3/15 |
2002/1/17 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:23581 Activity:nil |
1/16 How do you check for your Solaris' video card resolution+depth (SPARC not Intel)? Something "xyzprob"?? Thanks. \_ m64config \_ xdpyinfo \_ Solaris 8: /usr/sbin/fbconfig -alan- |
2002/1/10-11 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:23527 Activity:low 76%like:23523 |
1/10 What are some of the best asx/asf players for Solaris? How about Linux? (besides Windows Media Player of course) \_ mplayer is pretty good http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage -dwc |
2002/1/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:23523 Activity:nil 76%like:23527 |
1/10 What some of the best asx/asf players for Solaris? How about Linux? |
2002/1/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:23502 Activity:moderate |
1/8 Solaris/x86 RIP: http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-8409777.html?tag=mn_hd http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/binaries/faq.html#30 \_ Was it x86 PCs or was it some other kind of x86 machines? \_ PC's. General run of the mill (although often a few generations behind on driver support) hardware. \_ First x86 unix I used that easily detected all the occasionally odd hardware I could spare to install it on. Now if Solaris/Sparc dies and we can get a non- evil unix for Sun hardware... -John \_ OpenBSD and NetBSD are non-evil unices and run on sparc and sparc64 \_ Where are you getting the RIP from? They're just delaying it, I thought (not that I use it) -eric |
2001/12/21-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:23333 Activity:high |
12/21 Is there a new rule of thumb for sizing swap on systems these days? I remember the 2xRAM+1 rule but that seems way overkill on modern vm's. \_ i think http://docs.sun.com has new guidelines for solaris. \_ BTW, what's the reason behind the 2xRAM+1 rule for SunOS 4? I'd think an OS should be able to operate with a swap file as small as two physical pages -- it just runs out of memory when too much is requested. \_ Idle procs get swapped out to make space for working procs. I leave the rest for you to figure out. \_ I don't get it. What's so special about the number 2xRAM+1? Should be the rule simply be "anything bigger than zero, and and the bigger the better"? \_ You want to optimize the swap space and minimize paging. Too little swap, you're accessing the main disk memory too much. Too much swap, you waste disk space and increase swap access time. These standards are from a time when RAM was limited and pricey and disks small and slow. \_ Make your swap as large as your RAM so you can get core dumps. \_ hi. why is it that none of the people who answered this question know what they're talking about? except for the people asking the questions. |
2001/11/26 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23107 Activity:very high |
11/26 Is there some software I can run on a Solaris NFS client or server that will show me what files are being asked for via NFS? \_ lsof will compile and almost anything. Solaris has a native command which I can never remember the name of. --at \_ this will miss a short-lived process. I was looking for something at the network or kernel level. \_ Run sniff or tcpdump. |
2001/11/25-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:23096 Activity:low |
11/24 Using linux (red-hat) ping, how would I make it timeout after 5 seconds of no response? -w and -c options don't work if host is not-pingable. I want to do something equivalent to 'ping <hostname> 5' like in Solaris or 'ping -t 5 <hostname>' like on soda \- i have a program called "timeout" that takes an argument in seconds and a commandline ... if the process exected doesnt exit before the alarm goes off, the timeout program sends it some flavor of a kill signal [either HUP or KILL]. This is an incredibly useful program and is easy to write [i seem to have lost the src code] but you can then do someting like "timeout 5 ping foo.lbl.gov". i suppose i could mail you the src if i can dig it up and knew who you were. its like a 50line program so writing it shouldbe pretty fast and you can tailor it to whatever exit codes/signals you might need. --psb |
3/15 |
2001/11/21-23 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:23070 Activity:moderate |
11/21 I recently switched out linux servers. I gave the new server the same I.P. and turned off old server and turned on the new server. At that time the new server could ping all of the other machines on its broadcast network EXCEPT one solaris box running FW1. Unfortunately that one solaris box was my gateway. I checked the ARP tables on that solaris box and it had the correct Ether for the new linux box. After about 20 minutes i could ping the solaris box and use it as a gateway. What happened? Why did it take so long to come on line? Why was it only that box? Any ideas? \- did you ping the ip or the name. did you run a packet dumper and see the icmp echo request come in? \_ the i.p., no. \_ Is there a switch between the two? Maybe the switch had the arp info cached. |
2001/11/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Industry/Startup] UID:23017 Activity:nil |
11/12 America's most hated man: Osama bin Laden America's most hated woman: Carly Fiorina \_ why is Carly a bitch? Explain... \_ and why is she getting more flak than, say, McNealy. I mean, her company is still in the black, unlike Scotty. \_ Because McNealy hasn't done anything nearly as stupid as attempting to buy out Compaq. \_ Strong women are always hated by weak men. \_ Here comes the feminazi crowd. No, dear one, when she first got the job, everyone in industry applauded. Now that she's fighting hard to destroy the same company, everyone is coming down on her. Welcome to the real world of meritocracy: good stuff for doing good, bad stuff for doing bad. I think you can understand that. Pick up a newspaper and put down the psycho babble pseudo literature. You'll learn more from the business section. \_ Don't lie, you always hated her. \_ No I had barely heard of her before she took over but since I wasn't a shareholder I didn't care. I _do_ recognise that her takeover plans are idiotic and it has nothing to do with her gender. \_ As an employee, I strongly sided with her in the first year. She seemed to be making the right moves and morale climbed. Now, well, it feels pretty shitty around here. \_ BC she's working at hard as she can to destroy the company? \_ Second that. Compaq is the company of death. |
2001/11/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22946 Activity:high |
5/11 Let's say I need to set some parameters in /etc/system on a Solaris system that affect only a particular loadable kernel module. Does one need to reboot so that the changes are activated or is it enough to reload the kernel module? \_ On Solaris 2.6 (at least on the CP1500 2.6 kernel) you could reload the kernel module and it would read the values. \_ Can you get the noexec_user_stack to take effect without reboot? \_ I think that the reloading trick only works for modules not for the kernel proper. If you are playing with this type of option its best to reboot. \_ Is there a way to see if noexec_user_stack has been set other than actually running an exploit and seeing what happens? Check some kernel variable? \_ Run the exploit and watch system logs (in kern.*) logs for a message that looks like this: attempt to execute code on stack by uid blah, if you have also set noexec_user_stack_log = 1 \_ The question was is there a way to check the setting *without* doing this. |
2001/11/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22902 Activity:high |
11/1 OpenBSD 3.0 (with Sparc64 support! woohoo!) available for pre-order (ships Dec 1): http://www.openbsd.org/items.html \_ Can you buy a Sparc without a Sun operating system? \_ you can't and supposedly Solaris is "free" anyways. A good question is, why would you want to use OpenBSD on a new Sun machine? The point of buying a Sun machine is to run Solaris on it. Get it PC if you need to run OpenBSD. a new Sun machine? The point of buying a Sun machine is to run Solaris on it. Get it PC if you need to run OpenBSD. \_ Solaris doesn't run well on all Sun machines. Most of the older hardware (first generation ultras included) is too slow for Solaris 8. I'm mostly interested in decommissioning my SS20 running OpenBSD and installing a Ultra1 running OpenBSD in its place. I'm just happy that I'll be able to do that. I did not mean to imply that you should go out and buy new Sun hardware and dump OpenBSD on that. BTW, my experience has been that OpenBSD runs far better on Sparc hardware than on x86 hardware. \_ Do you mean on Sparc hardware and x86 hardware of comparible prices? \_ Roughly comparable prices. I used to run OpenBSD on a P2 350 (~ $300 at the time) and I switched to a SS20 (150 MHz Ross). Although compiles are slower on the SS20, almost everything else (disk, network) is faster and I've had no crashes because of dodgy 3com nics. \_ quit regurgitating stuff off of slashdot \_ not everyone reads slashdot. \_ Why would you want this? What computing problem do you need to solve that needs OpenBSD and Sparc64? \_ I would like to run a secure and reasonably fast OS with IPv6 and IPSec support on my Ultra1. Right now my only real choices are NetBSD or Solaris 8. NetBSD is a pain to install and Solaris 8 is way too slow on this hardware. \_ Are there hard numbers/benchmarks that prove that Solaris is slower? Also, Solaris is a bit of memory hog. Adding more RAM will almost certainly speed things up if you got Ultra1 with only 64 or 128MB. \_ Are there hard numbers/benchmarks that prove that Solaris is slower? Also, Solaris is a bit of memory hog. Adding more RAM will almost certainly speed things up if you got Ultra1 with only 64 or 128MB. [ reformatted ] \_ Yeah, I noticed that Solaris runs pretty well on the Ultra1 with 256 MB or Ram. Maybe "way too slow" was the wrong choice of words. I used to run 2.6 on the U1, which seemed pretty fast for interactive use. Since upgrading to 2.8 the machine seems to runs much slower. Even with more memory it still swaps more than 2.6 and io seems much slower than on my SS20 with soft updates enabled. I think that Solaris is optimized more for SMP configs in the latest versions so the UP perf. isn't as good as it used to be. I have a 2x300 U2 and a dual proc U60 at work, both of which run exceptionally well under Solaris 8. |
2001/11/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22889 Activity:low |
10/31 Does anyone know what it means when "domainname" exist with status 9 on a solaris machine? domainname return the right string but the exit code isnt 0 for some reason. ok tnx. --psb \_ It means Sun broke something with their patches. It is Sun bug #4502131. Suspect patch 108991-17. --dim \- oh right on. tnx. is there is fix, official or unofficial? right now i just changed the script to accept status 9. --psb \_ T112138-01 in beta from Sun. --dim \_ Anyone have a copy of that? Put in soda /tmp? |
2001/10/29-30 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22862 Activity:nil |
10/29 I found "sftp" on my Solaris machine, but I couldn't find the man page. Can someone tell me how to specify a user name different from my current login? I tried "-l username" like in ssh, but it doesn't work. Thanks. \_ Well, if it's anything like sftp on soda: soda ~ [12:57pm] sftp -h usage: sftp [-1vC] [-b batchfile] [-osshopt=value] \ [user@]host[:file [file]] --dbushong |
2001/10/24 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22814 Activity:very high |
10/22 Why are the rc?.d scripts on solaris HARD links? What is wrong with soft links?? How can you tell a hard link anyway? (why doesn't `file` specify a hard link the way it does to a soft link?). Please provide (URL containing) clue. \_ So if you move-aside/rename a file, the /etc/init.d script would still point to the right one? I'm sure this isnt the only reason, but it is one. I also think it's used with some binaries or library files. It's also good cuz you can update one and update all(like when overwriting the file with a newer version). Hard links may be faster too. Just guesses. I don't know the real reason. You should be able to detect hardlinks by looking at 'ls -l' output (a 2 or greater in 2nd column). \_ files that aren't softlinke are hardlinks. \_ You can delete the file the soft link points to and the link breaks. You can't break a hard link. \_ this still does not provide an explanation to why Solaris rc?.d scripts use hard links as opposed to soft links. \_ Give me a good reason why you would do it the other way. \_ maybe some psycho wants to put them on a different filesystem? Can't do hard links across fs's. \_ if you call this a good reason, you're a major fucking twink. \_ I never said it was a _good_ reason, just one possible reason that might make hard links not an option. \_ you obviously have no idea what a hard link is if you're trying to distinguish between that and a "real file" ... \_ i've got a hard link in my pocket. |
2001/10/15 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22737 Activity:nil 75%like:22712 |
10/14 so, are the developers of solaris homosexuals (like sendmail)? \_ Both of the people I have met from Sun were gay. \_ How do you know? \_ gaydar \_ They sucked my dick \_ lots of the IBM people are gay. you know.... more than one ... |
2001/10/12-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22712 Activity:kinda low 75%like:22737 |
10/12 was solaris designed by homosexuals, like sendmail? \_ Why do you care? \_ Solaris has been worked on by thousands of people, some of whom are surely homosexual, due to simple statistics. |
2001/9/21-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:22574 Activity:high |
9/21 does OS 9 and previous mac os's have a more lengthy graphics pipeline?? is there a reason why there is almost a 2-4 second delay on a realplayer window resize?? \_ Real player sucks on every platform other than winblows. You have this same problem on Solaris and Linux. \_ what are you talking about? RealPlayer sucks on Windows too. \_ It seems to work well with Netscape on Windoze. \_ At least it can play streams 7 out of 10 times on Windows. On Solaris and Linux its more like 3 out of 10. |
2001/9/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22526 Activity:high |
9/18 Want to replace a header in a binladen on Solaris with null, non-outputing characters. I have tried ^H and ^G to no avail. I don't want junk or even spaces in its place, what can i use? \_ Null is displayed as ^@ and usually typed as ctrl-space --dbushong \_ rm -rf /bin/laden |
2001/8/29-30 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22281 Activity:nil |
8/28 Can anyone on a Solaris box consistently view this CNET video at: http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-6839693.html If so, can you tell me which version of solaris, netscape & realplayer? I've gotten it to work maybe 1 of 10 times, but I'm stupid. \_ Solaris 8 + realplayer 8 + netscape 4.78 works. Sound is Ok but the video is quite jerky. Could be a server/bandwidth issue. |
2001/8/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22203 Activity:nil |
8/21 http://docs.sun.com/query.html?qt=Solaris9 \_ first time I've seen a password-protected http://docs.sun.com url. \_ I think it's the first time docs for a beta release have been put there. |
2001/8/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22100 Activity:high |
8/13 Anyone know what happened to godzilla.eecs (more specifically, SOAR?) \_ I thought SOAR moved off site under a new name. \_ Great. Anyone know the name? \_ Great. Anyone know the address? \_ http://www.recipesource.com \_ Great, thank you! \_ running Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) on Solaris 8 \_ So? Why do you care what it runs? |
2001/8/9-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:22061 Activity:high |
8/9 I use my Solaris box for single user development. Would I expect noticeable performance gain if I defragment my drive, assume there is such a utility for Solaris? \_ UFS doesn't fragment much. Some performance can be had by enabling logging on your filesystems (5.7 and newer) \_ and adding 'noatime', and eeprom ata-dma-enable=1 \_ depending on your usage pattern, add a raid filesystem or 2nd disk to house some other partitions Besides cost of disk, the Raid packages are free. |
2001/7/25 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21943 Activity:kinda low |
7/25 Any ideas about when Solaris 9 will be scheduled for release? What about the public beta testing program? \_ Beta is supposed to go out soon. |
2001/7/23 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21910 Activity:very high |
7/23 I'm looking for b2b ecommerce SW that does the following: 1. basic secure customer login/passwd management 2. product customization capability. This is for a chip company that requires the customer to enter product parameters and then call our own program to determine if the chip can work with those parameters. 3. Order tracking system. 4. Doesn't have to have accouting/billing functions. This is for business customers who orders in the $millions if they do buy. So something like credit card processing is not useful. But it would be nice to generate invoices. 5. I prefer solaris version. Any recommendations? Thanks. \_ There are plenty at http://www.f---edcompany.com \_ Try bea. \_ ATG Dynamo with Personalization + Commerce Engines. Caution: Even though it does the job, this softwareis so expensive that you will prolly not pick it out of principle. \_ Broadvision + B2B Commerce. -uctt \_ when you guys say XYZ + b2b commerce, what does the latter mean? I want to buy one package. Not a hotpodge of stuff. thanks. \_ BV is the core product. b2b commerce is an add on product that they also sell. \_ Is it true that Broadvision effectively charges by the number of rows in certain database tables? \_ WebSphere + http://net.commerce -rotfl \_ WebSphere is a piece of shit. I used it. I had to get around the JVM bugs. Learn from my mistakes. -- ilyas \_ FUCKING DIE!!!! \_ Epicentric \_ intershop may be work for you --jon \_ Of all the packages listed above, BV, Intershop, websphere, etc, which is the cheapest? The company only have like 5 different products, so I don't need any of the bells and whistles or big and fast. I just need something basic. I thought of implementing this myself using a bunch of perl scripts, but maintenance is going to be a bitch. \_ WebSphere will still be worse on all counts. |
2001/7/20 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21890 Activity:nil |
7/20 is there a solaris equivalent of linux /proc system info or irix 'hinv' info? thanks. --karlcz \_ /usr/sbin/prtconf, /usr/sbin/sysdef, /usr/sbin/psrinfo and /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag (ultra only) |
2001/7/20 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21885 Activity:high 75%like:21865 |
7/19 In /usr/include/stdio.h on SunOS 5.7, there's this line: #if __STDC__ - 0 == 0 && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) Why does it need to do "- 0"? Why can't it be simply "#if __STDC__ == 0 && ......"? Thanks. \_ perhaps __STDC__ is defined to 0? \_ how the hell does your reply answer the question? -ali \_ here's a guess: if __STDC__ is #defined to be anything non- numeric, you would get an appropriate error? \_ You would get an appropriate error anyways, because the == operator must take arguments of the same type. \_ No, because the K&R book says any remaining identifiers after macro expension will be substituted by 0L. So in this case the condition still evaluates to true. condition still evaluates to true, and the "- 0" doesn't change anything. \_ The "- 0" is for the benefit of ancient, pre-ANSI preprocessors that replace __STDC__ with /*nothing*/ (neither 1 nor 0). In this case, the minus sign token is parsed as an unary negation of 0, and the first part of the condition is true. The same effect can be achieved by having nested #ifndef __STDC__ / #ifndef _NO_LONGLONG / foo / #endif / #endif ; but the SunOS version is both shorter and more obfuscated -- a win/win solution. -- misha |
