3/15 |
2011/11/16-12/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/HW] UID:54230 Activity:nil |
11/16 We'll be taking all CSUA machines offline in the near future for a Soda Hall server room reorganization (we're being moved to a neighboring server cabinet). Downtime will hopefully be minimal. --jordan \_ Thanks for all your work keeping the machines running! It's been awesome having soda actually working again. \_ Update: this is tentatively scheduled for Saturday afternoon. \_ Update II: done! \_ Glad to be of service. --jordan \_ Ditto. -ausman |
2010/5/6-7 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW] UID:53819 Activity:nil 51%like:53821 |
5/6 Syzygryd Salon at GAFFTA on Friday, May 14th: http://www.syzygryd.com/2010/syzygryd-salon-at-gaffta-on-fri-may-14th It's a great opportunity to learn more about the project, and a chance to play with some of the hardware and software we'll be demoing. -dans |
3/15 |
2010/3/24-4/14 [Computer/HW] UID:53760 Activity:nil |
3/24 Soda is not allowed to connect to agae for Usenet. Which server should we use? \_ The campus no longer runs a Usenet server. For class newsgroups, use news.csua (aka <DEAD>news.berkeley.edu<DEAD>); for others, there's a good list of public servers at http://newzbot.com. --mconst |
2010/2/22-3/12 [Computer/HW] UID:53723 Activity:nil |
2/20 There was a failure validating the SSL/TLS certificate for the server <DEAD>mail.csua.berkeley.edu<DEAD> The reason for the failure was self signed certificate in certificate chain (details) We have not verified the identity of your server. If you ignore this certificate validation problem and continue, you could end up connecting to an imposter server. If the certificate validation failure was expected and permanent you may avoid seeing this warning message in the future by adding the option /novalidate-cert to the name of the folder you attempted to access. In other words, where\ ver you see the characters <DEAD>mail.csua.berkeley.edu<DEAD> in your configuration, replace those characters with <DEAD>mail.csua.berkeley.edu/novalidate-cert<DEAD> Is anyone else getting this error trying to send email? \_ motd format policy was here. \_ using pine? |
2010/1/23-25 [Science/Disaster, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/HW] UID:53658 Activity:low |
1/22 Tornado at Brentwood! http://weather.yahoo.com/storm/USCA0128.html \_ oh noes a widdle weather. \_ yawn |
2009/12/7-2010/1/3 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW] UID:53574 Activity:nil |
12/7 How many TCP retransmits are too many? Here is what I get: 3594143433 segments received 3760174421 segments send out 3801829561 segments retransmited \_ rephrase. you can never have too much money. or too little. what is, is. \_ You always get a few, but I have a bunch of squid servers that I just noticed have 500/second, which seems really high to me. They do about 20MB/sec at peak so this is a retransmit every 40K? This is kind of hard to believe, because they are working fine. More details have been requested so here they are: Each server has apache and squid installed and serves about 10M requests/day out of memory in 5ms or less. They are configured as memory only squid servers. They are middle tier caching servers, sitting between an application layer and an API. They have 1Gb/sec uplinks to shared switches, which each have 1 Gb uplinks to the core routers. No other servers on the switches are showing this behaviour and the switches themselves are not overloaded. Further investigation shows that 99% of the connections on the servers are sitting in TIME_WAIT, which I actually think is the cause of these retrans. I am still trying to figure out who is rudely dropping all their connections to these servers, but it is hard, since all traffic is through a load balancer (NetScaler). |
2009/11/24-12/6 [Computer/HW] UID:53542 Activity:low |
11/24 What is the best 25-32" monitor out there? I am ready to upgrade my 9 year old CRT. -ausman \_ How much money are you willing to spend, and how good do you really need it to be good? Are you willing to pay $900 for the industry standard monitor used by graphics artists, or are you so cheap that you'll only want to pay up $400 for something that is good enough for coding and checking email? $900 or $400? I've uploaded an Apple LED Cinema Display 24" vs. Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP, pixel-to-pixel comparisons for you monitor pixel peepers out there. Does it mean anything? If you're not a pixel peeper, no. link:bit.ly/DellVsApplePixel \_ I spent $1k on my last one and will probably spend about that this time. I might spend more if I really thought it was worth it, but not $15k. If I can get really good quality for less, I would be happy to spend less, but I doubt that is true. I like to buy good things and then use them for a long time. -a \_ "Best" is subjective. And sorry, I have no recommendation in the 25-32" range. For 24.1", Eizo CG243W. \_ $2200 eh? Do you have one? Is it worth it? \_ I have a really old L565 and somewhat outdated S2410W (paid around $1700). Zero complaints about L565. S2410W uses Samsung's PVA panel, and I'm not quite satisfied with it. CG243W uses the latest NEC IPS panel. If it had RGB back-light, I'd pay $3000 for one. As is, I'm just very tempted. \_ Self correction. Apparently, even CG243W uses LG panel. Where has all the high-end gone.... Also, the new SX2462W appears to use the same IPS panel, at much cheaper price, but without hardware calibration and some other really high-end features. That might be a reasonably good buy. I'm just going to wait it out until there's a no-compromise (to me anyway) model. \_ Additional information. Looks like CG232W is the one using NEC panel. It's actually smaller (22.5") but has the same resolution. \_ CG232W has a $15k price tag. That is too much for me. \_ I hate to sound like an Apple fanboi but when I tried out the 24" Apple LED Cinema Display, I was completely sold. Stay away from Dell Ultrasharp 24" unless price is an issue. Check out http://Amazon.com user reviews. \_ Curious why? I have a Dell Ultrasharp 24" and it has been a great solid monitor, used for over 2 years now. -ERic \_ It's a perfectly fine monitor for its price. It has MORE features than the Apple Cinema display, by leaps and bounds AND you can buy several Dells for the price of one Cinema Display. Spec-wise, it is brighter, more contrast, yadda yadda yadda. However, not everything is about features. There's a reason why most graphic artists still prefer the Mac-- better rendition of colors, and the color-balance is simply calibrated very well. I wrote a review on Amazon about this, and it used to be on the top review (10/11 people thought it was useful). I just went back and found out my review is now shifted to the bottom, WTF! They also took out a near microscopic comparison of pixels which I uploaded without giving me any warning! FU Amazon. Anyways here it is: link:bit.ly/DellVsApple24 \_ We have a bunch of 24" Dell Ultrasharps at work and some have failed, but they were replaced under warranty. They look fine when they are working. The Dell 20" and 30" seem more reliable. If money was no object I'd go with Apple. \_ 24" is fine, too. -ausman \_ I am going to get the Apple 24" thanks for all your advice. -ausman |
2009/1/2-8 [Computer/HW, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:52310 Activity:low |
12/31 SOMEONE PLEASE FIX KEG! Why does it keep crashing? \_ It's hard to tell. The risk of crashing seems to increase with disk activity, or so it seems, but debugging the kernel doesn't seem to yield much info. Email root for detailed info; I don't have a deep understanding of the problem --t \_ How about a backup LDAP server? I don't need files as much as access. \_ We do (did?) have a backup LDAP server. I think that it's also suffering from old failing hardware, but again, root (particularly Steven) hould have accurate-up-to-date info. The new server won't arrive for a little while yet, and it's only one server to replace several servers that have been failing in recent times. one server to replace several servers that have been failing in recent times. $PLEA_FOR_DONATIONS --t \_ Where do we send money to again? -ausman \_ A check made out to the CSUA and mailed to 337 Soda Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley CA 94720 or PayPal to politburo@csua.berkeley.edu are the preferred methods. --t \_ Okay, I got some details on server roles, for reference. soda: login, www, mysql scotch: DNS vermouth: mail, primary LDAP keg: NFS, secondary LDAP, backups screwdriver: linux mirror, mysql lifesaver (now dead): LDAP, backups --- Screwdriver and scotch don't mount NFS, so generally are the only computers to survive a keg failure. --t \_ New hardware is on the way! ETA 1 wk or so Then give us a week to set it up and whatnot |
2008/12/5-10 [Computer/HW] UID:52180 Activity:nil |
12/5 Does anyone know of a cheap IR detector that can be hooked up to a windows PC and set to send keystrokes to specific apps? I've cobbled together a simple media PC and would like simple pause, rewind, etc. \_ A quick google search for "usb ir sensor" uncovers this: http://www.home-electro.com/tira2.php |
2008/10/16-17 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW] UID:51550 Activity:nil |
10/15 Has anyone else used dnsmasq for DHCP and PXE booting? Have you found a way to specify the 'next-server' option with dnsmasq? conventional DHCP daemons let me specify 'next-server', I can't figure out how to do it with dnsmasq. Thanks - danh |
2008/9/5-12 [Computer/HW] UID:51070 Activity:nil |
9/5i Anyone reccomend a good place to look for replacement cover parts for a\ dell inspiron 8200 ? The dell site is useless for determining what parts\ to order since there are no pictures \_ ebay? Look at http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ins8200/en/index.htm at the manuals -- most likely the service manual. Late to the party. Hope this doens't get deleted. |
2008/7/23-28 [Computer/HW] UID:50667 Activity:nil |
