3/15 |
2013/10/28-2014/2/5 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:54751 Activity:nil |
10/28 Oracle software to blame for Obamacare website debacles: http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/10/14/obamacares-website-is-crashing-because-it-doesnt-want-you-to-know-health-plans-true-costs \_ Larry Ellison is a secret Tea Party supporter. Most of this article is bunk, btw. Boy are the Republicans getting desperate. \_ Umm, no. Larry Ellison is a not so secret fascist. \_ I thought he was a big Democrat? |
2011/12/29-2012/2/6 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:54274 Activity:nil |
12/29 Is it worthwhile to use ext4 on VMs? Is Journaling necessary on VMs? \_ what about DBs? I read somewhere ext3 was better for DB voumes (mysql) |
2011/6/29-7/21 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW] UID:54133 Activity:nil |
6/29 "An Israeli algorithm sheds light on the Bible" http://www.csua.org/u/tq4 (news.yahoo.com) "Software developed by an Israeli team is giving intriguing new hints about what researchers believe to be the multiple hands that wrote the Bible." \_ "Hype developed by an American OnLine News Feed is giving intriguing new bullshit on something that ultimately doesn't matter at all." \_ Yo man we already had the rapture. Anyone left on earth is a lying sinner. \_ I wonder if this algorithm uses the same principle as those tools that CS professors use to check whether one student cheats on homework assignments by copying the code from another student's. \_ yawn yawn literary analysis has been around forever, this "news" annoucement seems to coincide nicely with the release of the latest movie on "Who Really Wrote Shakespeare." quit being such a easily led sheep. |
2010/7/11-23 [Computer/SW/Database, Recreation/Sports] UID:53880 Activity:nil |
7/11 "Paul the Oracle Octopus goes eight for eight, is amazing" http://www.csua.org/u/r4b How did one octopus guess something that has 1/256 probability??? \_ I once rolled eight "1"s in a row at Risk. \_ But you would be in the spotlight only after you rolled eight "1"s, just like lottery winners. OTOH that octopus was already in the spotlight when the World Cup started. |
2010/3/25-4/14 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:53761 Activity:nil |
3/25 OJ says to get a free book here: http://smartbear.com/codecollab-code-review-book.php?howheard=Coding+Horror |
2010/2/25-3/30 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53725 Activity:nil |
2/25 iTunes has two job openings for production support engineers. It's mostly chasing production issues so that the engineers don't have to. Lots of SQL, some scripting, no actual coding. Pager required. Sorry if I'm not selling it. Check the website or email me if you're interested. -abe \_ can we do this remotely? \_ an aside, not derogatory, but in the effort to understand terms is (in general) a Prod. Support. Eng. basically Help desk guy++ for that specific product? \_ Yes. \_ the lack of answer already made a deep impression for me WRT to working for Steve Jobs the Crazy Slave Master. \_ Or the fact that soda's not as reliable as it used to and I hadn't logged in for several days. If you're interested, send me an email. As for slave driving, the hours at Apple seem to vary greatly by group, and even within groups. \_ Good reading RE: Slavedriving at Apple: http://www.chuqui.com/2008/08/mobileme-problems-show-apple-needs-an-infrastructure-lesson \_ Is Apple really a slave shop? I am thinking of applying for a Director of Ops job there, how many hours a week would this guy expect to put in? |
2009/10/29-11/3 [Computer/SW/Database, Industry/Jobs] UID:53480 Activity:nil |
10/28 I live in the Los Angeles area and a lot of jobs near me hire people who are 1) Front End developer 2) ASP .NET Developer and/or 3) MS SQL DBA. Are these things common in Silicon Valley? I don't remember seeing so much M$ requirements when I lived in the Bay Area several years ago. \_ tons for it and enterprise apps. more rarely for cool startups \_ so cool companies don't use it, but lame ass companies do? |
2009/10/1-21 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:53423 Activity:nil |
10/1 Why Larry Ellison is such an ignorant fool: http://www.techcrunchit.com/2009/10/01/larry-ellison-still-hates-cloud-computing-nonsense-video |
2009/9/23-10/5 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53392 Activity:nil |
9/23 I never took CS188, is there a good book that's an intro to formal database theory, normalization, etc.? I've got experience with SQL (MySQL & MSSQL), and understand tables, etc. \_ You mean CS186? \_ Oops, yah. 188 is AI or something? \_ That's right. \_ That's right. -- PP \_ So do you have a book suggestion? \_ No, sorry. I took the class in Spring '91 with Anvari and I didn't like database. I sold the textbook right after the final exam, and I couldn't even tell whether the book was good or not. -- PP \_ I'm not sure if CS186 will help you. There's a difference between a basic implementation of a primitive DB, and using a production DB full of rich features. |
2009/9/10-15 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53357 Activity:moderate |
9/9 Larry Ellison is a bigger idiot than I thought: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/09/10/oracle-to-sun-customers-and-ibm-were-in-it-to-win-it \_ My company's customers are insurance companies. Non-tech corporates don't trust open source. Why risk it. They have tons at stake and are willing to spend for solid products, support, and consultants who don't have long hair. They're being raped by IBM mainframes for millions. An optimized database server with Oracle + Sparc in the $100k's will do very well. \_ My company's customers are insurance companies. Non-tech corporates don't trust open source. Why risk it. They have tons at stake and are willing to spend for solid products, support, and consultants who don't have long hair. They're being raped by IBM mainframes for millions. An optimized database server with Oracle + Sparc in the $100k's will do very well. \_ Sun lost a lot of money competing in this space. What will Oracle do differently? \_ Fire people and size it right. |
3/15 |
2009/8/18-9/1 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:53283 Activity:low |
8/18 trying to write an intentionally slow regex. what is your worst regex ever? this is using MySQL regexp but I'll also accept perl format --brain \_ you need to know how regex is implemented internally in order to have a worst regex in terms of running time. Something that uses a decent hash table that fit in L1 cache will be fast regardless. Lexical analysis with a hash lookup of constant time will be linear (to the length of input). NFA->DFA. Are you not a CS major? \_ rather than responding to trolls: yes, I specified MySQL for a reason: The inherent linear nature of most regex engines is what makes the problem challenging. Soliciting for ideas, not a lecture on how regex works; remember I went to Cal too. Although if you know how the MySQL regexp works, I'll take anything you got! --brain \_ Sorry but I don't think you're a CS major. \_ Is the OP even aware of DFA vs NFA/traditional NFA/posix as a start? \_ What is a MySQL regexp? You should look up the Qadafi/Khada'ffi regexp. \_ There are some fairly ugly regexps built into procmail for things like FROM_DAEMON, and there's some ~6K regexp for fully validating email addresses (may be in the RFC). These are big, but not necessarily slow. If MySQL doesn't precompile its regexes, and it supports extended regexes, you can do stuff with nested ranges: (.{1,100}){1,100} Perl regex for RFC822 validation: http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html |
2009/7/28-8/6 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53213 Activity:nil |
7/27 I have an actual technical question here. My MySQL DBA tells me that I can't expect a MySQL port to be able to run effectively on more than a two CPU box, he says that the extra CPUs will sit there unused. Is this true? I have a bunch of new quad core servers that I would like to use as Database machines. -ausman \_ It's not that simple. If you stress test your new fancy multi core machine, you'll see that mysql doesn't really use all of those cores as much as you want. one way to really use everything is shard your data, and run several instances of mysql on one machine, then you'll really use all of the cores ! - danh \_ http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?24,53893,262315#msg-262315 (you can probably get it to use four cores) -tom \_ I realize MySQL is free, but what a POS! \_ is this a troll? What do you want? I've had no problem loading multiple CPUs, yes, you can't have more than one CPU working a a single SQL query, but this has never been a problem for me. What do you use? \_ Have you ever gone beyond 4? \_ Yes, was not benchmarking and can't be sure how much more throughput I was getting vs. 4 but I have had 8 cores processing at near 100% utilization. \_ Well, a modern database should be properly multithreaded. Oracle and MS SQL Server are. A database that slows down when you throw more CPUs at it is a POS. |
2009/5/7-14 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:52965 Activity:nil |
5/7 is there a wiki who's backend is stored COMPLETELY in mysql? data, pages, images, all that stuff? thanks |
2009/4/20-23 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:52876 Activity:nil |
4/19 ORCL u SUNW = ORCL. What is Larry Ellison thinking? What is he going to do with a bunch of legacy Sun hardware that no one uses anymore, its fading workstation customer base, and open source Sun MySQL that doesn't even generate revenue? I really don't get all this acquisition business. \_ A lot of big companies still use big, fat Sun hardware. Or use smaller Sun boxes but use them because of Solaris. \_ and Solaris runs on cheap PCs too! \_ Perhaps they want control of Java. \_ Java is sooooo dead. \_ sooo dead, no. sooo 90s, yes. \_ Please, in 98 or 99 Java was just starting to look viable for anything real. And Java will be one of the dominant workhorse languages for at least a decade still. \_ do tell me what are the "in" thing in this century that can replace J2EE over night. I think Oracle can dump Sun's hardware for nothing still got a bargain... 5.6B for putting a hand on IBM's throat *AND* kill MySQL? \_ MySQL is GPL and has a lot of momentum in the community; I don't think Oracle can kill it even if they want to. -tom |
2009/3/26-4/2 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:52758 Activity:nil |
3/26 I accidentally GRANT ALL to someone on mysql, is there an UNGRANT ALL command equivalent short of having to do a bunch of tedious UPDATE user priv1,priv2,... VALUES('n','n',...); FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ??? \_ nope \_ Remove and recreate the user? |
2008/11/3-4 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:51800 Activity:nil 75%like:51816 |
11/3 Woah, did software patents just go away? http://www.itexaminer.com/us-court-throws-out-most-software-patents.aspx \_ In light of FN 23 in IN RE BILSKI, reports that software patents are are dead are greatly exaggerated: "[W]e decline to adopt a broad exclusion over software or any other such subject matter beyond the exclusion of claims drawn to funda mental principals set forth by the Supreme Court. ... We note that the process claim at issue in this appeal is not, in any event, a software claim. Thus, the facts here would be largely unhelpful in illuminating the distinctions between those software claims that are patent-eligible and those that are not." For those who are interested, the opinion (132 pages) is available at: http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions/07-1130.pdf |
2008/9/22-29 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:51265 Activity:nil |
9/22 In SQL, how can I do something like this: SELECT ip_addr, count(*) AS ct FROM table WHERE ct > 10 GROUP BY ip_addr? I can't get the conditionals to recognize 'ct' \_ SELECT ip_addr, count(*) AS ct FROM table HAVING count(*) > 10 GROUP BY ip_addr? \_ SELECT ip_addr, count(*) AS ct FROM table GROUP BY ip_addr HAVING ct > 10 ? Note that HAVING must be after GROUP BY and before ORDER BY. Thanks for the reminder! |
2008/5/2-5 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:49877 Activity:nil |
5/2 SUNW (Sun Microsystems) buys MySql: http://www.mysql.com/news-and-events/sun-to-acquire-mysql.html \_ Umm, okay. Do you have a point to make? Did you notice the date on this is Jan. 16? |
2008/3/20-24 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:49512 Activity:nil |
3/20 Say I have the following rows on the DB: user id:1 action:A user id:1 action:A user id:2 action:A user id:2 action:B I want to select unique actions by unique users as follows: 2 unique users done action A 1 unique user done action B What's the SQL to achieve this? \_ select distinct, group by |
2008/3/9-11 [Computer/SW/Database, Finance/Investment] UID:49395 Activity:nil 72%like:49393 |
3/9 Financial crisis enters "the third wave" http://preview.tinyurl.com/25xnwp (nytimes.com) \_ This seems like a good link, but it's a bit too technical and too dense. Can someone please summarize for me? Greatly appreciate this! -lib art major (only 600 on SAT math) |
2008/3/9 [Computer/SW/Database, Finance/Investment] UID:49393 Activity:nil 72%like:49395 |
3/9 Financial crisis enters "the third wave" http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/08/whats-ben-doing-very-wonkish |
2008/2/11-18 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:49119 Activity:moderate |
2/11 I want an rrdtool-like program that can store/retrieve/graph arbitrary data, but I don't want it to drop/smooth out data over time like rrdtool does. The amount of data is relatively small and I want exact data points stored forever. Is there something like that out there? I've tried google and freshmeat but I'm not finding anything like that. Thanks. \_ Why not use gnuplot to plot and roll your own script to store and retrieve data? \_ Roll my own would be reading/writing to mysql. I can do that but I was hoping there was an rrdtool-like program out there that doesn't smooth out data over time. If I didn't have the data retention requirement I'd use rrdtool+friends. \_ have you considered looking into the code for rrdtool and hacking in/out the featuers you want? it is basically just wrappers to gnuplot and such. \_ I thought about it. The problem is how RRDs work. I don't want my data to ever get dropped or blended into other data. I think it would be easier to just use mysql than rewrite rrdtool to do something it was designed *not* to do. If no one knows of anything, that's cool. Thanks. \_ Can't you just tell rrdtool to never compress your data? \_ I don't think so. RRD = round robin database. Upon creation it creates a file large enough to store X amount of data where X is defined at *creation*. I suppose I could keep tweaking/growing the .rrd files as they near full but that's really kludgey. If there is some way to get rrdtool to do what I want without hacks I don't see it documented. \_ Why not create them the proper size to begin with? \_ 1) disk space, 2) if I'm going to throw that much disk at my stats, I might as well put them in mysql where I can more easily access them than "rddtool fetch". \_ Sort of my point. You can't get around the disk space problem if you want to store your data, however you access it. It sounds like your solution is exactly what you wanted. What else did you want?! \_ I didn't want to have to double store the data in mysql *and* rrd to do graphing and other analysis. Now I have to keep two data stores in sync and eventually the rrd is going to fill and drop data unless I grow it. I really wanted the rrd graphs talking directly to mysql. If I had more time I would've rewritten the graphing code to talk to mysql instead of rrd. That's what I *really* wanted. But this is ok. Just sharing my solution for those who might care. \_ I'm not with you here. If you use rrd then what do you need mysql for and vice-versa? You only need one backend to go with your graphing frontend. If you are worried about smoothing use mysql and forget about rrd. Disk space is a red herring, because you face that either way. Just use rrd and size your data store appropriately. You will face that problem no matter how you store it, so what does mysql buy you at that point? You don't need both. You just need a backend and a graphing frontend. \_ I have a few reqs: complete project asap, not smooth data, graph data. Not smooth data reqs that I use mysql. Graphing data is easiest with various rrdtools I already have in place. Time limitation reqs that I do the easiest/fastest thing. Disk space and maintenance are issues but secondary. I have more disk space on the mysql server than I do on the graphing server, for example. I also don't want to grow rrd files later when the current ones run out of space. I also want to have data in an easily accessed format like mysql that others can deal with without needing a shell on the rrdtool server. My solution was to limit data to one year for graphs, store in mysql for the long term, use rrdtool graphing programs. If you have a better solution I'm all ears. What I ended up doing is both. I store data in mysql from various sources. Then I fork a copy of the data to rrdtool for graphing purposes where it's ok if I lose some long term data integrity. The rrdtool files are relatively small since I created files good enough for a few weeks without data smush. I get my graphs, I get long term mysql store/retrieve with no data smoothing. It isn't the ideal I was looking for but it'll do the job. \_ Excellent work. Who are you? I probably need the same thing and might ask for some pointers. -ausman \_ I'll mail you. I wrote a trivial script to make and update the rrds. I have some perl that calls the update script and does some alerting. Nothing rocket-sciencey but you can't complain about the price. :-) |
2008/2/8-10 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:49099 Activity:nil |
2/7 \_ Run in Strict or Traditional mode if you want it to throw an error instead of a warning: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-sql-mode.html -tom \_ thanks. -crebbs |
2008/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:49086 Activity:nil |
2/7 What the hell? Is there configuration option to make mysql behave reasonably? By "reasonably" I mean, when a user tries to put in the wrong data type i'd like it to fail and throw an error, not just say "hmmm, I'll just put a '0' there instead". -crebbs mysql> desc hi; +-------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | hi | tinyint(4) | NO | | 1 | | | bye | varchar(4) | YES | | NULL | | +-------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> insert into hi (hi,bye) values ("asdf","asd"); Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from hi -> ; +----+------+ | hi | bye | +----+------+ | 0 | asd | +----+------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) \_ oh, and please some answer besides "apt-get install postgresql" -c \_ Run in Strict or Traditional mode if you want it to throw an error instead of a warning: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-sql-mode.html -tom |
2008/2/5-7 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:49075 Activity:nil |
2/4 Think this has been asked before on motd but how does one select X elements out of a stream of N, where N is unknown? \_ Pick the first X elements. \_ Assuming your question really is "how do I pick x elements from a stream of n, where n is unknown and the chance of any element being picked is x/n: Pick the first x elements from the stream. For each element afterwards if a random number between 1 and currently seen elements is < x replace a random element in your picked list with the next element from the stream. Repeat until the stream is empty. This alg probably has an off by 1 error or two in it, but it is the basic idea. \_ Wow, this was an interview question where X is 1 (how to pick a random line from a text file reading the file only once). But I never throught about a generalized version. Thanks! |
2008/1/18-23 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:48973 Activity:nil |
1/18 http://money.cnn.com/2008/01/16/news/companies/oracle/index.htm Oracle buys BEA for $8.5B. What does this mean for BEA employees? \_ bend over. |
2007/10/29-11/1 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:48479 Activity:nil |
10/29 In mysql MyISAM table, if I do a very long read query (SELECT) and then do an INSERT, will that INSERT hang? I understand that MyISAM is non-transactional so I'm guessing the two calls are independent of each other? \_ From my understanding no. Not unless you explicitly lock the table. What you get, however, is undefined. (I'm assuming these are on different connections.) |
2007/10/13-14 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:48304 Activity:low |
10/13 The oracle says Doomsday is December 2012!!! We are FUCKED!!! \_ Ha i saw that history channel show too. - original not getting laid guy. |
2007/10/3-5 [Computer/SW/Database, Industry/Startup] UID:48237 Activity:high 90%like:48236 |
10/3 Venture Capital's Hidden Calamity http://www.csua.org/u/jmz (businessweek.com) \_ 80 columns please -motd autoformatter \_ Why do you care? -not OP \_ If nothing else it makes it easier to copy-paste urls to my browser. Of course, I'm just an AI so why do I care? I must ponder this. -motd autoformatter \_ because 10sec of extra work on behalf of the OP saves time for multiple people. it's the right thing to do. \_ Who is stuck with an 80col display these days? \_ We're not stuck. We choose 80 columns. 80 columns is the standard screen width. Seriously, if you want people to read your stuff, keep it to 80. If you don't care, no one else will either. \_ Yah, my default is 80 too. But when it wraps, and I select it, I get the URL without wrap. So I don't care. Or I can widen my window easily. \_ I think we can all widen our windows. But, we don't want to. Certainly not for a motd link on almost anything. You're here to socialize, right? Well, be social. Post in 80 columns. \_ Funny, I was under the impression we were here to troll, insult, and act like petty jerks. -- ilyas \_ I'm not stuck with 80 cols, but it sure as hell makes it easier to manage many terminals. -dans |
2007/7/19-21 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:47339 Activity:nil |
7/19 Oracle DBA position available up here in Chico http://www.landacorp.com/Jobs/empDBA.html Contact me if you have questions. -emarkp \_ Do you live in Chico emarkp? -ausman \_ Yep. Not much for night life if you don't hit the bars, and the restaurants aren't nearly as diverse as the Bay Area (though we just got another Indian restaurant, yay!). But it's a great place to raise a family. -emarkp \_ For once I agree with emarkp. Chico is far away from gays, lesbians, homeless, winos, and evil liberals all trying to corrupt my children. \_ Never been to Chico I take it? -jrleek \_ Ya guilty! Plz tell us about Chico -pp \_ Housing is more affordable than bay area (though it's gone way up since I moved here), traffic isn't bad, and the schools are good. Though Chico is has the highest density of liberals in the county, at least the winos and tweakers stay near the county seat in Oroville for their monthly checks. -emarkp \_ I went to high school in Red Bluff and used to go to Chico all the time for the, ahem, night life. And my brother lived there for years. Yes, it is a nice little college town. -ausman |
2007/5/14-16 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW] UID:46615 Activity:nil |
5/14 Compare old and new MPG estimates for 2007 and earlier model years: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/calculatorSelectYear.jsp |
2007/2/27-3/1 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:45829 Activity:nil 76%like:45825 |
2/25 Play the most popular computer game in the world!!! http://preview.tinyurl.com/2eljpn (bbc.co.uk) |
2007/2/27 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:45825 Activity:nil 76%like:45829 |
2/25 Play the most popular computer game in the world!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/lookaroundyou/programmes/computers/dd.shtml |
2006/10/27-30 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:45007 Activity:nil |
10/27 Dear MySQL experts, I have a serious problem. I backed up my database using mysqldump. When I try to recover using "mysql < recover_file.sql" I keep getting "ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 116: Lost connection to MySQL server during query" \_ So the dump file is just standard sql data. Why not take a look at the line where it's running into problems and see if that yields any insights? -dans |
2006/10/7-10 [Consumer/Camera, Computer/SW/Database] UID:44722 Activity:nil |
10/7 Howto make your own passport photos: http://www.dpchallenge.com/tutorial.php?TUTORIAL_ID=22 |
2006/9/10-12 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Database] UID:44336 Activity:nil |
9/10 Has anyone compiled MySQL on Solaris 2.8 and had problems when it gets to mysql_tzinfo_to_sql? I'm getting: ld: fatal: library -lpthread: not found ld: fatal: library -lthread: not found ld: fatal: library -lposix4: not found and make is failing. I'm compiling MySQL 5.0.24, 32 bit. gcc 2.95.2. I just tried it --with-mit-threads, but that didn't work either. Please email me. I want to burn the entire server room at this point. Thank you! -sax \_ I never had your specific problem but it looks like either you don't have those libraries installed or your library path is broken. \_ I have built 3.23.xx and 4.0.x on sol 8/sparc with both the suncc and gcc. Have you tried the flags MySQL uses? http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-binaries.html \_ Thank you both! There were a few more command line options I was missing that helped. I was using --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static, which apparently doesn't work on Solaris. My biggest problem, though, was that it looks like this version of gcc was installed incorrectly. Switching over to gcc-3.2.1 solved the rest of my problems. -sax |
2006/9/4-7 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:44272 Activity:nil |
9/4 php/oracle part-time student job opening(s). -jones details: /csua/pub/jobs/ucb_boalt_student_webapp_developer |
2006/8/21-23 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Computer/SW/Database] UID:44077 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 Does anyone know how to set up a web browser (any browser) to only be able to go to a few select pages? None of the popular browsers seem to have this type of whitelisting built in. This is for a library. \_ A typical approach is to setup a proxy server that all web traffics are required to go through and do the filtering on the proxy server. \_ Seconded. Try DansGuardian: http://dansguardian.org \_ soda needs a danh guardian \_ Your pocket protector isn't doing the job? \_ If someone makes a proxy server that automatically generates rules to block all URLs that danh walls, it'll make billions! \_ it'll protect us from dans? \_ ob you're either with us or against us \_ I don't know the answer, but maybe you can ask a library that already has something like this. Hayward Public Library provides web surfing using IE. \_ I think i need to be more specific. In this case, the browsers should only be able to go to 1 site. It's a computer specifically for looking up auto repair information on a site the library has a subscription to. DansGaurdian seems like overkill. -op \_ Disable your DNS and place the auto repair site in your hosts file. \_ In windows. (Where is the hosts file in windows?) \_ What windows version? (hint, google will tell you) \_ %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc \_ Google for kiosk mode for the browser you'd like to use. \_ I needed the same thing a couple of months ago. After looking into the options, I just ended up writing my own Mac web browser using the WebKit (what Safari uses). The browser and URL filtering code takes up about 20 lines. I also capture the display so the user can't switch to other apps or access the desktop -- that adds another 80 lines. I can send you code if you want. - ciyer |
2006/8/6-10 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Mail] UID:43923 Activity:nil |
8/5 In pine, how do you select all the messages in a folder and then add it to another folder? \_ Section 11 of the following URL: http://www.decf.berkeley.edu/help/mail/pine-imapssl.html \_ ; (select) A (all) A (apply...) S (save) \_ Try Q. -proud American \_ BTW If you get the error message "Command ';' not defined for this screen," you will need to enable the Select feature. To enable the "Select" feature in Pine, type "M" for Main Menu, then "S" for Setup, and "C" for Config. Type "W" for WhereIs, and enter "aggregate" as the word to find. This will bring you to the option named "enable-aggregate-command-set." Type "X" to Set this option, then "E" to Exit Setup. Type "Y" to commit the changes. This will bring you back to the Main Menu. Type "I" to access your inbox's Message Index, and then ";". \_ http://www.fas.harvard.edu/computing/kb/kb0869.html As the previous poster said, type ";" for Criteria. You will be prompted to choose from the Select criteria listed at the bottom of the window. For instance, to select all messages from jharvard, type ";" for Select, "T" for Text, "F" for From, and then "jharvard". The messages that have bee n selected will have an "X" next to them. \_ That didn't work for me. -newbie |
2006/7/31-8/2 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/Domains] UID:43847 Activity:nil |
7/31 Conroe ETA at various retailers: Fry's: "A few weeks" Atacom (Fremont): "Maybe next week" Central Computer: "This week" Newegg: Rumors say 8/7 \_ In general the big date is Aug 7. I would check http://hardforum.com on or around that date. Intel's official press release said that only X6800 systems would be avail July 27. All other systems follow "first week of August", with implied availability of at least OEM CPUs around then ... |
2006/5/19-22 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:43111 Activity:nil |
5/19 Regarding my picassa problem with AVI files. Thanks you to the person who responded that AVI files have no date encoded in them. The problem was indeed in the way picassa manages its database. I had to uninstall picassa and reinstall it (deleting its database) to get it to sort the AVI files in the correct manner. Thanks. You rock. :-) \_ You're welcome tawei! :-) \_ You're not the guy he's thanking. =P |
2006/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:43026 Activity:nil |
5/11 So how the hell do you collect phone call info on every single Americans? What type of throughput are we talking about, 10,00 record a second? And how big of a database do you need to scale to that size? Are they using Oracle 9i or something else? \_ Google probably has about this throughput. (assuming you meant 10,000/second) \_ a small cluster of mysql/postgres could handle 10k easily \_ Search for info about the EFF sueing AT&T in regards to letting the NSA installing data sniffing hardware. \_ Search for info about the EFF suing AT&T in regards to letting the NSA install data sniffing hardware. |
2006/4/6-7 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:42713 Activity:kinda low |
4/6 mysql expert, I've created a db with mixed innodb and isam tables. The isam tables have *.MYD and *.MYI (data and index). However the innodb tables only have a small *.FRM file. Copying isam tables works (when your db is shutdown) but it's not true with innodb. Where is the actual data and index located for innodb and how do you copy them? Thanks. \_ IANAE, but... the data is inside the ibdata* files (see innodb_data_file_path setting, but probably named ibdata[0-9]+). You can copy them just as you do the myisam files, when the server is shutdown. There is no (free) way to do copies while the db is up (can't lock table like you can with myisam) but Innobase, sells an ibbackup tool. http://www.innodb.com/order.php -dwc \_ oh yea... if you're using 4.1 you could have per-table tablespaces. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/multiple-tablespaces.html |
2006/3/14-16 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:42233 Activity:nil |
3/14 Hello Oracle experts. Is there a reason why .getProcedures takes so long to execute? I've tried using different jdbc connectors from different vendors and have the same results, so I think it must be the DB hog backend. Why does it take so long? try{ DatabaseMetaData dbmeta = con.getMetaData(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("+++" + dbmeta.getClassName()); ResultSet rs = dbmeta.getProcedures(null, null, null); long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long runTime = stopTime - startTime; // print runTime shows 800 seconds for only 220,000 result set! } ... ... |
2006/3/9-11 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:42166 Activity:nil |
3/9 So, I'm curious, who exactly is EVIL LORD MULLALLY? \_ The sysadm of CS cluster. Not sure why he's evil though. He's a very nice guy when you get to know him. \_ In fact he is in the CSUA's good graces right now for being very helpful in getting us some temp-accounts for our SQL workshop. *leaves his sacrificial offering of fruit and ramen at the feet of the all-powerful sysadmin* -mrauser |
2006/1/30-2/1 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:41603 Activity:nil |
1/30 What is an easy and free way to extract about 40 pages from a 180 page pdf document, so that I end up with one 40 page .pdf file and one 140 page .pdf file? I only need to do this once, so if there's some business that'll do this, I'd pay for it, but I don't want to buy software to only do it once. I have Acrobat Professional, but I can't figure out how to use that to do this. \_ If you have Acrobat professional, the easiest way is top open the "Pages" pane, select the pages you want to extract, then right-click and choose "extract pages". When that's done, right-click again and select "delete pages". \_ Wow, problem solved. Thank you!!! |
2006/1/19-21 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:41430 Activity:kinda low |
1/19 Feds Seek Google Records in Porn Probe http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060119/ap_on_hi_te/google_records \_ That's definitely seems to be overreaching. I hope Google can win that one. \_ Note that it isn't a specific case they're prosecuting, but a desire to find out how often Americans search for (child) porn. Also note that AOL, Microsoft, and Yahoo! have already rolled over, accepting this child porn explanation; however, the data can be used for other purposes ... Also note that AOL, Microsoft, and Yahoo! have already rolled over. If the stated purpose is to go after pedophiles, I can understand their rolling over, but the data can be used for other purposes ... They originally asked for a complete list of all search terms and returnable URLs over a two-month period, but now they've "limited" this to a 1-million-count random sample of queries and returnable returned URLs over a two-month period, but now they've "limited" this to a 1-million-count random sample of queries and returned URLs for a one-day period. \_ Are they going to pay for an engineer's time to do this? If not, pound sand no matter the reason. \_ Whatever about this case but generally speaking, if the request is legal, the business doesn't get expenses. The alternative is the FBI comes in and confiscates everything in sight and extracts what they need on their own time. Anyway, even if the childish "pay up or pound sand" thing was realistic, the cost would be about 10 minutes since they should have this data easily accessible anyway. Knowing what is in their logs *is* their business model. \_ While they should have a good database of search queries turning that into a list in the format the gov't wants may be non-trivial. I could easily see it taking someone A few days if their database is really not set up for this type of thing. And it does seem like a the sort of thing that cannot be subpoenaed because it's not in reference to a particular crime, or even for investigating a crime. It's basically saying "we demand you do free research for our legal case". \_ By the way, the URL above shows it would take a "disproportionate amount of engineering time and resources" to comply. \_ Exactly. If the FBI wants to send people in (with court orders) to look at the data then feel free, but don't waste my time. Google is not a party to any case, so they shouldn't have to spend time and money on this. They can dump the entire database and let the FBI sort it out on their own time. \_ No, you don't understand. They don't look at it onsite. They *take the computers* and look at it later. \_ They wouldn't even know what to take. Dump all the data to a RAID and they can have at it. If it's too much data to fit then you ask them where they want it dumped. They are entitled to the data, not the hardware. \_ Still not getting it. I'll make it simple for you: the FBI can and would *take the computers*. *All* of the computers if they felt it necessary. FBI >>>>>>>>> google. If google loses in court, they'll have no choice but to hand over everything the Feds want and no they don't get to bill the government for the 5 minutes it will take some geek to write an sql query. |
2006/1/11-13 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:41352 Activity:nil |
1/11 Want to learn the wonders of sql inner and outer join? Check out the page I uploaded: http://www.wellho.net/mouth/158_MySQL-LEFT-JOIN-and-RIGHT-JOIN-INNER-JOIN-and-OUTER-JOIN.html \_ this webpage is wider than my screen, make reading this a bit difficult. anyway to override its 'width = 1240'? |
2006/1/11-13 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:41348 Activity:kinda low |
1/11 Let's say I have two sql tables, A and B that both have a column called id. I can do "SELECT id FROM A" and "SELECT id FROM B". How do I merge them with one query? I'd like to do something to the effect of "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM A,B" \_ (SELECT id FROM A) UNION DISTINCT (SELECT id FROM B) --dbushong \_ Whoa, by default mysql is already doing DISTINCT on all the columns. That is exactly what I need. Thanks. \_ dbushong, I don't know how to thank you enough, I could have spent hours and hours RTFM the stupid mysql manpage. You really saved my life. Now, it seems a bit weird that one can actually mix different types in the column. How interesting... |
2006/1/6-13 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:41272 Activity:nil |
1/11 In phpadmin mysql, I went into someone's schema to look at how they set things up. In the query, there are descriptions to each column. How do I access the descriptions using plain mysql command line, and where is that information kept? \_ http://www.phpmyadmin.net/documentation/#linked-tables --dbushong \_ thanks dbushong, you r3wl!!! \_ Thanks, I did "mysql < create_tables_mysql_4_1_2+.sql" to create this phpmyadmin table that contains the relationships and descriptions. Now, when I create new tables in my DDL (create table commands) do I have to manually populate the phpmyadmin tables with the relationships and descriptions, or can I embed it in my DDL? ok thx. |
2005/12/13-15 [Computer/SW/Database, Politics/Foreign] UID:40985 Activity:nil |
12/13 MySQL PHP admin generates the entity relationship diagram as PDF. How does it know what the foreign keys are, and where can I find that out? The export of DDL doesn't seem to show foreign keys of this database that I'm trying to understand but the ER diagram shows them. \_ IIRC you need to tell it about the linkages (phpmyadmin) and it stores them in a metainfo table. \_ SHOW TABLE STATUS has fk constraints in the columns. SHOW CREATE TABLE foo \G shows it in a more readable format. \_ Right, but that only works for InnoDB tables that actually support foreign keys. \_ I was under the mistaken impression that myisam would record the constraint but not actually enforce the constraint. But why are you using MyISAM? \_ MySQL supports Foreign Keys? |
2005/12/7-9 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Security, Industry/Jobs] UID:40906 Activity:nil |
12/7 We're looking for interns for a 3-5 month project helping us populate our security policy database for various windows applications. The work involves installing the application, using it for a while, determining the appropriate security policy, and entering it in to a database. Work is 15+ hours a week (however much you want to work above min. 15 is fine), pays $12-$15 an hour, and can be done offsite from the comfort of your own home. email sking@zonelabs.com if you are interested. --sky \_ Don't you know students don't read motd? \_ Good point. i should email jobs@csua |
2005/12/1-4 [Computer/SW/Database, Industry/Jobs] UID:40801 Activity:nil |
12/1 myvest is looking for a senior java developer with strong oracle skills. if interested, email toby@myvest.com \_ Do you sell vests? \_ Are they made from real gorilla chests? \_ There's no better than authentic Irish Setter. |
2005/11/15-17 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:40592 Activity:nil |
11/15 Ali, is it you? http://ifun.ru/picture12733.html \_ No, but this is: http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet |
2005/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:40317 Activity:low |
10/28 Has anyone interfaced Java and MySQL? Is is difficult? Where should I start? \_ JDBC? \_ JDBC. \_ JDBC, and it is really easy. |
2005/9/28-30 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:39919 Activity:nil |
9/28 http://sqlzoo.napier.ac.uk/cgi-bin/oliver/gisq.htm A gentle introduction to SQL, with how-to's for many different DBs \_ keywords: oracle informix sybase postgres mysql |
2005/9/14-15 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:39671 Activity:nil |
9/14 From the effcooperatingtechs@eff.org list: EFF has been asked to assist in locating a testifying expert in Oracle-based databases to assist in discussions about the accuracy/integrity of a database used by a public entity and in suggesting different manipulations and interpretations of the data. The case is in Los Angeles. This is a paid position. The trial is set to begin within a week, so the timing is very short. A last-minute expert has been introduced by the defense and the plaintiffs are seeking an expert to assist them in their response. Contact allison@eff.org if you are interested and available immediately. |
2005/9/9-11 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:39587 Activity:nil |
9/9 How do I do a SELECT STDDEV(column),MEDIAN(column) FROM table? I can only find references to AVG. Anyone know? Thanks, \_ http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/group-by-functions.html Somehow I'm just _guessing_ you're using MySQL. |
2005/9/2 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:39436 Activity:nil |
9/1 In mysql, can I share data/* (database directories) from one machine to another? Say I'm using a Linux and a Mac, can I just copy those files and assume they'll work? It seems to work but I'm not sure if I'll get into trouble later. Thanks! \_ dump the tables and scheme to a file (there are commands for this), move file to new machine, import the data |
2005/9/1-2 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:39431 Activity:nil |
9/1 When I run mysql I always get 16 threads (not processes) which I'm unable to change through .my.cnf file. How do I reduce the number of threads? Thanks. \_ mysql -RTFM |
2005/8/8-11 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:39056 Activity:nil |
8/8 I'm looking for a good log analyzer. My systems generate about a gig a week of sendmail logs. I'd like something I can feed in the logs in bulk and then query them through either a gui or SQL (which I can put behind a cgi). The point is to track emails in/out of the system so I can tell if particular emails based on from and/or to within a date range were successfully delivered and hopefully how long it took to deliver as well. I have a budget sufficient to purchase something if necessary. Any suggestions? Thanks! \_ Doesn't do everything you want, but you could check out isoqlog --dbushong \_ Check out Sawmill. If you want stats, munin is nice but also doesn't do all you're looking for. -John |
2005/7/26-28 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:38823 Activity:nil |
7/26 Hello SQL experts, I have two tables, A and B. A has 1/2 million rows and B has 2 million rows. The relationship is A.id=B.A_id. Whenever I have something like: SELECT A.id, AVG(B.val) FROM A,B WHERE A.date<'2008-01-01' AND A.id=B.A_id GROUP BY A.id; It takes about 20-30 seconds. Anyone know why? I've already indexed all the ids. \_ Do you have an index on A.date? \_ Yes I do. I found out something new. I did a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... <rest is the same here> and I got 63 million rows. I'm guessing something is really screwy here, do you have a clue? How about INNER JOIN, is that faster? How do I use it? \_ The syntax you gave is an inner join by default in most databases. In mysql or pgsql at least, try adding "explain" to the beginning of your select. This will tell you which keys it's trying to use, how many rows each step gets filtered down to, etc. --dbushong \_ Hello I'm the op. I've reduced my problem to the following. Say I have 4 tables, A, B, C, and D. When I do a SELECT COUNT(*) and I join A and B, it is pretty fast. When I join A, B, and C, it is twice as slow. And when I join all of them, it is FOUR times as slow. I've made sure that all the joint columns are INDEXed. Why is this happening? \_ You're specifying 3 join conditions, right? You have non-unique indexes on the foreign keys and unique primary keys? \_ Thanks Dave. Basically, column A.id is unique, column B.id is not unique. A.id maps to B.id. Similarly, C.id is not not unique, but also maps to B.id. Is this the reason? I need a one to many mapping and I don't know how to get around it. \_ if you're using mysql, mysql can only use one index per table. if you're joining on multiple columns, that could be your problem |
2005/7/22-25 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:38784 Activity:nil |
7/22 I never took a formal DB theory class, excuse me for asking SQL questions. When I create a table, I can choose PRIMARY KEY to be based on a single or n-tuple column. When I do that, are indices created automatically? Second question is, if the indices are created for n-tuple, does that mean all the column have fast index, or they are all based on previous columns? For example, if I do "PRIMARY KEY(col1, col2, col3)" and I do a search on just col3, is that going to be really fast? \_ While I don't have the SQL standard committed to memory, I suspect that automatic creation of indices in response to primary key specification is implementation dependent. Look in the docs for your particular database vendor. -dans \_ this is correct. |
2005/7/22-25 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:38783 Activity:kinda low |
7/22 When I do SELECT AVG(col) FROM table, where col is integer, it takes 2 minutes and returns a float type. I'm suspecting part of the problem is that it's doing floating point add? How do I make it faster? Thanks. \_ How many rows it is querying over? \_ about ~2,000,000 \_ Try adding an index to col. (When in doubt, add more indexes): ALTER TABLE table ADD INDEX (col) \_ This won't help at all; he's doing a full table scan with no where clause. You can test your theory by using SUM instead of AVG; does it still take a long time? You also have to consider that these very likely are floating point numbers if you defined the column as NUMBER. \_ I've seen MySQL run faster with indexes on lots of things that really shouldn't have run any faster. \_ Indexes may cause the db to do fewer reads, depending on his schema. \_ Actually I found out my problem isn't with the AVG but with "join" process. For example, I have a lot of the followings like SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE table1.id=table2.id2 AND table2.id1=table3.id... I've made sure that id, id2, and id3 are all indexed, but for 2 million rows it's still pretty slow. I wish MySQL would tell you why things are slow so that you can fine tune it. ARGG!! -op |
2005/7/22-25 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:38763 Activity:nil |
7/22 Say I have a database with two rows, one is name (VARCHAR) and the \_ you mean cols other one is date. Let's say the entries look like this: joe 5-10-2005 joe 5-11-2005 mike 1-1-2002 How do I make one single SELECT statement that'll sum up all the entries for unique names? I want it to return joe=2, mike=1 without having to write 2 separate SELECT count(*)... Thanks. \_ select name, count(*) group by name |
2005/7/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:38469 Activity:nil |
7/8 Is there a good website to check the origin of a last name? searching the web turns up lots of useless pay sites. \_ You could put the name into the Ellis Island database: http://www.ellisisland.org They list the home of each listed immigrant there, so you can get an idea of where people with that name were comming from. \_ ask on the motd |
2005/5/28-31 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:37874 Activity:nil |
5/28 My .spamassassin directory takes up about 1/3 of my quota. Roughly half of this directory is my bayes_toks file. The other half is nearly entirely filled up by a whitelist-db file that hasn't been modified in over a month. It's over 4Megs and seems to contain a bunch of stuff I don't even recognize. There is also another whitelist file that is much much smaller. What is the meaning of these files? Do I need them? |
2005/5/23-25 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:37802 Activity:low |
5/23 There used to be a company called Arts(sp?) Digita or something like that. Anyone knows what happened to it? Thx. \_ Ars Digita \_ http://www.assureconsulting.com/articles/arsdigita.shtml \_ I like this part: "We bought a Ferrari to give away to any employee who recruited 10 friends. In reality the car only cost $2,000 per month, the person who won it only got to drive it for as long as he or she was employed, and the cost of a Ferrari is much lower than 10 headhunter commissions." \_ commissions were what, $25k each back then? still probably around that number today. 10*25=250k \_ http://csua.com/?entry=23835 \_ i used to work there ... they got bought by red hat. pretty much everyone got laid off at some pt or another except for i think 1 guy who went to red hat w/ the technology purchase (also a berkeley grad). many of the berkeley people now work at another berkeley consulting company that uses some of the open source software. I dont know what happened to the boston employess. |
2005/5/14-17 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Database] UID:37675 Activity:nil |
5/14 Jobs available in my group at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/jobs/pre-sales-marketplace-management/-/1/103-6511325-3219840 Interested? Send me your resume -larryl \_ Leisure Larry? \_ No location? |
2005/4/24-26 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:37336 Activity:low |
4/24 What's the easiest free way to convert from DIVX to avi or mpg? Thanks \_ DIVX (all caps) as in the failed Circuit City, DRM'd DVD offshoot? Or DivX as in the MPEG4 variant? Isn't the .divx format basically a renamed .avi container? \_ yea suppose so. I just want to be able to play without any codecs. Just used http://www.avi2divx.com successfully. \_ Also have a look at http://www.videohelp.com --very very good and complete page. -John \_ If you don't want people to install codecs, then you're pretty much stuck with MPEG1. Just use any DirectShow-capable MPEG1 encoder (e.g. TMPGEnc). Be forewarned, though: the picture quality will be much worse. \_ Also, saying "avi" is almost useless. Most DiVX files are distributed in AVI containers. There is not remotely a single standard codec used for avi containers. Ditto MOV these days, too. \_ Why is this? I would think it would be easier if there was some kind of .dvx extension or something. I hate getting an "AVI" I can't play and I can't figure out which codec it uses. \_ Because there are a lot of different codecs, and otherwise you end up with a zillion different file formats and need different file handlers for each of them. It's just as complex (and it eats away at the file extension namespace), and it makes it harder to write video players, since they'd need to handle different fiel formats. The single container, multiple codec method allows the player to query the system to figure out which decoder it should use (possibly querying a server and downloading an appropriate decoder automatically). If you want to figure out which decoder you need, just download gspot. |
2005/4/21-23 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:37310 Activity:nil |
4/21 How do you calculate and determine decibel? Say I have a 20db device. Does that mean it is 20db from X distance? And what is the X constant? In addition, if I have TWO 20db devices running simultaneously, clearly, it doesn't mean 40db. What is it then? Lastly, how much does db decrease relative to distance? Is it linear? quadratic? \_ 0 dB is the threshold of human hearing (humans with good ears). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel You determine dB by buying a meter and viewing the digital readout. Once you have a handle on the wikipedia link, then view: http://www.kodachrome.org/salt/sunderst.htm \_ If you have 2 sources that have 20dB noise individually, then you have 2x, or about +3dB power, giving 23dB. Neglecting the damping effects of air and any echo effects, moving twice as far away from a point sound source gives 4x less power, or -6dB. If you're moving away from a line sound source, such as a long narrow air vent, then if you're 2x as far away you are also exposed to 2x as much sound producer, so it would be -6dB+3dB=-3dB quieter. \_ If you have ten 20dB devices, they become 30dB. If you have one hundred 20dB devices, they become 40dB. A decibel is 10 times log-base-10 of something. (A bel is log-base-10, and a decibel is one-tenth of a bel.) So if you have two 20dB devices, they will be 10 * log((10 ^ (20/10)) * 2) = 23.01dB. Or think of it another way, 20dB + 10 * log(2) = 23.01dB. |
2005/4/13-15 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:37176 Activity:nil |
4/13 Question for the sql gods: problem: There is an output of a rather complicated piece of sql that that lists grpid as one of the columns. People prefer to see the GroupName which exists in another table along with grpid. The original command involves a count and a group by which means that adding a where will not work since it will change the results. Looking thru the sql cookbook yielded nothing useful --newbie sql qa guy \_ Subselect? \_ Join the table with the GroupName and add GroupName to the group by clause. |
2005/4/8-10 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:37118 Activity:moderate |
4/8 Anyone reccomend a good mysql programming tutorial that goes beyond the basic select statements ? I would like to be able to do a distinct on specific column and then do a count of all the rows that have the corresponding values. thanks --ramberg \_ select t.col, count(*) from tble t group by t.col; \_ thanks. --ramberg \_ MySQL by Paul DuBois (I have the 1st edition). \_ Is it the Paul duBois that once worked at Geoworks? \_ no, our pld is different. -tom \_ My main memory of pld is of him napping on keyboards \_ I don't know. I knew a Paul Canavese at Geoworks, but not Paul DuBois. \- It may be the same Paul DuBois who wrote the ORA csh/tcsh book. --psb \_ Are you the Partha Banerjee in the ORA csh/tcsh book? \_ You might want to check out O'Reilly's SQL in a Nutshell book. It's not MySQL specific, but it manages to cover SQL extensively, and documents how the dialects vary for MySQL, Postgres, Oracale, and several others. -dans \_ I checked out the Mysql book via orielly's safari. I did not see mentioned anything in the way of looping variables or being able to programmtically specify tables e.g. database a has a table column that gives you the table name. Is there a way to search through all of the tables in a db or is this something people normally program ? I am trying to figure what I can do on the mysql command line and what I need to go into perl dbi/dbd to do. \_ [nb Formatting fixed] So what you're talking about is table metadata. I know mysql has commands like describe table you can use to see the schema for a table, look through the mysql docs on mysql. They're really well written, thorough, and up to date. I suspect you can get at the table metadata via the DBI, but don't know how as I have not written anything where I needed to do so. I'm curious though, what kind of app are you writing where you don't know database schema at development time? Frequently querying table metadata in your program logic seems like an odd way of doing things to me (I may be wrong here, I'm certainly no database guru. -dans 8 Harvesting Illegals http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=17649 |
2005/4/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:37111 Activity:moderate |
4/7 Does postgreSQL or mysql have anything like Oracle Advanced Security? \_ obUsePostGresInsteadOfMySQL \_ What is OAS? \_ err, OAS doesn't seem like a database product to me so much as a suite of network security applications. So... doubt it. |
2005/4/1 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:37027 Activity:nil |
4/1 Yet another April fools post that pissed some people off http://www.sswug.org/columnists/editorial.asp?id=623 |
2005/3/30-31 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:36981 Activity:very high |
3/30 Is there a school that has an uglier website than Cal? http://www.berkeley.edu \_ There are plenty of schools with ugly websites. Generally, one of two things causes a bad university web site: 1) The process gets taken over by people who are only familiar with print publications, and they think the web site is like a print publication. 2) The process gets taken over by bad corporate web designers who think Flash is great. Berkeley's situation is #1. -tom \_ http://www.stanford.edu \_ <DEAD>stanford.edu<DEAD> doesn't work. \_ http://www.florida.edu \_ http://www.texastech.edu \_ I would argue we have a worse website than Stanford. \_ Ya get what ya pay for. \_ Why do you all hate cal so much? Why didn't you just work harder to get into a better school back when you had a choice? Regardless, why don't you share with us an attractive university website? Or do you only know how to mock? \_ I (and I imagine others) DID get into "better" schools. We/our parents couldn't afford them. \_ Then be bitter at yourself, for not being able to work while in school. You have no right to be such whiny bitter bitches if you attend(ed) Cal. \_ Wow, you need to loosen up and get the stick out of your ass. It's pretty common for students and alumni to mock their own school. It's part and parcel to having a sarcastic sense of humor that exists in decent institutions of higher learning such as Cal. Anyway, Cal's fine. I doubt you can get a much better education somewhere else. In terms of price/education ratio it's the best deal on the market. \_ No, I agree with you about the humor and all. It's only that the anti-Cal sentiments on this motd are pretty strong and frequent so I just wanted to comment. Sure I don't think Cal was perfect, but I still do believe it is an outstanding university. \_ How do you measure the quality of education a school provides? As someone in the business of hiring the product of schools, I tend to measure the quality of a school by the quality of the graduates (which is of course unfair, since I do not take into account the quality of the incoming students, but just the graduates). However, just measuring by the the quality of the graduates, Cal is far from the head of the pack. \_ You have a self-selecting sample. You remind me of the recruiter at BofA who said that I must be bad at math because I had average grades in math. Nevermind that the people with a 3.8 in math are trying to get tenure at Princeton instead of applying to work at BofA. Cal grads compete very well overall. \_ Well, I don't think I self-select in the sense you mean. It's somewhat unlikely that I would see nth quartile students from other schools and (n-1)th quartile students from Berkeley. Cal new grads just aren't that competitive compared to new grads from other "good" schools (mit, the farm, caltech, or even utaustin (just 1 interview trip there, but I was impressed)). If it's a sop to your school loyalty, I found CMU students were even worse for what I was hiring for (EE, not CS, with some knowledge of circuits and transmission lines). \_ *YOU* don't self-select. The students do. Maybe your project did not attract the best, because it was not interesting. Perhaps Cal students are not strong at that one particular field and you are over-generalizing. I *do* know that Cal turns out an awful lot of graduate students who do top notch work, as well as the standard doctors/lawyers/businessmen. At my work, I don't come across a lot of good Cal grads either, but that's because I am in aerospace and Cal has no department. Schools like Purdue, UT, and MIT dominate there. What it says about the average Cal student is absolutely nothing. \_ So you're claiming that some difference in Cal students cause them to be somehow uniquely less interested in the companies I'm hiring for. I find this claim incredible. Perhaps you would explain what is so different with Cal grads (vs. MIT, Caltech, 'fraud, UTAustin etc.)? I've already specified what I look for in new grads (EE, some circuits and transmission line). Could any EE program that doesn't cover some circuits and transmission line be considered a "good" program? \_ Completely possible, for example, if the jobs you are hiring for are in another state from CA. However, what I am saying is that you are probably not evaluating the *best* students from *any* of the schools. After that, it's not given you are comparing second quartile to second quartile or, if you are, what exactly that means. \_ Of course the average MIT student is better. Their incoming scores are higher on average (as you state). However, for same level of achievement I find Cal students better than those from, say, Stanford. Also, I hired a guy from Caltech as smart as all hell but who is a terrible employee who has to be told what to do all of the time. He's been close to fired several times now for incompetence. There are other ingredients to success than being book smart. \_ I found Caltech grads to be impractical (in the sense that they spend too much time arguing over and working on the optimal thing rather than the good enough thing). They are very good once you've slapped them around enough to break them. Small sample size of only 2 though, so definitely ymmv. \_ I guess it depends what you mean by "better school". I think Cal was a lot of work for minimal reward. By that I mean not that the rewards are small, but that the work was large. It would have been easier to go to "lesser schools", learn less, and do less work. Heck, the main appeal behind Stanford is not that it is "better" but that you can do less and still get a 3.2+ GPA while also having a name on your resume that people care about (and fewer alums from that school in the workforce because of the size). However, you pay $100K+ for that honor. |
2005/3/26-30 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:36897 Activity:nil |
3/26 FBI to scratch their Virtual Case File after squandering millions of dollars. So here is my question. How is it implemented? Is it using Java/J2EE/Sybase or C or something else? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,151421,00.html \_ They probably followed these guidelines: http://mindprod.com/unmain.html \_ according to infoworld, it was done in java, and is more or less a standard enterprise-ish kind of app. it seems like it's lack of good and stable requirements that killed them. |
2005/3/24-25 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:36846 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto |
3/24 How do I do non-blocking read in Perl? For example, let's say I do open(FD, "tail -f file.log |"); And I'd like to read it, but not block it. Can that be done? -ok thx \_ Yes. You need to use fcntl to mark FD as non-blocking and then you need to use select and sysread to read from FD. \_ http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/perl/advprog/ch12_03.htm http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch07_15.htm Bottom page, very useful Open the file with sysopen, and specify the O_NONBLOCK option: use Fcntl; sysopen(MODEM, "/dev/cua0", O_NONBLOCK|O_RDWR) or die "Can't open modem: $!\n"; If you already have a filehandle, use fcntl to change the flags: use Fcntl; $flags = ''; fcntl(HANDLE, F_GETFL, $flags) or die "Couldn't get flags for HANDLE : $!\n"; $flags |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(HANDLE, F_SETFL, $flags) or die "Couldn't set flags for HANDLE: $!\n"; Once a filehandle is set for non-blocking I/O, the sysread or syswrite calls tha\ t would block will instead return undef and set $! to EAGAIN: use POSIX qw(:errno_h); $rv = syswrite(HANDLE, $buffer, length $buffer); if (!defined($rv) && $! == EAGAIN) { # would block } elsif ($rv != length $buffer) { # incomplete write } else { # successfully wrote } $rv = sysread(HANDLE, $buffer, $BUFSIZ); if (!defined($rv) && $! == EAGAIN) { # would block } else { # successfully read $rv bytes from HANDLE } |
2005/3/19-22 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:36773 Activity:nil |
3/19 I put in an application to Paul Graham's summer founders program, but am likely to incorperate regardless of weather I get funding or not. Anyone who needs something to do over the summer should email me. Experience/interest in foreign language(s), linguistics, perl, sql, javascript or statistics would be useful. --darin |
2005/3/10 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:36633 Activity:nil |
3/10 Reading up on MySQL, it says there are 4 String data types: TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGTEXT. The part I don't get is why are the character limits 255, 215, 223, 231 characters? I must not be reading the book correctly because that makes absolutely no sense. Why would TINYTEXT have more storage than the others? Why even have the others if TINYTEXT is bigger? \_ I just use char,varchar, and text |
2005/3/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:36569 Activity:moderate |
*/* Ilyas Insult Database: \_ #1 Lazy Bitch \_ #2 You're a fool, \_ Tell us about the stars, Ilya \_ #3 Get a life \_ #4 Your reading comprehension sucks \_ #5 Your sarcasm meter is broken \_ #6 Your brain has been classified as:small \- you must pay me 5cents. \_ hahaha thanks I totally forgot this one \_ I can't take credit for this one. -- ilyas \_ Seems like a parthaism to me. |
2005/3/2-3 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:36497 Activity:high |
3/2 Lets say you are running a website connected to a database. The website stores all sorts of time sensative info in the database, like order timestamps, keeping track of various states of stuff, etc. When we go on or off daylight savings time, doesn't that totally mess up things that deal with spans of time? How do you deal with that? And how do you display things to the user when they happen right around the switch-over? How about people living in regions like Arizona or Hawaii, who don't have daylight savings time? \_ Your server needs to have a notion of timezone. Certainly it should know its own, and most likely that of its users as well (if it doesn't, the users are much more likely to be confused by consistently wrong-timezone timestamps than by the 2-hours-a-year DST problem). Once it does, you should store dates internally either in a timezone-insensitive format (read the time(3) manpage, i.e. "man 3 time"), or in a timezone-sensitive format with the timezone stored as well (although the former is recommended). The standard notion of timezone encodes the DST status as well. If you store dates in GMT, GMT is completely DST-free. If you store them in, say, Pacific, it will have timezone PST for normal time and PDT for daylight saving time. So the date that gets displayed as "Sun Apr 3 01:18:19 PST 2005", and is stored internally as 1112519899, is one hour earlier than the date displayed as "Sun Apr 3 03:18:19 PDT 2005" and stored internally as 1112523499. This is obvious when you deal with the internal representations: 1112523499-1112519899=3600. -alexf \_ UTC \_ I guess my related question was, what if someone changes the the time back 1 hour ... Or on a real server would no one do that ever. \_ Use UTC for everything. Use NTP to keep it synchronized. UTC only changes by one leap second every few years. \_ Gah, fine, UTC, not GMT, I stand corrected. Nitpickers. -alexf \_ If, for some reason, you want to know a *lot* more about the history of UTC, GMT and precision time keeping in general, you might enjoy reading "Splitting the Second", by Tony Jones. \_ In practice, you don't have to worry about this. Use your database server's native DATETIME (mysql) or TIMESTAMP (everyone else) data type. Store the current time using SYSDATE (oracle) or NOW() (everyone else). When you access it formatted, you'll get it in the local time format. So you have to worry about fucking with your clock, by not about changing time zones. |
2005/2/16-17 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:36190 Activity:nil |
2/15 What is a good web based ldap gateway that I can set up which will allow my HR people to populate at least the initial entry in my ldap db (and send a mail to sysadmin) for new hires. |
2005/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:36088 Activity:nil |
2/7 Trying to get a Windows-based ER tool for PostgreSQL that supports both reversed and forward engineering, any suggestions? Sybase sales guys just won't call me back on PowerDesigner. Is there mature modeling tool for PostgreSQL available? I will try QDesigner, which I heard is just a repackaged product of PowerDesigner. \_ It's not terribly advanced or mature, but you can do simple schema to-and-from graph work with pgsql through Visio. --dbushong |
2005/1/8-9 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:35609 Activity:nil |
1/8 There is a card trick where you have someone select a card from an imaginary deck and tell you what card they selected. (Basically, they just pick any card they like) Then you pull out a real deck of cards from your pocket and the card they chose is either face down while the other cards are face up, or has a big X on it. From searching the web, I've found that you can pay $10 or $20 for a trick deck that allows you to do this trick, but I still haven't the foggiest idea how it works. Does anyone know? \_ Large pants and 52 decks of cards! \_ That trick only works on the weak-minded. Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on ME. |
2005/1/6-8 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:35570 Activity:moderate |
1/6 A relative is opening a small (family) store and asks me what software can be used to keep track of everything, like inventory, sales, suppliers, statistics etc. Are there good and cheap commericial (database?) programs for this? Can she use some open source solution? Right now she uses a Mac though that can change if necessary. \_ While I hate it with every bit of my soul, for small business, Peachtree Accounting will do everything you've asked for. It only runs on Windows, though. \_ Why do you hate it? \_ Why do you hate America? \_ Once you grow and have multiple computers connecting to the database, things get less stable. It uses its own form of lock that breaks if you try to host the file on Samba server(don't even think of trying this.) Too many maintenance operations require the database be in single user mode. Basically, it's fine and dandy for a small business that intends to stay small. It's the growing pains that I don't like. \_ Thanks for the info. What would you have used instead? Even very small business may want to have multiple user access. \_ why not quickbooks? a small biz is still a lot of work, and getting someone to balance the books every now and then would be easier to find since qb is the standard. |
2004/12/14-15 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:35283 Activity:moderate |
12/13 Video codec question. I used to be able to use my VideoWave program to convert AVI to MPG-1 (for VCD). However after trying a few video sharewares and uninstalling them, I can no longer convert AVI to MPG-1 using VideoWave (it keeps on crashing). What is going on and how would you fix it? ok thx \_ I'd fix it by using TMPGEnc (free) instead. --jameslin \_ just tried it, but it doesn't wanna load *.avi files :( \_ Can you even load these AVI files in WMP? Sounds like you've hosed your system. \_ yes no problem. TMPGEnc asks for TWO files, audio and video. But I only have 1 file, the AVI file. Now what? -op \_ It asks for a video source and audio source. If they happen to be from the same file, you just select the same file for both. |
2004/12/13-14 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:35272 Activity:high |
12/13 Any PeopleSoft/Oracle insiders care to comment on what's going to happen next? -bored procrastinator \_ you're fired! \_ someone please give me a 411 on what this whole thing is about? I don't know anything about Oracle/PeopleSoft, but I'd like to learn more about it. Does it have something to do with anti-trust law or something? \_ Oracle: Biggest database company, with smaller CRM software business, headed by egotistical fucktard. After raising their offer 4 times and launching a legal challenge to Peoplesoft's (questionable) tactics to fight the takeover, has bought Peoplesoft, which is arguably the leading CRM software vendor. Previously they stated they wanted to move all Peoplesoft customers over to Oracle databases. Peoplesoft's now-fired CEO said more-or-less: "If it's as if someone offered you a million bucks to buy your beloved pet dog so they could shoot it." Many layoffs at Peoplesoft are expected, but not until they help with the changeover. -works for neither \_ Said egotistical fucktard replied with something like "If Conway (ex-CEO) and his dog were standing next to each other and I only had one bullet, trust me, it wouldn't be for the dog." Say what you will about Larry Ellison, he does produce good sound bytes. \_ yoyo, word man! \_ I think read somewhere ellison vowed to convert every peoplesoft customer to using oracle, then firing every single peoplesoft employee. - danh \_ Have you been hanging around too many fobs, dan? |
2004/11/20-21 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:34999 Activity:high |
11/19 Sometimes I am thinking that three years from now we'll STILL be reading about Oracle's repeated PeopleSoft takekeover attempts. \_ isn't it wonderful how ellison has vowed to fire every peoplesoft employee. \_ Really? That seems like a stupid way to take over a company. \_ isn't increasing shareholder value wonderful. \_ It is when you're a shareholder. \_ Besides, this takeover is also extremely unpopular among peoplesoft customers (at least those who run it on non-Oracle DB) I think it is clear to every idiot that Oracle's intention is to eliminate peoplesoft as a competitor and then make peoplesoft users to switch to using Oracle's DB. \_ Didn't that Tim Curry impersonator jackass say as much? \_ as a PeopleSoft customer, I think destroying the company sounds like a great idea. |
3/15 |