server for this; however since the Core i7 is coming out we don't want a purchase now to be obsolete upon arrival. We have the opportunity now to solve two problems at once: allow interested members access to their own personal VMs, and increase stability of our servers. We can most definitely do without failover, but then the uptime problem isn't as completely solved. The idea of getting students experienced in adminning VMWare may be of low priority for the CSUA as a whole; on the other hand, it is (IMO) the strongest argument to be made to VMWare. In summary (and in my opinion) -- high priorities are increasing uptime and developing skills with adminning systems. low priorities are developing VMWare admin skills and...well, steven should be coming on soon to offer his opinion. --toulouse \_ Can't you request a free license for VI3 from VMware at http://www.vmware.com/partners/academic \_ You could try virtual box from Sun, it is free and runs many x86 OSes: http://www.virtualbox.org http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Guest_OSes Re VMWare - Fusion for OSX is very nice and quite affordable (I've seen it on sale recently for as little as $30). It has GUI admin tools and the unified mode makes using windows apps almost like using native OSX apps. I'm currently using Fusion to run WinXP and Ubuntu and have used it in the past to run Solaris x86 and FreeBSD as well. I usually run XP and OSX concurrently and haven't ever had any problems with the XP VM getting corrupted when I sleep my iMac. If you have a Mac I'd recommend getting it. \_ I don't think you understand what he's trying to do. \_ Maybe I misunderstood, but isn't part of what he is trying to do is becoming more familiar with non-linux systems ("I'm wondering ... how best to cut my teeth on messing with non- linux platforms"). If he has a mac, Fusion is a good way to accomplish this - it can run Solaris, Linux, *BSD, Windows, &c. and will help him get a feel for those systems. Virtual Box, while not as nice as Fusion (at least on Mac), is a free way to accomplish the same. \_ These are two different objectives. I'm talking about setting up VMs as a service for CSUA so we can consolidate our machines while maintaining some sort of security and OS diversity (linux + BSD at least) If toulouse wants to learn about virtualization of course Fusion is a good option (he does have a mac), but that's a different aim. --Steven up VMs as a service for CSUA so we can consolidate our machines while maintaining some sort of security and OS diversity (linux + BSD at least) If toulouse wants to learn about virtualization of course Fusion is a good option (he does have a mac), but that's a different aim. --Steven \_ Hey guys - Steven here Thought I'd weigh in on the situation. The recent outages have indeed been because Keg has been crashing (as presumably toulosue pointed out) and I'm fairly sure it's a hardware issue. We're simply running too much IO through the (decently old) system and parts of it have already failed (we've lost one of the ethernet controllers already) so I'm willing to blame the system instead of the software. That said, we're hoping to buy a massively cool system when Core i7 Xeons come out (thinking 16+ cores). At that point it seems reasonable to look at virtualization. I've used Fusion and Virtualbox in the past, so I'm not new to it by any means - but one of the requirements is that it's easy to admin/use. The issue here is the host OS - I'd like to use ZFS for the disk array we'd need to have to back all this. Linux doesn't seem to have a very good filesystem for this sort of thing - ext4 isn't stable, btrfs is still even further off, ext3/LVM is pretty hacky, JFS/XFS really really need battery backups to not lose data, and reiserfs's future is very unstable. ZFS offers ZVOLs which seem to be perfect for giving out virtual partitions. Right now we have Soda mounting off of Keg via NFS which as you may have noticed is a serious performance and stability problem, so I'd prefer not to go with NFS again. The network FSes out there all seem to suck in one way or another, so local storage (especially for something like this) seems to be a must. Since that limits us to using FreeBSD or OpenSolaris as a host OS \_ or OSX, see: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5zo987 [developer.apple.com - zfs(8)] \_ We're not rich enough to buy a Mac Pro/XServe :( (unless Linux ends up having a decent fs by the time we actually get this running). Virtualbox doesn't seem to work well on FreeBSD (as in not at all) and Xen seems to not play nicely with either BSD or Solaris as a dom0. VMWare won't run on BSD either - not sure about Solaris, which is why I was looking at ESX. The problem with ESX is that it runs on only about 3 supported hardware configurations which are pretty hard to build on our budget. Discuss? I'll hang around and maybe get into this whole motd thing ;) \_ Virtual Box on OpenSolaris w/ ZFS sounds like it would probably work. I used to know some OpenSolaris people when I was at sun, and could probably put you in touch with them if you run into problems. -ex-Sun \_ That'd be neat, I'll do so if we go that route and have troubles |
2008/6/11-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:50230 Activity:nil |
6/11 To the person who asked about VirtualBox... I just tried it out with XP and Vista as the guest OS and it seems as feature-complete and responsive as VMware. USB devices mount nicely and can be filtered well. I haven't tried a network share between the host and guest though. \_ Does USB 2.0 devices work? Thx. (not the original person who asked about VirtualBox) |
2008/6/10-13 [Computer/SW/OS/VM, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:50210 Activity:nil |
6/10 Is there a handy guide to virtualizing an already running physical linux box into an instance of Vmware? \_ this probably isn't the "right" way, but I have many times just run rsync. ("rsync -vpa root@oldbox:/ /") on a fresh virtual image. Just make sure the partitions are the same on the virt disk as on the real disk and if you are using a new udev, kill the info in /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules before rebooting the virt). I have not had any problems doing this. \_ I attended a talk where I *think* VMware mentioned a tool they provide to do this. Check their web site. \_ Yes. You want VMware's p2v (Physical to Virtual) tool. |
