3/16 |
2009/4/7-13 [Computer/Blog] UID:52819 Activity:low |
4/7 I have a friend who recently started a blog posting about legal issues (he was a lawyer who was laid off). I'm not sure why he started this blog, but it's likely something he can show off to potential future employers. Anyway, he keeps sending emails whenever he's added another entry (approx once a week). Is there any netiquette about mass emailings to tell friends/relatives about new blog posts? Or can one do whatever? Thanks. \_ If people followed netiquette, there would be no spam. Why don't you tell him that you'd prefer to subscribe to his RSS feed instead of getting weekly emails from him. \- Is it Bob Loblaw's Law Blog? |
2008/12/9-12 [Computer/Blog] UID:52213 Activity:nil |
12/9 Does anyone know of a good blogging software that can handle blogging entries as well as photo albums? Wordpress and the WP Gallery plugin is too tricky to configure easily. And please don't mention Facebook! \_ Why not just use Blogger and Flickr/Picasa or whatever? -tom \_ I'd prefer a stand-alone platform/software that I can use on my own domain, in particular so that every page (blog and albums) will have the same theme. thanks. -op \_ cuz they're run by evil companies. UNIX + pine! |
2008/6/29-7/14 [Computer/Blog] UID:50416 Activity:nil |
6/29 Apparently Obama fascists are reporting blogs that aren't flattering as spam. Google is too lazy or complicit to tell the difference. http://preview.tinyurl.com/3foxms [blogspot] \_ Obama "fascists?" \_ Yes. Most likely fans of Obama, who are trying to shut down anyone who doesn't agree with them. They're not gov't agents, just lefty nutters. \_ How many people would have to be involved in this to qualify as anything more than kookiness? \_ I see this as more of a problem with Google than the kooks. I doubt anyone officially connected to Obama is doing this, but why is Google allowing it? -op \_ Great question. Did the blogger contact Google directly about this? \_ "The three blogs who were locked up today didn't fare so well. Blogger has locked them out from posting at all until they are "reviewed". I would like to think that someone working for blogger is not involved here, but I can attest that their "reviews" aren't happening. Hopefully they are just bogged down. I would like to think that way." \_ But it would make her blog so much more signifi- cant if blogger were somehow involved, so there go the insinuations. \_ Good job self-Godwin'ing. Please go away. \_ Fascists? "I do not think it means what you think it means." |
3/16 |
2008/6/20-23 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:50323 Activity:nil 85%like:50311 |
6/19 I love this blog http://preview.tinyurl.com/548kv8 [photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com] |
2008/6/19-20 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:50311 Activity:nil 85%like:50323 |
6/19 I love this blog http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com/2008/06/azoogle-this-was-really-well-thought.html |
2007/12/7-13 [Industry/Startup, Computer/Blog] UID:48759 Activity:low |
12/7 What's a good blog site for anonymous people to rant and spill beans on their company? -disgruntled x employee \_ http://fuckedcompany.com used to be good for that... \_ No longer exists. \_ Where do the ex-employees of http://fuckedcompany.com post? \_ Ha ha! http://www.doublepenetration.com \_ I hate to knowingly support a Guy Kawasaki venture, but truemors? Not completely sure on the spelling either, obGoogle. -dans \_ vallywag? Not exactly anonymous, since you would have to talk \_ valleywag? Not exactly anonymous, since you would have to talk to a reporter, but if your stuff is interesting, they will run it. \_ You don't have to 'talk to a reporter'. Make up a bunch of shit and instant message Owen, he'll probably print it. \_ How do I IM Owen? -op \_ What is Owen if not a reporter? \_ Spill it on the motd. |
2007/10/18 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:48378 Activity:nil |
10/18 To whoever seriously thought Flickr has 3 9's of uptime, I have one thing to say to you: http://l.yimg.com/www.flickr.com/images/photo_unavailable.gif -dans |
2007/5/19-24 [Computer/Blog] UID:46699 Activity:low |
5/19 I'm getting a Dell, dude. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/41/156246909_1fa5fbc0a1_o.jpg \_ NSFW \_ That's no Dell Dude! Oh, wait.... \_ Big tits and small waist. Hot! \_ I found more of her \_ Found her on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Aarlone \_ 5'0", real 32E. SUPER HOT!!! I'd trade 10yrs of my lifespan for her. \_ Better than most of those in http://bustywebshots.blogspot.com \_ Isn't she a stripper or something? She would probably take you up on it if you offered 10 years of salary. \_ Actually I meant "for her as a wife." Didn't know she's a stripper. I wasn't reading the text in the blog carefully. \_ "I only read it for the blog posts" \_ Better than most of those in http://bustywebshots.blogspot.com, even Amanda Wenk. |
