3/15 |
2003/6/20-21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:28787 Activity:kinda low |
6/20 % xemacs /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libcompface.so.1" not found % which xemacs /usr/local/bin/xemacs \_ try copying this: /home/sequent/ranga/lib/libcompface.so.1 somewhere and adding it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH -!ranga \_ Must you use xemacs from soda? \_ actually i run xemacs -nw. -OP \_ why not use emacs then? \_ ED! |
2003/6/14-15 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:28733 Activity:nil |
6/14 In older versions of xemacs, if I click anywhere on foo_bar_baz, the entire string is highlighted. But with newer versions the highlight stops at the underscore. I have to click on the underscore to highlight the whole string. Anybody know if this is a configurable thing? I've searched the FAQs and didn't find anything. This problem is very annoying because I highlight and paste function names into M-x grep or other search tools a lot. Thanks. \_ use the older version. |
2003/5/12-14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:28419 Activity:nil |
5/12 Are there any "good" Windows capturing softwares out there that is capable of capturing every action of an application that I specify? Such as all of the typings in Word, Excel, Emacs, IM, Explorer, NetMeeting. Best if it also capture sounds in addition to to the actions performed within the application. I have searched at Google, but have only found softwares that are capable of capturing to images and an alpha that does what I want, but crashes too often. Best if everything is captured in either AVI or MPG3 formats. \_ point a digital video camera at the screen. \_ Camtasia. I gave useful information on the motd, and feel dirty. |
2003/3/26 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:27859 Activity:nil |
3/26 If you wonder why people always talk about "ed": http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html |
2003/3/23-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:27817 Activity:high |
3/23 Is there a way to create a shortcut keys in emacs so that I can have it insert a certain word/phrase whenever I hit the shortcut keys? Thanks. \_ Emacs is this amazing piece of software where almost anything is possible. The problem is figuring out how to do it. Instead of asking if emacs can do something you should ask how. Like so: How to create shortcut keys in emacs so insert word hitting keys? \_ Here is one way: (defun my-insert nil "Insert a string" (interactive) (insert "<your phrase here>")) (global-set-key "\C-c5" 'my-insert) \- see abbrev and dabbrev. if you have a chance to see RMS' .emacs his use of this is kind of humorous. --psb |
2003/3/21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:27794 Activity:nil |
3/21 Bite me for over writing the motd. I know your emacs warned you it had been changed yet you did it anyway. |
2003/3/16-17 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:27713 Activity:high |
3/16 Is there a way to change the background and foreground color of xemacs after it has started? I know I can do "xemacs -bg black -fg white" but I can't seem to do it after the program started. apropos on background doesn't show me anything. \_ I don't know, but why would you want to do this? \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=change+emacs+foreground+color \_ Really fast to make it flash, cool like. \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=change+xemacs+foreground+color \_ I don't know about xemacs, but in emacs you can do (set-background-color "black") and (set-foreground-color "white") in your .emacs file or wherever else you put your elisp. -emin |
2003/2/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:27472 Activity:nil |
2/20 Another emacs question if you will. How can I get it to color code different syntax words if I'm editing a C file? Thanks. \_ Put "(global-font-lock-mode t)" in your ~/.emacs. -- yuen \_ awesome. thanks. |
3/15 |
2003/2/20-21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:27464 Activity:low |
2/20 when I use emacs, the "delete" key does what I want my "backspace" key to do, and the "backspace" key doesn't do anything. how can I fix this? thanks. \_ Put the following in your $HOME/.emacs: (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?) \_ anyone agree that this is probably the most asked question on this and similar forums? \_ No. This question is. \_ No, it isn't. |
2003/2/14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:27409 Activity:low |
2/13 People who intentionally write obfuscated code for contests use formatting to confuse you. What tools/programs takes obfuscated code, and at least makes it readable in terms of lining up parens and so forth. \_ Apparently, duct tape and plastic bags work wonders for chemical weapons. Maybe you should try that. \_ indent \_ to be more precise, GNU indent, which has a bazillion options and is surely exactly what you want to make the best sense of obfuscated code. \_ is this a default part of emacs? \_ No. Separate gnu package. \_ tab \_ I'd think the same tools would easily unobfuscate the formatting. |
2002/12/31-2003/1/2 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26953 Activity:high |
12/31 I am using Emacs 21.2.1 with JDE 2.2.8 on a P3-866. And Emacs starts running REALLY slow after loading about 10 files. Emacs by itself w/o JDE doesn't have such problem. Anyone else has silimiar problem with JDE? \_ Are you swapping? \_ I didn't exactly launch any disk activity monitor program, but my disk light isn't on and I didn't hear the disk cranking. It seems more like CPU-bound. |
2002/12/13-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26806 Activity:nil |
12/13 how do I configure emacs to automatically untabify when save on c/c++/java (etc) files? but not all files... thx \_ Meta-X auto-untabify-on-save-CandClones |
2002/12/6-8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26736 Activity:nil |
12/6 In emacs20, is there any difference between find-tag and tags-search? Thx. \_ yes. |
2002/11/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26575 Activity:kinda low |
11/17 Stupid UNIX question again... There are two tools which I use quite often but I have find that it's not really being updated, I am assuming that there are other tools to replace its functionality, but don't know which one: JOVE (or light editor that uses emacs keys) xdiff (diff with x interfaces) any modern tools to replace these two? \_ Jove 4.16 is perfect. No updates are required but source is available if there's a feature you need. I know nothing about xdiff, sorry. I don't use X for anything. \- i realize this begs the question but inthis case it is good for you: use emacs and the emacs diff technology. \_ I do use emacs and emacs diff. I just don't know how to lock their scroll bar so I can scroll both left and right panel at the same pace \_ Jove is perfect. There is no need for anything but Jove. End the emacs insanity. \_ I agree. Emacs is too turing complete. |
2002/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26453 Activity:high |
11/6 is there any open source IDE which uses emacs-style key commands? \_ you don't specify the language but Eclipse has emacs key bindings. \_ emacs? \_ that is what I have been using. I really would like little perks such as being able to display function arguements, list of all the method in a class, etc... if there is a lisp library can do that, let me know \_ the Harmonia research group at Cal does just this type of stuff. \_ the Harmonia research group at Cal does stuff related to this type of stuff. Mike Toomim is their emacs person... you might want to mail him. toomim@cs - rory \_ you know, I thought you were a girl until I saw your picture. What a disappointment. |
2002/11/5-6 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26420 Activity:nil |
11/5 Is there a way to make emacs' TAGS smarter about searches? There's a type called foo_t. I do a tags search within emacs for it. It brings up the first instance where foo_t is used as the return type of a function. That's useless for me. I need to know how foo_t is defined. Any way to make it work correctly? \_ One workaround is to use tags-loop-continue (ESC ,) after it finds the first instance. Another one that might work is to specify the .h files before the .c files when you run etags. \_ grep. |
2002/11/5 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:26408 Activity:moderate |
11/4 How to consolidate CD track 1-10 into one mega MP3 file? ok thx \_ How to choose from: How do I ... How can I ... How would you ... ? ok tnx \_ probably some software package out there. There are "mixer" software as well where you can edit parts of the song or put them all together. \_ rip them to .wav's, and then cat the .wav files together? \_ I thought Adaptec has some feature where you can "merge" files/tracks together. \- emacs multimedia-edit-mode \_ Sample Program: http://www.allformp3.com/mp3_management/emw.htm http://www.mp3-editor.com |
2002/10/31-11/1 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26367 Activity:low |
10/30 emacs question... For Chinese pin-yin input, how to enter word like nv (female)? they don't let me use "v" as unlaut-u thanks in advance \_ for normal pin-yin, it's nuu \_ thanks, i figured out. It's not "uu," it's "u:" to mimic the unlaut. make more sense, i guess. |
2002/10/28 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26338 Activity:kinda low |
10/28 Dear psb aka wisest Emacs guru I've ever met in my entire life. Can you please share your Emacs wisdom by putting it on your web site? I will worship you more if you do. -psb #3 fan \- i'm not a big believer in WEEB technology for stuff like that. also writing html takes years off my life ... html*mode cant do anything about the aesthetic insult. you can mail mr-emacs@soda and you might get an answer. --psb \_ PLEASE put it in text mode. I will worship toward Northern California 5 times a day and fast for you. \_ try M-x help or C-h in emacs |
2002/10/26-28 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26325 Activity:moderate |
10/25 Anyone know where I can find a user manual on the Brief text editor? hard to search on the word 'brief' on google. :( \_ try using keywords "brief text editor" \_ get clue \- you can use emacs brief modes. --psb \_ thanks psb, you rock \_ It appears that the answer to every text editor question is "emacs...." \- ^text editor^ \_ ED! |
2002/10/4-5 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:26094 Activity:low |
10/3 Many people have seen me using Emacs and recommended jEdit instead. Has anyone converted to jEdit and what's your opinion? \_ M-x jedit-mode \_ http://www.eclipse.org |
2002/9/11-12 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25854 Activity:kinda low |
9/11 I'm looking for a way in emacs to cut and paste text into a column. I want to be able to split a text buffer into two vertical halves. And use the xterm copy and paste to put stuff into the left half and the right half. Is there such a thing? Manually indenting stuff into columns is killing me. Thanks. \_ textmodes/two-column.el --pld \_ i would use emacs to edit the left and right halves seperately, then use paste(1) or something similar to put them together \_ how about the rectangle functions in emacs? M-x apropos rectangle \- in addition to the above suggestions, possibly picture-mode. i often do this stuff with M-x align-regexp. ok tnx. |