2008/6/8-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:50186 Activity:kinda low |
6/8 hey nerds, Virtualbox is totally awesome. My host OS is current ubuntu, I'm running Windows as my guestos, I can transfer files, copy/paste, all of that crap \_ Cool, I was thinking of looking into this soon. How well does it work? Can I run most windows programs pretty well? ActiveX? Games? \_ You might be confusing running a vm with 'wine' . -op \_ It runs all your windows programs... if your guest OS is windows. \_ Sure, but there could theoretically be issues with drivers. Say the video drivers don't interface properly so you can't play 3D games. Or performance is too poor. \_ Running your 3D games in a VM will never work very well. \_ How does it compare to vmware workstation? \_ http://www.virtualbox.de/wiki/VBox_vs_Others \_ There we go: 3D acceleration: no \_ The big VM players are working hard at getting 3D acc support. It's gonna happen sooner or later. 5 years ago VM for anything real was a bit of a crapshoot. \_ I was really asking from a more qualitative perspective. How's the speed, usability, reliability, etc. compared to vmware workstation? Okay, so some of those can be quantified, but you know what I mean. |
2008/5/9-15 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:49925 Activity:nil |
5/9 Do any sodalites work at VMWare? If so, please contact me as I have a question about scaling to ask you. -ausman \_ Tell us how scaling will affect the housing market! |
2007/12/3-6 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:48736 Activity:kinda low |
12/3 Has anyone seen this VMware problem before? When I have one or two VM session running, Task Manager on my host machine shows that the vmware-vmx.exe processes uses 0% CPU time when the VMs are idle. However, when I have more sesssions (maybe 4 or more) running, Task Manager shows that each of the vmware-vmx.exe processes is using 10-20% CPU time even though all the VMs are idle. This eats up CPU cycles from my other processes. I'm using VMware Server 1.0.3. I have a HyperThread CPU and the "Number of processors" setting for my VMs are set to 2. Thx. \_ What do you think of VMWare in general? We are evaluating it now for possible purchase. \_ What are you going to use it for? \_ Almost everything. Production servers, dev and test environment. Probably not for the database servers though. Does that answer your question? \_ No. It doesn't. What are you hoping to gain by using VMWare? \_ Server consolidation, better ability to manage dev and test environments, hopefully a better DR plan. \_ Sounds like VMware might work for you then. I've used VMware since version 3 and I've been pretty happy with it. I don't know if I'd transition all of my hosts to VMs just yet, but it excels in meeting the needs you have. \_ I've used VMware for about 4 years with debian as the host OS. it is fantastic. on my new intel macbook i use VMware Fusion. \_ Does TM say if this if kernel or user time? Are you swapping? \_ Kernel time. No the host machine is not swapping. It has 2GB RAM, and the Commit Charge Total is around 1.8GB. |
2007/8/31-9/3 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:47844 Activity:nil |
8/31 is this cooler than say kickstart or FAI or whatever the current cool way to admin 10000 machines is?: http://code.google.com/p/ganeti \_ This seems to be focused on managing Xen VMs and require the host to have Xen already installed. I'm still a fan of cfengine, though it won't do the initial install. But I have setup kickstart to just install cfengine at the end of the install and have cfengine take care of most of the configurations. \_ Is it a lot of overhead to have Xen running on every machine? \_ Why not use System Imager? \_ System Imager, as it was last time I looked, is fine if you're managing bunch of machines with *identical* configurations. cfengine is more flexible and can work across multiple platforms as well. Also changing a configuration doesn't involve re-imaging the whole machine. \_ System Imager is more flexible than that. You can propagate just the changes. I much prefer SI to Kickstart. If you want to use cfEngine on top of that then fine, but cfEngine solves a (mostly) different problem. |
2007/6/28-7/2 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:47099 Activity:nil |
6/28 VMware question: The free downloads area list vmware player and vmware converter. Isn't that enough to do everything? Convert an existing windows box into a .vm image and use the free player to run it. What else do I need? What do the other products like VMware workstation give me? Their products page should have a big table listing all the major features and bullets showing which product has what. I can't find that. It's a confusing products page. Thanks. \_ Workstation has some nice features like being able to save multiple snapshots and such which is good for developers. The latest version of Workstation also has better hardware support and some other goodies. There's also VMWare Server, which is a free product that can let you create VMs as well. VMWare Server interface is limited to one snapshot per VM(though internally, it does keep previous snapshots in a linear fashion. Workstation may offer snapshotting in non-linear states - I've never used the Workstation product when snapshots were in place.) |
2007/6/5-7 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:46855 Activity:nil |
6/5 VMWare Server vs. MS Virtual PC 2007, which is better? Thx. \_ VMW is "better" for long term pseudo production use but VPC is easier to setup and get started. VPC also has nearly zero options to tweak if your OS/apps aren't happy. \_ Don't have time to setup and learn about virtual machines? Don't care about performance? Just want to play around? Use VPC. Have lots of time to fine tune and optimize every little parameter out there for best performance? Love to tinker around with hundreds of options for production services? Use VMWare. |
