3/14 |
2011/4/9-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:54080 Activity:nil |
4/9 The Commodore 64 is out: http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/112510/new-commodore-64-nyt It can play 8-bit games. It even has a clicking keyboard. |
2011/2/11-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Security] UID:54036 Activity:nil |
2/10 Debian 6.0 squeeze is the new stable. Do we dare a dist-upgrade? \_ the key for http://security.debian.org has changed btw. |
3/14 |
2010/2/26-3/30 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Industry/Jobs] UID:53727 Activity:nil |
2/26 http://www.infoworld.com/d/adventures-in-it/painful-truth-about-age-discrimination-in-tech-209?page=0%2c0 There are bold programmers, but no old programmers \_ This is true, mot ppl i knokw who are older seem to want to "get out of programming." They have kids, they want to do other things. \_ There was an article about how programming isn't that rewarding as an end game to most normal (non psychologically troubled) folk \_ show us the article. Yeah a lot of the old farts at my work who still program seem psychologically... different. |
2009/8/17-9/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:53274 Activity:nil |
8/14 weird, Zone Alarm free seems to notice when my linux machines apt-get upgrade (specifically i get popups from my zafree box on my lan that says 'we have prevented <ip for lin box> from connecting to http://jackass.canonical.org (real server) ). Weird. I guess ZAF is in promisc mode? |
2009/7/8-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:53125 Activity:nil |
7/8 can we install wexus? http://labs.wexussoftware.com \_ Not a debian package. Can you install it locally? |
2009/7/8-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53124 Activity:nil |
7/7 what happened to our web presence? http://www.csua.berkeley.edu not working \_ That would be because we've yet to set them up afaik. Steven *does* have a job after all. The idea is that we want a separate computer mounting the web directories, so that if an exploit compromises the webserver, the shell server (soda) itself will be insulated from the attack. \_ That would be because we've yet to set them up afaik. Steven *does* have a job after all. The idea is that we want a separate computer mounting the web directories, so that if an exploit compromises the webserver, the shell server (soda) itself will be insulated from the attack. \_ Ideally I wouldn't be the only one doing this shit :-p --steven \_ understood. I can help out. What's the root password? \_ can you install Lift? Word in the radlab is that it's the new sexy hotness. http://liftweb.net \_ Not a debian package. Can you install it locally? |
2009/6/24-7/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53082 Activity:nil |
6/24 Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Ahoy there weary traveler - This is indeed the brand spanking new Soda. We'll be enabling logins again soon - just want to make sure all the infrastructure is in place and ready for everyone to hammer on it. Please direct questions to politburo@csua.berkeley.edu Best, CSUA Root Staff |
2009/5/4-6/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:52942 Activity:nil 55%like:49792 |
Linux soda 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Mar 26 01:08:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux Welcome to Soda Mark VII, a dual Xeon 2.8GHz, please enjoy your stay. |
2009/5/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:52939 Activity:moderate |
5/4 I would appreciate a reliability ranking between: 1) OpenBSD 2) OpenSolaris 3) FreeBSD 4) Debian-Stable 5) Suse Linux Enterprise Server \_ No RedHat? \_ This is going to depends greatly on the applications you are \_ This is going to depend greatly on the applications you are running. All of these operating systems are going to be reliable out of the box, at least as compared to MacOS or Windows. Relative to each other I'm not sure there's much difference. I think you are asking the wrong question to make your decision. Other factors are going to be far more important. \_ Think you'll also get a lot easier support if you use RedHat or one of its many incarnations like CentOS since it seems to be the most common enterprise Linux out there. \_ it no longer matters for most of applications. I would urge you look at other factors, such as software avaliability, etc. \_ Reliability has a lot more to do with the quality of your process than the OS you run on, at least if you run on a reasonable non-M$ OS like any of the above. |
2009/4/16-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:52858 Activity:nil |
4/15 RIDE BIKE! RUN L1NUX! GO TO JAIL: http://preview.tinyurl.com/c4uz4h [eff] |
2009/4/16-6/29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52852 Activity:low |
Linux http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:47:08 UTC 2009 x86_64 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. |
2009/2/25-3/3 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52632 Activity:nil |
2/25 $100 Plug computer: http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS9634061300.html \_ Kind of cool, but also a bit misleading. Still, outside of file serving that should be able to do almost everything a home server needs to do |
2009/1/20-26 [Computer/SW/OS, Computer/HW/Display, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52419 Activity:kinda low |
1/20 when I do "cat /proc/sys/kernel/tainted" I got a single number "1" what does this mean? \_ I think this refers to whether you've got any non-open-source drivers loaded, but I'm not sure. \_ I think this refers to whether you've got any non-open-source drivers loaded, but I'm not sure. \_ Right. "1" means you have at least one non-open-source driver loaded, which is probably what's causing your system crashes. You can run "lsmod" to see what's loaded -- look for "nvidia", "ndiswrapper", and "vmmon", which are some of the most common closed-source drivers. If you don't see any of those, post your lsmod output somewhere and we'll have a look. \_ it's nvidia. Every time my computer crashes is because some UI things from compiz. It is funny how a bad driver would totally destory the percieved notion of stability of an OS. I am downloading the latest driver now. -OP kngharv \_ It's not funny, really. Assuming that's the only third- party kernel module you're using, there are exactly two pieces of code on your computer that have the power to crash your whole system: the Linux kernel itself, and that closed-source nvidia driver you're loading. That's why the very first response to your question was "check for proprietary drivers". If your still get crashes with for proprietary drivers". If you still get crashes with the latest nvidia driver, there are two things you can do: report the bug to Nvidia and hope they fix it, or stop using their closed-source driver and switch to the (much slower, but stable) open-source nvidia driver that comes with your system. \_ yep -- it should correspond with the 'tainted' designator in lsmod \_ I AM TAINT FREE |
2009/1/15-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52387 Activity:nil |
1/15 What is the Debian/Ubuntu equivalent of Centos/Redhat PXE booting and Anaconda? \_ If you mean PXE+Anaconda+kickstart, the answer is PXE+FAI \_ Check out System Imager. I much prefer it to kickstart because you can get an almost exact image in minutes without a lot of effort and it is OS agnostic. |
2008/12/19-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:52283 Activity:nil |
12/19 what's your favourite unicode api for linux/unix? \_ qt, definately. QtString::Utf8 4tw. \_ I don't like their license. - !op \_ anything else? |
2008/12/18-2009/1/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:52273 Activity:nil |
12/18 Are any of you using any kind of scheme involving, e.g., running multiple copies of web browsers in virtual machines so that the copy you use for random web browsing is isolated from the copy you use for financial transactions? What other sorts of schemes like this are people using that aren't a total PITA? P.S. I am talking mainly about Windows; on Unixes you could always run stuff under a different user account, which might be doable on windows too, but I'm not clear on all the details. \_ most obvious solutino: USE LINUX! \_ most obvious solution: USE LINUX! \_ I'm not going to make my mother use Linux. \_ How about MacOS then? \_ Then you may be missing out. Ubuntu 8.10 has enough features for most of the surfing your mom is likely to do. \_ parallels/vmware/virtualbox. hit revert after every frivolous web search that is non business, non academic. make sure to turn off clipboard, filesharing, all host<->guest access. \_ You don't need to go to all that trouble. Just run something like sandboxie. |
2008/12/7-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52189 Activity:low |
12/6 I'm running 64bit VMWare 2.0 in debian lenny/testing. I have 18 guest VMs running, all in bridged mode. Works great. the 19th VM I turn on has no working network. No net, dhcp/tftp doesn't work, nothing. Can anyone think of a network or kernel setting in Linux that would prevent any more VMs from getting network access? Is there a limit on number of bridge interfaces? Where is this setting? - danh \_ I don't know, but running 18 VMs on one computer is pretty badass. \_ I have DUAL CORE. Speaking of which, I want to make a sandboxed network where only one of the computers has access to the outside world (since I don't want to impact my home network at all). What's the best way to do this? --t \_ running 18 VMs isn't crazy. Modern web apps consist of a load balancer, a few webservers and dbs thrown in. \_ What's the point of running VMs on one real machine and then run a load balancer in the VMs? Why not just run the web app on the real machine? There's much less overhead. \_ for testing, not production. \_ ask vmw support There may be a limit there |
2008/11/14-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:51989 Activity:moderate |
11/14 lulz why doesn't GOOG buy JAVA i mean SUN i mean whatever the hell they are these days. \_ Even GOOG isn't THAT stupid \_ Sorry, but WHY would Google do something like that? They run 99.2% Linux servers on the backend. They don't use Solaris for development. I mean, what does Sun have to offer to anyone these days? \_ ZFS, some SMP goodness, a quality OS, some neat stuff like containers, Java, and MySQL but I'll admit it's not much which is why the price is where it is. Sun has more to offer than Apple does in terms of technology, but can't seem to connect with users the way Apple does. \_ Apple is a consumer electronics company, not a technology company. Sun's "quality" OS is being phased out virtually everywhere it's implemented. -tom \_ It is true that Solaris is dying, but it is not because it is inferior. \_ So? It's proprietary, it's slow-moving, it's expensive. If they'd community-sourced it 10 years ago it might have beat out Linux, but at this point it's dead. -tom \_ It's not proprietary nor expensive. I'm not sure what slow-moving means in this context. \_ It's not proprietary? I can release "Tom's Kewl Solaris Distribution," and mirror all the patches Sun puts out? Don't think so. Slow-moving means it's slow to support new hardware, it's slow to get vendor support for commercial/propietary applications, it has poor support from most open source packages as well. -tom \_ People do that with Redhat all the time. \_ Google is fundamentally an advertisement company. Sun is a computer hardware company. What kind of "synergy" you are thinking again? \_ I would say Sun is a software company at this point. \_ I work at the software side of Sun. and don't I wish Sun is a software company. But consider that almost 90% of the revenue is coming from hardware sales, I would consider it is still a hardware company more than anything else. \_ And yet it's not, because SPARC is all-but-dead. The only value-added Sun has is in software. They better figure that out right quick. \_ This is similar to the problem Apple faced in the mid 90s. People were saying they needed to license the OS to grow the market share for the platform, but 80%+ of company revenues were from hardware. They licensed the OS, got taken to the cleaners by clone makers, and tanked badly while failing to grow market share. Jobs came in and focused the company on hardware, found an effective niche and has been quite successful. If Sun were to transition from being a hardware company to being a software company, they'd have to be prepared to cut 50%+ of their workforce, and make a strong case for why the new software company is something that businesses should be investing in, which will be difficult since businesses are currently deciding to get rid of Sun software. Sun actually has some decent commodity Intel servers these days, but that's not going to save them. -tom |
2008/9/25-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:51289 Activity:nil |
9/25 Man, finally got Linux bck on my desktop. Windows seriously sucks. When even my computer illiterate wife prefers Linux to Vista, MS has a problem. |
2008/8/27-9/3 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50980 Activity:nil |
8/27 I have a rather large linux partition. I just got a new laptop and want to move all my settings and customization to that new computer. how to do this? I tried remastersys but it seems that it get stuck somewhere, and I am hoping it is not really trying to create a 26GB iso file. any ideas? is there anyway i can back up my debian package database and do it that way? i am running Ubuntu Hardy. Thanks kngharv \_ Put both drives on a network and use rsync on the filesystem. \_ When I was a POW, partitions had US! |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50974 Activity:nil |
8/26 http://kernel.org seems down and I'm unable to install git-core via macports. is there anything I can do to get this installed? thx \_ sure, use the magic Facebook mirror http://mirror.facebook.com/kernel.org \_ amazing! thanks. that worked. so this is like the new and improved (tm) http://archive.org wayback machine? \_ amazing! thanks. that worked. \_ in the future, you could also try www{2,3,4}.kernel.org, http://www.eu.kernel.org http://www.us.kernel.org etc. |
2008/7/31-8/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50751 Activity:nil |
Linux soda 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Fri Jun 6 22:22:11 UTC 2008 i686 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. |
2008/7/29-8/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50715 Activity:nil |
7/29 Is there a verbose option for shutdown in RedHat Linux? I'd really like to see the messages being generated without have to 'tail /var/log/messages' over and over. \_ stick this in your .bashrc "alias mtail="sudo tail -F --retry /var/log/messages" and do it in another window after you type shutdown \_ >.< Silly me, forgot the option to "follow" with tail. This will do nicely. Thank you. \_ login in on console and watch th shutdown process there? |
