3/15 |
2003/2/14-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:27411 Activity:nil |
2/14 I wrote a simple Expect script that telnets to another system, runs a program called dbapi that changes the debug level of various application processes, logs out and exit. Even though everything seems to go fine with correct responses, if I check the debug levels again manually, they were not changed. If I use dbapi to change the debug levels manually (without using Expect), they change fine. Any ideas what could be the problem? - Expect rookie \_ does your expect script login as a user that has the rights to change the debug level? \_ Yes. If I do the exact same thing as the Expect script does, but do it manually (which is how I usually do it), then it works. \_ As an alternative, take a look at Perl's Net::Telnet (or the equivalent lib for Python, Ruby, ocaml, or whatever language you happen to be using). |
2003/1/30-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:27251 Activity:moderate |
1/30 Is there a freebsd utility that given a public_html directory can create a sitemap, either as text or html or something similar? Thanks. \_ ls public_html/*html \_ won't actually follow the links and put them in a hiearchical fashion. try again? \_ write a 5 minute perl script? \_ Try http://catb.org/~esr/sitemap . -- misha. |
2003/1/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26977 Activity:low |
1/33 I've noticed that some people are using the <bgsound ...> tag in their html. Is this actually portable across say both IE and NSCP? ok thx \_ where, for example? Real questions is: is it Valid HTML? \_ http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/sounds/sounds_famsupp_18.html \_ As this page ^ says, "Do you really want to do this? Background sounds have a way of annoying people." http://www.flws.com.au/showusyourcode/codeLib/code/HTML_tags.asp?catID=4 \_ good thing PopUpCop can disable this. \_ related question on popups. I've tried disabling javascript and java, but sometimes I still get popups! How come? \_ maybe you have one of those background ad things installed. e.g. GATOR. \_ maybe you're not using mozilla. |
2002/12/17-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26832 Activity:low |
12/16 I want a "List of Figures" page in my LaTeX document. Is there a way now to get it to display the figure names and pages automatically, without me having to (re)type each figure name manually? Thanks. \_ LaTeX has a \listoffigures command. \_ Often you want long captions in the caption of the actual figure but only short ones in the list of figures. If so define it with \caption[short]{long}. -- recently finished dissertation |
2002/12/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26673 Activity:insanely high |
11/30 Is there any sort of software that can take an XML schema (DTD, XSD, RelaxNG, whatever) and create from that a UI (web form, java swing app, etc) suitable for creating a conformant XML document? \_ Yes. |
2002/11/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26650 Activity:kinda low |
11/27 Cold hard cash wasted: Far From Heaven. This movie was so hideously bad, I can't even begin to describe it. --scotsman \_ Check the Douglas Sirk original (this was an homage). If you like that one, check the rest of them. (All of them). If you don't like it, there's your answer. \_ That's a shame. May I ask if you've seen previous Todd Haynes films and liked them? (Safe, Velvet Goldmine, Poison) -- ulysses \_ Haven't seen any others of his. I wouldn't discount him completely based on FFH, as he was working against a shitty script and an apparently rotating door of producers, but it was really horendously bad. --scotsman \_ Oh hah. I just noticed on IMDB that the script was his. Okay, another strike. --scotsman \_ Like Hal Hartley, people either love or hate Haynes. Take for instance this piece of worship: http://csua.org/u/624 Far From Heaven sounds like pretty standard Haynes to me. Be warned if you find yourself considering his other stuff. |
2002/11/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26647 Activity:moderate |
11/26 Can anyone point me toward a javascript that checks for the existence of a directory every X seconds and jumps there when it becomes available? I stfw but I don't think my script-describing fu is up to snuff. \_ checks for the existence of a directory on a web site? I doubt it's possible, since you'd have to be able to differentiate the error page that the web server generates from the real page. on the other hand, you probably could have a script that reloads a page every X seconds, which have the same net effect. \_ I thought perhaps that the 404 return code would be visible to javascript, but I have no idea how to do it myself. \_ Why Javascript? \_ You want perl. \_ It's a web app that people upload files to. They're given an "upload successful" page that should redirect them to where they can d/l the finished product when it's finished. Is there any other way (besides a time-delayed meta redirect, which I've got) to do this? That's why javascript sounded good. \_ Does the upload script have to be javascript? Look at something like PHProjekt for another way of placing files online. -John \_ The upload is entirely normal HTML plus PHP on the server side. Javascript is solely for the upload confirmation page, and it should take them to the download page when the download page is created. ANYTHING that would solve this problem well would be appreciated. \_ do it on the app side. i.e. keep the browser happy by sending some <!-- crap --> to it; at the same time keep checking your url (HttpUrlConnection). you can get a return code from that call. once the file is there, redirect the user - gosha \_ It's a public server so I'm running the processing function infrequently and at low priorites, meaning wait times of several minutes. |
3/15 |
2002/11/27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26644 Activity:nil |
11/26 With procmail, I'd like to pipe some email trough a perl script then pass it on to the appropriate mail folder. Is it possible to use procmail's function to write the email into the folder after the script processes it, or does the perl script have to do the final append to the the mail folder? \_ Yes, no. A rule like :0 fw: | scriptname will do this. The f means pass all mail that hasn't matched yet through that script as a filter. The w means pay attention to exit codes and if it fails, go on. man procmailrc for more info. --scotsman \- mailgent has a perl escape however you maybe be E_TOOSHORT to run mailagent. --psb \_ I want to do two things to any message that matches a pattern. I know how to either file it or pipe it into a program. I'm wondering if I can do both in one reciepe: pipe then file. Do I need to make two passes to do this? -op \_ I've seen some interesting things with re-entrant procmail, but your goal is probably simpler than that to accomplish. What is the goal? Give an example. \_ use a {} block. check ~mconst/.procmailrc for examples. --scotsman |
2002/11/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26567 Activity:very high |
11/15 http://csua.org/u/598 How did they get that "Stolen Image" thing to appear in the top version of the jpg but not the bottom? Or was it just a redirect trick? \_ They're different files. The top one is vs2000great1.jpg and the bottom one is vs2000great.jpg \_ the image in the top frame is linked to directly. the image in the bottom frame is in an HTML page from the original site. It's an HTTP_REFERER trick, not a redirect trick. \_ Have you tested directly linking to the image? It works fine, there's no apparent REFERER trick. \_ er, oops. er, yeah, two separate images. that's... odd. \_ Check out the lips on this one! I love chicks with great lips! http://www.lookonline.com/vs2000-h.html \_ smooth like a baby's butt... er.. \_ She should really open up and smile, though \_ Those are stupid ugly lips! Do you realize you have no taste? Or were you talking about the other lips? \_ other lips? What do you mean? I chose this picture for the lips, kiddo. Lips. It's all about the lips! I sure as hell wasn't looking at her grossly ugly face. What were *you* looking at? Are you 13 or older yet? Do we let 5th graders on the motd these days? I thought this was a college and up computer system? \_ I was able to download a copy of the image without the superscript. Maybe it is an arrangement with google. |
2002/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26270 Activity:very high |
10/21 When u get a haircut do u usually tip the guy? Why/why not? \_ Guy? That's too gay. It's your free chance to have a chick rubbing your scalp. \_ Yes. one dollar. \_ It's not free, though. \_ That's obviously a trick questions. Real CS men don't give a \_ Yes. one dollar to the nice lady ad Supercuts. fuck about their hair. \_ And real CS men don't get dates either. \_ Yes. one dollar to the nice lady at Supercuts. \_ It is customary if the service was satisfactory. --dim \_ what percentage is the customary tip... 15% like fud? \_ http://www.tipping.org/tips/TipsPageBeautyShop.html but no less than $5 (if it's a classy place). \_ The last one I went to had this almost non existent strings top about bikini size with these anti-gravity all natural C tits. You bet your ass I tipped! \_ wow brett, sounds like a great time. Oh and by the way, thanks for the suggestion below to write my own logging script. It works great! \_ you're logging script is flawed -brett \_ damn. \_ When I went to school in the late 80s there was a salon on telegraph where a couple of the hot hair-stylists would kinda rub up against or brush their bosoms against you when they cut hair. Of course, back then I didn't know what to do, how to get the most out of it, or tip. \_ suppose you tip a hot gal. Is she gonna do you? No. So I don't see a point here. \_ valid argument. But remember, your fate for the month depends on your hairdresser. That's one person I never try to piss off. :-) \_ This isn't an AIM chat. "You" is spelled y-o-u. \_ Thank you. Seconded. |
2002/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:26266 Activity:high |
10/20 I need to wrap a css file with "<xml><css>" so that I can embed it in a file and also link to it. But doing so causes the linked-to version to ignore the first style-- any ideas as to why this happens? \_ Is there really a <css> tag? Your question doesn't make sense? What are you actually trying to do? \_ Actually, I just need the "xml" tag-- I want to be able to embed the stylesheet in an html file created by XSL (requires an xml tag in the referenced document) yet still use the stylesheet via a <link href="..."> tag. \_ Aah, so you're trying to use one style sheet file that will work in both XML and HTML, despite them having different syntax. If you're using Apache, make two style sheet files. One will be for HTML syntax, without the <xlm> tag. the other will have an opening <xml> tag and then an SSI include of the HTML version, and then and then an SSI include of the HTML version: <!--#include file="yourstyle.css" -->, and then will be included by apache when it reads it. the closing </xml> tag. It will have ony three lines. you only need to make changes to the first one, and it will be included by apache when it reads it. You might have a problem with mime types: What will be the extension of the XML/XSL filename? \_ That's a good idea, but it won't work for me here. I'm using an XSLT converter that uses <xsl:value-of select="document(mycss.css)" /> and apache isn't part of the equation. I think I might just have to choose one or the other. |
2002/10/17-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:26233 Activity:high |
10/17 i want to set it up so every time a particular webpage is updated, i get an e-mail alert. what's a good way to do this? \_ Set up a cron job that runs curl/wget or whatever to fetch the page periodically. Make sure that whatever http client you use puts in an IMS (if-modified-since) header in its request. You should be able to track the last modified time based on the the timestamp of the last time you fetched the file. \_ Local file or remote webpage? \_ remote webpage. \_ start with a "lynx -source site > orig.site.source" make a cron job doing a "lynx -source site > new.site.source" then a diff with orig.site.source and mail if they are different. \_ unix or NT/Windows? \_ either... \_ on windows, right click on the desktop. you may see active desktop options. One of the options/tabs: you can download pages occasionally. Then you can run some sort of a script to occasionally check those files and send you an email. OR: download the html. and create a script which compares occasionally and sends you and email if it changes. \_ Make sure you put it in a tight < 1 second loop so you hammer the remote server, rise to the #1 spot in their usage logs and they block your IP. |
2002/9/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:25836 Activity:high |
9/10 Where can I learn how to write LaTeX style files? I already searched the web, but couldn't find any sort of "how-to" or tutorial pages. \_ This one is pretty good. Print it out for best results. link:csua.org/u/248 -- jeffwong |
2002/9/1-3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:25748 Activity:high |
9/1 How insecure is ssh1? Is it crackable by a script kiddie or someone with specialized hardware? I keep hearing it is "insecure", but not sure what exactly that means. \_ These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along. \_ sometimes I wonder if people misquote important science fiction movies on the motd just to upset people like me. \_ Well? Are you just going to sit there, or are you going to set the record straight? *sheesh* \_ 'important' and 'science fiction movies' don't belong in the same sentence. Anyway, the line is correct. \_ no, it's not, moron. http://www.geocities.com/cwbosken/anh12.html \_ um... dumbass... if it were stated as a direct quote, you might have a case. you might also have a case if you didn't pick a URL that had the quote grammatically correct. \_ We have a winner! It was not a direct quote. Just because it looks like a duck, doesn't mean it's a duck. Quack! Either way, it's still not important. \_ and you're still a wanker. why did you skip the line "you can go about your business?" |
2002/8/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:25674 Activity:nil |
8/23 Isn't paolo's auto motd trim script subject to ban? \_ paolo wasn't culling, he was deleting the entire motd every 3 minutes by an automated script. -tom |
2002/8/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:25647 Activity:high |
8/21 My browser shows a lot of ?/b> and weird HTML flags when I'm not suppose to see them. Is it the site or the browser? \_ Try the same page in a different browser and see. \_ load it up in MSIE, if it looks right, its your browser's fault <smirk> \_ What browser? Don't they teach you kids *any* sort of debugging skills anymore? Does Cal no longer force kids to learn how to think? \_ Explain this... this... 'think' thing. \_ .... (what more is there to say?) \_ Run it through the HTML validator: http://validator.w3.org If it is invalid HTML (as most web pages are) write to the author and tell them to learn to write valid HTML. What is the URL? \_ it's a http://cnn.com page. I ran the exact same page on another machine and there's no problem. Curiously though they're both running the exact same versions of IE. -original guy \_ Does your browser have multi-lingual support? The problem might be because it's trying to encode the page in a different language. \_ It looks like XHTML or something of that sort. Maybe your browser doesn't support it. but the site is sumb enough to show it to you anyway. |
2002/8/9-11 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:25526 Activity:kinda low |
8/9 Sometimes I can print a regular ps file and get the desired output, but when I converted it to pdf, the result does not look nice on screen. Does this mean it uses certain fonts available on the laser printer but not on my machine? How do I get the right fonts if this is the problem? \_ What software are you using to convert to PDF? \_ ps2pdf on *nix and distiller on mac. Both have this problems. \_ What are you trying to do (i.e. how did you create your PS? LaTeX?) The usual problem is that you embed Type 3 fonts in your PS file. Type 3 is bitmapped. You need to embed Type 1 instead. Are you using dvips? http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=pkfix |
2002/7/30-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:25450 Activity:kinda low |
7/30 Cygwin question. What does one need to do in add'n to 'chmod u+x ./<filename>' to make scripts executable in cygwin on NT? I've RTFM and found nothing regarding script execution that's applicable. \_ say what? I've got no problem just running scripts under cygwin as if it was a real unix shell. \_ as you may recall, there is no executable bit in windows. thus, cygwin just looks at the extension or checks for the magic shebang header. so add #!/path/to/whatever at the top of your scripts. |
2002/7/8-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:25301 Activity:high 57%like:25378 |
7/8 All of my CGI scripts on Soda have died all of a sudden. Error message: Premature end of script headers: (filename.cgi) What gives? \_ CGI suexec has not been built into the new apache httpd. if user www cannot read/execute your .cgi script, it will fail to run. suexec will be added later. -- jwang \_ approx timeframe? \_ if www CAN read/execute your script (perm 755), then you get the message described above. if www CAN NOT read/execute your script (perm 700) then you get a server error "mod_mime_magic: can't read 'filename'." either way it doesn't work. \_ hmm.. couldn't basic things like suexec support be tested and ironed out before switching to the new httpd? \_ fuck off \_ .shtml doesn't work either. \_ Which part? |
