3/15 |
2013/5/1-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Theory] UID:54669 Activity:nil |
5/1 What's the difference between CS and Computer Engineering? http://holykaw.alltop.com/top-ten-paying-degrees-for-college-graduates \_ One is science and the other is engineering. \_ From http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Computer_science 'A folkloric quotation ... states that "computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." The design and deployment of computers and computer systems is generally considered the province of disciplines other than computer science. For example, the study of computer hardware is usually considered part of computer engineering' Here in Cal, though, I think an EECS major is free to take a whole bunch of CS16x and even CS17x theory courses (maybe that's why it's called EECS rather than CE) while a CS major can take EE courses. As if it's not confusing enough already, check this out: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/education/degrees.shtml BTW, another set of seeming confusing majors in Cal: BA Chemistry, BS Chemistry, BS Chemical Engineering. --- L&S CS class of 1993 |
2013/3/5-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:54618 Activity:nil |
3/5 Three emergency Java updates in a month. Why do I have a feeling that the third one won't be the last one? \_ Bingo! |
2012/12/4-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:54544 Activity:nil |
12/4 Holy cow, everyone around me in Silicon Valley is way beyond middle class according to Chinni's definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_middle_class \_ Let's set our goals higher: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_middle_class_in_the_United_States \_ How about this one? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millionaire |
2012/10/29-12/4 [Science/Disaster, Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:54516 Activity:nil |
10/29 Go Away Sandy. \_ Sorry, Coursera is performing preventive maintenance for this class site ahead of Hurricane Sandy. Please check back in 15 minutes. class site ahead of Hurricane Sandy. Please check back in 15 minutes. \_ Bitch. \_ Once a bitch, always a bitch. |
2012/4/2-6/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:54353 Activity:nil |
4/02 We use Perforce at work for revision control. It seems to work okay. Lately, a lot of the newer developers are saying that Perforce sucks and we should switch to Mercurial or Git. I have done some searching on the Internet and some others have this opinion. Added advantage is that Mercurial and Git are free. However, there would be some work to switch for the sysadmins and the developers. Is it worth it or do people just like what's shiny? \_ I *love* git but there are good reasons to use Perforce. Do they hold for you? http://stevehanov.ca/blog/index.php?id=50 \_ I *love* git but there are good reasons to use Perforce. Do they hold for you? http://stevehanov.ca/blog/index.php?id=50 \_ That post pretty much describes my experiences with git and p4. Unlike the author, I do use the distributed stuff in git (it's nice to have a local repository when you're working from home), but everything else is right on. \_ We're moving from Perforce to Git. Too many branches and pushing code around is painful. Idea is to properly componentize the platform and apps, and have 1 repo per jar, stored our GitHub-FI. Let maven download the dependencies and do the build locally. We'll see... code around is painful. Idea is to properly componentize the platform and apps, and have 1 repo per jar, stored our GitHub-FI. Let maven download the dependencies and do the build locally. We'll see... \_ These "new" developers want the latest and greatest. Hint. It's not about the language or the revision control system. It's how you use them. There are 10000s of ways to use Git. What is the convention you guys agreed on? That is more important that anything else. What happens if architect A wants to use convention A and another architect insists on using convention B and they're incompatible and you end up with a massively distributed unmergeable monster and end up bifurcating the code base? You're FUCKED!!! Another thing: having a code-review system is much more important than the revision control system. If you don't know what that is or understand why that is more important than language/system/platform then you should not be in a position to make this type of decision. What is your position in the company and are you in the position to make this type of decision? or understand why that is more important than language/system/ platform then you should not be in a position to make this type of decision. What is your position in the company and are you in the position to make this type of decision? |
2012/1/18-3/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Finance/Investment] UID:54290 Activity:nil |
1/18 I own a bunch of NFLX stocks bought at several different periods (from high $200 all the way down to $80). I dumped a few and still have a few. Why the hell is Reid Hastings still making $500,000/year? How do I join the pending NFLX Class Action Lawsuit? \_ Why would you buy stock in a company run by a narcissistic a-hole who mistreats his employees? Do you own Zynga stock as well? You automatically join class action suits unless you opt out of them. \_ http://tinyurl.com/72s4cn8 \_ Did you hold on to enough of your stock to be in the black now? |
2011/12/8-2012/1/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Security] UID:54252 Activity:nil |
12/8 Java code much worse IRL than pretty much everything else: http://preview.tinyurl.com/d5e46cq [ars technica] |
2011/4/13-7/13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Rants, Industry/Jobs] UID:54082 Activity:nil |
4/13 "Best-Paying College Major: Engineering" http://www.csua.org/u/t07 (finance.yahoo.com) Avg. starting salary for Computer Science grads: $63017 Avg. starting salary for Computer Engineering grads: $60112 Why is there a difference? \_ It's Y!. WTF do you think they're gonna say? Christ it's like asking Fox News for Fair and Balanced repts. \_ where's the "Avg # hours worked every week" part of that survey? 65k/80hrs/week isn't so "Best Paying" \_ ssssh. Don't tell the interns that. Gotta keep up the worker supply! |
2011/2/24-4/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:54048 Activity:nil |
2/24 Go Programming Language. Anyone here use it? It kind of reminds me of java-meets python, and well, that is fitting given it's a GOOG product. What is so special about it? \_ as I understand it, it's a suitable OOP-y systems language with more structure than C, less complexity than C++, and less overhead than Java/Python. |
2010/8/29-9/30 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:53941 Activity:nil |
8/29 ok i give up; why is this throwing an error? #define Lambda(args,ret_type,body) \ class MakeName(__Lambda___) { \ public: ret_type operator() args { body; } } usage: Lambda((int a, int b), int, return a+b) foo; >g++ -o foo foo.cpp foo.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: foo.cpp:9: error: expected primary-expression before ‘class’ foo.cpp:9: error: expected `;' before ‘class’ foo.cpp:11: error: expected `}' at end of input ref: http://okmij.org/ftp/cpp-digest/Lambda-CPP-more.html#Ex1 \_ works for me. see /tmp/lambda.cpp \_ nod thanks, i didnt have MakeName defined there. sorry. |
2009/12/5-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:53569 Activity:nil |
12/4 what do people have their JAVA_HOME's set to on soda? \_ don't. are you trying to get sun java? It is installed, but not the default. check dpkg -l and dpkg -L \_ I'm trying to run maven to get scala/lift.net working properly and it's complaining that JAVA_HOME is not set. \_ you probably want one of the directories in /usr/lib/jvm, that stuff comes from java-gcj-compat-dev and sun-java6-jre |
2009/10/27-11/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:53471 Activity:nil |
10/27 "40 Under 40 - Business's hottest rising stars" http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/40under40/2009 I'm 39 and a code monkey making $120K/yr. This article makes me very depressed. \_ Are any of these not born to millionaire parents? \_ where can I get stats on their parents' income? I can't seem to find that information on Wolfram Alpha \_ Was Tiger Woods' dad a millionaire? Also, Sergey Brin's bio said his parents were a professor and a scientist while Larry Page's parents are both CS professors. \_ rising stars usually get much more help from a nice family than those that came from the slums. Do you think Bill Gates was born in the slums? Hell no, his family was pretty well off already and that gave him a lot of freedom to do what he loved doing instead of trying to work at a stinky $120k/year job that can barely support a family in Silicon Valley. \_ Bill Gates was a trust fund kiddie. So was Donald Trump. I would argue that Larry&Sergey and Tiger (certainly) were not. If you hate your job and your salary then do something about it. Go to medical school or go get an MBA and work for Goldman Sachs or get good at golf. Things could be a lot worse than making $120K before age 40. That's in the top 10% of incomes. $160K puts you in the top 5%. \_ Maybe not trust fund kiddies, but still started on second base. You are telling me that a bunch of kids who were raised in upper middle class families and went to Stanfurd are underprivileged? You have a very distorted view of the real world. \_ Did I say underprivileged? More like middle class, which is a far cry from being born to millionaire parents. \_ Two college profeesors are either millionaires or really bad with their money. I am sure they consider themselves "middle class" just like most millionaires, but they are clearly quite privileged. The best way to be succesful in America is to be born to money. \_ but most wealth disappears by the 3rd generation! Why do you hate rich people? -Republican \_ I don't hate them, I just recognize that if I had been given that level of opportunity, I might be there, too. I don't beat myself up for not being in newsweek. Considering how I have done so far, I still might make it by the time I am 50 or something. \_ 2 X CS profs = what, $1/4M/yr in annual income? Maybe they are "only" single digit millionaries. Evan Williams is probably from modest means (though still solidly middle class). |
2009/8/10-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Security, Consumer/Shipping] UID:53256 Activity:nil |
8/10 On the USPS web site, is there any way to use the self service site for FIRST CLASS mail? It keeps wanting me to use Priority Mail which costs a lot more than going to the USPS for first class. |
2009/8/7-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:53252 Activity:high |
8/6 In C one can do "typedef int my_index_t;". What's the equivalent in C#? Thanks. \_ C#? Are you serious? Is this what the class of 2009 learn? \_ No. I have to learn .NET code at work. I am Class of '93. \_ python is what 2009 learns, see the motd thread about recent cal courses and languages \_ using directive. I think you would have written: using my_index_t = int; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sf0df423(VS.80).aspx Btw using is overloaded to do a few different things, so... enjoy the reserved word ambiguity created for your convenience. -mrauser \_ http://lmgtfy.com/?q=c%23+typedef \_ in C nobody can hear you scream \_ You're kidding me right? Java sucks donkeys, hands down. \_ HERESY. You are dangerously close to THOUGHTCRIME, voter. \_ But Java haz eklipze!!! ZOMG! HAT3R!!!!1! |
3/15 |
2009/8/5-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:53244 Activity:moderate |
8/3 Where is a good place to learn criticiism, discipline, poise, and confidence? You know, things that I never learned as an engineer but is utterly important in the real world if you wanta to be taken seriously, esp. when you're going the corporate route. \_ english classes. ciceronian oration form, rhetoric classes. you probably also want some advertisement lectures, like the stuff in socio or psych about the way people buy. \- "...in classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, 'How well he spoke,' but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said, 'Let us march.'". Of course, look what happened to both of them. \_ The military. Enlist today! \_ Drama classes. I took Drama 10 at Cal, the most useful class I took in four years there. You can take it at a CC too. \_ definitely. Acting for film too. Acting is all about self- control and precision in communication. --brain \_ I'm a nerdy engineer with absolutely 0 social graces and communications skills. Taking an acting class may actually lower my GPA. Got advice? -engineer \_ http://tinyurl.com/m7gmcu Sodini graduated in 1992 from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in computer science and had worked as a systems analyst at a Pittsburgh law firm since 1999. \_ "You just feel like you're in a movie ... a horrible movie where someone comes in and unleashes fire on everyone. You just don't know what to do," Dooley said. Looks like he missed a dumb one there. \_ He's Caucasian. No need to be on headline news. \_ Take it Pass/Not Pass then. \_ kill yourself, nerd |
2009/7/21-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:53168 Activity:moderate |
7/20 For those who care btw, it looks like eclipse is now A Standard Tool at UCB ugrad cs, probably replaced emacs. Furthermore, people get angry at seeing Makefiles, (since eclispe takes care of that). I guess it's just a sign of the times. \_ The more people at my work use eclipse the less the code is managable in emacs. I'm not sure which application's fault that is, but it still makes me sad. \_ 61c still uses Makefiles (at least as of a year and a half ago) \_ Do Cal ugrads mostly use Java now? People in my company only use Eclipse for Java. \_ From my (1-2 year out of date) memory, 61a- Scheme b- Java c- C/MIPS asm 150- Verilog 162- Java 164- Python(Hilfinger)/Javascript(Bodik) 184- Your choice (often C++/C#/Java) 186- C 188- Python So no, it's hardly "mostly" java. I like the variety, personally. \_ PYTHON FOR 164?!?! and 186? wow. 61 next like MIT \_ 162 in Java? Are they learning in Java how to write context- switching code? \_ No :( It's provided, and as best as I could tell (without having looked much) the entire threading model of Java Nachos is completely retarded \_ As obscene as Nachos is.. I don't think the threading model you implement is the damning feature.. its actually the same way you'd want to do it, right? The problems come because its completely deterministic, so logical race condition bugs will either always or never appear. Also, you rely on Java happy fun time and don't have to implement dynamic memory management, which I think is the biggest gap in the course. -mrauser \_ You do have to implement it for userland, you just don't have to deal with dynamic allocation in the kernel. The class is supposed to teach you about things like VM implementation, not how to write code without memory leaks, so I don't know that doing OS projects in a garbage-collected language is such a terrible thing. \_ You only implement virtual memory for each process that has static memory requirements. You don't implement malloc() or free() (nor even discuss how to do so in the class). Java isn't a problem because students have limited time to do lots of work for the class anyway. -m \_ malloc/free are part of the C standard library, not the OS. At one point, it was covered in 61B, since it's an interesting data structures problem. \_ 170 - pencil/paper \_ Or if you had the misfortune of taking it with Clancy, pencil/paper/what was left of your sanity 172 - pencil/paper 174 - pencil/paper All shall bow before cs theory in fear! -mrauser \_ I had 170 with Demmel. 3 projects. in C/C++ Yes this was this century. |
2009/6/2-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:53072 Activity:nil |
6/2 http://gmarceau.qc.ca/blog/2009/05/speed-size-and-dependability-of.html Ruby sucks. \_ Looks no different than python/perl/etc. It's a scripting language that needs a virtual machine if it is ever going to be fast. The scary thing is how much modern computing doesn't need stuff to be fast, especially when dealing with web applications. There's also a big problem with that shootout; there's no concept of how your average coder will do in language x. Some languages are amazingly powerful, and if you know what you are doing you can write good, terse, fast code, but if you put an average engineer down and teach them the language they will write unmaintainable garbage that noone can read (even after years of experiance). That's what dependability really means. \_ As above, if Ruby sucks here then so do Python and Perl. |
2009/5/12-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:52990 Activity:nil |
5/12 Anyone here use THE JIRA for issue tracking? How much does it suck? \_ Don't really use it. Our team evaluated it and decided in favor of Bugzilla. Bugzilla doesn't cost $2k--though cost is negligible. The real deciding factor was that in my environment it can take 6 months to deply software not already on an 'approved' list, and Bugzilla was already on that list and JIRA was not. At the time of evaluation, JIRA had no support for SVN interoperation, but that has since changed. I realize this answer is mostly useless, but hey, at least someone cared. \_ I'm spearheading an effort to install it into our process. It has a lot more features than Bugzilla. The SVN integration you buy with a different product, Fisheye. The downside: JIRA is written in Java, and sometimes throws stack traces. We have yet to lose any data though. \_ I worked at a place that went from Bugzilla and wiki to JIRA and Confluence and while the transition was quite a bit of work, the end result justified it. Out of the box, it is as good and has a bunch of cool work flow stuff you can put in there to make you and your managers life a lot easier. Setting up the work flow is a big job though, so if you just want a ticket tracking system, I don't know why you would switch. \_ whats wrong w/ trac? ... esp if you want great svn integration. |
2009/5/8-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:52972 Activity:nil |
5/7 http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/05/brief-incomplete-and-mostly-wrong.html \_ 1964 - John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz create BASIC, an unstructured programming language for non-computer scientists. 1965 - Kemeny and Kurtz go to 1964. This should not have made me giggle so much. \_ GODDAMNIT, now you've got me giggling. \_ 1996 - James Gosling invents Java. Java is a relatively verbose, garbage collected, class based, statically typed, single dispatch, object oriented language with single implementation inheritance and multiple interface inheritance. Sun loudly heralds Java's novelty. 2001 - Anders Hejlsberg invents C#. C# is a relatively verbose, garbage collected, class based, statically typed, single dispatch, object oriented language with single implementation inheritance and multiple interface inheritance. Microsoft loudly heralds C#'s novelty. |