2006/10/27-11/1 [Computer/SW/OS/VM, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:45019 Activity:nil |
10/30 Can a hyper-threading CPU run two threads in two separate apps at the same time? How does it handle the two different virtual memory mapping? If I mostly run processes where only one thread is active, (e.g. compilation, SETI@home in background, VirtualPC or VMware instances), does hyper-threading help or hurt performance? (I know I really should profile to find out, but I want to know the theoretical answer.) Thx. \_ They get interleaved the same as anything else. Go look up Intel's *very* well written white papers on the topic. You won't find better answers anywhere else. \_ Intel has published several white papers on their site that explain in easily read English exactly how HT works. You are unlikely to find a better explanation anywhere else. Kudos to their doc writers on that one. \_ Virtual memory is not an issue. As to the rest, unless you are doing stuff where getting about 1 percent more out of your cpu matters, don't worry about it. Hyperthreading has a bit of performance hit in most cases but makes up for it by making the computer much more responsive at high load. In a gui environment this makes you computer feel zippier and is worth the performance cost. \_ Actually, it makes the computer less responsive under a high load. Why? Because the CPU is trying to execute more processes than it has processors. Try this experiment: Run three jobs with a nice level of 20. Then run one interactive job. See how (un)responsive it is? Now turn off HT and repeat the experiment. I guarantee you it will be more responsive in the latter case. |
2006/7/13 [Computer/HW/IO, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:43657 Activity:nil |
7/13 help. using gnome suddenly my mouse stops working. I think it might be related to vmware. I'm able to switch over to a linux virtual terminal ... I killed the vmware processes ... but still no mouse. the mouse works in the virtual terminal. anything I can do besides restarting or restarting gnome? there is work in progress i'd rather not lose. thanks. |
2006/4/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/VM, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:42629 Activity:low |
4/4 I'm setting up a simulated infrastructure for a client using a bunch of vmware sessions. Originally we had these on different boxes, but I only have one machine available. As there individual images require different subnets, can anyone think of an easy way to have vmware sessions on, say, 3 different subnets exist on the same physical machine and talk to each other via some sort of "virtual router"? -John \_ Add a virtual interface for each subnet on the vmware host box and have it route. \_ This sounds like it would work. I have considerable experience running many virtual interfaces on Linux and Solaris, email me if you want info on how to do it. -dans \_ it is hard to create virtual interfaces? \_ No, it's a couple line changes in a config file (which one varies by Linux distro or Solaris) or a manual ifconfig invocation. Of course, figuring out what config file and what options takes a while if you don't know what you're looking for and which man pages. -dans |
2006/1/25 [Politics, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:41520 Activity:nil |
1/25 is VMWare any good? have a job possibility there but dont want to end up in a dead ender.. \_ From what I've seen, their server products are really taking off. |
2006/1/10-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:41317 Activity:high |
1/10 VMWare GSX is most similar to VMWare Workstation. GSX allows the console to be viewed remotely. GSX does require IIS to be installed to handle the web component on Windows, or apache on *nix. ESX is an OS unto itself... it runs on a modified Linux kernel, and all virtual machines use a different file format than Workstation / GSX. Also, installation and administration of VMs is always done via web browser or remote client, and not directly at the server's interface. The file system it uses is unique as well, called VMFS. All virtual machines must be created on a VMFS-formatted partition, and VMFS will not install on IDE drives in version 2.5 (never tested that in v2, so IDE drives may work, or may not). For more info see below: http://www.techsoup.org/fb/index.cfm?fuseaction=forums.showSingleTopic&forum=2009&id=58530&cid=117&cg=searchterms&sg=vmware \_ Huh? Is there a question here? Why did you post this? --vmware employee \_ Your marketing dept. getting desperate. \_ Who cares, it's interesting. -John \_ Interesting-- when German John features in shit eating porn. Not Interesting-- when geeks participate in esoteric tech discussions that will get outdated in 1 year and will get outsourced to India sooner or later. \_ That was yermom in a John mask. And god forbid the CSUA should host any tech discussions. -John \_ But there's nothing to discuss here. The original post is just statement of fact; there are no questions to answer or any points to dispute. As it is, it seems like just an ad. \_ No, it's a "hey, look at this, it's cool." It is interesting. And something I normally wouldn't go page through VMWare marketing crap to look for. But hey, it's soda; don't like it? Nuke! -John \_ What exactly is it so interesting about something that no one uses or cares about and will get obsolete soon anyways? -i hate computer science should have majored something else |
2005/6/17-20 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:38175 Activity:nil |
6/17 I'm trying to use VMware Tools to "shrink" my Fedora Core 3 partition. Note that VMware "shrink" means to claim space not used by the vm so that the host will have extra space. This is important because when you create a big file in VMware and then delete it, the host still keeps the big file and wastes space. My problem is that VMware tool only recognizes /boot as something that is shrinkable while it doesn't know anything about /. How do I shink /? The following is df -k if you're curious: /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 81892056 4168044 73564116 6% / /dev/sda1 101086 12286 83581 13% /boot \_ ext{2,3}resize, then run VMware tools? |