2002/6/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:25162 Activity:nil |
6/20 Anyone has experience on reading and parsing XML documents via a socket? My xerces parser doesn't know where the end of document is. The work around documented on http://xml.apache.org doesn't work either. \_ uh read till the end of the last tag? |
2002/5/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:24745 Activity:high 54%like:23760 |
5/7 On XP I can do route print to see the routing table. How do I do that on Solaris and Linux? \_ netstat -r \_ netstat -rn (if you don't want name resoultion) Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UH 40 0 0 ppp0 UH 40 0 0 ppp1 \_ what does it mean when your gateway is I don't get it \_ It points to the other end of your ppp connection \_ It means someone has hacked your computer |
2002/5/7-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:24733 Activity:insanely high |
5/7 So how does /csua/bin/me record my identity? \_ It doesn't. people are stupid. \_ All I was referring to was the fact that other users will see that you have a lock on the file, and then see new contents. Duh. \_ ...As opposed to editing the file in vi, finding that it's locked, and running fstat anyway? Whatever. -geordan \_ fstat is a violation of my privacy rights. I insist it be deleted immediately. \_ Well, an alternative is to copy the motd, edit, then copy back. You can diff to see if someone else changed it, and manual merge. This way I never clobber anyone, of course now I'm learning that other people feel free to clobber me because I didn't lock the file before *they* started editing. Well fuck you with a spoon. \_ The whole point of this is that what _you're_ doing is forcing EVERYONE ELSE to manually merge the motd as well. As most of us actually have lives, we are asking those of you who are so scared of what you say that you can't own up to it to either use the lock or not complain. --scotsman \_ Actually, I shouldn't make the assumption that "most of us" have lives. My apologies. --scotsman \_ no one is afraid. they just don't care. it isn't important who said what. and how the hell hard is it to manually merge? diff? patch? c'mon. sometimes I like what someone else has said on a topic better than what I said and don't even bother putting mine in. it goes both ways. its the motd. relax. \_ ok, fine, i'm wrong. except of course this way ppl have to wait for slow typers and stuff like that. \_ read the script. damn.. \_ That probably requires enough clue to understand it. -geordan \_ It's not that hard. \_ I realize; I looked at the script and saw nothing that would hint at a lasting record of my identity that ps -aux|grep motd.public wouldn't give. That' why I was wondering-- op \_ emacs -nw ; C-xC-f /etc/motd.public ; Now no one knows who you are unless they happen to be running lsof for the few usecs when you C-xC-s. \_ U'R $O sUP34 733+ K@n 1 l3AR|V fR0M U 0 733T mA$tUR? \_ He wants to be anonymous, emacs is about as anonymous as you can get \_ then he's _rude_ and anonymous, and will have to deal with me overwriting his drivel because he refuses to use a lock. \_ so he'll deal. its not like half or more of us aren't watching with scripts anyway. emacs is hardly anonymous. I spent about 3 minutes writing a few tiny scripts that lets me figure out who is writing what about 90% of the time. you know what? i find it doesn't matter. since i dont maintain a 'twink points' file and don't take the motd personally or seriously it just doesn't matter. you're all a bunch of two faced liars anyway posting to both sides of many threads. \_ That's a bald lie. \_ No it's not. |
2002/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:24132 Activity:moderate |
3/15 Where is the configuration file for latex2html so I can modify how the output html file looks? (on FreeBSD 4-3). Thanks. \_ Use the source, Luke! When in doubt runs strings on the binary. \_ you know what? you're really annoying. - danh \_ pkg_info -L `pkg_info -qW latex2html` |
2002/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:24131 Activity:high |
3/15 with I.E. I want view source to use my emacs binary. Anyone know how to modify my registry to do this? \_ you'll probably have better luck setting emacs as the default HTML editor and use File > Edit instead of View Source \_ Yah I got that working, but not being able to change the default View Source program bothers me, and I'm sure it can be done. As a side note when loading a program via gnuclient emacs doesn't seem to be colorizing the document based on the correct mode (i.e. html-mode in this case). Is that because html-mode isn't being turned on for some reason? Is there any easy way to fix this? \_ http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/browser/configuration/clientreg/clientregistrylayout.asp \_ this is kind of dumb. If you put "<path>\foo.exe" "%1" as the command, IE will complain that it can't find '"<path>\foo.exe" "%1"'. If you leave out the "%1", then IE will send pass the full path to the cached HTML file, unquoted (which causes problems if the path contains spaces, which it almost always will) "%1"'. If you leave out the "%1", then IE will send the full path to the cached HTML file, unquoted (which causes problems if the path contains spaces, which it almost always will) Oh, and since View Source gets files directly out of IE's cache, it won't have an extension, which breaks color-coding. Yay. I'll stick with File > Edit. \_ yah it is lame, but a quick search found a visual basic program to get around this problem. The lack of file extension sucks too but hey, it works. And this way I can view source for a frame and not have it pop up the totally useless notepad.exe \_ "Use the source!" -- oh wait, you cant. poor you. \_ Use Opera--you can select the viewer program. \_ Use perl! Ok to be honest I'm not sure how perl would really fit in to this but I'm sure active perl can be used here somewhere.... |
2002/2/21 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:23933 Activity:high |
2/20 I'm doing tail -f file. The file gets automatically rotated by another process every so often. My tail then looks at a file that no longer updates while the new logfile continues getting data I'm not seeing. Is there a way to easily detect when my file has rotated or even better some program/script that can detect the change and switch to the new file? This is a qmail logfile if that matters. Thanks! \_ I believe xtail does that. \_ I'll check it out. Thanks. Hopefully it has a text-only mode? \_ Don't let the name fool you. If you run FreeBSD, you can find it in /usr/ports/misc/xtail. Otherwise: http://www.giovannelli.it/~gmarco/files/xtail-2.1.tar.gz \_ I love the motd! Thanks! -OP \_ kqueue(2) |
2002/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23922 Activity:high |
2/20 http://salon.com/tech/feature/2002/02/14/dot_net/index.html ".Net marks the dawn of the third age of computing -- embrace it." \_ "I get all my tech news from Salon. Without Salon I couldn't run my software startup! Salon tech news is just swell!" -- Bill Gates \_ .Net question: Wasn't Java/JINI/etc/etc supposed to do all this? \_ .Net has pointers. |
2002/2/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23776 Activity:nil |
2/3 I'm working with xml (my resume), but I can't get emacs to correctly indent with open and closing tags. I have psgml, xml, and html -mode at my disposal, but I don't know how to make it format correctly. Any hints? |
2002/2/3-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23760 Activity:low 54%like:24745 |
2/2 In unix, is there an equivalent to "route print" for the table? \_ netstat -r |
2002/1/30 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23718 Activity:moderate |
1/30 Someone here used to post a lot of fairly involved puzzles. Who is it, or if you're him, would you mind pointing me towards a link where I can find them? Thanks. -John \_ Are you thinking of Ilya? ilyas@csua? \_ Must be, thanks. Ilya, puzzleP -John \_ Ok, write a post script program that computes the number of pages a given post script program will print. :) -- ilyas |
2002/1/28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23692 Activity:moderate |
1/27 Anybody used the XML Resume Library for their resumes? http://xmlresume.sourceforge.net \_ XML is the panacea to all your resume woes! Its pretty awesome, actually- joshk |
2002/1/26-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23677 Activity:moderate |
1/25 What are some of the good video conference HW/SW to use? I'd like to setup a 24x7 2 way link between me and my parents. Thanks. \_ Dude, that's really sick. You need help. \_ If you said between you and your horny gf in another state you would've got help. BTW, "Killer Tongue" (1996) on HBO right now! \_ actually I was going to setup an infinite loop of me studying (like in Speed) to prove that I study hard and deserve to get a new Volkswagon \_ Why don't you create a web page script that checks the time and loads an appropriate picture of you studying or napping. Then tell your parents that it's a web cam. \_ You deserve what you earn. Get a job. |
2002/1/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:23653 Activity:nil |
1/24 What are ".shs" files in NT? I got such a file. "assoc" says it's "ShellScrap". What's that? Thanks. \_ IIRC you can have "shellscraps" of executable code sort of like batch files. I wrote one once for kicks but don't remember why I did that instead of a .bat. Load it in notepad and see. |
2002/1/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23637 Activity:kinda low |
1/22 Is there a way to configure pine (or use a script or something) so that if I get email from a certain person (with a certain email address) that it forwards that email to somewhere else? \_ no, this is totally impossible. computer science has not developed anything so incredibly complex yet. --aaron \_ look at procmail |
2002/1/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23579 Activity:high |
1/16 I want to write a simple monitoring script for a webservice that I have running. I Was thinking of doing something like just telnet'ing to port 80, doing a GET, and grep'ing for a word to indicate that all is running smoothly. Is there a way to script such a telnet usage? If so, how? Is there a better way to do this? Thanks. \_ perl has various ways to contact web servers. See CPAN. -tom \_ go to http://kernel.org and look for 'mon'. don't rewrite code someone else has already done for you. there's no pretty gui for it though. \_ google for Netsaint and thoth. \- lynx -dump URL > /dev/null || mail warning --psb \_ curl -s URL | grep -q whatever \ || mail -s 'warning' person </dev/null --dbushong \_ Sure but the above methods will spam the crap out of you if you run them often enough to be useful (from cron maybe). Use a real monitoring tool. \_ wget \- not everyone needs a complicated tool. a little shell hack works for a lot of stuff. --psb |
2001/12/7 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS] UID:23175 Activity:very high |
12/6 I don't think this question has been asked recently, and I am curious: where do you work, and what do you do at your job? It would be nice to be more specific than "I am a computer programmer", but then again the motd is not known for being nice. Oh, and why do you work where you work, doing what you do? \_ why do you care? \_ it says "I am curious" above ... \_ grad skool \_ I am a code monkey. \_ "water resources consulting engineer" - a day's work is largely at the computer using spreadsheets or writing/revising documents plus a good deal of research on the web or existing documents. Some Fortran modeling and some field work. No design work. The clients are almost all Indian tribes. \_ Anyone a "consultant"? What is the rough consensus on what a "consultant" is? -- clueless code monkey \_ I am a consultant. I work for a services company. They get a client who needs a given job done which is in my company's area of expertise, so we manage a project to get it done. I am one of the people who "does the actual work" (as opposed to making the sale, managing the project, or managing the client) \_ English Major for life \_ why is everyone giving such bitch answers for this? I think its an interesting question and I'd be curious to hear the various responses as well. I, for example, took a year off school to work at a dying start-up. It died, now I'm back to finish my senior year. \_ hear hear. I guess I should answer, too, seeing as I started this topic. I graduated in 1997, spent 3 years at a large systems vendor in their kernel networking group, and escaped last year to work in a similar group at a mid-size IP networking company. I graduated not really caring about computer science, but have grown to actually like what I do. - original poster \_ sysadmin. mostly disk management of a few dozen terabytes. boring. pays well. laid off. first good job offer after numerous crap low ball offers. checks clear. benefits average. no options. waiting for economy to improve to get real job. \_ code monkey. i've designed cpu's, image processing chips, workstations, multi-processor computers, switching fabrics, and big router boxes. i'm now an architect-in-residence for a vc. \_ code money 2. been coding for a while, but spend 1/2 of my time debugging legacy code written by people who left after i joined, and another 1/4 on pointless meetings. i am starting to hate my job but i gotta work to support my family. got a $700,000 house in santa clara and other shit too. \_ $700,000 house.... that's quite the boat anchor. \_ I gotcha. There is a lot more to life than coding 15 hours a day doing something really cool that you enjoy-- like spending all of your vacation at Home Depot and doing upgrades and mowing the lawn. \_ Executive Director at a medium-sized non-profit. Responsibilities include development (fund-raising), event organization, and that catch-all term, "outreach". Salary is better than the academy, less than business. \_ grad school; then academy; still looking for permanent position. Never married; never owned a house. Travel around the world; manage time my own way but worries about the next job. Bank account always < $10,000, usually much less; never owned a single stock, options etc. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but not often bored. Doing what I enjoy but there are things that I miss, and I certainly would not mind getting paid also at an enjoyable level. I am not saying I am better or worse than others. I am just answering your query. |
2001/11/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:23115 Activity:kinda low |
11/27 I need to take a snapshot of a window on my screen, and then somehow insert it into my LaTeX document (later to be made into postscript). What's the way to do this, since postscript files can't support jpg's, gif's, etc. (or can they)? Should I somehow get the image to eps? \_ Depends on the OS: Windows - Print Screen key (or ALT-PrntScr for whole screen) puts it in the clipboard IRIX - snapshot program (and convert program if needed) \_ No, I get how to take the snapshot. I just need to get it to eps or something that LaTeX/postscript can use. Are there jpeg->eps converters, or something similar? \_ photoshop or gimp (xv?) can do that for you. |
2001/10/26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22837 Activity:nil |
10/25 wtf? Did paolo turn on his auto motd nuking script again? _/ > ps aux | grep paolo dans 74537 0.0 0.0 268 128 AW R+ 12:02AM 0:00.00 grep paolo I guess that would be no. |
2001/10/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:22817 Activity:moderate |
10/24 Using Check-point FW1, i have a 1 hour time-out which is very annoying to me. i would like to eliminate it or make it VERY high. Is this a really dumb thing to do, or is it only a slight risk for a lot of benefit? \_ You mean the TCP session idle timeout for NAT sessions or sessions for which FW1 is supposed ot keep state? I don't know about FW1 but IP Filter commonly used on *BSD has this timeout set to a really large value, something like 24 hours or so. The Linux 2.2 ipchains by default sets a very large timeout value too. I don't think this is big security risk but if you have a very large number of idle connections (e.g. thousands..), the software might run out of entries in its session state table. \_ earlier versions of IPFilter had a limit of 1024 state table entries--it's now been fixed. We have the same problem with FW-1; basically, it only comes into play when you have a connection that's idle for over 1 hour. The idiotic thing with this value is that it's a global setting, and can't be done application-specific (ObFW1SucksPlug). I don't believe there's not much of a security risk; part of the reason it was done was to prevent idle connection hijacking. You can get around it by running a simple script that echoes a single character on the target host every x minutes, assuming it's a login session. If it's not (something like database, whatever) just set it to a reasonable level (2-3 hours) if you really need to. -John |
2001/10/11-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:22687 Activity:nil |
10/10 Is there any quick "script starter" that will daemonize a process and return its PID? I'm looking for something like % pid=`start foo [args...]` (foo starts running in the background) % kill -9 $pid \_ foo [args...] & pid=$! \_ foo [args...] & pid=$! # sh \_ foo [args...] & set pid=$! # csh |