2008/7/22-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50653 Activity:kinda low |
7/22 Do you say Lin-nex or Line-nex? \_ This has been settled. Torvalds is on record as calling it "Lin-nex". \_ This has been settled. Torvalds is on record as calling it "Lin- nex". \_ When Linus visited Berkeley, he said "My name is Li-nus so I say Li-nux". Pronounce it how you like. \_ What are other examples of a popular product with ambiguous pronunciations? \_ Jag-wire vs. Jag-u-war \_ The manufacturer says "Jag-u-war", so that's how the car is to be pronounced. I also think the manufacturer's insistence on this pronunciation for a common word is stupid. \- i hear more discussions about "porsche" \_ Hint: where did the Jaguar brand originate? \_ If the tv ads are to be followed as a guide, the pronuncation is closer to 'jag-u-wah' \_ flick-are vs. flicker \_ Porsche. I've heard "Porsh" and "Por-sha". \_ GIF. "Gif" vs. "Jif". \- chmod > shmod, jig > gif, porsha > porshe, although first two are the only ones i have strong feelings about. and it's "the internet", not "internet". \_ Nikon. "Nite-con" vs. "Nic-con" vs. "Nee-con". The second one is used in Hong Kong. The last one is the pronounciation in Japan, which originated from the original Japanese name of the company Nippon Kogaku (literally "Japan Optics"). \_ Never heard the first term ever. Where does the "t" come from? \_ Of course, the question is how to pronounce Linus. Torvalds pronounces Linus differently from Charlie Brown. \_ I read in the mid-90s he pronounced it Lee-nooks, consistent with Swedish pronunciation. http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/SillySounds \_ You cannot imagine how unimportant it is how your pronounce 'linux' |
2008/6/19-24 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50299 Activity:nil |
6/19 Where can I find Linux source code's implementation of rand/srand? \_ On Linux you can also use /dev/random \_ The source code for that would be ni the glibc source. -ERic |
2008/6/4-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50150 Activity:nil |
6/4 jobs jobs jobs. Wavemarket in emeryville is hiring java guys. see /csua/pub/jobs/wavemarket for description and contact email. I'm also putting together a req. for a SysAdmin (debian mostly) or half-SysAdmin,half-Operations person. You can contact me directly if you, or someone you know, is interested in that. -crebbs \_ What's the difference between SA and Operations Person? \_ SA: Machines run. Operations: our software is still running on those machines. More or less. \_ The above is pretty good. In this case the primary difference is that SA is working for me and the Operations job is working for the Director of Operations. The operations part requires more job requests from the few non-technical people we have. Maybe running/automating reports, and that kind of thing. (In the language of the above poster: "How is our software running on those machines"? ) Though, there is a cross-over, which is why it may be one person doing both jobs. -crebbs |
2008/5/20-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50014 Activity:nil |
5/20 Q: Which is faster, a 146GB 15K RPM SAS disk or a 300GB 15K RPM SAS disk? I read that a larger drive is faster (more density means more data at hand) and also slower (more area to traverse). So which is it? \_ http://Storagereview.com will a) provide you tons of raw data and b) show you that there are different kinds of fast. \_ Thanks. Short answer: Bigger is better. http://tinyurl.com/587y3w \_ boobs, penis, cars, what else? \_ Paychecks, wallets. |
2008/5/14-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:49941 Activity:nil |
5/14 debian people, recompile: http://metasploit.com/users//hdm/tools/debian-openssl \- and ubuntu \_ Which is derived from debian. \_ Argh. What are some inexpensive certificate authorities? |
2008/4/21-2009/5/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:49792 Activity:nil 61%like:42770 55%like:52942 |
Linux soda 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 22:11:31 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux Welcome to Macintosh^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HSoda Mark VII, a dual Xeon 2.8GHz with many hozers. |
2007/12/11-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:48785 Activity:nil |
12/11 Apache/Linux question: I've got apache 2.0.52 on an idle redhat box (2.6.9-55 kernel). Every so often one to four apache procs will run the cpu at 100% for any where from 15 to 90 mins, then drop back to normal. USR and SYS time both increase to levels that the production boxes don't reach when serving traffic at noon. I've checked apache and linux kernel versions, several /etc files, httpd.conf vs. boxes that don't do this. Nothing interesting shows in the logs. This is supposed to be a clone of other boxes that don't do this. Reinstalling from scratch is not an option for various reasons. Any ideas? thanks. \_ strace them to see what the hell they are doing. \_ Perhaps you have been hacked? |
2007/11/14-21 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:48636 Activity:moderate |
11/14 Any reason I should format my disk in JFS or XFS or REISERFS instead of good old EXT3 (this is Linux, obviously) ? \_ XFS supports larger filesystems than ext3, which may or may not matter to you. \_ The "larger" filesystem quantifier is no longer big of an \_ What if I really do want to get rid of her? issue, especially if you're using 64-bit OS. But if you're working with large files, this is where xfs shines. ReiserFS is still better at handling many small files. I have no experience with JFS. Last I used ReiserFS, it had no dump/restore tools, which may or may not matter to you. \_ if you go with resierfs, your wife might go missing and you get the blame for her disappearance! \_ Don't kill your wife and it won't be a problem. \_ What if I really do want to get rid of her? \_ Divorce is less risky than murder. \_ I still haven't found a fs format that plays well with mac / windows and unix all at the same time. Fat32 is a weak kludge , and it won't handle files larger than 1 gig i believe. \_ There's now an ext2/ext3 driver availiable for Windows. I use \_ There's now an ext2/ext3 driver available for Windows. I use that for my shared drive now rather than Fat32. I don't know about Mac. \_ is it reliable? do you trust it? \_ Well, I haven't had any trouble with it. Of course, I'm not doing anything all that important either, and it's all backed up. It's not the most user friendly thing in the world. It doesn't automount the ext2 drives, for example. Here's the link. http://www.fs-driver.org \_ Did zfs end up in Leopard, or was it pulled before release? There are slow-but-working zfs support for linux and windows, as well as ports to freebsd and of course, opensolaris. \_ ext3 does not support online defragmentation. \_ We looked at all four file systems a few years back and ext3 was the most reliable by far. JFS is a distant second, but there are still cases in the code where a power outage at the wrong time will lead to massive data loss. XFS does not support errors during journal replay (by design) and thus is TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for any data you really care about (again, by design). The last I looked, ReiserFS had some fundamental errors / race conditions in journal replay. When it is my data, I use ext3. --twohey \- i'm curious how much of your finding were things flawed-by- design vs. implementations bugs [which could have been fixed since], as well as if you were just looking at the potential for irrecoverable data loss, or worst case performance issues [like some fs+hardware combos seem to have problems with high metarate operation rates, or concurrency etc]. anyway, if you have some ptrs to papers you think have still relevant results, i'd be interested. [btw, have you seen ibm gpfs? that fs blew me away from day 1]. --psb \_ How much is gpfs? \- One Million Dollars, Mr. Bond. \_ It has been about 5 years but XFS+Linux was horrible at that time. We lost a lot of data on Linux XFS. SGI XFS was like magic, though. We brutally punished an SGI box and it kept on ticking. \_ You might want to try Veritas' VxFS. They give it away with VxVM in a combination called "Storage Foundation Basic". I think they limit the number of file systems you can use in the free version. \_ Thanks for pointing out the freebie version. \_ I've always wondered about VxFS, but never had a chance to get my hands on it. What are some of the advanced features it provides over usual list of linux/bsd file systems? |
2007/11/12-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:48623 Activity:nil |
11/12 how do i make a fail safe magical backup for my debian box that i can quickly boot from if the box explodes? \_ keep a linux live boot cd around for just such an emergency \_ And learn about 'dd' \_ I was hoping there was something as slick as CCC, for unix. \_ You can first duplicate the disk offline with dd, then just keep it up to date with regularly scheduled rsync, which should work fine as long as you're using a bootloader like grub that understands the filesystem rather than lilo. A more elaborate system would be to use a filesystem that allows snapshotting, but probably unnecessary in most cases if databases aren't involved. |
2007/10/5-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:48245 Activity:nil |
10/5 Anyone used Veritas on Redhat? I've used it on Solaris where it worked great but not on Redhat. How well does it work? Can it dynamically extend a pre-existing volume without unmounting? Thanks! |
2007/9/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:47950 Activity:nil |
9/8 Linux Genuine Advantage cracked: http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3610011/Linux_Genuine_Advantage_Crack |
2007/9/7-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:47926 Activity:nil |
9/6 NSFW: At least she runs Linux!: http://i2.tinypic.com/4vit5sj.jpg \_ How can you tell that's linux? \_ There is a redhat linux box in the bottom corner. \_ Oh! I was only looking at the screen. :-) \_ Doesn't mean it is installed on anything. \_ What's NSFW about this? |
2007/8/10-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:47575 Activity:nil |
8/9 My man pages are displaying incorrectly with \fBupdate\fR instead of displaying update in bold or whatever. Any ideas why? It happens on soda as well as other debian boxes I have. It happend using Terminal and xterm on my MacBook. \_ export TERM=vt100 \_ I tried that. it doesn't make a difference. \_ export TERM=xterm \_ I tried that also. problem persists. It also happens from a knoppix linux desktop, so I think the problem is the debian servers. |
2007/7/11 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:47262 Activity:kinda low |
7/11 Politics is for dumb people. Let's talk Linux! \_ RIDE BIKE! \_ Ok, talk linux. What do you think of 64 bit linux? When do you think linux will be ready for the desktop? How does gplv3 hurt or help your company? \_ It is never the crime that does you in, it is the coverup afterwards that gets you. \_ I love how a conspiracy to commit a misdeamenor is a felony |
2007/6/27-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:47079 Activity:nil |
6/27 HANS http://www.wired.com/techbiz/people/magazine/15-07/ff_hansreiser \_ Kinda of a useless article. Trying to make up for lack of info with a creepy writing style. |
2007/6/11-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:46914 Activity:moderate |
6/11 Leopard shipping in October. Basic version, $129. Premium version, $129. Business version, $129, Enterprise version $129. Ultimate version, $129. LOSE A TURN, $0 \_ Doesn't make vista look too bad, $129 for a once a year upgrade.. \_ FYI, 10.4 was released in 2005, and 10.3 was released in 2003. \_ Why so many versions when they are all priced the same? \_ What is in it that is worth buying a whole new OS instead of them releasing it as a free patch? \_ In 10.5, the entire OS will be 64 bit and will support ZFS. It also has a new finder, the automatic backup system, multiple desktops, an updated bootcamp (alt. OS booting), better support for core duo procs, &c. All of this is a bit much to make available as a free update. \_ really? ZFS? 64 bit? really? i personally don't think anyone really needs 64 bit unless you're \- your brain has personally been classified as 2 bit. modelling the big bang, but macs are all 64 bit now? really? \_ ZFS will be available, though it won't be the default (if reports are to be believed). All G5s and Intel Core 2 Duo based Macs are 64bit afaik. I think that most people who edit large video files will welcome the 64bit support. \_ No idea, I run Linux. I was just saying that a $130 upgrade every [2] years costs more than XP->Vista over 6 years. Of course, I was trying to say this in a somewhat amusing fashion\ \_ Why so many versions when they are all priced the same? course, I was trying to say this in a somewhat amusing fashion \_ How often do you keep the same computer for 6 years? Remember these are macs, so the upgradability suffers. I tend to buy a new computer every 3 years or so (and gift/sell the old computer to someone who is less of a geek than me) and hey look, new os! \_ Every 6 to 8 years. Unless you're playing FPS at high-res or flight sims or something you don't need more. It takes about 6+ years for enough parts to break or simply rust out enough to be worth replacing the whole thing. \_ Try thinking back to 2001. It's unlikely you are still using a 2001 computer. \_ Nonsense. I bought a new computer 14 months ago. My previous computer was from around 1998. \_ Really? What's the spec of your 1998 computer? \_ MS wants to upgrade their OS on a 3-year cycle; they just were way behind schedule with Vista. \_ Why so many versions when they are all priced the same? \_ It's a joke, son. Laugh. \_ I make funny. \_ Wow, Steve has a soda account? |
2007/5/16 [Recreation/Stripclub, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:46665 Activity:nil 92%like:46668 |
5/16 Ugly naked woman to be the spokeperson for linux: http://fakesteve.blogspot.com/2007/05/novell-youre-trying-way-too-hard-to-be.html |
2007/4/17 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:46334 Activity:nil 77%like:46339 |
4/17 In Linux 2.6, if two users runs Emacs 21 to open the same 100MB file for viewing, do the two processes eat up ~200MB of RAM or swap space just for that file? Thanks. |
2007/4/6-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:46224 Activity:nil |
4/6 Is there something like this for Linux? http://flyingmeat.com/voodoopad \_ I haven't used it because I don't really run Linux on any of my desktop boxen, but I saw this a while back and thought it looked interesting: http://www.gnome.org/projects/tomboy -dans |
2007/3/13-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45959 Activity:nil |