2005/6/14-17 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:38119 Activity:nil |
6/14 Does anyone know if it's possible to take an image of an installed XP box (such as via dd from a Knoppix CD) and boot it up in a vmware session? If so, how? -John \_ If you can take Ghost images, then P2V works currently. Supposedly support for LiveState Recovery images is coming soon. -rollee |
2005/6/8 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:38042 Activity:nil |
6/8 I just had a closer look at the Rona.A trojan. For anyone interested in this stuff, it's pretty cool: http://tinyurl.com/d3947 I recommend running it in a vmware session if you can get hold of a copy and sniffing outbound connections. -John |
2005/5/26 [Computer/SW/OS/VM, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:37841 Activity:very high |
5/26 Is it possible to create an image file from 5.25" or 3.5" drive? I'd like to create images of all of my 80s/90s diskettes, with games like Star Control II, King's Quest, etc and see if they play on VMWare or some emulator. \_ http://ntrawrite.sourceforge.net \_ I remember playing old 8088 (4.77Mhz) games on a 80386 (33Mhz) computer and the difference was amazing. Some old games didn't have speed controls built in and were actually unplayable. I just can't imagine playing them on a 4Ghz (4000Mhz) computer. \- Yes, you had to have jedi reflexes to play things like 8088 defender or stargate on the machines that were .5-1 order of mag faster. It was good training. \_ DOSBox lets you slow things down. There also are TSRs that would insert a lot of no-ops everywhere. \_ Whoa! Archon (1984) is supported!!! Now if only they'd tell you how to rip from protected Archon disk to DOSBox... \_ Just go download it. http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?gameid=1784 http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?name=Archon+Ultra \_ Image or EXE? \_ http://chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp/vmware/vfd.html Create an image from a floppy, mount a virtual floppy (now that they're going away), etc. \_ Yes: dd if=/dev/fd0 of=./floppy.image \_ IBM used to have a utility called DSKIMAGE around 1986-87. I just searched the web and saw that Win Server 2003 has a utility with the same name. |
2005/4/19-20 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:37261 Activity:low |
4/19 How do I enter those funky 'o' with 2 dots, accented e, and other characters on my computer? And is motd non-English character compliant? \_ You mean the German umlaut? äüö \_ You mean the German umlaut? M-CM-$M-CM-<M-CM-6 \_ Which OS? And the motd is a text file. Whether it supports UTF8 or Unicode or whatever is up to whatever programs people use to edit and to read the file, yes? \_ You mean à áâãäåæçèéêëìÃîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ \_ You mean M-`M-aM-bM-cM-dM-eM-fM-gM-hM-iM-jM-kM-lM-mM-nM-oM-pM-qM-rM-s\ M-tM-uM-vM-xM-yM-zM-{M-|M-} \_ ObHeavyMetalUmlaut r0x0rs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_metal_umlaut -dans \_ if you're in screen, screen-escape ^V o : |
2005/4/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:37188 Activity:nil |
4/14 I'm a bit baffled by VMWare. Inside the VM, the reported disk usage is 2G. But outside the VM, the disk size is 5.6G even though I already 1) defraged inside the VM and 2) defraged using VMware. Why is that? \_ You can specifiy whether you want to allocate a huge disk or only allocate as it's used. Which did you choose? \_ VMWare has a checkpointed file system. Good for "rollback" to known state. Not frags, but history makes the space larger than visible in the embedded OS. I believe this is an option in the vmware setup / config. \_ I found the answer. You have to go to VMWare Tools inside your VM, and then select Shrink, Prepare to shrink, and then Shrink. |
2005/4/1-4 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:37038 Activity:moderate |
4/1 VMWare gurus, please help. I've configured my VMWare on my laptop and everything seems fine at first until I unplug my eth100 and wireless. All of a sudden, my host system (XP) and VM (Linux) can no longer reach each other. How do you configure it so that it doesn't rely on having a connection? -ok thx \_ Well, how is the virtual NIC configured for the VM? If you're using host-only or NAT, then it should work fine. If bridged, then it's not surprising if it doesn't work, especially if you're using DHCP. \_ I'm using automatic bridging, and by default it already selected VMnet2 and VMnet8. It gave me subnet for vmnet2 and for vmnet8. Is there something I have to do? \_ What do you mean "it automatically selected VMnet2 and VMnet8"? What is "it"? Selected them when? How did "it" select both? And how is your host configured? And BTW, VMware does have support forums on their website... \_ I didn't configure ANYTHING, it's the way it is when I installed it. What do I do? Thanks. -pp \_ Uh, I thought I made it clear already that you can try setting the VM to use host-only or NAT networking. You still haven't said whether your host OS uses DHCP or not. \_ Yes, host OS uses DHCP, what difference is that gonna make? If it's not DHCP it renders my laptop portability to "pain in the ass to reconfig" \_ Well, I don't know what Windows does when it can't obtain a DHCP address, but it doesn't surprise me that it would suddenly become unaddressable. Anyway, you always could try adding a second virtual NIC to your VM that uses host-only networking. I'm not sure if that would work; I've never been in your situation. If not, then ask on VMware's support forums. |
2005/3/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:36584 Activity:low |