2001/9/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:22550 Activity:high |
9/20 In a UNIX shell, what's the best way to traverse the file system, executing commands in each directory. find -exec only seems to allow one command per result. What I'm trying to do is to have each directory in the file hierarchy have a list of all files in . and below. \_ 1) Have find exec a script. 2) Use parens. \_ my script wants to cd. but the directories have spaces in them. \_ use quotes \_ How about find . -type d -exec find {} -type f -print > {}/files.txt \; Except that I don't know how to escape the > and the second {}. \_ Why do you need multiple commands per result to do what you want? \_ you want find . -name hello | xargs echo ??? \_ find . -type d -execdir find {} > {}/foo \; I want something like that, except I want my redirect to go into the directory of the directory from find, not /foo \_ This is what I ended up doing: find . -type d -exec ./writeit {} \; writeit: cd "$*" find . -name "*.mp3" > list.m3u |
2001/9/8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:22351 Activity:high |
9/7 I have a really difficult time reading this guy's OO code. Basically he's utilizing polymorphic method calls, which is alright, but tracing the code requires going back and forth between the deep plethora super/child chains. While I like OO, I think this is just a nightmare to trace and understand. Personally, I'd perfer a more shallower chain of objects, extending OO via composition instead of inheritance. What do you guys think? \_ what if there were a tool where you could expand selected parts and see the inherited methods all in one screen? \_ I prefer composition to inheritance also, but conventional wisdom on that subject is that inheritance is easier to understand, though composition is more powerful. Good development tools (as the above poster mentions) can also help. Understanding code that traverses the inheritence heirarchy, or accross many objects, is easy in Smalltalk (or VisualAge/Java) where there are good tools available, but a pain in the ass in emacs. OTOH, reading methods longer than 10 lines is obnoxious in Smalltalk, where it is trivial in Emacs. \_ i am starting to subscribe to the belief that only a few libraries should be OO. widget toolkits, basic containers and a few other things. applications should not define weird ass objects. they should instead define function objects. |
2001/8/22-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:22210 Activity:nil |
8/21 Can anyone recommend any good websites on moving from UML requirements documentation(e.g. sequenc of events, interaction diagrams, use case diagrams, use case statements, etc.) into object design(e.g. UML class notation)? |
2001/8/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:22163 Activity:low |
8/17 is there a way in xemacs to pretty-format the source file ( fixing all indentation) in batch mode rather than tabbing every line in the file? \_ How about /usr/bin/indent? \_ Try indent-region |
2001/8/6 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Health/Women] UID:22016 Activity:very high |
8/6 ``Silicon Valley is arrogant,'' she said. ``There is too much focus on degrees here.'': http://www.siliconvalley.com/news/special/downturn/docs/slow080601.htm \_ WTF is this woman talking about? If anything, there is way too little focus on degrees. Our Senior Architect here had a BA in philosophy and designed and wrote some of the sloppiest code I've ever seen. And now I'm cleaning up after the fool after he left. I'm glad the job market is tight because it's only squeezed out all the pretenders. \_ she's trying to do an 'end run' around the little detail that the ratio of females to males in compsci degree programs is ludicrous. \_ EE/CS doesn't interested women. There is nothing that can be done about that. Its like asking a guy to learn romantic poetry. Most guys would find that exteremely dull. \_ Here in the boudoir, the gourmand metamorphosizes into the voluptuary! \_ right. This is most likely an extension of the tired old argument "women earn less", and ignoring the detail that they dont want to do the actual work required for high-paying jobs. \_ I disagree. I think the problem is that many women are not encouraged to pursue EE/CS degrees and/or do not know people who can tell them how much fun EE/CS can be. My fiance used to think that workin on a \_ fiancee computer all day would be really dull. Then once she started doing some small web and database work she trying to learn programming on the job. -woman \_ I disagree. Women are less intelligent and simply want more for less work. -man \_ "...more for less work." Yes, this is unique to women. It is good you clarified this. \_ Your fiance... she.. signed "woman"? Where's the lesbian wedding happening? \_ on wonder you dont get laid realized how much she liked programming. Now she is trying to learn programming on the job. \_ The number of women who find programming interesting is exteremely small. My mom used to be a AI researcher and of 150 other people in her building only three of the women were technical, all of the others were admin staff and disliked computers and even refused to do simple html web pages. Personally I've know women who made better grades than me in math and physics refuse to study engineering (esp. ee/cs) because it was "too dull". They just didn't like the sitting in your cube thinking and tinkering aspects of coding. Almost all of them went to med school or bio because there was more human interaction. Men and women are different and like different types of work. You cannot "encourage" women into a field they don't want to work in. \_ no wonder you dont get laid \_ There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your dorm room \_ I agree. We have too many coders at work who are either dropouts are grads in non-engineering majors in key developement positions. |
2001/7/26 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:21956 Activity:high |
7/25 Is there any open-source tool to author HTML pages similiar to Dream Weaver? Yes, I do type HTML code using emacs, but when it comes to image maps, using emacs is a bit pain in the butt. \_ ob_ED_IS_THE_STANDARD_(HTML)_EDITOR \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! HTML and bitmap editor. |
2001/7/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS] UID:21924 Activity:high |
7/23 In case anyone isn't aware: Discovery Channel is doing some documentary on hackers this wednesday at 10pm. "Hackers: Computer Outlaws". Sure to be a balanced, universal look at underground computer culture. \_ Live fast, love not, die while your kernel is compiling... \_ Hack with a friend, Script Kiddies get raided alone. -v1ru5 \_ D00D 1 41W4Y5 H4CK W17H 4 P4R7N3R 2 C0V3R MY B4CK! \_ "Faster, meaner, smarter - God I hate the technology curve." |
2001/7/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:21701 Activity:high |
7/2 What are some XML DTDs/schemas for writing technical documentation? We have standardized on HTML for documentation at my company and I am tired of having to do everything by hand. (proper number formatting mostly. Nested <ol>s just aren't good enough) Ideally, I'd like to write an XML document and have an XSLT script generate the HTML for me. DocBook looks interesting but heavyweight. \_ Sun uses SolBook, which is a slimmed down subset of DocBook. The OpenGroup uses DocBook for the official UNIX standards. \_ My former employer used DocBook... from my experience and what I heard, it seemed to work fairly well. \_ what is wrong with Latex? \_ Nothing is wrong with LaTeX. I used it extensively when I worked in academia. I worked in academia and was quite happy with the results. But LaTeX isn't something that I'd want to standardize on in our corporate setting. \_ why not? it's too difficult to parse? the machinery behind it is poor? it's too low level? \_ You could use Texinfo and Texi2html. |
2001/6/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:21649 Activity:high |
6/27 Anyone know how to read Shift-JIS encoded email in Lotus Notes 4.x? \_ download njstar communicator for windows. - keithyw \_ you can try to import into notes - it will probably give you some username and password BS or unrecognized database format so the answer is probably NO you can't read it- but you can try Why is it that all these companies think the database is the proprietary thing when it is the VB code or data handling function. We just ran through some engineering apps that we wanted to hack appart and none of them allow data access. All the data is encoded in some weird ass formet we can make head or tails of. Like if everyone just used XML it would be so much easier- or even beyond that- notice how people have quitely forgotten about EDI. Now there would be some cool govn project- converting gov app over to XML specs instead of existing EDI specs. - kinney \_ Look Paolo. Non-idiocy is not deleted. \_ Why would they (convert EDI to XML)? It seems that the EDI stuff is working fine. |
2001/6/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:21644 Activity:insanely high |
6/27 I'm looking for a programming field that very few people go into because it's very hard. And of course, fewer people -> higher pay. Too many coding monkeys doing Java/C++ applications so that's a no. I've done network protocol development, embedded software development inside network devices and microcode for parallel packet processing ASICs. I've heard programming for DSPs in parallel DSP arrays is hard as well. Is that true? What other stuff requires real intelligence instead of just coding monkey skills? I'm asking for programming positions, not phd level math bullshit work. That doesn't pay that \_ ah, so you want to use your brain but you don't want to use your brain... well. Thanks. \_ you're a wanker, go away \_ ah, so you want to use your brain but you don't want to use your brain... well. Thanks. \_ Quantum programming is hard. \_ quantum computation is a really exciting feild. I know, because I am getting payed 18,000 dollars a year before taxes to work on a quantum computer project. This is just the field for you. if the amazing pay doesn't hook you in, check out the fringe benefits like spending your saturday nights in a cave-like enclosure using an e-beam writer. nont that i'm complaining, enclosure using an e-beam writer. not that i'm complaining, it's great for some of us, but it is a good way to be poor. \_ Solaris device drivers. Actually, it's easier than linux drivers, but very very few people are doing it. \_ The pay is not that great for Solaris device drivers. Most of the work is contract based for custom peripheral cards. \_ Become an Oracle DBE. That should be quite sufficient to distinguish yourself. \_ if you were really smart, ppl would be offering the hard jobs to you, lamer. \_ If I interview at MSFT, will I get a job programming parallel DSP arrays? You need to determine a field first and then look for it. My main drive is money and few people involved. E.g., there are only a handful of people in the world that can implement BGP4 compatible and scalable with Cisco's BGP4. They get paid very very well. \_ Try the fields of medicine or dentistry if you're concerned so much about a big pay day for minimal work/intelligence. A pediatrician can clear over $250,000 without overtime working for an HMO. A specialist in private practice... --dim \_ you could claim to do your job well, and you'd get paid higher. for example, you could say i do web backend developent and deliver something that runs on $3000 worth of hardware instead of $300000. coding chained DSPs is hard but I have a feeling people don't do that kind of shit outside of academia. if you like that stuff, you should loook into coding for multimedia chips like from Ccbue and Equator and TI. Also, you could get a clue and become a compiler writer. \_ I followed my interest and did CS. Now I thought I should have gone into medicine. They pay is better and the babes are hotter. \_ if you just want $$$ (like I do) then getting a MD now is definitely not worth the investment in time. The money you can save working 10 years as a peon programmer is way more than the time+money it takes to get a MD. After 10 years of slavery I plan to retire. What will you be doing in 10 years? Just getting out of med school and paying off your student loans? Gimme a break. \_ Ten years at $120,000/year is $1.2 million. Cost of medical school is $200,000 (say). Even if you don't make a dime the entire time you are in medical school and residency, you'll be ahead after 18 years from now at most. That's not a bad proposition if you're under 35. Your idea of retirement must suck. --dim \_ I guess you've never heard of compound interest or captial appreciation. 120K/yr with a savings rate of 50% or higher and a modest growth rate of 10% per yr will amount to several million over the course of 10 yrs. Investing this in say short-term bonds gives you a solid income of 100K to 200K per yr. Considering you don't need to spend most of that, your net worth will continue to rise, while you sit around doing what you want. The guy who went the Med School route will get out around age 30 and will spend the next 5 yrs earning ~ 30K while he does a residency, and then he will spend another 2 to 5 yrs paying off his debt and will only really start to earn money around age 40. By then your smart coder will be semi-retired living on easy street. If you add in options, the peon coder has a much better life than the MD, as you can use your options to buy a home, thus avoiding a 30 yr mortgage that the poor sappy MD has to get in order to affort a home. (We will forget for now that the average MD doesn't make that much more than the average code thanks to the HMOs) |
2001/6/13-7/20 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:21508 Activity:moderate |
6/14 XML.... I know keith fully appreciates the power of XML. But its power just transends everything. What I have defined ( which is totally wrong but just used as an example for the flippin idiots I work with ) is the specification of an equipment list ITEM TAG_NO ACCT DESCRIPTION FLOWSHEET Properties Property Value Def_units Act_units Given this we can go ahead with all sorts of initiative. Data exchange with Vendors through the web, internal software development, application integration run the gambit- of course these guys are just idiots and think that SAP, EY and consultants will do everything for us- and in the interim lets maintain our current army of internal application developers to support our Crappy legact systems ( which all they do is study to get MCSE/ or Oracle certified ). Just sickening- and I of course am so damn low on the todem pole for anyone to give a damn of my opinions. And of course all our software developers are just swamped.. ya right I know a lot of them and really all they do is screw around all day- especially the network guys. Maybe if one of those network guys setup a wireless lan/ or publicize VPN capabilities I would respect them. You wouldn't believe our remote access. Everyone think you have to dial in using modems- while our notebooks all have this really cool VPN software which works seemlessly with broadband connection- But no one ever mentions it sickening anyway that my midweek rant <not positive about this one, but note the telltale "????" and tone> \_ uh.... learn to spell/type? Next week, you should post this to the 31337 uber-motd called /dev/null . |
2001/4/28-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:21132 Activity:low |
4/28 LaTeX question: How do I write a macro to add to numbers? \_ two I can't seem to find how to do math operations with macros. Thanks. \_ See Appendix A.4 of "The LaTeX Companion" for one way. \_ I don't happen to have that book handy. Is there a URL or a sample latex file available to illustrate this? \_ Sorry, I don't know. If I were to do a websearch, I'd search for the TeX commands "advance" and "multiply", or the LaTeX package "calc" by Thorup and Jensen. |
2001/4/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20919 Activity:nil |
04/07 hola, LaTeX fans may be interested in: http://www.podc.org/podc2001 In honor of his sixtieth birthday, PODC will feature a series of lectures illustrating and celebrating the vast impact of the work of Leslie Lamport. in re: recent discussion of latex. ok tnx --psb |
2001/4/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:20882 Activity:nil |
3/31 Trying to install some games on FreeBSD4.2 I installed SDL 1.0.8, & 1.1.6-devel from ports, and 1.2 from source; I've run ldconfig -R, and a 'configure' script STILL reports that it can't find the SDL library. What am I doing wrong? |
2001/3/14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:20770 Activity:nil |
3/13 I'm writing a logging script (bash) and i want time stamps I don't always have control of what is writing to the log but i want to time stamp all entries. What is a good way to do this? |
2001/3/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20742 Activity:high |
3/9 two lines in a script: 1.) ls | grep something 2.) echo $? this ALWAYS returns 0 for success BUT if i just type 'ls | grep something' at the command line and then echo $?, $? will be 1 if 'something' wasn't matched. What is causing $? to be 0 in the script when grep doesn't match? \_ this works fine for me; the script I tried echos 0 or 1 appropriately |
2001/3/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20722 Activity:nil |