7/23 Translate server error: http://www.boingboing.net/2008/07/15/chinese-restaurant-c.html |
2007/11/13-16 [Computer/HW, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:48631 Activity:nil |
11/12 What is diff between SAN and NAS? \_ NAS=Network Attached Storage. Appliance which provides disk to servers/clients via file-based protocols (NFS, CIFS, iSCSI). SAN=Storage Area Netwoork. Provides direct fiber connections from multiple servers to a single storage array. -tom \_ Here is another way to explain It: They're very similar in that they are both technologies to have storage separate from the server. However with NAS, the storage protocols run over the server's normal network interfaces. With SAN they go over special 'dedicated' storage-only connections, typically fiber. Furthermore, SAN uses a different storage-optimized protocol, whereas NAS typically operates over general network protocols such as IP. -ERic |
2007/10/17-18 [Computer/HW] UID:48347 Activity:kinda low |
10/17 mail server is broken? \_ soda: yes. use a real mail server. |
2007/8/22-23 [Computer/HW] UID:47708 Activity:low |
8/22 my server rack is out of control http://urltea.com/1ahk \_ "Free PORN at <DEAD>www.puretna.com"<DEAD> WTF? |
2007/8/22 [Computer/HW] UID:47702 Activity:nil |
8/22 my rack. still huge. \_ Are you referring to your boobs or your penis? \_ How vulgar! Server rack, of course! |
2007/8/21-22 [Computer/HW] UID:47692 Activity:nil |
8/21 My giant rack is feeling pretty huge this morning. \_ Are you male or female? \_ Salma Hayek needs to give birth soon or she's going to explode: http://urltea.com/1a1w \_ Hers were big even before pregnancy. |
2007/8/10-12 [Computer/HW] UID:47584 Activity:low |
8/10 I want to get off of Dell's postal catalog mailing list. How do I do this? Thanks. \_ Found this from http://www.dell.com http://membership.dell.com/myaccount/subscription/SubListRemoval.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs http://preview.tinyurl.com/2urep4 \_ That was awesome. Thanks. |
2007/6/6-10 [Academia/Berkeley/HKN, Computer/HW] UID:46862 Activity:low |
6/5 I live in Berkeley and need to get rid of an old obsolete PC and a monitor (from previous century). Is there an electronics recycling facility nearby? \_ http://accrc.org. They'll even come pick it up for free. --mconst \_ what he said. no recycling fee! -brain \_ could try East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse \_ Berkeley Marina Pier \_ Pig! You could accidentally splash an alternative housing person that way. \_ I prefer to call them "Urban Campers" \_ How about Used Computers on Shattuck? \_ pft. Don't do business with them. \_ Berkeley Neighborhood Computers (BNC), they give these machines to needy families. If you're still around campus talk to any of the Tau Beta Pi or HKN officers, as they often volunteer with them. \_ I never heard of them, so decided to google them. Looks like they might have combined with ACCRC. This is the most recent news I can find of them: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/news/2003/05may/050503computerrecycling.html |
2007/5/31-6/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/HW] UID:46805 Activity:nil |
5/31 I'm trying to set up Thunderbird to read my soda mail. Does the soda mail incoming server use POP or IMAP? And what are the incoming and outgoing server names? Thanks. \_ I think you're going to want to use mead.csua for both incoming and outgoing. I am almost positive we don't have unsecured pop, though we should have IMAP working. Good luck. |
2007/5/24-28 [Computer/SW, Computer/HW] UID:46739 Activity:low |
5/23 Streetline Networks is hiring: /csua/pub/jobs/streetline We deploy our sensors on mesh networks to assist cities in analyzing and improving their parking situations. We do everything from low-level hardware design to websites for data presentaton. Check out the file above and our website: http://www.streetlinenetworks.com -- peterl \_ Did you know Noah? \_ Decent bagels. \_ No, this guy used to work at Dust. \_ What's his last name? \_ Treuhaft \_ Do you know bill? |
2007/2/22-26 [Computer/HW] UID:45793 Activity:nil |
2/22 Oh great Root, is IMAP server still down? How are people d/ling their emails nowadays? Or has the mail server settings changed? -pmw |
2007/2/20-23 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/HW] UID:45776 Activity:nil |
2/20 Second Life is truly retarded: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/02/20/second_life_analysis The coverage was less than complete, however. For example, there was scant mention of Linden Lab's scaling issues. Second Life's servers - which are hosted exclusively by Linden Lab - can only support between 50 and 100 avatars in one place at one time. Newsnight's party crashed after only 30 "guests" arrived. Melbourne's The Age reported Ben Folds launching an album before an "in world" audience of 25. \_ I suspect the motd has exactly 1 Second Life subscriber. |
2006/12/18-23 [Computer/HW] UID:45467 Activity:moderate |