3/8 Anyone work for VMWare here? care to comment on the how it is? Thx. \_ Yes. I like it a lot. --jameslin \_ Is VMWare related to the "VM" OS on IBM mainframes? \_ IBM mainframes did do virtualization back in the day, but otherwise, no. \_ they still do today; it's the basis of their linux server consolidation story. \_ the IBM VM is more like Zen, in that the OS is written to an appropriate virtual machine rather than trying to virtualize a hardware platform not designed for it. they also have more virtualizable hardware because of this legacy |
2005/1/28-29 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35960 Activity:kinda low |
1/28 Who here works at VMWare? I have a suggestion for you so that maybe you can talk to a marketing dude or something. I think VMWare is one of the coolest products out there. How about this for marketing. Give free copies to academia, they really need it for say, OS projects and what not. Also, give lots of academic discount to students since many of them are Linux/Win dual boot users, and since quite a few of them are kernel hackers it'd surely suck them into using your products. Once you get the kids addicted, they'll keep coming back. Mr. Evil M$ Gates understood this decades ago and gave free copies of WinCrap stuff to academia, and look how well he's doing. \_ Giving software to academia is not free. The tax break can be extremely valueble. I've seen some pretty shady stuff with software donations. Does a company really deserve a 2 million dollar tax writeoff for donating software that isn't really needed? Maybe, but it's definitely not "free." \_ Doesn't VMware have academic pricing? \_ That's like the M$'s strategy of settling the anti-trust lawsuits. \_ VMware has been profitable for quite some time. I don't think they need your help. \_ cool because I really enjoy my free warez copy and I love the fact that it's so easy to get serial numbers on the internet \_ Do VMWare employees have to pay for it? \_ you mean pay for sex? |
2005/1/28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35946 Activity:high |
1/28 VMWare + Fedora Core 3-2.6.9 really really sucks because they turned on the 4G mem translation and it slowed down quite a bit. However, VMWare + Fedora Core 3-2.6.10 is AWSOME! I don't know what they did but it's pretty fast. Thanks VMWare/Fedora people. \_ In other news, clueless sodan is screwing around with testbed bleeding-edge kernels and wonders why they perform strangely. Sodan in question also lacks what other people call "a life", and states that his favorite hobbies include painting miniatures, playing D&D with his other geek friends, and tweaking his bike so that it makes a fake motorcycle sound. Rest of Linux community polled basically "don't fucking give a shit" when asked how relevant Fedora Core running on vmware is to them. \_ What have you got against painting miniatures? \_ Wow, you are the one need to get a life. \_ Wow, you need one get the English Lesson. \_ Wow, you are need one get the English Lesson. \_ there used to be a time when soda's full of helpful technical posts like these, now it's turned into freeper for the democrats, I wonder what happened... \_ Like many nostalgists, you have a rose colored view of the past. Here is the first motd posting from 1995 that I happened to click upon. Note that there is a huge political discussion on it: http://csua.com/1995/02/01 \_ http sucks. use ~kchang/bin/kais 02/01/1995 \_ VIRUS ALERT!!! Don't trust kchang!!! |
2005/1/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35687 Activity:nil |
1/13 VMware performance tuning *experts*, I have a question for you. Suppose you don't pre-allocate entire 80G of HD during VMware configuration. You have an option of limiting file sizes to 2G or have a file that can grow up to 80G. What are some advantages/disadvantages of limiting VMware file sizes to 2G? Say you have one big file that eventually grows close to 80G, wouldn't it be hard to defragment it on the host machine? The advantage of 1 big contiguous file I suppose is performance, but suppose you don't have enough space to defrag it, then wouldn't that option be useless in the first place? |
2005/1/12 [Computer/SW/OS/VM, Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:35673 Activity:nil |
1/11 VMware Workstation = $189 VMware GSX Server, unlimited CPU is $3388. Does anyone actually use GSX? Comment on actual experience on workstation vs. gsx? \_ People actually use GSX. I doubt many people purchase the unlimited CPU license, though. BTW, VMware is hiring, and they're both free to employees. :) \_ Also, I think VMware often gives out free copies of Workstation at campus infosessions. There probably will be one in a few months. \_ No, get an Mac Mini. |
2005/1/12 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35670 Activity:high |
1/11 I just installed Fedora 3 on VMware 3.2.0. Everytime I boot up, I get this error: "Setting vaddr to 0x0 VMX|Msg_Post: Error VMX|[msg.log.monpanic] *** VMware Workstation internal monitor error *** VMX|BUG F(104):1147 bugNr=116 Aneone else encountered this problem? I looked in their knowledge base but nothing on this particular error... \_ I've heard that the Fedora people do some crazy things for apparently no good reason other than to spite VMware. \_ so who has VMware + Linux + XP working, and what versions? \_ I caved in and have decided to download VMW 5 beta. Is there a time limit before it expires? \_ Yes, but I doubt it's less than a few months. \_ hm, I'd hate to reinstall VMW again when it expires. I maybe that's actually good news, because if it doesn't expire for a few months, that's enough time to find a free warez version somewhere... \_ Buy the damn software, you're using it. \_ Don't listen to this man. Go find the warez. I see it on bittorrent right now. Come on, do it. \_ Uhm, I work at VMware... \_ what's your email? Could I contact you please? thx \_ You think a VMware employee is going to help you pirate his own product??? |
2005/1/10-12 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35646 Activity:nil |
1/10 I have VMware 3, how do I get around the 896M RAM limit? \_ I don't think you can. Isn't it a technical limitation? Upgrade to Workstation 4.5. \_ Workstation 5 is available in beta. Release date? |