2007/3/14-15 [Computer/Blog] UID:45965 Activity:nil |
3/14 My new favorite blog: http://undercoverblackman.blogspot.com \_ ^undercoverblackman^bustywebshots \_ what does bustywebshots have to do with under coverblackmen? sheesh. |
2006/7/31-8/2 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:43850 Activity:nil |
7/31 flickr only lets me create 3 sets before charging. I don't use Blogspot because the site is pretty annoying. What other sites are good? \_ link:www.picasaweb.google.com \_ If you install Picasa, this is clearly the easiest thing I've ever seen. The difference is like AOL mail and gmail, where flickr and blogspot are as complicated and unintuitive as AOL mail and Picasa is as easy to use and understand as gmail. Although this is only a beta site, it clearly has all the Google signatures on it. \_ Windows-only can bite me. -tom \_ It can be web-only accessible just like any other web sites although you'll lose some advanced features. For example if you use Picasa it'll automatically resize pictures for you before it uploads to the web sites. Most pictures today are taken using 4-7MP and take a long time to do HTTP upload raw. It took me 6 hours to teach my grandma to use flickr (they use lame terminologies like sets, and organizing and other features are really complicated). But it only took her 30 min to learn Picasaweb. \_ http://picasa.google.com/linux \_ They need an OS X version to replace that POS iPhoto. Plus there's F-Spot (http://f-spot.org/Main_Page which is totally open-source if you still like flickr. F-Spot can also export webpages so that the below suggestion (~/public_html) is easy enough. --michener \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu \_ http://www.jenniferwalcott.com -proud American |
2006/5/22-28 [Computer/Blog] UID:43133 Activity:nil |
5/20 Can someone summarize the pros and cons for the following blogging services: xanga, blogger, and LJ. \_ Blogger is owned by google, so it gets visited by their spiders frequently. \_ I used to keep up a Blogger account, but the problem is that they're not as popular or widely used. And they're pretty featureless. I've recently been using my LJ a lot -- partly because all my friends have one and can thus comment, and partly because it's actually pretty respectable, if you ignore the emo population --michener \_ I also just installed charm on soda, which is a nice little console LJ util written in python. One of the best things is you can pipe straight into it, if you get the options right. --michener \_ What about myspace? \_ Turn away! Turn away! The power of Christ compels you! --michener \_ Slloooooooowwwww.... |
2006/4/27-29 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:42853 Activity:low |
4/27 This is a pretty hilarious (apparently genuine) rant by a sociology prof. Spot the hypocrisy! http://drmandrake.blog-city.com/i_hate_my_students.htm \_ Haha, I love that guy. \_ He took down the blog. Anyone have a mirror? Nevermind, Google cache FTW: http://tinyurl.com/pfg8z \_ he has many grammar errors. -tom \_ so? it's a blog. \_ He didn't have "many"... I saw a couple typos and yeah, it's a blog. \_ He had many. The worst was "low and behold." And if you're on a grammar rant, you'd better be accurate yourself. -tom \_ Well I think that may also be a typo or at any rate not strictly grammar. The guy is still a jackass though. \_ Tom's "he has many grammar errors" was satire. That said, grammar is "right use and rules of language". Mistaken phraseology can definitely fall under "bad grammar". \_ I don't think it can be considered a typo if it was intentional. \_ If you are typing quickly it's possible to make mistakes like that even if you are aware it is wrong. (since it sounds the same.) That said maybe it was intentional. I still wouldn't call that grammar. It's kind of like the toe/tow the line thing where people don't really know what it means. I guess a diction issue. \_ Toe/tow the line isn't a typo. I think it's closer to 'ignorance' or simply 'wrong'. If your point is that we can't be sure based on limited data -- then, sure. But folding ignorance and spelling errors under the general heading 'typo' in *this* context invites this sort of pointless semantic 'dialogue'. \_ He upbraids his students for confusing "than" and "then," which is a very similar error. -tom \_ He is not upbraiding them as he never voices that to them. He mocks them to other people. Tom, you have used the word incorrectly! You should be more careful on the MotD! \_ You're officially an imbecile. |
2006/4/1 [Computer/Blog] UID:42601 Activity:nil |
4/1 Theo's blog: http://deraadt.livejournal.com |
2006/3/23-25 [Computer/Blog] UID:42398 Activity:nil |
