3/15 |
2010/7/25-8/25 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:53897 Activity:nil |
7/25 What's up with that moving bit pattern that Win7 displays when it boots up? (It's the one that's like in the Apple II days when you use the graphics memory for code or data while it's still in HGR mode.) Is there a way to disable that? It slows things down a lot every time I reboot my Win7 VM on my office machine if I RDP to the machine via DSL. Thanks in advance. |
2009/12/26-2010/1/19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:53604 Activity:nil |
12/26 Hey you stupid web developers, stop making web sites with CONSTANT FONT SIZE and CONSTANT WIDTH/HEIGHT. Dumb ass graphics artist... please learn something about computers and usability! http://browsersize.googlelabs.com \_ "Stupid web-developers" is redundant. "Stupid" or "Web-developer" suffice. UI work is reserved for fresh out of college kids or non-computer science people. It is not computer science. \_ Interesting you feel that way. I prefer it. \_ Interesting you feel that all web sites should have constant size. I use 4-5 different browsers at work (I'm a dev) all with very different monitor sizes and web sites are either too big or too small to view. Ever tried browsing on an iPhone and then on a 30" monitor? Pain in the ass. \_ I like the content to look the same no matter which browser is used. I find things like variable width fonts and autoscaling annoying, because they sometimes don't render correctly. \_ Ah yes, HTML is stupid, everyone should have embraced eternal constant pixel formats such as PDF. You said it brother, you are brilliant, just brilliant. 1024x768 ought to be enough for everyone forever!!! \_ HTML's not stupid, but there is a lot to be said for PDF. |
2008/4/11-16 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:49730 Activity:nil |
4/11 Anyone here edit home movies? I've started doing that lately and am now wondering what to do with all the raw footage (both the video tapes and the mpg version of all them). I have edited, shorter versions of them showing the key scenes, but the pack rat in me wants to keep all the raw footage. Thanks. |
2007/11/30-12/6 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:48723 Activity:moderate |
11/30 Beowulf 3D IMAX. Totally amazing. \_ seconded. Don't just go see it -- Experience it. -ERic \_ third -- PROUD TO HAVE SCANDANAVIAN BLOOD BABY!!! \_ Even just 3D at the AMC in Emeryville was awesome. --erikred \_ Enjoyed Angelina's boobs. Too bad 3D didn't accentuate them more. \_ that was a computer generated model of them. Enhanced, of course. \_ Was there any plot or acting or is this pure eye candy? I'd like to go in with the right attitude. Thanks. \_ If Angelina's super enhanced 3D boobs isn't enough of a reason, then it's not worth it. Go see it for her super boobs. \_ Mostly eye-candy. --erikred \_ Thanks for both replies. Eye candy mode... ACTIVATE! \_ I saw it in IMAX tonight. The dragon was great, the IMAX was annoying at first until they calmed down and just let it be a natural part of the show, the angelina jolie creature looked like a plastic doll with her head on top; wasn't doing anything for me. \_ Isn't that what Angelina Jolie always looks like? (Along with those plastic lips, yuck.) -hasn't seen the movie. \_ More so than usual. :) |
2006/7/13 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:43656 Activity:kinda low |
7/13 I have about 80 .pdf graphics files, that are a mix of vector graphics and bitmaps, and I want to convert them all to bitmap of a specified resolution, while preserving the physical size of the original image. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do this fast and efficiently? I have access to the full Adobe suite if that makes any difference. thanks. \_ Are they all one page? \_ Each file is much less than a page in size, and they're all seperate files. \_ Should be able to use ghostscript. Post a file if you want an example. \_ Ok, thanks. I've been messing with Ghostscript, but I can't figure out how to get it to both be 600 dpi and to preserve the physical size. If I were smarter, I probably would have specified all the sizes in the Latex code so that I wouldn't care, but that would be a lot of work at this point (180 page document). Here is an example file: /csua/tmp/lafe/5point5huge.pdf Any pointers very much appreciated. |
3/15 |
2006/6/23-28 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Recreation/Humor, Consumer/TV] UID:43477 Activity:nil |
6/23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5GfuRRZKaU&search=bicycle%20race%20funny Looking for a similar video like this that was shown on America's Funniest Video. The fall on AFV was much more catastrophic and more dramatic. Thank for any help. \_ Just like that dumbass snowboarder in the Olympics. |
2006/3/30-4/1 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:42558 Activity:nil |
3/30 http://tinyurl.com/ese8k Device tells you if you're boring or not. Helpful for geeks. wealth the company has much better chances of success, as everyone's interests then align for the good of the corporation. It's better to own 25% of a billion dollar corporation than to own 90% of a |
2006/1/7-9 [Computer/SW/Apps, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:41286 Activity:nil |
1/7 I have an .eps file generated from Illustrator that is all vector graphics, and it's about 300k. I need to get it to be as small as possible to upload it to an archive where they're anal about image file size. What can I do to shrink the file besides zipping? I already tried zipping, and it's still bigger than the 50 k they want for .gz files. \_ Sometimes you can reduce the line count at the expense of detail (a.k.a. "smoothing") \_ Convert it to png. -tom |
2005/8/10 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Finance/Investment] UID:39082 Activity:insanely high |
8/10 In the http://www.yahoo.com page there is this picture in the ad for "The Skeleton Key": http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/1-/java/promotions/universal/050810/w1.jpg Is that her left nipple exposed near the bottom of the picture? \_ I think it's her hand or something moving blurring by. \_ No: link:csua.org/u/czn \_ I see. Never mind. |
2005/6/15-17 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:38136 Activity:low |
6/15 I downloaded an AVI that requires AC3 audio. I installed AC3 and successfully played the video. However, the sound is too quiet even though I've turned up the software controlled volume. Does anyone know how to adjust the volume when playing other codecs? ok thx. \_ If you installed ac3filter, its configuration dialog lets you increase the gain. --jameslin \_ Got it, thanks. I hate how you have so many codecs to download and they don't even play on my DVD/AVI box. \_ There aren't that many codecs commonly used in practice. Usually all you need is ffdshow and ac3filter. --jameslin \_ I've seen a ton of fairly odd ones (mainly on DVD rips.) http://videohelp.com is a great resource for codec info. -John |
2005/5/15-17 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:37697 Activity:moderate |