2005/1/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35635 Activity:kinda low |
1/10 VMware question for VMware gurus only. I've installed a WinXPsp1 on top of WinXPsp2. How do you do the followings: 1) transfer data between the two machines? I've tried mounting raw partition from WinXPsp1 but when I disable write, it doesn't boot up anymore (WinXP insists on writing) 2) communicate between the two machines? I can ping WinXPsp1 from WinXPsp2, but not the other way around. 3) Say I install VNC on WinXPsp1, how can I make it so that VNC ports go directly to it, instead of the host machine? Thanks for any help. \_ What do you mean 'on top of'? You are running WinXPsp2 natively and WinXPsp1 in the VM? \_ yes that is what I mean. \_ 1. Easiest way is to do it through a network share. \_ 1. Easiest way is to do it is through a network share. \_ I did that, but it is slow upon connection. It waits for user/password, then hangs 10 seconds. Windows XP bug? \_ Probably. 2. Well, how do you have your network configured? \_ well right now I have two IPs, each going to diff machines \_ So the guest is using bridged networking with a static IP address? \_ yes it's bridged with static, is this the best configuration? Or you have another idea? 3. Not a VMware issue. You need to get something to do port forwarding. \_ thanks I configured my router to forward to the right one |
2004/12/23-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35420 Activity:nil 62%like:35430 |
12/23 I'd like to install WinXP Pro in my VMware virtual machine. What's the cheapest way to get a legit version of WinXP Pro? \_ If you bought the box as a whole and got an OEM copy, or if from someone who installed unix and doesn't use their license. Otherwise on ebay. I'm not familiar with the arcana of US software licensing laws, but if it's not legal to install a paid-for (bought or OEM) copy of software xyz on _a single box (regardless where) then who gives a flying fark. -John |
2004/12/21 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35380 Activity:kinda low |
12/21 What are some core differences between a simulator, an emulator, and a virtual machine? \_ Simulator: Model the whole thing by itself; collect results. Emulator: Model one part; hook it up to something else. Or, run one OS on another OS. Virtual machine: A computer inside a computer. Or, a VM like the Java VM. \_ Simulator: Models something by mimicry. Emulator: Interprets instructions for one architecture to another. Virtual machine: A pretty generic term. There's VM in the sense of Java VMs (which represents a virtual hardware architecture) or in the VMware sense, in which most instructions aren't interpreted). \_ so the Crusoe chip (on-demand translation of x86 instruction set to another) is... emulation? What about VMWare, is that also emulation? What about simulators, what are some well known and commonly used simulators out there? Does VirtualPC (for Macs) count as simulator because you're not doing emulation? \_ VMware is partly emulation (for the virtual devices) but for the most part is virtualization. VirtualPC for Macs is an emulator; it's interpreting x86 binaries. Won't comment on the Crusoe. \_ What's the context? \_ In some contexts, a simulator processes the simulation of an actual design, while an emulator accomplishes the same result at a higher level. A VM is a software computer environment for a program (a computer implemented as a program that runs on another computer). |
2004/11/9 [Computer/Companies/Google, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:34777 Activity:high |
11/9 I have two versions of MSIE 6.0.2800.1106. One is running inside a VMWare virtual machine, the other running native on an athlon PC. When I run a google query: http://www.google.com/search?q=canada.ca They get slightly different results. What's the best way to figure out why this would be? Perhaps a way to capture the request? \_ Maybe you're just hitting different google mirrors, and their indices aren't quite in sync? You could test this by using an explicit IP address like instead of "google.com". \_ netcat is good for this. Use 'netcat -L <DEAD>athos.989studios.com<DEAD>:10070 -p 8000 -o logfile' listens at port 8000 on the local machine, logs to the file "logfile", and forwards the result to athos port 10070. \_ Does Google incorporate randomness in its search result when, say, there's a tie in relevancy? \_ the above will do the net capture but i think the answer lies more in how google works than your browser. packet captures will only tell you what you already know: you're getting difference responses back from google. |
2004/4/3-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:13002 Activity:moderate |
4/3 I'm thinking about getting either vmware or vpc for windows in order reduce the number of test pc's we need in our lab at work. I'm mostly going to run Linux (RH/SuSE) and Win2K/XP in the virtual machine. Does anyone have experience with either of these products (how many vm's can I run at once, how fast are the emul. systems for network only access)? The main system running vmware/vpc will likely be a 2x2.8 GHz P4 box with 1-2 GB Ram and WinXP Prof. (though we may want to run it on slower 2 GHz boxes as well). tia. 4/3 18 threads, 571 lines, 119 replies, 31.7 lines/thread, 6.6 replies/thread stddev: 63.3 10.6 \_ Used vmware a couple of times to install various OSes. Make sure you have LOTS of RAM and a fast harddrive. It's very slow otherwise. Also, I've never figured out networking to my satisfaction. It tends to sometimes work and sometimes not work. The documentation is somewhat lacking. I suppose it's good for driver development, but I got somewhat tired of the speed issue and went back to a live machine. --williamc \_ using vmware and loving it. I've got a linux server running as a guest OS; my host is a Windows Laptop. VM memory takes up space in RAM, so you can only run as many VMs as you've got spare ram to allocate. I was running two vms w/ 128 mb each and things were working fine (I've only got 512 total on my laptop). I can testify that both the debian testing (net install) and the knoppix family (gnoppix, pollix, etc) have no problem running inside VMware. --darin (gnoppix, pollix, etc) have no problem running inside VMware. --darin \_ Do you know if vmware works with debian as the host os? I know it isn't officially "supported" but ... --brett \_ I installed XP as a guest OS on win2k box running on a p3-700. It took about 16 *hours* for XP to install. Once it was running, it functioned but wasn't usable. A faster cpu would've helped but it also beat the shit out of my 5400 rpm bog standard maxtor drive. \_ Thanks for the pointer. We will be using 10K or 15K RPM UltraSCSI(?) 