3/13 Anyone want to move to Seattle and take a job as a Linux System Administrator? Take a look at http://marchex.com, then email tsang@soda for more details. We need exactly those skills that were so roundly labeled as "irrelevant" while soda was down... and they've become harder to find, apparently. -- tsang \_ for company claiming to be a 'search' company, having 0 results come up from a simple keyword search for Linux under the careers section doesn't bode well. \_ Careers -> Current Open Positions -> Job Title = Linux Systems Administrator... then email me! (I'll try to find out why the search doesn't work.) --tsang |
2007/3/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45888 Activity:very high |
3/6 I love running debian. The DST fix was all of: apt-get update apt-get install tzdata \_ apt-get install tzdata Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done E: Couldn't find package tzdata \_ Yeah, that's great, if you are running testing. (Is Etch even two years old? I'm surprised it NEEDS a fix.) If you are running stable, the package the pkg that needs to be updated is libc6 \_ Big deal. FreeBSD (even really old versions): * update the ports area if necessary * cd /usr/ports/misc/zoneinfo/ * make install clean * tzsetup \_ If you are running testing. (Is Etch even two years old? I'm surprised it NEEDS a fix.) If you are running stable, the package that needs to be updated is libc6 \_ With Red Hat it's even easier. \_ but how do you know that you need to do that? also, "apt-get" is a stupid name :) I like "pacman" (from the Arch Linux distro I think) \_ If memory serves, tzdata is a core required package so it would get updated auotmagically when you perform a routine system update. -dans \_ In debian etch, I think things are moving towards "aptitude" as a replacement for apt-get. \_ This cracks me up. I wasn't criticizing any other system, I was just happy that it was so easy to fix. I'm amazed at the responses. -op |
2007/2/23-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45812 Activity:nil |
2/23 hot debian biches http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2719/womenoflinuxdz5.jpg \_ You're being: sarcastic? ironic? woman hating? troll? I can't figure out why you'd post this and use that byline. |
2007/1/17-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45556 Activity:nil |
1/17 Flash 9 Player out for linux x86 (supposedly): http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2007/01/flash_player_9_for_linux_x86.html |
2007/1/12-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager] UID:45538 Activity:nil |
1/12 Boy, the quality of posts have gone down since soda went down. I need an alternative emotional outlet, where I can rant and bitch and dump my emotions. What should I use? Slashdot is a jungle. http://Digg.com has too many fanatics. Don't even get me started on blogs and other trash on the net. I NEED AN ALTERNATIVE!!@@!@ -soda addict \_ Yeah, the motd does remind me of this Monty Python sketch a bit: http://www.mindspring.com/~mfpatton/sketch.htm |
2006/12/17-19 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:45458 Activity:nil |
12/17 Yay I'm the person of the year! ME!!! I'm so special, just like everyone else! http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/12/16/time.you.tm/index.html |
2006/12/8-30 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45420 Activity:nil |
[csua.berkeley.edu] Login: motd Name: Message of the Day Directory: /csua/home/motd Shell: /nonexistent Never logged in. Mail last read Tue Oct 10 12:28 2006 (PDT) Plan: Linux soda 2.6.17-soda0 #1 SMP Tue Nov 14 22:15:06 PST 2006 i686 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. |
2006/11/28-12/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45380 Activity:kinda low |
11/28 French Parliament switches to Linux: http://preview.tinyurl.com/y3d3rp \- MerdeOS \_ Hi partha! So if I recall our discussion a while back, Linux couldn't do the high performance networking you needed for your pet project, ergo the entire OS must suck. Awesome! |
2006/11/2-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:45118 Activity:nil |
11/02 M$ to "support" SuSE: http://tinyurl.com/y7uksq (online.wsj.com) I guess RH's days are numbered. \_ RH has horrible response/support and high prices. We have a few zillion seats and they made it very clear they couldn't care less about our business. The distro team is currently investigating other options. Bye RH. \_ There aren't many other options. \_ I've been seeing lots of corporations switching from RH to SuSE, mostly b/c they can continue to use RPMS, &c. but they don't have to deal w/ RH's BS. I have not seen much interest in CentOS (but that is probably b/c there isn't a big company behind it). \_ There are enough options and we only need one. And now Oracle is providing another that wasn't available when we first started looking into dumping RH. One way or another we *will* dump RH. They suck, they are history at this shop, and they don't care about the loss. \_ What do you mean? Isn't Oracle providing support for RH? I'd dump RH, but realistically more apps are supported under RH. \_ Yes I just said the Oracle thing. ???. We don't need support for Joe's Open Source Kewlness Doom3 Clone App. We need support for core OS, patches, RPM updates, etc. \_ If Oracle is providing support for RH, and you go with that then how exactly are you dumping RH? You would still be using RH. \_ Easy. Oracle gets the money, not RH. If we went that way. They also charge less. It's just one more option being considered but most likely we'll change to a different vendor entirely and ditch RH entirely as fast as possible once a final decision has been made. |
2006/10/25-27 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44959 Activity:kinda low |
10/25 Fedora Core 6 is out: http://fedoraproject.org/static-tmp/FC6ReleaseSummary.html \_ Anyone still use Fedora Core? \_ Why wouldn't they? \_ Because Ubuntu is a better and more popular distro? \_ In what way is it better than RH/SuSE/Debian? Will most commerical software for RH/SuSE run w/o problems on Ubuntu, or do you have to do a hack job to get it to work? \_ Because it's a bleeding edge product with an aggressive EOL timeline and no real advantage over more stable products like CentOS. -tom \_ Depends on if you use RHEL as your production environment. If so, then it makes sense to use Fedora Core on some systems if you are looking ahead. Ubuntu and CentOS don't really fill that need. If you do not use RHEL, then I guess you don't care. \_ Many of my customers hesitated about deploying on CentOS b/c they didn't really believe that is was RH compatible. For some reason, the same was not true of Fedora Core. They viewed it as a way of testing stuff out on a pre-release of RHEL. \_ Exactly. The "for some reason" is that they both are Red Hat products. \_ So FC is a complete RH inhouse job like in the old days (ie before RH9)? I thought that it was spun off into the open source "community" and that RH merely supervised. \_ "The Fedora Project is maintained and driven by the community and sponsored by Red Hat, Inc." From http://fedora.redhat.com. One look at that web site should show that you should not be running Fedora in any production environment. -tom \_ Don't run in production != don't run at all. As above, it's useful for testing pre-release. FC basically ends up becoming RHEL. |
2006/10/19-24 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44865 Activity:nil |
10/18 Flashplayer 9 Beta for Linux is out: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2006/10/beta_is_live.html \_ Excellent. My last obstacle to migrating to linux was the ability to play dice wars and see youtube. |
2006/10/17-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/HW/Display] UID:44847 Activity:nil |
10/17 Nvidia Linux driver has a buffer overflow allowing for local and remote root exploit: http://kerneltrap.org/node/7228 \_ That's not a remote root exploit; it can only be triggered by someone running X on console. -tom \_ A remote X client can take advantage of the exploit IF X is being run on console; and my understanding is that most linux users still run X on console. \_ But the remote X client would have to be allowed to connect to the X server in the first place, the way I read it; that should usually not be the case. -tom |
2006/10/16-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44838 Activity:nil |
10/16 Any comments on IceWeasel? I think they should call the Debian fork "DireFox" instead. \_ Phyrefawkes \_ Debian releases are always old, maybe they should call it Firebird. |
2006/9/20-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:44473 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 What's the fucking package manager on Slackware Linux? How hard is it to, say, install Ruby? \_ i know you don't want to hear this but you really should be using a different linux distro \_ i would say he really shouldn't be any linux distro if he's asking a question like that. \_ Sheesh. I was actually thinking of using Vector Linux (which is based on slackware) on a 10 year old laptop for a specific application. Vector Linux is supposed to work well on old hardware. I can't test it because I don't have the laptop with me right now. I don't want to spend a bunch of time screwing around with it for the 2 have the fucking laptop with me right now. I don't want to spend a bunch of time screwing around with it for the fucking 2 weeks I'll have it. I just thought it would be nice to be able to play with Ruby while I was at it. \_ tar -xzvf upgrade to debian |
2006/9/20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44470 Activity:nil |
9/20 Anyone tried Vector Linux? |
2006/9/1-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44224 Activity:nil |
9/1 Who's the greatest 1337 h4x0r in the entire history of CSUA? Sameer. C2, great programmer, nice guy, self made millionaire. Sameer is the greatest 1337 h4x0r of CSUA. \_ Duh, Phil is. \_ Isn't Sameer in the marines now or something? -John \_ Isn't the gtk toolkit, included with just about every single goddamn linux install in the universe, based on work by josh, spencer, and pete ? I think that makes them uber super hackers. \_ I'd go with tawei. No question. \_ Who? \_ Tawei Liao: http://ereview.com/archive/tawei I love his wanted ad though I'm not sure exactly what he contributed to the hax0r or computer science community |
2006/8/24-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44128 Activity:nil |
8/24 Can you get SMART data from a drive in an eSATA enclosure? Any recommendation for a PCI SATA card for linux with an external port? |
2006/8/16-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44029 Activity:nil |
8/16 What do you use to profile in Linux? gprof only seems to profile user code, so how long you spend in system calls doesn't show up in the output. \_ Not sure. -average American male \_ Don't have an answer but I usually just get the utime in between system calls. If you have an answer please post it here, thanks! |
2006/8/9-14 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43954 Activity:nil |
8/9 Linux question. We have a simple server that recieves TCP/IP connections concurrently with a threadpool, creating new threads as necessary. It's showing a weird performance quirk where, if you increase the number of concurrent connections, the connection time increases slowly, from .1s. At 16 connections it's about .2s. However, the 17th connection takes 1.2s, a large jump. The connection times continue increasing slowly from there, although there are little jumps at 48 and similar multiples of 16. slowly. Is there some magic kernel number 16, above with establishing a TCP/IP connection takes a long time? \_ Stupid question, does your threadpool have a max number of threads? \_ Yes, but it's 1024, which is actually higher than the kernel seems to be able to generate. \_ Java threads? pthreads? \_ pthreads, it's all C or C++ code on chaos Linux, (although we were able to duplicate the problem on RedHat,) \- i dunno what the linux equiv of tcp_conn_hash_size is, but i'd personally be interested if changing bumping that up changes the behavior. is, but i'd personally be interested if bumping that up changes the behavior. \_ No. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43910 Activity:nil |
8/4 After trying to get sendmail's virtusertable to work for several hours, I've given up and decided to use exim4 instead. I've followed the following URL for exim4's equivalent of virtusertable, but now wondering how I can specify "error: User Known" and email nullification inside my new /etc/exim/virtusertable? http://www.exim.org/pipermail/exim-users/Week-of-Mon-20030127/049071.html Please help, thanks. -noob \_ I don't know. -proud American |
2006/8/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43900 Activity:nil |
8/3 BoxA: "apt-cache search <mybin>" shows me the binary I need BoxB: "apt-cache search <mybin>" doesn't show the binary. I copied BoxA:/etc/apt/sources.list to BoxB, did a "apt-get update" on BoxB, and tried "apt-cache search <mybin>" on BoxB. However, it still doesn't show the binary I need. What did I do wrong? -newbie, sorry to bug you guys \_ Does "dselect update" fix it? \_ No :( -op \_ Do A and B and same release version? (/etc/debian-release or something like it) \_ BoxA: testing/unstable BoxB: 3.1 \_ there it is right there. You're running two different release versions. 3.1 is under stable line. If you look at the sources.list file, it actually indicates which release the source is for. If you really want the package through apt-get, you have to either add a third party soure (backports.org for example) or upgrade B to testing/unstable. \_ This is so nerdy that I have no response. -proud American |
2006/8/3-6 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43887 Activity:nil |
8/3 Similar to the post below, I'm planning to set up a machine outside of the firewall and I'm considering FC3/4 or RH9, and maybe others too. Since it's outside of the firewall, security is a concern. In addition, manageability is a huge issue for me as I'm not intimately familiar with RPM package resolutions. What do you guys suggest? \_ Whatever you do, I'd recommend at least looking at selinux. For management, strip it down as much as you can, jail or at least chroot any services you can, packet filter, tripwire, etc. etc. etc. and allow ipsec to the box from behind the firewall for updates. Nothing exotic there. -John \_ Don't run RH9. It's obsolete. I'd run RH4. \_ red hat enterprise linux 4? \_ No, RedHat versions are like AD&D 2nd edition armor classes. \_ banded or splint mail? \_ Agreed. I don't think Redhat even maintain version 9 anymore. If you can't afford RHEL, try CentOS. They come with SELinux stuff built-in as well. But if you're not familiar with RPM distros, why not pick something you are familiar with? \_ I totally disagree. -proud American |