2001/7/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21865 Activity:nil 75%like:21885 |
7/19 In /usr/include/stdio.h on SunOS 5.7, there's this line: #if __STDC__ - 0 == 0 && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) Why does it need to do "- 0"? \_ perhaps __STDC__ is defined to 0? |
2001/7/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21776 Activity:nil |
7/12 Does anyone know the details of how the ports "fake" the installation of a particular piece of software? I'm trying to do something similar on Solaris and I can't think of a good way to do it. \_ I dunno what you mean by "fake", but the system will build software without installing it (ie, moving it to the normal location and creating a package for it). This can be used for installing programs that have some sort of library dependency. |
2001/7/11 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21763 Activity:high |
7/10 Forced by mgmt to use yahoo groups. Hate it. Anyone know of any open source posting/discussion forum code that i can set up on my solaris/linux/bsd box? thanks. \_ start a mailing list and archive it on an internal web page sensibly with GNU MailMan \_ Yahoo Groups > mailing list \_ pipermail (built in mailman archiver) sucks; use hypermail with mailman \_ Friends of mine suggest PHP-nuke, it's a slashdot-style application. |
2001/6/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:21572 Activity:very high |
6/19 My supervisor is suggesting we switch all our solaris servers (NFS home,mail,web,E450s,Ultras) over to Cobalt boxes. Has anyone done this before? Can anyone give me pro/con arguments for this idea from a user/cost/support perspective? We're a field office but still need to interface with the out-of-state parent company that still runs solaris. We lost our two SAs and I've basically become part-time computer support (with pay raise TBD). It's still UNIX/Linux, so transition should be fairly easy? Users (and my sup) use laptops a lot. \_ Don't use cobalt for NFS. They don't support NFSv3 and the NFSv2 implementation is stock linux, and is buggy as hell. As far as mail (sendmail,imap,pop) go, a raq4 should be able to replace a low-end ultra1/2. \- if you have invested in the hardware and setup already, what is the point of changing? growth? --psb \_ I'm not sure. coolness? newness? easier to grow or support?? \_ You can scale much higher with Sparc's than PC hardware. \_ What do you mean? x86 linux farms scale just as well \_ At least for the cobalt's, the Web Admin GUI can be used by total idiots to keep the box running. Sparc's required moderately clued in people (at least as clued in as Tom). \_ You cant see any detailed DHCP logs/usage-info from web-gui. \_ This is not a heavily requested feature. \_ If the question involves NFS, the answer is never Linux. \_ Unless the question is, 'What is the K3W1357 05 3V3R?' (or some variation thereof), the answer is never Linux. |
2001/6/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21427 Activity:nil |
6/4 Can anyone suggest some good interview questions (oriented toward technical, customer service, and troubleshooting) we can ask Solaris system administrators (junior & senior level?). Got 13 interviewees in next 5 days. Thanks! \_ You notice your co-worker typing non-sensical comments about "42N chic" and "tjb" into what appears to be /etc/motd. Do you (a) smack them with a bat, (b) look for any advice that may be applicable to you, or (c) inform your supervisor? |
2001/5/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21209 Activity:high |
05/06 I'm considering using http://firstib.com and am investigating the speed reliability and clue of the company. Under http://uptime.netcraft.com it says that http://firstib.com is running Microsoft-IIS/4.0 on Solaris. I find this hard to believe. What are your opinions of this bank?Thx. \_ Search for L4Switch or Load Balancer on google |
2001/4/18 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:21011 Activity:kinda low |
4/17 from truss: Err#4 EINTR Will someone please translate. \_ a system call was interuppted. It should be safe to resume. \_ thanks. Unfortunately i'm getting TONS of these in a row with PID's associated with child threads that are dying in apache. 28015: getpid() = 28015 [28013] 28015: door_return(0x00000004, 0, 0x00000000, 0) Err#4 EINTR 28015: getpid() = 28015 [28013] 28015: door_return(0x00000004, 0, 0x00000000, 0) Err#4 EINTR 28015: signotifywait() Err#4 EINTR 28015: getpid() = 28015 [28013] 28015: door_return(0x00000004, 0, 0x00000000, 0) Err#4 EINTR 28015: getpid() = 28015 [28013] ... \_ You are on Solaris right? I forget why door_return fails with EINTR, but this is probably related to nscd (nameserver caching daemon timing out or not running or something) I just looked this up in an old Solaris book. Looks like this could happen if a signal is recieved while door_return is called. \_ The door_call() function is not a restartable system call. It returns EINTR if a signal was caught and handled by this thread. \_ Could be a NIS or permissions problem or need kernel patch |
2001/4/12 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20950 Activity:nil |
4/12 On SunOS 4 there's a file /usr/dict/words. Is there an equivalent file on soda? Thx. > locate dict/words /usr/share/dict/words |
2001/3/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20870 Activity:nil 58%like:20874 |
3/21 What's the proper way to say: HPUX 1) H-P You-EX or 2) H-Pux? Linux 1) Linn-nex 2) Line-nex new Solaris 1) Solaris2.8 2) Solaris5.8 3) Solaris8? \_ Who cares? |
2001/3/20 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20851 Activity:very high |
3/19 So, i have discovered what i'm sure is a buffer overflow in an application server my company uses. I can crash my server and send random stuff to the kernel. However, I'm not a coder (just a Sys. Admin.) so i can't really determine which part of the garbage i'm sending gets executed. If i had more foo, perhaps i could figure it out but... My question is, who, if anyone, should i tell? (I am thinking of dropping everything and figuring out what i need to, just to see my name on a CERT.) \_ "fu", not "foo" \_ your fough is week, old man. \_ Which OS? I'm sure that if you're using Linux or {Free|Open| Net}BSD you could probably get a backtrace somehow. If you're using a comercial OS you won't be able to pin down the exact line number in the source code but you might be able to gather some amount of info that might be useful. \_ Solaris on a Sparc. \_ truss(1) is your friend. But how do you know that you can really execute arbitrary code? Are you sure it's more than DOS? And is it a bug in the app server or the applications themselves? \_ I guess i don't know if it is a bug in the app server or the app. (that's a good point, i've been giving our java guys too much credit). I'm convinced it is a bona-fide Buffer Overflow because stress testing didn't just cause it to time-out or crash, it effected everything. BASH started saying things like "cannot execute binary file" if i typed hostname, exiting out of bash i'd get a "Sytax error at line 1: ( unexpected" when i tried to do something exotic like type "ls" (basically "echo" was the only \_ Wow. Painful. Is this BEA? \_ No, believe it or not, this product is worse. \_ Freeware? or IBM? \_ I'm guessing its IBM. They have lots of documented buffer overflows. command that worked). I couldn't even log in from the console. I had to stop-A and reboot. \_ You've made my day... Mistaking process or VM exhaustion for security hole... That's 31337. \_ Sometimes people can't just jump above their heads. Get over it. \_ Find a copy of smashing the stack for fun and profit (just do a search on google). Writing a buffer overflow isn't that hard. It shouldn't take more than an evening of work. |
2001/3/9 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20737 Activity:nil |
3/9 I guess IBM joins M$ as a company whose platforms you can't trust for ecommerce: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/8/17467.html Ever since they got on the "LinSUX" bandwagon, the IBM of old (the one whose information systems defended the governments of the free world) seems to be slowly but surely disappearing. At least there is still Trusted Solaris and OpenBSD. |
2001/3/9-11 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20731 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 If I compile a program without the -g option and it core dumps is there an actual purpose for this core file? It doesn't seem like you can debug it or anything. \_ man gdb \_ You can debug it, it's just harder \_ RU using Solaris? If yes, there was a recent online article about this from a Sun dude. I can try to find it again. \_ http://sunworld.com/unixinsideronline/swol-03-2001/swol-0302-traceback.html gives some clues. Use truss and snoop on reproducible bugs too. \_ Pretty neat. What are the equivalent Linux commands? \_ strace |
2001/3/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20716 Activity:nil |
3/5 According to the solaris sysadmin guide I need to be in single user mode to do a dump/restore. I've tried dumping when I'm not in single user mode and it works fine. Should I be afraid that anything bad might happen? Anybody had any bad experiences with ufsdump in user mode? Thanks. \_ It'll complain sometimes if a file changes while it's backing it up, but it basically works fine. -tom \_ referential integrity cannot be assured if dump is performed in multiuser mode. \_ Do you care about data integrity? If you do, then you should be in single user mode, since you can better control the accesses to the filesystem. That said, if you are doing this at home on your personal box, with one user and maybe the web/ftp server running, its not a big deal. \_ just curious, can you force remount the filesystem into read-only mode, then dump it, then remount it rw? Might solve the integrity issues, and only lose you last-access-time information. -ERic |
2001/2/24 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20671 Activity:very high |
2/23 I'm looking for examples of a company successfully rewriting an OS. Like Sun transitioned from 4.1.3 -> Solaris. This transition has to happen while the company is still developing features and pushing the old OS. How many times have a massive SW development effort like this succeeded? Thanks. \_ Windows to NT. \_ HP did this in the 9.x to 10.x transition. Apple has done this OS 9.x to X. Cisco has done this with IOS 8.x to 9.x and is several times, OS 6.x to 7.x, OS 7.x to OS 8.x and now with OS 9.x to X. \_ Only MacOS 6 to 7 & 9 to X are major rewrites - the others just added a bunch of new features. \_ The request was for SUCCESSFUL rewriting. I dont think Apple is a very good example of this. Cisco has done this with IOS 8.x to 9.x and is now working on 12.x to IOS ENA, though ENA is 5 years in development with no end in sight. ENA has been written three times: once as a restructuring of IOS which didn't work well, once as a complete rewrite from scratch (IOS-NG -> Next Generation or No Go, depending on your point of view) and currently as a hodge-podge of QNX, VxWorks (yes, its in there, they won't tell you about those bits though) and leftovers from IOS-NG. At this rate some are betting that they will even try *BSD or LinSUX before 12.x is EOL'ed. *BSD seems to be a trend with other networking companies so, this might be a good way to go. But Cisco has a problem in that most of the routing is still handled in the RSP (CPU for those who don't speak Cisco), which means a non-realtime system like UNIX just can't cut it for them. Oh how I wish they would go ASICs for routing like everyone else. \_ There was Win3.1->Win95 although I would be hesitant to call WinXX an OS more than I would call it a POS. \_ Oh yeah. I forgot System 7 to BSD to SVR4 transition. This was pretty damn big and not well handled. \_ Ultrix -> OSF \_ SunOS 4 -> Solaris 2 was a very painful and unpopular transition. Sun lost many customers and it took 5-7 years for Sun to recover. (Solaris before 2.4 was a disaster.) \_ And solaris after 2.4 wasn't and still isn't? \_ Have a cookie, troll |
2001/2/17-18 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20628 Activity:high |
2/16 Anyone tried installing solaris x86 on a laptop? What are my chances? Does x86 solaris have usb support? \_ yes. kiss apm goodbye. why not just get a tadpole sparcbook and run sol sparc? \_ LIMITED yes. There is only a specific USB controller that solaris supports, and it only supports a very limited number of USB devices. Read the HCL. \_ tadpole sparcbooks are rediculously expensive. Why not just install Linux on it? \_ but linux isn't unix! the gods will cause wrath upon him and make his system *gasp* user friendly! No! the true path is the arcane way, were only a select (and therefore highly paid) set people type in line noise on a command like to run ed or sendmail or something. \_ I get paid to manage hunders of Solaris, Linux and BSD boxes and yet I prefer to run Linux on my laptop. The hardware support and the community support for the laptops is so much better. \_ Price? you're concerned about price? this is a machine you phillistine, not some date. You must spend if you want quality! The most expensive stuff must be the best stuff! (and hence the only supported stuff) \_ Tadpole spacbooks are lemmons. They are heavy and not that much faster than PC laptops, except that it cost 6 or 7 times more than a comparably equiped IBM or Dell laptop. \_ Pass Xsun and go directly to http://www.xfree86.org or http://www.xig.com (XFree is cheaper, xig also adds support for other notebook devices Sun doesn't do very well). Also, go to http://www.sunhelp.org and read the FAQ's before you begin. -alan- \_ Openwin is the standard! |
2001/2/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:20622 Activity:moderate |
2/16 Is there a program to expand a .bin CD image file onto hard disk directly without going through the CD burning step? \_ Most Unix'es can mount an ISO-9660 (High Sierra/Rockridge) image as a filesystem directly, either through builtin software or free ware addons. \_ Specifically, use vnconfig(8) on FreeBSD or losetup(8) on Linux. \_ or lofiadm on solaris 8. \_ or Joerg Schilling's fbk on earlier Solaris (see cdrecord) \_ There's a program (shareware?) called WinImage that lets you browse/copy from ISO image. It's for Windoze, though. You didn't want that, did you? |
2001/2/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20572 Activity:kinda low |
2/12 I followed the FAQs on automounter from http://www.sunhelp.org but I'm still not able to get the damn thing working. Are there any other FAQs? I'm trying to automount home directories WITHOUT running NIS+ under solaris. Is this even possible? \_ Yes it is possible, but not recommended. Take a look at the Solaris part of the Automounter FAQ: http://www.linux-consulting.com/Amd_AutoFS/autofs.html And what exactly are you trying to do with the automounter? Its a completely POS that should be avoided like the plague. Even if you get it running, you will have all sorts of problems. (Trust me, I've been there. We had autofs on all our boxes at Cisco and if any of the servers or the NIS/NIS+ masters went down or lost connectivity, you couldn't use your Sun box and you couldn't even reboot it cleanly. And this happened all the time because of stupid ClearCase.) If you need similar functionality to the automounter, please try AFS or Coda. \_ amd works fine for me... |
2001/2/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20545 Activity:nil |
2/8 How do I find or calculate the total number of processes a Solaris |
2001/2/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:20542 Activity:high |
2/8 will BSD (preferably) or linux mount(ww) SolarisX86 UFS disks? Do you need to specify any type besides just ufs? \_ Don't know about X86 UFS, but OpenBSD used to be able to mount SunOS and Solaris disks. mount SunOS and Solaris disks on a Sparc. \_ I don't even think you can get Sparc Solaris to mount X86 solaris ufs disks. \_ Yes, Linux can mount the Solaris X86 UFS disks just fine. Just make sure that your kernel has BSD disklabel support as well as the Solaris ufs extensions. \_ FreeBSD can: mount -t ufs |
2001/2/7-9 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20530 Activity:high |
2/7 Any recommendations for tape backup software on solaris? I'm currently looking at Legato's NetWorker. Is it any good? Can somebody tell me other packages so that I can compare? Thanks! \_ Legato works for small and medium scale applications. NetBackup by Veritas is better, though, and actually works with large scale installations (which NetWorker does not). -ausman \_ I second Ausman. Legato worked fine for me with about a dozen Ultra2s and some DDS-3 tape robots, and 4 E4500s with L280 autoloaders. If you just want fairly simple backup for a small it works. --dim network, you might even want to consider not using a commercial package at all, but instead doing some form of rdist and dump/tar. Interestingly enough, in a multi-OS environment, we actually had the most success with IBM ADSTAR... -John \_ Legato sucks. Veritas sucks less and has its own problems (trashed the filesystem on a NetApp due to a bug they blame on Sun and Sun blames on them). Just use dump. It's free and it works. (By the way, use rsync instead of rdist). --dim \_ dump works for single machine+single device situations; it's pretty weak at doing network backup. -tom \_ If you say so. My experience with *all* network backup products (and I've used a lot) has been bad. Dump has a lot of problems. So does AMANDA (based on dump). Not any more or less than other products, though, and it's FREE. --dim \- note: you cant do a file system restore with \- note: you cant do an OS restore with legato ... as in it doesnt deal with devices and such. it is for data backup. --psb \_ I'm happy to restore my data. \_ Are you a programmer dim? \_ dump can't deal with databases. A lot of people need to do stuff like backup the database while it's running. dump can't do that for you. \_ And you know what, it doesn't have to. If you place your database on a mirrored filesystem, you could take one mirror off-line, backup the database from it and then resync with the other part of the mirror \_ Sheer madness. Don't send your resume here. We mirror for a reason and we don't want it broken for several hours a day while backups are going off and pray that it resyncs properly. Insane. If your data has value, you'll use a real backup system that can talk to your db without doing the sort of whacky kludgey stuff you're talking about. \_ So buy a product to back up your DB. Why backup your whole LAN with that same product? I have Networker licenses I don't even use. It sucks that hard. --dim |
2001/2/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:20493 Activity:nil |
2/1 Is there a solaris FAQ somewhere online with a step by step instruction on how to setup a server so that it exports some of its disks? And an explanation on this +auto_home thing? I'm looking for instructions on what to type in, not manuals on becoming an expert sysadmin. Thanks. \_ http://www.sunhelp.org - click on FAQs. \_ Do the following: 1. Add a share entry into /etc/dfs/dfstab: share -F nfs -o rw -d "my exports" /export man share(1M) for more on the options. 2. Start the NFS server: /etc/init.d/nfs.server start You might have to start portmap or rpcbind, but I forget how to do that. My advice on the +auto_home thing is to forget about it. The automounter is evil crap, pure unadulterated evil crap. The only way it could be worse is if M$ invented it. If you want something like the automounter take a look a AFS (openafs.org or something). AFS is much better. \_ I pretty much agree. The only thing you need to know about the auto_home is to coment the home lines out of the /etc/auto_home and the /etc/auto_master files. then umount and forget. \_ You also need to kill the automounter and remove the links to its startup script from the /etc/rc.* dirs. |