320 drives and might even consider using a box with dual 3.06's and 2+ gb of ram (with 256 mb per vm it sounds like I will be able to run 3-5 vm's with (gnoppix, pollix, etc) have no problem running inside VMware. --darin \_ does vmware work with debian as the host os? I know it isn't officially "supported" but I wonder if it works anyways --brett I know it isn't officially "supported" but ... --brett reasonable performance). |
2004/3/3-4 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:12509 Activity:nil |
3/3 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11 What is wrong? I've included /usr/X11R6/lib and still no luck... \_ if you included the actual command line and OS details, maybe someone could give a more helpful response. gcc -nostdlib `./prefix-args -Xlinker -R/usr/X11R6/lib -z nocombreloc -\ L/usr/X11R6/lib` -o temacs pre-crt0.o /usr/lib/crt1.o /usr/lib/crti.o dispnew.o\ frame.o scroll.o xdisp.o xmenu.o window.o charset.o coding.o category.o ccl.o cm\ .o term.o xfaces.o xterm.o xfns.o xselect.o xrdb.o fontset.o emacs.o keyboard.o\ macros.o keymap.o sysdep.o buffer.o filelock.o insdel.o marker.o minibuf.o filei\ o.o dired.o filemode.o cmds.o casetab.o casefiddle.o indent.o search.o regex.o u\ ndo.o alloc.o data.o doc.o editfns.o callint.o eval.o floatfns.o fns.o print.o l\ read.o abbrev.o syntax.o unexelf.o mocklisp.o bytecode.o process.o callproc.o re\ gion-cache.o sound.o atimer.o doprnt.o strftime.o intervals.o textprop.o composi\ te.o md5.o terminfo.o lastfile.o vm-limit.o ../oldXMenu/libXMenu11.a -L/usr/X11R\ 6/lib -L/project/tom/lib -lX11 -lncurses -lm -lgcc -lc -lgcc /usr/lib/crtn.o \_ various "maybes": try -lx11; are you getting the error at compile time or runtime (if latter, man ldconfig); reduce it to a a smaller testcase (find some small source file that uses X and compile that); find out what exactly your X lib is called (the errors says that it can't find "-lX11", not "X11" so maybe it's interpreting it incorrectly. |
2003/10/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:10402 Activity:nil |
10/1 I'm installing WinXP for the first time on a test box just to see it. I'm not even done with the basic install and it's already doing all this automated 'dont worry, ill make that really important decision for you, you dumbass consumer!' shit. I'm getting shivers.... I'm doing it inside a virtual-pc so at least it can't fuck up anything too much. I hope. \_ I've been using XP pro for a while now; as a game and just-doing- superficial-type-work-box (writing docs and browsing) it has been pretty decent. I don't trust it with anything important (all my storage and security and whatnot is on a couple of FreeBSD boxes) so the relationship is a happy one. -John |
2003/6/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:28803 Activity:moderate |
6/21 I was looking for xlock or at least a version of software that will run something like the galaxy mode of the xlock/xscreensaver on a windows 2k machine. I've googled and checked both cygwin and http://gnu.org, but I haven't been able to turn up anything terribly useful. Does anyone know if/where I can this? TIA. \_ install vmware, linux and exceed. \_ insanity. just recompile the xlock for cygwin. and the last I checked, vmware wasn't freeware so you can't "just install it". \_ You don't want xlock. It was written by a convicted child molestor and former VP of Disney. \_ how about xlockmore ? \_ He's not a convicted child molestor. Even if he was, so what? You're a child molestor and we don't mind you around here. |
2003/2/21-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:27486 Activity:low |
2/21 Microsoft bought Connectix. This is the ONLY thing that they should be forbid from doing: buying their competition. Bye, Bye Virtual PC. Maybe the open source folks will replace it. \_ Well there is Boochs. And the MacBU has promised to continue developing it. M$ might be many things but it isn't stupid, when people are willing to fork over $s M$ is smart enough to keep selling (ex. Office X). \_ Office X doesn't threaten the MS desktop monopoly. These os "emulators" like VirtualPC, VMWare, wine, etc all do. \_ Microsoft bought apple too. \_ I believe you misspelled "bought shares of apple." \_ If MS wasn't allowed to buy their competition they wouldn't have any products. You'd be hard pressed to think of something MS wrote in house which wasn't based on something they bought or outright stole from some small company. \_ Bob \_ I'm torn between saying, "you got me there" and "Bob isn't a product". Then again, maybe they stole that too. There were a lot of dotcoms with shitty product ideas. |
2002/12/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:26730 Activity:very high |
12/5 Anybody used VMware for linux? What did you think of it? \_ works great, i run win2k in it. haven't gotten it to work with esd yet but i haven't tried very hard. \_ What's esd? \_ It's what your mom whispers in my ear when i do her, son. \_ Damn it, Dad, go home. You're drunk. \_ enlightenment sound daemon, you can pipe sound out of the windows inside of vmware through /dev/esddsp, or so i hear, i haven't been able to make it work yet \_ I ran it on FreeBSD. It was dirt slow with Win2k (plenty of memory allocated.) -John \_ on what type/speed computer? is "dirt slow" slower than a pentium1, or a 486? I'm buying a new machine with the intention of running linux everyday. How fast of a machine to I need to buy to have windows95 running inside vmware seem as fast as a pentium 133? \_ I thought it was a pain in the ass. With 5 computers at my desk it was easier to just install whatever I wanted on whatever. \_ do you jest? How big a hassle is it to have 5 computers at your desk? \_ happily on my 800 mhz p3 thinkpad, giving it about 256 MB. use the non-persistent disk option and leave edited files in linux (accessed over virtual net share). watch win2k never rot out because you discard the changes from 98% of sessions while friends running it native have to reinstall periodically for stability. |