12/17 Sun hardware question. I have a machine that has two graphics cards. When it boots up, the boot messages appear on one display, but when dtlogin runs the Xserver, it appears on the other display. Any idea how to get it all to appear on one display? \_ Try configuring it to explicitly start the dtlogin on :0.0 or :0.1 and see which works. \_ How do you do that? \_ Take a look at /etc/dt/config/Xservers. -ERic \- the boot messages are controled by the eeprom output-device pointer [probaby ... dep on version of OBP]. the issue may be where you frame buffer /dev/fb points to rather than the display used. hard to guess without looking at your system etc. --psb |
2006/10/20-24 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager] UID:44890 Activity:nil |
10/20 My Gnome Desktop makes lots of noises at me. I rarely know where they are coming from (filtered mail I don't see maybe?). Is there some (way to set up a) sound log that I can check to see which app fired off which sound file at time X, or anything like that ? |
2006/10/5-7 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Computer/HW] UID:44688 Activity:nil |
10/5 Next Saturn Vue may have builtin bike rack: http://blogs.cars.com/kickingtires/2006/10/gms_builtin_bik.html |
2006/9/1-3 [Computer/Networking, Computer/HW] UID:44235 Activity:nil |
9/1 I want to add a quick and dirty alias for a server on my local machine. So instead of using some-really-long-host-name, I want to use srlhn: scp me@srlhn:foo But if I put that into /etc/hosts, it requires an IP address, and this server may be changing its IP address from time to time. I'm not running DNS. Any suggestions? -- tcsh user suffering from RSI \_ read the ssh config man page, just edit your personal ssh settings in ~user/.ssh/config Host srlhn HostName some-really-long-host-name \_ my fingers and I thank you. |
2006/8/24-25 [Computer/HW] UID:44132 Activity:high |
8/24 Server naming schemes for the 21st Century: \_ A coworker used ex-gf names. \_ "We need a new server provisioned" "Damn it, and I really liked my current gf, too..." \_ Name of room, type of computer, and main use of server, separated by underscores? \_ How psychotically lame can you get.. \_ Yeah, imagine how totally lame it would be if IT people valued usefullnes above cuteness. What a fucking concept. \_ kitchen_uwave_pr0n \_ kitchen pr0n?? Oh HELL yes! BRING IT ON! \_ let's just say rotating food won't be the only display option on your microwave anymore \_ That's what cnames are for. (Prefer Culture ship names, myself) \_ racial slurs \_ how many are there in English? whitey honkey nigger kike wetback spic wop chink nip gook towelhead sandnigger nm wikipedia is way ahead of me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_slurs \_ terrorist organizations \_ guilty celebrities who beat the rap \- Nick Byram and I came up with Lebanese Factions as an OCF Nomenclature Proposal ... we might have been slightly short of 20. \_ guilty celebrities who beat the rapa \_ guilty celebrities who beat the rap \_ Go Juice! \_ Planet names. If you have nine servers, sorry, one of them will no longer be supported after the next scheduled Automatic Update. \_ That's no...oh. \_ You can just supplement with fictional planet names. Coruscant etc. \_ Mountains (tame, management-compatible), drinks, porn stars, countries (tame, MC), elements (t, MC), drugs, common words off urbandictionary, something vaguely logical (OS, function, location code) -John \- the best names are sort of sui generis. like kim and ernie in old berkeley days. i also thought the central-sparc, gg-sparc names were clever ... my old machine was jurassic-sparc. for the youth: EECS really did have a p0rn star name scheme a while ago. the most bizarre nameing name scheme a while ago. the most bizarre naming scheme i can think of was Cimarron's "system calls common to SysV and BSD" nomenclature. --psb \_ We have a demo server that used to crash much too often. It's named demolition. \- not http://democratic-party.foo.com? \_ Yeah the most logical is boring old sequentially-numbered codes involving machine location and type. My company scrapped our old "fun" names (the Linux boxes were all something to do with cold/winter/penguins, the Suns were things involving suns/stars/hot, although we also had fish like halibut, not sure what that referenced. But with blade servers they wanted the name to tell the location. They are incompetent anyway though. \_ The problem with the location in the name is what happens when it moves? I cannot stand names like: sparc34_b202_eng24 \_ Four-letter words. \_ Four-letter dirty words for body parts: cunt, dick, cock, boob. What else? \_ My first company used element names, and they let the engineers pick the elements. So people usually pick names or symbols that were close to their names. \_ server location / OS / function and a number. For sites with zillions of non-unique systems. E.g sfouxsvr00123 \_ use DNS delegation properly. http://uxsvr123.sfo.yourcompany.com \_ A "good" naming scheme will use this AND have loc codes in the hostname, so it's also visible in NIS and ADS. Most sensible name setups use a combination of "logical" names and CNAMEs. -John \_ I kind of like D&D monster names. Lots there to choose from. \_ Famous drag queens and transvestites. \_ Sci-Fi character names. I still have fond memories of an Indigo 2 named jadzia and my dual headed ss10 named zaphod. Nobel laureates and fields medalists work too, but they are not as much fun. \_ For a group of Sun boxes, members of Sun Ra's Arkestra. \_ Our sysadmins are currently running though old video game-related names for our servers. My favorite is CongoBongo. \_ I tend to name my home machines after Japanese monsters. Gamera, Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, etc. \_ Vegetables \_ % finger -m dquayle@potatoe finger: unknown host: potatoe |
2006/8/14-17 [Computer/HW, Computer/HW/Display] UID:44001 Activity:low |
8/14 This is a fun little app. For someone spending too many hours in front of his PC, at least I can watch the day pass over the globe on my desktop. Ah, I see dawn approaches the Roman empire... http://codefromthe70s.org/desktopearth_dl.asp Oh and it looks pretty nice across two monitors. \_ It's too bad it's just random clouds instead of real-time satellite imgs so we can see Iraq/Lebanon burning \_ Well, there is a real-time cloud update feature based on weather satellite images. right click on the tray icon. But the default server in the list is some kind of distribution network that seems hosed. And I can't seem to force it to get a new image. So maybe try a different server first and test it in a browser. Ok nm I fooled it by changing the date. But it's from weather satellites... so it looks like the weatherman's stuff on TV. \_ How can we sleep while Leba-non's burnin'? \_ My battery's rated 60 months although I have to honestly say that I've never reached 60 months in the past 4 battery changes I've done in my life. I usually run them down, which is usually after 3-4 years, call AAA when I need a jumpstart, and get a new one. \_ Isn't there a unix-y version of this? i forget the name. \_ xearth \_ Does that do satellite pics? -John \_ Could something like this be done with Google Earth? \_ Nope. There was one for X that had nicer graphics called xglobe. \_ Thanks, I remember xglobe. Any ideas if there's anything MacOS-native like this so I don't need to run an xserver just for my screen background? -John \_ maybe try this -op http://gabrielotte.com/osxplanet.html or this ($) http://www.xericdesign.com/earthdesk.php \_ Very cool thanks! -John \_ Update: this is still cool. And the cloud data is another level of interestingness. (I can watch weather patterns developing. Right now there are interesting storms off the coast of Japan. Damn I wish I was running this when Katrina hit) |
2006/6/21-26 [Computer/HW, Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:43452 Activity:nil |
6/21 Dell notebook explodes at conference meeting in Japan http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=32550 \_ Dude!! Get a Dell! \_ Get a Dell, lose a ball |
2006/6/15-17 [Computer/HW] UID:43404 Activity:nil |
6/15 In YM, AIM, G Chat, and other programs... are they smart enough to do point-to-point, intranet to intranet communication when they are close (same subnet, domain, etc) to each other? Or do they all go to a centralized server? \_ It all goes to Mother Brain Chat Server Central. If you are concerned about this, either install your own local jabber server, or investigate Off The Record messaging (OTR). There are plugins for Gaim and probably other stuff too. \_ I'm a sysadmin and an engineer, and I've yet to find a Jabber server for *nix that I can figure out how to install _and_ get working with more than one client. What am I missing here? \_ I have this working in Debian: http://www.jivesoftware.org/wildfire I have seen it work with Psi and Gaim on unix and windows. - danh \_ yahoo seems to default to trying to connect locally on the same subnet -- or at least that's what I can make out of the strange connections to my co-workers |
2006/4/24-25 [Computer/HW] UID:42819 Activity:nil |
4/24 Cal attire shown a few times in this trailer. http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/united93/hd |
2006/4/24-25 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/HW] UID:42817 Activity:nil |
4/23 Soda problem: I don't seem to be able to post to newsgroups with trn. I get: cat: /var/lib/news/whoami: No such file or directory (re-entering cbreak mode) inews: From header: address syntax error -jrleek \_ On a side note, can someone install tin? \_ Whoever installed tin, thank you!! \_ Hmm.. tin says none of my newsgroups exist on the server. \_ try "tin -r" and make sure you have the correct remote server "NNTPSERVER=agate.berkeley.edu" in your setenv. |
2006/3/7-8 [Computer/HW, Computer/Domains] UID:42120 Activity:low |