2006/8/2-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43867 Activity:nil |
8/2 I'm in charge of setting up the software infrastructure at a small company and would like advice/pointers on which LINUX distro is best for small, internally used compute/database servers. I want something which is stable, easy to maintain/upgrade, and has commercial support available for purchase. I've been happy with Debian's ease of maintenance/upgrade/install via apt/synaptic, but I've heard good things about Ubuntu and Fedora. Thanks for the advice. \_ I use Centos. Ubuntu is a desktop OS and fedora is too bleeding edge for a server. \_ Thanks. Any thoughts on pros/cons of Debian? \_ If you're interested in purchasing commercial support, you might as well use RedHat. In no case should you use Fedora in production. Centos is fine, but is more or less equivalent to RedHat without support. -tom <<<<<<< Other Changes Below \_ Thanks. Can you buy support for Centos from RedHat or will they refuse unless you buy the official RHEL? ======= \_ apt-get uber Alles! That said, what the rest of everyone is saying is true. RedHat or CentOS are good if you're of the .rpm persuasion, and if you want the closest Linux to a BSD mentality, try Slackware (seeing as this is an internal site we're talking about). Under no circumstances should anyone touch Gentoo (even for a desktop). >>>>>>> Your Changes Above \_ apt-get uber Alles! That said, what the rest of everyone is saying is true. RedHat or CentOS are good if you're of the .rpm persuasion, and if you want the closest Linux to a BSD mentality, try Slackware (seeing as this is an internal site we're talking about). Under no circumstances should anyone touch Gentoo (even for a desktop). [formatd was here] \_ "Commercial support" is a reasonably useless phrase. For Redhat it mostly means you pay them a fairly large chunk of money to get access to their "up to date" patch system. To be fair it is a pretty decent system but it requires no less clue and often more clue than other systems to get setup well. What exactly does your management believe they're getting for their "commercial support"? As Tom said you are limited to Redhat if "cs" is a requirement. If management isn't that stupid then choose whatever you and the rest of the technical staff are most familiar with. What you know best is what you'll run best. It's common sense. Under the hood the distros are all the same. It's the same kernel, the same network stack, the same filesystems, etc. The distro differences are meaningless for common use. \_ Thanks, that's pretty much what I thought. The reason I'm asking about "commercial support" is that management gave me a free hand to setup the tech/software end the way I thought best and I want to be able to get quick help with any problems. I've used linux for over 8 years and it's definetly better for our plans than Windows. But if we went with Windows and had problems, they wouldn't question my judgement since everyone uses Windows. If problems come up with linux, I want to get them fixed quick so they don't wonder whether it was the right choice. \_ The safest choice is definitely paying for RHEL. Not only is there a company backing it, it's also the reference standard for Linux, so third-party applications will definitely work with it. -tom \_ It sounds like you want RH. But don't just fill out the forms and start installing. See what they'll charge to send one of their in house consultants over for a day to talk to your about your needs and help you design the right thing. This will get you off on the right foot and give you leverage with them later if something goes wrong. "But this stuff was setup by your guy!!!" breaks down a lot of support barriers when you need help. \_ So, we use RedHat at my work, and we seem to at least get the ability to hassle them when something goes seriously wrong. Support does not seem to be just limited to patches, although we are a really big user and may have a non-standard contract. Also, RedHat does not seem to be the same as all other distros under the hood. Redhat seems to have added non-standard extensions. About 2 years ago on RedHat Enterprise 3 they tweaked the scheduler in some way to "improve database performance." Unfortunatly, it also killed interactive and build performance. (What we use it for.) It didn't seem to be a problem in Linux at large, just RedHat EL3. \_ Broken to a degree that most people would notice or you had to profile and time it to see the difference on a large build? --just curious \_ WE certainly noticed. Our build times tripled. They went from 1.5 hours to ~5 hours. And the system wasn't very useable when building either. I'm not even really sure how this was possible, the both CPUs were still mostly idle. It was pretty much awful. \_ We use SuSE. Great full support, site license didn't cost huge amounts of dough, and they actually do QA before pushing distros out, unlike RedHate. \_ I second SuSE. don't buy redhat, they should not be rewarded for their fedora BS. \_ I use Microsoft Windows 3.1. -proud American |
2006/7/28-8/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43828 Activity:nil |
7/28 Platform: RedHat, Linux 2.4, don't have a choice to upgrade. Problem: Downloaded acroread 7.0.8 because the default 5.0 that I got from "apt-get install acroread" thinks 5.0 is the latest. Unfortunately 7.0.8 says my GTK version is not 2.4 or higher. I tried "apt-get install gtk" and "gtk2" but apt-get thinks they're the latest. What should I do? \_ If you're not going to upgrade, you're going to have problems installing vendor-compiled software. Upgrade, or install gtk and gtk2 from source. You could also try something like http://rpmfind.net to upgrade gtk to a version more recent than your RedHat distribution supports, but resolving the dependencies will be quite difficult. -tom \_ Looks like he's using a debian based distro. You can always try adding backports debian repository to install newer gtk. htp://http://www.backports.org http://www.backports.org \_ install gtk2 and other libraries from source in /usr/local/lib and then tinker with LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get acroread to use that. |
2006/7/25-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43790 Activity:nil |
7/25 Running Linux: any technical reasons to reboot on a regular basis? \_ No. -tom \_ Like with any other OS, it can help if your apps have memory leaks. If every program running on the machine is written perfectly and never fails in any strange or unexpected manner then you're fine without rebooting. I've had machines up for almost 1000 days straight, but things are always better with a therapeutic reboot now and then. \_ The memory leak probably should only apply to constantly running apps right? Unlike Win95, Linux frees all resources on application termination, correct? \_ Yes. \_ After kernel updates. So depending on how often the kernel changes and how closely you want to track the latest bits, yes, you could find yourself rebooting quite often. Otherwise, no. |
2006/7/15-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43677 Activity:nil |
7/14 I am trying to install something for personal use in Soda. It's a converter that converts various Chinese encoding to and from one and another (autoconvert). When I am trying to compile it, I got this incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'memcpy' error. Any idea why it can't find memcpy? kngharv \_ As the poster below said, you need to #include <string.h>. But this should be a warning, not an error, and it shouldn't happen at all with the current version of autoconvert (which already includes string.h). Anyway, I've installed the official Debian autoconvert package, which seems to work fine -- please let me know if anything goes wrong. --mconst \_ thanks. --OP \_ I don't have an answer but could you tell us what's the best way to learn Taiwanese? \_ you mean min-nan dialect? or hekka? \_ Because you aren't #include-ing string.h? The error message means you haven't done anything to declare it. |
2006/7/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Consumer/Camera] UID:43601 Activity:nil |
7/8 What is a good and free program to edit .mov files (macromedia i assume) eh? .mov is Apple's Quicktime container. _/ \_ ug, yeah, sorry, haven't been getting much sleep. These are quicktime movies. from my camera. Pref windows, but linux o.k. too. \_ just convert it to a more open format and edit it there. There are plenty of free (and legally questionable) software that converts .mov to xvid avi files. |
2006/6/22-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:43474 Activity:nil |
6/22 Anyone here deploy Linux-based Sun Rays lately? Thin clients sucked a few years ago, but Sun claims that performance is much better now. If performance is decent, I'm interested. Lots of people at work just use their desktops as terminals anyway. \_ we have a few Sun Ray clients here. They have pretty much just worked since we set them up. \_ How is performance? \_ Fine for clean X apps. Sun's Java Desktop Suite is a dog regardless of what you run it on. Note that we don't use them for Linux desktops yet. \_ i do that all the time for POC purposes. I prefer *LINUX* over Solaris, against my company's party line, simply because Linux is still a better desktop OS than Solaris. What kind of information do you want to know? kngharv \_ What makes a desktop 'better'? |
2006/5/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:42887 Activity:nil |
5/1 What causes lockd to get stuck? \_ Bugs in the Linux kernel, or maybe incompatibilies with the FreeBSD NFS server on keg. This was not the same problem we were having before, which was a bug in Linux 2.6.16; that one hasn't come back since we downgraded to 2.6.15. --mconst \_ Wouldn't a 2.4 series kernel like the one in RHEL3 be more stable? |
2006/4/17-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42758 Activity:nil |
4/16 WHO ported, will need to install libgdbm-dev, which will bring in the gdbm.h and libgdm.a [Alternatively, use the .so symlink in my ~/wallall directory, and the gdbm.h copied from another debian machine] src is at ~dwc/WHO.c |
2006/4/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42752 Activity:moderate |
4/15 I hate to ask this, but why did we switch to Linux? \_ ahh... i still remember the Linux vs. FreeBSD jihad... it's almost as bad as Linux vs. Solaris jihad we had at Sun. |
2006/4/15-2008/4/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42770 Activity:nil 61%like:49792 |
Linux soda #1 SMP Wed Apr 12 18:06:46 PDT 2006 i686 GNU/Linux Welcome to Macintosh^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HSoda Mark VII, a dual Xeon 2.8GHz with many hozers. |
2006/4/15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42748 Activity:nil |
4/15 A Linux Soda? What, no rants from the Linux haters? |
2006/3/30-4/3 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42550 Activity:nil |
3/30 So which current laptop out there works with Linux and hibernation-to-disk (not suspend to memory) ? \_ I have a toshiba that seems to work w/ Linux hibernate. I'll get you the model number tonight. \_ I thought newer linux kernel supports suspend-to-disk, no? |
2006/3/20-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42347 Activity:nil |
3/20 Fedora Core 5 is out: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/5 \_ yeah, everyone run out and get it. Redhat needs more than just free coders for their enterprise software, they need free beta testers too. \_ Nothing different from what Microsoft does : releasing beta code to the public for testing. \_ FC5 had a public testing release since late in the last year. |
2006/3/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42322 Activity:low |
3/20 is it possible to set linux to be case insensitivity temporarily? \_ The easiest way to do this is to run samba, and access your files through smbmount. \_ don't have an easy answer but WHY do you want to do this? \_ The linux kernel? Probably no easy way, no. A linux distribution? Which one? For what application? Why do you need to do this (there might be a better way) Next time give even LESS information and you'll get an even BETTER answer! \_ just keep typing in all lower case |
2006/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42244 Activity:low |
3/15 Anyone here have any experience with Infiniband as a network interconnect? I want to run MPI over Infiniband, but also use TCP over the same network. How is the performance relative to ethernet? Any problems with stability, crashing, etc.? I am considering Silverstorm switches and not sure which cards (Pathscale?). The OS is Red Hat Linux. --dim \_ Only as local storage connect on a full rack device. It could be Chocolate Donut Connect Interface for all I see it. CDCI... I kinda like that. mmmmm... donuts! \_ Now, Homer: Don't you eat that interconnect! |
2006/3/12-14 [Computer/HW/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42193 Activity:moderate |
3/11 Which non-commercial Linux 64bit distro is most compatible with enterprise tools (in particular the Cadence/Synopsys tools?) \_ Probably CentOS b/c it is RHEL recompiled from SRPMS. \_ I didn't like CentOS 4.2 very much. (64-bit). It's possible it was misinstalled, but I found it lacking in polish. It was hard to compile things for it, things wouldn't work... --PM \_ Knowing some of the people behind CentOS and cAos, I'm very nervous to build on them. I am pretty sure at least one of their core people will not know what Cadence and Synopsys are. You are probably best off asking the Cadence/Synopsys communities about their Linux experience rather than Linux users about their experience with these "enterprise tools". BTW, if you hadn't clarified, those are not the tools I would have assumed you were referring to. We also found a number of other weird behaviors and possible file systems bugs in 64bit AssOS, but I think that's expected with their lacking quality control and testing systems [e.g. file with diff sizes having the same md5 hash] ... but that was at least 6mos ago. Lately the bugs I am dealing with are in more obscure areas like infiniband drivers, and it's possible nobody is perfect there. perfect there. Linux works ok for some of my integer crunching projects which can be naively parellelized. My colleagues doing more complicated MPI stuff see wierd, hard to reproduce problems. \_ They both recommend Redhat Enterprise. I have run the 32bits variant with not much problem. Not sure what it's like in the 64b env. RHEL 32b works fine. Trying to see if RHEL 64b exists and works fine. \_ RHEL 4 + most recent update seems to work pretty well on our dual opterons in 64b mode. Try it out. \_ Stupid question, but I'm not familiar with either of these--got a URL that actually describes what they do? Looks like sort of a set of cost management tools (aka part of SAP) -John \_ iirc, cadence and synopsis make circuit/chip design and verification tools. \_ Yes, very expensive tools. If you are using such expensive tools then why not shell out for a commercial OS like RHEL? To do otherwise seems penny wise and pound foolish. \_ He might want to avoid the cost of the license if he is running a very large (100+ system) cluster. Personally I agree, just run RHEL. Another option is to try Slowlaris x86, it runs fairly well on x86_64 (opteron) systems. \_ If he's running a large cluster then the cost of the licenses is even less per node. It's silly to spend, say, $100K on hardware and $100K on tools and then worry over $2K/year for RHEL. \_ In my experience, the 64-bit RHEL 3/4 and it's CentOS derivative aren't as polished as the 32-bit versions. The package managers often get confused about 32/64-bit issues and throw weird unimformative errors. They're supposed to be 100% compatible with 32-bit software, yet some libraries come only as 64-bit objects and there is no rpm for 32-bit (but you can grab those manually from the 32-bit distribution). Of course, I am using Linux in a different environment, so my comment might not be very useful to you. \_ I agree w/ this. I've seen a lot of libc6 issues in 64bit mode on RHEL 4, but the same problems do not occur in 32bit RHEL. Another option for OP is to try SuSE's Enterprise Linux Server (SLES). |
