Computer SW OS Linux - Berkeley CSUA MOTD
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Computer:SW:OS:Linux:
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Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2001/6/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:21579 Activity:nil
6/19    H3Y D00D5, C0M3 V073 4 L1NUX 1N 7H15 K3WL P0LL!
        I think the Linux company will make the kewlest OS!
2001/6/5-9/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:21423 Activity:nil
5/30    The CSUA now has a Debian mirror, which should be nice for
        those of you on campus net. See ~galen/sources.list for apt thingies.
2001/5/30 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:21392 Activity:nil
5/30    I've lost my Linux kernel and my boot disk, what to do now?   -Yuri
        \- go to disneyland
        \_ Ugh. At least that's better than "How to...?", I think.
        \_ boot off your linuxcare wallet cdrom?
2001/5/22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:21320 Activity:high
5/21    how did riding bike and using linux ever come about to be associated
        with each other?
        \_ Most bike riders are linux users.
           \_ you must be joking.  is there evidence for this?
        \_ Feeb
           \_ So you don't know either, eh?
        \_ I made the association last year and turned it into a joke after
           getting sick and tired of seeing both camps spewing their self-
           righteous propoganda on the motd everyday.  It only took about 2
           months to catch on and the linux bigots and holier-than-thou bike
           riders to stfu.  Who I am isn't important.
           \_ Bullshit. Linux users and bike riders aren't the only culprit
              of this crime nor are they the most guilty. I've seen Mac
              zealots far more vocal than any other Linux users out their
              at "preaching" their "holier-than-thou" propoganda. The Linux
              questions I've seen were just that - questions on how to do
                        \_ come on, what does it mean?
                           \_ I ll give you a hint.  The first two letters
                              stand for 'silly troll.'
              something which, most of the time, was not really a Linux
              question at all but a general Unix question. I've been lectured
              all about how great Windows and Macs are from people who don't
              know what the hell they're talking about than from Linux users
              who do. Personally, I'd rather have all the lame "I'M A COOL
              FOR A HOT E-BIZ SOFTWARE STARTUP" people to stfu.
           \_ What OS do you recommend?
                \_ I don't push my religion on other people.  Whatever works
                   best for your particular needs.
           \_ what does stfu mean?
                \_ shut the fuck up
2001/4/25 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:21095 Activity:high 50%like:22658
4/24    what's up with putting linux ISOs on Soda???
        \_ D00D GN00/11NSUX RUL3Z! 50D4 W111 500N B3 RUNN1NG 11NSUX!
        \_ um, just because _you_ don't use linux, doesnt mean other
           people don't use it either.  afaict, the .isos are on
  (not soda) - if there
           are any other iso's floating around these aren't the ones
           i put up - paolo
           \_ why'd you pick red hat and not, say, Mandrake 8?
              and why not a FreeBSD download?
              \_ 4.3, redhat, debian, slack are there.  mandrake upcoming.
                 - paolo.
                 \_ Why is soda wasting disk space on this 11NSUX crap?
                    If we have all this "disk space" lying around increase
                    the damn quotas to 100 MB or something.
                 \_ How about mirroring OpenBSD as well? Some of us use
                    real OSes not this toy crap you are talking about.
                    \_ try v4d1m claims to have
                       it mirrored there.  I leave it to you, the obsd
                       afficionado to check for yourself - paolo.
                       \_ man, you don't spell so good.
                       \_ what is the url for the mirror page?
              \_ because despite mikeh's work for the csua in making
                 freebsd available and advertising this to the vp, the
                 vp doesnt care about anything that isnt what the vp runs.
                 \_ the vp will run what the vp believes is best for the CURRENT
                    interests of the UNDERGRADS in CS/EECS to run. Needless
                    to say, the fact that the machine in question is
                    being actively used by 162 and research code now,
                    whereas is was unused before, proves my point.  Seriously
                    guys, you guys are alums (mikeh included).  You have
                    your own boxes at work or at home, which are much
                    more powerful than ours.  Why begrudge a current students
                    their choice in OSes, for the projects that they want to
                    work on? - paolo
                 \_ soda will be converted to linux eventually, probably
                    redhat too.
                    \_ Bad troll, bad.
                 \_ um. there is a 4.3-install iso on there, You know
                    what?  if you have an issue with my work, email me,
                    Anonymous complaints will be ignored.
                    - paolo
2001/3/17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20831 Activity:nil
3/16    The government of Mexico City has announced that it will switch
        the municipal computer system over to the Linux operating system
        and use other open-source software. The city's technical
        coordinator told the newspaper Reforma that the municipality
        would save millions of dollars "that are spent, in my opinion,
        unnecessarily on software." The savings will reportedly be used
        to fund the city's social programs.
        \-time for /usr/mexico again? --psb
2001/3/13-14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20763 Activity:high
3/12    So Redhat (rhat) is currently running about 6.  I bought at the end
        of the opening day near the all time high because I wanted to do my
        part to contribute to the movement.  Do you think it's ok if I sell
        now?  Also, was giving away shares to favored sons of the movement as
        a way to reward them for their revolutionary work a good incentive for
        budding counter-culturalists of the future to pay the rent with
        thoughts of giving away their work for free?
        \_ Why buy their stock if you like the company, instead of buying
           their product?
        \_ I thought redhat was past 6 up to versoin 7.0 of somehting
           \_ Didn't Jeff Bezos say the opposite? Buy Amazon products, not
              Amazon stocks.  --Moron
        \_ I thought redhat was past 6 up to versoin 7.0 of somehting --Moron
                \_ stock price
                   \_ what about stock price? --Moron
        \_ What kind of moron signs his/her name "Moron"?
        \_ What kind of moron signs his/her name "Moron"? --Moron
2001/3/12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20756 Activity:insanely high
3/11    What if in some alternate universe in the future Linux prevails and
troll   Microsoft is utterly non-existent. What would current Linux users dO?
        Cuz God forbid they use what everyone else will be using. Who will
        they start bashing?
        \_ Where's the self-appointed troll-marking-troll when you need him?
           \_ Sorry. I've been taking an motd vacation recently.
                                      \_ a.
        \_ bad troll! no donut!
        \_ redhat
        \_ BSD, Apple, Playstation 4.
        \_ Each other. It will be like the WWF, one distro vs. another.
2001/2/23 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:20660 Activity:nil
2/22    Could someone outline the steps you need
        to do to take a dvd movie and cram it into an
        mpeg in linux or windows?
        \_ get a vob extractor, get a vob to mpeg encoder.
2001/2/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Security] UID:20637 Activity:nil
        Potentially major security hole in linux kernels up through 2.2.18
        \_ Shocking.  A security hole in a linux kernel... who wooda thunk it?
        \_ no. it is _all_ kernels, we verified this last night
           you want to change, in /usr/src/linux/sysctl.c (around line
           1125, the line that reads int l, len to size_t l, len. - paolo
2001/2/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:20508 Activity:nil
2/5     Someone below posted that Linus hates firewire.  Is this person serious?
        Does anyone here know anything bad about firewire?  (everything i have
        heard has been very positive). What? (added for those "yes"/"no" S.A.s.)
        \_ Well there was that $1 fee apple wanted and then quietly dropped.
           Some people complain that the developer docs and the spec are
           hard to obtain (okay, its a IEEE standard, but I've still heard
           complaints on line).
           And then there's the USB 2.0 crowd that feels that Firewire is
           a pansy mac thing.
           Here are some articles:
           BTW, I'm all for firewire. It kicks major arse. If poor little
           Linus and his UNIX clone LinSUX don't want to get in on this
           technology, he can stick to his crappy peecee. I don't run his
           OS nor will I in the near future.
        \_ Linus made disparaging comments about Firewire in the past, but
           the Linux 2.4 kernel supposedly supports Firewire:
2001/1/24 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20412 Activity:nil
1/22    Linux q: I'm not sure if this is specific to RH but why do the
        runlevel directories contain redundant entries? For example,
        Why do I see links to inet in rc3.d, rc4.d, and rc5.d?
        \_ On Linux you are not required to always go through runlevel 2 to
           get to 3, and so on. Runlevels are independent and you can change
           to any one directly. That's why it makes sense this way. --Galen
2001/1/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20255 Activity:high
1/5     Linux 2.4.0 is out.
        \_ /csua/tmp/alexf/linux-2.4.0.tar.gz
           help yourself
           \_ Linux is gay.
           \_ It's ben hax0rd!@1
              \_ Isn't that hard to check the checksums ya know...
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2000/12/25-27 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20168 Activity:nil
12/23   Linuxmas gifts for your favourite sysadmin:
        for your linux (or linux hating) sysadmin:
        \_ sorry for the formatting, and the long urls, but you really don't
           want to go thru their javascript/grphics only site.
           \_ The "I See Dumb People" one is great.
2000/12/21-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20148 Activity:nil
12/20   Still looking for agpgart.o from a recently built linux box.  Please
        leave a copy in /tmp or a URL I can grab it from.  Thanks!  (And
        please don't delete this again).
        \_ Why not build it yourself? (And yes, this thread will be deleted ..)
                \_ Because I don't have a linux box.  I just need one little
                   file.  I don't have an extra box sitting around just doing
                   nothing waiting for me to install an entire OS just to get
                   one file.  Thank you for being so helpful and friendly
                   about such a minor and tiny request.
2000/12/20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:20137 Activity:nil
12/19   I need the agpgart.o kernel module from a Linux kernel version
2000/12/14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20095 Activity:very high
        \_ linux + windows in our armed forces, I pray that we don't
           \_ anagrams: slow unix wind
           have to fight a major war in the next few years.
           \_ Need FragOS
           \_ Windows?  The article doesn't mention it.
              \_ the navy has already standardized on NT server for most
                 \_ There are no battleships.  You mean "warships".
                 \_ Almost.
                 \_ Oooo.  That's why they got bombed in Yemem ......
        \_ new proposed MOTD convention: place all URLs on a line by
           themselves with no other text so we can triple-click to highlight.
           \_ Those of us who want people to click our links already do that.
           \_ I triple click (or hell, highlight the entire paragraph) and hit
              F8, which pulls the contents of the X cut buffer, matches the
              first URL in it, and starts (or opens a new window for)
              netscape to that URL... works just fine for me.
           \_ Use something stupid like gnometerm which makes links out of
              URLs for you.
                        \_ motdbrowser
2000/12/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19996 Activity:high
12/4    What would cause a SIGBUS on linux x86? The classical misaligned memory
        access doesn't. Post a minimal C snippet if possible.
        \_ Using a shared memory mapping to write past the last page of
           a file:

             int f = mkstemp(strdup("/tmp/sigbus.XXXXXX"));
             char *x = mmap(0, 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, f, 0);
             *x = 0;

           (If you really want to do that, use ftruncate(2) to extend the
           file before you write to it.)  --mconst
           (If you want to do that, use ftruncate(2) to extend the file
           before you write to it.)  --mconst
           \_ this sounds like a protection problem, because you're hitting
              part of the addr space that's not mapped. why does it produce
              a sigbus? -ali
              \_ It is mapped -- that mmap call maps 4K, regardless of how
                 big the file is.  If we'd used MAP_PRIVATE, then that 4K
                 region would be backed by swap, and the code would work
                 fine; but with MAP_SHARED, the region is backed directly
                 by the file.  Since you can't change the length of a file
                 with mmap, there's no backing store for anything you write
                 past the end of the file.

                 This means that nothing you write past the end of the file
                 will be saved.  You can try it: create a file with some data,
                 mmap it, and write to a few bytes just past the end of the
                 file.  As long as you stay within the last page of the file,
                 your writes will succeed but they'll be silently discarded
                 when the page is written out to disk.

                 Unfortunately, writing past the end of a file is a common
                 programming error.  Although it would be hard for the kernel
                 to detect this in general, it's easy to check for writes
                 beyond the last page of the file -- so linux does, and sends
                 you SIGBUS when it happens.  --mconst
        \_ netscape.  Not minimal, though.  Sorry.
           \_ thus the inquiry
                \_ In netscape's case, usually kill(pid, SIGBUS) after it
                   detects a fatal error & wants the "talkback" error catching
                   & mailing software to run.
                   \_ the talkback software executes the same command
                      on itself just before doing anything useful.
        \_ how about kill -s SIGBUS <pid>?
           \_ funny. cough. funny. and it's "kill -BUS pid" on a lot of systems
2000/12/4-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19988 Activity:moderate
12/4    Debian users: anyone brave enough to run unstable?  How is it? -randal
        \_ its usually pretty good.
        \_ unstable is pretty stable.  apt-get update a few times, just be
        warned that the packages maybe updated rather frequently.  - paolo
        (note that 2.4 doesn't have a .deb for it yet, so you'll still be on
        the 2.2x branch)
        \_ It's been great for me.  Just follow the packages that give you
           trouble, installing the minimum necessary.  Don't use apt-get
           upgrade unless you have the time to sort out random problems!
           You'll just start the new-package churn all over again.  After
           a few weeks, things should settle and your box be good-n-stable.
        \_ It is "stable" enough to run on your desktop box. But it is
              \_ Unless we put warning labels on Guns how will people know?
                 I mean some kindly old lady got burned by hot coffee at
                 MickeyD's; think of what will happen with Guns!?! Oh the
           not the best OS to run on a production server of any sort since
           it is a work in progress and it is changing on a daily basis.
           \_ This goes without saying for any "unstable" release.  This is
              like saying, "Playing Russian Roulette with an automatic weapon
              is likely to lead to head trauma".
                \_ Colorful turn of phrase.  My compliments.
2000/11/7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19660 Activity:moderate
11/6    How do I force the speed and duplex of a ethernet device
        to 100BaseT Full-Duplex under Linux?
        \_ put the line:
           options eth0 options=48
           in /etc/conf.modules and reboot. I have no idea how to do it
           if networking is not a module. -ausman
        \_ This is one stupidity of linux that I hate.
           Here is how you do it in lilo:  Add this line to the
           "image =..." block:
        \_ Perhaps I should have been more specific. Is there a way to
           do this a runtime like on Solaris, *BSD or IOS?
           \_ Only if you insert the ethernet module into the kernel.
              This is why it is a stupidity of linux that I hate.
              I don't know exactly how to do this, possibly something like
              insmod eepro100.o options="ether=0,0,0x30,eth0", but you'll
              need to read up on it.  --PeterM
2000/11/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19655 Activity:kinda low
11/6    I've heard that RedHat has an automated update agent similar
        to Debian.  Is the RH update agent free?  If so where do I
        get it.  If it isn't free, how much does it cost?  Thanks.
        \_ Why do you want to pay for Red Hat's service when you're familiar
           with Debian's?  I also have the impression that RHSN just applies
           updates that RedHat issues to fix bugs/holes... I don't think it
           does anything like what apt does under Debian (which keeps all
           packages up to date whether broken or not, among other things).  Is
           that true?
        \_ The agent is free but the subscription service is not.
                \_ well no DUH! Internet is free, but the subscription isn't
                   Cable TV is free, but the subscription isn't
                        \_ Not even close
                   Telephone is free, but the subscription isn't
                        \_ Only for cell phones
                   Berkeley is free, but the tuition isn't.
                        \_ Tuition is free at Berkeley for in-state students.
                           What you pay are "non-tuition campus fees".
                   Stupid oxymoron
                        \_ tom that you?
2000/10/26-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19576 Activity:moderate
10/26   On a redhat 6.2 box i can't even ping even though ifconfig
        shows that both my interfaces are up and assigned i.p addresses.
        What could be wrong?
        \_ Muhahahahaha!
        \_ D00d you're using redhat.  How 'bout some nice BSD?
        \_ Where is a 3133T GN00/L1NUX H@X0R5 when you need one?
           \_ their network stack is so fucked, they can't login to another
              to respond to your pathetic cries for help.
        \_ Please don't erase this, dammit.  RH6.2 doesn't install inetd by
           default.  You need to install that rpm to offer any services.-mogul
                \_ while this is true, it's not the problem; "ping" is not
                   a service offered out of inetd.  If you can't ping
         , your configuration is wrong, either no lo0 or
                   routing fucked.  -tom
                   \_ ipf can be used to reject ICMP on all interfaces.
                      Oh, I forgot that this was 3133T GN00/L1NUX.
                   \_ I have brought down all interfaces brought back up lo
                       routing is correct, and i've killed basically every
                       process.  I'm afraid this is a problem with the kernel.
                       time to reinstall (i feel like i'm using microsoft).
                        \_ the only possible kernel problem, unless you've
                           screwed around with it yourself, is lack of support
                           for your ethernet card.  -tom
           \_ D00D U R ! 3133T 1F U N33D TH3 R00T P@55WD F0R H15 GN00/L1NUX B0X.
        \_ What error does ping give you?  Tried ping -n?  Post ifconfig
           and route output.  Or, even better, post the IP and root password
           on motd -- I'll fix it.
2000/10/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19434 Activity:moderate
10/7    want a good laugh?
        \_ that page shoul be called UnixMyths.asp (since they compare vs. unix)
           and claim that linux descends from unix and has all of unix problems.
            \_ Don't you know?  RedHat == Linux == UNIX.
               \_ And Redhat started the open source movement! Yes, I believe
                  everything I read!
        \_ Didn't some guys at IBM cobble together a big multiprocessor
           box (~156 processors) and get it to outperform a cray while
           running a copy of redhat Linux as the OS? Lets see someone do
           that with NT.
2000/9/27-28 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19338 Activity:high
9/26     If I have lots of $$ and I want to buy a good laptop for running
         both windows98/ME and Linux, what should I go for?
         \_ PowerBook
         \_ IBM Thinkpads are nice in this area. All the ones I've seen have
            great Linux support, are built like tanks, and have nice keyboards.
            I have a 240, and even the built in winmodem works (though it can
            make things unstable) The new T and X series look really nice.
            If I had lots of money, I'd grab an X series box. Yum. -ajani
        \_ I'm in a simliar position (well, not *too* much money)... nobody
           recommends Vaio's for this purpose?
           \_ Sony VAIO is good. I'm running Linux on three of them. --dim
                 \_ How do you rate them in general?  I'm thinking of buying
                    one, haven't heard much outside of ads.  -sax
              \_ Anyone know when the Transmeta VAIOs are coming out?
                 \_ ask jeffwong, he works there.
                 \_ Don't bother, transmeta's technology is a big yawn.
                    I can give more details why on request.  -nweaver
           \_ am running linux and win2k on a n505-ve is working fine, except
              the winmodem is a rockwell and won't work under linux - ibms
                have lucent winmodems which do work under linux. - paolo
         \_ Dell Inspirons run Linux well.  They're heavy, though.
                \_ Yes, but does anyone know how to disable that damn
                   BEEP?  (can't be done in the bios)
                   \_ Which Inspiron do you have?  The 7000 doesn't beep.
        \_ I am buying Stinkpad 600X and Vaio picturebooks (the Crusoe
           ones, just cause I am curious) for work.  Stinkpads are
           great, and I believe that IBM now officially supports
           Leenux on them.  -John
        \_ Any opinions on Dell Inspiron 3800 ? -eric
           \_ 2 hour battery life, 7 lbs., so-so screens, good Linux.
              The principal developer here ordered 8 a few months ago
              for general use.  You know they just came out with the 4000.
           \_ I recently got one and I like it.  The screen is ok, imho.
              Dual pointers is a nice touch.  Linux & FreeBSD work nicely
              (except for sound).   I got mine very cheap ($1350 for 600Mhz
              with minimum ram and hdd) -- there was weirdness in Dell
              order system.
2000/9/23-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19313 Activity:low
9/21    Is it possible to insert something into the stdin of a console? I.e.,
        I am root, and I want the OS (linux in this case) to think that I
        just typed something into a certain virtual console. Not interested
        in "what do you need *this* for? i bet there's another way to do it,
        but you're just too dumb to know about it", and similar responses.
        \_ look at the /dev/vcs* devices and /dev/tty[0-9].
           \_ foo > /dev/ttyX *displays* the output on console X, but whatever
              program is reading it as stdin doesn't actually see it.
        \_ I think there was a security problem in some program a while back
           involving the possibility of sending certain escape codes which
           would insert data into the input stream. If you check archives of
           bugtraq et al you might find what the codes are. --Galen
        \_ TIOCSTI ioctl
           \_ care to decipher "TIOCSTI"?
              \_ I don't know what "STI" stands for, but if you look at
                 linux/drivers/char/tty_io.c, that ioctl makes a particular
                 tty receive a single character; it takes a pointer to the
                 character as argument.  See ioctl(2).  Linux terminal ioctls
                 are way undocumented.  Example in ~schoen/ioctl-demo.c will
                 run "ls" on tty1 on 2.0.36.  -- schoen
2000/9/21-22 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19306 Activity:nil
9/20    Is there an easy way (on a linux box) to see what process is
        controlling what port?  [Port 53 is still opened on my computer
        but i thought that 1.) Bind 8 was no longer using port 53 and 2.)
        named is running as a user (named) who shouldn't have permissions
        to use low number ports, right?]
        \_ 1) no.  2) no.
           \_ 2 is not done by default, but you should definitely do it.
              Simply: move all your slave domain cache files to a subdir
              and chown it writeable by user/group "bind" (or whatever).
              Then run named -u bind -g bind.  Voila.
                \_ And then check port 53.
        \_ lsof (RTFM for details)
        \_ Use windows!
2000/9/7-8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19198 Activity:kinda low
9/6     In a linux machine, how I can tell how fast the CPU(s) is and how
        much memory there is? dmesg doesnt always work because it scrolls
        it off due to kernel messages. dont have physical access to machine.
        \_ redhat stores the boot dmesg in formation in /var/log/dmesg -ERic
        \_ cat /proc/cpuinfo, cat /proc/meminfo - paolo
        \_ the bogomips rating is an excellent measure of system performance.
           and it is avaialble through dmesg. -ali
                \_ Uhm, they call it "bogo"mips for a reason.
2000/8/30-2001/4/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:19128 Activity:nil
12/19   I have a brand-new pre-installed linux box from penguin and it is
        running something on port 945; what?
        I rebooted and it moved to port 946!  What could this be!?!
        \_ it might be an rpc service, as they tend to move around
           from privileged port to privileged port. try rpcinfo -p
           localhost.  but in general you want to scrutinize and
           lock down any new linux box you get from a vendor (incl.
           turning off everything in /etc/inetd.conf, any bogus
           daemons, etc.) there is no telling what could be running
           on that port. -brg
        \_ lsof -i:946
        Also, is there a place like penguin to get pre-installed BSD boxes?
        \_ <DEAD><DEAD>
        \_ <DEAD><DEAD>  --dbushong
2000/8/19-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:19041 Activity:moderate
8/18    I want to build a CPU load monitor a la the BeBox. Basically its
        a string of leds that light up depending on the current load. Any
        ideas where I should start looking for information on building this
        \_ What platform?  If Unix, there are already tons of similar
           utilities -- search freshmeat for "load monitor", select
           the one you like most or change the source if you want
           your own eye candy.
           \_ i'm looking for something that controls actual leds
              via a serial port or something.
              via a serial port or something. Its for my Linux machine.
                 and other files in the same directory
                 \_ thanks, this was exactly what I wanted.
2000/8/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18987 Activity:very high
8/14    I have a RED-HATE linux 6.2 box with a few users (none of whom are
        supposed to have root) and the userid's in the password
        file keep getting screwed up.  e.g. i log in a john
        but my uid is lisa's.  I fix it in the passwd file and
        i come back in a week and joe loggs on and has Randy's uid.
        What could be causing it?  What should i do?
        \_ Linux 6.2 does not exist. -<DEAD><DEAD>
        \_ post /etc/shadow here
                 \_SURE, but isn't it better if i send it you personally
                    What's your login? - top
        \_ Must be a virus.  Reinstall.
           \_ I've tries reinstalling twice, and it hasn't made any
              difference.  are you sure it's a virus -- it's starting
              to seem unlikely to me.
                \_ Oh god.... I was being sarcastic.  Go install windows or
                   a real unix.
        \_ Did you install 6.2 or did you upgrade to 6.2?  RH upgrade
           was broken last time I used it.  Upgrading made many
           weird things happen like user id's getting messed up,
           LaTeX not working, etc. -emin
            \_ hmm, seems like i'm not the only one with this (I had
               thought VERY WIERD) problem. I have NOT tried reinstall.
               There is a database and many other apps on this box and I
               don't even want to THINK about reinstalling.  Perhaps RH
               or someone has some docs on this prob. since it seems
               rampant.  Who knows where to look for that? -top
2000/8/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18922 Activity:high
8/8     I have a linux box running firewall/nat connected to my dsl
        line. It also serves a few web pages, mail and ssh logins.
        Is it safe to mount (nfs client) user home directories from
        my internal file server? I have the appropriate ports filtered
        by the firewall for incoming traffic from the internet. If
        it is unsafe, what is the recommended way to provide user
        home dirs for remote logins and /~user web pages?
        \_ dunno if you use redhat, but there's some recent NFS remote root
            exploit vulnerablities you need to patch.
            While they claim there is no known exploit, the script kiddies
            have one. -ERic
            \_ you gave it to them, didn't you ERic?
            \_ I'm not affected, I'm running RH 4.2 + patches + upgrades.
                \_ As far as you know....
2000/8/2-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18846 Activity:high
8/1     I set up IP masquerading and it works for my intranet...
        but do I need two NIC's to get it to also connect to the Internet?
        \_ You do need two network interfaces.  they dont _necessarily_
           have to be two separate physical nics, but its recommended.
           \_ Logically interfaces can put a lot of load on your system
           \_ Logical interfaces can put a lot of load on your system
              depending on how other systems are connected to it.
              \_ This is only for a week or two before my stupid ISP assigns
                 me more IP addresses. How do I create logical interfaces?
                 "route"? Pointer to a FAQ would be great.
                  \_ Its something like ifconfig <int>:<num>. man ifconfig
                     on your system. ----ranga
                     \_ are you sure? Ifconfig seems to be for configuring
                        existing network interfaces? I don't see anything
                        relating to that in the ifconfig manpage
                        "Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident
                        network interfaces."
                        \_ AFAIK, the following creates a logical interface
                           on Linux:

                           # ifconfig eth0:1 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

                           where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address. Its
                           similar on Solaris:

                           # ifconfig hme0:1 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd up

                           Don't have a Solaris machine handy to try it.
                             ifconfig eth0:1
                             SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
                             SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device
                             \_ You must have CONFIG_IP_ALIAS enabled
                                (compiled or loaded) in the kernel. --Galen
                                \_ Thanks.
                             \_ Is eth0 even the name of this person's NIC?
                                \_ Yes.
        \_ Summary: 1) Use this syntax: "ifconfig eth0:0 up",
           replacing eth0 with the obvious, on Linux or Sun. 2) On linux, you
           need CONFIG_IP_ALIAS in the kernel. 3) You are really much better
           off with a real second network card. --Galen
        \_ Summary: 1) To create a virtual interface use this syntax:
           "ifconfig eth0:0 up", replacing eth0 with the obvious, on
           Linux or Sun. 2) On linux, you need CONFIG_IP_ALIAS in the kernel.
           3) You are really much better off with a real second network card.
           \_ wrong name. If you do that on sun, you get the "real" if.
              get into the habit of using eth0:1
2000/7/31-8/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:18829 Activity:high
7/29    Reposting of Linux question (didn't catch responses before post was
        deleted) - If I mount a partition listed as "Unknown," but I mount it
        anyways, would the data get corrupted?  That is, fdisk -l shows my
        Win98 FAT32 partition as Unknown, but I type the following command:
        mount -t vfat /dev/hda /mnt/win98
        and I'm able to access it.  Please don't delete replies till Monday
        night.  Thanks.
        \_ It depends.
           \_ What does it depend on?
              \_ That depends.
                \_ Yes.
        \_ Let me guess, you are using System Commander or other bootmgr?
           The answer is: you won't corrupt the data.  System labels
           in the MBR (which fdisk shows) are basically irrelevant;
           you can change a FAT label to Xenix and still mount the
           partition -- mount doesn't read the partition table.  The labels
           are used by OSes to automatically recognize partitions in some
           cases -- e.g. DOS/Windows needs them, RedHat installer looks
           at them, but once the system is setup, all the mount info
           is retrieved from /etc/fstab.  This is all true, of course,
           if the data on your disk isn't corrupt.
                \_ Thanks much; no thanks to the wise-asses above.
                   System Commander is exactly what I'm using.  I wanted
                   to share partitions b/t 98/Linux/2000, and didn't want
                   to corrupt any data when writing from Linux.  Do you
                   know if Linux can also read and write to NTFS without
                   corrupting any data?
                   Which websites / newsgroups are good for Linux
                   configuration discussions?  RedHat's site is a little
                   \_ System Commander uses the "Unknown" label to hide
                      partitions that a particular OS shouldn't see.
                      It's because in some cases (e.g. DOS/Windows on
                      a second primary FAT partition) the OS gets
                      confused.  Linux doesn't get confused; turn off
                      the partition hiding option in the Linux boot
                      config (it's in the menu), and you'll see the real
                      MBR under Linux.
                      For sharing partitions, I recommend you use a FAT32
                      setup which can be read/written by all 3 OSes.
                      Linux could access NTFS readonly last time I checked;
                      dunno if they support writing in the latest kernels.
                      As for support sources...  Read FAQs/HOWTOs and
                      ask on comp.os.linux.setup.  After losing
                      the data on the disk 2-3 times because of some
                      mistake, you'll understand how it all works. :)
                      \_ Are there any free newsgroup servers out there?
                charges $139.65/year!
                        \_  Oh, sorry, you wanted porno.
                           \_ deja was too slow and I kept timing out.
                              Who still uses newsgroups to get porno
                              when you have web pages?  Anything faster
                              (and free)?
2000/7/31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18824 Activity:nil 80%like:18835
7/30    how do i configure dynamic ip on (redhat) linux? (my @home connection
        just went dead and i'm told by the tech support that all fremont area
        will begin to use dynamic ip's instead of static ip's... sucks...)
        \_ man dhcp
           \_ Your Linux box is a DHCP client.  Turn this on in netconf/
        \_ noooooooo.
2000/7/27-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18797 Activity:nil
7/27    Linux question: I'm mounting a FAT32 partition from RedHat.
        When I do a fdisk -l, it shows that FAT32 partition as Unknown.
        I mount it anyways, and everything seems to read fine.  If it's seen
        as Unknown, would there be any possibility of corrupting data on
        the FAT32 partition?  (I'm mounting by the following command:
        mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/win98)
        \_ Linux ignores the fs type information stored in the partition
           table. --Galen
2000/7/14-16 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18679 Activity:nil
7/14    For those interested in the recently-nuked "xterm on Linux"
        thread: the solution turned out to be "setenv TERM xterm-r6";
        in the RH termcap, "xterm" is aliased to their own non-standard
        "xterm-redhat"; thanks to those who tried to help
        \_ Thank you redhat idiots for screwing up something perfectly simple.
           \_ you're welcome
2000/7/11-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18642 Activity:high
7/10           \_ dude, its RH. Crash and Burn by definition.
                \_ yeah, especially that redhat box I just upgraded from
                   2.0.36 that had been up for 320 days.  Man what a piece
                   of junk.  -tom
                   \_ Man, I don't remember soda being up that long .. ever.
                      \_ I dont know a machine that does as much as soda on
                         so little.
                         \_ This doesn't explain the crashes at all.  Is
                            FreeBSD stable or not stable?  Make up your mind.
                            \_ Soda is running stock fbsd?
                        \_ Well, that particular box is the web server and
                           e-mail server for the Physics department, and is
                           a PII/266.   It's not as heavily used as soda but
                           it's not trivial use either.  -tom
                           \_ A single web server for a department?  How much
                              more trivial can it get?  C'mon tom, join us out
                              here and try out some redundancy, millions of
                              hits per day, db servers, app servers, load
                              balancing across multiple colos in multiple
                              countries.  It's a whole other world.
                   \_ that's nothing! my NT machine hasn't crashed in
                   over 500 hours!  hmmm. .. wait a minute.. that sucks.
                      \_ My penis was up longer than that.
                         \_ You must be having paraphimosis.  I suggest
                            you go see a physician immediately.
                         \_ This can actually be life threatening.  The above
                            is right.  Go see a doctor.  I suggest emergency
                            room.  You might not survive until you get a
                            regular appointment.
                 \_ your machine is up because it runs linux, not because of
                    redhat. redhat IS a piece of shit insofar as what it's
                    done to linux
                    \_ yeah, keep bitching about the one implementation
                    of linux that non cs people have a chance of using...
                    bill gates is smiling right now, you stupid fuck.
                    \_ Uhm... using?  What about RH makes it "usable" for the
                       non-geeks?  The install?  The GUI?  fbsd has a better
                       installer and the GUI isn't RH specific.
2000/7/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18632 Activity:high
7/10    What's the deal witht the lost+found directory at the root
        of each of my RH linux partitions?  Has anyone ever had use for it?
        What happens if i delete it? Pointers to online explanation also
        \_ if the file system gets corrupted and there are files that
                \_ if it's ext2fs, that should be "when it gets corrupted",
                   there's no if about it
           can't be placed correctly they will get put there
           \_ If your file systems gets sufficiently corrupted, it
              won't matter that you got the files recovered. You'll
              never be able to tell one file from another except by
              looking at the contents. Try that for a 4 gig or greater
              \_ If your car gets sufficiently smashed in an accident, it
                 won't matter that an ambulence is dispatched.  It'll never
                 be able to save you.  But then an ambulence is still
                 dispatched in every accident.  Right?
        \_ you're doing backups, right?  You *are* doing backups.
           \_ dude, its RH. Crash and Burn by definition.
                \_ yeah, especially that redhat box I just upgraded from
                   2.0.36 that had been up for 320 days.  Man what a piece
                   of junk.  -tom
                   \_ Man, I don't remember soda being up that long .. ever.
                      \_ I dont know a machine that does as much as soda on
                         so little.
                        \_ Well, that particular box is the web server and
                           e-mail server for the Physics department, and is
                           a PII/266.   It's not as heavily used as soda but
                           it's not trivial use either.  -tom
                   \_ that's nothing! my NT machine hasn't crashed in
                   over 500 hours!  hmmm. .. wait a minute.. that sucks.
2000/7/6-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18602 Activity:nil
7/6     On startup (RH linux) i get a mesg. to the effect: finding module
        dependencies dep-mod error reading elf header no such file or directory.
        What is going on?
        \_ that's "a mesg. to the effect that your modules are screwed up".
           If you want help, post the error message. -tom
        \_ Let me guess, you rebuild the kernel and screwed up? elf ,
           scsi/ide, and ext2 fs support should -not- be built as
           loadable modules unless you know what you are doing.
2000/7/6-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:18601 Activity:moderate
7/6     Linux question: If I have a program (for example PALM
        software that synchronizes my computer with my PALM) that
        says it only runs under Windows 95, 98, or NT, is there
        any way to have Linux on my computer and still run this
        program on my computer?
        \_ plenty of palm syncing programs for linux out there
            \_ Are they free, and are they the same as the Win95 version?
              \_ They are free.  They sync the palm.  It would take you
                 10 minutes to find them and try them out.
                 10 minutes to find them and try them out.  (Meaning it
                 has been several years since I had one of those things
                 and I don't know the details anymore)
                   \_ Cool, thanks!
        \_ Dual-boot or run VMware.
                \_ What exactly does Dual-boot mean?  Is that when you
                        partition your hard drive so it has both Linux
                        and Windows?  What are the advantages and
                        disadvantages of this?  And what is VMware?
                        \_ 1) Yes.
                           2) You get your choice of OS'es but can only
                                run one at a time.
                             \_ Can you access files from either OS, or are
                                files specific to only one OS?
                                \_ yes, you can mount your windows partition
                                \_ Linux can mount Windows parititions, but
                                   Windows can't do linux.  Just put all the
                                   files you want to share in a Windows
                                   \_ Windows can using linux file systems if
                                      Linux is properly configured for it.
           \_ Can VMware run on top of VMware, like the way VM on IBM 370 can?
                \_ No.  Why would you want to anyway?
                   \_ Because the 370 now runs Linux?
           Look up dual-boot.  Go to some Linux sites with the information
           you gain here and read up on installing Linux and Windows
           on the same computer.  You're in for some fun.
        \_ Also, Palm sync program is built-in to latest Solaris 7 and 8.
           Versions earlier than that & you can d/l the pack from
           Runs fine on this new Ultra 5 with solaris.
2000/6/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18557 Activity:high
6/26    What OS (usually) runs on an IBM AS400?
        \_ whatever the fuck ibm tells you to run.
        \_ linux
        \_ yes, linux, and I think maybe OS390? GO VM!!
        \_ OS/400
        \_ I think AIX can run on recent models.
        \_ Linux?  Hahahaha... not "usually".  Wishful thinking runs Linux
           more than AS400's do.
2000/6/15-19 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18480 Activity:low
6/15    Does anyone know how to get an U.S. Robotics PCI 56K FAX Voice
        Winmodem to work under Linux?  It's the only modem that gets good
        speed at my house.  - jrleek
        \_ To the best of my knowledge, they have yet to get any software
           modems running under linux
                \_ the best of your knowledge is clearly not worth very much.
                   \_ So, are you saying you know how to do it?  If so,
                      please elighten me.  -jrleek
                   \_ Fuck you. If you have nothing to contribute to the
                      discussion, then shut the fuck up.
            \_ claims to show how to use software modems
               (winmodems) on linux but i was unsuccessful in a cursory
               attempt to get it to work on my GF's linux box (she had
               another modem so i didn't spend much effort trying) -crebbs
        \_ AFAIK, you can't get a USR/3com modem to work in Linux. The ones
           that says work are the Lucent LT Winmodem, which
           has a binary only kernel module released by Lucent, and it does
           work. I have a Thinkpad 240, and it has a Lucent winmodem, and
           it works. The only problem is that it does crash the kernel on
           occasion. But if you can live with that, it works great for dial-
           up -- I get nice 56K speed out of it. also says
           that supposedly a pctel winmodem has a driver, but I haven't
           seen or used it. - ajani
           \_ My 56K USR internal modem works just fine. The ones that
              are winmodems clearly say that they are winmodems (like
              the one above) -akopps
2000/5/31-6/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18373 Activity:nil
5/31    New linux kernel:<DEAD><DEAD>  with USB support
2000/5/31-6/1 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18369 Activity:high
5/30    Best inexpensive computer that i don't have to put together myself?
        Don't need bells and whistles just want to go online with my DSL
        and have netscrape and iexplorer be FAST.
        \_ VA Linux has a cheap offering:
                \_ $1075 to surf?  Get real.  He can walk into Fry's and get
                   the same hardware for less and it will run IE which your
                   linux box won't.  MS sucks, but IE >>>>>> NS.
                        \_ you must be blind
                           \_ Uh... yeah because I can read the page and see
                              the quoted price is sans monitor?  Is that why?
                                \_ Monitors are not hard to come by... why buy
                                   one from an OEM?
                                   \_ but they will make it cost more than
        \_ imac DV
        \_ Get a Sun Ultra5 workstation under educational discount.
           $1300 w/monitor. It can run latest nutscrape and IE5. <g>
           \_  does <g> mean this is supposed to be funny?
                \_ yeah, apparently you can edit the MOTD from AOL now.  -tom
2000/5/24-27 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18335 Activity:moderate
5/24    Two Linux questions:
        1) what is the ncheck equivalence on Linux?
                \_ fsck
        2) how come .rhosts (rcp/rsh/rlogin) doesn't work on my RH5.2?
                \_ upgrade to ssh
                \_ 5.2?!  You freak!  You complete and utter LOSER!  You
                   must immediately upgrade to 6.2 before asking any more
                   LINUX questions!  Fucking idiot.
        \_ Thus we see the problem is running linux.  It isn't standard.  They
           had to go and rename and break everything that works just fine
           before but didn't actually improve 99% of the things they renamed
           or broke in some new way.  Get a real unix.
           \_ MacOS X!!!
           \_ The problem with Linux is it's not an OS, just a kernel, and
              the various OS distributions that have sprung up are far more
              varied & fragmented than Unix ever was.  There's no overall
              design, no one making sure that changes to one part of the OS
              don't break another, no coherence.
                \_ You're mincing words.  Linux *is* an operating system, no
                   matter what your ultra geek friends tell you.  The packaging
                   that surrounds it is part of the deal.  The kernel with no
                   GNU isn't functional, obviously.  The rest of what you say
                   I agree with 100%.
                   \_ You're an idiot.  Go buy a copy of "Linux" in the store.
                      You can't.  You can buy a product called RedHat Linux.
                      You can buy Debian GNU/Linux.  You can buy Slackware.
                      You can buy TurboLinux.  These are Operating Systems.
                      Linux is their kernel.  Don't assume people are stupid
                      and encourage them to be.
                      \_ Both of you are idiots.
                      \_ It's all the same shit.  It's Linux.  RH is Linux.
                         Debian is Linux.  You're stupid.  Dumb geeks.
                \_ See  Note all the members.  It
                   says something that so much software works across ALL of
                   them. -mogul
                   \_ It says something that they need to think about
                      cross distribution interoperability.
                        \_ Exactly my point earlier.  Same kernel, yet same
                           code won't run on all of them?  Why?  No real
                           reason.  Just market droids taking over.  The
                           differences are a sham.  That a different distro
                           won't run the same software *intentionally* is
                           really the thing that'll keep Linux a hacker toy
                           and server-only geek box.  MS has nothing to fear.
2000/5/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:18309 Activity:high
5/21    I'm running RedHat 6.0 and I would like to increase the swap
        space to more than 128 MB.  How would I do this?  Thanks.
        \_ 6.2?!  You fucking loser!  6.2 has been out for weeks!!!!  UPGRADE!
        \_ 6.2?!  You fucking loser!  6.2 has been out for weeks!!!!  UPGRAD
        \_ 6.0?!  You fucking loser!  6.2 has been out for weeks!!!!  UPGRAD
           RIDE BI.. Install Linux!  Linux install party!  Woo hoo!
           within an ext2 partition. Use dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024k
        \_ If you don't have any unused partition or unpartitioned disk
           space on your drive then you'd need to create a swap file
           within an ext2 partition. Use dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=102
           count=128, to create a 128MB file filled with 0's .. use
           mkswap command to create a signature at the beginning of the
           file to make it a valid swap file. Use swapon command from init
           scripts to activate this swap partition (or may be you could just
                   Windows!  RIDE BIKE!  dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024k
                   count=128... wow!  Totally intuitive!  Woo hoo!  Seriously,
           put this in fstab?, I am not sure). Use "free" command to see if
           this swap file is getting used. -akopps
                \_ No way!  This is too easy!  Much better than running MS
                   Windows!  RIDE BIKE!  dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=102
                   count=128... wow!  Totally intuitive!  Woo hoo!  Seriousl
                   the Linux crowd really needs to get it together if you
                   want to be taken seriously and not just an IPO stock hype
                   \_ Actually it was really easy (thanks akopps).  It only
                      took me a few minutes to set up.  I guess you could
                      claim hat LINUX is non-intuitive because I had to
                      ask the motd for help.  Although, on Windows I would
                      have to hunt around for the right stuff in the GUI
                      and then reboot the machine once I've made the changes.
                      So yes LINUX rewlz, Windoze drewlz. --original poster
                        \_ The difference is that under Windows even you
                           could have figured it out without motd help, a
                           resource unavailable to 'most people'.  So, it
                           would appear the only thing drooling around here
                           is the original poster of this thread.
2000/5/20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18305 Activity:moderate
5/20    Anyone have any pointers to where I can read about how to change
        the aspect ratio of my monitor/video-card using RedHat? I have
        been reading the "howto"s but not finding anything. Thanks.
        \_ Xconfigurator
          \_ hmm... I dont think this is what I need... I tried messing with
             this a bit but it didnt do too much good. Basically, the monitor
             looks like all the fonts and images are just stretched too tall.
           \_ thanks
        \_ /usr/X11/bin/xvidtune?
2000/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18237 Activity:high
5/10    If you're looking for a job working with a Linux company
        that's actually generating revenue and quickly on its way to
        profitability, then please check out Cobalt Networks.
        We're hiring big time!
        Details are in: /csua/pub/jobs/Cobalt.Networks
        \_ Are they the guys who make the cool looking blue boxes?  -John
           \_ Yes.
        \_ Would you like to explain why your mailserver uses UW IMAPd
           (fine) with unix mbox formatted mailspools (performance--)
           \_ maybe they want people to have the freedom to use other
              mailers (POP, local reader, etc) as well.
              \_ Pop servers read mbx fine.  Local readers?  On a Qube?
                 Just installing extra software on it as root basically
                 voids your warranty.
        \_ so, will cobalt release their mips/linux work in accordance with
           the GPL?
                \_ None of your fucking business when they release it.  The
                   GPL does *not* say, "must release according to demands of
                   whiney geeks".
2000/5/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18172 Activity:moderate
4/34    In solaris i can just edit the /etc/system file to change the
        shared memory and semaphore segments.  Is there an as easy way to
        do this in linux (RH) or is it time to recompile the kernel?
        \_ It's Linux.  What's your guess?  Greatest OS in the world.
           \_ You're getting your kernels and your OSes confused again.
                \_ No.  I'm not.  Thanks for the input though.
                \_ You're an idiot.
        \_ kernel/{msg{mnb,mni,max},shmmax,sem} under sysctl.
           man sysctl, man sysctl.conf.  -lim
2000/5/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18161 Activity:insanely high 66%like:18159
4/33    CSUA Fall 2000 Poll of What the officers run Results:

                     President:  paolo (linux - slackware)
                     \_ I thought Paolo's OS of the week was OpenBSD,
                         becasue he's a '1337 H@x0r, and it's kR@d to be
                         into security.
                        \_ No. It's cool not to get fucked over by the latest
                           buffer over flow bug in Linux/Windows.
                Vice-President:  mikeh (bsd - FreeBSD)
                     Secretary:  lye (linux - redhat)
                     \_ He "wants" to run RedHat, but uses Win9x.
                        \_ taking 162 == barely enough time to wash hair,
                           let alone install 31337 h2x@r os... besides,
                           computers suck.  i think an iroc-z would get
                           me more wimmin. -lye
                     Treasurer:  ajani (linux - debian)
                     Librarian:  ][e (linux - ppc)
                     \_ Does 2e even run Linux on his own computer?
                        AFAIK, he uses MacOS.
                        \_ he's on a research group.  Dual Xeon sits on
                           his desk.  It's running linux.  I don't think
                           he even uses his laptop anymore (it's broken
                           and sent back to apple)
                           \_ It's a Dual PIII, and is shared by everyone
                              in that group.
                              I'd be really impressed to see you
                              get LinuxPPC on a x86.
        "And lo, as fortold by the prophets, it has come to pass that
        the Daemon giveth way."
        \_ I thought Paolo's OS of the week was OpenBSD,
            becasue he's a '1337 H@x0r, and it's kR@d to be
                 into security.
                 \_ No. It's cool not to get fucked over by the latest
                    buffer over flow bug in Linux/Windows.
        Vice-President:  mikeh (bsd - FreeBSD)
        Secretary:  lye (linux - redhat)
        \_ He "wants" to run RedHat, but uses Win9x.
           \_ taking 162 == barely enough time to wash hair,
                   let alone install 31337 h2x@r os... besides,
                   computers suck.  i think an iroc-z would get
                   me more wimmin. -lye
        Treasurer:  ajani (linux - debian)
        Librarian:  ][e (linux - ppc)
        \_ Does 2e even run Linux on his own computer?
                AFAIK, he uses MacOS.
           \_ he's on a research group.  Dual Xeon sits on
              his desk.  It's running linux.  I don't think
              he even uses his laptop anymore (it's broken
              and sent back to apple)
              \_ It's a Dual PIII, and is shared by everyone
                 in that group.  I'd be really impressed to see you
                 get LinuxPPC on a x86.
        "And lo, as fortold by the prophets, it has come to pass that
        the Daemon giveth way."
        \_ The Dreaming Tree has died.
        \_ Paolo is president again? What kind of morons vote for this moron?
                                      \_ You moron.
           \_ A good thing the VP was someone with OS choice clue.
              \_ I heard mikeh invented the Internet.
        \_ mikeh can't be VP forever.  in 2 years,  Soda will be linux.
           I just hope not redhat.
           \_ The alumni will never allow such heresy.  (Just remember
                who bought Soda Mk V.)
           \_ So, besides becoming more of a target for script kiddies,
              what benefits would Linux on Soda bring?  None of the people
              who really want to switch to the trendier option (ie
              just Paolo) can explain how Linux would work better
              on Soda. -mikeh
              \_ Oh, that's not the argument.  Fact: after mikeh, there
                 aren't any new users using bsd that I've seen hanging
                 around the office/wanting to be vp. Therefore, in the
                 future, unless the alums are _really_ nice and chummy,
                 the future admin will probably use what 0S she/he is
                 familiar with. - paolo (who doesn't plan to run for
                 VP any time soon)
                 \_ The VP does not have unilateral control over everything
                    on soda.  The alumni offer a great deal of support to
                    soda; I plan to do likewise when I graduate, but if some
                    new clueless hotshot comes along and tears out all the
                    work that we've done, I'll be significantly less motivated
                    to help.  Besides, it's sad that nobody, yourself included
                    Paolo, is willing to learn and work with something that's
                    not the latest trend. -mikeh
                    \_ i ran freebsd on my old box. I don't anymore.
                       I don't have that much school spirit I guess.
                       \_ What does school spirit have to do with it?
                          \_ 'bout the only reason to run BSD.
                                \_ Kewlness being the only reason to run Linux
                  \_ You know, none of the CSUA members ran Dynix at home.
                     Only Alan (AFAIK) ran Domain_OS at home. Yet that's
                     what soda ran for years n' years. Yet somehow, the VPs
                     of that day and age were familiar with those OSes. How
                     do you figure that could have been?  -- fuddy duddy
                        \_ We need a kewle OS on soda so it can run slower
                           with more hardware and be down every other day
                           for kernel 'upgrades' and buffer overflow bugs.
                        \_ I've still got that Apollo if anyone wants it.
                           68030/16Mhz, 8Mb RAM, 170Mb ESDI HD -alan-
                 \_ Only blojo is naysayer --pld
              \_ WAAAAh.  You mean you ugrads aren't compleetely under my
                 power?  WAAAAAh.  I'm going to take my toys and go home.
                 WAAAh.  Lameness.
             \_ Hey, is the TDA up and running?  Vadim got it running raid
                with linux (dbl ended).  How's fbsd with that raid?
                \_ Works fine.  What do you think the TDA was running
                   when it was in service?
                   \_ !freebsd 4.0?
                        \_ Yeah, fbsd 4.0 was the first version of fbsd.
                   \_ FreeBSD 3.x, courtesy of Satoshi Asami.
        \_ Hi.  In case you haven't heard.  We have mark 6 now.  this wasn't
           an alumni donation.
           \_ I like speaking.  In short sentences.  Because I'm cool.
           \_ Well, I guess that's that.  Current student body has no need
              for dinoalumni.  We have no value (until you become one and
              need a job or a clue).  It's time to go ahead and wipe all
              the alumni accounts.  Makes more room for pr0n and in
                  BERKELEY TO HURT YOU
              /var/spool/mail for those unable to figure out how to use a
              real mail program and .forward files.
              \_ Not all alumns are viscious dour naysayers.
                \_ And some of us even know how to spell.  Maybe we'll get a
                   Redhat RPM for /usr/bin/motdspell.
                \_ no, we're viscous dour naysayers.  -John
                   \_ yes. slippery as eels in magma.
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17837 Activity:nil
3/24   the eigerlabs pcmcia serial card i have registers in /var/run/stab as
        Socket 0: Anonymous memory
        0       memory  memory_cs       0       mem0    253     0
        and as far as I can tell there isn't a /dev/mem0;
        there's a bunch of /dev/mem0{a,c,...} stuff but no mem0
        any suggestions as to how to get this running? This is a linux
        box (for now).  As an aside, future vaio owners will be happy
        to know that the port replicator is nice and hot-swappable and
        registers a nice and phatty /dev/ttyS0 for the serial port on
2000/3/22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17820 Activity:high
3/21    All my Redhat linux boxes say that it is 1996 and i'm too stupid
        to figure out how to fix 'em.  please help.
        \_ rdate -s {some machine that has the right time} or man date
           if you're not lazy.
        \_ man date
                \_ I prefer women.
                        \_ Hot asian women.
2000/3/17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17790 Activity:nil
3/16    Fake redhat CD offer deleted.
2000/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17784 Activity:high
3/16    Does Linux do SMP now?
        \_ Uh, it has been for years....
           \_ Yeup. Years of doing SMP badly. But I hear it has recently
              improved some.
                \_ Figure by 2.4 it might be almost as good as nt4 and only
                   2 more revisions behind nt2k.  Or you could just use a real
                   unix that already properly supports SMP.
                \_ These guys are very critical of Linux/SMP, but I've
                   been using it for years and it works fine for me. --PeterM
                   \_ These guys are very critical of microsoft,but I've
                      being using microsoft word for years to write all my
                      been using microsoft word for years to write all my
                      term papers, and it's worked fine for me.
                        \_ peterm benchmarks serious CPU-bound research using
                           SMP.  You could write your term papers in ed. -tom
                           \_ That's nice.  It works for shit vs NT in web
                              page serving.  Not interested in anything else.
                        \_ what does that have to do with SMP?  Anyway
                           serving web pages is trivial unless you're
                           Yahoo. -tom
                        \_ ED!
2000/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:17586 Activity:high
2/21    It looks like Real Networks discontinued support for non windows/mac
        clients. This is sad. They released Real Player 7 and there aren't
        any links to linux or unix versions. They also destroyed all links
        to the G2 beta for Linux.  Lame
                        says that realplayer 7 will be available within 30days
                        what have you been smoking and where can  I get some ?

        \_ a recent /. article seems to contradict this statement
        \_ What's sad about it?  You're lucky to get your sound card running in
           Linux in less than 8 hours anyway.
                \_ Not if you're using SB16 or any supported PCI card
                     \_ That sucks if you're limited to those cards.
2000/2/15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17515 Activity:moderate
2/14    I am going to be running RedHat instead of windoze from now on.
        Is there a program or a checklist for RedHat that will let me
        configure my box to make it as secure as possible against
        hackers and net attacks?
        \_ no foot longs.
        \_  Yeah, turn off everything in inetd.conf, and also turn off
            everything that starts up networking daemons.  You should
            be able to use linuxconf to do this, though I use the
            runlist editor in the control panel.  --PeterM
        \_ And then make sure linuxconf is turned off and firewall/filter
           everything you don't specifically need on.  Update kernel every
           3 days.
        \_ I suggest you a better solution: cd to /usr/doc/HOWTO and read
           Security-HOWTO document. Security involves much more than just
           closing various tcp or udp ports.
        \_ Turn off your PC and unplug from the outlet.
        \_ install latest stable kernel
           configure named.conf to only listen on
                \_ Why run named at all?  On most home machines it's just a
                        waste of RAM...
           configure xdm/Xservers to -nolisten tcp
           configure xdm/xdm-config w/ DisplayManager.requestPort:     none
           that will nearly shut everything off
        \_ Most home users can probably turn off inetd entirely and use ssh
           for incoming connections.  That, combined with keeping an eye on
           and installing system updates is probably all most users will need
           to do in terms of security.  -tom
2000/2/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:17505 Activity:kinda low
2.14    Is it possible under linux/fbsd to run a ricochet (using a usb->9pin)
        adapter from a usb port?
        \_ Seen it under FreeBSD.  Your mileage may vary.
           \_ Works under linux, you need star ip (or something like it) enabled
              when you build your kernel.
2000/2/2-3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:17407 Activity:high 66%like:17750
2/2     Can we get StarOffice installed on soda? thanks
        \_ That bloated incompatible memory and cpu hogging heap of junk?
           Only if root has suddenly become exceptionally stupid.  Can I run
           an xtrek server and a mud on soda too?
        \_ First you must find a FreeBSD version of StarOffice and a reason
            you should run it over the net instead of on your local machine.
            \_ StarOffice 5.1 is supposed to run under Linux compatibility
               mode, but for me (and a few others) does "exciting" things
               instead.  This, of course, has nothing to do with the question.
                \_ Didn't linux compat mode panic soda's kernel last time it
                   was turned on?
2000/2/1 [Transportation/Airplane, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17393 Activity:insanely high
2/1     Gee, how many planes have crashed in the past 12 months?  Seems like
        it has happened much more frequently than before.
        \_ No more so than usual and still far less than linux boxes crash
           going by the numbers.  I'd rather fly than use linux.
           \_ Oh, this is utter bullshit. In last two years only two Linux
              boxes crashed on me and it was because of either hardware
              problems or power failures (fucking up my disks).
              linux than to a 737.
           \_ Oh yeah, Linux is really known for crashing.  If someone asked
              me what OS I thought of when I heard the word "crash" then Linux
        \_ Let's see, recent major US plane crashes:
           \_ i've been using linux for 2 years and the most that has
                2000: Alaska Airlines, off coast of LA
                1999: EgyptAir, off coast of Mass.
              linux than to a 737 (actually, i don't trust my life to either
                1996: TWA, off coast of NY
                \_ So you'd fly with Linux Airlines and die only once per two
           Yeah, I see the trend, really....
           \_ what about JFK and those small airplanes?
                        \_ There is a trend there - don't fly overseas - stay
                           in the states and you'll be safer.
                \_ Do missile attacks really count?
                \_ for the full list
                        \_ I was keeping a list of VMS crashes across the
                        \_ I was keeping a list of Ultrix crashes across the
                           U.S. but ran out of disk space so I dropped the
                   consumer level OS such as linux or windows to not crash.
                           security breaches due to bugs or misconfiguration
                   your linux lifespan would be a few months.  Fly the friendly
                           and then compressed the rest.  Looking for disk
                           webmaster@ to donate disks,
                           donations to continue the project.  Please contact
        \_ No more so than usual and still far less than VMS boxes crash
           going by the numbers.  I'd rather fly than use VMS.
           \_ Oh yeah, VMS is really known for crashing.  If someone asked
              me what OS I thought of when I heard the word "crash" then VMS
                           webmaster@<DEAD><DEAD> to donate disks,
                \_ VMS fanatics are so cute when they're defending their
                           money, or time!  Thanks!
        \_ No more so than usual and still far less than Ultrix boxes crash
           going by the numbers.  I'd rather fly than use Ultrix.
           \_ I can see airlines using VMS. "Oh, we found a defect, but
           \_ Oh yeah, Ultrix is really known for crashing.  If someone asked
              me what OS I thought of when I heard the word "crash" then Ultrix
           \_ i've been using VMS for 2 years and the most that has
              would be it.  Not some OS from Redmond.
                \_ Ultrix fanatics are so cute when they're defending their
              VMS than to a 737 (actually, i don't trust my life to either
                   cute little OS.  I really like the "everything looks like
                        \_ VMS users have over a 99% chance of experiencing
                   a nail" mentality.
                   \_ The hoary "cute... immature" insult is your hammer.
           \_ I can see airlines using Ultrix. "Oh, we found a defect, but
              we patched it almost immediately (go Open Source)!. So just
                \_ So you'd fly with VMS Airlines and die only once per two
              ignore that one crash that killed 500."
           \_ i've been using Ultrix for 2 years and the most that has
              happened is one kernel panic.  that in contrast to 2 crashes
              per day when i was using windows.  i'd trust my life more to
              Ultrix than to a 737 (actually, i don't trust my life to either
              but what can you do).
                        \_ Ultrix users have over a 99% chance of experiencing
                           a kernel crash at some point.  737 users have less
                           than a one in many million chance of experiencing a
                   consumer level OS such as VMS or windows to not crash.
                           plane crash.  You sir are either suicidal or an
                   your VMS lifespan would be a few months.  Fly the friendly
                \_ So you'd fly with Ultrix Airlines and die only once per two
                   years when you have that rare kernel panic?  This is a funny
                   analogy and statement to make since there's that famous
                   (in the industry) speech by the airline guy that compares
                   flight time safety vs. computer uptimes given at a computer
                   convention.  The airline guy properly shamed the computer
                   execs in attendence.  You've been in computers for, what,
                   like 2 years at most?  Don't be silly.  If my life depended
                   on it, I'd trust the airlines to keep me alive and flying
                   every single day forever before I trusted any shrink wrap
                   consumer level OS such as Ultrix or windows to not crash.
                   Your windows life span would be a few weeks at most and
                   your Ultrix lifespan would be a few months.  Fly the friendly
                   skies, it's a whole lot safer.
                \_ If a plane you were flying in were controlled by an OS,
                        what OS would it be?
                        \_ vxWorks
                           \_ The Mars Pathfinder ran VxWorks, but did the two
                              other vehicles that were lost recently also run
                                \_ VxWorks crashed on the Pathfinder!  They
                                   had to upload an OS patch to the surface
                                   of Mars!  -tom
                        \_ A mainframe that'd been handling air traffic control
                           for year after year without failure and hard wired
                           components in the air.  That you would think an
                           airplane uses or needs an OS says a lot about how
                           little you understand about computers, embedded
                           systems, air planes, air traffic control and just
                           about anything else related to this thread.
                           \_ hey, its all hypothetical.  Its not supposed
                              to match reality.  Its like:
                                If you were a peanut, where would you like
                                to vacation?
                              The main idea in the question is:
                                If your life depended on it, what OS would
                                you use?
                                \_ Nothing you could buy in a store or download
                                   from the net.  I'd be dead within a matter
                                   of weeks, or a few months at best.  "Sir,
                                   it is my sad duty to report to you that the
                                   results of your medical tests have come back
                                   positive... you are suffering from 'consumer
                                   level OS syndrome'!"  Put me on a mainframe.
                                   The kind with multiple level of redundant
                                   backup systems for everything in there so
                                   when the nukes hit I can keep on ticking
                                   and still have the power to count how many
                                   people died per time unit in the blast.
                                \_ tell that to the people trying to use BFS
                                   today.  -tom
           \_ RIDE BIKE!  FLY LINUX!
2000/1/4-5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17160 Activity:moderate
1/4     Are there any portscanning tools installed here on soda?  Got a
        home Linux box I'd like to hit from outside to check.
        \_ go to <DEAD><DEAD>, download portscan.c, and run it from the
           linux box.  you don't need to run it from an outside computer
           unless you're testing firewall rules.
           \_ I think the person is testing fw rules.  So yeah they need to
              hit from outside.
        \_ Post IP to Hax0r NewZ!1 that y0r b0x iz uncr/-\kibel!11
                \- for the record, this will set off alarms. i am not saying
                there isnt a legit reason to do this or that you will get
                in trouble, but someone will notice and there may be followup.
                it's not a bad idea to clear these kinds of things with root.
                \_ Big Bro is watching.
1999/12/28-30 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17113 Activity:high
12/28   Url for restriced shell for linux?
        \_ Yes.
            \_ Yes what?
               \_ No.
                \_ "Yes" as in "Yes, there is a URL for restricted shells.
                   "No" they aren't for "linux".  -tired of linux = unix
                    \_ I find it hard to believe this code won't port to
                       linux. How 'bout FreeBSD
                        \_ You're not getting it.  Nevermind.
                          \_ That was too subtle for you?  You are dense.
                                \_ You're still not getting it....
        \_ bash -r ?
           \_doesn't seem to work on the linux box (nor does bsh -r)
1999/12/24-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17095 Activity:low
12/23   OS question: what does it mean when SGI said they were adding
        asyncronous I/O support for Linux?
                \- it means they are trying to boost their stock by
                becoming a linux company. --psb
        \_ Answered twice already.  Deleted by the motd censors.
           read ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v to escape the censorship.
           \_ that SGI is trying to boost their stock is a pretty stupid
              answer.  Like I said, this is an OS question so unless
              you give a technical answer with sound reasoning then
              you might as well not answer at all.  I didn't delete the
              answers, by the way.
                \_ You deleted all the recent motd entries fuckhead.
                \_ There was a technical answer as well.  It said:
        \_ They're adding the POSIX.4 AIO API that programs like databases
           like to use to issue a read or write command, continue working,
           and then check later to see if it finished, instead of the
           traditional model of the process being suspended by the OS while
           it fetches the data from disk.
           \_ Isn't this the same as creating a new thread, doing a read
              operation, and then doing a thread join?  I don't see how
              you can continue execution in something like
              since the printf statement is dependent on the readoperation
              \_ well duh, if you're writing code to use asynchronous IO, you
                 write the code to not do anything that depends on an IO
                 request until after you have confirmed that the IO request
                 has completed.
              \_ Yes, you could do it with threads, but the AIO API is more
                 efficient and doesn't require you to make a non-threaded
                 program MT-safe.
        \_ [Summary: Linux takes another small step into the world of Real
1999/12/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:17056 Activity:nil
12/15   Adobe FrameMaker for Linux beta -- try it, you'll (hopefully) like it:

        Go to the Web page for instructions on how to download (downloads come
        with a free license key that lasts until 12/31/2000).  And no, Frame
        hasn't been GPL'ed; no, they don't know how much the retail version
        will sell for yet; and beware that it might not work with your
        particular combo of distro/kernel/glibc (which is why it's a beta and
        not yet a product in a box, hey).  Early, detailed, fervent-yet-
        useful feedback will help this come to market that much sooner (but
        please provide feedback as directed, and not to me; this isn't my
        project anymore).  -- kahogan
        \_ BSD?
           \_ Linux emulation.
1999/12/9-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17038 Activity:moderate
12/8    I am trying to come up with a gift for a good friend who is very
        into    setting up computer/network at his home.  He has linux, NT,
        or whatever (I am not into this things myself).  Any suggestiongs
        for a gift within $100?
        \_ No, but I corrected your annoying typos.
           \_ What were they?
        \_ are you saying he's very into getting a home LAN set up or that
           he already has one up and you're looking for a supplement gift?
                \_ They were corrected.  Just be thankful.
        \_ A pair of ethernet cards?
        \_ a copy of VMWare software
        \_ are you saying he's very into getting a home LAN or that
           he already has one and you're looking for a supplement gift?
                \-a life, you can start with a $100 one
                \_ They clearly said "he has linux, NT, or whatever".
        \_ A nice hub, and some shockingly colored network cables.  I think
           you can get bright green, pink, whatever ones.  -John
        \_ A copy of Batman.  Starring Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton,
           and Kim Basinger.
1999/12/6-7 [Health/Disease/General, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17011 Activity:high
12/5    Got LOTS of old books (comic books, 1991 text books, etc) and an old
        computer monitor to get rid of. Can I simply dump these things into
        the trashcan?
        \_ throw them in my room!  - danh
        \_ it is illegal to dump industrial waste. you need to dispose them
           \_ monitors qualify as "industrial waste"?
              \_ no, silly. comic books do!
           \_ this is as useful as "Ride bike" and "use linux", troller!
              \_ No it isn't.  Everyone needs to RIBE BIKE! and USE LINUX! but
                 not "read comix!" or "eat industrial waste!"
                    \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
                          THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
                        \_ I even run Linux under windows.
        \_ trashcan. You will not live long enough to see the ecological
           disaster that we gen-X created.
            \_ Moron.  The current 20-30s folks have done next to nothing.
               You're not old enough and most of the crap you have will bio
               degrade in under 10 years anyway.  The real damage was done in
               the 60's and 70's when all sorts of chemical waste was dumped
               straight into the food chain and it's still there today.  Check
               the cancer rates going up and the fertility rates going down
               over the last 30 years.  Idiot child, you'll be lucky to live
               long enough to understand the ecological disaster created before
               you were even born that you're living in today.  Don't worry
               about your grandkids.  If you're not sterile, your children
               will be.
                \_ Nothing you throw away biodegrades.  Modern landfills are
                   designed to be so sanitary and disease free, they're
                   sterile - especially parts declared full and sealed off.
                   \_ I was specifically thinking of the waste from fast food.
                      Anyway, after the Coming Event, there won't be anyone to
                      keep nature from running her course.
1999/11/29-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16969 Activity:nil
11/30   Are there digital cameras that have both serial and
        USB interface? I have $500 to waste. Thanks.
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
        \_ ED!  ED!  ED is the STANDARD!  Digital Camera.
        \_ Give it to me.
1999/11/29-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:16962 Activity:kinda low
11/28   In pine, how do I add an attachment so that my parents can see
        in-line JPG picture in their AOL mail (instead of them having to press
        that download button)?  -kid with newbie parents
        \_ not sure, but let me tell ya somethin' about PCs. After my
           parents worked their butt off to pay for my tuition, I decided
           to be a good kid and got them a new sub $899 computer w/net.
           On the first attempt to teach them Win95 and AOL, AOL for some
           reason took up all the VM (200 meg) and the computer swapped
                                  \_ another luser who thinks virtual
                                     memory is about using your hard disk
                                     as memory.
           like hell. After a while, the computer hozed and I had to reboot.
           My parents looked confused, and I had to explain what happened
           and why I had to reboot. They looked even more confused. I guess
           this whole "user-friendly" shit isn't very friendly for the
           older generation who don't understand the difference between
           Windows, Office, internet, email, Start/Start Programs.
           \_ I'm sure my parents are older than yours and they weren't that
              stupid about it.  I think you just have dumb parents.  It has
              nothing to do with age.  Nothing about being over 30 makes
              anyone innately anti-technology or technophobic.  It's a gene
              pool problem, not an age problem.
           \_ why is it that there exists this generalization that if
              you're an older person, you automatically are a complete
              dumbshit who no longer has the ability to read and
              learn new material?  it's not like computers come from
              outer space or anything.  for the most part, i hate computers,
              so i do the bare minimum to set-up and run my own computer.
              even that type of lazy, unconcerted effort give me a running
              unit.   anyhow, the kind of stereotype doesn't make any
           \_ got one word for you, dude: iMac
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
        \_ Get LINUX for parents.
        \_ LINUX!
1999/11/27-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16958 Activity:moderate
11/27   What's on port 98 that various script weenies are trying to abuse on
        my machine?  Soda's /etc/services says TAC News which means nothing
        to me.  I don't run anything on 98 or have a /etc/services line for
        it and wasn't able to find an obvious exploit on the net.  Just
        \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved.
           \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6
              THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L
        \_ On RedHat distros there's linuxconf running on that port.
                \_ thanks.
            \_ I thought ports were for communications from comp-to-comp.
               (e.g. things like http, ftp, telnet, mail) Why does
                linuxconf need a port?
                \_ Why does swat (samba config) need a port?  Ports are for
                   communication.  Not necessarily client/server or host/host.
                \_ What if you're a sysadmin administering a whole cluster
                   of linux boxes - wouldn't it be useful to be able to run
                   linuxconf on them from your desktop?  (Maybe not secure,
                   but most linux distros prefer useful & cool over secure.)
                   \_ I've been trying to find the RIDEBIKE! port... can you
                      help?  TIA.
                   \_ Does linuxconf allow you to act on multiple boxes at
                      once?  If not, why not just telnet/ssh/whatever in
                      and run it like that?  If so, how?, if not, how do i
                      disallow remote access to linuxconf? (without
                      firewall or other packet filtering/port blocking)
                        \_ comment it out of /etc/services.
                                \_ Removing things from /etc/services is
                                   almost always the wrong answer.  Learn
                                   the right way and you won't fail when
                                   faced with a box using NIS/NIS+/LDAP/whatever
                                   instead of /etc files.  Try /etc/inetd.conf
                                   or the rc script that starts it.
                                   \_ NIS/LDAP are dead.  Give me /etc/services
                                      or give me death.
1999/11/14-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Finance/Investment] UID:16881 Activity:kinda low
11/14   My boss asked our team to implement a 1-3 line
        quote of the day on our corporate frontpage, like they do
        at  Looking it over, a new quote seems to be generated
        on browser reload.  Where do I go to get started?
        We are running stronghold on linux rh 6.1 - party like it's 1999
                   \_ It can be done in javascript also but you'd have to send
                      all the quotes (in an array, maybe) and pick one at
                      random.  This is the cheap and stupid way to do it but
                      it does put the cpu burden on the client side and any
                      moron web designer can change the quotes easily without
                      a triple-pay sys/webadmin to edit some html/javascript.
                      \_ Sounds like it would put the load on the pipe.
                         Sending the whole quote file each time you load the
                         page wouldn't work very well.
                         \_ Depends on how many quotes, but yes, the load is
                            on the pipe.  I was thinking along the lines of
                            maybe 1 or 2k of quotes, max, not some 500k+ file.
                            1k is pretty much a blip even on a 28k modem.
                                \_ Is there a way to find out how Forbes
                                   does their quote?
                                        \_ View source will tell you if it's
                                                javascript or something else
                                                client side.
                                        \_ follow the cracking route --oj
                                           \_ eye hax0red f0rbz fruntd0re.  eye
                                              d1d vews0rs 0n dem!!11
1999/11/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Security] UID:16879 Activity:nil
11/11   Skey for Linux - Do you know how to compile it / where to get a version
        that's later than 1995? Thanks!
        \_ rufus
        \_ it sho' is hard to find, suh
1999/11/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:16853 Activity:high
11/8    According to BeOS at:
        they claim that they can't port BeOS to Mac G3s.  How is it that
        the linux guys can get linux to run on G3s and the BeOS guys can't?
        \_ As I understand, Apple did stuff that makes doing MP on G3's nearly
           impossible.  (But then I haven't been following them for a while)
        \_ Because Linux doesn't do 1/10th the shit BeOS does so they didn't
           need any technical help from Apple.  Before anyone mouths off and
           pulls a knee jerk LINUX RULEZ, YEW DR00LZ!, I've installed and used
           both.  If you haven't tried BeOS, don't bother flaming.  I don't
           RIDE BIKE! either.
1999/11/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:16802 Activity:very high 50%like:18009
11/1    Aww, what happened to the 'linux: whats the big deal?'  troll?
        \_ alas, it sailed with kchang to the land of h0zerdom
        \_ I still have a copy but the long and short of it is that there's
           apparently no reason to use Linux other than "freebsd won't run
           on my hardware" and "all my friends use linux".
           \_ you forgot "terminally stupid".
1999/10/31-11/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:16800 Activity:very high
10/31   running debian gnu/linux potato?  upgraded in the
        past few days?  upgrade screwed up your networking?
          this is not terribly specific. elaborate? _/
        have you determined what in the world is the problem?
        yes?  email me.  summerm
        \_ The problem is that you are running Linux, not FreeBSD.
        \ I run slink, so I have no clue about potato problems. Try asking on
                #debian on <DEAD><DEAD> -akopps
        \_ Given that Linux is just as difficult, if not more so, than other
           *NIXen and the least stable of the lot, why are people using Linux
           instead of a real unix box?  What is the typical Linux user getting
           out of Linux that a more stable unix doesn't provide?  -baffled
           \_ For me, I know of no other that will get everything in my
              notebook working correctly for me.  I'd run FreeBSD if it worked
              with all my hardware. --ricky with a 486 desktop & a P120 notebook.
              \_anyone successfuly running freeBSD on a notebook,
                especially a Hitachi notebook?
                \_ it runs great on my Libretto. Even better than windoze! -ERic
              \_ Understandable if that's the only thing that runs your
           \_ One reason could be that there are a lot more companies
              that offer commercial support for Linux.  As for myself,
              I use RedHat Linux and I like it a lot better than FreeBSD.
              First, I really like pre-compiled binaries.  Yeah, I can
              download the source and compile it myself, but its quicker
              and easier to install an RPM package.  Second it seems that
              the development and documentation efforts are much larger
              for Linux than for FreeBSD.  Finally, you can sometimes get
              decent non-open source software for Linux like StarOffice,
              WordPerfect and InsureLite (a memory leak finder).  Go Linux!
              What do you prefer about FreeBSD? -emin
                \_ The commercial support is a recent thing.  I can see the
                   ease that RPM's bring to life but isn't that sort of one
                   step away from sourceless, binary-only distributions, a la
                   the shrink wrap industry?  Documentation?  How so?  The
                   Linux How-to's are mostly out of date.  Gimme a solid man
                   page and an example config file any day.  I'm actually not
                   using FreeBSD.  There are other BSD's as well as Slowlaris
                   x86 and some other more off the beaten path stuff.  I didn't
                   write the "you're using Linux, not FreeBSD" comment at the
                   top.   -not a FreeBSD bigot
          \_ From a desktop user's point of view, What is the freaking
                difference between FreeBSD or Linux? Both work "well enough"
                for me. There is so much overlap between two systems that
                it really does not make a big difference. Use what works
                better for you..
          \_ I have heard this "linux is the least stable" thing a number
             of times, but nobody who says that ever seems to have anything
             but anecdotal evidence.  I think this is just bigotry
             of the same order as "My C=64 rulez Apple ][s suck!!!!! d00d"
             \_ the async file system?
             \_ i don't know how bad linux proper sucks, but redhat is
                definitely shit compared to freebsd. i don't know about rh 6,
                but 5 was crap all the way through. -ali
                \_ What didn't you like about RedHat 5?  I admit there
                   were a lot of bugs with the distribution such as the
                   emacs documentation not being included.  However once
                   you got the patches or installed RedHat 5.2 everything
                   worked fine.
                   \_ Unclear on the concept!
             \_ There is nothing *but* anecdotal evidence.  There are no
                reliable statistics, so to say it's bigotry based on rulez vs.
                drulez is to ignore "the common wisdom" at your peril.  There
                is zero anecdotal evidence to the contrary and lots in favor
                of the concept that linux is less stable.  Why go with
                something that *might* be less stable for no apparent gain?
                Increased risk with zero gain seems pointless to me.  I'm not
                an anti-Linux bigot.  I'm just baffled and curious.  I'm
                suspecting this is a "my friends all use Linux, so I do too"
                kind of thing.   --baffled
                \_ well that might make sense, in that you can rely on such a
                   'network of friends' for linux support.  I know I'd trash
                   my windows machines if I didn't have some friends to help
                   me with them every time they decide to mess themselves up. `
                   Talk about unstable!  If you use Windows for anything more
                   important than playing games, you're a fool!  -ERic
                \_ You want anecdotal evidence that FreeBSD has problems?
                   When I was working at a startup we ran FreeBSD.  It worked
                   pretty well but we had some weird problems with our file
                   server crashing and various network daemons dying.  For
                   example, we once had our file server crash while I was
                   doing a large cvs commit.  That sucked.  I'm not saying
                   that FreeBSD is less stable, I'm just saying that stories
                   of problems with FreeBSD exist too.  In my experience,
                   both Linux and FreeBSD are stable enough that I can't
                   really tell the difference.  God help you if you run
                   Windows though. -emin
1999/10/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16745 Activity:nil
10/20   Why the csua, and xcf haven't had any cool things/projects come out
        them.  It occurs to me that people keep talking about the myth of
        the good old days, and that everything was cooler then.  Well, you're
        partially right.  You would find hot-shit coders sitting around the
        web and talkig long into the night about this or that thing about
        computer science.  But that doesn't happen anymore.  Why?  Because
        people have better computers at home than any student org can ever
        have.  And so the hot-shit people stay at home.  Look at all the people
        who are brilliant in class.  They certainly don't hang around student
        groups much often, because they're at their reshall/home working on the
        next patch of thread support for linux at their home on their much
        faster computer (than anything we have).  This is why, for some reason
        people you never hear about are the people who do kick ass work at
          mystery solved.  You want to bring back the old days?  Make the cost
        of buying a pentium 666 intensely prohibitive.
1999/10/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:16743 Activity:kinda low
10/20   I have installed Linux on my PC.  However my SCSI card is not
        recongized by the OS because the card doesn't have a BIOS at all.
        In what way I can setup the card properly under Linux?
        \_ Get a real scsi card.  Check the Linux hw support list.
1999/10/14-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:16708 Activity:high
10/14   Crap, they switched the OS professor.  Who the hell is this
        Michael Franklin guy and what the heck happened to Hellerstein?
        \_ I smell another Professor Smith.
        \_ From the looks of it (no berkeley email or homepage and the
           class starts at 5:30) he must be an industry guy who comes
           in and teaches when he gets off work.  Fro what I've heard
           about those kinds of profs, they suck.
        \_ Franklin is my dad!  He rules!
        \_ Franklin is a new prof here.  Cal is hiring. (but not you)
        \_ I spoke with Franklin re: 162 using open src os.  No dice. - paolo
           \_ any impressions regarding his actual ability to teach 162?
              (personal philosophy conflicts notwithstanding)
              \_ Um, no he's a very nice guy, I sent him some email, he
                 responded the next day, this was very nice.  He has a
                 web page, so check him out.  He just didn't think he wanted
                 to teach the class in a non-object oriented, open src os
                 such as freebsd or linux. - paolo
                 \_ WHAT?!  NO LINUX!  I'll bet he doesn't even RIDE BIKE!!!!
                 \_ It's an OS course, not an OOP course.
1999/10/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:16693 Activity:nil
10/11   What settings do i have to change so that apache will allow ~user
        Web pages on my linux box.
        \_ UserDir  -tom