5/15 Has anyone read Foucault's Pendulum? If so, is it a good book to pick up? I'm split over whether to read it or not, based on reviews on amazon (which either love it or hate it). \_ This is a notoriously "difficult" book, so take reader reviews for what they're worth. Some people that I know who have read it say that it's difficult for the sake of being difficult, and others like it for the "depth." I couldn't finish it because all the years of video games and the internets have fried my attention span. \_ I read it twice: once to myself (I tend to skim) and once to my wife, out loud. (You have to read every word when you do that, though curiously you can zone out while doing it, intone every word perfectly, do different voices, and not remember the content of the last few pages.) At any rate, when I skimmed it I enjoyed it. When I read the whole thing I realized I was definitely "not tall enough" to be reading this book. If National Treasure is the working man's version of the Treasure w/ Clues Hidden Throughout History genre, this is the one for lit. majors. YMMV, but I probably understood this is the one for lit. majors. YMMV, but I probably under stood 95% of the vocabulary and 35% of the literary and historical references. (I was not a lit. major) Oh, and if you read this first then read DaVinci Code you'll have definite dejM-a vM-y. --dbushong then read DaVinci Code you'll have definite dejá vù. --dbushong \- I thought Name of the Rose was quite a good story. I didnt think FP was a great story. I think there were individual paragraphs which were well written. I think they would have been worth reading for an aspiring writer who wanted to see some samples of nice descriptions, but again from a plot/ characters/entertainment perspective, didnt do well "in my book" ... I finished the book in part because I was on expedition and it was one of the only books I had with me. I like history but I wasnt into all the stuff about I like history but I wasnt that into all the stuff about publishing. I dont understand why people consider it "hard". I think the Iliad is hard. There might be details one misses \_ No, Ulysses is hard :). -- ilyas \- I have read Ulysses once and the Iliad 6 times. I think the Iliad is more rewarding. IMHO, U is much more for people interested in literature while I has more to say about "life". U (and even more FW) in some ways are a little bit of a game or deliberate, conscious challenge while I is a stright up profound work. As they say, YMMV. Parenthetically, I think the Odyssey is very enjoyable but much more "partial credit" friendly than I. BTW, Professor Bishop is giving a talk about FW on 5/26 at UCB. in FP, but it's pretty amenable to "partial credit" unlike a work with high "barriers to entry". If you have not read 'Rose, read that. If you want other historical fiction recommendations, state your parameters. --psb \- BTW, one of the best historical fiction series I have read is Les Rois Maudits [The Accursed Kings] series begining with Le Roi de Fer [The Iron King] by Maurice Druon. It is difficult to find a (english) copy to own, although libraries ought to have them. It is about although libraries ought to have it. It is about Philip IV le Bel of France and his progeny. --psb then read DaVinci Code you'll have definite dejá vù. --dbushong Philip IV, Le Bel, of France and his progengy. --psb Philip IV, Le Bel, of France and his progeny. --psb \_ Name of the Rose was utter pap. Long-winded rants, unresolved plot threads and unsatisfactory endings don't make good books. Highly overrated (though far less irritating than the Da Vinci Code). \_ Da Vinci Code was Foucault's Pendulum light. FP is better written, more engaging, and imparts much more information than Dan Brown's rehashing of "Angels and Demons" and "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." The reading level for FP is high, though straightforward; the literary and historical references are sometimes obscure. If you enjoy this, you may also enjoy the works of John Crowley, and you may even enjoy the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson. As for The Name of the Rose, it was brilliant, but it is so well-written in the style of the period that the prose quickly becomes unwieldy to the modern reader. --erikred \_ I liked it. I did not understand all the historical references though I did have some knowledge of the history of secret societies during the Crusades, from my past experience as a DeMolay (Masonic youth organization). I liked the fact that parts of the puzzle were "missing" for me, because they were missing for the main characters as well and it kind of put me in their mind state. If you can stand being baffled half the time, it is a great read. -ausman \- FYI, Les Rois Maudits more or less opens with the scene of Demolay et al roasting over an open fire on the Ile de la Cite. \_ Jacques DeMolay, you are avenged! \_ It has great references and a fantastic premise but the writing style and conclusion left me a bit unimpressed. -John \_ Like Partha and the rest here, I read "difficult" books by choice. (With my name, how could I not?) I found FP to be like listening to the rant of a well-educated schizophrenic vagrant. It is occasionally brilliant but mostly just pleased with its own level of detailed erudition. The story beneath all the noise was hardly compelling, either. The Name of the Rose, on the other hand, I recommend. -- ulysses \_ I read it 10 years ago, so it's a little fuzzy, but I remember enjoying the book, though I wouldn't say it's a must read. The writing style and story are actually pretty straightforward, so, in that sense, it isn't particularly difficult, but I did find it really boring at points. The highlight of the book is a 200-300 page section in the middle in which the development of the Knight's Templar, Rosicrucians, etc. is historically explained. I thought that part was awesome. -ciyer |
2005/3/11-12 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36649 Activity:high |
3/11 Heh. Is that lila in the SF Weekly's web personals window? \_ Go Lila go. Nice pic. -John \_ LILA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The hottest CSUA babe of the 90s http://personals.sfweekly.com/profile.aspx?bookmark=wlyIzn%2fRCPg%3d \_ How sad, if that's the best we can do. At least in the 80s we had Sioux Hannah. \_ Who? Pix? \_ someone mentioned previously that CSUA pres or vice-pres is pretty presentable. \_ Sad? How so. Lila is a wonderful. \_ And Kathy Li. \_ Sioux was in a David Bowie video; Kathy was featured in a comic book series. Tough choice. Sioux was hotter and Kathy nerdier. \_ Bowie? Nope. Paul McCartney video. \_ Eva Chan in the early 90s was hotter. \_ Are you guys serious? Is this the infamous lila I keep hearing about? -newbie \_ That's lila. Why do you call her infamous? She always seemed OK to me. \_ Yermom seemd OK, too. But then... \_ 1) This picture is recent. 2) You had to be there. \_ It's your big chance kchang! Go, go! \_ I would but I'm not sure if she renewed her restraining orders |
2005/2/25-28 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW] UID:36428 Activity:low |
2/25 Hello video experts, I've been using DVD2AVI to convert VOBs to AVI and WAV and then combining them using TMPGEnc, which I thought was free. Today, it says "MPEG-2 expires after 30 days due to licensing issues, please buy this product." What the hell? What are other alternatives out there? \_ mpeg2 is not free. \_ TMPGEnc provides free MPEG1 encoding, but MPEG2 is not free. You need to pay for TMPGEnc Plus. Both TMPGEnc Plus and CCE Basic are around $50. Incidentally, using DVD2AVI to generate AVI files isn't a great idea. Also, if your goal is to go DVD->DVD, then why not use DVDShrink? \_ Actually my goal is simply DVD(mpeg2) to VCD(mpeg1), I got mixed up so it's cool. By the way it's quite tedious to split the DVD into AVI/WAV then combining them, is there an easier way? \_ You're not actually supposed to create an AVI with dvd2avi (despite its name; they've now renamed it to get people to to stop using that misfeature), since that's just going to be a collosal waste of HDD space. The usual way is to save the project file (.d2v) and then open that (usually using AviSynth, but I think the current version of TMPGEnc can open it directly). --jameslin |