2009/5/4-6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:52945 Activity:nil |
5/4 The Scalia gets pwned: http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/fordham_law_class_collects_scalia_info_justice_is_steamed |
2009/4/6-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:52807 Activity:moderate |
4/6 has anyone here uploaded themself completely to internet yet? http://www.earthclassmail.com/online-postal-mail http://www.forbes.com/2009/03/20/earth-class-mail-technology-ecotech09-mail.html \_ looks interesting. What happens if EarthClassMail dies? That article says they have never turned a profit, and don't know when they expect to. I can't remeber the last time I got a piece of email that wasn't from a utility, bill, voting pamphlet, or angry girlfriend. \_ looks interesting. What happens if EarthClassMail dies? That article says they have never turned a profit, and don't know when they expect to. I can't remeber the last time I got a piece of email that wasn't from a utility, bill, voting pamphlet, or angry girlfriend. \_ You get really strange email. \_ This will turn all of my junk mails to... junk emails! Brilliant! \_ Los Angeles is prestigious? \_ More so than Wichita or Peoria or whatever. A lot of people in the Midwest and South still think of California (anywhere in California) as prestigious and a place-to-be. \_ That is very sad. On the other hand, people in LA have something to be proud of. They can always compare themselves to Midwest and feel good about themselves, similar to how and why N Cal compares itself to LA. \_ Inferiority complex? |
2009/2/10-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:52553 Activity:nil |
2/10 So, what's the best nethack class/race combo? I can't seem to make it past level 6. I beat Rouge and uMoria already.... \_ Easiest is Valkyrie, at least to get through the mines. You will \_ Easiest is Dwarven Valkyrie, at least to get to the mines. You will never win unless you read the spoilers and even then it will take hundreds of hours of play. The most fun class is mage, but it is too hard for a novice. -has beaten nethack many times \_ I just started playing Stone Soup (crawl) recently. I'm impressed with it. Check out http://crawl.akrasiac.org |
2009/1/21-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:52436 Activity:nil |
1/21 If I have a linked list of structs and many of those structs have members that are structs then what is the best way to free() the memory when I am done with them? I thought I would walk the list and do a free() on each member of each struct, but that generates errors like free(): invalid pointer, presumably because I don't always allocate memory in each struct. No, I never took a class in memory management (obviously). In a Java World I don't worry about all this! ;) \_ Why don't you just check the pointer before calling free? i.e. if (p) { free(p); } \_ This was my first inclination and it doesn't change anything. \_ This should have no effect in this case. The if only checks if p is null, and if p is null, most versions of free will ignore p is NULL, and if p is NULL, most versions of free will ignore it anyway. \_ All versions. It's a requirement in the standard. \_ Hah, you assume all libc implementations are compliant. Well, okay, things are better these days. That said, if you aren't allocating the memory for the pointer, you NEED to set the pointer to NULL. Preferably at the point that the enclosing struct is allocated. Otherwise that pointer may just be nonsense, which the if won't catch. \_ Well, do the structs contain other structs, or pointers to other structs? If struct A contains struct B, struct B is allocated and free'd as part of struct A. If struct A contains a pointer to struct B, you need to make sure you're allowed to free the pointer before you do, perhaps there are multiple pointers to B, and B shouldn't be free'd until all the pointers are done. If you are supposed to free pointer to B, but you think you might be accidentally freeing it twice, you're going to have to be more careful and figure out where exactly you should free it. There's no easy way out of that. \_ You need to define the difference between and owning an object and referring to one. It's a logical difference -- the owners are responsible for lifetime, referring pointers just are assigned. \_ You're not doing something like the following, right??? while (p != NULL) { free(p); p = p->next; } |
2009/1/20-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:52425 Activity:nil |
1/20 I've been using tcsh as shell program tool (i know, bad shell to do scripting). One thing I've noticed when I extract xml file is that the variable type automatically change from integer/string to... almost an array-like data structure when the output of the xml key/value is more than one (it's more like a string separated by space, but I was very impressed as it is). 1. since *WHEN* did this happened? or shell variable always behave this way? 2. I've notice that the first element of this "array" started with index of [1] instead of [0]. This is rather different from c/java type of syntax. is [0] reserved for something? or it's just a different convention? \_ I don't understand question 1. Tcsh is not strongly typed. It does have integers and strings, but that's about it. Are you talking about $FOO = "this is my string" versus $FOO = (this is my string)? For question 2, the convention is different, yes. |
2009/1/15-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Security] UID:52394 Activity:nil |
1/15 http://cwe.mitre.org/top25 2009 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors \_ "Avoid inconsistent messaging that might accidentally tip off an attacker about internal state, such as whether a username is valid or not." Really? Fuck you buddy. I don't always remember what my goddamn username was on your stupid fucking site. Just tell me if I got it wrong thank you very much. (Just like if my password doesn't conform to the rules for what a valid password is FUCKING TELL ME WHAT THE RULES ARE. Any attacker knows that information and giving it to me may remind me what password I used so please, make our lives easier.) \_ at that level of frustration i would just choose another website for that service, or go see the store in person. \_ http://Buy.com offers no helpful hints, but their prices are good. Does make me want to strangle people, though. -!pp \_ I wish there was a counter/way to determine how with online stores i can be assured of creating jobs/ buying american. I am wondering how much we are screwing ourselves into a longer recession by sending a job overseas by saving five dollars. I think i'd rather pay the extra $20. \_ My last three http://Buy.com purchases all shipped from American companies. |
2009/1/7-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:52334 Activity:nil |
1/8 I have several old CS books that I want to get rid of, just in time for the new semester. If someone from the CSUA wants to pick them up for the CSUA library or for themselves, contact me. I don't have a list handy but they include the dinosaur book, dragon book, some crappy EECS122 networking book, an intro to Java book that was used in 61B, and a few others. I'm keeping my Programming Perl book but might get rid of K&R ANSI C as well. --abe \_ More books for our library! You're in Cupertino, right? I wonder if Steven might be close enough to pick them up. He may already be back in Berkeley, though. --t \_ work in Cupertino, live in SF (Haight/Ashbury). Here's what I could find (I have another box of maybes somewhere, includes an^H^Hthe ANSI C book and Design Patterns): computer networks 1558603689 java language specification 0201634511 java how to program 0132634015 operating system concepts "dinosaur" 0201591138 DBMS 0070507759 \_ If you'd like me to pick stuff up, I can come to Cupertino. Email vp@csua if so inclined. |
2008/11/29-12/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:52127 Activity:nil |
11/28 python really is going hafter the java market aren't they: PEP 3119: Abstract Base Classes (ABCs); @abstractmethod and @abstractproperty decorators; collection ABCs. this is after guido saying "we do not need abstract base classes/interfaces" for how many years? |
2008/11/14-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:51970 Activity:moderate |
11/13 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/11/14/financial/f051352S72.DTL http://preview.tinyurl.com/6nngpm Sun Microsystems Inc. plans to cut up to 6,000 jobs, or 18 percent of its global work force, as sales of its high-end computer servers have collapsed. The drastic move announced Friday highlights Sun's desperation to cut costs and survive as an independent company. Sun's shares have fallen so steeply they've crossed an ominous threshold, driving the company's market value below its cash on hand. That means investors believe the company itself is essentially worthless. lulz is this because of open source and linuz? \_ If Sun goes down, what happens to Mysql? \_ Who cares? \_ I care a little. You may mock Mysql, but it is used by freakin' everyone these days. \_ Someone will buy Sun. heck if they're worthless, maybe I can buy Sun. I've been refraining from double lattes. \_ Sun has become DEC. It was a sad day when Compaq bought DEC. It will be a sad day when Dell or its equivalent buys Sun. -ex-Sun \_ Is this because they opensources Solaris? How do opensource companies make money again? \_ it has nothing to do with Solaris being open. \_ I am a Sun guy. I guess I am on the software-side of the house, so things are not as bad as the headline says. \_ IBM could buy Sun right now outright, lay everyone off, keep the contracts, and pay for the acquisition with the cash inside of Sun. "lulz" \_ shut up paolo \_ Bush is responsible for state of current economy! Free Tibet \_ shut up emarkp \_ You forgot to add "Iraq War" and "lolz", troll. \_ I am a Sun guy. I guess I am on the software-side of the house, so things are not as bad as the headline says. \_ As a ex-Sun employee I am not surprised. Sun has been mismanaged for 10+ years, and is full of deadwood and useless middle managers. Even this job cut won't be enough for the company to survive. Pony tail boy needs to reduce the work force down to about 10K and put an end to the java religion w/in the company is to survive in the long run. \_ As a ex-Sun employee, I think there are many reasons for Sun's problems. Linux is one reason, at least in the workstation / low-end server market. Intel is another reason. Sparc is just not all that important anymore. But the two biggest reasons I think are: (1) extremely poor management; and (2) java. Management at the upper levels was always unwilling to see reality and did not make the cuts that were needed in the early part of this decade. If Sun had cut its staff to 10K-15K in 2002-2003, they would be reasonably well positioned today. Also, Sun has way too many middle managers and upper level technical deadwood (architects, sr. staff eng., &c.). This was a problem that management was also unwilling to correct. These people are the ones that foster the java-religion w/in the company. It doesn't matter how lousy a java project is, it will always be selected for funding over a non-java project. In fact, I saw profitable non-java projects cancelled in favor of incomplete and unreleasable java projects. The only reason for these cancellations was that the profitable projects weren't using java. \_ Religion? You mean cult. -I hate Java \_ http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=JAVA Cash on hand is 2B, market cap is 3B, so your first premise is incorrect. Also, what you should really be looking at is real tangable assets minus liabilities and that is even less, more like $1B. But JAVA really is cheap. \_ I disagree. Take a look at: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=JAVA http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=JAVA&annual Maybe I am not reading this right, but it looks like Sun has lost about $1.3 billion to date this year, and lost $864 million in 2006. This trend is not new and reflects the unwillingness of Sun management to face the reality that fewer and fewer customers need sparc, java, zfs, &c. and that too many people are employed in developing things that no one wants to buy. - ex-Sun that no one wants to buy. -ex-Sun \_ Look at the cash flow chart: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cf?s=JAVA&annual They had positive cash flow in both 2006 and 2007, and while 2008 cash flow is negative (through June), cash flow from operations was positive; the negative hit is on sale purchase of stock, which probably means they spent some cash to do a share buyback. (Which was probably a mistake, looking at the overall situation). In general, they're not bleeding money; they're just becoming less and less relevant. -tom \_ They are burning through $250M per quarter, which means they have a year left if things don't turn around quickly. \_ Actually, it looks they just need to stop buying their own stock. \_ Ponytail can do no wrong. Really does anyone take seriously a man in a ponytail? \_ My Little Pony |
2008/10/18-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:51573 Activity:nil |
10/17 Just saw Harry Potter for the very first time. The Dobby character is so messed up. It looks like Smeagol and talks like Jar Jar Binks. What's up with that? Totally annoying. |
2008/10/14-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Recreation/Humor] UID:51511 Activity:moderate |
10/14 Biggs, Wedge, let's close it up. We're going in. We're going in full throttle. \_ You think you're funny or clever, but you're not. \_ yep, I was very reluctant to quote Luke, but ... also, I do not think I am funny or clever in this post. There is nothing funny at all about the U.S. financial system and its looming effects on the average American. \_ Then why all the Star Wars trolls? \_ I do not think THIS post is funny/clever. It's Luke. And I'm not looking forward to more Luke quotes. I'll stop for the time being. -op \_ You're right. I'll stop. -op \_ Too bad, it was funnier when only a few people could figure out what you were talking about. \_ but Luke is so dang annoying -op \_ I think you are funny, please keep it up. I can't wait to find out who plays the ghost of Obi-Wan. \_ Obi-Wan == Volcker Luke == Mass of not very well run hedge funds/SWFs Yoda == Nouriel Roubini \- er, ok: http://gawker.com/5063337/the-secret-pleasures-of-dr-doom i think PVOLKER is probably more the yoda. or maybe FROHATYN Palpatine == Greenspan Leia == Sheila Bair Galactic Senate == Congress \_ Who's Jar-Jar Binks? \_ ob Jar-Jar == Dubya \_ Paulson looks more like Jar Jar. \_ take off Vader's helmut - it's Hank! \_ You are all too nerdy to live. \_ You == Storm Trooper #2 |
2008/9/7-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:51093 Activity:nil |
9/7 I want to learn Design Patterns without having to buy the famous book. Is there a place online where I can learn and study it? \_ http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/wiki?DesignPatterns \_ I'll sell you my copy in near mint condition for $25. -abe |
2008/7/28-8/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Python] UID:50705 Activity:nil |
7/28 Python question: I have a Python helper script/class that I want to use interactively. The class needs a few path variables defined so that it runs on the correct files. I may want to use different files, so I certainly don't want to hard code them. There are also enough files that I don't want to pass them in as arguments. I thought I might be able to have a file that defines them and import it. so, file test_config.py defines "foo_path = 'blah'" >>> import test_config as foo_config >>> print foo_config.foo_path blah >>> foo_run() in the script file I have: print foo_config.foo_path I get: 'NameError: global name 'foo_config' is not defined' Why does my script file not get the 'global name' foo_config? \_ Is foo_run in a different module? Did you do something like 'import foo_run from foo_run_module'? I'm guessing it would work if you imported foo_config from within foo_run_module. \_ Yes, that works, but I would prefer to be able to interactively load different modules as foo_config. load |
2008/6/25-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:50381 Activity:nil |
6/25 Olbermann, class act http://preview.tinyurl.com/6j5ut3 (NY Post) |
2008/6/4-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50150 Activity:nil |
6/4 jobs jobs jobs. Wavemarket in emeryville is hiring java guys. see /csua/pub/jobs/wavemarket for description and contact email. I'm also putting together a req. for a SysAdmin (debian mostly) or half-SysAdmin,half-Operations person. You can contact me directly if you, or someone you know, is interested in that. -crebbs \_ What's the difference between SA and Operations Person? \_ SA: Machines run. Operations: our software is still running on those machines. More or less. \_ The above is pretty good. In this case the primary difference is that SA is working for me and the Operations job is working for the Director of Operations. The operations part requires more job requests from the few non-technical people we have. Maybe running/automating reports, and that kind of thing. (In the language of the above poster: "How is our software running on those machines"? ) Though, there is a cross-over, which is why it may be one person doing both jobs. -crebbs |
2008/5/2-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49875 Activity:nil |