2006/2/28-3/1 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:42027 Activity:moderate |
2/28 Hi I'm a noob and I just installed LINUX DEBIAN for the very first time in my life. I did a vanilla install, then apt-get sendmail and pine. I tried to send myself an email on the local machine but my mailbox is always empty. Even setting up bad crontab -e doesn't email me any output. What should I do next? Thanks. \_ check the logfile in /var/log, probably mail.log \_ It's Debian GNU/Linux, not LINUX DEBIAN \_ Who gave rms a csua account? \_ He came in, filled out a form and ate the leftover watermelon. How could we not give him an account? \- RMS prefers CRENSHAW melon to WATERMELON. \_ debian doesn't shove exim onto you anymore? exim not good enough for you? \_ As far as I know exim is still the default. op should probably just stick to exim \_ Yes, exim is still the default. op should definitely not use sendmail as it deserves no place on *any* system installed after newer, better MTA's were written. op should probably use postfix. -dans \_ What are some of the newer, better MTA's? tia. \_ exim, postfix, qmail in no particular order. \_ got milter? \_ Eh. It's fairly weak and unconfigurable compared to what you can do with postfix. Even if I thought the milter offerred much value, it wouldn't come anywhere near making up for the pain and suffering of configuring sendmail. -dans |
2006/2/12-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Recreation/Sports] UID:41806 Activity:nil |
2/12 So, does anyone else here play SDL sopwith? That game is awesome, and I've always wanted to try the network mode. (For, like 15 years) -jrleek \_ I want to play BZFLAG. \_ Maybe we should set up a CSUA BZFLAG server... \_ If you want. I don't think it's worth it. There are lots and lots of public BZFLAG servers out there. apt-get install bzflag if you're a debian nerd. |
2006/1/31-2/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:41614 Activity:nil |
1/31 Goobuntu, teh G00gle OS: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/01/31/google_goes_desktop_linux |
2006/1/28-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:41583 Activity:nil |
1/28 What's the debian package that has the man pages for the stdlib functions? \_ dpkg -l "*libstd*" | grep doc |
2006/1/10-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:41327 Activity:nil |
1/10 Sorry for the lame Debian Q. I'm running Ubuntu 5.10 distribution. I need certain packages from regular Debian Stable distro. I tried adding standard Debian distro URLs in /etc/apt/sources.list and did apt-get update to update the cache. However, it complains that the public key is not found. First of all, is it a bad idea to get Debian stable from Ubuntu stable, and secondly where can I set to by-pass key checking? Thanks. |
2006/1/10-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:41317 Activity:high |
1/10 VMWare GSX is most similar to VMWare Workstation. GSX allows the console to be viewed remotely. GSX does require IIS to be installed to handle the web component on Windows, or apache on *nix. ESX is an OS unto itself... it runs on a modified Linux kernel, and all virtual machines use a different file format than Workstation / GSX. Also, installation and administration of VMs is always done via web browser or remote client, and not directly at the server's interface. The file system it uses is unique as well, called VMFS. All virtual machines must be created on a VMFS-formatted partition, and VMFS will not install on IDE drives in version 2.5 (never tested that in v2, so IDE drives may work, or may not). For more info see below: http://www.techsoup.org/fb/index.cfm?fuseaction=forums.showSingleTopic&forum=2009&id=58530&cid=117&cg=searchterms&sg=vmware \_ Huh? Is there a question here? Why did you post this? --vmware employee \_ Your marketing dept. getting desperate. \_ Who cares, it's interesting. -John \_ Interesting-- when German John features in shit eating porn. Not Interesting-- when geeks participate in esoteric tech discussions that will get outdated in 1 year and will get outsourced to India sooner or later. \_ That was yermom in a John mask. And god forbid the CSUA should host any tech discussions. -John \_ But there's nothing to discuss here. The original post is just statement of fact; there are no questions to answer or any points to dispute. As it is, it seems like just an ad. \_ No, it's a "hey, look at this, it's cool." It is interesting. And something I normally wouldn't go page through VMWare marketing crap to look for. But hey, it's soda; don't like it? Nuke! -John \_ What exactly is it so interesting about something that no one uses or cares about and will get obsolete soon anyways? -i hate computer science should have majored something else |
2006/1/5-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:41242 Activity:low |
1/6 Debian or Fedora for a corporate server? Discuss. Show work. \_ FreeBSD \_ I agree that FreeBSD is a far better choice in terms of stability (notwithstanding soda's hick-ups), performance and security. But if you have to use Linux and the only two choices are Debian and Fedora, debian is preferable b/c it is far easier to install a minial debian system and keep it upto date in terms of security and reliabi- lity patches. The problem w/ Debian is that many commercial vendors (my company included) do not support running their sw on Debian. If a vendor only supports RH, it is worth spending the extra money to buy RHEL. If you can't afford RHEL ES, try running the software on the CentOS equivalent before going to Fedora. Fedora has way too many bleeding edge components and probably will not give you the type of stability you want for a corporate server. [ Although we support our server software on Fedora, we strongly recommend that customers use RHEL ES b/c those customers who have used Fedora to run our software have always run into numerous problems w/ net, raid, scsi, &c. ] If you are looking to buy a server w/ the OS installed, consider an XServe w/ MacOS X Server 10.4. I have an XServe and I find it to be a very nice system. \_ I am not limited to fedora or debian but this is a startup company so we do things as cheap as possible. I would prefer freeBSD as well but it is unclear what applications we will be running in the future and so I would rather be a bit more flexible with Linux. CentOS I had never heard of so I think that will be a good choice. \_ Low-end servers are not that expensive. FreeBSD is rock- solid and nad good hardware support, as well as being very reliable for many of the "normal" types of apps small companies are likely to run. Consider it. -John \_ CentOS -- easier to convince the droids \_ Hrm does debian even have an offical 64 bit version of Xeon? Fedora does... \_ I think it's crazy to run Fedora on a production server. It moves way too quickly. CentOS or RHEL make much more sense. Debian is also reasonable. -tom \_ I second RHEL, and even that moves almost too fast. \_ How about X/OS? (Free RHEL) \_ Sounds like the same concept as CentOS, but CentOS looks a lot more active. -tom \_ Windows of course. \_ This may be of some use to you; The Linux Distro Chooser: http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/index.php?lang=en |
2006/1/4-6 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:41223 Activity:nil |
1/4 Linux question: when I do a ypcat passwd on a Linux NIS client, I see 11-13 lines, then a long pause and then it continues. On my sun boxes and a few other Linux machines the whole map appears instantly. Any ideas? netstat -i doesn't report any errors on the client or nis server. |
2005/12/28-2006/1/4 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:41156 Activity:nil |
12/28 a little bit of history for csua folk: Stronghold sales ended some years ago and the product's last support date is December 31, 2005. \_ more info: http://www.redhat.com/en_us/USA/home/solutions/stronghold \_ So what ever happened to sameer? \_ sameer retired to the world of gang bang and hot chicks. I kid you not. -someone who knew him \_ "...band and..."? You don't mean "...banging..."? |
2005/12/25-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:41139 Activity:nil |
12/25 <DEAD>linux.csua.berkeley.edu<DEAD> (Debian Server) appears to be down. -jrleek |
2005/10/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39989 Activity:nil |
10/5 Any recommendations for a hosting company that provides reliable dedicated servers with debian? |
2005/9/17-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39734 Activity:nil |
9/17 Any comment on upgrading from Fedora Core 3 to Fedora Core 4? Pros, cons, new cool features, etc? ok thx. guys. We'd have pages of discussion if Jefferson were a Republican. \_ Horse shit. If some Republican no one had ever heard of did something marginally unethical, it wouldn't even be posted to the MOTD. If it was Delay or Santorum, that's a different thing. -tom \_ Horse shit yourself. If this was a Republican, your panties would be in a bunch calling for his resignation and you know it. \_ Ask UC administration why the color of someone's skin matters. |
2005/9/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39720 Activity:nil |
9/16 Where the hell is XF86Setup for Fedora Core 3? \_ xorg.conf . Red Hat switched from XFree86. \_ Eh? I'm using Fedora Core 3 and I have a fully functional /etc/XF86Config. It is the setup program that I'm looking for. \_ xf86cfg. Man, XF86Setup was outmoded about 4 years ago. Where have you been living, under a rock? \_ file not found in my Fedora Core 3. FYI FC3!=RH. \_ Okay, you're telling us two things which are mutually exclusive. If you are using FC3, there should NOT be an XF86Config at all because FC3 uses xorg. You didn't tell us if you did something weird like dump your old XF86Config file from your old setup, but XF86Setup hasn't been around for years. It's been upgraded to xf86cfg or sometimes the CLI version (which is essentially a shell script) is called xf86config. If you can't find that then run X --config manually. Anyway, you shouldn't have this because FC3 is xorg only. If you can't find xf86cfg then you either didn't install XF86 correctly you (more likely) you're running xorg. If that's the case then you need to use xorgconfig. If you have neither config programs then your path is screwed up somehow, you didn't install X correctly in the distro, you somehow deleted it, or you installed it somewhere weird. Also, FYI, it's not recommended that you upgrade an RH box to FC3. \_ Yes and no. RedHat still provides a lot of input to the Fedora project. My FC3 install at work uses the xorg implementation, not XFree86. If you upgraded to FC3, particularly from RH9 or something of similar vintage, you may still have XFree86; I was in this situation for a while, but I upgraded because of the dependency mess it created. I think xorg will fall back to using XF86Config if it can't find xorg.conf. For configuring xorg, I've always used the -configure option to Xorg to get it to run its detections stuff and dump a config file, then manually tweaked the config, but there are config tools. I seem to have something called pyxf86config partly installed; this claims to be a Python frontend to Xorg's configuration library. You might give that a try if xorg.conf/XF86Config is too deep for you. Good luck. -gm |
2005/9/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:39528 Activity:nil |
9/6 Has anyone worked with data archival software? Our microfilm scanner still works but the printer has died (it's 30 years old). We're looking at replacing microfilm with a digital system. I'm a luddite, so this seems like a pretty bad idea to me, but I'm told to see what's out there. So I guess I need a decent scanner and document feeder and maybe some non-consumer software to create PDFs of what is scanned in. Any pointers would be appreciated. On a side note, Google is not great when you want to actually buy a new product because you're getting targeted ads vs. information. \_ it totally depends on your requirements. Does it need to be accessible to the web? Will you submit your info to a large digital repository so you can use their finding aids? How large is the archive? Do you have a database already in existence that can work with digital images? \_ There have been a few threads on this on http://slashdot.org with a couple of gems among the chaff. Might be worthwhile spending an hour or so going through their archive. Also, I think that if you have basic questions about Microfilm->digital archive transferral, Kodak does a lot of work for large companies on this; you might want to start looking there. My gf's dad used to do this for them, if you want, I can ask him for some pointers. -John |
2005/8/19-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39193 Activity:nil |
8/19 Okay, when are we *really* going to have to worry about storage of yottabytes? http://www.thedailywtf.com/forums/41025/ShowPost.aspx |
2005/8/8-11 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Health/Women] UID:39053 Activity:nil |
8/8 Anyone else going to Linux World Expo tomorrow? -jrleek \_ well, I don't know, are they gonna have beautiful women with bikini, kind of like what they have for Nascar or Indy-500 where georgeous women surround Linux PCs instead of race cars? \_ Will it be anything like this picture of E3? http://www.seanbaby.com/e32001/images/fatty.jpg |
2005/6/18-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:38188 Activity:nil |