3/4 I want to create a shell script that my users can execute, but not read. I thought the way to do this would be to create a shell script and give it world executable permission and take away all read permissions. This doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions? Thanks. \_ you can't. \_ I'm executing one right now. \_ create a binary instead? \_ You still need to read it to execute it. \_ no you don't. \_ Local Unix FS will let you execute without reading. NFS servers just assume that the execute bit also grants read priveledges. (Some clients may try to stop you from reading the file, but it's usually possible anyway.) \_ Um, this is probably useless since a user can always run the script with /bin/sh -nv <path to script> and see what its doing. They can also get an execution trace with -x (either set -x or /bin/sh -x). You can probably do a set +x in your script, but some versions of Bourne and Korn shell will ignore that if the shell was invoked with -x. Why do you want to do this? \_ I'm a TA and we plan to have a project where the students can test there work by running a script. \_ I believe you want their not there. \_ why don't you want them to see the tests? Will that give away how to do the project? If so, I'm curious as to how and why. \_ If the students see the tests, they'll cheat and and tailor their code to only handle the those test cases. -- not TA \_ Then you are a fool. \_ Then maybe you need a better test suite/project? --Jon \_ Install sudo. Add an entry to the sudoers file which allows anyone to run the script, and have it run as user "foo". Then make the script read/executable only by "foo". Now make a wrapper script which just does "sudo -u foo /path/to/real/script" and tell your users to run the wrapper script. --dbushong \_ This will work, so long as you also clear out the env vars and reset the -x flag in shell. \_ Write a CGI or a mail interface. |
2001/2/7 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20525 Activity:very high |
2/6 web monkey question: how can I make a webpage include the contents of one html file from within another html file? for example, I want my webpage, index.html to include the contents of a file called title.html whenever it's loaded, so that I can change titles by just changing title.html without touching index.html. what's the easiest way to do this? \_ you need some kind of server-side processing done. the exact details it will depend on what kind of web server you're using. Most of the time you'd just add a line like the following to your page: <!--#include file="foo.html" --> . You may need to specifically enable SSI on your web server and give your pages a special extension (e.g. .shtml, .asp, ...) \_ my webserver is Apache. Do I need to call the file index.shtml? anything else I need to do? \_ you might need to modify your .htaccess file. See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_include.html Note that if the web server you're talking about is soda, you don't need to do anything special; just add the <!--#include ... --> line. \_ can you specify a url for the content of a CSS? -ali \_ URLs to cascading style-sheets can be given in a <LINK ...> tag, which will be handled by the client, not the server. \_ not afaik, but you probably could use a combination of SSI and <style> ... </style> tags to do what you want. |
2001/1/28-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20454 Activity:moderate |
01/27 EE department is teaching a course on intro to embedded programming/RTOS, as EE 290-O (letter O). Prereqs listed as "knowledge of C and familiarity with OS basics" -- presumably ~162. TuTh9:30-11 / 531 Cory / Christof Kirsch <cm@eecs> http://www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/~fresco/giotto/course \_ Can non-students audit the class or simply sit in the lectures? I heard that Cory Hall requires card key access these days. -- yuen \_ Card key access is for after hours and labs. \_ It should not be cardkeyed in the morning (that's 9:30-11 AM, of course). The prof is unlikely to mind an auditor or two, but you should email the prof directly to know for sure. -alexf \_ Card key access is for after hours, labs, and the colossal sexual encounters that occur there. \_ And if you're lucky you might see Hilfinger step out of his shower stall. \_ ew \_ That's no slide rule he's holding. \_ Why do you think the first floor sounds like a vibrator? |
2001/1/8-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20265 Activity:moderate |
1/5 I put my resume in HTML format, now I want to conver it to Postscript. How to do that other than using Netscape to print to a file? How did u guys to make your resume fit into one single postscript page if the original is in HTML? --kngharv \_ man html2ps --pchen \_ HTML is not a layout language; if you care about page layout, you'll have to use something with page layout capabilities, like TeX, Word or PageMaker. You could create a PageMaker template and place the HTML into it, or maintain it in TeX or Word and generate HTML from that (although Word's HTML generation is terrible). If your resume is simple enough, "html2ps" or just using Netscape might work. -tom \_ What I've found is that the people who spend the most time making their resumes look glamorous are the ones trying to compensate for having nothing worthwhile on it. Use the KISS principle (keep it short and simple, sweet and simple, simple stupid, whatever..). By the \_ someone unclear on the concept way, this has nothing to do with resumes but Tom, you're a twink. \_ Tom has one of the better careers of all csuaers. If Tom know anything, he knows jobs and resumes. \_ I had to spend a half-hour tweaking my html resume's font and number of lines to make it fit in one postscript page. \_ Fuck that. Send ascii text. No one is going to do anything more than skim it for keywords they're interested in. |
2001/1/6-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20253 Activity:nil |
1/5 What's the JDK equivalent of chdir() ? \_ You can use JNDI, which has support for directory structures. May or may not be relevant. \_ None, not cross-platform. There are workarounds mostly app hacking or shell script hacking. \_ JNI call to a script that does chdir()? \_ Current directory is process specific, so if you spawn another process with the script it won't help you at all. You can call chdir() in JNI method -- it might work (dunno if some Java libraries cache the value of the current directory though). Why do you need it, anyway? \_ Use java.io.File. File.isDirectory () tells you if the file is a directory. From there, you can do things like File.listFiles (), but make sure you do things like File.canRead () and so forth in advance. |
2000/12/14 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20095 Activity:very high |
12/13 http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-4134238.html?tag=st.ne.1002.thed.ni \_ linux + windows in our armed forces, I pray that we don't \_ anagrams: slow unix wind have to fight a major war in the next few years. \_ Need FragOS \_ Windows? The article doesn't mention it. \_ the navy has already standardized on NT server for most battleships. \_ There are no battleships. You mean "warships". \_ Almost. http://www.info-sec.com/OSsec/OSsec_080498g_j.shtml \_ Oooo. That's why they got bombed in Yemem ...... \_ new proposed MOTD convention: place all URLs on a line by themselves with no other text so we can triple-click to highlight. \_ Those of us who want people to click our links already do that. \_ I triple click (or hell, highlight the entire paragraph) and hit F8, which pulls the contents of the X cut buffer, matches the first URL in it, and starts (or opens a new window for) netscape to that URL... works just fine for me. \_ Use something stupid like gnometerm which makes links out of URLs for you. \_ motdbrowser |
2000/12/7-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20036 Activity:moderate |
12/7 Anyone know of free software that compare to CiscoWorks/View or HP OpenView (ns is the closest comparable that I've found so far). \_ What do you want to do? ns is a network simulator for small toy networks. HP OpenView is a very expensive "enterprise network management tool" that monitors actual, live networks. \_ I want the closest I can get to OpenView for free... ns is not adaquate. is not adaquate (it's just a simulator) \_ The WS_FTP people make something called WhatsUp Gold, which you can set up to ping all your hosts and draw a non-serious network topology. It happens to come with CiscoWorks. \_ Not exactly FREE... \_ Oh wow. Sorry. It was $50 last I checked. I bet someone has a UNIX tool/script that does the same for cheap. Look up "ping" and "network management" on tucows, http://download.com, whatever. \_ I just saw it for $695. \_ Yeah, I know. "Oh wow, sorry," was not sarcastic. \_ how about mrtg? It does some of the stuff that CiscoWorks 2k does. You should probably also try http://www.opennms.org \_ Perfect, thanks. I worked on CiscoWorks for several years and unless you have a heavily routed cisco network most of the stuff is completely useless. Also, the UI is *really* heavy, its all slow swing based java (Management decided that fast and simple html wasn't "sexy" and "cool" enough for the enterprise). A while back I had a couple of cgi + a simple applet that let you run ping, traceroute, nslookup, nmap, dig and a few trivial protocol availability tests on one or more boxes. I can probably dig it up if that's all you want. Mail me for more info. ----ranga \_ rrd is a good replacement for mrtg (same guy wrote it). \_ I'm using rrd for stat collection and 'mon' for outage reporting and paging. http://freshmeat.net for 'mon'. \_ http://www.kernel.org/software/mon for mon. -ERic |
2000/12/6-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:20028 Activity:low |
12/6 anyone know how of a script to extract from an xml file and save as some type of formatted text? or can you point to where one should look online for that kind of info? \_ uh, xml is a formatted text file. what do you really want to do? \_ for instance, extracting tag information. input /whatever to look for it and return lists of values following the named tags... \_ You can really write this yourself in C or Perl, but there is free XML parsing code in Java \_ Look on CPAN, I'm sure there's plenty. \_ XSL style sheets |
2000/12/6-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/Theory] UID:20012 Activity:high |
4/249 I'm interested in tree-pattern matching algorithms. I'd like to implement a language independent, synthesized and inherited abstract syntax tree comparitor. Where is a good place to start? \_ well, I actually am looking into the same stuff, this work can do fuzzy tree matching, giving you replacements, renaming, insertions, etc. http://www.cis.njit.edu/~discdb/treematcher.html \_ probably not here. \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=tree+pattern+matching+algorithms \_ Check out the XML tree diff from IBM. Not sure if there is code in PD, but they at least quote source references. < O(n^4) |
2000/12/3-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:19980 Activity:very high |
12/2 Can someone recommend a simple c++ -> html converter? Thanks! \_ echo '<HTML><BODY><PRE>'; cat foo.cc; echo '</PRE></BODY></HTML>' \_ to be correct, you also should replace any <>&" marks with their corresponding HTML entities. \_ I was thinking the more fancy kind, where they link user- defined types to its class definition, color code it, etc. - original poster \_ Don't forget to pipe into a file or cut'n'paste the above. Very important. \_ it's not what the original poster wants, and even if it were, the simplistic cat method above wouldn't replace <>&" symbols with their appropriate HTML character entities. \_ Get a new browser. Works in mine. \_ just because it happens to work in your browser doesn't mean you should use it. I also am skeptical that your browser would handle "#include <stdio.h>" correctly. \_ I use emacs in www mode. You must be using NS or IE or some cheap clone. \_ IE is the standard browser. - Bill G. \_ ED is the standard browser. -- phillip \_ LXR, check out http://mozilla.org - randal \_ Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. \_ I've seen this done nicely in the Metrowerks compiler. Purists would probably argue you can do this with a hack on tags. was this specifically for the web? \_ <CODE></CODE> |
2000/11/23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:19896 Activity:nil |
11/22 I saw someone volunteer a reboot script/tool for win 2000 on the motd. If you are still willing to give it out (or if any one else who has it is), please send it to me. (i will, of course, not give out your email). thanks. -crebbs |
2000/11/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:19829 Activity:nil |
11/16 If the keys are integers, then bucketize each array (not even a full integer sort: just count the # occurences of each key). That's 2N. Then, just subtract the occurence buckets and populate C with the contents of the subtracto. Three passes through. If the contents are not integers, then do exactly the same thing but use a hash table to maintain key counts, instead of an array (and universal hashing is cool). (if the integer keys are sparse, use hash or sparse array, tossup which is faster) [trivia: the preceding is an answer to what lazy motders question?] [trivia: who conceived universal hashing] |
2000/11/14-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:19768 Activity:moderate |
11/14 http://www.post-gazette.com/regionstate/19990820compwomen4.asp CMU Computer Science: Men outnumber women 10 to 1. What's UCB's male/female CS ratio? \_ EECS figures: 83%/17% [accuracy to within +/-1%] My guess is L&S CS is similar or slightly higher. -alexf \_ i don't believe it. we need a hand recount. \_ We need to admit more women, so engineers will be able to get dates. \_ hear, hear! \_ Yes, and there will be more disk space with less porn in their home directory. \_ didn't the article warn the woman to get ready for dorky guys chasing the potential student around? |
2000/10/31-11/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:19606 Activity:nil |
10/30 22498 www 105 0 572K 504K RUN 39.6H 64.09% 64.09% httpd What's going on? \_ I told that streaming VRML porn was a bad idea! \_ that's just my infinite loop CGI script. -fucker |
2000/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:19599 Activity:moderate |
10/29 Lets say I want to schedule a meeting with 30 people, not all of which use something like Outlook. Is there a cgi script or whatever that will let people just plug in their preferred times on a web page and have the tool pick the best time? \ http://evite.com \_ http://evite.com \_ No. Evite does not let your guests select which times they are free and then calculate the best time. \_ Also, evite sells that database of your friend's email addresses to spammers. What kind of friend does that? \_ zaplets are pretty useful. Let's you schedule meetings through html/javascript in an email... automatically updates your email and lets you know when things change. <DEAD>www.firedrop.com<DEAD> (new name) |
2000/10/21-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:19540 Activity:kinda low |
10/20 Probably not the best venue for a FORTRAN question but...does anyone remember a way of getting around the 80 character limit on writing output? -ulysses \_ FORTRAN? Psah. When I was a kid we had to program in Ada in 5 feet of snow uphills both ways. \_ Wow.... they let you have snow? *And* hills? You're lucky. \_ Ada and snow and hills, damn you are lucky. We had to toggle the switches on the front panel while darkness was upon the void. Damn kids with your high-level languages and geography. \_ the worst was when you got a bug in your bottom boulder and had to move the whole stack back up the steep , icy hill one boulder at a time to debug it(with a mastadon bone.) it (with a mastadon bone.) \_ My advisor used to tell me about people like you, the rich kids with thier boulders and bones. Our department was too poor to afford that stuff so we just sat around theorizing and writing on cave walls (no whiteboards). |
2000/10/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Academia/Berkeley/HKN] UID:19406 Activity:nil |
10/03 Does anyone have old exams from 174 (particularly from semesters where Sinclair or Blum was teaching) that they would share, or pointers to an archive? Thanks. -dlwhite \_ There's a number of them in HKN's online exam file: http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/exam-query.cgi?cs174 If you're still a student, you can check out many more in hardcopy at the HKN office (345 Soda); there should be somebody there on any weekday between 10 and 4. |
2000/9/25-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:19319 Activity:moderate |
9/24 Anyone know of any C RPC (rpcgen) libraries available under Windows? \_ http://www.xmlrpc.com |
2000/9/19 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Recreation/Music] UID:19283 Activity:nil |
9/18 http://www.director-file.com/cunningham |
2000/9/2-6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:19163 Activity:low |
9/1 Can I setup Linux to use multiple mice? Either in tandem or manual script on / off? How? \_ linux has no problem with multiple mice. XF86, however, is \_ linux has no problem with multiple mice. XFree86, however, is another story. \_ you're the reason at&t should have spelled it "eunichs". \_ Like (s)he knows the difference. Probably means Solaris.. you know... Sun's version of Linux. |
2000/8/6-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:18894 Activity:high |