3/6 I would like to get a virtual phone number to use for forwarding calls to different locations at different times. I don't want a toll-free number, because I don't want to be charged when people call me. Any suggestions for companies that offer this? \_ how about a SkypeIn number? Combine with SkypeOut, you can forward the phone call anywere in the world. \_ If you're feeling adventurous you can set up an Asterix box (there are Asterix images for WRAP and Soekris if you want an "appliance") and register an international number. I forget where to do this, but there are a number of organizations that will let you have a number, for free and for charge. Or Vonage does something similar if you want commercial + SIP, although I'm informed quality is crap (never tried it.) If you're interested in setting up your own SIP gateway, several colleagues of mine have done so and are calling everywhere pretty much for free; I'd be glad to put you in touch with them. Don't know about toll-free, though. -John |
2006/2/12-15 [Recreation/Interesting, Computer/HW] UID:41808 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/12 Multitouch interactive display: http://gprime.net/video.php/multitouch \_ http://mrl.nyu.edu/~jhan/ftirtouch |
2005/12/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/HW] UID:41095 Activity:moderate |
12/20 Is soda connected to an ntp server? The clock is about 25 seconds behind. \_ Thanks for pointing this out. It turned out our old /etc/rc.conf didn't specify the full path to ntpd, and so the new FreeBSD rc files were refusing to start it. It should be working now. You can run "ntpq -p" to see which NTP servers (if any) soda is connected to, and how far off our time is from theirs -- please let me know if you ever notice it's not working. --mconst \_ I just checked, and ntpd wasn't running; I've restarted it. You can run "ntpq -p" to see which NTP servers (if any) soda is connected to, and how far off it is from their time. --mconst \_ Actually, soda's clock looks fine. Maybe it's you. \_ It's fine now, but was slow earlier. You'll have to take my word for it. |
2005/12/17-19 [Computer/HW] UID:41060 Activity:nil |
12/17 Lightsaber Choreography Competition: http://www.sabrecomp.com/download.htm \_ i think the winner still isn't as cool as 'art of the saber' |
2005/12/7-9 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW/OS] UID:40910 Activity:nil |
12/7 I'm using Gallery 1.x right now for my online photo album, and I'm wondering whether I should upgrade to 2.x. Is anyone using 2, and is it worth the upgrade? Thanks. |
2005/11/11-12 [Computer/SW, Computer/HW, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:40540 Activity:nil |
11/10 "In Soviet Russia..." http://csua.org/u/dzf Quick notes about Soviet computer industry from a lecture -- thought someone might be interested. -- misha. \_ NGMD = Nakopitel' na Gibkix Magnitnyx Diskax NMD = Nakopitelyakh Magnitnikh Diskov NZMD = Nakopitelyah na Zhestkix Magnitnyx Diskov Cool notes. Thanks. If you're into E. block useful appliations, google for POLY PLAY. -John |
2005/11/2-4 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/HW, Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:40406 Activity:nil |
11/2 Does anyone still use VM (Vmail) in Emacs? I reluctantly switched to Outlook 4 yrs ago when I switched job, and I haven't used VM since then. \_ Used it until ~1 year ago. It unfortunately hasn't been updated for several years. It's really solid for what it does, but it doesn't do IMAP. I switched to the similar "Wanderlust" which does support IMAP and haven't looked back. \_ In the VM 7.19 from http://www.wonderworks.com/vm there is an vm-imap.el dated 5/30/2003. \_ VM's IMAP support is marginal. You can pretty much use it like POP to fetch mail, but you can't do things like disconnected operation etc. ... if you need to use it just like POP because your server only supports IMAP not POP, it's fine, but if you need to do server synching, marks, disconnected operation, etc., VM is not your bag. -pp |
2005/8/19 [Computer/HW] UID:39178 Activity:nil |
8/18 Hey Ilyas. Re: Intelligent Design. Please prove that P(C)<0.5. For extra credit prove P(C) << 0.5. |
2005/8/10-13 [Computer/HW] UID:39084 Activity:kinda low |
8/10 The thread below has digressed into wikipedia ramblings, so I'll ask here. I read the essay "Intelligent Design: The Scientific Alternative to Evolution" (found here: http://www.intelligentdesignnetwork.org/publications.htm this weekend trying to figure out what ID proponents are actually saying. From reading this I found that the authors were making strawman arguments against evolution and didn't appear to understand physical science or probability. Have you read this essay? Do any ID proponents ever address the weak anthropic principle? Is the 10^-150 probability the number they use in general to show something as unreasonably improbable? -emarkp \_ Math is hard. Big numbers are scary. Someone must have done it. \_ I don't understand what the weak anthropic principle is supposed to explain. I think 'cosmological constant tuning' needs an