3/23 Ickiest Flickr set ever http://www.flickr.com/photos/90495823@N00/sets/72057594066067989 \_ Ick factor is high. Thanks for the warning, ass. \_ Hard to tell for sure what some of them are - is there a list anywhere? Guesses from people? \_ Dude says "micro photos". Microscopic photos of his skin? \_ certainly microscopic photos of the body, just trying to figure out which specific parts each are, and whether this set is educational or pornographic. |
2006/3/13-14 [Computer/Blog] UID:42210 Activity:nil |
3/13 How not to store liquid nitrogen: http://csua.org/u/f89 (Corante, Chemist Derek Lowe's blog) |
2005/9/16-17 [Computer/Blog] UID:39713 Activity:moderate |
9/16 http://community.webshots.com/photo/371810784/371842361MVyjje me again \_ Are you actually going through webshots looking for this stuff, or are you getting it off that blog? \_ once again: eww. \_ I'm sure your virtual girlfriend is much hotter. \_ once again: you're high. \_ Sorry, breasts the size of a woman's head don't do it for me. |
2005/9/9-11 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Computer/Blog] UID:39591 Activity:low |
9/9 Most of you have probably seen this blog before (translations of chinese tattos) but today's top post is pretty funny. http://www.hanzismatter.com \_ http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/essays/tattoos.htm \_ This site has exactly the same layout as http://bustywebshots.blogspot.com. Interesting. Interesting. Are they related? \_ Are you an idiot? They're both blogger templates. |
2005/7/16-19 [Computer/Blog] UID:38657 Activity:nil |
7/16 When putting a link on your blog to another blog, can you just hardwire it in, or is there some service or something to use (one that keeps track of blog-blog links)? I know this doesn't make too much sense, but I keep seeing "Blogroll" on people's blogs and I'm wondering what this is. Thanks. \_ wouldn't "blogroll" in google save us all the time? -nonblogger |
2005/7/14-15 [Computer/Blog] UID:38627 Activity:nil |
7/14 Someone mentioned a free (no upload limit) alternative to flickr. What was it? |
2005/7/12-13 [Computer/Blog] UID:38551 Activity:nil |
7/11 The perils of blogging: http://csua.org/u/cog (Kevin Drum) |
2005/4/20-22 [Computer/Blog, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:37283 Activity:high |
4/20 Question about Internet libel: I have a bitchy pissed-off (ex)friend who has decided to make it her life's work to get back at me. She routinely posts crap on her blog about me, but today she actually posted my full name with her lies. I did some searches on Google for recent legislation/rulings about Internet libel and found nothing but opinions about how things should be. Does anyone know the current state of whether blog postings count as libel? And additionally, any suggestions on getting her to stop (and change her recent blog post to not include my name) without having to actually resort to legal action? -jvarga \_ This doesn't answer your question but it's related. A friend of mine googled his own name, and found some chick's blog talking about "stalking [my friends full name]" which described her going around to various places where he works or hangs out to try to stalk him. Amusing but harmless. \_ I just googled for your name and couldn't find anything... \_ The crawlers havn't hit it yet. A friend who routinely monitors her blog tipped me off to it. The post was made this morning. - jvarga \_ What, no link? \_ There is not really any way to stop someone from doing something like this, short of legal action. Even if you go to court, all you can probably get is a monetary judgement. You *can* sue for libel, but it is expensive. Is this an ex? You are probably better off just trying to get some emotional distance from this and think about legal action later, when you are not so heated about it. -ausman libel, but it is expensive and time consuming. Is this an ex-gf? You are probably better off just trying to get some emotional distance from this and think about what you want to do about it later, when you are not so upset about it. -ausman \_ In order to answer this question properly, the motd requires that you tell the story behind this. Thank you. \- i think the toughest thing for you to prove will be harm or damage. if she just says you are an asshole or a "butthead programmer" that probably wont do it. however, there are legal claims in the area of privacy and harassment which is a different matter from defamation. i do not know much about this other than being aware of this option. that may be more fruitful. depending on the WEEB site where this is appearing, there may be non-legal approaches to this. --psb \_ Yes, I forgot that you can sometimes get postings removed if they violate an AUP at an ISP. This would just force her to change venues, though. Sometimes this is enough. to change ISPs, though. Sometimes this is enough. \_ Sure, just piss her off some more. \_ catfight!! \_ Get over it. If the blog entries continue, they will sound more and more shrill. Unless the accusations significantly affect your reputation and you can prove it, it's not worth the time or effort. That