8/5 I set up apache and it has XBitHack set on. I read the apache docs but i don't really understand what significance it has. any pointers? \_ if you chmod +x your html file, it will be server-parsed. -tom \_ I don't understand what that means, to be parsed by the server. What does the server DO to it that it wouldn't otherwise -top \_ http://www.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_include.html \_ Look at www.csua/~phale and ~phale/stats.html he uses them quite a bit... notice the date and quotes from fortune. \_ The fortune thing is kinda fun sometimes because it sure brings up some fun/nasty sexual references on my web page. Sure shocked the hell out of my mother! Then again, if I wanted to shock people, I should just post some of the discussions from the motd. -phale |
2000/7/26-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:18780 Activity:kinda low |
7/24 port: 9 Service: discard is running on my solaris 7 machine i want to kill it. which rc script starts it listening or how do i stop it from listening there? \_ It's generally started from inetd \_ ie: grep discard /etc/inetd.conf |
2000/7/14-16 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18684 Activity:high 76%like:18678 |
7/14 http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1005-200-2254214.html?tag=st.ne.1002.bgif.ni fucking pricks -Web Standards Advocate \_ Standards? There's only one browser. That is the standard. \_ bed troll, no cookie \_ This isn't a troll, you fool. It's the truth. When one company has 86% of the market and _growing_, they *are* the standard. The rest is just academics blowing smoke. Smart web developers aren't worried about what the standards drones have to say. They worry what their pages look like in the real world on real browsers used by real people on real computers. And it's "bad troll, no cookie". At least make some minimal attempt to correctly spell simple words if you're going to dismiss a factual statement as a troll without regard to the facts or reality of the situtation. Get out of sophomore CS and join the rest of us, twirp. \_ the situation is that i'm not a twerp \_ Possibly, but you're flat dead wrong on everything else. \_ you don't get it. \_ Ok, whatever. I explained what I was talking about. You're just trolling. |
2000/7/14 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18678 Activity:nil 76%like:18684 |
7/14 http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1005-200-2254214.html?tag=st.ne.1002.bgif.ni fucking pricks |
2000/7/13-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18662 Activity:kinda low |
7/13 How can I redirect a web page to another page automatically on loading? I've checked lots of HTML guides and have seen this happen before (no CGI) but can't find the code \_ In <HEAD> section: <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=<DEAD>new-url/"<DEAD> Change 0 to N to delay by N seconds. This is a means of mimicking HTTP headers in HTML, and is not 2.0-standard, so may not be supported by some of the oldest browsers. Anything '96 and up is more or less guaranteed to support it. -alexf \_ thanks! \_ You're better off with a server side redirect but meta- refresh will work if you're stuck on geocities or some other garbage site. |
2000/7/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18581 Activity:nil |
7/3 How does one tell a browser to use a specified stylesheet with a given xml doc? I use <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="./style.xsl"?> but my browser (IE) still displays it in the default xml-only format. Does using a stylesheet require a DTD? \_ No, IE is just very finicky about your stylesheet and has poor error reporting- if your xsl is bad, it just won't display anything. You have to specify the correct names space, and (probably) include some default templates to match for stuff that you otherwise wouldn't bother accounting for, for example: <xsl:template match="text()|@*"> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </xsl:template> see also http://metalab.unc.edu/xml/books/bible/updates/14.html#Default http://metalab.unc.edu/xml/books/bible/updates/14.html#Overview |
2000/6/17-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18492 Activity:nil |
6/16 I'm using `tput md` to turn on bold in a shell script. Is there any way to make the output work with a decent pager (more and less don't work). \_ man less -r -ali |
2000/5/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18307 Activity:kinda low |
5/20 When I need an spec/interface/extension language, I use 0 my own language and lex+yacc 1 my own language and my own lexer/parser <number value="0"/> XML 2 scheme 1 PROLOG!!! 2 TCL 0 PYTHON |
2000/5/16-18 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18281 Activity:low |
5/16 When I write a program in shell script, it rarely tells me which line has syntax error. How do you guys cope with this problem? \_ sometimes it helps to add -v to the shellscript command line. \- depends on shell. try sh -x --psb \_ there is a --psb option to sh?? \_ In Bourne like shells try /bin/sh (or /bin/ksh) -nv or -x. ----ranga |
2000/5/13-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18252 Activity:very high |
5/13 I always hear this LaTeX thing being some great tool for writing papers. Where's a good introduction URL for this? \_ Unless you're doing lots of math equations, don't do it. \_ Good LaTeX references online are more or less non-existent. The closest I've found after quite a lot of searching is: http://www.emerson.emory.edu/services/latex/latex_toc.html http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html \-TeX/LaTeX have a reasonably steep learning curve. I dont think it is so easy to learn from scratch on a web page. Get the TeXbook or th eLamport book to start. The hardback TeXbook is pretty cheap. --psb \_ Can find info from the people who use it a lot: http://www.math.berkeley.edu/fom-serve/cache/63.html http://emlab.berkeley.edu/eml/emltutorials.html \_ http://turbo.che.ncsu.edu/latex/ltx-2.html \_ Plenty of introductory: search http://google.com for "latex tutorial" \_ By the way, this is a stupid question, but how do \_ Knuth, the father of TeX has insisted that it be pronounced like "tek". Consequently, most LaTeX people have continued this tradition and LaTeX is normally pronounced "lay-tek" or, by some, "lah-tek" you pronounce "LaTex? \_ lay-tech. \_ i thought it was lah-tech \_ this is the correct one. \_ these are both equally valid \_ Has anyone tried LyX? How good is it exactly? A GUI frontend could make the process much less painful than the teeth-pulling TeX experience. -- alice \_ I don't think I would want to use any more of a GUI frontend to TeX than emacs tex-mode. If you want a GUI, you probably don't want or need the underlying TeX complexity layer; run Applix or StarOffice or Netscape Composer or MS Word for Windows. (Or Amaya with MathML). But then again, I dunno about LaTeX; I just use TeX. -brg \- a gui is antithetical to a lot of what TeX is about. but then again i dont use LaTeX either. --psb \_ When it's two more hours until sunrise and I'm battling with overfull boxes in TeX, I'd rather the tool care about what I'm about instead of the other way around. I agree that having TeX/LaTeX fu is important, but such skills are to be honed at one's leisure, and I can't think of instances where I sit down in front of a terminal and start writing papers in TeX for fun. So do the experienced CSUA LyX users find the tradeoff between speed and flexibility to be favorable? -- alice \_ I tried LyX once, and quit when I realized it output LaTeX that was useless outside of LyX. -mikeh \-well that's my point ... you are using LyX. The fact that it generates LaTeX is basically irrelevant. tex isnt for most people. two reasons to use tex: 1. you do a lot of math 2. you dont know how to use any non-unix platforms. --psb \_ What kind of math functionalities does LaTeX take away from TeX? I've always used TeX but am considering LaTeX. --alice \_ Show me a WYSIWYG editor that is supposed to output in any kind of language meant to be generated by humans (TeX, HTML, whatever) and actually outputs something marginally useable, and I'll show you.... a coherent motd thread, for instance. \_ Well, I didn't care so much about readable LaTeX source, but it didn't output anything that would compile with the normal tools. |
2000/4/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:18095 Activity:high |
4/23 I have an xfig drawing that I want to incorporate into a Word document. Has anyone had any success in doing this. If so, what vector graphics file format did you use to do this. I've tried CGM and EPS and Word just chokes at this. There doesn't seem to be any other file formats that both xfig and Word share. \_ save word document as text or HTML. Use editor/text markup language which doesn't suck. (word will probably handle a simple paste of the graphic from a graphics program). -tom \_ That doesn't solve the problem. I have a drawing in xfig. I want to incorporate it into Word. The file format that xfig exports aren't the ones the Word imports (with the exception of CGM which doesn't work). Is there some kind of conversion utitlity (has nothing to do with HTML). |
2000/4/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:18058 Activity:nil |
4/18 Does anyone remember the name of the professor and/or grad student that had that statistical matching program to look for copied code in assignments? Can someone point me to where i might find more information about the program itself or the algorithm used... Thank you. \_ thought it was Prof. Tom Anderson \_ It's MOSS by Alex Aiken. Digital Integrity (<DEAD>www.digital-integrity.com<DEAD> is his startup based on the ideas of MOSS. They recently created http://www.findsame.com as an example of what they can do. Ugly interface, kind of cool technology. \_ Ah yes, once again tax dollars being used and abuse for yet more personal gain. \_ see also http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~aiken/moss.html |
2000/4/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:18057 Activity:high |
4/18 How does one print bold characters to the terminal? Specifically, is there any way to do it from a shell script command such as echo or printf? \_ The code on most terminals is <ESC>[1m. To stop bold, use <ESC>[0m. To input "<ESC>" from a modern shell, use ^V-Esc. [1mHere[0m is an example (will not work under less; use cat or head to view the motd to get the effect). -alexf \_ man tput. Then look for examples, because it will be incomprehensible to a termcap newbie. \_ ~ali/discourage.c is an example. you get the "make it bold" character from termcap then echo it. -ali |
2000/4/7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:17948 Activity:high |
4/6 In C, how do I get the offset of a field in a struct? E.g. typedef struct { char MS_foo; int MS_bar; } MyStruct; I want to use the offset of MS_bar (which is 1) in compile-time. \_ It most likely isn't 1 on any modern architecture. The compiler will pad it so the int starts on a 32-bit boundary on almost all 32-bit machines. \_ ((MyStruct*)0)->MS_bar \_ don't you mean (int)(&((MyStruct*)0)->MS_bar) ? -ali \_ This works. Thanks! \_ MyStruct crap; bar_offset = &(crap.MS_bar) - &crap; \_ You don't wanna go there. This is machine specific stuff. If you want to write portable code, there are lots of other ways to do what you want. \_ no, the ways outlined above are not machine dependent. what are you talking about? maybe there's some fine print in the standard that says the above won't work, but really, it works doing this is using C++ and using member objects. and you shouldn't be pedantic about it. another good way of doing this is using C++ and using member objects. -ali \_ Dude. You don't know what you are talking about. The way in which variable sized members of a struct are positioned within the struct are, and should be, implementation specific according to the standard. Shut up and go away. You know nothing. Don't give advice here. You are a fool. Sign your name. \_ ok, you go and underline for me in the above specified code the machine specific stuff that is susceptible to padding differences and data type size and reordering. \_ Sure. The above data structure has a character (generally 8 bits), followed by an int (generally 16 or 32 bits). Depending on how the memory on the target computer is arranged, the offset of the second member (the integer) could be 8, 16, 32, or maybe even some wierd non-power-of-2 number. You have said this yourself, the implementation is free to pad (I am not sure it is allowed to reorder though). ok? -ali. And sign your name yourself. \_ Example? \_ What are you trying to do, exactly? \_ I want to print out all the fields in a variable of a certain big struct, so I think I should make a table of field informations, like this: typedef struct { char *FE_string; int FE_offset; int FE_type; } FieldEntry; FieldEntry fieldTable[] = { {"MS_foo", <offset of MS_foo>, TYPE_CHAR}, {"MS_bar", <offset of MS_bar>, TYPE_INT}, ...... }; Then I use printf() to print the fields according to the types. \_ Why do you need field offsets in the first place? \_ Then I can just traverse the table to print out all the fields passing the appropriate format strings to printf() according to the field type, rather than writing 100 printf()'s for 100 fields. \_ Use a macro, then cut and paste from the struct definition. \_ But I think using a table reduces code size a bit. |
2000/4/2-3 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17909 Activity:moderate |
4/1 How do I determine the total size of my UCLINK4 (or any other IMAP) mail spool when I do not have shell access? \_ They allow ssh right? scp a shell script that will execute /usr/bin/quota and mail you the results. Then scp a procmail file that will recognize a certain string and execute the prior script. viola!. Then mail root@uclink4 asking them what crack they were smoking when they decided not to give students shell access to machines that have more CPU power then all of the EECS instructional machines do combined. \_ You vastly overestimate the CPU power of 3 alphas, or haven't realized EECS inst is a decade beyond the Sun 3/50 days. Either the 12-CPU Sun E5000 or the 3-CPU HP server could eat UCTwinkie4 for breakfast. \_ Or execute an xterminal and shell and DISPLAY: it on your remote machine. \_ In the case of uclink4, you can use: http://weblink.berkeley.edu:8000/quota.html \_ Running arbitrary commands on uclink is no longer trivial. -tom |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17839 Activity:kinda low |
3/23 Need Windows program/script/whatever that will download and save all links from a remote html page. Check tucows and found nothing. I know this is trivial on a unix box but I don't know of any Windows programs for it and that's what I've gotta use. Thanks in advance! \_ look for "wget for win32" on a search engine \_ Another nice feature of wget is the ability to convert absolute \_ IE will provide a list of links but not download them all for you like wget. links in the same set of pages to relative links. \_ Ok, got it and it's mostly working. Picks up some extra cruft and does a few other odd things but I did finally get it to grab the files I wanted after faking the user agent and having it read in the html from a file instead of the net. Thank you. \_ Isn't IE supposed to be able to do this? -unix user \_ IE will provide a list of links but not download them all for you like wget. |
2000/3/22-23 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17822 Activity:nil |
3/21 Is there a gcc option to force labels to be outputed and to be included in the ELF symbol table. I'm trying to profile this code: beginloop: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { y[i] = a*x[i] + y[i]; } endloop: and so I want gcc -S to produce those labels in the .s file and for the assembler/linker to add those to the symbol table. I'm trying to profile this code using a machine simulator that looks at ELF symbol table code markers for performance simulations. -jefe \_ I suggest using gcc's extended asm. Say __asm__("beginloop:\n"); instead of beginloop: and then the assembler will add these labels to the symbol table. If you need them to be global symbols, it's easy enough to do: __asm__(".globl beginloop\n"); -brg |
2000/3/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Editors] UID:17809 Activity:high |
3/20 grr! we need a check out procedure for the motd.public. \_ Current one works fine for me. \_ What current one? (though i just wrote my own script to do what i need, testing now) \_ motdedit is for fags. real men just know when it's safe to write the motd. \_ "which motdedit" \_ thanks, but that doesn't keep someone who has opened up a version before me but saves after me from un- intentionaly deleting my changes. Does it? \_ Your editor doesn't tell you that the file has changed? \_ the file doesn't change until afterwards. \_ no, thickhead, the issue is that while YOU are editing it, someone else changes it. Then your braindead editor saves over with YOUR changes, obliterating other peoples. Real editors warn about this. |
2000/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17780 Activity:high |
