Computer Networking - Berkeley CSUA MOTD
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Computer:Networking:
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Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/3/5-8 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/Networking] UID:36537 Activity:kinda low
3/5     I have a problem with X. Let's say I open up xemacs. If I don't do
        anything to it after 15 minutes, connection would die and I'd have
        to restart it. How do I make it more persistent? ok thx
        \_ you're connecting through a NAT gateway, aren't you... and X11
           forwarding throuh ssh?  Turn on connection keep-alives
           \_ NAT yes, X11 forward no (raw forward). Where is the option?
              \_ your NAT translation is timing out due to inactivity.  If
                 your router has an option to configure this, raise it.  If
                 not, perhaps you can script emacs to do something that
                 generates some change in the screen (maybe a redraw screen
                 command) every 5-10min.  But in openssh, it's something like
                 TCPKeepAlive. -dwc
                 \- You can put the time inthe mode-line, for one.
                 \_ I had a netgear router that would drop cxn's after 5 min.
                    Firmware upgrades wouldn't fix the problem, but the v2
                    box they started selling didn't have the problem. bastards.
2005/3/2-3 [Computer/Networking] UID:36482 Activity:high
3/2     If I subscribe to DSL, I can connect to the internet and talk on the
        phone at the same time.  Does that mean I can connect via DSL on one
        machine and connect via a dial-up modem on another machine at the same
        time?  Thanks.  -- yuen
        \_ Assuming you install the frequency filter they gave you, yes.
           \_ I hearby officially announce my ignorance on the subject.
              What is a frequency filter and how is it installed? It was
              expecting something like htonl for floats.
              \_ Non authoritative primer on DSL - DSL utilizes the same
                 copper that dial-up modem (traditional voice) does.
                 However, instead of an analog signal it sends over a
                 digital signal. DSL also does not utilize a modem, as
                 modulation and demodulation of a digital signal is
                 not required. DSL utilizes a very high frequency range
                 that is typically not used by traditional voice
                 communications. However, you can still hear the interference
                 from the high frequency, (probably due to the usual
                 frequency enhancing/cancelling/echoing/etc. which I
                 can't comment on) and so to prevent that from occurring
                 they've designed a frequency filter which filters out the
                 DSL signal. This allows you to talk on the phone without
                 having an annoying hiss in the background. I'm not
                 sure if the hiss will affect a dialup modem's signal
                 (it probably does), but you'll definitely want to install
                 one regardless.
                 \_ DSL utilizes frequency above the voice band.  The filter
                    /hybrid is used to filter out the high freq noise for
                    your phone.  In adsl, digital data is modulated
                    through a IFFT/FFT.  Signals are then converted to analog
                    and blasted through the copper wire through a transceiver.
                    \_ So the $19.99/mo "DSL" that SBC Yahoo sells is actually
                       ADSL, right?
                 \_ sorry, DSL uses modems.  the modulation standard is, for
                    example G.lite, and occupies a different spectrum so
                    that this trick w/ a low-pass filter allows the line
                    to be shared with a POTS signal that has its own specific
                    band-pass characteristics.  what's interesting is that
                    the DSL modem can tolerate the high voltage ring indication
                    without any disruption of service.
              \_ It's simple, they give you a bunch of filters, you install one
                 on each of your phone outlets EXCEPT the DSL one.
              \_ I like to point out that, despite the filter, it somehow fried
                 one of my Panasonic fax machine twice. If I connect my fax
                 to my normal line, it will operate fine. If I connect to DSL
                 line with filter, after a few weeks, the machine will act up
                 weired, after a few months, it stopped working. It was during
                 warranty period, so they replaced the whole board. But after
                 a few weeks, it started to act weired again. So now I have
                 comcast and the fax works fine. I think the filter is far from
                 \_ Would daisy-chaining the filters for the fax machine help?
                    -- yuen
2005/2/25-27 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/Networking] UID:36422 Activity:low
2/25    Hi motd.  A friend of mine wants to keep her AOL e-mail address (or
        set up forwarding) since she got a cable modem.  From what I found
        on, it sounds like she wants to switch from AOL Dial-up
        ($24/month) to AOL Broadband  ($15/month).  Is this the right way
        (I guess via AOL account management or calling them up)?
        Is there a cheaper way?  Anyone have any experience?  Thanks!
        \_ Tell your friend to let go and get a better permanent
           email address. is a sign of stupidity.
           \_ What do you recommend?  I was thinking, but
              when you send e-mail from your ISP account, people will start
              using the ISP e-mail and forget about the
              account.  Yahoo! e-mail (gmail still being in beta) is all that
              comes to mind. -op
              \_ Umm, google doesn't seem to have the same concept of "beta"
                 as the rest of the world.  To steal a joke from some blog:
                 You should just think of "beta" as a hip type of product.
                 like "loose-fit" vs. "boot-cut" jeans.
              \_ Don't be so dense. You set it as the reply to address,
                 or better, the from address (though those loser webmail
                 services may not let you do that).
              \_ Set the From address in outlook.
              \_ To the two posters above:
                 reply-to is something I thought of already -- basically the
                 issue is that some friends will see the ISP e-mail address
                 in the From: and a number end up using that.
                 I thought you would be smart enough to see this problem,
                 at least without insulting me, which is why I didn't
                 write about it in the first place.
                 As for From:, don't most ISPs these days have blocks on
                 modifying this?
                 modifying this? -op
                 \_ No, they don't block modifying the From: header since it's
                    something damn near every mail client on the planet has
                    been able to do for nearly a decade, and if they started
                    to block mail based on From: headers it would cost them
                    literally millions in customer support calls, and, yes,
                    you are dense if you believe this is happening.  Perhaps
                    you're confusing it with the increasingly common and far
                    more lame practice of an ISP blocking port 25 outright
                    forcing customers to use its own smtp servers sxclusively.
                    \_ No, I'm not confusing modifying the From: header with
                       blocking port 25 outright by default (which SBC Yahoo!
                       DSL just enacted as you already know).  I honestly think
                       Comcast does the From: checks to alleviate spoofing,
                       but I guess I can check up on this to see if it's
                       still true. -op
                       \_ Comcast != most ISP's.  Perhaps you're thinking of
                          SPF (or the functionally equivalent thing Microsoft
                          is (was?) pushing)? -pp
                          \_ No I am not thinking of SPF or Microsoft's thing.
                             When I say "most ISPs", I am not referring to
                             absolute number of ISPs, big and small -- I am
                             referring to ISPs that users are most likely to
                             be using, such as Comcast cable Internet or SBC
                             Yahoo! DSL.
                             Perhaps I should have written "Comcast and SBC
                             Yahoo! DSL" instead of "most ISPs".
                             Anyways, I didn't just dream up of From: address
                             blocking.  It did happen, with something that
                             wasn't out in left-field.  ... was it uclink? -op
                             \_ Bugger if I know, I barely ever used uclink
                                even when I was on campus regularly. -pp
                                \_ Anyways, looks like with Comcast cable,
                                   custom From: addresses works fine.  And
                                   she can use that with -op
                     \_ I have comcast and have my own From field. It works fine.
                        \_ Thanks! -op
                 \_ I have just given up and started using SMTP forwarding
                    from my email provider rather than trying to munge from
                    addresses.  If your ISP blocks SMTP, try it w/ TLS or get
                    it unblocked?  Where there is a will, there is a way.
                    \_ meant to add, I use "msmtp" sendmail replacement to
                       use w/ a linux mail client.
        \_ My folks did something like that ... just call up customer
           service and they can switch you to a bring-your-own-access
           type service.
2005/2/25-27 [Computer/Networking] UID:36421 Activity:moderate
2/25    What is the smallest (physical and price) cisco router that can
        handle BGP?  It should be able to have more than 256 ram.
        \_ When you say ``handle BGP'', do you mean supports the bgp
           protocol or supports enough ram to keep a reasonable (what do you
           consider to be reasonable) number of routes in memory?  Do you want
           to be peering at PAIX, or do you just need a router to run the T1
           line for your house?  256 megs is a *LOT* of RAM for a router and
           more than you would ever reasonably need to run your home T1 line.
           The 1760 is a reasonably good entry-level/consumer grade router,
           but it maxes out at 96 megs.  The 2691 appears to support 256 megs.
            \_ I mean "supports enough ram to keep a reasonable number of
              routes in memory."  I shouldn't have mentioned price, I have
              changed it to be just physical.  I don't understand why a router
              running bgp between two networks memory needs to be multi-u.
              Isn't one of the advantages of having a "do one thing" box is
              that it can be small?   Anyway, I want a commercial grade
              cisco router.  I do plan to multi home my IP address, so that
              if one colo goes down my precious pron server will still be
              up at ISP number 2.  (I know, the ISP has to cooperate, and
              i'm kidding about the pronness)
              \_ You need to define what you consider to be a reasonable
                 number of routes.  Based on that you can calculate the amount
                 of memory you need.  My (still largely uninformed) off the
                 cuff answer based on the above would be something from the
                 2600 series, which, I believe, are all 1U. -dans
           \_ why would you run BGP out of your house? is there any reason
              to run BGP unless you are multi-homed? Don't you need some
              unique ID (ARIN or something-erother) to be multi-homed?
              \_ so he can learn how it works?
              \_ Look, I'm not the one asking for the ``smallest ... cisco
                 router that can handle BGP [that] should be able to have
                 more than 256 ram.''  As for why one might run BGP out of
                 one's house:
                 a) maybe you're a practitioner of the better homes and colo
                    facilities phenomenon
                 b) yes, there are other reasons to run BGP than being
                    multi-homed (details left as an exercise for the reader,
                    hint IBGP)
                    i) Those reasons aside, I said something about using a
                       router to run a T1 line, *I* never said anything about
                       running BGP out of your house.
                The `unique ID' you are referring to is an Autonomous System
                Number or ASN.  You need one if you want to announce a
                routeable ip address block on the internet. -dans
2005/2/22-23 [Computer/Networking, Recreation/Media] UID:36370 Activity:kinda low
2/22    Any thoughts/opinions/experience with this product
        to get cable-tv reception wirelessly? (
        \_ no opinion, but I've always had this dream of buying a cluster of
           homes with my parents and friends so that we can wire cable modem
           and premium cable services to each other without having to pay
           duplicate costs. With this device and Apple's Airport
           Express/Airtunes I can redistribute my MP3 files and cable and
           EVERYTHING without having to wire anything.
           \_ what a great idea, base the largest purchase of your life on
              trying to save $25/month.  -tom
                \_ Actually that was yermom, and it didn't quite take $25
                   in quarters.  -John
                   \_ Weak.  Ordinarily I like the yermom jokes, but tom
                      had a good one.
2005/2/21-22 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:36347 Activity:high
2/21    Does anyone have good recommendations for an external USB hard drive
        \_ Maxtor OneTouch.  I really like mine.  -John
        \_ They're pretty much all the same.
           \_ Thanks. Does this one seem pretty typical:
              \_ Not really.  It's USB and 1394.  USB only runs about $20.
                 Looks like this one has a proprietary power cable (I like my
                 USB 2.0 enclousure that uses a standard ATX power cable).
                 Looks pretty similar to my USB+1394 enclosure though.
        \_ I would go to, click on Shop by Category, External
           Enclosure, select the parameters you want on the left (USB Yes, Size
           3.5 for desktop HD, 2.5 for notebook HD, or 5.25 for optical drive)
           and Search, sort by Best Rating, and then pick one near the top
           which has only one cable for power (none of this power brick crap
           with one cable drive->power brick and another cable power brick ->
           wall), kind of like this:
  ($38, AMS 3.5" USB 2.0 only)
           The other category of external drives is backup for your pointy-
           haired boss on the ThinkPad or relatives.  In this case I would go
           Western Digital, the two-option backup version (see their web site),
           but I'm still trying to figure out how to do encryption with
           (bundled) Retrospect Express.
        \_ Search for the "Metal Gear" enclosure-- they're not the cheapest, but
           simple, fanless, support firewire and USB, and they're pretty high
           quality-- the entire aluminum case acts as a heatsink, so it's very
           quiet but won't toast your drive(s).  I think I paid $40.
           \_ fyi, I'm the guy recommending AMS above, and I was also the guy
              that recommended the Metal Gear enclosure on soda half a year
              ago.  The Metal Gear uses the 2 cable power-brick thing.
              ago.  The Metal Gear uses the 2 cable + power brick thing.
              See the photo on
              Anyways, a couple of the AMS comments talk about how the design
              is better than the Metal Gear's, although it is not as flashy.
2005/2/17 [Computer/Networking] UID:36221 Activity:low
2/17    Is there a reasonably priced alternative to SBC DSL around campus?
        SBC has been very unpleasant. Please answer via email - jnat.
        \_ I am using Cyberonic. Free installation. 1500/~700kbps.
           terrible tech support but you probably won't need it. $50/month.
        \_ A friend recently told me he had good luck with in
           the south bay - cheaper than SBC, uses their lines.  Would be
           interested to hear if anyone else has experience with them...
           \_ I used dslextreme in The City and would recommend them to
              others. Sometimes they have DNS problems late at night
              (unannounced maintenance, I assume) but they are pretty
              reliable and super cheap. -ausman
2005/2/17 [Computer/Networking] UID:36212 Activity:nil
2/17    IP/UDP question. How do packet sniffers work? The OS takes care of
        low level ethernet card stuff and filters out UDP/TCP before they even
        redirect those packets to applications, so how do sniffers by-pass
        this mechanism? I'm asking because I'd like to write a sniffer in
        Java and I'm not even sure if Java can specify low level ethernet
        frame details and by-pass the filtering/classification process. ok thx.
        \_ In unix you put a card into promiscuous mode (look at how tcpdump
           does it.)  Unter Windows look into NDIS--it only allows "raw"
           access to the if for some drivers/hardware.  This is why there are
           no good passive wifi scanners under Windows (correct me if I'm
           wrong, please.)  -John
2005/2/15-17 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/Networking] UID:36179 Activity:high
2/15    To conclude yesterday's SBC yahoo thread, we are cancelling SBC
        Yahoo. Neither my wife nor I have sufficient fu or time to hack around
        the uniform port 25 block, which makes the DSL acct pretty much useless
        for her. tom mentioned using another port but socrates apparently won't
        accept outgoing mail via port 587 (tried telnet). I am now wondering
        what DSL providers don't uniformly block port 25.
        \_ Speakeasy DSL is somewhat more expensive, but they _really_ Get It
           when it comes to geek-friendly AUP's. What's the last time you've
           seen a DSL AUP which specifically says "we understand servers are
           cool and useful, feel free to run one, as long as you don't break
           any laws"?  -happy speakeasy customer for 2 years and counting
        \_ Stupid question, are you having problem sending email to specific
           address? Can you use <DEAD><DEAD> to send mail?
           \_ No and no.
        \_ Why don't you just pay any geeky looking kid off the street $20
           to set it up for you? This is totally basic stuff. If you were a
           CS major, you are an utter disgrace.
           \_ I wasn't and fuck you. Now, do you have an actual answer, bitch?
           \_ No and no (the latter was the first thing we tried).
        \_ I think, given the prevalence of spam-drone computers on residential
           broadband ISPs, blocking port 25 by default is the responsible thing
           to do.  Users who need it can just ask to be unblocked, right?  If
           they won't unblock you, then they're being lame.
           \_ No, not right, at least as far as SBC Yahoo is concerned.
           \_ No, not right, at least as far as SBC Yahoo is concerned. They
              have a form that says you can unblock, but their own person
              was apparently unwilling to even look into it and said no outside
              servers period. Go figure.
        \_ Call them up, and they will unblock port 25 very quickly for you.
           They did it within one day for my mother.
           \_ How recently was this? The person my wife spoke to would not
        \_ My co-worker had the same issue last week and he just unblocked port
           25 through SBC, and now everything works.  He did complain he had
           to reboot his DSL modem before it registered.
           \_ I am wondering now what key phrase I need to use on the phone to
              get to a high enough tier that the person on the phone can make
              the change...
              \_ I believe all he did, and what other people on motd seem to
                 have done as well, is:
                 3. Request that SBC removes the SMTP port filter from your
                    account: on our Abuse of Service form, enter the details
                    of your request in the Abuse Description field.
                 Abuse of Service form:
                 \_ Basically yes, with the final step being to reboot the
                    modem and computer after receiving notification that the
                    change has been made. FYI to the patronizing turd that
                    made noise about changing Eudora...that won't work.
                    socrates doesn't allow connections to port 587. Changes to
                    the mail client might work for other accounts or if your
                    object is to use sbc's SMTP server, though.
                    \_ socrates is going to stop mail service entirely in
                       less than a month.  -tom
                       \_ I was wondering when you were going to mention that
                          part. Aforementioned spouse is going to use
                          socrates for mail until the last possible moment. I
                          suppose she'll use calmail thereafter.
                          \_ Aforementioned spouse needs to get a clue.  -tom
        \_ In outlook, I had to choose "" and then
           use "My Server Requires Authentication". Don't know if this will
           help you or not...
           \_  No (see above). Specifically, this will not work for sending
               mail via socrates or calmail.
        \_ If they block port 25, how do they expect you to send mail?
           \_ block port 25 except to authenticated SBC email relays
        \_ You must be joking!  I was the one who suggested port 587 - after
           yesterday's discussion I went to the link Tom posted, filled out
           the "opt-out-port-25" form, and got a response within a few hours.
           Works fine after rebooting the modem...
           \_ I got a level 2 person a few minutes ago. They said they did it
              but I won't know for sure until tonight.
              \_ Alright. It all worked and thanks everybody for being
                 \_ Why do you want to continue giving your hard earned money
                    to a company that provides a service that is so poor you
                    need to repeatedly ask for third party (e.g. the motd)
                    \_ Maybe it's not Yahoo being teh thei, maybe the MOTD
                       is just SUPER DUPER /<-R@D?!?!?!?1111  -John
        \_ I just opted out of port 25 blocking using the URL and it took less
           than 2 hours for them to turn around the request and get it done.  -ax
2005/2/11-14 [Computer/Networking] UID:36142 Activity:nil
2/11    A lot of people have the Linksys WRT54G router because of its Linux
        firmware.  I tried the new "Closed Source 'GPL'" firmware from
        Sveasoft (Alchemy-6.0-RC5a) and the QoS feature is very effective and
        powerful, but I've found the box is easily overwhelmed by too much
        data (like 50kB/sec) and starts dropping packets on the floor.
        Can someone reccomend a WRT54G firmware with good QoS which can handle
        QoS and NAT on a 3Mbit line without choking?
        \_ This won't answer your question (I have the AP version, and run
           the Sveasoft firmware, but that's not routing) but just for fun
           have a look at M0n0wall ( on WRAP
           ( -- it's tremendously mature and stable
           and does what you want.  -John
        \_ This isn't answering your question, too, but D-Link recently
           released a wired/wireless gateway that does some QoS (you can
           define priorities based on source/dest IP/port, or just leave
           the thing on "auto") and looks high performance.  $140+.  YMMV.
2005/2/11-12 [Computer/Networking] UID:36138 Activity:kinda low
2/10    Is the coax cable that supplies our TV's digital cable the
        same one that plugs into our cable modem? I want to move our
        cable modem from upstairs to downstairs, and instead of
        dragging a long extension downstairs, I'd like to just splice
        our TV's cable.
        \_ Related question.  How well does the digital cable signal survive
           the splitting and patching of the coax inside the house?
        \_ Don't know what you have for cable modem.  To be sure, use a RG6
           cable.  Very likely your cable modem cable is RG6.
           \_ I'd follow above advice, since I don't know much about cable
              specs.  But at my gf's parents' house, the cable guy installed
              the cable modem using a simple splitter: the kind they sell at
              radio shack.  I added another splitter when they decided to move
              the computer upstairs, and it works fine.
        \_ It's similar but different ratings. Almost all digital cable
           uses RG6 right now. Splitting coax carrying satellite feed
           I don't think you can use the run-of-the-mill splitters.
           \_ Whether it's sattelite or not, digital or not, on the wire it's
              fundamentaly analog in the hundreds of megahertz range.  Any
              splitter rated for that frequency range will be fine.  The
              advantage of using a really high-end splitter is that you'll
              get exceptionally low signal loss, which shouldn't be a problem
              under normal circumstances.
2005/1/24-25 [Computer/Networking] UID:35875 Activity:moderate
1/24 (
        "WEP, as you probably already know, is an encryption scheme that can
        basically be broken by anyone smart enough to install Linux on a
        laptop."  Okay, so we all know WEP < WPA < WPA2, but is hacking WEP
        as easy as implied above?
        The only way I see WEP having this big a problem is if there is a
        freeware program which obtains WEP keys for you.
           \_ thanks, I guess it is that easy, if you are constantly sniffing
              (e.g., your neighbor's wireless)
              \_ Well, it is not as easy as the software writer wants you
                 to think. I tried to hack my *own* WEP key and could not.
                 \_ From what I understand from the FAQ, you need six months
                    of browsing the net when you're home at night to sniff
                    enough packets to be able to get the WEP key for your
                    own wireless AP/router.
                    \_ See below.  This is the trivial part--you can sniff
                       a 'join' (which is cleartext) and use this to send
                       fake disconnects.  Most wifi drivers will attempt to
                       reconnect to their last peered AP--washrinserepeat and
                       you can collect enough traffic v. quickly.  Oh, and
                       WPA is also vulnerable:
        \_ Hacking WEP is not "simple".  The principle behind it is simple,
           and ways to collect enough data to brute-force a key (i.e. faking
           joins/drops over the unencrypted carrier channel) are simple.
           Gathering enough traffic can take some time, and then you still
           have to brute force the key.  802.11b has some structural
           limitations anyway, and the main issue with WEP is its name, as
           it is no way equivalent to a wire (which is equally easy to
           break into if you know what you're doing) in terms of being
           a private medium.  There are, however, enough tools out there to
           make it feasible for the average kiddie.  For a very well
           designed and documented selection of tools, have a look at
           auditor at .  -John
2005/1/14-17 [Computer/Networking] UID:35720 Activity:nil
1/14    I am trying to use DI-604 as a firewall but it comes with zero doc.
        about ipfw rules.  The firewall rules has only one port specification.
        Does it refer to the wan or lan?  Are the rules stateful or static?
2005/1/14-15 [Computer/Networking] UID:35711 Activity:nil
1/13    DIY Wireless Alarm systems w/ monitoring - Anyone have experience
        with <DEAD><DEAD> - seems pretty interesting, can send
        email alerts, monitor online, celluar monitoring as well.
                It's the upgraded version of what someone like Bay Alarm
                will sell you and charge you $$$ for monitoring.  -ax
2005/1/13-14 [Computer/Networking] UID:35697 Activity:high
1/13    I need help fixing someone's Win2K box.  Setup:  Win2K box -> D-Link
        router -> DSL modem.  The Win2K box cannot obtain a DHCP address
        (other computers can).  So, I assign a static IP, and set the default
        gateway and DNS server to be the D-Link router.  After this, the Win2K
        box can access web pages on the Internet as long as you specify the
        web site IP address directly -- but DNS doesn't work.  Computer used
        to work fine, something about installing Windows updates hosed it
        (they are on SP4).  To summarize, the following is broken:  can't
        obtain DHCP-assigned IP address; when setting static IPs for host and
        gateway/DNS, DNS doesn't work.  Other computers on router are fine.
        \_ Sounds like TCP/IP stack is broken. I've seen this happen
           before. The only solution I've found to work reliably is
           to unfortunately do a repair/reinstall off of the Win2k CD.
           \_ Yeah, I kind of agree.  A full re-install will be the last
              option.  I did try sticking in a new network card -- all drivers
              installed fine, but same DNS/DHCP issues.  I will try to Add/
              Remove Windows components and try to take out networking. -op
        \_ I assume you can't ping by name either? Did you go from SP3 to SP4?
           I would look to see if the address that the machine used to have
           isn't reserved on the router.
           \_ We used for static.  That might be it, since
              DHCP-assigned IPs are all .100 or higher.  Don't know about
              ping by name, but nslookup definitely didn't work for
     or soda.  I'll try everything suggested this
              \_ Are you connecting via wireless or with a wire? My
                 roomie "upgraded" to XP SP2 and now WEP security does
                 not work. I had to turn it off for wireless to work
                 for her.
                 \_ wired.  fyi, encrypted wireless to the same router works
                    fine too.  I use both that and 100BaseT when I'm over.
        \_ As noted above, try "ping"; if you get no response, try
           setting the DNS servers manually (I'm a fan of, myself)
           If you're using IE, go to Connections->LAN and make sure the
           "Automatically detect settings" box is unchecked. Also, can you
           ping the router?
           \_ I set the DNS server to (the router), didn't work.
              I'll try the IP you provided.  pinging yahoo and soda's IP
              address worked fine.  I'll uncheck that box too.
              \_ If you can ping Yahoo's IP address but not the name,
                 it's almost certainly a DNS issue. The quick fix is to set
                 the DNS server to the address above. Please post how this
                 works out, and good luck.
        \_ Did he use Adaware recently?  That can hose your registry where tcp
           settings are.  At least on XP.  The fix I found for XP was WinSock
           XP Fix.  Don't know if there are easy win2k solutions.
           \_ I'm going to try Ad-aware this weekend.
              \_ Just to clarify, Ad-aware can damage your tcp stack and
                 produce exactly these symptoms.
                 \_ Wow, I didn't know that.  Thanks.
                 \_ It can? I run AdAware and Spybot every month or so on my
                    Win2K machine, and I've never seen this happen.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/1/11-12 [Computer/Networking] UID:35667 Activity:high
1/11    My linksys 8 port router to dsl/cable just died, the 3rd piece of
        linksys equipment to fail on me in so many years. Anyone have
        a good recommendation of a brand that won't die on me like this,
        or is everthing just cheapie these days and you can't get a
        decent router? This is for an office, so in the long run it's
        much cheaper for us to pay $150 vs. $50 for a router. I need
        an 8 port, no wireless.
        \_ Did you try updating the firmware? I've had to upgrade
           my Linksys firmware about 4 times. Then it works again.
        \_ I had good luck with netgear's "metal casing" router.
        \_ No, get an Mac Mini.
        \_ Buy a cisco switch. It will cost 5X as much, but it won't break.
           \_ Uh, a cisco switch doesn't exactly hook up to a cheapie
              ADSL. A cisco switch hooks up to something like a frame relay
              or a T1 minimum.
              \_ Stand corrected, I called up cisco and apparently they do offer
                 ADSL routers. If it's $250 it's well worth it if it keeps the
                 network up.
              \_ I get my ADSL router from my DSL provider, don't you?
                 Then I connect a simple netgear wireless router/switch
                 to it. Are you looking for something that does both?
                 \_ You mean the ADSL Bridge? When I had SDSL they gave me a
                    router, which included the bridge. The cheapie ADSL
                    deals give you a bridge only (aka "modem). If you
                    order the more expensive deal you get the router.
                    I didn't know the bridge was called the "router" also
                    since it doesn't "route" anything....
        \_ I use netgear now, linksys is crap. -smurf
           \_ Linksys has worked great for me.  Now D-Link *is* crap. -not op
              \_ Hmm, I've had NO luck with Linksys myself.  Even the staff
                 people at the company I work at loathe Linksys, since they're
                 always having to work on the Linksys equipment that's been
                 deployed.       -!smurf
                 \- my linksys wireless unit is also ass but not as ass as
                    the apple airport express, which is essentially unusable
                    from my powerbook. ok tnx. --psb
2005/1/9 [Computer/Networking] UID:35620 Activity:high
1/9     Is there some kind of UDP dDoS today?
        \_ ... well, DNS uses UDP doesn't it ...
                \_ Okay then, was there a DNS dDoS today?
2005/1/8-10 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:35605 Activity:nil
1/7     Where in the Linux kernel can I find out the structure of say,
        ethernet frame structure, APR, IPv4, ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP?
        And which header files contain the type/protocol constants?
        \_ linux/skbuff.h.  struct sk_buff; --jwm
           \_ jwm, any comments on the recent 2.6.6 kernel?  --kngharv
              \_ Nope.  I don't really like Linux.  I use it at work, and
                 I have be working w/ most recently.  Vadim is the one
                 to talk to about Linux.
2005/1/8-10 [Computer/Networking] UID:35598 Activity:low
1/7     What's the best firewall/nat/router/(ethernet/wifi) these days?
        \_ Best for what purpose?
        \_ Soekris running OpenBSD.

[restored by psb's #aleph_0 fan]
2005/1/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:35597 Activity:kinda low
1/7     Some literatures say the OSI is 7 layers while some say it's
        4 layers. What accounts the difference?
        \_ OSI is 7 layers, the older view networking was only 4
           layers: physical, mac, transport (tcp/ip), application.
           \- and then there is implementation reality/practice ...
              \_ yermom doesn't mind 3 layers, and accepts all out-of-band
2005/1/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/Networking] UID:35596 Activity:low
1/7     I'm driving from LA to SF tomorrow. Is there a website that can tell
        me how I can get there? I am hearing rumors that I5 might be closed
        and also that 101 sometimes has mudslide issues.
        \_ google "caltran" yields url:
           \_ yes, thanks, but that doesn't really give driving directions
              based on closed routes, or even alternate routes.
        \_ rain+LA=complete misery. Are you ready for complete misery?
           \_ I believe this is true for all of southern CA, I lived in
              Bakersfield.  brrr...
2005/1/5 [Computer/Networking] UID:35548 Activity:kinda low
1/5     Has anyone ever got Linux (or any UNIX flavor) to work with a D-Link
        Airplus Wireless PCI card?
        \_ Try ndiswrapper.
        \_ Be more specific about the exact model.  Dlink changes things
           without changing the models.
2005/1/3-5 [Computer/Networking] UID:35531 Activity:kinda low
1/3     So I installed Debian (Sarge) on a home server for various reasons
        (including learning about Apache 2) and have a question:  how do I get
        all the useful information about my machine that I get in Windows with
        ipconfig /all?  And how do I turn DHCP on or off?  Set the host
        \_ ifconfig, man ifconfig for full details. ifup/ifdown to
           turn on/off seperate ethernet controllers. dhcpd is the
                                                      \_ dhcpcd
                                                         \_ It's dhcpd on my
                                                            linux box. Is
                                                            it somehow different
                                                            on yours??
           dhcp daemon, think it's been replaced by dhclient. To turn
           it on and off you need to follow the ifup/ifdown scripts
           and locate the file that pertains to your controller, and
           there will be very obvious commands within that file, i.e.
           dhcp=on/off, onboot=on/off, wifi=on/off etc. Setting the
               \_ /etc/network/interfaces... I think you are thinking
                  of redhat.
           hostname and ip is done through /etc/hosts, first line
           in the file will indicate the name of the localhost, add
           in consecutive lines to set the ip address, etc.
           If you don't want to hack stuff manually I believe that
           debian does support a minimal ncurses gui for this, can't
           remember the name at the moment, someone else fill in the
           blanks. Think it was netconfig, see if you can do a
           bash expansion on it.
2005/1/3-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:35526 Activity:nil
1/3     Is there a way to get Dish or Cable with just the channels I want?
        I don't need the Shopping or Religious channels, and I don't want
        to pay for them.
        \_ Get a cable splitter, go to your neighbor's cable box... you should
           be smart enough to figure out the rest. - jvarga, troll for the day
           \_ You're a baaad man, jvarga, but yr point is well-taken.
2004/12/28-29 [Computer/Networking] UID:35459 Activity:low
12/28   How can I find out the IP addresses of the machine that a program is
        running on? I know one way is just to gethostname() and then do a
        gethostbyname() on that. But that relies on the resolver. Ideally,
        I'd like to do it the way 'ifconfig' does it (which AFAICT doesn't
        rely on the resolver), but I haven't been able to track down yet
        exactly how it does it. Thanks.
        \_ It reads /proc/net in Linux. Probably does something similar
           in *NIX/*BSD you use. -williamc
        \_ then read ifconfig source.  /usr/src/sbin/ifconfig/
        \_ why not just fork off an 'ifconfig -a' and parse through its output?
           And assuming that a machine has just one IP address is not a good
           assumption to make...
2004/12/24-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:35428 Activity:nil
12/24   Can you guys point out existing tools that do diagnostics by
        sniffing network packets? For example, what are some tools
        that can sniff out packet drop rate (missing ACK, irregular
        RTT, etc), and give warning on possible switch problems,
        router problems, DoS, and simply pinpoint problems?  Secondly,
        are there tools out there that inspect the link layer packets
        all the way up to say, applications for diagnostics? Thanks.
        \_ Cisco sells a couple of things that do some of this.
           Their IDS system would help. There is no simple tool
           that will just tell you where your network problem is,
           you have to have the skill and experience to interpret
           the output.
           \- if you are dealing with a traffic flow that involves
              a lot of weird stuff ... exposed to the open internet,
              or on a network with thousands of devices including
              embedded stuff, you will see a huge huge huge amount
              of stuff you should never see ... there are all kinds
              of spec violating tcp stacks. in some of our applications
              +50% of the code lines deal with spec violating stuff.
              believe me it will be easier to look for specific problems
              rather than anything that isnt strictly correct. there
              are also some things that are strictly correct that are
              just weird to see [like say in the TOS bits]. if you
              combine this with out of order packets vs. possibly
              malicious stuff, it gets complicated indeed [and opens
              you application up to DoS attacks depending on how you
              handle the state tables]. Bro may be a little
              heavyweight for this. some people like etherreal. there
              is some decent commercial stuff. if commercial stuff is
              an option, you can email me. ok tnx.
              \_ what is TOS bits? and who do I email to?
2004/12/22-25 [Computer/Networking] UID:35407 Activity:nil
12/22   Does the airport express have firewall capabilities?  Or do I still
        need to have the base station plugged in somewhere?
        \_ You mean the express lane at the airport? -troll
           \_ Ha, ha, you.. are.. so.. funny.. not..
2004/12/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:35401 Activity:high
12/22   If I buy an 802.11 hub for my company (I'm a new admin), how many
        nodes/computers can 1 support, and what's the bandwidth? Say I have
        200 people in my company, how many hubs do I need? Thanks.
        \_ Theoretically you can support 223 devices max on each access
           point. In reality you shouldn't have more than 25-50 devices
           per AP, depending on what kind of users you have.
           BTW, it's not technically a "hub" but an "access point".
           A "hub" usually refers to a dumb hub that broadcasts all packets
           to all computers on the network. Most of the things you see today
           are "switching hubs" or "switches" which direct traffic according
           to IP/MAC address instead of just simply broadcasting it. A
           wireless unit is usually referred to as an "access point" since
           there is an additional layer on top of the switch for the WiFi.
           -oldbie admin.
        \_ one more jive, the whole motd goes. You've been warned.
           \_ dun't ilyes zee mutd, y'knoo? Bork Bork Bork!
           \_ ooooh. scary!
2004/12/18-19 [Computer/Networking] UID:35351 Activity:high
12/18   How do I find soda's IP address?  More specifically, if I want to
        give out my email address as <login>@IP_address, how would I do it?
        \_ host
           Why would you want to give that out as an email address?
           It would be very ill-advised. IP addresses change.
           \_ Wanted to trick a subscription list into letting me have more
              than 3 subscriptions.  Can get away with soda, soda.csua, and
              csua.  Was hoping for a 4th to the same address.  But,
              nevermind, I'm not going to bother with the IP address idea.
              Thanks.  -op [ moved ]
              \_ Use spamgourmet or just get multiple yahoo accounts.
              \_ Can't you already do <user>
        \_ ifconfig -a or nslookup I agree with the
           previous poster, your idea is really dumb.
        \_ Also, not all mail servers accept mail to/from IP addresses.
2004/12/9-10 [Computer/Networking] UID:35226 Activity:kinda low
12/9    It seems like my socket application is more prone to zombie sockets
        (dead connections that the program thinks are still alive) than
        general network applications.  How does the good stuff handle
        a connection that dies suddenly without notice?  Is it detecting
        something out of band, or what?  tia.
        \_ By default TCP sockets are held open for quite a while after
           being closed just in case.  This is true even after a program
           exits.  There is a way you can set a socket to close instantly
           but I forget what it is.  Hint, pick up the Stevens TCP/IP book
           and read it.  It is very readable and you will learn a hell of
           a lot.  You shouldn't even think about writing a program that
           does networking without understanding the basics.
        \_ Not sure this is the right/best way but I've used select/poll
           with a short timeout. If the socket was not readable within
           the timeout, then I would close the connection. Other things
           to do are to look at errno after a read/write and to have a
           signal handler for SIGPIPE.
2004/12/2-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:35157 Activity:moderate
12/2    I used the "ShieldUp" website to probe my Mac and it shows that port 0
        and 1 are replying to outside query to say they are closed instead of
        just playing deaf like the other lower ports do.  I did not single
        out port 0 and 1 in the ipfw rules I use.  What rules should I use to
        close this loophole?
        \_ First off, don't use random pages like that, as Steve Gibson is
           an idiot.  Next, use a real port scanner like nessus or nmap.
           Next, why not just explicitly drop 0/1 like your ipfw manual
           says, if it bothers you?  The only thing drop vs block will do is
           make it a bit more difficult to probe for active IPs.  -John
           \_ What's your critique of Steve Gibson? -nop
               \_ He's a publicity junkie (fine) who comes up with complex-
                  looking "solutions" for simple problems (also fine) and
                  tries to pass them off as the BEST/ONLY way to do things.
                  He's done a lot of security-related fear mongering in the
                  past as well (no different from big vendors) in his
                  sensationalist carneval style.  One good example is his
                  when Windows XP came out--he made a huge fuss about how
                  raw socket access would bring the Internet to a halt.  SG
                  is a self-proclaimed expert who lives for press and panders
                  to lowest-common-denominator fears about security shit that
                  people wouldn't need to worry about, given a tiny bit of
                  common sense and willingness to RTFM.  Look at
                  for some comments--he is not a fraud, just really really
                  annoying and misinformed.  -John
                  \_ You said "raw socket access."  huh huh huh huh.
                  \_ I remember reading the "raw socket access" bit (before I'd
                     ever done socket programming) and not understanding it.
                     What exactly was he talking about?
                     \_ He's essentially saying that it's now easier for
                        kiddies to unleash mass DoS because XP makes it
                        simple(r) to not use TCP/IP drivers which
                        normally deal with socket access.  It's complete
                        mumbo-jumbo, but I encourage you to draw your own
                        confusions.  It's easy to find on google.  -John
           \_ Thanks but I also want to know why my computer is blocking
              port 0 and 1 instead of denying them when none of my ipfw
              rules used unreach/reject instead of deny.  Since I am using
              cable modem, could it be the modem that is blocking? -op
              \_ Unlikely, as a cable modem is usually just a kind of bridge.
                 What model/mfgr?  Have you now tried explicitly telling ipfw
                 to drop these to see what happens?  I'll gladly help you, but
                 why not take it to mail?  -John
2004/12/1-3 [Computer/Networking] UID:35136 Activity:nil
12/1    Anyone ever heard of a VPN service provider, e.g. someone who would
        provide a well-connected endpoint for you to establish an IPsec or CIPE
        VPN connection (over whatever consumer ISP and changing IP addresses
        you have locally)? --karlcz
        \_ I don't think I understand correctly, but you actually want a
           middleman on your supposedly secure channel?
           \_ no, I want a middleman to act as a virtual ISP that I
              can tunnel to via some random podunk consumer ISP who thinks
              the Internet is supposed to be full of anonymous client
              nodes at the edges.  security over this tunnel to the
              gateway would be optional but nice. --karlcz
                \_ If you're willing to pay, consider rolling your own by
                   putting a M0n0wall ( on a
                   PCEngines WRAP 1D-2 ( and for about
                   $150 you have yourself an ace VPN endpoint at a hosting
                   provider of your choice.  M0n0 supports most ipsec
                   implementations as mobile clients.  -John
2004/11/29 [Computer/Networking] UID:35113 Activity:nil
11/29   The three macs (with OS X) connected to my linksys router just
        stopped getting internet access earlier today, while the freebsd
        box and pc connected to the same router can still connect without
        problems. Anyone have any ideas why? Nothing has been changed on
        the macs.
2004/11/24-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Networking] UID:35055 Activity:nil
11/24   Is Java RMI simply serializing objects and then sending/receiving
        the byte-streams on TCP/IP? Is that all RMI does, or is it
        something more than that?
        \_ No, it's more than that. You're dealing with invoking and calling
           remote objects, not simply serializing them over TCP/IP. It isn't
           as simple as what you propose.
           \_ so let me ask differently. Can RMI be implemented in Java using
              non-JNI stuff, using simple Serialization, book keeping data
              structures, etc? What is it so magical about RMI?
              \_ Technically yes, RMI can definitely be implemented not using
                 JNI. After all, RMI is a published spec, and you could write
                 it in pure Java. The reason JNI is used is because for low
                 level serialization through TCP/IP native method calls to
                 C functions is much faster. After all, OO request brokering
                 is rather CPU intensive (If you didn't know that I would
                 suggest you take an advanced course in OO and do some
                 research on CORBA). We did our own object serialization back
                 in 1.1 when Java was a much smaller language and didn't
                 have things like RMI (and of course not stuff like J2EE).
                 Object serialization isn't hard to do, although tedious
                 if you are doing it yourself. The JVM was a definite
2004/11/23 [Computer/Networking] UID:35036 Activity:high
11/22   WIFI Spray Increases Speed/Range
        \_ HAhAhAha!  I love the spanish quote.  Great customer feedback,
           makes me want to go out and get some right now.
           \_ Ay!  No me gusta! - Senor Abejorro
2004/11/12-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:34866 Activity:moderate
11/12   SBC says that if i switch from my t-1 to a 1.5Mbs Frame relay
        connection I can save bucks (just under 50%).  Is my Frame relay
        connection going to be less reliable?  Or just (as they say) slightly
        more laggy?
        \_ with frame relay, you are guaranteed to get your full bandwidth.
           With frame-relay it is really a packetized data protocol on a shared
           frame-relay network.  It's cheaper for them to provide because
           they assume few people really use all their bandwidth capacity.
           They can tie many T1's worth of bandwith through trunks of smaller
           size.  Typically they will oversubscribe the trunks to save money.
           This isn't a problem until everyone starts using all their bandwidth,
           at which point its's X T1's worth of bandwidth fighting for Y T1's
           worth of capacity (where X << Y).
           Do you trust SBC to keep their FR  trunks ahead of bandwidth
           demands, and not heavily oversubscribe?  With a direct point to
           point T1, they cannot oversubscribe.
           Oversubscription is the data communications companies dirty little
           secret.  The more they do it, the bigger their profit margins.
           OH and while they claim they'll set your data rate (CIR) to T1
           levels, in reality they rarely do...
            \_ So you are saying with a Frame Relay i'm likeley to NEVER
               see T1 speeds ?
               \_ No, he's saying there is no guarantee.
2004/10/30-31 [Computer/Networking] UID:34462 Activity:high
10/30   Moving to North Berkeley in a few weeks. Can anyone recommend a DSL
        or other high-speed provider? I'd like to do VOIP for phone,
        so I don't want to use PacBell (since it's expensive to get
        just DSL as opposed to DSL/phone).
        \_ If you sign up for Comcast Cable Modem it does NOT require you
           to sign up for TV cable.. you can buy one without the other. Also
           if you decide to get DSL you can sign up for Speakeasy (as well
           as a couple other providers) who will now provide DSL w/o you
           having phone service. It costs like $5 more but is avaiable. -shac
        \_ Comcast worked great when I lived there a year ago.
           \_ Does that require cable? I'd prefer not to get cable.
              \_ What price point were you expecting?
                 \_ My PacBell DSL right now is $26.95/mo. But I think that
                    requires I subscribe to their phone service too.
                    \_ No surprise. Well, here's one thing you can do.
                       Comcast has like a 24.95 deal for 3 months right now
                       (I think, or anyway, whatever their promotion is).
                       You can sign up for that, and then cancel. At least
                       in my experience, when you cancel, just act like
                       the reason you're cancelling is that, while you like
                       the service, you're poor or something and can't afford
                       their $59.99 a month regular price. They might continue
                       your promotion for a few more months. I got service
                       at $19.99 a month for a year doing that, but after a
                       point, they'll tell you that that's the last extension
                       they can offer you.
            \_ So you don't want cable, and don't want phone? I guess you'll
               have to get your internet access through the air. good luck.
               \_ Can someone like Speakeasy or Earthlink give you DSL even
                  if you don't have a phone? (They offer DSL; just not sure
                  if a telephone has to be enabled.)
2004/10/29 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:34430 Activity:nil
10/29   Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics:
        Even if you win, you're still retarded.
        \_ Is that why you're so good at it?
           \_ MATT DAMON!
        \_ At least some of us know the difference between the internet and
           \_ You're sitting in the lounge or something?
2004/10/15-18 [Computer/Networking] UID:34162 Activity:moderate
10/15   I need to replace my cordless phone.  I want to stick with 900MHz
        because I've heard 2.4 GHz commonly interferes with 802.11b.  I'd like
        2 handsets.  Any recommendations?  The Uniden ones appear to be static
        \_ I recently bought a great Uniden 5.8ghz phone from fry's for
           I think $60. It sits about 4 ft from my 802.11b AP and they
           both work perfectly fine.
        \_ Panasonic.
           \_ Hell no! They still use memory-affected Ni-Cd rechargeable
              batteries. BTW AT&T and Uniden are the same.
           \_ Why don't you want a 5.8 ghz phone? I recenty bought a
              5.8 ghz Panasonic phone "system" from Fry's. It was $119
              - $20 MIR and the extra handset was $79. It doesn't interfere
              w/ my 802.11{b,g} clients.
              \_ Had heard 5.8GHz were still a problem.  What phone model is
                 \_ Panasonic KX-TG5240:
2004/10/11-12 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/Networking] UID:34034 Activity:nil
10/11   Anyone have a recommendation for a serial cable analyzer? I need
        one that works with "live" circuits. I am interested in debugging
        DB-9 to RJ-45 cables. E.g, inserting the device inbetween a PC COM1
        port and terminal server port. Bonus points for jumpers/wires
        that one can fiddle with to essentially re-wire the cable on
        the fly.
        \_ I don't know exactly what you mean by analyzer, and this is
           probably not what you're looking for, but since no one else is
           answering...a nice little juper box for db-9 is
           you have to solder wires to make the connections, though.
2004/10/4 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:33906 Activity:low
10/4    I'm looking around for various *nix-based small firewall packages,
        ideally with a web admin gui.  I'd like to have something that "just
        runs" (as opposed to a fully installed OpenBSD/pf box.) I'm looking at
        both open source and commercial (as long as it's reasonably low cost.)
        M0n0wall and ipcop both look kind of cool, LEAF sems a bit
        "unfinished".  Does anyone have any other recommendations?  -John
  (cisco pix 501)
           \_ The consortium thanks you.  -John
2004/10/1 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:33870 Activity:moderate
9/30    how do i make my 3com wireless card work with freebsd?
        \_ First, find out what the chipset is (google is your friend.)
           Then, some cards are only supported under 5.x (32 bit cards.)
           Find out what driver supports that chipset, compile it into
           your kernel, and voila.  -John
2004/9/28-30 [Computer/Networking] UID:33819 Activity:nil
9/29    Me and two other guys are getting free (< 500$) PocketPCs to develop
        a little application for nurses to remotely access a server.  Does
        anyone have suggestions?  shac suggested the Dell Axim.
        \_ you've already followed the only advice I would give: avoid the
           doctors, and talk to the nurses. good luck getting doctors to
           back any system to do anything that weighs less than 50 pounds,
           costs less than 5,000 dollars, doesn't run on DOS, and has a
           non-broken UI.  Fucking dumbasses.
        \_ I've recommended the Axim line for a while now.  I have an iPaq 3835
           which I'm quite happy with, though the Axim's are definitely the
           best bang-for-the-buck.  They also have SD and CF slots--though if
           you get wifi you'll probably sacrificet the CF slot.  I really like
           their screens too--they look brighter and crisper than my iPaq.
           Bottom line, go to your favorite box store and take a look at them.
           \_ Unfortunately, I probably won't have time to get to a store. I'm
              supposed to let them know by tomorrow morning.  I'll look into
              the Axim line.  Right now i'm considering the Asus A716 -
              integrated BlueTooth, integrated 802.11b, IrDA, and SD & CF II
              slots.  That should pretty much cover any connectivity issues
              that arise.
              \_ Most of the current Axims have both 802.11b and bluetooth
                 built in already.
2004/9/26-27 [Computer/Networking] UID:33761 Activity:nil
9/26    opinions on whether i should get DSL, cable + dsl,
        cable + cable internet, or a tivo like device.  what
        is available in the bay area?  how much are these things?
        i would like to have cable and internet access and
        AOL isn't cutting it.
        \_ Umm, why would you ever consider using AOL in the first place?
           Anyway, if you want cable and internet, then it's probably
           best to get a package deal from comcast. They have some 24.95
           for 3 months cable internet promotion right now. You can also
           ask if it would be cheaper if you got cable with that too.
           Act like you're poor unless you want to pay a lot. They
           offered me a $37 cable tv + internet package a few weeks ago
           when I called to cancel. (Before that I'd been getting cable
           internet for $19.99 for like, a year.) I didn't need the cable
           though, so I passed on that.
2004/9/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:33700 Activity:high
9/22    Ok, I am behind the times, but I am finally ready to go wireless
        with my home networking.  what's a good wireless gateway (?) to
        \_ I've had good experiences with netgear.  I've had 2 out of 3
           linksys wireless access points die on me within a year (and they
           just sit on my desk).
           \_ i had a netgear that would have my ssh connections hang after
              5 minutes. they later released the same router w/ a v2 tag that
              fixed the problem. I've since bought another netgear and the
              problem went away.
              \_ This is so far the most common problem I have had with
                 broadband routers. If you have the patience to explain the
                 problem to their clueless, computer illiterate lowest-level
                 tech support people, they will eventually forward it to the
                 engineers who might eventually release a firmware update that
                 fixes this.
                 \_ the latest firmware download didnt fix the problem... you
                    had to actually go out and buy the MR814v2. bastards.
        \_ I like the Linksys WRT54G because it runs Linux and there are
           custom firmwares that add packet-scheduling.  My only complaint is
           that it chokes up if you have more than about 200 simultaneous TCP
           \_ I have this one as well. Being my first one, I can't say if this
              is better or worse than others on the market, but I haven't had
              any issues with it once I got it up and running.
           \_ If you want linux support, use the ones with Atheros chipset.
                \_ Huh?  All the WAP-54G and WRT-54G can run the Linux-based
                   firmware, in addition to Freya (which is nice) and others.
                   Are you talking about the Atheros _card_?  I am having
                   a ton of trouble getting it working with the madwifi
                   drivers under Debian.  Get a nice generic Orinoco or
                   Proxim card (don't know if the Linksys 54 cards work,
                   never tried mine.)  -John
        \_ I bought D-Link 624 802.11g router from Amazon a few months ago.
           I have had a rocky experience with Linksys and D-Link routers in the
           past so I wasn't expecting much from it. However, it seems to work
           just fine. The only problem is that it forgets ALL settings after
           firmware upgrades. Amazon has them right now for $38 with a $30
           mail-in rebate.
        \_ I have a D-Link DI-614+ and DI-624.  Both are fine, but will
           drop your ssh session if you idle longer than ~ 90 minutes (not
           sure how long), but I hear most wireless routers do this.  I just
           tell my terminal program to send one space character every hour.
           Avoid Microsoft wireless routers, I heard bad things wrt quality
           control.  Eh, just search for your model on and see
           what people say.
                \_ To fix the idle session drop thing, run an xclock over it.
2004/9/22 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking] UID:33692 Activity:nil
9/22    Do any of you comcast high-speed internet customers notice lags
        (5,10,15 sec) on DNS lookups with <DEAD><DEAD> and <DEAD><DEAD>?
        \_ I've seen it occasionally, and powercycle my modem/router
           solves the problem.
2004/9/21 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:33658 Activity:very high
9/21    A question for everyone.  My mother is a libertarian.  She wants a
                                                 \_ Librarians are sexy
                                                    \_ Not in Hayward Pub. Lib.
        few computers in her library to only be allowed to visit certain
        webpages. (Various refernece and database pages).  Basically, she
        wants a browser with build in white listing for page viewing.  Is
        there anyway to do this?
        \_ stick them on a unrouted/private network with a firewall/proxy
           between them an the outside.  Setup access rules on the proxy
           to ONLY allow the desired sites.  Make sure it doesn't do
           any other routing.    Lock down the PC's to prevent physical access
           \_ That's the usual solution, but since it's a public library,
              we were hoping for something simpler.  What would your
              recommend as a router?  A linux box?
              \_ cheap (if you have the expertise to set it up handy)
                  linux/bsd box, running squid.
        \_ I used to work in a company that made a low-cost machine whose
           browser has built-in parental control.  But it went bankrupt three
           years ago.
        \_ Implement this with a firewall. Iptables on Linux will do it.
           I am sure Windows has a firewall software.
           \_ A firewall local to the machine, or in the gateway, or does
              it not matter?
              \_ It's easier to do it once in the gateway, but you can
                 implement it on each host locally just as well. I just
                 recalled that we use 'Sygate' for Windows.
        \_ You want an easy and fast way to do this?  Buy one of those wireless
           router things for $50 and turn off wireless.  Then use the Parental
           Control feature to deny access to all domains except those you
           enter.  I have a D-Link DI-614+ and DI-624 and they both do this.
           Admin access is by username/password and you can add/delete domains.
           \_ The eminently hackable Linux-running Linksys WRT54G also has this
        \_ Mozilla extention: Weblock
          \_ I would NOT recommend trussting any access control in PC's that
             end-users will have access to.
             \_ Really, it just doesn't matter that much.  There are other
                completely open computers in the library.  If someone
                really wants to use a access controlled computer to
                access other stuff, it's not really going to matter much,
                and eventually someone will notice and kick them off.
                In general the idea is to have some computers that will
                be generally open to people actually doing research. -op
                \_ they should whitelist as well as the database
                   searches.  I often use amazon when I'm using a library
                   to figure out more information  about a book than
                   is available in library databases.
2004/9/19-20 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:33626 Activity:high
9/19    I'm looking for a simple but good load balancing appliance to sit
        in front of two boxes for the purposes of redundancy.  Load Balancing
        isn't really required, I just want the device to send traffic to
        the secondary box iff the first server goes down. Recommendations?
        \_ An OpenBSD 3.5 box running pf + carp can do this. If you don't
           want to use OpenBSD you can try ucarp:
           \_ I considered this kind of virtual IP solution, but there are
              lots of situations where an app server is down but the host
              still responds to a ping.  A Load balancer solution would be
              better if it could check the port to decide if it is up or
              not.  (which I think is the way they do it, no?)  Optimally
              I'd be able to tell the load balancer  "check this url for this
              answer or consider it down", but that seems like something I'm
              unlikely to get from some off the shelf appliance.  (I want an
              appliance as it should be more reliable than a pc (?) ).  How
              expensive is a small bigIP box or something like that?  I can
              spend a couple grand on this.
              \_ My knowledge of CARP is limited, but it is based on the
                 tx/rx of signed adv. not just ip pinging, so detection
                 of a host that is down but still pingable is not an issue.
                 It can't tell that your http server is down though.
                 I'm not sure what the cheapest soln is, but I've seen
                 lots of people use alteon boxes.
              \_ a pair of bigIP boxes should run you under 2k easily, check
                 fleabay.  I'm assuming you want two, to avoid moving the
                 single point of failure to the bigips.  We have a pair at
                 work... when I started, the active one would crash about
                 once a week.  We haven't done anything major to them (only
                 adding more IPs/services) but now it's not crashing.  They
                 will do ICMP/TCP/HTTP/HTTPS monitoring.  You might as well
                 do load balancing since you get it for free.
                 \_ Hmm, these are pricey.  Any "application switch" type
                    products that don't cost 10K new?
                    \_ Apache+modproxy with a smart proxy list handler.
                       \_ O.K. I can't actually use this solution because the

                          client wants a hardware box.  (there are advantages,
                          e.g. flash memory is more reliable than a harddrive)
                          But, I'm curious as to how a smart proxy list handler

                          would work.  URL?
                             the RewriteMap script (slide 11) can do whatever
                             you want.  I've set one up where it stats a file
                             containing valid hosts, rereads it if it has
                             changed, and set up a monitoring script that
                             updated that file.  That monitor script can
                             do whatever you want it to. --scotsman
                             do whatever you want it to as well. --scotsman
                    \_ okay, I actually went and looked on ebay.  The p3-550's
                       that we have have buyitnow prices of $300 ea.
                \_ if you want an appliance type box to do this, the arrowpoint
                   (now cisco 5000) devices would do it and quite well. Again
                   you might find these on Ebay for not to much. -EricM
                   \_ ExtremeNetworks also make a little switch (1i?)
                      that can do this.
2004/9/3-4 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:33341 Activity:high
9/3     Is it safe to upgrade to XP SP2?
        \_ that entirely depends on what you use it for.
           If it's work related, you should check with your IT staff.
           There is already 1 issue reported related to compat. with
        \_ The most common issue is the new firewall.  If you are currently
           running a firewall or have apps that take incoming connections, be
           prepared to do some reconfiguring.
        \_ I told everyone in my company not to do it and if they did, they're
           on their own.  Having SP2 installed fucked up a remote QA test.
           We thought the site was broken until the tester switched to *any*
           other machine.  It was fucking up the tcp handshake in a bad way
           that ethereal could see/report.
           \_ So instead of trying to track down WHY SP2 was screwing up your
              tcp/ip stack you simply just tell people not to install SP2.
              Good job. Now, when people start buying new machines with SP2
              already installed you won't know how to fix it. -williamc
              \_ MS itself posted a very long list of applications that have
                 various problems with SP2, not just because of the firewall.
                 Portions of SP2 itself also have security issue.  OP may not
                 have elaborated sufficiently on his reasons, but I think
                 it's legit to recommend not installing it until some very
                 fundamental problems have been addressed.  SP2 is a horrid
                 mix of fixes for shit problems and new features, and few
                 people know what it really "does".  That said, a combo of
                 good firewall and AV software should cover you until SP2's
                 implications are well enough known.  -John
                 \_ Perhaps, but saying "we don't install SP2" isn't an exactly
                    an answer I would want from my IT team. I would want an
                    answer like "we are having issues with SP2, we have
                    contacted our vendors and are trying to resolve it, in
                    the mean time sit tight." That's the way we do things
                    in our IT dept. whether it's SP2 or a Solaris patch. If
                    software screws up, it's IT's responsibility to figure
                    out why. "If you install SP2 you're on your own" is not
                    a valid answer.
2004/8/24-25 [Computer/Networking, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:33122 Activity:high
8/24    Is there any physical difference between USB 1.1 and 2.0?  Google is
        being unhelpful.
        \_ The sockets are the same, but the cable needs to support 2.0 speeds.
           "USB 1.1 certified" cables will work with 2.0 since that's how it's
           spec'd, but not all cables are even 1.1 certified.
           USB hubs and devices are either 1.1 only, or 2.0 and backwards
           compatible to 1.1.
           \_ What, may I ask, makes the difference between 1.1 and 2?  What
              is the cause of the faster speed?
              \_ From what I read, it's an increase in raw signalling rate,
                 with a drop in current to reduce noise, and of course
                 something else to indicate the speed.  google usb nutshell.
                 \_ How would a drop in current reduce noise?
                    \_ You're reading it the wrong way.  It reduces noise
                       for non-USB components.
                       \_ What!??  Please elaborate.
2004/8/24 [Computer/Networking] UID:33119 Activity:nil
8/24    To those with Cisco/router fu:
        My co-worker walked over and asked me what the "set default interface"
        command does if you don't specify a next-hop IP address.  I said
        you always need a next-hop IP address, unless you expect the
        destination IP address in the IP header to be on the directly connected
        network.  He said it will broadcast on that interface.  I'm googling
        now, but please help if you happen to know.  Thanks.
        \_ I guess the answer is somewhere in here.  Thanks. -op
           To me this means I'm right, he's wrong.  I'm skeptical, though,
           that Router B will pretend to be Host C, even if Host C is on a
           directly connected network of Router B.  Anyways.
2004/8/23-24 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Languages/Web, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:33086 Activity:very high
8/23    Is soda running a web proxy?
        \_ Not to my knowledge, but if you need one (assuming you're talking
           about a cgi proxy) I recommend setting up nph-proxy.cgi.  It's
           free and easy and works a charm.  -John
           \_ If you want a real http(s)/ftp proxy I recommend squid:
              It isn't too hard to get running, and for low traffic
              volume the default config provides reasonble performance.
                \_ Seconded.  But "real" http proxies don't work from behind
                   corporate firewalls, usually.  CGI proxies do.  -John
        \_ note that running an unauthenticated web proxy is a violation of
           campus policy.  (And is likely to get you in trouble).  -tom
           \_ is that worse than fingering soda a few times per second?
              \_ Only ONE MAN would DARE give me the raspberry!
2004/8/19-20 [Computer/Networking] UID:33015 Activity:high
8/20    I have a socket protocol that sends each message as a header packet
        + 1 or more data packets, and I'd like to collapse this into a single
        packet for small messages by copying them into a stack-allocated buffer
        and then just sending that.  Any ideas about what sort of cutoff to
        use?  I don't really have the time or need to obsessively optimize
        it, just curious.  Thanks.
            \- Hello, so you are not going to send *anything* unless the
               "cut off" is reached? What if it isnt reached for a "long time"?
               This may be ok in some cases, but say this is a control channel
               of some kind, that delay may not be acceptable. Naive buffering
               can lead to some weird problems. Here is an example on the flip
               side, reading from the network: a process using a packet
               filter may not return to user level until the BPF buffer fills.
               Normally on a busy link this isnt a signficant issue. But on
               totally dead network ... say a LAN at home with one machine ...
               this may be a long long time and can lead to weird problems
               [liek dealing with signals]. So either you have to add some
               timeout code or doin a polling [select] read rather than read-
               ing directly, i.e. not do things the naive way. I assume
               you have already determined Nagling wont solve the problem
               for you? If you do something, I'd be curious to hear if it
               make any measurable difference at all. Ok tnx. --psb
              \_ No, it's more like this:
                  xyzSend(msg) {
                    if (length(msg) < CUTOFF) {
                      msg = makeHeader(msg) + msg
                    else {
                90% of the messages are 4 bytes long, so squeezing those is a
                no brainer and the network usage is cut by half.  The rest vary
                in length and most are << 1500 bytes.  I figure a cutoff of
                1024 is reasonable.
                \_ Do you know what the Nagle Algorithm is?
        \_ Try to fit the whole TCP/IP packet size into a single ethernet
           MTU (1500 bytes).
           \_ Go for less than that, I'd shoot for aroud 1400 bytes or so
              to make sure your TCP/IP headers aren't pushing you above 1500.
              If you want to be anal you'd probably want to do smallest MTU
              to host detection as well, not that hard.  Generally if you
              are caring about shit like this you should pick up the Stevens
              networking book and read the pertinant chapters.  It is a pretty
              easy read and you will be much better at this sort of stuff.
              \_ That's what I said.  1500 including the TCP/IP headers.
        \_ Use writev or sendto or sendmsg, then there is no copying.
2004/8/17 [Computer/Networking] UID:32949 Activity:low
8/17    This may not work with cable modem, but does work with USB!
        \_ I'm glad I use a text browser on motd links at work
2004/8/16-17 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:32945 Activity:very high
8/16    Thanks for deleting the one interesting thread, shithead.
        \_ ilyas making a fool of himself in public is interesting?
           \_ What's your problem?  He has his opinions, which you may not
              agree with, but he at least rationally backs them up, which is
              more than one can say for the motd nukers.  -John
           \_ Hey, at least you can find comfort in the fact that
              your tax dollars aren't paying for ilyas' education...
              oh, wait.  Damn!
              \_ They paid for a large part of yours if you went to Cal.  Can
                 I get my money back for your education?
        \_ Seriously, can anyone restore it?
           \_ Easily but no because it's old and done.
        \_ There are no interesting threads on the motd.  -- misha.
           \_ Ah, but can you construct a reduction such that any Internet
              discussion thread can be transformed into a thread on the motd,
              therefore proving that no Internet discussion is interesting?
              \_ No.  I've seen a few interesting Internet discussions.
                 None of them were anonymous, though.  -- misha.
                 \_ All of them were anonymous.  You have no idea who the hell
                    anyone is on the internet.
                    \_ that's ridiculous.
                       \_ "No one knows you're a dog on the internet".  So,
                          you have somehow solved one of the fundamental
                          problems of trust and security on the internet:
                          guaranteed correct identification of remote parties.
                          Will you start a business with me?  We can sell it
                          within 6 months and retire.  What is it you know
                          that the rest of the security industry doesn't?
2004/8/14-16 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/Networking] UID:32899 Activity:moderate
8/14    How much do you pay each month for home net access, what speeds are
        you getting, what additional services, if any, are part of the package
        and how happy are you with the service?  I'm paying about $65/month
        for cable.  I get great speeds, it's been very reliable but I think
        it's a bit pricey.
        \_ forgot, something like $45 for cable with basic TV also. don't
           remember any downtime, speeds are more than I need but I haven't
           measured lately (at least 1.5 mbps). mountain view.
        \_ $40/mo with DSL.  Speed is about 1mbps.  That's good enough for
           me.  No downtime so far.
           \_ me to.
        \_ $109/mo with Speakeasy, 6.0mbps/768kbps, static IPs, very reliable.
        \_ $49/mo DSL through Cyberonic. My house is old, the cu is bad and
           my co is overloaded, so I'm limited to 640Kbps-768Kbps/786Kbps
           and suffer some downtime. The downside is that I have to use
           a router that has a 'static ip' but performs pppoe authentication.
           All in all I'm okay with Cyberonic, its much faster than my old
           Before Cyberonic I had 384/128 DSL via and paid $57/mo.
           Sonic provided excellent service and decent webmail, but I switched
           because I wanted faster service for a lower monthly cost. Sonic
           tried to convince PacHell to fix my line so I didn't have as much
           downtime, but PacHell refused which is another reason I switched.
           I hate PacHELL.
           \_ I swear those cocksuckers have a computerized blacklist of
              hated customers who get the special "screw you" treatment.
              Every time I moved when I lived in california it would take
              them about a month to "set up" my new phone line, yet somehow
              other people would get service in a couple of days.
              Fuck pacbell.  If I ever live in Ca again, I'm not even going
              to bother with a landline.
              \_ I thought pacbell was no more? -only owns cell phone
                 \_ They're now called SBC, but they still provide the same
                    PacBell service you know and love.
2004/7/24-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:32466 Activity:moderate
7/24    Does daisy channing off of a USB hub affect drive performance
        significiantly? I want to connect multiple USB hds onto one
        computer. I'm assuming that I need to connect them directly
        (not off of a hub) to get usable performance for data transfers.
        Is each seperate USB port supposed to be a different channel,
        or does USB just transmit everything over one bus, regardless
        of the number of ports coming from the card?
        \_ I think it's more a case of the slowest device on the hub
           determining the speed (so don't put your mouse on it).
           Otherwise, they'll probably be sharing the bandwidth, which
           won't matter much unless you're accessing them all
        \_ They share bandwidth.  Now figure out your common and worst
           case scenarios with this in mind and calculate.
2004/7/24-26 [Computer/Networking, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32461 Activity:nil
7/24    I'm thinking about getting a PocketPC w/802.11b to use as remote for
        my xbox (I'm interested in the web browser to view the media center
        html gui). Any recommendations for a cheap PocketPC (or even Palm)
        with 802.11b?  tia.
        \_ Dell Outlet has Axim X3i's for $235.
           Otherwise, look for a used device with compact flash and get a CF
           wireless card.
2004/7/23-25 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS] UID:32458 Activity:moderate
7/23    What's involved in upgrading from Bind 8.x to Bind 9.x? If I have
        a relatively simple subdomain setup, can I just drop in the config
        files that used to work with Bind 8.x into Bind 9.x /etc directory
        and expect it to work? Also is it worth upgrading to 9.x or should
        I just stay with 8.x (presumambly for safety since it has been around
        for such a long time..)
        \_ use djbdns.  yes i am an ass but that is my honest suggestion.
           \_ I thought djbdns does not support some parts of DNS spec
              that have to do with zone transfers and I need to do transfers
              both ways from and to the servers that run bind and which are
              out of my control.
              \_ Do not encourage djb by giving him any more downloads.
        \_ I would recommend upgrading to 9. Both security and reliability
           are greatly enhanced in BIND9. I think that you may have to make
           minor changes to your config files, but all in all the upgrade
           wasn't that bad.
           I disagree with the above poster about moving to djbdns. While
           it may be very secure, it is was a pita to deploy and maintain.
           It also had problems with certain types of client queries that
           it felt were "improper". Just stick with BIND9. It works as is
           pretty secure.
        \_ I did the 8->9 upgrade many months ago.  I expected a nightmare,
           but the config file differences were so minor I can't honestly
           recall what they are.  If you're capable of setting up subbing
           and the rest in the first place you'll find the upgrade very
           easy.  Sendmail, openssh, postfix, and many other typical
           server apps are much more annoying to install and upgrade than
           going from bind 8 to 9.
        \_ how complex is your dns? if you are worried, set up 9 somewhere
           and do the upgrade. use tools like dnswalk to check your work.
           when you upgrade the production servers, you'll have the config
           files at the ready. as for djbdns, last i checked it doesn't do
           delegation-only which if your running a caching namesever is less
           then ideal.
2004/7/23-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:32440 Activity:high
7/23    If anyone is thinking about getting an Airport Express, go for it.
        In addition to acting as either a standalone 802.11 base station
        or a 802.11 repeater, it also bridges ethernet to your wireless
        lan with ease. Right now I have my xbox connected to my AE and
        it automatically bridges the xbox to my lan. Now I can ftp my
        xbox and stick avi's and mp3s on there without having to run an
        ethernet cable down the stairs. - #1 Kool-Aid Drinker
        \_ Thanks for the tip, will try this.  For comparison, I have a
           Linksys WAP-54G with a hacked firmware on it which lets you almost
           quadruple the transmission wattage (nice.)  Also look at
  for some cool antennas that help
           eliminate the need for having to bridge.  -John
           \_ got a dumb question to ask you so I don't want to post it on
              the motd. What is your email address? There seems to be many
              johns on Soda. Thanks John,                       -newbie
              \_ Dumb questions are fine as long as you know it's a dumb
                 question. -!a-john
              \_ type "man finger" (and hit return (or enter, depending on your
                 keyboard))  (don't actually type the ""s (double quotes))
                 (you have to be logged in for this to work (with ssh))
                 Hey... you _said_ newbie...
                 \_ Which doesn't guarantee him getting the right 'john'.
           \_ FYI, you can configure the AE to act as a repeater/relay
              for your wap-54g.
              I've been thinking about selling my AEBS and buying a wap54-g
              instead. I need to support 802.11b clients (MacOS X/Win2k),
              802.11g (MacOS X) clients, WEP (128bit), mac addr based
              filtering and no ssid broadcast. Did you sent any of this
              up? Was it easy?
                \_ Yeah.  Dead simple.  And my address is 'john@csua...'.
                   I had a bit of trouble once getting an iBook to connect
                   to a non-Airport base station, but that was just me being
                   stupid.  If you mail me, I'll dig out the name of the
                   WAP-54g image that allows 80+ mw transmit.  -John
                   \_ 84mW --nerd
        \_ anyone ever buy from They seem to have a good
           selection and good prices. I'm thinking about providing some free
           community wireless and was looking at something like as 12-15db
           yagi or omnidirectional antenna.
           \_ doesn't have much info on them, and it's
                \_ mixed? the two reviews i read both said "very satisfied".
           \_ for purchases <$100, go to Similar product
                line but no minimum purchase, also oftentimes cheaper for
2004/7/19-20 [Transportation/Airplane, Computer/Networking] UID:32364 Activity:high
7/19    Cringley's plan to use WiFi in the Sky:
        \_ Who exactly is this guy?
           \_ uh, you dont know? I had always kind of assumed that posting
              "I, Cringley" articles was like posting links to slashdot
              \_ I always assumed he was some guy reporting on pseudo geek
                 news or something from the article titles but, no, not really.
                 Should I care what this guy says about anything?  Does he have
                 some fantastic track record for predicting technology trends
                 or is he just trendy?
                 \_ No one has a fantastic record for predicting technology
2004/7/17-18 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:32329 Activity:moderate
7/16    I have to use a PS2 to USB adapter for my computer. I bought an
        adapter, but everytime I boot it up, it doesn't work. I have to
        plug and unplug to get it recognized by WinXP. Occassionally,
        that method doesn't even work (the system says Unknown USB Device).
        What is going on and how do you solve this problem?
        \_ i had a similar problem with a 32-meg flash drive... turns
           out the usb connector wasn't very good... things usually
           improved when i wiggled the plug. are you on a laptop? i
           usually have more trouble with laptop usb ports.
        \_ PS/2 -> USB adapters vary wildly in quality.  I just buy a USB
           keyboard and mouse and be done with it, even though it takes up
           all my USB ports on my notebook.
           \_ You can get a little USB hub to expand total slot count.  I got
              a 4 port hub for $5.
2004/7/8-9 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:31217 Activity:high
7/8     Anyone have recommendations for a CF or PCMCIA GPS unit for under
        $200?  I want to be able to connect an external antenna, and WAAS
        would be nice (this is for a Linux/XP laptop.)  I'm not too informed
        about GPS--is there anything particular to watch out for in terms
        of reception or standards?  Should I bother with a USB or bluetooth
        receiver?  This is mainly for auto navigation and rooting out rogue
        wireless APs.  -John
        \_ I got a bluetooth/standalone combo in the mail this week:
           \_ Kewl, any good?
        \_ Check
        \_ What is the cold/hot start time on these things?  It used to be
           MINUTES before it locked on any of the sattelites.
           \_ It really depends on which one you get, but generally...
              < 1 minute for cold and < 10 seconds for hot.
2004/7/7-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:31216 Activity:moderate
7/8     Do people like the blackberries?  Do they have 802-11(b/g) built in or
        available as a cheap expansion?  info appreciated.
        \_ Can't you just go to their website?
        \_ Yes; and no they don't. At least not the ones growing around east
           \_ I have GM blackberries that have 802-11b.  The lab boys are
              working on the sequencing for 11a and 11g as we speak.
        \_  O.k. it seems that they don't have 802-11 capability.  What is a
            blackberry like device that I can connect to my wireless LAN when
            at home?  (price matters)
2004/7/7-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:31215 Activity:high
7/8     Behind a big firewall at work.  All they got is a http proxy and
        socks5 proxy.  I would like to get some of other things to work
        (such as AIM, ICQ, real streaming).  Any pointers on how to go about
        this?  thanks
        \_ There are various toys you can install that will create <your
           protocol here> links through the company firewall/proxy.  However,
           you will show up in the proxy logs as either a connection that is
           open for however many hours you're connected through your proxy toy
           or as a zillion connects that open/close on a short cycle.  either
           way this will get you a warning, at a minimum, at any place that
           takes security seriously.  I haven't been the fw admin for a few
           years but even then it was trivial to see who was trying to violate
           policy with a quick glance at the logs.  Is your career worth it?
           Maybe you should just ask for better access?  The admins have it,
           I'm sure.
        \_ Mindterm from Appgate lets you open an ssh tunnel over SSL.
           There are also loads of perl ssh tunnel type scripts around that
           allow port forwarding.  For proxies with timeouts, use an xclock
           or random character generator every x seconds.  And cover your
           ass, above poster is correct, this is trivial to spot if someone
           bothers to check, although in large outfits a ton of random shit
           goes outbound over HTTP ports.  Don't forget to fix your http user
           agent info.  -John
        \_ socksify openssh -D 1080 and run everything through that
        \_ Thanks all.  I am merely trying to use AIM and ICQ (instead of
           MSN, which the company embrace).  These info will get me started.
2004/7/6 [Transportation/Bicycle, Computer/Networking] UID:31173 Activity:very high
6/7     Is there anything out there that does the same thing as yahoo
        directions only for bike routes?
        \_ Not that I've ever seen.  Many cities have some kind of bike map
           online.  Adventure Cycling Association makes bike maps for their
           distance routes.  But in general, it's hard to find bike routes
           unless you know them already, or ask a local bike shop.  -tom
           \_ well, it sure would be awsome if someone were to set this up.
              it seems to me that it wouldnt be very hard as long as you make
              it easy for random users to upload routes and veryify the quality
              of existing routes.  now if only we could find some super-geek
              who's really into cycling, good with computers, has free time...
              \_ I've always wanted some kind of database of routes that would
                 just pick some place for me to go if I wanted to go for, say
                 a 3-hour ride.  The tricky part would be returning results
                 that were relevant to the rider's strength level and climbing
        \_ I just got back from London. While there, I picked up a bikers map
           that had different colors showing the biker friendliness of certain
2004/6/20-21 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:30920 Activity:high
6/19    MacHelp:  I have a G5 with an internal modem.  I want to be able to
        listen to audio from my phone line on my computer.  How do I do this?
        TIA. --erikred
        \_ Go to Help->Mac Help and type "modem sound" into the question
           \_ Not exactly what I was looking for, but a step in the right
              direction.  Thanks. --erikred
        \_ don't have a mac, so I don't know how it works, but if the modem
           itself has a speaker, or a line to your sound, lookup the hayes
           command set... If I remember correctly, you'll want ATM1 and ATL4
           you can stick that into the modem init string (M1L4), or set it
           once, and then write it to its settings with at&w
2004/6/15-16 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/IO, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30822 Activity:high
6/15    Related question.  Is there any harddrive enclosure that is powered
        by USB (so I don't need to drag an extra power cable)?
        \_ I have one for a laptop drive, but I suspect the power demands for a
           standard 3.5" drive are too high.
        \_ For a 2.5" notebook HDD, sure, almost all of them should do it.
           For a 3.5" HDD, no, USB doesn't provide enough power.  Firewire
           can do it, but Wiebetech is the only manufacturer I know of who
           makes such enclosures, and they're very pricey.
           \_ That's not necessarily true. Certain USB ports on certain
              computers don't supply enough power to the USB port to run
              even a 2.5" hdd. This is the reasn why they include a
              keyboard adapter (draws power from the mouse/keyboard ps2
              port). YMMV. Also, powered Firewire is only standard on
              Macs, on PCs it's hit/miss.
           \_ who makes 2.5" enclosure?
              \_ there are literally a dozen different ones that you can
                 pickup at Fry's. I would guess there's at least 50
                 different manufacturers.
              \_, search "2.5 enclosure usb", or find the category
2004/6/12-14 [Computer/Networking] UID:30771 Activity:very high
6/12    I setup imaps and pop3s on a freebsd virtual server.  I can connect
        to it if I first ssh into the machine and do pine.  But if I try
        to connect to it from somewhere outside (say soda) it always times
        out.  I can see that the daemons are running from "netstat -a".
        What could be wrong?  some router filtering on 993 or 995?  Or
        the server is configured in some weird way?  this is a virtual server
        on  I just switched to them.  Thanks.
        \_ type lsof -i:995, it should say (towards the end of the line)
           *:pop3s. If it says localhost:pop3s, you aren't listening externally
           Then you can nmap to port 995.  If you don't have the ability to nmap.
           Then you can nmap to port 995.  If you don't have the ability to nmap
           from an external box, email me with the info and i'll do it for you.

           (nmap can also tell you if it is filtered)  -crebbs
           *:pop3s. If it says localhost:pop3s, you aren't listening
           externally.  Then you can nmap to port 995.  If you don't have the
           ability to nmap from an external box, email me with the info and
           i'll do it for you.  (nmap can also tell you if it is filtered)
           -crebbs  [formatd]
        \_ You're almost certainly behind a firewall.  Contact startlogic's
           tech support.  It is also possible your servers are configured to
           only listen on local ports.  It sounds like you have shell access,
           so 'netstat -an' will list all open ip:port combinations.
2004/6/2 [Computer/Networking] UID:30555 Activity:nil
6/2     My new favorite bug.    F5's BigIP 4.5.9:

        "Using the IP address  (CR31104)

        If you add a pool with a member node with the IP address, when the address and port select a virtual server
        on the local system, it causes the BIG-IP system to panic and the
        configuration to be deleted. The issue occurs only when the address
        and service numbers are and 80 respectively. If you
        want to avoid this issue, we recommend that you do not assign the IP
        address to nodes on the BIG-IP system."
2004/5/26 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW] UID:30428 Activity:moderate
5/25    If I have 2 webservers being load balanced behind a virtual IP,
        I only need one SSL cert that I can put on both of the "real"
        servers.  right?
        \_ 1 per FQDN
        \_ Do you own any verisign stock?
            \_ boy that sounds like a no.
               \_ I think it's more like, if it's not your money, and you hold
                  stock, buy two.  otherwise...
        \_ SSLs are not IP locked, yes, you need just one.
        \_ Depends on purchasing terms.  For example, GeoTrust charges per
           server, so you would need 1 certificate, but unless you paid for
           both, you couldn't lawfully put it on two.
2004/5/16 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/Networking, Computer/Domains] UID:30247 Activity:high
5/16    SNL Last Night:  Why the hell didn't the Olsen twins do a sketch
        pointing out how creepy it is that 40-something guys make up their
        lead internet fan demographic?  Pure comedy gold, I tells ya!
        \_ see, this is why I don't watch that show anymore.  I have no
           idea who or what you're talking about.
        \_ their last words were "we're legal in 4 weeks".  i think
           that's creepy enough.
                \_ are you serious? I fell asleep before it ended,
                   and now I'm glad I am.
                        \_ yes
                    \_ I never watch SNL anymore, but now I (30 something)
                       am sad i missed it.  "legal in 4 weeks" rad.
           \_ I read a slightly more innocuous reading of that phase on
              the internet.  They seemed to think that they were
              referring to being legal to take over their company.
              \_ umm, yeah, sure.  I doubt their all that brilliant but
                 they sure in hell aren't that stupid/naive.  Someone in
                 their Org just decided it was better for them to hold on
                 to their innocence.  Plausible deniablity is enough.
        \_ the whole thing was just good bye Jimmy Fallon week.
           I watch that show decently often, and all I can bring myself
           to say is: "It's like they're not even trying."
           \_ Then maybe you can tell me why that stupid show is still on
              the air?
              \_ Is there anything remotely better to replace it Saturdays
                 @ 11:30pm?
                 \_ Umm.. I would hope so.  Although I suppose it does
                    fill in well for that "Loney Drunken Frat-boy on a
                    Saturday Night" demographic.
2004/5/13-14 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30205 Activity:high
5/13    I just got back from a 10 minute talk by Pat Miller, the flash mob
        computing guy, about casual supercomputers.  He spoke in general
        about the flashmob and how it went.  (Another 6 hours and they
        probably could've gotten into the top 500.)  But more
        importantly, how you can have a supercomputer at home.  He booted
        up off the CD available at on 4
        chepo machines and got 2 GFlops. With 32 2 Ghz Machines you can
        easily get 48 GFlops.  Right now the CD doesn't run anything but
        LINPACK benchmarks, but people are starting to port their
        applications to it.  -jrleek
        \_ very cool -darin
           \_ me too!!
        \_ To the person who asked how this is any different from SETA@Home:
           The SETI@Home framework is well-suited to applications that do not
           require good interprocess bandwidth or latency.  A large range of
           supercomputing problems DO require both bandwidth and low latency.
           This is the first time someone has tried to build a community
           supercomputer that can be used for a wide range of problems.  The
           top500 list is ranked using LINPACK, which does linear algebra.  If
           you tried runing LINPACK on the SETI network, it would be terrible.
        \_ Is this similar to the XGrid thing hyped by Apple?
           \_ Except you do it with random non-homogenous computers.
              \_ You mean flashmob can connect CPUs other than pentium?
2004/5/9-10 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:30119 Activity:moderate
5/9     Sometimes I need to upload large files on my 1500k/192k aDSL. This
        totally kills my Internet usability. Is there any uber cool BSD/Darwin
        tool that will let me throttle a particular socket? If I could just
        limit my FTP to something like 128k... tnx
        \_ rsync --bwlimit=KBPS ...
        \_ man ipfw
        \_ cstream:
2004/5/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:30106 Activity:nil
5/8     Has anyone done any formal/informal 802.11 tests? I just FTP'd some
        files from my .b laptop to my wired PC and got about 500KB/s (4-5mbps).
        Is this typical 802.11b bandwidth? I'm about 2 feet from the AP and
        no one else is using it. How does .a compare?
        \_ 11b typically doesn't exceed 6-7mb/s in real world tests.  Google
           for 11a.
2004/5/8-10 [Computer/Networking] UID:30099 Activity:moderate
5/8     Helping a friend install DSL.  What are y'all's favorite DSL provider
        in the NYC (upper west side) area?  Personally I'd have them go with
        Speakeasy because I've had such a good experience with them in
        Berkeley.  But friends are just normal users who run windoze and
        don't run fancy servers and the such.  All they need is something
        stable & cheap.  Suggestions?  -- alice
        \_ are you the same alice who used to date that gamerz dude who
           won a Ferrari?
           \_ Uh, no.  -- alice
        \_ aieeeeee, NYNEX
        \_ Unfortunately, the moment you ask for stable, you sort of lose the
           ability to ask for cheap.  You might consider taking a look at
 , in my experience, tends to have a
           fairly even distribution of success and horror stories for each ISP
           so I didn't find it that helpful in actually drawing conclusions.
           How stable does it really need to be?  If your friend is just
           browsing the web and checking email, consider finding a cheap DSL
           provider that provides a backup dialup account.  Speakeasy does
           this, but they're stable so you never use it, and they're not
           cheap. -dans
        \_ Is your friend committed to DSL? I've been using Road Runner
           cable in Manhattan for about 2 years now. Its worked well.
           Stable and (relatively) cheap (~$40/month).          - rory
2004/5/3-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:29958 Activity:high
5/03    What's people's idea on running an unsecured WiFi AP as a method of
        plausible deniability for any P2P traffic on your DSL line?  Clever
        or stupid idea?
        \_ Not sure, but there are some ISP that restricts you from running
           more than one computer off the line.  And then there are companies
           like Earthlink who want to charge you extra to allow sharing.
           \_ SBC and Speakeasy allow it.  They both charge more for static IP
              and extra IPs, however.
              \_ It's not hard to set up NAT/DHCP.
        \_ FBI: Your line, your responsibility, your fine.  Stupid idea.
2004/4/29 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/Networking] UID:13470 Activity:nil
4/29    Does anoyone know why ^K (delete line) works so slowly in xemacs
        over X-forwarding?  It takes like, 5 seconds a line over my DSL
        connection.  What's the deal?
        \_ It needs to re-transmit the whole screen so as to redraw?
2004/4/28 [Computer/Networking] UID:13420 Activity:kinda low
4/28    TCP question:  I know sometimes a port is not immediately available
        after it becomes unused.  For a couple of minutes, the TIME_WAIT
        period it is considered busy.  But other ports are immediately
        available to be bound to after the last process stops listening.
        What is the difference?
        \_ SO_REUSEADDR
        \_ USE UDP!
2004/4/25-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:13373 Activity:nil
4/25    Anyone else experiencing problems getting mail, and delays
        starting SSH (all TCP?) connections to Soda?
        \_ nope.  But I did once at a company where the firewall didn't
           allow reverse DNS lookups.
        TBMS, after logging in, 80 seconds before getting term type query
        from .cshrc. Increased timeout to 90 for SSL/IMAP mail on port 993
        and works ok. Mostly IP addresses in output from who, not hostnames,
        so reverse DNS probably not it(?). WTF? -op
2004/4/20-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:13287 Activity:nil
4/20    Job postings for Juniper Networks in /csua/pub/jobs/Juniper
        \_ It's jobs like this that will destabilize the middle east for years
           to come.
2004/4/20 [Computer/Networking] UID:13280 Activity:nil
4/20    TCP DoS vulnerability.  Anyone at CanSecWest?  The guy's supposed
        to be presenting a paper about it there.  This is the big mysterious
        BGP vulnerability I was asking about last week that nobody seemed
        to know anything specific about.
        <DEAD><DEAD>  -John
        \_ BGP itself is one big vulnerability.  I fear the day when people
           will decide to attack the routing infrastructure.
           \_ Using MD5 can help here, at least in terms of proper
              authentication.  Yes, I know it's an administrative pain to
              setup this up with your peers, but "there's no such thing as a
              free lunch" and all that.
        \_ Yes, you can inject RSTs into TCP streams to maliciously cause
           the connection to be dropped. I fail to see why this is surprising
           to anyone. -gm
           \_ "Theoretically".  If you know of any working exploits, I'd
              be very interested.  It's my understanding that this was timed
              to coincide with Watson's paper at CanSecWest.  -John
              \_ You are correct: router vendors wanted to keep this under wraps
                 as long as possible.  I know of at least one exploit; don't
                 \_ I do ask--if you'd like to mail me, I'm very keen on
                    having a look at what's out there.  -John
                    \_ Isn't this an "exploit"?
           \_ Yes, basically the guy is rehashing what has already been known
              to anyone who has used TCP for a while.  <shrug>  Big whoop.
              Note draft-ietf-tcpm-tcpsecure-00.txt.
              \_ Yes, dated April 19 2004.  -John
2004/4/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:13097 Activity:nil
4/8     If I set up a BIND nameserver for a domain that doesn't exist yet,
        and I use this nameserver in nslookup to query hostnames from
        this domain, will the nameserver recognize that it's (configured to be)
        authoritative for that domain and reply directly, or will it try
        to start from the root servers and work its way down (thus not
        succeeding in finding itself)? Thanks.
        \_ As long as it knows it's a master, it will answer queries.  The
           root servers just start queries in the outside world on the
           path to finding it. --scotsman
        \_ nameservers only refer to other (i.e. root/gtld) nameservers if
            they don't know anything about a domain.  So your unregistered
            domain will work for you, but nobody else, unless they're resolving
            off of your nameserver.  -EricM
        \_ Plus you need to go look up what the SOA record means.
2004/4/7-8 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:13077 Activity:nil
4/7     What startup script or configuration file can be modified to set
        the ip address of a unix (actually Mac OS X) box to a particular
        value?  This is an emergency.  Thanks a lot in advance!
        \_ you can try running ifconfig or ipconfig *after* startup.
           \_ Tnx.  But is there a way to directly set the manual ip addr
              by modifying a file?  My PB has some hardware problem so that
              I cannot login from the console though it boots up normally.
              I am trying to fix its IP in FW target mode and then ssh it
              in normal mode.  Right now I don't know its ip addr.  Oh wait,
              maybe I just found the file, though its a messy xml file.
              \_ Well, if you can access your file via FW target mode,
                 you don't really need ssh. But if you do and you have
                 sshd and DHCP running, you could always just do a
                 broadcast ping on its subnet and ssh into the IP addr
                 that responds to it.
              \_ why don't you boot into single-user mode?
                 cmd-s during startup.
                 \_ cmd key no longer works.  Anyway, here is an easy
                    question.  With two computer connected together by
                    an ether cable (autosensing ports), what do I have
                    to put down as the router address for the two?
                    Can I leave it blank as there is no need ro one?
                    \_ yes. other solutions: use a USB keyboard,
                       or broadcast ping from the other computer to
                       discover the 169.254.x.x private IP on the Mac.
                       \_ I can now ping the bad PB, but can't ssh to it
                          even though I set hostconfig corectly (it's 10.2.8).
                          What's wrong?  Guess I am giving up and buying
                          an apple pro keyboard.
2004/4/5-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:13019 Activity:kinda low
4/5     My girlfriend lives in Daly City, and want to get broadband at her
        house.  Cyberonic(reseller of Worldcom DSL) says her house is 18000
                \_ this sounds like a melding of Cyber and Moronic.
                   \_ Did you once work for Duhflushtech?
                   \_ Yeah, the name sucks, and support kinda sucks as well
                      when things break, but what other ISP can give you
                      1.5M/768k for $49.99 a month with no contract? -op
        ft from CO, so she can't get normal ADSL.  But for $10 more, there's
        a new DSL technology they call "REACH" that'll give her 512k up and
        down(their normal ADSL is 1.5M/768k).  I never heard of this "REACH"
        technology, nor can I find any info on the web.  Anyone heard of it
        or know what they might be talking about?
        \_ Check with SBC to see if they offer service. SBC has been setting
           up what they call "Remote Terminals" which are basically DSLAMs
           at a half-way point. They will often cut down the distance for
           far away customers from ~15k ft to ~2k ft.
           \_ Many(most) of the ISPs out there are basically reselling SBC's
              DSL service.  And for these ISPs, SBC will allow them to use
              the remote terminals.  But Cyberonic is a MCI Worldcom DSL
              reseller, and thus SBC will not allow the use.  When I switched
              from SBC reseller(DirecTV dsl) to Cyberonic, my download speed
              went down a bit because of this. -op
        \_ I don't know if this is what they're using, but if the modems used
           spread-spectrum, there's no real limit on distance (and hence
           signal/noise ratio).  The farther from the CO, the lower the speed.
           DSL providers generally impose a maximum distance so that they can
           provide a consistant quality of service.  Imagine your average non
           techie person orders DSL and gets only 100kbit and can't understand
           why.  As for the extra $10 per month, it's either to pay for more
           expensive DSL equipment, or else "because we can".
           \_ That's why I was asking, and asked the sales rep why she couldn't
              just sign up for the regular service and just suffer the lower
              speed for the same price of $49.99/month.  But he said that at
              that distance, she'd only see 256k up/down. -op
           \_ Actually some of the providers began going beyond their
              advertised distances to allow customers to have access, but
              the same customers began complaining to the PUC about very
              bad performance and the PUC came back and smacked SBC very
              badly for it. After that, they all began sticking to their
              limits again.
              \_ which is lame.  they should be able to sell DSL to
                 customers with the understanding that it will only
                 be say 128kb/s DSL, and charge accordingly.
        \_ You might want to consider a cable modem if upload speed and super
           fast pings aren't that important.
           \_ I've got cable, 1.5/256, fast pings.  Works fine.
              \_ But what about during peak hours?  I've heard that AT&T
                 used to scan ports and cut off your service if they find
                 an open ftp/mail/whatnot server port.  Does Comcast do
                 this as well?  She primarily needs it for VPN for her work.
                 Will it be fast enough? -op
2004/4/4-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:13009 Activity:nil
4/4     What's up with these High Speed Dial-up Internet.  Is it a good
        deal?  Does it speed up uploads as well as downloads?
        \_ AFAIK, all it is is a compression addon to whatever PPP thing
           they use.  Graphics/music won't be any faster, and they probably
           won't support !{Windows,Mac}.
2004/4/4-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:13007 Activity:nil
4/4     I just bought some wireless LAN stuff and googled when I came home. I
        came across WPA, which one of my purchase has.  So is this a big loss?
        With so many WEP only devices out there, is WPA or its successor
        11i really going to take hold?  And is WPA really any better than
        WEP?  (Some slash dot article said otherwise but I lack the technical
        knowledge to judge.)
        \_ WPA is an interim standard.  It's not really been formalized or
           accepted anywhere, and most manufacturers just treat it as an
           step towards 802.11i.  All it really is, usually, is WEP with
           key rotation (typical: 5min interval)--I haven't seen it use AES.
           What's shit though is that only the station-AP unicast connections
           do the key rotation--there's provision for a broadcast key, which
           is still insecure.  And, like with 802.11whatever, all the
           administrative/network management info is still unencrypted and
           unchecked.  So no, it's no loss, but it's not much more than WEP
           security-wise.  You should _not_ rely on _any_ existing wifi
           "security mechanisms" to provide real security--use ipsec over
           it and it won't matter if WEP or WPA or whatever.  -John
         \_ It shouldn't really matter. When a new standard comes out
            you should be able to upgrade your firmware to follow the
            new standard, and AFAIK most WPA enabled stuff should be
            WEP backwards compatible.
2004/4/1-2 [Computer/Networking] UID:12968 Activity:moderate
4/1     My DSL modem is about 25 feet from the phone jack.  My best download
        speed tops out around 1.1Mbit.  Would I get much closer to 1.5Mbit if
        I use a shorter phone line?
        \_ it's more the distance from the DSL station than from your phone
           jack. i'm right at the boundary, so i get only 768kbps
           \_ Yep.  I'm really close and I get 6mbps download.
              \_ I hate you.
              \_ ISP? DSLExtremeP
                 \_ It's about $100/month.  I don't see it on their
                    website so I'll ask if you want.  Email me @ peterl
                    \_ It's $60/mo in SoCal if you are close enough to the CO.
                 \_ I've got Speakeasy, 3mbps down/768kbps up.  Service (phone
                    support and online trouble tickets) is fantastic.  I'm
                    paying about $100/month.  I know they offer 6mbps
                    down/768kbps up for about $10 or $20 more.  I'd recommend
                    them highly.  Email me if interested. -dans
                    \_ Speakeasy is OVER-RATED.
2004/3/31-4/1 [Computer/Networking] UID:12962 Activity:nil
3/31    Is there a mode for wireless lan device to passively listen to signals?
        \_ Should just be promiscuous mode.  Also depends on what's actually
           doing the listening, and whether it's entirely passive.  Have
           a look at Wellenreiter:  -John
2004/3/30 [Computer/Networking] UID:12937 Activity:nil
3/30    I am buying a modem card for use while travelling abroad but I want
        to test it before I go.  I don't have any dial-in account.  Are there
        free 56K compatiable terminal line numbers that I can dialin to test
        a modem?
2004/3/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:12802 Activity:nil
3/22    Is there a host on the net that has every port CLOSED?  I want to
        portscan it to find out which ports my network provider is filtering.
        \_ no. that would be a retarded waste of a machine.
                \_ Or it would be a secure client.
                \_ No, just a interesting use for 1 IP address.
           \_ you can add a hostbased firewall rule that sends a RST
              to any connection from some given ip. --psb
2004/3/21-23 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:12790 Activity:moderate
3/21    I have two computers, a p3-133 and a p3-500.  They are taking up
        precious space and gathering dust.  Is there any worthwhile cause to
        donate them to?  If I can't turn them on should I bother taking out
        the harddrives and whacking the fuck out of them with a hammer first?
        \_ Computers for schools will take the p3-500.  No one but an old
           lady who wants to use the internet will take the 133.
        \_ Would you sell the p3-500?  I'm interested in buying.
           \_ email me -aspolito
        \_ There's no such thing as a p3-133.  You mean a P-133 or P2-233?
           Either way, a 133 could be easily turned into a firewall/router.
           \_ I dunno what it is.  I bought it in 97 or 98 or so and I
              probably haven't turned it on this millenium.  I seem to
              remember 133. I'm not really curious enough to look, I just
              want it out of my closet.
              \_ It's a Pentium from about 1994 if it's 133 mhz.  A 233 from
                 then *could* be a Pentium but more likely a P-II.
        \_ Don't whack the hard drives.  Even small hard drives are useful
           for a computer for the poor or 3rd world.  If you're worried about
           data, boot from a Linux floppy and do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda
           \_ Elitist prick!  They need food and condoms and free aids drugs
              not your old hard drive!  Think of the children!
        \_ There's no such thing as a p3-133.  It could be easily turned into a
2004/3/21-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:12786 Activity:low
3/21    Anyone need a dsl modem?  I've got an alcatel 1000 adsl modem kicking
        around that I'm not using.  Seems worth about 10 bucks on ebay.  Come
        pick it up and it is yours.  Buy me a beer and it is yours with a
        smile.   -aspolito
        \_ Heh, I have three of them just lying around. Seems like SBC gives
           one out everytime you sign up. -williamc
        \_ Alcatel 1000 is infamous for locking up periodically.  And I think
           it also had a security hole as well.
2004/3/15-16 [Computer/Networking] UID:12682 Activity:low
3/15    arab phrase and its english translation useful in iraq:
        \_ What's the joke?
           \_ there's an image on the page, doesn't work for lynx
              \_ it didn't work for me either, and i'm using adelphia cable
                 \_ is this the old "doesn't work cable modem" joke?
2004/3/15-16 [Computer/Networking] UID:12679 Activity:nil
3/15    Apparently the firware in my netgear MA401RA pcmcia card has
        broken WEP support. Any recommendations for an 802.11b
        card that fully works with linux? Any of the 3com Xjack ones?
        \_ I'm not sure if there's a difference but the MA401 is prism2
           based, here, setup info
           prism2/2.5/3 firmwares listed at
           failing that, I'm using a USR2410 (also prism2 based).  Any
           prism2 or orinoco should work just fine. (rebadged dells, etc)
           \_ some versions of the prism2 firmware look to be broken.
                \_ hence the link to the collection of firmwares.
                   1.07.01 for me. (secondary, 0.3.0 or something like that
                   for primary) -dwc
        "Stano Meduna wrote a patch to add driver based WEP encryption to
        the Orinoco driver to support properly broken PrismII firmwares."
2004/3/9-10 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking] UID:12587 Activity:nil
        PFIR announcement of an "emergency" conference aimed at
        preventing Internet meltdown.
2004/3/1-2 [Computer/Networking] UID:12466 Activity:nil
3/1     Inspired by the free wifi thread below-- is there any sort of warchalk
        symbol to say "Intentional free wifi access here, please be nice"?
        \_ yes.  I forget it.  A ha!  Got it!
           I think 'please be nice' is implied, but obviously hard to enforce.
2004/2/28-3/1 [Computer/Networking] UID:12448 Activity:nil
2/28    Does anyone know anything about how to create a nonprofit local
        802.11 ISP? Basically, I want to know what types of antennas would
        be good to provide a good range. I don't want to make money off of
        this, just provide a service, charge like $10/mo. There's a *lot*
        of info on the web, I was just wondering if anyone has already gone
        through and filtered the info...
        \_ O'Reilly's Wireless Hacks may have some useful info.
        \_ I'm trying to do this myself, and am at a similar phase.  Drop
           me an email.  Also, where are you trying to do this?  If you're
           in the bay area, then you're in luck.  Many others have similar
           plans, and are working to make it happen. -dans
        \_ can you guys give me some pointers?  thanks  -kngharv
            \_ email me. -dans
        \_ I just give it up to my neighbors. --WiFi slut
2004/2/26-27 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:12428 Activity:nil
2/26    I just got a new laptop but it has no serial port. Are there USB or
        Parallel to serial adapters (I need a serial port for connecting
        to random hardware).
        \_ I would think Belkin would have something like that.
        \_ there are various USB/serial adapters and port replicators from
           a variety of manufacturers (e.g.
  ... keep
           in mind that the parallel and serial ports are intended to be used
           for common peripherals such as printers and mice.  I'm not certain
           that they'd work for, say, attaching a serial debugger.
           \_ Thanks. I've seen websites selling noname brand versions of this
              for $20 but I think I'll just get the brand name.
        \_ Specifically, I'd like to be able to plug into Cisco boxes. The
           other random hardware is a "would be nice".
2004/2/24-25 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:12381 Activity:nil
2/23    With Comcast, when I ping remote hosts at a rate > 3 pings/sec, I
        experience up to 98% packet loss. The stupid regular windows ping
        program that can only send 1 ping /sec.  They say they don't
        support Linux. Could somebody recommend a Windows2000 program that
        can send multiple pings per second?
        \_ why would you want to ping faster?  see iperf in udp mode if
           you want to measure loss rates of IP.
        \_ pinging faster is just going to test their ICMP rate limiters, which
           obviously throw icmp data over a certain rate.  Keep the icmp rate
           low and you won't see the loss.  What're you trying to prove, that
           the rate limiter exists?
           \_ I'm trying to use mtr to determine the location of an outage.
              If it is limited to one ping per second, it takes far too long
              to collect enough useful statistics. Any suggestions for
              an mtr-like program that doesn't use ICMP?
              \- you know there is a tcp/udp "ping" or "echo" service. that
                 is what those lines in the inetd.conf file are. i would
                 try to help more but you are posting anonymously and using
                 windows. --psb
                 \_ wow, the penalties for posting anonymously are brutal!
                    you don't get psb's help without which the world will end
                    but at least you know *why* the world is ending.  thanks
                    for letting us know, partha!  you're the best!
                    \- when multiple anonymous people are posting it is
                       difficult to know if you are talking to one or
                       several people. hence the confusion of "is this
                       about windows or not?" if someone asks me to spell check
                       my walls, i ignore them. if i am asking someone for
                       help and they tell me to spellcheck my email, i probably
                       would. i might even help if you sign with a hash of your
                       login. there are a couple of leeches on soda i probably
                       would not help. --psb
                       \_ its your choice of course.  no one is trying to force
                          you to help anyone but your holier than thou thing
                          is done.  what exactly is a soda motd leech?  there
                          are some people here who know stuff, a lot who don't
                          and a whole lot who both provide answers and ask
                          questions.  this isn't a warez board.  there are no
                          leeches here.  is there an upload/download quota
                          like when i had a 300 baud modem calling dialup
                          bulletin boards?
                          \- there are a number of people who you never
                             see around except when the want consultation.
                             i am not saying you have to do me a favor
                             but you ought to make an effort to be part of
                             the community. also helping people is simpler
                             when it is "stateful" as i said before. if some-
                             body has some anonymous question about sex, i
                             understand. an anon question of this flavor seems
                             pointless. and people do email me for more
                             detailed info. some kinds of help just wastes
                             the helpers time to do via motd instead of
                             interactively via email. --psb
                 \_ I'm using linux. mtr does not run on windows.  I'm
                    looking for a windows program because I want to give
                    the comcast technician's supervisor an example of why
                    this is not a linux-specific issue. Can you recommend
                    a tcp/udp "ping" or "echo" linux program? --brett
                    \- use Net::Ping;
                       as a general note, using tcp ping is not a bad idea.
                       for example a sun that has crashed will probably
                       reply to icmp pings on the same subnet. i use a
                       really fast ping program to map classB sized networks
                       but it is pretty much customized and optimzied for
                       lblnet. if you have an interesting project i can
                       send you the codes but you have to mail me. --psb
                       \_ What percentage of internet nodes respond to
                          utp pings? tcp pings?
                          \_ unshielded twisted pair?
                             \- i mean between machines that are known
                                quantities ... this wont work if people
                                turn off the inetd echo service. i am just
                                sayin gif the point of the ping is to see
                                if the machine is up, icmp ping can be
                                misleading in the example i gave ... L1+a
                                a sun and icmp ping it from the same subnet
                    \_ grep echo /etc/services .
2004/2/20-21 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Computer/Networking] UID:12329 Activity:nil
2/20  She's a stanford grad in CS.  Worked as SW
        engineer at Cisco for a while before quitting and becoming a
        singer.  She's better than William Hung.  :-) Here's a link to
        a NPR interview with her:
        \_ I don't think Vienna Teng is her real name.
        \_ beatiful voice. she is not that ugly neither. :p
           \_ not that hot either
              \_ she looks like Bruce Lee
              \_ this one looks worse than the others
                And will-hung's look is not bad.  It's just his software
                seems weak.
                \_ She's a MAN, baby!
                   \_ who?
2004/2/20-21 [Computer/Networking] UID:12327 Activity:low
2/20    Is it the case that north amercia and the rest of the world have
        incompatible wireless lan standard?  I ask because I read an
        announcement from socket comm. that one has to choose between
        a NA and a rest-of-the-world version for their CF wireless LAN card
        now due to FCC regulation.
        \_ Here's a summary of the rules.  It's mostly compatible...
           Notice that the max power outputs are more restrictive in other
           countries.  Not that you'd get arrested for using a higher-power US
           WiFi card.  The only channel PITA seems to be if you travel regularly
           between France, Mexico and Israel.
           \_ thanks.  So recently FCC increase the allowed power output?
        \_ Slightly off-topic, but I just bought a Linksys WRT54G router with
           open-source firmware and it is tha shiznit.
2004/2/18 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:12299 Activity:nil
2/18    Wireless Bank "Hack":
        \_  Does Haifa have the largest nerd density in Israel?
2004/2/14-15 [Computer/Networking] UID:12261 Activity:high
2/13    I'm a cable modem user (comcast).  More and more ISPs have been
        blocking email sent from my home server for being a cable modem
        user.  Has this been happening to DSL users, too?  Just now earthlink
        bounced me for being a "dynamic ip/openrelay" as if it is the same
        thing.  I don't care about the various cable vs. dsl flame fests.  I
        just need to know if switching to DSL will help or not.  thanks!
        \_ I'm on dsl but havben't noticed it yet because I dont care to mail
           to folks on those systems.  I feel earthlink's pain though, with
           the millions of hax0red windows boxes out on the net on dsl and cable
           that are just one giant spam sending farm.
           \_ I understand why they do it but they don't provide anyway to get
              on an exceptions list, nor do they monitor and block the problem
              hosts.  It's the one-axe-fits-all nature of their solution that
              bothers me.  Anyway, I'm screwed and there's nothing I can do
              about it in that sense.  I need to find another answer for
              hosting my email.
                \_ How would they make exception for a DYNAMIC ip address?
                   \_ My IP is DHCP assigned but then sticks around forever.
                      I also have a hostname which has never changed.  The
                      only time my IP has changed is when they sell the
        \_ Comcast's use policy forbids running a server on their network.
        \_ Comcast's use policy fprbids running a server on their network.
           Generally, DSL is a better system for servers. They offer static
           IP addresses, and they allow servers. In general, the phone
           company is better for this type of thing because they are setup
           to serve both residential and businesses customers. The cable
           company is primarity a residential consumer service.
           \_ Comcast purchased a company which purchased the company with
              whom I had an AUP that did not forbid servers.  I've never
              signed anything else since then so they are legally required
              to uphold that earlier contract.  Anyway, that isn't my
              problem.  Comcast isn't screwing me at all.  It's more and
              more other ISPs that are blocking mail from my Comcast
              provided net.  Comcast has actually provided me really great
              service and I wouldn't think of leaving them if other ISPs
              weren't blocking.  I was also thinking of getting hosted at
              some colocation facility.  That should give me static IP,
              lots of quality net and get entirely off the residential
              services for my email.  If anyone has experience with that
              I'd like to hear about it.  Thanks!
              \_ have you checked your original Terms of Conditions.. etc...
                 to see if they reserved the right to change these conditions
                 with prior notice? It's pretty standard that they include
                 such a clause which lets them change their policy by giving
                 you warning so that you can cancel your service if you don't
                 like the change.
                 \_ I was never given notice of changes.  Anyway, it's the kind
                    of thing which only exists in theory anyway, since me nor
                    anyone else is going to sue to enforce a $50/month
                    contract.  Anyway, the very concept is ridiculous because
                    a default OS install comes with numerous servers already
                    running.  If they shut off anyone who runs a server, their
                    entire customer base would go.
                    \_ its usually a slip enclosed in a bill that you will
                       end up throwing away without noticing
           \_ 5 weeks ago, I got a "viper" dedicated debian server at
              rackforce. best I could find. It's been great so far.
              \_ Thanks, I'll check it out.
           \_ Please define what a server is.  It's harder than you think.
              Chances are, clauses in AUP's that broadly ban ``servers''
              are not enforcable.
              \_ please read the AUP URL before making a comment like that.
                 \_ Why bother?  I don't subscribe to Comcast, so the matter
                    is academic to me.
        \_ try sending the email through comcast's mail server.
           \_ A simple way to do this automagically without reconfiguring
              your mail clients and still keeping control of your mail server
              for incoming mail is to set your mail server to use Comcast's
              mail server as a smarthost.  This is trivial to do in all
              major mail servers.  -dans
              \_ I had considered using them as a smarthost but I've read so
                 much about how crummy the servers are, mail getting dropped
                 without notice, etc, that I'd be happier if there was some
                 other service I could switch to that simply isn't getting
                 blocked by other ISPs yet still run my own mail server.
                 \_ I run a mail server that doesn't suck.  As long as you
                    are not using your mail server for hosing, I'd be glad
                    to act as primary or secondary MX for you.  Email me
                    and we'll see if we can work something out. -dans
        \_ I'd like to thank everyone who posted for the quality replies.  I
           didn't hold out much hope posting on Saturday morning.  Once again,
           the motd comes through.  --op
           to serve both residential and businesses customers. The cable
           company is primarity a residential consumer product.
              I'd like to hear about it.  Thanks!
              \_ I have comcast cable service for access and "viper"
                 dedicated debian server at rackforce.  It is great.
           \_ Two months ago, I got a "viper" dedicated debian server at
              rackforce. best I could find. great so far. -brett
           \_ Don't get too spoiled.
2004/2/12-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:12231 Activity:nil
2/12    Does anyone know much about Juniper Networks router policy? I have
        the router configuration for the Internet2's Abeline network
        ( and what I want to get out of it is
        some sort of DB that will tell me if a given IP is connected
        to the network. I've tried looking over Juniper's docs
        ( but they all talk about routes and not
        hosts. the route-filter command seems to be the most relevant.
        Thanks. --jhs
        \_ you're not going to get anyting useful out of that configuration
           file.  What you need is going to be a bgp route dump from the
           actual router.
2004/2/7 [Computer/Networking, Consumer/Audio] UID:29786 Activity:nil
2/6     Any wireless headphone recommendations?
2004/2/5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/Display] UID:12107 Activity:nil
2/4     How come USB 2.0's speed on spec is faster than IEEE 1394 but I
        can never make it come even close?
        \_ You can't confuse peak throughput rates with actual sustained
           rates. The USB and FireWire protocols are vastly different.
           Take AGP 2x, 4x, and 8x for example. One would think that
           each is twice as fast as the one before. But with the way
           AGP is speced, all requests must round up to the nearest
           common clock (running at 15ns). So in 8x, 32-bytes can be
           transfered in 1 reference clock cycle but if the GPU makes
           a 16-byte request, half the bandwidth is thrown away. Also,
           because AGP is a shared bus, turn-around cycles will cause
           performance degradation when the bus alternates direction.
           My guess is that USB is more vulnerable to these kinds of
           things than 1394 is.
        \_ What are you benchmarking with, senor
        \_ There's two separate speed for USB 2.0: one at only 10s of MBB/s
           and another at the full speed off 100s.  And then there're
           those manufacturers that label USB 1.1 devices as USB2.
           \_ I hate that.  The bastards put a 2.0 cable on a 1.1 device and
              *lie* calling it a 2.0 device.
              \- why dont you get john edwards to represent you in a CLASS
                 ACTION suit ... along the lines of the Great Monitor Dimension
                 suit. --psb
                 \_ uhm... yeah... sure... ooookkkkk... you feeling alright?
              \_ USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (fast), USB 2.0 Full-Speed (slow)
                 Since when is marketing a crime?
                 \_ Yes, there are those two sets of speed in the spec for
                    USB 2.0.  But aside from that, what we're complaining here
                    is about the manufacturers that are marketing USB 1.1
                    devices as USB2.
                    \_ You've been whooshed.  See:
                    \_ USB 2.0 Full-Speed == USB 1.1
        \_ USB has a lot of overhead.  Plus, when dealing with USB 2 devices,
           you need to look for the "hi-speed" label (not "full-speed")
        \_ USB is designed to be cheap and has very simple wiring.  Firewire
           has better electrical characteristics, but costs more to implement
           and to wire up.  (There are more wires, too, as each signal cable
           has a separate ground.)  Basically, USB==cheap, IEEE1394==reliable.
           \_ If you're talking about cost, remember each 1394 port subsidizes
              Apple.  USB is an open standard.
2004/2/5 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:12105 Activity:nil
2/4     Since ipfw rules does not care which program is making the outbound
        access, how do I block, say all outgoing traffic except that generated
        by ssh and mozilla?
        \_ That's not really what ipfw does.  Block all outbound traffic
           destined for ports other than 80, 443 and 22.
           \_ Okay, is there a way to block based on program name in FreeBSD?
              (I heard ZoneAlarm Pro does that, but it only runs on windows?)
              \- there are some sort of hairy ways to do with with
                 fbsd involving complicated jail setups. with linux i suppose
                 you can try grsecurity. solaris-next is supposed to have much
                 finer-grain control but i'm not the best person here to talk
                 about that. what about traffic genreated by say your resolver
                 routines? --psb
                 \_ ob"we don't need no stinkin resolver routines!"
2004/2/2 [Computer/Networking] UID:12066 Activity:nil
2/1     I just upgraded the firmware in my linksys AP.
        What's the best wireless encryption scheme?
        WPA/pre-shared, WPA-RADIUS, RADIUS, WEP?
        \_ WPA w/ Radius unless you can do 802.1x
        \_ anyone recommend a decent radius server -!op
2004/1/29-30 [Computer/Networking] UID:12010 Activity:nil
1/29    Where can I find the percentages of computer users that access
        the internet with Dial-Up and High-Speed (cable/dsl) etc?
2004/1/27 [Politics, Computer/Networking, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:29764 Activity:kinda low
1/26    MSFT is taking over (CNN)
        \_ damn, this was people's last stand against the Sauron.
           Now he's going to take over the world.
           \_ resistance is futile. you will be assimilated.
        \_ Now what'll happen to and <DEAD><DEAD>?
2004/1/20 [Computer/Networking] UID:11838 Activity:moderate
1/19    I can't get DSL or cable Internet connection where I live.  What other
        options do I have besides spending >$450 on a T-1?
        \_ satellite?
           \_ I just got satellite net from DirectWay for the same
              reason. Happy with it so far. -bz
        \_ move
        \_ where do you live?
           \_ Los Altos Hills
        \_ If you can get a T1 for only $450, you should get one and sell time
           on it through a wireless network to your neighbors.  Be a local ISP.
2004/1/15-16 [Computer/Networking] UID:11786 Activity:kinda low
1/14    I am getting DSL for the first time.  The instruction from SBC says
        that I have to install stuff from their CD and leave the modem on for
        10 days for them to "maximize the speed."  I don't really want to
        install their custom browser and god-knows-what.  Can I just ignore
        their instructions and still get the highest speed possible?
        \_ do the entire install, then afterward, just use the EnterNet
           shortcut to get your computer on the net.
        \_ Yes, but you need to buy a router. You also need to have an
           external modem. You will need to check if it's USB or Ethernet.
           If you insist on a direct PC
           connection you can get away with only installing the
           Enternet software. However, using software to connect
           to ADSL PPOE is just eating up mem and cpu cycles. Oh,
           and you do have to install the software at least ONCE to
           establish your new DSL account login unless you have
           an existing sbc/yahoo account that works. You can email
           me if you need more detailed instructions. -williamc
        \_ you do not need to install their crap if you have XP.
           \_You do if you don't already have an existing account. You
             need to login somehow with their software the first time
             and fill out the registration crap. Then just deepsix it.
           otherwise if you don't have XP, good luck, since SBC-
           Yahoo fucked my computer up. had to reinstall everything
           after I installed their lousy software.
          \_ You can ignore it.  If you're going to configure your router to
             dial the PPP link, you need to rember that your username is not
             'johnqsodan' but actually ''.  Also, config
              your router to use DHCP.
             \_Technically, this isn't really necessary. You can use a static
               IP Address if you so desire (very useful for running things
               like Solaris or Linux where you want a static IP so you can
               ftp to the boxes, etc.).
             Alternately, just use whatever PPP dialer your OS has and use DHCP
             I don't know if it matters if you leave it connected for 10 days,
             but if you're using a router, that shouldn't be too inconvenient.
        \_ I'd strongly suggest a cheap firewall/NAT/router box.  You can even
           get a wireless one for about $60-$70, and it greatly simplifies the
           \_ I recommend the D-Link DI-624
              \_ if their wireless cards give any indication of the performance
                 of their other products, i'll never buy dlink again.
              \_ Isn't that one of the models that suffers from the constant
                 dropping of ssh terms? (after 15 minutes of inactivity)?
          \_ Make sure that they give you the ethernet DSL modem, and NOT the
             USB crap. The EnterNet s/w will mess up your computer, no doubt
             about that. Uninstall as soon as possible. Ditto the advice on
             buying a router. Get one with a hardware-based firewall with a
             packet inspector thingie (e.g. SMC). Wireless is great, too,
             but get ZoneAlarm Pro or similar.
        \_ Wow, what a fucking mess!  I've got a cable modem and never had to
           worry, know, or think about any of this shit.  They plug in the
           box, make sure it can ping, and get the fuck out of my house.  No
           login crap, no stupid software, no custom anything.  It just works.
           \_ here, here. But they're paying 40% less than you are.
              What's the deal with PPPoE anyway? Why does SBC use it?
              \_ I'm paying $45/month which includes the hardware rental.  When
                 the standard changed and I needed a new box, they swapped it
                 out as part of the service (ie: free).  40% less/month but
                 dealing with all that bullshit doesn't look worth it.  I truly
                 have always-on.  No login.  No PPPoe.  No account.  And I can
                 plug in more devices into the same switch my cable modem is
                 plugged into, turn on dhcp and they all get their own valid
                 public IP addresses with no extra billing or bullshit.  How
                 much exactly does DSL cost these days?  Last I knew it was
                 about the same as cable.
                 \_ $26.95/month for SBC-Yahoo DSL, free dsl-modem
                    self-install kit, no set up charge, 1-year contract
                    You ought to call your cable company, ask to be
                    matched to the DSL price, else claim you might switch
                      \_ I think you have to agree to use SBC for local toll or
                         long-distance to get that deal.
                         \_ No. At least not in Bay Area, CA
                    \_ Isn't this total crap, like 356k download?
                       \_ My cable rate is 1.5 down and 256k up.  What is this
                          $27/month DSL rate proving for speed?
        \_ Thanks for all the replies!  Actually I use a mac.  Does the rest
           of the advices above all apply to Mac as well?  Can I login the
           the 1st time service with a router instead of directly?  (I ask
           because there does not seem to be a way to change MAC address,
           and self-install is not supported for a router connection.)
        \_ Install the stuff, register, get your PPPoE account *AND* the
           yahoo freebies (bigger email inbox, yahoo web-mail etc.)
           then uninstall the SBC software and do PPPoE thru a
             Linksys/Dlink router (and it gives you a firewall & allows you to
             share the broadband connection, very cheap now $20-40 with rebate).
           You can also use their SBC web-site to register instead of loading
           the software, or if you get a clueful fone-support tech, they
           can do it for you. BTW,the SBC install software is buggy and
           can hang at the very last step, but you can just ignore that part.
           \_ and after you leave their dsl service, will they turn off your
              yahoo account like aol does with screen names?
           \_ Why does SBC ask new user  "leave the DSL modem (not the
              computer) on for 10 days after first use" to "maximize speed"?
              What can that do?
2004/1/14-15 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:29748 Activity:nil
1/14    Study shatters internet geek image:
2004/1/5-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:11658 Activity:nil
1/4     Is there a broadband ISP covering Mountain View offering a good price
        (<30/m) for longer than 6 months without a year long contract?
        \_ your neighbor's wifi. otherwise, no.
              \_ Honor thy fiber and thy modem.
        \_ I thought SBC offered 'midband' service for around that price...
2003/12/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:11561 Activity:nil
12/21   My isp for residential service does not allow any commercial use.
        So it means I cannot set up receive emails to at
        home?  How do they enforce this?  Can they read my traffic to see
        if it is personal or commercial in nature?
        \_ Has any ISP ever enfored this?
        \_ Is a commercial domain?  I've been doing it for years
           to my non-commercial @home domain and they don't block or send notes
           or anything.  The problem more recently is that several large ISPs
           now block my cable provider's entire IP range for incoming mail from
           my IP range and there's no way to get individually unblocked.
           \_ Yes mydomain will be a commerical site, but I am not going to
              put any web page there (yet).  I just want to receive emails
              there and avoid using a hosting service until there is a need.
        \_ The can block port 25 incoming or outgoing. My ISP, dslextreme,
           blocks port 25 outgoing.
2003/12/10-11 [Computer/Networking] UID:11411 Activity:nil
12/10   Anyone familiar with samba/windows networking? I was setting up
        a small LAN workgroup (no domain server) and noticed that for whatever
        reason that I couldn't assign 192.x.x.1 as an ip address to one of
        the machines. If I did this the machine would be inconsistent in
        being able to be found through the Network Neighborhood.
        Since I've never had a problem with assigning this
        to any of the machines when using strict TCP/IP stuff, I was curious
        as to why this is. The LAN has no DHCP server. Does samba/windows
        somehow use this address to broadcast?
        \_ Well duh, you can't have a x in an ip address!
        \_ I assume you mean  It's possible another machine
           in the network is using this IP.  If you turn on Internet
           Connection Sharing for a computer, Windows will auto-assign this
2003/12/10-11 [Computer/Networking] UID:11400 Activity:nil
12/9    Is anyone else having trouble resolving .org domains?
        Older resolvers seem to have issues with tld{1,2}
        giving 2nd level delegation responses with the authoritative
        flag set.  Why do they keep breaking the internet?
        \_ hm, i've been unable to send to or receive mail from a
           particular .org on soda b/c of nameserver issues, but i
           just assumed it was a problem on their side.  is this
           really a larger issue?
2003/12/1-2 [Computer/Networking] UID:11275 Activity:nil
12/2    Question: My Earthlink DSL service is shotty at best (slow speeds,
                                              \_ shoddy
                                              \_ shitty
                                              \_ snotty
                                              \_ shorty
                                              \_ snorty
                                              \_ slutty
                                              \_ scotty
                                                 \_hey! -scottyg
        unreliable connection, etc...). If I switch providers to like SBC,
        can I actually expect things to change? Or is the actual DSL
        connection an inherent property of my house, the wiring, and location?
        \_ probably the same. often when you switch providers they retest the
           pair and if they see something wrong or close to being out of spec
           they will change pairs, possibly improving service... especially
           if it's a change from SBC to Covad or vice versa. i switched from
           Speakeasy/Covad to SBC and they changed pairs on me.
           \_ Out of curiousity, why did you switch from speakeasy?
              \_ speakeasy was through covad. something happened to my pair
                 and covad told speakeasy that they didnt want to do any
                 troubleshooting. my service went from GREAT to completely
                 out. speakeasy released me from contract and covad refused
                 to do anything. 2 days later SBC turned up a new remote
                 terminal that cut my distance from 10k ft to 2k ft. -shac
              \_ I'm about to switch because I can get (much cheaper and much
                 faster) ADSL from SBC and I can't from Speakeasy (have 144K
                 idsl from them now). -not him (obvi)
                 \_ Speakeasy is increasing their uplink speed to 384 for
                    everyone in February.
                    \_ he wasn't talking about uplink.. he was saying that
                       he is stuck with idsl instead of adsl. this is the case
                       for many people who are too far from the CO. SBC has
                       overcome this limitation for many people by installing
                       remote terminals in many areas. this makes it seem like
                       you are maybe 2000' away instead of 15,000' which is at
                       the edge of ADSL limits
2003/11/24-25 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Computer/Networking] UID:11210 Activity:low
11/24   I have SBC Enhanced DSL at home (5 fixed IP addresses) which
        until recently ran at roughly 15 kilobytes/s upload and 150 kilobytes/s
        download.  All of a sudden, for no reason that I can determine, I'm
        getting 25 kilobytes/s upload.  I haven't upgraded my service or
        anything.  Has SBC changed their equipment suddenly?  I live in
        San Francisco.
        \_ I have SBC 'consumer level' 1.5/128k in Berkeley and have also
           noticed they changed it to 1.5/192k.  I'm not complaining.
           \_ My 256 rated (233 actual) upload turned into 315+ recently
        \_ Mystery solved:
           "SBC/ASI will be changing the speed profiles that are installed
           on the DSLAMs and RTs that provide DSL service to it's customers.
           The biggest change will be that the upload side of the DSL profiles
           will now be rate-adaptive versus a fixed speed. This will allow
           the upload side to achieve higher sync speeds, based on line
           Amazing.  For the first time I have something nice to say about
           SBC.  Though I'm sure it was simply Comcast finally getting their
           ass in gear about service coverage that inspired it.
2003/11/22 [Computer/Networking] UID:11188 Activity:moderate
11/21   Anyone know where I can get a 5V/2.5A power adaptor for my SMC
        barricade wireless router? I checked radio shack and they don't
        seem to have anything that fits my specs. thanks.
        \_ Rat Turd is a fucking joke.  Try one of these:
        \_ Electronics parts catalog.  See, EECS40 came in handy!
2003/11/13-14 [Computer/Networking] UID:11058 Activity:nil
11/13   Why does someone(people) keep hitting my port 80 looking for ?
        (they don't seem too l33t to me, but maybe i'm missing something.)
        Remote address is, requested domain =,
        \_ Proxy raping?  Do you have a reverse proxy running?
2003/11/5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:29612 Activity:nil
11/5    Errors and Defects in Mann et. al. (1998) Proxy Data and Temperature
        \_ Hey look!  Its everyone's favorite crank!
2003/10/31 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:10885 Activity:high
        \_ what?
        \_ one of the worst designed sites around. Don't even bother. Fat chix
2003/10/30 [Computer/Networking] UID:10858 Activity:nil
10/29   Last socket question, I swear: in a normal setup, you've got a
        client socket, a socket listening for connections, and a socket
        created by accept() to handle those connections.  What are good names
        to denote the latter two?
        \_ I use "sd" to name socket descriptors.  For the server, I call
           one sdListen because you listen() on it, and I call the ones that
           are returned by accept() just sd for brevity.  I could also call
           them sdConnection.
2003/10/28-29 [Computer/Networking] UID:10819 Activity:nil
10/27   Socket guy again: I need my module to attempt an auto-reconnect if
        a socket goes down (eg, shutdown() or close() by the other side, or
        maybe just the remote machine being switched off).  I've been trying
        to use select to detect either an invalid socket, or an exception
        on the socket, but I can't get any indication of the socket's
        non-existence until I actually try to send() on it (which fails and
        complains).  Is there some other property I should be checking on?
        \_ This is all theoretical so I hope it helps:  if you Ctrl-C
           on the remote side, the OS will send the TCP FIN type messages,
           so your local side should know.  If the remote computer is
           unplugged then you won't know until your local side wants to
           send something, and even then it will take a while for TCP to
           give up (like a minute?).  Finally, google for TCP keepalive.
           \_ If the remote side close()s or shutdown()s (or both), how
              do I detect that locally?
              \_ I'm not using select(), but it occurs when my next recv()
                 call returns 0.  My socket is in non-blocking mode.
                 \_ Thanks, I guess that's the only indication.
                    \_ Use select() with the socket in the read set.
                       If the socket is closed, you will get a read ready
                       on that socket.  Calling recv() on the socket
                       will return 0.
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:10716 Activity:low
10/21   If I can't get cable modem service (cuz COMCAST doesn't offer it) and I
        am outta range for DSL, am I pretty much SOL?
        \_ long range 802.11b?
        \_ On a related note, is there any OS that supports multiple modems
           and phone lines connected to the same machine such that it can get
           higher throughput via dialup?
           \_ windows
              \_ Really?  Which version?  Thx.
           \_ yes
        \_ Fixed wireless...the problem is, it isn't cheap...they are
           geared towards enterprise users.
        \_ DirectTV?
        \_ be careful, most things don't seem to work w/ cable modem.
           \_ CSS works with cable modem.
           \_ FUD.  please list these "things" that don't work.
2003/10/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/Networking] UID:10702 Activity:kinda low
10/20   I need to design some sort of tcp socket system for responding to
        client commands (sent from a gui).  The client will be sending
        text strings such as "set_foo_bar_baz=2340", but usually more complex.
        The server delegates the command to a specific function, which will
        respond with a potentially large (10Kb) response string.  Is it
        possible to pass the socket descriptor to the command handler s.t.
        the handler can fprintf() to the socket?  Is this advisable?  TIA.
        \_ What's wrong with passing the socket descriptor and using
           \_ print formatting, ease of use, etc.  Also, it's a realtime
              system and we can only allocate memory at startup.
              \_ How can you have a realtime system rely on tcp?  Are you sure
                 it's a realtime system? -- ilyas
                 \_ The socket code is running in a low priority task which
                    talks to the RT task.  I'm interested in the file
                    descriptor solution because a dynamic malloc (even at
                    low-pri) might be too slow... the alternative is a purely
                    static buffer allocation, which I then pass into the
                    command handlers... but formatted printing into a char
                    array (sprintf; strcat) isn't quite as nice as fprintf.
                    \_ I think the tcp latency will dominate any latency from
                       a dynamic malloc.  Mallocs aren't that slow, compared
                       to a slow network.  Unless of course, your tcp is local.
                       Even in that case, the protocol makes no guarantees
                       about delivery times, so it would be difficult to
                       convince anyone your system is truly real time.
                         -- ilyas
                       \_ The RT data is coming in over the system bus; tcp
                          is only used for command & control.  I'm not
                          experienced enough to actually know what's going on,
                          but my mandate is that malloc is a no-no.  At any
                          rate, it looks like the static malloc decision has
                          already been made.  Thanks for your help though.
                 \_ Must be Linux based.
           There, have phun.
           \_ I think phun is depreciated.
                \_ Really?  Can I write it off on my taxes?  Or do
                   you really mean deprecated?
                        \_ just read the link retard.
2003/10/18-19 [Computer/Networking] UID:10682 Activity:nil
10/17   I'm using linux with a broadband router for the first time. The linux
        machine gets all the proper info through DHCP, but DNS doesn't work.
        How does the DHCP client set the name servers? By writing directly to
        /etc/resolv.conf or something? I'm just manually inserting entries in
        there to get it working for now.
        \_ man dhcpclient
           \_ if you had a clue, you'd at least know it's man dhclient. and
              have you actually tried reading that page?
              \_ real men use static ips.
        \_ Actually you want to look at dhclient.conf(5).  Normally, you
           should be able to have an empty config file--your client gets its
           DNS servers by DHCP, just like its default gateway, and puts them
           in resolv.conf.  If this doesn't work, you can override a lot
           of things in dhclient.conf, such as 'prepend domain-name-servers
           <IP>; which will put <IP> before whatever you get from the dhcp
           server every time.  -John
           \_ the problem is just that it's not doing any of these things.
              it is getting the proper info since it shows up in the leases
              file, but it's not writing resolv.conf. i'm using an empty
              \_ Try a new OS.  It's obviously a linux problem that no one
                 here is qualified to answer.
                 \_ o-kay. at least you, anyway.
2003/10/16 [Computer/Networking] UID:10650 Activity:nil
10/15   rip bluetoosh
2003/10/10-11 [Computer/Networking] UID:10575 Activity:kinda low
10/10   I'm thinking of gettin Speakeasy's 1500/768 ADSL $89/month.
        Does anybody have experience with them? And latency issues?
        \_ I have this and I'm happy. Service and quality are high,
           and outages are extremely rare -- I've not had any in more
           than a year. My latency is very low and Speakeasy has good
           peering. --aaron
        \_ My cable modem has similar speeds for half that.
            \_ You have a cable modem with 768 upstream? I doubt it.
               and I'm sure your cable modem doesn't have a static IP.
               \_ Close to it and my IP is DHCP assigned but never changes.
                  If he wants to run a server for upload speeds he should
                  rent cage space for $99/month and get better speeds plus
                  have colo monkeys taking care of his network for him.  $89
                  for home net is a rip off.  Cable modem is trouble
                  free compared to DSL.  I've had exactly 1 problem in 3 years
                  which was resolved in 90 minutes.
                  \_ Your cable modem service does not translate to what other
                     people will see. At one house I lived in, I got pretty
                     solid service (occasional outage for an hour or so).
                     Uploads are certainly not great. At my current place, DHCP
                     address changes a lot. At coworker's house, service is
                     terrible and very slow. Your colocate talk is bullshit,
                     he would still need home net and the total would be high.
                     \_ If he wants a server he should get a server.  If he
                        doesn't need server quality service he should get some
                        cheap home net.  Trying to do servers from home and
                        pretending you've got server quality net for $90 a
                        month is what is bullshit.  You don't get server
                        quality net at home.  Period.  The $90 deal is just to
                        take money from suckers who think they're realy kewl
                        runin' a serv0r @ h0m3 leik reel hax0rz!
                        \_ why does it have to be a server?  I could use
                           big upload bandwidth for the work I do with
                           digital images.  There are plenty of reasons to
                           need more bandwidth.  Get a clue.  -tom
                           \_ he doesn't need a server.  that's the point,
                                \_ Wrong again!  HE does need, and already
                                   has and uses a server at home! -he
                     terrible and very slow.
                  \_ Where do you get cage space for $99/month?
                  \_ running servers isn't typical "home net". and DHCP
                     isn't "close to static".  Your user agreement doesn't
                     allow hosting any servers. Cable modems are great for
                     clients, just not servers.  Let's say cheap home net
                     is $50/month. and this static IP 768 net is $90.
                     Where can I colocate for $40/mo?
                     \_ Wrong.  My user agreement doesn't say anything about
                        not running servers.  Only that they aren't
                        responsible the the security of my servers.  My DHCP
                        address hasn't changed in 2 years.  That feels very
                        "close to static" to me.  If that's not good enough
                        for the OP then then they should do it right and
                        \_ who is your ISP? and AGAIN, Where can you rent
                           cage space for $99/month? back up your claims.
                           \_ STFW.  I get bombared with ads surfing all day.
                              My ISP is @home->AT&T->comcast now.
                         \_ Get a clue:  "Service is for personal and
                            non-commercial use only and you agree not to
                            use the Service for operation as an Internet
                            service provider, a server site for ftp,
                            telnet, rlogin, e-mail hosting, "web hosting"
                            or other similar applications, for any business
                            enterprise, or as an end-point on a non-Comcast
                            local area network or wide area network."
                           cage space for $99/month? back up your claims.
        \_ I have this service in Sunnyvale homed to their SFO POP. Pretty
           good service overall: quite reliable, good ping times to the
           office (~15ms). Getting it installed turned out to be a huge pain
           because I had some bad wiring, but their support staff was
           excellent in handling the issue. -lcddave
2003/9/25-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:10322 Activity:low
9/25    I need to extend an ethernet to about 200m between buildings.
        Any recommendations? how about:
        \_ SX fiber (multimode) --dim
           \_ What's the cost, and where to buy? any specific models?
              Forgot to say, it's for a church, so low cost is needed,
              and each remote building only has a couple computers in it.
              can 802.11b really go 300m at < 5Mbps. 1Mbps would be fine.
              just need something better than dial-up.
              \_ your best bet is to get directional antenna kits from
                 someplace like this... in my opinion, worth the money.
              \_ If it's line of sight you can get some cheap antennas to
                 focus the signal.  Google for "cantenna"... but don't
                 actually use a pringle's can, get something that'll last.
        \_ It's for a church?  Fuck religion!  Death to you and your vast right
           wing christian conspiracy!
           \_ Give'em a break.  They just wanna set up live cams between
              buildings for their boy-loving fiesta.
2003/9/23-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:10290 Activity:low
9/22    I'm trying to debug the source of a particular type of arp
        traffic on my network. Basically I'm seeing something like
        the following at a rate of about 1/s from dozens of hosts:

        11:17:14.372348 arp who-has xxx (Broadcast) tell xxx

        Any ideas about where to get started? (I've traced the
        cabling to and from our switches and it looks like there
        are no loops, in case that helps).
        \_ are the xxx's censoring, or is that the actual output?
           \_ censoring.  --seen it elsewhere, --!OP
        \_ Welchia virus
                \_ Unless Redhat's 7.3 cds are infected with
                   this, I doubt it. My network consists almost
                   exclusively of systems running 7.3 (many are
                   kickstarted every few days).
                   \- look at the mac address which should give you the
                      OUI ... you can figure out the mfgr [sic] of the
                      ethernet card. do you have access to your switch?
                      you can dump the mapping tables and get a physical
                      switch port. --psb
                        \_ When I remove an offending system from the
                           switch its arp traffic goes away, but almost
                           half of the systems on our switches are
                           producing this type of arp request. I'm
                           guessing it is some sort of config problem
                           either on the nic or the switch.
                           \_ Check /etc/sysctl.conf.  See if it's trying to
                              act as a gateway.  Also check for routed and
                              the like
        \_ I see tons of this shit on my home cable modem.  Annoying but
           harmless if it's from the outside.  Is that an external or all-
           internal switch you're looking at?
                \_ Internal switch. This is all local traffic. There is
                   so much arp traffic that it is causing significant
                   degradation in the network throughput. I have gige
                   switches (4 cisco 3750s) and all the systems have gige
                   nics (intel etherexpress 1000 or something) but I can
                   barely get 100Mb transfer speeds (6000K/s) between
                   \_ You sure there isn't some rogue windows box on that
                      net?  Check for SMB traffic and other windowsy crap
                      on your net.
                        \_ I removed our switches from the main net so
                           that only the linux boxes and a couple of u10
                           were on the network and I still get this traffic.
                           I think that the gateway thing might be the
                           issue. I'll look at that today.
                           \_ Stopping these arps is not going to fix your
                              slow network problem. Do the math: 100 hosts *
                              1 arp/sec * 1024 bits/arp = 100 kb/sec. This
                              is nothing to your 1GB/s network. Your problem
                              is a full duplex/half duplex autonegotiation
                              problem or perhaps a 1GB/100MB auto negotiation
                              problem, I bet. -ausman
                              \_ Ding.  Ausman wins.  I would also posit that
                                 the arps are normal.  It's called Layer 2.
                                 \- are you seeing ethernet frame errors?--psb
2003/9/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:10277 Activity:nil
9/22    I'm looking to expand my lan to include wireless.  The thing is, I
        like the linux-box router/firewall I already have set up.  Can I
        configure a wireless router station to run with a DHCP IP so I can
        continue to route everything through my hardwired linux-box?
        Many thanks.  --erikred
        \_ just get a wireless AP... not a router/AP -shac
        \_ just put the wireless lan box behind your firewall and dont use its
           WAN port.  Thats what I do with a netgear BEFW11S4.  -ERic
           \_ If you don't use the WAN port, how do you connect the
              WAP to your net?
              \_ DSL->freebsdrouter->switchport-on-wap<-internal-hosts
                 its not rocket science here
           \_ you mean linksys befw11s4
        \_ -- ilyas
2003/9/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:10273 Activity:nil
9/21    I was asked to be doing some basic system admin stuff when
        our company's Sys Admin is not avaliable.  First thing I want to
        do is to monitor the local area network, as there are certain
        time of day when i know someone is abusing the network so much
        that he/she alone sucked 99% of the bandwidth.  Any lead on
        how to appropach this? and what is a typical tool being used
        to monitor packet?
        \_ mrtg, smoke ping, router configs
        \_ Snort, ethereal (works on Windows.)  Set up a SPAN or mirror
           port on a switch (assuming you have a switched network) and
           start working back towards individual ports.  Use mrtg to
           collect statistics on individual ports.  -John
           \_ Thanks.  I'll get start on it.    -kngharv
        \_ That's not basic stuff.  Has anyone asked you to find this person
           and destroy their career?  If not then let it go.  If you go on,
           then use some common sense before outing them.  If it's kiddie
           pr0n, sure go ahead.  If they're just dicking around on ebay or
           something equally harmless, give them a chance to stop.  Don't
           just be the storm trooper gestapo for some management prick.  It
           isn't your duty to ruin lives on command as a sysadmin.
           \_ I second this. I bet this person is just downloading mp3's.
              If you just plan to figure out who it is and ask them to stop,
              that is one thing, but don't kick it upstairs. Before you
              even start doing system administration, you should get a copy
              of Nemeth and read "The Politics of System Administration,"
              which is the last chapter.
              \_ just downloading mp3s? who wants the RIAA suing your
2003/9/21-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:10271 Activity:nil
9/20    Recommendations for wireless access point and wifi card that
        work together well and have good security? TIA
        \_ What's "good security" mean to you?
           \_ Well, I bought an smc router, smc wap, and smc wireless
              card. The router is great, the wap with wireless card
              combo is worthless for security. Can't get the WEP keys
              to work, so I end up only having mac address filtering
              which I understand is not secure at all. If I can find
              something that is reasonably secure, that is, the avg
              Joe Schmoe will have trouble breaking into my system,
              then I'll be happy.
                \_ This is beside the point, but most of the dorks who
                   go WEP cracking (yes it is fairly easily doable) use
                   netstumbler/wepcrack, which can be detected pretty easily.
                   In fact, you can crash some Linux IP stacks running
                   netstumbler with malformed responses.  Something entirely
                   passive, like wellenreiter, doesn't have allow that.  -John
              \_ I tried using netstumbler to break my own WEP key and
                 after 24 hours of sniffing packets it told me it was 1%
                 complete. There might be some risk there, but it is pretty
        \_ Linksys 54G with card works great for me.  You shouldn't be
           relying on WEP for your security, though--there are lots of
           good ipsec implementations.  -John
           \_ Can anyone recommend an "ipsec guide for dummies" type of
                \_ No, because dummies don't use ipsec. has
                   some decent documentation, and if you ask, I can try to
                   explain how it works and help you out.  -John
2003/9/20-21 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:10265 Activity:nil
9/20    Is it possible to run have a linux box export files via NFS over
        ssh tunnels?  I tried doing this by tunneling the ports that
        nfsd uses but it didn't work.  Any suggestions on how to do this
        or the equivalent?  Thanks.
        \_ only if you either forward a ton of ports and replace alot of
           rpc stuff.. here's a starter, but remember that you will take
           a performance hit -shac
           \_ Thanks, I take a look at this.
        \_ are you using nfs via udp or tcp?
           \_ I tried it with both udp and tcp ports without success.
        \_ You made tunnels in both directions?
           \_ Why both directions?  I just tunnelled the relevant daemons.
        \_ just tunnel IP over ssh and make life easier
           \_ What do you mean "tunnel IP over ssh"?  Is this a joke?
2003/9/17-18 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:10233 Activity:nil
9/16    What's the cheapest internet access to be had in (west) Berkeley?
        It's for my sister, a student... and I don't think piggybacking
        onto someone's wireless is an option.  Speed isn't important.
        \_ Get dialup for $8 a month.
           \_ Who has dial-up for $8 a month?
              \_ i have dialup for $6.95 a month.
        \_ NetZero.  The ads are free too...
           \_Netzero isn't free anymore.
        \_ I haven't used it, but the last time I was looking, I got a couple
           reccomendations to $6/mo and supposedly good
           service (can't vouch for this, apple-fan(atic) roommate went
           and signed up for their partner earthlink)
2003/9/17 [Computer/Networking] UID:10223 Activity:nil
9/16    Related to wireless security-- do wireless routers with firewalls
        consider wireless traffic to be coming from the WAN or LAN?
        \_ LAN. It's not a firewall against wireless attack.
        \_ Is this a cheap linksys/dlink/netgear router? If so, wireless
           == lan. If it is a high-end cisco router with a wireless module
           then the answer is it depends on how you configure the routing.
2003/9/16-17 [Computer/Networking] UID:10215 Activity:nil
9/16    So, I had asked earlier about 802.11b security, and the dismal
        state thereof.  Is 802.11g any better?  --PeterM
        \_ No. Same issues, just faster. --dim
           \_ If you have a WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) capable base
              station and clients 802.11g is better than 802.11b. Even
              WPA PSK (pre-shared key) is better than WEP, since it
              does re-keying, etc. I haven't been able to find a decent
              description of the protocol yet though.
                \_ I'm mostly interested in keeping unauthorized 3rd parties
                   from using my WAP to access the internet.  I generally
                   use ssh for my connections anyway, otherwise, so I don't
                   much care about interception.  Does WPA address that?
                   \_ WPA is better than WEP for this purpose. While it
                      possible that someone could brute-force your passwd
                      (the pre-shared key) and gain access to your internet
                      connection, it is unlikely that anyone would go to
                      that much trouble.
              \_ WPA has nothing to do with 801.11b vs. 802.11g. WPA
                 will work with 802.11a, b, and g. I see nothing inherently
                 more secure about 802.11g over a or b. Just a different
                 band and higher speed. That's all. 802.11i will add
                 security in the form of RSN. --dim
                 \_ AFAIK, currently the only cards and access-points
                    that support WPA are 802.11g. I haven't seen any
                    802.11b/a cards that support WPA.
2003/9/12 [Computer/Networking] UID:10167 Activity:nil
9/12    I asked this further down in the motd, but I'm really at a loss:
        how do you secure your 802.11b WAP?  Seems like MAC address limiting
        isn't that effective, because people can just sniff a working MAC
        address.  Also, WEP doesn't seem very good either.  Is it impossible
        to effectively secure one's WEP without doing something like IPSEC
        or installing your own firewall?
        \- so some smart people say it isnt enough to do end2end sec
           with insecure wireless. i am not quite sure what the threat
           is. it may be something along the lines of DoS the hub you think
           you are talking to, then masquerade as it [and dump traffic
           to break session keys offline] ... but this seems to be pretty
           high effort. anyone have an answer to 'what is wrong doing ssh
           over so-so security wireless" --psb
           \_ The WAP itself is still open to outsiders using your line.
        \_ My answer at home is simply put the wireless outside my firewall
           and treat machines on that net as foreign/hostile/untruster to my
           internal hosts.  Short of VPN/IPSEC, etc I haven't found a secure
           way I'd trust to put the wireless AP inside my firewall.  Please
           post if you or anyone else finds a non-VPN/IPSEC solution.
        \_ I think WEP should be fine.
           \_ Yes, I agree.  And changing it every so often augments the
              effectiveness.  There's no such thing as perfect security.  You
              just have to make it reasonably strong to make yourself a less
              attractive target and accept the tradeoffs.  If you think your
              MAC has been spoofed, will you still be able to get on the
              network if someone else is using your MAC?  If not, you know
              you've been compromised, so you know it's time to change your WEP
              key.  And yes, put up a firewall on each of your boxes connecting
              to the WAP if you don't have a dedicated firewall behind it.
2003/9/12 [Computer/Networking] UID:10165 Activity:nil
9/12    If I have two wireless router, is there a way to make it cover a
        larger area? ie, make one acts as the extender. I havn't been
        able to get it work. setting the SSID and the channel on both
        to be the same doesn't work, DHCP enabled only on one.
2003/9/12 [Computer/Networking] UID:10161 Activity:nil
9/11    Hypothetical situation: Drive-By Filesharing  [format was here]
        I have a wireless access point.  I don't know how to stop people from
        connecting to me.  A P2P user connects to me to download files.  My
        ISP identifies my IP as downloading files.  Will RIAA sue me?  Is
        there an onus on all users who have wireless access points to secure
        their networks?  Can blame be shifted to makers of wireless access
        points who don't make it sufficiently easy to protect your network?
        \_ Yes, they might.  Yes, there is.  No, it can't.
        \_ It could be argued that by making your access point open to the
           world you qualify for the same common carrier status given to ISPs,
           and thus could qualify for DMCA Safe Harbor provisions.  Now, in
           order to qualify for safe harbor, you need to turn over logs on
           request.  Fortunately, the US has no laws that REQUIRE you to log.
           As a result, the EFF has been advocating that you either do not log
           or throw away logs as soon as they have outlived their use.  In
           short, you can't subpoena what you don't have. -dans
           \_ Try that in court.  Good luck.  Let us know how it goes.  It's
              cheaper to just buy all the music you like.
              \_ The point of the post is that this guy is worried about
                 people USING his WAP *without his permission* to download
                 contraband, tainting his IP so that the RIAA sues him.  What
                 you say doesn't help at all.  HOW DO YOU SECURE YOUR WAP?
                 WEP seems ineffective.  MAC address can be worked around.
                 Is it just impossible?
                 \- withough going into detail, we have evidence RIAA
                    minions or affilates were sending out gnutella and
                    other p2p mapping traffic and if they *failed to get a
                    failure* [read that carefully ... if they didnt get a
                    RST ... they didnt necessarily actually find a single
                    piece of pirated content] they sent you a bigfoot
                    letter. they did this multiple times to an institution.
                    this seriously undermines the credibility of their
                    data collection operation and the competence of the
                    people doing the collect ... as well as creating a
                    larger body of interested and knowledgeable people
                    who are recognized experts in networking and secuirty
                    who can testify as to the fuckedup methodology ...
                    which borders on harassment. so i guess this means
                    1. who the hell knows what insane and unreasonable
                    things those guys will do 2. they might get smacked
                    down for being sloppy by someone like MIT. --psb
                 \_ The answer is, "yes you can be sued and pretending you're
                    an ISP won't work, and no one knows how to secure a WAP
                    like that without IPSEC".  People who try to play legal
                    games never get anywhere in courts.  You'd need a good
                    lawyer for that and like I said if you can afford a lawyer
                    you can afford to buy your own music or your own security
                    guru or anything else you need to not be sued in the first
2003/9/11 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/Networking] UID:10142 Activity:moderate
9/10    Does anybody else see themselves telling their kids in 15 years,
        "Yeah, I shared files... but it was a different time back then."?
        \_ Dual Income, No Kids, Early Retirement, Happy Life.
           \_ Censor censor censor.  Join the army and mark things.
              \_ The motd censor struck, so I had to remark on it.
                 Apparently someone has decided that there is no such
                 thing as a fat sysadmin.  Probably they're a fat sysadmin
                 \_ You can't censor a content-free statement.  Your fat
                    sysadmin silliness just adds noise.  If you had something
                    to say it would still be here.
                    \_ I also like the fat sysadmin posts
                       \_ It's funny the first time.  Now it's just noise.
                          Like other trolls and 100% noise posts, they'll be
                          purged instantly like all content-free posts.  I'm
                          one of the louder anti-censor people but I also
                          understand that adding noise is a form of censorship
                          which makes it harder for others to see real content
                          or discuss anything real.  By removing trash and
                          trolls, censorship is weakened.
                          \_ Your logic is flawed.  The motd is 100% white
        \_ yes.  and I can tell my kids (when they are old enough) that
           I was part of underground resistance movement fighting against
           unfair copyright and intellectual property laws.  And no,
           I don't think 90 years of protection is fair.  RIAA is just
           pissed off because they can no longer make obscene profit,
           ignoring consumer's demand like the way they used to (force
           all the junk down his throat when all he wanted is one single
           hit song... just an example)
           \_ Not to mention the fact that the artists themselves see only
              a fraction of the profits unless they've already become wildly
              successful...and typically lose the rights to the music that
              they've created in the first place.
              \_ It's funny that computer programmers don't see the irony
                 here.  -tom
                 \_ Computer programmers are typically very well compensated
                    for the work that they do.  Last I checked, musicians
                    aren't guaranteed any sort of compensation at all.  I
                    see what you're getting at, but I think you're wrong.
                    \_ Neither are programmers.  Heard of the H1b program?
                       \_ Yes.  Two of my friends at Intel were H1B's (each with
                          MS degrees) and were paid according to their grade
                          level (which was the same as Americans with MS
                          degrees).  They were also some of the best engineers I
                          knew. --emarkp
                 \_ are you saying software engineers are like musicians?
                    please name one piece of software that was written in
                    less than a week by four guys, and which was then used
                    for decades with no modification whatsoever and made
                    millions of dollars.  and show me one job ad for
                    a musician to make 80k/year garrunteed with benefits,
                    regardless of wether their code directly makes money
                    or not.  there are similarities in the IP issues, but
                    the economics of the two industries are totally different.
                    maybe i'm reading too much into your post.
                    \_ you're reading too much into the post.
                 \_ I agree with tom on this.  The stars must be in some
                    weird alignment.
              \_ the funny thing is that in the small, non-RIAA labels where
                 the artists actually do see a significant portion of profits,
                 the CD's are actually cheaper.
                 And, they give away songs and videos free on the internet!
                 The Misfits may sing about evil, but unlike other segments
                 of the record industry they don't actually embody it.
                 amazingly they seem to understand that the same people who
                 download their video for free are likely to spend 30 bucks
                 to go see them in concert.  personally, i'm just going to
                 buy all my music from Misfits records.
              \_ This is all well and good, but it's clear you aren't
                 interested in fighting the (flawed) system but in getting
                 freebies, in other words, stealing.  If you actually wanted
                 to fight you would organize politically.  As it is you
                 are a twice dishonest thief.
                 \_ Failed your reading comprehesion, I see.  I don't support
                    stealing or theft -- either by institutions or
                    individuals.  You need to stop frothing at the mouth long
                    enough to really think.
                 \_ Easy on the assumptions, chief. What makes you think
                    the above poster doesn't contribute to defense funds
        \_ The ethics of file sharing is intimately related to copyright and
        intellectual property law.  As perhaps some children and
        teenagers unconsciously appreciate, stealing a loaf of bread is an
        inherently different act than downloading a song.  Stealing bread
        denies another from eating it, while downloading a song denies nobody
        else from hearing it.

        Of course, the musicians who produce a song should be compensated if
        we as a society want to encourage the production of music.  The
        framers of the constitution recognized this by allowing congress to
        grant an exclusive right to distribute books, music, etc. for a

        Essentially, the idea of copyright is a social contract between the
        consumers and producers of music.  Consumers agree to pay the
        producers for new works with the understanding that, after a
        reasonable time, these works will pass into the public domain.
        Limited copyright strikes a balance between the non-exclusive nature
        of music (i.e., my downloading a copy does not deprive you of the use
        of your version) and the need for musicians to be compensated.

        Unfortunately, the producers of music, movies, and other media have
        refused to hold up their end of the contract.  Large corporations have
        repeatedly lobbied congress to extend copyrights in order to prevent
        their works from passing into the public domain.  In addition, music
        companies in particular have violated various other laws by colluding
        to artificially prop up music prices.  Consequently, a strong case can
        be made that while file sharing may be illegal it is not unethical.
        \_ it's incredible that we live in a country where the intellectual
           property generated by a bunch of kids in a garage 50 years ago
           property generagted by a bunch of kids in a garage 50 years ago
           enjoys more protection than, say, a new drug that took years and
           hundreds of millions of dollars to develop.  It's even more
           incredible that most people don't seem to think this is odd.
           I'm not arguing for stronger patent law; I'm agreeing with you that
           copyright law as it stands in the US is crazy. under US law, my
           post is copyrighted, and technically i could sue all of you for
           "stealing" it by reading this.
           \_ technically, no you couldn't but I agree with the rest.
        \_ that looks like some giant cut n paste from some site. it's also
           based on the assumption that stealing a physical object is different
           than intellectual property.  i think Intel, Ford, and GE would
           disagree with you that the IP they've spent (B)illions of dollars
           to create is not yours for the taking if you find an empty work
           station and bring your own floppy disk on a factory tour.
           \_ Intel Ford and GE would be wrong then. Ideas are not the
              same as things, no matter how much lawyers would like to
              pretend otherwise.
              \_ So you think it's ok to bring your own floppys on a company
                 tour and copy shit off their computers and take it home with
                 you and share it on the net?  After all, it's only IP and not
                 something physical they're losing.  They still have *their*
                 copy of the plans for their next chip/car/appliance, right?
                 I hope you understand that's what you're saying.  The rest of
                 us, non-lawyers included, would call it theft.
           \_ It's a cut n paste from a letter to the editor that I wrote.
              Note that the point isn't that intellectual property should
              not exist or that you should be able to "take IP".  The point
              is that IP is a fiction designed to balance compensating the
              originators of IP and the benefit to society of making IP
              freely available.  In US law, IP is not a "right" like the
              right to life, liberty, and happiness; IP is specifically
              designed to promote science and the arts.
              \_ Was it actually published?  You made the point very well.
                 \_ Thanks for the compliment.  I sent it yesterday and
                    recevied an automated reply saying that letters over
                    150 words would not be published.
              \_ First off, *all* laws are fiction.  You don't _really_ have
                 the *right* to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
                 That's a fiction.  The concept of physical property not
                 currently in your personal physical possession is also a
                 fiction.  Only the law says your stuff is still your stuff
                 when you're not around.  The law has been extended for
                 creative expressions known as Intellectual Property.  Other
                 than people interested in free-as-in-beer music I think every
                 one should easily be able to see this.
                 \_ True, law is a fiction.  But the law of physical
                    property goes back to primitive times and is designed
                    to promote peace and progress to mankind-- ie,
                    well-defined propery ownership benefits mankind by
                    minimizing disputes and enables some other worthwhile
                    goals (e.g., capitalism, avoiding the tragedy of the
                    commons, etc.).  Intellectual property laws exist
                    because the Framers of the Constitutions recognized
                    that such laws could be of some similar benefit to
                    mankind-- encouraging a creative person to share his
                    invention/music/book/discovery by giving him a
                    temporary monopoly.  Current law, however, is a sad
                    bastardization of what IP was meant to be.
                    \_ I disagree with you and the post you replied to.
                       According to documents written by the forefathers
                       of our government, people have certain inalienable
                       rights.  These rights are not regarded as fiction.
                       You may disagree with this view, but certain rights
                       are viewed as fundamental parts of any legitimate
                       government and IP is not one of them.
                       \_ According to documents is the key phrase.  The rights
                          *are* fiction.  They are created by laws created by
                          men and didn't exist until this country was free from
                          Britain and even today must be guarded closely lest
                          we lose them.  IP is merely an extension of simple
           "stealing" it by reading this.
                          property rights.
2003/9/9-10 [Computer/Networking] UID:10125 Activity:kinda low
9/9     why does ping <DEAD><DEAD> returns localloop ip (
        \_ cause somebody is bad.    dig <DEAD><DEAD>
          \_ you mean they can fool ping to think it's the localloop ip?
2003/9/5-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:10084 Activity:low
9/5     Home Networking problem.  I managed to get a set of 5 real IPs.
        (ok, 8... minus broadast, gateway, etc).  I want to set up a wireless
        network at home, as two of the computer, one wirelessl connected
        will be running server.  Ideally, I would like to have a sort of
        DHCP running so occationally, family member with their labtop can
        get a dynamic IP and access to the internet.  What kind of functionality
        should I look for when I am buying a wireless access point /router?
        \_ Uhm, get one with DHCP, what else did you think you need?  They all
           support DHCP.
           \_ most of them doesn'tallw you use real IP behind the
              wireless router
              \_ the servers shouldn't have DHCP addresses and the laptops
                 don't need real addresses and should be behind a firewall
                 anyway.  OP shouldn't be doing what OP is trying to do.
        \_ Hook up an 8-port switch (not a router, and no wireless) to the
           DSL/cable modem.  Any computer directly connected to this switch
           will need to configure a static IP.  Hook up wireless router (one
           with more than one Ethernet jack) to the switch.  DHCP and NAT will
           be active on the wireless router.  Now, anyone who plugs into the
           wireless router or turns on their wireless card will get a
           private dynamic IP.  Is that what you want?
           (The above assumes you are not using PPPoE.  Also, sometimes
           the ISP provides DHCP, too, so you won't need to configure
           static IPs on those computers directly connected to the
           8-port switch.)
           \_You can't be using PPPoE when you got static, it's usually
             an ADSL bridge type configuration if you have static. The ISP
             will not provide DHCP for a static service. DHCP needs to be
             configured on your end. If you do DHCP on the bridge, then it
             will assign either internal dynamic ips (in which cause you'll
             waste the statics) or use the static ips. AFAIK on the cheapie
             bridges they give you you can't do both, so you'll need to
             setup a DHCP server somewhere (you do not necessarily need it
             on the wireless part, in fact you can get a wireless access
             point and do DHCP on one of the static IP boxes if you install
             another ethernet card on it, but that is probably more trouble
             than just getting a wireless router and hooking it up to
             the bridge). You also don't need the switch if you've got
             what I think you have (i.e. cayman bridge with four ports
             on the back).
             \_ Actually, at the small office I worked last, we got static,
                and we got DHCP-assigned addresses through the DSL modem.
                Verizon.  I believe the DSL modem was a bridge, it never
                had an IP.
                \_ Yes, the bridge can be a DHCP server also, and it can
                   either serve static or internal IP addresses, it depends
                   on how you configure it. It cannot, unless you have a
                   a really advanced bridge, do both. In reality, all
                   DSL "modems" are bridges. The term modem refers to
                   modulation and demodulation, which never really occurs.
                   You can also setup the bridge so that it assigns certain
                   static IPs as dynamic, and certain ones remain configured
                   to point at specific MAC addresses. However, you usually
                   can't do both 192.x.x.x numbers and mix them with static
                   IPs. For that you essentially need to create a subnet off
                   of one of the static IPs and route it through a dhcp server.
                   \_ That DSL modem that behaves as a bridge:  I can't
                      configure it at all, it doesn't have an IP, doesn't
                      do DHCP serving itself, and it lets the upstream router
                      handle DHCP requests.  To end users, all they see is
                      DHCP being served, but it's not from the DSL modem
                      technically.  That's my interpretation.
                      Most DSL modems these days are smarter, I think.
                      \_ That doesn't sound like a very efficient setup from
                      the ISP's point of view. But since it's a small business
                      maybe that's the way they have it configured. Cable
                      modems are similiar, they "hide" the dhcp server within
                      the modem from the enduser, so you have to get unsupported
                      utils to mess around with it. I believe that the IP
                      address of your bridge should be the default gateway when
                      your dhcp is configured. See if you can login to it or
                         \_ Well, theoretically, but when you ping that IP
                            you notice 30ms pings.  That DSL modem just
                            doesn't have an IP; it's a bridge.
                            Anyways, that was three years ago.
2003/9/1-2 [Computer/Networking] UID:10033 Activity:nil
9/1     I'd like to setup my machine to recieve email at <me>@<mydomain>.
        I have a cable modem and own the desired domain, but I think my
        ISP blocks port 25.  Is there anything I can do to get around this?
        Any suggestions on where to look for Internet service which doesn't
        block incoming port 25?  Thanks.
        \_ They block all incoming port 25 connections from all non-ISP hosts?
           You're screwed.  You'll need to send mail to somewhere else and
           POP it (or whatever) from there, or get an ISP that isn't run by
           controlling pricks.  --happy with open port 25 cable from comcast
        \_ Grah.  go to speakeasy.
2003/8/30-31 [Computer/Networking] UID:10009 Activity:nil
8/29    In general, can a hub be attached to a wireless bridge (like the D-Link
        DI-810+)?  I have two PCs in another room, but the DI-810+ only has one
        ethernet jack.  D-Link has sparse documentation, stfw didn't yield
        much useful info.
        \_ yes you can.  Why ddidn't you just do it and see?
        \_ think of a hub as sort of a wire splitter/combiner and nothing more.
2003/8/29-2004/2/14 [Computer/Networking] UID:12259 Activity:nil
2/13    In NT or XP, is there a way to display the IP address of a remote
        machine when the remote machine is pinging my machine?  Thanks.
        \_ netstat?
              \- netstat is ridiculous for this. hammer. nail. bad. wrong.
                 i believe tcpdump runs on msftware:
                 tcpdump -i <if> 'icmp[0] = 8 or icmp[0] = 0'
                 --mr. tcpdump
                 \_ Or ethereal
           \_ I think the ping connection is too short-lived for netstat to
              catch.  Anyway, what I'm trying to do is to have a way to find
              out the IP address of the remote XP machine after it changes due
              to rebooting.  It always takes my local machine a long time to
              realize the new IP address.  So I was thinking that I can add
              a batch file to the Startup menu on the remote machine to ping
              the local machine.  Then I could watch for the ping request and
              find its IP address.  Is there another way to do what I want?  Is
              there a way to tell my local NT/XP machine to clear its cached
              hostname->IP mapping and search for the new IP again?  Thanks in
              \- do you know what arp/rarp is? what you are doing sounds weird
                 and i'm not exactly sure what the point of it all is but i
                 answered your first Q and you might look at arp if apropriate.
                 i dont know anything about msftware.
              \_ windows has the 'arp' command which the person above is
                 talking about.  it has an option to clear the whole cache or
                 delete individual entries.  are you using wins and pdc/bdc?
        \_ To the OP, if you want help, please tell us what you're trying to
           do.  Don't just ask how to do some lower level task, because you
           may be barking up the wrong tree.
2003/8/29-2004/2/14 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:12257 Activity:nil
2/13    Anyone ever get dstumbler working with a Cisco card on FreeBSD? -John
        \_ Yes.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
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