2001/1/19 [Computer/HW/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20376 Activity:nil |
1/19 Related question to the contract post below. I'm currently charging customers $100/hr for solaris sysadmin work. Setup machines, servers, networks. And some basic CAD tool maintanance and compilation/build jobs. Is that too much or too little? What are your rates for the different types of jobs? Thanks. \_ Where can I get some of your contracts? $100/hr is great! |
2001/1/15-17 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20326 Activity:kinda low |
1/15 I have an NFS mounted mail spool on a solaris machine. Any idea why I might not get "You have new mail" notifications after setting the "set mail" shell variable? I do get the notices on a Sunos machine that mounts the same spool. \_ Depends on how the NFS implementation works. It might not notice that the file changed by default. You might want to look into the NFS mount options. I use "noac" sometimes, but that's not on Solaris. \_ Solaris will whine if you NFS mount /var/mail without noac. |
2001/1/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20227 Activity:kinda low |
1/3 I got this on the console of my ultra-5. What does it mean? WARNING: interrupt level 12 not serviced \_ i think level 12 is Interrupt/Device Serial I/O (ZS) Zilog Serial -- probably mouse? then chk keybd, then motherbd. Not sure about U5's. Check latest patches, esp. if youre using early solaris 2.7 Do you have extra serial devices? Otherwise probably mouse? then chk keybd, then motherbd(not sure about U5's) If not those, then make sure you have latest patches, esp. if using early solaris 2.7 |
2001/1/3 [Computer/HW/Printer, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20224 Activity:moderate |
1/2 Any recommendations for a PostScript printer for a small workgroup which includes Linux and Solaris boxes? It looks like I want the HP LaserJet 2100TN, but I'm looking for something cheaper. Thx. \_ There isn't anything cheaper that's any good. \_ On that note, any opinion on the LaserJet 4550N? For 1.2K more you get 16 ppm, 4 ppm color, and big paper tray. \_ The 4550 and the 4050 are both fine printers, but if the 2100TN is too much, those will be way too much. -tom |
2000/12/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20115 Activity:nil |
12/16 I'm using a Linux machine running XFree86. I ssh in to a Solaris box and run "emacs -nw" from an xterm. My page up and page down keys don't work in emacs. How do I fix this? (on the Solaris box, echo $TERM says TERM=xterm). |
2000/12/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20049 Activity:nil |
12/7 Do I have to compile my own X server? How? This is for Solaris 5.6 mylinux:/home/tom% lbxproxy :5 -display localhost:0 \_ Why would you name your solaris box "mylinux"? X server doesn't have LBX extension \_ ssh -C, while not quite as good, is a whole lot easier to use than lbxproxy. \_ 1) There is no Solaris 5.6 (SunOS 5.6 == Solaris 2.6) 2) Xsun supports LBX only on Solaris 7 (SunOS 5.7) & later (Solaris 7 11/99 or previous versions plus patches) 3) You can compile your own X server with LBX support by downloading the source from http://X.org, but unless you're running on older hardware, it probably won't support your graphics adapter. -alan- |
2000/12/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20021 Activity:nil |
4/250 http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/451/00au/overview.htm \_ isn't UW where Andersen went? \_ Yeah, that's where the High Priest of NACHOS is spreading his unholy gospel now. \_ nice. \_ didn't they do this at one time here? \_ bharvey taught it in bsd one semester. it has not been repeated, and repetitive begging and pleading did not sway him into teaching it again (nor will it ever). current OS faculty adj worked with msft to get a grant for laptops for his research, and has personally ported nachos over to win9x so you know where his interests lie. \_ and has explicitly stated to me yesterday that (1) there will be NO laptops in 162 next semester and (2) the *nix environment will without question still be supported no matter what. -alexf \_ you mean solaris, not unix. There sure wasn't a 3.x freebsd port for it when I took the class, and I think the Great Unnamed one has the only working linux ports. Fact of the matter is that adj _spent_ time porting over nachos to windows, to secure msft a foothold in the teaching curricula in 162. His intentions are clear. \_ this is beside the point. why are they using nachos anyway? Obviously other universities have no need for an abstraction layer between the student and course material. \_ stanford uses nachos, as does mit. Having worked on nachos I knew more about how a system works. look at the projects, they are jokes. |
2000/12/6-8 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:20015 Activity:moderate |
12/6 Anyone familiar with any solaris or linux auditing tools that will track all keystrokes by a given user? \_ ngrep, snoop \_ And this will help me when someone is ssh'd in how? \_ ttysnoop.. but, if you don't trust your users, why have them at all? \_ In the words of Soviet Communism, "Trust but Verify" \_ Also the words of QA engineers. \_ Kids these days... This was a slogan for American missle policy near the end of the Reagan era, not of Communism. \_ Does ngrep or ttysnoop run on Solaris? |
2000/11/23-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19898 Activity:high |
11/22 I have both fddi0 and hme0 interfaces on my Solaris box. The orig config was hme0 but I changed /etc/hosts, defaultrouter, and others to use the fddi0 subnet. Then when I finally did: % ifconfig fddi0 <my_ip> <etc etc> It says: "SIOCSIFMTU: fddi0: no such interface. What's up? \- did you plumb the interface? \_ reboot! boot -r ! \_ plumbed it and now it works, THANKS! There should be a page with all the command line differences between Linux and Solaris, making the hetereogenous *NIX environment more manageable for us admins \_ Try: http://www.stokely.com/unix.sysadm.resources/index.html \- a poor workman blames his tools. it's one thing if some predecessor added some non-obvious thing to the kernel [like when someone commented out all the graphics drivers for soda mark ??? and didnt leave any notes about it] but i think this is exected knowledge of any junior level solaris sysadmin. anyway, you're welcome. --psb \_ so do you know which interface types can be plumbed and which cannot? Don't get all hoity toity cause you know something he doesn't. \_ you admins are supposed to know the difference.. thats part of what makes you a sysadmin. do you want a page with differences between every unix and every other unix out there? -shac \_ Real admins don't post that sort of whine to the motd or even think like that. Real admins know how to use the man pages and find what they need to know as issues arise. Real admins don't see a substantial difference between *nixes. Please don't lump that person in with the rest of us. \- not seeing a "real difference" between how sysV and BSD do say networking is just being blind --psb \_ It's pretty much the same. man ifconfig. \- "networking" != "ifconfig" ... for example what kind of processing/filtering you can do in the kernel vs. have to haul up to userland is vastly different. --psb \_ This is all true and you're right about everything you're saying but it doesn't apply to this person whining that every version of unix out there isn't exactly like his favorite Linux distro and no one bothered to make a convenient flag conversion chart for him. |
2000/11/23-25 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19897 Activity:high |
11/22 Another installment of the OS Wars: I recently acquired a dual Pentium Pro system and I'm not sure which OS to install on it, FreeBSD SMP (or SMPng), Linux SMP or Solaris x86. Any recommendations? \_ Solaris x86. it was running a quaad PII-300 just fine. Freebsd SMP is getting there but they are "still working on it" I hear Linux SMP is slightly better; NT SMP is even better. \_ FreeBSD sucks ass. It's too difficult to use. Go with a sane Linux distribution. \_ I couldn't find "sucks ass" in my technical manual glossary. Should I look in my tech dictionary under "religion" or should I look under "only used one OS in his life newbie"? \_ Why isn't soda running linux!? \_ The linux gurus were out bike riding when the decision \_ Solaris for X86 sucks. If ALL you care about is was made. \_ All three are equally easy for me to use. I want to know which has better stability and performance. \_ Solaris for X86 sucks. \_ correction: solaris on UNSUPPORTED HARDWARE sucks. On the other hand, there are supported athhlon motherboards, for example. If ALL you care about is stability and performance you want BSD. If you want something hip that you can run a flash plug-in (and other new/cool stuff) with good performance/ reliability you want linux. \_ hip/cool not important to me. I want decent network, disk and memory performance (both FreeBSD and Solaris should provide this but I don't really know about Solaris x86) and good scheduling performance (near linear scale up with 2 vs 1 CPU in SMP mode). \_ solaris smp still blows away linux and bsd smp \_ BeOS \_ it all depends on what you want to do with it. \_ nfs, ftp, http, ssh. It will be my home server which means that I can free up my PII for playing around with stuff like the lottery scheduler on FreeBSD 4.x. \_ For a home server? Oh please. Just install whatever you're most comfortable with. It won't matter. Are you performing high cpu/fpu number crunching all day for your phd thesis or something? If not, just install something. I was under the mistaken impression you were doing something where performance might have mattered. Put in at least 128 megs of ram, 256 is better and forget about it. I can't believe someone is seeking OS vs OS tedium advice for such a trivial use as if it was going to make a difference. \_ Well, I don't want to install FreeBSD SMP if other people know that it is mostly unstable, ditto for Solaris x86. I used to run Linux SMP on my PowerMac and there where times it would lock up at high load (some scheduler run queue problem). That's why I'm asking which is better in terms of stability and peformance. \_ Get an old 586, put 128 megs of ram in it, load up your favorite version of *nix. Enjoy it. |
2000/11/11-12 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19733 Activity:high |
11/10 So how *does* one delete a file that begins with '-' like '-foo'? \_ lauch gnome. click on file. click on properties. hit delete. \_ solaris has a filebrowser in openwin which does the same. \_ "rm -- -foo" man rm. \_ or rm ./-foo \_ rm -f * \-* \_ rm -rf * \_ And of course before you start rf -rf'ing your home directory, \_ this fails (the -foo shows up as an argument to rm). You need to do rm -rf . -tom \_ And of course before you start rm -rf'ing your home directory, you'll read the man pages to find out what -r -f and -i do. \_ Related note: Any ideas on deleting a file named "????????????" \_ it's probably not really named ????????; ls substitutes ?'s for \- the one 100% reliable way to delete any file[*] is to get unprintable characters. (This is common among hax0r kiddies). Usually I go with "\rm -i *"or emacs dired. -tom \- a 100% reliable way to delete any file[*] is to get the inode number with ls -i, and then use something like find to delete it. [* it is possible if you managed to create a file with a / in the name this wont work. i have to think about that case]. --psb \_ yes, you do that. \_ no. it is not possible that he managed to create a file with a / in the name. \_ In this case you need to unmount the device, and edit the raw disk by figuring out the offset of the directory from the start of the partition. \_ That would work, but clri(8) is easier. \_ well, the '???' file in question is on soda... does this mean I can become one with the rootcow? Yet even more disturbing: ls -i lists inode # for the file, and % find . -inum blah returns: ./ Maybe deleting this file is risky... ;^) So does clri(8). -joshk |
2000/11/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19630 Activity:insanely high |
11/1 Solaris disk add question: I have an external drive on an old Solaris box. I umount, commented out vfstab, and hook it to a new Solaris box. Then I added a new entry in vfstab and tried to mount but the new box wouldn't mount. Is there something I have to do like recognizing a new SCSI device or something? \_ who gave you the solaris box? kick them in the nuts. \_ Does prtconf show you the device? If it doesn't try probe-scsi-all at the OF prompt. This might not work on an ultra as it warns you that you need to run reset or reset-all first. Probably the easiest way to get this to work is to reboot. \_ OF prompt, is that something you get after Stop-A? I did try reboot but no luck... will try the probe-thing now, thanks! By the way what is your email? \_ At OBP prompt ok> (after reset-all to be safe) try probe-scsi-all to make sure it is physically recognized. Then do 'boot -r' (assuming your box doesnt have some DiskSuite/raid stuff already configured) so the OS can create the proper files. Then login and 'format' to check that the disk is found and has the right cWtXdYsZ you expect. Try to manually mount to test, then add to vfstab \_ Oh yeah, by the way, use: http://docs.sun.com which has SPARC and x86 add disk instructions. \_ There's no need to do a "boot -r" to get Solaris to recognize the disk. "drvconfig; devlinks; disks" will accomplish the same thing (for all disk devices) without a reboot. After you do this, run "format" to make sure Solaris sees the disk, try mounting it by hand to make sure it works, then add it to your vfstab. The problem is that you didn't have device nodes in the kernel's device tree for that disk, nor entries in /dev and /devices. |
2000/10/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19511 Activity:high |
10/17 How are network interfaces configured in Unix? As far as I know they are full-duplex, but someone's asking me to verify and I see nothing on it in man pages, books, etc. Indeed, the only thing I found in man pages was "shutdown", to "shutdown a full- duplex connection". Strange but true... \_ man ifconfig \_ They're not configured in Unix. The Unix spec doesn't include ethernet device details. Configuration details for individual flavors vary - you may need to specify a flag to ifconfig, change a setting with ndd, or recompile your kernel, depending on what OS you are running. Today's lesson: If you want help, give enough information to get it. With "Unix" that almost always includes the real OS name, be it Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, Ultrix, or god knows what. or god knows what. (And quite often includes OS version number, and for Linux, which distribution.) \_ Solaris. I figured if I couldn't find anything on it for Solaris it was fair game for any flavor of Unix, sorry. \_ Solaris defaults to auto-negotation with the switch. \_ Just one unless using ed and/or Perl. ndd -dev /dev/<network device> can adjust it. See http://www.sunhelp.org for the FAQs. \_ How many ways are there to /bin/ls -l? \_ If you want to display groups, two: one with -g, one without, depending on BSD or SysV style. |
2000/9/30-10/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW] UID:19378 Activity:low |
9/29 My company is trying to choose an external web server that offers cool stuff like servlet, JSP, EJB. I am thinking about WebLogic, but then someone says Websphere is better... what would your recommendation be? \_ Apache or JigSaw \_ ask dbushong, geordan, or scotsman about how much they love __ __ _ _____ \ \ / /__| |__ ___| ___|__ __ _ _ __ \ \ /\ / / _ \ '_ \/ __| |_ / _ \/ _` | '__| \ V V / __/ |_) \__ \ _| __/ (_| | | \_/\_/ \___|_.__/|___/_| \___|\__,_|_| \_ WebLogic is a good J2EE server, but I would use it as a web server. You should probably use Apache to serve your static pages and connect to WL for your J2EE needs. \_ My (limited) experience with websphere convinced me that it is really pokey and scales poorly. -John \_ I wish it was pokey. Then we might be able to debug it, but noooo. From what I hear it runs well on AIX or NT, but don't try to run it on Solaris --dbushong \_ We ran on Solaris 2.6...I guess running an IBM product on a Sun UNIX may not be optimal :-) -john |
2000/8/28-29 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19113 Activity:moderate |
8/28 How good is FreeBSD's NFS server support? I'm thinking about switching my Linux machine to run FreeBSD and I want to know is the wierd NFS problems that I see *all the time* with Linux will be present in FreeBSD. The machine will only be exporting a few home directories. Also what is a good (decent performance, ie not a 3COM nic) NIC for a FreeBSD NFS server? My network is switched full duplex 100. \_ FreeBSD's NFS is much better than Linux, especially if you're serving to other OSen. Also, it's tape system actually works so if you're making a file server, your headaches will be fewer. \_ Thanks. \_ "Weird NFS problems" is not very descriptive. I have used linux as a nfs/samba server for a medium sized company of 200 people before and had no problems. -ausman \_ Okay, here is a list of my common problems: 1. Under high CPU load 1-2 for 15+ min the NFS server process stops answering. strace says that it is hung on a lock or a read. 2. Sometimes files become directories and visa versa. When this happens, only a reboot of the client ws solves the problem (can't unmount) 3. When secure is specified, clients lose connectivity to the server intermittently. 4. On big directory copies ~ 1% .nfs* files created. I never had such problems when my NFS server was a Solaris machine. I could go back to that machine (SS10) but I can't afford to good sized disk for it. \_ Silly rabbit, solaris is for intel. Can't you afford $70+shipping? \_ I have Solaris 8 for x86, but I have been told that PII 400 or greater for decent performance. Also, Solaris for x86 is mostly geared towards high-end SMP boxes. \_ All bullshit. Never trust your source again. If the CPU is good enough for free*nix, its good enough for solaris, if you run the same stuff on it. It's all about RAM. Solaris needs 16-32megs more RAM to be happy than your average stripped-down linux install. If your box has 128 megs RAM, solaris x86 will perform very well on it. Even 96megs, if you dont run emacs+netscape. True, you 'll be most impressed if you have a multi-cpubox. But otherwise, performance should be remarkably similar. \_ I've got a PII 350 and I'll be running it with 128 MB ram. It will be a server only. No X BS. I like Solaris, but I'm a little concerned about security. FreeBSD comes with tcp wrappers et al, while securing a Solaris box is harder (isn't it?) Anyone know of a good URL where I can get hardening tips for Solaris (or FreeBSD)? \_ So.. install tcp wrappers, why doncha? Or download "sunscreen lite", suns free actual FIREWALL PRODUCT. And yeah, there is a web page somewhere about "hardening solaris", but it sucks. The proceedure is identical to any other *NIX: shut down services, remove setuid progs, check perms on dirs, etc. |
2000/8/23-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19072 Activity:high |