5/2 I'm out of school. What's the best link to self learn stuff like k-means, clustering with gaussian mixtures, gaussian bayes, EXPECTATION MAXIMALIZATION, EM convergence, inference engine, classifier, desnity estimator, regressor, etc? \_ Start with wikipedia, follow links. \_ Uh, no. This is not the kind of stuff you can learn from wikipedia. \_ Take the first item. K-means. It described the basics and had pretty informative links to outside sites. Some of those links have references to books to read/other places to look. Wikipedia is not a place to learn, but it's a damn good place to start, esepecially for computer stuff. The real answer is "find a highly recommended textbook, buy it and read it." but you were clear about wanting an online resource. \_ Go back to school and take a course or two. If you are going to put in the work you may as well get credit for it. Also, the structure and ability to ask for help are plusses. \_ What good is a course credit or two to someone who already has a long and successful career? He wants to learn a few specific topics. He should buy a book or find an online tutorial and read the parts that matter to him. He may (or may not) stumble into other interesting things that would've been covered in a class and without the hassle of class. \_ Many Master's programs are only about 8 classes so 2 classes and you are already 25% of the way there. I know lots of people with PhDs even who went back for an MS or even more than one MS. Like I said, if you're going to put in the work you may as well get the credit. Put another way: Why *not* take classes? What's the advantage to avoiding class other than cost, which may not be an issue if work pays for it? \_ Because learning a few specifics from a book/article is a hell of a lot less effort than taking a class, doing homework, being there at specific hours several days a week, kissing some instructor's ass for the "A", paying fees (poss. covered by work as you noted), having your learning slowed down by the inevitable time wasting morons in class, etc, etc. If he wants to learn entirely new branches of knowledge then sure take a class, but that isn't what OP appears to be looking for. I wouldn't suggest someone take all of Math 1B if they only wanted to learn Taylor's Series which can be learned in a few hours at worst. Some people are addicted to school, that's fine, gather up all the dgrees on the planet if that's your thing, other people just want to get work done. \_ I've learnt a hell of a lot post school without going back. Having a degree means you should know how to learn. (Unless your problem is a lack of discipline.) \_ I didn't say you couldn't learn that way. I just don't think it's the best way. Who do you ask for help when you get stuck? Without exams how do you know that you really "get it" or just think you do? Who helps you separate the wheat from the chaff? I think every engineer or programmer does a lot of self-learning. That's almost a requirement. However, "knowing how to learn" isn't really the issue here. |
2008/4/9-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49700 Activity:moderate |
4/8 What defines upper class, middle class, and lower class? Income? Post tax income? Post tax deduction income? How about asset and liabilities? I mean, don't most homeowners with mortgages have LIABILITIES since they OWE money? If we count mortgage and credit card debts, wouldn't most Americans be lower class? \- YMWTR: PFUSSEL: Class. I personally think that is a crappy book, but YMMV. You cannot use income alone because of the "well known" "graduate student problem" ... i.e. the wealthy harvard/bennington classic major with no income but a lot of wealth. I think the Robert Nozick "life chances" approach is not a bad one, but ultimately these kinds of definitions depend on what kinds of questions you are trying to answer. \_ Hey dumbass, it's 4/9 not 4/8 \_ Assets - liabilities, dumb ass. I owe hundreds of thousands of dollars, but my property is worth more than I owe by a long shot. \_ Your property is worth more than you owe the moment you sell it and make profit. Until then, you're just a theoretical paper millionaire. \_ Spoken by someone who doesn't have the first clue about investing. Do you think that the wealthy keep their assets in their savings accounts? \_ Have you been keeping track of this housing bubble thing? \_ All investing involves risk, that is why you get a premium for it. \_ Homes are not investments. They are shelters. \_ "My property" is a multi-unit investment. How much investment property do you own? \_ Upper Class - People whose daddy paid for them to go to an Ivy league school and get a non-technical education and/or people whose daddy was a "Lord," a "Sir," a "Duke," blue-blood from Massachusetts, &c. Middle Class - People who went to public school and got a technical education and in all likelihood ended up working for someone whose daddy paid for them to go an Ivy league school for a non-technical education Lower Class - People who went to state school for a non-technical education which qualified them to make overpriced coffee Under Class - Everyone else. \_ Interesting that you define it by education level. What about someone who worked through a good college? \_ Upper Middle Class - Worked his/her way to a technical degree at a good school or a professional degree (jd, md, cpa) at a decent (above 3d tier) school Note: This does not include those who worked at daddy's law firm, daddy's IB, daddy's congressional staff \_ Those who funnel a constant supply of fresh interns for daddy's consumption. \_ What is "public school" vs. "state school"? Are you using UK terminology here? \_ I am using ther terms interchangably. My perspective is that someone who went a public (state run/funded) school for a technical education is most likely middle class, i.e. your average engineer, scientist, &c. If you went to a top public school (e.g. Cal), you are probably upper middle class, as below. I think that someone who worked their way through a technical degree at a good school (public or private, i.e. Cal, MIT, CMU, &c.) or worked their way through a professional degree at any decent school is likely upper middle class. Basically, if you are upper class, why would you have to work your way through school? And if you worked your way through school, it probably means you need to keep working to keep your life, family, &c. going. If you are upper class, you don't need to work to keep things going. Well, unless you are one of the impoverished aristocracy. But, I've already covered that. \_ What if you work your way through school, get a job at Google pre-ipo and are suddenly worth $40M and retire at 30? Are you upper class or middle class or what? \_ I think such people fall into the "lucky bastard" class. But if they let the money go to their head, I think they end up in the "pompous ass" class, which has some essential similarities with the upper class. \_ Family background, education, wealth, manners. http://www.csua.org/u/l93 (NYT) \- i think the appropriateness of this "quintile" model depends on what question you are trying to answer or what phenomena you are interested in. for example i suspect there isnt a lot of competition or rank consciousness between the students ranked 80-90th in a graduating class and the students ranked 60-70th out of 300 ... compared to the people in #1-5. the wealth axis is the interesting of there w.r.t. to sloda people. \_ It should actually be the manners axis that sodans should be concerning themselves with. be concerning themselves with. But some people wouldn't have any class, even if they made millions. \_ Most amusing is that in order of prestige, they have doctor, lawyer, DBA, system administrator as 1, 2, 3 and 4 (out of hundreds). I never knew that system administration was so well respected. \_ Oh, it is very well respected to people who are not in tech. They think that sys adms have "root" and thus are the almighty ones who rule the tech world. \_ Are we not? I'm surprised that DBA was ranked higher. DBA is even more blue collar than Sys Admin in my experience. \_ Wall Street DBAs are very very well respected. \_ No, not really. They are well compensated, but pretty far down the totem pole in Wall Street firms. |
2008/3/24-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49554 Activity:kinda low |
3/24 http://plone.org/about/movies Java is the COBOL of 21st century, as exaggerated by the author. Scroll to the bottom and click that video. \_ Wow, what a weak argument. It boils down to "properties are good!" No balance about drawbacks of Python, and a tremendously weak analysis of Ruby. \_ Java is the crapness. Admit it. \_ Oh, I happily admit it. -pp \_ C. High enough level to get work done, low enough level to do anything you need. \_ Any language without garbage collection is a lose. Development/ debug time is tons higher. (There are places where C is good, but most of them are native calls inside tight loops.) \_ Garbage collection is just a crutch for sloppy programming. \_ Wrong. Garbage collection lets you build code that doesn't have to worry about lifespan issues. That's a huge win. Yes, 99% of all memory allocation issues are easy, but that 1% will kill you. \_ I've used C, Java and Ruby and this is one of the most content-free arguments I've seen on the topic of language choice. |
2008/3/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49410 Activity:nil |
3/10 Wow! There's this class that will teach me to become qualified to become president of the United States in only 8 months! Where can I take this class? |
2008/3/1-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49309 Activity:nil |
3/1 So what's the best way to deploy WARs (java servlets)? Ant? Maven? Is there something else out there that is incredibly cool and will solve all of my problems? |
2008/2/18-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49174 Activity:nil |
2/16 A friend is interested in graphing relationships in a large group, including finding n-way relationships. I suggested a mass-springs approach, and I seem to recall a ton of those online in the early Java Applet days. Anyone know of something like that online now? \- a while ago i used graphviz, although i am not sure that is what i would do today. do you need directionality? see e.g. http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/LBL/mh1-ip-traffic.gif http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/LBL/mh1-ip-traffic.gif [large image] \_ Directionality could be a plus. That looks perfect. \- who are you? \_ You might also want to look into sel-organizing maps and multidimensional scaling. - ciyer |
2008/1/30-2/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:49035 Activity:nil |
1/29 http://jobview.monster.com/GetJob.aspx?JobID=67938283 NFL is hiring Java programmers! Must like football! Ha! |
2007/12/14-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Industry/Startup] UID:48803 Activity:nil |
12/13 What is the difference between A share and B share (priority?) in a stock? I am seeing a 10x price differential in BRK.A and BRK.B but with the same earning power. \_ It is different in every company. With BRK, the A is actually worth 33 B shares. They don't have the same earning power. With companies like GOOG, it has to do with how many votes each is worth. \_ In the case of GOOG most shares are worth no votes, which is yet another reason not to own that POS. The Class B shares are the powerful ones, but good luck buying any. \_ Wrong. http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/compab.html \_ Thanks for the straight skinny. I guess the A is actually worth 30 B shares. |
2007/12/14-19 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:48798 Activity:nil |
12/14 http://youtube.com/watch?v=-1BCV0eqaeA Girls Gone W.O.W. !!! Nice virtual butts. |
2007/9/17-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:48088 Activity:nil |
9/17 There is a big disconnect between Target's classy commercials and the shitty things they sell. Anyone noticed this big disconnect? \_ Target's commercials don't really exude class. Maybe they exude an air of "Target, we're hipper than Walmart", but that's not saying much. To Target's small credit, the crap they sell, while still crap on an absolute scale, is appreciably less crappy than the crap Walmart sells. -dans \_ There's more to class than a Beetles remix. Those ads reek of \_ Agreed. What category of goods is OP trying to buy anyway? \_ There's more to class than a Beatles remix. Those ads reek of Stepford. On an unrelated note I hate the word 'classy.' A less classy word there isn't. -- ilyas \_ they were called "The Beatles" by the way --brain \_ You want me to say 'a The Beetles' remix? -- ilyas \_ Right you are. \- i was at target just the other day to buy some storage totes and some kitchen tongs. target had a better collection of tongs than sur la table and i'm not sure what a classy storage tote would look like. i dont buy clothes there and i might not buy copper cookware or a mont blanc pen there, but it has its place. \_ The clothes for kids are actually quite good. It's one of the few places you can buy an outfit for a little girl that doesn't make her look like a prostitute. \_ Yeah, the whole slutty 4-year-olds thing really throws me. \_ klassy ? |
2007/8/26-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:47757 Activity:nil |
8/26 Java and assfucking http://www.bileblog.org/?p=334 ok not ass fucking. im too lazy to describe it properly. funny though |
2007/8/23-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:47716 Activity:nil 75%like:47714 80%like:47718 |
8/22 What is a controller? What is a model? What is a view? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-view-controller |
2007/6/28-7/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:47110 Activity:low |
6/28 People say good things about servlets-- shared connection pool, shared resources, not having to fork new proc, not having to interpret, etc. However, the chart below says otherwise. Is this consistent with what you guys have experienced? It appears that Servlet is the big loser here: http://www.dmst.aueb.gr/dds/pubs/conf/2002-SANE-DynCont/html/dyncont.html \_ Well, "servlets" is a pretty big category. Tomcat is pretty sucky yes (it's 100% java, what do you expect?) but there are other servlet engines out there. Also from looking that their methedology, it doesn't look like they increased the number of concurrent worker threads for tomcat. My memory is tomcat is set to use some piddling number of threads in the default configuration, which would totally make those results make sense. \_ Yeah, tomcat is the reference implementation and is not taken seriously by businesses that have clue. \_ What do businesses that have a clue use? Jetty seems even worse than tomcat. Resin has worked well for me in the past. How about you? \_ Resin works well and is inexpensive. \_ This paper is from 2002. I would hesitate to apply its conclusions today. |
2007/6/18-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:46999 Activity:nil |
6/17 Finally something truly funny with Jar Jar Binks in it: http://tinyurl.com/38n35x \_ I hope it's a sandwich. |
2007/6/13-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:46936 Activity:nil |
6/13 Free black culture from hip-hop http://www.sacbee.com/110/story/198314.html \_ Free? People have choice. \_ with purchase of black culture of equal or lesser value \_ with purchase of culture of equal or greater value |
2007/4/18-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:46351 Activity:nil |
4/18 In C#, what's the opposite function for class constructors or static constructors? I can't find how to write a class destructor or static destructor. Does such a thing exist? If not, how does my class clean up after itself? Thanks. \_ Um, the process exits? And it's garbage collected? \_ I'm not trying to free memory. I'm trying to close some connection to a remote machine. \_ Unfortunately there isn't a good way in C# last I checked to manage lifetime. It's one of its deficiencies. |
2007/4/4-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:46196 Activity:nil |
4/4 In Windows, if my Java code calls Runtime.exec() to start a native GUI app, the process starts but no UI appears on screen. Is there a way to start the native app and make the UI appear? Thanks. |
2007/3/30-4/2 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:46149 Activity:nil |
3/29 http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000781.html Coding Horror, Programming and human factors by Jeff Atwood. \_ An interesting link from that page, a test to seperate out people who can never learn to program. With serious scientific paper. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000635.html \_ I love this: "To write a computer program you have to ... accept that whatever you might want the program to mean, the machine will blindly follow its meaningless rules and come to some meaningless conclusion." |
2007/2/10-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:45707 Activity:nil |
2/10 http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Design_Patterns |
2007/2/9-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript] UID:45694 Activity:low |
2/9 Looking for a Javascript slider bar example. The first example on Google is horrible-- initialization code all over the place, global variables, method conventions suck, etc. Thanks! \_ I don't have an answer for you, but what do you think of this article? http://ajaxworldmagazine.com/read/333329_p.htm \_ From the article: "Although it's gotten significantly better with ECMAScript standardization, I would still rather program with Java than JavaScript, the main reason being inconsistency. Maybe in eight years the current version of ECMAScript will be standard across almost all browsers. But the current version of JavaScript, despite the random implementations, is already available, and there are zero installation issues. I think that's a fairly good proof that the reason Java hasn't taken over as the RIA language of choice is the installation problem." This doesn't lend much credence to the author's argumentation or critical reading skills. That said, I think it's an interesting read, particularly some of the resources it links to. -dans \_ Whoa, didn't realize the author was Bruce Eckel. I'll chalk the bad quote up to a goof as opposed to overarching incompetence. -dans \_ Christ dans, you're an asshole. \_ Yeah, but I stand behind my words. :) Though, it does beg the question, why does pointing out a flaw in someone's argument make me an asshole? Or is it because I believe flawed arguments are a sign of incompetence? Or is it because I excuse Bruce Eckel the occasional goof in light of a long history of insightful commentary? -dans \_ I think he's saying that Java is a better language but Javascript is easy to install. Since Javascript is where so much RIA action is, that suggests the installation difficulty as being very important. \_ Yes, I get what he's saying. He's just saying it badly. Also, having read the entire article, I think it would be more accurate to say he's saying that the available implementation(s) of the Java language are better than the available implementations of Javascript. Having written a fair amount of both, I feel that Javascript is a *far* better language. -dans \_ Really? I'd be curious to know why. (not disagreeing, genuinely curious) -emarkp \_ The short version: JavaScript is Lisp with Algol (for the non-language nerds reading this, C) syntax. A bit of elaboration on the short version: Lisp (and functional languages in general) have a lot of powerful tools (e.g. lambda/anonymous functions, closures) built in that many procedural languages lack out of the box. On top of that, Javascript is a *really small* language. There's something counterintuitive there, which is that, in my opinion, JavaScript, which is a much smaller language than Java (I mean the core language, not the libraries) somehow has line for line/operator for operator more expressive power. Note that I'm not bagging on Java because it's procedural; I love C. In general, I've come to the opinion that a small (but complete) language is a sign of good language design. -dans sign of good language design. -dans |
2007/1/6-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:45527 Activity:low |
1/6 What is the technical definition for a middle-class, lower-class, and upper-class? Is it based on income AND debt (mortgage)? \_ Probably closest thing I can think of is income quintiles: Poor, Lower MC, Middle Class, Upper MC, Rich \_ you forgot Uber-Rich (hedge funders, et al.) \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_class But the definition of the classes probably depends on your agenda. \_ If I borrow lots of money and live lavishly, will I move up from a lower class to a middle class? \_ It is based on income and not net worth. |
2006/12/1-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:45409 Activity:nil |
11/30 I remember people complaining about http://dreamhost.com on the motd in recent months. What were the complaints? \_ You can't run ANY script for over 20-30 seconds or else ALL of your processes will get killed, rendering cron and cgi useless. Mysql quota may be unlimited but is overloaded so takes SECONDS for each simple query. It has been hacked into over and over and over again this year, with down time of over 10 days this year. The servers are way over subscribed (100X worse than soda) so keyboard response time lags by seconds. You like constant reboots? Every two days if you're lucky. Low price, low quality hosting. I'm surprised there hasn't been a class action lawsuit yet. http://csua.com/?entry=43853 http://csua.com/?entry=43934 http://csua.com/?entry=43865 http://csua.com/?entry=43868 http://csua.com/?entry=42931 \_ search on google and you'll see (dreamhostsucks site) |
2006/11/17-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:45348 Activity:low |
11/17 Someone set up us the Blond^H^H^H^H^HBond! Casino Royale was a good movie; on par w/ Golden Eye. Maybe a bit too much Bourne Identity/Supremacy to make it into the Sean class, but easily as good as Pierce class and/or Roger class. Good Points: Eva Green - Great Vesper Lynd \_ Agreed, she's classy AND hot. You rarely get that combo these days. DB5 - Worked in well, but they should have put Vesper in the DB5, she deserves the most beautiful car evAr! Judi Dench - Great as M, purists be damned. \_ Aside from being a woman, I think she's very faithful to Fleming's M from the books. Bad Points: '007' was not worked in a la Goldfinger. B[l]ond has Force Speed, Force Jump, Force Heal level 99; even Kyle Katarn and Luke Skywalker don't have B[l]ond's Force powers. B[l]ond must have left his light saber in his other suit. \_ Crystal meth gives you wonder powers. MIA: Q/R, Moneypenny. Okay I can live w/o Q/R but no Moneypenny is just wrong. I love Ms. Moneypenny. Suggestions for Improvements: Next Bond Girl should be Jadzia or 7. -stmg \_ It's missing a Rolex. And a BMW Z sportser with weapons. And I think it's hilarious that after all that fighting he finally lands at this place, gets on the road and you see him go ZROOOOOOM across the screen and you see that he's just driving a... FORD FOCUS. \_ Re Rolex - I think the Omega Seamaster was better. Re BMW - No need to clutter the movie w/ cheap German crap, stick to beautiful Astons. Re Focus - Agreed. leem -stmg |
2006/11/2-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:45108 Activity:nil |
11/02 Why is "no modifier" in Java also referred to as package-private? That is just confusing terminology. \_ I think it used to be referred to as "friendly". \_ "no modifier" is the same as default visibility. Default visibility is package-level. The terminology is fine. You could debate the choice of defaults. |
2006/10/31-11/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:45051 Activity:nil |
10/31 @Override in Java, why/why not? \_ Handy warning when your base class changes on you. Not a perfect guard against sloppy refactoring. \_ Why not? If you change your base class you probably want to know if your overrides aren't going to work the way you want them to. \_ Isn't it true that if you use @Override (or other annotations) that you can't compile to a a bytecode which will be garanteed to run on pre-1.5 implementations of the JRE? |
2006/10/31-11/1 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:45045 Activity:moderate |
10/31 Mainframes are back! http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/biztech/10/30/reviving.mainframes.ap \_ Mainframes never left. \_ There are big differences between 1) X is here, 2) X is coming back, and 3) X left. Fucking dumb shit, how did you even get into Cal? \_ I didn't get into Cal. I dropped out of college so I could spend more time on the motd and wall hanging out with smart people like you hoping one day I can learn to comprehend English as well as you. No, wait, you are a babbling fool who wrote something completely off topic and non-responsive because you can't understand basic English. \_ Bwaaahhhhhhh!!1! You are teh suck!!!!1!!!!!!!!1!! \_ "The university saved money upfront by selecting a mainframe that runs at less than top capacity. Then on days when computing loads are heavier, the school can buy a short-term boost of extra processing power. Network managers call IBM, which remotely tunes the mainframe to deliver better performance." Interesting. \_ *laugh*. This is how the IBM mainframe division has always worked except in the 'old days' they sent a tech out at some outrageous hourly rate who opened the back, hit a button to turn on the extra cpus+planes+memory/etc that was already in the box. So now they just remotely login and tweak some software variable limit like "max speed = max speed + 50", logout and send a bill. This is almost as good a scam as MS making their money on CALs. |
2006/10/23-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:44920 Activity:nil |
10/23 Teenager questioned for creating a My Space web site that says K|77 BV$H: http://www.cnn.com (click Secret Service finds girl behind ...) \_ Let's impound the MySpace servers! \_ We should but not because of this. \_ It is their job. If they knew it was there and didn't at least talk to her and she later turned out to be psychotic and shot him then everyone would say they knew she was a threat and did nothing. She wasn't kidnapped from her home at 3am by men base jumping from black helicopters, drugged, beaten, and tossed in a Turkish prison. The idiot child got taken out of class and questioned at school. Why was she taken out of class? Because remarkably those are the same hours the SS guys are working. \_ I agree that nothing particular was done wrong, but why is she an idiot child? I remember being (mildly) surprised to discover that it was a federal crime to say "i'm going to kill the potus" when I was a teenager. It's not one of those things they teach in school. \_ It should be part of civics class. I guess they don't bother teaching anything so useless as how our government was formed, how it works, or the philosophical underpinnings of our nation's political system anymore. I was quite aware of it as a young teen, but Reagan was shot at the time so maybe that's how I knew. In any event, it is stupid to put your name on anything, especially something easily searched like your myspace page advocated *anyone's* death. For that alone she gets basic idiot credit. For saying it about a high official she get bonus idiot credit. Next time it's black helicopters, beatings, and turkish prison for her. \_ I can't watch the video, but I think it's funny that this sort of thing is still news when it's been standard procedure for decades. I knew a kid who got pulled for questioning during the Clinton administration for sending a threatening email. |
2006/10/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Recreation/Dating] UID:44732 Activity:high |
10/9 I remember one winter semester during an El Nino year when, starting in January, some rain fell almost every single day. Attendance at lectures was pretty minimal. I remember occasionally thinking about buying an umbrella, but I was sure that as soon as I did the rain would stop. That didn't actually happen until May. \_ your memory is incorrect. \_ I never bought an umbrella. There was always one sitting around somewhere someone else lost. Well, ok, my first year I bought one and lost it. It's just umbrella karma. \_ Was it 1992 or 1993? I remember in a March of either of this year, it rained every single day. -- Class of '93 \_ it felt like it rained every other day from 92-94. housing sucked. profs didn't seem like they're genuinely interested in teaching and certainly didn't have time to talk to you. smelly eecs TAs seriously needed to retake esl. the counselors at cal really sucked and treated their jobs like temps cuz they were. a super hot b-school-wannabe freshman that i had a serious crush on used me to do her cs9x projects and other assignments. after i finished her b-school pre-reqs she ditched me and started dating my former buddy. FUCKING BITCH I HATE YOU!!! AND FUCK YOU ALL GREEDY BUSINESS MAJORS!!! anyways around that time i also started taking a lot of anti-depressants and light recreational drugs. i carefully crafted my suicide note during the most depressing, cold and wet winter semester I ever experienced at cal. i planned my suicide carefully for the coming spring to minimize pain for my family members but when spring actually came, i just couldn't do it. maybe it was the improving weather, i don't know. summer came and i ended up taking a leave of absence. if i had stayed any longer i'd surely committed suicide. afterall, i already spent many hours of hard labor on the suicide note, oh well. in short, i really really really really really hate berkeley. \_ So you met this chick on day 3 of class, did her home work, got nothing for it and got dumped? Where in there did you think you had a gf? \_ Well she cooked for me and lived at my place for a few days when I had to do her projects. No we didn't have sex, but she was so sweet to me when she needed my help it was pretty much my first girl friend experience. BITCH \_ OMG, you didn't even get laid? So she came by and said, "do my class for me". You did all the work over 3-4 days just before the deadline, ignored your own work, class, sleep and health and all you got was a few meals and a room mate. Sorry mate but that wasn't your first gf experience. That was in no way shape or form a girl friend. If you'd asked any of your friends, family or even the motd at the time they'd all have told you what was going to happen. \_ In 2006 we broke the record for days of rain in March, at 25. And there's a whole month between March and May. -tom \_ I have bad memory then. -- Class of '93 \_ I was thinking of 94-95. Days of rain: Jan 26, Feb 3, Mar 17, Apr 14. Almost every day is an admitedly an exaggeration, but it was a pretty damp winter/spring. http://ggweather.com/sf/daily.html#b - op \_ Are you sure it wasn't 97-98? We had like 3 months straight rain in Berkeley then. \_ 14 days in March, 10 days in April. \_ but 18, 10, 22, 20 for Nov->Feb. That's pretty bad especially considering Nov and Dec aren't normally that wet in CA. In fact at 47+inches of rain that year it beats the second wettest year in that data set (from 1960-now) by over 12 inches, or 33% more! \_ The wettest being last year? \_ Last year was the second wettest. 97-98 was the wettest. \_ 2004-05 was the wettest in SoCal since 1883 in terms of inches of rain. 2005-06 was the wettest in terms of days of rain. Where does one find the Bay Area totals? \_ There's a link about 15 lines up. \_ No, that year I was living in SF. I have memories of that one too. Maybe I'll post another "I remember" entry about it in the future. :) - op |
2006/10/4-6 [Computer/SW, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:44667 Activity:nil |
10/4 Is there any way to build a web page which allows the user to select a group of files to the server? Conventional html input file select only supports a single file. I'd rather not have to create a ton of those. I'm looking for a something that can take an array of files. \_ Nope. You either have to build a Java app, allow .zip file uploads, or use a little DHTML to let users create new upload fields as they need them (or save the previous selection and reuse the single upload field). --dbushong \_ No, file upload is still kind of a pain. Some of the photo sites allow multi-file upload by using browser plugins, activex, etc. Search google for keywords: multiple file upload and you'll find various tricks using activex, java applets, javascript/dom. Some solutions are free and some cost. --peterl \_ It doesn't work for all applications, but WebDAV could theoretically be useful. -tom |
2006/8/28-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:44170 Activity:nil |
8/27 Is there any object ID built into java? In Ruby and Python there's a method on every object, getObjectID() that returns a unique ID for any object. Is there anything like that iN java? \_ Object.hashCode() in general will return a unique value, although that is not contractually guaranteed. You could get two different objects wiht the same hashcode, but Object.equals() should return false in this case. There is no perfect ironclad method that I know of. If you tell me what you're trying to do maybe I can suggest an alternative. \_ What I'm doing is a bit complex to explain on the motd, but basically, I need a simple (int, long, float, or string) unique identifier for each object. I ended up writing a static class with an incrementing long. \_ You *did* make it thread-safe, I hope. \_ No threads, although I guess it might be a good idea anyway. Although it's certainly not the only thing in this code that's hideously un-thread-safe. |
2006/8/27-29 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Politics] UID:44162 Activity:nil |
8/27 The Schools of Information and Law are offering a seminar on Open Source this semester: http://harbinger.sims.berkeley.edu/osdddi/f06/Syllabus \_ Are they charging for the information or just support? \- FYI: steve weber, whose book on open source seems to be at the core of the syllabus, is a prof in the political science dept here ... his area, curiously enough, is international relations. very sharp guy. although he never returned a paper i loaned him. \_ "School of Information" and "iSchool" are both stupid names. -tom |
2006/8/23-29 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/IDE, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:44116 Activity:nil |
8/23 I've been primarily developing Java in Eclipse, but I need to do a project with embedded C++, and I'd like a better IDE than Emacs. MS Visual Studio is way too windows-centric. All I really need is something that can do context-assists and autocompletes and flagging of illegal syntax. Suggestions? \_ Have you tried this: http://www.eclipse.org/cdt --oj \_ That looks pretty good, but another project is having a minor crisis so I'll have to investigate later. Thanks. |
2006/8/23-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:44106 Activity:low |
8/23 In Ant, is <target ...> a task? I can't find any description for it in the 1.6.5 manual. Thanks. \_ http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html look under the "Using Ant" link \_ Got it! Thanks. \_ I'm sorry, but any build system that requires this much work to understand sucks. \_ you are sorry. How much documentation did it take you to learn Make? More, I'd wager. Or you had someone teach it to you. \_ E_TOOSHORT \_ Eh? \_ I find Ant documentation to be severely lacking. But otherwise it isn't that hard to do simple things. \_ But it can be a serious pain in the ass to do complicated things if you don't want to write custom java code. Unix shells are amazingly powerful, that's why make is nice. Oh and when you have a bug in your make scripts ant is painful to debug. \_ Along the same lines, a system like rake is just a DSL in ruby. Need to do something that "the make system" doesn't do? Easy... you're already in a real programming language, not in some let's-reinvent-the-wheel XML atrocity. |
2006/8/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:44008 Activity:nil |
8/14 In XML scripts in Ant, I can use the value of a variable by doing "${foo}". How do I use the value of an environment variable? Thx. \_ http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/property.html under Examples, search for environment \_ <property environment="ENV" /> <includepath path="${ENV.JAVA_HOME}/include/" /> \_ Thanks!!! I'm new to Ant and I have to guess my way through some existing script. --- OP |
2006/7/25-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:43805 Activity:nil |
7/25 Found this on digg today, pretty cool collection of computer and programming cheatsheets: http://mypage.bluewin.ch/yuppi/links/cheatsheets.html -John |
2006/7/25-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:43783 Activity:nil |
7/25 When can we file a class action lawsuit? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060725/ap_on_go_co/signing_statements |
2006/7/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:43615 Activity:nil |
7/10 apologies if this has been asked before ... anyone know any good java profiling tools? (prefer free as in speech, would accept free as in beer) ... I was using JProbe which seemed great but my license expried and work wants me to evaluate some cheaper options before we buy ... I'm skeptical there is anything else out there that is as good. thansk. - rory \_ I compared JProbe and JProfiler and liked JProfiler better, but they are both about the same price. You could probably grab a 30-day trial of JPprofiler though. I've also used JRat which was free, but far less full-featured than the commercial tools. \_ I haven't been doing much Java in the last couple of years, but I used to just use the hprof option in the JVM itself to generate profiling information and then use a program like HPs HPjmeter to view the data. That was adaquate for me, but the SOTA may have since changed... |
2006/7/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Editors/IDE] UID:43612 Activity:nil |
7/10 Any Eclipse experts here? I was using 3.1 but had to reinstall and ended up with 3.2. Formerly, if I would type something like "File foo;" a little error marker would offer to import java.io.File for me. If I used a function illegally it would offer to change it to a legal set of arguments. This install of Eclipse doesn't do these nice things. Any ideas how to get that behavior back? \_ I liked it. You are stupid. Keira Knightley is still flat. \_ Nevermind, fixed it myself: When I installed Eclipse it picked a JRE to use, but because it picked a plain-old JRE, not the JDK, it couldn't look up the source of anything, so it couldn't make suggestions involving any system classes. Telling it to use the JDK fixed it. |
2006/6/13-15 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:43372 Activity:nil |
6/13 I need a way to convert uLaw WAV to PCM WAV in Java. The tritonus library does not offer this. Anyone know a library that does? I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. \_ IIRC JavaSound can handle conversion of mu-law to PCM. Is there a reason to do this in Java? If you just need to convert, can you just exec sox to do the conversion? - ciyer \_ OK, It now seems that while the Tritonus Javadoc says it can't do it the code tells a different story. The problem is that when I request a uLaw to PCM converter, the aLaw converter claims it is capable, so gets picked, then fails. When I force it to use the uLaw converter, Tritonus works. Execing sox would have been a clunky but usable workaround. Thanks -OP. |
2006/6/9-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:43335 Activity:nil |
6/9 Is there any way in Java to get the equivalent of a function pointer besides reflection? \_ Anonymous inner classes \_ Or Interfaces, depending on what you are trying to do. - ciyer |
2006/6/6-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:43290 Activity:nil |
6/6 Does anyone know anyway to actually get Java to perform complete garabge collection? System.gc() is just considered a suggestion, it usually doesn't completely clean up. Even a option that would just totally cleanup atexit would be good enough. \_ If you're trying to force your finalize methods to execute, then no, there's no way to force it. System.runFinalization() comes close. You could also try Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit() if you know what you're doing. You may also want to look at addShutdownHook in java.lang.Runtime. -gm \_ What gm just said. The 'contract' of the garbage collector is that System.gc() *may* GC unreferenced objects, but due to freedom of implementation you have no guarantee of when the GC may actually happen. If you need to force some finalization code to be called at a particular time, you should write your own free() method. If you do so, remember that you may still have other references to object to be freed, so be sure multiple calls to free() will not cause a problem. |
2006/5/22-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:43148 Activity:nil |
5/22 Dear Motd, Time is running out to earn the $100,000 GOLD Challenge Match... Berkeley Engineering is counting on you to make a gift of $25 before June 15. If 1,000 grads ('96 - '05) make gifts, the College will earn $100,000. That's 100 grads from each class. We still need 44 grads from the class of 1996 (your class) to reach the goal! You can learn more about why making a gift is so important at http://www.coe.berkeley.edu/giving While you are there you can also give online and help your class beat the challenge. Visit http://www.coe.berkeley.edu/giving/GOLD to see if your class is \_ 404 leading the way. Thank you and Go Bears! \_ http://www.coe.berkeley.edu/giving/gold Looks like the dot-com grads are also the stingiest. \_ our of curiosity, if I did my BS, MS, and PhD at UCB, which class should I consider myself part of? (95, 98, or 04?) Or all 3? \_ Doing anything interesting with all those years of education? \_ switched to a different (but still technology-related) field (patent law) after finishing - it's been quite entertaining so far. Will see where it all goes... \_ Are you one of those people afraid to work and so you will be 50, living at home, and working on your 4th PhD? \_ No thanks, I'm done with school, no more PhDs for me! One was more than enough. And I'm working now, not going to school! (thank goodness) \_ Where does the extra $100K come from? And the requirement is that 100 distinct grads from each class make a >= $25 donation (i.e., one grad from each class making a $2500 donation is insufficient)? |
2006/5/8-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:42973 Activity:nil |
5/8 Want to be ranked as a good professor? Be 'hot,' or teach an easy class. http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2006/05/08/rateprof \_ bullshit. read freakanomics. causation vs. correlation. \_ bullshit. read freakanomics. correlation's not causation. very well could be (and in fact, i would argue it is) the case that students who really like a professor come to see them as "hot" ... also same could be said for "easy": if you like a prof, its probably because his/her explanations make sense to you and allow you to perform well on the subject. - rory \_ When a prof gives little work and covers little material (or puts out with no resistance) and gives high marks, you could call that 'easy'. \_ The best professors are hot and easy. \_ ^professors^girls |
2006/4/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:42815 Activity:nil |
4/23 Is there anyway to get the stacktrace from a Java Exception into a string? There isn't any direct call to do it. |
2006/4/5-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:42678 Activity:nil |
4/5 http://www.zefhemel.com/archives/2004/08/16/why-java-sucks Just wondering if java-philes might agree with some of the sentiments listed (being a c++ person myself) \_ Java sucks for many reasons. C++ sucks for many more. \_ I think C++ will be around and useful long after Java has gone to the grave. I'm not saying C++ is great, by the way. \_ The author is right on some issues but given how very wrong he is on others I suspect he is right more on accident than he is on others I suspect he is right more by accident than anything else. Yes there is a large domain that encompasses J2EE development, and a senior engineer needs to know them. That's what being a senior engineer is all about. You think people get these kinds of salaries cause they look sexy in suspenders and grease stained tshirts? Yes there are lots of Java libaraies out there, the horror! |
2006/4/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:42665 Activity:kinda low |
4/4 Apparently this adult education teacher flunked his own class http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/04/04/paperweight.explosion.ap/index.html \_ He flunked basic common sense, but the class was not "handling ordinance" |
2006/3/3-6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:42093 Activity:nil |
3/3 In Java, I know how to put a JAR in my classpath, and I know if I include a native library in my current working directory, it can be loaded through JNI. I have a JAR which contains some native libraries and I'm wondering if there's any way I can jet the JVM load foolib-native.jar so that it can find the native libraries inside without needing to expand the JAR on installation. |
2006/3/2-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:42067 Activity:moderate |
3/3 If you didn't take CS or EE, what would have been your 2nd choice in major? \_ probably business administration. Lots of hot chicks. More party. More fun. More interactions. More opportunities to learn social skills necessary later in life, in the real world. \_ If you failed to learn social skills in CS, I don't see how the BizAdd environment would be more amenable to learning them. -dans \_ The CS env was definitely more amenable to learning UNIX and C/Java coding than BizAdd, but I'm not sure if the reverse is true. If you learned all the social graces and had a blast in EE/CS, more power to you. -pp \_ Yeah, this was kind of my point. BizAdd isn't going to teach you social skills. You learn social skills by putting yourself into social situations, and BizAdd isn't necessarily going to give you more of those. -dans \_ I think bus admin majors do learn more social skills. There is more interaction and discussion in class with people who have those skills. CS majors socialize in the Labs, but it is the blind leading the blind. Also, CS/engineering/science is so demanding that there's little time to socialize outside of class. The bus admin folks tend to party more because they have the time to do so. \_ I'm doubtful that, if one is a poorly socialized geek when one enters university, one is likely to learn better social skills from class discussions in any discipline. You probably had to take at least one English class with a discussion component. Do you feel that your social skills improved as a result? I agree that CS/engineering/science are demanding, but I had a rich social life while pursuing a CS major. I think it's more a question of priorities. Having a life was important to me so I made it a priority. I guess I'm just doubtful of your assertion that BizAd classes teach social skills, or that BizAd majors are somehow more socially gifted than CS majors, and, even if that is the case, that this would rub off on a typical geek. Also, I should note that almost all the people I know who are throwing parties (i.e. raves, club nights, etc.) post-college are geeks. -dans \_ Geeks throw parties, too, of course. That's beside the point. Who is learning more about social interactions? An EE at home with his breadboard at night and a class full of nerdy guys during the day or a Spanish or Theater major? My roommate majored in Spanish and French and knew a lot of people from the in-class interaction. It's not quite the same as being in a Chem Lab with someone. As to whether it would 'rub off' on a geek, I think it does to some extent. Imagine being shy and being surrounded by introverts. Now imagine being surrounded by friendly, outgoing people. Which one is going to do more to help you get out of your shell? \_ True to an extent, but I dispute that: a) The majority of engineers are introverts b) Even if I grant that the majority of BizAd majors are extroverts, I doubt they are necessarily friendly-- the business disciplines tend to be highly cutthroat. c) I know many introverts who completely close off in a room full of extroverts. -dans \_ English. More time to hack. -dans \_ No doubt. Just remember, 2 papers, midterm, and final per class. 25+ pages not uncommon. Still, left me with plenty of time to muck about down in the WEB. --erikred \_ Physics, but it was harder. -emarkp \_ 2ded, if I was better at math I would have been a Physics major. \_ I did physics, learned a ton, and incorporated programming into my projects where possible/sane. -!pp \_ History. Pretty much like English, but you learn more, er, history, which is kind of fun to know. Ok either that or premed. Math or Physics is the logical replacement for CS or EE, but... hm. \_ psychology. |
2006/2/21-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41946 Activity:nil |
2/21 Silly poll: What is your favorite design pattern? Gang-of-Four or not. \_ Template method: . \_ Houndstooth: . \_ Is that structural or creational? \_ POLKA DOT: . \_ I've never seen a really good reason to use design patterns other than the fact that some of their concepts are built into the language (i.e. Java Swing, etc.). I suppose it makes sense on a language level (better designed, more OO languages, etc.), but I've never seen a very well designed piece of code using the concepts as described by the GOF. In fact, I've seen over designed projects, especially when someone decides to drag in Rational Rose and they go UML crazy. I suppose it works on Really Large Projects (TM), but it certainly holds no place in mid or low level projects, at least not in my experience. I think there's a major disconnect with academia's concept of software engineering and what really goes on in the nitty gritty real world (big surprise). The whole concept keeps on reminding me of the chapter "no magic bullet" from The Mythical Man Month. |
2006/2/21-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41939 Activity:nil |
2/21 What is the best way to get the current method name in Java? So far I have seen 3 approaches: 1. Create new Exception, grab the first frame off its stack trace. Inelegant, requires creating a stack trace (expensive). \_ Yeah it sucks. Yeah it does much more work than you need. Yeah it is really fragile and may break when you switch java implementations because some moron changed how stack traces are printed. Still, the few times I've seen libraries that generate method names this is how they did it. 2. Generate new stack trace, grab the first frame. Same problems as above but slightly better. 3. For each method, define a static final String containing its name. Very fast, but makes the code 'brittle' in terms of refactoring and makes classes needlessly cluttered. Anyone know a better way? \_ A little more information about what you are trying to do would be helpful. The obvious answer is you wrote the method, you should know what name you gave it, but I assume this is not tenable in your context. Have you looked at com.sun.jdi? \_ Trying to provide debug-level printouts of what the current function is, as in: public void fooFunc() { System.out.println("Entered fooFunc()"); ... } \_ I think AspectJ is the solution for you, then. See: http://csua.org/u/f19 - pp \_ That is neat. I don't suppose there's any good system for debugging AspectJ code? That's the main thing that is keeping me away. \_ AspectJ generates vanilla java bytecodes. Any debugger should be able to debug it. http://csua.org/u/f1a I think Eclipse might have some dev support. - pp \_ Just because a debugger can debug it doesn't mean it is debugable. Just try say, breaking at a line number and having ANY chance at being right. \_ My my, the motd is buzzword compliant today. \_ Why? The use of 'solution' to describe a solution? \_ AspectJ is buzzword-ware. It's amazing how many inelegant solutions like AspectJ exist to get around Java's stupid limitations. \_ Well what language has good support for 'crosscutting concerns'? \_ CLOS. The CLOS Meta-Object Protocol is where many of the AspectJ ideas come from. \_ Lisp?! Nooooooo! \_ I recommend "Beyond Java" for a good overview of why Java is a pain in the ass, and why "frameworks" and "design patterns" are often inelegent attempts to get around inherent defects in the language. \_ Gee, the man behind on of the most inelegent java frameworks ever wants to tell me how to write an elegant language? |
2006/2/8-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41766 Activity:nil |
2/8 Syntax aside, is there any difference in Java between the instanceof operator and Class.isInstance(Object) ? \_ Not sure if this is syntax, but instanceof doesn't work w/ Class.forName(). You have to have a static class name for instanceof. [ at least this was the case when I last did java work ] |
2006/1/23-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41480 Activity:nil |
1/23 I'm trying to make somebody else's code thread-safe and it seems like my synchronization blocks are not being respected. Does anyone know a problem with this code? class FooPoller { protected static Boolean lock = new Boolean(true); private static void poll() { // do some stuff synchronized(lock) { // modify some static member objects } } Public void addToList(Vector addable) { // do some stuff synchronized(lock) { // modift some static member objects } } } I then have one thread calling FooPoller.poll() in a loop, while some other thread is calling addToList() on an instance of a subclass of FooPoller. Do the instance method and the static method see a different lock? Do the base class and the subclass see a different lock? This is really stumping me. -dgies \ What Java version? Perhaps something weird is happening with Boolean autoboxing if >=1.5. Try an Object instance as the lock. - gojomo \_ did you revolve this? |
2006/1/17-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:41399 Activity:low |
1/17 Java compiler help please. I have some code like this: import com.foocorp.foolibrary; class myClass { private static final boolean useFooLib=false; { if(useFooLib) foolibrary.FooClass.doStuff(); } } And the problem is that if I turn off useFooLib and try to compile with out foolibrary.jar the compile fails. Is there any way I can make this work without distributing foolibrary.jar with every build? \_ I haven't had to think about this for a while, but maybe you can use a custom class loader? What about reflection? \_ Yeah, I went with that, starting with Class.forName() as suggested below. Between reflection and commenting out multiple blocks it seemed like the lesser of two evils. Thanks. -OP \_ Interesting I was not aware that javac allows you to delay type checking, to see whether method doStuff() exists or not. Thanks for pointing this out. Motd is great! \_ Um, that's not what I said. I used Class.forName() to dynamically load the class, then I used reflection to get the methods I want, then invoke those methods on the class object (thet are static methods). \_ I think the cleaner way to do this is to create an interface -- FooClassInterface. Include that in your normal code path, but you don't need to provide an implementation. Make FooClass implement that interface then you can do: if (useFooLib) FooClassInterface foo = (FooClassInterface) Class.forName(...).newInstance(); foo.doStuff(); I think that's preferable. - guy who made below suggestion. \_ Won't work. FooClass is a partially-obfuscated JAR licensed from another company. \_ Java is not C. If this were C, the statement "if ..." would be seen as dead code due to constant propagation. However javac does flow analysis before optimizations so requires method/var resolution first and you can't possibly compile with safety without foolibrary. If you must include such a dead code, manually comment out the dead code or just include the foolibrary.class|java with the distro. Go compilers!!! \_ Don't import foolibrary. Do this: if (useFooLib) Class.forName("com.foocorp.foolibrary.FooClass").doStuff(); |
2006/1/16-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:41392 Activity:high |
1/16 Okay, I have a technical question here. I administer a cluster of java webservers running jetty (not resin, sorry). They are behind a load balancer. They used to start up fine under "load" i.e. in the load balancer configuration. The latest code release broke this somehow and now they crash upon startup unless I remove them from the load balancer first. The programmers promised to fix this, but of course they did not and now they claim this is "industry standard." It is burdensome to me to have to remove them and then re-insert them every time I need to do a restart. Does anyone else run a java webserver cluster? Do you have to remove them from your load balancer everytime to start them up or restart them? I already STFW and could not find anything on the topic. -ausman \_ What I would do (I've been in similar situations): 1) Escalate to CTO so he knows #2 is coming: 2) "No, I can't bless this release because your P1 bug isn't fixed. You'll have to explain to the CTO why this bug hasn't been foxed." This will trigger a meeting where you can say: 3) "This is an industry standard? The code wasn't broken until release X.Y.Z on date MMDDYY which you said was going to be fixed. Find me the IEEE, IETF or other industry standards body doc that says this is standard." If you don't push back hard on this you're only setting yourself up for even worse hassle down the road. I've 'worked' with code monkeys like that before. They're classic bullies. Hit back hard immediately and be rude about it unless you want to be their ops bitch forever who has to kludge around their crap code. \_ Unfortunately, there is a tradition of kludging around bad code here that I am trying to change. Fortunately, we have a new CTO who supports my general philosophy on this. \_ Yes, and no. Since you didn't supply more information on how you're accomplishing load balancing, I have no idea how to fix your "problem". \_ Netscaler. \_ I assume it's something like a 9000 series. What's the error you're getting when starting up resin? Can you get a debug trace out of it? \_ Yeah, 9000. All kinds of errors, untimately leading to a server crash and restart which then crashes and then tries to restart... then tries to restart... I am trying to dig up the exact error for you now. Actually, email me for details, I don't want to post it on the motd. \_ That proves it isn't "industry standard". Escalate and get the programmers whipped into shape. \_ They promised to fix it? Do you have that in writing or in a bug tracking database? \_ No, but they promised in the code release meeting, where I have to sign off on code releases. I only agreed to let this code go live on the condition that they would fix it later. The CTO, who is in charge of both my group and programming, was there. So I definitely can push back if I want to, but I need evidence to make my case. It is probably true that it is less overall time to do the laborous restart than it is to fix the bug, at least in the short term. \_ Unless it's an architectural problem that will compound as they continue to build on the existing architecture. \_ Sounds like an excellent opportunity to set up a script to handle updates. Take node out of load balancing, restart it, test that it started cleanly, and then put back into balancing. Been there, done that. \_ nonononononono!!! do *not* *ever* kludge up something on the ops side because your coding team sucks. Make them fix their code. If you want to tweak around with LB'd node status to maintain a 100% consistent site, for exmaple taking out half, updating them, putting them in a new pool, switching the VIP to that pool, then doing the remainder. Ok, I guess. You can be clever for stuff like that if there's some need. But in this case, he's dealing with lazy code monkeys who are trying to force an ops policy change because they introduced a bug. They need to be clubbed into submission. This will not be the end of ops policy kludges to cover bad coding. He'll regret covering for them. \_ bad coding happens. you can deal with it and catch the problem before you have your entire production cluster spewing garbage, or you can let the bad code mess everything up and get into a finger pointing pissing match. OPS job is to keep stuff working. \_ bad coding happens. you can deal with it and catch the problem before you have your entire production cluster spewing garbage, or you can let the bad code mess everythign up and get into a finger pointing pissing match. OPS job is to keep stuff working. \_ OPS job is to protect the site. That includes making sure crap code doesn't get pushed and pushing back hard on the developers if it does. His situation isn't finger pointing. The devs screwed the pooch and need to unscrew. Slapping a condom on afterwards isn't going to fix anything. \_ What's wrong with doing both? I assume he doesn't have to TELL anyone he wrote the script. -!pp \_ The short version: doing it right is better. Don't lie about IT stuff. Get busted once and your already shakey credibility (you're in IT, right?) is shot forever. \_ I dunno, the exact details of how IT does its job is not really usually that interesting to engineering. I don't think you need to tell anyone about all your little operations scripts, but don't lie if asked either. \_ what would you say if someone asked you how long it would take to write a kludge script? it's a very likely question. also, in some places OPS will be working with engineering and be more aware of how long the different steps are taking even if they don't know the details. i don't know if that's jim's case but anyway, i wouldn't go out of my way to be too helpful in a situation like this. the new CTO was likely brought in *because* the board or CEO or whoever understands the code base is broken. C*O changes aren't common. if so, then OPS can help the guy do his job which will make OPS future much happier or continue down the same path to piling more and more madness on top. my philsophy is this: don't do anything you'd say was garbage if someone else did it and you were the new guy taking over that job. \_ What load balancer? HTTP keep-alives work decently well for us. If it's not answering to the load balancer, it won't be in the pool. |
2006/1/16-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41389 Activity:nil |
1/16 Does anyone know how to query the maximum (or at least current) JVM heap size at runtime? I'd like to be able to set the max JVM heap size (-Xmx512M) in a script and have my app sense that and use the number in sizing its caches. Is there any good way to do this? \_ Runtime.{free,total,max}Memory() will give you the numbers you want. If this is for caches, you might also want to look into the SoftReference and WeakReference classes in java.lang.ref. -gm \_ Yeah, I've thought of WeakReferences for the next refactoring, but I'm worried about data I want to cache for a future similar query getting GC'd out from under me. -OP \_ Oh, yeah, thanks. -OP |
2006/1/9-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:41303 Activity:nil |
1/9 I'm using Java's BufferedImage.getRGB(int, int, int, int, int[], int, int); to read in a whole image for manipulation. According to my profiler it looks like this method is allocating a ridiculous number of objects ... on the order of 7000 per call for standard-size jpegs and pngs. I am reading back the whole image anyway. Does anyone know a way to load standard-format images in Java without creating a bajillion objects? |
2006/1/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41258 Activity:nil |
1/6 "Starfleet-class mass-storage" http://www.cnet.com/4831-11405_1-6411595.html?tag=nl.e501 |
2005/12/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41090 Activity:nil |
12/20 I'm trying to use Java reflection to find all fields in the current or inherited classes which have public setter methods. getField inspects inherited classes but gives only public fields. getDeclaredField gives all scope fields, but only not in inherited fields. Anyone know a good way to inspect inherited protected fields? \_ Use getDeclaredFields and walk up the class hierarchy yourself to get all the fields. \_ That's what I was afraid of. -op \_ On second thought, there's a good reason why it's like this, you might have multiple levels of inheritance declaring different fields with the same name. -op |
2005/12/16-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41045 Activity:nil |
12/16 Ever wonder how much junk mail Americans are getting? "Fiscal 2005 was also the first time advertising mail has topped first-class mail in volume. The post office handled more than 100 billion pieces of what it calls standard mail, compared to 98 billion first class letters." Damn. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051206/ap_on_go_ot/postal_finances |
2005/12/10-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:40953 Activity:kinda low |
12/10 Java is the SUV of programming languages: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2003/09/20#a1762 \_ A great title and a horrid horrid blog entry. The title alone I could so get behind, but the authors reasons for his arguement are beyond bad and often flat out wrong. \_ Kind of sad that MIT students are having trouble with Java. \_ I was hacking a little java together earlier today, but then I couldn't find javac. Is it installed here? -mel \_ don't tell me you installed JRE and expect to find javac. \_ No, I was trying to use a common installation instead of making my own and didn't find one. I worked on the reference implementation for java 0.9 and am quite familiar with the difference between the JRE and the JDK. -mel \_ Isn't the writer the ArsDigita guy? \_ Yes, its philg of http://photo.net and arsdigita fame. |
2005/12/9-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:40936 Activity:nil |
12/9 Anyone know why Java requires super() to be the first thing in the constructor? \_ Probably because if it's not, you're risking that operations are being done using a partially constructed object. |
2005/12/1-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:40802 Activity:low |
12/1 I am trying to make some tests using G-UNIT and Ant. The tests all consist of running MyClass.process(input, output) and then comparing the output to an expected value. I know I could make a suite in TestMyClass which just has a bunch of the same test on different input/output pairs. I know I could also make a bunch of seperate test functions or classes which just call MyClass.process() with a seperate hard-coded parameter. What I'd *like* is the ability to list a bunch of input/output pairs in the Ant script and have it pass these params to a single TestMyClass class. Is there any way to do this or am I barking up the wrong tree? \_ I was hoping to do something similar with cppunit, though, calling it with command line arguments. Instead, I just put a file in a well known location that matches up with the test in question and put all the input values there. The environment is also a good way to pass in some stuff (e.g. a top-level directory). \_ That's more or less what I decided on too, but I wish there was a less kludgy way... -op |
2005/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:40317 Activity:low |
10/28 Has anyone interfaced Java and MySQL? Is is difficult? Where should I start? \_ JDBC? \_ JDBC. \_ JDBC, and it is really easy. |
2005/10/12-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:40049 Activity:high |
10/11 For future job security - Java or C++? Java: C++ : . \_ English : . \_ For Great Justice! \_ Chinese : .. \_ I would say either all the way to the J2EE field, or get back to plain old C. From my perspective, next 5 year's action is going to be in the embedded space. C is more important than Java in that space. \_ As an embedded guy who knows neither C++ nor Java, I'm glad to hear that! -- !OP \_ COTS or in-house? \_ I am going to guess more Java jobs, but also more Java programmers. You will not lose with C++ in the near future. You can do so many more things with it and there are fewer great C++ programmers. If you know C++ then 'plain old C' comes easily as well, especially if you only knew Java before. C++ programmers. If you know C++ then 'plain old C' comes easily as well, especially compared to people who know only Java. \_ "seee plus plus is yeezee!" - indian programmer \_ "see plus plus is yeezee!" - indian programmer |
2005/10/3-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Reference/Religion] UID:39968 Activity:nil |
10/3 Even in jest, you probably shouldn't threaten to burn your prof at the stake. http://90percenttrue.com/index.php?p=41 \_ Cody Cobb : humor :: Condi : Iraq WMDs |
2005/9/6-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:39530 Activity:nil |
9/6 RIP Gilligan: http://tinyurl.com/7nqoa \_ Goodbye, little buddy... \_ Good, I hated him with a passion. I don't know about him as a person, but his character was the most annoying in the history of television and cinema. I definitely would have killed him had I been on the island with him. They could've have got off that stupid island so many times!!! \_ Um, Jar Jar Binks -- no charge for the correction |
2005/8/25-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:39261 Activity:nil |
8/24 My company is looking for a Sr. Java GUI developer, and also an Embedded Developer with PPC expertise: http://www.arxan.com Our CL ad for java position: http://www.craigslist.org/sfc/sof/91503771.html We are located in downtown SF. If you need more info, email me. -jose |
2005/8/16-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:39136 Activity:nil |
8/16 I'm looking to write a Java app which initiates and maintains hundreds of simultaneous, low-bandwidth HTTP connections. The prevailing answer for simultaneous HTTP connections seems to be use the HttpURLConnection class and one thread per connection. I'm wondering if there's a better way, like maybe some way to have buffered reads and writes from low-level sockets using only a pair or I/O threads. Is this possible in Java or do I have to use something like a thread pool? \_ Since Java 1.4, you are supposed to be able to use something equivalent to select(), as you would with BSD sockets. It's all in the java.nio package: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/nio \_ Thanks! -op |
2005/8/9-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:39070 Activity:nil |
8/9 So I'm developing this java app which will produce a bunch of data we need to analyze with statistics and graphs. I'd like a way to take data from variables in a java program, write some semi-standard file, and be able to generate stats and graphs automatically. One solution it to write it to a CSV file and import it into Excel and then apply Excel formulas and make graphs, but that will require a lot of manual work because the size of the data sets will vary. Is there a better way? We're not wedded to Excel or windows. An example is in java having int[][] foo and float[][] bar and wanting to make foo.size() charts of foo[i] vs. bar[i] \_ Yes, this problem has been solved before. It's called gnuplot. \_ I hate you. \_ MATLAB, IDL, etc etc etc \_ I prefer R, but it's got a bit of a learning curve. --darin |
2005/7/28-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38859 Activity:nil |
7/28 I am looking for a java launcher on Windows that does the following: 1) Display a splash screen before my app launches 2) Packages a java jar into an EXE and launches that 3) Can include a JRE so it will run on systems without Java installed 4) Be able to set java parameters like -Xmx exe4j meets all of these requirements except #3, is there anything (free or commercial) that does all these, I haven't found it yet ... \_ J++ used to do this. I think there's a new version called J# included in dotnet that does this. Since you only care about MS it doesn't matter if you lose cross platform capabilities, right? I don't know about the java params though. Alternatively you could just port the whole thing to C#... \_ Umm, it's a java app, porting it to C# is not an option. And I have to be able to package my own JRE. Looks like launch4j might do the trick. \_ Well, you didn't specify what exactly your development situation is. Porting java to J# is pretty trivial as long as your code base isn't using anything too fancy. Since it's an app one assumes that cross compatibility is no longer an issue. Re-building the app from source on top of .NET will most likely give you a tighter binary and will open up native win32 API calls to you, making things like the splash screen trivial. You also don't need the source if you have bytecode only. There are tools to do a bytecode conversion. \_ Sigh, I use java not J# for a reason, I just need a launcher on Windows. This is a multi-platform piece of software, but the assumption is that users on non-Windows are capable enough to download/install a JRE. And I will quit any job that makes me develop in .NET. or any other massive convoluted API-of-the-year M$ comes out with. The Win32 API programming I've had to do is bad enough. \_ ZeroG? |
2005/7/19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38707 Activity:low |
7/19 My boss has a bunch of money for techinical books he needs to get spend. Any suggestions on what I should get? \_ Duh, what field is your dept in? \_ Actually, it should be something OUTSIDE my field. (That's how the money is budgeted) Some Topics: Linux Kernel Hacking MPI programming Advanced Threaded Programming Software engineering \_ Design Patterns \_ Driving J2EE and SOAP CORBA for B2B and B2C success in XML RSS!!! \_ The Art Of Computer Programming |
2005/7/15-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38653 Activity:moderate |
7/15 Is it possible through JNI to write a function which takes a float[] array and through the magic of c casts it to an int array and then returns the int array to Java, not modifying the actual data? If not, is there a good Java way to do the C equivalent of: int* i = (int*) f; ? Don't ask whether I really need to be doing this because there is a good (performance) reason. \_ You can modify your implementation of VMFloat, or create a new class similar to it, to provide an additional method that works on arrays of ints and floats, rather than just on individual 32 bit values. This will entail creating a new shared library, etc. This is probably the cleanest and most efficient way, but obviously will not be portable. I am assuming you know how to write the C necessary to convert the array type while leaving the bit representation unchanged. -- ilyas will not be portable. -- ilyas \_ Do you know of any in-Java way to convert float[] to int[] without using JNI or touching the underlying data? -op \_ If you thought about it, you should be shocked if there were. \_ I do not know of such a way. I think when you are starting to care about performance to the extent where you don't want to just call floatToIntBits on each element of the array, you should either forget platform independence, or use a better language. By the way, the previous poster is wrong, there is no reason Java shouldn't provide this functionality in VMFloat (it provides a function for individual 32 bit values). It just doesn't because it sucks. -- ilyas \_ Sure: for(int i = 0; i < float_array.length; i++){ int_array[i] = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(float_array[i]); } If you want to avoid the overhead of a loop, or aren't willing to write your own shared library + class wrapper to do what this loop does in one swipe, or aren't willing to abandon Java, then you lose. -- ilyas \_ I'm already doing the above, but want to avoid an additional O(n) step, and am too lazy to write another JNI wrapper. I guess I do lose. I also saw ByteBuffer has methods for providing IntBuffer and FloatBuffer views, but I can't find a low overhead way to go FloatBuffer->ByteBuffer or IntBuffer->ByteBuffer. \_ For reference, consider how a well-implemented strongly typed language (ocaml) handles this: let float_array = [| 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 |] in let int_array : Int32.t = Obj.magic float_array in ... Obj.magic is an unconditional type cast without promotion. -- ilyas |
2005/6/29-30 [Computer/Companies/Ebay, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38357 Activity:nil |
6/30 http://csua.com/?entry=33887 \_ I applied for the PayPal settlement and today I got my paycheck. $13.59. It's about time big corporations pay for their incompetent and inconvenience to us little guy. It is my pleasure to cash in $13.59. Fuck you Paypal. |
2005/6/17-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:38167 Activity:high |
6/16 Do any of you essentially not read books any more? I find it interesting there are people who are bright and by any measure successful who read maybe .5 - 1 book a year, e.g. my housemate has an MBA from MIT/Sloane and is essentially retired at 48. I'm not sure he has read 2 books in the 2yrs I've lived here. He does watch various news and informational TV programs so he's not clueless about the world. This does not include "HowTo" books. \_ I generally don't make time for reading, though several times a year I go crazy and read all the books I buy in my off periods. In general, though, the books I do try to read when I'm not devoting most of my time to it are difficult reads that I go through them very slowly. \_ I am neither bright nor successful, but I don't really read very much. -- ilyas \_ I read a lot when commuting on BART. Since I had to start driving, I've pretty much stopped. \- I'm not talking about very much. I mean zero. And I'm not talking about do you knock off a Shakespeare now and them ... I mean people who dont even read The Da Vinci Code or Michael Crichton or other "airplane pilp". Crichton or other "airplane pulp". \_ When I read, I tend to read classics or books of an informational nature. Most newer fiction is not for me. The last book I read was 'Dune' (again) about a year ago. I am not sure that reading books (especially fiction) indicates much of anything at our age. I used to read a lot more when I was younger and had the time. FWIW, I don't watch TV or go to the movies either. I do read the newspapers and magazines like 'The Economist' religiously. BTW, how come your housemate is a 'housemate' when he has a good degree from a good school? Is he lazy? \- I'm not suggesting anything about "our age" ... this was asked on the soda MOTD and I'd think the soda motd has a marginally higher literacy rate than "our age". Of course people here are more likely to have the web suck up their time. And I am not talking about reading but reading books. A lot of these smart-but-non-readers read the newspaper and other practical books like the Idiot's Guide to DVD burning etc. I dont understand the "why is your housemate a housemate" part of the question. \_ What I mean by 'our age' is that a kid who reads a lot is probably bright (not sure about which is the cause and which is the effect). I do not think this is true once you reach adulthood. If someone reads 10 bodice rippers a week does that imply anything about his or her intellect or lack thereof? 'Number of books read' by itself is meaningless at this stage of intellectual development. Someone who reads the NYT and Wall Street Journal every day is quite likely doing more for themselves than the bodice ripper person. As for your housemate, I am wondering why he doesn't have his own place when he has a graduate degree from MIT. That sounds rather odd. I'd worry about that more than about how many books he reads. \- I was not the one equating "reads" with intelligence. If anything I was saying that I found it odd a fair number of pretty intelligent people *dont* read ... or if you go to their homes you will not see 10 books. I agree a lot of people who read pulp somehow think that is supirior to wantching TV, when they are essentially the same thing ... and then there are people who watch a HISTORY CHANNEL show on Rome and think that is 50% of the way to reading R. SYME: THE ROMAN REVOLUTION when it is closer to like 3%. Re: house- mate: he owns multiple millions of dollars in real estate. I can only assume he lets me live here because of my wit and charm, since he clearly doesnt need my meagre rent. \_ I haven't read a book 'for fun' since I graduated several years ago. Reading is on my 'todo' list but never rises to the top. I have other things I'd rather be doing or need to be doing. \_ Interesting. I didn't have time to read at college, but now that I work I read voraciously. \_ Before to law school I was reading about 1 book every 2 weeks or so (mostly non-fiction - science/history/&c.). Now I pretty much only read my casebooks or related material which amounts to around 300 pages a week (or more). \_ I had pretty much stopped reading for pleasure by my junior year as an undergrad. Then I married a librarian. I read like crazy now (and keep having to get more bookshelves). -emarkp \_ Why does being related to a librarian always make people read more? Is it because they bring home books, or that they get good recommendations at work, or that they read a lot themselves and pass the book on, or what? I've known several sons/daughters of librarians, and they're all avid readers. \_ If you didn't love books, you wouldn't become a librarian \_ Speaking as the son of a librarian, I think the factors are mostly envionmental. My mother read to me a lot as a child. There are always books around the house. We went to the library (as a family) weekly. We got books as presents. Mom was always reading books. etc. -jrleek \_ In my case, she had a lot of great books that I'd never read. Now we recommend books to each other. -emarkp \_ No, we're too busy reading motd. =) But seriously, I read newspaper and website for things that used to be available on printed media. \_ Sometimes books have a hard time competing for my attention with all the other stuff there is to do... I don't read as much as I would have liked. I occasionally get into a mode of reading a number of books. If I get "stalled" in a book it tends to kill my reading habit for a while and I'll go play videogames instead or whatever. I stalled out of a few books lately when I tried reading more classic literature... I made it halfway through Karamazov before giving up. Master and Margarita didn't capture me after a partial attempt. For Whom the Bell Tolls I picked up after really enjoying The Sun Also Rises, but I kind of trailed off halfway through that also. I'm 3/4 through The Iliad translated by Robert Fagles, which doesn't seem as poetic as whatever unknown translation I read a little bit of in college. And the storyline gets a little bogged down with the endless battling and slaughter. I hope to just get those two done and then stick with lighter stuff for a while. I had fun reading short stories since they can be done in one sitting. Hard Boiled detective stories and Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar tales were the latest I read. Lately I've just been listening to audiobooks while I fall asleep or over breakfast... at least I get through stuff that way. \- imho, the iliad is not something you can read without "guidance". best is to read it in a class with a good teacher, but even reading a good introduction may be enough. i say this for two reasons: 1. it is a very "alien" work so you are likely to arrive at some incorrect interpreations unless you are waved off [like say with the metrical rather than descrptive function of the ephithets] 2. it is an amazingly complicated work and there are some structures/methods that you'll need some examples pointed out ... after you know what to look for, there are some structures/methods that you'll need some to be pointed out ... after you know what to look for, then you can look for these on your own [like some details of "ring composition", or the way HELEN is described in the famous "Teikoskopia"]. \_ You're probably right... this book does have a relatively long introductory/preface section and appendices etc. and I did have part of the Iliad as class material at Cal (but I really bailed on that class and I think the focus was not on the literature but the mythological ideas). It does describe at least some of what you're talking about. I have describe at least some of what you're talking about. I have to be in the proper mood for it... I also have the Odyssey from the same guy. I did not compare translations beforehand so I kind of wonder if I'm missing out on something But it's hard to say what the "real" approach should be. The guy of course argues his way best captures the feel. Oh well. \_ psb is right. It's not just a matter of being in the 'mood,' you need a lot of background on their society, the way they thought, their entire moral and metaphysical framework was completely different from ours. \_ I meant in the mood to enjoy reading it. This motd stuff got me into it again for now... \- "moral and metaphysical framework" nicely captures what is at issue in my first point about the "alieness" of the "world of odysseus". but the structural elements unique to oral composition [the parry-lord-parry stuff] in general or homeric epic in particular [like the telescoping of the 10 years of the conflict into the short period covered by the iliad] is a different set of issues. in fact there is one more, which is the philological ... like greek language has "aspect"... but that stuff is beyond me. and i think that has \_ I wish schoen@@csua would login and post. He would know more about this I bet. -- ilyas \- are you a russian? doesnt the russian language have notoriously difficult aspect in addition to tense? then this may be easier for you to follow. the closest i've read to a philology heavy book is G. Nagy: The Best of the Achaeans. very good. \_ I think aspect distinctions exist in English, too. English just lacks a general mechanism. I don't know how sophisticated greek aspect is compared to russian aspect. -- ilyas I didn't know what aspect was, so I found this elucidating: _/ http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/G/Gr/Grammatical_aspect.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_aspect \-yes that was sort of my point. some of this stuff is not like "oh yes the clever boy in the english class got more out of reading Ozymandias than i did" ... there is no hope you will get some of this stuff because it just doesnt exist in your brain, it's not a matter of insight and figuruing it out. diminishing returns for a "normal person". i note that even 5th cent BC athens is much less "alien" and easier to understand. with some exceptions like the Oresteia. \-BTW, I like the Lattimore trans the most probably but I think Fitzgerald and Fagles are reasonable. \-BTW, I like the Lattimore trans the most, but I think Fitzgerald and Fagles are reasonable. Perhaps the 100s of pages of Fagles cant compare to the "highlights" you remember from college. if you want to really go for the poetic one, look at the pope translation. not user-friendly, tho. FACTOID: T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) did a prose trans. of the Iliad and Odyssey. \_ That may have been it; I will look into it next time I'm in a book place. There are a couple of passages I will know it by. I found Pope online and this too: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Hom.+Il.+1.1 That last version has some ridiculous (IMO) Shakespeare dialogue like "wherefore art thou" that seems out of place. The Fagles stuff is certainly very readable; I guess it seems too casual at times. \- Butler->ass \- Butler -> ass |
2005/6/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38081 Activity:nil |
6/10 <fixed my own java properties file bug> |
2005/6/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:38078 Activity:nil |
6/10 I'm trying to write my own Java properties file reader so that I can get something similar to C's #include macro, but I'm having problems getting the properties back from System.getProperty(). For example, I'll call System.getProperty("foo") and get null back, but printing out all properties (via System.getProperties().list(System.out) ) clearly shows "foo=bar" in the output. I've tried loading the file using different charset names (ascii, utf8, several other usual suspects) but that hasn't helped. Has anyone seen something like this before? TIA. |
2005/5/25-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Editors/IDE] UID:37829 Activity:nil |
5/25 Any Eclipse users out there? Is there a plugin or anything to get pop-up tips for Java keywords the same way it does for properly JavaDoc-supported variables/methods/classes? |
2005/5/20-31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37794 Activity:nil 78%like:37291 |
5/20 Senior Java Developer position open in Pleasanton: /csua/pub/jobs/RHI-IT - jthoms |
2005/5/16-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37705 Activity:nil |
5/16 I have a multithreaded Java application which calls some native libraries through JNI. I'm looking for a good way to do profiling of it to see where the various Java and native threads are holding each other up. What tool(s) would you reccomend? |
2005/5/2-3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37446 Activity:nil |
5/2 Could someone offer a tip on how to write thread-safe (Java) code? I have a class which performs some work, and I want to allow only one thread to be in the do_work function, but allow many threads to enqueue work. How would I do this? class Worker { private void dowork(Work w) {...} public void enqueuework(Work w) { ...} private Queue workqueue; // A FIFO queue of Work objects. ... } \_ Look into the synchronized keyword. If nowhere else, the Java language spec has an acceptable description. \_ The above answer isn't quite enough. Here's how you do it in general, gross terms, you'll have to do some tweaking and look up the Java-specifics yourself: \_ The above answer isn't quite enough. This isn't 100% correct, but it should point you in the right direction: -- The do work thread should start running in a loop which locks a synch variable, process anything in the queue, and then waits on condition variable -- The enqueue method should lock the synch variable put stuff into the queue, and signal the condition variable See also: http://csua.org/u/bxq (java.sun.com) - ciyer \_ Shouldn't it be sufficient to use the synchronized keyword on the doWork method? The enqueuework method doesn't need to be synchronized, right? \_ It does if you're writing unsynchronized data structures in the enqueueing operation. |
2005/4/27-28 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37384 Activity:low |
4/27 Dear Java gurus, say I have the following code, where Visitor() has a method called "visit(Node n)...". I see the following code. Does it mean I'm temporarily over-writing the visit method? root.accept(new Visitor() { public void visit(Node n) { //Do stuff with n } }); \_ for a lot more on the above code, see Erich Gamma's book "Design Patterns" (introduction and visitor pattern) \_ It's an anonymous class and yup you've got it. Even more useful is the fact that as long as you have final variables in the code that calls visit, you can use those variables in the redefinition of visit. final Long x; root.accept(new Visitor() { public void visit(Node n, Long y) { super.visit(n, x+y); } }); Is valid. (I may have a few details wrong, but that's the basic idea. See documentation for anonymous classes if you want to know more.) \_ To slightly correct the above, it's an anonymous *inner* class, which is the Java version of a closure-like-thing (lamdas if you know LISP, Blocks if you do Smalltalk). If you aren't familiar with them, you should write a few little programs to explore them -- they can be quite useful. \_ Did you actually try compiling the above code or the code below it? It doesn't seem to work. \_ No, no I didn't. I just gave the concept. Note where I said I may have a few details wrong. Here, because you are obviously unable to fill in the blanks yourself... public class Foo { public Foo() { } public void a(Long a) { System.out.println("a("+a+")"); } public void doA(Long a) { final Long b = new Long(11); new Foo() { public void a(Long a) { super.a(new Long(b.longValue()+a.longValue())); } }.a(a); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Foo().doA(new Long(5)); } } |
2005/4/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37297 Activity:nil |
4/21 I've been using Sun's JVM. I see that Red Hat ships BEA and IBM's JVMs. Which one is best to use and why? \_ As far as I know, IBM's JVM has better performance but more GUI bugs. |
2005/4/15-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37211 Activity:nil |
4/15 Can I use a Java java.util.SortedSet to have a sorted set of an arbitrary object, assuming I provide a comparison function? \_ That should work from what I can tell. Try it. |
2005/4/6-8 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Industry/Jobs] UID:37091 Activity:nil |
4/5 Does anyone know of open tech writing positions? I have a friend that is pretty good, and he was just let go by a failing company. --jwm \_ Poor guy. You're a victim of the Great Terri Schiavo script war. \_ You assume it's a script war. \_ True, very true. \_ Well, I don't let it bother me. \_ Good man. \_ http://www.vmware.com/jobs/openings/it.html#tws \_ Thank you. --jwm |
2005/4/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37068 Activity:very high |
4/5 What defines lower class, middle class, and higher class? Income? Income relative to spending? Tax bracket? A combination of all? What does middle class mean? Someone who has X deviation from the median or average income? \_ I believe there are many ways. Income quintiles, for one. \_ Whim. \_ The political bias of the person defining the classes defines the classes. \_ They really need a new category: Dynasty Class, families who have a lot of influence on government policies. \_ I define it. \_ I define it. And you are definitely lower class. \- I dont think it is a great book, but you could look at Paul Fussel's book "Class". --psb http://csua.org/u/bl5 |
2005/3/26-30 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:36897 Activity:nil |
3/26 FBI to scratch their Virtual Case File after squandering millions of dollars. So here is my question. How is it implemented? Is it using Java/J2EE/Sybase or C or something else? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,151421,00.html \_ They probably followed these guidelines: http://mindprod.com/unmain.html \_ according to infoworld, it was done in java, and is more or less a standard enterprise-ish kind of app. it seems like it's lack of good and stable requirements that killed them. |
2005/3/19-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:36771 Activity:nil |
3/19 I'm writing a simple GUI interface for an existing text-only Java product. The GUI would expose a small portion of the functionality to entice new clients. Should I write the GUI in Java AWT/Swing which I'm more familiar with (advantage:all in Java solution, disadvantage:IE users needs to install VM) or should I write it in Flash (advantage:more lightweight than VM, more readily available on browsers, disadvantage:I'll need to learn Flash, which shouldn't be harder than AWT/Swing I hope). What do you guys think? \_ Can you just do a mockup? The problem with Swing is that you can't (please correct me if I'm wrong) make it look entirely like Windows which has an annoying tendency to turn off idiot managers to what you're trying to do. -John \_ If you decide to go with flash, go out and get a copy of flash mx 2004 for server geeks. If you end up doing it in java you'll probably need to stick to using non-swing awt, as some of the older vm's that come with browsers don't have swing set up. I recommend doing it with html/cgi. --darin \_ I was distinctly unimpressed the last time I used Swing which was supposed to be an improvement over AWT. Of course, that was years ago so it might suck less now, but I doubt it. Perhaps a third avenue you could pursue which would be useable pretty much anywhere just like darin's suggested html/cgi, but have interactivity closer to Flash would be something writting in client-side javascript that utilizes the XMLHttpRequest object. -dans utilizes the XMLHttpRequest object. -dan |
2005/3/18-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:36753 Activity:kinda low |
3/18 What's the difference between J2EE and EJB? \_ One merely sucks, while the other blows. \_ EJBs are a subset of the J2EE specification (which also includes RMI, JSPs, etc.) |
2005/3/2-3 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:36480 Activity:nil |
3/2 Java experts please help: I have a class FooCanvas which extends java.awt.Canvas. If I draw into FooCanvas is there any way to read the framebuffer of FooCanvas? FooCanvas implements no pixel-reading methods of its own. \_ You could do your own double buffering: override update(Graphics g) to not paint directly into g, rather use the graphics context of a java.awt.Image internal to your object as the param to the paint call and call drawImage on the Graphics in update to actually get your canvas painted. You can then externally access what you have drawn through the image. -ciyer |
2005/2/16-17 [Computer/SW/Editors/IDE, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:36206 Activity:moderate |
2/16 I just downloaded IntelliJ IDEA and they don't have a friggin tutorial on their web site and I can't find any decent non-J2EE tutorial on Google. Need pointer, thanks. -dumb \_ i use idea but not for j2ee crap. here's my quick guide: cmd-N: open class cntrl-space: autocomplete name cntrl-J: javadoc cmd-B: jump to defn cmd-U: goto super opt-F7: all uses of method cmd-opt-[left|right]: go forward and back in navigation also, google for "idea keyboard shortcuts reference" returns: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/docs/help/appendices \_ in emacs I can press TAB and it'll auto indent, how do I do that in IDEA? Also how do I beautify an entire section of code? THX!! \_ I had a helpful response, but someone clobbered it. Email me if you want a real answer. -gm \_ I use the some customizations on the emacs keymap (which is almost, but not quite, completely unlike emacs bindings), so I indent regions by selecting them and hitting tab. You can check your bindings by opening Settings->Keymap and checking the Indent Selection setting under Editor Actions. Lines are automatically indented when I hit enter; not sure what you're asking in the first part of your question. IDEA converted me from emacs/vi for Java (not J2EE) dev. -gm \_ I have my TAB mapped to Main menu->Code->Auto-indent Lines --paulwang \_ THANK YOU!!! I just compiled my first +3000 line Java code for fun and it's pretty neat, I love how you can have a quick JavaDoc (CTRL-Q) and how it knows your method names and everything for smart auto-completion. The coloring is amazing too, it KNOWS the scopes and everything. Thank you guys for your support! I may just buy this software -op \_ You know, Eclipse does all of the above and it's free... \_ idea vs. eclipse: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-ecidea \_ Just use "help" from the IDE. More than enough info there. |
2005/1/31-2/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:35998 Activity:nil |
1/31 Is Java reflection the same as receiving RMI objects and then loading them dynamically? Is it a difficult mechanism to use? Can someone point out tutorials and comment on using reflection? Thanks. \_ No. Java reflection is just a way of calling a function/creating a class/whatever when all you have is the name and signature. If you've used objective C it is a lot like how you can find a selector by name. It really isn't a complicated api or concept. Look at the javadocs for Class and the java.lang.reflect package. |
2005/1/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:35849 Activity:high |
1/21 Thought this was an interesting read: http://paulgraham.com/noop.html I tend to agree with him, as I've seen relatively little gain from such languages as C++ and Java in terms of creating better software. \_ I thought it was pretty sophomoric, really. OOP is a tool that is often used poorly. If used well, his comments are all wrong. But that's the same of any technique. \_ Actually, I think you missed the point. If a tool is often used poorly, then why do we have the tool in teh first place? i.e. if a hammer is poorly designed so that people use it the wrong way, get rid of the hammer and find a better one. OO is often used poorly because it's been designed poorly. I.e. people think it's "cool" to use C++ or Java to program in because it's got wonky crap features in it like templates and object overloading and container classes. There are so many tacked on features in Java nad C++ now that you need tomes and tomes of printed material to just document the stuff. So programming becomes basically a websearch project, which it shouldn't really be. We don't need six layers of abstraction to get to pushing bits over TCP/IP. We also don't need six layers of abstraction to calculate the cost of a pair of shoes being bought online. \_ Ok, I'm not pp, and have absolutely *no* opinion on the relative merits of C or C++ or Java or whatever, but I have to say something about your tool comment. In my observation, the *vast* majority of people do not know how to use a toilet plunger correctly. Does that mean we don't need toilet plungers? Can you suggest a superior tool for the job? One other solution is to have a basket full of pointy sticks next to the toilet which users can use to break up their turds with a stabbing motion. This is certainly a more self-expanatory tool, but it is also inferior. First of all, it doesn't help you if the offending turd has already passed the U-bend, and second of all, it leaves you with a shit covered stick that you have to dispose of. \_ Hehe. Wonky features like container classes. I think the fault of C++ is not the amount of features it has (most of them are there for a reason) but the way they fail to come together as a coherent, organic whole. Stroustrup is a smart guy, but an artist he is not. It's telling that you think Java is featureful, Java is one of the most featureless languages I know of. -- ilyas \_ Well Strou built it on C so it can't really help being ugly. It feels like it wants to be another language but it lives in C land for practicality. Kind of how Windows lived in MS-DOS for so long. \_ In the US of A, we have the FREEDOM to use C++ poorly \_ No, I didn't miss the point. The point is crappy OOP gives crappy results. OOP used well has huge benefits. That's the difference between a beginner and an experienced SE. |
2005/1/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:35808 Activity:nil |
1/20 I need to demonstrate a special case of polymophism. Say I have a "class A" and a "class B" B inherits from A. A defines foo and bar. B redefines bar. A.foo() calls this.bar(), so if we call b.foo() we expect foo() to call the correct bar (B's). Can anyone think of a simple real world case where this happens? It's for a short talk I need to give, and I need a good example. |
2005/1/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:35781 Activity:nil |
1/18 In C network programming, say I have a variable frame_var of type ethernet frame struct. Ignoring what uint is actually, let's say the frame struct is "struct frame {uint preamble, uint dest, uint source, char data[1500], uint crc};". Then in order to put stuff into data, I'd do casting as follows: tcp_data = (tcp_struct *)&frame_var->data From this point, I can put fields into tcp_data->source, tcp_data->etc. How would I achieve the same thing is Java since I can't do crazy dereferencing/crazy casting? And is it actually possible to do such low level (data link layer) programming in Java? \_ If I'm understanding what you're wanting to do, you may want to look at the serializable interface, and the corresponding writeObject, readObject methods. -mice \_ StringWriter maybe? Or just write to the socket directly. \_ You might be able to do some of this using reflection. I don't think that you can manually set the tcp src/dest addr on a pkt in java though. \_ I'd create a class TCPData with instance vars matching the tcp_struct, and then add a method TCPData::writeOnBuffer(char[]) to shove the data into the char*. If you want to be a bit more efficient with memory, you could do it differently -- have the TCPData constructor accept a char[] and have the getter/setter methods do the offset arithmetic to put and retrieve values from the char[] correctly, but I'd only do that if absolutely necessary. |
2005/1/18-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:35780 Activity:nil |
1/18 I want to do a personal project involving OpenGL. I also require basic GUI widgets of some sort in a cross-platform way. What would you reccomend? Java-OpenGL doesn't seem standardized. Should I try to use GLUT? Should I use some cross-platform scripting language? I'm looking for cross-platform, full OpenGL support, and lightweight. \_ Take a look at GLUI. http://www.cs.unc.edu/~rademach/glui |
2004/12/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:35368 Activity:kinda low |
12/20 Has anyone used the parser generator JavaCC? Is it just me, or is it completely awful? \_ what do you need it for? If you need to use the visitor and traverse the syntax tree, I recommend JTB, available here http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/jtb It is built on top of javacc and generates visitors that you can extend functionalities on. There are tutorials you can use, here: http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/jtb/jtb-2003 -kchang \_ I'm using it at work, I don't really have a choice about it. A parser was written in it long ago by a guy who didn't know anything about parsers, and now I have to update it. \_ well, what's awful about it? What does it not have that yacc and bison have? |
2004/12/8 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:35214 Activity:very high |
12/8 For person who wanted to know how to overload new[], the general syntax is void * operator new[](size_t) { //do whatever you need to do with size_t and return an array pointer } -williamc \_ And if you're going to do this madness, be sure to overload delete[] as well. \_ Cool, thanks. Now I remember why Java was invented... \_ The original poster's C++ program was too slow, so he's using obscure C++ features to make it run faster. How would Java be better here? \_ In order to remove an optional feature? \_ Yup, that's why languages like C++ and Perl suck. I've used both for years, and the things you can do with C++ are just fun fun fun. Next time you feel bored, insert delete(this) in your code and see what happens. \_ Don't knock what you don't know how to use. I've been in many situations where `delete this` came in quite handy for memory management issues. Instead of sitting here complaining about how bad a language is because it lets you do something you don't understand, take half a second to realize that there's people in the world who actually know how to program. \_ Doctor, it hurts when I delete(this)... \_ Son, you need to realloc(penis, 6 * INCHES); |
2004/11/24-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Networking] UID:35055 Activity:nil |
11/24 Is Java RMI simply serializing objects and then sending/receiving the byte-streams on TCP/IP? Is that all RMI does, or is it something more than that? \_ No, it's more than that. You're dealing with invoking and calling remote objects, not simply serializing them over TCP/IP. It isn't as simple as what you propose. \_ so let me ask differently. Can RMI be implemented in Java using non-JNI stuff, using simple Serialization, book keeping data structures, etc? What is it so magical about RMI? \_ Technically yes, RMI can definitely be implemented not using JNI. After all, RMI is a published spec, and you could write it in pure Java. The reason JNI is used is because for low level serialization through TCP/IP native method calls to C functions is much faster. After all, OO request brokering is rather CPU intensive (If you didn't know that I would suggest you take an advanced course in OO and do some research on CORBA). We did our own object serialization back in 1.1 when Java was a much smaller language and didn't have things like RMI (and of course not stuff like J2EE). Object serialization isn't hard to do, although tedious if you are doing it yourself. The JVM was a definite bottleneck. |
2004/11/17 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:34940 Activity:nil |
11/17 I am a Java GUI programming newbie. I have been asked to save a JTextField object as a BMP object. I was reading about Java Image I/O API in JDK 1.5. Looks great. Except I can only save an Image object...how would I go about coverting my JTextField to an image? Thx - clueless |
2004/10/2-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:33887 Activity:nil |
10/1 If you haven't done so already, file your class action lawsuit: http://www.paypal.com/settlement \_ jeesh, everything is in pdf. Why is paypal paying everyone? |
2004/9/29-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:33833 Activity:moderate |
9/29 Does bittorrent work with Linux? I've been trying to download it but it's in a damn RPM and I don't have root access. \_ Umm, most bittorrent clients aren't RPM's.. in fact, the first one was written entirely in python \_ Get the Azureus client off sourceforge. Nicest one I've seen and runs in Java. \_ alright I downloaded the jar, how do I friggin use it when they don't have HOwTOs and documentations? \_ "How do I run a Java program?" STFW. \_ java -jar Azureus2.1.0.4.jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display So what is this eclipse shit? Man the documentation sucks. \_ It sounds like you might have an old version of the JRE. \_ You want to do torrent downloads on a machine and you don't have root? Have you checked your user agreement? \_ I'm on DSL so I tried using this to limit the transfer rate as to not piss off my apartmentmates: http://ei.kefro.st/projects/btclient However, it's still pretty lame as DSL is slow, so I've been thinking that I should use Linux at work with a much bigger bandwidth. However, I don't have root to install the RPMs. -op \_ Azureus also does upstream bandwidth limiting, and running a P2P app at work is a good way to get your ass fired. |
2004/9/23-24 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:33732 Activity:very high |
9/23 Do you find a lack of respect for s/w developers and/or sysadmins in your workplace? I am in management (former sysadmin) and hearing management's opinions firsthand is now shocking and depressing. Time to switch careers or are there places that treat IT with respect? BTW, my team has members from Caltech, Harvey Mudd, USC, Berkeley... so it's not like we're a bunch of idiots at a help desk. \_ My experience is that people hate IT because they are highly dependant on them, they usually get paid manager scale salary or higher as staff and most sw dev and/or SA are incompetent assholes. There really truly are enough real fucking losers out there that it makes all of us look like shit forever. When you meet these people kindly ask them to find a new field and when they don't, it is ok to knee cap them with a bat. \_ In my experience, incompetent assholes are much more prevalent among management than among software people or sysadmins. The higher the position, the more likely the guy is an incompetent asshole. -- ilyas \_ ilyas, have you ever read Alan Cooper's book "The Inmates Are Running The Asylum?" I highly recommend it to anyone that thinks software people _aren't_ the problem. \_ I haven't read it. But isn't that book about problems with software development? I thought this thread was more about problems in computer industry corporations? Actually, I think the problem is wider than the computer industry. In my more marxist days, I can't help but think there is a middle management parasite class. -- ilyas \_ You mean you really are a dictionary-definition "neocon"? -- ulysses \_ I don't know what that word means. -- ilyas \_ Do you have a tough time with reading comprehension? Or do you just disagree with the Christian Science Monitor defintion of it? http://www.csmonitor.com/specials/neocon/neocon101.html \_ If Cheney and I are both neocons, then that label is meaningless. I disagree (or at least disagreed in 2000) with Cheney on almost everything. -- ilyas \_ I just heard a line from a guy I work with that you might appreciate. "Sure, I'm a minority. I'm in the minority of people who know what the fuck they're doing." \_ Well, yeah THAT's true. You should see some of the crap IT people there are out there. Clueless and unwilling to learn. The worst combo in IT. \_ If you fail to understand the hatred of sysadmins/IT types by almost all workers of all types(including even blue collar workers now) you are probably part of the problem. As my old boss from when I worked in the fishing industry put it "it's getting to where you can't take a shit without dealing with one of these pointy headed computer fuckers." Computers are loathesome for most people to use, and their major human contact with this issue is through IT people. \_ my manager said there's no respect because engineering is just a disposable resource. I left that company 5 years ago. \_ Is that company floundering? emarkp's company had an additude like that and it died fairly quickly. \_ hint: *everyone* is a disposable resource. if you think you're not disposable doing whatever it is that you do then you're either a truly unique contributor or you're truly naive. *everyone* can be replaced at most companies. \_ Here at the lab, we get lots of respect. Work at LLNL! -jrleek \_ That's what they have when you are not in listening range. \_ Exactly. I thought the same thing until I got promoted. CS types are supposedly trained monkeys that make too much money "but it's what the market will bear". \_ Ummm.. have you worked at the lab, or are you talking about a different place? My management is almost entriely CS guys, up until you get the the very top, where it becomes Physics PhDs. Admittedly, the Physics guys don't think much of CS, but they don't think much of ANYONE who isn't a Physics PhD. -jrleek \_ Until they need someone to fix their Blackberry. :-) \_ Ah, but the Physics guy could fix it in theory! All this implementation stuff is just engineering. \_ You are confirming what I said. The CS guys think highly of CS, but not anyone else (physics in this case). I have worked several places in academia as well as industry and for the government. |
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