answer. On a somewhat related note, I read an article somewhere that some experimental data shows that possibly some constants aren't really constant, and change somewhat as time passes. -- ilyas \_ In that essay I mentioned (in the section "The Fine Tuning of the Universe") the authors say: "The force of gravity, the mass of the electron, the charge of the proton, etc. are specific, real values. Were they even slightly different from what they are, not only would life not exist, nothing (of any significance) would exist." They argue that this specifically suggests design. But the weak anthropic principle is that if the universe weren't tuned to life, then we wouldn't be here to observe it. This directly contradicts their assertion--they should at least address it. The fact that they don't even mention it is suspicious at best. -emarkp \_ It is a counterfactual assertion that does not render the current state of affairs any less puzzling. Sure, if constants were different nobody would be there to comment. But someone IS there to comment, and constants ARE the way they are. -- ilyas current state of affairs any less puzzling. Sure, if constants were different nobody would be there to comment. But someone IS there to comment, and constants ARE the way they are. -- ilyas \_ The point is there is a selecting event (i.e. our existence) which makes those constants unremarkable. If we were to observe a universe at random and the constants were amenable to life, that might be something. But our universe isn't a random one. It had to have those constants. -emarkp \_ What you said is exactly right. Our universe doesn't seem to be a random one. \_ Let's imagine a lottery winner pondering what events lead to his winning ticket. He might say: 'well given that I _did_ win, the particles in the Universe must have danced just right so I had to have won. So the fact that I won (at odds of millions to one) is wholly unremarkable.' Really, the real reason it's not remarkable is because millions of people played, so someone had to have won. In other words, lots of Universes makes our constant unremarkable. Our existence does not. -- ilyas \_ But should the lottery winner conclude that someone chose him to be the winner? -emarkp \_ He shouldn't he if knows lots of people played (parallel Universes). Except in our case, it's unclear whether it's cheaper to assume lots of players or a benign lottery agency. I think this is best taken 'offline.' -- ilyas \_ Then your analogy falls on its face. An unlikely event occurs (Bob wins the lottery). It doesn't follow that Bob was chosen by a designer. -emarkp \_ No, it doesn't follow. I wasn't saying it does. As I said, Bob knows lots of people play the lottery. We don't know whether lots of people play or whether someone just decided to give us the ticket. Not only do we not know, we don't even know whether it's more _likely_ lots of people play, or whether someone gave us a winning ticket. That's the point, we have less information than Bob about our situation. But, just as in Bob's situation, the anthropic principle doesn't explain anything, something else does. My point is, despite the fact our state of knowledge is different from Bob's the two situations are exactly the same, and in Bob's situation, nobody invokes the anthropic principle. So we shouldn't invoke it in our case either, because our state of belief shouldn't matter as far as explanations are concerned. -- ilyas \_ (1) It's "an"thropic. (2) It's not invoked to explain anything. It's invoked to show that the reasoning that Life=>special is specious. -emarkp \_ Anyways, what is your answer to the following: P(C=true,L=true) is low, yet C=true and L=true. Are you claiming the above probability isn't low? If so, why? I claim it is low on 'maximum entropy' grounds. Notice how the anthropic principle cannot be used to answer this question, although it is essentially the same: life + constants -> special. -- ilyas \_ I know I'm going to regret getting back into this, but if P(C) is the probability that the laws of physics create a universe conducive to the rise of intelligent life, C=>L. -tom \_ No, P(C) is the probability the constants assume the values they do in our Universe. -- ilyas probability the constants assume the values they do in our Universe. -- ilyas \_ Same conclusion: C=>L. -tom \_ I mean what you say is true, but I don't see how this observation helps. You can conclude that P(C) <= P(L), but how does this address the question about P(C,L)? -- ilyas \_ I mean what you say is true, but I don't see how this observation helps. You can conclude that P(C) <= P(L), but how does this address the question about P(C,L)? -- ilyas \_ The question about P(C,L) is not meaningful, since life will arise if the conditions exist for it. The only relevant part is P(C). -tom _______________________/ Just because C implies L does not mean P(C) fully determines P(C,L). For that to happen you would need C iff L. I don't understand why event implication means questions