        - obvious troll deleted and will continually be.   Lets have some good,
        coherent discussion, people.
        \_ drop the chalupa
        \_ Read the conf file comments.  It's pretty clear.  I'd say RTFM,
           but you don't even need to do that much reading to figure this
           one out.
1999/10/9-12 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16678 Activity:kinda low 75%like:16677
10/8    I have a computer running RedHat 6.0.  I just got an ethernet
        installing a NIC, but I'd rather not reinstall.  Thanks.
        \_ You can find a list of drivers in
           /usr/src/linux/Documentation/; make sure the
           driver for your card is configured in your kernel or compiled
           as a module.
           \_ I installed a bsd box a while ago with totally random hardware
              which was all recognized instantly.  I had no idea what all that
              \_ Did writing that give you a big ego boost?
                \_ Don't forget to mention that it isn't a real sentence.
                   It doesn't have a period at the end.
                   \_ Uhm, okay.
              crap was, but bsd did.  And I don't have to rebuild the kernel
              every Monday, Thursday and every second Saturday.
           \_ WTF?! Isn't linux supposed to just work?  This looks worse
              than fucking windows! -sameer
                        \_ This sounds as if you are the victim of one or
                           more unrealistic expectations. "All OSes suck
                           equally.  Some OSes are less equal than others..."
               \_ yes, everything just magically works right off the
                  configuration is fairly easy.  just
                  route add -net eth0
                  ifconfig eth0
                  route add default gw
                  insmod 3c509.o
                        \_ Unless of course you're using a modern OS which
                           doesn't require you to recompile your kernel just
                           to add new hardware.  At least linux is up to the
                           level SunOS 4 was at a decade ago and doesn't make
                           you recompile the kernel to repartition your disks
                           like the truly ancient Unixes.
                  route add -host eth0
                  you're done (i just made up ip numbers).
                  \_ Oh yeah, that was totally trivial.  How obvious to any
                     \_ what I originally wrote was something different.
                        some dipshit changed what i wrote. basically
                        windows 95 does the exact same thing (load driver,
                        configure interface, and create routing table) but
                        has some pretty front end which you could easily
                        replicate under any other OS.
                \_ don't be an idiot.  If the support isn't compiled into
                   the kernel, of course it won't work.  -tom
                        \_ troll deleted
                        \_ It seems to be fairly common practice these days
                           for Linux distributors to configure everything as
                           a module that isn't in the core kernel, so you don't
                           generally have to recompile kernels. But if you have
                           an especially outlandish device you might have to
                           update your kernel sources and recompile. If you buy
                           a machine from VA Linux, for example, they will
                           patches and other good things for your box which
                           constitute their "officially supported" kernel, which
                           keeps you from having to track down quite so many
                           random little patches (and they give you precompiled
                           versions, too.) ... In theory, there's nothing which
                           prevents you from adding modules in after the kernel
                           is compiled, provided you get the symbol versions
                           right. But I haven't seen any concrete examples of
                           people doing this, especially since reconfiguring
                           one's kernel isn't particularly difficult, what with
                           "make xconfig" and all. -brg
                           \_ wait, I thought people recompiled and installed
                              linux kernels all the time?  Isn't this the point
                              of an open src?  you modify it to your needs?  I
                              remember having to recompile an old version of
                              slackware on my 386 just to get ps2 mouse
                              support. - paolo
                              \_ In the days when 1MB of memory costed $50
1999/10/8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16677 Activity:very high 75%like:16678
10/8    I have a computer running RedHat 6.0.  I just got an ethernet
        card from 3Com.  How do get LINUX to recognize the card?  I
        know that if I reinstall everything it will ask me about the
        installing a NIC, but I'd rather not reinstall.  Thanks.
        \_ Oh boy, not RedHat again.  Try linuxconf or netcfg or
           control-panel.  Actually, if you go into the /etc/conf.modules
           file you'll se an "alias eth0 ___"  Change the ___ to the
           appropriate module in /lib/modules/2.2.5/net
        \_ You can find a list of drivers in
           /usr/src/linux/Documentation/; make sure the
           driver for your card is configured in your kernel or compiled
           as a module.
           have lots of other pertinent info. -brg
           \_ WTF?! Isn't linux supposed to just work?  This looks worse
              than fucking windows! -sameer
1999/9/29-30 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16621 Activity:kinda low
9/28    I'm looking for a good Linux vendor. How is VA Linux and what
        other companies might I look into? Thanks. --dim
        \_ VA Linux is pretty good, though  half of the systems I got from them
           are running FreeBSD instead.  Are you just looking for software
           or what?
           \_ I want hardware and hardware support. --dim
              \_ Well, VALinux is fine for that. -mehlhaff
        \_ I got a bunch of bad RAM from VA; they were not particularly
           efficient about getting me a working system. But once they did,
           I didn't have much more to complain about. -brg
1999/9/26-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16602 Activity:nil
9/26    I have followed all the instructions in "INSTALL.REDHAT"  to
        install php3 on my linux box.  However, when i run a "httpd -l" it
        does not display mod_php.c.  Can anyone tell me or point me to
        docs which tell me how to find and install the correct binary?
        Thanks.  -crebbs
        \_ Was it a dynamic module?  I don't have the "INSTALL.REDHAT" file
           you're talking about (I don't use Linux for web service) so I
           have NFC what sorts of steps you went through.  If this is in
           fact a shared module, then did you activate it?  The solution
           to your problem isn't straightforward with the information you've
           provided.  --sowings
        \_ Fdisk, reinstall.  Run an operating system you're capable of
           dealing with.
1999/9/18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16543 Activity:high
9/16    in NT4.0, is there a way to prevent low-priority (as set in TaskMgr)
        processes from starving when a normal-priority process loops forever
        eating up CPU cycles?  E.g. any registry setting that I can tweak?
        Thanks.  (I know linux is better, but I'm stuck with NT.)
        \_ Actually, FreeBSD probably has a better scheduling algorithm
           than Linux
           \_ Actually, that is nuncupatory.
           \_ so your answer is?  Just do plain exercise and hope that the
              fat around your abs goes away?
1999/9/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:16529 Activity:nil
9/15    I installed linux but it sucks.  How can I get my win95 back so I
        can get back to doing real work instead of screwing with config
        files?  I have the cd but no boot floppies.
        \_ get a boot floppy.  send me an e-mail if you still need one; i'll
           put up an image -jctwu
          \_ .netrc . I wouldn't recommend it, though. --dim
                \_ use expect.
1999/9/14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16516 Activity:nil 80%like:16514
9/13    A friend of mine was going to download RH Linux but he says that
        you pay $40-$70 for, so he downloaded Mandrake Linux instead.
        Is he smoking crack or not?
        \_ $40-$70 = glossy box w/ shrink wrap, book, 1 mo. tech support,
           stuff.  ftp install is usually good enuf.
           \_ he said something about a "licensing" problem. ?
              \_ He's an idiot.
                \_ Or he's seen that RedHat includes commercially licensed
                   stuff in the box that they can't put up for ftp.  (In
                   older versions, TriTeal CDE for example.)
        \_ Visual Basic, C, Java, or BASIC.  If I were to do it all over
           again, I'd major in math and start with C.  perl?  no.  nonono.
        \_ Not sure of the latest version, but it used to be the case
           that the version you bought had proprietary video drivers.
           Also, I think it comes with some server utils and
           related reasons?  Does she want to become a computer geek/
           Standard licensing stuff.
1999/9/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16514 Activity:very high 80%like:16516
9/13    A friend of mine was going to download RH Linux but he says that the
        web site version is disabled in some way compared to the CD version
        you pay $40-$70 for, so he downloaded Mandrake Linux instead.
        Is he smoking crack or not?
        \_ $40-$70 = glossy box w/ shrink wrap, book, 1 mo. tech support,
           some commercial software, boot disks, SRPMS CD, and some other
           stuff.  ftp install is usually good enuf.
           \_ he said something about a "licensing" problem. ?
              \_ He's an idiot.
                 \_ Actually, no, you are.
        \_ Not sure of the latest version, but it used to be the case
           that the version you bought had proprietary video drivers.
           Also, I think it comes with some server utils and
           WordPerfect.  I believe you have to buy it to get all that.
           Standard licensing stuff.
1999/9/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16460 Activity:low
9/3     RFK - Request For Klews.  If your a Linux Networking Genius,
        please look at my file - /tmp/  It explains my
        lack of klew.  Thanx.  -mtbb
        \_ ehgad! what the hell kind of fucked up network are you
           trying to set up?  you have to take care with using redhat
           since redhat is for the klewless.  the /etc/sysconfig stuff
           is specific to redhat so if you don't want to learn how to
           do things manually and want redhat to take care of things
           automatically use the /etc/sysconfig/network crap. otherwise
           use ifconfig and route.  post to the ucb.os.linux newsgroup.
        \_ It's hopeless.  Install win95 and play minesweeper.
        Think I'll scrap the PC all together.. I'll go back to using
        paper and pen. -mtbb
1999/8/24-25 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16382 Activity:very high
8/23    Help me choose a linux!  Any recommendation on what kind of linux
        package I should get?  I just want able to do gcc/emacs on x-windows,
        and being able to get onto the internet. I don't have much unix
        background, I am looking for a package that make the installation of
        the OS easier.
        I am leaning toward SuSE just because it has WordPerfect as part of
        distribution (don't laugh).  Any recommendation against this?
        FYI, I am buying the software for the support, as I am close to
        in terms of installation/administration
        \_ You can do gcc, emacs, X, get on the net, and use wordperfect on
           a windows system.  What was it you wanted linux for since you don't
           seem interested in learning unix?
           \_ Actually, I *AM* interested in learning unix... is gcc, emacs
              pretty much as part of standard linux package?
                \_ Oh.  Nevermind the windows comments then.
        \_ FreeBSD.
        \_ Any linux distribution will have all this.  -tom
           \_ SCO!
        \_ Solaris 7 is free to students -- just pay shipping.
        \_ RedHat is easiest to install.
        \_ Debian is all free software.
        \_ FreeBSD.
1999/8/13-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Industry/Startup] UID:16308 Activity:high
8/13    Have you sold your Redhat IPO shares yet?
        \_ You can use the money to buy ASWX ... there is a company with
           actual revenue in the IPOs of this week.  Big upside potential
           if you aren't a day-trading moron and can hold the stock.
        \_ yes, at $89. thanks much.
           \_ i always thought that ipo's usually dip down after the first
              day surge.
                \_ Ebay did the opposite.  There are many different patterns.
                \_ It's the stock market.  There's no science or predictable
                   factors involved.
                   \_ You mean my double major in economics means nothing?
                        \_ It might mean something for running a business but
                           it means nothing for determining whether a net IPO
                           is going anywhere and for how long.
              \_ That's for your average stupid overinflated piece of drivel.
                       more. quit whining.
                 RedHat is better than 90% of most of the "internet IPO" crap
                 out there. But I expect it will eventually stabilize at

                 50-60, then gradually climb up to 80 again over the next
                 6-12 months.
                 \_ Oh really?  What makes RH so special other than fanatic
                    followers who are mostly cash poor?  How much do they
                    make every quarter and what's their profit margin?
                    \_ Have you ever seen that Simpsons spoof episode
                       where Homer starts his own "Internet Company" that
                       does nothing.  Well, that exactly what most
                       Internet stocks are.  Seriously, what the hell
                       does Halcyonsoft do?
                        \_ Ask them.
                        \_ I don't see what could be more clear than their
                           own proclamation:
                           Halcyon Software, a leading
                           developer of Active Server
                           Framework technology, gives IT
                           professionals the ability to
                           deploy Web-based applications
                           with unrivaled compatibility
                           across multiple server platforms.
                    \_ You know that has nothing to do with stock price any
                       more. quit whining. Oh, and Dell is offering Redhat
                       on their computers, dummy.
                       \_ If nothing means anything anymore, than again, I ask
                          what makes RH so damned special?  It was stated as a
                          fact that RH "is better than 90% of most of the
                          'internet IPO' crap out there".  Better in what way?
                          Just by the mere fact that it went up?  Is this a
                          post-facto determination?  Had it gone no where,
                          you'd be the first saying a RH IPO was stupid?
                          \_ it was definately a PRE-determination,
                             seeing as how I had the forsight to buy at $50
                             \_ Well, that's nice.  Now then, what makes RH
                                fall into the non-crap 10% other than OS
                                religious fanatacism?  Still waiting on
                                this one.  I don't expect a non-fanatic answer
                                because there isn't one.  There is *nothing*
                                special about RH and it sure as hell isn't
                                worth $5b as a company.  That's ridiculous.
                                Disgusting as they are, at least MS sells a
                                lot of it's product for a much higher price
                                than it costs them to produce it.  RH does
                                no such thing.
                                \_ They do a lot of front end development
                                   contracted by people like SGI and Dell.
                                   They also do a lot of consulting and tech
                                   support which MS doesn't do no matter
                                   what they tell you.  In other words, it's
                                    not just another stupid company putting
                                    up another stupid web page claiming
                                    to be the official portal to the Internet
                                        \_ They have backing from Intel,
                                        IBM, and Dell. Enough said.
                       \_ that means shit if nobody buys these preloads...
                          \_ they probably will. otherwise, dell marketing
                             isn't stupid enough to preload their computers
                             with something nobody buys.  look at sgi, they're
                             developing now for linux and ditching their
                             nt line completely because it was "unprofitable"
                                \_ Dell always gets it right?  *ALWAYS*? Why
                                   this assumption that big companies are run
                                   by smart people?  And are smart people
                                   *ALWAYS* right?  No.
                                        \_Big companies can spend enough
                                        money to make it right.
           \_ i'm going to kick myself for not signing up with etrade.
                \_ don't.  It sucks.  It was a serious fluke if you were
                   on ETrade and didn't get bumped from the Red Hat IPO
                   list.  ETrade sucks.  I'm moving to Schwab.
                   \_ Don't. Etrade sucks less(tm)
                      I missed the IPO window. I still managed to buy
                      at 50 (through "regular" trading, with etrade)
                      ["Double your money, double your fun..."]
                      My trade went through INSTANTLY, and I was
                      notified of it immediately.
                      Schwab sucks.
                   \_ etrade sucks less than schwab.
1999/8/12-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16302 Activity:moderate
8/12    If yesterday's RedHat fiasco wasn't enough, SGI looks like it will
        actually release XFS under GPL. Maybe they'll keep their word this time
        \_ What RedHat fiasco?
        \_ two things to remember:
           1. they seem to hvae already released "initial code"
           2. XFS was so buggy, completely ditched SGI because
              of it.
              \_ what was so buggy about it?
                \_ their SGI boxes kept crashing.  I doubt it was the
                   filesystems' fault.  -tom
                   \_ at least twice, they relayed in best.status
                      "SGI says it's a bug in XFS"
                \_ yes, but SGI was completely unable to fix it, which
                   makes me question their veracity.  SGI certainly isn't
                   going to say "it's because IRIX is a piece of shit"  -tom
                   \_ of the things in IRIX that "blow dead goats", the
                      filesystem is not close to being one of them. --jon
                      (35GB on xfs and no FS related crashes in a year)
                      \_  It's not the size that matters, it's how
                          you use it.
                          Now where have I heard that before...
1999/8/11 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16289 Activity:nil
8/10    How do you set up IP port forwarding under Linux 2.2.  All the docs
        point to the 2.0 kernel and ipportfw doesn't exist anymorei under
        new distributions?
1999/8/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16231 Activity:very high
8/3     Can anybuddy tell me which process of Linux actively looks for a
        nameserver or ISP after I perform a "route add -net ...."?  I live
        in a place where it costs money each time I make a phone call and
        for each minute I spend on the phone.  I.e., I don't want any
        processes just checking to see if there's a good connection or not
        every once in a while.  I'm using RedHat 5.2, I don't ride a bike.
        Thanx.  --mtbb.
        \_ this is easily found on <DEAD><DEAD> FAQs..., but here's the rough
                info: edit nsswitch.conf to have "hosts:        files dns"
                edit resolv.conf to have "nameserver" <
                that was a slow berkeley nameserver
                good luck !
                \_ The FAQs suck.  It's total super linuxoid geek trash and
                   hard to read through, or even find in the first place.
                        \_I suggest - that if you want to have a long-term
                        useful & working linux system, that you read the docs.
                        if you can't do that, you shouldn't be in Berkeley,
                        or CS, or eecs.
                        \_ I'm not in Berkeley anything.  I'm just a user
                           waiting for linux to be useful for non-super
                           geekoids.  Heap abuse on me all you want but it'll
                           never touch windows until normal people can use it.
                           \_ You're posting to a CSUA newsgroup.  Hence, you
                              are either a (1) a computer science major (2)
                              a system administrator or (3) someone who has
                              nothing to do with CSUA but just wants to hoze
                              the motd.  In either 1 or 2 you must be someone
                              who uses unix and hence are a Berkeley something.
                              If you can't figure out how to read stupid docs
                              or faqs or howtos then yes or figure out how
                              to use unix then you surely don't belong in 1
                              or 2.
                           \_ I'm not a super geekoid and I find linux
                              to be very usable and useful.  In fact, I've
                              almost trippled my productivity after switching
                              from windows since i stop wasting my time
                              going to <DEAD><DEAD> and finding hacks
                              like TweakUI, Microangelo, and lame ass DLL
                              cleaners and trying to figure out regedit.exe.
                              I don't know what planet you're from but
                              the FAQ and docs are pretty straigt forward.
                              \_ Oh really?  Maybe that linux spell checker
                                 needs a bit more dev. work.  If you find
                                 linux faqs and setup easy then you're a
                                 a super geekoid whether you realize it or
                                 not.  -still waiting for ease-of-use linux
                        \_ I never said linux is easy, nor do I wish to argue
                                a common stupid debate. If you don't like
                                figuring out things from FAQs, or reading,
                                than you shouldn't be using unix! go home!
1999/7/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16212 Activity:nil
7/30    For those interested in new linux 2.4 features expected in the fall:
        \_ First of all, the guy who wrote this is an idiot.  He has
           done nothing more than go through the kernel configuration
           and noted what's different.  He doesn't know what's really
           important (and pretty much says so).  With 2.2 he missed
           all the really important changes and was too busy stroking
           Linus.  This article is just more of the same. -!tom
1999/7/20-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Industry/Startup] UID:16172 Activity:nil
7/20    All you open source hackers out there.  Here's a bit of news you
        might be interested in. Yet another reason to contribute to GNU.
        \_ when is the damn IPO.. I dont see mention of it
           \_ I believe Aug 6 or 9.
1999/7/17-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16151 Activity:high
17/07   I just upgraded from RedHat 5.2 LINUX to RedHat 6.0 LINUX and
        latex and tex just broke.  Did this happen to anyone else?
        Any suggestions for fixing things?
        \_ You could reinstall tex and latex from the sources; I usually
           have pretty good luck with that.
           explains (tersely) how. Red Hat posts patches for 6.0 to
           however I didn't notice anything TeX-related there. If you bought
           Red Hat, call them up for support. I'd suggest, however, that the
           easiest way to avoid this kind of mishap in the future is to
           backup and then reinstall instead of upgrading. -brg
           \_ Yeah, that is what I eventually decided to do after
              discovering some newsgroup postings indicating that
              RedHat's update mechanism is broken.  If anyone else
              out there is considering upgrading to RedHat 6.0, I
           \_ freebsd.
              \_ NetBSD
                 \_ OpenBSD
                    \_ Shaddup Theo
              wouldn't trust the upgrade mode.  By the way, once I got
              it working I was quite happy with 6.0.  The GNOME desktop
              alone makes switching worthwhile.
        \_ Yeah, stop 'upgrading' your system when nothing is wrong with it.
           \_ What kind of strangled-brain sysadmin punk are you? This is
              somebody's home box, for crying out loud.
                \_ I'm the kind who likes his home machine to just work and
                   doesn't mindlessly 'upgrade' it just because something
                   WAY RAD AND K00L is available.  Why treat a home machine
                   any differently?  You don't like your home machine to work?
                   \_ So I take it you are still using DOS 1.0 on your box?
                      \_ No, dork.  The phrase was "mindlessly upgrade".  Don't
                  _                                 _   _
 _ __   ___  _ __| |__  _   _  __      ____ _ ___  | |_| |__   ___
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|_| |_|\___/|_|  |_.__/ \__, |   \_/\_/ \__,_|___/  \__|_| |_|\___|
 _               _                            _
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        \_ I gave birth to Norby's love child!
                \_ I didn't know tara still logged in.
                   \_ Every so often, I think.  She's pretty busy with
                      the baby...
                \_ has pictures of Norby's love child.
                         use cheap straw man arguments.  They're childish,
                         and not considered clever after third grade.  And, yes
                         I *do* have a bootable DOS 1.0 floppy which was still
                         working about 4 months ago, thanks for asking, but no,
                         I don't run my company or home computers on it.
                      \_ So why is updating from RH 5.2 to 6.0 a mindless
                         upgrade?  Even if 6.0 doesn't have any features
                         which you consider worthwhile, they might be quite
                         useful for others.
                      \_ DOS 1.0 is even worse than its predecesor, CPM.
           \_ well, one can say that the nfs is borken.
        \_ my smb mounts don't work anymore after switching from 5.1 to 6.0.
           what gives?  has the command line changed also?
                \_ You might have to update your userspace smb tools;
                   /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes has a list of
                   the things you'll want to run at any particular
                   kernel rev. -brg
1999/7/10-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16100 Activity:kinda low 60%like:16092
7/9     More alternatives to Windoze:,4,84-38856,00.html?
        \_ Linux RULEZ!  Ride BIKE!
           \_ Who _are_ you?
                \_ Linux RULEZ!  Ride BIKE!
                   \_ that isn't helping...
                      \_ isn't it obvious? he's the dilbert h0zer.
                        \_ Wrong.  NEXT!  Linux RULEZ!  Ride BIKE!
        \_ Why bother?  Linux RULEZ!  Linux is the only alternative to wind0wz
           and one day real soon now only Linux will be here!
1999/7/9-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16098 Activity:high
7/9     Does anyone know what set of libraries programs like linux and apache
        uses to dynamically load modules during run time?
        \_ The answer you want is libdl.
        \_ Linux is an OS not a program.  The answer you want is libdl.
           \_ so are you saying that an OS isn't a program?  So what is YOUR
              definition of a program--everything that runs on a computer
              except for the OS?!?  sheesh, and you are a CS major (or already
              have your degree).
                \_ 'program' generally means 'application' these days.  Only
                   a twittish cs major or prof might tell you otherwise.  I
                   didn't fill out a PO for 200 cd's of the linux program
                   last week.  I filled out a PO for 200 cd's of the linux OS.
                   Give a hoot, don't be a twit.
           \_ what header files do you include?
                \_ Either read the docs or look at the source you lazy ass.
                   Perl, apache, and mozilla all have readily available
                   source you can read/copy from.
                   \_ If you know the answer you can save us all the trouble
                      and stupid flames and post the answer in which case
                      everyone who comes across it (whether they are
                      interested or not or just newbies) will benefit
                      or you can be a total asshole and take up pointless
                      space on the motd.
                        \_ There's another type of space in the motd?
                        \_ but taunting people is what CSUA is all about.
                           Computer Science's Unhelpful Assholes
                           \_ hi, dude.
                        \_ If you tell us what OS, then we can answer.  The
                           answer is different for different OS'es.  For all
                           we know, then answer he wants is "DLLs you poor
                           winblows scum".
                   \_ you're right, i am lazy. but some of us are still using
                      cheap ass 14k modems that don't work for shit, moron.
                        \_ The interfaces differ by platform.  Read the stupid
                           docs for your platform.
                        \_ A 14.4 modem works fine to ftp a copy to soda and
                           untar and look at the code from here.
                \_ If you have libdl, then run nm on it and see what
                   functions are included and read the docs for them or
                   grep for them in /usr/include.
        \_ dlopen() is the most common interface - run man dlopen and see if
                it's available on your platform.
                \_ I wonder how much overhead calling these functions incur
                   as opposed to statically linking the files and calling
                   them straight.
                        \_ Not that much on modern CPU's.  Much much lower
                           overhead than relinking everytime you want to
                           install a new module/plugin, use a new library
                           version, or want to use specially-optimized
                           code (like MMX plugins for photoshop or on
                           Solaris where Ultra's load specially tuned
                           versions of libc if you dynamically link).
        \_ The answer you want if you're writing software for distribution or
           to run on multiple platforms is GNU libtool, which handles all the
           different interfaces for you and provides a single standardized
           interface you can call.
                \_ I just wish libtool had fewer warts... it annoys me
                   when it looks like it's decided some library ought to be
                   "" instead of ""...
                   but then maybe that's just maintainer incompetence, as I've
                   never actually designed a package that used it. -brg
        \_ Um, you could run ldd on Apache's httpd and see what libraries it
           is linked against.
1999/7/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:16094 Activity:nil
07/08   NT vs. Linux rematch.,4153,1015266,00.html
1999/6/29-7/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:16032 Activity:nil
6/28    Does anyone have Linux code for accessing the Pentium performance
        counters?  I want to do some high resolution timing.  tx.  -phr
        \_ how about gperf (must compile with -p option)
        \_ Ride BIKE!
1999/6/16-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15971 Activity:moderate
6/16    I'm running a web site using RedHat 5.2 (Linux, apache, etc etc).
        Should I fork $100 for a new RedHat 6.0? Is it worth it? What
        new features are included in 6.0?
        \_ Why would you spend the money?  Just download it or pay $1.89 for
           it at  -mogul
        \_ Net-install on my DSL took about 45 minutes. All you haveta do
           is grab bootnet.img and make a floppy out of it.
           \_ what mirror did you use?  <DEAD><DEAD> won't fill my isdn...
        \_ go by the Callug office and get a free copy.
        \_ The main new features are the 2.2 kernel and the windowing system.
           The windowing system probably isn't important; the kernel
           might be, if you're using NFS or a multi-processor box.  -tom
           \_ Redhat 6.0 isn't totally stable, IMHO.  If you need a 2.2
              kernel you're better off installing Redhat 5.2, getting all
              the 2.2 upgrade RPMs, and compiling a kernel yourself. -randal
1999/5/5 [Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15754 Activity:nil
5/5     new to linux.  any recommendation for reference books for developers?
        \_ Linux Application Development is supposed to be good.
1999/4/27-28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:15706 Activity:nil
4/26    RedHat 6.0 was released today, according to  Anyone
        know a local mirror that won't be completely saturated? -- nickkral
        \_ Why did this appear on the slashdot page before it did on the
           RedHat page?  Perhaps if you mail
           they will add 6.0
1999/3/30-4/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:15666 Activity:kinda low
3/30    I've got a friend who'd like to config a Linux machine to act as a
        a gateway so that their home network can share a DSL line -- I've
        never done this (and obviously they haven't, since they're asking
        me) . . . any good FAQ's I can point them to for advice?