said, have someone, anonymously or not, let the person know that naming you can be seen as defamation of character which is a precursor to a possible libel suit. Fear is your pal. \_ The libel suit is basically not happening. The rules for libel suits are pretty much the same for blogs/the web as they are for print. The problem is that proving *material* harm (are the things she's saying costing you money due to lost job or business opportunities?) is *very* hard to do. The other test you have to pass is would an ordinary individual off the street believe the things this person is saying are true. You can try pursuing this legally but it is a) expensive and b) 80% likely to fail. Why not just try talking to your ex-friend/gf/life-pal/whatever and saying ``Hey, knock it off you're being an immature git.'' in so many words. -dans \- as i said above, libel is probably not the way to go if it is personal stuff [as opposed to "he has been fired mutliple time for incompetence"] but there are other (legal) avenues. if it is beyond "just talk to her" and contancting isp etc, i think you are in "real lawyer" land. --psb \_ I don't have any intention of making this legal, I'm just trying to find ways to make her go away. The relationship ended over a month ago and I've gone on with life (I just have to monitor every so often to play damage control as she tries to mess with my reputation in Berkeley while I'm out of state)\ but she's done anything but. I just need some way to get it to mess with my reputation in Berkeley while I'm out of state) but she's done anything but. I just need some way to get it through her head that "its over, move the fuck on, stop trying to destroy my life because you feel hurt and vindictive." I've already pretty much cut off communication with her but I'm getting sick of cleaning up all of the crap she's doing to me back in Berkeley, this just being one very very small part of the big picture. - jvarga \_ guess the breakup was anything but amicable \_ I tend to be fairly laissez faire about this thing. Unless your ex is really vindicitve AND really socially adept AND really evil she probably won't do much damage. Your friends know you, and will be able to smell her bullshit a mile a way. Unless of course all your friends were mutual, and you're playing the divide up the friends game in which case you might want to consider an emergency trip to Berkeley just to play it safe. -dans \_ When you play the divide up the friends game, the girl usually wins. The bar for female's credibility is set really low compared to yours. \_ That's inconsistent with my experieince. Are you really socially inept, or should I just be happy I don't have friends like yours? -dans \- you can try to push her over the edge so she becomes non-functional. \_ Be the bigger person and rise above it. If someone asks you about it, you can answer, but I don't think you need to defend yourself otherwise. Your friends won't need it and others won't believe you anyway. Avoid going on a retaliatory smear campaign, if you can help it. \_ Dude, it's only been a month, give her more time to get over it. She sounds like a bit off, but maybe you pushed her. Next time, choose your gf more wisely. \_ We have just been discussing Defamation in my Torts class. Based on what we have covered, you might be able to make out a cause of action for libel against her. I'll ask my Torts prof and get back to you. Anyway, based on what I know: Assuming that these statements aren't some sort of public concern (you are stealing from the univ or some such) and you are not some sort of public official/figure, you will fall into the "private/ private" category and should be able to get some money or and injunction/retraction w/o needing to show actual harm (libel can recover w/o actual damages in most cases). If you can show knowing falsity or reckless disregard for the truth (NY Times actual malice) you might even be able to get presumed and punitive damages. I think the tricky part will be to show that her statements were capable of having a defamatory meaning. You will have to show that the statements were more than hyperbole and that they are proveably false (opinion is generally not actionable). The tough part will be in proving that the statements were capable of lowering your reputation or detering others from associating w/ you or exposed you to hatred, contempt or ridicule. What might be better than actually going through w/ a suit is to threaten her w/ one and maybe file a complaint to that end. You can probably file the complaint yourself in at the ct house and serve her via certified mail. That should really spook her. \_ Shows what you know. You can't serve someone in state simply with certified mail. -williamc \_ iirc sec Cal Civ Proc Code Sec 415 allows in state service by mail in lieu of personal service. \_ and you recalled wrong. If you actually read the code you still need to attempt to serve in