3/15 |
2000/8/25-27 [Computer/Networking] UID:19092 Activity:high 50%like:18121 75%like:19090 56%like:19144 |
8/24 Jobs at http://phone.com -- sw engineers, QA, release engineers. Check out /usr/local/csua/pub/jobs/Phone.com/ for more info. \_ wap sucks. \_ yermom sucks. \_ Didn't their stock tank and stay tanked since March? \_ It's gone up 20 points from 2 weeks ago. They're merging with http://software.com -- analysts predict it'll be at 135+ by the end of the year and rate it a "strong buy" -- all this is on http://finance.yahoo.com \_ Up 20 means its still down dozens more from spring. \_ i think you're not smart if you don't bet on WAP. -ali \_ http://phone.com was going down, but then SPYG went and sold out to piece-of-shit OPTV, removing http://phone.com's big (and better) competition. -tom \_ most wireless industry analysts agree that WAP is lame and going to be short-lived (< 1 year). the clients suck and are all slightly different bugs. "We recommend you do your site 4 different ways to make it look good on different WAP browsers" \_ what you know as wap was never intended to be long- lived. wap is evolving quickly and hopefully won't suck as much as it does today. \_ WAP is doomed, period. It was designed to run pared- down http traffic over wireless protocols not capable of handling a lot of bandwidth (GSM, etc.) When UMTS gets rolling, you'll see pretty hardcore handheld mobile wireless internet traffic way beyond WAP. -John \_ gee, I wonder if _that's_ why the merger with http://software.com is such a big deal! duh! with the merger, http://phone.com's future path just opened wider. \_ WTF do these so called 'analysts' know? If they were so damned smart, why are they still working? \_ didn't I see that on a billboard for etrade? \_ Probably. It's a line older than the people who founded etrade however. The line even predates Al Gore's founding the internet in his youth. \_ http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20000709.html \_ Check stock chart from January to today. \_ are we goign to have this conversation _again_? we just deleted the whole thread about all this. \_ What thread? You should check the value of *any* company you're thinking of joining. What's the big deal with that? \_ http://finance.yahoo.com -- lookup phcm. |
2000/8/24-25 [Computer/Networking] UID:19090 Activity:nil 75%like:19092 |
8/24 Jobs at http://phone.com -- sw engineers, QA, release engineers. Email chris@csua.berkeley.edu for more info. |
2000/8/22-23 [Reference/BayArea, Computer/Networking] UID:19069 Activity:high |
8/22 Silicon Valley == Santa Clara Valley. However, when we say Silicon Valley, what are the border towns on the north, south, east and west? \_ I think there's no clear boundary, just like "Bay Area". \_ yep, generally San Jose/Santa Clara/Palo Alto, but as far north as San Mateo and parts of Alameda/Contra Costa north as parts of San Mateo/Alameda/Contra Costa counties, and as far south as Santa Cruz even. Some say Silicon Valley is not a place but a cultural mindset. It includes where Sun, HP, Cisco and Oracle are located. \- it should be referred to as "the silicon valley". leaving out the "the" isnt as bad as leaving out the "the" in "the internet" but is bad --psb \_ get a life. \_ okay, i shall now call you "The psb" \_ well, I wouldn't consider SF part of Silicon Valley. \_ Others do. Got the message? \_ There was this trivia question on one of those morning shows several years back (Today, I believe), and they asked where SV was, and the answer was SF. Apparently they got numerous angry calls so the next day they retracted their answer. \_ Entertainment Alley == San Mateo Multimedia Gulch == SOMA |
2000/8/22-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:19068 Activity:moderate |
8/22 My CATV consists of two coax cable coming into one room in my house. I want to distribute that to every room in the house. A friend of mine told me that doing a simple line split would degrade the signal. That I need to amplify it somehow. Anybody know how this is done? Any box I can buy to accomplish this via "plug and play"? \_ Yes. You call the cable company and pay them for the additional service. If you can afford a house and cable, you can afford another $5/room/month for additional service instead of stealing it like a common street corner criminal. \_ If you knew how cable companies operate, you wouldn't have any moral problems with not paying extra money to them. \_ You sound like the stupid whining mp3 napster thieves. If you don't want to pay for the service a company is providing at the rates they charge, then don't use the service or product. Theft can not be justified by saying the seller or provider is some Big Evil Corporation. You are a thief. You are not in any way entitled to cable service at a lesser rate than they charge the public at large. Theft is theft. \_ Your local Radio Shack will have coax splitter/amplifiers. Depending on your cable company you may still need a cable box per TV. -/-- It wasn't here for very long before getting trunc'd, but for the person looking to teach programming to a 10-yr-old: http://www.toontalk.com "ToonTalk is a video game for making video games." -David Kahn, 10 "It's an animated world where kids can make, run, debug, and trade programs."-Ken Kahn, David's dad and inventor of ToonTalk --mogul \_ C! C is the STANDARD! Programming language. \_ ANSI or K&R? \_ ISO/ANSI C99 \_ Any worth while compiler will deal properly with either or a mix of the two in most cases. \_ MS C(#) - bg |
2000/8/20-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:19050 Activity:high |
4/141 Anyone ever got VPN to run over PPPoE? -hapless Pacbell DSL user. \_ No, but you might want to try ipsec over ka9q or something like that, if you have fucked-up routing. Mail me for info. -John \_ Yes, from Win98 (client) to PoPToP (server) running on Linux. Couldn't get Network Neighborhood to browse right though, but if you put entries in C:\LMHOSTS or wherever it did work. --dbushong \_ Yes, using Linux & the instructions in the VPN masquerading HowTo (we have a hardware VPN box) -alan- \_ Which HW box? Is it good? How much? --dbushong \_ Ravelin by Red Creek, we didn't buy it, it's what NetApp provides employees to set up VPN's to work from home. -alan- |
2000/8/17-18 [Computer/Networking] UID:19020 Activity:high |
8/16 What's the best DSL service to get in Berkeley? \_ related note: since there are all sorts of horror stories about \_ ass. \_ explain \_ It was just vapor lock. \_ ass n 1: the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on [syn: {buttocks}, {arse}, {butt}, {backside}, {bum}, {buns}, {can}, {fundament}, {hindquarters}, {hind end}, {keister}, {posterior}, {prat}, {rear}, {rear end}, {rump}, {stern}, {seat}, {tail}, {tail end}, {tooshie}, {tush}, {bottom}, {behind}, {derriere}, {fanny}] DSL in general, are there services that do not require that I sign a year-long agreement? That way if they suck it won't cost me $$ to change provider? \_ Let me tell you a story. GTE services my wire. That means whichever ISP I go to for DSL, the DSL company will have to talk to GTE. So I choose GTE as my ISP, since GTE is by default my line provider. GTE has a 30-day money back guarantee. I canceled in 10 days, got cable modem service, and have not paid anything to GTE for anything, except for my regular phone charges. \_ I like DNAI. I haven't had problems with it yet, and the customer service, when I've had to use it, is all right. -brg \_ firstworld \_ It took over a week to get more IP's, so eventually I installed debian and set up IP masq. It took two more weeks after that to get them to point my domain to my box. Other than that, the service is good, the support guys (all guys) are friendly. Less Ass, More Bandwidth. \_ There are a few women in support at FirstWorld. They were clued in as well. So far I haven't had any problems with them (over 8 months now). \_ I support women in IT, also, though hopefully we can see more in top-tier pipelines. \_ We had a few women (tech/managers) in IT/IS at cisco. They were as good or better than the men. I'm am not for or against women in any job. I feel that the best person ought to be hired for any given role. \_ This has got to be the single most generic PC non-statement I have ever read. \_ Now that I re-read it, it sounds pretty dumb. What I meant to say was more like we had talented women in IT/IS at cisco, and they were generally better (more knowledgeable/nicer/faster) than the men. I'm all for getting women like that into IT field. \_ Who gives a damn? I just want to work with/for and manage quality, talented people. I don't care what their plumbing looks like. \_ firstworld is as expensive as PacBell ($79) while supplying significantly less download BW: 608kb vs 1.5Mb. \_ perhaps, but what good is the bandwidth if your line is down for a couple of days at a time. PacBell also has a shitty data backbone infrastructure, slow news servers, spotty dns and CLUELESS support (even in the noc). I'm not sure what service is $79, mine is only $69 (was $49 but I upgraded to the faster one). |
3/15 |
2000/8/10-11 [Computer/Networking] UID:18953 Activity:high |
8/10 Ordering DSL for new place on shattuck + vine. Is there any way I can avoid shitty pacbell dsl? \_ DNAI \_ Get FirstWorld, the do covad not pacbell. \_ you stil have to go through pacbell copper \_ What's this about Sprint ION? It's $120-160 and you get four phone lines. Do they drag in some wire for you? \_ not available in this area, according to their website. |
2000/8/7-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:18907 Activity:high |
8/7 Want to set up my own "isp" for me - can anyone recommend a pkg that will answer a 56K modem and provide me with a PPP link? \_ man pppd \_ wow, the standard $_ =~ s/how can i/man//g response. you could have also said man mgetty. What are you a bot? \_ man bot \_ ok wise guy, man mgetty too. |
2000/8/5-7 [Computer/Networking, Consumer/PDA] UID:18891 Activity:nil |
8/5 Can anyone recommend a IMAP w/ SSL email-client for a Palm Pilot with wireless modem? \_ Assuming you are talking about a non-Palm-VII, you might check out "Multimail Pro" which claims to have IMAP w/ an SSL option: http://www.actualsoft.com/products.htm |
2000/8/3-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:18859 Activity:nil |
8/2 anyone know of DSL w/ static ip in fremont? \_ firstworld still gives out static IP. You may need to ask them for it, but there is no extra charge. \_ still $90 is steep \_ Its $69 for 600/384 in the south bay. \_ http://speakeasy.net -chiapet |
2000/8/1-2 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/Networking, Computer/Domains] UID:18843 Activity:nil |
8/1 http://www.securityfocus.com/news/65 \_ "It's just a packet sniffer... We call ours Sniffy" Fucking morons, who the fuck do they think they're kidding? |
2000/8/1-3 [Computer/Networking] UID:18842 Activity:moderate |
8/1 Are there any free/os packages out there that do decent authentication/authorization? I work at a small isp and we need a cheap system for authorizing our users coming in to a Shiva modem bank. \_ Use RADIUS. \_ TACACS+ \_ Aren't these products commercial? \_ TACACS 4.0 beta is free from cisco. search on freshmeat. \_ They're both _protocols_, with free and commercial implementations. -ERic |
2000/7/31-8/2 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley, Computer/Networking] UID:18836 Activity:high |
7/31 Need recommendation for decent DSL provider in Berkeley/Albany area. Preferrably static IP, free install. <$40-50 per month \_ Try firstworld. They should be available in Berkeley/Albany. \_ I just started using them. I've had to call tech-support about 15 times in the past two days, but they are pretty friendly, hold times are short, and they seem somewhat knowledgable. \_ I had the same experience, i.e. once you get past setup glitchfest, it's smooth sailing. They are not bad. --aaron \_ you live in Berkeley/Albany, Aaron? \_ This stage will last about 3 weeks until they get too many customers for tech support to handle. Sign up fast if you want to use them. This applies to all good things. \_ I've only called them 3 times in 7+ months. Everytime the people I spoke to were resonalbly competent and friendly. My ave. wait times have been less than 10 mins. My setup was glitch free but the technician was at my house for > 6 hours. I know several people who use them for business access as well, no incidents thus far. YMMV ----ranga \_ How about earthlink? |
2000/7/29 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:18815 Activity:nil |
7/28 Why are transista' stashuns allowed t'play beat? Stupid quesshun, yes, but I's interested in de royalty situashun. Can anybody broadcast beat (assumin' some fcc license) o' are dere rules regardin' quality degradashun (say fo' internet streamin' stashuns)? \_ plannin' some internet transista' stashun? \_ Not 'esactly. Slap mah fro! But whut's t'stop me fum broadcastin' at 192mhz and havin' sucka's copy songs dey likes? \_ ah' see da damn point. But wid Napster, ya' git beat on demand. Radio, only certain songs git played. And if it gits popular enough, puh'haps de reco'd industry gots'ta come and git ya'. \_ Radio stashuns keep some reco'd uh which songs dey play, and submit royalties t'ascap o' bmi fo' each play. Slap mah fro! \_ http, dig dis://www.riaa. <DEAD>Sheeeiit.com<DEAD> 'esplains how t'get licenses fo' broadcastin' & streamin'/webcastin' |
2000/7/28 [Computer/Networking] UID:18802 Activity:high |
7/27 Can tcp header information be framgmented across two packets? So that the first packet has the source address and the second has the port information? \_ You're asking the wrong question. Why are you worried about tcp header fragmentation? if it's a tcp packet the header can't be fragmented by definition of "header" and "packet". If it's a lower level packet than tcp header is just part of the payload. \_ Heh. The IP datagrams constituting the TCP stream each retain the original destination and source ports and addresses in the IP and TCP headers. |
2000/7/21-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:18744 Activity:high |
7/20 Do any of you soda sysadmins use SNMP-based network management software, like HP Network Node Manager? It seems to me like these things are too huge and too general for the network engineers they'd be marketed toward. \_ what do you mean by manage? monitor, configure, map, or all? \_ conceivably all, but mainly monitor > map > configure \_ My opinion of them was they are big and bloated and dont really monitor what I want monitored. They're a nice product for MIS morons who have lots more money than clue, and want to have pretty maps and whatnot to give woodies to the pointy hairs. \-some of these products are ok, but in some cases "crackerware" [nmap] or hacker tools [tcpdump] are better. cetainly these tools are better at producing "pretty pictures" for the MIS crowd. It is kind of sad that these add real $$$ to yoru resume. I would suggest not hiring people who only know vendor tools and not fundamental concepts [Someone who claims to know Tivoli but doenst know what the tcp handshake is. However I suspect more people who use say MRTG would know what the tcp handshake was] and i would suggest avoiding wokring for people who only care if you know Sunnet manager of the HP openview [or whatever it is called] and it doenst make and impression when you say "i write my own monitoring tools". However, some of these jobs might pay well. --psb \_ What makes namp crackerware but tcpdump a tool? I use \_ What makes nmap crackerware but tcpdump a tool? I use both and not for cracking. \-i'm not dissing nmap. i use it too. but come on.--psb |
2000/7/11 [Computer/Networking] UID:18636 Activity:nil |
7/11 http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/11779.html \_ great, now you can jack off with your nokia while driving to work. |
2000/7/7 [Computer/Networking] UID:18608 Activity:high |
7/7 When doing IP masquerading, how does a remote computer know which computer to send the data to? It always sends the data to the proxy, right? How does the proxy know which computer the data should go to? Does it use local port numbers? Does that mean that the remote host puts these local port numbers on all requests/responses? How do incoming connections work? \_ If you have to ask, you don't know. (Look up NAT.) \_ If you have to ask, you don't know. |
2000/7/5-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:18592 Activity:high |
7/5 I have a computer at home hooked up to DSL; can I do wireless peer-to-peer sharing to other PCs in my house? That is, can I share Net access without an access point? I think this can work if the PC hard-wired to DSL has both a wired and wireless NIC, and the wireless NIC provides the gateway IP. \_ Buy the linksys dsl router - 4 port 10/100 switch, does nat. $160 \_ I think so, although I'm not sure if home DSL works the same way as business DSL. I think you'd just install a NAT or a proxy on your gateway computer. \_ Yes, there will be NAT and DHCP, just like if you were sharing out on a wired home network, but: Can you do this for a wireless network *without an access point*? I believe I can, but I want to know if anyone's tried this. \_ What's an access point? Please don't delete this again. \_ In a peer-to-peer if PC1 is out of range of PC2 it's too bad. With an access point PC1 can talk to the access point which can talk to PC2. Access points also typically function as a link to a wired network. \_ most wireless cards have a special peer-to-peer setting which works without access point, assuming you know how to set up routing. your dual-nic host will have to forward the packets between the nets. see wireless card "domain" option, usually. on linux it is a pain because this is usually an option set at driver module load time, rather than a dynamic setting with the pcmcia cardmgr. so you have to stop pcmcia services, edit core pcmcia options, restart pcmcia services for any mobile computer when you move from access point to peer wireless domains. \_ you try this? |
2000/7/4-6 [Computer/Networking] UID:18583 Activity:high |
7/4 Anyone have recent experience ordering 100mb routers and switches from cisco? We're trying to get stuff set up, but the networking folks claim that cisco has a 3 month turnaround time for orders. Is this for real? \_ depending on what kinda router, entirely possible. if its a relatively low end router you should just order through a reseller or someone like CDW or micro warehosue. -shac \_ We're being told 2+ months for a lot of our stuff from both Sun and Cisco. Other stuff comes much sooner. Depends. Try another vendor. \_ Sun has $1 billion in backlogged orders. Get in line. \_ if you're getting LAN switches that's probably true. You can thank 3com and the semi part shortage for the delay. 3com because they got out of the enterprise market and their customers are converting to cisco-powered networks. And the semiconductor parts shortage is a industry-wide problem. Won't be fixed until sometime early next year. Buying from another (smaller) vendor won't do you the scare components. any good. Only the big guys right now have the clout to purchase the scarce components. \_ if he is trying to buy through a reseller who buys directly from Cisco then he would be 10x more screwed over ordering it through something like cdw or someone who pulls it from a huge distributor who would probably have it in inventory someplace. -shac |
2000/6/26-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:18553 Activity:high |
6/26 6-12 month internships available at Cisco. See /csua/pub/jobs/Cisco.METBU.Intern. Also see /csua/pub/jobs/Cisco.METBU for available full-time positions. - asaddi \_ Obwaitwhileithinkofhowicanbelittleyouandyourjobadvertisement \_ Please be gentle. It's my first time. \_ If you hope to be in the ESPP program or get Options that day and age is over @ cisco. I got ESPP but I was an intern over 3 yrs ago. Also the intern to full time conversion has fallen off over the years. The interns also get pretty shitty work conditions. \_ I heard some weird shit about Cisco being first-come-first-serve for cubicles each day. Is it true? \_ Probably true for sales people. \_ Not for engineers. Some of the one who have been there for several years do have enough clout (and stock) to randomly ask for a new office or a extra cube. The best I saw is when a VP got kicked out of his office cause he pissed off one of the guys whose badge # is less than 200. Very Cool that engineers have that kind of power. (The VP sucked too). \_ Cisco, what a silly company. \_ With incredibly self-defeating HR hiring and retention policies... - BTDT \_ With a (formerly) great ESPP and Options program. The problem is that most old timers view the new comers as leaches only interested in the $'s, so there is a lot of bad blood between new hires and the project leads. \_ well, if cisco created something rather than buying 90% of their new technology... \_ can I order any Cisco Press book for free? |