8/23 I have an application (o.k. weblogic) which came with a library, but when i start the application it scrolls by with a mesg. that the file /directory/path/to/file/filename.so doesn't exist. BUT IT DOES! and is mod 777, What could be causing this? \_ SEE! I *told* you weblogic was an administrative nightmare! No one with any clue ever listens to the sysadmin. --sysadmin \_ bad startWebLogic.sh or weblogic.properties file. Base dir set? \_unlikely since it knows WHERE the file is & just says it !exist \_ All the directories to the filename have permissions? \_yes. \_ don't make it mode 777, that will fuck up loaders if you're root on some OS'es. If you're on IRIX, welcome to library hosedness. -tom \_good to know. I guess i should have mentioned that i'm on Solaris (7) and running it as a user: weblogic \_ I had this problem when I was running weblogic on Solarisx86. The library was for sparc. -brianm \_ or..maybe..ld isn't configed? (not sure how weblogic is setup) \_ if this is .so, you have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris) or its equivalent on other platforms. WebLogic startup scripts do this for you. If this is a Java library, then it's a lot more complicated due to the classloader hierarchy used by WebLogic. Read the docs. -/-- It wasn't here for very long before getting trunc'd, but for the person looking to teach programming to a 10-yr-old: http://www.toontalk.com "ToonTalk is a video game for making video games." -David Kahn, 10 "It's an animated world where kids can make, run, debug, and trade programs."-Ken Kahn, David's dad and inventor of ToonTalk --mogul \_ C! C is the STANDARD! Programming language. \_ ANSI or K&R? \_ ISO/ANSI C99 \_ Any worth while compiler will deal properly with either or a mix of the two in most cases. \_ MS C(#) - bg |
2000/8/22 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19059 Activity:high |
8/21 Our wonderful BSD system has grep -A and -B to print the lines after and before the matched patter (e.g. grep -A 10 myheaderword *). Solaris seems to be missing this functionality. How do i duplicate this functionality? \_ Get GNU grep from http://ftp.gnu.org; it builds on Solaris. \_ try load module greputils |
2000/8/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19019 Activity:very high |
8/16 Anyone know where I can get a program that will show me the devices on a PCI bus on a Solaris system? \_ prtconf \_ This shows you only the devices detected at boot by open firmware. I'm looking for something that will probe the bus. \_ that, by definition, is what you are looking for. You are probably thinking one thing and writing another. prtconf -pv will show PCI devices, whether there is a driver installed for them or not. But there is also a DOS pciprobe tool somewheres on http://sun.com \_ I'm working with Compact PCI, so we can hot swap in cards. The of device tree (displayed by ptrconf) is (AFAIK) built at boot time only and doesn't detect cards that are hot swaped in and out. \_ Nope, the device tree changes. ddi_create_minor_node() and ddi_remove_minor_node() can add and remove entries. You should probably also be aware of devfsadm on Solaris 7 11/99 or later. \_ Oh yeah. The key is to implement a _probe entrypoint, presumably. \_ Does this apply to Solaris 2.6 as well? I can't get the tree to change except when I manually change it via ddi_{remove,create}_minor_node(). I know some of this is solved in 7, but PHBs won't let us upgrade. |_ Don't tell the PHB's you're upgrading and they probably won't notice. \_ Yeah, I tried that but the fscking t1 card I'm stuck with (http://www.nmss.com has a really stupid driver that doesn't work under 7. \_ people who swear with fsck need to be slapped \_ fuck you tom \_ fsck you tom \_ f*ck you tom \_ is it probe-ide from PROM? --social science major \_ I wrote f*cking not fscking. Some geekboy keeps changing it. \_ slapped is an odd way to spell "beaten till bloody, tied up, and then dumped off the nearest dam" \_ Solaris 2.8. Please read http://www.oldmanmurray.com/rant.wcs?014 _/ |
2000/8/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19016 Activity:high |
8/16 when i grep for a word in the /etc directory on a solaris box it invariably hangs. Why? How do i get around this? \- because you hit some special file such as initpipe or utmppipe --psb \_ find /etc -type f -print | xargs grep foo \_ which will break if there are any spaces in the filenames; use: find /etc -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep foo or, if your find doesn't support print0, use the old standby: find /etc -type f -exec grep foo {} \; |
2000/8/15 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18992 Activity:high |
8/14 Solaris 2.8. What's the ndd or ifconfig command to see what the current speed/duplex is and to change it? Man pages didn't help. \_ from /etc/system: * set hme:hme_adv_autoneg_cap = 0 * set hme:hme_adv_100T4_cap = 0 * set hme:hme_adv_100fdx_cap = 1 * set hme:hme_adv_100hdx_cap = 0 * set hme:hme_adv_10fdx_cap = 0 * set hme:hme_adv_10hdx_cap = 0 # ndd -set hme hme_adv_autoneg_cap 0 (or 1) .. \_ thanks. These weren't set in my /etc/system but now I know what to look for and where to set my values. \_ ndd /dev/hme, at the prompt "?" will show you all supported variables. link_speed, link_mode, link_state show you the current config. --jwm \_ thanks. |
2000/8/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18950 Activity:moderate |
8/10 Need info on performance on cross shared library calls vs. single library / static calls. This is for Solaris. Thanks. \_ http://docs.sun.com, Linkers & Libraries Guide \_ still can't find it :< \_ your search fu is *really* weak: http://docs.sun.com/ab2/coll.45.10/LLM/@Ab2TocView?Ab2Lang=C&Ab2Enc=iso-8859-1 |
2000/8/8 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18918 Activity:very high |
8/7 Anyone know how OpenBSD's NFS implementation compares with Linux and Solaris? URL okay. \_ anything (except irix) is better than the linux implementation. However, oddly enough, I think I heard that one of the other *BSDs had better NFS than OpenBSD. And of course, Solaris practically IS NFS. It's virtually the reference platform. \_ I'm thinking about switching my Linux box (RH 4.2 + 2.0.36 kernel) over to run Solaris x86 because it has Sun NFS. But Solaris x86 a pretty fringe system, so I don't know if everything will be up to snuff like on a Sparc box. I installed OpenBSD and I really like it, that's why I'm asking for a comparision. I'm not looking for performance, I prefer stability and reliability, ie good v2 and possibly v3 support. \_ what do you mean by a "fringe system"?? \_ Not as many users as *BSD/Linux on x86. \_ strange that an OS that actual tried to heed user needs has better nfs than openbsd. \_ Which *BSD has good NFS support? AFAI can tell OpenBSD seems pretty userfriendly but I've only been running openbsd for 3 days now. The FreeBSD install was not as nice/easy as the openbsd install. \_ Solaris, though Sun says it's the ref platform, it actually not totally in accordance with Sun's own ONC spec. \_ So you're saying that I should be okay with Solaris x86? How does Solaris x86 on a P150 compare with a SS10/20 in terms of speed (network responsiveness under high load) and stability? \_ disk response will be better on an SS20, I think, unless you're spending a lot more on the intel hadware than it sounds like you are. \_ I have a resonably fast SCSI card (20 mb/sec) with some 7200 RPM drives (1 & 2 GBs) so my disk perf should be on par with SS10/SS20, I'm more interested in the general robustness of Solaris x86 compared to Solaris Sparc. \_ depends on the hardware you have. If its all solid quality, and on the HCL, then you will have a very solid system with Solaris x86. Some ISPs who are willing to actually pay for \_ I feel that your mother is a terrible security concern. \_ If she wanted to she could hack into my computers without trying very hard. She's been coding since PDP-11 days. their UNIX, have been running on solaris intel for a few years now. \_ you are running openbsd, a pretty secure OS. you are wanting to run NFS, which is essentially rootkit for unix. hmm. \_ For my file server behind my firewall. Not afraid of hacking by my users (mom, dad, me, and my brother). \_ <DEAD>innominate.org/%7Etgr/projects/tuning<DEAD> |
2000/8/2-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18846 Activity:high |
8/1 I set up IP masquerading and it works for my intranet... but do I need two NIC's to get it to also connect to the Internet? \_ You do need two network interfaces. they dont _necessarily_ have to be two separate physical nics, but its recommended. \_ Logically interfaces can put a lot of load on your system \_ Logical interfaces can put a lot of load on your system depending on how other systems are connected to it. \_ This is only for a week or two before my stupid ISP assigns me more IP addresses. How do I create logical interfaces? "route"? Pointer to a FAQ would be great. \_ Its something like ifconfig <int>:<num>. man ifconfig on your system. ----ranga \_ are you sure? Ifconfig seems to be for configuring existing network interfaces? I don't see anything relating to that in the ifconfig manpage "Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces." \_ AFAIK, the following creates a logical interface on Linux: # ifconfig eth0:1 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address. Its similar on Solaris: # ifconfig hme0:1 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd up Don't have a Solaris machine handy to try it. ---ranga \_ ifconfig eth0:1 SIOCSIFADDR: No such device SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device \_ You must have CONFIG_IP_ALIAS enabled (compiled or loaded) in the kernel. --Galen \_ Thanks. \_ Is eth0 even the name of this person's NIC? \_ Yes. \_ Summary: 1) Use this syntax: "ifconfig eth0:0 up", replacing eth0 with the obvious, on Linux or Sun. 2) On linux, you need CONFIG_IP_ALIAS in the kernel. 3) You are really much better off with a real second network card. --Galen \_ Summary: 1) To create a virtual interface use this syntax: "ifconfig eth0:0 up", replacing eth0 with the obvious, on Linux or Sun. 2) On linux, you need CONFIG_IP_ALIAS in the kernel. 3) You are really much better off with a real second network card. --Galen \_ wrong name. If you do that on sun, you get the "real" if. get into the habit of using eth0:1 |
2000/7/29 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18810 Activity:high |
7/28 What's the difference between SunOS and Solaris? \_ SunOS is for all SunOS versions below 5.0. The last major "SunOS" release was v 4.1.3 (?) and was BSD based. Solaris 1.0 was SunOS 4.0, Solaris 2.0 was \_ Actually, Solaris 1.0 was SunOS 4.1.1 -alan- SunOS 5.0. Currently we are at SunOS 5.8 or Solaris 8 or Solaris 2.8 if you will. Solaris is SVR4 based. \_ is 2.8.2 out yet? \_ There will be no 2.8.2. -alan- \_ http://www.sunhelp.org - read the Solaris FAQ |
2000/7/26-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18780 Activity:kinda low |
7/24 port: 9 Service: discard is running on my solaris 7 machine i want to kill it. which rc script starts it listening or how do i stop it from listening there? \_ It's generally started from inetd \_ ie: grep discard /etc/inetd.conf |
2000/7/26-27 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18771 Activity:nil |
7/24 Is there a way to install WindowMaker on a Solaris machine without root access? Any url/pointer? \_ ./configure --prefix=/someplace/youcanwriteto/ make make install and then you're done. Not very hard. |
2000/7/23-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18762 Activity:high |
7/23 If I have data in my process address space on Solaris, and I want to get that memory onto disk without doing a copy, is there a way to do this? --jwm \_ What does "without doing a copy" mean? As always, why don't you tell us what you're trying to do instead of asking for a specific technical answer to do it your way. \_ "Without a copy" means without making a copy in memory. (i.e. no copy from the userland buffer to a kernel buffer) I have a chunk of data in memory, I want to get it onto a particular disk via a raw device. a particular disk via a raw device. Why I want to do this is not of any great importance to the question. \_ i think what he's asking is pretty straightforward, what is your problem? jwm, do you know if mmapped files in solaris go through the block buffers? \_ my problem is people on the motd tend to ask vague technical questions which don't always mean what they seem to. what's your problem with my asking what he's trying to do so he can get helped better? \_ Yeah, I thought of mmap(), but here is the problem with that. I map the file, then when I write to a page, I get a fault that reads in the the data off disk. This is data I am just about to overwrite, plus this also has a copy from my buffer to the mmap'ed region. If I could take my buffer and map it onto the file that would work, but I don't think this is supported. The 2 methods I can think of that may work are write() and aio_write() because they both "own" the buffer during the time the write is happening. If I had solaris source this would be easy to check, but I don't. The idea is that Solaris would simply point the DMA engine at my buffer and never look at my data. --jwm \_ my point was that you could mmap your buffer instead of allocating it with malloc() (or on the stack). i don't see why write() helps, as it does a write to the block buffers, not to disk. i don't know anything about aio_write. is there no way in solaris to lock a block buffer and write to it directly? that's how it fucking works in the kernel. \_ It's a raw device I'm writing to, so no block buffers. I can't mmap instead, because I'm not generating the data. I guess the best way to describe what I want is to say I want to avoid a copyin() and have DMA go directly from my memory to the device. --jwm \_ why do you suspect write() does a copyin() when writing to block device? when i write a driver, i mlock() then setup dma from the user's address space. \_ I didn't know, but I suspected that write may not have the copy (See above). However as a block devices are probably doing the copyin() in all cases because they interact with the buffer cache, it is raw/character devices that don't. |
2000/7/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18730 Activity:nil |
7/19 Where can I find info on Solaris' dynamic shared library? For example, what's the technical detail on loading and method resolution, what's the performance loss of cross shared library call, what's the architectural description, etc? Thanks. \_ http://docs.sun.com - Linker & Libraries Guide "Linkers & Loaders" by John Levine http://www.sunworld.com/swol-02-1996/swol-02-perf.html -alan- |
2000/7/12-14 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18649 Activity:kinda low |
7/11 On Solaris is there an xhost FILE where i can put a list of computers that can open X displays. (I need 'nobody' to be able to display to this SUN because of a lame ass java package (jchart) which my company paid for). \_ for h in `cat FILE`; do xhost +$h; done \_ umm, no. this is session specific. I need NOBODY to be able to display there. \_ read the answer again, or provide more details \_ /etc/X0.hosts \_ doesn't seem to work on Solaris 7 (i HUPd Xsun and no change to "xauth -list" \_ "xauth -list" lists your keys, "xhost" lists who is allowed to connect to the server \_ Use Xvfb instead. \_ hmm, o.k. except that requires actual work and learning and stuff. (and how bad is the resource (memory) hit? |
2000/7/6-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18604 Activity:nil |
7/6 Is there a way to see the current value of stuff set in /etc/system on Solaris? Other than adb? \_ For some settings yes, for others no. \_ sysdef -i will give you many of them. |
2000/6/26-27 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18552 Activity:moderate |
6/26 Trying to install Apache-ssl on solaris. I have neither /dev/random nor /dev/urandom. Do i really need them? Where can i get them? / how do i get around needing them? \_ You can't get them. Try reading the instructions - other people run on Solaris, so there must be a workaround. \_ you CAN get /dev/random, FROM SUN. you have to know whewre to look. but you dont "need" them, anyway. |
2000/6/16-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18489 Activity:very high |
6/16 Is there a way for a user to set the DNS search domain on a UNIX (generic answer if possible; if not, what about sunos/solaris? linux?) \_ can't you twiddle around with LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something so that an alternate library containing a gethostbyname is used instead? \_ Short answer: no. Long answer: if you don't really need it to work for the whole domain, you just have a couple of hosts that you want to work then you can, for ssh, set them up with aliases in your ~/.ssh/config file. For most other programs that use the standard system resolver (most of them, like ftp and telnet), you can set the environment variable HOSTALIASES to a file which contains aliases of the form: alias fully.qualified.domain.name Note, this won't work for ping because it's setuid and thus HOSTALIASES isn't used to avoid security problems. --dbushong \_ From 'man resolver' on Solaris: The current domain name as defined in the system initialization file resolv.conf can be overridden by the environment vari- able LOCALDOMAIN. This environment variable may contain several blank-separated tokens if you wish to override the \_ Any reason this works on some domains (.ocf) and not others (several)? (as seen from a linux box; doesn't recur on soda) search list on a per-process basis. Works on Solaris & FreeBSD - think it's part of standard BIND -alan- \_ alanc: 1, dbushong: 0 \_ It's not a contest. You learn something new every day. --dbushong \_ alanc: -5 for giving a non-LINUX answer! Who cares about that legacy Sun junk? And we all know freebsd was dead the day Linus, Our Lord and Saviour, wrote the First Line. main(){ printf("Linux Rulez! The rest dr00l!!1\n";exit(1);} /* GPL DUDE! */ \_ You missed a parenthesis. \_ I think I made my point. \_ good thing linus wrote that first line and not you. \_ Not really. It's the same quality. \_ ucb traitor. linux continues to be a toy because it depends on coders like you \_ LINUX R000LEZ!! Y00 DR00LEZ!!!11 \_ Windows is installed on more PCs than that crappy Linus. \_ You must try harder my troll friend. Solaris & Linux were both first released in 1991 - FreeBSD didn't fork off 386BSD until a couple years later. Sounds like Linux is equally deserving of the "old legacy OS that should get out of the way" title. \_ Solaris was a real OS in 91. Linux was lucky to not crash on boot. Solaris in 91 was a functional and stable OS. Linux was lucky if the login prompt came up. I *really* hate historical revisionism and other forms of false comparison. Linux never became mainstream and useful enough to become legacy junk. It's just junk. \_ Solaris wasn't usable until 2.4; I don't remember when that came out but it remember when that was released, but it certainly wasn't in 1991. -tom \_ I used SunOS 4.0.8 on a Sparc 1 in 1990. --sowings \_ Thanks; works perfectly on bsd/solaris -- but for some reason, under linux, works only for some domains (eg ocf) and not others with ping [works for all domains via telnet]. Would be interesting to hear a reason... \_ they could set up their own chroot environment with its own hosts files setting the search path. \_ Can a user set up a chroot? If you could do that, wouldn't that make programs that expected to check trusted files in /etc before going setuid insecure? \_ No, and yes. See chroot(2). |
2000/5/25-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18342 Activity:nil |
5/24 How do I change the mouse setting from right hand to left hand under solaris? \_ xmodmap, same as any other Unix/X Windows |
2000/5/19-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18301 Activity:high |