2005/2/19-20 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:36257 Activity:nil |
2/19 M$ on '1337 Speak: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidtalk.mspx \_ I guess when you have billions of dollars, you can waste money on useless primers like this. \_ This is old and has already been posted: http://csua.com/?entry=36232 |
2005/1/18-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:35780 Activity:nil |
1/18 I want to do a personal project involving OpenGL. I also require basic GUI widgets of some sort in a cross-platform way. What would you reccomend? Java-OpenGL doesn't seem standardized. Should I try to use GLUT? Should I use some cross-platform scripting language? I'm looking for cross-platform, full OpenGL support, and lightweight. \_ Take a look at GLUI. http://www.cs.unc.edu/~rademach/glui |
2004/12/23-25 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:35421 Activity:nil |
12/23 What's a good program to convert an mov to an MP3? I've tried Alive Video Converter and Audio Commander. Audio Commander says "processing file" and then does nothing. Alive Video Converter says that something is wrong with the mov file. It plays fine in Quicktime, though. I tried another mov file that also works fine in quicktime. Alive Video Converter is using most of my CPU for quite a few minutes, but is still stuck on 0% complete. \_ ffmpeg --dbushong \_ iTunes |
2004/12/14-15 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:35283 Activity:moderate |
12/13 Video codec question. I used to be able to use my VideoWave program to convert AVI to MPG-1 (for VCD). However after trying a few video sharewares and uninstalling them, I can no longer convert AVI to MPG-1 using VideoWave (it keeps on crashing). What is going on and how would you fix it? ok thx \_ I'd fix it by using TMPGEnc (free) instead. --jameslin \_ just tried it, but it doesn't wanna load *.avi files :( \_ Can you even load these AVI files in WMP? Sounds like you've hosed your system. \_ yes no problem. TMPGEnc asks for TWO files, audio and video. But I only have 1 file, the AVI file. Now what? -op \_ It asks for a video source and audio source. If they happen to be from the same file, you just select the same file for both. |
2004/11/25-27 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:35078 Activity:kinda low |
11/26 Video codec Algorithms Implementors (or anyone): Does the decoding of mp3s, avis, etc lend itself well to parallel processors? Will a Quad PII-450 be able to decode just as well as a PIII 800? Thx. \_ It could be parallelized, but it's probably too much trouble in practice. \_ nobody cares about decoding speeds. It's encoding that's the bitch. \_ Yes. I did research for a grad student who got his PhD in this field (he was one of the original MPEG1 authors): http://www.cs.unc.edu/~kmp http://www.cs.unc.edu/~kmp/publications/dissertation/thesis.pdf (he used to be in Rowe's research group, BMRC) \_ No, because there's NO SUCH THING as a PII-450. |
2004/9/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:33481 Activity:kinda low |
9/12 For those who use LaTeX, what do you use to create diagrams of vector graphics? I don't want to insert a bitmap if I don't have to. \_ I make all my graphics in Adobe Illustrator, then save them as .eps and include them in the document with \figure. I also include graphs from various other programs, and I just make sure they're all exported as .eps files. \_ I've always used MS Visio. If you have access to it, you should try it. It's very easy to use, surprisingly powerful, and you can export to a variety of formats, including .eps. \_ Have used Illustrator, Visio, and OS X's OmniGraffle, all of which work just fine and are recommended. \_ I used xfig... "unique" UI and all. --dbushong \_ tgif is a lot nicer than xfig. -- ilyas \_ http://www.linuxartist.org/2d.php Look in the "vector programs" section \_ http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue41/gm/musings.html |
2004/7/28-29 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/Theory] UID:32556 Activity:very high |
7/28 Dear CS PhDs, can someone please enlighten me on the different conferences out there, what they're good for, how prestigious they are, etc? -cs dumb \_ I'll start: // prestigious: ISCA: Computer Architecture \_ HPCA and Micro are also first-rate; ASPLOS is superb as well. Hot Chips: Chip stuff, who cares about prestigious? \_ hot chips are hot \_ this is more of an industry work-in-progress, i-built-this-chip conference rather than an academic one. There aren't even really papers published at this conference. SOSP: OS stuff. Pretty prestigious. DAC: CAD stuff, very prestigious. UAI: bayes net AI stuff, prestigious. AAAI: general AI stuff, prestigious. ISSCC: circuit design, way way prestigious SIAM: Industrial and applied math, new algorithms // somewhat prestigious: USENIX: general shit. Not very elite. Siggraph: graphics stuff \_ Um, as a graphics guy, Siggraph is The Bomb. ~10-15% acceptance rate, extremely prestigious. Trumps all other graphics conferences. \_ Seriously. Is there anything more prestigious than SIGGRAPH in the graphics field? \_ Siggraph is Top Dog. Next tier is stuff like Visualization, Eurographics and Eurographics Rendering, Graphics Hardware, etc. \_ It was a rhetorical question, but thanks for the info. ICSE: software engineering OOPSLA: // not at all prestigious: UIST: at least 5-7 years ago. User Interfaces \_ prestigious UI is an oxymoronx \_ While good UI is very important, UI design is the ghetto of CS. GDC: game designers conference ??? \_ It would help if you narrowed down the field a little more. \_ I think that any of the conferances on this list are gonna be fairly prestigious. The not very prestigious ones are the millions of rinky-dink shows all over the world most of us have hundreds of rinky-dink shows all over the world most of us have never heard of. |
2004/7/27 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:32503 Activity:high |
7/27 Has anyone seen a 3-D graphics program that reproduces irridescance like you'd find on the throat of a hummingbird or peacock's tail? I'm wondering how hard it is to do with vertex shader programs and the like \_ dunno, maybe ATI or NV has a demo program with source? |
2004/7/6 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:31176 Activity:insanely high |
7/6 Matrix Ultimate Collection: http://forums.matrixfans.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24272 \_ The ultimate collection would be to rewrite parts 2 & 3 into something watchable. \_ True that. \_ And more computer graphics to replace Keanu Reeves. \_ You mean Keanu isn't CGI? \_ They got an actor to play the boring bits. People are cheaper than computer time. |
2004/5/11 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30167 Activity:high |