3/15 Does anyone find it weird that this university won't print out unofficial transcripts because "You can print your own off the web Bearfacts web page"? Most organizations I know (insurance companies, employers, etc...) want an "unofficial transcript" but will laugh out loud if you even attempt to present to them a Netscape printout for any useful purposes. \_ And they can tell it's a netscape printout how? \_ A month ago I stopped by that office at the end of the hall in Sproul Hall and they printed out an unofficial transcript for me, and it looked much better than a Netscape printout. I think it was $4 or $8, though. \_ It's html. Save to a file, and EDIT IT to clean it up. \_ muhahaha \_ but that would be wrong... \_ Well I didn't mean alter the CONTENT. Sheesh. Some people... |
2000/3/16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17779 Activity:high |
3/14 Does anyone know of a tool that will convert EPS files to HTML? We've found PS to HTML but need EPS... -davidf \_ ps2ascii (in gs-aladdin on my linux-debian potato) \_ do you just want to make giant gifs or jpgs out of the EPS files? \_ No, we want to pull text out of EPS files to make it searchable online. We found a possible product at http://www.onevision.com (see PlugTEXTin), but are hoping for alternatives. -davidf \_ any way to convert from EPS to PS to HTML?Ghostscript/GSview :wq \_ :x is fewer characters to type. So is ZZ. \_ ZZ is worse on your fingers. :x \_ ^x^s^x^c |
2000/2/25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Networking] UID:17615 Activity:moderate 70%like:17608 |
2/23 To all the CS graduates, how much do you like your job? What exactly are you working on? Would you recommend CS? -sophomore declaring Screw this loser, read the reply after my friend: \_ Go into it for the money. The cock suckers talking about doing it for the love of it exist in every field. Do it for the money for a few years so you can afford to do whatever you want for the love of it for the rest of your life without worrying about the rent, mortgage payments, car payments, children's educations, or how to pay the electric bill and put food on the table. The idealists are fools throwing away their youth. These are the same people who will be voting every year for a socialist government to take care of them in their old age because they "lived life for the pure pleasure of it". They think of themselves as some sort of counter culture heros. I think of them as leeches. Go for the money, sonny. \_ Hrm. I disagree with you on several points. Starving to death so you can do something that you love is just plain silly and as far as I can see, you're the only one suggesting such a thing. The most common thread here is that you'll be very unhappy doing something that you hate -- been there, done that, and it ain't worth it. Second of all, you seem to be implying that by doing CS for the money you will deterministically become rich and THEN be able to go on and do something that you love. That's just absurd. Thirdly, associating someone that enjoys their work with a political philosophy or moral standpoint is, at best, illogical (I myself tend to be pro-gun, pro-death penalty -- pretty far from what most people would think of as liberal or left-wing). You can think of them as leeches, but if you were really *reading* anything anyone was saying, you'd have noted that we were all talking about being *employed* and enjoying our work. Of course, this could just be an idiotic troll and I'm wasting my breath taking you seriously. -mice \_ don't listen to this angry, cynical asshole. i know a pharmacist who's been working in the field for the past 20 years. she makes at least a consistent $100K a year. That's more than enough to survive on. but you know what? she hates the work. and she complains about how much it sucks. and how it goes on and on for 8+ hours a day. don't get stuck in a job that you don't like...it's like a slow, minute by minute death. do what you like, but decide if you are going to make the sacrifice. do you have any idea how boring and stupid the guy above sounds? you are born, you grow up, go to school, get married, fuck, have kids, work, retire, then die. There are millions who do the same damn mindless pattern of merely living to pass on their dna. you can probably much better than this if your aspirations are in the right place. \_ take cs61 series. if you can't hack it, then it's a moot point. if you're already beyond that, then it's cs162 and cs164 that will tell you if you want to be CS or not \_ I love my job. I mostly do distributed system programming. The only way I can recommend CS as a major is if you've tried at least one CS class and *REALLY* enjoyed the work -- if you're thinking of declaring CS strictly for the money, you'll probably be pretty unhappy. -mice \_ Agreed. If you're doing CS for the money, you're doing it for the wrong reason. You won't make the kind of money you hear about ("overnight millionaires") unless you truly have a passion for it. A passion that drives you to learn more and more and more until you truly have much Fu. Moral: Do what excites you. --sowings \_ gee, really? I heard some guy in a diner tell me that his daughter was finishing her masters in CS and southern connecticut state university so she could work in "sillycone valley", where they pick you up in a limmo at the airport, give you a private cook, and pay you several hundred thousand a year automatically. "That's how they are out in California," he told me. Shit. Sign me up. -lives a long way from silicon valley \_ Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight -Dr. Evil \_ no, really, i really heard a guy said that, and i'm pretty sure the poor guy belived it. \_ Not questioning whether or not he said it but he's just not evil enough. He's the margarine of evil. -Dr. Evil \_ are feeling okay there? you seem a little piqued. \_ you were confused. He was actually referring to "Silicone Valley", where all that happens if you have nice tits, and you show them to the right people. Which in Grammy-speak, means "everyone". \_ hey, I declared Chem Engineering 'for the money' and wound up doing computer/networking work for more! -ERic \_ I was MSME and I wound up working at Cisco. I didn't get into networking for the money though, it was just more interesting than Mat. Sci.. The money hasn't been \_ just a comment for the record that has nothing to do with this thread: materials science may not be that neat now, but in the next couple decades it will see the same kinds of amazing progression that computer science has in the last few decades, mark my words. In twenty five years mat. sci. will be just as exciting as CS is now, and it will bear very little resemblance to what is currently called materials science. \_ Just one word of advice, son, "Plastics". bad though. I'm not sure I would have liked CS at Cal, since I found that the undergrad CS classes don't really teach you CS. \_ uh-huh... \_ I took some of the 1xx classes and a couple of of the 2xx (grad) classes at Cal along with several 2xx (grad) classes at Stanford and found that the *real* stuff is taught only in the grad coures. \_ which 1xx courses? \_ Sure, but you like computers, ERic. I have taken classes with CS majors who declared how much they hated computers (and not the right-after-something-won't-compile "i hate computers") and thought they (computers) would be the downfall of modern civilization, but they figured they'd make some money off them while they could. I feel a PHB in someone's future. I wonder if I'll even want to be in the computer industry in 5 years when all of the current CS ugrads who are in it for the money graduate and come looking for jobs. <sob> \_ CS ugrads who are in it only for the money are nothing new - they've been around for many years \_ Maybe so, but there has been a much greater influx of them recently. --sowings \_ Agreed, but this is nothing that can't be remedied with a couple of shotguns. -dans \_ .45 \_ shotguns. yuk yuk. you are so kewl \_ Shotgun is a weapon of a peasant. .45! .45! .45 is the STANDARD! Subsonic one-shot-drop-dead caliber. \_ Idiot. \_ NATO knave. \_ NATO nothing. Fuck that pussy subsonic .45 shit. .454 baby. *THAT'S* a man's caliber. \_ Casull? \_ I don't want the round passing through. \_ the economics of our world today make life impossible, especially this area, don't you all think? *sigh* \_ Everything in here is wrong except the bits about "thousand", "materials", and "everyone". |
2000/2/18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:17564 Activity:high |
2/18 (Oh and by the way if you delete this again I'm going to write a script that adds it right back so stop fucking deleting it already) \_ by the way, that is not against policy, in case any kchang supporters want to whine. automatically adding to the motd is okay. automatically munging it is not. --!aspo \_ and where is this "policy" written? \_ /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd \_ Best quote: "The MOTD may not be used for non-University business." Mwahahaha! |
2000/2/12-13 [Science/Electric, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17497 Activity:moderate |
2/11 Has anyone played around with lego mindstorms? Any comments on the various tools available for programming them? \_ no, but they rock. I need some. Bad. \_ I have the R2D2 set. Way more fun to put together than regular legos. I haven't had much chance to play with the electronics and programming yet. \_ Putting together regular legos is fun? It was fun when I was 12 years old .. \_ Unless you want to program in VBasic, I suggest checking out LegOS (http://www.noga.de/legOS I haven't been able to get the newest version to work under Linux. But the older version is probably sufficient for most applications short of making a robot that cooks you breakfast. The code is not too clean, but it seems to work, plus it's well documented. \_ Is there a good site explaining how exactly they work? I know they're some sort of embedded system, but how do they end up controlling the actual machine? Are there little wire connections to the electric motors you use? -John \_ I don't know about a site explaining it in full detail, but I can give a little insight on it. The piece with the computer chip in it has places where lego blocks can be used to connect it to motors and sensors. There are special blocks that have a cable built in to them, and have the contacts as part of the normal lego connector pieces, so that an electrical connection is made by snapping two blocks together. The set comes with two motors, two touch sensors, and a light sensor by default. -dlwhite |
2000/2/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17465 Activity:moderate |
2/8 Hey, anyone with XML skills interested in working for an internet startup in Tokyo? http://www.asia-net.com/show_job.php3?id=5812 \_ I don't know XML or any Japanese but I like the blue dot thing. What are my chances? \_ blue dot thing? \_ Go find some Japanese porn. \_ http://csua.berkeley.edu/~keithyw \_ That's not Japanese porn. That's someone in need of serious therapy. \_ But check out <DEAD>www.CSUA.Berkeley<DEAD> .EDU/~keithyw/illustrations.htm. Not bad. \_ If I know HTML, does that mean I know a little bit of XML? \_ Not really. |
2000/1/30-2/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17374 Activity:kinda low |
1/29 What happened to <DEAD>csua/motd.cgi<DEAD> ? \_ Perhaps you should mail www@csua like the error message says, not ask on the motd where perhaps one or two of the many who read it will be able to do something about it. \_ Paolo decided to be helpful and break it. Aren't you glad we have paolo to fuck so many things up for us? \_ No, actually, I pointed out that it had a fairly serious security hole in it, and so he disabled it. But of course it sounds much better to say "Paolo broke it". Idiot. --dbushong \_ dbushong is an evil hacker and broke the motd.cgi script! \_ Hi. I'll get around to fixing the motd.cgi after all my work from my paying job + class work is done. - paolo. \_ So, 4 years or 5? \_ can't be that long, I'm graduating in december. Go bears! |
2000/1/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17307 Activity:high |
1/22 I have a script in csh. In it, I have "source ~/bin/setclass.csh 118". However, it seems that I can't pass the argument 118 to setclass.csh, in a csh script. Why is that? \_ You can't pass in command-line arguments using the source command \_ source is _sort of_ like #include.. it's like "include this stuff and run it in the same context as where i'm currently working" What you can do is just set a csh/environment variable, then unset it in the sourced file: set arg=118 source ~/bin/setclass.csh (and at the end of setclass.csh, you have:) unset arg=118 \_ How dare you put a useful reply on the motd! \_ Mistakes were made. Villages bombed. |
2000/1/13-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:17232 Activity:nil |
1/12 Is there such thing as jsp-mode in Emacs? || (autoload 'html-helper-mode "html-helper-mode" "Yay HTML" t) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.jsp$" . html-helper-mode) auto-mode-alist)) |
1999/12/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17047 Activity:low |
12/8 In elisp, when I do a match of ("\<!\-\-[.]*\-\-\>" nil comment), I can't match that [.]*. Instead I have to use [a-z0-9\n_\ ] and explicitly tell it what I want to match. Why doesn't [.]* work? \_ Don't put [] around the '.' But you don't want a . anyway, since the greedy * will likely chew up more than you want. \_ Hi, I tried .* but still couldn't get it work. Do do you have a better regexp than mine to match <!-- -->? Thanks. \_ Try [^-]* or look at what the html or w3 modes do. \_ WOW COOL THANKS! How do I look at the regexp (official ones) that describe w3? I'm writing my own since its not built in and it is a pain |
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:17026 Activity:nil |
12/7 What is the best FREE search engine cgi script to search a small to mid size website? and where can I get it? thankx boy/gals. \_ actually there are probably more boys than gals here...so it's correct to say boys/gal. \_ http://www.htdig.org |
1999/11/27-12/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16958 Activity:moderate |
11/27 What's on port 98 that various script weenies are trying to abuse on my machine? Soda's /etc/services says TAC News which means nothing to me. I don't run anything on 98 or have a /etc/services line for it and wasn't able to find an obvious exploit on the net. Just curious. \_ use linux. ride bike. problem solved. \_ U53 W1ND0Z3 MAN. W1N98 15 50 KRAD. 1T CAN RUN 3V3RYTH1N6 THAT L1NUX CANT MAN. SO USE W1ND0Z3 CUZ 1T5 C00L \_ On RedHat distros there's linuxconf running on that port. \_ thanks. \_ I thought ports were for communications from comp-to-comp. (e.g. things like http, ftp, telnet, mail) Why does linuxconf need a port? \_ Why does swat (samba config) need a port? Ports are for communication. Not necessarily client/server or host/host. \_ What if you're a sysadmin administering a whole cluster of linux boxes - wouldn't it be useful to be able to run linuxconf on them from your desktop? (Maybe not secure, but most linux distros prefer useful & cool over secure.) \_ I've been trying to find the RIDEBIKE! port... can you help? TIA. \_ Does linuxconf allow you to act on multiple boxes at once? If not, why not just telnet/ssh/whatever in and run it like that? If so, how?, if not, how do i disallow remote access to linuxconf? (without firewall or other packet filtering/port blocking) \_ comment it out of /etc/services. \_ Removing things from /etc/services is almost always the wrong answer. Learn the right way and you won't fail when faced with a box using NIS/NIS+/LDAP/whatever instead of /etc files. Try /etc/inetd.conf or the rc script that starts it. \_ NIS/LDAP are dead. Give me /etc/services or give me death. |
1999/11/14-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16874 Activity:nil |
11/12 Is there a way to write macros or functions in HTML? For example, assume that I want something like #define author( person ) Created by <B> person </B> How would I do that? Thanks. \_ <!--#include "person.html"> \_ most people would think that you should know something about the way javascript does it, but there are also a lotta other ways that are web server / web server extension specific \_ No. HTML is not a programming language. Your web server probably has a built in scripting language you can use to generate HTML (or if, it's apache, a choice of dozens, like PHP & perl), but HTML itself has none. \_ or you can write your web page originals in a macro language (i.e. M4) and then run the macro processor to generate the HTML. Server side includes as recommended above work but they do put a significant performance hit on the web server. \_ which is completely irrelevant for 99% of web servers. -tom |
1999/10/15-17 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16718 Activity:low |
10/15 Can anyone recommend a *functional* freely available word processor for *nix. WP8 has just pissed the last remnants of a fuck out of me, and as much as I'd like to use cat | latex | dvips for everything, I'm not fast enough with latex to make it time-efficient. \_ It's OK; you're not enough of a writer to make it worthwhile. \_ StarOffice, from Sun, is not bad. \_ I'm a big fan. It's just like MS Office (maybe not such a good thing) but it's free. Seems to run as fast, too. \_ Get faster with latex. Latex + emacs, the choice of professionals \_ Latex + text editor IS NOT A WORD PROCESSOR. It is a way to professionally format documents. That does not make it a "word processor". \_ professional whats? most profesional writers(not technical) i have known use macintosh. \_ ED! ED! ED IS THE STANDARD! \_ so who is this Ed guy? \-if you are a "computer person" and spend most of your time writing text and not including tables and pictures and such, emacs+auctex+tex is a great choice. if you are doing graphical things a lot or are "too short", get some wysiwig. youc an also use wordperfect-mode for emacs :-) --"psb" |