6/18 Dumb question, let's say I installed Fedora Core 3 and forgot to install certain packages I need, how do I go back to the installation steps? I don't want to use yum or apt-get, I just want to use the CD defaults. Thanks. \_ you don't, easily. rerun the install CD and try an upgrade path to redo install but keep your modifications. or learn the underlying bundling terms used by anaconda and kickstart and try to install whole package groups. but really, just learn how to use yum search and google to find package names you want and install them + dependencies automatically! |
2005/6/18-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:38183 Activity:nil |
6/18 Dumb question. I just did a "yum update kernel" and now I'm on 2.6.11-1.27_FC3 version. How and where do I get the corresponding kernel source code? \_ I'm the op. I downloaded from here: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/updates/3/SRPMS I did a "rpm -qpl kernel-2.6.11-1.27_FC3.src.rpm" but it doesn't show where it puts the sources. Instead it just lists patch names. How do I show where it would install files to? Thanks. -op \_ the release notes explicitly tell you how to get kernel sources exploded into a tree where you can build by hand. |
2005/6/17-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:38181 Activity:nil |
6/17 What's a good way to learn about Linux build, modules (insmod, lsmod, etc), how to compile, how to add/subtract stuff, grub, differences between a *.o and a *.ko module, significance of /lib/mmodules/<version>/kernel/* ? Thanks. -newbie \_ Pick one that looks fun, start playing with it, break it, reinstall it, ask someone where the manuals are, try to figure out your answers from there, then don't hesitate to ask stupid questions, look at http://www.linux.org/dist for info on various distros, find a project that looks interesting on sourceforge, download it, try to compile it, look at http://www.linux.org/lessons/beginner , ask more stupid questions, use google a lot. Have fun. -John |
2005/6/13-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:38110 Activity:moderate |
6/13 Which Linux distro you find most user-friendly? e.g. toward the goal of allowing your gradma to use it without much problem? Anyone tried Ubunto before? \_ Mac OS X Tiger on an iMac G5. \_ i would agree OS X is good, but it's not Linux. \_ I know, but grandma and linux seems like a bad idea. \_ Unless your grandma is Dilmom \_ Why would you want to force your grandma to use linux? What could it possibly offer her that she can't accomplish with much more ease with windows or OS X? If there are things that linux can offer her, she would probably be the type that wouldn't need help installing it. that already has linux. \_ i am just use "grandma" to illustrate my point of being "user friendly." I just wondering is there any linux distro that is tightly integrated and address some of the usability issue. I heard of Ubunto, and hoping someone has experiences other than Redhat/SuSE/Mantrake/Debian. \_ oh, understood. -pp \_ Ubunto is the latest in a line of '1337 linux distros. There is nothing special about it except perhaps that they have better i18n than other distros. If you don't want to use OS X, then your best bet for a well integrated linux distro is probably SuSE. \_ SUSE has i18n issues for those who use East Asian locale. \_ You know, I found the latest version of Debian, Sarge, to be really easy to install and use when I tried it in testing. (about 6 months ago.) I can't say it's the best, but it was better than Fedora, and the Synaptec package manager makes it REALLY easy to install new programs. \_ Thanks, I will give it a try. --op \_ RedHat Pro Workstation. Easier to install than Win2k. You may need to hold her hand initially, but then it's gravy. \_ Thanks for all the response... --op |
2005/6/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:38041 Activity:low |
6/8 How about this for Apple: switch kernel to Linux? this will instantly resolve device driver issues for them, and send a shockwave through the PC world at the same time.... - in fantacy mode \_ And then all of Apple's products would get automatic Linux releases, and Apple would quickly disappear into obscurity! \_ The device driver issues are not a significant problem for Apple; they say they are not going to try to support commodity PC hardware, so they can limit the number of chipsets to about the same number they're currently supporting. -tom \_ Why in GOD's name would Apple want to switch from Mach/FreeBSD to a festering piece of shit like linux? It is a fallacy to think that just b/c linux supports X random PCI/ISA card that driver support on linux is "good". I have to deal w/ linux drivers on a regular basis (esp. nics/raid contr- ollers) and linux causes me no end of problems. The one thing that can be said for linux is that, unlike Slowlaris, at least *some* things have working drivers. |
2005/4/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:37168 Activity:low |
4/13 What is a good terminal program for Linux, which can talk to devices over a serial port for me? I need to talk to a UPS and to an ethernet switch. Thanks. --PeterM \_ /usr/bin/cu dir \_ minicom \_ kermit \_ tip... just kidding. \_ Just why did they drop tip. That pisses me the fuck off. --scotsman |
2005/4/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/HW] UID:37119 Activity:nil |
4/8 PLEASE HELP! I work in a very linux friendly environment. All of my servers are Unix/linux. But some of the execs (including the ceo) use outlook and get a lot of use out of their blackberries. Presently I am feeling pressure to get an MS Exchange Server! (blackberry edition). This pressure is very likely to increase. Is there no linux based solution that well integrates mail and calendaring (blackberry integration would be nice too, but if I just had a good mail/calender server, I think I could stem the rising tide. \_ Are you talking client or server ? If it is client: you could consider using kontact http://kontact.org \_ I'm guessing he's asking about the server. How about Novell Evolution? I don't know how far it has come, but I believe its goal is to replace Exchange Servers. \_ The 2/14/05 issue of InfoWorld has a review on linux mail server migration, where they review software that can serve Outlook clients. The stuff they reviewed are Gordano Messaging Server, Novell Suse Linux Openexchange, Scalix, and CommuniGate Pro. \_ We use Oracle Exchange Server. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend it. -ausman |
2005/4/5-8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:37079 Activity:nil |
4/5 Does anyone know how Linux decides which interface to use when there are multiple on the same subnet? The routing code is pretty hairy and I don't want to have to go through it all right now. It seems clear that routing lookup are cached, so as long as the cache entry is present the interface is fixed for a src/dst pair. But I haven't waded through the slow lookup yet. --jwm \_ I think it uses the first one that matches. run route -n Why would you haev multiple interfaces on the same subnet? \_ Short answer customers make strange choices. Basically I'm working with a device that has an interface that does work, and one for admin. sometimes they end up on the same subnet. But I can also see it being used to increase BW for something like iSCSI. |
2005/3/15-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:36707 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto |
3/15 Does anyone have the Tablet PC? Pros/cons? Linux-friendly? Comments? \_ I've used a friend's for a while and the thing that makes it worth a couple hundred more than a standard PC is the pen input and good support for that in the OS and applications. WinXp tablet has overall pretty good support for pen input and handwriting recognition. I don't know anything about Linux support, and perhaps someone else can comment on it, but if I had to guess I'd expect it to be far inferior to Windows-land. User interfaces and esoteric peripheral support are not areas where Linux is known to shine. \_ http://www.tabletpcreviewspot.com http://www.tabletpctalk.com |
2005/3/15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:36700 Activity:high |
3/15 Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? "In file included from fusd/test/zero.c:39: /usr/include/linux/config.h:5:2: #error Incorrectly using glibc headers for a kernel module" Which correct -I path should I include in the compiler? -ok thx \_ <kernel src dir>/include --jwm \_ so actually I'm using /home/user/linux-2.6.10/include which I downloaded from the web. \_ use -nostdinc |
2005/3/15-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:36694 Activity:low |
3/15 I'm trying to install rpms and as I go down the dependency chain, it keeps saying "Failed dependencies: A.so is needed by B C is needed by D" Now, I can go ahead and install C, but A.so is a file within the RPM that already exists on the system. I can --force install, but I'm not so sure that this is such a good idea. What would you do in this case? \_ I would clarify the question. \_ Find out what RPM provides A.so. I think that rpm -qpl <file> will give you that info (look in the man page to get the correct options). Then you can decide if you want to remove the old A.so and install the one in C. \_ Remove linux and install a real OS. \_ Why is Linux not a real OS? \_ because it works. \_ Yes, like Windows NT. |
2005/3/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:36611 Activity:low |
3/10 Don't ask why, but anybuddy know a relatively easy way to add/define more than 32 tape drives in Linux 2.4 kernel? Does 2.6 solve this? Or... am I basically down to hacking ioctl's header files? -mtbb \_ No need to ask why, there's an obvious use. \__ looks like I need to modify mtio.h, but I can't figure out exactly which bit(s) need modification. My Linux kernel hacking Foo is low.... -mtbb \- So is your Fu Fu. \_ My Foo is superior to your Fu! \_ Too bad it's also wrong. \_ Use the Technology, buddy! |
2005/2/24-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:36389 Activity:moderate |
2/23 Does anyone else think it's lame that the abbreviation for linux distribution is "distro"? Do linux geeks think it's spelled distr*O*bution, or something? \_ This is a fairly common way to make abbreviations in English -- it follows the same pattern as "ammo", "lotto", "afro", "aggro", etc. --mconst \_ mconst, how are you modifying motd? \_ I usually write the text in a seperate editor window, and then cut-and-paste it in -- that way I can write slowly without keeping the motd locked for a long time. --mconst \_ ah ok thanks. I was wondering how you typed so fast. \_ 'distri' does not roll off the tongue as well, and 'dist' is ambiguous and would be shortened to 'dis', which is even more confusing. Do 'facs' machines annoy you too? \_ I bet you get really up in arms about ATM machine and VIN number don't you? \_ "Vehicle Identification Number number" doesn't make sense. \_ That's his point. "Automated Teller Machine machine" \_ Some people like to say "NIC card" too. \_ Exactly. Common (and accepted) acronymn usage in English is to use the word for the last letter of the acronymn after the acronymn. English usage rules often exist because it's easier to say or it sounds better than the alternative. Learn to live with it. \_ Meh. I think it has more to do with the way english is parsed -- adjectives precede nouns (ie TUNA fish is the same phenomenon as NIC card). The acronym is treated as as adjective modifying the type of the object. If the acronym was Card for Interfacing the Network, then I'd bet it would be 'CIN card' rather than 'CIN network' as your explanation would seem to suggest, since it's a type of card rather than a type of network. The fact that the general type of the object is included with the adjectival acronym is ignored by the layman. adjectival acronym (and is in fact typically a noun) is ignored by the layman. \_ What are you talking about? TUNA is not an acronym. \_ No, but it's a noun with a presumed type (fish) that is often redundantly prepended to its superclass. "TUNA fish is the same phenomenon" -- I didn't say it was an acronym, but it's an example of the NIC card construct. |
2005/2/5-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:36073 Activity:moderate |
2/5 I thinking of installing Debian Linux because a friend of mine says it's much easier to deal with when you install programs. For example, during an insntallation the installer will check for ALL dependencies and automatically download the right .so files you need. The claim is that RPMs are not as thorough and that there's more work involved. Has anyone tried both RH and Debian and have comments on this? ok thx \_ I've tried both. apt is definitely an advantage over just using rpm (as much as it is over just using dpkg). However, I don't see any significant advantage over yum, which is easy to set up for redhat or any other rpm based distro. I wouldn't use Fedora for anything important and I wouldn't pay for linux, so I'd say there are other reasons to ditch redhat. -crebbs \_ yum seems to have more dependency resolution issues than apt-get YMMV \_ You seem to imply that Fedora is the only way to have free Red Hat. This is false. \_ I really like being able to install new packages with apt since it gives me a list of zillions of uninstalled products. When I used yum it seemed like you could only upgrade existing packages. How do you use yum to search for and install packages not on your system? Thanks. -!op \_ yum search <glob> (at this point you discover yum doesn't have shit you want in the default repositories, now google around for a while until you find a repository, add that to your list, then:) yum install <package-name> \_ I currently have Fedora 2 installed on my home machine, and I installed Debian on my father's machine. The current version of debian solves all the problems I had with it before. It's is now easily superior to Fedora. The only thing Fedora has that's better is better Korean support. -jrleek \_ Debian's package management superiority is a myth. Maybe four years ago it was better but now most Linux distributions come with utilities like up2date, yum, apt, etc that will take care of package dependencies and such. In addition, I'd like to point out that Debian suffers from extremely slow release cycle. The current stable version of debian comes with more than three-year old software. Debian geeks will tell you that the testing or "unstable" versions of Debian are just good enough, but do you really want to use a distribution that's changing all the time? I suggest to try Fedora Core 3. \_ I was right there with you till that last sentence. Fedora has the opposite problem as Debian, the release cycle is too fast, and you basically HAVE to upgrade because if they are working on Fedora X+1 they will not fix issues in Fedora X they just say "upgrade to the latest fedora". That is just not acceptable for anyone running more than 1 box. -crebbs \_ I am in complete agreement with you about Fedora. Those guys are nuts in terms of releasing bleeding edge stuff. It's great if you want to try out the latest/greatest and you've got time to burn, but treat it as a research or test box and not a production machine. For production machines get RHEL or the free derivatives like White Hat, etc. As for Debian and old software, well, that's the character of Debian. Unfortunately some of us aren't so lucky to be able to run the latest/greatest versions of software so Debian makes sense for the hordes of IT shops that need to remain backwards compatible. -williamc \_ Have you looked at Ubuntu? Supposed to be a more up to date Debian. \_ apt's dependency checking and conflict resolution is better than rpm's, but you don't need to install debian to use apt. apt can be built to handle rpms and run on RH. We use this at work in order to do dependency checking of RPMS on both RH and SuSE. \_ you seem to be comparing apples and oranges (apt vs. rpm) apt is supposed to be running on TOP of a low-level package manager, such as rpm or dpkg. You can't use apt without rpm on rpm based system. A more appropriate comparison would be apt vs. yum vs. up2date vs. other similar tools. -- Motd purged by some free-market hating communist. Order restored -- ilyas #1 fan |