2002/8/15-16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:25572 Activity:very high |
8/15 Dear motdedit (me) maintainer-- love the new system. How about a warning message from the motd god when there is 1 minute or 30 seconds left? \_ Does me still tell you who has the lock? It doesn't look like it from my negligible grasp of perl. \_ me never did. motdedit may have, but its locking didn't work correctly. When i have some spare time, I'll see if I can't throw this in there. or if you wanna do it, email me the changes --scotsman \_ Were it only that I was tall enough... \_ Rather cluttered. If you're looking to post something long, edit it in another file first, then put it in and format when you get your lock. Oh, and the dirty little secret. If you \_ Does me still tell you who has the lock? It doesn't look like it from my negligible grasp of perl. use vi, and get a lock on the file, me will respect that lock for as long as you're editing. Just don't abuse it. --scotsman \_ What about emacs? \_ emacs doesn't lock the file. emacs doesn't even touch the actual file after it makes its temp copy. This is why me was written in the first place. --scotsman \_ But when you try to save the file after typing your stuff, emacs checks the timestamp and warns you if you're about to overwrite someone else's changes. So you can re-load the file and add your stuff again before saving it. (Of course some jerks will tell it to go ahead and overwrite anyway.) \_ Indeed. motdedit saves people from having to make that decision \_ I see. \_ Think and type faster. \_ vi ; diff ; cp. The Real Motdedit For Real Motdeditors(c) \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Revision control system. \_ cvs checkout; commit; \_ pfft! vi;diff;cp. Death to ED! Death to cvs! |
2002/8/12-13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25545 Activity:high |
8/12 When I use emacs20 to send mail (compose-mail, then mail-send-and-exit), is there a way to automatically append "@foo.com" to all the addresses in the To: field? Thanks. \- query-replace-regexp ... i suppose if yiu want to turn it into a function, ie it isnt a one shot thing, you can wrap to make it undo-able and use a narrowing function. it really dpedns how general you want to make this. \_ Isn't there an O'Reilly EmacsOS book out? Do you use the floppy emacs boot or did you install emacs right into the boot sector? \_ Well, I just find it convenient to copy and paste source code verbatim and without using the mouse into my mail buffer. When I'm not sending source code, I use M$ Outlook 2000. I'm not sending mail about source code, I use M$ Outlook 2000. At least I'm not using the STANDARD editor. BTW, even if you boot emacs from floppy you still need to install emacs into the floppy boot sector, right? |
2002/8/7-8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25511 Activity:nil |
8/7 emacs always insert my open curly on a new line with an indented space from the previous line in the default Java mode. How do I tell emacs to insert curlies that line up with my previous line? - weak emacs fu |
2002/8/6-7 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25505 Activity:kinda low |
8/5 screen -x is so cool! Are there more programs that behave like this? \_ vnc (vncserver, vncviewer) \_ actually "screen" in general is just cool. \_ it's possible to share frames in emacs, so that two (or more) people can be working on a file at once. sometimes lags a lot though. |
2002/7/28-29 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25434 Activity:high |
7/27 [soda] ~ 7> 'xemacs' /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libcompface.so.1" not found \_ use vi! \_ use ed! \_ xmeacs? just use emacs. sheesh. xemacs... really. \_ Soda is broken. NEWS AT 11. \_ that's "film at 11" you dolt. the news is already known, see? \_ You're dense. \_ Well, no, see, because he's right. --scotsman \_ There is a copy of libcompface.so.1 in /tmp. Copy it to ~/lib, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately and enjoy (I did this and xemacs -nw seemed to work correctly) \_ well, ok thanks. bit of a kluge. |
2002/7/22-23 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25402 Activity:moderate |
7/22 o emacs masters: what command will make emacs re-calculate the syntax coloring for the display? e.g. I undo a block comment and want the uncommented code re-colored. \_ If you use fontlock, coloring is updated as you type. \_ obviously it isn't. --pld \_ font-lock-fontify-block/buffer if it ever gets out of sync --pld \_ esc-g twice will run font-lock-fontify-block \_ thanks. although i don't seem to see the "block" version. \_ Hmm, emacs 20.3.1 for NT/Solaris/Irix has font-lock-fontify-block while emacs 20.7.1 on soda doesn't. --- yuen \_ It should, once font-lock-mode is enabled. \_ Yes, that works. --- yuen |
2002/6/19-20 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25148 Activity:nil |
6/19 just installed xemacs for the 1st time (on a pc running win 2000). never used it before. the dired doesnt seem to work from the keyboard. is this one of those 'differences' between xemacs and emacs? or is there a way to get dired to work the same way as in emacs? thanks in advance, hahnak \_In my xemacs, the dired button on the toolbar opens a windows dialog box, but "M-x dired" runs the regular text-based dired. I'm sure you can customize this behavior, check http://xemacs.org |
2002/6/13-14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:25087 Activity:high |
6/13 When I start xterm with "xterm -fn \*bold\*", it comes up with a nice looking font. However, when I start emacs 20.3.1 with "emacs -fn \*bold\*", it appears to be using the same font except that the line spacing is much bigger. How do I find out which fonts xterm and emacs are actually using? Or how do I adjust the line spacing in emacs? I'm running them under SunOS 5.7 and displaying them on NT via Exceed, if that matters. Thanks. -- yuen \_ Why don't you go through VNC and PCAnywhere as well while you're at it? And maybe get Cygwin in there somewhere, too. \_ The Exceed came with the standard setup by the IS&T people here. I didn't install it myself. -- yuen \_ What's wrong with using an X server on NT? \_ Speaks for itself. Think about it. \_ Not really. X on Windows it the best of both worlds. \_ So you get dirt slow graphics over the net on top of a shitty second rate OS? Yeah... great. |
2002/6/8-10 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:25040 Activity:high 54%like:25909 |
6/9 what's a good place to donate used computer equipments? \_ http://ls.berkeley.edu/computing/donating.html -tom \_ removed <> so that w3-follow-url-at-point works \_ no there isn't. properly - #1 emacs fan \_ Replaced <> as per RFC 1738. Fix emacs. -tom \_ There was a story on /. about this, maybe 1 mo. ago. -pld \_ no there isn't. <-- I didn't say is; I said was. -pld \_ how used? give it to me! \_ I fucked your mom on it about 24 years ago. Benny? Is that you? \_ Dad? Dad, is that you? OH MY GOD! DADDY! You have any idea how much child support you owe Mommy? Hope you're rich! -Ben |
2002/5/21-22 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24906 Activity:high |
5/21 How do I set the default font in emacs 21's Global-Font-Lock-Mode? I can set the default face, and I can set the "special" features of GFLM (strings, function names, et al), but every time I enter GFLM (Java mode) I lose my default face to regular black text on white background. Specifically, I'd like a black background under white text. Thanks. \_ Try either: (setq default-frame-alist (append default-frame-alist '((foreground-color . "white") (background-color . "black")))) or: (set-foreground-color "WHITE") (set-background-color "BLACK") I forget which one is the one you'll need. \_ Tried both of these. When I first enter emacs, it starts off white on black (as I prefer), but when it enters GFLM with syntaxt highlighting, it reverses to black on white. Is there a way I can set the GFLM to use white on black? \_ Something else in your .emacs is setting the colors back then. Which mode are you in? \_ Can you start emacs with "emacs -r"? -- yuen \_ Nope, doesn't seem to change anything. \_ It works for me in Emacs20 under both Solaris and NT. Guess it's different for 21. -- yuen \_ Here's the relevant part from my .emacs: (custom-set-variables '(fill-column 79) '(default-frame-alist '((foreground-color . "white") (background-color . "black") (cursor-color . "gold") (height . 45) (width . 86))) ) \_ I stick that stuff in my .Xdefaults emacs*Background: Black emacs*Foreground: White |
2002/5/10-11 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24784 Activity:high |
5/10 How bad an idea is it to change my editor's tab stops to 4? Does that mess up lots of things? is 8 standard? \_ Bad. Yes. Yes. Mostly because if people view your code in an editor that doesn't have tabstops of 4, it'll likely scroll off the side and look ugly. (Also happens if you read it with more/less.) \_ My editor can be set to insert X spaces instead of a hard tab. I set it to 4 spaces so I don't have the "how big is *your* tab?" problem the above person is talking about. Or you can just tab and when you're done do a global search/replace of tab to 4 spaces. \_ Global-replace TAB with 4 spaces won't work. You need to replace with anything between 1 and 4 spaces. M-x untabify in emacs is good. \_ If, however, tabs only occur at the beginning of a line, search & replace will work fine. \_ I only tab at the beginning. Why is anyone tabbing at some random location after real code? \_ in perl, i often use tabs to make hashes more readable. \_ To add comments at the end of the line in C code. \_ Won't work. Some people might actually type in the X spaces as opposed to using tab. \_ Use emacs mode lines rookies!! \_ emacs is for wimps. You *know* which editor is the standard.... \_ eight switches. \_ notepad.exe ? \_ cat \_ the big magnet in my pocket? \_ :set tabstop=4 \_ EDLIN |
2002/5/2-5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24681 Activity:nil |
5/2 What's an appropriate Emacs mode for Java properties files? Thanks. |
2002/4/26 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24597 Activity:low |
4/26 In Emacs20, is there a way to expand the status bar (the inverted line displaying file name, mode, line nubmers, etc.) to two lines instead of one? I'm using too many minor modes and the information doesn't fit in one line. Thanks. \_ No, but you can use the "diminish" package to shorten or delete the names minor modes |
2002/4/23-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24553 Activity:high |
4/23 Why is it when I make a new frame in xemacs, it doesn't inherit the colors I've set in my .emacs whereas my original frame does? \_ emacs bad, pico good! \_ if it's like gnu emacs, do a C-h v default-frame-alist <RET> |
2002/4/22-23 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:24536 Activity:high |