2002/7/28-29 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:25435 Activity:high |
7/28 Anyone get FreeBSD 4.6 to install as a guest OS under vmware 3.1? It hangs during install right after starting the emergency shell. -sky \_ Use SCSI disks and SCSI CD-ROMs. The VMware IDE emulation appears to be broken. -mgoodman \_ Vmware pretty much just sucks. I've wasted more time trying to get various OS's installed through Vmware under various other OS's than the end result could possibly ever be worth. My time is worth more than a little desk or server room space and some old hardware. I like the concept but in practice it just hasn't panned out. \_ Huh? I have installed Linux on a windows vmware host and Windows on a Linux vmware host multiple times with support fo things like NAT, file sharing, sound and other hardware support and had no problems with it. Try again. \_ VMWare sucks if the guest OS or the host OS is not Linsux or Winblows. (Basically VMWare sucks if you are trying to use it on a real OS to run a real OS) \_ I'm sure that using the terms "Linsux" and "Winblows" makes you look knowledgeable. \_ And I'm sure you realize your comment was unnecessary. Why respond to passive trolls? they're not even amusing. --scotsman |
2002/1/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:23493 Activity:nil |
1/7 Jobs at VMWare. I don't work there, but thought people may find the posting useful: /csua/pub/jobs/vmware-ucb \_ VMWare does not support Dvorak. \_ Liar! \_ Prove it support Dvorak as well as Windows! |
2001/6/21-22 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:21582 Activity:moderate |
6/20 I have an OS question. Most programs make use of shared libraries and use a dynamic link loader to relocate branch targets at run-time. The problem is that if you have multiple copies of, say, emacs running under their own user space wouldn't those relocated addresses (either relative or absolute) conflict under each process? For example, if multiple programs were using OpenGL they would create virtual memory entries for libGL.so in their own process space. The location of libGL within this process differs from program to program so if libGL calls libm.so the dynamic link loader will place that library in a different location for each process and the branch targets under one process won't correspond to those of the other. \_ The shared bits are mapped to the same virtual addresses in each address space. \_ Not sure what you're asking. But only the text portion of the shared lib is shared amongst the different processes. All processes that need to use libGL.so have addresses that point to just one copy of the text portion of libGL.so. It's the OS's job to keep the program counter and the VM straight. Why would there be any conflict? \_ That's the problem. If you only have one copy of libGL.so in memory there would be a conflict in the outgoing branches from libGL. For example, if we were calling glVertex within libGl. That function would have a jump an link to another absolute address to the libm math library. The dynamic link loader is responsible for resolving the branch addresses. The problem is that if one user was running Quake while another person was running Doom or something like that then the jump target addresses would be different. Let's just say, for example, that glVertex called the pow function: Quake Doom ----- ---- 0x00000000 main 0x00000000 main 0x00003fff end of quake 0x00001fff end of doom 0x00004000 libGL 0x00002000 libGL 0x00005000 libm 0x00003000 libm 0x00005040 pow() 0x00003040 pow() If we were to have a jump and link to the pow() function then the addresses would be different in both copies of libGL. \_ Also, most, if not all, shared libraries are compiled to be position-independent. |
2000/10/9-10 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:19444 Activity:kinda low |
10/9 Anyone know of any alternatives for vmware? \_ Boochs or Wine \_ What's wrong with VMware? |
2000/9/28 [Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:19358 Activity:nil |
9/28 Anyone heard of vmware? Is it good? \_ my friend just joined vmware as dir of product marketing...his judgment has been good in the past... \_ Its pretty good as long as you have a fast machine (~300 PII or higher). \_ It's great for testing out, say, how a webpage loads under 9xNetscape. However, it's horrible if you want to send something to a port or anything like that. Regardless it's the best option; use it, love it. \_ vmware is good. Get a free evaluation key and try it out. Too bad it's not free... |
1998/3/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/VM, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13746 Activity:high |
3/02 which term is the most capable? vt100,102,220,ansi...? \_ Why don't you show of your capabilities, big boy, and help the rest of us decide. \_ The TeleVideo 920s they had down in the WEB. Those were the best. \_ And the handy location of the break key was a stroke of genius. The keyboard design of the tvi920 was second only to the old HP keyboards (105 Cory) in pure key placement masochism. \_ web TV \_ whichever one your software emulates. if you have choices, the larger the vt number, the more it can do, but telling soda you're on a vt320 will just screw you up if your software only does vt102 \_ vt100 is almost certainly good enough for just about anything. for the most part, vt100 = xterm as far as terminal emulation goes. [niggly idiots, note "for the most part". thank you] \_ Number 2 lead pencil \-BITCHMASTER2000 |
3/15 |