5/19 I'm writing a device driver for Solaris to access our PCI board. I want to allow unlimited xxx_open() calls to the board in read-only mode, but only one xxx_open() call in read-write mode. I tried doing this with a flag to indicate that the board is open in read-write only, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to match a xxx_open() to the corresponding xxx_close(). I though about using pid's to track the xxx_open() and xxx_close() calls but I don't seem to be able to access pid's in the xxx_open(). I must be missing something. Any ideas? \_ WINDOWS. WINDOWS IS THE STANDARD OS. \_ Really, does any OS out of M$ have support for CPCI, hotswap, H110, RT processing, etc that are required to do any real work. BTW, I'm working on a VoIP switch which will be able to handle 6000 simultaneous calls. You think that any M$ OS can keep up with that kind of call processing or the associated memory access and setup for the \_ you get passed a proc structure as argument to xxx_open(), don't you? processing board? Don't delude yourself, your M$ box is basically a KEWL MP3/DVD player and Game console. \_ Yes, MS has support for all those things. you? if not, there is a global variable, typically of type struct proc which contains the pid. \_ Real Time Windows, how do you do that? I though that the NT kernel is not interruptable and that the time slice is not adjustable. Last I checked CPCI hotswap was not reliable, kept rebooting the stupid kernel, or locking it up. \_ We used M$ LoseNT as call agents @ cisco. Guess how we get reliability, two boxes that perodically reboot each other (once ever few hours). I told them we should have just deployed it on the cache engine with IOS, or an RTOS or UNIX, but they wanted to do LoseNT so bad. I can't begin to express what a load of shit it is. express what a load of sh*t it is. \_ Oh GHOOOOOOD! NOOO! PLEEEEEASE TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!! \_ Ok, won't tell you it's true. \_ Wow. never thought I'd see a solaris driver question on solaris. Anyways, I think it might have something to do with using a "clone" type device. Try looking at that alternative. ["send in the clones" jokes may now commence] \_ If I understand this correctly, I should create one device that is read-write and limit that to one rw access and have another device that is read-only and have unlimited access on that one. Sounds good. I have a library that abstracts device usage, so I can do this under the covers. BTW, I'm using mmap in my user programs to access the device, rather than ioctls, so if there is some way to just limit access in the xxx_*map routines that would work too. \_ Use a semaphore for rw open() requests. Use the thread/pid handle 1. thats not what he wants 2. there was something on c.u.solaris about 6 months ago saying "dont do that", for some other vaguely similar proposition. \_ Why not? I really want to prevent multiple writers on the device, but debugging is really hard if I can't have a couple of monitoring programs. \_ yes, "debugging kernel drivers is really hard". Decide whether you want to make it easy on yourself, or if you want to write a proper driver. No, I dont know myself. Go try to find the article, if you care that much. \_ you get passed a proc structure as argument to xxx_open(), don't you? if not, there is a global variable, typically of type struct proc which contains the pid. |
2000/5/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18172 Activity:moderate |
4/34 In solaris i can just edit the /etc/system file to change the shared memory and semaphore segments. Is there an as easy way to do this in linux (RH) or is it time to recompile the kernel? \_ It's Linux. What's your guess? Greatest OS in the world. \_ You're getting your kernels and your OSes confused again. \_ No. I'm not. Thanks for the input though. \_ You're an idiot. \_ kernel/{msg{mnb,mni,max},shmmax,sem} under sysctl. man sysctl, man sysctl.conf. -lim |
2000/4/22 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18078 Activity:nil |
4/21 I've installed Solaris (for Intel Platforms) on a Toshiba Tecra 750CDM laptop, which has a S3 Virge / MX video chip. However, when I run kdmconfig on Solaris, there is no option for the S3 Virge MX. Is there any updates out there that I can install so that Solaris will recognize this chip? \_ almost certainly not. Sun has no interest whatsoever in Solaris x86 and is a year or more behind on driver support. -tom \_ Yes. The update is called "xfree86" |
2000/4/19-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18055 Activity:nil |
4/18 Hi, I'm looking for a site that has compiled sun binaries like trn, screen, etc. Not standard GNU stuff. All I can find are FreeBSD or Linux binaries for the stuff I want. Thanks. \_ http://www.sunfreeware.com \_ http://www.sun.com/bigadmin |
2000/4/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Database] UID:17962 Activity:nil |
4/9 Note: For those of us who are unfortunate enough to have to use Oracle 8.0.3~8.0.5 on Solaris, there is a SERIOUS BUG in the asynch write mode of Oracle. Turn off asynch write in the parameter file or upgrade to 8.0.6+ a.s.a.p. Otherwise you run a high risk of running into a data corruption error undetected by Solaris or Oracle. We lost 4 of 9 databases to this error (fortunately they were not critical ones). Synch writes: slow but safe. Frequent exports: help but doesn't solve the problem. If you need more help or info on this don't contact Larry E., he'll deny everything, send me mail instead. --mtbb |
2000/3/31 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/HW] UID:17898 Activity:high |
3/30 Is it possible to have multiple network interfaces for the PC? On UNIX I can just do /etc/hostname.XXX, but how about PC? \_ In Linux/*BSD/Solaris on a PC you can have multiple network interfaces, but probably not under Lose[95,98,NT,00]. \_ how do I do that on Linux? \_ Multiple ethernet cards: ifconfig eth0 ... ifconfig eth1 ... Multiple addresses on one card: ifconfig eth0 ... ifconfig eth0:0 ... ifconfig eth0:1 ... \_ You can have as many NICs in your PC as your motherboard will allow. "/etc/hostname.XXX", AFAIK, is a solaris thing per se and has nothing to do with sparcs or PCs. \_ you can do it under NT and 2k as well. \_ how do you do it in NT? |
2000/3/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17660 Activity:high |
2/29 Rdump from solaris to solaris works fine, but i can't get the linux to rdump to the solaris (ie to the tape drive on the solaris box). Help. \_ Because linux sucks. Use Solaris or some BSD. |
2000/2/18-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:17553 Activity:kinda low |
2/18 do you know any utility that cleans up mp3's with those "clicking" sounds? I downloaded a ton of stuff at work which sounds great. At home though when I transfered the files to zip disk and placed them on my system, they sounded like crap with that clicking sound. Any idea why? Any idea how to clean it up? - keithyw \_ try DART Pro (available off http://download.com) \_ It's probably your sound card. \_ Yes. I can't remember the name though --oj \_ uncook.exe (assuming you're running windows)?? \_ What about on Linux/Solaris? \_ Install new drivers. If none are to be found, your card is too old. Pray that it isn't software audio. \_ What clicking sounds? I've never had those to speak of on a mac \_ pluz! enlighten us with the windom of your niche computer! \_ niche would be Amiga. Macs have grown past that. \_ Sure the clicking sound isn't your Zip drive? \_ Sure the clicking sound isn't your cup-holder? |
2000/2/15 [Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17518 Activity:nil |
2/14 What is a typical salary range for a unix system administrator (Linux and Solaris) with 2 years experience but doesn't want to work in south bay? |
2000/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17453 Activity:nil |
2/8 How to save attachments using /usr/bin/mail or mailx on Solaris? \_ save the entire message to a file, then run munpack (ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/pub/mpack/) to extract the attachment |
2000/2/2-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17400 Activity:moderate |
2/1 Looking for really clued solaris folks for a kick-ass opportunity at Electronic Arts. Serious clue need only apply -lars <lsmith@ea.com> \_ EA = PC Games. Solaris != PC Games. What the fuck? \_ EA makes a hell of a lot more than PC games. They made $260 million on consoles last year compared to $165 million on the PC. Massively multiplayer servers don't run on consoles, nor on Windows platforms for that matter. Remember also that EA owns Origin, which makes Ultima Online. I'm betting lars' opening has something to do with servers for sequels or similar games. -mogul \_ Get a clue. Just because EA makes PC games doesn't mean they don't use Solaris servers for e-mail, file serving, web servers, running big databases (HR, customers, bug tracking, etc.). Hell, maybe like every other game company, they're coming out with a new online game and are going to use Solaris servers to run it. There's any of a thousand possible other things they could be doing. \_ Leik n0 wae!1 sl0war1z sukz!1 ey red 1t 1n <-64 /\/\ag!11 \_ They don't make paper either at EA, but I bet they use it. \_ I've seen the EA paper mills. They make paper. \_ Does Quake run on Solaris? \_ Yeah! Any OS that can't run Quake isn't a real OS! How else can you possibly benchmark it? \_ yes it does. |
2000/1/29 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17368 Activity:low |
1/28 How can I increase the number of /dev/tty* so that I can have a lot of users logged into my machine? Thanks. \_ What OS bozo? Different Unixes, different answers. \_ Under FreeBSD, recompile your kernel with more ptys (change the "pseudo-device pty 16" line in your config file), and then run, say, "/dev/MAKEDEV pty0 pty1 pty2 pty3" to create the new files in /dev. \_ Solaris 2.x -> 7: See the FAQ on http://www.sunhelp.org Solaris 8 (not that you have it yet): do nothing, they're created as needed \_ You can't. Win95 doesn't have ttys. |
2000/1/28-29 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17364 Activity:kinda low |
1/28 On Solaris 2.7 I have a process that dumps core when its memory usage passes 2 GB. I have 4 GB ram and this is the only process that requires significant resources. Is this related to resource limits? According to ulimit my memory utilization is unlimited. \_ probably related to your bit-bucket only handling 32 bits \_ recompile your binary to be 64-bit (-xarch=v9 if using Sun cc) \_ fix your program so that it checks the return value of malloc() rather than blindly assuming there is always more memory. |
2000/1/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17358 Activity:kinda low |
1/27 Looking for a unix command-line util that will allow me to pass it a key and an arbitrary string and will give back the DES-CBC encrypted version of that string. (and it's gotta be able to run on either Digital Unix 4.0D or Solaris 7.) Any ideas? -icrew \_ there's bdes.. not sure if there's a port for dec/solaris \_ compile openssl suite (ex ssleay). It does everything and more. See http://www.openssl.org for info. |
2000/1/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17231 Activity:very high |
1/12 I have a solaris 7 machine that is not running X-windows (or any gui) but xfs still comes up when i do a ps -A. Why? (also, what_is / do_i_need cachefsd and/or rpc.ttdb?). Thanks \_ xfs has nothing to do with x. no you dont, no your dont. \_ xfs has nothing to do with x. no you dont, no you dont. \_ xfs on Solaris has everything to do with X. It's the X font server, not SGI's file system. -alanc- \_ o.k. openwindows, it is the *X* font service. my question is why/how did it get started? (not (directly anyway) from the RCx.d scripts) And while i've got your attention a port scan yields.. 32773 open tcp sometimes-rpc9 What could it be? 32775 open tcp sometimes-rpc13 I don't have anything (that i know of) running on these ports and I DON'T have rpc running. What could it be? X font server, not SGI's file system. It runs from inetd so would be running if anyone set their font path to include it or ran a port scan against your computer. -alanc- |
2000/1/12 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17218 Activity:very high |
1/11 Thanks for those who replied last time. I did renegotiate and got $80K, but I have to start tomorrow instead of Monday(oh well, a shorter vacasoin than I hoped). I just went through orientasoin today. They also said they would pay for my Silaris Certificasion which is only worth like $300(?) I don't think I will bother with that. Is it worth my time? (BTW, my staff manager is really hot) \_ what was this a followup to? renegotiate what? \_ what was this a followup to? renegotiate what? or more importantly, FROM what, to 80k? PS: if you can pass it, and they are willing to PAY for it, then hell yes solaris certification is worth 2 hours of your time. You might want to look into a typing accuracy class while you're at it though \_ You're welcome. I agree with the above. Go get your free Solaris cert. I again agree with the above, learn to type/spell/whatever your problem is. --replied last time |
2000/1/11-13 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17215 Activity:high |
1/10 I'm a non-tech major but would like to be a sys admin. Are there local classes (e.g. @CSU, Santa Clara, etc) that I can take to perform basic, entry-level sys admin tasks? \_ never took any but found it better to learn by doing; install linux or fbsd or nt or solaris on a home pc and play. \_ You'll be unhappy if you're doing this just for the money. \_ This is such a bullshit response. You'll be just as unhappy working some scut job for $30K. working as a sys admin may bore you, but twice the cash will make the rest of your life that much better \_ Ask Tom. \_ Isn't this true of many a worker-bee? \_ Yup. Frankly, the "you'll be unhappy working only for money" thing is a bit hackneyed. How happy are you going to be at 70 with no cash and a pile of medical bills? Maybe the illegal they have at the home will roll you over once a week if you're nice to her and haven't shit on your- self too much. \_ You can be a BOFH, but I'm sure they don't teach that in any sysadmin "class". \_ Nice in theory. In the RW you get fired. Why you'd want this in the first place is a mystery. \_ I'd like to have a BOFH more than I'd like to have the nimrod in IS who thought that my problem could be solved by upgrading to the latest version of Eudora for my (Solaris!) desktop. I'd get just as much help from the BOFH, but I'd be more entertained. \_ Why would you want either? It's like trying to choose between getting run over by a red or a blue SUV. \_ In my world, there are no BOFHs, nimrods, or SUVs (red, blue, or otherwise); everyone rides bike, uses Linux, and does their own admin (unless you're part of the 3l33t overclass; then the admins are h0t ch1x!!1! who also happen to have more UNIX clue than any currently living human. I, of course, lead the overclass). \_ Enjoyed your nap? Now back to work, slave! \_ http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cert/unix.html \_ Well, that depends, you can oftentimes make little (or even not-so-little) projects for yourself to liven up the daily routine. Other than that I don't think there's any way that sysadminning can't be boring. \_ I get paid to surf. But I get paid a lot more than the other people at work with jobs even more boring and tedious. -sysadmin \_ sure. tom will teach you how to properly swap a backup tape. \_ AND INITIAL THE TAPE LOGS, DAMN IT! \_ UC Santa Cruz Extension offers a bunch of evening programs for this sort of thing. \_ Gotta retrain all those secretaries from the typing pool to install win95. \_ I would suggest learning the UNIX basics from a friend, then take the UNIX Sys Admin Architecture and other more advanced classes later. |
2000/1/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17208 Activity:high |
1/10 SunOS 5.X has a banner that displays when you log in. Where is it? so that i may change/delete it. (It is not in issue or http://issue.net as it is on a linux box). \-/etc/issue probably is what you mean. it depends what you mean by "when you log in". you can also use tcp-banners.--psb \_ No, I SAID it is NOT in issue (if i put stuff in /etc/issue that stuff pops up TOO (under the solaris banner)). |
2000/1/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17189 Activity:high |
1/7 Is it possible to install JDK 1.1.7 and 1.1.8 together? The Solaris pkgadd always always installs in /usr/java1.1, and unfortunately, both 1.1.7 and 1.1.8 installs it in /usr/java1.1. \_ just install it elsewhere and link it to /opt/java . Since I have to use three or four different installations at a time, this is what I do. -brain \_ gee brain, what are we going to do tomorrow night? -pinky \_ We're going to do what we do every night, Pinky.... \_ you mean like fucking my brains out? *poit* \_ Can you pose some pix of yours in your home page, Pinky? |
2000/1/5-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17164 Activity:kinda low |
1/5 Anyone have any information on high-availability clustering for Solaris? I'm aware of Sun Clustering and Veritas Firstwatch -- any comments on these? Any other options? Pointers to where I should look for more info? Thanks. -brianm \_actually, VERITAS FirstWatch is more of an HA/Failover solution. you should look into VERITAS VCS for true clustering. -- joeking \_ HA/Failover is also an option. I'm just looking for any and all information that I can find. \_ok, I take it back. VCS isn't really true clustering. it's another failover solution. however, this year will see the release of vrts cfs & cvm, and possibly a bundled cluster edition. -- joeking \_ Mmmmm, first version software, yum! I love eating bugs! They're so crunchy! Mmmmmm! \_cvm has been shipping for several years.... |
2000/1/5-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17162 Activity:high |
1/4 Is there a way to alter keyboard settings from console under CDE on SunOS/Solaris (i.e. repeat rate and delay, as in "mode con:" in dos)? \_ "man kbd"? \_ That doesn't appear to answer the above. \_ you have to modify the X startup line in the Xservers file to include the -ar1 and -ar2 options. It's really fucking annoying. -tom \_ Yea, I figured that much, but I don't have root access, and CDE appears to ignore ~/.xserverrc when when I log in from the CDE login screen \_ Install RedHat! \_ No! Debian! \_ You both suck! SUSE! \_ Speaking of Debian, I have noticed that all keys work the way they should work in all programs out of box. \_ Not my box |
1999/12/23 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17090 Activity:very high |
12/22 What's a good local Berkeley/Oakland shop (or SF if near BART station) where i can get a very inexpensive basic computer (do need pentium,64MB,hdd, but do not need monitor/mouse/keybd/Windows)? I just want to play around on it and load BSD/Linux/Solaris over winter break. I'd prefer to spend $500 or less. \_ If you're up to building your own and are willing to spend some time to build a bad ass machine for cheap try http://www.robertaustin.com they only come around once every 3 weeks to the oakland conv center so you'd have to wait. if you don't mind jack-asses selling you computers you can try hi-tech on shattuck. |
1999/12/22-23 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17086 Activity:moderate |
12/21 Need solaris sparc 2.4 gcc binary. url/ftpP \_ Get the source tarball from http://ftp.gnu.org and compile it on a solaris machine that already has a C compiler. I am still wondering though, _why_ would you want such an old gcc version? Heck, may be you should try something even older, gcc 1.x maybe? \_ he's asking for a version for solaris 2.4, not gcc version 2.4 you twink. -tom \_ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/packages/solaris/sparc/GNUgcc.2.8.1.SPARC.Solaris.2.4.pkg.tgz bu Tom's answer is funnier. -ax thanks - paolo (the app I'm looking at was designed for 2.4, hasn't been ported to anything later than that. |