1999/10/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16662 Activity:high |
10/4 Where can I get a list of interesting interview/thinking/logic questions? (i.e. "you have n balls, sort it by...") Thx. \_ Try rec.puzzles or alt.brain.teasers \_ You're going to throw ranom puzzle questions at interviewees? What are you thiking? Unless you work at Puzzle Magazine Inc. this is a lame idea. You work for Catbert? \_ Maybe it's for self-preparation. \_ Oh God... you're applying for the wrong job unless it's at Puzzle Mag. \_ Notwithstanding the "wrong job" idea, I've heard of and have been asked several puzzle questions. You have a game. There are two players. One player places a quarter down on a circular table; the next player does the same. This repeats until someone can't put a quarter on the table anymore -- that person loses. No overlapping of quarters, placing it on its side, overlapping the edge of the table, etc. What is your strategy to guarantee a win? (Do you want to go first or second?) Here's another. You have a fog-covered bridge and a flashlight. You have 4 people, and need to get all over the bridge in minimum time. The bridge can only carry two people at a time. The people all walk at different paces: 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, and 1 minute. What's the most efficient solution? |
1999/10/4-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16660 Activity:high |
10/4 does anyone know how to script the password for rsync over ssh? \_ Don't. Instead use RSA rhosts, that is: on the target machine (the one you'll be sshing _to_), put the hostname and username you'll be sshing from into the file ~/.shosts (man rhosts for format). Then make sure you ssh at least once from the target machine and the target account _back_ to the machine you'll be normally running rsync on to get its host key in place. Then your script won't need to type a password, but it's much much more secure than a real .rhosts file. Yadda yadda.. security risk since you don't need to type a password as that user yadda yadda. --dbushong \_ huh? No, use the authorized_keys file, to avoid spoofing. \_ This is the approach I've used. --PeterM |
1999/10/1-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16646 Activity:moderate |
10/2 Taiwan earthquake: 7.6 ram prices double Mexico earthquake: 7.4 no effect on ram, but avocado prices double WHAT THE FSCK? \_ You expected ram prices to increase when mexico had a quake and avocado to increase when taiwan had a quake? this is the oddest troll ive seen in a while. \_ http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/install.html#INSTALL-HW \_ Well, Taiwan has shanties, and mexico has tijuana. \_ God has it out for Taiwanese bourgeiousie heathens. Anything in particular? Sound Cards? scsi, motherboards? video? .. \_ what is /csua/bin/rootshell? It seems to be a perl script SIUD root. \_ Should add: turkey earthquake: 7.6 NO EFFECT ON RAM OR AVOCADO. --jon \_ which is a long way of saying 'you are forever identified as a pinhead' \_ Thats Viviana, dumbass. Go see Admiral Krag. \_ no, it's Vyvvian you bastard, Go see Neil Edmondson in "The Young Ones" \_ "Why do I always have to cook the lentils?" \_ My penis ejaculating rates a 7.8 \_ Well, Taiwan has shanties, and mexico has tijuana. \_ hey dumbass, ram prices were double before the earthquake \_ uh Aha! but how was the average price of produce, so called "Vyvvian"? \_ in case no one spelled out it for you, read the fucking source. \_ Not to mention the area of Mexico that was hit was more flat and less densely populated. \_ Source? It's a stupid 2 line script. I wouldn't call that \_ Should add: Turkey earthquake: 7.6, killed 15,000 people. the wall. It's a stupid hyuck hyuck moron script. \_ hey dumbass, ram prices were double before the earthquake \_ uh Aha! but how was the average price of produce, so called "Vyvvian"? \_ The scale is exponential, plus shoddy construction in Taiwan. \_ God has it out for those Taiwanese people. |
1999/10/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16640 Activity:nil |
now Script munged motd blasted. Thank you for playing. |
1999/9/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16560 Activity:nil |
9/20 I'd just finished a little sh script to remove all the auto inserted crap and you go and beat me to it. What's the world coming to? |
1999/8/30-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16431 Activity:moderate |
8/30 When sending a binary as a result to a call to a CGI script, is there a header that can be used to suggest a filename to the client? \_ yes \_ no \_ none of the above \_ Don't understand your question. Please rephrase. \_ You suggest a filename by the name of the path to the script. You basically do /blah/your.cgi/file.tgz, process $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} (I think... soemthing like that) to handle the syntax, and it'll suggest saving it as file.tgz. --sowings \_ anyone know the actual HTML involved, not just "use perl"? \_ the point is there IS NO ACTUAL HTML INVOLVED, it's all done by your CGI script, in whatever language that is written. \_ sowings, we're going to have to remove your account for giving useful information in the motd. \_ yeah you know, it would break csua tradition to be nice to people as opposed to a angry, bitter sysadmin. \_ what's sysadmin have to do with this? keep sysadmins out of this. -neither angry nor bitter sysadmin \_ ED ED IS THE STANDARD! \_ install unix, it will make it better. \_ There can be only one. |
1999/8/11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16292 Activity:nil |
8/11 Im trying to compile the makedoc.cpp file for the palm and it doesn't work. Any helpful ideas? \_ script make exit cat typescript >> /etc/motd.public In other words, what's the problem? \_ nevermind......fixed it. but thanks anyway. |
1999/8/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16236 Activity:nil |
8/3 Any good examples of simple named.conf files for bind8? I'm trying to implement a DNS server quickly, and it's very different from bind4. \-there is some kidnof conversion script i believe it was inthe dist. might look around. ---psb \_ http://www.isc.org/view.cgi?/products/BIND/docs/config/index.phtml has the config file format, the name of the aforementioned conversion script, etc.; this page is also in the bind-doc tarball. -brg |
1999/7/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:16163 Activity:moderate |
7/20 Windows, EPS, and printing: I've got EPS files. I want to print them from a 95 box. Ghost(view/script)? Is that the best answer? This is for someone very non-technical and it isn't being submitted to a publisher, just personal use. What's easiest? Thanks! \_ enscript -Z \_ If you have a postscript printer, I think the easiest way is to just dump the file content to the printer port. Something like "copy myfile.ps prn:". -- yuen \_ Works for EPS files too? (revealing postscript ignorance and not caring) \_ Yes: you can always treat an EPS file as a PS file. EPS files are still valid postscript, but they also contain extra information (the size of the image, an optional bitmap preview) so that you can embed your EPS file into a larger document. \_ THANKS! |
1999/6/25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16018 Activity:high |
6/25 Using perls LWP it's trivial to 'download' html file and parse it, but what if I want to download something like a *.gif file where I dont want to capture standardout like with HTML. In other words I just want the file. Any pointers? \_ getright. http://www.getright.com \_ hint: the gif files on a web page have unique urls. good luck. \_ more specifically I was looking for the right functions of LPW to download as an object. \_ Jeez. why use a crane to pick up a bowling ball? you can use "wget" or other executables compiled for "Get this http file". Or if you insist doing it in perl, then just use the http get routines. Or open up the socket, send "GET /file HTTP 1.0", and ignore everything until the first empty line. |
1999/6/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS] UID:15930 Activity:nil |
6/8 Our very own Thirdvoice fan club! http://nototv.hypermart.net \_ Christian fundamentalists. Need I say more? \_ And control freak webmasters/html coders. |
1999/6/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15911 Activity:nil |
6/4 http://www.esquilax.com/baywatch/awards.html |
1999/5/23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15860 Activity:high |
5/23 must read: -- cm1ee http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/19990523mag-keegan.html |
1999/5/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15850 Activity:high |
5/20 I am writing a CGI script that is quite CPU intensive. When you first load it, it will output something, wait 2-3 seconds, and then output again. How do I make it so that during the CPU intensive seconds, the script knows that the user has pressed the "STOP" button on the browser, so that it can stop immediately? \_ that is totally transparent to you. sorry. \_ Write a more efficient script. Preprocess data. \_ Give a second button on your web page to stop the first process. \_ use an alarm to print newlines every x seconds, then stop on sigterm/sigpipe \_ sigterm/sigpipe? HUH? Could you please give me example? Please no RTFM. Thanks. -perl clueless \_ RTF-O'Reilley books then. We're not here to do your work for you - either figure it out yourself, hire someone else to, or tell your boss he hired a moron. \_ Go to cpan and look around and ignore the above idiot. \_ <DEAD>onet1.external.hp.com/~cobb/articles/CGI/nph-signal-cgi<DEAD> catches sigterm and sigpipe. you still need an alarm to output something during the processing |
1999/5/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15841 Activity:kinda low |
5/19 Is there an elisp package that can make xemacs read html mail? I looked at the info pages for VM and it didn't say anything about HTML support. Thanks. \_ nobody knows anything about this? I really need a html mail reader other than netscape or IE on solaris. If not an xemacs package is there anything else that can read HTML mail? \_ It shouldn't be too hard to hack in to pass html mail to the w3 xemacs html browser. \_ what about reading your mail file with lynx? |
1999/3/18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15606 Activity:high |
3/17 Hi, I'm looking for a mail filter that strips everything except the flat ASCII text. All that mime type thing, HTML tags, jpg attachments, etc, are all not worth having. I want to pipe a piece of mail through it, so it should know the mail header as opposed to just get rid of everything in between '<' and '>'. Thanks! \-if you are tall enough, mailagent. --psb \_ awk is your friend \_ Would sed be actually easier for this case, or no? Something like 's/<.*>//g'? (not exactly correct, but close) \_ no. tags can span multiple lines. \_ I pipe everything through a perl script, but not for the same reason you do. You could easily write something that did everything you want and more but you'd probably end up with your own version of something that already exists anyway. I've never looked at mailagent as suggested by psb. procmail and perl do it for me for now. I read and reply with mh if it matters to you. \_ That's exactly my point. I can spend the time writing a customized filter or searching for one already written by someone else. Ugh... It's looking more like I'll need to write one myself. HTML mail is just annoying and evil. But I have a feeling that the days of 100% pure flat ASCII email are gone. -too old to change \-mailagent has a perl escape and does some of the harder parsing fo ryou. --psb \_ I figured it was something like that. I just pipe all the html-ized crap through lynx and if lynx can't deal with it, then I just skip it and go on. Got a URL for mailagent? \_ Ok, found it. The docs say it stops at the first match which will break some of my filtering. Does mailagent do anything that procmail doesn't? |
1999/3/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:15553 Activity:moderate 66%like:14977 75%like:15207 |
3/4 generic "troll deleted, -tom" \_ This should just be part of the motd update script. It should just insert a few "Troll delete. -tom" messages at random to make him feel big. |
1999/2/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15472 Activity:high |
2/23 Help! I want to write a server side script (preferrably server-side j-script) that allows me automatically login to another web site.For example, send my "user name" and "password" to hotmail automatically, and log me into my emails. How can I do that? Thanks! -bkong \_ you can't, idiot. \_ what's wrong with just saying "you can't"? sure, the question wasn't exactly the smartest in the world, but hey, can't learn w/o asking some stupid questions along the way. |
1999/2/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15416 Activity:moderate |
2/15 How hard is it to write an Expect script that logs into Soda (with valid writable tty), do mesg y, then write all the "unlogged wall" into a file? Is that hard to do with Expect? -expect dummy \_ If you can type it, Expect can do it too. \_ You don't need expect: ssh -t soda "wallall y && sleep 86400" >log Or just run screen and leave walls on in one window. --mconst \_ Don't give it away. Let 'em learn something useful on their own. \_ Just read /usr/local/csua/wall_log \_ are you blind? he said "unlogged wall" |
1999/2/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15333 Activity:very high |
2/1 where is the html version of the motd, and if there isn't then can someone get on it? thanks. - anonymous lazy ass \_http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/motd \_Hey, it's still 1/31, not 2/1 \_<a href = "http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/motd"motd</a> \_but html commands don't work =( \_ there is no such thing as an HTML command. \_ ok, but there's such a thing as a tight ass. it doesn't parse html in the motd \_ i don't see the need for such a capability. if you feel differently, justify with examples. -jwang \_ is the success of the internet a good example? html clearly allows for more ways to experss oneself. http addresses are often cited in the motd, alone. a communally edited "daily" web page for csua would rock, tho i suppose there's no "need" for one. \_ Then stick a world writable file in your home. The last thing anyone wants is to be defacto required to use a fucking browser to read a unix motd. Sheesh. And, btw, no, the internet is not a good example. The WWW might be, though. I encourage you to start your own daily updates to your own files. |
1999/1/28-29 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15309 Activity:nil |
1/27 If the name server (DNS/named) caches the domain name<->IP pairs, where is the cache file located? Is the cache persistent in reboots? \_ It caches them in memory. That's one of the reasons why named grows in size the longer it's been running. A reboot (or even kill and restart) will clear the cache. --dim \-bind is moving away from kill -SIG "control" to use ndc [named control program] for more sophisticated control/ communication with a running named. i dont remember off the top of my head if the onld-style signals will continue work. --psb \_ ndc is just a shell script that sends a kill -SIG you dork. \_ If you kill the named process, they will. :-) |
1999/1/25-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15289 Activity:nil |
1/25 HTML job. Practically braindead...if you're interested, email me, christine@taos.com --chris \_ Huh? Mail you? What's your ZIP code? |
1998/10/26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:14828 Activity:kinda low |
10/26 Sort of amusing (from Enlightenment's configure script): checking for mass_quantities_of_bass_ale in -lFridge... (cached) no checking for mass_quantities_of_any_ale in -lFridge... (cached) no Warning: No ales were found in your refrigerator. We highly suggest that you rectify this situation immediately. |
1998/10/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:14714 Activity:nil |
10/1 Hi -- I sometimes like to read mail with command-line clients, but the most recent version of metamail doesn't seem to handle the html crap I occasionally get. Are there any good mime handlers for html out there? thanks. \_ metamail can handle any mime type if you set it up in your .mailcap file - just add something like 'lynx -dump' for text/html |
1998/9/13-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:14587 Activity:high |