5/11 How evil is this website? Find out here: http://homokaasu.org/gematriculator FWIW: http://www.yahoo.com is 51% evil. http://www.ibm.com is only 8% evil. Go Fig! \_ and http://csua.berkeley.edu is 19%. That's one of 5 politburo members \_ http://www.microsoft.com is 71% good. Yeah! \_ http://www.microsoft.com is 71% good. Yeah! Beats even http://homokaasu.org itself. http://www.stanford.edu is 80% good, but http://www.berkeley.edu is 92% while whitehouse.gov is 50%-50% and http://google.com is 99% good. \_ No, it says whitehouse.gov is 77% good. \_ that's weird that google is 99% good. \_ But http://whitehouse.com is 78% good. Bush is bad, bush is good. \_ Ha ha! \_ http://www.actionjav.com is 65% good. |
2004/5/5 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Consumer/TV] UID:30031 Activity:high |
5/5 What is non-linear video? Is there such thing as linear video? Thx. \_ All videos are linear except for multi-angle porn and the like. The phrase "Non-linear video" is generally referring to non-linear video editing, which means any video editing with splicing in. \_ the terms you've probably seen are "linear video editing" and "non-linear video editing". linear video editing means that you take a video, delete things from the middle, or append things to the beginning or end. (The frames in the output video are in the same order as they were originally.) As the poster above said, NLE involves splicing video into the middle or rearrangements. |
2004/5/4-5 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:29985 Activity:high |
5/4 Anyone know of a unix program/script to convert openGL model files to AutoCAD readable format (.dwg or .dxf)? Google turns up mostly methods to convert the other way. Thanks! Alternately, are there any simple to use freeware CAD programs that you'd recommend that can save as those formats? \_ OpenGL is an API, not a file format. Converters "to OpenGL" will typically generate a .c file which when compiled will send the geometry through the OpenGL API. What are you really asking for? \_Would like to convert something like http://glv.sourceforge.net/fileformat.html to .dwg/.dxf It doesn't need to be GL oriented, but should be simple to hand-code. PostScript would be fine, but I'm not sure how to specify 3D coordinates in .ps. \_ On that page, the syntax is basically just a raw translation to OpenGL commands. For instance, the "point x y z" translates to the OpenGL calls: glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3f(x,y,z); glEnd(); It is fundamentally state-machine oriented. A translation would be nontrivial. Frankly it's more common to translate structured geometry files to OpenGL because usually you start with the structured geometry. Reversing the translation would be difficult--you'd have to reconstruct information that's been thrown away. I don't think you're going to find anything like this, but good luck. |
2004/2/23-24 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:12358 Activity:nil |
2/23 So did anyone else notice that Yahoo bought http://gamesdomain.com and turned it into the worst...game...site...ever? \_ couldn't have been that good in the first place. i don't think i've ever heard of it. \_ tr00 g4m3rz would recognize gamesdomain as a non-sponsored, objective, fan-supported game-review site \_ And also one of the first if not the first net-distributed gamer mags - originally an FTP downloaded text file! Does anyone remember when it started? For some reason I'm thinking 92-93ish. |
2004/1/17-19 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:11819 Activity:nil |
1/16 Don't know if this has made the rounds yet: http://www.baekdu.org/myblog/000030.html "Sand Animation" It's a video of drawing images using sand over a lit surface. Sorry, .wmv only. -bz \_ any non-streaming file for us firewalled/slow link folks? \_ /csua/tmp/sandAnimation.wmv \_ Hadn't seen them before -- Thanks for the link. Though I found I prefered the sand animation films on the artists site: http://www.cakostudio.hu/images/filmography_sand.html \_ that is some lame ass sh*t \_ troll? (I thought it very impressive) \_ Simply idiotic. Don't grant the name of thought to what can be attributed to mere stupidity. \_ Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I liked it too. |
2004/1/7-8 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:11694 Activity:nil |
1/6 Special Announcement in re: WizWar-TNG. I have communicated with the wizwar owner and have been advised that WW-TNF is back in "limbo" due to the Chessex Corporation blocking on the graphics production. So no specific date, but "flakiness" on the part of the "graphics layout guy" is the hold up, not sub- stantial work on the part of the game design people. ok tnx --psb \_ We knew you were old but now you're really dating yourself.... \_ What the hell are you talking about? \_ I emailed em a week ago-ish, and they were saying they hope to have it out Real Soon Now, like in the next few months. Good thing I'm almost done with my home-made copy! -chialea |
2003/12/3 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:11295 Activity:low |
12/2 Research on Ecstacy is Clouded by Errors http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/02/science/02ECST.html \_ Not surprising. Most people I've seen on X aren't the greatest examples of lucidity. \_ uh, the scientists who ran the flawed study weren't the ones on ecstacy. in fact nobody in the study was. \_ Whoosh! \_ Whoa. Someone commented on an URL link without reading the URL? SHOCKER! \_ Okay. It was a joke. Sorry for confusing you. \_ INCLUDE YOUR CHILDREN WHEN BAKING COOKIES \_ NEW STUDY FOR OBESITY LOOKS FOR LARGER TEST GROUP. \_ PROSTITUTES APPEAL TO POPE \_ ALL DRUG ADDICTS HAVE EATEN A POTATO AT SOME POINT IN THEIR LIVES. \_ Y'all gonna keep them brain doctors working when you're 60. |
2003/7/19-21 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/Theory] UID:29082 Activity:high |
7/19 http://www.discover.com/aug_03/gthere.html?article=feattech.html Maybe in another 10 years this sort of thing plus the advancement of computer graphics in general will lead to all hollywood movies being done on computer and the end of the super rich empty headed hollywood actors running around mouthing off on late night talk shows. \_ You forget that all the animated features use big celebrities for voices. Computer-generated speech will suck for a long time to come. -tom \_ I'm not going to recomend it as a *good* movie exactly, but the movie "simone," with Al Paccino explores this idea. \_ Oooh! Genetic algorithms! Must ... put .. on cover ... of wired.. \_ Here Here to that. I was hoping to give them all a 9mm hemmorage 1st \_ First of all it is hear hear. Second of all wow aren't you a big man. I bet all the chicks flock to your manlyness \_ But then whose lives will we vicariously live? \_ yes we need good down to the earth "real" looking guys like Eric Raymond on the tonight show \_ WTF would anyone put a geek on a talk show? Maybe they'd start putting interesting people on them instead of entertainment figures or better yet just cancel the entire late night genre. |
2003/7/16 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:29056 Activity:nil |
7/15 Is there any software that converts video from .rm (real video?) to mpeg format? \_ Yes. \_ not free, though. \_ Can you tell me what they are, even if not free. Please please please (google gives me a messed up jumble). |
2003/6/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:28841 Activity:insanely high |