1999/12/9-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17050 Activity:nil |
12/8 Anyone know any reason not to put Netatalk on my Sun? (e.g. huge security holes, some other better product, etc.)? \_ last time I read the netatalk documentation it said it had crappy support for Solaris and there were a lot of people on the mailing list talking about kernel panics. -tom |
1999/12/9-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:17046 Activity:nil |
12/8 What is the solaris "listen" service? \_ Did you read the man page for listen? This sounds like a stupid question. \_ listen? sounds like? HAR! You're funny. |
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17032 Activity:high |
12/7 I am looking for a graphical solitaire to use on the EECS solaris x86 machines. Does anyone know a good place to find such a game? \_ Look this message wasn't meant to cause so much controversy. Yes it is true you are not supposed to play games on the instructional PCs. But, quite often when I am programming or trying to read some instructional material online I get stressed or tired. I find that playing some lame game like solitaire relaxes me enough so that I can get on with my 36 hr programming nightmare. thanks for xsol and xtrek :) \_ xsol. \_haven't been able to find this on solaris x86 or HP \_ get a fucking life. \_ No games on instructional machines. Leave them for people who need to get work done. \_ Yeah whatever, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol!!! Take *that*!! What's wrong with you kids today? Used to be that the whole point of being a lab assistant was to get an account to play xtrek with/on. And now uptight thought police bullies are censoring the answer from the motd. If you need a box and some clown is playing solitaire just politely ask him to leave. My God. And "sheesh!" as well. xsol! \_ it has nothing to do with policing, it has to do with solitaire being a fucking stupid thing to use computers for. \_ That's a matter of opinion and I strongly disagree with yours. xsol all the way, baby! \_ your sheesh makes me proud \_ Use policy prohibits games. Read the sticker on the monitor. - paolo (a.k.a one of the root@cory people who is tired of cleaning up after people race their chairs down the hall because they are lame and don't have lives.) \_ Uh oh! A "policy"! Uh huh. I used the "no food and drink" signs in e260 as a food mat to keep the tables from getting sticky. Lighten up. -not John but agrees with him. (and oh yeah, if you don't like your lame job, quit) \_down which halls and why? are they speed contests between 2 people? \_ You know, I vaguely seem to recall at least a few people with a sense of humor when I was at Cal. Have they all graduated? -John \_this question was meant to be humorous... oh well. \_ humour? College is the culmination of a lifetime of self sacrifice and hard work for some of us. We dont' take it lightly. \_considering that most college students are twenty something, lifetime really doesn't mean all that much... \_ And some of us did that hard work and self- sacrifice and still managed to maintain a sense of humor. \_ I 'member good ol' xtrek and griljor in e260! I sucked at xtrek, except on that one server that had souped-up galaxy-class ships. Griljor was much better. -nick \_ Griljor was cute but had this "I know the map and you don't" thing going which made it hard for new players to get into it. I left the lab many a morning with xtrek claw though. \_couldn't find any of these games either. \_ Griljor was a home grown project. Maybe someone here knows where the source is? xtrek is now Netrek. Clients are available to contact publicly available servers around the world. Read <DEAD>rec.games.net<DEAD>rek for more info and current flames. |
1999/12/3-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:16998 Activity:moderate |
12/3 So I'm using a solaris box trying to look at some info on X-files at http://www.fox.com What do I get? This shit: You are running on a platform other than a PC or a Macintosh. Unless you run on one of these platforms, you will be unable to access http://FOX.com. How stupid can they get? What do they gain by this bullshit? \_ now now, Fox has a lot of quality programming. \_ Yeah, you'd think they'd be aware of the fact that their target audience is full of UNIX-using geekboys. Better send Fox a warning note, before they lose them all to some new Star Trek thing or RPGs, or something. \_ Uh huh... like your email note is going to anyone who cares. \_ Look, you're a stupid unix geek and are roughly 0.0001% of the TV market. It's better for them to use some cool flashy stuff that the kids will like than make it so primitive a lynx using geekoid like you can get the latest Buffy info. \_ WHEN *nix ATTACK, next on fox at 11 \_ but their only requirements are satisfiable by, e.g. Linux (Flash and Real). They're just being silly. |
1999/11/28-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16961 Activity:high |
11/27 Question of the day: Does anyone know what will happen if I do: tar cvf - big_file | tar xvf - Will file get corrupt? This is solaris tar btw. \_ Uh. Gee. You could test it. \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved. \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6 THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L \_ Yes. \_ I've heard you can screw up and tar over stuff in that way and it will be fine as long as you let the tar finish without interrupting it. -ax \_ you heard wrong \_ I just tried it and didn't have a problem on Solaris 5.7 -ax \_ Did you try with a big enough file? Just wondering. -- yuen \_ What's "big enough"? It's nondeterministic. \_ The file I used was 1.2 megs -ax \_ Why would you want to? |
1999/11/19-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16915 Activity:nil |
11/18 I'm trying to install Java 1.2 but it doesn't work on my Solaris 5.6 box. According to the Sun site I need to download 15 megs of kernel patch. Why the hell do I have to do this? \_ because threading is slightly broken in 5.6. If you can, get a list of the patches. You might already have one or more of them installed. |
1999/11/17 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16909 Activity:high |
11/17 Question about soda's load average numbers: $ uptime 10:04AM up 82 days, 16:40, 228 users, load averages: 17.10, 17.91, 16.42 17.10? When the load gets to around 2+ on my Linux box, it is quite unresponsive. On Solaris its more like 3+. On soda its often 15+ and completely responsive. How does soda pull it off? Creative accounting?!? \_ Plus soda doesn't even have a ultra-fast processor (only one 200MHz K6). I guess that's the wonder of soda's lottery scheduling. --yuen \_ Must be, since I can barely push my 2 x 200 MHz UltraSparcs past 4. \_ no, it's the wonder of "load average" not having meaning under soda's lottery scheduling system. -tom \_ How do you figure out the load average under lottery scheduling? And is it possible to port to Linux? \_ the code is available. Go to it! \_ Where is the code? \_ We should be running linux on soda! \_ No we should be running a commerical OS like Solaris or even ULTRIX ! HAHAHA \_ Comparing load averages between machines is pointless. My dual processor SS20 running Solaris runs nicely with loads up to about 10-15 before it starts getting noticably slow. \_ What kind of procesors do you have? I have two ROSS 150s and I have never been able to get the load up past 4 without the system becoming unresponsive. It could be because I only have 224 MB RAM.... \_ 75Mhz SuperSparc II's (1Mb cache) & 320 megs RAM machine runs httpd & remote user logins - no X/CDE \_ I have seen load avgs go up to 150 a couple of weeks ago, this is weird. |
1999/11/4-5 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16828 Activity:moderate |
11/4 To the dork who thought that apple's web site runs on MacOS: http://www.apple.com is running Netscape-Enterprise/3.6 SP3 on Solaris according to http://netcraft.com \_ http://www.hotmail.com doesn't run NT nor IIS either. \_ or webtv for that matter. \_ it wasn't a dork, it was a troll. you dupe. \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Motd Troll. \_ There's an http server that runs on MacOS? What's it called? \_ Well, there's apache that runs on MacOS X. But that's not what would be considered their traditional OS. WebStar is one example of something that runs on MacOS. \_ SUCKER! You got *trolled*! Obviously everyone but *you* got it. I only said it as a joke at first but you were so gullibly stupid, I just *had* to troll you further. \_ examples of trolls you idiot: WINDOWS SUX \_ NO LINUX SUX \_ NO WINDOWS SUX \_ NO LINUX SUX \_ NO BILL CLINTON SUX \_ NO YOU SUCK \_ nonono... MONICA SUX. not "Netscape Enterprise runs on MacOS". \_ You're just bitter that you got caught looking st00pid. Sorry, but I don't adhere to your moronic definition of troll and neither do most others. Your example isn't a troll. It's just a waste of disk space and screen phosphor. Not even you would get caught by that. |
1999/10/14-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16710 Activity:nil |
10/14 Solaris system admin needed asap. 3-4 months contract. Very good rate. Contact me asap. -- ivy |
1999/10/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16642 Activity:nil |
10/1 open source solaris: http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2345514,00.html |
1999/9/25-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16597 Activity:high |
9/25 I have a standard stump/exec in my code: pid_t pid; if ((pid = stump()) < 0) { perror("stump"); } else if (pid == 0){ setsid(); execvp(args[0],args); perror(args[0]); _exit(127); } When the exec'ed child exits, I notice a defunct process in /bin/ps -ef until the parent exits. Why is this? What can I do to prevent the defunct process? \_ call wait() in parent \_ I figured it out. Calling waitpid() in the parent is only part of the solution. The complete (portable) solution is to fork again in the child and exec in solution is to stump again in the child and exec in The child just calls _exit(0) after the fork, thus the the grandchild and have the parent wait for the child. The child just calls _exit(0) after the stump, thus the on Solaris and Linux fork and vfork are both the same, parent's waitpid() deals with the terminated child and init deals with the grandchild. I also found out that \_ Wrong. On Solaris fork & vfork are not the same. This should be true on anything remotely UNIX -alan- ie (copy on write) so you can't call exit() you have to call _exit(). fork does copy on write, vfork shares the address space - vfork'ed children can hose the parent. on Solaris and Linux stump and vstump are both the same, exit() should work fine if you use fork(). -alan- \_ This works, although it also does work to just fork once ie (copy on write) so you can't call exit() you have to call _exit(). \_ Wrong. On Solaris stump & vstump are not the same. stump does copy on write, vstump shares the address space - vstump'ed children can hose the parent. This should be true on anything remotely UNIX. exit() should work fine if you use stump(). -alan- \_ This works, although it also does work to just stump once and call wait (or waitpid) in the parent. What didn't work when you tried this? \_ setting SIGCHLD to be ignored works on most unixes. I was under the impression that setsid() took care of this for me. \_ no \_ SOMEONE needs to reap the process when the process dies. If you're lazy or stupid (and your reply to yourself implies that you're one or the other), you can set your parent pid to be init's pid. One way to do this is to have your parent die. When that happens, your ppid automatically becomes init's pid. Init has a sigchild handler waiting for dying children, so your child process will get reaped properly. The clumsy solution you outline does exactly this. Learn to use waitpid() or write a sigchild handler. And what the hell are you talking about, _exit, vs exit? -ali |
1999/9/3-5 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16461 Activity:moderate |
9/3 How do I turn off the screen "optimization" of not showing all characters when I move the cursor? This happens in vi, view, AND jove. [not on soda, a solaris box]. I've tried doing "stty ospeed 38400;stty ispeed 38400", but that didn't do the trick \_ Stuff like this happens to me when my terminal isn't set correctly. Remarkably, I've found that running pine and quitting fixes my terminal. \_ would you mind posting the differences between 'stty -a' before and after? \_ why can't you try it yourself? -third party \_ Perhaps he can't duplicate the problem. \_ because he's not stupid enough to use "pine" instead of "stty" \_ Because I can't install pine on the system that is having the problem \_ Because, uh... what? Can't figure out how to install it w/out root access? |
1999/9/3-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16459 Activity:nil |
9/3 Solaris 8 Beta now available through free Solaris program. http://www.sun.com/developers/tools/promo.html Be the first on your block running IPsec & X11R6.4! |
1999/8/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16432 Activity:moderate |
3/30 Does anyone have a clue on making my Solaris keyboard into a Solaris/Dvorak keyboard? Is there a "mem resident" prog? Thanks. \_ just for saying "mem resident" you don't deserve an answer \_ man xmodmap |
1999/8/11 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:16287 Activity:high |
8/10 Anyone know where slocal on EECS instructional is located (or procmail)? \_ Anyone who reads the help docs on www-inst.eecs or in /usr/pub does. \_ Tried that. /usr/pub/email.help said to look at man pages and man pages say slocal is located in /usr/lib/mh which it's not. \_ pasteur is a solaris machine, read the man pages on one \_ You don't need a path for your .forward - it will find it on it's list of allowed binaries and run from that path. \_ No, that just gives you: ----- Transcript of session follows ----- sh: .slocal: not found 554 | slocal... unknown mailer error 1 \_ Did you remember the quotes? \_ yup, tried that too. \_ Incidentally, does anyone find it weird that torus.cs and pasteur.eecs both have MX records pointing to each other? \_ Not anyone who understands what the MX records mean (think failover and redundancy) |
1999/8/4 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16249 Activity:nil |
8/4 My gf's period is 7 days overdue and we decided to use EPT. She told me that she's pregnant. My heart dropped like stone. The thought that she's pregnant didn't sink in until 30 min later. She has UCB's student insurance, but is it valid during the summer? Where can we go? HELPFUL ADVICE ONLY. Thanks. \_ call advice nurse at Tang. 643-7197. now! or browse http://www.uhs.berkeley.edu \_ You actually expected HELPFUL ADVICE on Soda MOTD? Well time to get away from the computer and maybe CALL the Tang Center? \_ you men the Poon Tang center? \_ Go to the bookstore and buy a book on fatherhood and responsibility. \_ Go to your local priest and learn about the pitfalls of pre-marital sex, and listening to your peers \_ try to crack Windows2000 if you can: <DEAD>www.windows2000test.com<DEAD> \_ You can also read about the history of C and unix from its creators: http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/~dmr/primevalC.html http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/hist.html http://computer.org/computer/thompson.htm \_ When your GF is preggers, you definitely should know the difference between netbios-dgm and netbios-ns. \_ dgm= datagram ns = nameservice \_ But why would a computer on a LAN be sending out UDP packets of these type once a second? \_ because it's been saddled with a shitty operating system \_ I seem to remember NetBIOS being a protocol for a small LAN. \_ I would recommend looking into software RAID solutions on solaris x86 as as way out of the pregnancy. \_ why the hell would you think sunsolve would give you free RAID?? sunfreeware maybe. except it doesn't. you have to pay for solstice disksuite. \_ Well you can check out RAIDFrame (http://www.pdl.cs.cmu.edu/RAIDframe ) but last they published it only supported slowaris2.4, and only on sparc. WTF are you running solaris on the x86 for anyway? There`s so many better choices... (most of which RAIDFrame supports) \_ Can somebody please tell me how the STL can help me figure out what my GF and I should do!?!!! \_ Ride a Bike. \_ Bike accidents are considered a leading cause of impotence and sterility. |
1999/8/3-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16241 Activity:high |
8/3 How hard is it to get a Solaris 7 X86 machine on a Win32 TCP/IP LAN? Software on the Sun will be broadcasting UDP packets to a Win32 machine listening for them. -jctwu \_ What's the issue? What kinds of UDP packets are you broadcasting to the Win32 machines (although, I don't know why that would matter). Basically, if both computers obey the TCP/UDP/IP specifications correctly, you have nothing to worry about. \_ just a initial setup issue. Remember all those "How do I get my Windoze machines hooked up for LAN games?" This question is "How do I get my Solaris machine hooked up for LAN work?" -jctwu \_ ifconfig \_ the right way would be setting up TCP/IP on a well- documented UNIX (RH Linux, FreeBSD), then doing it for Solaris X86, but all I really want is a "Hey stupid, here's an FAQ for you to follow." -jctwu \_ Except Solaris x86 does everything for you if all you need to do is put it on the network - when you install it asks for hostname, IP address and puts them where you need to go. And starting with Solaris 7 5/99 they even added DNS configuration to the GUI. If there's something more than that you want you'll have to be specific. \_ http://docs.sun.com & http://www.sunhelp.com you lazy ass. \_ thanks. I hadn't known that Solaris X86 was auto-detecting like that, for the reason that my NIC was not on the HCL. "NE2000 compatible" doesn't get you very far as I've learned. -jctwu \_ Solaris isn't a well-documented Unix? \_ is solaris open source? \_ Not for most people, no. It doesn't have to be open to be well documented. You'd really read source to figure out how to get a sun on a network? No. \_ if you have enough money to buy a source license it is \_ so it's not well-documented unless you have enough money. \_ source makes for very poor documentation. \_ unfortunately, documentation makes even \_ documentation is fine documentation for poorer documentation. (and a source license is free for edu sites Even the OCF has solaris source) \_ documentation is fine for trivial bullshit like setting up TCP/IP. |
1999/8/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16237 Activity:low |
8/3 Software raid solutions (preferably almost free) for solaris x86? I checked sunsolve, but I prolly missed something. thanks. \_ why the hell would you think sunsolve would give you free RAID?? sunfreeware maybe. except it doesn't. you have to pay for solstice disksuite. \_ Well you can check out RAIDFrame (http://www.pdl.cs.cmu.edu/RAIDframe ) but last they published it only supported slowaris2.4, and only on sparc. WTF are you running solaris on the x86 for anyway? There`s so many better choices... (most of which RAIDFrame supports) |
1999/8/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16228 Activity:high |
8.2.99 Ok, it is now 1500 hours and the manuals that are lying outside of the office are still there. C'mon, where's that old CSUA spirit of learning about unix? C'mon take these. We got it all. Ultrix, Solaris, DecUnix, etc. We got your sun field manuals, your Ultrix development stuff. Come on DOWN! \_ Maybe Solaris or Linux or FreeBSD but nobody is interested in learning about Ultrix. \_ I don't need any manuals, thank you: man xxxx is sufficient \_ I don't need any manuals, thank you: man xxx is sufficient for me and takes a lot less space. --PeterM \_ are your hardware manuals in manpages too? --Jon \_ Ultrix is dead. I believe Compaq/DEC no longer supports it although they are of course still honoring pre-paid support contracts until those expire too. |