09/13 I've written a script to convert etext to LaTeX, but I'm still working out bugs. If interested, read /csua/tmp/humbn10.ps.gz (Of Human Bondage) and report errors in or suggestions concerning orthography/typography to me. -dpetrou \_ what is etext? \_ http://sailor.gutenberg.org/gutenberg \_ You need a script to convert from your legacy unixware to something universal like MSWord. \_ MSWord sucks! WordPerfect Rules! \_ Well, at least WP runs on >2 platforms... \_ Wasn't someone working on a GNU word proc? \_ Labeling MSWord the universal format is like labeling chinese the universal language. Just because more people use it than any other, doesn't mean it's the most useful to the largest number of people. \_ The very fact that more people use it than all others combined does in fact mean it is the most useful format for the largest number of people. Hello? Anyone home? Tried a basic logic class yet? Passed? \_ hello? anyone home? "the most useful" is not synonymous with "most used". Get a dictionary. "useful" ~= greatest POTENTIAL use, fulfilled or otherwise. If everyone inexplicably started to use typewriters again, that still doesn't make them more useful. Just more trendy/popular. As for "universal format", that would have to be unformatted ANSI text, seeing as how just about everyone on the planet with a computer can read it, with a minimum of garbage. \_ A typewriter isn't a data format. It is a device that print letters to paper. This is a spurious example. ASCII text is the most useful for the simple transmission of (mostly) unformatted data. MSWord is the most useful for the transmission of formatted computer data. I won't get into FAX machines and such as they don't allow the creation of data, only the retranmission of a copy. Your k-k000l etext may be s00per k00l but if only you and your 3 super k000l friends can use it or are likely to in the future then it's general value is zero (+4 geeks). Most used = most uesful format. \_ ASCII text is the most used format in the computer world. Almost every single computer made can use it, compared to the small fraction that have MS Word installed. \_ Trolling deleted. |
1998/9/8-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:14560 Activity:high |
9/7 On the http://www.afterstep.org page there's this screenshot of top running in a semi-transparent window. Does anyone know anything about that program and where to get it? \_ The Enlightenment window manager does the same thing... I think it's part of the window manager, not that particular version of top. See http://www.enlightenment.org for more example shots. -mogul, who has never used either of them \_ I would think it would be neither top nor the window manager doing this, but the terminal emulator program (xterm clone?) that does the transparency. -ERic \_ Upon looking at the http://enlightenment.org page, it looks more to me like they have an xterm-like program that they can load images into the background of. I don't know what it is, but it looks pretty nifty! \_ X Servers that provide psuedo-color overlay planes usually provide a transparent index. so standard xterm w/ the right background color setting would do the trick? or is it actually doing alpha-blending rather than overlay? --karlcz \_ It's called eterm. \_ is there an url for eterm? \_ check out http://www.tcserv.com --ERic \_ ETerm is a nifty concept, but it sucks to configure, is slow, and you need 24 bit or higher to make the backgrounds look even decent, for some reason --dbushong \_ it's not transparent. it's got a backgroudn. mail genehkan@xcf or myself if you want to learn how to make windows transparent. -ali \_ because nobody else would know how to do it :P |
1998/8/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:14417 Activity:high |
7/31 what will a shell script containing $0&$0 do? I'm afraid to try. \_ Please don't run such a shell script. It does this: $0 & $0 run this file in the background; run this file it's also called a fork bomb, and just starts hundreds of copies of itself, which will slow down a system incredibly. You can lose your soda account for running that script. \_ Then would a script containing only "$0" be a fork bomb also, only slower? -- yuen \_ No because you just press Ctrl-C and it will stop. Once the fork bomb goes off it gets worse exponentially and there's no way to stop it. \_ You _might_ be able to stop it with killall (rarely), and since this one depends on the filesystem, you can stop it by removing the script itself. However, it is still really not a good idea to run it at all: you might not have enough CPU time left to do those other things. \_ You'd get the cpu time _eventually_ but this is still a really bad idea anyway. \_ Eventually may mean "after your admin deletes your account". :-) |
1998/7/11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:49814 Activity:nil |
7/10 A quick and dirty spam filter i wrote: http://www.csua/~jefe/.nospam I'm not really sure how well it works and it might even filter out real mail. \_ You expect us to run a binary without source or do you expect that a shell script can be run if an arbitrary user's process can't read the shell script to find out what shell to run on it? -rwx--x--x 1 jefe csua 2490 Jul 11 00:57 /home/j/jefe/.nospam --jon \_ There is no binary involved. It's all perl script as stated at the top #!/usr/bin/perl. Your procmailrc file will automatically invoke it if it has: :0 | $HOME/.nospam |
1998/6/11-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:14202 Activity:high |
6/10 I want to send some messages to a list of friends but do not want the names of everyone appear in the header. How do I do it? \_ Bcc \_ use a script with a foreach loop: {foreach line} mail <message> \_ you enjoy wasting system resources, don't you? That spawns a MTA (i.e. sendmail) for every recipient, while the BCC method only does one. \_ Edit /etc/aliases to make a temporary local mailing list, send to the list, and then take it out of /etc/aliases. You _do_ have a home Unix system, don't you? \_ No, I only have account on a public workstation like soda. I sometime see the recepient of a mailing list as <unlisted recepient> and wonder how that is possible. \_ Bcc you idiot. \_ again, since it was deleted, Cheap Hack: use your .forward as a temporary mailing list. --jon \_ that's incredibly stupid. -tom \_ I never said it was a smart thing to do. \_ Why is it stupid? It works, it doesn't hurt anything. \_ sure, so long as noone sends you mail during the process. But then, it is silly users can't have mailing lists without the aid of root. QMAIL FOREVER d00d!!11!! \_ Assuming you don't know how to spawn the rich header in pine.. do a ^r and you should see a Bcc: field appear. |
1998/4/29 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:14017 Activity:high |
4/28 So, how was Merlin? What are your ratings? \_ On par with Edward Penis-Hands II. \_ Really liked part 1. The costumes were beautiful. Missed part 2, though. \_ Seemed to me that they spent more on their CGI than plot- continuity. This was definitely made-for-TV (tm). \-i think they should have killed the lame special effects and stuck with the good ones. they under-used the cast i thought. and some of the cast was pretty weak. 56million viewers for part1! this was more manageable on TV than the odyssey, which is so tied up with a text. --psb \_ with a big-wig cast like they had, they did a pretty bad job with them... \_ You want to see a good arthurian flick, go watch Excalibur, it kicked ASS over Merlin. -ERic \_ I caught the parts that didn't conflict with X-files. I actually enjoyed it, but I think they crammed it too much into two eps, it might have been beter if they made it a 5-ep miniseries or something. Incidentally, I'm not too familiar with the actual legend of Camelot (except what I got from that Sierra game a few years back :) ) Were the facts straight in Merlin? -barn \_ It's mythology. What facts? \_ I thought the legend might be based on "some" facts. -barn \_ True, esp. since the very existence of Arthur in the sense of his legend is questionable. In anycase, they got many characters right, but much of it was done up Hollywood-style for the masses. This was supposed to be _Merlin_'s story anyhow -- don't know much 'bout him. \_ I believe (no URL sorry) :-) that some sort of Arthur existed and was the basis of some early stories and maybe there was some early wiseman Merlin person, but none of this dragons and sword in the stone stuff. \_ they used to say that about the round table until they found it. of course, I doubt they'll find dragon skeletons these days. Internal acids and all that. \_ sorry, but the round table they found isn't old enough to have been Arthur's, if Arthur existed at all. -goetz \_ twinks, the table was destroyed, did you see the movie? the maab witch blew it |
1998/3/19-20 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13839 Activity:very high |
3/18 http://www.scea.sony.com/net/index.html Incidentally, it plays all PlayStation games \_ I'm sorry, the web site looks exceptionally unprofessional. I don't see why anyone would pay $750 after looking at this web site. \_ Yeah, they can't do a good web site, therefore the product they're selling *must* suck too. How many times have you failed Logic 1A so far? Maybe Rhetoric 10 still has room for you next semester. \_ Lower appeal means lower number of people buying. I highly suggest you take Econ10 and BA10 you fuckin' know-it-all. By the way psb, next time, SIGN YER FUCKIN NAME \-you know i usually do sign my name. the university exempted me from econ1. the economist recently had a good ariticle on research on advertising. Having never taking typing, i never put two spaces after end-of-sentence. --psb \_ *LAUGH* Sign your own name, hypocrite. \_ Uh... what was so bad about it? It loaded fast, it provided tons of info on their product. What's your problem? A web critic *and* a logic genius? You've got it made. How can I be as k00l as y00? \_ I highly doubt it was psb. Not even a single latin word. - not psb \_ motd postum, ergo, sum psb est \_ No, it was me, and I, Sir, am no psb! |
1998/3/18-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13832 Activity:very high |
3/18 Does anyone know how http://geocities.com and http://tripod.com works? Do they give you an actual shell account, or a web account from which you design your web pages? Do you have to hand code HTML on their HTML form, or what? I'd love to try myself, but those sites are too slow! \_ you use a form to edit then submit your html files \_ you use a form interface to upload your html files \_ you use a form edit interface to upload and then submit your html files \_ on http://tripod.com, you wear this silver thingie on your head... \_ obey the Masters. The Masters are our friends. \_ No, we must destroy the pools of fire! |
1998/3/16-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13809 Activity:low |
3/14 Anyone know how to make Frame5 output postscript usable for inclusion in a LaTeX document? (No, print to file doesn't work.) \_ ps2epsi in Ghostscript. -moray \_ that actually doesn't work, because not only is frame5 post- script not eps, but it does dumb shit like screen clearing, etc. \_ Search for "fixfm5ps" on the net (in case anyone out there is still wondering, besides dpetrou . . . ) -- kahogan |
1998/3/6-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13767 Activity:low |
3/05 How do 16-bit and 32-bit color schemes work? Which bits do what? Thanks. \_ 16: generally, either 5-5-5 (1 bit unused or alpha channel), 6-5-5, 5-6-5, or 5-5-6. 32: 8-8-8 (8 bits alpha). If you have really expensive hardware, sometimes 10-10-10. These are RGB implementations, obviously. You can also use the 16-bit value to reference a TrueColor (24/32 bits) palette. \_ Other strategies are separate 32-bit into 3 10-bit numbers, and then each number is an index into a different table to retrieve primary color value. Also, you have to consider possible double buffering. Not all systems use RGB either, your color model may be HSV. There are equivalent matrices to convert one color model to another. Also, note that there are perceivable colors not representable by a positive combination of RGB. possible double buffering and z-buffering. Not all systems use RGB either, your color model may be HSV. There are equivalent matrices to convert one color model to another. Also, note that there are perceivable colors not representable by a positive combination of RGB. \_ What is "alpha" then? Thanks again. \_ It provides a way to combine (or blend) RGB values together to achieve special effects such as transparency. In normal applications, pixel values are overwritten, but that does not have to be. You can combine old RGB value with new RGB value and blends them together. |
1998/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:13707 Activity:high |
2/20 Why have CGI scripts stopped working? Now I am seeing "Premature end of script header" message in the error.log even though the same script was unchanged and was working fine just few days ago? Has any configuration change been implemented on the Web server? \_ *chuckle* \_ recompile. \_ WILL SOMEONE PLEASE FIX .CGI EXECUTION? THANKS. |
1998/2/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13644 Activity:high |
2/9 So, are we like supposed to copy our www stuff into our home dirs now? \_ Like, read the mail you got from dave and do what it says \_ It's worth noting that he sent out conflicting instructions. So long as you read them in order, you'll get it, but it's not as simple as you suggest. \_ Sorry for all the confusion.. better yet, read the motd.official entry above this. If you don't trust running programs sight unseen, feel free to read the script. --dbushong programs sight unseen, feel free to read the script. -- danh \_ migration could have been easy if the migrators had more brain power. \_ Run for VP. \_ Hey, I'm just glad migration happened. |
1998/2/8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13636 Activity:nil |
2/7 Sorry if this is a FAQ: Any clever way to convert MS Word files to html? Thanks. \_ use Word97 and "Save as HTML". If you don't have Word97, save your file on a disk, go somewhere that has Word97 and "Save as HTML". \_ Be forewarned that Word's save as HTML feature is as crappy as they come. If you don't mind seriously messy HTML, go ahead and use Word's HTML feature. But you may have to clean it up later if you ever want to edit it. -cdaveb |
1998/2/2-3 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13607 Activity:high |
2/1 What is the easiest way to allow people (actually myself) to upload stuff through my web page? --- clueless \_ DON'T DO IT. \_ This may open you up to a lot of security risks; think carefully when you implement something. How do you want to do it? Do you want to enter text into a form and then have it available as a file in an account somewhere? \_ Don't listen to these idiots. The easiest way is probably HTTP PUT; see the Apache documentation. \_ Oh really? So where's a page you wrote that allows uploads? Post the URL so we can all have fun hacking it. \_ Why don't you just tell us how to hack HTTP PUT. \_ "There are few scripts available which implement PUT handling securely." _Apache Week_, April 4 1997 In concept it _can_ be secure, but it's not an unrealistic concern; frequently the PUT scripts have holes, even more than other CGI stuff. \_ PUT is fairly simple; it is not difficult to write a secure PUT script. You don't need "many" scripts available which implement PUT securely, you only need one. \_ right, but first you've got to find it. :-) \_ If you use suexec, it's not hard to write one. Just make all paths relative to the document root and disallow ".." and other funky characters. \_ YES! suexec is much more secure! We really should run httpd on soda instead of scotch so that one will not be able to kill the "nobody" process arbitrarily. \_ I'm still waiting to see your secure page. Post the URL when you're ready. \_ Oh, give it up. \_ thanks for all your responses. I wanted to do this as a way to replace ftp to transfer my manifestos:-). The web server is going to be running only when I need to transfer file and is shut down the moment the transfer is done. So I guess it does not need to be too secure. Anyway, the question is now whether I will get enough clue to find out how to write a minimal script. -- clueless \_ You must be too sexy to use scp. \_ No, Jobs is too sexy to have scp developed for mac. |
1998/1/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Recreation/House] UID:13571 Activity:kinda low |
1/26 SELLING: sofa, sofa with a queen sleeper, study desk, bookshelf/nightstand, twin bed frame, kitchen table, three chairs, table/desk lamp, two armchairs, etagere. All prices are negotiable. Call 848-6509 or e-mail innami. -innami \_sofa with a sleeper is gone, the rest is available -innami |
1998/1/23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13551 Activity:kinda low |
1/21 Can you make a table "sunken" instead of raised? I know that to do flat, you just specify <table border=0> but what about sunken? THANKS! \_ Get a good table lathe. |
1997/3/28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:32104 Activity:nil |
3/28 Anybody know of any free software that lets you create graphs for html pages on the fly? e.g. input some data from user and run the cgi program to create a graph from that. \_ xgraph |
1995/1/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:31690 Activity:nil |
1/3 Due to security considerations, CGI script execution has been turned off for general users on www.csua. If you have a CGI script that you would like to use, send it to www@csua and it will be placed in a directory for execution. |
1993/4/30-5/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:31286 Activity:high |
4/28 GNU Smalltalk installed as /usr/local/bin/mst -- sample code, docs, etc. are in /usr/local/smalltalk. No X support yet, tho -- xxxxxxxx \_ What's smalltalk? \_ The Cleanest Object Oriented Programming Language \_ The Origginal Object Orented Programming Language \-hey, have you fixed zsh yet? i think you just need to debug the bin_fg code in builtin.c --psb \-actually the problem is with killpg() under dynix, not zsh. anyone else have probs with killpg? solution here is to write a loop for kill(). i hate debugging stuff when it's the OS that's busted. --psb \_ Like I said, you debugging is like gwh programming. Why did you delete it before? If you can't take the heat, stay out of the motd. \-well, i leave relevant stuff in here. and hearing about the heat from someone who wont sign his name is a joke --psb |
3/15 |