3/15 |
2013/3/21-5/18 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:54632 Activity:nil |
3/21 Browser Plug-In you must get: Ghostery. It gets rid of a bunch of ad trackers on a web site, resulting in really fast load times. For example, a typical media site will require 10-15 trackers (you know, those URLs that track your activities so they can target you better). Ghostery kills them. \_ This has been working well for me, and breaks fewer things than NoScript etc. |
2012/11/18-12/18 [Recreation/Celebrity, Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:54537 Activity:nil |
11/16 Anonymous responds to be labeled a "terrorist" by Isreali media: http://t.co/0lIgC166 |
2012/11/6-12/4 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Consumer/Audio] UID:54522 Activity:nil |
11/6 I downloaded some free and paid apps that are ummmm questionable and I don't really want my wife to see it, how do I remove it from the iTunes download history? I can't seem to do that anymore after upgrading to iOS6 (I used to be able to "hide" it). \_ Is it the app that searches for your friends' nude pics on FB? |
2012/7/11-8/19 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:54435 Activity:nil |
7/11 Story of the first image on the web: http://preview.tinyurl.com/cwf2ld2 [motherboard.vice.com] \_ It might be the first image available via HTTP all right, but people have been downloading GIF's via FTP long before that. I still remember files like sigirl5.gif and dadygirl.gif back in 1990. (NSFW, of course.) \_ Remember SFTP? \_ Yeah, and? -- PP |
3/15 |
2012/1/9-2/6 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:54284 Activity:nil |
1/9 http://mariamz.wordpress.com/2012/01/09/disqus-data-shows-pseudonymous-commenters-are-best MOTD is the best! |
2010/9/18-30 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:53961 Activity:nil |
9/18 http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/834031/7beaa4c1/baardopa_pwnd_schreeuwnegert.html \_ I hate America. You never seen this type of shit in Japan. \_ http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/epic-beard-man You haven't been on the Internetz for 7 months? |
2010/2/8-18 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:53695 Activity:kinda low |
2/5 I like Adobe Flash. When written correctly, it scales along with your browser size. It looks consistent on every single browser. It is predictable. On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of CSS/HTML, which for the most part, look wildly different between browsers, and don't even work consistently or correctly at times. So why do so many people (like Steve Jobs) hate Adobe Flash? \_ It looks consistent!? I guess. They all look like an empty box with a little (f) circle in my browser. There is no proper Flash support in FreeBSD. I run a Windows version of Firefox under WINE sometimes, as needed, but I'd rather not. \_ LOL consistently bad is better than inconsistently good :) \_ And now we know what values have been affecting the art community for the last few decades. \_ The player really only works on Windows (CPU usage on Macs is ridiculous), "predictable" display sucks from a user perspective (because users want to display things the way they prefer), and it's proprietary. -tom \_ not to mention linux and solaris, whose builds are also slow, but until very recently lagged behind in versions and security updates, etc. Also, flash folks appear to do the same thing many bad web developers do and assume everyone runs their browser fullscreen at 1600x1200+ resolutions \_ web devs are stupid. 95% love coding with constants. the concept of % is foreign to them. \_ It's not part of his monopoly. |
2010/1/12-29 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:53627 Activity:kinda low |
1/12 How do I get a job NOT related to internet DNS social network cloud twitter GOOG EC2 amazon API ??? \_ A CS job not related to API? \_ Chip design, or maybe software that does chip design. What is your major? How about game developer? \_ DNS? DNS? What era ado you live in? I agree that social network is so BLAH and everywhere. What else do you want to do? If you wanted to do OS, go back to 1980s. Compilers, 1985. Architecture, 1990-2000. I mean, seriously, what do you want to do with your degree? And even if you join a company and get a "job", it's a fucking job. You're a tiny little cog in a souless machine. It makes no difference whether you do something with the cloud/GOOG/EC2 or working on something that actually interests you. A job is just a fucking "job" In the grand scheme of things, it makes little difference what you actually work on, yes? \_ wow you're even more bitter than i am. Good "job"! \_ What about working at a startup? \_ As long as it is not about technology, it's cool. Just do your own shit. Be an artist or a cook or something you're passionate about. That's the key to long term sustainable happiness. \_ social network -- yeah totally blows, mostly run by a bunch of stupid MBAs who think computer science is about making web sites twitter -- limited growth, but could still be interesting GOOG -- company is way too big. It's just yet another big corporation now, with pretty awesome [FREE] food Amazon EC2 -- exploding growth, got tons of opportunities to learn about scalability and load processing. What's wrong with a job working on EC2? Let me add a few other things: Advertising, SEO -- SUCKY SUCKY SUCKY Media -- SUCKY SUCKY SUCKY. One word. DON'T!!! \_ It depends on what you are looking for. If you like endless cube farms, filled with geeky engineers who never take baths, then stay far away. If you want to work with glamorous, exciting and smart people who know how to have fun and want to make a positive impact on the world, then a media company might be for you. It is true that you probably won't be doing work on the cutting edge of computer science, but plenty of great software, including the Apache web server was built at online media companies. -ausman \_ how about advertising? \_ Don't know. -a \_ you obviously never worked at a media company. you ever talked to people who work at Disney or ILM? It's not as fun or creative as you think it is. \_ I have worked at HotWired, PlanetOut and CNET, which is now CBS Interactive. These are all online media companies. I don't know too much about Old Media, though technically I work for CBS now. -ausman \_ I have a feeling that old media (pre 1990) and new media (post dot-com) have very different cultures. \_ Completely depends on your position with said companies. Doing accounting or IT for them? Not so much. My gf has worked in entertainment for > 10 years now in a variety of production jobs and it's a lot of work for low pay (unless you are really lucky and then it's a lot of work for a lot of pay) but it's certainly fun and creative in addition to stressful. The people are very smart and very interesting, the work is fast-paced, and there's a tangible result at the end so you feel as if you accomplished something for your effort when it's over. I think it's one of the better industries to work in as far as being stimulated. |
2009/7/21-24 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:53175 Activity:kinda low |
7/21 Erin Andrews http://www.csua.org/u/ond (sports.yahoo.com) Is that her nipple showing through the jacket? \_ This is what you really wanted to see: http://thevideobay.org/vids/867-480x360.ogg (NSFW) To me it seems contrived that she would be curling her hair in the nude right in front of a peephole right when this jackass filmed her. I could follow my girlfriend with a camera for a week and likely not get such footage. \_ nice. I was bored and clicked on your .ogg. THANKS. Worth it. \_ How do I open .ogg files? It looks like crap in Windows Media Player -- half the time the frames are pixelated. Player -- half the time the frames are pixelated with random colors. \_ The video is kinda crappy, but I used Firefox 3.5.1. \_ I see. My Firefox 3.0.11 said it doesn't know how to open it, so I saved the file and used Media Player. -- PP \_ Upgrade Firefox and try again. |
2009/1/21-26 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Consumer/Audio] UID:52427 Activity:nil |
1/20 I downloaded a song from iTunes and used it as a soundtrack in a movie I created in iMovie. But now youtube won't let me use the audio in the movie, as it's licensed. What is the easiest way to get around this, on a mac? Is there a way to directly record this song into an mp3, as I'm playing it on this machine? Thanks. \_ Ah, I see you are enjoying the DRM kool aid. Isn't it nice how it keeps you from illegally using that song? \_ iTunes is DRM free these days. Maybe it's YouTube: http://mashable.com/2009/01/14/youtube-mutes-videos \_ Maybe don't be a pirate? Some artists will let you use the song free or cheap if you ask, while some are pricks about it and will want like $20K. If you don't ask, though, you are a pirate. |
2009/1/5-9 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Recreation/Music] UID:52320 Activity:nil |
1/5 Norway is posting every Beatles song on the Internet: http://preview.tinyurl.com/8zyln9 [ars] |
2008/9/11-18 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:51134 Activity:nil |
9/11 "`The Twist' is top song of Billboard Hot 100 era" http://music.yahoo.com/read/news/61703397 'He compared "The Twist" ...... to the creation of the telephone as a groundbreaking moment because he said it was the first time people were dancing "apart to the beat."' What does "dancing apart to the beat" mean? Thanks. \_ I assume 'apart' means 'without a partner.' \_ I think they mean without holding hands or otherwise in contact. In ballroom dancing, you are usually touching in some fashion. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Consumer/Camera, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:50968 Activity:nil |
8/26 Recreate '68 tries to start riot in Denver, is shut down cold http://csua.org/u/m6q \_ Son, that urine doesn't look healthy. \_ Here's a great pic from the Denver post: http://www.denverpost.com/denver/ci_10306204 \_ See, once you start attacking police, you should probably just be shot. \_ The problem with shooting people (they learned in the 60's) is, even if the people you're shooting at deserve it, there tends to be collateral damage. I'm very impressed with how these bozos have been handled by the Denver police. I'd buy 'em all doughnuts. \_ no one remembers the nice meek protestors who follow the rules and tastefully politely hang out in the Freedom Cafe knitting and pleasantly expressing their right of free assembly \_ Just what exactly are the Recreate 68 people trying to recreate? The only thing that comes to mind for me is that MLK and RFK were both assasinated leading up to the DNC. |
2008/7/6-8 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:50481 Activity:kinda low |
7/6 What's a good DLNA server that's free? \_ http://www.rbgrn.net/blog/2007/08/how-to-choose-dlna-media-server-software-in-windows-mac-os-x-or-linux.html \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/2jzxkj [rbgrn.net] \_ I just tried FUPPES and TVersity (free) and neither one of the servers were recognized by my new Sony Bravia Z4100 TV. What's up with that? |
2008/5/31 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:50105 Activity:nil |
5/31 I have a slow wireless router and slow fileserver on my network. Is there a video or media player (windows or unix) that is smart about caching content while playing it? I would like to be able to hit play on a file from a file share, wait for it to catch up for a while because my connection is so slow, walk away for a while and come back and view my movie with no annoying skips. thanks. \_ To answer my own question, this worked: http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=44005#p140567 |
2008/4/2-6 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:49644 Activity:nil |
4/2 Code Pink puts on a bizarre April Fools day stunt where they appear to be the butt of their own joke. http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=3 \_ They obviously have a better sense of humour than the confused and enraged zombietime bloggers. |
2008/2/11-14 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:49110 Activity:nil |
2/11 How does this work? http://lauragreig.com/valentine |
2008/1/14-16 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Recreation/Humor] UID:48944 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
1/13 One of those Indian songs subtitled in English (very funny) The nipple song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLpROhIg9eA \_ keywords: india funny youtube translation cuss cussing words word |
2007/9/20 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/SW/P2P] UID:48139 Activity:nil |
9/20 http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3812960/MediaDefender.Source.TrapperKeeper-MDD | ^ tools mediadefender uses to browse p2p | Update: A list of leaked utilities is now available: | AresDataCollector, AresLauncher, AresProtector, AresSupernode, AresUDPDataCollector, AutoUpdater, AutoUpdaterSource, BTClient, BTDataCollector, BTDecoyClient, BTInflationDest, BTInterdictor, BTIPGatherer, BTPoster, BTRemover, BTScraper, BTScraperDLL, BTSearcher, BTSeedInflator, BTTorrentGenerator, BTTorrentSource, BTTracker, BTTrackerChecker, CVS, DCMaster, DCScanner, DCSupply, DistributedKazaaCollector, DllLoader, ED2KSupplyProcessor, ... | ... EdonkeyIpBanner, FastTrackGift, FastTrackGiftDecoyer, GnutellaDecoyer, GnutellaFileDownloader, GnutellaProtector, GnutellaSupply, KademliaProtector, KazaaDBManager, KazaaLauncher, KazaaSupplyProcessor, KazaaSupplyTaker, KazaaSwarmerDest, KazaaSwarmerDistributedSource, KazaaSwarmerDownloader, KazaaSwarmerSource, MediaMaker, MediaSwarmerDest, MediaSwarmerSource, MetaMachine, MetaMachineHashSetCollector, MetaMachineSpoofer, ... | ... MI-GnutellaSupply, MovieMaker, NameServer, NetworkMonitor, OverNetLauncher, OvernetProtector, OvernetSpoofer, P2PFileIndexer, PioletDC, PioletPoisoner, PioletSpoofer, SamplePlugIn, SLSKSpooferDLL, SoulSeekClient, StatusDest, StatusSource, SupernodeCollector, SupernodeController, SupernodeDistributer, SupplyProcessor, TKCom, TKFileTransfer, TKLauncher, TKProjectManager, TKSyncher, UsenetPoster, UsenetSearcher, ... | ... WatchDogControllerDestination, WatchDogControllerSource, WinMxDC, WinMxLauncher, WinMxProtector, wma generator |
2007/9/11 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:48018 Activity:high 100%like:48003 |
9/11 hey old people do you remember this song http://dumpindumpin.blogspot.com/2007/02/ewa100-91-house-of-pain-jump-around.html \_ actually the old people might remember all of these songs. ok tnx. http://dumpindumpin.blogspot.com/2007/05/ewa100-master-list.html |
2007/9/11-12 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:48003 Activity:nil 100%like:48018 |
9/11 hey old people do you remember this song http://dumpindumpin.blogspot.com/2007/02/ewa100-91-house-of-pain-jump-around.html \_ actually the old people might remember all of these songs. ok tnx. http://dumpindumpin.blogspot.com/2007/05/ewa100-master-list.html |
2007/8/20 [Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:47664 Activity:low 66%like:47639 80%like:47673 |
08/20 It's the electrical engineer theme song: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=668b10cb1188d40d3370 |
2007/8/17-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:47639 Activity:nil 66%like:47664 |
8/16 CSUA theme song! http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=668b10cb1188d40d3370 |
2007/8/10-13 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:47581 Activity:low |
8/10 Hello my fellow free linux media stream player users. Does anyone have a good url to listen to NPR, over the net? thank you \_ I have this in my xmms playlist file for kqed: [playlist] numberofentries=1 File1= Title1=(#1 - 347/1000) KQED Public Radio Length1=-1 Version=2 \_ does KQED pump out all that NPR stuff? like Fresh Air? \_ They do broadcast Fresh Air. You should probably check their website for other programs: http://kqed.org Oh, it looks like they actually have mp3 stream playlist on their website now, so you can use that instead of above. Oh, it looks like they actually have mp3 stream playlist on their website now, so you can use that instead of above. |
2007/5/25-28 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:46751 Activity:nil 66%like:46744 |
5/24 The Pinkberry song link:tinyurl.com/a9ab4 \_ Speaking of Pinkberry, I'm the op who posted the following: http://csua.com/?entry=46690 After talking to a bunch of people it appears that no one seems to be sympathetic to the traffic congestion it has caused. On the bright side I see a bunch of attractive looking college women waiting for their pinkberries. \_ Ask them about their pinkberries. |
2007/5/24-25 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:46744 Activity:nil 66%like:46751 |
5/24 The Pinkberry song http://pinkberry.com/swf/Pinkberry.mp3 |
2007/3/7-9 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:45895 Activity:nil |
3/7 What's a free (or cheap) utility to do simple editing on mp3's in OS X? I want to split one of my songs into a few different pieces. It appears that neither iTunes nor GarageBand can do this. Thanks. \_ Audacity or SuperCollider could do this. -scottyg \_ You can abuse iTunes to do this for you. If you want to split a song do the following: 1. Click your song and then select File->Get Info 2. In the Options tab set the start time and/or stop time to where you want to split the song and click Okay 3. With the song still selected, selected Advanced->Convert Selection To XXX [ this uses whatever the default import format you have selected ] |
2006/12/17-19 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:45458 Activity:nil |
12/17 Yay I'm the person of the year! ME!!! I'm so special, just like everyone else! http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/12/16/time.you.tm/index.html |
2006/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:45233 Activity:nil |
11/7 Royksopp is awesome: http://youtube.com/watch?v=lBvaHZIrt0o (MTV of Sims characters a variant of the Geico caveman commercial song) http://youtube.com/watch?v=jl4rwMZWATs \_ Definitely interesting videos, but the music's not very exciting. \_ Weird. I was just listening to "So Easy" and trying to figure out the lyrics and now there's all this Royksopp stuff on the motd. |
2006/11/7-8 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:45208 Activity:low |
11/7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZrjr4A-ASQ Geico Insurance Caveman Commercial. I really like the song, what band sings it and what is it called? \- it's by this norwegian band contrlled by karl rove's family: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royksopp \_ Really awesome in concert if you ever get a chance to see them. Melody A.M. is a really cool album; "So Easy" is the track they perform best live. -John \_ I just checked out their music video on youtube. Dude, this music totally sucks. Is this typical of European pop? It sounds 70ish. It needs a bit more hip and maybe some hop. A bit more bass doesn't hurt either. \_ I guess I should have been more emphatic about the "better live" part. Whatever, your preference. -John \_ I don't think they are a typical group. But god forbid a group can sound like something other than mainstream hip hop. By the way, what is an example of good music? \_ Good music: Eminem. Snoop Dogg. Anything loud. Get down man. -pp |
2006/11/6-7 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:45198 Activity:kinda low |
11/6 What do you guys do when you have continual impure thoughts? I will not elaborate what they are but I can't seem to get my mind off of these thoughts. \_ http://www.moonmac.com/Mormon_masturbation.html \_ Nuke the motd. \_ impure thoughts? this is a joke right? \_ No I'm serious. There's a really cute blond girl at my work place. I have absolutely no interest in her except for sex. She's a bit fat but otherwise very cute. I'm obsessed about having sex with her and that's all I can think about at work. It's driving me nuts. By the way masterbation works!!! -op \_ http://csua.org/u/he6 Code Monkey song for you. \_ masturbate. duh. not joking. suddenly, you can concentrate on other things again! amazing! (sex obviously the preferred option, but somehow i'm guessing that's not a viable option for you) \_ CRACK ONE OUT, BABY. \_ I had sex twice on Saturday night, came home and masturbated 4 times (Sunday), today I am up to #5. Tomorrow I have to badger people into not voting for the abortion notification proposition so I won't have a lot of time. - furious \_ This is kind of insane. Are you sure you don't have a brain tumor which is causing insane sexual desire? Maybe you should see a doctor. Or exercise a lot. I find that 2hrs/day of exercise suppresses libido. \_ I'm running late this morning so I googled for "Brianna Briggs" and had myself 1. Gotta start my day now. - furious |
2006/10/19-23 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:44872 Activity:nil |
10/19 Anyone using a TeraStation or similar product? http://www.buffalotech.com/products/product-detail.php?productid=97 How well do you like it? |
2006/9/25-27 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:44529 Activity:low |
9/25 Urgent help. I have a MacBook Pro and compared to the predecessor G4 it is a total piece of shit and I regret getting it. At any rate, I upgraded from itunes 6 to itunes 7, and now itunes 7 crashes every 5 minutes. I deleted it and tried to install itunes 6 again, but now the itunes 6 GUI keeps saying "Custom Install on Mac HD, Package Name iTunes-- Skip". I can't make it install at all. What's going on? -really frustrated \_ I played with a MacBook Pro laptop for 2 weeks and it seemed nice compared to my old G4-based Powerbook laptop. What problems have you had? \_ Gayness. \_ That's a feature, not a bug. \_ It's *Fabulous*! \- apple -> lemon FYI: i think most of the problems i had on my old g4 powerbook titanium were due to some software install not being atomic. i have an MBP too and it seems pretty stable. if anything, i had trouble with the old machine not waking up sometimes. the main win of the MPB is the better wifi reception. \_ Your machine should still be under warranty. Take it back. |
2006/9/25-27 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:44521 Activity:nil |
9/25 Adobe Lightroom beta4 is out: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/lightroom \_ played with it last night. enuf improvements over beta3 that its worth taking a look at (at least the PC version). changes to the UI and it looks like some performance too. -shac |
2006/9/19-22 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:44450 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://money.cnn.com/2006/09/18/technology/quigo Quigo is going to kill Yahoo and Google |
2006/9/16-19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Security] UID:44403 Activity:nil |
9/15 Software in China helps w/ sentencing: http://news.com.com/2102-1012_3-6115154.html?tag=st.util.print "The software can avoid abuse of discretionary power of judges as a result of corruption or insufficient training." \_ What about the verdict part? \_ That's easy: if(political_activist || causing trouble) guilty=true; |
2006/9/4 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:44265 Activity:nil |
9/4 RIP http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/09/04/australia.irwin --Jon |
2006/9/1-5 [Recreation/Celebrity, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:44243 Activity:nil 90%like:44239 |
9/1 Cal Thomas, "Al Gore is Right About the Media" http://tinyurl.com/kad79 (realclearpolitics.com) \_ Who the hell is Cal Thomas? |
2006/7/18-20 [Recreation/Celebrity, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:43703 Activity:nil |
7/18 Hey Chicom, are you in on this? It would explain a lot. http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=24609 \_ I happened to value freedom of speech, probably value it more than you do because I have experienced those things. I do curious, though. Putin has done a lot more harming the freedom of speech but why no US media ever bitch about it? \_ Because he's not a commie. \_ Our government has. \_ I've read many articles and editorials about this in the mainstream US media. As with many issues that people whine about not being reported fairly, can you show me evidence that the US media is biased in favor of Putin? |
2006/6/6-9 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Security] UID:43284 Activity:nil |
6/6/06 http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/004721.php |
2006/5/25-28 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:43193 Activity:nil |
5/25 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdBYZGM6Tjg&search=amerika Can someone please translate this? Thanks. \_ This is not a love song. Whether you like it or not, you must dance with the Whitehouse. You drink cola cola, wear wonderbras, go to Disneyland, and fight wars. Damnit, we are all living in Amerika. And BTW the scene at the end implies "Damnit if it weren't for the fucking Amerikans we Germans would have been on the moon first." The messages are subtle but powerful, similar to Triumph of the Will. \_ "We're all living in Amerika..." \_ http://german.about.com/library/blmus_rammst04e.htm |
2006/5/22-28 [Recreation/Celebrity, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:43149 Activity:nil |
5/22 http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=286756 How the Media Brainwashes White Girls |
2006/5/9 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42991 Activity:nil |
5/9 motd boob guy apprentice wonders if ax got his account turned on. http://tinyurl.com/orrby \_ Broken link. \_ works for me, might be filtered at your office \_ From TinyURL: Error: Unable to find site's URL to redirect to. |
2006/5/3-7 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:42919 Activity:nil |
5/3 How do I capture the BoxMart jibjab video to MPG or AVI? \_ It's a Flash file. Why not save it as Flash and use a Flash player? It'll be smaller and won't degrade the quality. Otherwise you'll either need to find a Flash => AVI converter (so far I'm unaware of any good free ones, though I'm sure Macromedia's Flash authoring package does it) or get a screen scraping program. --jameslin \_ Firefox VideoDownloader should do it. It even points you to where you can get an, apparently Windows only, player for FLV files. -dans \_ That'll download it, but it won't convert it. It's not clear exactly what the op wants though. \_ Looks like FFMPEG will convert FLV to foo \_ But it's not an FLV. It's just a normal SWF Flash animation, isn't it? |
2006/4/24-26 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Consumer/Audio] UID:42814 Activity:nil |
4/24 The Play on iTunes: http://deimos.apple.com/WebObjects/ITCSBrowse.woa/wa/Browse/Berkeley Link is on the right. \_ for the rest of us who don't have itunes installed, tell us more. \_ It's the short video version of The Play. -tom \_ how much do they want for it? \_ free download. -tom |_ if they keep things free and put more sports content up there, this will be pretty cool. oh ya, you can now also (relitively) easily find course lectures on the apple-hosted site. |
2006/4/4 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Industry/Startup] UID:42653 Activity:nil |
4/4 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060404/ap_on_bi_ge/computer_sciences Computer Sciences Cutting 5,000 Jobs. Don't worry it's not CS CS, but CS Corp. What a dumb ass company name, it's like Merck naming itself "Pharmaceuticle Company" \_ How do you feel about Microchip, LSI, or VLSI? \_ Or Analog Devices. But yea, CSC is bad. My company uses them and they are incompetent. \_ Usually they are called 'CSC'. As other have noted, how is that much different from, say, SAIC? |
2006/3/31-4/3 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Security] UID:42568 Activity:high |
3/31 Anyone want to engage in wild speculation on 30th anniversary Apple announcements? \ OMFG TEH 1337 LIMITED EDITION 30th ANNIVERSARY IPOD! -John \_ More very expensive consumer electronics toys that lock you in. \_ The iPod locks you in how? Well, ITMS does but frankly, ITMS is lame. (Not the implementation, the whole DRM + too damn much a song) \_ I have plans to write an application that adds some of your fair use rights back in to iTunes, but does not circumvent the terms of the DMCA. -dans \_ That's cute dan. \_ I'm not sure how to interpret this. -dans \_ Ignoring the fact that you will likely be in violation of the itms terms of use, how exactly do you propose to go about doing this in light of the 2d cir's ruling in Corely (273 F.3d 429 (2d Cir 2001)) that "fair use" doesn't mean that you have a right to use in your pre- fered format? And if you do decide to take up the challenge, you may wish to speak to Robin Gross who handled the Corley matter. \_ I don't know how you can make such wild claims. \_ Reckless posting like this will destabilize the motd for generations! \_ I bet BUD DAY never posts recklessly! \_ Probably just an accident, but I find it odd that this thread from the middle of 3/31 was nuked while threads with fewer comments or responses from 3/30 and 3/29 were not. In response to the person who mentioned terms of use as well as the Corley case: Actually, the app I plan to release is something that facilitates legal sharing, not format shifting. Also, isn't there more recent case law that does support format and time-shifting as fair use? Basically, it allows you to authorize a friend's computer for your iTunes purchases for a limited amount of time, and then automatically deauthorize. This in no way allows you to circumvent having more than the max (5?) machines authorized at any one time. I still need to look at the iTunes EULA to see if *using* this app violates the terms of service. Even if it does, it's a contract violation, not an illegal act. Regardless, it's definitely legal for me to write and distribute it since it is intended to facilitate legitimate, non-infringinging fair use of copyrighted works. Also, I'm not 100% certain that my app is feasible, I still need to look into some technical odds and ends to verify this. Fortunately, we have many very good electronic rights lawyers in and around this area, Robin Gross among them, as well as Berkeley's own Pamela Samuelson, Lawrence Lessig, and Fred von Lohmann to name a few. -dans \_ AFAIK, most of there haven't been any recent cases of any significance wrt time/space shifting. You are probably thinking of the 9th Cir. ruling in RIAA v. Diamond, 180 F. 3d 1072 (9th Cir 1999). Diamond dealt w/ what constitutes a digital audio recorder; not w/ DMCA violations. The DMCA wasn't at issue b/c (1) it hadn't been passed when the case was brought, (2) may not have taken effect until 2000 (Sec 1201(a)(1) 2d sentence) and (3) CDs don't have DRM/TPM so they are not covered under the DMCA. Corley was 2 yrs later (2001) and dealt w/ the DMCA directly. My understanding is that the Corley view that fair use doesn't mean you have the right to make a digital reproduction pretty much dominates. It is of some note that the USSC avoided the whole time/shape shifting Sony argument in Grokster. I'd personally be VERY hesitant to get involved in any US effort in this area (but then again I don't want to have to cool my heels in the clink). Re production of the app, I'm not sure that your interpretation of Sec. 1201 is correct. You might be making a "device" whose primary purpose is to circumvent Apple's access control mechan- ism under Sec 1201(a)(2) (if one were to adopt the view of the unholy hordes of darkness). You might also be making a device whoe primary prupose is to circument a copy control mechanism under Sec 1201(b)(2)(A) (perhaps the RIAA could use some 100W bulbs in their offices so that they would not be forced to take so dim a view of the law). BTW, I took a class from Robin last summer and could probably put you in touch w/ her if needed "more/better" info re the DMCA, &c. \_ Oh, cool. Thanks. I'm fairly confident that writing and releasing the app is not going to get me sued. Of course, before it comes to that, I'll almost certainly get a cease and desist letter. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I'm good friends with a former EFF staff technologist, and reasonably acquainted with (one of?) the current one(s) so I should have some inroads. As I understand it the law is ultimately about arguments. So if this actually came to a challenge, it would be up to a judge to determine whether or not this consitutes a device who's primary purpose is circumventing an access control or if this is a device who's primary purpose was to facilitate contributory copyright infringement. Is that a reasonable assessment? Thank you anonymous motd legal advisor, I appreciate the insights. -dans \_ I love it when someone is more pedantic and long winded on the motd. it makes me so hot. \_ wtf? I asked a question. I'm not a lawyer or a law student. Whoever posted the post I was responding to clearly knows his/her shit. If my understanding of theory or process is flawed, I'd like to know it. -dans \_ Wow, so you post an honest question addressing something your ignorant about, someone gives a something you're ignorant about, someone gives a snarky reply...and you get all pissy about it? I remember you having a similar conversation not so long ago, only with positions reversed.... long ago, only with positions reversed and you getting very righteous about being snarky.... \_ My MOTD with Dans: 1. Sweeping comment Made by Dans. 2. Disagreement expressed. 3. Dans goes nuts and says "where are the facts" (not that he has really presented any) May remind you that he is Jewish. 4. You or somebody else tries to give a short reply ... Dans broadens/changes the topic ... and spends a lot of time ignorantly but occasionally entertainingly (isn't that what make it all worth it?) foaming. 5. You or somebody else takes the time to post a long informed reply in an area of expertise or experience. 6. Dans now says "I'm glad we had a civilized discussion," not realizing he has been taken to skool. \_ sic --dans #1 Fan \- that is olde english, used by people too cool for school \_ Please support your statement with facts!! --dans #1 Fan \_ Yup. Get over it. Hey look, I got my answer below, which is all I care about! -dans \_ Typical Jew. \_ This is such an obvious troll, but say that to my face some time and see what happens. -dans \_ Well, at least you're honest about your hypocrisy.... \_ Your posts lack either insight or humor? Do you have a point? If your goal is to upset me, you failed. -dans \_ You are mostly in the ballpark. There is more to the law than simply arguments, and judges are usually limited in their application of a statute to a higher ct's interpretation of that statute. I am not 100% sure, but iirc the word "primarily" has pretty much been read out of the Sec 1201(a) (2)(A). Note also that Sec 1201(a)(1) doesn't even require "primarily." There are two theories of vicarious liability you probably need to know about: 1. Contributory Infringment - You knew that users were infringing and either caused or contributed to the infringment. 2. Inducement - You knew that users were infringing, you materially contributed to that infringement and you encouraged them to infringe for personal gain. If you gave the software away, you probably could avoid the whole Inducement issue (the Grokster theory of liability), but this is still an open issue. hic sunt dracones. After reading the itms music license, contributory infringement seems like it could be a problem for you. If you look at Section 9(b) Use of Products, one may not actually own the bits that constitute a song purchased from itms: http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/legal/terms.html [ This is one reason I won't buy from itms, even though I drink a considerable amt of iKoolAid ] \_ Cool, thanks! -dans |
2006/3/30-4/1 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Graphics] UID:42558 Activity:nil |
3/30 http://tinyurl.com/ese8k Device tells you if you're boring or not. Helpful for geeks. wealth the company has much better chances of success, as everyone's interests then align for the good of the corporation. It's better to own 25% of a billion dollar corporation than to own 90% of a |
2006/3/22-25 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:42372 Activity:nil |
3/22 http://www.park.nl/park_cms/public/index.php?thisarticle=118 Listen to Beethoven's 9th symphony stretched over 24 hours. \_ i'll stretch YOUR symphony |
2006/3/16-18 [Computer/HW/Drives, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:42274 Activity:high |
3/16 Cal prank on USC basketball player http://csua.org/u/f9y \_ But wasn't that game in Berkeley? It says they went to Westwood after the game. \_ sure, because they're from LA and travel back the same night \_ I think this is poor taste and no class. I am embarassed for the "Rally Committee". \_ You should be embarassed by the very existence of a Rally Committee. When childish wargames take precedence over academics and research, this is the expected result. \_ The player, as well his father, eventually had a good laugh over it. \_ And you can be sure that this player learned a good life lesson about being in the limelight. \_ What exactly are your standards for taste and class? Stuffy rooms decorated like the set of masterpiece theatre and high grade scotch served in a brandy snifter? I think it's clever, crafty, and brilliant. -dans \_ I think he intended the conversation to be private. It's like making public the personal emails you have with someone. His phone number is also made public. Would you like your phone number to be published on the internet? It's a breach of etiquette at the very least. I am not saying he was smart, but for a Cal Rally Committee to endorse and follow through with the plan is poor taste. \_ My phone number *is* published on the internet. While it would rub me the wrong way to have my private email published, I appreciate a good practical joke, even if I'm the butt, so I'd let it slide. Sometimes taste must succumb to a higher calling, namely, humor. -dans \_ My phone number *is* published on the internet. On one hand, yeah having someone publish my private email on the net would rub me a little the wrong way. On the other hand, I appreciate a good practical joke, even if I'm the butt of it. I think that sometimes poor taste is justified in the name of higher callings, like humor. -dans \_ If that's the case, it doesn't apply here, unless you have a really low bar for "clever, crafty, and brilliant". |
2006/3/15-17 [Consumer/Audio, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:42255 Activity:nil |
3/15 Anyone know what GUI library/toolkit iTunes uses? \_ Seems to be Carbon. I don't know the Carbon widgets, but I'd guess they have implemented a couple of custom UI elements. [~] otool -L /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes |
2006/2/7-9 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:41748 Activity:nil |
2/7 Does anyone from Hong Kong remember how to sing the last paragraph of this song: http://hk.geocities.com/musictreasury/child15.htm I can only recall the melody and the lyrics up to the second last paragraph. I always thought that the second last paragraph was the end of the the song. Thanks. \_ This is CSUA, not HKSA. \_ Nor is it Danish Students Assoc. or Islamic Students Assoc. |
2006/1/18-21 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:41419 Activity:low |
1/18 Anyone know of a good website that has explanations of song lyrics? Googling for individual songs is nigh impossible. The sort of thing you'd imagine would be on the bands' websites but often isn't. \_ Explanations? \_ Someone told me that this song was about trying to get into some girl's pants. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/e/extreme/52203.html \_ They are all about trying to get into some girl's pants, even the ones written by women, just the opposing viewpoint. Yes, this means "Happy Birthday" is about trying to get into some girl's pants. \_ For example, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" as sung by Marilyn Monroe. \_ ...and which girl's pants was Marilyn trying to get into? \_ She's trying to steal from inside Jacqueline's pants. \_ "People often ask me, 'what is that song about?' If I could say it in words other than what are in the song...I would have written a different song." --Elvis Costello \_ I've been wondering about the same thing. Some lyrics are too poetic for me to understand. (I'm a foreigner and I did poorly in English 1B at a community college.) For example, what is Barbra Streisand's "Send In The Clowns" really about? Very beautiful melody, but I can't understand the lyrics. http://www.digitaltimes.com/karaoke/singers/SendInTheClowns.html \_ http://www.songmeangings.net. \_ http://www.songmeanings.net. It's a Sondheim song from a musical, it doesn't have to make sense. -tom \_ Well, it makes sense in the context of the show. It's a couple that got together when they were younger, then were split for 10 or so years. She was pregnant but didn't tell him, and is on the road as an actress. He marries a 19 year old virgin who won't sleep with him. They meet again a year into his marriage, have a brief affair, but he ends it. This is when she has this song. They've both been fools. Ergo "don't bother, they're here." \_ Well, it could mean that. Or "send in the clowns" could be old show biz talk for throwing in the towel (as in things are so bad that salvage is impossible and you send in the clowns to distract the audience). \_ Or it could be... both. \_ Hmm, the more I read the lyrics the more it sounds like what you said. "Me here at last on the ground, you in mid-air..." "Sure of my lines, No one is there." "Don't you love farce? My fault, I fear. I thought that you'd want what I want." "Losing my timing this late in my career?" All these sound like "oops" moments when performing a play on stage. \_ I got redirected to http://lb3.netster.com \_ try http://www.songmeanings.net (not "meangings") \_ It was originally the theme song to EPS2, when EPS2 had its original title "Attack of the Clowns." |
2006/1/11-12 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:41337 Activity:nil |
1/10 I tried iTunes when the first windows version came out, and the one thing that made it useless is that for the 3000 or so of my songs that lacked ID3 tags, it would only identify them as 'Unknown Artist' and made it impossible to identify the song by the file path, which was /Artist/Album/01 - Song.mp3 Have they fixed this problem or are people without proper ID3 tags still up shit creek? \_ This doesn't answer your stated question, but: Tag&Rename. Good tool for multi tag editing and getting tags from filenames. Free for 30 days. -niloc http://www.softdepia.com/tag_rename_download_1291.html \_ If you don't want to add id3 tags you can tell iTunes not to move your mp3s which helps some, but it still pretty much sucks. There are lots of tools out there to quickly add id3 tags though, it really doesn't take that long. And if you ever get an ipod you will be glad you did. \_ "really doesn't take that long"? Did you read the part where I said 3000 songs? Unless you know of a tool which does filesystem to ID3 generation, it will take several hours at least. \_ You can try something like http://musicbrainz.org - it didn't work for all of my songs, but enough that the remaining set was trivial. The tagging tools in foobar2000 are also really good for generating tags for files with regular names. \_ If you use a consistent naming scheme for your MP3 files, writing a script to do this is pretty trivial; it wouldn't surprise me if there were one readily available. I wrote one some time ago; if I still had it, I'd post it. -gm |
2006/1/6 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Reference/Religion] UID:41260 Activity:nil 76%like:41261 |
1/6 For a Christian perspective on loss and suffering, I suggest reading the Book of Job. For those who've heard the beautiful hymn "It is Well With My Soul", written last century by a Chicago businessman after he lost all five of his children, here's a link to the story: http://www.geocities.com/cott1388/spafford.html Here's the lyrics for the song: http://my.homewithgod.com/heavenlymidis2/soul.html http://www.hymnsite.com/lyrics/umh377.sht |
3/15 |