1999/7/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:16139 Activity:high 52%like:16095 |
7/15 Does anyone know of some good freely available tools for finding memory leaks and memory errors in c/c++? I have "Electric Fence" but it leaves a lot to be desired. \_ purity (freeP) \_ purify (not free, but excellent) \_ Unfortunately, purify is worthless for interactive applications (e.g. games), and nearly useless for apps that already take a lot of CPU time before you instrument them. The old sparc purify wasn't too slow but it just got worse and worse as time wore on. -blojo \_ there are a bunch of different tools for this. do a web search. i've used some malloc replacement libraries such as dmalloc. also, depending which compiler/OS you're using you may get some analysis tools already. Solaris dbx and AIX heapview exist, i dunno about other platforms --oj \_ See also "watchmalloc" on Solaris. \_ Good coding practice. \_ boehm gc \_ i just wrote a freebsd port for this. i'll be submitting it but contact me if you want it. --aaron |
1999/7/9-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16098 Activity:high |
7/9 Does anyone know what set of libraries programs like linux and apache uses to dynamically load modules during run time? \_ The answer you want is libdl. \_ Linux is an OS not a program. The answer you want is libdl. \_ so are you saying that an OS isn't a program? So what is YOUR definition of a program--everything that runs on a computer except for the OS?!? sheesh, and you are a CS major (or already have your degree). \_ 'program' generally means 'application' these days. Only a twittish cs major or prof might tell you otherwise. I didn't fill out a PO for 200 cd's of the linux program last week. I filled out a PO for 200 cd's of the linux OS. Give a hoot, don't be a twit. \_ what header files do you include? \_ Either read the docs or look at the source you lazy ass. Perl, apache, and mozilla all have readily available source you can read/copy from. \_ If you know the answer you can save us all the trouble and stupid flames and post the answer in which case everyone who comes across it (whether they are interested or not or just newbies) will benefit or you can be a total asshole and take up pointless space on the motd. \_ There's another type of space in the motd? \_ but taunting people is what CSUA is all about. Computer Science's Unhelpful Assholes \_ hi, dude. \_ If you tell us what OS, then we can answer. The answer is different for different OS'es. For all we know, then answer he wants is "DLLs you poor winblows scum". \_ you're right, i am lazy. but some of us are still using cheap ass 14k modems that don't work for shit, moron. \_ The interfaces differ by platform. Read the stupid docs for your platform. \_ A 14.4 modem works fine to ftp a copy to soda and untar and look at the code from here. \_ If you have libdl, then run nm on it and see what functions are included and read the docs for them or grep for them in /usr/include. \_ dlopen() is the most common interface - run man dlopen and see if it's available on your platform. \_ I wonder how much overhead calling these functions incur as opposed to statically linking the files and calling them straight. \_ Not that much on modern CPU's. Much much lower overhead than relinking everytime you want to install a new module/plugin, use a new library version, or want to use specially-optimized code (like MMX plugins for photoshop or on Solaris where Ultra's load specially tuned versions of libc if you dynamically link). \_ The answer you want if you're writing software for distribution or to run on multiple platforms is GNU libtool, which handles all the different interfaces for you and provides a single standardized interface you can call. \_ I just wish libtool had fewer warts... it annoys me when it looks like it's decided some library ought to be "libfoo-x.y.z.so.0.0.0" instead of "libfoo.so.x.y.z"... but then maybe that's just maintainer incompetence, as I've never actually designed a package that used it. -brg \_ Um, you could run ldd on Apache's httpd and see what libraries it is linked against. |
1999/6/7-9 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:15915 Activity:high |
6/7 My Solaris 2.6 Ultra 5 machine is in a weird state. It's out of sockets! I do a netstat and there are 32,000+ sockets, most of them from a port on localhost to another port one on localhost. And most of them are in the TIME_WAIT state. But they are not being reclaimed. lsof doesn't help. The TIME_WAIT ports don't show up. Any ideas on how I candiagnose this? Is the TIME_WAIT timeout configurable? Can I turn on more logging? I've shut down all major user processes and the sockets are still not being reclaimed. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to reboot until I've learned as much as I can. Thanks. -- azarm \-do you know what client programis causing this [it isnt ldap by any chance is it?] if this is a machine you are root on, i might know how to deal with it [which is slightly different than fix it]. will let you know if i can remember the exact ndd magic. --psb \_ ummm. also make sure you check the recommended patch list for 2.6 before you start jumping through hoops like the overworked stunt animal that you are :) \_ Sounds like a classic half-open attack. Remote machine sends all sorts of spoofed connections, and most OS's don't see that you can't have stuff coming in the Ethernet interface. Solution: do a deny on on your incoming router, or block it with natd or ipfilter or something. \_ I did more research. 14000 of the sockets are to a port that's snmpdx is using (an SNMP daemon process). 1000 are ftp sockets to a known machine and another 1000 are sendmail sockets to another known machine. I have nightly script to mail and ftp. The scripts work fine (without socket leakage) on other machines. \_ Checked your patch level lately? \_ tcp sockets to a snmp port? UH, no -- SNMP runs on UDP. -ERic \_ TIME_WAIT sockets don't count against the 1024 limit. -ausman |
1999/6/3-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15905 Activity:moderate |
6/3 Could anyone here related to the seti@home project, kindly either make the source available, or make the solaris x86 binaries public. I see stats on that config, so obviously, SOMEONE is running it on that platform. But no publically visible binaries?!! \_ Use lxrun to run the linux binaries. \_ Im' having difficulties getting lxrun to work. \_ I could say the same about netbsd binaries, but netbsd's binary emulation is working fine for me. (running solaris binary on netbsd/sparc and freebsd binaries on netbsd/x86) -ERic \_ Solaris x86? Loser, run it on windows like the rest of the world. Note the times turned in for the dec/NT boxes. \_ Wow. The latest dec/NT boxes can actually keep up with 8 year old intel boxes running Solaris x86. Remind me to be impressed. \_ Run the Linux ones with lxrun \_ Don't ask us - ask them. |
1999/5/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15755 Activity:nil |
5/5 Anybody seen an error like this before on solaris 2.6? I'm trying to compile the esound package. /usr/include/sys/model.h:32: #error "No DATAMODEL_NATIVE specified" |
1999/4/28 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15720 Activity:nil |
4/28 Anybody had problems compiling GNU software on solaris 2.6 or 2.5.1? I used to be able to do "./configure" and then "make" on 4.1.3 and everything would be fine. Now I'm running into all sort of small annoying header file problems. Is Solaris 7 any better? \_ Works just fine for me on Solaris 2.5/2.6/7 - make sure you've got a working compiler (Sun DevPro, gcc 2.8.x or gcc 2.7.x+makeincludes for your current OS - gcc 2.7 built on a different version won't work) - see http://www.sunhelp.com for more help |
1999/3/29-30 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15656 Activity:nil |
3/28 IE5 uninstalled. It broke my dialup and generally just crashed a lot. \_ Well duh. \_ No shit Pointdexter. Everyone knows that IE messes around with every file one your system. If you were dumb enough to install it in the first place you deserve to lose your dialup. \_ Loose or lose? Made up your mind yet? That wasn't the only one. \_ ever been on <DEAD>b.net<DEAD>? you'd think "looser" was a noun... \_ Uhm, duh, yeah, it's from M$ so it's gotta be bad automatically!!@ and it has a spell checker for my emailz just leik yor moyd edit0r! \_ All of us Solaris, Linux, & FreeBSD users found that out years ago. \_ Thanks genius, but I'm also a solaris, linux, etc, user. Unlike yourself, however, I don't religiously and blindly stick to any single technology. Computers are only tools. Thanks for your input. Information was provided to let other IE5 users know of my problems and what one person chose to do about it. How you knew years ago about software that didn't yet exist is some what a mystery to me, and I'm happy to let your psychic powers and religious beliefs remain undisturbed any further. \_ oooh~ I'm soooo scared. \_ No one threatened you. You're merely an idiot. Why would anyone bother to threaten you, much less hurt you? \_ but hurting stupid people is fun! |
1999/3/22-24 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15628 Activity:high |
3/22 I downloaded Internet Explorer 5.0 from http://download.com and I have an ugly <DEAD>snap.com<DEAD> logo on the browser and a big annoying S in the corner. What kind of crap is this? How do I get rid of it? \_ I d/led IE5 for solaris and it rocks! I like the feature where you middle click on a page and that functions as a scrollbar. No more going back and forth between the page and the scrollbar! This is the best alternative since there are no "scrollbar" mice for Sun boxes. \_ *shudder* *twitch* \_ dunno how you get rid of it since it happened to me with zdnet. I just d/led the http://microsoft.com ConXion version. could only get on after 8 p.m. though. \_ you will have to remove the version you downloaded to get rid of the annoying snap stuff. you can download a different version like the one from msn. its much nicer looking. \_ Is there anyway to dl without dl'ing the small setup.exe has all the files local and let you select how big of an install you want from the files you originally d/led. That's how it works on Win32, dunno about the UNIX versions. which downloads the rest? That is, can I download something, then disconnect, then set up? \_ when you run ie5setup.exe there's like a button labeled "Advanced". Try that. In the end you end up with a directory of files (that you can bulk copy to somewhere else); then run ie5setup.exe again within the directory. It'll know it now has all the files local and let's you select how big of an install you want from the files you originally d/led. That's how it works on Win32, dunno about the UNIX versions. ie5setup.exe is a little buggy, too, for the full, full install (make sure it says 62 MB) with all the languages. \_ 62MB for a web browser? \_ it's not a browser; it's an os! \_ thank you, Marc Andressen |
1999/2/26-3/30 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15487 Activity:moderate |
2/25 Sun opens solaris, checkout http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2215357,00.html \_ just rumors again, like last months -- remember: http://www.slashdot.org/articles/99/01/12/1330240.shtml ? \_ Understandably. Netscape took several months to release its source code for free after they had initially announced it. The reason being that they had to remove proprietery code that belonged to RSA and Sun (SSL & Java) and not to them. Solaris probably has portions that does not belong to Sun. \_ If commercial operating systems (I don't consider Windows to be a real commercial operating sytem) are not open source how do system administrators fine tune their kernels like in Linux or FreeBSD? I haven't had much experience with non-GPL operating systems. \_ Via kernel config files? \_ Wouldn't that make for one overbloated kernel? \_ Your sa fu is weak. \_ Uhm... no. How do you figure that? to be a real commercial operating sytem) are not open source how do system administrators fine tune their kernels like in Linux or FreeBSD? I haven't had much experience with non-GPL operating systems. \_ I prefer it when no bogons 'tune' my OS, then complain about the bugs they introduced. There are admin command for most legitimate tuning these days \_ Via kernel config files? \_ Old fashioned OS'es (Ultrix, HP-UX, SunOS) provide .o files and config files that you can use to rebuild kernels. Modern OS'es set configuration variables& load modules dynamically, so recompiling is not necessary (nor is including a compiler). \_ You have confused your terms. FreeBSD is not GPL. "Non-open source" doesn't mean sysadmins can't have source, Sun/DEC/etc. have gladly sold source license for $$$ for years, but you can't redistrbute the source or your changes. |
1999/2/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW] UID:15342 Activity:high |
2/1 How do you specify the resolution for X windows on Sun Sparc workstations? I couldn't find something similar to Xconfig file as for XFree. Thanks. \_ you only have a very limited set of resolutions on sparc, and you have to do it the hard way. set it in eeprom values. something like setenv output-device screen-r1248x1024x76 (last bit is either 66 or 76, for hz) but that syntax is not 100% correct \_ So this is done at shell level before I run xinit? How does shell affect EPROM values? \_ good god, i SAID eeprom. are you incapable of reading online documentation at ALL? Hell, it even comes with a SEARCH facility these days. http://docs.sun.com [and how did you get your hands on a real sun anyways, being this clueless about them?] \_ uh, you're the clueless one. You can set X resolution on Solaris through the X configuration. No eeprom editing is necessary. -tom \_ SPARC. He said SPARC. and I'm betting he does not have anything fancy like a creator, etc. \_ if its a Creator or Creator3D or anything recent w/ 3D graphics use ffbconfig -shac \_ or possibly afbconfig (for the Elite3D I think) -drex |
1999/2/1-2 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15335 Activity:kinda low |
2/1 I found plenty of offline browsers for the PC at http://www.shareware.com but NONE for unix. Anybody know of an offline browser that d/ls an entire web site on your HD for solaris? \_ wget is your friend |
1999/1/27-31 [Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15304 Activity:moderate |
1/26 Solaris System admin job available in Palo Alto. 3 years exp. One year contract; $50 /hr -- or $60/hr for independent. Email me for more info. - ivy \_ Dude, Contactor makes that much of money? It's almost 100k. -bkong \_ Gee, I was just thinking that $60/hr is pretty pathetic. \_ My company bills other people $150/hr to borrow me.. 2-3x is pretty standard for contracting rates.. that's about the markup factor Taos uses, too.. \_ Contractor = no benefits. Cash only. Pay your own taxes and what would normally be your emplyer's share, etc. $60/hr as an indep. contractor is a slave wage. \_ So what hourly pay as an independent contractor would be equal to $50 as an employee? \_ I've always heard $10/hour for every $10000 you'd make as an employee. So, about $104/hour. I've never been such a contractor, though. It's just a rule of thumb I've seen bandied about. --dim \_ I was going to say "about $100/hr". It's up there. There's tons of costs involved that you don't have to cover as a real employee. \_ Hard to say...but most "clued" UNIX SAs demand at least $80/hr for independent contract positions. $60/hr used to be more "standard" about a year and a half ago. As for "what is equal to $50 as an employee" -- it's hard to say. It'd be up there, past $100/hr. --chris \_ I used to do $ contractor = 2x $ perm. So that's $100/hr for your $50/hr perm. Nowadays, I'd go for 2.5x or even 3x for odious things... \_ ivy is willing to do brainless shit work for lots o money. She's an industry slut. \_ So, ivy, what's the job they're paying peanuts for? Do they understand how terrible their pay rate is? 3 yrs of Solaris goes for more than this. \_ Allright, who on Soda is actually making more than $60/hr as an SA? -ax \_ We charge more than 60, but I get 40. --sowings \_ aye - based on my experiences looking about in the summer/fall, 100/hr for a typical SSA (ie, not guru) is rather high, even accounting for taxes if you're 1099 (less common). -jor \_ We're not debating whether it's high or not. The poster asked what the equivalent to $50/hour salaried would be. $50/hour is $104,000/year, which is also uncommon. --dim \_ $104K is not uncommon...but it's usually a better deal to get a consistent $104K salary than to hedge your bets on getting high paying contracts. --chris amended: $104K salary >>> than sitting around a couple of months unemployed waiting for those high paying contracts, which can be few and far between. \_ I doing both. I have a $104K+ perm job, and I have a half time contract on the side (paying at a 3x rate, at that). \_ you are misusing the phrase "hedge your bets". to hedge a bet is to limit your risk by reducing your potential gains --aaron __ / \ / ..|\ (_\ |_) / \@' MOTD Watchdog is in effect. / \ _ / ` | \\/ \ | _\ \ /_ || \\_ \____)|_) \_) \_ People are throwing a lot of numbers, but I think a lot of people are using formulas to reach them. Based on real actual experience I can tell you that someone making $75K on salary tends to get about $60/hr on contract, and someone making $90K-$100K on salary tends to get about $80/hr on contract. As far as getting >80 \_ if that's true, then people would be idiots to WANT to be contractors. per hour as a Solaris admin, I have no first hand knowledge of anyone getting that, so I would think it's somewhat rare. -ax \_ You guys are forgetting about the possibility of VERY long term contracts. $80 an hour is ~160K a year. And that's a 40 hour a week contract, which beats the hell out of the average work 50+ hours a week for 90K Sr. admin salary job. - ax \_ You're forgetting extra taxes, insurance, and other things that add up. When have you _ever_ heard of anyone getting a year long contract at 80/hr? Most people don't stay on salary for that long at a single place. You're making shit up. There is zero possibility of a high paying long term contract as you describe it. |
1998/11/23-24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:15014 Activity:nil |
11/23 Anyone know what you need to do to make Netscape on Solaris understand multipart mail messages ? |
1998/11/11 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14944 Activity:nil |
11/10 Does anyone here know if Solaris 2.6 for x86 has support for Ultra 2 scsi? \_ http://www.sun.com Check the HW compatibility list. |
1998/10/29-31 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14855 Activity:moderate |