4/22 All you's emacs/pico wielding motd editors. Try using /csua/bin/me. Those of us using vi much appreciate it. \_ emacs and pico doesn't lock the files? \_ Nope. not by default. in fact, they both make temporary copies to work on, then overwrite the existing file, ignoring flocks. \- emacs has a central locking dir but only other emacsen use it. also emacs will notice that the file changed under you while you were editing, you the user has to confirm the over write. \_ and people always overwrite because they don't want to retype what they typed; and don't know how to copy what they have typed and reload the file. I get the same problem with vi, but I'll just copy and reload the file when it becomes writable, then paste where I left off. \_ 1. Set the mark: Ctrl-SPACE 2. Move to the end of your text 3. Save the text: M-x clipboard-kill-ring-save 4. Get the new motd: M-x revert-buffer 5. Paste in your text: Ctrl-y \_ I do this^. Don't paint me with your broad brush! |
2002/4/16-17 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:24454 Activity:very high |
4/16 What text edtior on PC do you use for (la)texing? \_ ED! ED IS THE STANDARD EDITOR! \_ Sorry... that should be: ED! ED! ED IS THE STANDARD!!! ... LaTeX editor. \_ I was starting to wonder when that would appear.... \_ winedt, which is more than just a text editor. it's shareware, and although you can get away with it's use for free, it's one of the few shareware programs i think almost everyone pays for because it's so insanely awsome. let me add that this is what actual scientists who just need to get work done use. if you are some kind of unix nut who need to prove how big your nuts are, see below. \_ emacs. -alexf \_ gvim - darin \_ vi -jon \_ textpad. it rocks. \_ http://DEBUG.COM - njh \_ That's a text editor? \_ No but since it can edit memory and write to a file it can be used as one. Sort of. In a sick sort of way. \_ nvi -geordan |
2002/4/9 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24386 Activity:nil |
4/9 How clever: reiffin Gh 12-232-112-115.c 10:39AM - jove blah \_ Yes, I've been 'caught' using an ancient editor. A program so old even the author switched to emacs about 10 years ago. Damn, I'm sooo busted!! \_ hint to those as stupid as reiffin: "blah" is a link to motd.public so he can cleverly hide his trolling. \_ No, tom, it isn't. It's a text file in my home directory. I use it to keep a private copy of the motd so it can be more easily restored when someone blasts it and it also allows me to check for simultaneous edits from others so I don't rudely blast over other's posts. I've used it for years. If I was trying to 'hide' anything *you* would never know it. \_ tom usually signs his posts -!tom \_ *laugh* That's what _he_ says. He doesn't always. I can do cut'n'paste 'ps' listings too if you want but frankly it just isn't that important. It's the motd. |
2002/3/23-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:24211 Activity:kinda low |
3/32 Does anyone know who to have emacs diff a buffer I'm editing and the contents of the file as currently stored on disk? \_ M-x diff-backup |
2002/3/23 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:24200 Activity:nil |
3/22 Say all of your coworkers use Visualsomething for development and all the indentations are tabs. How do you tell Emacs to treat tabs as an indentation size of 2 spaces? \_ <meta>-x replace-string <tab> with <space><space> \_ oh, you'd be popular in a development group... \_ Or you could use the standard tool your group uses and use Visual Something(c) also which is what would happen in a real company. Standard tools and coding standards means much less nonsense over stuff like this. Or convince them all to use emacs (good luck!) \_ There's a tab-width variable for just this, and a google for 'emacs tab width' turns up a number of resources. \_ That's too easy. \_ Time to quit and work for a company that hires people with a clue. |
2002/2/26-27 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:23982 Activity:high |
2/25 I have the following line in my .Xdefaults file: emacs*font: fixed but am trying to run emacs on my windows machine and was wondering if there was any way to acheive the same result through emacs. Anyone know? Thanks. \_ If you're running NT emacs 20, click Mule -> Set Font/Fontset, then choose your font. Is that what you want? I don't know how to specify a font in some config file. \_ And if you like the font "fixed", you can get it from ftp://ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/mikeh/fonts.zip It's called "vt100", and you can install it using the Fonts control panel. \_ cool, thanks! Though... I guess the next question then is, is there anyway to do this in my .emacs file? (set the font, that is) (set-default-font "-*-Courier New-normal-r-*-*-12-90-96-96-c-*-iso8859-1") ;; that's on NT Emacs 21.1 |
2002/2/23 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23959 Activity:nil |
2/23 For emacs guru. Within a region, I want to insert a carriage return before some keyword. I was hoping I can express carriage return as string expression thus just simply replace string. But instead, I got: ^Mkeyword.......^Mkeyword..... etc. What is the right way to do this? --- kngharv \_ ob^X^Cperl |
2002/2/5 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/HW/IO] UID:23777 Activity:high |
2/3 3 weeks into using Dvorak (pain in the ass to learn) I am almost as proficient at it as I was with qwerty. However my wrist+fingers still hurt and now I'm looking at alternatives like ViaVoice or Dragon speech software. Any comments? \_ You lack sufficient faith, my son. \_ have you tried Datahand or Kinesis? They're soooo cool... \_ datahand is indeed way c00l! But as a starving student a $1000 keyboard is a bit too much! \_ Make sure that its not your fingers and hands getting _tired_ Also, make sure to use one of those broken "M$" natural keyboards. When switching, I noticed significant fatigue in my hands and fingers when learning the new keymap- it did go away... On the other hand, two hours of qwerty will nuke my hands for the next two days. Also helpful- do away with the evil emacs control key. \_ eh, without CTRL emacs is useless! |
2002/1/29 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23705 Activity:high |
1/28 How do you set the size of emacs's tabs? \_ I think that's a rather personal question. \_ this is asked all the time. check the motd archive. \_ (custom-set-variables (tab-width x)) |
2002/1/17-18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23586 Activity:nil |
1/17 How do I force emacs to tab indent 8 spaces? \_ Meta-x set-variable, tab-width, 8 |
2002/1/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23524 Activity:high |
1/10 Can people learn not to save over what others have written on the motd? Copy what you have written. Reload the file, and paste it back. Thank you. \_ Learn to pay attention to the lock file that is generated when someone else loads the motd into their editor and wait until they are done. Thank you. \_ Good Point. How do I reload the file in jove without quitting jove? \_ I believe it is C-x C-f, same as in emacs. \- there isnt a revert-buffer func? --psb \_ No. No more so than they can learn to stop censoring other people's posts because they have a different opinion. |
2002/1/9 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23507 Activity:insanely high |
1/8 I am getting tired of Pine's editor. I like jove. What's YOUR favorite email program? Can it use Jove as editor? \_ mh. yes. \_What is mh? or Where is mh? \_ mh is everywhere and nowhere. \_ nmh. it's mh with more features and fewer bugs. nmh+procmail+jove. I am, I am, I am superman, I can do anything. I'm the motd mh god. I make it sing, I make it dance, I make it do things even the authors didn't know it could do. I have achieved email handling Nirvana. Post on motd for help. -mh god \_ mh: Command not found. Is my path incomplete? \_ rmh: Command not found. Is my path incomplete? \_ you are not tall enough to use mh. \_ mh isn't a program -- it's a collection of programs. try "man inc" \_ "man nmh". remember to not type the quotes or the dot. \_ > \_ man nmh _: Command not found. \_ your prompt is ">". heh. \_ man -k mh \_ mutt. yes. \_ emacs/mh-e, yes. \_ elm. yes. \_ VMail in emacs. No, but emacs is similar to jove. \_ Pine can use Jove as an editor. If you want it to. \_ How to do this? I set editor to "jove" in the setup config, But it's still same old pico editor. \_ pine + vim + ispell \_ gnus. It uses emacs as an editor, which is better than jove but if you want I'm sure you could write a hook to have it throw you into jove instead, or just write a complete jove emulator in elisp. \_ How does one write a hook to have it throw one into jove? \_ ...I can't believe our all-caps friend hasn't struck yet. This thread has been here for over a day.. \_ i thought the default editor for pine _was_ jove... \_ No pine defaults to pico. \_ pico = PIne COmposer \_ pico is almost jove but fucks up newlines, right? \_ jove is much more powerful than pico.... \_ this is a funny statement. "my weakling 90 lb. grandmother is stronger than your weakling 80 lb. gradmother." \_ ...right. but is your hulking mussle-thug any better at serving tea than my 90 pound weakling grandma? i doubt it. if all i need is to have tea poured, all i need is a weak, old grandma. \_ you making fun of my grandmother? my grandmother can kick your grandmother's ass! seriously, pico doesn't even have a Goto Line command... \_ Seriously indeed. \_ My grandmother hasn't need a patch or upgrade in almost 10 years. How about yours? \_ I think she'd do better if she had a life++ patch. \_ what about using ed? |
2001/12/26-27 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23371 Activity:high |
12/26 How do I increase the max buffer size in xemacs? Thanks -tyf |
2001/12/7 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23172 Activity:high |
12/6 An idiot (who happens to be the architect) in our group keeps using PC for development and it appears that every single indentation is tabs (probably a VisualJ or JDeveloper guy). How do I make my emacs recognize tabs so that emacs will display them correctly ? Thanks. \_ add (setq default-tab-width 4) to your .emacs file to set tab stops to every 4 spaces, or better yet, read the help for the "untabify" function. \_ The coding standard for your project should define how wide a tab stop is. If you find that width painful to look at, then the use of tabs for indentation will allow you to easily view it with a different tab width (though you will still be responsible for ensuring that your code looks right when viewed with the standard tab width; your coding standard should also define the maximum permissible line length, which you would then need to be more careful of). I suggest you look at your project's coding standard and find out which one of you is right -- Indenting with 8-character-wide tabs to a maximum of 80 characters is *very* common (at least among unix kernels). Where I work, he'd be right, you'd be wrong, and you'd be required to go through and correct everything you'd tabbed with spaces. \_ I had a simular situation with some people I'm working with via CVS. Eventually we decided to indent with spaces, since a space is always a space, but a tab can look different in different environments. --PeterM \_ This is all fine and good but if the architect doesn't buy into it from the get go, you might as well give up. Cuz if he isn't sticking to the coding standards no one else will. Some people could care less what code looks like. |
2001/12/5 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:23146 Activity:high |
12/5 I want to use Cascading Style Sheets to force the display of code between <code> directives to have eight spaces for every tab. I've searched the web, but haven't managed to find any useful links. Any help would be appreciated. --twohey \_ I don't think CSS will let you specify things like that. (w3c discourages using horizontal tabs in preformatted text. http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/text.html#h-9.3.4 ) Can't you just use emacs or some other tool to replace all the tabs with spaces automatically? (If the increased file size bothers you, install mod_gzip or something.) \_ I want to cut and paste code that's formatted with eight space tabs and have it display correctly. It seems absurd that I have to translate spaces to tabs for this to work. --twohey have to translate tabs to spaces for this to work. --twohey \_ it seems absurd that translating tabs to spaces is such a big deal. just tell emacs to save files with spaces instead of tabs. get over it. \_ perl. no emacs required. |
2001/10/25 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:22821 Activity:high |
10/24 What's the easiest way to edit a single binary byte in a file? \_ emacs \_ M-x hexl-mode \_ hex editor? |
2001/9/16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:22475 Activity:moderate |
9/15 [ REPOST ] What is the equivalent of '.' (sh) in emacs/elisp? I want to include a elisp file into my .emacs at startup but I don't know how to do it. tia. \_ (load "file") \- note, if you want to load something interactively [i.e. with M-x] use load-file or load-library or some other wrapper. --psb \_ ^X^Cvi ~/.exrc^MGo:source file^[ZZ \_ obRealMenUseED! |
2001/9/8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:22351 Activity:high |
9/7 I have a really difficult time reading this guy's OO code. Basically he's utilizing polymorphic method calls, which is alright, but tracing the code requires going back and forth between the deep plethora super/child chains. While I like OO, I think this is just a nightmare to trace and understand. Personally, I'd perfer a more shallower chain of objects, extending OO via composition instead of inheritance. What do you guys think? \_ what if there were a tool where you could expand selected parts and see the inherited methods all in one screen? \_ I prefer composition to inheritance also, but conventional wisdom on that subject is that inheritance is easier to understand, though composition is more powerful. Good development tools (as the above poster mentions) can also help. Understanding code that traverses the inheritence heirarchy, or accross many objects, is easy in Smalltalk (or VisualAge/Java) where there are good tools available, but a pain in the ass in emacs. OTOH, reading methods longer than 10 lines is obnoxious in Smalltalk, where it is trivial in Emacs. \_ i am starting to subscribe to the belief that only a few libraries should be OO. widget toolkits, basic containers and a few other things. applications should not define weird ass objects. they should instead define function objects. |
2001/8/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:22212 Activity:high |
8/22 How do I make emacs do an isearch using the currently selected region as the search string? \_ M-w C-s M-y \_ that sucks. how do i bind a key to do all those at once? \_ thanks...now how do i bind a key to do all those at once? \_ C-h i m emacs RET m keyboard macros RET \_ emacs doesn't leave me inside the isearch mode after executing the macro though. how do i make it do dat? \_ bug. edit-last-kbd-macro, remove terminal C-x \_ ^A oh wait.. that's vi again.. i'm sure there's a couple K of elisp you need to download to make it work in emacs, but really.. it's better that way. \- it is a couple of lines of elisp. you can also use the macro to elisp "compiler". remind me how you do incremental search in vi again? --psb \_ what do you mean by incremental search? \_ nvi: set searchincr |
2001/8/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:22163 Activity:low |
8/17 is there a way in xemacs to pretty-format the source file ( fixing all indentation) in batch mode rather than tabbing every line in the file? \_ How about /usr/bin/indent? \_ Try indent-region |
2001/8/10 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:22067 Activity:kinda low |
8/9 Any way to save emacs macros that I've defined so that I can some- how load then when I restart emacs? \_ You can put them into your .emacs file with fset. (fset 'macro_name "keystrokes") Try M-x apropos on fset to get more information. -mice \_ boy that's a bad way to get help on a function. either do m-x describe-function or c-h f \- you can "compile" a macro into a elisp function. I wrote the emacs 18/early 19 macro2el "compiler" but that is superceeded by various other functionality. this is what i would look into if you really want a macro to be persistent. you can look at power-macros also. ok tnx. --mr emacs. \_ you can also use emacs to INDENT YOUR POST correctly. --mr motd. |
2001/8/8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:22044 Activity:nil |
8/7 Answer to my (x)emacs question: (global-set-key (kbd "C-<BS>") 'backward-kill-word) (global-set-key (kbd "C-<backspace>") 'backward-kill-word) 'the second one is emacs compatible. |
2001/7/26 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:21956 Activity:high |
7/25 Is there any open-source tool to author HTML pages similiar to Dream Weaver? Yes, I do type HTML code using emacs, but when it comes to image maps, using emacs is a bit pain in the butt. \_ ob_ED_IS_THE_STANDARD_(HTML)_EDITOR \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! HTML and bitmap editor. |
2001/7/12-13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21785 Activity:nil |
7/12 I'm having trouble with keymaps. I have switched my keyboard on a win95 box to dvorak. That works everywhere except for in emacs, which I am running remotely over X (exceed). How do I switch the keymap in emacs? \_ I think you might need to switch the keymap in Exceed? Not sure, but I think that's your best bet. --PeterM \_ This is correct. |
2001/6/28 [Science/Space, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21665 Activity:nil |
6/28 anyone versed in emacs mule features here? i tried to help someone at work edit tis-620 (thai) text but i'm a fish out of water. thanks, karlcz. |
2001/6/26-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21639 Activity:moderate |
6/26 In emacs20 c-mode, how do I tell it to indent with an amount other than two columns? \_ M-x apropos indent \_ Yeah I did that, but I couldn't find anything that I could set to tell it to indent by every four columns when I press the <TAB> key. Any more hint? \_ c-set-offset. read: info emacs/ccmode/Customizing Indentation |
2001/6/15 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21527 Activity:moderate |
6/14 I want to be able to press a few keys in Emacs20 and have it run a command "cleartool diff <current-file-name>". Is there a way to tell vc-diff to use my own diff command? If not, how do I write an elisp function to do this so that I can bind a key? Thanks in advance. -- yuen \_ you can either add support for another backend to vc.el. this seems to be pretty simple and would benefit the world, or you could use call-process: (defun clear-shm () (interactive) (call-process "sh" nil nil nil "-c" "ipcrm `ipcs | awk '/^m/ {print \" -m\" $2}'`")) -ali |
2001/5/31-6/1 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21397 Activity:very high |
5/31 So what is it with Eric Raymond, anyway? How'd he get to be Mr. Open Source Free Software? I don't find his essays to be particularly well-written, he looks like something that crawled out from under a bridge, and he hasn't written any notable free software (I may think that RMS is a loon, but I can at least respect him for writing EMACS, et. al.) Why is ESR the idol of a million geeks? \_ c'mon... the cathedral and the bazaar? What an f'ing brilliant analogy. ESR is my hero! \_ F'ing brilliant analogy? "Closed-source commercial software is like . . . a small group of people working on something, in seclusion! Open-source software is like . . . a *lot* of people working on something -- and *not* in seclusion!" Good thing we have ESR, the first person who was courageous and insightful enough to notice that. \_ The comment you responded to is dripping with sarcasm. \_ same holds for you \_ same holds for you \_ be kind to the sarcasm- and intelligence-impaired. they have feelings too. \_ Well, when you're dealing with zealots, sometimes it's hard to tell what's real and what's sarcastic. I mean, there are people out there who *REALLY DO* think that "User Friendly" is *THAT* funny and don't hesitate to tell you about it. At length. \_ "User Friendly"? Funny? Ugh. \_ Keep your snobbery to yourself, dumbfuck. \_ Hmm. I think you just proved the other guy's point. \_ No one thinks User Friendly is funny. That would be like thinking that SlashDot was informative or Microsoft was innovative. \_ ESR wrote fetchmail. \_ The poster might have known that and posted her post anyway. fetchmail doesn't really match up to emacs. \_ The jargon file is a much more impressive work of ESR's than fetchmail. |
2001/5/21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21307 Activity:very high |
5/18 In emacs20 on X11, if I started "emacs" without the "-fn" option, how do I find out the name of the current font? Thanks. -- yuen \_ hasn't anyone posted a reply to this question (besides me)? \_ Hmm, is emacs20 not very popular? -- yuen \_ You *know* what the STANDARD editor is.... \_ ED IS AN EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL EDITOR. FUCK ED! \_ You have confused emacs with ed. \_ Ya! Screw those gn00 c0mmie guys! ED all the way! emacs doesn't even have full ED compatibility! \_ MS Word \_ MS Word is not the standard editor. Unless you mean Word 4.x on win 3.1. |
2001/5/1 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21159 Activity:nil |
4/30 how to make a word go to all caps in emacs? M-x apropos upcase --psb |
2001/4/25 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21105 Activity:nil |
4/25 how to make emacs 4-space tab, not 2. \_ (setq default-tab-width 4) \_ thanks. \_ ED! --motdbot \_ BOOT TO THE HEAD!!! \_ learn how to ask questions properly. --motdbot \_ question is properly phrased in Slavic grammar. |
2001/4/24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:21074 Activity:high |
4/22 Warning: Emacs is dangerous to your left pinky \_ Warning: vi is dangerous \_ This is crying out for ED! but I'm not going to do it. |
2001/4/21-22 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:21044 Activity:low |
4/20 In NT emacs20, how do I flip the foreground and background colors for for the text window as well as the "status bar" (the bar that displays the file name)? \_ M-x customize-face modeline |
2001/4/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21037 Activity:nil |
4/20 If I want to insert a TAB character, what's the escape key in Emacs? \_ C-q TAB \_ C-i |
2001/4/20-21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:21025 Activity:high |
4/19 What is the name of the emacs mode that automatically inserts returns and indents after you type in a semicolon? Every now and then, i turn it on accidentally and don't know how to turn it off. \_ c-mode \_ asm-mode? -- yuen \_ ass mode |
2001/4/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:21020 Activity:kinda low |
4/18 Is there an easy way to do an emacs-style text-fill in vi? \_ Not really. ":set autowrap" is the best you can do. \_ Which version of vi supports this option? solaris and debian came up with errors. \_ :!fmt can do that in vi... \_ Thank you. |
2001/4/15 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20979 Activity:nil 66%like:20984 |
4/14 How to create a macro in emacs? How to to recover a autosave in emacs? \_ ESC-x recover-file <ENTER> filename How to change permissions on a file in emacs (no shell)? \_ the phrase you want is "How do I"... \_ M-X apropos \_ capital X or lower-case x? |
2001/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Vi, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20809 Activity:nil |
3/15 How do I prevent emacs from adding newlines when I scroll past the end of a buffer? Also, is there a way to have it put tildes or something to represent non-existing lines like vi? Thanks. --lazy bastard \_ ^X^Cvi !^^M \- use Joe Wells' package --psb ;; Improved next-line command. ;; Created by: Joe Wells, jbw@bigbird.bu.edu ;; Filename: next-line-fix.el ;; Purpose: improved next-line to answer everyone's prayers ;; 1. Doesn't add lines at end of buffer unless you want it to. ;; 2. Can be configured with a maximum number of lines to add ... \_ nevermind, i just rtfm and found (setq next-line-add-newlines nil) what's this joe wells thing do? --lazy bastard (u guys still owe me the tilde solution though) \_ I haven't seen the Joe Wells thing, but custom changes like that were needed for those of us using Emacs 18 in the past where next-line-add-newlines didn't exist. -- yuen \- i guess i chopped this part: ;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. so i suppose jbw's stuff was integrated into the main dist at some point. i dunno if joe is still writing elisp but he was one of those people who wrote all good stuff. --psb |
2001/3/15-16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:20808 Activity:high |
3/15 How do I comment out multiple lines of ELISP code in ~/.emacs (or LISP code in general)? \_Set the region using Ctrl-Space on one end and move your cursor to the other, and do M-x comment-region. Or use vi and stick a ';' on the front of each line manually. \_ So there's nothing similar to "#if 0 / #endif" in C that I can do? \_ can't you do (if (<condition>) (progn ...) ) ? \_ can you have your .emacs file load other files? then you would only have to comment/uncomment one line \_ (load-file ...) |
2001/2/26-27 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20694 Activity:nil |
2/25 When using emacs/gdb in two window mode, how do you set a breakpoint on screen again (in the code window in emacs)? \_ bitch, what the FUCK are you talking about? what the hell is "two window mode" and what does "breakpoint on screen" mean? are you using gud? \_ calm down. \_ run emacs on source code. Ctrl-X2. M-x gdb |
2001/2/24-25 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20669 Activity:high |
2/24 What is the parmater and value to turn off auto-save in emacs? \_ ^X^C \_ you can add (setq auto-save-default nil) to your .emacs file, I think. \- you know about the apropos command, right? this should be easy to figure out once you know the term "auto-save". --psb \_ http://www.ouchytheclown.com/welcome.html \_ Okay, that's bizarre. |
2001/2/23-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20662 Activity:kinda low |
2/23 tab in emacs only goes 2 spaces. How do I get it to tab to four? What's the best simple .emacs resource around for simple things like this? \_ ^X^Cvi !*^M \_ (setq default-tab-width 4) \_ the right way of doing this: type m-x customize and go wild. this particular feature is in "Editing:Editing basics" other ways: m-x apropos |
2001/2/22 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20645 Activity:nil |
2/21 Why does it seem to me that all text files that come to me from emacs users use spaces in place of tabs in many places. This is really annoying. Does emacs replace spaces with tabs or what? -vim user \_ You can fix it with "unexpand -a". \_ this can be toggled on or off. personally I prefer spaces to tabs, especially in multi-user environments where people use different tab settings. \_ Like the motd? |
2001/2/13-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20577 Activity:nil |
2/12 In emacs I can do C-X C-F *.cc and all my cc files get loaded in. How do I do this in XEmacs? \_ M-! gnuclient -q *.cc \_ ^X^Cvi *.cc^M |
2001/1/6-16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20247 Activity:moderate |
1/5 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0595100333/002-0507756-4896855 I didn't know Richard Stallman publishes books for profit. Anyway, is this book worth getting? \_ We use freebsd here! We don't need no stinking GNU stuff! we have our own stuff! \_ well think about this, Do you think it's good to read while taking a nice juicy shit? \_ It's just the manual that comes with it printed out & formatted nicely - the FSF has been doing this for years as a fundraiser. \_ Buy it from http://www.fsf.org/order/order.html if you want to make a token gesture of support of the GNU Project. It's kind of ironic that it's being sold at Amazon, with rms's attitude towards patents... |
2000/12/12-13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:20070 Activity:nil |
12/11 In emacs, how do you get it to word wrap and unword wrap? \_ M-x auto-fill-mode \_ M-x hscroll-mode |
2000/12/6-8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Finance/Investment] UID:20024 Activity:nil |
12/6 How do you change the vertical separate in Emacs? Horizontal is done with click and drag but not the vertical one. \_ I can click and drag. With keyboard, C-x } or {. |
2000/11/29-30 [Recreation/Activities, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/HW/IO] UID:19945 Activity:nil |
11/28 How do you make a frame smaller in emacs when running in terminal mode? In X its easy, just use the mouse, but I can't figure it out in terminal mode. \_ Something like meta-x-shift-6 if I recall. I'm not kidding. \_ ESC - 1 C-x ^ -- yuen |
2000/11/14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19766 Activity:nil |
11/13 Do we have w3 installed on soda? I'd like to browse the web from inside emacs. |
2000/11/11-12 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:19733 Activity:high |
11/10 So how *does* one delete a file that begins with '-' like '-foo'? \_ lauch gnome. click on file. click on properties. hit delete. \_ solaris has a filebrowser in openwin which does the same. \_ "rm -- -foo" man rm. \_ or rm ./-foo \_ rm -f * \-* \_ rm -rf * \_ And of course before you start rf -rf'ing your home directory, \_ this fails (the -foo shows up as an argument to rm). You need to do rm -rf . -tom \_ And of course before you start rm -rf'ing your home directory, you'll read the man pages to find out what -r -f and -i do. \_ Related note: Any ideas on deleting a file named "????????????" \_ it's probably not really named ????????; ls substitutes ?'s for \- the one 100% reliable way to delete any file[*] is to get unprintable characters. (This is common among hax0r kiddies). Usually I go with "\rm -i *"or emacs dired. -tom \- a 100% reliable way to delete any file[*] is to get the inode number with ls -i, and then use something like find to delete it. [* it is possible if you managed to create a file with a / in the name this wont work. i have to think about that case]. --psb \_ yes, you do that. \_ no. it is not possible that he managed to create a file with a / in the name. \_ In this case you need to unmount the device, and edit the raw disk by figuring out the offset of the directory from the start of the partition. \_ That would work, but clri(8) is easier. \_ well, the '???' file in question is on soda... does this mean I can become one with the rootcow? Yet even more disturbing: ls -i lists inode # for the file, and % find . -inum blah returns: ./ Maybe deleting this file is risky... ;^) So does clri(8). -joshk |
2000/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19546 Activity:kinda low |
10/20 Used Emacs since 92 and I will die by it. However I've been having CDE (common development environment) envy lately. I really want to have the ability to fill in method names, do parameter check, and most importantly, click on a class name in a *.java file which will jump directly to JavaDoc. Is there a fancy elisp that will do all of the above? JDeveloper and J++ have all of the above long time ago. \_ hi partha \_ If you need these features, your fu is weak. \_ If you use Java, your fu is weak to begin with. \_ Untrue. It takes massive fu to write fast usable java code. Also anything with JNI requires fu as do dynamic class loading in a secured environment (read signed applets) \_ If you found need to reply to this comment, this suggests in itself that your fu is weak. As for my reply, this is a meta-reply, so my fu is weak only in a meta-sense. |
2000/10/19-20 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19523 Activity:nil |
10/18 how do you turn off beep in Emacs? \_ (setq visible-bell t) -- yuen |
2000/9/18-19 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19281 Activity:nil |
9/18 How can I get emacs to have a transparent background like eterm? \_ Why would you want to? You like making your screen harder to read? |
2000/9/16-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19264 Activity:high |
9/16 What's the benefit of joe over vi/pico? It seems like it contributes the worst aspects of both. \_ joe is a minimal version of jove. jove is a supposedly minimal version of emacs. It's for people who know emacs key commands, but don't use any of emacs' useful features. If you're considering it, you have enough clue to use (and should be using) vi. \_ uh, no. You should be learning emacs. int he unix world? --psb \-what is the point of using an editor other than vi or emacs in the unix world? --psb \_ You dont need 20 megs of quota/free space to install jove. \_ ED! ED is the STANDARD EDITOR! \_ emacs configuration is ridiculous. \- configuration is not the same as extension. by ridiculous do you mean "hard"? what is an example of something that is ridiculous? the only think i can thing of is "there are some subtleites to swapping DEL and BKSPC". --psb \_ here's an example of a minimal .emacs to solve emacs' most egregious configuration problems: (set-variable 'make-backup-files nil) (set-variable 'auto-save-default nil) (global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char) (setq default-major-mode 'text-mode) (setq initial-major-mode 'text-mode) Besides the fact that the defaults are stupid, the syntax is horrendous. -tom \-emacs has made a conscious trade off in power for simplicity ... e.g. functions which dont naturally take or require numeric arguments behaving differently when called with an arg, or 0 or a negative arg. but what it does do tends to be well thought out ... which is different from "easiest to use". i find programs that bury stuff on some random nested pull down menu to be far more annoying. there are some legit complaints [many which have been fixed since say emacs 18.59] but i havent heard them from the people complaining. [e.g. it did kind of suck when you wrote stuff in the scratch buffer and typed C-xC-c and lost your changes. --psb \_ the thing is, it's "well thought out" by a fuckin' lunatic. -tom \_ So dont complain when people want a ferarri instead of an F350 truck. \_ I believe that he is referring to the extent with which one can configure emacs as being ridiculous. \_ Because something better needs to come along. \_ no little grasshopper, the best is already present, and its name is ED! \_ Does ED have C/C++ context highlighting? \_ If you need context highlighting then your fu is really weak. REAL MEN don't need pretty girly colors to tell them what is a struct, int, void etc. REAL MEN understand C code by looking at it. \_ context hilighting is for sissys. Real men use ED. You are obviosuly not ready for the power and responsibility. Go back and play with your pirated copy of Visual Studio. Weenie. |
2000/9/7-10 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19202 Activity:nil |
9/7 ~pld/bubblet.el now v0.72. Attempt to support xemacs. -pld |
2000/8/30-2001/4/6 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19130 Activity:nil 79%like:19121 |
12/18 I can't seem to load two TAGS files for the two different src trees. So I'm resorting to starting two copies of xemacs. Is there a way to avoid this? Any way to combine the TAGS files of two separate trees? Or make emacs load two of them and search them both? \_ emacs has select-tags-table you have to do the switch manually though. i guess you want the tag table to be local bound to each buffer? that's pretty straightforward to do too, it just takes a bit of coding. -ali \_ No coding. Give a prefix arg to visit-tags-table. --pld |
2000/8/29 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19121 Activity:high 79%like:19130 |
8/28 I'm using xemacs to look at src code of two different products. They are two completely separate src trees with different build systems. I can't seem to load two TAGS files for the two different src trees. So I'm resorting to starting two copies of xemacs. Is there a way to avoid this? Any way to combine the TAGS files of two separate trees? Or make emacs load two of them and search them both? |
2000/8/23-25 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19079 Activity:moderate |
8/23 What format are man pages stored in and is there some front-end editor for creating one? also, is there some kind of man page to Tex or postscript converter? \_ format: troff on most Unixes, sgml on Solaris (though troff is \_ roff. that's why it's roff mode and not troff mode. still supported/used for third-party man pages) editor: emacs roff mode conversion to ps: yes, just use normal *roff tools (troff/psroff/groff/etc.) \_ Also, something like "cat foo.man.1 | nroff -man | more" will work. This doesn't answer your question in any way, but I wanted to stick that in there. :-) \_ YAUUOC: USE 'nroff -name <file> | more' instead of abusing your poor cat. |
2000/8/17 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19028 Activity:nil |
8/17 More (x)emacs question. Currently my DEL and BACKSPACE keys are both mapped to do delete. How do I map the BACKSPACE key to do backspace?(want to delete the char left to cursor rather than the one right to the cursor. |
2000/8/17-21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:19027 Activity:nil |
8/17 To emacs gurus-- how do I force hilit colorization on the entire source code? It seems that if the source is big, it doesn't colorize. |
2000/7/31 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:18827 Activity:nil |
7/30 Does anyone have suggestions on how to MIME compose/view attachments using mh-e? I know that other mail readers such as mutt can do stuff, but I would like to use a mail package that works with emacs. Thanks. \_ show -noshowproc | munpack to view. and mpack to compose |
2000/7/9-10 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:18621 Activity:high |
7/8 Could someone PLEASE fix emacs so that it will autocomplete method names based on context in cc-mode? thank you. -ali. (yes, i know about vc++) \_ not me again! --Someone \_ also, please make it so that clicking on errors in *compilation-mode* always works, not just when the piece of shit decides. thank you. \_ Isn't all this emacs stuff shit you can put in your own .emacs file? Why don't you folks write the correct elisp and put it in your own dot file, or submit it for inclusion in the system files. This is a student run computer and membership in the csua is not the same as having an account on a random host. If you can't write elisp, go learn. It'll do you good and then you won't have to whine about every little thing. Or go use pico. \_ damn, you didn't sign this so we all can laugh at you \_ sign your own name, too \_ i think you want to use the subjunctive here, not the present. \_ kid, when you grow up, you'll realize that no matter how good of a hacker you are, you can't hack EVERYTHING you want. you need to enlist help, and bitch at people who would benefit more than you from the act of hacking itself. \_ Kid? Funny. I'm likely much older than you. At least I know elisp enough to get it to do what I want and I don't whine at others when they haven't made my life perfect. I don't bitch or whine at anyone for their 'benefit' either. \_ yeah , but you stil engage in juvenile flame wars on the motd. thats really pretty sad. -juvenile flame warrior |
2000/7/1-3 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:18574 Activity:low |
6/30 In emacs, what does this message mean? File mode specification error: (void-variable vera) \_ Exactly. \_ do you mean to say "emacs is lame because it doesn't give you intelligible errors"? |
2000/6/13-14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:18463 Activity:very high |
6/14 I have the following in my .emacs: (setq load-path (cons "$HOME/html-helper-mode" load-path)) But when I try to enter that mode, I get a file not found error. (the .el IS there). Is there any way I can change this without hardcoding my home directory? \-use ~ or (defvar HOME (concat (getenv "HOME") "/")) --psb \_ Works perfect, thank you much. Do you know how to get html-helper-mode to indent properly? \- mr. emacs despises html. --mr-emacs \_ You're not mr-emacs. Mr. Emacs would never say such a thing. It drives people to FrontPage. \- M-x bite-me --mr-emacs |
2000/5/31-6/1 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:18375 Activity:nil 50%like:18860 |
5/31 In emacs how do you replace something with a newline. What's the equivalent of \n? \_ Specify \n by quoting it (^Q^J) |
2000/5/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:18306 Activity:high |
5/20 In your experience, what's the best search engine for finding technical information (C library functions, examples of code, etc.) \_ I use altavista, but some people prefer google. I haven't tried raging extensively, but it seems the same as altavista but with less graphics. I don't like raging since it doesn't support Lynx. \_ i use altavista because google seems to strip out a lot of characters. for example, it's impossible to look for chips on google. \_ Hmm, maybe you should read the instructions on advanced searches \_ Software should just fucking work when you tell it what you want. It is not acceptable to expect the user to become you want. It is unacceptable to expect the user to become l33t on the esoteric details of the software at hand before he can get anything done. -blojo \_ do you use emacs? \_ No. Don't be stupid. People who need to get work done don't have time for emacs. \_ YOU're not very smart. most people who need to get work done decide to invest their effort in tools that will make them more productive in the long run. -ali. \_ why? it's a lot easier for me to type "altavista" than to read instructions on "advanced searches". -ali \_ In general, altavista gives you way too many irrevelent hits, and google works great EXCEPT if what you want is something they happen to be filtering. Which is why I always start with hotbot \_ he's asking a specific question about source code. read the fucking post. \_ @Sk jeEvEs D00D!!!!! iTS gOT AI N StUFf! \_ I use a meta search engine called Dogpile (http://www.dogpile.com It sends your query to about 10 major search engine. You can also configure it to present results from the different engines in a particular order or do other cool things. -emin \_ http://www.metacrawler.com emacs user was here. |
2000/5/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:18289 Activity:nil |
5/16 In emacs 19.34.6 for NT, if I bring up a .BAT file containing this line: if exist foo goto bar I get an error "No match 2 in highlight (2 bat-keyword-face)". But if I change the line to "if exist foo echo bar" or "if not exist foo goto bar" the error doesn't occur. Any idea? Thx. -- yuen |
2000/4/29 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:18148 Activity:nil |
4/28 In emacs 19, is there a way to make find-tag case-sensitive? -- yuen |
2000/3/20 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:17804 Activity:very high |
3/18 Which text editor is the best for ascii art editiiong? (don't say ed..) \_ TheDraw ruled! \_ Well, WordPerfect 5.x used to have some really nice ASCII line drawing abilities. But then came the era of the GUI's and all was lost. You could always try dosemu or vmware and then run wp5 for dos. \_ ACiD Draw v1.25 - paolo \_ drat.... \_ Of the ones not intended solely for ascii art editing, any editor with overstrike capability is probably sufficient. --dbushong \_ I suppose you eat peas with a sledgehammer, too, right? \_ Wow... does that mean anything? --dbushong \_ Bend over, vi fucker. \_ In the habit of taking it up the ass from your editor, I see. \_ emacs with asciiart mode |
2000/2/21 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:17580 Activity:nil 50%like:16578 |
motd nuked. Killroy was here. emacs user deleted. \_ kool \1'll get ya mudafaka! yo deleted my postz! |
2000/1/26 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:17329 Activity:nil |
1/25 Wow, the "can tell it was emacs" thread disappeared. I guess our mystery man didn't really know what he was talking about. \_ Idiot. It's still there with the answer included. You are a moron. |
2000/1/25-26 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:17321 Activity:high |
1/24 You can almost always tell an emacs user has edited the motd. I think that's cute. \_ how? -an emacs user \_ must be the #motd.public# files lying around. or is it motd.public~ ? \_ Nope. Good guess though. It's more subtle than that. Know thy emacs. \_ ~/.saves* ? tab/space switches? no terminating 0x0A? \_ Oooh.. sooooo close. \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Text Editor. \_ And the answer is: emacs users tend (thus I say 'almost always') to control-n past the end of file and then save. Tom and some anon person came closest. Contest over. Thank you for participating. Pick up prizes on the way out. \_ See ~yuen/.emacs2 if you don't want Ctrl-N to append new lines to the end of a file. -- yuen \- see ~psb/buffer-motion.el for joe well's code for next line. some other useful stuff in there. --psb |
2000/1/13-15 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:17234 Activity:nil |
1/13 In Emacs 19.34.6 for NT, when I use a dark background like "dark green" or "black", font-lock-background-mode is automatically set to dark, but for some reasons font lock still uses colors from light-screen-face-colors instead of dark-screen-face-colors. Any way to fix this problem? Thanks. \_ 1) remove NT 2) use nvi \_ No. \_ So what *Help* says on font-lock-face-attributes, that "Emacs uses default attributes based on display type and background brightness. See variables `font-lock-display-type' and `font-lock-background-mode'.", is not true? \_ Possibly. \_ Ed! Ed is the answer! |
2000/1/13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:17223 Activity:nil |
1/10 How do I make Emacs print space instead of "tabs"? Thanks. \_ (replace-string "tabs" "space") \_ If you don't mind changing the buffer content, do M-x untabify. \_ Use an editor made for little boys not an environment built for men. I suggest pico. It even sounds 'cute'. \_ No, it shows I don't give a fuck. |
1999/12/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:17062 Activity:high |
12/16 Emacs automatically goes to the next line when I enter ";", "}". I want to stop this behavior. How? \_ use notepad.exe \_ use cat \-what mode? probably C-q and then ; or } will do it. --psb \_ use dog \_ USE ED! ED IS THE STANDARD EDITOR!!!! \_ It should be: "ED! ED! ED is the standard!!!" \_ Sigh. ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Text editor. |
1999/12/1 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16984 Activity:moderate |
11/30 How do I auto-indent/tab a block in emacs? Esc, ctrl-\ \_ Thanks. This entry will be deleted shortly... \_ Meta-Control-Right-Shift-NumPad9-auto-indent-and-tab-level8 |
1999/10/13-14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:16703 Activity:moderate |
10/13 Hey, dipwad with the brain-dead editor: you're not intelligent enough to edit the motd. so stop now. \_ Which braindead editor was that? emacs, vi, jove, pico, or what *I* use to edit the motd: MS Word 2000 over the net? \_ That's the one! -mogul |
1999/9/26 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16599 Activity:nil 66%like:16598 |
9/25 Can yermom be run from soda? \_ Nope, it takes up too much RAM and cycles, and you'd have to send the $DISPLAY somewhere else anyway so it'd be a waste of net as well. Run yermom on your local wkstn. \_ Run top on po, torus, or cory. You'll see idiotic 61 students logging in from a PPro workstation running yermom remotely. The only one that is semi-understandable is running emacs on the cpu server since gdb and emacs interact with each other and you want a fast machine to run gdb but given that there are so many other people on those machines it's pretty stupid to think that gdb on %20 of a powerful machine is faster than 90% on a slower workstation. \_ case in point: > uname -a OSF1 <DEAD>cory.EECS.Berkeley.EDU<DEAD> V4.0 878 alpha > top load averages: 5.04, 4.64, 4.54 21:30:36 174 processes: 6 running, 42 sleeping, 126 idle CPU states: 73.2% user, 0.0% nice, 26.7% system, 0.0% idle Memory: Real: 241M/497M act/tot Virtual: 23M/4287M use/tot Free: 118M PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME CPU COMMAND 23728 cs9f-ez 44 0 9176K 3072K run 171:43 19.10% emacs-19.30 5497 cs61b-jz 44 0 9616K 3579K run 213:18 19.00% <emacs-19.30> 31152 cs9f-ez 44 0 9176K 3088K run 171:44 19.00% emacs-19.30 27544 cs164-ci 53 0 16M 9650K run 169:23 16.50% yermom-gold- 23692 nzamor 42 0 7184K 2613K run 23:54 4.90% java 24426 timt 44 0 7248K 909K sleep 0:00 0.50% pine 7613 justink 44 0 7168K 802K sleep 0:00 0.40% pine 1407 cave 44 0 15M 6537K sleep 0:00 0.30% yermom-gold- 12564 cave 44 0 15M 7577K sleep 0:01 0.10% yermom-gold- \_ Clue required. Clue would also say "you'd be a fool to do so". Do a ps. You won't find any clue doing so. Use lynx if you must. \_ WHAT A LOOSER. Don't fucking run yermom from soda you piece of shit. Use Ed. You piece of fuck. In fact, just fucking quit school and be a bum you piece of crap. \_ i believe the misconception comes from using the soda hall workstations |
1999/9/1 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16439 Activity:high |
8/31 In my emacs 19.34.1, M-x describe-bindings says that S-delete (Shift-BackSpace on my kbd actually) is bound to kill-region. However, when I add this (global-unset-key "S-^?") to my ~/.emacs, it complains that "Key sequence S - DEL uses invalid prefix characters". How do I unset the S-delete key? Thx. --- yuen \_ Wrong editor. \_ Ask in comp.editors |
1999/8/30-31 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16434 Activity:high |
8/30 Simple Emacs question: In C++ mode, I have this in my .emacs: (setq default-tab-width 4) However, subsequent tabs, doesn't tab 4 spaces. Thanks in advance. \_ You are evil. \_ Depending on your problem, the solution is to modify c-basic-offset or to M-x edit-tab-stops. \_ "M-x describe-variable default-tab-width" says: Default value of `tab-width' for buffers that do not override it. \_ ED! ED! ED IS THE STANDARD! tab-width. \_ so who IS this Ed guy? \_ He has a cat named 'bin'. This is the same as (default-value 'tab-width). So try setting tab-width while in your C++ buffer instead. |
1999/8/17-18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16326 Activity:nil 76%like:16320 |
8/16 I downloaded emacs20.4 from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/ for Sparc running SunOS4.1.4, and it doesn't come with the .el or .elc files for VM (View Mail). Does anyone know where I can download the files? Thx. -- yuen |
1999/8/16 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16320 Activity:high 76%like:16326 |
8/16 I downloaded emacs20.4 from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/ and it doesn't come with the .el files for VM. Does anyone know where I can download the files? Thx. -- yuen \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Text Editor. |
1999/8/12-15 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16301 Activity:low |
8/12 In emacs, can i highlight all the words that i search for? for example, i'd like to highlight all the word "print". How? \_ The same functionality can be done with grep -n \_ Use "less" instead of emacs. \- look for y2k-mode in gnu.emacs.source and riff off of that. --psb |
1999/7/15 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:16142 Activity:very high |
07/15 ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Text Editor. Use ED to EDit the motd. I don't want a locking viitor, or a locking emacsitor. I want a non-locking EDitor that allows me to EDit text out from under people! Everyone should know ED because it is the STANDARD! \_ so uh... who's this Ed guy? \_ Windows rules. Use NOTEPAD! \_ I used yermom. damn fine standard. \_ we really should convert the motd to .doc format and use Word to edit. WINDOWS RULEZ! DRIVE DIESEL!!!!!!! to edit. to edit. WINDOZ RULEZ!!! DRIVE DIESEL!!! \_ Word 2000 proprietary html/xml. |
1999/6/21-22 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:15995 Activity:very high |
6/21 What is the best text editor for Windows? I need it to be small, fast, unlimited file size, syntax highlighting, and not Emacs. copy con file \_ WinEdit. Can search text in a file using Perl regex. Beat that! \_ Lemmy... vi for windows and does syntax highlighting and a bunch of other cool things... \_ without a doubt: gvim/vim 5.3 -- full executable is 500K. Download at http://www.vim.org \_ Hm. Forgot to say "not Vi either." No way am I wasting the braincells to memorize 2 billion unintuitive commands and enter a special mode when I want to type them. Actually forget about "small" too. This is America. I found UltraEdit32, seems good 'nuff, and has a hex editor. I would use Emacs but I find its Windoze integration lacking. \_ Ah, using gvim you don't have to use the VI commands if you don't want to (thought they're worth learning--I used emacs until I switched and found the vi commands easy to learn). Use mouse-highlight, cursor keys, etc. Easy to make macros, too. \_ Much smaller Norton Editor (old old runs in dos but works) but it doesn't do syntax highlighting. It matches parens and braces but that's it. Full executable is about 30k. \_ Whatever happened to QEdit? -tom \_ Never used it. \_ still use it as DOS editor of choice for batch files QEdit became commercial TSE (The SemWare Editor?) I still have QEdit Advanced v3.00, one of the last versions that was still shareware \_ well, you could use jove. Dunno about unlimited file size. and no syntax sytuff. or jed, I suppose. ftp://space.mit.edu/davis \_ Write your own in MSJava! |
1999/3/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:15608 Activity:high |
3/17 Length or Girth? \_ Dildo \_ Your shit has both. \_Joan Lunden or Dian Sawyer? \_ Tastes great or less filling? \_ taste. \_ Coke or Pepsi? \_ coke. \_ Original or Extra Crispy? \_ original. \_ Emacs or Vi? \_ ed \_ jove \_ Mail or Elm? \_ mutt \_ VMail in emacs \_ cat /var/mail/username \_ cat $MAIL \_ To be or Not to be? \_ to be. \_ Condom or Sponge? \_ parents. \_ Oprah or Springer? \_ JERRY! \_ Leno or Letterman? \_ death. \_ Spit or Swallow \_ better swallow! \_ ass or tits \_ anything properly womanly. \_ force fed fecal matter or Hilfinger porn? |
1999/2/4 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:15359 Activity:high |
2/4 How do I get c color-coding in x-emacs? \-RTFFAQ |
1998/12/6 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:15083 Activity:nil |
12/5 Does anyone know how to get color coding on C/C++ on emacs. I tried copying all the /usr/sww/share/emacs/2.02/list/cc* to my home computer from the instructional machines but it doesn't seem to do the trick. Any suggestions? ************************************************ (setq text-mode-hook (quote turn-on-auto-fill)) (setq find-file-hook (quote turn-on-auto-fill)) (load "hilit19") (hilit-translate classes 'RosyBrown) (hilit-translate stk-keyword 'MediumVioletRed-underline) (hilit-translate defun 'red) (hilit-translate list-procs 'Chartreuse) (hilit-translate mutator 'red) (hilit-translate conversion 'orange) (hilit-translate define 'skyblue) (hilit-translate comment 'yellow-italic) (hilit-translate string 'thistle) (hilit-translate type 'orange) (hilit-translate keyword 'ForestGreen) (hilit-translate include 'green) (hilit-translate function-name 'purple) (hilit-translate decl 'purple) (hilit-translate args-list 'orange) (hilit-translate label 'red-underline) (hilit-translate caps 'blue4) (set-foreground-color "white") (set-background-color "black") (set-cursor-color "green") ********************************* Next time, put an e-mail address -allenp |
1998/10/10-14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:14759 Activity:moderate |
10/9 What's the difference between backward-delete-char and delete-backward-char in emacs? \-b-d-c is an alias for d-b-c. there are a few "standard aliases" like beep for ding. Some of these are for backward compat and will go away at some point others are "blessed" aliases. --psb \_ what is the diff between psb and pbs? Is the former blessed in any way? -ali \-percy bysse shelly writes better poetry and psb writes better lisp. --psb \_ There is no #1 pbs Fan. --psb #1 Fan \_ Public Broadcasting System, or Portable Batch System? \_ Geek or culture. Your choice. \_ Funny thing is, I'm not sure which is which. \_ We can safely assume that the Portable Batch System is _not_ a sign of high high culture. You can figure out the rest. \_ God I love emacs. --dbushong \_ Thou art blessed, my child. -- God. \_ you're dyslexic. -- Dog. \-b-d-c is an alias for d-b-c. there are a few "standard aliases" like beep for ding. Some of these are for backward compat and will go away at some point other are "blessed" aliases. --psb others are "blessed" aliases. --psb |
1998/9/30 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:14705 Activity:nil |
9/30 Anyone know if nt emacs can be used as a drop in replacement for the Visual C++ editor (i.e. will it sit in the VC++ window and be nice with things like debugging? \_ I've seen it done, but it was by people in the mega-know (i.e. at Microsoft) - seidl \_ No one at M$ has mega-know. |
1998/9/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/HW] UID:14600 Activity:low |
9/15 Ok, I RFTM already, but I couldn't figure this out. How do I make emacs display lines that are too long for the screen onto the next line without it actually word wrapping? All I get is the $ at the end of a line. \_ "Fundamental" mode without any minor modes activated should work fine. what kind of files are your editing/looking at? work fine. What kind of files are your editing/looking at? \-this is not a mode issue, but depends on teh value of the truncate-lines variable in that mode. apropos truncate or do a C-hv truncate-lines. at least you know not to sign whenyou dont know what you are tlaking about. --psb |
1998/4/22-24 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/HW, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14000 Activity:kinda low |
4/23 Where can I get a copy of emacs for PC? NT preferrably. \_ Check the FAQ (<DEAD>www.geek-girl.com/emacs/faq/93.html<DEAD> you amorous donkey: ftp://cs.washington.edu/pub/ntemacs/ \_ ftp://ftp.freebsd.com/ |
1998/1/29 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Politics] UID:13588 Activity:nil |
1/28 I don't believe it.. there really IS a "GNUscape". The bad news is, it runs under emacs. ugh. |
1996/11/13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31998 Activity:nil |
11/13 How do I test for the computer name in a emacs function? \-(system-name) --mr. emacs |
1996/11/13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31997 Activity:nil |
11/13 Mr Emacs, Mr Emacs, how do I set the printer name in XEMACS? \_ echo "setenv PRINTER lws274 ; setenv LPDEST $PRINTER" >> ~/.cshrc |
1996/9/29 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31907 Activity:nil |
9/27 Dear Mr. EMACS: how do i get rid of the ^M's (ctrl m's) that appear at the end of every line in an emacs *shell* ? (i don't mean the M-x shell-strip-ctrl-m command; i want the *shell* to not display this at all when i start to use it.) \-M-x edit-motd ... "emaul is the only supported [sic] interface to mr-emacs" --mr. emacs \_ Hi, Mr. Emacs. Just to let you know, that the use of [sic] is only for misspelled words. To use it for sarcasm is improper usage. Please learn proper English grammar and mechanics. --pcjr \_ You are a dumbass. Go do "dict sic" and read it. "sic" is used to show that the passage is exactly reproduced. \_ You fool! Everyone knows badmouthing Mr. Emacs is an invitation to have all your dotfiles translated to Latin! How could you be so stupid? |
1995/1/5 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31697 Activity:nil |
1/4 bpatch (binary editor) installed in /usr/local/bin. Man page is in /usr/local/man. Use at your own risk - fetched from comp.sources.unix. If someone has a updated Curses package for dynix then a better binary editor can be installed --jules. \-use emacs, hexl-mode [via hexl-find-file] |
1994/6/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31618 Activity:nil |
6/8 M-x center-ikirus-doc will center the entire buffer with value of the fill-column OR with the value you give it with C-u, if you specify something. It is bound ot M-q for ikiru, but the rest of you get it interactively-callable. sigh. --mr. emacs \_ don't forget to get your cookies. \eh, what cookies? what are you talking about? --psb \_ read the wall log \-searching for cookies returns no hits. \_ sounds like psb lost his cookies |
1994/5/11 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31595 Activity:nil |
5/9 I've installed auc-tex for e19. if you have set up things intelligently you should be able to get it working by putting (require 'tex-site) in your .emacs. this is a highly improved tex-mode for emacs. --psb \-i've found some problems with emacs19 on dynix. anyone know emacs internals at all? i'm looking for some ideas based on the symptoms. probably two distinct bugs. yes, this is what i should be doing durning finals.--psb |
1994/5/11 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31590 Activity:nil |
5/10 Would someone please tell us what /usr8 and /usr9 are slated to be used for? \_ I hear they're for gifs of nekkid gurlz. \_ /usr8: gifs of nekkid gurlz; /usr9: mpegs of nekkid gurlz \_ when can I move my gifs of nekkid gurlz to /usr8. they take up alot of disk space... \_ /usr8 currently has X11R6 and emacs 19; when those are moved to standard places (probably at least a month) it will be used for accounts most likely. /usr9 is already being used for accounts. |
1994/3/20 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:31536 Activity:nil |
3/19 Due to popular request, I stuck a function to get you xterm-style cutting and pasting under e19 in /usr/local/lib/Emacs19/ll/X-hacks.el. --mr-emacs |
1994/3/9 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31513 Activity:nil |
3/8 Distant Early Warning: I will probably make emacs19 the default emacs on soda around the end of this month assuming: 1. there is disk space for me to make it. 2. i manage to port all the local hacks. 3. i dont hear anything from my GNUperiors telling me otherwise. Let me know if you have any objections. I'll try to make things transparent but some of the uglier hacks may be non-easily-portable but the potential wins are large [so is the bin]. Unless you have a good reason to to stand in the way of progress, alias emacs emacs18. --psb |
1994/2/14 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:31482 Activity:nil |
2/14 Love stinks. Happy Couple-Bashing Day. Feel free to puke on the next couple you see kissing, screwing, or even holding hands. Better yet, bash their skulls in with a heavy blunt object. *kiss*kiss*SMACK*THUD* V-day can someone tell me which we want in the emacs init file: (autoload 'gnus "gnus" "Read network news." t) OR (autoload 'gnus "gnus-speedups" "Read network news." t) I deleted a couple of links in the emacs18 installation that i dont think were doing anything. i also might start compressing some el files to save space ... since everyone should be loading crypt++ anyway. let me know if anything breaks. --mr. emacs |
1993/11/18 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31430 Activity:nil |
11/18 I will probably recompile The One True Editor too add something analogous to xterm's Secure Keyboard option. If you have any other things you'ld liked added or dumped into The One True Editor, let me know ASAP. --psb \-a problem has occurred. anyone know X+Emacs 18 amd 19 internals pretty well? --psb |
1993/9/10 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31397 Activity:nil |
9/8 POLL: if you have been using Emacs19, will you drop me a line whether I should blow away e19.12 [emacs19]. Tnx. --psb \-well, i'll be gone probably on monday unless i break e19.19 when i recompile it to fix a integer math bug. --mr. emacs |
1993/8/10 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31378 Activity:nil |
8/10 Just 'cause ERic was bugging me about EmacsOS, I installed an elisp adventure game. M-x dunnet or dunnet from the shell. --Mr. Emacs |
1993/6/17 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31367 Activity:nil |
6/16 Can someone install "gnuserv" for emacs? \_ What's gnuserv? - kenji \-it's a better version of emacsclient. if you dont know what emacsclient is, you shouldnt be working on gnuserv. if you are going to be working on emacs, please le me know aheard of time. tnx --psb |
1993/6/15 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31361 Activity:nil |
6/14 be anyone working on Lucid Emacs by any chance? -- kenji \-why does this sound famliar? I was until ~24hrs ago. Feel free to take over. has fun and learn how truely f*cked Dynix be. --psb |
1993/6/4 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31348 Activity:nil |
6/4 Is there a way of setting a emacs default to stop leaving all backup files (such as main.c~, etc) after you've edited them? -gc |
1993/6/3-9 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31342 Activity:high |
6/3 Emacs 19 in /usr/local/bin/emacs19. No guarantees. Advise only test drives and not doing real work. (I'm using it now). --psb \_ It wobyerks fine so far, heh heh. ange-ftp works fine, somewhat nicer than the package you load in for emacs 18, and it's built-in to the regular find-file. Nicer X Windows support, though I've never tried Lucid Emacs yet. Default emacs 19 font easier on the eyes too. -- kenji \_ I thought emacs19 looked pretty horid. I've used lucid, and it's pretty clear that gnu has taken some giant leaps backwards from that fine product. \_ emacs 19.13 out; don't vous just love it when a new vershun be released at least twice a week? \i has no interest in marching in lock step with GNU releases. if someone ese wants to "maintayn" emacs19 on soda, feel free, just let moi know. vous should know however, we still get ~100 bug reports a day. someone please post this to the net so i can hear from a bunch of nimrods agayn. --psb |
1993/6/1 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31337 Activity:nil 50%like:31358 52%like:31390 |
5/29 Reminder: The first CSUA Bike Ride is this coming Saturday, 6/5. We're leaving Evans at 10:00 AM; there will be rides for varying skill levels. Mail tom@soda if you're interested. \_ emacs 19.10 builds, installs and runs out of the box without incident on my Linux machine. You might want to see if '.10 still has whatever problems you were experiencing. Lucid emacs' X interface is much better though. --Adam R. |
1993/6/1 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31334 Activity:nil |
6/1 Emacs "alpha" versions are still unstable...sigh. I'd wait. -rw-r--r-- 1 14910 wheel 5255417 May 30 03:03 emacs-19.10.tar.z -rw-r--r-- 1 14910 wheel 5295988 Jun 1 06:44 emacs-19.11.tar.z -rw-r--r-- 1 14910 wheel 5233919 May 25 11:48 emacs-19.8.tar.z -rw-r--r-- 1 14910 wheel 5226554 May 27 03:32 emacs-19.9.tar.z |
1993/5/28 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:31331 Activity:nil |
5/27 I've fielded a bunch of question on emacs 19 over the last few days. Look guys, RMS fucked up and released what should be an alpha copy: two days after release we had 100bugs, 3days later 250. 19.7 was the "release" version and now we are up to 19.9. So DONT even bother getting it for a while unless you want to fix bugs. And if you do, dont ask me about it. --psb |
1993/4/1-2 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:31248 Activity:nil |
3/31 I have (finally) created a default.el file for emacs. If you have a problem with it, or have an addition, send me mail. If anyone has the autoload code for daveg's calc, please send it to me, or add it if you know what you are doing and have approp privs. Right now it provides gnus, motd, wall, and bash-bush. If you dont know what this is and use emacs, it probably wont hurt you. If you dont use emacs, you are a loser. If it fucks-up your load path, tell me. --psb [why does this prose sound like cimarron's?] |
3/15 |