2005/1/28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:35946 Activity:high |
1/28 VMWare + Fedora Core 3-2.6.9 really really sucks because they turned on the 4G mem translation and it slowed down quite a bit. However, VMWare + Fedora Core 3-2.6.10 is AWSOME! I don't know what they did but it's pretty fast. Thanks VMWare/Fedora people. \_ In other news, clueless sodan is screwing around with testbed bleeding-edge kernels and wonders why they perform strangely. Sodan in question also lacks what other people call "a life", and states that his favorite hobbies include painting miniatures, playing D&D with his other geek friends, and tweaking his bike so that it makes a fake motorcycle sound. Rest of Linux community polled basically "don't fucking give a shit" when asked how relevant Fedora Core running on vmware is to them. \_ What have you got against painting miniatures? \_ Wow, you are the one need to get a life. \_ Wow, you need one get the English Lesson. \_ Wow, you are need one get the English Lesson. \_ there used to be a time when soda's full of helpful technical posts like these, now it's turned into freeper for the democrats, I wonder what happened... \_ Like many nostalgists, you have a rose colored view of the past. Here is the first motd posting from 1995 that I happened to click upon. Note that there is a huge political discussion on it: http://csua.com/1995/02/01 \_ http sucks. use ~kchang/bin/kais 02/01/1995 \_ VIRUS ALERT!!! Don't trust kchang!!! |
2005/1/15-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:35729 Activity:nil |
1/15 Uh, dumb question but is it possible to defrag Linux (under single user mode) and is it worthwhile, assuming you're the only person using it? \_ if you ever run fsck (or it's equiv on Linux), you'll see that you have very little fragmentation. \_ It is possible if you backup/restore your data, but I am not sure there is a point to it. Sure, it will be faster but the filesystem doesn't make little itty bits like NTFS does. \_ so besides small files what other engineering characteristics does NTFS have that make it fragment more so than Linux? And what special characteristics does Linux FS have? |
2005/1/14-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:35725 Activity:moderate |
1/14 I want to run imap and pop on a FreeBSD computer. Can somebody recommed which imap suite to use. For less than 100users in a NIS domain. \_ Courier is pretty nice. I've been running it on a debian server for over a year for pop and imap over ssl. \_ cyrus imapd \_ I am using Dovecot for imaps and Postfix+TLS for outgoing mail. It's pretty solid, works happily with sasl2, and also lets me run regular imap for my SSL openwebmail server. I would be glad to share my configs if you want. -John \_ I've run both Courier and Cyrus. I ran into problems with Courier scaling when there were either a) many users or b) a handful of users with large mailboxes (i.e. > 1000 messages). Cyrus indexes its mailboxes so it handles large mailboxes much more gracefully. Cyrus is a pain in the ass to install, which is annoying because you really want to be running Cyrus 2.2.x and 1.5.x is the only version packaged for Debian. Both Courier and Cyrus work with sasl2. If you decide to run Cyrus, let me know and I can send you configs and my messy install notes. -dans \_ There has been a change of plans. I managed to port some code to my Solaris box and can milk a little more life out of it. Thanks for the feedback. We now return to our aaron and tom lovefest. -op |
2005/1/10-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:35633 Activity:low |
1/10 Someone please suggest a nice STABLE version of Fedora? Thanks. \_ As stable as what? The whole point of Fedora is that it is a development base for RedHat. \_ FC3 seems pretty good. FC2 was not bad either. For customers who can't afford RHEL or won't try SuSE we usually ask them to install FC3. \_ If RHEL is what they want but they don't want to pay, why not tell them to use White Box Linux/CentOS etc.? |
2005/1/8-10 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:35605 Activity:nil |
1/7 Where in the Linux kernel can I find out the structure of say, ethernet frame structure, APR, IPv4, ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP? And which header files contain the type/protocol constants? Thanks... \_ linux/skbuff.h. struct sk_buff; --jwm \_ jwm, any comments on the recent 2.6.6 kernel? --kngharv \_ Nope. I don't really like Linux. I use it at work, and I have be working w/ most recently. Vadim is the one to talk to about Linux. |
2005/1/5-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:35563 Activity:very high |
1/5 So who else thinks that Linux Kernel Development has gone haywire? WTF is up with this movement from an 8k to a 4k stack in the kernel that breaks tons of existing drivers that are ported over from Windows? And wtf is this crap doing on production distros like Fedora? Don't they realize that if you're going to have a large install base that you can't arbitrarily do crap like that anymore? \_ I agree that they are lame and have always have been, but Fedora isn't a production distro. That's RHEL. \_ So in other words RH just became even dumber than they used to be by foisting Fedora on the user community and charging for the bugfree version. \_ Fedora is a development platform; that's how it is positioned. If you don't want a development platform, run RHEL, or debian or whatever. It's not being "foisted" on you. -tom \_ No shit sherlock. But the problem is that usually what happens in Fedora is just reflected in RHEL. RH being the dumbass company that it is obviously doesn't do anything like do a real-world usability test on its distro so going from one major release to the next results in all your binaries being broken. Also, a lot of end-user end up using Fedora because they stopped distributing RH, so in effect it is being foisted on the userbase with the said userbase complaining about things being broken. \_ you're a moron. -tom (really) \_ you're tom. -idiot \_ Ouch, now THERE'S a harsh insult. \_ I'm not sure what part you are objecting to, but RH's pricing structure for EL has driven lots of people to use Fedora Core as a production OS. Many times it is hard to justify the added cost of installing EL and a customer choses to deploy FC. You don't really have a choice but to support FC as a application developer. It isn't really practical to tell a customer to install Debian 3.0R3 or something. \_ yeah but the bug free version is GPL also. you can try to use CentOS or one of the other RHEL redistributions. unfortunately they still suck as a consumer OS. actually <DEAD>scientificlinux.org<DEAD> looks interesting. \_ They break drivers all the time anyway as far as I could tell. You're supposed to stick with some old kernel for a long time for actual consumer use. But why would you need drivers for Linux? It's not like you can play games or really do anything anyway. \_ Well, unfortunately since Sun did such a bad job maintaining market share us EDA folks are being forced into Linux. Now we have to do do crap like recompile the kernel just so the stupid display driver works. \_ Yeah I use that stuff at work. As long as other people are responsible for making it all work I don't really care. \_ I compare the adoption of linux by corporate america to the ubiquity of windows. Some mid-level managers and idiot salespeople who thought it gave them cache foisted it upon the world where it went batshit crazy and drove us all insane. \_ I actually prefer Linux to, say, Solaris or HP-UX. It has its limitations, but overall it is cheaper, faster, and easier to maintain in many ways. \_ ditto. -- SUN guy \_ No offense, but Solaris is a far better operating system. Just because for a long time Solaris didnt ship with perl and you have to build you own tcpdump doesnt make it otherwise. If you get involved in the innards of operating systems, this is pretty clear. There are some SysV things that arent ideal, but if you are trying to debug low-level things, it is pretty clear. \_ Not to mention that drivers actually work in Solaris... \_ Linux has far more working drivers than Solaris. Solaris just works on the very limited hardware Sun provides. -tom \_ I work for SUN and I've been fighting on driver issue everyday. And I can tell you flat out that you may think driver works on Solaris, but Linux is the only way to go. People would write Linux drivers, but SUN relys on 150 people in Beijing to crank out those things one by one. As hard as those Chinese monkey works, they can never match the speed which hardware comes up. \_ You must live in some other universe. I work for Sun and we have the hardest time getting drivers to work for even simple stuff like gigE nics (ex E1000 driver on S10 was a nightmare for a long time). And you can forget about AGP in most cases. Some big shots felt AGP was the shits so no support in Solaris. There were several cluster deals we couldn't bid on b/c there was no AGP support in Solaris. \_ hey, would you mind if I contact you? -another SUN guy (id 152093) \_ I think you may be missing the forest for the trees here. How many people spend their time debugging ``low-level things?'' How many people just want the system to come with a modern version of perl? Once you reach a critical threshold level of stability (which Linux hit some time in 1999 or so) comparing OS internals dick size becomes pointless. \- if you want to say linux is more useful because i can surf my p0rn and play my mpegs "better" that's fine. useful to me != better os design. it's not a matter of how many people do this. it's more like looking to a kernel crash dump tells you a lot about what is under the hood. \_ In the REAL world, most people write applications that run on the OS. I can almost understand that Sun doesn't want to ship MySQL or PostgreSQL w/ Solaris, but WHY IN PARTHA'S NAME did they wait till S9U3 to ship wget in /usr/sfw and S10 to add gcc? I shouldn't have to go to some website to download badly packaged freeware. Every single Linux distro comes with this stuff pre-installed. Oh yeah, instead of chkconfig and isc dhcpd I get svcadm and sun dhcpd which are complete CRAP. Linux has its own problems, but one HUGE advantage of Linux is that you can tell your customers to get RHEL 3 ES or SuSE Pro, install it in server config and then install your software on top of it. The same RPMS every time, in the same location, it makes it easy to test, debug and support. Unlike Solaris where you have to ship all your 3d party pkgs you don't have to worry about keeping up to date with DBI.pm fixes, PostgreSQL security patches, wget vulnerabilites &c. The OS vendor takes care of that so you can concentrate on your app. \_ and for your information, MS Windows hit that threshold by year 2000 with Windows 2000. Despite you may not think that way. \_ \_ I don't. Solaris + Native Sun HW is definitely a lot easier to setup and better integrated than Linux. Solaris x86 on the other hand makes zero sense. Sun HW also used \_ let me tell you something. The biggest mistake SUN ever made was terminate its Solaris x86 program back in 2000. Since then, Linux took off. -SUN guy who is trying to sell Solaris10 everyday. to be quality, of course since the U-Sparc 5/10 days this is no longer true. HP-UX is basically dead, has been since the late 90s. I just think it's really lame that in the year 2004 I have to recompile the stupid kernel to get something like UDMA to work. In some ways, Linux sucks because it's just a rehash of 30 year old tecnology on cheap commodity hardware. I mean, shouldn't there be something better than what's essentially just glorified UNIX? In all the years with Linux I haven't really seen anything that really was groundbreaking in terms of kernel dev. I mean, wtf was Torvaldis smoking when he decided he was too lazy to implement a modular structure to the kernel, and why hasn't this been corrected in the 15 odd years that Linux has been around? \_ What Torvalds was smoking when he decided he was too lazy to implement a modular structure in the kernel: http://csua.org/u/ale You may bitch, but history shows him to be correct. \_ "correct"... Linux has become more modular over time, and other OSes haven't sacrificed their modular design at the altar of Linus. What exactly was he "correct" about? That linux beat minix? Big whoop. \_ Hah, exactly my point. It's like saying that the Chinese had stopped charging families for the bullet they execute prisoners with. Going from the Americans had stopped genociding people for human rights, freedom and democracy. Going from crap to not so crappy isn't exactly innovation. \_ the bigger picture is not about technical superiority. and i was hoping you guys notice that when Windows captured 98% of the OS market while argueably it is the worse major OS on the market right now. \_ No, the point was that Windows 98 was backwards compatible with Windows 95 which was backwards compatible with Windows 3.11, etc. Now Linux version 2.6.6 isn't even fucking compatible with Linnux version 2.6.5. That's progress? \_ Man, this whole thread could be summarised as: OP is upset that Linux community doesn't care about 3rd party drivers, and many CSUAers continue to deride Linux for not being enough like X \in { BSD, Solaris, DomainOS, ... }. |
2004/12/28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Security] UID:35455 Activity:high |