2000/6/23-25 [Computer/Networking] UID:18543 Activity:nil |
6/23 how do you change the enable passwd on a cisco router? \_ try: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/core/cis7505/cicg7500/cicg75bc.htm#xtocid192697 http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios111/mods/1mod/1cbook/1csysmgt.htm#xtocid2388453 You need to be in config mode (type conf t at the #prompt) |
2000/6/22 [Reference/BayArea, Computer/Networking, Academia/Berkeley] UID:18525 Activity:nil |
6/22 When is Berkeley ditching Sprintnet? \- Since someone touched the subject, what is a *good* backbone provider? I see a lot of Sprint/Global-One advertising, but can't really tell who's good, who's not. -leblon \_ RSN - see http://ucb.net.announce \_ Depends on what you mean by 'good' and how much you're willing to pay for it. MCI used to be good, but with Cable&Brainless buying their internet operations, I'd expect them to tank in a year or so. \_perhaps page of recommended providers should be maintained, similar to the cs books page -nesim |
2000/6/21 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:18504 Activity:high |
6/20 Any suggestions for SSH that would work under Win NT/2000 with a proxy server? Thanks. \_ What kind of proxy server? |
2000/6/15-19 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18480 Activity:low |
6/15 Does anyone know how to get an U.S. Robotics PCI 56K FAX Voice Winmodem to work under Linux? It's the only modem that gets good speed at my house. - jrleek \_ To the best of my knowledge, they have yet to get any software modems running under linux \_ the best of your knowledge is clearly not worth very much. \_ So, are you saying you know how to do it? If so, please elighten me. -jrleek \_ Fuck you. If you have nothing to contribute to the discussion, then shut the fuck up. \_ http://www.linmodems.org claims to show how to use software modems (winmodems) on linux but i was unsuccessful in a cursory attempt to get it to work on my GF's linux box (she had another modem so i didn't spend much effort trying) -crebbs \_ AFAIK, you can't get a USR/3com modem to work in Linux. The ones that http://Linmodems.org says work are the Lucent LT Winmodem, which has a binary only kernel module released by Lucent, and it does work. I have a Thinkpad 240, and it has a Lucent winmodem, and it works. The only problem is that it does crash the kernel on occasion. But if you can live with that, it works great for dial- up -- I get nice 56K speed out of it. http://linmodems.org also says that supposedly a pctel winmodem has a driver, but I haven't seen or used it. - ajani \_ My 56K USR internal modem works just fine. The ones that are winmodems clearly say that they are winmodems (like the one above) -akopps |
2000/5/31-6/1 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18369 Activity:high |
5/30 Best inexpensive computer that i don't have to put together myself? Don't need bells and whistles just want to go online with my DSL and have netscrape and iexplorer be FAST. \_ VA Linux has a cheap offering: http://www.valinux.com/systems/configure/index.html?id=23164 \_ $1075 to surf? Get real. He can walk into Fry's and get the same hardware for less and it will run IE which your linux box won't. MS sucks, but IE >>>>>> NS. \_ you must be blind \_ Uh... yeah because I can read the page and see the quoted price is sans monitor? Is that why? \_ Monitors are not hard to come by... why buy one from an OEM? \_ but they will make it cost more than $1075. \_ imac DV \_ Get a Sun Ultra5 workstation under educational discount. $1300 w/monitor. It can run latest nutscrape and IE5. <g> \_ does <g> mean this is supposed to be funny? \_ yeah, apparently you can edit the MOTD from AOL now. -tom |
2000/5/10 [Computer/Networking] UID:18229 Activity:nil |
5/10 I ordered DSL through Rhythm 3 months ago and I still don't have it. They keep blaming Pac Bell. Anybody had similar problems with Rhythm? How long did it take you to get a DSL line from PacBell? |
2000/5/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:18205 Activity:high |
05/08 We just moved into a new office and called GTE for DSL. They said interference from 8 high-capacity (e.g., T1) pairs in the same binder as our pair completely prevented DSL for our office. I think the line is outside our building (GTE property). I asked if we could hook up another phone line and they said if we ask for another line they can absolutely *not* guarantee getting us off the binder giving us interference. She put in a request anyways, and says it'll probably be denied. Has anyone else been in this situation or has a suggestion of a low-cost alternative for DSL speeds for a small net business? Thanks. \_ Looks like you're in a tight binder, eh? :) \_ Sounds like a three-ring circus operation... \_ Sounds like you need to fire your office manager for fucking up. \_ Sounds like you need a cable modem, so you dont have to screw around with the morons at GTE. \_ Is business cable readily available? I checked Road Runner and they only have six test market areas in the U.S. \_ right, cuz if you're a business you can't use "lay person" cable. must have "business" cable oh yes. \_ 'scuse me, but have you actually done this for a real office? Residential cable modem for an office? \_ if your office is that big get real net \_ Fire-bomb the office that's using the T1s. Or hire annoying homeless people to hang out in their lobby or something until they move out. Then the interference will be gone and you can use your DSL. \_ A get t1 you cheap bastards. And fire your office manager. |
2000/5/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:18199 Activity:nil |
05/07 So, i have set up tcp-wrappers on my linux box, how reliable are they, i.e. how easy would it be for someone to simply "spoof" one of the IP addresses I allow and thus eliminate the wrappers? \_ if they're on your subnet or control your router, pretty easy. If not, and if they want to actually initiate a real TCP connection, difficult/impossible. -tom |
2000/4/27-29 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:18124 Activity:high 72%like:18122 |
4/26 I have one IP address on my DSL line. I have three computers on my LAN. I want to be able to telnet into any of these from an outside IP address. How do I do this? [Question re-phrased] [Does anyone know of a product that can route more than one domain on one ip? I know this is possible with virtual hosting. Im trying to set up three computers I can telnet to on my DSL line, which only comes with one static ip.] \_ This question makes no sense. What you've seen is web virtual hosting but given that your DSL provider only provided you one IP address you cannot create 3 new IP addresses visible to the outside world. The best you can do is create a subnet (192.168.*.*) and have a computer (Linux IPmasq, NAT, WinGate, whatever) perfrom some sort of network translation. The reason why web server virtual hosting works is because it's really using the same IP address but the URL that the web browser sends to the server hints to which directory to look at. For example, suggest NAT software in which the telnet remaps are if I have a web page at http://www.dnai.com/~jondoe I can request that dnai set up virtual hosting so that when a browser asks for http://www.jondoe.com it will actually return to the browser http://www.dnai.com/~jondoe instead (although the person surfing the web can tell this). How that's done is simply adding a DNS entry and reconfiguring the web serer. But most services don't do that. You cannot map a host name to an internal firewall's IP's port. For example, you cannot create a DNS entry called <DEAD>ssh-to-scotch.berkeley.edu<DEAD> to map to <DEAD>scotch.berkeley.edu<DEAD>:22. If you want to be able to telnet to your three internal computers protected by the firewall, you can setup portforwarding which is supported by many OS's. So you can have a port listenig on port 1234 of your firewall so that when you do a > telnet <DEAD>mydslline.com<DEAD> 1234 it will send all the packets to your internal computer. \_ I know Win2K server can do this, because I have it working now with your situation. Incidentally, I asked the same question on the motd half a year ago and the responses I got were the equivalent of "huh, fux0r?" and "fux0r me". \_ Win2K isn't magic - any NAT software can do this, but you'll have to map different ports to different hosts (i.e. telnet NAT 23 goes to host a, telnet NAT 123 to host b, telnet NAT 223 to host c) \_ Yeah, but Win2K has it nicely dumbed down. Please suggest software in which the telnet remaps are easy with the matching OS name. Thanks! =) \_ uh, the "product" that can "route" more than one domain to one IP is called "DNS", and that doesn't stand for "Digital Nervous System" you stooge. -tom \_ tom, as you've pointed out, the question has some problems. Nevertheless, you can set up Win2K server to route telnets to your single DSL IP to an IP in your internal LAN. \_ the question is stupid and will be deleted in about 20 minutes. \_ Don't be a doofus. The guy just wants to know how to do NAT. Just because he doesn't know the exact right question to ask doesn't make it a stupid question. If he knew what NAT was he probably wouldn't have had to ask how to do it. \_ No he doesn't you doofus. You cannot solve this with NAT, because he stated he has ONE IP ADDRESS globally. You need a reverse-proxy, or plug-gw, on a real operating system. \_ A real OS, NAT, and DNS and he's fine. WTF's your problem? _I_ wasn't the one talking about win2k. \_ Win2K is a real OS. Oh shit, no it isn't. Sorry. his requirements with NAT. You might want to actually READ the requirements this time. \_ Person A is mad about other people being mad; Person B is mad about "NAT" term usage. \_ how about a home gateway? 2 Wire is suppose to come out with something this spring: http://www.2wire.com \_ Please tell me of inexpensive, easy port forwarding software for Windoze|Linux|Slowaris. Thx. \_ http://coombs.anu.edu.au/ipfilter does a nice job. Otherwise, freebsd comes with ipfw and natd. Linux I believe comes with some weird ipmasq stuff. I've found ipfilter (comes with a component called ipnat) to be pretty fast and straightforward. -John \_ Thanks, John! Now if only there weren't so many root kits lying around for all the Unix boxes. \_ Did you plan on installing and out-of-date UNIX base system, with all of the default software turned on, so one of these rootkits would actually be a problem? \_ But of course, you'll be forwarding to port 22, since you should use ssh instead of telnet. |
2000/4/26 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking] UID:18122 Activity:high 72%like:18124 |
4/26 Does anyone know of a product that can route more than one domain on one ip? I know this is possible with virtual hosting. Im trying to set up three computers I can telnet to on my DSL line, which only comes with one static ip. \_ I know Win2K server can do this, because I have it working now with your situation. Incidentally, I asked the same question on the motd half a year ago and the responses I got were the equivalent of "huh, fux0r?" and "fux0r me". \_ uh, the "product" that can "route" more than one domain to one IP is called "DNS", and that doesn't stand for "Digital Nervous System" you stooge. -tom \_ tom, as you've pointed out, the question has some problems. Nevertheless, you can set up Win2K server to route telnets to your single DSL IP to an IP in your internal LAN. |
2000/4/23-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:18093 Activity:very high |
4/23 So, talk to me about TCP/IP stack implementations. Under what type of attack will a linux tcp/ip stack fail but a bsd one survive? ( something about the number of bits in a field) \_ None. \_ Wrong. \_ care to elaborate on either? What data structures are messed up in such away to allow for a buffer overrun? Since the tcp stack sends tcpRST on packets going to a port not in use, and drops the rest how can you get by that? Seems to me the worst you can do is DOS the box. - Show me why I'm wrong. \_ Care to pay my consulting fees? \_ this is as silly as asking when will emacs fail but vi survive. there are different, valid beliefs on how a system should react to and cope with pathological loads. |
2000/4/12-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/Networking] UID:17985 Activity:nil 62%like:17836 |
03/23 Upcoming CSUA Event: TOMORROW - Thursday April 13 - 5:30 PM - 306 Soda - Ian Goldberg A Pseudonymous Communications Infrastructure for the Internet Ian will discuss protocols for allowing anonymous and pseudonymous use of any IP-based service. The protocols he will be discussing are the basis of Zero-Knowledge Systems' Freedom |
2000/3/24-26 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/Display] UID:17847 Activity:high |
3/24 Anyone know where I might be able to get a PCI card with four 10/100 ethernet ports for Linux? I'm looking for four separate interfaces like on the quad-fast ethernet (qfe) sbus cards that Sun used to make. \_ http://www.zynx.com \_ http://www.znyx.com --Jon \_ This is perfect. Thanks. \_ Ow. A 4-channel PCI model costs $655 from their website. --PeterM \_ Company dollars. Who else would want such a thing? \_ Yes it is for work. I need to setup a gateway for about 8 subnets. Two of these cards puts me back ~ $1300. If I buy a $500 PC to run linux, my total cost is $1800 which is much cheaper than buying a lucent or a cisco router with eight ports. \_ isn't that what smart switches are for? $2000! \_ Ah. Was thinking some PHB wanted it for a web server. \_ PHB? What does it mean? \_ Dilbert has a PHB \_ Pointy Haired Boss. (dilbert) \_ Now its clear. I don't have a PHB, since I'm at a startup and even the "directors" code. I almost had a PHB as cisco for a while after my best friend (who was my manager) left to take over as a director at cobalt. \_ Related question, does anyone know a good source for used qfe (quad-fast ethernet) sbus cards for suns? \_ http://www.recurrent.com ? |
2000/3/24-25 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17837 Activity:nil |
3/24 the eigerlabs pcmcia serial card i have registers in /var/run/stab as Socket 0: Anonymous memory 0 memory memory_cs 0 mem0 253 0 and as far as I can tell there isn't a /dev/mem0; there's a bunch of /dev/mem0{a,c,...} stuff but no mem0 any suggestions as to how to get this running? This is a linux box (for now). As an aside, future vaio owners will be happy to know that the port replicator is nice and hot-swappable and registers a nice and phatty /dev/ttyS0 for the serial port on there. |
2000/3/23 [Computer/Networking] UID:17831 Activity:high |
3/22 I am having a problem with DHCP --- my machine got assigned a very strange ip address and a subnet mask of Is there a way for me to scan for the DHCP servers in my network? Using Open Transport 2.0.3 \_ Does it work? If it does, maybe it wasnt so strange? \_ If you were using a _real_ os like, say LINUX or BSD, you could find the DHCP server you respond to prett quickly with tcpdump -e |
2000/3/21-23 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/Networking] UID:17813 Activity:very high |
3/20 Our current DSL service (bjt.net) sucks. We need a good, high-bandwidth (1-2 megabits) DSL connection that has high uptime and a consistently low latency. Anyone have good experiences? -blojo \_ low latency's determined by the speed of light (I don't know of anyone who can change that yet) and distance to whatever you're trying to connect to. So low latency to connect to what site? And maybe queueing theory comes into play but that's a different story. Latency usually isn't an issue in networks (except for UDP packets). It's usually bandwidth that's important. \_ Hello, I am not a dumbass. Our problem is that the ATM cloud we're fed into seems to be oversold. So, yes, queueing theory comes into play here. You need to have a higher level of expectation regarding the intelligence/experience of people on soda. See oj's comment below. -blojo \_ Say, blojo, do you have some sort of complex? You blow up everytime your overactive imagination perceives anyone even slightly hinting that you may be a DUMBASS. \_ I don't have a complex insofar as I am aware. I was just astonished by the lameness of the post by someone who seemed to think they just knew A WHOLE LOT. Uhh my imagination may be overactive but I tend to use that \_ Latency is HARDLY AT ALL determined by the speed of light. RTTs energy imagining more interesting things than motd posts. -blojo \_ It's the twink-point effect, I'm telling you. Just as intended. \_ Sign your posts, so everyone can know how dumb you are --oj \- when you start pushing ATM a lot of the abstraction breaks down and in specific areas the fundmaental technology difference matters. when you are pushing the switch, it may really start to matter how much bcast traffic or what kind of packet dropping heuristics they are using inside the switch to manage the buffering. this is hard even in the \_ Well, let's see. If the speed of light were 200mph, then I think you'd see a lot more latency. (And find it very hard to read, drive, fly, or many other things, but point made via hyperbole). \_ This is the real world we live in not your dream. In reality the speed of light is not the limiting factor in network speeds. That you felt the need to pull this 200 number out of the air merely shows how little your point has to do with reality. packet switching world ... with the weird atm signalling protocols this stuff can be really hard to do right --psb \_ Latency is not determined solely by the speed of light. \_ Latency is NOT AT ALL determined by the speed of light. RTTs from here to the east coast are what, now, ~200ms?--but many times what it would take for light to travel there and back round trip. Latency is determined by the speed of switching electronics, which is much slower than light. \- in case your are interested, RTT to the east coast is higher than a lot of people think. say distance is 3000x2 mi and speed of light in glass is around 186288 x 60% =111800mps latency inside a switch is pretty small. most people use a send/recd buffer much smaller than the bw delay product so you are very much underfilling an empty pipe. --psb \_ Actually, deep down the speed of light is the limiting factor if you consider that the network switches are literally a bunch of NMOS and PMOS transistors hooked up together through polysilocon and metal layers and that electron mobility is limited by the speed of light which in turn limits the speed by which logic circuits operate then yes, the speed of light is a limiting factor. Besides, if you read carefully, the original poster never said that the speed of light was THE SOLE limiting factor. \_ "low latency's determined by the speed of light." Looks like he came as close as you can to saying that to me. \_ Can you read or are you just and idiot? "low latency's determined by the speed of light AND however many hops you're trying to get to." I'm not going to quote exactly because I'm too lazy to scroll up just for this stupid post. \_ Just an idiot. \_ BINGO! The other guy is a moron, though. Of course the speed of light has something to do with it. What a serious super-duh to say it doesn't. _That_ was the point I was making with the extreme 200mph example. It *matters*. If sound went faster than light, we'd be using that instead (somehow). Join the rest of us in the real world where the SoL does matter. \_ Did you pass high school physics? \_ Sure did. You pass HS English? \_ http://tycho.net serve your area? \_ FirstWorld (formerly slipnet) seems okay to me. BBNPlanet was pretty good too. |
2000/3/20-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:17807 Activity:low |