person first and THEN mail a copy. Look, buddy, I work at a law firm, we have to go through a process server or through a 3rd party who's over 18 years of age. If the OP's location is unknown you have to do a due diligence search and show the court before appearing. Serving papers in-state can get messy. Also, you can't just leave the papers in a mailbox when serving, you usually have to make best-efforts attempts at contacting the OP someone who can give it to the OP like a landlord or a relative. -williamc \_ You are absolutely right. Unfortunately, this doesn't usually work with things like this because the OP can just ignore it and after 20 days you'll have to server them in person, which is why we never go through this route and use process servers. -williamc \_ Okay. I didn't know that. I just remember my civ pro prof saying that in ca, you could use mail for in state service but that some states don't allow mail for in state service. thanks for the info. \_ Maybe we should deport you to Canada for saying something williamc doesn't like.... \_ Well, let's just say that maybe we should deport people who don't actually read the code carefully to Canada. Hey, maybe you can get served through registered mail within the province! -williamc \_ what law school do you attend? \_ Just curious...so she is posting things about you on the Internet, and you are posting things about her on the MOTD...I don't see much difference really...if she is reading these posts, she would probably consider it slandering too. \_ Now there is a stupider than average comment. \_ It's only slander if it's not true. -tom \_ what can we say about jvarga's claim that his ex is bitchy and has made it her life's work to get back at him by lying about him on her blog? \_ Generally a statement has to be proveable true/false to be actionable. The statement that she is 'bitchy' is probably not actionable b/c it is basically an opinon, or an insult. Similarly the statement that it is "her life's work" is also not actionable b/c it is basically hyperbole and no one would really think that she had made it her life's work to get jvarga. Now the statement that she is 'lying' might be actionable if she is not lying. However, if we assume that jvarga is telling the truth (probably a safe assumption), then the statement is not actionable. \_ actually, some states that still use common law will find slander even when the statement is true IF the person who made the statement acted out of ill will (assuming that there are no 1st amd limits). \_ Responding to a defamatory comment or asking for information regarding such comments is considered 'self-help' and is in generally not considered defamatory on its own. |
2005/3/24-28 [Computer/Blog] UID:36856 Activity:nil |
3/24 Any good suggestions for a free place to host pictures for other people to see? I'd like to put up 1024x768, at least. \_ http://flickr.com \_ any opinions on flickr? any space limit or time limit on images? \_ you have a monthly upload limit unless you pay $40+/year. \_ http://fuckyouanddie.com <- this is actually the name of a freesite \_ imageshack.us |
2004/5/5 [Computer/Blog] UID:30015 Activity:high |
5/5 I understand why girls blog. They need to communicate and share their feelings and all. But why do guys blog? \_ Because they want to communicate about their job. http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/4/2/4235/13044 \_ Research tool, mostly. It's a way to keep links to things I like in one place on the web, and it's as easy to maintain as a bookmarks page. \_ Comes in handy when you haven't seen a friend in a few years and they want to know what's up. -bz \_ You bought a house, Babob? And a DDR machine! Wow! |
2004/4/12 [Computer/Blog] UID:13148 Activity:nil |
4/12 USE BLOG! -dwc \_ ok |
2003/9/12 [Computer/Blog] UID:10172 Activity:nil |
9/12 Is blogging available on soda? \_ blogging? Yes, you have a public web page. |
2003/6/12 [Computer/Blog] UID:28713 Activity:moderate |
6/11 Do CSUAers blog? Why isn't there a csua blogging facility? \_ this is something I'd like to see \_ plenty of CSUA'ers blog. \_ but not on csua? \_ blogging is for the unemployed. why would you want to blog? it's so 2002. \_ I set up a blog in the hopes that i would write more, but all i ever end up doing is posting links to, and random one line whining about, stupid shit there. \_ like most 'bloggers'. \_ I only use my blog as a web-based repository for research material and things I think I might use in stories. \_ That's not a blog. It sounds useful, unlike a blog. \_ Cf. http://diepunyhumans.com \_ If that's what use it for, I think a wiki system may work better than a blog. \_ csua doesn't need to have a blogging facility. go install movable type or something. it's easy enough. \_ Where is it in the ports tree? |
2003/3/23 [Computer/Blog] UID:27811 Activity:nil |
3/22 Is there any blog-style software that would allow me to blog on soda? |
3/16 |