about the joint distribution are not 'meaningful.' They seem perfectly meaningful (and puzzling) to me. -- ilyas to happen you would need C iff L. I don't understand why event implication means questions about the joint distribution are not 'meaningful.' They seem perfectly meaningful (and puzzling) to me. -- ilyas \_ I was right; I regret getting back into it. -tom \_ Go pee somewhere else then. \_ Non sequitur. We know precisely nothing about any other universes. If you can point to another universe that we can observe that has the same (or similar) constants, that would say something. Since we can't (yet? ever?) observe other universes, we can't evaluate how random this one is. -emarkp \_ Let L be an event 'life exists.' Let C be an an event 'cosmological constants have the values they hold in our Universe.' Your claim: P(C|L) is high. My claim: P(C) is low. That P(C|L) is high does not explain why C is true, though P(C) is low. P(C|L) is high just because of the way conditional probability works. To put it another way, you have to explain why L is true, even though P(C,L=true) is low. Or if you like, you can marginalize out C, and reasonably claim P(L=true) is also low. Or to put it yet another way, you are offering features of the distribution P as an explanation for why we have P and not some other distribution P*. Naturally, that kind of argument doesn't make sense. -- ilyas P(L=true) is also low. That's an entirely symmetric question, and an entirely symmetric argument would be 'life exists because our cosmological constants are the way they are.' At this point, the argument becomes circular, and I can ask a question about the joint event: i.e. why is C=true and L=true, though P(C=true,L=true) is low. Saying 'it's true because it happened' isn't answering anything. -- ilyas \_ No, I don't "have to explain why L is true". ID says P(C) is low, thus we were designed. But that doesn't follow. All we know is that P(C|L) is nonzero, and that P(~C|L) = 0. Also, we don't actually know that P(C) is low in the first place. -emarkp \_ So you are saying that the joint probability of the constants being what they are, and life existing is high? How do you figure that? -- ilyas \_ No, I'm saying that P(~C|L) appears to be low (I think my statement that it =0 may too strong) and that P(C|L) is nonzero. Everything else is being pulled out of someone's rear end. -emarkp \_ Well, you are right that I am making an assumption that P(C,L) is reasonably uniform, but this is a common assumption in science (see 'maximum entropy'). The anthropic principle doesn't answer the 'joint event question.' If you make the argument that P(C,L) isn't low then you have to explain why maximum entropy isn't an appropriate assumption to make. -- ilyas (see 'maximum entropy'). The anthropic principle doesn't answer the 'joint event question.' If you make the argument that P(C,L) isn't low then you have to explain why maximum entropy isn't an appropriate assumption to make. -- ilyas \_ Dear lord...I actually find this conversation interesting. I think I'd better lie down until it goes away. -mice \_ (1) Do we know that P(~C|L) = 0? If either \_ I already retracted the claim. -emarkp \_ sorry, just saw that. the fundamental constants change over time (some evid that they might) or changes in one could be offset by changes in another (perhaps yet unknown constant - there is still that pesky problem of dark matter and dark energy) then P(~C|L) may not be zero weaking the case for design. (2) What exactly is L? Do we really know? We have only one data point to look at. Perhaps other arrangements can give rise to L. (3) Why is it less probable that ID is the answer than say some natural process that produces an infinite number of universes? If you have an infinite number of universes then you will have an infinite number of universes EXACTLY like our own. \_ I find ilyas arguing FOR intelligent design AGAINST a Mormon to be highly amusing. \_ Yeah, because people must always argue from an agenda, and not just follow where the argument might lead. Grow up. -- ilyas \_ ilyas, you always have an agenda. \_ Grow up anonymous troll. -emarkp \_ My agenda is to legislate Jesus into your heart. -- ilyas \_ You're hurting me. -mice \_ Width of universe compared to age of universe compared to speed of light taught me that. \_ http://www.eso.org/outreach/press-rel/pr-2004/pr-05-04.html "contrary to previous claims, no evidence exist for assuming a time variation of this fundamental constant [fine structure constant]" http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/04/050418204410.htm |
2005/6/1-2 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW] UID:37914 Activity:nil |
5/31 my friend who tries to email me got this message: The message cannot be delivered due to a configuration error on the server. Please contact your Administrator. < http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu #5.3.0 since no one on motd complains, i presume this is not a real issue, no? |
3/15 |