 _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ____ ___ ____ _____ _   _ ____    _ __   __
| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / /
| |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V /  |  _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /
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        \_ A friend of mine uses ip masquerading. here's an email blurb:
           >lines added to the end of file /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
           >echo "ip_masq"
           >echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
           >/sbin/depmod -a
           >/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp.o
           >/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio.o
           >/sbin/modprobe ip_irc.o
           >/sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
           >/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S192.168.1.0/24 -D0.0.0.0/0
           >/sbin/ifconfig eth1
           >/sbin/route add -net
           >also you have to set up the linux machine
           >as a gateway in tcpip settings in w95
           I'm not exactly sure what each line does. Don't forget to compile
           IP Masquerading into the kernel.
           \_ This is for Linux 2.0.x, which is what the latest Redhat
              distrib ships with.  You should really upgrade to 2.2.5 (it's
              \_ oh shit, i didn't know they were up to 2.2.5 already. it
                 was only a month ago when people were boasting about 2.2.2
                 \_ As you wrote this, three newer versions were relased.  By
                    the time you finish reading this sentence, they'll be at
                    version (or so - depends on your reading speed).
              pathetically easy), and use the ipchains stuff below.  Better
              yet, use FreeBSD --dbushong
        \_ natd
           \_ That's for FreeBSD.  On a modern Linux box, use ipchains:
              ipchains -A forward -s -d 0/0 -j MASQ
              (where is your internal subnet).  You probably
              also want to add the built in proxies for things that doesn't
              insmod ip_masq_cuseeme

 _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ____ ___ ____ _____ _   _ ____    _ __   __
| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / /
| |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V /  |  _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /
|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |   | |_) | ||  _ < | | |  _  | |_| / ___ \| |_
|_| |_/_/   \_\_|   |_|    |_|   |____/___|_| \_\|_| |_| |_|____/_/   \_\_( )
         _____ __  __  ___  _   _ ____   ___  _____
        |_   _|  \/  |/ _ \| \ | |  _ \ / _ \| ____|
          | | | |\/| | | | |  \| | |_) | | | |  _|
          | | | |  | | |_| | |\  |  _ <| |_| | |___
          |_| |_|  |_|\___/|_| \_|_| \_\\___/|_____|
              insmod ip_masq_ftp
              insmod ip_masq_irc
              insmod ip_masq_raudio                 --dbushong
1999/3/4-9 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15539 Activity:kinda low
3/4     Does anyone know what OS Sony will use for Playstation 2?
        \_ Rumor is linux at least for the development platform
           \_ I heard linux too but that wouldn't make sense to put it a
              Playstation since linux isn't a real-time embedded OS and
              has way too many capabilities for a game system. Why not
              \_ Actually, at the company I used to work for we stripped
                 down Linux so that it would fit into ~15MB and run
                 on 8MB Ram.
                 \_ PicoBSD!  Now if I could only get it to run... -John
                 \_ Years ago linux ran happilly on 4MB ram machines all
                    the time (as long as you didn't run X)
                    \_ Our stripped down system was running X.
                       \_ You can run X under 4MB if you have enough swap;
                          I did that just for fun, though I wouldn't try
                          running much more than 2 xterms.  QNX proves you
                          _can_ have a responsive WS in much less if you're
                          willing to try hard. -- schoen
              \_ no fuckng source (unless you want to pay lot of moolah)
           \_ Didn't Sony have its own OS for game machines called Aprios or
              Aperios or something like that?  Or is that OS already dead and
              they have decided to switch to something new?  -- yuen
           \_ Linux sucks!  WinCE rules!  Flame me!
           \_ D00D!!!1!  1F TH3Y UZ3D L1NUX 4 TH31R D3VEL0PM3NT PLATF0RM,
              THAT WULD B3 S0 K-RAD, B3CUZ 1F 3NUFF UV US ASK3D, MAYB3 W3
              C0ULD G3T S0NY 2 G1V3 0UT TH31R PLAYSTATIUN K0D AS 0P3N
              S0URC3!!!1!!  TH3N 1 K0ULD PLAY PLAYSTATIUN GAM3Z 0N MY GNU
              BUY a PLAYSTATIUN!!!1!!!  TH3N MAYB3 GAM3 CUMPAN13Z W0ULD B3
                 UND3R GPL AND G1V1NG TH3M AWAY 4 FR33!!!1!!!  THAT'D
              T0TALLY RUL3!!!1!!!  PLAYSTAT1UN 4 FR33, D00D!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!
1999/2/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15441 Activity:nil
2/18    Anyone out there try to recompile the kernel with RedHat 5.2?
        I tried to, including firewall/IP-masquerading, and there was a file
        missing during the compile. Please post, or let me know. -noah
        \_ gee what a helpful problem report.
        \_ Replace the missing file.
1999/2/2-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15344 Activity:kinda low
2/1     mdw comments on revision of CS Linux policy (the infamous
        "policy.txt") in ucb.os.linux.  Take a look.  -- schoen
        \_ I have to say, it doesn't bode well for those who are
           or might someday be in the position of setting policy
           when the documents they create are referred to using
       the prefix "the infamous". Certainly none of us is a
           Thomas Jefferson, but I can only hope better writers
           (or perhaps just cooler heads?) are called to the
           task in the future. -brg
           or might someday be in the position of setting policy when
           the documents they create are referred to using the prefix
           "the infamous". Certainly none of us is a Thomas Jefferson,
           but I can only hope better writers (or perhaps just cooler
           heads?) are called to the task in the future. -brg
           \_ Are you saying the policy writers need cooler heads or those
              who were attacking the policy?  You, Sir, are no Thomas
                \_ Cooler heads all 'round, but in this case,
                   I specifically meant the policy writers. -brg
           \_ Well, that policy _was_ pretty infamous: mdw used "Draconian".
              It was written in a hurry by someone who was frightened and
              apparently did not consult with many other people.  These are
              not very encouraging ways to write policy.  -- schoen
              \_ Frightened of what?  Hordes of  free roaming linux users
                 overwhleming the Soda network with unchained packets?
                 \_ A penguin stampede! :-)  But they were mostly
                    frightened because of the abysmal security of the
                    default RedHat installation -- you can install
                    "Everything" and get all sorts of weird daemons running
                    by default.  And RedHat is a lot easier to install than
                    many other Unixes; so it's very tempting for novice
                    admins, or, as Pope might say:

                        A little learning is a dangerous thing:
                        Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.
                        There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
                        And drinking largely sobers us again.  -- schoen
                        \-re: msft and linux etc, as dryden did write
                          [well, more or less] ... --psb
                           And, Bill's marketing manag'd it so well,
                           The bad found no occasion to rebel.
                           But, when to sin our bias'd nature leans,
                           The careful Gates is still at hand with means;
                           The moderate sort of men, thus qualifi'd,
                           Inclin'd the balance to the better side:
                           But when the chosen people grew more strong,
                           The rightful cause at length became the wrong:
1999/1/29-31 [Recreation/Activities, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15322 Activity:nil
1/28    What's the difference between running routed, running gated, and
        building IP routing into the kernel? --clueless
        \-routing involves both the conceptual concept and specific protocols,
        e.g. RIP, OSPF, BGP etc. Maybe this would be a productive start. --psb
        \_ If you don't understand routed and gated, just put IP routing in
           the kernel and use static routes with the "route" command or local
           equivalent.  routed and gated and associated protocols are used for
           dynamic routing, which is mostly useful on multihomed networks.  If
           you don't know what a multihomed network is, you probably don't
           have one, and you should start with the research psb recommends.
           It's rather horrible that e.g. Redhat 5 is bundling gated and
           STARTING IT BY DEFAULT, thus prompting lots of people whose networks
           don't even come close to needing dynamic routing to worry over what
           gated is for.
1999/1/28-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15312 Activity:low
1/28    What's the difference between linux-aout and linux-elf?
        \_ executable link format is the newer and more universally used
           binary/object/core/so format used by most unixes.  aout is
           reserved for the socially backwards programmer.  Nevertheless,
           you should still compile aout support into your linux kernel
           for the rare instances that you do run aout programs.
           \_ Does linux support coff?
                \_ Is that contagious?
1999/1/26-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:15292 Activity:moderate
1/15    Linux 2.2.0 kernel is out.  Go get it!
        \_ WHere can I get it, and what new features does it have over 2.0.36?
           \_ If you've never gotten a new kernel before, you _don't_ want to
              start with a new minor kernel version.  Read the kernel HOWTO.
              It is faster, more stable, has more drivers, etc.  A comparison
              may be found on <DEAD><DEAD>.
              \_ has an article today on the differences.
        \_ Save the bandwidth, download patches. (That is, unless you're
           running 2.0.x) -brg
           \_ For those on campus, Trey Hyde has been keeping the current
              version for ftp at  -- schoen
                \_ For those used to stability, wait a while. There
                   are still (annoyingly) crashing bugs in 2.2.0.
                   echo "subscribe linux-kernel" | \
                   if you want the fully-loaded spammage. -brg
                   \_ Of course, the buggiest version of linux is probably
                      a lot less buggier than the cleanest version of
                      Microsoft Windows.
1999/1/21-24 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:15271 Activity:high
1/21    CS department network services
        people of questionable intellect, please view /tmp/policy.txt.
        \_ it seems as though this policy is regarding desktop machines
           within the department and has nothing to do with anyone's home
           machines.  is this not the case?
        \_ There was an incident like this at UCLA where a dorm student had
           his ethernet port disabled because he was running a multiuser
        \_ that's pretty lame if you can't run daemons without asking for
           permissions first.
        \_ impossible to enforce. You stupid fools.
           \_ not impossible. Not against 95% of the people that want to
              run them. They just do port scanning on specific ports.
              \_ They can't force you to pay for their services or wipe your
                 disk with a "by running linux you have implicitly agreed to
                 this policy" statement.  That's just some power tripping
                 moron making shit up.  As for the rest, it's just stupid.
                 They don't take care of their own site security and couldn't
                 tell if someone else's machine was insecure so what's the
                 point?  It's just silly.  They are silly stupid people and I
                 fart in their general direction.
                  \_ Hello?  Did you read the part that said this is the
                        "CS dept. network" policy?  They're not "charging you"
                        - this covers machines owned by the CS dept. and on
                        their network - they have the right to define how
                        their property (computers & network) is used.
                        \_ Read it again.  They don't have the right to create
                           a policy that you're pre-agreed to simply by having
                           a linux box on the network without making sure
                           you're read and signed the agreement first.  Wake
                           up.  This is so incredibly open to abuse, it isn't
                           even laughable.  Actually, its down right scary.
                                \_ If you've got a box on the CS dept. network
                                   it's either owned by the CS dept. or a CS
                                   student group who agreed to follow CS
                                   \_ Even the ones which can cost you money
                                      without your having been made
                                      specifically aware of such costs.  The
                                      policy is ridiculous and scary.
                                \_ What's ridiculous is the idea that
                                   you can plug whatever you want into
                                   campus network connections.  -tom
                                   campus network connections.  The CS
                                   department owns the connection, and is
                                   having major problems with unsupported
                                   Unix boxes, primarily Linux.  This is
                                   happening all over campus.  While I don't
                                   agree with all the points of the policy,
                                   I fully support the department's right to
                                   control its own network.  -tom
                                   \_ I agree that they have a right to kick
                                      you off, but not to say that merely
                                      running a particular OS implies your
                                      consent to their entire policy including
                                      charging you a bogus security fine
                                      without making any effort to educate
                                      anyone about the existence of this
                                      policy.  In fact, I doubt it's either
                                      legal or possible to assign such a bogus
                                      charge to anyone's CARS bill.
                                      charge to anyone's CARS bill.  An empty
                                      threat is stupid.  This is a research
                                      and educational institution.  They
                                      should educate, not slap random
                                      punishments around they can't enforce.
                                        \_ It doesn't mention CARS bills,
                                           because the CS dept. doesn't allow
                                           students to plug in their computers
                                           in Soda Hall.  This is about
                                           how the dept. 'charges' the various
                                           research projects in soda hall.
                                           \_ Hahahahhahha, I'd like to see
                                              those monkey faced little shits
                                              try to charge my Prof. for this!
                        \_ Yes I did.  It didn't say I could plug in my own
                           machine and run all those services without getting
                           squished.  They have the right to turn off a
                           network connection but not to charge me for their
                           worthless security check/approval.  Can you say,
                           "stupid invasive big brotherish morons invent yet
                           another ridiculous set of paranoid self defeating
                           idiotic 'policies' again"?  Knew you could.
                                \_ YOU CAN'T PLUG IN ANY MACHINE OF YOURS TO
                                   THE CS DEPT. NETWORK.  This has nothing
                                   to do with personal machines at home.  It
                                   ONLY COVERS MACHINES IN SODA HALL.
                                   \_ I didn't say "at home".  I _can_ and
                                      _have_ plugged a machine in at soda hall.
                                      Thank you for playing.  Try again? (Y/n)
                                        \_ If you plugged your laptop in to
                                           a connection in soda hall, you are
                                           most likely doing so without
                                           permission and can get in much more
                                           trouble than just breaking the
                                           linux policy.
        \_ Anyone with more info? In what situations does that policy apply?
           \_ CalLUG is trying to find out more about this.  It looks like
              it is targeted at researchers in Soda Hall.  -- schoen
        \_ Well, "FreeBSD" doesn't appear anywhere in that policy; sounds
           like they're just trying to get you to make a sensible OS choice.
           \_ You will be absorbed.  It doesn't say I can't run all those
              exact same services on my far less secure win 95/nt box either.
1999/1/13-17 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15230 Activity:nil
1/13 Where can I find out info on Linux serial port programming? Thx.
     \_ <DEAD><DEAD>
          -- jsjacob
1999/1/13-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15224 Activity:nil
1/26    Is Glint (comes with RedHat Linux) the same thing as Linuxconf, except
        with fancy GUI? Is there any more advantage for using Glint? Thanks.

                           _/_,---(       ,    )
                          /        <      /   )  \
                         |  (   / :: \ / :  \     |
                          \/ ::::::: :: \ :::) :: /
                          (_(::::\::( ::::>::::::\)
                           \\_(:_:<:::>_>'::::/ //
          - ------===;;;'====------------------===;;;===----- -  -
                                   ` ^'"`-' "
                         __   __ ,Z/V7V|HIH\\..  _  _
                __/~\___/  \_/  \XX/~~\##/~~\\\_/ \/ \__/~~\_/\_

        \_ No, Glint is just a GUI for rpm.  linuxconf is for actually doing
           simple admin tasks. -mogul
1999/1/13-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:15223 Activity:moderate
1/26    Let's say I accidentally deleted my entire Linux partition. How do
        I restore the files, assuming that I know that the file names are gone?
        \_ mt rewind ; restore i
     \_ dd if=/dev/sd0a | more
        \_ Thanks. So how do I convert this huge content into files?
           \_ Wow!  You sure are fucked!  How'd you manage to wipe the
           \_ afraid that's your problem, bubba. if you REALLY cared,
              you might try to write a program that is kind of a "strings"
              for disk sectors. It would look for sectors that start with
              ascii data, then write all following information, until
              it hit a '\0' somewhers. This is taking the chance that
              your disk was formatted with all sectors zero-filled.
              You also then need to deal with file fragmentation.
              By hand. You have about a month's work ahead of you,
              Btw, if this was a traditional ufs partition, i would
              tell you to try to use one of the "alternate superblocks"
              to try to recover inode info.
     \_ If you deleted the partition (with fdisk) -- just re-create it
        in the same place; it will work.  If you deleted files -- ext2fs
        has undelete info; you can use mc or other tool.
        Of course, dd will work, too.
        \_ debugfs might help in some cases too.
1999/1/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15190 Activity:nil
1/7     Does Linux now recognize FAT32? How do I make it so that it can
        recognize FAT32? Thanks!!
        \_ It has since 2.0.35 or so (though there has been a patch for
        \_ It has since 2.0.35 or so (though thise has been a patch for
           over a year).  A current distribution would do it natively.
           If your kernel doesn't support it, you must compile it with
           NLS and vfat.  In current Linux kernels, you then get FAT32.
           It will work fine.
        \_ IIRC, vfat = fat32 support under linux. Provided your kernel
           has support for vfat, which the newer versions of the Red
           Hat distro do, you'll be ok. If not you can compile it in.
           Afterwards, a "mount -t vfat /dev/(your fat32 drive) /mount-point"
           should do.
1999/1/8-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15189 Activity:nil
1/7     Has anyone used TripWire and Sentry on RedHat Linux Powertools CD?
        Is it a full version, and is it worth getting/installing? Thanks.
        \_ The free version of tripwire hasn't been maintained in years
                and has several known security holes.
1999/1/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15175 Activity:low
1/4     What is *.rpm?
        \_ All the files that end in ".rpm".
          \_ Duohuohuohu yeah but like what does that extension represent?
             Like, how do you use'em?  What program/environment/process
              uses files which end in rpm?  Thenkyewclik.
                \_ RedHat Package Manager, a popular software package system
                   on Linux systems.  You usually "rpm -i" or "rpm -u" them.
                   See ""  -- schoen
        \_ All the rotations per minute in a particular directory.
                \_ It has to do with that rotating cursor, you know
                        \ | / - \ | / - \
                   \_ I thought it was the number of files with spinning icons
                      in a modern OS like MacOS-X?
1999/1/6-7 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15171 Activity:low
1/4     What brand/model of UPS comes with driver/software for Linux? Which
        one is affordable and reliable? Thanks.
                \_ Beware the hobgoblins and their little hobgoblin thoughts.
        \_ Learn how to use an editor. Dork.
                \_ Beware the hobgoblins and their little hobgoblin thoughts.
1998/12/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15147 Activity:nil
12/28   Linux pre2.2 released.
1998/12/15 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15091 Activity:nil
12/13   Which Linux JDK is the right one to download? In FTP,
        I see port for glibc, libc5, and all these other crap. Thanks.
        \_ well, it depends whether you have glibc or libc5.  Sign your name.
           \_ For RedHat it's glibc
                \_ Thanks, but what about SlackWare? Is there any reason to
                   switch from SlackWare to RedHat? It seems that SlackWare
                   has more complete binaries...
                   \_ Not really.  It's just a matter of preference.  From
                      what I hear, RedHat has a simpler install process and
                      one nice thing about RedHat is rpm allowing you to
                      easily install things without compiling.  Aside from
                      that it's like what you said - one distribution may
                      have more complete binaries than the other.
1998/11/25 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15021 Activity:very high
11/24   Linux question:
                One of our linux servers at work allows anyone to type "su" to
                become root.  Someone did this and changed the root password
                from it's default state of not having a password to having
                a password.  To make a long story short, someone else was
                still logged in as root and erased the entry in the
                /etc/shadow file, so we no longer have the problem.  However,
                how do you determine which user/IP address the change
                originated from?  Keep in mind that the time stamp was changed
                once we fixed the /etc/shadow file, so we can't use the
                original time stamp to help track anyone down.
                \_ I don't suppose you have a sulog, or even /var/log/messages
                  syslog messages reporting successes/failures of su commands?
                \_ of course a good hacker who knows what they're doing will
                   have erased all trace of themselves, and installed
                   something fun like the RootKit, assuring future backdoor
                   access to them and their buddies.
                        \_ you don't need to be a particularly good hacker
                           to break into a linux machine with a blank root
                           password.  Christ, set a password and get on
                           with your life.  -tom
                \_ No root password?  You are fucking stupid and deserve
                   what you get.  SET A FUCKING PASSWORD!  Use sudo if you
                   must.  You're running your unix box like a win95 machine.
                   Even if you do find logs, you can't believe what they say.
                   A malicious person wouldn't have erased all traces but
                   changed the logs to point to _someone else_.  Go hire a
                   real SA and stop letting engineers play root.  It isn't
                   a game.
                \_ Well, thank you for missing the point and responding with
                all the lunacy of a religious zealot.  For god's sake, we're
                behind a firewall, and even if we had a root password, it
                would be told to most everyone anyway.  The linux box is used
                as a test server.  It's ok that it's running "like a win95
                   \_ Something you failed to mention.
                machine".  And it wasn't a goddamn hacker, ok?  What kind of
                                \_ No one said it was.  They said you're
                idiot would hack his way behind the firewall, figure out
                        \_ A malicious employee who already works on that
                           side of the firewall.
                someones' login/password, go to superuser, hack at the system,
                cover his tracks, and then change the root password so we
                would become immediately suspicious?
                THINK, IDIOTS, THINK!  The simple, original question, was:
                Can you tell who logged in, then typed su, and then ran
                passwd.  var/log/messages says root did it, and gives a number
                that I'm guessing is the PID.  Can you then tie the PID to
                a user or IP?  Thank you and I apologize for being cranky,
                but it is COMPLETELY unproductive to yell about passwords,
                etc, it doesn't answer the question.  Would you respond to
                "if johnny has $150, and wants to buy a $200 raiders jacket,
                does he have enough money?" with "THE RAIDERS SUCK! JOHNNY'S
                A LOSER!  ARGGGH!"  no, you wouldn't.  Good lord, this is basic
                life skills 101 people.  Oh, also, there's no "sulog". Thanks.
1998/11/16-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:14966 Activity:high
11/15   Anyone know any good links to cd rippers and mp3 encoders for linux?
        No, of course I'm not pirating music, uhum.
        \_ Use a search engine.
        \_  Usually the links for players have good ripper
           links.  -John
        mp3 encoder:
        I've been using cdda2wav , though paranoia should be beter.  Let
        me know how it works if you use it.  -ERic (eagerly waiting for
        paranoia to be ported to free/net bsd)
        \_ This is the first thing I've ever ripped but it seems to work
           fine.  I'm not sure what distinguishes a good from a bad one
           but I'm fine with it.  It does actually rip a track a lot slower
           than it would to actually listen to that track.
        \_ I thought freebsd could handle linux binaries.
          \_ Emulation on any platform can only take you so far.
             \_ but this isn't emulation.  Same architecture, different
           \_ then again you should be able to compile it on free/net bsd.
            \_ cdda2wav uses a linux scsi api that is not supported under
              free/netbsd.  The binary runs but fails to work under emulation.
              The source fails to compile, badly. I briefly looked at porting,
              but it was just easier to rip on some spare linux machines I
              had lying around.  -ERic