12/28 I have access to a large supply of psx, n64 and snes...besides games are there any good uses for these consoles? Are there ways to use them for parallel computing or educational purposes? -scottyg \- see e.g. http://arrakis.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ps2/cluster.php i wonder if they were able to buy the hardware subsidized. --psb \_ got any spare saturns? Want to sell one? -aspo \_sure, go to http://www.squaredealonline.com -scottyg \_ 50 bucks??? That isn't so square. \_ Check ebay, Saturns are having a bit of a revival. I'll be putting mine up soon, with games, if you're interested. -jrleek \- see e.g. http://arrakis.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ps2/cluster.php i wonder if they were able to buy the hardware subsidized. --psb \_ got any spare saturns? Want to sell one? -aspo |
2004/12/26-27 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:35445 Activity:nil |
12/26 Anyone who has written device drivers for Windows and Linux befor? I would like to know your opinions on what are difficulties for mediocre programmers to get started on writing device drivers for Linux. lack of IDE tools? lack of tutrial code segment? thx -kngharv \_ I have written file system drivers for both, and have written some USB/serial filter drivers for Windows. What would you specifically like to know? -williamc \_ cool. I'll email you for things I want to know. for those who are interested in the subject, let me know so i put you in the loop. |
2004/11/19-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:34991 Activity:high |
11/19 http://tinyurl.com/64f2b (cnn.com) Microsoft Warns Linux lawsuits. \_ Which crack pipe did Balmer smoke from when he made this announcement? What total FUD. \- I like: "Nobody ever knows who built open-source software!" \- I like: "Nobody ever knows who built open-source software!"--psb \_ In some ways this is true. Do you really know who wrote your linux ethernet driver, or who was resp. for the png library that mozilla uses? You could probably find out with some work for most things, but there are lots of bits and pieces that are completely unattributed. \_ Actually, it's funny. I once had what I thought was a buggy Freebsd ethernet driver, and it wasn't very hard to find out the exact person responsible, mail him, and get a reply (ultimately I had a hardware problem). That's not something I could have done with MS. -- ilyas \_ Personally I prefer OSS, I've had to debug lots of things (squid, tomcat, nfs, ...) and it was much easier on FreeBSD/Linux b/c I had the source. However, many of the src files were completely unattriubted and even the project leaders didn't quite know how some of the stuff worked. It wasn't like OSS was any better than M$ (or other comm. vendors). \- it's not like there is any liability that attaches to msft if their os is unreliable. "who cares".--psb to msft if their os is unreliable. "who cares". to msft if their os is unreliable, so "who cares". i think far more significantly msft code base is so large, they are the ones with problems tracking things down due to complexity. --psb \_ Seconded. MS was actually pretty cooperative with my last client, although they have a small country organization, and the client is the 800lbs gorilla here. The best actual business-valid reason I can get out of most management against OSS is "there's no one to sue", which is bunkum--I've never known this to be the case. The more appropriate phrase is "no one ever got fired for hiring IBM." It's purely a psychological safety blanket for the "more expensive must mean it's better" crowd. I'm currently working with a big outfit considering an OSS solution both on its technical merits, and on the idea that, if something is broken, they can hire someone to come fix it... -John |
2004/11/12 [Computer/HW/Drives, Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:34853 Activity:moderate |
11/12 Dual boot question: I had a hard drive set up with dual boot. XP and Linux. I had problems with the Windows partition. I got a new hard drive. I connected the new hard drive and set it as the slave drive. I went into setup and set it to boot from the slave drive (the new one). I then reinstalled XP on the new drive. Oops. My boot loader on the original drive got overwritten. The Linux partition is still there, but I can't boot to Linux. I need to resetup my dual boot. I would like to have 2 options when I turn on my computer. One option would boot to my Linux partition on my original hard disk (now set as the master). The other option would be to boot to XP on the new hard disk (now set as the slave). I think I want to go into setup and have it boot from the master, and then use my Red Hat CD to resetup the boot loader. But I'm not really sure what I'm doing and I don't want to screw things up. I don't want to reinstall Linux. I simply want to fix the boot loader. Please help! \_ You are already on the right track. You can boot either from the first install CD or you can use the .iso image for the emergency cd. It will guide you through mounting your existing RedHat partition. You can then use either grub or lilo to reinstall the bootblock on the master CD... but you will need to make changes to either your lilo.conf or grub.conf to tell it to book XP from the other drive now instead. Once you finish that, you can go back into the bios and tell it to boot from the primary hd again. \_ You should have installed XP first, then Linux. Windows loves to scribble over the boot partition of every disk it can find. Having said that, if you want to avoid having to reinstall Linux, you will need to boot from a linux boot floppy. At least, that was the only thing I could figure out to do when I was in your boat. Maybe one of these 3l33+3 linux hackers has a better way. \_ Well, I don't need to install Linux. I only need to setup the boot loader. Are you sure this is the same situation you were in? Windows is installed on one drive. Linux on another. And I just want to modify the boot loader, not install anything. \_ When you installed Windows XP it overwrote the MBR on your Linux drive, so no you don't really have Linux installed right now. You have a partial linux installation, that you need to repair. I don't know how to do that. \_ This is far too much spew for a simple question. Why do we need to see useless details about your disks and blah blah? Anyway just boot using the floppy and run the lilo tool or whatever. \_ The problem I've always had with dual-booting is that if one disk goes bad, it can be a real pain to get the other up in isolation. If you're using the Grub bootloader, I know you can install windows to drive 0, take it out, then put your linux drive in as 0 and install Linux. Then put the windows drive back in as drive 1. You can then boot to Linux and set up grub such that when you boot to your windows drive, your windows drive is tricked into believeing it is drive 0. This setup is a bit of work initially, but I've found it to be very robust. If you're interested, I can tell you how to set up grub. -jrleek (!Linux guru) |
2004/11/4-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34670 Activity:nil |
11/4 Is it feasible to attach a sun storedge A1000 to a linux box? I'd really like to. \_ I heard some people have done it. However, there is no Linux software to either configure or monitor it. So, if your RAID LUNs are not setup you first need to connect it to a Sun box running a supported version of Solaris and RAID Manager (TM) including all the recommended OS and firmware patches for A1000 and configure it the way you like. Then you might be able to connect it to a Linux box. Also, setting up the LUNs with logical numbers other than 0 is probably asking for problems. |
2004/11/4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34651 Activity:nil |
11/04 Any book recommendation on overall view of Linux Kernels? I don't I dont' need source-code level detail, but I would like to know things like how device driver works in Linux, etc. Thx \_ Don't know about books, but http://kernelmapper.osdn.com is pretty cool. -John |
2004/11/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34619 Activity:low |
11/3 Is it just me or does Adobe Acrobat tend to go apeshit in Mozilla on Linux? I've also noticed than on WinXP it stays running even after I close the page that was using it \_ Are you using Acrobat 6.0 Reader? If you are, downgrade to 5.0. 6.0 has a lot of problems, period. \_ Acrobat 6 doesn't exist for Linux. \_ For Acrobat6, I urge you go to the "plug_ins" directory and get rid of all but EWH32.api and Search.api plugins. This will speed up the start up time by an order of magnitude and enhance the stability of the reader. google for detail. \_ I've had issues under Windows as well (with 6.0). Works fine since I told it to not check for upgrades. -John \_ It seems like the latest Linux version (5.0.9) seems to have serious problems on all recent Linux distributions (i have used it on Fedora and RHEL). It uses up lots of CPU, crashes, fails to format documents properly, etc. It still doesn't seem to have problems on older distributions such as RedHat 7.3. Maybe it has to do with the new kernel or the http://x.org stuff.. \_ If that's the case then it most likely is a libc version problem. I know that precompiled binaries on older commercial software tends to break between RH 8 and RH 9. I would install the backwards compatible libc versions, I think there was an rpm for that, do a websearch on the topic. |
2004/10/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34002 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 Anyone recommendations on a decent 64-bit linux distro? \_ There aren't very many, and the ones there are seem immature. Yer hozed. \_ SuSE 9 isn't half bad. Several of our customers are using it and seem to like it. RH EL 3.0 is okay as well. |
2004/9/28-30 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:33821 Activity:low |
9/29 Which webcam should I get for easy use with linux (Debian)? \_ Get a webcam that outputs normal NTSC composite, get a BT848/ BT87[89] based board. Done. \_ There must be a better solution. This adds at least $50, requires opening the case, and had an unnecessary D->A->D stage. \_ Do everybody a favor (this it the perfect opportunity): call Logitech, or Microsoft, or whoever you're interested in, and ask this same question. Flatter, say you've heard good things about their product, and ask which one works best with linux (and FreeBSD). Feel free to be shocked if they can't answer you. \_ I hate logitech. They no longer makes just the windows driver downloadable. To get the driver, you have to download a fucking 50mb executable which installs a shit load of crap on your computer, anyone know of any webcam that provides just the driver?? |
2004/9/28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:33811 Activity:high |
9/28 I am trying to get fault address and ip(instruction pointer) information in a signal handler under Linux. I know how to do this, but it doesn't seem to work under linux (redhat 7 & 8). Are there any special tricks? --jwm \_ The code I am using to test is in ~jwm/sigtest.c --jwm \_ I use the following to get the instruction pointer for an timer based profiler I had to write: void profile_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *uap) { // grab the old pc from the user context // this is x86 linux specific crap ucontext_t *context = (ucontext_t *)uap; greg_t pc = context->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP]; ... } I know this works on debian and some variants of redhat. I hope this helps. --twohey. \_ I should add that I setup the signal handler using sigemptyset, sigaddset, and sigaction. --twohey \_ This is perfect, thank you. --jwm |
2004/9/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:33510 Activity:nil |
9/13 What is the deal with redhat using local7 for the boot.log ? I thought localX was supposed to be for me to use, not the system. (I've hardware that will only log to to local7 and it is annoying to have the boot stuff mixed up in there). If i change initlog.conf to say local6, that will do the trick right? Can I make that take effect without rebooting? |
2004/9/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:33481 Activity:kinda low |
9/12 For those who use LaTeX, what do you use to create diagrams of vector graphics? I don't want to insert a bitmap if I don't have to. \_ I make all my graphics in Adobe Illustrator, then save them as .eps and include them in the document with \figure. I also include graphs from various other programs, and I just make sure they're all exported as .eps files. \_ I've always used MS Visio. If you have access to it, you should try it. It's very easy to use, surprisingly powerful, and you can export to a variety of formats, including .eps. \_ Have used Illustrator, Visio, and OS X's OmniGraffle, all of which work just fine and are recommended. \_ I used xfig... "unique" UI and all. --dbushong \_ tgif is a lot nicer than xfig. -- ilyas \_ http://www.linuxartist.org/2d.php Look in the "vector programs" section \_ http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue41/gm/musings.html |
2004/8/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:32739 Activity:nil |
8/6 Switch to linux: http://www.ubergeek.tv/article.php?pid=54 |
2004/8/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:32702 Activity:high |
8/4 Lunar landing computer: 74kb: http://www.abc.net.au/science/moon/computer.htm \_ Does anyone else think the switches in the picture look somewhat rude? \_ Those switches serve dual purposes. Why else do you think they are installed at mouth level? |
2004/8/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:32646 Activity:nil 66%like:32625 57%like:32529 66%like:32504 |
8/2 Kool-aid for Linux: http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-5293915.html |
2004/8/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:32632 Activity:very high |
8/2 Linux newbie question, for dual boot is it better to install on one partitioned HD, or an entirely separate HD? \_ It's better to install vmware. But if you must dual boot, it's definitely better on a separate HD. -tom \_ It's not better to install vmware. It depends on what your needs are. \_ vmware sux for games; some of us play games newer than nethack. \_ You and the other anti-tom person above better get a clue. tom has spoken. The Final Word on linux dual boot has been heard. All hail! \_ separate hd is easier and gives you the option to take the drive out and stick it into a dedicated system later on. \_ Follow-up newb question, any distro recommendations? I'm waffling between Debian (I like the idea of ease of updates and upgrades) and Slackware (simplicity can be good, but maybe too "raw" for a newb?). \_ You're interested in Debian and you think *Slackware* is too raw? \_ Learn to walk before you can run. Install fedora core 2 and get used to linux before trying something like debian or slackware (Debain is a much better choice than slackware though). \_ If he's new, he's new. Fedora/RH9+ won't be any easier than Debian or anything else. He's still going to have to read a zillion man pages and google everything. He should start with what he wants to end with and not waste time learning other unrelated noise. |
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