10/29 I have a PC running PCSolaris and Win95 with an internal modem. So far I have only used the modem under Win95 to connect to a dialup line. Does anyone know how I could use the modem under Solaris? I don't have access to a PPP connection just dialup. Any clues or pointers to sites with clues would be appreciated. Thanks. -emin \_ no ppp? that sucks. try minicom. \_ Use a unix side terminal program, like 'tip' or kermit or even Seyon. \_ Try this site http://www.phase-one.com.au/solaris-x86/pppd -marc \_ If you don't even have "tip", use "cu". \_ I think minicom also runs on Solaris. \_ I have tip and cu on my system but I am having trouble getting tip and cu to realize I have a modem. I have an internal modem on ISA. Does anyone know how to configure things so that tip and/or cu can talk to the modem? Thanks again. -emin \_ On SunOS 4 there's a file /etc/uucp/Devices to set up the modem. Look for a similar file in Solaris. Read the man page of "cu". \_ Try this site http://www.phase-one.com.au/solaris-x86/pppd I have another site that explains how to setup the native solaris ppp daemon. If you can wait a day I should have that info by tomorrow. -marc \_ note the "I don't have access to a PPP connection" part. \_ Oops. Then your only options are the tip or cu commands that are currently installed on solaris by default. I have never tried minicom, but it sounds like a good alternative. -marc \_ after setting up "tip" properly, you can then use the linux program "term" to get multiple connections. kindasorta like a cross between ppp and rsh. You run it on both ends, and it multiplexes data streams, etc. fun stuff. soda used to have it installed(?), but it does not appear to have it right now. Which is perhaps a good thing, I suppose :-) |
1998/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14845 Activity:high |
10/27 Solaris 7 is out. http://www.sun.com \_ the next release will be solaris 80 \_ the idiots in marketing are caling it "Solaris 7" on the \_ It's still 2.7, the "2." are just silent 8-) "personal use" purchase pages. But they get it right on the actual order form. And yes, they've actually made an acceptible ordering system this time! Interesting change: there is no separate selection for sparc or intel. You get "sparc/intel media" \_ Most end users were pretty pissed off when their Solaris 2.6 for Sparc CD didn't work on their brand new Ultra 5's and Ultra 10's which use PCI busses rather than the old standard SBus architecture. Basically their shipping more PC-like servers, hence it makes more sense to combine the O.S. seperation. \_ So is Windoze NT4.0. The same package includes PC and Dec Alpha versions. \_ The idiots in marketing decided now that everyone has figured direct to <DEAD>www.stardivision.com/freesolaris<DEAD> if you're a sick sparc-at-home puppy like me. Oh. actually for x86 also. [17~ out their Solaris 1.x & 2.x silliness they needed to find a new way to fuck with everyone's minds. \_ does this make it like sunos 10 then? -shac \_ Solaris 7 = SunOS 5.7 + OpenWin 3.6.1 + CDE 1.3 \_ BTW: stardivision has finally ranked solaris on a personal lvel withlinux. announcement on http://www.sun.com but skip that and go to <DEAD>www.stardivision.com/freesolaris<DEAD> And next time, be more careful about trimming the bottom of the motd Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock? By Bruce Heffernan Look, I'm not a hateful person or anything--I believe we should all live and let live. But lately, I've been having a real problem with these homosexuals. You see, just about wherever I go these days, one of them approaches me and starts sucking my cock. Take last Sunday, for instance, when I casually struck up a conversation with this guy in the health-club locker room. Nothing fruity, just a couple of fellas talking about their workout routines while enjoying a nice hot shower. The guy looked like a real man's man, too--big biceps, meaty thighs, thick neck. He didn't seem the least bit gay. At least not until he started sucking my cock, that is. Where does this queer get the nerve to suck my cock? Did I look gay to him? Was I wearing a pink feather boa without realizing it? I don't recall the phrase, "Suck my cock" entering the conversation, and I don't have a sign around my neck that reads, "Please, You Homosexuals, Suck My Cock." I've got nothing against homosexuals. Let them be free to do their gay thing in peace, I say. But when they start sucking my cock, then I've got a real problem. Then there was the time I was hiking through the woods and came across a rugged-looking, blond-haired man in his early 30s. He seemed straight enough to me while we were bathing in that mountain stream, but, before you know it, he's sucking my cock! What is it with these homos? Can't they control their sexual urges? Aren't there enough gay cocks out there for them to suck on without them having to target normal people like me? Believe me, I have no interest in getting my cock sucked by some queer. But try telling that to the guy at the beach club. Or the one at the video store. Or the one who catered my wedding. Or any of the countless other homos who've come on to me recently. All of them sucked my cock, and there was nothing I could do to stop them. I tell you, when a homosexual is sucking your cock, a lot of strange thoughts go through your head: How the hell did this happen? Where did this fairy ever get the idea that I was gay? And where did he get those fantastic boots? It screws with your head at other times, too. Every time a man passes me on the street, I'm afraid he's going to grab me and drag me off to some bathroom to suck my cock. I've even started to visualize these repulsive cock-sucking episodes during the healthy, heterosexual marital relations I enjoy with my wife--even some that haven't actually happened, like the sweaty, post-game locker-room tryst with Vancouver Canucks forward Mark Messier that I can't seem to stop thinking about. Things could be worse, I suppose. It could be women trying to suck my cock, which would be adultery and would make me feel tremendously guilty. As it is, I'm just angry and sickened. But believe me, that's enough. I don't know what makes these homosexuals mistake me for a guy who wants his cock sucked, and, frankly, I don't want to know. I just wish there were some way to get them to stop. I've tried all sorts of things to get them to stop, but it has all been to no avail. A few months back, I started wearing an intimidating-looking black leather thong with menacing metal studs in the hopes that it would frighten those faggots off, but it didn't work. In fact, it only seemed to encourage them. Then, I really started getting rough, slapping them around whenever they were sucking my cock, but that failed, too. Even pulling out of their mouths just before ejaculation and shooting sperm all over their face, neck, chest and hair seemed to have no effect. What do I have to do to get the message across to these swishes? I swear, if these homosexuals don't take a hint and quit sucking my cock all the time, I'm going to have to resort to drastic measures--like maybe pinning them down to the cement floor of the loading dock with my powerful forearms and working my cock all the way up their butt so they understand loud and clear just how much I disapprove of their unwelcome advances. I mean, you can't get much more direct that that. I was forwarded this from a co-worker. I did this and I'm telling you, it's really weird. Follow the directions slowly, and do not go forward until told to do so. I think you will find this really eerie(and very true...). This is quite amazing but its fun and seems to work!! Enjoy!! SPOOKY - Do this its quite wierd... First things first: NO CHEATING Really. I mean it. Don't cheat. This is a little game that has a pretty funny/creepy outcome. Don't read ahead, just do it in order. It takes about 3 minutes It's worth it. It's kinda eerie.... First, Get a blank piece of paper and pen. P.S. When you are asked to choose names, make sure it's people you ACTUALLY KNOW, and go with your first instincts! Scroll down one line at a time - don't read ahead or you'll ruin the fun!! 1.) First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column. 2.) Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write any two numbers you want. 3.) Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex (or same sex if you're gay). Don't look ahead-or it won't turn out right! 4.) Write anyone's name (like friends or family...) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots. Don't cheat or you'll be upset that you did. 5.) Write down four song titles in 8, 9, 10 and 11. 6.) Finally, make a wish..... And here is the key for that game.. 1.) You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game in (the number in space 1) days in order to make your wish come true. 2.) The person in space 3 is the one that you love. 3.) The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out. 4.) You care most about the person you put in 4. 5.) The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well. 6.) The person you name in 6 is your lucky star (I have no idea what this means but it sounds good!) 7.) The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in 3 8.) The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7. 9.) The tenth space is the song that tells you most about your mind. 10.) And 11 is the song telling how you feel about life! GOOD LUCK |
1998/9/29-30 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14696 Activity:high |
9/29 Is there any reason why I shouldn't be able to install 2.5.1 on an ULTRA ? Doing a boot cdrom from a solaris 2.5.1 CD keeps on asking me for the kernel location --ramberg Sounds like an Ultra 5, 10, 30 running an older 2.5.1 CD. You need 2.5.1 HW 11/97 or later. Could also be the eeprom settings. -ax \_ If this is indeed an ultra5,10, or 30, most 2.5.1 revs are missing the /platform/SUNW,Ultra-n link with which it tries to track down the kernel. try giving it "/platform/sun4u/kernel/genunix" or sumthn like that. then, when it's installed, make sure to make the link in /platform. -- scotsman \_ Install a REAL OS like NT or 95/98. (hah! take *that* you *NIX bigots!) \_ Yes, there's a reason. You need a real OS like Windows! \_ Yes, there's a reason. You need a real OS like Windows! All the folowing comments make it clear why Windows is winning and *NIX is for geeks. Sounds like an Ultra 5, 10, 30 running an older 2.5.1 CD. You need 2.5.1 HW 11/97 or later. Could also be the eeprom settings. -ax \_ If this is indeed an ultra5,10, or 30, most 2.5.1 revs are missing the /platform/SUNW,Ultra-n link with which it tries to track down the kernel. try giving it "/platform/sun4u/kernel/genunix" or sumthn like that. then, when it's installed, make sure to make the link in /platform. -- scotsman \_ it is the CD-ROM, 11/97 is the correct HW release. --jon \_ If it's the original 2.5.1 release it only supports the Ultra 1/2, & {3,4,5,6}000 - later models need later releases |
1998/9/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14570 Activity:kinda low |
9/10 Does anyone know about afterstep on the HPs and Solaris machines? I haven't found them locally & don't have the quota space to install. Thanks -noah \_ You mean the ones in the Soda labs? - it's on the Solaris/x86 machines, but not the HP's - mail root@cory for more info. \_ no aferstep but there is wmaker which looks as good. read docs in /usr/sww/GNUstep/wmaker |
1998/9/3-5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14539 Activity:high |
9/3 When I use "talk" to talk to a SVR4.0 machine, it keeps on saying [Checking for invitation on caller's machine] What does that mean? How do I get it to ring the other party? Thanks. \_ Just use ytalk at all times. \_ There are different and somewhat incompatible versions of talk. You should probably try to get their sysadmins to compile the latest released talkd for that platform, and also to install ytalk (which is relatively interoperable). On some systems, you'll see "otalk" and "ntalk" (old and new talk); if one doesn't work, \_ or it could just mean that the other person is mesg n... you might try the other. \_ Thx. What path is "otalk" and "ntalk" on soda? \_ Soda's talk is ntalk; try ytalk (which should work with either one) for connecting to older machines. \_ If the SVR4 machine in question is Solaris, it runs otalk. \_ I'm not sure. Actually I'm trying to talk to someone on <DEAD>saga21.stanford.edu<DEAD>. (No flames please.) \_ Oski forbid that any packets should ever pass between any of our wonderful computers and any of their terrible computers! Our systems will be polluted by their rotten TCP implementations! The Berkeley IP stack is the best in the world, and far above any association with that other school! |
1998/8/21-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14492 Activity:high |
8/21 Hi. Does anyone know how to change the default X-Windows manager on a Solaris system? Please give solutions, not alternatives. \_ If you're using CDE, add "SESSIONTYPE=xdm" to your ~/.dtprofile and it will run your ~/.xsession instead. \_ Thanks. \_ what window manager are you trying to run? There's mwm, twm, fvwm, wmaker (and then there's CDE). Just add that to your .xinitrc file (echo exec wmaker >> ~/.xinitrc) \_ Thanks. \_ WindowMaker is pretty bad ass. In order to get it on your account run /usr/sww/GNUstep/bin/wmaker.inst which should put the right files in your home dir. And make sure you have SESSIONTYPE=xdm in .dtprofile (Only runs on Solaris machines though) \_ And if you're not on an EECS-Inst machine, completely ignore the above garbage. \_ Not true! It ought to work on any (Solaris, apparently) machine with SWW mounted. \_ Inst SWW != "real" SWW The Solaris x86 Inst SWW is especially far off from the real one \_ For instance, there is no WindowMaker on the real sww \________ ____ __ _____ ___ ____ _______ _______ ____ |_ _\ \ / / \/ | | ___/ _ \| _ \| ____\ \ / / ____| _ \ | | \ \ /\ / /| |\/| | | |_ | | | | |_) | _| \ \ / /| _| | |_) | | | \ V V / | | | | | _|| |_| | _ <| |___ \ V / | |___| _ < |_| \_/\_/ |_| |_| |_| \___/|_| \_\_____| \_/ |_____|_| \_\ \_ twm is too complex and clutters up too much of your screen with frivolous decoration. _I_ use 9wm, the Plan 9 window manager. \_ Only on EECS-Inst Solaris/x86 machines you mean, which is a very small %age of "Solaris machines" \_ Is there any webpage that summarizes features of each wm and compares them? \_ Yes, there are a couple.. just do a websearch like +X11 +window-managers +comparison \_ Try http://www.plig.org/xwinman |
1998/8/10-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14439 Activity:kinda low |
8/10 Free Solaris... \_ with how many proofs of purchase from Microsoft Corn Flakes? Non-commercial developers can order their copy of the Solaris operating environment at http://www.sun.com/developers while students, educators and researchers should access http://www.sun.com/edu/solaris to place an order. \_ there's so many flavors of unix that, aside from the linux vs. bsd discussion below, no one has really said what the advantages of using one flavor over another. So what's the argument for Solaris? \_ A Microsoft-like popularity in the unix world. Most everything compiles under Solaris. Solaris is a pseudo unix standard. Note: I'm not a Solaris bigot. This is just MHO. \_ MP support is much older/more advanced/more stable under Solaris. Linux & *BSD multi-processing/threading is not mature (yet). |
1998/6/29 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14268 Activity:nil |
06/28 A friend of mine who's a CS grad student over at UCLA had his research advisor / boss buy him a SPARC station for him to take home. Is this ... like, not out of the ordinary? BTW, any recommended Solaris, SPARC books for a newbie that you would suggest for him? Thanks! \_ Probably not bad to buy some general (presumably ORA) Unix-type books. _Unix in a Nutshell_, _Essential System Administration_, etc. It is difficult to go wrong when buying Unix books from O'Reilly. Also, if your friend doesn't need any Solaris-specific software, you might think of installing SPARC Linux -- for which it is far easier to get free technical support in universities. Many grad students have very spiffy machines, for which we may envy them. \_ Unix System Administration Handbook by Nemeth, Seebass, Snyder ... |
1998/5/11-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14081 Activity:nil |
5/11 "OS War to Cure Cystic Fibrois" - support your favorite OS & help a worthy cause: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/5601 \_ Cute idea, but I always labored under the (obviously mistaken) impression that Linux and FreeBSD were Unix. Where's Solaris? AIX? SunOS? VMS? I get the feeling that if they put links to those up they'd get way more money from geeks. \_ MS causes memory loss. |
1998/5/5-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:14050 Activity:nil |
5/4 In Perl, when I execute time() on Solaris and on Soda, the time is very close. However, when I execute time() on my Linux, there's a discrepancy of about 30000 seconds. On all the machines, the time and date sync, but time() does not. Why is this happening, and how do I fix it? THanks. \_ Your machine's time is wrong; it only looks correct because you have your timezone set incorrectly. Type "env TZ=PST8PDT time" to see what time your machine actually thinks it is. \_ env is a gross hack for those who don't use real shells. \_ How do I change it? Instead of PST, mine says WAT? |
1998/1/31-2/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:13601 Activity:very high |
1/31 I'm using a Solaris type 5 keyboard, but I'm trying to remap the caps lock with the control key. In my .cshrc file, I have the line: "xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc" \_ Why the hell would you put that in .cshrc instead of .xsession/.xinitrc? You don't want that run for every csh shell - just every X session \_ Okay, I tried adding that command "xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc" in places other than .cshrc like the .xsession/.xinitrc, but it does not get called up. Maybe xmodmap is being called, but it sure isn't working right. I actually didn't even have an .xinitrc of any sort before I made this one up. Calling xmodmap from the shell *does* work, but I would really like to know how to get it called up starting up every X session. If you don't want to answer without pointing out the fact that I'm clueless, then don't bother to answer. I know I'm clueless. This is why I asked. I have *tried* to figure this out by myself, but my puny brain isn't capable of figuring this one out. Sorry that I'm not quite up to par with the rest of you Sodans. But thank you for your suggestion. \_ Maybe they do want it for every shell? \_ clearly you don't understand X \_ I just didnt read the Q properly. and in my .xmodmaprc file, I have (from man pages): ! ! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L ! remove Lock = Caps_Lock remove Control = Control_L keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L add Lock = Caps_Lock add Control = Control_L then I either source or log out and back in and the keys are still not remapped. Please tell me what I am doing wrong or what I am leaving out. Thanks! |
1998/1/21 [Consumer/PDA, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:13531 Activity:nil |
1-20 Can anyone recommend a brand/distributor for a good SCSI tape loader for backing up ~30 gigs or more? Exabyte 8mm or DAT 4mm preferred. This is for Linux and Solaris. -randal \_ Possibly under $1500 would be good. \_ DAT drives known to work/pseudo-supported for solaris: Python 29279, EXABYTE EXB-4200c(I THINK that is DAT), \_ Exabyte does not equal DAT. HP C1553A, HP 35470A, HP 35480A, SONY SDT-5000, SONY SDT-5200, WangDAT 2600, WangDAT 3400 \_ do you want somethin like an exabyte 8505 or mammoth based? -shac \_ 8505 -randal \_ I think Microtech makes a 17 tape Sony based DAT loader. |
1994/3/7 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:31507 Activity:nil |
3/7 CSUA racquetball tournament rules and games will be posted Monday evening in http://ucb.org.csua . My posts will be official, and the guy who changes everything to NAMBLA can't touch it! -fab Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.3 Generic September 1993 3/7 TOP TEN DISK HOGS 16184 icrew (usr5) 10442 psb (usr3) 11765 eganloo (usr2) 10091 akyan (usr4) 10832 hh (usr4) 10044 norby (usr5) 10502 lt (usr2) 9994 tomc (usr3) 10450 way (usr2) 9980 smurf (usr3) Total Usage: 110284 kbytes /- resistant! -- Marco |
1993/6/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:31339 Activity:nil |
6/3 as a favor for a friend, could someone tell me how to set a process limit for users in sunos 4.1.3? thanks -- vchang |
3/15 |