                \_ isn't this illegal :) jk...
                \_ kind of ironic: "Free Os for Free Music!!!"
                        \_ What is a ripper?
                           \_ street term for software that converts
                              cdda (compact disc digital audio) to wav. --sly
                              \_ cdda and wav are both PCM. rip just means
                                 transfer from CD to your hd. --aaron
                               \_ Is PCM, pulse code modulation? --sly
                                \_ I stand corrected.
                                 So, what is pcm, and while on the topic, what
                                 do you guys think of Diamond's Rio
             \_ Anybody know if this is legal. You own a cd it gets destroyed
                or stolen. You find the same music on the net and you download
                it. Is this still legal? If you can make a copy for yourself
                then why wouldn't it work in this case. I am taking this from
                the same view point as rom rippers who have notices that say
                if you don't have the originals or have ever owned the
                originals then destroy these copies after a day or so.
                Just curious...
                \_ Umm, that argument would imply that you've bought a
                   general license to listen to that audio. I'm guessing
                   it's more like you bought a license to listen to that
                   audio as embodied in that medium. You can, by law,
                   make copies for personal use (e.g. tape a CD to listen
                   to in the car), but I'm not sure courts would interpret
                   downloading someone else's backup off the net as being the
                   same as using your own.
1998/11/3-8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14894 Activity:high
11/3    Could someone please repost the URL to that 'halloween.html'
        article, the one about Microsoft and Linux?
        \_ The URL is --marc
        This seems like a purposeful leak to make Linux seem like
        a threat to Microsoft, and therefore imply Microsoft isn't
        a monopoly with the intent of effecting the anti-trust lawsuits. -ax
        \_ The memo seems like a purposeful leak by Microsoft to imply
        there is an up and coming competitor to their OS that is not effected
        by their existing marketshare, therefore proving they do not
        have a monopolistic stranglehold on the OS market.  That might
        \_ The URL is --mar
        \_ The memo seems like a purposeful leak by Microsoft to impl
        there is an up and coming competitor to their OS that is not effecte
        by their existing marketshare, therefore proving they do no
        have a monopolistic stranglehold on the OS market.  That migh
        slow down the governments anti-trust hearings
           \_ Damn!  Those evil Redmond lawyers are so smart
        \_ however, that does not obviate their previously illegal activites
           \_ Do you mean "obviate" or "absolve" ?
              \_ either/both
                \_ the words have different meanings.
                   \_ and either are appropriate in this case.
                        \_ actually the sentence doesn't really make sense
                           with either word.
                           \_ "that does not [aquit them from] their
                               previous illegal activities".
                               Okay, obviate isn't the best fit as it stands,
                               for intended meaning. Although taken on the
                               face, it still is a true statement.
                               This release in no way diminishes the
                               effectiveness of their prior activities :-)
                               \_ obviate means "to anticipate and prevent
                                  (as a situation) or make unnecessary (as
                                  an action)."  it refers to events or actions
                                  that have not yet taken place.  you cannot
                                  use it to refer to past activities.
1998/11/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14867 Activity:high
10/31   Lotus will port SmartSuite, Notes, and Domino to Linux.

Happy Pagan Satan Worship!
        \_ Corel released Wordperfect for Linux for free download
           earlier this month.
           \_ actually it's
           \_ but the schmucks wont do so for solaris
                \_ for a commercial OS like solaris don't they have
                   linux ELF binary compatibility like FreeBSD?
                        \_ No, because linux binary compatibility is a joke
                           Linux versions aren't even all binary compatible
                           with each other.
                \_ But since it's all X11 software, and Linux costs $0 plus
                   hardware, you can get a Linux box and run all this stuff
                   displaying on your Solaris desktop.  It's not perfect,
                   but it's better than nothing.
                   \_ I don't want to run multiple OS's. As soon a
                      I get staroffice running, I won't have to. BUt I'm
                      having stupid key problems.
                   \_ Yes, it's about $200 for a fairly decent 486 which
                      is about how much MS word will cost you.
           \_ Yet another reason to switch to linux considering how much
              ms word sucks. also has some pretty nice
              apps but they're kind of a pain in the butt to install
              because the libraries conflict with gimp's.
              \_ The install is easy under FreeBSD with ports, but the
                 software is horrible.  Every gnome app I've seen is so
                 alpha it's amazing.  I'll check in later when it's a
                 bit more mature.
          \_ It took me about a day to install GNOME... and frankly it
             hasn't been worth it.
           \_ The Notes port is much more important than the SmartSuite
              port, since there are, indeed, other suites for Linux.
              But Notes is Notes, and plenty of people have said "we'd
              ditch MS if there were a Notes port" -- though they tend to
              say that about every program.
        \_ Notes on linux?  This'll be the death of linux for sure now.

Happy Pagan Satan Worship!
        \_ Ignorant tweak.  Satan is a Christian concept.  Halloween is a
           Pagan concept.  Dumb shit Christians jammed Satan into the
           historical Pagan concepts.  Pagans don't worship Satan.  I'd
           say you should stay off the MOTD if you're going to be such an
           idiot, but if everyone followed that advice, there'd be nothing
           but lame job offerings.
1998/10/29-31 [Computer/Domains, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14854 Activity:nil
10/28   Happy birtday to Bill Gates.
        \_ I'll send him a Linux CD.
           \_ no don't. if you do he'll have the linux OS copyrighted under
              microsoft and then we'll all have to pay for linux not to
              mention that it will actually start crashing.  and we won't
              be able to do anything about it because if you do their
              lawyers will sue you blind.
        \_ I wonder if there's a way to change every single DNS entry in
           the world so that it gives them netscape's DNS entry.
           \_ There used to be a bug in named tht you could do that with.
             Most nameservers sould have it patched by now. The guy who used
             it to hijack got his sorry ass in BIG trouble.
           \_ Do you mean the real DNS or the stupid "Digital Nervous System"
              of Gates'?  -- yuen
1998/10/28 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14846 Activity:nil
10/27   Linux question, and yes I've checked all over the frickin' place: I run
        with xdm (runlevel 5), and whenever I'm logged in under X and switch
        to a virtual console, xdm kills my X session.  Any ideas what might
        cause this?  Mail me if so... -mogul
        \_ why would you want virtual consoles under X?
         \_   obItWorksFineUnderFreeBSD
         \_ Virtual consoles in parallel to X, not under it.
        \_ You might try ucb.os.linux
1998/10/15-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14779 Activity:low
10/14   RedHat was too lame to include the xtetris package.  Does anyone
        know a good place to find source code for that?
        \_ Install a real OS and I'll give you a real copy of tetris.
        \_ Gameboy still has the best version of Tetris.
        \_ What are you talking about?  Get a real game.
           \_ Tetris is as real as it gets... next to Pac Man.

        This posting removed in the name of good taste
1998/9/27 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14682 Activity:high
9/26    Anyone know of a free LAN<->Internet routing software for win98.
        only one i can find is WinGate which isn't exactly freeware...
        \_ Linux
           \_ No money for another box...and we want to keep all the
              machines running windoze...
              \_ then you deserve what you get. if you're running windoze,
                 you should be used to paying for software. Unless you're
                 pirating, in which case, again, you deserve what you get.
              \_ ick.  And more Linux developers have a free software
                 mentality: since others shared code with them, they more often
                 want to share code with others.  A very small percentage of
                 the best software for non-free platforms is free.  You will
                 probably find a free (WWW) proxy, but probably not free
                 masquerading.  But this has been in the Linux kernel for
                 several years, at a cost to you for $0 per seat.
             \_ go dumpster diving - for just a gateway machine a 386 or 486
                will work
        \_ Yes, a peecee un*x box would fit the bill, especially since you
           can get away with a cheapo one for this purpose.  But for
           strictly Winbloze platforms, what is it about WinGate that doesn't
           suit?  It's pretty much freeware if you're just using it around the
           house, like to have two peecees connected to the net.  Are you
           doing this at a commercial site or something?  --sowings
           \_ i was under the impression that "1 user" literally
     user..  from the way the "readme" described it..
              it said only 1 user can be on the net at a time in this
              mode...  for more than 1's pay...
              \_ Actually, when they say one user, they mean one user, not
                 counting the actual wingate machine.  So if your network will
                 only consist of 2 machines, then it'll work, and it's free..
                 but again, a Linux box is probably a better long term
1998/9/25-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14676 Activity:high
9/25    Anyone knows what's up with  It's been
        down for the whole week.
        \_ I think your question answers itself.
        \_ try it's a mirror site but the quality of
           the content is much better.
           \_ oh, just shut up.
              \_ but redhat DOES have of software that will work well
                 if you need Japanese capable software. And/or it is
                 compatible with it, and comes with the right fonts already.
1998/9/17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14617 Activity:nil
\_ Linux install-demo was a success....about 60 new people are excited
   about linux.
        \_ did you collect their phone numbers as well?
           \_ Only the Hot Babes (tm).
              \_ you need to multiply that by i (to get a real one)
           \_ Actually, we did collect some contact information for people who
              want CDs.  So there.  -- schoen
   \_ Anyone who gets excited over any OS needs to be shot in the stomach
      and be allowed to bleed to death.
      \_ You want me to pull out and shoot on your stomach while screaming
         "Yes! Linus! Give it to me! Free Kevin Mitnick!!"???
1998/9/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14611 Activity:high
9/16    linux install-fest 2-nite!  all you win95ers should come.
        \_ Where?  And isn't there something like this in the
           southbay at some company?  Does anybody know about
           the southbay one?
        \_ Is this really your idea of fun?  A linux install fest?  Can't
           you do something a bit less geeky for kicks?  Geeze... I'm really
           not ragging you on; I feel sorry for you though.  Try to find a
           girlfriend outside the CSUA or something.  You only live once.
           These truly are the best years of your life and you're throwing
           them away on a "linux install-fest".
           \_ or you could waste them being critical of others! -nick
           \_ mmm...someone who religiously reads the motd on a machine only
              possibly through the knowhow and TIME of geeks they spurn.
              how pathetic.  --dbushong
               \_ In defense of the motd flamer, a motd flame takes about
                 two minutes, and can be done at work.  REading the motd
                 can also be done at work and takes about a minute.  So
                  you really aren't wasting alot of your own time doint it.
                  The install fest is probably for losers...
                  \_ Well, let's see.  The original flamers definition of
                     loser is one who spends their free-time messing with
                     computer stuff, apparently.  Yet anyone who spends lots
                     of time messing with it wouldn't need to go to an install
                     demo.  They'd already know how to do it.
                     Q.E.SomethingOrAnother  --dbushong
                        \_ No, moron, the original person who thinks a linux
                        "install fest" is a sad waste of human life thinks
                        that anyone who goes to a "linux install fest" is a
                        loser.  Don't put in words that weren't there.  And
                        yes I'm at work and got paid to write this.  It took
                        less than 1 minute.
1998/8/13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14446 Activity:nil
8/12    I have a PII and I've got Linux running on it.  I have
        6G hard drive space and I'm considering repartitioning
        and then installing Win95/98 on it along with Linux,
        but after reading usenet posts on it, have been a bit
        wary.  It doesn't look very pretty.  My question for
        Sodans:  Have you successfully installed both on your
        computer?  If so, how did you set your computer to boot?
        \_ Barring availability of a program like Partition Magic or
           System Commander, the best way I've found is to install
           Windows 95 first and then install Linux. Tell Linux you
           want to boot from a floppy. It's not much slower and it'll
           save you grief if you need to reinstall Windows, because
           Windows will mess with your MBR. I do this with Redhat and
           Windows 95 OSR2 all the time. Forget lilo. --dim
           \_ Ugh, boot disks are a pain in the ass.  I've successfully
              installed an unistalled linux and lilo with great ease.  To
              get rid of any history of linux+lilo just restore your
              original partition with fips and run fdisk /MBR which will
              retore you master boot record to its original state.  Hell,
              you might like linux so much that you'll get rid of win95
              all together. :-)
              \_ You just keep the boot disk in the drive all the time.
                 Not a big deal. The problem is not uninstalling Linux,
                 but reinstalling Windows. It will hose the MBR and lilo
                 in its march towards world domination! --dim
        \_ Many people who dual boot install ms windows first and then use
           a drive partitioner like Partition Magic or fips (fips15c comes
           with many linux distributions) to chop the drive.  Don't forget
           to defrag you drive first.  I wouldn't worry too much because
           you can always undo this.  If you have any valuable data backup
           it up first (ie. old papers and projects) onto some mass
           storage device.  If you have a new computer you probably have
           FAT32 which I hear is a pain in this ass.  You'd better check
           up on that.  There are many ways to dual boot but the best way
           is linux loader (lilo).  To get rid of it (and the linux OS)
           type fdisk /MBR from the dos prompt
           \_ oh yeah, if you're installing from the RH distribution the
              installation software will automatically detect the other
              OS's partition and set lilo to dual boot both OS's.  It
              selects linux as the default boot and gives you about 10
              seconds to decide at startup.  To change the lilo settings
              edit the /etc/lilo.conf file and invoke /sbin/lilo.  You
              should also do this after recompiling your kernel.
        \_ Dual booting works fine; you just have to understand what you
           are doing.  LILO rules; I once used it to setup 4 OS's on the
           same computer, including both SCO and Interactive Unix which
           used the same partition id and refused to coexist (had to create
           hand-edited MBRs...).  Do the following:
           - back up current Linux stuff.
           - boot from a DOS 7.0 floppy, blow away Linux partition, create
             a Primary partiton (3G or something) -- then you don't have
             to resize it later.
           - install DOS 7.0.
           - install Linux, creating appropriate partitions.
           - install LILO on Linux root partition; this doesn't affect MBR,
             which M$ OS's have a habit of randomly overwriting.
           - mark Linux partition "active" with either DOS or Linux fdisk.
        \_ NOOO!  Don't put win95 on your PC!  It will permanently crash it!
        \_ NOOO!  Don't put linux on your PC!  It will permanently crash it!
1998/8/7-8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14425 Activity:insanely high
        \_ ausman's quoted!
           \_ umm doesn't he know the author of that articla (reb eisenberg)
             personally?  This is more of a logrolling thing than anything,
             and eisenberg's articles are usually pretty fatuous.  But atleast
             she actually _quotes_ a human being in this one...
        \_ Linux maybe easy to install for soda geeks, but not for
           casual users.  The learning curve of Linux is too steep
           for casual users.  Why would my grandma want to know about
           file permissions and how to recompile the kernel when a
           new device is installed?  I'd like to see an alternative to
           M$, but Linux at current stage just wont do it in the
           ease of use department.
        \_ The Linux OS is actually much simpler than the Win95 OS.  It's
           overall structure may be somewhat difficult to understand at
           first but when you compare it to Windows 95 it's really not
           bad.  The one thing that Linux lacks is a fully developed front
           end so doing any kind of configuration requires a geek brain.
           Windows, on the other hand, has such a fully developed front
           end that it covers up the horrible complexity of the OS.
           \_ The point made at the forum (yes I was there) was that most
              Windows users have *never* installed the OS... It came
              preinstalled on their machines. I installed RedHat 5.1 recently
              and it was so simple my iguana could do it.  As for drivers,
              hello, Linux lets you compile things as modules that can be
              inserted into the kernel and removed at run time with no
              trouble.  I'm sure it won't be long before RedHat automates
              getting and compiling new driver modules as root a reality...
              It's pretty likely that people will never have to be root on
              their own systems unless they want to be. -mogul
              \_ My grandmother has conceptual difficulty with the concept
                 that moving the mouse causes the virtual pointer on the
                 screen to move.  What seems obvious to you, is not so to the
                 average user.  Kernel?  Drivers?  Modules?  Compile?  Root?
                 Explain *that* to my grandmother.  Good luck in Linuxland.
                 Until you've got a Linux system my grandmother can deal with
                 Linux won't be any sort of serious home market competition.
                 \_ Hey motherfucker, *my* grandmother was Admiral Grace
                    Murray Hopper's secret lesbian lover on-and-off throughout
                    the 1950s.  *She* invented COBOL, and that bitch Hopper
                    stole it from her and took all the credit.  She got a
                    UNIVAC running with a soldering iron and a bootstrap
                    paper tape (punched by hand, with a pencil, guessing
                    where the holes should be) just in time for it to predict
                    that Eisenhower would win the Presidential election on
                    national TV.  *My* grandmother *laughs* at Windows, saying
                    that it's only fit for people who drool on themselves.
                    TECHNICAL IMBECILE.  THANK YOU.
                    A TECHNICAL IMBECILE.  THANK YOU.
                    \_ Yep, exactly.  A univac and soldering iron is just as
                       far from real people as linux.  Thanks for helping to
                       make my point.
                 \_ My grandmother was scared of the point-and-shoot camera
                    we gave her for Christmas (total controls: on/off switch,
                    "take picture" button) and wanted us to take it back
                    because she was afraid she'd never be able to learn how to
                    use it.  Obviously, she'll never become a Windows user,
                    either -- therefore, Windows can never succeed in the
                    commercial marketplace!  QED.  Using "my grandmother can't
                    \_ Your grandmother is a bonehead.  What more is there?
                       The world will be a better place when the old bag is
                       dead and the rest of us can move on without her.
                           don't have the time to wait for hackers to write the
                    do this" is a boneheaded metric.
              \_ Hmmm...does an average user know what "compiling a new driver"
                 is?  My sister has no concept of a hard disk, memory or cpu.
                 Some of my co-workers (who are EE) think hard disk and memory
                 are the same thing and use those terms interchangeably.
                 \_ I've had to deal with the RAM/HD thing before too.  After
                    10 minutes of careful explanation, they still didn't get
                    it.  Let's get real here, folks, the vast majority of
                    people don't think Windows is easy.  Forget any sort of
                    unix until it's as easy, or easier to install,use,
                    configure, upgrade, patch, etc, as windows is today.
                    \_ For what it's worth I think that anyone who likes
                       computers (as opposed to just tolerating them) can
                       install and run Linux successfully. By the way, I
                       know a lot of grandfathers who have had no trouble
                       installing Linux. Many grandfathers are in their
                       \_ Keep the discrimination bullshit off the motd.  I
                          know you're inundated with that crap at Cal everyday
                          but seriously, it has no place outside your save
                          the whales sociology classes.
                          the whales sociology classes.  The typical grand
                          father outside a trailer park is in his 60s or
                          older.  Unlike your grandfather he didn't impregnate
                          his own daughter to produce his own son/grandson.
                          \_ Fuck off, anonymous asshole. --dim
                                \_ oooh, aaah, your sharp wit has cut me to
                                   the bone! oh help me! help help!  Your
                                   genetic "purity" is showing through.
                                   \_ Fuck off, anonymous asshole. --dim
                                        \_ Fuck off, you purified asshole.
                       40's (although I know some in their 60's running
                       Linux). Why discriminate based on age? --dim
                        \_ stupid series of brainless flames deleted.
        \_ Take a look at redhat 5.1.  If you can't install that, you
           probably can't program your VCR's clock either.  -jor
           Why are we still talking about Sunday's paper, anyway?
           \_ I can't program my VCR's clock but I can program in 5 major
              languages, multiple OS experience, write client/server apps,
              etc, etc.  What's your point?  My computer isn't a VCR.
        \_ It would be nice if other hardware vendors would support it.
           Device drivers are typically 6 months behind.
                \_ What for?  Hackers can just deal or write their own drivers
                   and it's too hard for the home market.
                        \_ First of all, I am not a hacker.  Secondly, I
                           don't the time to wait for hackers to write the
                           drivers.  Thirdly, it's to time consuming to search
                           for drivers that hackers wrote.
                           \_ Yes, and why should the companies waste their
                              time writing drivers for all 6 of their linux
                              customers when they could make some real money
                              from their potentially millions of windows
                              customers?  You have 3 choices: 1)use windows,
                              2)write your own drivers, 3)just deal with the
                              fact that you're not using a consumer level OS
                              and all that goes with it.  It's a pure fantasy
                              to think linux will get new drivers at the same
                              rate as windows users.  Who gives a flying fuck
                              about a zero income producing market?
                                \_ you are a dumb fuck.  gnu software is a
                                   zero income market because PEOPLE DON'T
                                   CHARGE FOR THEM not because they're
                                   \_ My OS user base has grown %100 in the
                                      last 5 minutes.  We went from 1 user to
                                      2.  Lesson: don't use statistics to lie.
                                      Growth is meaningless.  Only current and
                                      immediate future absolute figures count.
                                      Your lack of concern for income is one
                                      reason you'll never manage anything but
                                      your linux box and your dog house and
                                      I'll bet your dog goes on strike in the
                                      first 6 weeks.
                                \_ i give a flying fuck about a zero
                          income market considering that they make real
                                   OS's.  Windows may dominate now but
                        \_ Linux is s0 k-rad it kan f1t en 2kay!!!1112!@!@11
                                   Linux has the fastest growing user base
                                   in the OS market.  It is expected to
                                   soon outdo MacOS.
                                   \_ STUPID BRAINLESS FLAME DELETED
        \_ The article mentions that Linux was ported to the Palm
           Pilot.  infoP?
           \_ check recent issues of MicroTimes/Computer Currents
              (within the last month or two); I saw an article there
              on the porting project, but I don't recall when.  -goetz
                \_ How???  PalmPilot can hold only like 2MB of ram/storage.
                        \_ Linux is s0 k-rad it kan fit en 2kay!!!1112!@!@11
                   \_ I know someone running it on a PalmPilot. It's
                      pretty cool. --dim
                        \_ "cool" is a good metric.  How about "useful"?
        \_ a multiuser OS in the hand of a clueless(which the majority
           of the casual users are) is more vulnerable security wise
           than an OS designed with clueless user in mind(Windoze).
           Do those Linux distributors have a version with most
           vulnerable service turned off?
        \_ Who is going to tell my grandmother she needs a security patch
           later, much less help her install it and make sure it's done?
           Who will help her install MSWord on her Linux box?
           \_ Who will tell your grandmother that she needs a new version of
              MSIE or Netscape or Eudora because of insecurities in the
              current version?  Who will help her install MSWord on her
              Win<xx> box?  If your grandmother falls in the forest and
              there is nobody around to hear it, does she still make a
              sound?  All these are questions that you must answer before
              you reach the path to true enlightenment.
              \_ I answered this but it was deleted: anyone who can double
                 click the SETUP.EXE icon will do it for her.  This means
                 tech support from anyone, the kid who cuts her grass, a
                 friendly neighbor, the plumber who fixed her broken pipe
                 last week.  None of those people is going to have a friggin
                 clue about linux and rightly so.  Trying to claim windows is
                 as uncommon or hard to use as linux is beyond stupid.  That
                 sort of comment puts you well into the realms of the self
                 deluded and blind.
1998/7/14 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14329 Activity:moderate
7/13    Someone was asking about using Perl DBI::Oracle modules before
        soda crashed.  Print your login so I can email you some sample
        \_ Actually, I am interested in knowing whether it is possible to
           use Perl DBI::Oracle on Linux.  I am getting this impression
           (from the DBI::Oracle readme) that it requires SQL*NET and PRO*C
           to make DBI::Oracle.  I don't know if Oracle have SQL*NET or PRO*C
           for linux.
           \_ I didn't get a chance to read your message completely before
              soda crashed so I didn't know what you were asking.  I'm
              personally using DBI::Oracle on Solaris and I'm not sure why
              that wouldn't work on Linux (I don't have experience as
              \_ Isn't that what session locking is for?
           \_ You are SOL, unless you can find a rogue port of SQL*NET for
              Linux build by charitable Oracle employees/contractors.
              \_ There are continuing rumors of an Oracle Linux port coming
                 up.  It might happen.  In the meantime, there are excellent
                 free RDBMS systems for Linux, although they are not as
                 scalable as the commercial products.
                 \_ try PostgreSQL. It comes free with the RedHat
                     \_ DONT use postgres. it sucks and is slow.  Use mysql
                      (not msql)
                 \_ Try Solaris or HP.  I am sure you must have some unix box
                    that you can install your application server.  If you are
                    running Linux, you'll be relying too much on freeware
                    support.  It's a waste of your time searching for them.
1998/7/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14312 Activity:moderate
7/9     Beware Windows 98's File Deletion Bug!
        \_ Boycott Windows.  Get BeOS or Linux.
                \_ BeOS == Be, Linux != RedHat.
                   \_I was only trying to give out helpful pointers. Not
                     point to official pages.  Speaking of which there's
            <-- get your $2 cd here
        \_ just tried this. yucky, keyboard navig in win98 explorer
           semi-br0ken from win95. mebbe I will replace win98 with a Linux
           variant, but how can I be sure my Okidata Okipage 6e printer
           (funky printer where OS does a lot of the computation through win95
           specific drivers) would still work? Ack.
           \_ I found my Cannon bj4000 printer on the filter list.  If
              you have a postscript printer then you're in luck because
              you won't need any special filters.  You can just send
              postscript documents straight to the printer.  Half the
              laser printers out there are postscript.
           \_ It might not; this is one way that Microsoft locks people into
              its operating systems.  "WinModems" and such.  Try asking on
              comp.os.linux.hardware if it's supported anywhere.
              \_ Is anyone trying to set up a compatibility API so that
                 MicroSquish drivers can be used under linux and whatnot?
1998/7/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14299 Activity:insanely high
7/8     What happens if you do a set uid=0.  Does that automatically
        give your root access. (set gid=0, set user=root)
        \_ You know, if you try logging in as "System Administrator"
           without a password on some of those NT machines they'll let
           you right in.  Those are our security-minded sysadmins at
           eecs instructional.
                \_ NT is insecure by definition.  Besides, who cares if
                   you can login as admin on an NT client?  All you can
                   do is hoze the local machine, which is going to be
                   wiped & reinstalled anyway since NT sucks so badly.
                        \_ If you have access to the console, any OS is
                           insecure by definition
                                \_ If the machine is up and running, it's
                                   insecure by definition.
                                        \_ Strongly agree!!!  The most
                                           secured system is the one powered
                   \_ Someone here gets the crash screen a few times a week.  I
                      guess I am among the very few lucky ones since I've only
                      gotten the crash screen a few times in the past months.
                        \_ What's wrong with you people.  I have NT running
                           \_ We're mad as hell that Microsoft is spending
                              millions of dollars in seldom-countered
                                \_ At least, I can run more applications than
                                   Linux developer can support.  Imagine trying
                                   develop Oracle applications with Linux...
                                   Oh..I forgot Oracle doesn't support Linux.
                                \_ If it's not supported by the major
                                    software vendors or my company,
                                    it's useless!!!
                              advertising that creates the impression that
                              there is something wrong with anybody who doesn't
                                   Don't want to waste that on a Linux OS
                                   where I can't install anything but
                                   shareware and freeware.
                              use Microsoft software.  (Even if that's not the
                              particular meme you were repeating.)  The looks
                              you get when you say you don't use Windows are
                              like the looks when you say you're a vegetarian,
                              or an atheist.  -- vegetarian atheist Linux user
                              use Microsoft software.
                           since last year, I have not experienced any
                           system crash yet.  I have IIS 3, Oracle 8 server,
                           networking, and a bunch of DB development tools.
                           \_ your machine must be going at 2 miles per
                              hour. FOR THE LAST TIME...GET LINUX.
                                \_ Not if you got a PII with 300mhz system
                                   and 128MB RAM, Dell Workstation 400.
                                   Don't want to waste on a Linux OS that is
                                   supported by shareware and freeware.
                                   \_ machines scale linearly O(n) with
                                      Linux and O(log(n)) with Winblows.
                                      Funny, there's about ten times
                                      more software with Windows but you
                                      can still do so much more with
                                        \_ The point is, the software I need
                                           to get my work done is not supported
                                           by Linux.  If you work for the
                                           corporate company, you don't have
                                           luxury of picking the sofware, in
                                           my case database and web tools,
                                           you want to use.
                                           \_ I work with both unix and
                                              winblows based machines at
                                              work which involves web and
                                              database integration. I find
                                              unix tools much more flexible
                                              and easier to work with than
                                              the winblows ones.  See Perl
                                              DBI modules.
                                                \_ My company doesn't like
                                                   \_ Apache has had in-proc
                                                      Perl support for a good
                                                   perl.  We like products
                                                   such as the Oracle 2000
                                                   products.  It's faster
                                                   to develop and has nicer
                                                   UI.  Besides, cgi/perl is
                                                   slow.  It needs to compile
                                                   and start a process every
                                                   web access.  If you need
                                                   support like 500+ users,
                                                   it's going be nightmare.
                                                   \_ Apache has had single
                                                      binary, in-process Perl
                                                      support for a good
                                                      long time.  Where've you
                                                      been?  Microsoft PR firm?
                                                        \_ So does IIS.  That's
                                                           no point.  There are
                                                           guidelines within
                                                           IS group of what
                                                           software is permitted
                                                           and what software
                                                           is not.  For ex.,
                                                           we're not allowed
                                                           write java applets.
                                                           \_ Don't pretend,
                                                              then, please,
                                                              that the peculiar
                                                              prejudices of
                                                              your IS group
                                                              represent a good
                                                              argument.  "My
                                                              IS group hates
                                                              free software"
                                                              != "besides,
                                                              cgi/perl is
                                                              slow".  Your
                                                              companies can
                                                              detest free OSes
                                                              all they like,
                                                              but it doesn't
                                                              make them any
                                                              less scalable.
                                                              \_ It's a
                                                                 life.  They
                                                                 don't call
                                                                 slave" for
                                                                 \_ I'll take
                                                                    my freedom,
                                                              \_ Hear,
                                                                 -- tmonroe
                                                                 \_ It's the
                                                                    tower of
                                                                    \_ AT some
point                                                                 the motd
just has                                                              to wrap
back to                                                               the left
side. -ERic
                                   \_ Yeah, God damn gcc, Perl, Apache, X11,
                                      SSH, Emacs, GIMP, Netscape, and the rest
                                      of them to HELL!  They weren't written by
                                      Microsoft Certified Developers!  And none
                                      of those wimpy languages like Scheme and
                                      Java, because they aren't Visual Basic!
                                      And BIND and sendmail supporting the
                                      fundamental architecture of the
                                      Internet... that's just a myth made up by
                                      Microsoft haters!  Everyone knows that
                                      TCP/IP was really developed on Windows NT
                                      by Microsoft Certified Developers, who
                                      wouldn't touch that shareware and
                                      freeware with a 1,024-foot pole!
                                        \_ Tell that to your CIO.
                                           \_ We already had this flamewar,
                                              once upon a time: but I'll repeat
                                              myself.  It is not difficult to
                                              get jobs using Linux which do
                                              not require you to support
                                              I do not have a CIO, but I do
                                              have a boss and coworkers who
                                              are enthusiastic about software
                                              other than that which you get
                                              from Redmond.  Thank you.
                                                \_ Maybe I should quit my
                                                   $80+K job and my 5 yrs of
                                                   M$/Oracle experience and
                                                   go for Linux/Perl supported
                                                   \_ Yes, you should.  There
                                                      are already $80K Linux
                                                      jobs here and there, a
                                                      nice feat considering
                                                      the presently low market
                                                      share of Linux.
                                                      \_ With little or no
                                                         Linux experience???
                                                         I don't know.  You'll
                                                         lucky to get $60-70K
                                                         job.  I am sure if
                                                         you are expecting
                                                         10-20% increase for
                                                         job change.  Good
                                                         luck if you looking
                                                         Linux job at $90-100K.