3/20 Why is ssh on soda dropping my connection every five minutes? Is this happening to anyone else? \_ Yup, it's been happening to me--for about 2 weeks, I think. \_ Are you connecting to soda through a firewall? If so, you might want to see if your firewall is set to kill idle TCP connections. \_ No. Direct connection. I can remain connected via S/Key through the firewall for days without problems. \_ That's just the cracker's attempt to hijack your conneciton failing and killing your ssh session. Your S/Key connection was hijacked, but it seems normal to you and keeps operating. |
2000/3/19-20 [Computer/Networking] UID:17800 Activity:high |
3/18 Can anyone recommend a good nationwide dial-up ISP besides Earthlink? \_ IBM. \_ How about Earthlink? \_ Mindspring and Earthlink merged to form the second largest ISP in the country (AOL being the largest). Finding another nationwide ISP (and a good one at that) probably won't be too easy. I've used Mindspring for several years, and haven't had any complaints. AFAIK, service has not declined since the two merged. -dans \_ is earthlink still owned by sci.tology? \_ sci.tology is EVERYWHERE nowadays. You can avoid it only like you can avoid GE. \_ fishy fishy io \_i read somewhere they hate each other and are considering splitting. \_ earthlink was started by scientologists, and some scientologists are major shareholdres, but it is not owned by the church of scientology. [hello? formatting fixed for you only because you had something to say almost worth reading. otherwise into the trashcan] \_ [deleted. -formatting nazi] \_ earthlink sort of sucks. anytime you are idle for just a few minutes they kick you off...it's really quite short. \_ is there an ISP nowadays that offers shell accounts? Concentric used to... |
2000/3/13-14 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/Networking] UID:17759 Activity:moderate |
3/13 At work each "phone" jack has an ethernet port, digital phone, analog phone, and a fax port. Anybody know where I can get a jack like that? I couldn't find it at homedepot. -trying to rewire my house. \_ Just unscrew the one at work. (Someone else's office) \_ http://www.l-com.com sells just about every possible connector or cable for many different applicaqtions. they should have whatever jack you need, and i think they can do online orders via web. \_ Did you look in the catalogs? (http://www.blackbox.com for example) \_ under your desk? *grin* \_ I liked it better when the area admin was under my desk. |
2000/3/10-11 [Computer/Networking] UID:17732 Activity:moderate |
3/9 Anyone know how I can get stock quotes through a TCP/IP socket, rather than through a web page? \_ Open a TCP/IP connection to port 80 of a quotes web server. \_ ~abe/asst ~abe/ast \_ ~abe/bin/asst ~abe/bin/ast \_ rand(); \_ it's funny because it's true. |
2000/3/9 [Computer/Networking] UID:17723 Activity:nil |
3/9 How do you kick of a connection on a cisco router? e.g. 109 tty 109 joeshmoe Async interface 0 disconnect wants a connection number between 1 and 20 but i don't know how to find which number associates with the above connection. \_ fron enable mode, clear line [line identifier] if they're on an IP connection you can reset the interface. -ERic |
2000/3/8 [Computer/Networking] UID:17715 Activity:high |
3/8 Is anyone here expert with Linux ipchains? I have a couple of questions -- first, would you say that it is an acceptable firewall? If not, why not? Second, for some reason, it seems as thought the ip_masq_ftp module isn't working -- my ftp's aren't getting through. When I do an lsmod, the module shows up, but is listed as never having been used. Any ideas? \_ It's "adequate" for home use. Why? Look at your other problems. Look at ipf* under *bsd for comparison. \_ IP-Filter also runs on Solaris. With merit's gated you can run a decent firewalling router on a SS10 or 20. |
2000/2/25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Networking] UID:17615 Activity:moderate 70%like:17608 |
2/23 To all the CS graduates, how much do you like your job? What exactly are you working on? Would you recommend CS? -sophomore declaring Screw this loser, read the reply after my friend: \_ Go into it for the money. The cock suckers talking about doing it for the love of it exist in every field. Do it for the money for a few years so you can afford to do whatever you want for the love of it for the rest of your life without worrying about the rent, mortgage payments, car payments, children's educations, or how to pay the electric bill and put food on the table. The idealists are fools throwing away their youth. These are the same people who will be voting every year for a socialist government to take care of them in their old age because they "lived life for the pure pleasure of it". They think of themselves as some sort of counter culture heros. I think of them as leeches. Go for the money, sonny. \_ Hrm. I disagree with you on several points. Starving to death so you can do something that you love is just plain silly and as far as I can see, you're the only one suggesting such a thing. The most common thread here is that you'll be very unhappy doing something that you hate -- been there, done that, and it ain't worth it. Second of all, you seem to be implying that by doing CS for the money you will deterministically become rich and THEN be able to go on and do something that you love. That's just absurd. Thirdly, associating someone that enjoys their work with a political philosophy or moral standpoint is, at best, illogical (I myself tend to be pro-gun, pro-death penalty -- pretty far from what most people would think of as liberal or left-wing). You can think of them as leeches, but if you were really *reading* anything anyone was saying, you'd have noted that we were all talking about being *employed* and enjoying our work. Of course, this could just be an idiotic troll and I'm wasting my breath taking you seriously. -mice \_ don't listen to this angry, cynical asshole. i know a pharmacist who's been working in the field for the past 20 years. she makes at least a consistent $100K a year. That's more than enough to survive on. but you know what? she hates the work. and she complains about how much it sucks. and how it goes on and on for 8+ hours a day. don't get stuck in a job that you don't like...it's like a slow, minute by minute death. do what you like, but decide if you are going to make the sacrifice. do you have any idea how boring and stupid the guy above sounds? you are born, you grow up, go to school, get married, fuck, have kids, work, retire, then die. There are millions who do the same damn mindless pattern of merely living to pass on their dna. you can probably much better than this if your aspirations are in the right place. \_ take cs61 series. if you can't hack it, then it's a moot point. if you're already beyond that, then it's cs162 and cs164 that will tell you if you want to be CS or not \_ I love my job. I mostly do distributed system programming. The only way I can recommend CS as a major is if you've tried at least one CS class and *REALLY* enjoyed the work -- if you're thinking of declaring CS strictly for the money, you'll probably be pretty unhappy. -mice \_ Agreed. If you're doing CS for the money, you're doing it for the wrong reason. You won't make the kind of money you hear about ("overnight millionaires") unless you truly have a passion for it. A passion that drives you to learn more and more and more until you truly have much Fu. Moral: Do what excites you. --sowings \_ gee, really? I heard some guy in a diner tell me that his daughter was finishing her masters in CS and southern connecticut state university so she could work in "sillycone valley", where they pick you up in a limmo at the airport, give you a private cook, and pay you several hundred thousand a year automatically. "That's how they are out in California," he told me. Shit. Sign me up. -lives a long way from silicon valley \_ Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight -Dr. Evil \_ no, really, i really heard a guy said that, and i'm pretty sure the poor guy belived it. \_ Not questioning whether or not he said it but he's just not evil enough. He's the margarine of evil. -Dr. Evil \_ are feeling okay there? you seem a little piqued. \_ you were confused. He was actually referring to "Silicone Valley", where all that happens if you have nice tits, and you show them to the right people. Which in Grammy-speak, means "everyone". \_ hey, I declared Chem Engineering 'for the money' and wound up doing computer/networking work for more! -ERic \_ I was MSME and I wound up working at Cisco. I didn't get into networking for the money though, it was just more interesting than Mat. Sci.. The money hasn't been \_ just a comment for the record that has nothing to do with this thread: materials science may not be that neat now, but in the next couple decades it will see the same kinds of amazing progression that computer science has in the last few decades, mark my words. In twenty five years mat. sci. will be just as exciting as CS is now, and it will bear very little resemblance to what is currently called materials science. \_ Just one word of advice, son, "Plastics". bad though. I'm not sure I would have liked CS at Cal, since I found that the undergrad CS classes don't really teach you CS. \_ uh-huh... \_ I took some of the 1xx classes and a couple of of the 2xx (grad) classes at Cal along with several 2xx (grad) classes at Stanford and found that the *real* stuff is taught only in the grad coures. \_ which 1xx courses? \_ Sure, but you like computers, ERic. I have taken classes with CS majors who declared how much they hated computers (and not the right-after-something-won't-compile "i hate computers") and thought they (computers) would be the downfall of modern civilization, but they figured they'd make some money off them while they could. I feel a PHB in someone's future. I wonder if I'll even want to be in the computer industry in 5 years when all of the current CS ugrads who are in it for the money graduate and come looking for jobs. <sob> \_ CS ugrads who are in it only for the money are nothing new - they've been around for many years \_ Maybe so, but there has been a much greater influx of them recently. --sowings \_ Agreed, but this is nothing that can't be remedied with a couple of shotguns. -dans \_ .45 \_ shotguns. yuk yuk. you are so kewl \_ Shotgun is a weapon of a peasant. .45! .45! .45 is the STANDARD! Subsonic one-shot-drop-dead caliber. \_ Idiot. \_ NATO knave. \_ NATO nothing. Fuck that pussy subsonic .45 shit. .454 baby. *THAT'S* a man's caliber. \_ Casull? \_ I don't want the round passing through. \_ the economics of our world today make life impossible, especially this area, don't you all think? *sigh* \_ Everything in here is wrong except the bits about "thousand", "materials", and "everyone". |
2000/2/25-26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/Networking] UID:17614 Activity:kinda low |
2/24 Security Questions. I was reading about some strategies for defeating DDOS on http://www.sans.org/ddos_roadmap.htm One of thier points was: * Unless an organization is aware of a legitimate need to support broadcast or multicast traffic within its environment, the forwarding of directed broadcasts should be turned off. I'm using my linux box as a router, and I want to know if this means that I should do something like the following: ifconfig eth0 -broadcast -multicast Another point was that RPC services should be disabled on border systems. My understanding was that a border system shouldn't server files via NFS, but mounting was okay. If I need to mount directories, should I be firewalling the RPC port? \_ -broadcast means something other than 'forwarding directed broadcasts'. In fact if you actually turn that off you may break important broadcast based protocols like ARP. If you're on a linux box you really want to do something more like: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts -ERic \_ Thanks. Do you know if this works with 2.0 kernels or is it just 2.2 kernels? Also, I'm assuming that -multicast is okay. \_ Doesn't look like 2.0 kernels have the option. I'm assuming you dont need multicast for things like MBONE so yeah just turn it off too. -ERic \_ I'm not using MBONE at home. I only have 384/128 ADSL, so its just not fast enough. I guess I will have to look at the 2.0 kernel compile options to get something similar to ignore broadcasts feature. \_ you'd probably do a lot better to just set up a lot of ipfw rules to block out any traffic you dont really need. -ERic |
2000/2/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Networking] UID:17608 Activity:very high 70%like:17615 |
2/23 To all the CS graduates, how much do you like your job? What exactly are you working on? Would you recommend CS? -sophomore declaring \_ I love my job. I mostly do distributed system programming. The only way I can recommend CS as a major is if you've tried at least one CS class and *REALLY* enjoyed the work -- if you're thinking of declaring CS strictly for the money, you'll probably be pretty unhappy. -mice \_ Agreed. If you're doing CS for the money, you're doing it for the wrong reason. You won't make the kind of money you hear about ("overnight millionaires") unless you truly have a passion for it. A passion that drives you to learn more and more and more until you truly have much Fu. Moral: Do what excites you. --sowings \_ gee, really? I heard some guy in a diner tell me that his daughter was finishing her masters in CS and southern connecticut state university so she could work in "sillycone valley", where they pick you up in a limmo at the airport, give you a private cook, and pay you several hundred thousand a year automatically. "That's how they are out in California," he told me. Shit. Sign me up. -lives a long way from silicon valley \_ Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight -Dr. Evil \_ no, really, i really heard a guy said that, and i'm pretty sure the poor guy belived it. \_ Not questioning whether or not he said it but he's just not evil enough. He's the margarine of evil. -Dr. Evil \_ are feeling okay there? you seem a little piqued. \_ you were confused. He was actually referring to "Silicone Valley", where all that happens if you have nice tits, and you show them to the right people. Which in Grammy-speak, means "everyone". \_ hey, I declared Chem Engineering 'for the money' and wound up doing computer/networking work for more! -ERic \_ I was MSME and I wound up working at Cisco. I didn't get into networking for the money though, it was just more interesting than Mat. Sci.. The money hasn't been bad though. I'm not sure I would have liked CS at Cal, since I found that the undergrad CS classes don't really teach you CS. \_ uh-huh... \_ I took some of the 1xx classes and a couple of of the 2xx (grad) classes at Cal along with several 2xx (grad) classes at Stanford and found that the *real* stuff is taught only in the grad coures. \_ Sure, but you like computers, ERic. I have taken classes with CS majors who declared how much they hated computers (and not the right-after-something-won't-compile "i hate computers") and thought they (computers) would be the downfall of modern civilization, but they figured they'd make some money off them while they could. I feel a PHB in someone's future. I wonder if I'll even want to be in the computer industry in 5 years when all of the current CS ugrads who are in it for the money graduate and come looking for jobs. <sob> \_ CS ugrads who are in it only for the money are nothing new - they've been around for many years \_ Maybe so, but there has been a much greater influx of them recently. --sowings \_ Agreed, but this is nothing that can't be remedied with a couple of shotguns. -dans \_ .45 |
2000/2/23 [Computer/Networking] UID:17591 Activity:nil |
10/7 When you specify localhost or as address, will TCP/IP that uses it look it interpret right away as "self" or will it actually try DNS first? In other words, can they be spoofed? |
2000/2/11-13 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security] UID:17494 Activity:very high |
2/11 Why can't they stop all these DoS with a simple TCP source quench? My understanding is that if the incoming data rate passes a certain threshold, you can simply ask the the upstream sender to slow down or drop packets. So why don't the end points just do this so that the systems don't go down? \_ But then if that's true and the upstream sender starts dropping packets, it will still appear the same to the clients that the server has crashed. The effect is the same. Right? -- yuen \_ Sort of, my understanding is that you can do a source quench on one or more source IP's, so when you send a quench the message propogates all the the way back to the source. When the router's closest to the source start dropping, it will look like (from the source's perspective) the destination has gone away. Other source IP's won't be affected. \_ Source quench idea doesn't work necessarily because the idea of source quench assumes that the sending host is co-operative, not hostile. When the sending host has been root compromised, the compromise could change the behavior to make it ignore source quench requests. Also, a lot of the source IPs are being spoofed, so you don't even know who the real sources are. \_ The attacks are a lot more complicated than just "send lots of packets to yahoo". -tom \_ So where can I get a description about how these attacks work. And I'm not looking for the garbage in the general press. \_ http://www.securityfocus.com \_ http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/tfn.analysis \_ http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich Look in the papers where he analyizes trinoo, tfn and stracheldaht. Best analysis of them I have seen. -ausman \_ while (1) { httpget("yahoo.com"); } And now you know! \_ This is hardly untraceable since your IP will show up in access_log. My understanding is that the attacks have been untraceable, so they must involve header rewritting or session hijack or something. \_ No. _some one's_ IP appears in the log. Who is to say httpget() isn't mushing the IP or using a proxy or doing a million other things? \_ The problem with DoS attacks is not that they're crashing the machines, but that they're preventing normal users from accessing the service. Your suggestion does nothing to change this. \_ If you or your upstream routers block/quench based on the sending rate of a source IP, then you could filter the DoS traffic (high incoming rate) and still allow most normal users (low incoming rate) to connect. I think that is is a L3 analogy to the hammer filters in some ftp servers. \_ Except that many of the attacks consist of a low incoming rate per IP address from thousands of different addresses. Telling real traffic from attack is harder than you think. \_ Pull network cable, sell stock, go home. \_ Wrong order! \_ You want to sell at the high moments before it crashes to make sure you soak it for every last bit. After all, who knows better when it's going down than you? It'll take a while for others to notice. \_ I opened a joint broker account with my girlfriend and placed $1000 in it, telling her that whatever is in it when engagement comes would be the price of her diamond ring. GE didn't go fast enough for her, so we went into Checkpoint Software, and it went from $1000 to $4000 in 4 months, and has been going through the roof since the DoS attacks. Do you think my girlfriend might be involved? \_ She hired me to do it. I get half the account, she gets the other half for her ring. Expect it to continue upwards until you're engaged. \_ I knew she was involved! I once suggested to her that instead of a diamond ring, I can give her a super cool Sun workstation. To my surprise, even though she is a nerdy (but very beautiful, in my opinion) computer science student, she didn't like the idea very much. If you can convince her otherwise, it would be a great favor for me! \_ She is much smarter than you think. Diamonds are forever. Sun workstations become obsolete. She also realizes that you may in fact wish to fondle the sun hardware instead of twiddle her bits. And when the workstation becomes old, Sun allows you to trade it in for a newer model, perhaps giving you certain ideas she finds threatening. |
2000/2/10-11 [Computer/Networking] UID:17480 Activity:moderate |
2/9 What would be the most efficient way to check if a DNS server is still up (i.e. still resolving names)? Does nslookup help? \_ nslookup http://blah.com your_dns_server. \- you need to define exactly what you want to test. i mean you can do anythign from a ping, to seeing if someone answers port 53 to doing a zone xfer. i would just do a zone xfer if allowed and see if it seems to be about the right size. [i am assuming you mean from a remote machine] --psb \_ The guy is having trouble with nslookup. You want him to do a zone xfer? He'll be happy when nslookup returns. \_ To just make sure the daemon is running and getting your queries: "dig @ns1.domain.com version.bind chaos txt". *Then* start making sure it can answer queries on real domains. \_ ;; ANSWER SECTION: VERSION.BIND. 0S CHAOS TXT "Surely you must be joking" Real admins use protection. \_ Any answer means the name server is working, the actual string reported is irrelevant in this case. Real admins know how to read what they're replying to. |
2000/2/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:17462 Activity:kinda low |
2/8 Question about Cisco Local Director. I can re-route based on host IP. But can it be reconfigured to re-route based on Cookie session, POST data, and such? \_ No. |
2000/2/8 [Computer/Networking] UID:17457 Activity:nil |
2/8 I am moving to Mountain View (650 area code) this week. Anyone has any recommendations or pointers for any decent local ISP costing less than $20/month? Thanks. \_ And you're moving to Mountain View. Idiot. \_ Try slipnet or firstworld, I like them. I'm using their DSL though. \_ Try Excite Free World. It's free. Connection speed is reasonably good. - MV resident. |
2000/1/31-2/1 [Computer/Networking] UID:17386 Activity:high |
1/31 For all you who called me a poser .... nyah nyah. We got raided. See what happens when you listen to advice given on the motd.... Anyways, looking for a small used 2-8 gig IDE driver to buy / borrow for a short time as all my drives were seized. Looking for replacement cable modem as well. PGPdisk rules, btw. --sky \_ d00d, eye g0t arestid, ey'm s0 kewl!11 you're a dork. \_ I think you were called an idiot, not a poser. \_ What did you get raided for? Drugs don't really make you 3133+, just a criminal. \_ The Idiot-Poser Patrol showed up and grabbed my kiddie pr0n collekshuN111!!! kewl, eh? --sky \_ what motd advice was this? \_ Is that really your girlfriend on your website? If she's happy to waste her time on a loser like you than *anyone* else could make her truly happy. Send her over. I'll give you $5.00 for your trouble. You can use it for bail or to buy yourself a few floppy disks. \_Yes! I also wish to fuck your girlfriend! Glad to hear you are in jail. \_ Although it depends... did he get her messed up in drugs and fuck her up as much as himself? I'd pass in that case. Some crack head isn't worth the $5 I offered. |
2000/1/29 [Computer/Networking] UID:17370 Activity:high |
1/28 Is there a utility to find out which process is using/listening on certain ports? \_ What OS bozo? Different Unixes, different answers. \_ Yes. \_ fuser 80/tcp (obviously you can specify any port number you want, man fuser.) \_ lsof on some machines, fuser on others, pfiles on yet others, and none of the above on still more \_ netstat and prayer. |
2000/1/27-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:17342 Activity:nil |
1/26 Can you have multiple default routes, if you have multiple interfaces? \_ depends on your device. With some things (i.e. cisco routers!), you can have multiple default routes on the same interface! -ERic \_ Can you do this with an Ultra1 with multiple ethernet cards? |
2000/1/17-19 [Computer/Networking] UID:17257 Activity:moderate |
1/17 Is there a free ISP that doesn't require you to click on something every so often? I don't mind looking at banners, but it's annoying to have to click on something every 20 or 30 minutes. \_Better yet, anyone know how to defeat the ads in one of the free isps? \_ Yes. Dial-in directly using Dial-up Networking (for win95/98), instead through the apps the ISP provided. It works for netzero. \_ ouch. how evil! \_ Must click advertising scams are evil. Ads in general are evil. \_ actually, i'm an evil pir8te, so i shouldn't be so hypocritical. nevermind. |
2000/1/4-5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:17160 Activity:moderate |
1/4 Are there any portscanning tools installed here on soda? Got a home Linux box I'd like to hit from outside to check. \_ go to <DEAD>rootshell.com<DEAD>, download portscan.c, and run it from the linux box. you don't need to run it from an outside computer unless you're testing firewall rules. \_ I think the person is testing fw rules. So yeah they need to hit from outside. \_ Post IP to Hax0r NewZ!1 that y0r b0x iz uncr/-\kibel!11 \- for the record, this will set off alarms. i am not saying there isnt a legit reason to do this or that you will get in trouble, but someone will notice and there may be followup. it's not a bad idea to clear these kinds of things with root. --psb \_ Big Bro is watching. |
2000/1/2-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:17149 Activity:high |
01/02 Bearfacts is showing blank schedule for next semester. Anyone here know what's going on? (Their "unsupported until 8am 01/03" does not entail "fucked until 8am 01/03") \_ Duh, try again on 1/3, like that said. That's whats going on. \_ cunt. \_ IS&T servers suffered a massive denial of service attack starting \_ IS&T servers suffered a massive distributed DoS attack starting 12/31 that was orchestrated by a completely evil hacker named "Associate Vice Chancellor McCredie". It is expected to take most of next week to recover from his shutdown of all critical systems. \_ Berkeley doesn't have any critical systems. [pointless, context free .AU dns info purged] au origin = munnari.OZ.au mail addr = hostmaster.munnari.OZ.au serial = 1999123100 refresh = 21600 (6 hours) retry = 3600 (1 hour) expire = 14400000 (166 days 16 hours) minimum ttl = 259200 (3 days) au nameserver = munnari.OZ.au au nameserver = mulga.cs.mu.OZ.au au nameserver = http://vangogh.CS.Berkeley.EDU au nameserver = <DEAD>ns1.Berkeley.EDU<DEAD> au nameserver = http://ns2.Berkeley.EDU au nameserver = http://ns.UU.NET au nameserver = http://ns.eu.NET munnari.OZ.au internet address = munnari.OZ.au internet address = mulga.cs.mu.OZ.au internet address = mulga.cs.mu.OZ.au internet address = http://vangogh.CS.Berkeley.EDU internet address = <DEAD>ns1.Berkeley.EDU<DEAD> internet address = <DEAD>ns1.Berkeley.EDU<DEAD> internet address = http://ns2.Berkeley.EDU internet address = http://ns2.Berkeley.EDU internet address = http://ns.UU.NET internet address = http://ns.eu.NET internet address = \_ au nameserver = http://VANGOGH.CS.BERKELEY.EDU au nameserver = http://NS2.BERKELEY.EDU au nameserver = MULGA.CS.MU.OZ.au au nameserver = MUNNARI.OZ.au au nameserver = http://NS.EU.NET au nameserver = <DEAD>NS1.BERKELEY.EDU<DEAD> au nameserver = http://NS.UU.NET \_ You're trying to make a point? Make it. \_ who cares about Austrailia? They are worse than Canada for christ's sake. \_ Berkeley doesn't have any critical systems. |
1999/11/19-22 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:16924 Activity:nil |
11/18 I'm trying to test out smbclient with a friend of mine but I keep getting this error message: $ echo hello | smbclient -M my.friends.ip Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= session request failed Does the other computer have to be in the same subnet for samba to work? \_ I've never got -M to work. Try -L to list his shares. No it will cross subnets, routers, switches, hubs, gateways, etc, no problem. Check the samba docs for the 'official' way to test a connection. \_ naw, it did the same thing. But it did at least give out an IP address this time. \_ Firewalls? Can you ping? Is he exporting any shares? Does he have the "Server" service running on the 'd0ze side? \_ no, no firewalls. he and his roomate have a multiple ip dsl line and they both can see each other's windoze services. i can't for some reason. i'm behind a linux firewall though. \_ Turn off firewall and try again. \_ http://us1.samba.org/samba/ftp/docs/textdocs/DIAGNOSIS.txt is real useful whenever I'm trying to find out what I've done wrong \_ That's the thing I was refering to earlier but was too lazy to find. "the official way to test a connection". Anyway, since we haven't heard back, he either gave up or it was the firewall. \_ Well, I tried it from the gateway itself (no natd or IP masq) and turned off all the firewall rules and I got the same error messages. So yes, I did give up. \_ smbclient -L HIS.IP.ADDRESS doesn't give a password prompt after saying session failed? It sounds like there's something really simple going on. Minor config error. |
1999/11/19-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:16920 Activity:nil 57%like:18115 |
11/18 Webmaster position at Cisco. See /csua/pub/jobs/cisco_webmaster. -cathyg |
1999/11/16-17 [Computer/Networking] UID:16896 Activity:moderate |
11/16 I have two linux machines with ethernet cards. If I want to connect the two machines can I just connect them with an ethernet cable and do # ifconfig eth0 up # route add -host eth0 on the first machine and # ifconfig eth0 up # route add -host eth0 on the second machine? I tried this but when I try pinging from either machine to other I don't get any response. I know both ethernet cards are properly installed and the cable works because I have succesfully connected each computer to my cable modem. Any thoughts? \_ You can think of a crossover cable like shaking someone else's hand. Your right can only shake the other person's right so you need to crossover your hands. A hub has the same effect. You should use the 192.168.x.x IP range since that is reserved \_ 10/8 is also reserved RFC 1918 \_ I _think_ you might need a crossover cable between the two NICs. I believe the cable modem does this crossover internally. -- jsjacob for local area networks. \_ What is a crossover cable and how is it different from a regular ethernet cable? Do I just go to a computer store and ask for a "crossover cable"? Would connecting the two computers through a hub using regular ethernet cables work? Thanks. \_ They tend to be red or something like that. \_ Yes, you can go to the store and ask for an ethernet crossover cable. If you have the materials, you can also build one yourself. Yes, connecting through a hub would also work. -- jsjacob \_ I'm assuming you're using UTP cable. Yes, if there is no hub involved and you want to link just two PCs, you need a $2-8 crossover cable. http://www.makeitsimple.com/how-to/dyi_crossover.htm |
1999/11/16 [Computer/Networking] UID:16893 Activity:high |
11.15 Hi,we have wires installed in Stebbins. We are trying to choosei iwhat services we want from what ISP. I am the only person in this house runnin non - windows . What do you think we should get - there are 84 of us. We are getting 4/5 hubs. \_ 0.8 hubs may not be enough, ya know... \_ you mean... news service? \_ ?? You need IP addresses. Probably handed out via DHCP. You need email server access an want access to their newsfeed. What else is there that you don't get from a web browser? Ok, that I understand. This works well for Joe Schmo the avg user/ por/mp3/ warez downloader. But I actually wanted to have a static ip for my box so I can log into it from elsewhere. AWhat should I fight for? Does anyone else have dsl who logs into their home machine? \_ I have DHCP. I login to home from elsewhere. DHCP != can't remote login. DHCP = your IP *may* change every few months... maybe. Yes, static is better, but they can change that on you, too. To be quite honest, you sound like Joe Schmoe to me. Those who know don't tell and those who tell don't know. You don't sound very bright. You should already know what you need if you're not a Schmoe. You don't sound any more clueful than the 'd0ze y00zerz in your house. \_ oh gawd. My past is coming back to haunt me. Are people still playing Super Mario Kart in the TV room? -1 year Stebbins alumnus \_ of course; i'm trying to get them to pay for a flat screen LCD projector, but I think the room is too shallow \_ You need people with a clue running network services there. --jon \_ you aren't going to get that in this environment...unless you mean the isp, which is so far suggested to be DNAI. anyone have any trouble with DNAI? - and no, there isn't anyone guaranteed to have any clue monotoring the hardware on this end...it's the co-op system. 1 person figures out something everyone else leeches. |
1999/11/7 [Computer/Networking] UID:16840 Activity:nil |
11/06 Our house is thinking of getting wired to the ethernet, we have about 62 people and $3000 to get started with. What do you guys reccomend we get? DSL? or t-1/t-3? Note that not everyone will be using the net at the same time. (also how many routers or hubs do you think we'll need? - should we go switched?) - paolo - ps. Who should I get a hold of if we wanted to talk to get hookahed up to evans router? gratze. :q! |
1999/11/2-3 [Computer/Networking] UID:16817 Activity:nil |
11/2 Does anyone have recommendations for home wireless? Specifically we're going to put DSL in our place but we'd like to share the net connection with the kids over wireless instead of running UTP cable everywhere. Specifically we're looking at a WebGear Aviator2.4 bundle. |
1999/11/2-3 [Computer/Networking] UID:16808 Activity:kinda low |
11/1 Okay, so I have DHCP set up so that everyone on the LAN can telnet out through the proxy. Is there an easy way to set things up such that people can telnet into LAN machines (which normally have 192.168.x.x addresses)? I imagine you tell the proxy that port x maps to the telnet port of machine, and so on. Can WinRoute do this? \_ Why would you ever give telnet access to a Windows machine. There's no user level security. You pretty much log in with sysadmin privledges. \_ Not to mention snooping, etc. \_ DHCP has nothing to do with anything. Winroute can map ports, yes. |
1999/10/26-27 [Computer/Networking] UID:16773 Activity:nil |
10/26 I have a linux box with a cable modem setup as a gateway for my local LAN. Recently I see a lot of messages like the following appeared in the /var/log/messages file. What the heck is that? Sep 11 20:07:28 <mygateway> portmap[4502]: connect from <unknown host> to callit(390109): request from unauthorized host \_ you're getting scanned \_ I'm on cable. I get scanned almost every day. Sometimes multiple times per day from different people. My favorite is the people who scan my bsd box for back orifice. They hit my telnet port. My ftp port. They ping me. Traceroute me. Try icmp redirects. I don't even know what half the >1024 ports are they're trying to exploit. Block it all and forget about it. \_ How can you tell that you were tracerouted? Is all this info logged to /var/log/messages or is there something more i should be doing to monitor my system (I'm using DSL as a gateway for my LAN and have not been getting scanned as far as i can tell.) \_ I've got a kernel level packet filter setup and I log most of the garbage to it's own file which gets rotated every so often and by size. I only log it for personal amusement. openbsd. |
1999/10/16-18 [Computer/Networking] UID:16715 Activity:nil |
10/15 Similar to the q below, my GTE ADSL dynamic IP line blocks certain ports from getting in. Anyone have a similar experience, and whether mailing the admin ppl actually opens ports? |
1999/10/15-17 [Computer/Networking] UID:16717 Activity:nil |
10/15 How does DSL work? Is it an internal PCI card? Or it connects through the parallel port? I'm asking because I'd like to install Linux and have DSL connectivity, but I have no idea how DSL<->Linux interact. \_ You get an ADSL modem. It plugs into the phone network. Your computer plugs into the modem using ethernet. So you need: 1) ADSL modem, 2) ethernet card 3) short ethernet cable. PacBell will give you all 3. --PeterM \_ I'm sure Microsoft is going to eventually lobby lawmakers to ban the ethernet DSL interface forcing people to use special WinDSL modems. Afterall, they did lobby congress to cut DOJ funding. I'm sure they'll do anything to make sure that non-MS operating systems can't use DSL. \_ ride MSBike 2000! (Y2K compliance built-in) \_ the dsl comes in to a router. you plug whatever the hell you want to plug into it via ethernet. \_ I'm assuming you mean ADSL for your home. You must have a NIC (any old NIC). Let's assume that they give you a static IP. In that case you boot up your Windoze computer, set the NIC's IP, subnet mask, DNS entries, then add the gateway IP that the ISP tells you. Then you take a UTP cable, plug one end into the wall, the other end into the modem. Take another UTP cable, plug one end into the modem, the other end into the NIC. Then you're all set. You can even move the NIC end of the cable to different computers without reboots if they all have their NIC's configured. Now let's assume that they give you a dynamic IP. In that case, you tell your NIC to "Obtain an IP address automatically" and everything else is the same. That's how you do it in Windoze. \_ when the wiring service comes by they'll install a splitter box to your phone line, run cable, and put the RJ-45 jack where you want it \_ So does DSL replace your phone bill, like ISDN? |
1999/10/9-14 [Computer/Networking] UID:16681 Activity:kinda low |
10/9 do those of you who use pacbell as a dsl provider also use them as your ISP? \_ \_yes. Its cheap but unreliable. \_ Are you implying that the ISP portion is unreliable? I have been assuming that when my DSL goes down, it is my $40 DSL service (which basically HAS to be through pac bell) and not the $10 ISP service. \_ When it goes down, its usually the connection to the redback dsl concentrator. Could be problems with the isp part, but more likely a dsl problem. Of course I barely use their isp parts such as email a and what not. \_ PACBELL N3WZ S3RVURZ H4V3 K-R4D W4R3Z, D00D!!!!!!!!1 \_ In our office {441 soda}, we have several using PacBell DSL, one using DSL to orconet, and one using TCI@Home inel cerrito. Bay FAR the best service quality has been through PacBell DSL with PacBell as the ISP. Also, this gives you a single point to yell at when something goes wrong. \_ Slightly off topic but you mention cable. tci@home has been ok sofar (had it for a month) but they don't seem to have a service status page, don't announce their scheduled downtimes (which I keep forgetting to note down when I run into them), and mail servers are a bit flakey but usable. It's ok but certainly not perfect. JAFCU. \_ @Home refunded me 1/2 month's fees when their service was a bit dodgy for about a week. \_ @Home publicly states their service is for 'casual home users' and no 'servers' are allowed. Unlike pacbell... \_ ISP wise they're okay but watch the billing. I got my ADSL in March and they have yet to get my billing correct. \_ I went for 9 months with them not charging the DSL part of the bill. I was only paying a $30 isp fee... \_ I got my phone installed August 5th, my dsl working September 4th, and so far not a bill in sight. -jor |
1999/10/4 [Computer/Networking] UID:16659 Activity:high |
10/4/99 Would someone please tell me what it would take to get a linux box to accept a T-1 and act as a router. That is how much would the card cost that has the right interface to work with a dsu/csu? \_ http://www.sangoma.com The cards cost about $800 and include a built in csu/dsu. I have a half dozen of them installed and they work pretty well. Lemme know if you have any more questions. -ERic (in yet another rare helpful motd posting) \_ ACK! A truly useful answer on the motd! Someone delete this quick! \_ [deleted] \_ OK. |
1999/9/30-10/1 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW] UID:16631 Activity:high |
9/30 anyone know of dsl specials with free installation and hardware going on right now? (ones that don't require a 2-year commitment). actually, any dsl recs would be appreciated. \_ Why the heck do you think a DSL provider is going to provide hundreds of dollars of hardware and equipment installation if you're not going to even commit to service for a long term? \_ "It's my right to have free everything so I can get high speed access to the free pr0n available only on the net!" access to the public information available only on the net!" \_ Because @Home is offering free installation, free hardware, no commitment, AND one month free. |
1999/9/24-26 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW] UID:16586 Activity:low |
9/24 Any known remote exploits run on port 1028 on a wind0wz box? Where to find out? There a list of known remote exploits and their ports somewhere on the net? Thanks. \_ What time? What room? -allenp \_ I found it. For not-even-God-knows-what-reason, The M$ task scheduler (their shitty version of at/cron) sits on tcp port 1028. Disabled in control panel. A small victory over bloat. \_ run portscan. has anyone tried to portscan all 64k ports of a win machine? \_ It's an open but unknown port. I'm not sure if there's anything anyone can really do with it, but it was definitely the task scheduler and definitely open. I stopped it from running in the future. When I killed mstask.exe, the port closed, so I know that's it. Nothing on the net about it that I could find. Fuck you Bill Gates. |
1999/9/20-21 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/Networking] UID:16556 Activity:high |
9/19 What is in.identd (running on port 113 (auth))? man isn't very clear on importance of the service. \_ T3 = 28xT1 \_ From identd(8): identd is a server which implements the TCP/IP proposed identd is a server which implements the TCP/IP proposed standard IDENT user identification protocol as specified in the RFC 1413 document. READ THE FUCKING RFC TWINK! --not tom READ THE FUCKING RFC TWINK! --not tom \_ "READ THE FUCKING RFC. I'M A FUCKING ASSHOLE." Grow up you fucking brat. \_ could this be the reason why .shost authentication doesn't work if you have this service turned off? \_ It's there to buxt the not-so-elite h4ckurz!!!!1 \_ ssh does not use identd. Turn it off, it's annoying. -tom \_ it does if linked against a libwrap.a that does rfc 1413 lookups by default. \_ negligible, given that there is a lot more tightly coupled copper wiring in the electrical cords, house wiring, etc., constant of the insulators. |
1999/9/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/Networking] UID:16485 Activity:kinda low |
9/8 How do reverse name lookups work. CSUA has the IP addess So the <DEAD>ns1.berkeley.edu<DEAD> servers have an entry like IN PTR http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU but if I'm doing a revers lookup from say MIT how would it pull out that resource record from the Berkeley nameserver? (As in, how would it know to look at Berkeley's name server) \_ Same way it does for http://berkeley.edu - it asks the root nameservers "Who should I ask for info about the 32.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA domain?" and they return the list of nameservers it's delegated to. \_ But that's assuming that you're using strictly class A, B, or C addresses. Many sites are classless (CIDR). \_ Still works basically the same. Start at the top and ask your way down the list. Read the OReilley BIND book if you want to know the details, since there are far too many to discuss in the motd. \_ Unfortunately, BIND still is pretty much classful in in-addr delegation. It can only delegate on octet boundaries. \_ 32.128.IN-ADDR.ARPA is just another domain, and can have CNAMES in it as well. use your imagination. \_ ooh la-la! |
1999/9/4-5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:16463 Activity:moderate |
9/4 From comp.protocols.tcp-ip: W. Richard (Rich) Stevens, author of several Unix and TCP/IP books, passed away in Tucson on September 1. \_ D'OH! Stevens was the man. \_ Yeah, people die every second all over the world... and? \_ Real CSUA members have at least one of his books. A number of us have actually met him. Just because you were never fortunate enough to do so doesn't mean others wouldn't want to know. \_ I own a bible but wouldn't care if Jesus and the 12 came back and dropped dead again. \_ that's too b/sad. what did he die of? \_ PING OF DEATH \_ BSOD. \_ Too many pot stickers. \_ Hopeless idiots like me asking dumb questions all the time. -mtbb \_ Obit on http://www.slashdot.org |
1999/9/3-5 [Computer/Networking] UID:16457 Activity:low |
9/3 I'm tweaking with the TCP stack on Linux. I'm wondering if anybody has done this. I want to hard-coded the URG flag on the TCP header to 1. Would this actually speed up my connection since every single TCP packet is now urgent data? \_ No. Priority flags are there for a reason. Your connection speed is bound by the congestion and flow control algorithms (basically how fast the network and end computer are). I'm sure most routers will simply ignore your request to reprioritize your own packets. There are better ways to tweak TCP/IP like MTU adjustments and such. \_ please be more specific. What can I tweak? \_ yer mom likes a good tweak \_ Go read a couple Stevens books and you'll find out why setting the URG flag will break everything. (Hint: it doesn't mean "send faster" it means "let the reciever know there's an urgent out-of-band message it needs to handle specially") Unless you've memorized the TCP/IP specs, tweaking things at that low a level is sure to fuck everything up. Many things in TCP/IP are done for very specific reasons by people much much smarter than you. \_ fucking things up in the process of learning is better than not learning at all. I will fuck with the MTU and see if I can get porn faster. \_ I think the default MTU is 1500. Is there a better value? --yuen \_ Yes, you should set your MTU to the one recommended for your network connection. Ethernet, ATM, & FDDI all have very different characteristics - there is no one size fits all and without more data we can't tell you what size fits you. |
1999/8/30-31 [Computer/Networking] UID:16430 Activity:kinda low |
8/29 If ethernet is CSMA (carrier sense mult access) to work without central arbitration, then what is the point of having a hub. I thought ethernet was supposed to work like a bus. Can't you just use 4 copper wires and connect them all? \_ A hub just splits and amplifies the signla, it doesn't modify it in any way other than that. A switch is different however... \_ so if you had 5 computers connected with short 5' cables you could hack together your own non-amplified hub? \_ If you don't want a hub, just use ThinNet (10base2) \_ Doesn't the hub also put the half twist in? \_ Hub (star) topology one NIC down, rest of network lives. Bus topology for thinnet: one bad NIC/cable can affect the entire network. The question is, why is a non-switching 100 Mbps 5-8 port hub $50-100? \_ Because they can charge that. Anyone with enough computers to need a hub can afford $100 for one without a problem. Econ 1 is still offered, right? |
1999/8/25-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:16392 Activity:nil |
8/24 On the back of my CYBERSURFR WAVE cable modem that I got with @home there is a 9-pin serial port that says ASYNC and the documentation simply mentions: "(Optional) Install your dial modem according to the manufacturer's instructions. Connect the end of the dial modem's cable to the ASYNC connector on the rear of the cable modem." Does anyone have any info about this? \_ Try the manufacturer's website. \_ Its probably just a standard asynchronous serial port, likely for system configuration and what not. Its the same kind of serial that make up COM ports on a PC system. Might be interesting to look at with a null modem cable and terminal software on your system. Purely as an investigational hack, of course. \_ I heard you can get free phone access that way like in a lavender box!!! |
1999/8/24-26 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:16390 Activity:very high |
8/24 Question. Which ISP is good for 24 hours and is reliable? I am willing to spend up to $30/month. Also, which auto password and auto Windows 95 dialer is good to download? Thanks. \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Tax Advisor. \_ /bin/cat you fool! \_ $30! That's pretty steep for an ISP. Might as well spend a few extra bucks and get cable modem or DSL. \_ What's wrong with the MS one? It allows scripting, and pretty much never fails. Been using it since 95 came out with no problems. \_ Perhaps the inquirer has a social conscience and does not want to unnecessarily patronize an evil company. \_ If they're already using Win 95 they've sold their soul to BillG already and using the software included with Win95 won't make any difference to anyone \_ giving him $20 a month will. \_ No, this is in reference to the autodialer part of the second question, not the ISP part. You don't have to give BillG $20/month to use the built in authodialer... yet. \_ Another question-- where can I find an auto-dialer that dials in the ISP and puts in password automatically? \_ I answered this already. Use the one included in windows. It works perfectly. I've used it for years on 95, 98 and NT without any problems. It isn't glitzy, but it works. \_ NO YOU DUMB ASS. I want to log in when the computer is rebooted, and would redial AUTOMATICALLY. \_ That's easy. I know how to do that and used to do so but I won't tell you since you're such a little shit. It's your own fault for not being clear since there is a commonly accepted definition of an autodialer and your mis-use of the term is not my fault. Good luck getting help from someone else with that attitude. \_ Why do you need to be connected 24 hours a day? If you're running a server, Win95 is just about the stupidest choice possible, and you probably want "always on" DSL instead of dialup. |
1999/8/21-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:16368 Activity:high |
8/21 Anyone know any reason why my connection to soda would drop after a period of inactivity. I've set up a firewall to block all connections below 1024 and I'm guessing that has something to do with it. Any ideas? \_ Your firewall is dropping the connection. You need to increase its idle timeout for established TCP connections; if you tell us what kind of firewall you have, we can probably help. \_ cool, thanks. it's linux 2.2 ipchains. \_ You can use "ipchains -MS 86400 0 0" to increase the timeout to a day. \_ thanks. \_ keep alives not keeping alive or you have an idle timeout on your shell. \_ It was working fine until I moved it behind a firewall. \_ What's "keep alives"? \_ Soda's TCP stack will send a zero-length packet after \_ never understood why they called TCP a stack. \_ Technically TCP is a layer in the protocol stack. \_ You mean that 7 layer OSI model? \_ No, the similar, but less layered TCP/IP model. Some examples: NFS HTTP Sun RPC TCP TCP or UDP IP IP PPP/SLIP Ethernet \_ Never understood why the millennium bug is not called the century bug instead either. \_ Because millennium sounds more impressive. (Both are wrong of course, since the next century and next millenium start 1/1/2001). you've been idle for a while to make sure your machine is still alive, to force either an ACK or a RST. If it gets neither it decides your machine is dead and kills the connection. Soda is currently set to send a keep alive after 24 hours of inactivity. |
1999/8/21-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:16359 Activity:low |
8/20 Any recommendations for DSL in the Mountain View area? How much should I expect to pay for a basic connection? \_ It's supposed to be something like 50 bucks/month, but there's ALWAYS 10 extra dollars/month for something. Some tax or something. I don't remember. All I know is that my friend is paying $60/month. --ricky \_ It must be the ISP. For some reason DSL providers never incorporate that into their advertising. "Oh, by the way, on top of that $50 you pay you also have to get an ISP" \_ Go TCI. Free install (usually), no hidden charges. |
1999/8/10-11 [Science/Disaster, Computer/Networking] UID:16284 Activity:kinda low |
8/10 Anyone know a good resource about IRC hacking? We had a server hit pretty hard by some punkass. Would be nice to find out how to block spoofed-ip flood atacks. Thx. \_ Call your ISP. prepare to be ignored. When they flood you \_ Source Address Verification. And sign your name when you delete people's advice. \_ Call your ISP. prepare to be ignored. When the bad guys flood you enough to overwhelm your upstream link, you must sit down and take it like a man. -ERic |
1999/8/8 [Computer/Networking] UID:16267 Activity:low |
8/7 Any of you using pacbell DSL know what the DNS nameserver is. Incomptetent Pacbell support line refuse to tell me. \_, -setol \_ Thanks. That was a lot better than tech support asking, "what's a nameserver?" |
1999/8/5-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:16256 Activity:moderate |
8/4 Anyone out there have DSL service? What ISP are you using? \_ I use CellularOne, it's digital and analog I think. \_ who | grep dsl \_ someone I know is trying out <DEAD>flash.com<DEAD>. I'll let you know in a \_ Why not use cable? \_ presumably you mean <DEAD>flash.net<DEAD> \_ i have <DEAD>dnai.com<DEAD>, it doesn't bother me -brg \_ someone I know is trying out <DEAD>flash.net<DEAD>. I'll let you know in a month \_ http://tycho.net has been killer for our neighborhood lan. --caliban \_ <DEAD>flashcom.com<DEAD> \_ I'm using PBI, but only because it's cheap. -ERic \_ What's their web site? \_ I heard from the PacBell DSL guy that you don't need an ISP at all. He said that the $39/mo includes IP/svc, just not email or newsgroups... does anybody know for sure? \_ yes, this is why DSL is so attractive, fuck $39 now? \_ seems to me you'd still need an SMTP server... \_ In this case your ISP will be PBI -muchandr \_ it's $39 for DSL, $10 for ISP, including email. \_ That's $39 / monthly + $198 equipment fee and the entire year needs to be prepaid. Thus, you need to pay over $600 up front. \_ I paid $128 for equipment. That was all, but I had to commit for a year. -muchandr \_ Why don't you geniuses go to http://www.pacbell.net and check for yourself instead of guessing and making shit up? What you got last month may not be the deal this month. |
1999/8/4 [Computer/Networking] UID:16244 Activity:high |
8/3 Anyone know what a netbios-dgm and a netbios-ns is? \_ dgm= datagram ns = nameservice \_ But why would a computer on a LAN be sending out UDP packets of these type once a second? \_ because it's been saddled with a shitty operating system \_ I seem to remember NetBIOS being a protocol for a small LAN. |
1999/7/29-31 [Computer/Networking] UID:16206 Activity:low |
7/29 Does anyone have a list of IP addresses that go around and track people's activity on the Internet. I'm trying to collect some firewall rules to block this. So far I have: ipchains -A output -j REJECT -d # reject http://doubleclick.net ipchains -A output -j REJECT -d # reject http://hitbox.com \_ Block all access to port 80. Almost every site that runs a server on port 80 tracks what pages you look at. \_ if you're concerned about being tracked, check out <DEAD>www.zeroknowlege.com<DEAD> -ERic www.zeroknowle[d]ge.com -ERic |
1999/7/19-20 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:16162 Activity:high |
7/19 Where can I find the program that optimizes my Win95 TCP/IP stack? I forgot the name of the program (that modifies my registry). PLEASE, don't say "format HD, install Linux" or something to that effect. Thx! \_ I think I remember some programs in http://winfiles.com that let you do this. It's not hard to find but all it does is modify you network registry settings (MTU, timeout values, TTL crap, etc...) You can pretty much do the same thing by using regedit. -- linux user. PC so I can cut \_ Could you be talking about: http://support.microsoft.com/support/downloads/dp2888.asp \_ I think you're talking about <DEAD>www.aimnet.com/~jnavas/modem/faq_a.htm#HalfSpeed<DEAD> \_ format HD, install FreeBSD \_ install NT. preconfigured foor optiomal internet speeds! |
1999/7/2-3 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/Display] UID:16060 Activity:high |
07/02 What is the difference between a "PCI Ethernet Controller" and an ethernet card? MediaOne says I need an ethernet card if I want to use a cable modem, but I'm running low on IRQs. Can I remove the "PCI Ethernet Controller" and replace it with an ethernet card? Thanks. \_ It's the same thing. \_ yur isp is full of shit. you need a cable modem to use cable modem. if the cable modem has an ethernet interface just get an ordinary 10/100 ethernet card and make sure it's pci since they're only $2 more expensive. problem solved. \_ help, I have a computer but AOL says I need a "PC" to use it. \_ ethernet controller == ethernet card,NIC,network adapter,network interface,network interface card \_ I don't think the statement above is true. On Windows 95 my "PCI Ethernet Controller" shows up under "Other Devices" not under "Network Adapters". Also on LINUX, no etherent card is recognized when I boot. Once again, what the heck is a "PCI Ethernet Controller" and how is it different from an ethernet card? Thanks for any clues. \_ ok. There's a question mark next to "PCI Ethernet Controller" yes? What this means is that Win95 knows you have the network card, but Win95 is telling you you haven't installed the drivers for it, yet. Select "PCI Ethernet Controller" and remove the device. Get the driver disk ready. Reboot. When it asks you for drivers, put it in the drive and there you have it. \_ That makes sense. Since I got my computer second hand I don't have the drivers, but I'll try and find out \_ if you have more trouble, post to the motd again who makes my card and download drivers. Thanks. \_ if you have more trouble, post to the motd again, or wall, because this is a potentially lengthy topic \_ I always thought ethernet controller was just marketing bs just like they say scsi controller, but its formally called a host adapter. \_ technically, a "scsi controller" and a "host adapter" are two separate things. It's just that they both come on the same card. And it makes things more confusing that typically in the PC words, a card like that is called a controller. \_ technically, scsi is a peer-to-peer shared-media network w/ a statically-defined arbitration policy. there is no controller. \_ what is the term for the computer "peer" that is usually at ID 7? \_ host adapter |
1999/7/1 [Computer/Networking] UID:16050 Activity:nil |
6/30 I'd like to get a good ISP. What is a good ISP that has the most number of newsfeeds (big hard drive), has a lot of dial-in numbers (in SF and LA area)? Price is not an issue. Thanks. |
1999/6/30-7/1 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/Networking] UID:16046 Activity:nil |
6/30 This may seem a bit unconventional but since csua is disabling telnet and people are complaining about firewall restrictions is it possible to have sshd also listen to port 23 since most firewall admins don't block that? --non-alum \_ It makes more sense to have it on the rlogin port, since ssh emulates that stuff securely. And yes, it works through a firewall that way, if it passes port 512. Or it would work on the telnet port too. However, some firewalls require use of PROXIES, to stop exactly this kind of shennanigans. |
1999/6/23 [Computer/Networking] UID:16005 Activity:high |
6/22 What is a "proxy server" (what is an example of one)? \_ like, let's say you don't want to give every machine on your network an IP address that's accessible by a nefarious hacker (as opposed to those gallant, kind-hearted individuals of the CSUA). But you still want to give each workstation Internet access. What do you do? Set up a proxy. Proxies also can provide firewall functionality. \_ so what's the technical diff between a proxy, firewall, gateway? |
1999/6/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:16001 Activity:high |
6/22 Anyone know what kinds of Internet options are available for residents of Santa Clara? DSL? Cable modem? Prices? Advantages? Whom should I contact for info? I'm out of the loop, I've been away... (BTW, cable modems are available in Paris). Thnx, cathyg \_ I found the sales people at tci/athome are stupid beyond belief. A week later they still can't tell me I can get hooked up even though they have my neighbor's address (8 feet away on the same cable line) as cable mode-ready. My favorite part was "No, we can't give you as cable modem-ready. My favorite part was "No, we can't give you the customer service number because you're not a customer!" when I've been fighting with them to *become* a customer. It's a bad sign for the way the rest of the company runs but since they won't *let* me become a customer, I can't say for certain that that's true. ;-) I still can't get over the s00per sekret cust0mer ser\/ice number. \_ Perhaps a sign that you should take your business elsewhere rather than keep pounding your head against the wall? \_ DSL unavailable. Satellite unavailable. Alternative cable modem unavailable. I'd love to get high speed access from home without this bullshit. I'm totally open to any reasonable and most unreasonable suggestions. Work is paying for this so price is flexible but must be I still can't get over the s00per sekret cust0mer ser\/ice number. justifiable. |
1999/6/7-9 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:15915 Activity:high |
6/7 My Solaris 2.6 Ultra 5 machine is in a weird state. It's out of sockets! I do a netstat and there are 32,000+ sockets, most of them from a port on localhost to another port one on localhost. And most of them are in the TIME_WAIT state. But they are not being reclaimed. lsof doesn't help. The TIME_WAIT ports don't show up. Any ideas on how I candiagnose this? Is the TIME_WAIT timeout configurable? Can I turn on more logging? I've shut down all major user processes and the sockets are still not being reclaimed. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to reboot until I've learned as much as I can. Thanks. -- azarm \-do you know what client programis causing this [it isnt ldap by any chance is it?] if this is a machine you are root on, i might know how to deal with it [which is slightly different than fix it]. will let you know if i can remember the exact ndd magic. --psb \_ ummm. also make sure you check the recommended patch list for 2.6 before you start jumping through hoops like the overworked stunt animal that you are :) \_ Sounds like a classic half-open attack. Remote machine sends all sorts of spoofed connections, and most OS's don't see that you can't have stuff coming in the Ethernet interface. Solution: do a deny on on your incoming router, or block it with natd or ipfilter or something. \_ I did more research. 14000 of the sockets are to a port that's snmpdx is using (an SNMP daemon process). 1000 are ftp sockets to a known machine and another 1000 are sendmail sockets to another known machine. I have nightly script to mail and ftp. The scripts work fine (without socket leakage) on other machines. \_ Checked your patch level lately? \_ tcp sockets to a snmp port? UH, no -- SNMP runs on UDP. -ERic \_ TIME_WAIT sockets don't count against the 1024 limit. -ausman |
1999/6/3-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:15904 Activity:high |
6/3 Can you name this sci-fi show series finale? The captain, who has been viewed by some as a religious leader (while others refuse to believe this), leaves to "live" with the ancient race of aliens who gave him life. The people who see him off are: - The abrasive female second in command who grew to like him over the course of the series. - The wife he married in the last season after spending several seasons getting over the death of his previous wife (who came back, but wasn't really herself). - The security chief who finally got together with the woman he loved from afar in the next-to-the-last season, and who had to regain the trust of those who viewed him as a traitor who colloborated with those they were waring against and then had to overcome a "sickness" during the final season. - The station doctor, who has been recruited by people back on Earth to go work for them. - The now-leader of the alien race who has alternated between ally and enemy during the course of the series (and flipped again during the last season) and who was originally the underling of the previous leader whose rise to power we saw during the series (again with the help of the other alien race who eventually took control after promising to help them rebuild the glory of their former empire) Tune in tonight for "DS9: The Final Ripoff" on UPN44 (Cable 12) from 8-10pm. \_ I'm guessing either "Friends" or "Caroline in the City" \_ No way, dude. "King of the Hill". Totally. \_ The guy leaving his wife sounds like Mad About YOu, but the blowing things up is definetly Home Improvement Tune in tonight for "DS9: The Final Ripoff" on UPN44 (Cable 12) from 8-10pm. \_ Yes, we all know it's a ripoff of babylong 5. Oh well.... \_ It's not as if JMS thought up all those plot elements independently on his own. But, he did have a better show that managed to have those plot elements before DS9 ever did. \_ it does seem a bit strange that DS9 has so _many_ of the same elements though, doesn't it? \_ If B5 has aired a decade ago, would you be saying the same things; but yes, it is a bit of a stretch, but perhaps there are other plot elements that not common and just as significant, ones that make this list incredibly trivial. |
1999/5/7 [Computer/Networking] UID:15770 Activity:high |
5/6 Question for @home users: Is your setup something like this cable wire -> cable modem -> setop box -> TV |_ pc Do you get a choice of cable modems to choose from or it just comes with one? How about the setop box? Thanks. Just trying to find out more (@home web site doesn't go into that much detail). \_ It's like: cable wire -> setop box -> TV -> cable modem (from tv out) |_ pc so this way you can watch the bits go by like in the Matrix. See the net in real time the way it was meant to be seen, not the fantasy you're living now. \_ mine (and every one ive seen) goes like this and they supply the modem and you get what they give.. -shac cable -> splitter -> filter -> cable modem -> pc |-> tv (or set-top box) \_ mine (and every one ive seen) goes like this and they supply the modem and you get what they give.. -shac cable -> splitter -> filter -> cable modem -> pc |-> tv (or set-top box) \_ Well we get cable radio, so we have two separate jacks; I use the radio one for my cable modem. -John |
1999/5/2 [Computer/Networking] UID:15733 Activity:nil |
5/2 How does the internic root name servers get their info? What if they are wrong? How would I get it fixed as fast as possible?? \_ you wait for the next daily zone update. They generally dont push emergency updates, unless you're someone big with a lot of weight, like AOL. -ERic Server: localhost Address: Non-authoritative answer: com origin = http://A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET mail addr = http://hostmaster.INTERNIC.NET serial = 1999043005 refresh = 1800 (30 mins) retry = 900 (15 mins) expire = 604800 (7 days) minimum ttl = 86400 (1 day) Authoritative answers can be found from: com nameserver = http://B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://J.GTLD-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://K.GTLD-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://F.GTLD-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET http://B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://J.GTLD-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://K.GTLD-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://F.GTLD-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = \_ They get information from InterNIC, and InterNIC can fix mistakes if you file a form. But it may be slow. |
1999/5/2 [Computer/Networking] UID:15730 Activity:nil |
5/2 How does the internic root name servers get their info? What if they are wrong? How would I get it fixed as fast as possible?? Server: localhost Address: Non-authoritative answer: com origin = http://A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET mail addr = http://hostmaster.INTERNIC.NET serial = 1999043005 refresh = 1800 (30 mins) retry = 900 (15 mins) expire = 604800 (7 days) minimum ttl = 86400 (1 day) Authoritative answers can be found from: com nameserver = http://B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://J.GTLD-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://K.GTLD-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://F.GTLD-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET com nameserver = http://H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET http://B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://J.GTLD-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://K.GTLD-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://F.GTLD-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = http://H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET internet address = \_ They get information from InterNIC, and InterNIC can fix mistakes if you file a form. But it may be slow. |
1999/4/28 [Computer/Networking] UID:15715 Activity:very high |
4/27 Is there some netstat-like program that displays network resource consumption dynamically the way top does? \_ netstat -w \_ yes. --jon \_ I meant one that doesn't have a nasty flicker like netstat -c \_ yes, there is one. jon \_ Is the program called yes or are you not gonna tell? \_ Who's on first? |
1999/4/27-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:15711 Activity:high |
4/27 Prediction on the world's first 1 trillion dollar corporation: AOL by the end of 2001. MSFT will be taking the backseat in this second industry revolution. \_ Microsoft will get its ass sued for not fixing Y2K problems and, hence, will never reach the trillion $ mark. \_ Nah - AOL & MSFT are going to merge within the year. \_ No way, Cisco (CSCO for people who only know companies by stock tickers) will beat them both out. Hands down. \_ If this happens, I think soda will need to be upgraded. Perhaps to a Starfile (UE10000) and a dedicated Cisco 12000 GSR. -- A cisco employee. |
1999/4/27-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:15708 Activity:nil 50%like:15702 |
4/26 Salivating over that cable modem, are you? check this out: http://members.home.net/maycomp/cablemodem.htm |
1999/4/27-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:15707 Activity:nil |
4/26 Does anyone know if you can use a cable modem on a computer running LINUX? I have some clue about how to set up PPP and stuff so as long as you don't need some special software it should be possible. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this matter. Thanks. -emin \_ No, the cable modems will only work with Win97 machines and certain models of the Sequent Symmetry and Balance series. There is some rumored support for SCO Unix and *BSD. \_ Win97? \_ hehe. http://www.vortech.net/rrlinux http://www.seawood.org/rr/linux-setup.html \_ <DEAD>www.linux-howto.com/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Cable-Modem.html<DEAD> |
1999/4/27-28 [Computer/Networking] UID:15702 Activity:kinda low 50%like:15708 |
4/26 adsl vs cable modem? which is better? \_ I haven't used cable modem firsthand, but I've heard of low peaktime thoroughput since it's shared. I'm using DSL, and it's fast enuf for me (~100KB/sec usually). But the line dies occassionally during peak hours. \_ cable modems have an unsustainable business model; if you don't have problems now, you will when enough people sign on. -tom \_ So use them while the price/performance is acceptable, and when enough people sign on to create problems, leave. *Everything* -- cable modems, the phone system, freeways, BART, dance classes, yermom -- is theoretically prone to problems "when enough people sign on". \_ boy that's an intelligent post. First of all, there's a startup cost, and second of all, the phone system (to take the only reasonable example up there) has a sustainable business model; if more people sign on, the phone companies will have enough money to expand capacity. That's what "sustainable business model" means. If you don't understand this, please shut up. -tom \_ Pacbell has the money, but the will? DSL could also be impacted pretty badly. Best claims PB is selling at loss. \_ pretty clearly PBI is selling net access via PB at a loss, precisely so that you will still consider DSL vs Cable modem. Would the decision still be so hard if it was $49/mo cable modem vs. 99/mo DSL? \_ The price difference is not the main deciding point here. It's availability. Few places offer DSL or cable modem, and even fewer offer both. Some people are relegated to using sattelite connections, which is 1/4 the bandwidth at the same (or more) price. \_ GTE is total of $60/month for ADSL+internet. I'm hesitating. and btw, I would never pay $99/m for net access. I actually just want 128kbps at the reasonable price ISDN *SHOULD* have been. \_ Cable modem startup cost: $150 w/o discount.(includes a [decent] NIC) DSL startup: ~$600. They make you buy the DSL modem (from them, of course, since the standards still aren't stable yet). When standards are stable, DSL modem prices are down, and cable modem bandwidth has actually deteriorated, then I may switch over. \_ cable modem bandwidth has already dropped through the floor for many users \_ DSL startup : ~$199 \_ yermom put out a press release reassuring anxious customers that she has near-infinite capacity, irregardless of load. |
1999/4/5 [Computer/Networking] UID:15696 Activity:nil |
4/4 Hello what is VPN? \_ Virtual Private Network \_ Hi. |
1999/3/8-9 [Computer/Networking] UID:15561 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 Does soda have nslookup? If not, can somebody install it? (No, I do not have the time to install it myself). \_ is /usr/sbin/nslookup what you're looking for, or maybe just 'locate' ? -ERic \_ thanks mehlhaff. /usr/sbin was not in my path. Still adjusting to FreeBSD... |
1999/2/17-19 [Computer/Networking] UID:15431 Activity:nil |
2/16 Anyone out there have any experience with the local ADSL ISPs? How is PacBell compared to any of the others out there? \_ well lately pbi's been having lots of outages. OTOH, they've been forgetting to bill for service too. Heh.-ERic \_ i use tycho (via covad) and have been nothing but thrilled with their service. one tiny, short outage in the last four months. the staff is totally on top of the tech and stuff, not your typical bonehead isp staff. wuick turnaround, and currently offering free installation. http://www.tycho.net i've known them for a number of years, too, so that's a disclaimer as well as an additional recomendation. they don't suck --caliban |
1999/2/13-20 [Computer/Networking] UID:15409 Activity:kinda low |
2/12 Soda got mailbombed; we added a firewall rule to deny packets from that particular host. Sorry about the reboot. \_ How is that accomplished in freeBSD? tcpd config file? \_ why isn't this in official above? \_ Uh, Mr. Observant, it is. The user who quoted it from motd.official is no doubt seeking to gain some knowledge. As for the how of it, I assume it's something with ipfw. Checking boot files shows that my guess was bang-on. Check /etc/ipfw.rules for the details. --sowings \_ I'm running an ISP myself. What is that evil host IP? \_ blocking a host via IP because of a mail bombing is ridiculous. Most likely it was a bozo using a box he'd broken into, and he probably has a dozen other boxes he can do it from if he wants to. -tom \_ true, if you eliminate one means of attack you leave open others. personally, i think every smtp server should deny all mail coming from "free e-mail" sites like Hot Mail and Yahoo since those guys can't seem to get their act together and stop providing services for mass spammers. \_ Are you implying that people who run soda are stupid? Fuck you tom. Why don't you come into Soda Hall and and do voluntary sys admin 3:00am at night. Fucker. \_ I don't think he was saying that at all. Anyways, why so rabid? \_ Most likely Tom is wrong. Haven't you guys learned by now? \_ Tom's reply was so "Tom" I had to leave it. -anti-tom \_ Look, if you want to reboot your machine every time someone tries some relatively innocuous attack against it, more power to you. It's just not the way people with a clue run their machines. -tom \_ The reboot was not directly due to the mailbomb. -root \_ <DEAD>ac2.yahoo.com<DEAD> \_ <DEAD>leland.stanford.edu<DEAD> \_ What if someone is trying to write a legi. email to a user@soda from that address? \_ Buy your own domain name. Co-locate your own server. Manage your own system from scratch. No problem. \_ Soda is not your ISP, folks. Shut up or leave. \_ Update: the mailbomb was accidental. The temporary firewall rule has been removed. \_ the soda motd: feel the love |
1999/2/12-14 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/Networking] UID:15408 Activity:kinda low |
2/12 I want to run a comercial web server. After being bounced from ISP to ISP because we are using too much CPU time, we are thinking about getting our own server. Can you comment on server colocation vs. DSL? (no money for frame relay now) Thanks. \_ If you colocate, you don't have to worry about the network connection--someone else maintains it for you. It probably will also be a faster connection (usually 100 megabit out to at least a 45 megabit shared connection, vs 384 kilobit for cheap DSL). Plus the network will likely have fast response, 24-hour support; if your DSL goes down at 6PM on Friday, how quick will Pac Bell deal with it? The tradeoff is that you don't have easy physical access to the box if something goes wrong with it, and colocating is probably more expensive. You also get an outgoing fast net connection with DSL; you have to pay for one if you're colocating. -tom \_ colocation costs about 30% more than DSL, but you raised good points about the service of phone companies we all learn to live with. Thanks! \_ must be a porn site. \_ Of course, since we all know how much CPU a porn site must burn. As opposed to bandwidth. Sigh. \_ What, network/hard drive I/O doesn't take CPU? \_ cgi porn? \_ MP3 live broadcast of acts. |
1999/2/10-11 [Science/Disaster, Computer/Networking] UID:15395 Activity:moderate |
2/10 What is a "SYN Flood"? I keep getting a SYN Flood warning on /var/log/messages from this weird IP. Is it bad? \_ I remember an option on the Linux kernel called SYN_COOKIES which supposedly issues some kind of challenge and prevents denial of service attacks. Don't know much about SYN floods myself other than someone is intentially trying to get your OS to panic. \_ I think the idea behind SYN cookies is that you send a random number to the computer requesting the SYN, and they have to send it back before the connection can continue. I don't think that it can directly prevent SYN flooding, (other than scaring off the flooder) but at least you'll know the real address that's doing the flooding. - mikeym \_ That means that someone is trying to saturate your machine with connections to use up lots of resources. It is bad. - mikeym \_ The flooder creates a bunch of half-open connections till your data structure for holding half-open connections is full and you can no longer accept any new connections. TCP normally has a 3-way handshake: SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK. Client sends initial SYN, server responds with SYN-ACK, and client should send back an ACK. In a synflood the client never sends the last ACK. --sky \- we do a lot of syn flood detection. probably somoem's fucked up tcpstack, but if it is a "rando," ip address you dont do much business with, might be someone scanning you to see what services you are running. see if any other addresses on the subnet got hit. --psb |
1999/2/9-10 [Computer/Networking] UID:15382 Activity:nil |
2/8 Cisco Systems Infosession Thursday 11 Feb from 7-9 PM in the Wozniak Lounge. We'll be giving a brief presentation and answering questions, along with having a raffle for Cisco 7500 router. Pizza and Beer afterwards. Show up and bring your resumes. ----ranga <srv@cisco.com> |
1999/2/3-5 [Computer/Networking] UID:15352 Activity:high |
2/3 I just got DSL connection at home and I have this comment: IT ROCKS!!!! Fuck 56K modem and ISDN. DSL ROCKS!!! DSL is faster, cheaper, and a whole lot better than ISDN. Idiots use ISDN. Smart people use DSL. \_ I live in Soda Hall lab, and I have this comment: IT ROCKS!!! Fuck DSL, camping in soda RULES!! Direct Internet connection is faster, cheaper, and a whole lot better than DSL! And I can also check out the chicks(however scarce) in the lab too! Beat that! \_ No, ISDN is not stupid for everyone. We're just lucky to live within a reasonable distance from a local hub (I'm assuming you live in Berkeley). Although, I'm sure DSL will become a bit more widespread than it is today. In the mean time ISDN is still some people's only viable option. \_ That's what people used to say about cable modem until more and more people using them. \_ Difference being cable modems is and always has been a shared medium. DSL is dedicated. \_ Well, your connection to the telco is dedicated. Whether or not they allocate sufficient bandwidth for your subnet block is another question... --dbushong \_ yeah, but the ATM VC to the DSL concentrator box is dedicated (yeah, technically the ATM trunk between the switch in the CO and the DSL concentrator is shared too). And the network gateways are ultimately a shared resource as well. Its just easier for cable modem providers to oversubscribe than DSL providers. -ERic \_ Ah yes, those people who are screwed because they're not close enough to a main office to get DSL? Sure, those people are stupid too. Duhuh... \_ Please, can we all get along? \_ Nice, aaron! Did you happen to mention how much rent you are paying to live 1 block from the PacBell substation? \_ aaron has $$$ (and Asian chicks). No problem for him. \_ You're saying he trades in Asian chicks for DSL and rent? \_ Hey dude, whats the bandwidth that you see going to campus? |
1999/1/29-31 [Recreation/Activities, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15322 Activity:nil |
1/28 What's the difference between running routed, running gated, and building IP routing into the kernel? --clueless \-routing involves both the conceptual concept and specific protocols, e.g. RIP, OSPF, BGP etc. Maybe this would be a productive start. --psb \_ If you don't understand routed and gated, just put IP routing in the kernel and use static routes with the "route" command or local equivalent. routed and gated and associated protocols are used for dynamic routing, which is mostly useful on multihomed networks. If you don't know what a multihomed network is, you probably don't have one, and you should start with the research psb recommends. It's rather horrible that e.g. Redhat 5 is bundling gated and STARTING IT BY DEFAULT, thus prompting lots of people whose networks don't even come close to needing dynamic routing to worry over what gated is for. |
1999/1/20-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:15259 Activity:high |
1/20 If you know a person's IP address at which they're connected to the Internet, is there some sort of way to find out what kind of computer system they're using? \_ newest release of nmap will do this reasonably well by examing differences in tcp/ip stack. There is another prog called queso that does this as well. See also latest issue of phrack if you care about implementation details. --sky \_ of course there's like a 90% chance they're running some wintel machine, so you could skip all that and try the wintel hacks to see what works. \_ esp. since nmap/queso can't distinguish btwn 95/98/NT... \_ actually, 95 has fucked up timestamps. Its about the only way to distinguish btwn 95/NT -sky \_ Are nmap or queso installed on soda anywhere? \_ I doubt it...and even if it was, it uses raw ip so you are not 31337 enough to run it. -sky \_ ~sky/bin, but you can't execute them \_ BTW, how come "nslookup -q=hinfo <ip addr>" doesn't work? \_ maybe the dns admin didn't bother putting in the information there? I dont know of many how do that any more. Its a minor security risk. \_ Lotsa dns admins don't even know about it. \_ Some even fake the data there. \_ GASP! Fake data on the net?! Heavens, no! \_ the net is always right. Your perception of reality is wrong \_ Adam? I thought you went to M$ and became a borg. \_ once again, your perception of reality is wrong. -- notAdam |
1999/1/13-17 [Computer/Networking] UID:15228 Activity:moderate |
1/13 Relating to yesterday's DSL topic, since the Basic package gives you one IP address, is there a way to setup 2 or more computers to use the same line? \_ NAT \_ que? \_ My cousin Nat knows how to do this. nat@csua.berkeley.edu. \_ yeah, and my cousin "guido" knows how to make you suffer for a joke like that... \_ NAT >> Guido. \_ Network Address Translation. It allows multiple machines to masquerade behind a single IP address. You would then set up your "mask" machine to act as a router for your network, and then have it run NAT for all internal machines. \- NAT doesn't work with applications such as Net2Phone and ICQ, that always reply back at specific high ports (such as 30000 TCP, or UDP). So, unless you aren't planning on using such apps, don't go with NAT. -leblon \_ Well, StarCraft always wants to connect to port 6112, but that doesn't prevent you from forwarding that one port to one particular machine behind the firewall. Yes, only one person can use it at a time, but half a loaf... If you're BuffLikeThat, then you write a multiplexer, but hey.. --dbushong \_ you get it for free under the freeware unixes. It you want to do it under windoze check out winroute (<DEAD>www.winroute.com<DEAD> -ERic \_ After glossing over the docs at the webpage, from what I understand, you need 2 NICs on the main computer, correct? One with IP Address to Internet (assuming cable modem/T1/DSL) and one to your internal network. Is this right? \_ You could get by with one, but you wouldn't want to. If you only had one card, you'd plug the DSL modem straight into the hub (i think you'd need a crossover cable for this) and also have the NAT box on the hub. But then _every_ packet on the network would have to be inspected and everything would bounce over the hub like 3 times. In any case you need to have a machine up all the time in the corner to be a router (like me =) --dbushong \_ For WinRoute? more or less. Though I don't bother myself with the exact limitations of that pathetic excuse for an OS. -ERic \_ Cf. the Linux IP masquerade mini-HOWTO and the Linux Router Project (http://www.linuxrouter.org |
1999/1/12-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:15214 Activity:very high |
1/12 Go PacBell! ADSL for everyone! Fresh panties all around! http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/990112/pacific_be_2.html \_ That $39 figure is deceptive. It is more like $80/mo once you add in phone and inet costs. It is still a cheap though. -ausman you add in phone and inet costs. It is still cheap though. -ausman \_ http://public.pacbell.net/dedicated/dsl/dsl_basic.html What is missing from that $49/month price? (this price was $90 just a couple days ago) \_ Cost of phone line. \_ Does this give you a STatic I.P. address since it is "always on" (or will it still issue a new i.p. address anytime the connection reset)? -crebbs \_ yes. \_ I heard you get one static IP. I am totally psyched as I already ordered it and was prepared to pay $89 a month, and now I can get it for cheaper installation price, and $49 a month!! -ax \_ they said it'll take 48 busines hours for them to figure out if i'm in available range of a DSL office. Damn. \_ so do those of us who already have DSL get screwed or do we get a price cut ? -ERic \_ check http://www.pacbell.com/products/business/fastrak/dsl/dsl-availability.html It tends to be too conservative, though. -ax \_ Fresh panties? |
1999/1/6-7 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:15181 Activity:nil |
1/6 Let's say I do a "netstat -a" and see someone is hogging up a port that I need (ie. I'm running a MUD server). As a root, how do I delete the process that is associated with that port? Thanks. \_ use lsof to get the pid of the process that is using the port. |
1998/12/16-17 [Computer/Networking] UID:15109 Activity:high 66%like:15100 |
12/16 Is Mindspring a good ISP? \_ either earthlink or mindspring is a front for the church of scientology, I don't know which one but one of them is. \_ soda is a front for Scientology \_ Earthlink was started by and is owned by devoted Scientologists, but it is not actually owned by the Church Of Scientology - danh but it is not actually owned by the Church Of Scientology - danh |
1998/11/25-29 [Computer/Networking] UID:15029 Activity:low |
11/25 Anyone ever taken a look at the following? http://www.adaptec.com/products/solutions/satellite.html Anybody here use it? I'm looking at it as a possible way out of my medieval net swamp... -John \_ GW = satellite for Internet use requires a phone line modem which sends requests to the ISP, which relays that to the satellite, which sends you the right info - nasty latency. Seems like cable modems are most ppls sol'ns, with DSL for the $-laden. -jctwu \_ not in Switzerland. \_ Specifically, our cable modem setup here is pretty bad, since (a) our physical net is overloaded, and (b) they are doing dynamic NAT instead of giving everyone their own IP, so no netrek. Thought that the adaptec card hooked directly to a satellite tv-type dish by coax cable. Point the dish at the satellite and you're on. But then I don't know whether those things can even transmit that far. I don't think I have to go through a provider, since that would defeat the whole point of having a satellite network card... -John \_ DSL only for the cable-modem impaired. SJMercury had an article about a massive cable-modem rollout soon in the South Bay. The final sentence of the article: "This covers all areas of the SouthBay except San Jose." FUCK! \_ it'll collapse when they try to put that many people on it. They're selling bandwidth at a loss. -tom \_ There is a DirecTV satellite over Europe. Maybe other supported ones too. I'll check. Your latency might be too bad for netrek, but bandwith for your porn downloads will be good. There is a right way to provide cable modem service and there is a wrong way. The way Austrian PTT does it for example is wrong. You sit on a shared Ether with the whole city, so it is much much slower than it could've been. I expect Swiss PTT to be similarly lame. -muchandr \_ That about covers it. The thing that sounds cool about the satellite card is the high bandwidth, although you're probably right about the latency. -John \_ out-and-back to geosynchronous satellites is over 500ms |
1998/11/22-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:14995 Activity:nil |
11/21 Can TCPIP on Linux use multiple link media at the same time? E.g. can it send packets of certain IP addresses to PPP modem and others to ethernet? I used an SunOS 4 machine that did this, although I didn't set it up myself and I don't know how. --- yuen \_ Yes. Use route(8) to choose which packets will be sent where. Even windows 95 can do this. \_ How can you do this under 95? \_ win 95 has a 'route' command. use patience. --aaron \_ where are the help files/man pages for patience? |
1998/11/22-24 [Computer/Networking] UID:14994 Activity:moderate |
11/21 Is DHCP and Reverse-ARP related? Does DHCP use RARP? Thanks. -- yuen \_ No, DHCP obsoletes BOOTP, which obsoletes RARP. They all provide the same MAC --> IP functionality, but each successive protocol adds new functionality. \_ DHCP isn't a new protocol as far as address resolution. It's just a management application on the server side. \_ I are a college student! \_ He's Asian. What'd you expect? \_ What's your point? -- yuen \_ Sorry about my grammar. -- yuen |
1998/11/9-11 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking] UID:14932 Activity:kinda low |
11/09 How do I go from a domain name to a numeric IP address? \_ nslookup, host, or dig \_ gethostbyname \_ CSUA: gethostbyname gethostbyname: Command not found. \_ gethostbyname(3), silly. man 3 gethostbyname \_ CSUA: man 3 gethostbyname No entry for gethostbyname in section 3 of the manual \_ What's your MANPATH? \_ DNS |
1998/11/6-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:14921 Activity:kinda low |
11/6 Anyone with experience with DSL? Is it as advertised? Is it worth >$130/month? Cable modems aren't offered in my area, but DSL is. \_ A friend of mine is splitting his PacBell $90/mo DSL with two other people and he's been pretty happy with it. I saw one person downloading an entire mp3 in a mere ten seconds. You need to config a linux router box or ip masquerading though but it shouldn't be too bad. \_ I'm using pac bell's $89/mo DSL. pretty good deal, and way cheap. Its pretty zippy, real life throughput within 90% of theoretical maximum (128k up 384 down). -Eric \_ And I'm getting work to pay for 1.5MB/384k =) -h0zer |
1998/11/5-8 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW] UID:14918 Activity:nil |
11/5 Does anyone know if there's such thing as game port to USB adaptor? My laptop has USB but not game port and I have a non-USB joystick. I would like to use that same joystick on my laptop. I know a parallel port to USB exists. Does game port to USB adaptor exist? \_ Never heard of such a thing, but it's likely to cost more than a new joystick. Welcome to the Brave New World Of High Tech. |
1998/11/3-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:14890 Activity:moderate |
11/3 Does the IP address have any special meaning? Thanks. \_ Yeah, isn't that http://www.yermom.com \_ Your DNS-fu is weak ;; ANSWERS http://www.yermom.com 7200 A \_ nslookup doesn't return a name for this address. The reason I'm asking is that I'm looking at some TCPIP driver code and http://www.yermom.com 7200 A \_ nslookup doesn't return a name for this address. The reaso ; Used for local addr for the loopback link. is I'm asking is that I'm looking at some TCPIP driver code an LOOPBACK_LOCAL_IP_ADDR equ 0x010200c0 somewhere it says ; Used for local addr for the loopback link. i IANA (RESERVED-2) RESERVED-192 - [No name] (NET-TEST) IANA so i'd say the driver is correct ... --charmer ; officially defined to be "nothing". (in network order LOOPBACK_LOCAL_IP_ADDR equ 0x010200c But I've never heard of such thing \_ hmmm. for `whois' i got IANA (RESERVED-2) RESERVED-192 - 192.0.255. [No name] (NET-TEST) IANA 192.0.2. so i'd say the driver is correct ... --charme |
1998/10/29-31 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14855 Activity:moderate |
10/29 I have a PC running PCSolaris and Win95 with an internal modem. So far I have only used the modem under Win95 to connect to a dialup line. Does anyone know how I could use the modem under Solaris? I don't have access to a PPP connection just dialup. Any clues or pointers to sites with clues would be appreciated. Thanks. -emin \_ no ppp? that sucks. try minicom. \_ Use a unix side terminal program, like 'tip' or kermit or even Seyon. \_ Try this site http://www.phase-one.com.au/solaris-x86/pppd -marc \_ If you don't even have "tip", use "cu". \_ I think minicom also runs on Solaris. \_ I have tip and cu on my system but I am having trouble getting tip and cu to realize I have a modem. I have an internal modem on ISA. Does anyone know how to configure things so that tip and/or cu can talk to the modem? Thanks again. -emin \_ On SunOS 4 there's a file /etc/uucp/Devices to set up the modem. Look for a similar file in Solaris. Read the man page of "cu". \_ Try this site http://www.phase-one.com.au/solaris-x86/pppd I have another site that explains how to setup the native solaris ppp daemon. If you can wait a day I should have that info by tomorrow. -marc \_ note the "I don't have access to a PPP connection" part. \_ Oops. Then your only options are the tip or cu commands that are currently installed on solaris by default. I have never tried minicom, but it sounds like a good alternative. -marc \_ after setting up "tip" properly, you can then use the linux program "term" to get multiple connections. kindasorta like a cross between ppp and rsh. You run it on both ends, and it multiplexes data streams, etc. fun stuff. soda used to have it installed(?), but it does not appear to have it right now. Which is perhaps a good thing, I suppose :-) |
1998/10/20-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:14792 Activity:high |
10/20 Rest in peace Jonathan B. Postel, founder and chair of IANA, author of IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, SMTP, FTP, etc., and long-time editor of the RFC series. Postel may have contributed more than anyone else to the production and documentation of Internet standards; he died this week in Southern California. -- schoen |_ "He is survived by a brother, Mort Postel and a partner, Susan Gould." \_ So it's all his fault? \_ It's all his doing, and all your fault. \_ I just send a few packets here n there. I wouldn't be put out if it never happened. \_ ~dpetrou/rfc2468.txt \_ This makes me sick. \_ Why? \_ Drip drip drip, sob sob sob, wah wah wah. Could it get any more sappy? \_ I will remember not to mourn your death \_ There's a difference between mourning and dripping. Don't drip for me, I don't care. \_ I'm dripping as we speak. -John \_ penicillin helps that |
1998/10/6-7 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:14743 Activity:high |
10/06 Here's a question for some genius guru out there. I'm on a WAN using 3-com super-stack II net biulder 221 to connect an ethernet to a 56.6 connection supplied by the phone company and sent to server land. Now when i connect a p.c. with a given i.p. add., net mask, etc. it seems to work fine, but a MAC with the same info can only send data of less than 1.5K. I.e. when packet splitting is involved, it fails. Any ideas of what might be the problem?? (using mac tcp/ip and open transport versions 1.2) I know i'm asking for a lot here. - crebbs \_ You need to use a REAL OS like AmigaOS or Linux which supports packet splitting in the latest patch! \_ Amiga eh? Now there's some stat of the art I'd like to get my hands on. At least they're better than Win95. What isn't? \_ Sounds like broken path-mtu negotiation. Got an admin out there stupidly filtering out all icmp? See if you can force a smaller mtu on your macs and that might fix it. -ERic |
1998/9/3-5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:14539 Activity:high |
9/3 When I use "talk" to talk to a SVR4.0 machine, it keeps on saying [Checking for invitation on caller's machine] What does that mean? How do I get it to ring the other party? Thanks. \_ Just use ytalk at all times. \_ There are different and somewhat incompatible versions of talk. You should probably try to get their sysadmins to compile the latest released talkd for that platform, and also to install ytalk (which is relatively interoperable). On some systems, you'll see "otalk" and "ntalk" (old and new talk); if one doesn't work, \_ or it could just mean that the other person is mesg n... you might try the other. \_ Thx. What path is "otalk" and "ntalk" on soda? \_ Soda's talk is ntalk; try ytalk (which should work with either one) for connecting to older machines. \_ If the SVR4 machine in question is Solaris, it runs otalk. \_ I'm not sure. Actually I'm trying to talk to someone on <DEAD>saga21.stanford.edu<DEAD>. (No flames please.) \_ Oski forbid that any packets should ever pass between any of our wonderful computers and any of their terrible computers! Our systems will be polluted by their rotten TCP implementations! The Berkeley IP stack is the best in the world, and far above any association with that other school! |
1998/8/19-20 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW/Display] UID:14485 Activity:nil |
8/19 Anyone got a PCI solution for wireless >1MB connections between at least three computers that costs less than 12 grand? |
1998/8/7-8 [Computer/Networking] UID:14427 Activity:kinda low |
8/6 In linux what is the device name to read and write to and from tcp/ip? \_ There is no IP or Ethernet raw device, like on some other Unix systems. Typically you would use socket calls (accept(2), connect(2), etc.); there is a socket type called SOCK_RAW, which lets you use some network facilities more directly. \_ I thought all I/O traffic goes through /dev/* ? Then what does accept(2) and connect(2) read and write to? \_ They don't read(2) or write(2) to anything; they are just their own system calls that act on kernel data structures called sockets. /dev is not involved here. \_ My grandmother knew this already. called sockets. /dev is not involved here. \_ My grandmother knew this already. |
1998/7/22-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/Networking] UID:14371 Activity:moderate |
7/21 Is there some C/C++ library that allows you to interfact with TCP/IP? \_ libsocket++ \_ what are the include file(s)? \_ libace ( see http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html ) \_ was that "interact" or "interface"? \_ does it matter???? just fuck.. damnit.. |_ Yes. Many. What platform? \_ http://www.kohala.com/~rstevens/unpv12e.html |
1998/7/11-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:14319 Activity:nil |
7/10 Does anyone know any good sources of info about getting through a digital (altavista) firewall. (not socks 5 compatible) -crebbs \_ Hammer the admin until he gives in. \_ From which direction? In either case, the hammer approach will often produce results. \_ good question. I am behind the firewall and want to get out to the (un)real world. -crebbs \_ Is this a firewall or a bastion host? If it is a firewall, try a port scan from a machine likely to be allowed out (like the mailserver, or an ftp server). If it's a bastian host set-up, either get on the bastion host, or fuggettaboutit. \_ It's Hammuh Time! |
1998/7/10-13 [Computer/Networking] UID:14315 Activity:high |
7/9 I have the following problem. I have call waiting, however whenever I'm online, the phone just rings and rings for the person trying to call me. I was wondering if there was something I can do, like changing modem settings, so that I can be automatically disconnected whenever someone is trying to call me? Any help would be great. --sheuy \_ You can try to turn off error correction but in my experience all new modems won't disconnect from call waiting. \_ Disenabling error correction seems to work, except for the occational garbled stuff on the screen. After a few rings, my screen is full of garbled stuff. \_ I dunno about disconnecting, but if you want to give them a busy signal, type "*70,,555-1234" for your outgoing phone number. \_ I was trying to figure this out for x years until I finally gave in to $40/month of a 2nd line. Error correction has gotten so robust that modems don't disconnect you anymore from call waiting blips. An old 28.8K Cardinal I had would hang up, until I put in the connectivity flash ROM upgrade. I was beginning to look into voice modems (with call waiting detect?) before I gave up ... \_ I read a news report a few weeks ago that Lucent is working on a product that will tell you on your computer if someone is calling you and will give you the option of disconnecting from your ISP. The report sounded like it was going to be a software product, but somehow I suspect that some hardware will be required (or else someone else would have done this already). -- sagarwal \_ Lucent is a hardware company so probably. \_ I got the followng response about the problem from the tech. people at 3Com. I haven't tried it out yet though so I dunno if it works: Go into a terminal program like Hyperterminal, Quicklink, Terminal, or RapidComm. The initialization string should appear, followed by OK. Underneath OK, type AT&FS10=3&W and hit enter. This will increase the modem's sensitivity to line noise. --sheuy \_ &F has nothing to do with it. For a Hayes modem, S10: Sets the duration, in tenths of a second, that the modem waits after loss of carrier before hanging up. This guard time allows the modem to distinguish between a line hit, or other disturbance that momentarily breaks the connection, from a true disconnect (hanging up) by the remote modem. While we do not recommend connecting the modem to a line with call waiting, if you have call waiting you may wish to adjust this setting upward to prevent the modem from misinterpreting the signal for a second call as a disconnect by the remote modem. A better alternative is to contact your phone company to find out how to temporarily disable call waiting. -from USR Courier v.everything manual |
1998/6/24 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW] UID:14244 Activity:nil |
6/23 I want to ethernet my computers together having one box as a linux gateway server to a ppp connection (using my HIP account). Is there a way I can do this? How do I assign ip numbers to the other computers? \_IP-NAT/IP-MASQ (linux) |
1998/6/23-25 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley, Computer/Networking] UID:14239 Activity:nil |
6/22 When is Berkeley ditching Sprintnet? \_ Since someone touched the subject, what is a *good* backbone provider? I see a lot of Sprint/Global-One advertising, but can't really tell who's good, who's not. -leblon \_ RSN - see http://ucb.net.announce \_ Depends on what you mean by 'good' and how much you're willing to pay for it. MCI used to be good, but with Cable&Brainless buying their internet operations, I'd expect them to tank in a year or so. \_perhaps page of recommended providers should be maintained, similar to the cs books page -nesim \_ yes, and you know that there are just a ton of cs students who are looking around for T3 connection providers. |
1998/6/11-16 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:14203 Activity:moderate |
6/11 Next week I plan to try to meet the 6bone co-ordinator to discuss a \-Do you mean Bob Fink?--psb UCB student site on the 6bone (http://www.6bone.net which is the worldwide experimental IPv6 Internet. I'm again asking for interested parties who want to learn about the next-generation Internet protocol through experience. If interested, please e-mail. -- schoen \_ the csua should put one of the office sparcs on this & can also help with the nameservice \_ Cool, I'll bring it up at a meeting or come by. -- schoen \_ Talk to the vp \_ Er, a late-night chat with the VP was what originally persuaded me this was feasible. I think he knows about it. :-) -- schoen \_ you mean PROPOSED next-generation internet protocol, which will just get dumped by the wayside when Microsoft forces IP-NT down everyone's throats. M$ jumped into IP late, which is the only reason it's still around. They're not going to make the same mistake again. \_ Say what? IP-NT? WTF are you babbling about? MS is the only reason IP still exists or the only reason MS still exists? Both statements are ridiculously stupid. http://www.getagrip.org \_ No, IP wasn't quashed because it was well established before M$ could get around to making their own proprietary protcol. They'll squash IP just as soon as they're done squashing IPX. \_ They already made their own protocol. It sucked. --dim \_ They already made their own protocol. It sucked. If it was better than IP people would've wanted to use it regardless of what was established first. --dim \_ that won't stop them from trying to do it again. Or forcing it down the market's throats anyway. \_ M$ already made their own server OS, NT. It sucked If it was better than unix people would've wanted to use it regardless of what was established first. \_ Huh? NT is a moderate success. Netbeui is a dismal failure. --dim \_ Exactly. NT sucks but they're forcing it down the market's throat anyway. You seem to have missed the sarcasm's point. \_ You missed my point, which is that M$ couldn't force Netbeui down the market's throat. --dim \_ Actually, I know the guy who just completed a IPv6 implementation for NT w/Microsoft. \_ no surprise, they'll provide token support just like they 'support' IPX \_ I am personally optimistic that IPv6 will be widely used; it has the support of many people, and take a look at who the existing 6bone sites are: some very influential players, including the major networking hardware and software companies, computer manufacturers, and ISPs. There is also a well-thought- out gradual transition mechanism and substantial backward compatibility. And yes, even Microsoft promises to embrace it at present. As for the "PROPOSED" bit: IETF will never go back on IPv6. Perhaps the big network of the future will be MSN rather than the Internet, but the Internet itself will speak IPv6, be it relevant to most users or not. -- schoen \_ Foolish optimist. Most of the big players 'support' IPX too, but that doesn't make it any less dead. \_ YEAH!!! That "schoen" guy is a GREAT BIG DOODYHEAD!!!!!! MICROSOFT WILL WIN!!!!! I'm already looking forward to using MS-WWWINS (Microsoft World Wide WINS) as the protocol on the NETWORK OF THE FUTURE, 'cause IT'LL BE GREAT!!!!!, just like ALL MICROSOFT PRODUCTS!!!!!!! IPv6 SUX!!!!!!!! |
1998/4/22-26 [Computer/Networking] UID:13998 Activity:high |
4/22 I'm thinking about getting SHIP. Anybody hear whether they suck or not $10 seems pretty cheap. \_ [insert lame Titanic joke by EECS freshman who thinks he's all that] \_ Tang is good for 3 things: pregnancy, STD's and sports related injuries. If you health problem doesn't fall into one of those categories, they'll diagnose you into one of them anyway. \_Actually Tang was very good a couple of years ago when I had a stomach virus and could not keep food down for a week. With my current healthcare (Healthnet), however, I keep getting the runaround and have yet to see the inside of my dr's office. Couldn't even get past the receptionist on the phone to get an appointment. \_ perhaps person means new HIP service from CNS? \_ yeah, that's what I meant but everyone seems to think that I'm talking about the university health plan. \_ CNS, like Microsoft, is re-using old acronyms. \_ SHIP = Student Health Insurance Plan. (Tang Center) HIP = Home IP. (service/account/ppp/whatever) Does SHIP also stand for something like Student Home IP? \_ Subscription Home-IP. Like Home-IP, but you pay for it and supposedly there are enough modems to go around. \_ Huh? What for? I already have free home-ip. Who is this service for? \_ tang is mostly incompetent, but at least you can get an appt. \_ anyone else care to make broad, unsupported comments? \_ Unsupported?! Uh, try going there as a woman. Try going there without an STD or sports injury. Been there? Or do you mean that "at least you can get an appt" is the broad and unsupported comment? I'll agree to that. It's hard to get an appointment for something serious if you're not already bleeding. \_ Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of the word "unsupported". \_ The experience of 32000+ students sounds like a good argument to me. You had another measure in mind? \_ gee, you speak for 32000+ students? Who are you? \_ SHIP (subscription home-IP) is EXCELLENT. No busy dial in, connection to Berkeley is excellent. However, connection to outside Berkeley is lousy but that's a trade-off I can deal with. \_ I bought Subscription Home-IP. I like it because my connection to campus is fast. \_ How is SHIP different from HIP? \_ They kick you off every 8 hours instead of 2 \_ http://www.net.berkeley.edu/dcns/modems/ship.html \_ It's $10/month and faster. \_ 56k? \_Yes. Currently K56Flex, will be upgraded to V.90 once the standard is ratified (and cisco releases the updater software). \_ Few (if any) busy signals. \_cheaper than most ISPs (and you get a http://berkeley.edu IP address.) \_ For about the same cost as a 2nd phone line, you can get Ricochet wireless with zero busy signals, unlimited access, and local access to UCBNet from anywhere in the Bay Area. \_ give it up tpc \_ go away aspolito \_ Not until I get another piece of your warm, hairy ass. -aspolito \_ Seattle, too. Kinda slow, though. --tsang |
1998/4/17-18 [Computer/Networking] UID:13977 Activity:moderate |
4/17 Giganet's Cluster LAN will vie with Fibre Channel and P2100 -- PC interconnect rides on Intel's bus strategy http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?EET19980413S0016 \_ How does it compare with TeraBit OptoChannel from Terabit Network \_ How does it compare with TeraBit OptiChannel from Terabit Network Assoc's? \_ TB OptiChannel outperforms Cluster LAN by %40 in most situations and up to %135 better in some rarer cases. |
1998/4/15-16 [Computer/Networking] UID:13960 Activity:kinda low |
4/14 Are there any reputable ISPs that have a pre-payment plan, e.g. you pay for a year in advance and in exchange, get a dicounted rate? \_ isn't 'reputable ISP' some kind of oxymoron? \_ the experience of most of my friends is that they go for such a plan as the service is good at the outset, and in a few months it's gone to pot and they're screwed for the rest of the year or whatnot. good luck in your quest to find a decent isp. \_ FWIW, I know people who have had good experiences with http://rahul.net and http://idiom.com. If you want cheap, http://autobahn.org has nice student discounts. \_ Ricochet has a $299 prepay plan or monthly 34.95 plan. - tpc \_ Stillpushing the Ricochet crap? They pay you? \_ I'm sorry, that is too expensive to justify going wireless. Ricochet should die, just like ISDN. High price, low demand. GET IT???!?!?? Take a business class. \_ I have a Ricochet and love it. Where else can you get 24x7 connectivity (much less *portable* connectivity) for $25/month? I leave the thing connected for days at a time without needing a second phone line ($15 or so right there), check email from coffeeshops, and hardly ever use dialups any more even from home. Ricochet *rules*. --phr \_ as if. laptops are getting way cheap; handhelds are booming the market for Ricochet is growing wildly, both for vertical and consumer applications \_ Oh puleeze, keep the hype off the motd. vertical apps? Are you a palmpilot or ricochet salesdrone? |
1998/4/13-14 [Computer/Networking, Recreation/Media] UID:13944 Activity:very high |
4/12 How do you get a black box for cable? - reeser \_ Call TCI. \_An illegal one, I mean. For illegal purposes too. \_ You want to publically admit you're breaking the law? Brilliant. \_ You can buy one through mail order. It is legal to sell such a machine, since the whole premise is that you only use it once you already have cable. You are breaking the law (just like illegally copying software) otherwise. \_ Check out the back of a pseudo-geek magazine, like Popular Science or Popular Mechanics, for ads. (And I'm sure that you can find ads from places that sell cable decoders on the Web, too . . . ) \_ what about for DSS? \_ DSS piracy is done by way of "test cards" which are programmable devices that spoof a valid DSS security card. Not as legal as a pirate cable box, unless you're in Canada. Also, DirecTV has a nasty habit of doing ECMs that often render the cards useless. \_ probly cheaper just to bribe the cable installer ... \_ I bought a Disney unscrambler (the solonoid thingies) from a cable installer. He was very cool about it. |
1998/3/30 [Computer/Networking] UID:13870 Activity:high |
3/29 I am interested in starting an IPv6 network at Berkeley sometime next month, almost all segments of which would run over IPv4 tunnels. The point of this is (for fun and) to gain some early practice with the next version of IP, which will eventually be used widely on the Internet. This network would aim at eventual connection to the 6bone, the widespread experimental IPv6-over-IPv4 Internet. Please write to me if interested. - schoen \_ You're stoned man. when IPV4 goes out, microsoft will force their own inferior but microsoft-proprietary protocol to be used instead. \- Sorry...Micro-what? The way things are going, what the future holds for M$oft is that it won't be forcing anything on anyone... |
1998/3/28-31 [Computer/Networking] UID:13866 Activity:nil |
3/27 Anyone using an X2 ISP that they're happy with and can recommend as a good ISP? If they supported v90 that would be great but since it only just came out, I'm not stupid enough to ask for an ISP that supports it. Thank you. |
1998/3/13-14 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:13804 Activity:high |
3/13 Someone forged email in my name, what's a good place to read up documents on how to nail the forger by reading the mail header if possible? Thanks! \_ http://www.cauce.org or my legal web site <DEAD>www.localhost.com<DEAD> have links to anti-spam pages that can teach you how to read headers. feel free to contact me directly for more info. - seidl \_ Good fucking luck if they originated on an ISP with dynamic IP #s. Even if you do get an IP, you still haven't proved anything. \_ The ISP _can_ still get you ann account name from their login records. Whether or not they'll bother is the real question. \_ That's my point. Why should they care? They all hear lame whining from stupid personal usenet started flamefests all damned day. You think they *really* give a shit about this particular event? Hardly. |
1998/2/2-3 [Computer/Networking] UID:13606 Activity:high |
2/1 Autobahn (aka Baycis) sucks big time. Is there another 56kbps isp with berkeley numbers and competitive prices? Thx. \_ <DEAD>www.jps.net<DEAD> \_ I was going to laugh at this, but then I notice the person wasn't asking at all about reliability. \_ http://www.lanminds.com \_ http://www.california.com \_ yeah IS&T ... j/k most ISPs suck in some way or another IMO \_ IS&T tops out at 28.8k - no 56k lines \_actually, http://www.california.com is a real, commercial ISP with no relation to the university.... \_ <DEAD>Pacbell.net<DEAD>. \_ http://aol.com |
1998/1/29 [Computer/Networking] UID:13593 Activity:nil 57%like:13583 |
1/29 What's the best long distance company? What's the best ISP? \_ There is no such thing. It all depends on what you want/need. Different ones have different strengths. It's like asking "What's the best car?" - it depends whether you think style, performance, quality, price, or safety is most important. \_ My ZZZ can beat up your ZZZ anytime! >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Raffaele Nardin [SMTP:rnardin@cisco.com] >>Sent: Friday, January 23, 1998 1:49 AM >>Subject: Free internet access >> >>For the next month or so you can have free internet access by dialing >>(PPP only): >> >> 1-800-637-0491 >> >>Then login using the following ids: >> >>Username: usa >>Password: test123 >> >>Please let me know if you have any problem. Feel free to forward this >>message to your friends. >>We are testing a new product (guess what Michael ?) >>and need lots of users, therefore we are giving free access. |
1998/1/27 [Computer/Networking] UID:13572 Activity:nil |
1/25 Anyone know why I can not connect to soda using my ISP http://sirius.com ? I have to leapfrog from another host to get here \_ Your ISP sucks. And so do you if you expect help and don't give any useful details like what error message you get, what software you use, or what problem you have. \_ Your indenting sucks too. I corrected it only so I could further insult you. |
1998/1/21-22 [Consumer/TV, Computer/Networking] UID:13542 Activity:insanely high 66%like:13586 |
1/21 Tonight. 7:00. B5. Casa-de-nweaver. Be there. - tape delay ? its 7pm EST 4pm PST \_ old episodes @ 4pm PST, Season 5 Episodes Wed @7pm PST \_ You providing food, drink, and women or just the TV and cable? \_ how about tv, cable, and a lot of annoyance? \_ I provide the TV, cable, and space. Someone else will have to provide the munchies, booze, and babes. -nick \_ Can we have a nick party at nicks that's similar to other soda parties (ie. tara party)? \_ Hold a lingerie party at nicks? \_ No Way, I do *not* want tosee a bunch of geek guys in lingerie. \_ Various physicians recommend that as a cure for nymphomania. |
1997/5/15 [Computer/Networking] UID:32146 Activity:nil |
5/14 3Com TPM Office Connect 8 Port w/ Management Hub and 2 10BT Ethernet cards for sale e-mail -russwong |
1997/5/2 [Computer/Networking] UID:32136 Activity:nil |
5/2 ] Apparently, when Sprint's veterans passed the baton on to ] the new network plumbers they didn't tell them everything ] they needed to know about running the network. Insiders ] tell me the Sprinters misconfigured its routers so that a ] problem with one of its smaller ISP customers, MAI Net, was ] amplified throughout the entire global Internet (MAI's ] problem was triggered by a faulty Bay router). \_ The above from the Rumor Mill at http://www.news.com -- cmlee |
1996/10/11 [Computer/Networking] UID:31934 Activity:nil |
10/11 U.C. Berkeley's connection to the internet went down early this morning due to a power outage in Palo Alto at BBNPlanet's hub site. It's supposed to be back online this afternoon (hopefully) - see http://ucb.net.barrnet-alert for more info/the latest details. |
1996/8/8 [Computer/Networking] UID:49805 Activity:nil |
8/7 I want to set up Jove so that I can use the arrow keys to move the cursor, but I can't find any man pages or anything telling me how to do this. Anyone know of any on-line documentation to save me from ^F, ^B, ^P, and ^N? -- Mikeym \_ Here's some stuff from my .joverc - mogul # make VT100 arrows keys work make-keymap vt100-map bind-keymap-to-key vt100-map O bind-to-key backward-character OD bind-to-key forward-character OC bind-to-key previous-line OA bind-to-key next-line OB |
1993/5/26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/Networking] UID:31325 Activity:nil |
5/24 Anybody know of an annex port in the Los Angeles area (818 area) that would allow me to connect to Berkeley computers? kmanoj \_ dunno, but netcom has a Point Of Presence in LA area somewheres, if it's local to you it'll only be 17.50/mo, and you can use it in the bay area also.... \_ How about numbers for UCLA, USC, or CSUN annex ports? Anybody have those? forget it bud. even if you have those numbers, the annex port is like berkeley's, won't let you connect outside its system \_ I've heard that the annex port at CalTech allows you to telnet out, but you need the IP address for whatever machine. Sorry, don't know the phone number. -jesse \_ Okay, here's the story boys and girls. Connect up to a CSU server that's local to you. There's one in Northridge at (818) 701-0478; one in Los Alamos at (310) 985-9540. From there, open a connection to SF State with "sf/40" (port 40). Then do a "connect <your-favorite-MUD>" command, and you're there! Connection's kinda slow; but hey, it's semi-free! (Dunno about legality, so use at your own risk!) I also have those CalTech numbers, so mail me if you want 'em -jctwu \_ I've warned them of this security hole and it will shortly be turned off. |
3/15 |