6/25 Has anyone attended Academy of Arts in SF? I would like to know if this is a good school to go to in order to study computer animation and modelling. \_ my gf worked and took classes there for years. She decided that it was NOT a good way to learn 3D and ended up taking classes independently for a certificate with companies such as "Mesmer". Note that AoA classes are NOT transferable to other schools, nor do they teach you what you need to land a real job or do your own sizeable project. Email me if you'd like more details. -brain \_ Magic cursed words: unaccredited school. As noted, you'd be better off with one of the local comp. animation schools. \_ Mesmer's offering a bunch of 1-5 day classes in the fall. If I were to go with one, which package should I look into? (alias, 3dsmax, softimage, maya) \_ Maya is the program of choice in film. Max is still leading in games, but Maya is a major contender. So it depends on what you want to do with the knowledge. The artists I know that have used both prefer Max. Then again, most of the artists I know are in the game biz. Ultimately, once you learn one, picking up another isn't too big of a deal. -bz \_ i think you should email wolberg@csua \_ I love you Carrie! |
2003/3/19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:27738 Activity:moderate |
3/18 Powers of 10: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10 \_ I like the Charles & Ray Eames original much better: http://www.powersof10.com \_ Great; now kids are going to think protons and quarks "look" like little blobs of colored dots. -pld |
2003/3/13-14 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:27687 Activity:moderate |
3/13 This is a bit obscure and I've obGoogled to no avail: I'm trying to get opengl SGI apps to display on my cygwin box but the sgi side complains that it can't find libgl.so in any paths. Any ideas? Thanks! \_ Does it work on the local SGI machine? Sometimes openGL stuff is installed in its own subdirectory which isn't searched by default. Try man ldconfig (might not work for SGI though). \_ works perfectly on the sgi. I can redirect the DISPLAY and get non-opengl stuff working easily. I can't get anything that uses opengl on the sgi to work on a remote display. Won't show up on my Solaris box either for the same reason. \_ Don't you need OpenGL installed on your cygwin box? The X server isn't going to know what to do with those OpenGL function calls. I know that an app that we developed requires OpenGL installed even when it is run remotely. \_ yes this is correct. in fact it is often nice to run opengl programs from a fast computer on a display with fast opengl. sgi offers a program called vizserver, however, that will let you send the actual frames over a remote connection. you need it installed on both ends. \_ Ok I figured it was something like this and my cygwin is a complete install of everything and seems to already have a bunch of opengl files but not the one the sgi wants. I tried copying&renaming opengl.* to libgl.* into the path the sgi wanted and no-go. Maybe I really don't have opengl installed or I need some option to XWin.exe to get it to load. Any more hints in this direction? Thanks! |
2002/11/8 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:26474 Activity:high |
11/7 So on Apple's web site it says: "The NVIDIA GForce2 MX and GForce4 MX graphics processors deliver unparalleled 3D graphics." Aren't there any truth in advertising laws about this? Unparalleled my flaming ass. \_ Well, obviously they don't mean unparalleled in speed. They can always claim "unparalleled" in terms of features and image quality. ie, truth is in the eye of the beholder \_ but it's not unparalleled in features or image quality either. also they misspelled the product name. \_ marketing droids know more about this stuff than you do. Words like "unparalleled", "leading", "preimer" do not have strict definitions, so you can always use them. -tom \_ Certainly, the other 3D cards' must be off by at least a couple of degrees, and there for are not parallel. |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:26458 Activity:kinda low |
11/7 On ultra5's there's m64config to tweak the graphics settings. Anybody know the equivalent command on sunblade 100s? Users are complaining about some cad tools' color mapping being different on sunblade 100s vs ultra 10s. The tools and the monitor are identical. What can I tweak graphics wise? Thanks. \_ fbconfig? also, possibly afbconfig or ffbconfig or even m64config. my sunblade also has an m64. check the output of prtconf to figure out which frame buffer it uses. --scotsman \_ This depends on the framebuffer. If you're using the on-board video connector, then you should use m64config. If you're using the Expert3D-lite, then it probably needs some other tool for configuring its settings. |
2002/10/14 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:26171 Activity:high |
10/14 I want to buy a digital camcorder. I see that there are camcroders of several formats like Digital8, DV, Mini DV and MICROMV. Which of these formats allow me to easily transfer the video to my computer? Some of the camcorders' specs say I can transfer still images via the USB ports, but they don't say about the video. Thanks. \_ Does are just the tape formats. They all pretty much store DV data \_ Those are just the tape formats. They all pretty much store DV data and can be imported easily through a 1394/Firewire/i.LINK port as DV. It all basically comes down to size. I would go with a MiniDV since that's the most common these days. Digital8 allows backwards compatibility with older tapes but very few people really have a need for that. \_ So it's not a matter of the tape format, I see. What about the is the format not a factor either? video quality? Which of the format gives the best quality? Or is the format not a factor either? Also, does it matter if the camcorder has "MPEG movie mode" or not? Is it independent of the tape format? Thanks. \_ it's digital video. The media type shouldn't affect the quality. \_ What's the difference between DV and MiniDV? |
2002/5/1 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW] UID:24652 Activity:nil |
4/30 Anybody have experience generating MPEG video streams with splice points? How EXACTLY does the splice countdown work? What values go in what packets? I'm using an MPEG analyzer and I'm seeing some errors: When I send an MPEG packet with only a splice point and no payload, I get an error "this flag shall not be set to 1: there is no payload." The MPEG spec (ISO 13818-1) is a little vague on this point. MUST there be a payload in a packet that includes a splice point? When I tried putting the splice point in the last payload packet (last packet of the PES frame), with a splice countdown of 0, I got this error: "bad countdown sequence." Any help would be appreciated. [Did you catch the subliminal message hidden in the empty space?] \_ No. |
2002/2/12-13 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Recreation/Media] UID:23851 Activity:high |
2/12 Make sure you return your videos to blockbuster on time: http://www.LP.org/press/archive.php?function=view&record=565 \_ Blockbuster is a horrible place to spend your money on rentals. Every so often their system will decide that you had a late return 6 months before & charge you for it, without explaining what the charge is for-- sometimes directly to your credit card or sometimes at the checkout register. If they type in the wrong information, you may end up paying for someone else's late return. At Berkeley's Shattuck store, they took my mom's CC number and PUT IT ON THE WRONG ACCOUNT. Go with link:netflix.com instead. \_ this article has nothing to do with BlockBuster. I could be Hollywood videos or any mom's & pop's store. Netflix is not idea unless you rent every month. Do you really spend $20 worth of rental in a month? If so, netflix definitely is good for you. \_ my video rental bill is at least $50 per mo but Netflix is just too slow...still going to try it -- not OP \_ This article would be more palatable if the writer didn't go so overboard every few paragraphs. \_ it's a libertarian web site, what do you expect? \_ The same as from any web site hosted by a politically active group from any part of the spectrum. Go read the common sites from the other end of the spectrum. They mostly rant and self-confirm on message boards. That's the beauty of the net; anyone can be a publisher. This is what true free speech is all about. You have the right to speak but no one is required to listen. |
2002/1/15-16 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Security] UID:23571 Activity:nil |
1/15 This is too funny. Go to http://www.bsa.org/usa and find the Flash movie halfway down and see the story of Meg A. Byte the software pirate. \_ That's hilarious. I especially like how they ripped of a few games in the video. Nothing makes the point better than hypocrisy. |
2001/12/17-18 [Computer/Companies/Google, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:23281 Activity:kinda low |
12/17 Does the google cache seem a *lot* slower than it used to be? I recall it used to instantly pull up the cached page. Most of the time it now takes 5-10 seconds and sometimes just dies entirely. I don't have any other browser problems. Just the google cache. \_ Ya, I've noticed this on sites that have graphics. Google doesn't seem to cache all the graphics. If the site is pure text, google returns immediately. \_ yeah... hm... that's only been the case FOREVER. Google cache never saved graphics and if a cache'd page is slow this is almost certainly why. try it in lynx or something. |
2001/11/9 [Computer/SW, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:22985 Activity:high |
11/8 http://www.fuckedcompany.com/images/headsup.mpeg You've got to see this. Has audio. Don't play with your manager near by. \*mommy, what was that man doing?* \_ Definitely not work safe, has video. \_ It's an mpeg. Yes, it has video. \_ That can't be real! \_ can someone please gouge my eyes out for me? \_ I so didn't need to see that. \_ What exactly is happening? \_ Take the title of the file and use your imagination. \_ Is it some variation of "Go stick your head in a pig"? \_ That... was... actually, I don't know what to think. \_ Pleeeease tell me there were some special effects involved. \_ I never imagined it was possible. \_ This crashed my browser. What is this about? \_ Ignorance is bliss. |
2001/8/13 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:22092 Activity:kinda low |
8/12 Are there any precedent on lawsuits regarding copying a web site? The obvious stuff like logo are copyrighted. But what about all other generic graphics and the javascript? All those are freely downloadable. I'm wondering if anybody ever got sued because they basically downloaded somebody's site and changed the logos and graphics and obviously the content a little. \_ ebay recently sued bidbay over this type of thing \_ legally dubious. But obviously wrong ethically. Why do it and cause trouble and bad karma for yourself or your business? Unless you are talking graphics like the blue dot or code that is readily supplied as example code, it would be inappropriate. \_ You're better than this. Right? |
2001/8/10-11 [Computer/SW/Apps, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:22073 Activity:moderate |
8/10 I have a ps file with a small bug (when I jump to page 1 from a later page, gs barfs). I used ps2ps and it fixed the problem. But ps2ps made all the text into ugly graphics. How do I make it keep text as text? (running ghostscript 5.50 under linux). \_ hand-edit the old file? diff the old and new file to try to find what was the fix? \_ how about converting it to pdf? speaking of which, is ps2pdf any good yet? last I checked, a lot of documents kept getting vector glyphs replaced with bitmaps. Acrobat Distiller, on the other hand, did a fine job with the same files... |
2001/4/6 [Science, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:20888 Activity:nil |
08/28 Like 3D graphics? On September 6th at 7pm in 306 Soda, NVIDIA engineers will talk about 3D graphics technology, games, and more. And if that doesn't interest you, there will be free food! Be there. |
2000/11/14-15 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:19778 Activity:nil |
11/14 Favorite Website: http://fatchicksinpartyhats.com : 1 http://amihotornot.com : 2 http://theonion.com : http://google.com : /.: 1 http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~psb : 1 <DEAD>amigothornot.com<DEAD>: 1 \_ <DEAD>www.amigothornot.com/r/?eid=HOE&key=WLFJH<DEAD> \_ Coming soon: http://www.amigayornot.com http://www.amigeekornot.com \_ umm. it's, um, there already. \_ geek <DEAD>www.doihavealife.com<DEAD> <DEAD>www.amithepresidentornot.com<DEAD> |
2000/8/30-9/8 [Science, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:19124 Activity:nil 77%like:19117 |
08/28 Like 3D graphics? On September 6th at 7pm in 306 Soda, NVIDIA engineers will talk about 3D graphics technology, games, and more. And if that doesn't interest you, there will be free food! Be there. |
2000/8/28-29 [Science, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:19117 Activity:nil 77%like:19124 |
08/28 Like 3D graphics? On September 6th in 306 Soda, NVIDIA engineers will talk about 3D graphics technology, games, and more. And if that doesn't interest you, there will be free food! Be there. The uncensored messages below this line may not reflect opinions of the CSUA. |
2000/4/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:18095 Activity:high |
4/23 I have an xfig drawing that I want to incorporate into a Word document. Has anyone had any success in doing this. If so, what vector graphics file format did you use to do this. I've tried CGM and EPS and Word just chokes at this. There doesn't seem to be any other file formats that both xfig and Word share. \_ save word document as text or HTML. Use editor/text markup language which doesn't suck. (word will probably handle a simple paste of the graphic from a graphics program). -tom \_ That doesn't solve the problem. I have a drawing in xfig. I want to incorporate it into Word. The file format that xfig exports aren't the ones the Word imports (with the exception of CGM which doesn't work). Is there some kind of conversion utitlity (has nothing to do with HTML). |
1999/10/10-13 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/HW] UID:16683 Activity:low |
10/9 Prof. David Huffman, inventor of the codes that bear his name, died Thursday. He was 74. See URL for more info: http://www.ucsc.edu/news_events/press_releases/archive/99-00/10-99/huffman.htm -brg \_ Oh good. Thus begins the end of all this compression nonsense which is killing the drive to higher bandwidth and storage. \_ It may have actually encourage mass storage systems. Huffman encoding is behind MPEG encoding schemes. If it weren't for MPEG we wouldn't even bother trying to store music and video at all creating less demand for mass storage. \+ throughput is everything! |
1999/10/6-8 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Reference/Law/Court] UID:16669 Activity:very high |
10/5 Is GIF pronounced as "jif" or "ghif"? \_ my officemate says "jif" is east coast while "ghif" is s west coast \_ Depends. Are you a retard or a normal person? \_ You are retard \_ You are retard, me am not retard, you am big dummyheaded!! \_ You are a retard. \_ Yes. \_ don't know how to answer a question? \_ The answer is valid. To go back to second grade and answer in a complete sentence, "Yes, GIF is pronounced as either 'jif' or 'ghif'. Some people say it the first way, others the second, neither is 'more correct' than the other." \_ say jif. ghif sounds gay. to steal other people's work. \_ no, it's just the opposite. \_ I usually pronounce it as "that obsolete, poorly-compressed, limited colormap, patent encumbered, joke of a format that should be avoided whenever possible" \_ That's pretty long-winded for a three-letter word. \_ It is not patent encumbered. Unisys is not going to sue your soda home page into bankruptcy for violating their patent or send you a bill for $5000. And in general, there's nothing to steal other people's wor wrong with patents. 99% of the anti-patent crowd never did a god damned thing worthy of one, so no shit they want the right to steal other people's work. \_ Second that \_ I am staunchly anti-software-patent, and I have done several things that were patentable. In fact my newest invention is called "Device Enabling Pro-Software-Patent Motd Posters to Bite Me". -blojo \_ If you didn't get a patent, how do you know it was patentable? You wouldn't be the first to think he was a Eureka! super genius but turn out to be just another MOTD editing fool. \_ "If you have to ask, you don't know." I am a research programmer in the field of 3D graphics and computational geometry. I spend 100% of my time thinking up systems that are new, and then trying them out. When you're In The Zone of knowing all the current research, and adding to it, it is generally easy to know what is patentable and what is lame. -blojo \_ I know you're Mr. Graphics. That doesn't make you super foo. You're still not a lawyer. a patent lawyer. I easily grant your graphics super fu. You're still not a lawyer. \_ The point was, that if you're aware of the state of the art, and you know what was patented in the past given the state of the art at that time, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out roughly what has a good chance of far superior math skills to you". being a defendable patent. Sure, you might be a little off here and there, but you pretty much know. -blojo \_ You're not a lawyer, but you play one on the motd. If it was that easy, why are all those engineers bothering to go to law school to retrain as patent lawyers? They should just go take the bar exam right off since it doesn't take a rocket scientist. It does take a lawyer, though. \_ well if they had a bar exam to become a patent lawyer in that narrow field, maybe. but they dont, you have to be a full lawyer to be a patent lawyer, and so you have to take the full bar exam. Hence the need to waste time with law school. \_ I think you're a little confused about the patent process. Patent lawyers do not come up with ideas of what to patent. The engineers come to them, and they say "Help me patent this." It costs significant dollars to see a patent through, so you don't do it unless you're pretty sure it's viable. Also, who are these armies of engineers retraining as patent lawyers of whom you speak? I don't know any of them. Sounds anecdotal to me. -blojo \_ I thought Compuserve came up with the format? \_ You people have gif and jpeg confused. \_ Compuserve developed the GIF format using the LZW compression method Unisys developed & patented. (Note to pro-patent-mongers above: Unisys only did the W in LZW - the original LZ work was done elsewhere and merely extended by Unisys, but their patent allows them to profit off the work of others.) \_ "allows them to profit off the work of others": Hello? Know ye nothing, young jedi knight? They're only allowed to profit from their useful and original extensions to another's work, aka "their own work". I see nothing wrong with that. Anyone not using their extension owes them nothing and no one is required to do so. In any event, a patent doesn't last forever. Old patents are 17 years from the time of issue. New patents are 20 years from the time of first application filing. \_ What is the W in LZW? I know how Lempel-Ziv compression works, but I never learned about W. -emin \_ The "W" is (W)oman. As in "Woman of Power with far superior math skills than you". \_ The "W" is (W)1MM1N!!1! As in "D00D, 1 G0TTA 1NV3NT TH1Z GRAPH1KZ F0RMAT S0 1 KAN SHAR3 P1KS UV N3KK1D W1MM1N W1TH MY K0MPUT3R FR13NDZ!!!!1!!!!" \_ Oh yeah, you're right. Tpyo, sorry. \_ Getting back to the original post, "gif" is pronounced "jif." The "g" before "i" grammar rule says that the "g" picks up a "j" sound. Yup..."ghif" sounds kinda gay, please don't use that in public. -- swings \_ I wonder who's getting me gifts (pronounced "jifts" according to the above post) for my birthday this month? I use (ghift) in public all the time and I sound way too cool. \_ Also "giant" vs "giddy". Both common English words that somehow violate this mysterious "g before i rule". There are numerous counter examples to this so called rule. But really what can one expect from the motd anyway? \_"g" before "i" generally applies when in doubt. my goodness EECS people always have to have the last word, eh? \_ i think words with "g" pronounced as a soft "j" sound before "i" are few and far between. there is no such rule. it makes sense intuitively to me to pronounce it as a hard "g". i can't understand why you'd want to pronounce gif like jif. it's not a peanut butter for god's sake. -lila \_ It really doesn't matter! People who pronounce it "ghif" are probably used to the "gift" idea; people who pronounce it "jif" either think there's that rule to pronunciation, or just like the alliteration that you'd get with "jif" and "jaypeg". \_ well of course it doesn't matter. since when did we debate anything of import on the motd? -lila |
1999/8/24-26 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:16388 Activity:kinda low |
8/24 Boss in my 4 person company wants to pay someone to do our web page. He doesn't want to deal with fancy Photoshop graphics, icons, layout, etc. How much do web pages cost? We want a 5 page static web page, and maybe some electronic scheduler dynamic web page. \_ if you sign your name i can forward a few freelancer names to you. --caliban \_$700-$1000 \_It depends. Did you already pay the $70 for two years InterNIC fee for the domain name registration? Do you guys already have a web hosting service? If you pay them extra, they'll do the pages for you, and each host charges differently. |
1999/3/17-18 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:15604 Activity:nil |
3/17 I've read about research on GUIs that uses 3D and circular menus instead of the horizontal pulldown at the top of every app. Anybody know where I can get trial software like that? Experimental 3D window managers etc? \_ If you're interested in circular (pie) menus, take a look at: http://www.catalog.com/hopkins/piemenus/index.html . . . links to references on pie menus, window managers using pie menus, an ActiveX pie menu control, and much more. I don't know anything about 3-D window managers, though. -- kahogan |
1999/2/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Computer/SW/Graphics, Consumer/TV] UID:15353 Activity:high |
2/3 Is it legal to make a copy of a rented videotape (like one from blockbuster) for personal viewing at a later time? I rented a video and it came with some anti-copying system that made the copy all scrambled. I want a refund. Is that justified? \_ are both your bain cells firing today? \_ I'm wondering... are non-Cal students allowed access to CSUA, because I'm really really praying this is not a Cal student. \_ Whats wrong with the question? \_ it's incredibly asinine \_ your assismine \_ Actually it's just stupid. There is no way to scramble a copy. \_ Are you sure? I remember reading about technology that did just that. --dim \_ Sure there is - many VCR's, especially dual-tape decks detect a code on commercial videos and refuse to copy. It is illegal after all. \_ Um, there is a video signal out. Plug that into another VCR instead of your TV. There, you're done. \_ twink \_ if onlyt it were that simple. On commercial videos they embed an anti-copy signal in the vertical blanking interrupt. Newer vcr's see that signal and refuse to write a useable copy of the whole signal. -ERic \_ Take CS150 with Fearing and you'll build \_ Does the word piracy mean anything to you? an NTSC signal reciever and you can write your own serial video capture software recording low quality video at .5 frame/sec \_ They'll enforce it on your ass if they catch you trying to sell pirate videos. rate with no sound. \_ How new is "newer"? \_ Mainly this copy protection method works by modulating the tracking so that the copy is all messed up. The name escapes me at the moment...*vision* something. But it sometimes will also interfere with playback, which I assume you could get refunds for. \_ Macrovision. \_ Oh, and DVD's have this built in as well. \_ No, it's not legal. However, that law is not enforced in any way, shape or form. The video maker has every right to prevent you from copying the tape. You can't get a refund. \_ Crime is a crime is a crime. I suggest you report your loss of 5 sheets of acid on your claim form the next time you get robbed. \-you know a friend's parent was involved [as an attorney] in a case where a man didnt pay a ho because there was no contract between him and the ho, becuase of the "against public policy" defense to contract formation. there is a lot of pretend-lawyering about the legality of collecting gambling debts too. --psb \_ "a friend's parent". Sure. \_ pimps and bookies don't worry about legalities, they \_ Gee, thanks for the insight. just break your thumbs or legs. -jor \_ Gee, thanks for the innsight. |
1999/1/13 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW] UID:15219 Activity:nil |
1/12 I lack mpeg technology fu. Is there an easy way to convert old VHS videos to mpeg so they can be then put on cd? url, docs, info? thanks \_ video capture cards will do that probably. Package should include the compression software to turn the captured stream into common formats such as mpeg. |
1998/12/31 [Reference/Languages, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:15154 Activity:high |
12/29 What is the "proper" pronunciation of "gif"? Is it with a hard "g" or a soft "g" (like the letter j)? I always pronounced it like "jif" but all my co-workers say it with a hard "g", which I find a bit annoying. \_ soft g. (It's a peanut butter AND a graphics format...) \_ I pronounce it with a hard g, probably by association with the hard g in the beginning of 'graphics', but this is by no means a phonetic rule for acronyms. (I tend not to like the idea of 'proper' pronunciations, anyway; who's to say what's proper, after all? Perhaps you should ask the people at CompuServe who popularized it?) -brg \_ i have been told the people who came up with it like the soft g, but i don't believe that pics should be associated with a processed peanut butter, so i use the hard g anyway, and ignore the dorks who complain. -lila |
1998/10/7-10 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/HW/Memory] UID:14749 Activity:high |
10/7 Brand New Acer Aspire 3060 Minitower w/ AMD K6-2 350MHz, 10.2GB HD, 32X CD, 56K modem, 16-bit audio card with 3D stereo sound, on board ATI 3D Rage Pro AGP with 4MB SGRAM Video memory, MPEG video playback. Plus 64MB SDRAM at 60ns , and one year warranty for $950. \_ 4sale I presume. Does that come with a monitor? Who R U? \_ no monitor -- tora67@hotmail.com \_ No RAM? Forget it! \_ hahaha my bad, I thought I wrote in 64MB, obviously someone removed it. Bo hid behind some bushes as thirty women stampeded by him. "Shit!" he said as they were all past. "What the hell am I gonna do? I can't get laid, I can't stay safe, and damn it, my mom wants me! Gag!" He stood up slowly and looked around. "There he is!" somebody cried. "Oh fuck, man!" Bo yelled,and sprinted away. He had to get help. This wasn't what he wanted at all. This sucked. He'd just wanted good sex and to be adored by women. He didn't want to be rampaged by sex crazed sluts. What was he going to do? Mick. That was it. Mick could help him. He would be able to get him out of this predicament. \_ no penis \_ Where's this from? |
1998/8/18 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:14478 Activity:high |
8/17 On the topic of books, can anyone recommend any OpenGL programing books (possible 184 students might know) and where I could obtain linux libraries so I can write C programs? \_ opengl is dead. go learn directx instead.-gates \_"OpenGL Programming Guide, Second Edition", The official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.1, Woo, Neider, Davis Addison-Wesley, 1997). \_ As for "Linux libraries," you will be able to build them from the source code for Mesa, a software-only implementation of the OpenGL stuff. Check out ftp://iris.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/Mesa/ and see if it's What You Want. -- tmonroe \_ Do you need special 3d video cards to exploit these libraries? |
1998/7/8-10 [Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:14302 Activity:nil |
7/7 Wind River, Zinc to duel Win CE \_ Don't they already have something called windX? \_ they have a port of X11 from a 3rd party and Navio's graphics software as well. \_ There is no Navio, only NCI! All graphics components have different characteristics and resource requirements, Zinc's ZAF being the least demanding of resources. --daveh \_ do I sense an impending resurgence of Zinc Haiku? -ERic \_ Wind River Systems Vee Eks Works Real Time Ohh Ess Now Has Zinc for you |
1998/6/8-11 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:14183 Activity:nil |
6/6 GIMP 1.0 is out, see http://www.gimp.org -- one of many nice projects to originate at Cal, and damn fine software for graphics on Unix. \_ what do you think this is? http://www.freshmeat.net ? \_ XCF RULES!! \_ One decent project a decade and you get excited? (well, maybe two if you count PRCS, but that's more a hilfingr hack than a XCF project) \_ Netrek? Yarn? \_ Can I read my mail from it? RMS told me software can't possibly be useful unless it has a mail reader. \_ So write the plug-in. \_ Just use exmh with the tcl plugin |
1998/5/28 [Computer/SW/Apps, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:14147 Activity:low |
5/27 Is there a program that can generate jpeg images from text files? \_ make text into a jpg, or a jpeg into text? - danh \_ text into jpeg (or some graphics format) \_ Try to get it into postscript first. --dim \_ if you're desperate, read a flat file into excel, SelectAll, then <shift> Edit->Copy Picture (Bitmap Format), and you'll have a bmp. Then find some way to convert bmp to jpg. |
1997/5/2 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:32139 Activity:nil |
5/1 Programming, Graphics, and Web Design jobs available at OnlineFocus. See /usr/local/csua/jobs/OnlineFocus -cdaveb |
3/15 |