        \_ yes.
        \_ Hmmm...I just tried this "% set uid=0; rm -f /etc/passwd" but
           permission denied.
           \_ Yer just not eleete enuf.  try with a " ~ " before the
           \_ try cp /bin/csh ~; chown root:root ~/csh; chmod a+s ~/csh
1998/7/1 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14281 Activity:nil
7/1     July 11, all day at the Robert Austin computer show at the Cow
        Palace, the CABAL presents a Linux installfest.  Bring your
        computer for latest RedHat/various or consulting, or enjoy the
        hardware vendors there and take home a new machine.  -- schoen
        \_ Is this the same day as that livestock festival?  Am I going
           to be surrounded by computer geeks?  Curse you and your


The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> You are standing in front of a white house with boarded up windows and

> doors. All around you is forest.
> There is a mailbox here.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} > Shoot mailbox.
} Unfortunately, your gun is actually a transmogrifier.  The mailbox
} turns into a pony intent on oral-genital intimacy with you.
} > Run.
} Outrunning a pony is rather difficult.  You trip and fall.  The pony
} rips off your pants.
} > Kick pony.
} The pony deftly dodges your kick.  You wind up with the pony's head
} between your legs.  The pony slurps once.
} > Stab pony.
} Your knife is actually a hypodermic needle containing aphrodesiacs.
} The pony is already at maximum lust level.  The pony slurps twice.
} You moan.
} > Hit pony.
} With what?  Your bare hands?
} > Yes.
} You hit the pony, but it only moans.  The pony slurps once.  You moan
} twice.
} > Think about England.
} You think about England, but all you can think of is the horses there.

} The pony slurps twice.  You moan three times.  You are now close to
} orgasm.
} > Teleport.
} You cannot teleport.  The pony slurps once.  You orgasm with a loud
} scream.  The pony moves away.
} > Get up.
} You are now the pony's sex slave.  You cannot get up without a direct
} order.  The pony orders you to get up.
} > Stay still.
} Your penalty for disobeying the pony is one lick.  You moan once.
} > Get up.
} You follow the pony to a clothes closet.  The pony tells you to get
} dressed.  The closet contains:
}   - A silken negligee.
}   - A pair of cowboy boots.
}   - A pair of split-crotch riding pants
}   - A riding crop
} > quit
} You cannot quit.  This is real life.
} > quit
} Sorry. If you attempt to quit again, you will be punished.
} > ^C
} Your penalty for attempting to quit is four licks.  You scream and
} writhe in orgasm.
} > Damn you you fucking computer my pants are all sticky and I want to
} > go home NOW.
} The pony tells you to get dressed or suffer a further penalty.
1998/6/29-7/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14269 Activity:moderate
06/28   If there is anyone who has experience setting up a RedHat Linux
        box as an IP Masquerade gateway, and who would be willing to answer
        questions should I have any when I do the setup this week, please
        let me know.  --davidf
        \_ I've done this five times and given a lecture on it, and I will
           be willing to answer questions should you have any. -- schoen
                \_ who is this prick?
                        \_who is this prick?
                        \_ someone trying to help?  how is he a prick?
        \_ please what?  butter you're bread?  jelly you're toast?  tie you're
           shoes?  im so confused. thank.  you're.
                \_ grammar gestapo: "your" not "you're" in the above.  "You're"
                   is a contraction of "you are".
                        \_ Dear Grammar Cop: IT WAS A FUCKING JOKE!
                           You're been cited by the NoHumor Police.
           \_ Looks like something was lost in (network address) translation.
1998/6/15-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14215 Activity:low
6/14    Taos Mtn/SVLUG Tech Talk on the Future of Linux, with Linus Torvalds.
        Santa Clara, July 14.  Free registration required.   -- schoen
        \_ Free reg required?  I have to bring my resume to see Linus?
        \_ Danke, schoen!
        \_ There are 500 seats open to free registration.  If you want to
           go see/hear Linus and seats are no longer available off of
           open seating/you want better seats, let me know. --chris
1998/4/29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:14014 Activity:low
4/28    Sr. Software Engineer, sysadmin jobs at VA Research (Linux people in
        Mountain View), /csua/pub/jobs/VA-Research.  File is now 644. - schoen
        \_ duh, make the file readable?
1998/4/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13986 Activity:nil
04/19   Nestea.c: takes down linux 2.0/2.1 and NT4.0SP3 hosts that don't
        have teardrop2-fix patch applied.  NT4SP3 hosts with td2-fix applied
        are apparently unaffected but no one has posetd results of proper
        \_ There is, however, a patch to Linux.
        \_ This ain't no sippin' exploit
        \_ It could have been worse, it could have been another drink called
         \_ If I love one x of type t, do I then love all x of type t?
 LocalWords:  CD Linux
1998/4/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:13984 Activity:nil
04/20   I need to burn a CD that will be compatible with the most
        operating systems possible. Of particular importance are Linux,
        MacOS, and NT but more than that is better. Should I use ISO 9660
        filesystem or something else? --dim
        \_ ISO 9660 is the way to go  -wombat
           \_ With Rock Ridge extensions? --dim
              \_  Yes please. Standards are good things, sometimes.
              \_ The good thing about standards is that there are so many
                 to choose from.
1998/3/16-18 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13813 Activity:low
3/16    does anyone have a copy of the linuxppc cd that began
        distribution in feb?....i already ordered mine but would
        like to  start playing now....                  -mrehrer
        \_ uh huh... I can't believe this.  The world's first linux pirate.
           Is such a thing even possible when they offer it over the net
           for free?  Or is the PPC version not free on the net?
           \_ It is probably legal to duplicate (or make multiple installs)
              from one of those CDs; this is certainly true of Slackware,
              Debian, and noncommercial RedHat CDs.
1998/3/10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13784 Activity:nil
3/9     I made a goof when uninstalling LINUX. I used DOS fdisk to remove
        the LINUX partition instead of using the LINUX utilities. Now I'm left
        with an empty partition and the LILO boot loader is stuck somewhere and
        I need to remove that. Help?
        \_ Partition Magic
        \_ fdisk /mbr  -  that removes the stupid LILO
                \_ Thanks.
1998/3/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13750 Activity:low
3/02    Again, job at LBL doing work under linux available, more info at
        /csua/pub/jobs/lbl-linux. --Jon
1998/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13710 Activity:high
02/20   Quick Linux consulting needed *immediately* wrt an errant Ethernet
        card on a Red Hat 5 Intel Linux box. $100 for maybe 45-90 mins work.
        Contact for more info. - anirvan
1998/2/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13677 Activity:nil
2/15    I ran some software and it tried to load up linux stuff
        That's why soda crashed today. --Jon
1998/2/3-6 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13617 Activity:moderate
2/3     How come suspend mode does not work in Linux? Which Linux patch do
        I need to fix this problem? I've looked at drivers/char/apm_bios.c
        but don't understand any of it. Thanks.
        \_ What kind of computer do you have?  "Suspend mode" means very
           different things to different computers, and isn't always APM-
        \_ What kind of computer do you have? ...
           \_ I have a fujitsu notebook, does that help?
              \_ I wish I knew offhand.  Write to ucb.os.linux and someone will
                 know or know where to point you.  -- schoen
              \_ Which model do you have? Also, you might try checking
                 DejaNews- I saw mentions of Fujitsu laptops several
                 times on the Linux newsgroups.  There is also a Linux
                 on a Laptop guide:
1997/11/19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:32166 Activity:nil
11/17   Where can I find the Linux patch for Pentium PO error? Thanks.
        The site
        claims that Linux sent out patches, but I can't find it on
        the Linux web site. Thanks.
        \_ religious diatribe fanned by minor pentium bug deleted.
          \_ No, wait!  I still want to know why everyone thinks my P5 is
             now suddenly "worthless" just because some minor bug cropped up.
1997/4/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32119 Activity:nil
3/31    SODA DONATION DRIVE!!!!! Each person donate $100 for a new Linux
        based Soda machine, and get big quota and unlimited life time
        \_ FreeBSD, you anti-berkeley republican nazi.
        \_ I might go for it if the Politburo is serious about it. -PeterM
        \_ Why would we want to replace a stable, 20-processor system with
           a crappy peecee running a crappy os with crappy disks and half the
           RAM?  Are you some kind of idiot?  Or is this just april fool's a
           day early?  (putting all the users & the OS on a single EIDE disk
           is probably the absolute stupidest part of this idea, besides not
           having as much disk space as current soda)
           \_ because linux supports SMP you shithead.
         \_ Dynix may have problems, but it's multi-processor support
          is *FAR* *FAR* better than anything on Linux.
        \_ if you want your account on a linux machine, go join the LUGheads
           and get an account from them.
1996/6/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:31843 Activity:nil
6/4     Linux must die.  Any OS with a logo as cutesy as the one on
        doesn't deserve to live.
        \_ Hey!  That's almost as cute as snuggles!  -tawei
           \_  this is a fake!  The linux penguin is definitely not
        as cute as snuggy.  And it's snuggy, not snuggles.  -tawei
         \_ Besides, to make the linux pengiun look like that, you just
              have to put a herring in it's mouth - but to make snuggy
          happy, you have to stick tawei's cock up it's ass.
1996/6/5 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:31841 Activity:nil
6/5     People who missed out on last year's RMS vs. TCL/Perl Flamewar
        Extravaganza should hurry over to gnu.misc.discuss for this year's
        barnburner - FSF vs. the Linux community over
        GNU Emacs 19.31's renaming of the OS to "LiGNUx" in a shameless
        attempt to take credit for Linux's success.  Nostalgia buffs should
        watch for the little old lady from the early 80's Burger King
        commercials doing a cameo spot asking "Where's the HURD?"
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
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Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Computer:SW:OS:Linux: