3/15 |
2012/11/28-12/18 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Academia/UCLA] UID:54539 Activity:nil |
11/28 http://www.businessinsider.com/most-dangerous-colleges-in-america-2012-11#3-university-of-california--berkeley-23 We are #3! We are #3! Go beah!!! |
3/15 |
2011/8/3-27 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/UCLA] UID:54155 Activity:nil |
8/3 Berkeley now ranks 70, while UCLA ranks 50. Williams College is #1. http://www.forbes.com/top-colleges/list \_ Forbes hates public education. A less ideologically biased ranking has Berkeley at 22 (which is still a fall from the golden years): http://tinyurl.com/4476z5m (US News and World Report) \_ how high was it in golden years? \_ We were ranked #5 in 1983. \_ seriously??? URL? \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/3udsc5z |
2011/3/14-4/20 [Academia/UCLA] UID:54059 Activity:nil |
3/14 UCLA girls are HOT HOT HOT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg3tIERI-D4 \_ snooze snooze snooze \_ ASU || UNC >>> UCLA \_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOGpGoEMu2s this has got to be the funniest sh*** \_ http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2011/03/alexandra_wallace_ucla_girl_rant_asians_in_the_library.php |
2010/2/4-3/4 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:53690 Activity:nil |
2/4 UCB 19th in private donations for 2009 behind #1 Stanford and #9 UCLA. http://tinyurl.com/yjojbhe (LA Times) List of Top 20: http://tinyurl.com/y8n3nye (Wall Street Journal) \_ advice to UCB fundraiser committee: Ask not how you can get more donations. Ask why you are not getting donations. \_ why the fuck should i donate to a place that told me my undergrad ass wasn't really who they were trying to teach? \_ look buddy, everyone felt the same way at Cal. This is why it's been going down for the past 2 decades. It's a sad legacy of the damn place getting damn too big. \_ well then I have this to say unto Cal: "You reap what you sow. You have heard of this phrase?" Probably not, the bible is banned @Cal. _/ |
2010/1/7-19 [Academia/UCLA] UID:53615 Activity:nil |
1/6 http://tinyurl.com/top100schools UCLA is ranked above Berkeley. UCSD is ranked above Berkeley. Irvine is ranked one below Berkeley. Berkeley has seriously gone done in the past two decades. I'm not surprised. \_ These aren't "best schools" these are "best value" rankings. The UCs are all very close but it looks like there is more financial aid available for UCSD and UCLA students. \_ I have taken CS classes at both UCLA and UCB. UCB has a much higher caliber of students, both undergrad and grad. Does that mean you learn more? Not really. It means it's harder to get good grades, though, and so I think a UCB degree means more. |
2009/9/26-10/8 [Academia/UCLA] UID:53404 Activity:kinda low |
9/26 Cal vs. Oregon: Were you surprised? </sarcasm> \_ I was not surprised the Oregon scored 42 points. I was surprised \_ I was not surprised that Oregon scored 42 points. I was surprised that Cal only scored 3. \_ Not surprised they lost. Surprised at what a thorough ass-kicking it was on both sides of the ball. Cal couldn't even put up a TD. Riley is not a good QB and that was apparent last year. \_ Does anyone have a good explanation for why Cal sucks so badly on the road? I just read in the paper yesterday that Tedford is 0-7 against USC and UCLA in SoCal. \_ Most college teams suck on the road, not just Cal. Cal is probably a bit worse than most, but not by much. I have been to all but one of those LA road losses, btw and am going to the UCLA game in two weeks. http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?SID=1144&CID=863681 \_ So who is going to win the Cal vs. USC game, smart guy? \_ People who love sports have 10-15 lower IQ than people who don't. \_ URL? Here's one that shows IQ and alcohol consumption are correlated: http://tinyurl.com/yakzfam \_ Richard Feynman loved alcohol (though he stopped drinking as he got older). What does that mean? \_ Did you read the article? The higher the IQ, the more alcohol. Your anecdote supports that. \_ yes but then he stopped drinking altogether \_ Tell that to Glenn Seaborg. |
2009/2/8-15 [Academia/OtherSchools, Academia/UCLA] UID:52534 Activity:moderate |
2/8 Why does UC suck so hard? I did undergrad at UCB and I hated it. Professors couldn't teach, class workload was high, and the system was designed to "weed out" students and demoralize them rather than teach and encourage them. I always got lower grades than I deserved for the amount of work I put in. I don't know if this was because of the curve which insists that 50% of students should get C's and only 10% A's or what, but my GPA was mediocre and self-confidence shattered. After UCB I took classes at another (private) school, maybe not quite as good at UCB but Top 50 in order to remedy my "academic deficiencies". I got straight A's there and was usually one of the top 1-2 students in the class. Professors seemed to like to teach and when they gave exams they were on the concepts they told you that you should know. This is not the same thing as spoonfeeding answers, but just telling you what was important to know and what wasn't so that you don't waste time trying to memorize 500 pages of the text. So I finally got my GPA up and had the choice of a couple of different grad schools, one of which was UCLA. This is my first year at UCLA and it is like Cal all over again! Massive amounts of work to get a B-, professors who sneer at your inadequacies, and a tendency to give exam problems on exactly the material that was not covered in homework which means you have to read (and remember) 500 pages of technical text in 4.5 weeks and there is no chance to know if you are grokking the material not covered in homework until the exam. I am in the middle of the pack of my peers and getting discouraged again. I've started to talk to a few of them and for many of them they have taken the same class *BEFORE* at some other school. One guy told me he had taken it *AT UCLA* as an undergrad and got a C and now wants to retake it. Well, shit. I guess the school shouldn't care how you got to a certain level, but the playing field seems messed up to me. I was talking to a friend in grad school at a prestigious private school and he said it's not like UCLA at all. That same friend went to an exclusive liberal arts college for undergrad and then started grad school at UC Irvine, which he also hated, before switching. So it seems to me that the problem is with UC. My prof even told me he has battled the department about making some changes (such as having 2 midterms instead of 1 because of the amount of material covered) to no avail. Since UC recruits from the same pool of professors as every other school then why is learning at UC such a bitch? I told my professor I think I want out and to go to a private school, which is when he confided the above to me. Were all UC professors beaten as children? Is it some State thing? They seem to really enjoy watching you fail and only cater to the top 5% they see as elite enough to join their ranks. Yes, this is how academia is, but why isn't it like that elsewhere? Two classmates that went to much, much worse (by reputation) private schools for undergrad got their PhDs from Harvard and USC, crediting their professors for refusing to let them fail or quit and encouraging them and pushing them to achieve the best they can do. They love their professors/advisor and will probably donate $$$ back to their school. What I want to donate to UC is a swift kick in the ass. \_ I knew all of this when I went to UC Berkeley. I went anyways, because I couldn't get into any other school. I have to say your experience will vary greatly depending on your personality. If you're seriously upbeat in nature and have a thick skin, it'll work out greatly. But if you're just exploring and trying to understand yourself, it's not a very nurturing place to be at. \_ Totally agree with what you're saying. In the corporate world, your super l33+ coding skills don't mean much. CONFIDENCE wins a lot, like promotions and leadership. Cal totally lacks this. It's a great place to know how to hack. Great place to do publications and to get into academia. Not a great place to climb up in the corporate world. \_ Maybe you should stick with community colleges. They seem to be more your speed. \_ Thanks, UC Professor! I'm surprised you didn't let me know Wendy's is hiring! I don't want to miss out on that opportunity! \_ I went to Caltech and UC both for undergrad and while the classes were smaller at Caltech, it was also a much harder workload. The UC is a really sink or swim kind of place. You don't think people are paying an extra $100k for a private school education for nothing, do you? Why did you go to UCLA at all, given your experiences, it sounds like you would have prefered a private school. Did you not want to pay the extra cost? -ausman \_ I think Caltech undergrad is an extreme example. Caltech is also known for being brutal to its students for no good reason. I know lots of people who went to Caltech and are now underachieving because Caltech destroyed them. That's not a plus in favor of Caltech. However, consider a school like Pomona College (where my acquaintance who tried UCI went) or Stanford. No one would consider them easy and yet the attitude is not "us" (professors) versus "them" students. They want their alumni to succeed. I went to UCLA figuring that: 1) It might be different, 2) Maybe the problem at UCB was my own creation. However, it's shocking how these first quarters at UCLA at like being at UCB all over again. Factor in all the standard UC bureaucracy and I probably will transfer to a private school. Cost was an issue, but not the main issue. UCLA's strengths were more closely aligned with my research interests than others I was accepted into. I think seeing how much UCLA is like UCB crystallized that: 1) Somehow these issues are endemic to UC 2) UC doesn't work for me However, what troubles me is *why* when I was able to get along just fine at other universities that just happened to be private. To me it seems like a problem worth investigating and fixing, because we waste a lot of talent at UC, just like Caltech wastes a lot of the top minds in the country. At least Caltech doesn't have an obligation to the public to educate, though. \_ Stanford doesn't seem all that different from Berkeley. There are both asshole profs and nice ones. I'm not entirely sure where you get this idea of UC being super different. Maybe your problem is self-fulfilling prophecy. \_ It's not really the profs. UCLA's profs are sometimes very understanding. At UCB I would say I had too many profs that were TAs or else visitors who didn't at all know what the students had/had not covered leading to disjoint curriculum because the tenured profs didn't like to teach, but not that they were assholes necessarily. However, the administration at private schools wants students to succeed and more often listens to their input. When a student at UCB wants to leave no one cares. When a student elsewhere wants to leave they want to know what went wrong and how they can fix it. Privates are constantly reviewing the curriculum and addressing deficiencies in order to retain students and be sure that their alums succeed and bring glory to the school. UC points to the 2% who succeed through sheer god-given brilliance and claims that their system is working and the other 98% must just be stupid and not worth educating. Students at UC seem to have much less leverage over the faculty, which is why teachers like HH Wu are still teaching and there are Korean TAs teaching who don't even speak any English. When the students at privates complain the school does something like pair up a non-native speaking TA with a native speaking TA or whatever. You might call that coddling, but I call it common sense. UC just doesn't care. Take it or leave it. That's too bad. UC is really more a place to educate yourself despite the school/faculty, not a place for them to impart their knowledge to you. I think there's a much less adversarial and more cooperative relationship at Stanford from what I can see having talked to those who attended and current professors there. \_ Do you believe that only 2% of Cal students graduate? \_ Muddling through the system will graduate you, but it won't help you achieve your goals. Cal students are bright and very motivated so they deal, but it doesn't have to be that way. Ironically, Cal profs I had outside of science and engineering were usually extremely supportive and interested in sharing their research and promoting interest in their field. Science and engineering profs mostly wanted you to go away. Exception were astronomy profs, who always seemed glad you came to office hours. Math profs were the worst, often not even showing up to office hours. Ridiculous. \_ So it is not all UC profs that you think are bad, just the science and engineering ones, right? \_ Possibly. Too little experience in other departments to say. I will say science and engineering professors are worse in my experience. \_ The UC does not have the resources to coddle students. You never answered my question as to why people are willing to pay so much more for private school. I think the answer to your quesions are obvious. to your questions are obvious. \_ People are willing to pay a lot more for a lot of reasons, one of which is snob appeal. State schools have a bad reputation which is probably deserved in most cases, although not necessarily deserved by good publics like UC. I don't want to speculate what motivates people to pay more. Why don't you, since you already have (speculated)? It's partially a resource issue, but I think it's cultural. Even if you gave UC 3x the budget the mentality would not change, IMO. \_ The UC does not have the resources to coddle students. You never answered my question as to why people are willing to pay so much more for private school. I think the answer to your quesions are obvious. \_ I think it is obvious: you get a better education at an expensive private school, that is why people are willing to pay more for it. With the much higher teacher student ratios, the money for better labs, better libraries, full time live in professional advisors in the dorms, more tutors, etc, you *should* get a better education. I think your claim that the UC would do the same job with 3X the resources is ludicrous. Do you know any public college in the US that has the climate you found at private school? \_ Well, you said it: UC provides a poor education. \_ I don't really disagree with you, though I would use the word "mediocre" rather than poor. The best, most inspiring teachers I had were the ones at San Diego Community College, which is where I went between Caltech and UCB. I learned much more at the UC though, but that was outside the class room, in The Web, from other students, etc. I also learned how to fend for myself, which is a pretty useful skill to have in life. \_ http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Humor/UCB-fail.jpg \_ I don't believe that you know "lots of people who went to Caltech and are now underachieving" since they admit less than 300 people per year. How many do you know? \_ A lot. I've known people at Caltech since I was in high school through a mentor-type program and I know a lot of alums who also know alums: both grad students and undergrads. I would say I've met probably 100-200+ alums: maybe more than any other school other than UCB. I even know some current grad students and current and ex-faculty. I also have a membership at the Athenaeum. They are not all underachievers, but many are relative to their potential. In fact, I fired one that worked for me. I don't think that Caltech brings out the best in its students. I think a lot are exceptional and do well in spite of Caltech, but I also know a lot that don't even really have careers and just kind of drift from one thing to another. BTW, lots of Caltech students have the same opinion of Caltech and helped shape my opinion of it. Many complain that Caltech ruined their GPA. A surprising number who did undergrad never went to grad school because of this. That's sad, because I think most of them, if not all, are capable. I think Caltech has among the highest % of undergrads who then go get their PhD but they should given who is accepted so that's a little misleading. 85% of Caltech undergrads graduate versus 97% at Harvard. Do you think it's because Harvard students are smarter? That Harvard spends more $$$? (Caltech spends $200K per student.) It's pure culture. \_ What percentage of Caltech graduates go on to get PhD's vs. Harvard UG? Do you think the grad schools don't know how tough the grading scale is at places like UCB and Caltech? If you are sure you want to go \_ I suspect no. Not at least, for say econ PhD admissions. If you got a GPA of say 3.3, you're screwed as rarely a top 30 department will bother with your file. Usually it doesn't matter that you have completed a bunch of honors or graduate courses, have a math double major, good LoR, etc. I know this based on my personal experience. \_ I have heard otherwise, at least as regards to Physics graduate schools. How were your test scores? I am kind of surprised to hear that you could not get into a good grad school with a 3.3 from Cal. What was your UG major? to grad school in science then Caltech is a good place to go, if you don't know what you want to do with your life and need some time to figure it out, it is a terrible place. UCB is the same, just not as extreme. \_ I always summed it up as: "At Berkeley, you have a right to fail," which was a refreshing contrast to HS, where you were coddled and reprimanded for not turning in a HW, even if you got 100% on all the tests. Also, by "refreshing" I mean a C- in my first semester math course (Math 53) because I had the bad habit of not doing HW, and then never really learned the material. Separately, I thought almost all the CS profs at Cal were good (Smith was the exception). What CS profs had curves and were not supportive of students? \_ I didn't take a lot of CS. I had Yelick and BH and Hilfinger and they were all OK. I took a lot of physics, math, chemistry, and engineering classes. I wasn't a CS major. \_ Physics seemed to have a combo of great and terrible profs. 7A in particular seemed to have good profs. Also, I've heard only good things about profs that taught H7[ABC]. I only had bad math profs. EE was mixed as well. What are "engineering" classes? E45, E190? E190 was a great class. \_ 7ABC all sucked. Dalven, Lys, and I cannot even remember who else. I also had Clancy for CS now that someone else mentioned him and he did the absolute minimum. ` \_ I had bad math profs and mostly bad chem profs, but mostly good bio profs and a really great biophysics advisor. (Glasser) \_ As a current undergrad, I must say every CS prof I've had so far has been pretty much awesome (with the exceptions of Clancy who basically didn't teach and instead left us to suffer with some godforsaken "web 2.0 teaching" thing... damn you UCWise, and Bodik who seemed like a smart guy but had the worst 164 curriculum ever (it was basically a "who can come up with the ugliest Greasemonkey hack class) Current list - Brian Harvey (61a), Dan Garcia (61c), Anthony Joseph (162), John Wawrzyneck (150), Michael Franklin (186), Dan Klein (188), and also Babak Ayazifer (EE20) have all been decent (and some of them very excellent) professors. I have Patterson as my faculty adviser and he's been great too. Maybe you just chose the wrong profs? I've also had very good TAs for 61a,c,162,and 150. (Some grad some ugrad). Just a current student's opinion... --steven \_ You obviously never had Alex Aiken. Charming personality, awesome slides, horrible lecturer/speaker, does not care about students (hates office hours). \_ At UCB, my best learning experiences were summer classes, less than 30 students, taught by TAs. I took a class at Stanford. It wasn't that different from UCB. The exams tried to throw twists at you so you couldn't directly apply what they actually taught in class, you'd have to figure new stuff out, and you don't have enough time. In any case most of the class basically fails miserably so it's curved and you end up with like a B+ anyway. The project was pretty wimpy in terms of time compared to engineering class projects at Cal. Stanford did have a strong student feedback mechanism and the prof changed some things in response to ongoing feedback. I would have doubts about sending a kid of mine to Cal as an undergrad. I wasn't really happy at Cal, it was huge and I wasn't motivated to trudge to classes each day. The whole "giant lecture hall" class style is pretty bad in general though. The pace is too slow or too fast and often the fancy professors are bored/boring. 'furd had a nice online archived video system in place though. You could watch all the stuff on video, complete with a closeup view of what the teachers write, and you can replay it at multiple speeds with pitch-corrected sound, which definitely helped me stay awake and zip through boring bits but still hear them. \_ +1, my SITN experience parallels with yours. It's really great to log into one of their empty, powerful workstations to do work. I really hated having to fight through my ways in Cory Hall and Evans which most of you don't even remember. Stanford had superb computing facilities, and their professors really take the time to talk to you even though the classes were still big (40-80ish). \_ I agree with everything above. Well said. Berkeley fucks its students in the ass. No doubt about that. But then, so does every flagship state university. The only difference is that due to being the top state university in the country, may be in the world, at Berkeley you get the rat race experience of all flagship state schools SQUARED, and many other UC campuses are not that far behind. I remember how I had to fight like mad to get a B+ or A- even in a frigin Rhetoric 1B or History 7B class. Lots of professors look for ways to screw the students and lower their grades. I have utter respect for UCB undergrads in the hard majors who maintain a GPA above say 3.7. At the same time, I do suspect that many of Cal's B+ students would probably strive somewhere at an Ivy League school, have a 3.95 GPA, beautify CV with multiple research experiences, graduate with honors, get glowing LoR from professors, and have no problems joining top graduate programs. At the same time, I wouldn't take it for granted that an average "honors" student from a private school (which is most students they have since most get some kind of honors) like Stanford or Ivies would necessarily even have a 3.5 GPA at Cal. I might want to add that things are not as bad as it might sound. You just need to learn how to navigate the system by the end of your second year or so. For example, most upper division courses in both of my majors (math/econ) had 30 students or less (or had honors or advanced versions of those courses with small enrollements). I had no problems registering for undergraduate seminars with only 10 students, which allowed for very good close interaction with professors. Most professors who taught my upper division courses really cared about teaching and did a pretty good job. |
2008/8/22-29 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/GradSchool] UID:50942 Activity:nil |
8/22 College ranking again: http://www.csua.org/u/m5o Stanfraud: #4 Cal: #21 \_ What. The. Fuck. They told me Cal is as good as Furd. They lied. \_ Proof that privatized education >>> Public education. Jackie Johnson is hot. \_ UCLA #25. Uh... \_ The US News rankings double- and triple-count advantages for private universities; they count endowments, and then lots of things that endowments buy you. -tom \_ An interesting thing was to look at the rank as given by guidance counselors. While not infallible, it's a different viewpoint: http://tinyurl.com/5hk8sw Of course, Forbes did their own ranking this year and put Stanford at #23 and Cal at #73 (!). \_ URL? Forbes did a "how much do graduates make at mid-career" ranking and Cal was something like 20th. \_ http://tinyurl.com/6qwr9z Where's the URL you saw? \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/65r7a3 Cal is #1 for public universities \_ And #12 overall \_ Forbes has no public universities in the top 60, and has such luminaries as Kalamazoo College higher than any public university. Their rankins are bunk. -tom \_ UVA is #43 \_ Ah, missed that. So it's only Cooper Union, Kenyon College, and Franklin and Marshall that are better than any public university. And of course Swarthmore and Williams are better than Yale, MIT, and Columbia. And something called "Centre College" in Kentucky is better than MIT, University of Chicago, Stanford, and all public universities. Bunk. If you invent a metric, you have to see if it passes the smell test before you make a fool of yourself by publishing it. -tom \_ "Of course, no ranking system is perfect, but for Forbes to publish and promote a list of rankings that are based 50 percent on "Who's Who..." (a for-profit corporation that makes its money getting its "invitees" to pay a fee to have their names published in its vanity publication) and "Rate My Professors" (a self-selected website that represents, at most, 1-to-2 percent of any given college's student population) is beyond incomprehensible. It is inexcusable. Forbes owes everyone in this country an apology and explanation, as do the so-called "academic statisticians" who lent their "credibility" to this publication." \_ URL? |
2008/8/21-26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:50926 Activity:low |
8/21 Top 10 American universities by 2008 Olympic participants: 1. Stanford: 46 2. (tie) USC: 41 2. (tie) Cal: 41 4. Florida: 34 5. UCLA: 32 6. Auburn: 31 7. Arizona: 27 8. (tie) Texas: 22 8. (tie) Michigan: 22 10. UNC: 20 \_ Is American Fish Monster from Berkeley? \_ You mean "celebrity athlete with personality of carp?" \_ He is the fastest swimmer in the world. Why does he need a bubbly television personality? Kobe Bryant is a goddamn rapist. Why don't we call him 'celebrity basketball rapist?' \_ Why not? Kobe's an ass. \_ "God is a Warriors fan, Satan loves the Lakers. God is a Warriors fan, Kobe is a rapist." \_ No, but Natalie Coughlin (total babe) is. \_ الله أَكْ! \_ no, but Natalie Coughlin is, and she's a total babe. \_ Where's our pole vaulter? \_ Huh huh hhuh huh, you said pole. |
2008/3/14-17 [Academia/UCLA] UID:49460 Activity:nil |
3/14 Someone please repost the link to home affordability charts? I need a proof from the UCLA professor that there will be a crash to prevent my wife from whining about this new condo that we can barely afford even though it's $50K cheaper than last year. \_ http://bp2.blogger.com/_8m7jYiLM_DI/Rvf3K2aCzsI/AAAAAAAAAXw/C_Fp_Kop7Hc/s1600-h/resetbigchart.gif \_ link:preview.tinyurl.com/ysnbe4 (bp2.blogger.com) http://drhousingbubble.blogspot.com |
2008/2/16-21 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:49170 Activity:moderate |
2/16 Snobs use google, normal people use yahoo: http://gizmodo.com/357353/poor-people-use-yahoo-richies-use-google \_ http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2008/02/the_wealthy_use.html \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/23mjhs (informationweek.com) \_ I know a few conservatives who hate Google (liberal company) and use Yahoo as the less liberal alternative. \_ I don't know anyone who uses Yahoo search. I know Yahoo employees. I know zillionaires. I know poor people. I know people who are a few dollars from living in their car. They all use Google Search. \_ In another news, smart people prefer the Bay Area, and dumb people are stuck in Los Angeles. \_ True story. -- ilyas \_ URL to support your claim? \_ True as in Berkeley/Stanford rejects go to UCLA, UCI UCSD, and (laugh) UCR? \_ Stanford rejects go to Cal. Let's be honest here. \_ I always thought that the system was that the rich kids Stanford rejects go to USC, the asian kids Cal rejects go to UCLA, Davis rejects end up at UCI/UCR and the asian kids with cool parents go to UCSD. \_ Stanford kids are actually smarter than USC kids. It's more like Stanford rejects go to the east cast, Cal rejects go to UCLA, Asian kids who couldn't make it to any of the above go to UCI or San Diego, and all the rejects who don't want to go to CSUs go to Riverside, Santa Barbara, or Santa Cruz. In terms of hierarchy: UCB > UCLA > (UCD|UCI|UCSD) > UCSB > UCSC > UCR UCSD for some reason attracts a lot of Republican/ conservative and UCR attracts a lot of dumb asses \_ San Diego is a conservative area relative to the rest of the state. \_ When I applied to CS grad school in 1993, I got rejected by Cal but accepted by $tanfurd. \_ You end up going to Stanford? \_ No, I ended up getting a job. \_ Grad school is something else entirely. I was talking about undergrad. \_ Another true story. -- ilyas \_ Ilyas is a dumb reject. \_ Another true story. -- !ilyas \_ Yup. -- ilyas \_ Ilyas loves it when people sign his name. Yup. -- ilyas his name. Yup. \_ No, that was actually me. -- ilyas \_ But not me. -- !ilyas |
2006/11/4-6 [Academia/UCLA] UID:45164 Activity:low |
11/04 Notre Dame sucks. Got killed by a not-that-great Michigan team. Should've gotten killed by Michigan State, if it weren't for their terrible head coach. Should've lost to mediocre UCLA. Not looking dominant against a bad North Carolina team. Allowed the worst Stanford team in history to hang around for a while. And yet, due to a weak schedule, this crappy Notre Dame team, even if they lose to USC, will probably end up in a BCS game. Nice. \_ How is Michigan not-that-great? Compared to whom? Cal? OSU? \_ Compared to Ball State. |
2006/10/29-30 [Academia/UCLA, Uncategorized/Profanity, Recreation/Sports] UID:45025 Activity:nil |
10/29 Sucks so bad that USC lost. It was Cal's best chance for a BCS bid. -- USC student, Cal fan. \_ Fuck all of you assholes. -Berkeley alum, who couldn't give two shits about "Cal". \_ Fuck you, too. \_ I don't see how it makes a difference. If USC won, Cal would still need to beat USC to go to the Rose Bowl. Now, Cal needs to beat USC to go to the Rose Bowl. If Cal loses against USC, they wouldn't be going to a BCS bowl whether USC beat OrSt or not. \_ The argument is that if USC went to the Championship game, then Cal could finish 2nd and still go to the Rose Bowl. I don't like that argument. If Cal goes to the Rose Bowl it should not be because USC is playing for a MNC. The loss helped Cal, because now Cal has a game "to give" if they beat USC and a chance to finish 1st even if they lose to USC (if someone else can beat USC, too). \_ My argument was that if USC stayed #3 and Cal beat them (handing USC their only loss), Cal would have a good chance of finishing Top 6 and getting a BCS bid. I didn't consider Cal losing to USC. \_ If Cal beats USC, Cal wins the Pac-10 and goes to the Rose Bowl. This was the case last week, and it's the case now. \_ Cal doesn't need to finish top 6 to get a BCS bid. If Cal beats USC and has no more than one other Pac-10 loss, we are guaranteed to go to the Rose Bowl. If we lose to USC but finish in the top 14 BCS rankings, we can still go to a BCS bowl--there's one more BCS bowl this year than there has been in the past, so the chances are much less that we'll be screwed like we were in 2004 (and Oregon in 2005). In any case, the focus should be on beating USC, which would make polls and tiebreakers unimportant. -tom \_ The focus should be beating the next opponent, as UDub showed. If we lose to Arizona and UCLA then who cares about USC? \_ Yeah, but now we can lose to one of them and still go. |
2006/9/19 [Academia/UCLA] UID:44439 Activity:kinda low |
9/19 Based on Cal's 35-18 loss against a good-but-not-great Tennessee team, 42-17 victory at home against a below average Big 10 team in Minnesota, and Cal's 42-16 victory at home against a lowly Division I-AA team in Portland State, what do you think Cal's regular season football record will be this year? 10-2 (additional loss to 1 of USC & Oregon) 9-3 (additional losses to USC & Oregon) 8-4 (additional losses to USC, Oregon, & 1 of UCLA/ASU/OSU/UA/WSU) 7-5 (additional losses to USC, Oregon, & 2 of UCLA/ASU/OSU/UA/WSU) 6-6 (additional losses to USC, Oregon, $ 3 of UCLA/ASU/OSU/UA/WSU) I vote for 8-4. We will lose badly to USC, and Tedford always has trouble vs. Oregon. This Cal team has enough question marks that we will probably get upset on the road at either Oregon State, Arizona, or Washington State. UCLA and ASU are overrated and Cal will likely beat both at home. Going 4-1 against that group of 5 teams will be a good achievement for this group. A 6-3 Pac 10 record probably puts us in the Sun Bowl in El Paso as the 3rd place Pac 10 team after USC (Rose Bowl) and Oregon (Holiday Bowl). UCLA and ASU will probably end up at the Las Vegas Bowl and Emerald Bowl by finishing in 4th and 5th. \_ I vote for 7-5 and a return trip to Las Vegas. Too many weaknesses on the offensive line and secondary. Syd'Quan Thompson is going to cost us at least 1 more game. \_ LAS VEGAS BABY! -ausman \_ You guys are optimists. 6-6 is probably realistic. Nate Longshore is not the answer at QB, no matter how many stats he runs up against D-IAA opponents. \_ Longshore is better than Steve Levy, who won three games including a bowl game in 2005. We'll know more about how good the team is after this weekend. -tom \_ Why is everyone forgetting Kyle Reed in the QB discussion? \_ Because the coaching staff, which sees all the QBs all the time, hasn't said anything to indicate he's even being considered for the starting job. -tom |
2006/1/25-27 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Academia/UCLA] UID:41516 Activity:low |
1/25 http://www.collegecuteness.com UCLA comes in 7th. \_ Stanford??? You've got to be kidding me. And where's Berkeley? The list is a fraud. \_ Dude, 8 out of 10 is pretty bad. And of course O of C has to be at the bottom. \_ Berkeley is home to some of the ugliest white chicks I ever saw. Lots of pretty "minority" women, though. \_ those pretty 'minority' women doesn't includes Chinese, despite their sheer number. \_ Berkeley has some extremely pretty African-American women, in particular. \_ Is http://HOTorNOT.com accurate? I just looked, and some rather un-attractive women have pretty high scores. Is it prone to self-scoring? \_ Note that it doesn't mean that UCLA is no 7 in the country. It's just a no7 in a sample of 10 schools, which is kind of less impressive. \_ i vaguely remember there is a OCF version of it. what happened to that? and where it is now if it still exist? \_ it was taken down due to various racist comments, and probably also because the creator's picture kept getting posted and he isn't exactly hot stuff. \_ Hotornot is strongly biased towards woman who show lots of skin. \_ They need to put UCSB on the list. \_ Are there no pictures, or am I missing something? |
2005/12/1-6 [Academia/UCLA] UID:40809 Activity:moderate |
12/2 Wow, current odds are USC over UCLA by 21. Is it going to be that much of a beating? \_ Dunno. I don't have a crystal ball. \_ What a useful response. USC could certainly beat UCLA by 21; we scored 40 against them. But USC has been somewhat inconsistent. I'd take UCLA+21. -tom \_ I think this is worth a bet. Is there a good way to bet on this online or through the phone? \_ start by not being an anonymous coward. -tom \_ huh? I am asking for a sports betting place where I can make some money betting on UCLA. You seem to think everyone is out to get you. \_ http://tradesports.com. You are lucky you didn't make this bet. Tom saved you $100 by being a jerk! -ausman \_ heh heh, he did. thanks for the link. Have you used it before? -ecc \_ Nah, it'll probably be a close game. \_ ouch! 66-19! what a drubbing. |
2005/10/27-29 [Academia/UCLA] UID:40298 Activity:moderate |
10/27 Appropros to an earlier conversation about SF High Schools: http://csua.org/u/dug The worst of the top seven schools still rates a "7" on the statewide API rank, which puts it in the top 70% of high schools statewide. \_ Where does CA fall among other states and this country among other western nations? \_ The ranking for 2004 seems unavailable, but the 2003 API rankings for San Francisco are at http://csua.org/u/dui . Out of 16 high schools in San Francisco, 5 have a rank of 1, 3 have a rank of 3, and 1 have a rank of 4. The other 7 are ranked 7 to 10. Ranks range from 1 to 10, with 1 lowest and 10 highest. \_ Is the API about "performance" or "improvement in performance"? \_ If you goal is just to get into a top US university, move to singapore and send your kid to raffles. 40% of 820 graduating students go to Ivy League schools or their equivalents, and that's just for the US. Many others go to Cambridge and Oxford. school fees is US$8 per month. 90 of the 820 got accepted to Cornell. This is according to a WSJ article: http://web.singnet.com.sg/~kohfamey/on_Raffles%20htm.htm Of course, you cannot chew gum. Of course, you cannot chew gum. I ditched raffles when I was in singapore cause my brother's chinese sucks and my parents think it's the school's fault, so I went to a second parents think it's the school's fault, and also because we hate schools named after british imperialist colonizer sir stamford raffles the evil one, so I went to a second rate high school, and ended up in second rate berkeley university. university. but hey, at least I have good chinese, and got myself quite a few cute girls from taiwan. \- i actually think if you are not totally stupid you might be \- i think if you are not totally stupid you might be able to get into harvard by moving to say Kiribati for your senior year of high school so Harvard can say "we have students from country++ number of countries". --psb \_ I didn't get into UCLA because they said they were over their quota of out-of-state students. My rejection stated that in an apologetic tone. \_ wait, UCLA is harder to get into than UCB now?? \_ Yes. All the would be MIT and Caltech geeks Googled and researched their chance on getting laid with hot women and found that UCLA gave them an advantage they wouldn't normally have in other schools. \_ That's the whole point, it's NOT harder yet I didn't get in, but I got into Berkeley. \_ Should be "we have students from ++country number of countries". :-) |
2005/10/27-28 [Academia/UCLA] UID:40287 Activity:low |
10/26 http://www.thecalifornianonwilshire.com The Californian on Wilshire Blvd. is a luxurious condo development. It is completely sold yet the building is not even done. At a starting price of 1.5 million dollars per unit, I wonder what kind of people buy these condos. \_ This is only a few blocks from UCLA. You can't buy a house in the Wilshire/UCLA area for less than 1.5 mil. A 50 year old 2000 sq ft house 1/2 mile away from UCLA starts at 2.5 mil. So actually this is pretty cheap by the Westwood standard. People are rich. I see really REALLY nice cars on Sunset driving slowly and stopping and talking to really pretty young girls on Sunset and Belair all the time. Some of the girls are probably still in college. \_ I have a friend who owned a condo on Wilshire before he sold it to buy a $4 million house in Beverly Hills. He owns his own company (tax consulting) with about 100 employees. His neighbor was a fashion designer with 7 exotic cars down in the garage. Tyra Banks used to own one there. So did/does Barbara Sinatra. In a nutshell: wealthy people do! Duh! Lots of times as second homes, too. \_ This makes me depressed. --- coding monkey \_ Why? I know code monkeys who live in Atherton mansions or own fleets of Ferraris. (OK, they are very good code monkeys.) Being a code monkey doesn't make you not rich; being not rich makes you not rich. \_ A friend bought a condo in Las Vegas under similar circumstances then sold for 3x before the project completed. It's a game of hot potato; sometimes you win, sometimes you get burned. \_ My guess is that it will get cancelled after all the people speculating on condos cancel their reservations and lose their deposit money. |
2005/10/9-10 [Academia/UCLA] UID:40030 Activity:very high |
10/9 UCLA and thier football team can burn!!! Anybody else watch? If not for thier #21 Drew they wouldn't have scored half thier points. -mrauser \_ Fuck off. The only universities for whose football programs I have any respect are University of Chicago and Caltech. \_ Cal didn't deserve to win the game. Our QB sucks, our special teams sucks. And even if we did win, we still wouldn't beat USC given that we couldn't stop Drew who's a poor man's Reggie Bush. \_ Yeah, they couldn't score half the time in the red zone. Let's face it, Cal football just isn't up to par to the likes of UCLA and USC. We have never been and will never be known as a football school. Anyway, I don't really give a crap because compared to our academics both schools blow chunks. \_ Up to par with UCLA?! are you kidding? why don't you check out our record against them for the past few years. \_ Uhm, hate to burst your bubble, but in the past, what forty to fifty years Cal hasn't appeared once in the Rose Bowl, while UCLA has shown up about half a dozen times, and they won it twice. UCLA also produced Troy Aikman and also has the winningest coach in Pac 10 history. Cal hasn't won a title since the Pac 10 became the Pac 10 and you'd have to go back to the early fifties to find Cal in a Rose Bowl game. As for overall athletics, UCLA has the most NCAA championships in the nation. And don't even compare Cal football to USC. The whole purpose of USC is to have a football program, that and I suppose the medical center in downtown to serve all the poor folks. Heck, Cal's record is probably worse than \_ you forgot film school Stanford overall. When we actually win a Rose Bowl in our lifetime, that's when I would consider Cal to have a football program on par with UCLA/USC. BTW, Cal has NEVER won a Rose Bowl under the Pac-10. You'd have to go all the way back to the 1920s to find Cal winning a Bowl. \_ For a little historical perspective, Street & Smith's recently published their "50 Greatest College Football Programs of All Time". In the Pac-10, USC was 2, Washington 20, Cal 27, UCLA 31, Stanford 33. Personally, I would agree that over the past 50 years UCLA has had a more impressive program, but our Pappy Waldorf and Wonder Team squads were better than anything UCLA has ever put on the field. \_ let's talk about the modern era, please. \_ Well, since the modern era begins after the mid-18th century... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_era \_ Since 1990, Cal is 9-7 against UCLA, and 6-8-1 against USC. -tom \_ yea, but before 1990, Cal had not beaten UCLA for like 15 years or something. Still, the current team isn't too bad. Those two backs are superb. All we need is a good quarterback, and a little tweaking with the D. Or we can try calling all run plays like the Nebraska team of a few years back, and see how that goes. Tedford is a good coach, but I think he got out play-called in the UCLA game. \_ let's talk about the modern era, please. -tom \_ sorry young man, but my memory dates back to before 1990. |
2005/9/12-14 [Academia/UCLA] UID:39643 Activity:nil |
9/12 Blackouts in parts of LA. How you doing down there ucla guy? \_ "Police officers will only be responding to calls where there is a threat to life." threat to white women." http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050912/us_nm/energy_losangeles_dc Time to rape your hot female neighbor and steal the Porsche down the block. \_ which guy? There are over 5 ucla guys on motd. Anyways there is no black out. We have our own generator. Ditto with UCLA Medical, they have one of the newest and best backup equipments. \_ ucla guy is generic. Sorta like yermom, but easier and cheaper. \_ Cheaper? My mom is free, you idiot! \_ Crack doesn't grow on trees. Gotta get it from someplace. |
2005/9/10-13 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:39620 Activity:kinda low |
9/10 How does a university with Cal's academics manage to recruit as well as it has for Tedford the past couple years? \_ Academics and athletics are not mutually exclusive; Michigan has had a consistently successful football program, and sells out their 100K seat stadium for every game. -tom \_ U. Mich? I've found that U. Mich people just like to talk about themselves a lot and how U. Mich is the greatest thing since sliced bread. You sure their academic reputation isn't just a lack of modesty? \_ You might want to read about 'statistics' and 'standardized tests'. Your post implies an egregious lack of understanding tests'. Your post implies a flagrant lack of understanding about academic reputation and how it's derived. \_ I've found these "statistics" and "standardized tests" to be pure BS. The USNews reports use things like SAT scores, GPA, alumni donation, and things that don't really mean much to rank colleges. But results speak for themselves. In the place where I work, the ones that come from no-name colleges produce some of the best results I've seen whle those from these top-notch colleges are usually just full of themselves and can't do jack shit. UMich people, for some reason, seem to be the worst offenders. \_ Right, studies which actually have quantitative metrics are pure BS, while one person's subjective experience is truth. Oh and here's another hint; top universities do not exist to churn out good workers. -tom \_ And you think these objective "quantitative metrics" are a good indicator of academic rigor? I really don't care how well any student did on their ACT/SAT, what their HS GPA is, or how much alumni give to that school. Look at Stanford. These kids work their ass of in HS to get into that school. Their alumni donates money like there''s not tomorrow. But they also just slack off once the get in and are guaranteed a 4.0 GPA. I haven't found many Stanford students to be that stellar. \_ I'm guessing your argument is that they exist to promote intellectual progress in the form of research and scholarly debate? Sure, for the best and the brightest. A good professor might not be a good worker bee. On the other hand, any good professor is going to have to have a lot of skills which make them good 'workers'. They just fit into higher level jobs. I don't think you can make a case that a university is a good one if all of the people it turns out are poor workers. It may not be the objective to turn out good workers, but it seems to happen anyway. \_ I'm guessing you're a moron. Actually, no, I'm not guessing. -tom \_ Way to defend your point - with an ad-hominem and no facts. \_ Sorry, the idea that schools should be measured based on what some anonymous coward perceives as the productivity of some people he's worked with is far too ridiculous to respond to. -tom \_ I'm not the original poster and I *was* curious what your opinion is on this topic but I don't care now. \_ Funny how tom can manage to piss off people who might sympathize with him. \_ I don't need morons to sympathize with me. -tom \_ Yeah, he's already got himself, and he's the biggest moron around! -jrleek \_ According to USNews, Cal=#20, UCLA=#24, UMich=#25 \_ Ob Todd Bozeman |
2005/9/8-10 [Academia/UCLA] UID:39570 Activity:low |
9/8 My understanding is that UC schools used to accept half of their students based on SAT I + SAT II + GPA*1000 (max score: 8000). I can't find anything on the web confirming this, as it seems like now admissions are more comprehensive: : http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/general_info/uc_reviews/freshman_app.html A friend of mine claims that his school would only accept 0-1 students to Berkeley (and UCLA) no matter what the caliber is, and I'm claiming BS (as that would be reverse affirmative action). Anyone know anything about either of our claims? #14 at the URL above could be seen as support for his claim: Location of the student's secondary school and residence. \_ He's full of shit. For proof see how many students from large high schools go to UCLA or UCB. It's not 0-1. \_ The friend is probably saying his sk00l blows, out in the boonies but I agree that if his SATs are high (hard) and his GPA is high (easy being in the boonies), then there is no quota per se. I believe it's true that a high GPA at let's say Lowell HS is better than a high GPA at Podunk HS, but I don't know the conversion, and maybe I'm totally wrong. \_ Yes, this is what he was saying. She got into UCLA and UCB but decided to go have fun at UCSB. She wasn't the validictorian but the four students who were were really pissed that he applied and "wasted" the slots. She doesn't know their SAT II scores but knows that they had 4.0+ GPA's and 1400+ SAT's which should have been good enough for UCLA top 50%. 1998. \_ I didn't think you could "waste" a slot--I was under the impression that your HS played a role in UC admissions, but only in consideration of individual applications, not as part of a "quota-per-high school" system. If you are accepted to Cal and don't go, wouldn't the next-best person from whichever high school just take your place? Sounds odd to me. But then again, maybe her 4 friends aren't all that bright either. -John \_ If she went to UCSB instead of UCLA to have fun, then she's not that bright afterall. UCSB is fun but UCLA is funner. \_ I see in today's UCLA admissions FAQ: "It should be noted, however, that because UCLA does not use a mathematical formula when evaluating applicants, there is no fixed numerical weight attached to either GPA or test scores." So I can see how human beings, being lazy, would just pick the few top slots out from Podunk HS, allocate more to Lowell HS, and not really pay much attention to waiting lists. Shrug, it wasn't malicious of the UCB/UCLA girl, and I bet you could find a lot of people with 1400+ post-recentered SAT scores. \_ Of course there's no formula. It's much easier to game the system when there's no objective standard. \_ This is how I was admitted in 1991. They published the minimum score every year, and when I applied I was above the minimum and didn't have to worry about getting in. \_ See this usenet post circa 1992: http://csua.org/u/dbd IIRC the GPA was capped at 4.0. \_ I was admitted in '92 with a 4.5 GPA. -1337 (easy being in the boonies), then there is no quota per high school \_ GPA was capped at 4.0 in 1996. They had the 8000 ranking, I remember to have a 98% chance for Berkeley you needed like 7000 and for EECS it was like 7400. |
2005/8/20-22 [Academia/UCLA] UID:39199 Activity:high |
8/20 I'm going to grad school on the east coast and have some (non-sucky) hardware to sell - currently, wireless keyboard/ laser mouse combo and high powered speakers. If interested see: http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu/~jhs/buy_my_stuff.html -jhs \_ Why are you going to grad school? Are you sure you've thought this through? The vast majority of phd students do not really know why they're there, and find out the hard way later how much of a mistake grad school usually is. There's a hell of a lot of living, learning, and money making you can do in the SIX FUCKING YEARS it takes to get a typical phd instead of sitting in the SAME FUCKING CHAIR living on a 20K/year stipend. Go read all the archives of http://www.phdcomics.com Everything you read in that strip is true. \_ a little bitter? \_ Actually I have been through phdcomics (and find them awesome). I'm going to grad school because I enjoy doing research and would rather do that (even when money isn't optimal) than go into industry. I did an internship at http://Amazon.com as well as two research internship (government and industry) plus a policy internship during my undergrad years. I'm pretty confident that grad school is the right place for me, but I've heard plenty of horror stories as well. It helps that I'm attending my first choice (MIT) and that I already have some connections to people at Berkeley that I can fall back on for research ideas & etc if stuff goes a bit sour. Many CSUA alums were helpful in discussing grad school (leak, twohey, ilyas, brg, ...). Hope this clarifies things. -op industry. I did an internship at http://Amazon.com as well as two research internship (government and industry) plus a policy internship during my undergrad years. I'm pretty confident that grad school is the right place for me, but I've heard plenty of horror stories as well. It helps that I'm attending my first choice (MIT) and that I already have some connections to people at Berkeley that I can fall back on for research ideas & etc if stuff goes a bit sour. Many CSUA alums were helpful in discussing grad school (leak, twohey, ilyas, brg, ...). Hope this clarifies things. -op \_ I think the key thing the op is looking for is FULFILLMENT. I thought the exact same way you did. I graduated in the mid 90s and joined the dot-com crowd with my friends. I did ok, but I didn't feel fulfilled. It was fun writing code, designing apps, writing backends, and the pay and stock options were awsome but I really didn't feel like I made a difference in people's lives. I worked for 6 years in the industry, started as QA->code monkey->project lead and even did 6 months as a PM. I think it all depends on the attitude and what your goals and priorities in life are. Most of my friends just wanted to make big money and retire, and two did exactly that. Many are now 30s, have kids, have a house, and have a big ass mortgage to pay. There is one I know who is depressed because of his sense of feeling "stuck." There were obviously a few who went back to law school and one even did a joint law/MBA (he is a 3.98 Cal guy), and took up jobs that they thought more more suitable to their needs. When I talk to them, yes, they were glad to give up a few years of their lives to attain something they could never get anywhere else. What that 'something' is, depends on who you are and what makes you happy. I'm in my 3rd year in graduate school, and I realized that I totally and completely wasted 6 years in the industry, where I constantly worked with sub-mediocre people who didn't have much passion for whatever they were doing. The only things I learned in the industry were how to deal with tough people and idiots, and that money you earned is pretty useful when you're a grad student. I like grad school. I always talk to new people, many who are smart or have very different perspectives. The girls are totally hot (I guess the older you get the hotter they look) and I feel both intellectually and physically fulfilled. The girls I date and fuck feel the same way. \_ There are a lot of ways for a person to feel stuck in life. I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but when you've wasted some of your best years working on shit no one cares about for almost no money in a "job" that will count for nothing whatsoever if you dare to leave before your advisor/boss decrees it you're pretty fucking stuck. Abusing their position as advisor and holding the degree hostage to force people to stay in school longer is commong practice. Punishing those who say they want to leave academia by making it still harder to get permission to graduate is also standard. Apparently you have a good life in grad school. Good for you. I am wasting my youth doing something I hate and didn't even get paid a decent wage for it. Fuck grad school. \_ I know some people who were screwed over in grad school, but it works out better for a lot of people to have gone. A good way to do it is to work while you go. More people than I realized do this. Maybe they work reduced hours (25-30) but it's possible to do. This is while going to top PhD programs like Caltech and UCLA, too, not just 'weak' programs. \_ UCLA is what now? -- ilyas \_ Not in your field. \_ Honestly, what field could it be, other than film? UCLA blows, kthx. -- ilyas -------------------/ UCLA CS PhD makes it to top 20 in many rankings, which is still a lot higher than most of the other UCs. Yes, it's not a 1st tier in the top 10 list but there are tons of other things besides academics that one should be looking for in a grad school. I for one say that UCLA is a GREAT school, because it fits in my personal needs-- it is within 1 hour drive from ALL my family members, 10 min from the beach, 3 hours from the ski slope, great restaurants, lots of activities, etc. There are some bad things of course, like the traffic, which you really can't do anything about anyways. The fact that you keep bashing UCLA ("it is not top tier->it sucks") and that you're still in UCLA, is an indication that you made the wrong decision to go to UCLA. First of all, there is life outside of academia, and UCLA beats many top tier schools in that respect. Secondly, anyone so serious about academics and school rankings would have waited patiently for years and years to reapply to other top tier schools. I know at least 2 people who did exactly that (one for med school, one for Stanford PhD). Sure they lost time/credit due to the transfer process but that's a compromise. The fact that you settled for something less than you wanted, and then complained and did nothing says that you're just a lazy bum. Writing motd to convey your frustration and disillusion is not particularly constructive for you and for fellow students who happen to go to your school. -kchang \_ You went to UCLA so you can go to the beach or hit the slopes? Why didn't you just get a normal job? I find it interesting that people keep using 'rankings' like US News, etc. Rankings as such mean nothing. I am not having rankings in mind when I say UCLA blows. Also I am noticing that all the good things you listed about UCLA aren't about UCLA itself, but other things it's close to. As to whether I made the wrong decision to go to UCLA, I don't think I did. I think UCLA was literally the best that I could do. -- ilyas \_ if UCLA blows, then you blow even more. Seriously, this is one of the most pathetic things I've ever heard. You have an extremely high standard and a very low self-esteem ("this sucks but it's the best I can do"). You remind me of this woman I met who was still single in her mid-30s, no job, butt ugly, boring to talk to, and complained that she couldn't marry someone smart or rich. You're a beggar AND a chooser. -kchang \_ Today's Deep Thought is brought to you by Kevin Chang. Come to UCLA and sit next door to That Guy! If you think I have low self esteem you haven't been paying attention. -- ilyas \_ Post on the motd! You to can participate in high-quality intelligent conversations such as this! -jrleek \_ ^to^too. DOH!!! \_ Planetary science, but way to devalue your own hard work/degree. \_ 'UCLA blows' is a statement about the school. I would be happy to expand on this at great length if anybody wants to email me for details. I am reasonably happy with both my advisor, and my topic. At any rate, why should I attempt to deceive people who might be thinking of coming here? Do you really think the value of my degree is going to be affected one way or the other by my opinion? In fact, if you are thinking of a PhD in terms of 'value of degree' you are missing the whole point. What's important is the work. -- ilyas \_ You are saying that your program is not one of the top programs and you'd probably have gone somewhere else. That has a small impact. Now when people ask for advice or I interview a candidate I will always have your opinion in mind. I'm sure I'm not the only one you've said this to. Imagine if lots of other students are saying the same things. Not enough to make/break a school, of course, but even you yourself say you want to discourage people from going there. As for value of degree, it does matter somewhat. In aerospace, for example, if your PhD is from Purdue, Michigan, Texas, or MIT you are already looking good w/o knowing anything else about you. I see the same schools pop up again and again and again in new hires. Not always, of course, but often. |
2005/8/8-11 [Academia/GradSchool, Academia/UCLA, Industry/Jobs] UID:39055 Activity:nil |
8/8 Any students actually read motd? The Yahoo! Login and Registration team is looking for a fresh college grad to write perl and shell scripts. This position is for fresh college grads only. If interested, send resumes to atom at yahoo-inc dot com \_ I'm a starving PhD student and I am desperate for money. How much do they pay and are they near UCLA? And how much referal money do you get, and would you like to split with me? I'll take 33% of your referal. |
2005/2/28 [Academia/UCLA] UID:36464 Activity:very high |
2/28 Estimated motd edits in the past 24 hours by users: * 40 ilyas * 28 ecchang * 19 tom Congratulations ilyas, you're the biggest motd warrior today and you've broken your record. Again, congrats. And now, you can insult me using numbers. Insult #2 expected. -kchang \_ #69: kchang, you should spend less time talking to sodans, and more time making nice with h07 42n ch1x. once you graduate from UCLA, you will not get this chance again. \_ kchang IS asian, I expect his mother to set him up with some h07 42n ch1k. \_ Isn't kchang pushing 40 now? I imagine that his mother has given up by now... \_ WOW, how the hell did you get 40? Even tom's younger \_ Since you yourself admitted your script was crap, I am surprised you insist on making unsupported statements along the lines of 'biggest.' You remind me of that theory crackpot in UCLA who keeps ranting about the Church-Turing thesis being invalidated by his research (in reality he just redefines what a finished computation means). -- ilyas \_ ilyas, Ilyas Insult #2. \_ This is really dumb. -!ilyas \_ dude, at least he's sharing something. Why aren't you sharing your script, Mr. Libertarian? |
2005/1/24 [Academia/UCLA] UID:35878 Activity:very high |
1/24 ilyas, tell us about the UCLA Westwood babes. What are some differences between Cal/UCLA babes and what can you generalize. ok thx \_ 2 h0t 4 U. -- ilyas \_ ilyas is correct. \_ Can anyone provide a theory as to why this might be true? I believe you both, but why would there be more attractive women in one area than another? \_ I think it's partly cultural (people in LA, both male and female, pay a lot more attention to apperance than female, pay a lot more attention to appearance than elsewhere, thus maximizing what God/genetics gave them), and partly, attractive people come to LA in vain hopes of winning the movie star lottery. -- ilyas \_ It is more a case of the latter and thus UCLA is not really where to go to find attractive people. That is, most of them are not students. Go hang out in Santa Monica, on Robertson, or on Melrose to find the hot women who are here as model/actress/whatever. Lots of women are also glorified whores who are looking for wealthy men to be their sugar daddy. I don't know why SF does not have this phenomenon like LA and NYC do, but it doesn't. Probably because a rich geek is still a geek. \_ Not true at all. UCLA chicks are hot. So the former is quite true. Some of the hot chicks have brains, and they all have at least above-par SAT scores and GPAs (which doesn't say shit about intelligence). \_ The women off-campus are far hotter. You went to Cal. They all look hot to you. \_ Actually, it does, just not to the same degree. Cf. girls from Marin who grew up on Mummy and Daddy's money who now live in SF and dig The Scene-- and you, if you're buying the drinks and the Fendi bags. \_ If they are from rich families can't they buy their own Fendi bags? I don't see the point of being a whore when you are already rich, although I guess it describes Paris Hilton. \_ Women are all whores. It's part of culture... the men always provide for the women, buy them jewelry etc. Rich women just play at a higher game level and don't need to settle down. \_ People in LA are beautiful and stupid. -ausman \_ This forces me to downgrade my estimation of my own intelligence even further. -- ilyas \_ And upgrade your own estimate of your beauty, to be consistent, I hope. -ausman \_ I ll settle for being satisfiable. -- ilyas \_ Do you violate the compactness theorem? \_ I'll violate yermom's theorem \_ Not quite. The beautiful people are stupid, true. There are also lots of smart and successful people. They just tend to not be beautiful. \_ I didn't mean every single one of them. I would think that was obvious. Are you from LA, perchance? \_ Your statement seems to imply all of them, but your explanation is fine. \_ I don't believe this theory. Give us proofs, like average measurement of body fat/weight ratio, the curvature degree average, or something quantatively. I mean, this is all subjective. In fact you guys are biased because you're happy with the beautiful coastal weather, free beer or something else. Let's see data. \_ De grapes. Zey are zo zour! \_ Just go hang out in West LA. I have had at least 3 very attractive women who worked in West LA tell me that they felt bad about themselves after spending every day there. \_ Lots of fake boobs in LA and other plastic surgery. \_ So if a woman has had liposuction does your dick care? \_ Dude, there's *a lot* more to good sex than mounting and thrusting; not only interms of enthusiasm, but in terms of what she's willing to do, and whether it's pleasant when she does it, or just damn painful. Otherwise, you're better off fucking a sack of potatoes, since they don't ask for dinner afterward and will at least stay moist from beginning to end. \_ Only if she wants a pearl necklace. \_ http://tinyurl.com/6am4r Los Angeles ranks the same as Miami \_ LA's great, but it's very specific (blonde and implanted). NYC in the summer time has some incredible eye candy for everyone. \_ As an LA resident I can say that this is a stereotype. There are lots of Latina, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Indian, and other hotties. \_ Don't forget Armenian. \_ I included them as Middle-Eastern. \_ Armenians are not middle eastern. \_ If that's not the Middle East then what is it? Yes, I realize they are not Arabs and are from a Christian country but it looks like the Middle East on a map. \_ Armenians are Eastern European. \_ Not in race, language, culture, or any other way. \_ Jew land looks also looks like middle east. \_ It is the Middle East, too! http://www.siteatlas.com/Maps/Maps/MEast.htm Difference is that many people are dilute Jews so you get blonde Jews and such. \_ you missed African American, you RACIST \_ Asian, too. \_ My dates in L.A. have generally had smaller breasts, not larger, and they haven't been blondes. They have, however, been hotter. They take more time to take care of their appearance since it's more valued here. That's hard to "prove," but it's easy to see. The same, by the way, is true of men. That's as opposed to Berkeley, where concern for appearance takes up less than a minute of many people's day. Berkeley is sort of the anti-L.A. on the time/money vs. looks trade-off spectrum. \_ my theory why ilyas feels miserable in the land of the beautiful: http://www.unifr.ch/econophysics/articoli/dtelegraph.html \_ I can only be truly happy on the motd, the land of the trolls. -- ilyas \_ Luckily, we don't all have the same standards of beauty. |
2004/12/31-2005/1/2 [Academia/UCLA] UID:35504 Activity:nil |
12/30 BCS is no joke. Cal stinks. \_ Oh c'mon... whatever we were doing out on the field tonight is not how we played all season. You could tell that Cal wasn't really there; they didn't want to be there, they were not playing with much effort at all. \_ I see it as, as nice as our season was, we still have a ways to go. Notably special teams and tougher DBs. \_ I went to the game and I agree with this. You don't give up 520 yards passing because of lack of effort. There were problems. Oregon, for example, exposed them. Cal faded late in the season for whatever reason and still won because the schedule got easier. UCLA lost to Wyoming! I think USC will get pounded by Oklahoma. We will see. |
2004/12/1-3 [Academia/UCLA] UID:35147 Activity:moderate |
12/1 Here's the complete list of top 200 universities in the world: http://www.coe.berkeley.edu/newsroom/2004/rankingsTimes.pdf \_ Rankings are lame. All I want to say is, UCLA _better not_ be #26 overall. That would make me very sad. -- ilyas \_ UCLA is a world-class institution in many fields. What's your gripe? \_ The CS department? Well, that and the 'soul of UCLA.' -- ilyas \_ What is your gripe with the department? Poor quality research being done? \_ There is some decent research that comes out of UCLA CS ... sometimes, but I think the dept. is sick. I am just comparing to how I remember the Cal CS dept. was. -- ilyas dept. was. If you honestly care, send me an email, and I ll ramble more. -- ilyas \_ We're #2: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1343642,00.html \_ I'm assuming you just got that email from Newton, too? \_ Yup. When I last mentioned the ranking on the motd, I couldn't locate the complete list. \_ let's see how many people think this is a bogus ranking. \_ It depends on how you look at it. It is almost certainly bogus for the purposes of choosing a school for studying a particular degree in a particular career.. \_ You are obviously not a Korean (or Chinese) mother. \_ And obviously never served. \_ BUD DAY didn't send HIS kids to Berkeley! \_ What if you don't have definite plans for a degree or a career when you're choosing the college to attend? career when you're choosing the college to attend? Then wouldn't picking the highest ranked (whatever your favorite list may be) college be a reasonable strategy? \_ No way. Depending on your personality type, your chances of figuring out what you want to do and succeeding at it might be much higher at a small liberal arts college or might be much higher at a huge state school. There are both of this type of school that are similarly ranked in most rankings, and I think this is a very important choice to make, regardless of what level of ranking school you've gotten into. For me, a huge state school was exactly the right place to be, but I've definitely seen people get lost in the system at Cal who would probably have done a lot better at some little liberal arts school where they're not just a number. \_ Then at least see the rankings based on your career choice. For example, they have Harvard listed at the top but that doesn't imply that Harvard is the best engineering or say CS school. Just like Caltech and MIT (listed no 4 and 3 respectively) are not the best schools for many social sciences or humanities. \_ Anyone who hasn't settled on a degree yet is not likely to have settled on a career, and in any case I stipulated "... don't have definite plans for a degree or a career...". \_ The criteria used for those rankings, makes those rankings even less relevant to undergraduate education. On the other hand, if you're considering going to grad school, then at that point you certainly already know what to study. \_ Agreed. I implicitely limited the choice to undergrad when I said "choosing the college [vs. grad school] to attend". |
2004/11/20 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34997 Activity:nil |
11/20 I. HATE. UCLA. JOCKS. They party late at night and wake up early in the morning and they drink beer and party and they yell a lot with their jock voice, like gorillas trying to assert their gorilla-ness in the society. Oh well at least the girls are dumb and slutty. |
2004/11/19-20 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34993 Activity:moderate 54%like:32974 |
11/19 What's the url for that motd archive @ ucla? \_ it's in mehlhaff's directory \_ mehlhaff is DA BEST!!! |
2004/11/12-13 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34870 Activity:nil |
11/11 How can I find out the name of a UCLA student if I know their account name on the <DEAD>bol.ucla.edu<DEAD> system? Thanks. \_ Hi kchang. Stop stalking people. \_ there's only one person worthy enough to stalk-- lila patton \_ email him/her and ask. |
2004/11/4 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34660 Activity:high |
11/4 Has anyone actually verified that ilyas is a person? I mean, could he just be an AI simulation at UCLA? \_ No, I've met him. He's a decent sort of fellow, but his online personality isn't very reflective. \_ You mean I don't reflect as much in person as I do on the internet? *duck* -- ilyas \_ Cool, does this mean I failed the turing test? -- ilyas \_ Can you prove you aren't just later version of the bchoibot? \_ The what now? -- ilyas \_ bchoi was a smart guy who posted on motd. then he got married \_ Smart guy who posted on the motd? AND married? That doesn't describe me at all. -- ilyas \_ The bchoibot I knew wasn't smart and was the least eligible bachalor I could think of. \_ smart but beast like. who married him? \_ Is it because of your childhood that you say the what now? \_ There doesn't seems to be a bchoi on soda now, what happen? Someone set up him the bomb? |
2004/10/31 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34488 Activity:nil |
10/31 UCLA is a great school but there's one thing I really hate about it-- jocks. Jocks on Gayley, jocks on Veteran, jocks on Westwood, jocks everywhere. They listen to loud music and think they're cool, and they yell a lot on special events like Halloween and and frat parties. You know what I hate the most though? Sports game-- it's like they synchronize their frat boy like yelling so that the entire campus could hear them. It's really stupid and reflects the overall lack of intelligence in UCLA. \_ There are deeper things wrong with UCLA. -- ilyas \_ like what? -op \_ I d really rather not write a long motd essay about UCLA, so email me if you want a detailed answer. A lot of it you can't really pick up until you hang around UCLA and UCLA people for a while. This 'thing' is why I think UCLA will never be a top tier school, despite having all the prereqs (lots of research money, good location, good brand, etc). UCLA people are simply willing to settle. There isn't the Berkeley culture of staying past 4am to get the last bits of the project working, you know? For some people this kind of 'balanced approach' is ideal, but it makes me very sad. UCLA is full of people with busy lives who happen to be taking classes (or teaching, or doing research) on the side. -- ilyas |
2004/10/22-23 [Academia/UCLA] UID:34294 Activity:high |
10/22 Most expensive colleges in the US: http://money.cnn.com/2004/10/21/pf/college/expensive_colleges/index.htm How about Europe? How much are boarding schools in Switzerland? \_ Why do you want to know? You want your son to run for President? \_ IMD in Lausanne takes the cake for MBAs. Lycaeum Alpinum in Zuoz is an expensive boarding high school for little rich snots; mots other private schools here are for "difficult" students or those with learning disabilities. Across Europe, the great universities tend to be public--I can only think of Oxford/Cambridge as pricey private Universities (and they've apparently lapsed pretty badly in terms of quality.) -John \_ http://Economist.com says Oxford and Cambridge are still in the top 20 worldwide... of course so is UCLA (which kind of scares me, since the world can't be that bad). University rankings in general are sort of an iffy thing. -- ilyas \_ why do you look down on UCLA, the land of the happy sexy and healthy women. \_ Email me if you want a serious answer. -- ilyas \_ They admitted ilyas and kchang to their grad program. \_ w00t! \_ Are there any great universities in Britain that are public? \_ Are U of Edinburgh or LSE public? |
2004/10/13 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:34092 Activity:high |
10/13 Is this the most active motd out there? Are other school orgs' motds this contentious and political? \_ Well, at <DEAD>csua.ucla.edu<DEAD> they just talk about h07 42n ch1x, and at <DEAD>csua.uci.edu<DEAD> they talk about rice rockets and Counter-Strike. \_ University of Civics and Integras \_ aka, University of Chinese Immigrants \_ Dude, I am so at the wrong motd. How do I get into the UCI CSUA? \_ There is no UCLA CSUA. It became the UCLA LUG. -- ilyas |
2004/10/12-13 [Academia/UCLA, Recreation/Sports] UID:34063 Activity:low |
10/12 How long will we be able to keep Tedford? http://csua.org/u/9fm http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6195155 |
2004/10/8 [Academia/UCLA] UID:33984 Activity:high |
10/8 Go Trojans! \_ Roll on you be-ah! \_ For those who don't know, Cal #7, vs USC #1 this weekend, Channel 7 12:30p, Sat. \_ Oddsmakers have USC over Cal by more than 7 points. \_ How much was USC favored by last year? \_ True, even the L.A. Times has picked Cal to win tomorrow. \_ Article no doubt written by a UCLA grad. \_ actually, Northridge \_ Go Durex! Go Spartans! |
2004/8/25 [Academia/UCLA] UID:33125 Activity:very high |
8/24 So, any UCLA students know a good place to meet UCLA coeds? \_ WWIII and vodka \_ forget UCLA girls. just go to the bars/clubs. \_ I'd rather meet college students, but name a good bar/club where one can meet coeds. I don't want to meet 19 year old single moms from El Monte. \_ oh yeah, kchang and ilyas are hooked in with all the babes \_ The question can be asked: "Where do UCLA students hang out?" \_ the Bruin walk is a nice place to socialize. But really the best way is to participate in activities from the Wooden Center, where you can play golf for $15 and wind surf for $20 or take swing dance for only $17 per quarter (each quarter is 10 weeks). Activities are highly subsidized by UCLA and they're really really cheap and usually has a few pretty chicks. If you want to do hard core sciences and enjoy staying in the computer lab 24x7, MIT/Caltech/Cal is a great place to go to. But if you want a well balanced life, UCLA is it -happy ucla student \_ yeah, I'm sure the 25K+ students at Cal who are not doing "hard core sciences" all stay in the computer lab 24x7. \_ Agreed. Most of the non-CS students I knew at Cal spent the majority of their time getting laid. This may explain Bitter Berkeley CS Student Sydrome. \_ It's okay, because although some of them got JDs and MBAs and are now running your company, most of them are flipping burgers. \_ this is so fucking arrogant. Do you know anything about Chemical/Mechnical Engineering? Have you taken any of music theory/harmony/ counterpoint classes? There are plenty of demanding courses/majors on campus. \_ Yeah, but we all know the ChemE people were having mass orgies during "FORTRAN labs". \_ It's all about the GPA. If you are willing to settle for C's, you can find the free time to date plenty of hotties. And my time at Cal was more productive than any other. \_ Face down. In the gutter. \_ LA? |
2004/8/17 [Academia/UCLA] UID:32956 Activity:very high |
8/17 Cal student Natalie Coughlin wins gold medal http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/summer04/swimming/news/story?id=1860462 \_ Yep, she definitely looks like a female Cal student. Why didn't I go to UCLA?! *cry* \_ she could probably crush your head with her thighs \_ That's nice but I don't have a wrestler fetish. \_ urlP (no pic in the main article) \_ #t \_ For those who keep saying "urlP" you do know this is a predicate with a truth value, right? It's not a request for url. \_ From which pic did you infer this? \_ She may be ugly but she's already more successful than you'll ever be in your career. \_ Google is your friend. http://csua.org/u/8mq \_ http://graphics.fansonly.com/photos/schools/cal/sports/w-swim/auto_action/a-coughlin2-0203wswim.jpg \_ http://graphics.fansonly.com/photos/schools/cal/sports/w-swim/auto_action/a-coughlin2-0203wswim.jpg She looks quite pretty to me. I don't know what the problem is. \_ I agree. She's kind of cute. http://sports.yahoo.com/search?p=coughlin&photos=1&sp=1&ep=19 \_ The "why didn't I go to UCLA" guy doesn't like smart, pretty, athletic women. Coughlin is a babe. \_ No. \_ Yes, I do, and no, she isn't. Isn't disagreeing fun? \_ No. \_ My ideal woman will have broad shoulders and strong arms with which she can crush my pasty-white, nerdling body. Hallelujah! \_ UCLA guy is an idiot link:tinyurl.com/5svxo (sportsillustrated.cnn.com) http://amiannoying.com/view.aspx?ID=9057 \_ Some of us prefer women that don't look like boys. \_ This is a boy? http://www.berkeley.edu/news/chancellor/bim/oct_03.html \_ I can see her back muscles from the front. \_ Just because she could twist your girly man body around in a pretzel and laugh while doing it and yet she's still pretty. This is why you find her unattractive? \_ She looks like the Terminatrix from T-3 \_ Is she really the most celebrated Cal athlete? More than say Matt Biondi or Michelle Granger? \_ he may be an idiot but he's probably getting more than you \_ if he thinks women like Natalie Coughlin are ugly, then he's probably not |
2004/7/20-21 [Academia/UCLA] UID:32378 Activity:low |
7/20 Any good free/cheap wireless cafes near the UCLA campus? I need to do some work there this afternoon and I can't get on the campus network. |
2004/4/6 [Academia/UCLA] UID:13035 Activity:kinda low |
4/6 What are people's experience with corkage? Cafe de la Paz charges $15/750 ml bottle. Does anybody know prices from other places? I'm specifically looking for places that host banquet dinners. -- ulysses \_ DUDE, you on drugs or what? $15 buys me 3 really really nice meals at Carl's Jr. or 4 decent meals at Burger King. Gimme your money if you have so much to waste -poor ucla student \_ in college, my roommate and i debated on whether or not we should invest in a pallet of topramen. If you need to understand the scope of this... you can buy topramen in bulk at Costco for $0.06/package. I think the cost of the pallet came down to <$0.03/package, but mostly we thought it would be cool to have a pallet of ramen sitting in our living room. \_ From my general experience, $15 is about average, give or take a buck. Restaurants usually mark up low-end bottles by $15-20. So I figure unless the bottle I'm brining is at least in the $50+ range, it really doesn't matter. \_ I don't know about banquets, but it varies. Some places won't let you cork a bottle that's on their list at all. Some places discount corkage if you also buy a bottle from their list. Some places have free corkage. In general, corkage is supposed to cover the cost of the stemware and the sommelier/server. $15 is a fair corkage fee. \_ You can get a deal in San Francisco by going to a place that has applied for its liquor license but doesn't have it yet. They almost always let you bring your own vino and don't charge corkage. Sometimes, other places with no liquor license will just let you bring your own, too, but they tend to be lower end places. I have never seen this in any other city. \_ This happens in SoCal, too. It's probably common. |
2004/3/15-16 [Academia/UCLA] UID:12691 Activity:low |
3/15 is it possible to unregister a domain name? a friend of mine has been threatened legal action by UCLA and wants to drop all association w/ a website he registered a few months back. \- sell it on ebay. --psb \_ he's trying to minimize complications... and no, it is not cadaver related. \_ so umm, why doesn't he just contact his registrar? they can disable his domain, if not delete it outright. \_ as long as he doesn't post any unlawful material on that website, ucla has no grounds to sue him on. even if he owns <DEAD>uclacansuckmydick.com<DEAD>. \_ Wrong. UCLA can sue, and win, for trademark infractions. <DEAD>uclacansuckmydick.com<DEAD> probably would be safe, but universityofcalifornialosangeles wouldn't be. \_ fucla seems to have lost. \_ I am no legal expert but my understanding is that not matter how groundless a law suit it is, you must respond to it unless the court refuse even to accept it (very unlikely). Once a suit is filed against you, you have to respond it by yourself or thru legal counsel in acordance with the legal practice, i.e. you can not just say they are morons they have got no legal basis. So no matter how frivilous a law suit is, it can cost you thousands of dollars. If in the end you win, you might get your legal expense covered if you are lucky, but that is 2 big IFs. \_ are you trying to say that UCLA can do whatever the fuck it wants to because it has more money and lawyers than us plebes? surely this can't be allowed to continue in a democracy! \_ i know youre being sarcastic but youre also wrong. we have laws against SLAPP suits from big corps and other mega entities such as UCLA. op needs to find someone willing to take his SLAPP suit on a contingency basis and counter sue. UCLA is unlikely to go to court over a domain name if they have something on the line in a SLAPP suit and will most likely settle and go away. \_ Even for SLAPP suits, you need to find a lawyer or defend it competently yourself. That is = money + time + anxiety = $$$. You might get compensated afterward IF your defense is competent. \_ Transfer it to me, I'll take it. (what is it?) -crebbs |
2004/3/10-11 [Academia/UCLA, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:12598 Activity:low |
3/10 Dear motd readers. I got sick and tired of turning up my AC to cool down my apartment because of all the power hogging servers I run 24x7. I decided to do something really different. I went to Home Depot to buy a exhaust/ventilation/pipe kit and hooked them up on a big fan to direct the hot PC exhaust outside. Voila! No more hot apartment (and it doesn't smells like a server room anymore). -ucla student (and yes LA has been kinda hot lately) \_ Uh... congrats? \_ tell us about the stars ilyas! \_ Heh. We went over this already. There are at least 3 different csua people at ucla. I never ever sign as 'ucla student.'. You think I am proud to attend a school which harvests organs for profit? Get a life. -- ilyas \_ who are the 3 UCLA students? \_ I respect their privacy. If they read the motd, and care to do so, they will identify themselves. -- ilyas \_ Umm, funny I think we are (were in my case) listening to the same show (in any event this is on NPR right now) and they make this seem all particularly sinister 'cause it deals with lumps of human flesh, but, the only real/ reasonable issue here (as far as i can tell) is that UCLA was NOT profiting. The Professor was pocketing the cash. -phuqm \_ you mean the director of the program (who was earning $56K salary and has a certificate in mortuary services) was taking the cash \_ umm, yeah, what you said. Though, boy, 56k really? Maybe the university is complicitous (in which case it is just a perk and there is NO issue here). 56K seems low for the director to be making. How much do directors of other programs make there? -phuqm \_ you guys are spoiled. 56K in Los Angeles can get you a LOT of goodies. -ucla stud \_ I hear the strippers will do nude lap dances for only $20 there. Is that true? \_ They are topless and in a G-string, but yes. \_ What are the best places to go? \_ $20 will get you topless $40 nude, you can get coupons for free topless lapdances by staples center (Spearmint Rhino). However, i think they used to grind you but then a no touching ordinance passed. was that repealed? LA Strip Clubs >> SF Strip Clubs. \_ LA has move strip clubs than SF? =) Anyway, Strip clubs for the gents seems very boring. If you goto http://partyhardcore.com, you'll see what I mean. (work UNsafe!) \_ No professor was profitting on this...just the director of that Willed Body program. |
2004/2/20-21 [Academia/UCLA] UID:12335 Activity:nil |
2/22 YACRL (yet another college ranking list)--this time Chinese http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/rank/rank-2003.mht Cal #4. -John \_ pppppppooooooooooooooinnnnnnnnntlesssssssssssssssssssssssssss. \_ i wonder if this is e.u. funded shanghai study mentioned in the economist a few weeks ago. \_ this url is laughable! \_ the first "ed" in it reflects that it is the website for the institute on (higher) education. \_ UCLA's #15! GO BRUINS!!!!! Beat Bears! -bruin bear \_ Hi paolo! \_ wait I thought paolo goes to UCB grad school. Or Stanford. Can't remember. \_ 15 > 4, therefore UCLA > Berkeley! |
2004/1/30-31 [Academia/UCLA] UID:12037 Activity:very high |
1/30 Props to "She Bangs" on American Idol ... go Beahs! \- What the heck is this about? \_ It's about some lame ass guy on some lame ass show. It's better that you not get into it. \_ Some people wait a lifetime for this damn show to get off the air. \_ Hasn't this fucking show died yet? \_ that's "Beah!" \_ Nope. Would you like to start a thread, ranting and raving about that now? \_ Was he a Cal student? I thought he was UCLA. \_ UCB Civ Eng. Anyone here know him? \_ Same thing. \_ wow, someone actually paid a few bucks to register this domain. http://www.williamhung.net |
2004/1/5 [Academia/UCLA] UID:11657 Activity:kinda low |
1/4 ilyas goes to UCLA: panther:~> finger ilyas Login name: ilyas In real life: Ilya Shpitser Directory: /u/gs3/ilyas Shell: /bin/csh Last login Thu Jan 1 16:05 on pts/90 from lsanca1-ar11-4-6 New mail received Sun Jan 4 12:04:12 2004; unread since Thu Jan 1 16:08:03 2004 No Plan. \_ ok, so are you trying to point out his bad taste in shells, or what. \_ no, it just tells us who exactly is the ucla cs student who is having a lot of sex and having alot of fun \_ i thought you might be suggesting that, but figured you wouldn't be stupid enough to make that implication. i stand corrected. \_ You could have figured out where I was by going to my csua homepage, or simply asking me. And no, the 'ucla cs guy' is not me. I know at least 2 csua members at UCLA right now, and about 10 former Berkeley students. -- ilyas \_ next, our genius op will discover who the guy who works in the south bay is, and who the guy from fremont is, and all anonymity will be gone forever. \_ By that logic, I go to Stanford. - pst hey Ilya, check out Ars Gladitoria: http://www.chivalrybookshelf.com/titles/vadi/vadi.htm \_ alright, so ilyas isn't having a lot of fun/sex in ucla. by the process of elimination, who else is left? \_ Yermom. |
2003/10/23-24 [Academia/UCLA] UID:10761 Activity:kinda low |
10/23 So I've been having a lot of sex lately and I'm pretty happy except I've been getting a lot of unwanted calls too (girls who don't wanna acknowledge that we simply had a 1 nighter). My solution is to get Anonymous Call Block ($1) and Selective Call Block ($3). Works well. You guys should get it too. -happy ucla student \_ Maybe you should answer these calls. One of these women might be calling you to tell you she has an STD. \_ or maybe you're a daddy. not so happy now, eh? \_ Of course, you're assuming our dicks get as much action as yours. \_ is it just me, or it seems to me that ucla students have a lot more fun than us? why is that? \_ speak for yourself. i never had a problem keeping my bed warm. \_ Any herpes yet? Remember, 1 in 5! \_ And AIDS? \_ Herpes is much much much much much much [...] much easier to get, especially for heterosexuals. \_ and condoms don't prevent. \_ oh they help a little bit \_ not enough. tell your dick it only has a little bit of herpes during your first outbreak. \_ do you have it? \_ ask your girl if you want to know. \_ You mean yermom knows? \_ UCLA students do have a lot more fun... --ucla guy Cal students can still have fun, it's just way less common. And the girls are of a different... variety. \_ dumber, put out more, less bitchy, more attractive? \_ Yes! \_ Yes!! Except bitchy in a different sort of way (soriority bitchy vs. vegan bitchy). \_ UCLA students do have a lot more fun... --ucla cs grad guy #2 |
2003/10/10-11 [Academia/UCLA] UID:10582 Activity:nil |
10/10 I just went to rms' talk in UCLA. He is an idealistic communist. \_ Who is rms? \_ This is rms: /ftp/pub/john/tunes/why-cooperation-with-rms-is-impossible.au \_ one of the very few people in the world whose identity can be found only by putting their initials into google. \_ what is wrong with communist? \_ maybe you haven't noticed that they've destroyed everything they've ever touched? |
2003/10/9 [Academia/UCLA] UID:10540 Activity:nil |
10/8 When I was in UCB I didn't have any sex, but now that I'm in UCLA, I'm having a LOT of sex. The ugrad girls here are definitely prettier and a lot hornier, and I guess they really dig grad students more than bitchy UCB girls. I really really like UCLA better than UCB. I'll take a lesser degree over a lot more sex any time. -happy ucla cs student \_ Your reporting is flawed. Were you an undergrad cs student at UCB? Have you changed your hygiene or attitude since you were at UCB? Are you paying for sex at UCLA? Are the ugrad girls you're sleeping with students of yours? It's hard for your peers to review your research when you're this vague. \_ Agreed. We need a peer reviewed journal for getting laid. \_ And no, "Penthouse Forum" doesn't count. \_ Glad you left UCB. I wish more people who were more interested in sex than an education would just go to the state schools and open slots for people who want good academics. \_ so...you're saying UCB is *not* a state school? \_ My apologies. California State University vs. University of California. \_ But last I heard, UCLA is University of California at Los Angeles. Or did it move to Los Alamos? \_ Sorry dude, but an education isn't just academics. And frankly, a lot of the undergrads at Cal are narrow-minded swamp pigs. I know that it makes a lot of Cal students bitter that there are good schools out there, bogus magazine rankings notwithstanding, where people do receive rewarding academic and personal development, end up with excellent jobs, AND have a bit of a life while doing it. Good job, UCLA student. -John \_ Bitter ex-Cal students that can't get laid pretty much explains the entire motd, really. \_ Wow, now that you mention it, that's actually pretty much spot-on... -John \_ Sorry to hear that John, come to California, and we'll get you laid. \_ "Ex-Cal Student" is about all I have in common with the demographic being discussed. I live on the continent of girls without major 'tudes, and "hey-it's-summer-let's-take-off-all-our-clothes". I am sometimes so glad I moved out of CA that it defies words. Even just leaving Berkeley was a huge eye-opener. -John \_ Yet, you are still in love with the motd, like a bitch in heat. |
2003/7/17-18 [Academia/UCLA] UID:29074 Activity:insanely high |
7/16 Poll. How happy are you/were you in the following schools, where 10=very very happy and 1=depressed. I'll start -ucla cs guy Berkeley: 3, 9, 1, 10 at first then 1 then back to 10, 9, 4, 8 \_ what are you, a schizo? UCLA: 8 SITN (Stanford): 4 CalTech: 1 NYU: 1 SDCC: 7 Stanfurd: 3 \_ I was very depressed going to Berkeley but didn't see it until after I graduated and recovered from the hell that is Berkeley. BTW, rates going up dramatically in the Fall. Good luck to you all. \_ How dramatically? \_ The Chronicle said $450 extra each semester. I graduated long ago but I recall that being a *lot* of money when I was in school. And that $450 is probably not the last increase in the next year or two they said. \_ Hey, ucla cs guy, did you end up marrying ucla ee guy? \_ no, but I ended up having a lot more sex than when I \_ with UCLA EE guy? \_ with UCLA EE guy? no, with horny undergrad girls -op -/ \_ all undergrad girls are horny. if you went through your undergrad years without getting laid anytime you wanted some you must've had your head in a sack \_ I didn't, I wanted to save myself. \_ like I said, head in sack. save yourself for what? screwing up your sex life with your spouse because you're an inexperienced and lousy lover? it helps to know what each hole is for *before* you get married. was in UCB. I'm VERY happy here. I didn't give a 10 because I'm really unhappy about the rent here (Westwood has no rent control and we're surrounded by Bev Hills, Brentwood, BelAir, etc etc). But overall I like UCLA a LOT better than UCB. \_ UCLA sucks. It's not about horny girls, you can find them anywhere. It's all beer and football, no substance. \_ Why did Caltech get such a low rating? \_ No women. \_ Caltech is also known as a homosexual haven. \_ I think you meant "asexual". \_ Why asexual? All the girls-only schools are heavily lesbian with tremendous pressure for the straight girls to 'go along to get along'. Why not the same at what is essentially an all-boys school? Just like prison. \_ maybe in certain fields, but i know a large number of women at mills who are most definitely straight and horny. \_ a "large number?" so what. most women are straight. if 20% of the student population is lesbian, there are still a "large number" of straight girls, but compared to the general population, there's no question that's heavily lesbian. \_ think about cory and soda, and who is there. now imagine that you clone that group of poeple several times and get rid of all the other poeple on the ucb campus. \_ so from the survey I guess the higher ranking school you go to the less likely you'll be happy there eh? \_ pretty much \_ no one ever said school would be fun. |
2003/5/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Academia/UCLA] UID:28409 Activity:high |
5/11 I have been accepted to UCLA for Fall 03 (CS & Engr) and to Berkeley for Spring 04 (EECS), granted that I take a community college class in Fall. Is Berkeley worth waiting for and why? \_ yes. \_ Are you posting for someone or is this for grad school? If the latter it's all about your advisor. \_ It's for undergrad and I attended Berkeley for summer school last summer (CS61a). \_ wait for Berkeley. Have fun in community college. \_ I think I'd rather get started on college, IMO. You didn't make Berkeley, so why wait? UCLA is good enough, unless there's an overwhelming reason you don't want to be in LA. UCB has the better program, of course, if you're really serious - but if you're really serious you wouldn't have to take a CC class. --dim \_ what's the rush for? I don't think there is really a rush. Good things are worth the wait. \_ BS EECS from Cal is a *MUCH* better degree than BS CS from UCLA. Cal EECS teaches you stuff about computers and programming, just about how to use win32 and java. While you are in school it is also much easier to get summer interships in the bay area if you attend Cal (there aren't as many CS type companies in the LA area). Once you graduate, it is much easier to get a job or get into grad school if you have a BS EECS from Cal. You should wait for Cal and have a good time in CC. \_ If you want to have a bitter & lousy time in school and have a blast after you graduate, go to Cal. I had a miserable time in Cal. Forget about dating and meeting people and having fun, you will most likely spend your miserable junior/senior years in Cory Hall and/or Soda Hall. On the other hand it's much easier getting a job after college with a Cal degree. So it's your choice. UCLA is a pretty well balanced school. UCB is a really competitive & academic school w/ugly uptight chicks. Trade offs ya know. \_ It wasn't THAT bad, man. If you keep up and don't turn into a total slacker you can maintain a healthy social life and still earn a decent GPA. I did it, and I'm pretty stupid. \_ Don't sell yourself short - you are exceptionally stupid. \_ I'm stupider that you can possibly imagine. But at least I can post to motd correctly. \_ DV: When I left, I was but the learner; now I am the dumbass. BK: Only a dubmbass of evil, Darth. If you strike me down now, I will become stupider than you can possibly imagine. BK: Only a dubmbass of evil, Darth. If you censor my motd posts now, I will become stupider than you can possibly imagine. \_ just because you were a pathetic low life geek at cal doesn't mean everyone was. Stop hating and start recogonzing you were just fucking lame back then. \_ there are over 15,000 women at Cal. If you can't find one, you suck. \_ There are a lot of hot chicks at Cal and several of us were getting them when I was in school. Let me give you a starting tip on what it takes: shower everyday. I had a blast at Cal and a blast afterwards. I had a mediocre GPA and it didn't matter because after my first job no one asked. GPA is only for people going to grad school. The rest of us did just fine getting laid all the time, thanks. Oh yeah hint #2: the hot chicks aren't in the labs at cory/soda. Go take some fuzzy classes P/NP. You only live once, don't fuck it up for some random number. |
2003/5/7 [Academia/UCLA] UID:28360 Activity:very high |
5/7 To the guy who posted this yesterday: \_ UCB = last. How could you possibly think UCB >> UCD? They've got all those healthy and friendly farm girls. UCB has drug addict whores putting out for hits and taking third helpings in the food line at the dorms. \_ but this sounds more like Wm. S. Burroughs-esque paranoid fantasy than any kind of reality. \_ how so? it seems more empirical than theory. check out the garbage chicks on sproul. now drag yourself out to davis and see what's there. compare and contrast. 6-8 pages. due at monday's lecture. \_ A-hah. I thought it was a description of "drug addict whores..." in the dorms. My bad, I suppose. \_ csua motd observations on women: it's like high school, only with even less chance of you getting laid. \_ Getting laid at college is easier than finding a hooker in Oakland. If you can't get laid now it'll be near impossible after you graduate. You're one very funny dude. Can you give us a screen name to call you by? Like "psb #1 fan" or "BDG". I like your humor and I want to be a #1 fan. Thanks. \_ Thanks for the kudos. I'll keep posting but it'll be anonymous. Just enjoy the motd for what it is. --anonymous motd comic \_ Keep 'em coming! -AMC #2 fan \_ not to be confused with SAMC \_ GIrl ranking: UCLA > UCSD > UCSB > UCI > UCR > UCD > UCSC > UCB Academic ranking: UCB > UCLA > UCSD > UCI > UCD > UCSB|UCSC|UCR \_ Seems like UCLA has the best deal then. \_ that comment depends on your priority and point of view. GO BEAH!!! \_ Hot chicks are the only thing important. The rest is bullshit. You're at school for a GPA? Crazy.... \_ That reminds me of a past ranking of ten trucks, er, SUVs, involving Mercedes ML320 and Jeep Grand Cherokee. In the on-road category, ML320 ranked #1 and GC ranked #2, while in the off-road category, GC ranked #1 and ML320 ranked last in the last. So UCB <--> ML320 and UCLA <--> GC. \_ That reminds me of a recent survey of technical fields to see who used the most obutuse metaphors and who used the most obtuse analogies. CS <----> CS. \_ I was recently at my sister's UCLA graduation. There was so much eye candy. \_ Yes, but they mostly aren't students. West LA has some of the most beautiful women anywhere, but I'm not sure UCLA can take credit for them. --dim \_ Nah, there are lots of hot women at UCLA itself. \- this is true ... the "walking around westwood" experience is well beyond the "walking down telegraph" one --psb \_ hold your nose going down telegraph \_ The non-student gals were just there hoping to be picked up by some hotshot MBA grads. \_ yeah so? \_ Any idea about H0T A4N CH1X rankings? Does this sound right? UCI > UCLA > UCSB > UCSD > UCR > UCSC > UCB > UCD \_ Don't forget to do boy rankings. Perhaps, CSUAs female members can rank UC boys. Would be interesting to hear the other side. \_ why would this be interesting? The rankings are totally unrelated. men look for hot bodies. women look for money and power potential for LTR and bikers for quickie hot sex. \_ Forget ranking the campuses. I think the CSUA female member(s) should vote on a "Men of CSUA" calendar as a fundraiser. \_ Pfft. With commentary like the above, I think we can assume that UCB's going to end up last. \_ Frat Boys > Co-Op Members > Dormers > Live At Home Boys > Liberal Arts Geeks > Drama Geeks > Bio Majors > CS Majors > Band Geeks > Average CSUA Member \_ And where do I belong? I am a frat boy, a MCB major and a CSUA member. \_ How do frat boys and co-opers top that list, for either sex? Gimme a freshman dorm resident any day. \_ Point. Perhaps: Handsome&&Built&&Smart&&Social > Handsome&&Smart&&Social > Handsome&&Social > Smart&&Social | Handsome&Built > Social > Built | Handsome > Smart \_ anyone who needs to identify as any of those or other classifications is a loser. |
2003/5/5-6 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/OtherSchools] UID:28334 Activity:very high |
5/5 What are the rankings of the UC schools? I know that UCB=1 and UCSC=last, but what about the UCs in between? \_ Generally UCB=1, UCLA=2, UCSD=3, the rest suck. For some things UCSD > UCLA. \_ can you be more specific? \_ CS theory for example. \_ CS Networking (Protocols/Routing/Switching) \_ I don't know... UCLA is very buff at CS networking. \_ Hmm, I hadn't heard that UCSF sucks. \_ UCSF isn't a general university. UCSF is great, of course. \_ UCSF is the #1 med school in the nation. They have a pretty good Law School as well. \_ First, the law school isn't at UCSF, it is UC Hastings! UCSF only does biomedical disciplines (and only graduate). Second, they are never ranked #1 overall for med-school, Harvard, Mayo, and JHU are often, and usually ahead of them. And anybody who cares about overall rankings instead of discipline based is most likely going to the wrong place. \_ Heh. Then you're already starting from behind. UCSC!=last and never has been, except for its fledgling eng program. \_ since when is UCSC last? I thought UCI or UCR was last. \_ UCR is solidly in last in terms of difficulty to gain admittance. --dim \_ I thougt UCSB the party school is last. \_ Ranked by what? Hot chix? Reputation? Glaucoma sufferers? \_ It depends on the program, really. UCSB is mostly pretty weak, but their physics program ranks very highly, for example. -tom \_ As a physicist, I know about them kicking ass in physics, particularly high energy theory and condensed matter experiment. I would have guessed that their EE would have to be first rate, given the massive army of 3-5 semiconductor people there. \_ All this stuff about best schools and just about every one of you babbles about academics as if it matters. If you're not in a PhD program it doesn't matter. If you are you already know the best schools for your field. It's all about the hottest chicks. The rest is bullshit. \_ If anything, the overall school reputation matters _less_ for a PhD student, not more. I can see how hiring BS/BA people can be influenced a little by school prestige, but for a PhD grad looking for a job, it's all about their research really. I school prestige is something low self-esteem people care about, kind of like they care about their sports team performance. |
2003/4/15-16 [Academia/UCLA] UID:28138 Activity:high |
4/15 How's bschool/lschool/gschool going for you guys? It's mid April, everyone should be getting acceptance/rejection letters by now. \_ Haven't gotten kicked out yet... \_ headed to UCLA (anderson) in the fall. \_ Did UCLA EE guy and USC CS guy ever hook up? \_ Yes, and their kids are going to go to UCSC EECS. Which, in that program, I think they teach you how to make bongs out of circuit boards. \_ Hmm, it's been ten years since I last worried about this stuff. Time flies. |
2002/10/12 [Academia/UCLA] UID:26155 Activity:low |
10/11 hey, ucla.*guy: are you going to the Cal-SC game tomorrow? I'll be wearing my Cal Rugby shirt. \_ uh, not aware of any football game. ucla cs guy by the way ucla ee guy, what's up? Hows it going? |
2002/9/25-26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:26007 Activity:moderate |
9/25 UCLA ee guy who's your DSL ISP, Case-Of-Command or DSLExtreme? \_ DSLExtreme --ucla med student \_ where you live at med student? Gayley? Tiverton? \_ i live w/ my parents in bh. leave me alone. |
2002/9/22 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25973 Activity:very high |
9/21 ucla ee guy, deposit into EasyPay Bruincard, yay or nay? \_ Right now I'm leaning towards nay. The letter said that some merchants give discounts if you pay via Bruincard, but it didn't say how much or which discounts. If it saves me 10% or more on books I'll deposit. BTW, did you find a place and are you going to orientation on Wednesday? - ucla ee guy \_ Just exchange email addresses already so we don't have to read your conversations. \_ That's the joke, son. \- It's not a joke, it's just stupid...not to mention annoying. \_ Ignore it. You're only feeding it. |
2002/9/15-16 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25893 Activity:high |
9/14 UCLA ee guy, to sync up, there are 3 orientations right? 1 9/25 9-12pm Engineering Orientation at 4000A Math Science 2 9/25 5-7:30pm Welcome reception 3 9/26 3-6pm Computer Science orientation (you have this?) -ucla cs guy \_ I'm guessing since he's not CS, he doesn't have #3. \_ they say that a Cal Eng BS is equivalent to Eng MS from other schools that are not 1st tier. Is this really true? Do recruiters accept this as a general rule of thumb? Christine wanna comment? \_ No one puts Cal that high on the scales of anything. Your typical recruiter wouldn't know Cal from Cal State Hayward. \_ This is sad, but true. Emphasis on 'typical', though. Some are quite aware. Regionalism is a factor, too. --dim \_ Some = so rare as to not count. I've talked to a few dozen recruiters in the last 6 or 7 years. The typical recruiter not only doesn't know what Cal is or how it compares to Cal State Hayward, but doesn't know the difference between a hardware guy, a coder, a sysadmin, or an HR assistant if they all have the word "unix" on their resume. They're just pattern matching. More matches = better fit! \_ Since most tech recruiters are pretty clueless about technology, it is true that most recruiters don't know to weigh a Cal EECS degree heavily during resume consideration. (e.g., they will weigh it, but weigh it the same as Stanford or UCLA or even in shameless cases, Harvard or Cal State **) However, most hiring managers give a lot of weight to people from Cal EECS. In many cases, hiring managers will explicitly say they prefer someone with a Cal or MIT or CMU Engineering degree to their recruiter. In the end, the hiring manager is the one who makes the decision, so that's the opinion that counts. (Plus, if your hiring manager doesn't have awareness of your educational background in Cal EECS, a red flag should go up anyhow). So to sum up: a Cal Eng BS does matter, and it usually weighs as heavily or more as/than an MS from a non-first tier university. --chris \_ Stanford and UCLA are both awesome ee schools. (UCLA CS is unfortunately not as good). \_ Isn't Dave Patterson from UCLA? \_ One outstanding PhD does not a good program make. \_ but not as good as Cal, especially on the CS side of things. \_ Cal has the best ee (and math) in the country. I am not sure the gap is that wide, especially if you are a smart ugrad with research interests, and there is someone at Stanford/UCLA/whatever that better matches your interests. \_ But what are your odds vs a Stanford MS with your Cal BS when the hiring manager hasn't specified Cal=Better? \_ wouldn't that depend on the manager who has a bias since he graduated from Cal|Furd? \_ why would it matter? 3-4 working experience==MS degree, and besides no one ever asks or judges you by the school you went to 5 years ago. |
2002/9/8 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25806 Activity:nil |
9/7 UCLA ee guy, what's your favorite restaurant in Westwood? Cowboy Sushi? Where do the hot chix hang out? -ucla cs guy |
2002/9/7-8 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25800 Activity:kinda low |
9/7 UCLA ee guy did you get your BruinCard yet? Do you have to pay tuition first to get the card? \_ yeah i got it. now stop asking me dumb questions. \_uh oh sounds like a troubled marriage. \_ nothing that a nice spending spree at Fred Segal cannot fix |
2002/8/21-22 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25640 Activity:high |
8/20 UCLA ee guy-- tell me, are you now a Cal Bruin or a UCLA Bear? HAHAHA sorry couldn't resist that. \_ Couldn't resist what? \_ Being mudane. \_ Being mundane. \_ It's a joke. A little like the funny kind, but not much. \_ Oh ok. I knew it was a joke. I was trying to find the funny. \_ Look in your pants. \_ Hey it's yermom's hand! |
2002/7/23 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25407 Activity:nil 85%like:25284 50%like:25368 |
7/22 UCLA ee guy, I found a place on Hilgard, BEAT THAT!!! UCLA cs guy |
2002/7/16 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25375 Activity:nil |
7/16 ucla ee guy, are you circumcized? Do you prefer top or bottom? \_ He prefers bottom and no, he's not but he will be soon. You? |
2002/7/16 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25368 Activity:high 60%like:25284 50%like:25407 |
7/15 ucla ee guy have you found housing yet? \_ I found a place on Kelton. - ucla ee guy \_ ucla cs/ee guys, did you go to the Cal alumni gettogether last saturday? |
2002/7/5 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25284 Activity:nil 66%like:24819 66%like:25138 60%like:25368 85%like:25407 |
7/5 ucla cs guy: Have you found a place yet? - ucla ee guy \_ and thus begins the relationship. |
2002/6/26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25204 Activity:nil |
6/26 I'm sick and tired of this shit. Just email me, ucla ee guy. jesustiredandshit@yahoo.com \_ finally! \_ what if everybody sent email to that address? how would he know who is the real ucla ee guy? \_ I already signed it up as a few hot gay porn sites. \_ What good does that do? That email address is just for them to exchange their logins. |
2002/6/19 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25145 Activity:nil |
6/18 UCLA ee guy, I just got the URSA letter. To get everything right, we're suppose to get a bill after Sep 1? And can we get a BruinCard before paying it? Also, they haven't told us who my advisor is, how do I know what classes I should take in my first quarter? My enrollment period is 6/26, how about you? Also, did you get a TA job? I applied but they never responded. |
2002/6/18 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25138 Activity:nil 50%like:24862 66%like:25284 |
6/17 UCLA ee guy did you get anything from UCLA? \_ I got some registration info on Sat. I'm planning to figure out my course schedule sometime this week. I still haven't heard about housing, so I'm planning to go to LA the week after next in order to look for a place. - ucla ee guy |
2002/6/10-11 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25056 Activity:nil 75%like:24779 |
6/9 UCLA ee guy, what happened to Stanford? \_ I haven't heard, they seem to take their own sweet time with hcp apps. -ucla ee guy |
2002/6/8 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25035 Activity:kinda low |
6/7 ucla ee guy, after I sent in my SIR they never mailed me a thing. How about you? -ucla cs guy \_ I called them on Tues. and a lady at the dept. told me that my SIR had been received. She told me that registration info would be arriving latter this month. -ucla ee guy \_ COOL thanks for calling her and letting me know -ucla cs guy \_ by the way weren't you waiting for Stanford? What happened? For me, they never sent me a letter even though they claimed to have done it, and gave me an email rejection when I asked. |
2002/6/5-6 [Academia/UCLA] UID:25000 Activity:very high 66%like:24757 |
6/5 chialea, will you marry me? I'm so in love with you! -your #1 fan \_ you're so dreamy, will you marry me too? -- chialea #1 fan #1 fan \_ is chialea chialea #1 fan #1 fan? \_ No. -- chialea #1 fan #1 fan #1 fan \_ You're BACK! Will YOU marry ME? -- chialea #1 fan #1 fan #1 fan #1 fan \_ she should marry ucla cs guy or ucla ee guy \_ They seem pretty happy with each other already. \_ They're marrying each other. \_ I'm sure they would be happier with chialea rather than each other. \_ Lea will marry you only if you complete three tasks. First, you must get a PhD from a reputable CS or Math department. Then, you must earn a Nobel or a Turing prize. Lastly, you must accumulate a fortune of $30G or greater. You must complete the tasks in that order. \_ Is that a G for "grand" a la 1e3 or G for "giga" a la 1e9? \_ it's G for "nweaver is an idiot". -tom \_ If you manage to do this while having an even number as the number of seconds remaining on the timer, you'll also unlock the secret level. -geordan \_ If you win the Nobel prize, you get like a million bucks. \_ which would be a small start on the way to $30G \_ How about the Fields Medal? Will she marry me if I win the Fields Medal, or does it have to be a Nobel or a Turing? \_ chialea, so when you headed to cmu? \_ Did you know that if you switch two letters in cmu you get cum? \_ can I have your old underwear? -- chialea #1 fan \_ stop it guys, you're making alexf and that too-ey (sp?) guy jealous. \_ boy you ARE lazy... "twohey" is spelled out in the motd.official \_ AKA "the other guy" Like I said no one cares about the other guys, just chialea. \_ HEY! I care about the other guys! -yermom \_ I doubt chialea cares about the other guys either. \_ you calling chialea a guy? \_ will the ucla cs guy make his proposal to the ucla ee guy as well? \_ Yes. On the motd, tonight at 11... stay tuned! |
2002/5/17-18 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24872 Activity:very high |
5/17 Suppose two people have a common medium and want to contact each other and want to minimize interception by others (e.g. spy in foreign country using the newpaper ad for secret communications). What's the best way to go about this? \_ Public key/private key encryption. But if you start posting encrypted messages to the motd, they will be deleted. Can't you and EE UCLA guy just meet somewhere for drinks? \_ let's say I give you my public key, and the UCLA guy encodes his messages to me using my public key and I decode it. How do I know it's REALLY him since anyone can use my key? You see the problem with that logic? \_ also, suppose anyone posts a public key and the UCLA guy mistakens it and encodes his message. Then he would be exposed right? \_ Encode with his private key then your public key. Isn't this one of the standard textbook security problems? \_ BTW, which NT/Unix e-mail programs support public key / private key across the internet? Thanks. \_ mutt? \_ Go back to class. You sign with your private key, which can be decrypted with your public key. You encode the whole message with his public key, which can be decrypted with his private key. Kids today... \_ I think the previous posters were referring to receiving messages, not sending. -- yuen \_ I think ucla ee guy and ucla cs are are really the same guy. \_ Maybe their name is Norman. \_ Depends on circumstance. Ideal would be a minimalized ciphertext "dictionary" which could be memorized. A few code words and you're done. Of course it would be good for a couple of uses, tops. \_ PGP/GPG should be ok, though, key exchange is a problem since you can't trust any keys posted on motd. You might need to contact the key holder in person to make sure that the posted key fingerprint indeed belongs to her/him. \_ or sign up with verisign(those bastards) \_ what is wrong with signing your own public key and send it to the receipent? \_ then the recipient needs to have a -trusted- copy of the sender's public key in order to verify the signature. Chicken and egg problem. I'd say that if the two parties don't agree in advance about the medium of communication and the public keys, this problem is unsolvable unless these two guys are -very- creative and smart .. \_ Too many geeks here. Reread the question. Do you want minimize the chance of interception, the fact that you are sending a message, the fact you are sending a secret message, the chance of someone else decoding the message, or the odds your message will be delivered accurately? Given your example of two people communicating via a newspaper, I'd recommend against the PGP encrypted message dictated to the fat fingers of a desk clerk. \_ Not to mention the fact that publishing a line of obviously encoded text is likely to draw attention. \_ come on guys this is a very classic encryption problem and none of you morons have a sol'n to this. How pathetic -crypto king \_ to those people who supposedly have scripts to monitor who writes what on the motd, do everybody a favor and just reveal who ucla ee and ucla cs guy are and get it all over with. |
2002/5/17 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24862 Activity:low 50%like:25138 |
5/17 ucla ee guy, what was your preference in housing (Rose, Keystone, or Venice)? Who else from Cal is going to ucla besides you? \_ Sheesh. Just exchange your names and take this offline. This anonymity thing is quite strange and frankly baffling. You're going to be classmates. Get over it. \_ Not that strange. Ever use the glory holes in the basement of Evans? Do you really want to know who is on the other side? \_ yermom, of course. |
2002/5/14 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24819 Activity:moderate 66%like:25284 |
5/14 ucla ee guy, will you marry ucla cs guy and just get it over with? [repost] \_ yeah, they can go and buy each other matching clothes at Fred Segal every weekend \_ Sorry I don't go for that same sex thing (I'm assuming that ucla cs guy is really a guy and not a girl pretending to be a guy out of fear from potential stalkers on the motd) \_ Fuck the stalkers. No hiding. -chialea \_ careful what you wish for. \_ are you a "kill PhD candidate" candidate? |
2002/5/10 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:24779 Activity:very high 50%like:24822 75%like:25056 |
5/9 ucla ee guy, did you get anything from usc and stanford? \_ I got into usc, but nothing from stanford yet. \_ how much is Stanford's tuition? \_ you get what you pay for \_ Not. How many overpriced private degree farms can you name? \_ how much is USC's tuition? |
2002/5/8-9 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24760 Activity:moderate |
5/8 UCLA ee guy, what's your verdict? \_ 2 years in state pen, then 3 years supervised release. \_ that's tough for a grad student \_ How so? Get raped either way. |
2002/5/2 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24674 Activity:nil |
5/1 ucla ee guy, where are you going for grad school? Why do you want to go to usc for your MS? Their tuition is outrageous (and MS don't usually get funding unless you know the people really well). \_ I'm confused. ucla ee guy isn't going to ucla for grad school? \_ I"m going to NYC to work, but heretofore declare myself Harvard CS guy, just for fun. - Harvard CS guy |
2002/4/26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24607 Activity:nil |
4/30 Endless ucla ee guy crap deleted. Exchange email addresses. |
2002/4/26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24606 Activity:high |
4/30 ucla ee guy, how come you applied for ucla ee and cornell/ucsd/usc ms? What's your emphasis, CAD or something (both ee/cs)? \_ I applied ee @ ucla, ucsd, cornell and stanford. I applied cs @ usc only because I knew a prof. in the cs dept. there. I'm interested in embedded systems, specifically l2-l4 switching, transparent caching and security. |
2002/4/25-26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24594 Activity:moderate |
4/25 UCLA ee guy, I'm the UCLA cs guy. I got a brilliant idea on how to get each other's email without being intercepted by the motd jerks. You have your blue "UCLA Graduate Student Housing Options 2001-02" sheet? Starting at the line "We understand that finding a place..." map that letter to 1, 2, 3, and so on (e.g. W=1, e=2, u=3, n=4, ...). Then you have the entire number to alphabet mapping. With that, post your numbering. For example, if your login is weu@csua, then your login would be 1,2,3@csua. Please post your login here. \_ there are lots of bored, loneley, horney guys here and yet women post their logins repeatedly. the harassment can't be that bad. you're being a paranoid idiot. \_ Ok: 17,3,28,31,17,17@csua. - ucla ee guy \_ 5,8,44,354,21,22,84@csua \_ 5=d, 8=s, 21=i, 22=n > cat /etc/passwd | grep '^ds..in' | cut -f 1 -d ":" [No output] \_ How does this prevent other people who also have the blue sheet from decoding the login? \_25,14,18,26,26,21,25@csua \_ You're a whack. Just post your login. \_ just post an ad on craigslist in "Men Seeking Men" \_ yeah, stop being a dweeb and post your damn login. oh wait-- if you do, I might mail bomb you out of jealousy... better not. \_ Why dont you just post yours w/o waiting for ee guy? Better yet, let's wait until the Fall and then we'll find out who both of you are based on information written in the motd. |
2002/4/25-26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24591 Activity:very high |
4/25 ucla ee guy, did you get anything housing info with your acceptance letter? The only thing I got was a paper called "UCLA Graduate Student Housing Options" and my URSA code. \_ That's the only thing I got. I'm mailing mine in soon to see if I can get into one of those grad student dorms. Otherwise I'm going to go down there in july and find a place. BTW, money isn't a big issue for me since my company will most likely pick up the tab regardless of where I go. The problem is the number of hours I'd have to work. I don't want to spend to many hours working since I won't be able to study and learn properly. At stanford, I'd have to work 25 hrs/wk to get full tuition reimbursement. If I go to UCLA, its less than 10 hrs/wk, which is much easier (no critical customer bugs or action items get assigned to an engineer who is 10 hrs/wk or less, but 25 hrs/wk is practically full time at more companies). - ucla ee guy \_ go to ucla. You're not going to be able to work 25 hrs/wk at Stanford. Despite what people say classes there are not THAT easy (I've taken a few). Sure the grades are inflated, but you still have to work pretty hard. \_ What makes you say UCLA classes are any easier than Stanford classes? \_ the author did not make such statement, nor did he imply it. Perhaps he assumed that 25hrs/wk would have a negative effect on his school work hence it would be better to go to ucla. \_ what's the cost of UCLA Master's? \_ the same as any other public school. \_ much cheaper than Stanfurd. |
2002/4/25 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24584 Activity:nil |
4/24 ucla ee guy: which acc/rej have you gotten so far and where are you going? \_ In addition to UCLA I have been accepted for MS CS at USC and MS EE at Cornell. UCSD rejected me for MS CS. I'm still waiting for Stanford. - ucla ee guy \_ yes I was waiting for Stanford as well, and one day I just wrote them an email. It took them 4 days to reply, but basically they said "We mailed EVERYONE a letter on March. We're sorry, but you were not selected. The quality of our applicants had gone up significantly and the number of openings in the CS dept had actually shrunk. We wish you luck elsewhere." \_ that sux. I know how that feels. \_ doesn't matter, Stanfurd's inferior anyways. Who are you anyways? \_ by the way it's been over 3 weeks and I still haven't gotten the letter that they were suppose send out. \_ I applied EE. I asked a prof and he said final decisions haven't been mailed out to HCP students. Sucks about CS though. - ucla ee guy |
2002/4/20-21 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24506 Activity:nil |
4/19 I got my acceptance to Cornell for M Eng in EE today. Did anyone else hear from Cornell yet? - ucla ee guy \_ believe it or not, UCLA MS is harder that Cornell M.E. Cornell has a reputation for giving out quick M.E. degrees (1 year prog). |
2002/4/19-20 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24495 Activity:very high |
4/19 I got my USC acceptance letter yesterday. Did anyone else get their letter? - ucla ee guy \_ I didn't get anything... but not too depressed -ucla cs guy \_ USC sucks \_ I'll apply for ucla ee next year and my gpa is low 3, how's my chance? potential ucla ee guy \_ the average GPA for UCLA applicants is 3.5. \_ GPA is just one of many factors. If you have a low GPA you can still get into MIT if you have an awsome GRE, great recs from famous professors, and if you have done good \_ or famous coders (say Dennis Ritche, Ken Thompson, David Korn, Steve Bourne, etc.) \_ Why do people insist on interrupting? publications. \_ ..._And_ wrote a good statement of purpose. \_ Sorry pal, MIT doesn't consider GRE. \_ Is this really true? \_ Yes, it is true. -- rejected from MIT \_ Yes. It was written somewhere in the application material when I tried to apply 9 years ago. \_ I got low 2 GPA, which school i can apply? \_ I didn't know you can stay in the major with low 2? \_ I did it somehow. -geordan \_ On man, this is berkeley, low 2 gpa is like high 3 at other school. \_ Of course you can. Just keep paying tuition and fees. No one gets kicked out if they don't want to be. \_ Really? In my days, you need to pass the majority of classes with a B- or better in order to stay in the L&S CS major. \_ no that was the official policy, it was never strictly enforced. keep paying your bills. \_ Cornell (no min gpa), Chico, Western Nebraska \_ I got 2.9. Is SJSU it worth going? Teachers College, etc. \_ I got high 2 GPA, which school can I apply? \_ SJSU min gpa is 2.75, if you are higher than that you'll get in. \_ I got 2.9. Is SJSU worth going? |
2002/4/14 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24435 Activity:nil |
4/12 Looking for a network of Berkeley->UCLA people. Where can I find it? \_ does Nadeem look at motd? |
2002/4/8-9 [Academia/GradSchool, Academia/UCLA] UID:24370 Activity:nil |
4/8 In Stanford, there is a clause that says something like "if you get into the MS program, you will not be able to apply to our PhD program." Is there such a clause in UCLA? |
2002/4/7-9 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24358 Activity:high |
4/6 Has anyone gotten anything from Stanford and USC? \_ An ex-girlfriend and some books from Stanford, but somehow I doubt that's what you meant. \_ I'm pretty sure he means the college applications \_ oh, you think? \_ No. I think he was asking about STDs. \_ I realize that; I was being sarcastic. Frankly, if he's that careless in articulating a simple question, I hope he didn't get in. \_ a Stanford Transmitted Disease? \_ Curable only by crashing the high tech boom. \_ I realize that; I was being sarcastic. Frankly, if he's that careless in articulating a simple question, I hope he didn't get in. \_ "nobody liked my joke so i will attack the poster" \_ "careless in articulating a simple question"??? Who gives a fuck? This is the m.o.t.d... not a college application. Everyone obviously knew what s/he meant, so who cares. \_ I recieved a letter on Thurs. from USC saying that the CS dept. has started to review my application and will get back to me (no time frame was mentioned). - ucla ee guy \_ what the hell??? All the schools that I got in want a responce by April 15th. BTW even though I got into UCLA MS I'm still waiting cuz I applied to USC's PhD program. -ucla cs guy \_ UCLA deadline is in the summer sometime. -- UCLA PhD guy \_ Just accept and then change your mind later. Anyway, UCLA >> USC (kinney goes to USC), if you want a PhD, apply later after you get your UCLA masters. FUSC. \_ are you the original ucla ee ms guy or a kinney ha8 later after you get your UCLA masters. FUSC. - ! ucla ee guy |
2002/4/3-4 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24307 Activity:high |
4/2 Hello EE MS UCLA guy, I GOT IN!!! I got the letter TODAY. Thanks for your support. Let's keep in touch! By the way still haven't received anything from USC and Stanford. -CS MS UCLA guy \_ Congrats. I'm glad you got in. BTW, I haven't heard from USC or Stanford either. It doesn't matter, since I already said yes UCLA last week. \_ what is your nick name? Don't want to keep saying EE MS UCLA guy \_ it's "pigfucker" \_ gee, Terrance, why would you call me a pigfucker? |
2002/3/20-22 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24174 Activity:high |
3/20 Anyone gotten a letter from UCLA or USC? I've gotten all the rejections/acceptance except these two... getting anxious now. \_ I recieved my UCLA acceptance almost 3 weeks ago. USC CS said that they wouldn't have anything till April (I called the dept. last week). It doesn't matter to me, since I've decided to go to UCLA. BTW, Have you been accepted anywhere? \_ yes I did, but they're not on US News' CS list (but are for the general engineering ranking), so I'm rather embarrased about posting them here... thanks for your response, I guess I'm not going to UCLA -orig poster \_ Yes they are. \_ I applied EE. CS might not be out yet. Hope springs eternal. \_ CS is out. \_ EE PhD or MS? If I had known that the # of applications trippled this year I wouldn've applied as a junior (and would still have a better chance). Now I sux -orig poster \_ MS. I'm not smart enough to do a PhD. |
2002/3/18-19 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24147 Activity:insanely high |
3/18 Grad Skool Poll. Where are you going next year (add others as appropriate)? Cal: Dear Applicant, I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to graduate study at U.C. Berkeley. This year we received more than 3,100 applications for approximately 100 openings. Because of the limited number of admission slots available, we turned away many qualified applicants. Nonetheless, I would like to wish you the best of luck in pursuing your educational and professional goals. MIT: 'furd: . UCLA: .. Vista: . (what is this?) San Jose State: . (I had a 2.7 GPA at Cal) Santa Clara: . Deciding: . MacDonalds: \_ Haven't you heard? MIT is not accepting this year. 'furd: . UCLA: .. \_ Get a clue. It was intentionally misspelled. Vista: . (what is this?) \_ If you don't know what Vista is you don't deserve to go. San Jose State: . (I had a 2.7 GPA at Cal) \_ EE/CS or just CS? \_ at 2.7, DOES IT MATTER? Duh. Santa Clara: . Deciding: . \_ Where did you get in? MacDonalds: \_ I prefer Berger King \_ at the very least, spell it correctly. \_ Now you know why he's going to BK after Cal. \_ Get a clue. It was misspelled intentionally. \_ How so? I don't get it. \_ How do you spell the place that sells Big Macs? \_ If he had taken E 190, this heartbreak might have been avoided. |
2002/3/6-7 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24040 Activity:kinda low |
3/6 So what's up with Pac-10 basketball this year? Oregon, Arizona, 'furd, Cal, and UCLA, a lot of middle strength(AP9-20), but no elite teams? And how far will Cal go in the tourney? \_ How far Cal will go depends a lot on the matchups. We cause problems for undisciplined, athletic teams like UCLA. We have difficulty with well-coached teams with solid passers, like Arizona. I don't think we can beat Duke, but I could see us beating a team like Maryland. We're 5-4 vs. top-25 teams this season, so we can definitely put some wins together. The NCAA tourney is the most difficult bet in sports. No one really knows what the hell might happen. That's why it's also the greatest sporting event on the planet. -tom \_ Err...like you know what's gonna happen with other sports? \_ It's a question of the degree of predictability. Don't be obtuse. -tom \_ Curling, duh! Nothing beats curling! \_ Bah. Maybe in the US, but not the world. \_ Don't even try to throw the World Cup in there. Penalty kicks are a fucked-up way to decide important games. The Tour de France has some cachet but it's too predictable. -tom \_ And penalties/free throws are more exciting? \_ seriously. kind of like how it's called the "world series". maybe if they let the rest of the world actually play. canada does not count. \_ dude, it's only a misnomer when they have a team that can play at our level. ob yermom. \_ isn't cuba better than us? what's ob? |
2002/3/5 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24025 Activity:very high |
3/4 So far, I've gotten my rejections from ucb, cmu, and mit. Nothing from Stanford, UW, and UT. Your turn. \_ Okay, I reject you, too. It's nothing personal, though. \_ CS Masters or Ph.D? \_ what difference does it make. He/she got rejected. \_ trying to understand the facts. \_ As mentioned before I got into UCLA (EE Masters). Still waiting for Cornell, UCSD, USC and Stanford. \_ UCLA is a pretty decent school. Don't feel too bad. State school, Missippi, Palm Beach Tech, and DVC. The DVC rejection *really* stings but I think I'll get by. Maybe I can transfer later on, eh? Is that possible if I get to know a prof there? At least one of those remaining schools will say yes. \_ Yay pretty decent :( \_ for those of us who are too dumb to pass the subject gre, pretty decent is great. At least ucla is tier 1. Imagine the poor slobs whose only option is Hayward State, SJSU or SCU. That would suck! \_ If you can't get in to a real school then you might consider getting a real job instead. What's the point in getting a degree from a place like Hayward? \_ or UCLA? UCLA is tier1 according to _/ us news. It may not be the best prog. but it is much better than state school (ie hayward, sjsu, calpoly), most of the other uc's and many of the big name east coast private schools for EE/CS. \_ "First tier" == top 10. UCLA isn't top 10 in CS (though to be fair it is in some things). \_ shockingly, a degree is more than something you put on your resume so you can get a better job. -tom \_ A degree from Hayward isn't. \_ only if you are changing fields, perhaps. \_ I'm pretty sure USC will say yes. Probably Cornell as well since I applied to the M.Eng program (ie the 1 yr degree factory for "professionals"). I don't know about Stanford and UCSD. I probably won't go to SD even if I get in so I don't care. I'm not sure what I'd do if I got into the farm as I'd have to keep working (I applied for honors co-op, so that my company would foot the bill). \_ I'm guessing you applied for Fall 2002? Or has was this some time ago when you applied? \_ I applied for Fall 2002 everywhere except for the farm. I had to apply for winter 2003 at the farm because of certain restrictions on "education funding" at work in the 2002 calendar yr. \_ I got into: MIT, Yale, Cal, Harvard, Princeton, CMU, Stanford, Cornell, and my back up, Oxford. I got rejected from every Cal State school, Mississippi, Palm Beach Tech, and DVC. The DVC rejection *really* stings but I think I'll get by. Maybe I can transfer later on, eh? Is that possible if I get to know a prof there? \_ is yale good in computer science? \_ no. and fuck yale \_ why are you doing this to the "poor" person. \_ It's easy? \_ You have a tiny little penis \_ Yermom didn't say that. \_ Yermom didn't want to hurt his feelings. She's sensitve like that. \_ As a note, many of the lower tier schools reject outstanding students based on the idea that they know they are the backup plan and don't want to waste their time on someone they are fairly sure is going to go someplace else on scholarship. |
2002/2/28-3/1 [Academia/UCLA] UID:24001 Activity:high |
2/28 What are the rankings of the 7 UCs, for undergrad? This is for my little cousin. \_ Cal, Cal, Cal, Cal, Cal, Cal, Cal, LA, SD, Irvine/Davis, the rest \_ CAL SUCKS ASS, YO. - *recent* cal cs grad. \_ talg was graduated from Cal. That is the kind of "student" cal is graduating these days. \_ who is talg? \_ Just look at UC News for an approximation. \_ I think in general: 1 Cal, 2 UCLA, 7 Santa Barbara. Don't know Top Tier: 1 Cal, 2 UCLA, 3 UCSD Mid Tier: SB, Irvine, Davis (ranked by major) Bottom Tier: 7 SC, 8 Riverside \_ I think in general: 1 Cal, 2 UCLA, 5 Santa Barbara. Don't know about the others. Of course rankings depend on the major. Which one is your cousin going for? \_ Is Merced open yet? \_ Isn't Riverside the worst? My understanding is: SD=yuppie school, Irvine=riceboy Integra school, SC=dumb surfer school, Davis=boring school, Riverside=drug school, and SB=party school. \_ Will depend on major, but 3. UCSD ... 7. Riverside \_ SB is definitely not 7. \_ There's 8 undergrad UC campuses; probably better tell your cousin \_ does your cousin learn like high or low pressure learning situations? that first. I'd go Cal, LA, SD, Davis, SB, Irvine, SC, Riverside. \_ does your cousin learn like high or low pressure learning situations? \_ SB has a really outstanding condensed matter experimental physics research program, and is world class is particle theory. overall, their ranked in the top ten nationwide in physics at the grad level. of course this is unrelated to undergrad, unless your cousin is *Absolutely* positive about going into physics.. \_ http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/beyond/gradrank/gbphysic.htm \_ SB has the college of creative studies for ugrad. Majors include physics, literature, etc. CCS at UCSB is probably better than any of the mid-tier schools and maybe better than what you'd get at LA or Cal. \_ Their 3-5 semiconductor work is also world class. But use the same advice you ought to get when you go to grad school. If you know exactly what you want to do (for undergrad, that means major, for grad that means research area), go to the best place for that subject. Otherwise, other things being roughly equal, go to the best school you get into. \_ As Per US News: Cal, UCLA, UCSD, Irvine/Davis (Tie), UCSB \_ Davis slightly more selective as per US News Unranked: UCSC, Riverside |
2002/2/26 [Academia/UCLA] UID:23980 Activity:very high |
2/26 My little cousin got into Berkeley but not UCLA. Back in my days this was very uncommon. Is this common now? \_ Was he instate our out of state? \_ What major? That could make all the difference. \_ I got into Cal but not Irvine, as intended CS major. \_ Same thing happened to me...but I applied as a polisci major there and as a music major here! \_ When I applied for Fall '90 junior transfer into CS, I got into Berkeley and San Diego but not LA nor Davis. \_ Got into Cal, UCLA, Irvine, UCSD as a freshman. I do not know what a rejection letter looks like. My letters were all big and fat and full of much happiness and joy. \_ Congrats on preserving your ego by not applying to Harvard, Yale, Stanfurd, Princeton, CMU, ...... Stanfurd, Princeton, CMU, Cornell, ...... \_ CMU does not fit. CMU is like UCLA difficulty to get into. \_ You think a havud edukayshun is better than what Cal offers? Madness.... Those are just names. Anyway, I applied to Princeton just for kicks and yes I was accepted but why would I really want to have a piece of paper? Those aren't schools. They're about penis size. My dick is big enough without a shitty ivy name on my diploma. How many Havud grads killed how many companies in the late 90s? Farm grads? Yes, thanks. \_ How much did your daddy donate? \_ *laugh* Nothing. No one needs to donate to get into UC. \_ A friend of mine went to UCLA until the easy access to drugs helped him fuck up his life. He went to some 5th rate school in Arizona and last I knew was a late night DJ on the local college radio station. UCLA ROCKS! \_ UCLA has easier access to drugs than Cal?! Har. \_ Yes. He was going to Mexico twice a month to pick up a truck load. You're confused. You think a few hits of acid, some mushrooms and smoking out with your TA is big time drug activity. How naive. \_ you must be on crack |
2001/1/11-12 [Academia/UCLA] UID:20303 Activity:high |
1/11 Anyone watched "The Internet" on the History Channel? I was disappointed that they kept talking about MIT/UCLA and the profs and grad students but had absolutely NO reference to Berkeley. \_ um. there's a reason ya know. berkeley wasn't involved until several years into the project; the most formative work, around '66-'70, had nothing to do with Berkeley \_ we just wrote the protocols |
2001/1/1-3 [Academia/UCLA] UID:20211 Activity:kinda low |
1/1 Anyone know if the LA area have an SITN equivalence? For example, UCLA extension? Also is the transcript the same for both UCLA extension and UCB extension? \_ USC has a SITN. I don't know anything about it. --dim \_ I thought only corporations use SITN. I can't imagine going to a Berkeley classroom watching Stanford televised lectures |
2001/1/1-3 [Academia/GradSchool, Academia/UCLA] UID:20210 Activity:high |
1/1 Is the UCLA CS MS program better/worse/comparable to Stanford CS MS? I understand that neither one is as good as UCB/MIT/CalTech, I'm just soliciting advice, thanks. \_ Stanford CS is very good, at least comparable to Berkeley. UCLA is a second tier school, and their CS program reflects this. \_ Don't confuse Stanfurd CS MS and Stanfurd CS PhD. The MS at Stanfurd is just a degree-purchase program. All the good stuff you hear about Stanfurd's CS grad school is almost always based on the PhD's only which are very much separated from the MS group (probably a bad practice). \_ Yeah. $tanfurd CS MS does't even require writing a thesis. \_ Stanford CS MS > UCLA CS MS. \_ University of California for Lesser Achievers \_ is that your opinion or a commonly agreed upon opinion? \_ My opinion. \_ Mine too. |
2000/12/14 [Academia/UCLA] UID:20094 Activity:moderate |
12/13 I've noticed that other schools offer Automata and Theory (e.g. UCLA, Stanford). Is that covered in the 17x series? \_ yes \_ take 172. it'll whip the {llama,ucla,stanford}'s ass. especially next semester. \_ You want Manuel "But they don't know it's an open problem" Blum. He is the STANDARD. 172 prof. \_ Blum is now at Carnegie with the rest of his mishpochah. He's only coming back for one semester next semester to visit and teach CS70. And Vazirani may be Blum's student, but he should be damn good. I speak from experience. -alexf |
2000/10/16 [Academia/UCLA] UID:19492 Activity:high 88%like:19487 |
10/15 (1 am) What's with all the cops around campus and telegraph? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2000/10/15/state1458EDT0120.DTL \_ homecoming. lots of losers from ucla in addition to our own. \_ actually it was the angry crowd who couldn't get into the black fraternity dance in pauley ballroom after the UC cops \_ bunch of frat types decided to break windows, at hot topic and footlocker and the gap, someone prevented more people from getting in. \_ people get pissed when they can't get their fix \_ I passed that way at 3am, gap had its windows broken, telegraph was cordoned off from channing to bancroft -jones pulled a gun and shot it off, causing many angry cops to appear with guns drawn, and everyone fled for their lives - danh \_ It is just the quasi-annual 100% off sale at Rasputin. \_ Sigh. I'm so proud to be a Cal alumnus ... \_ maybe if you donated back to your school, people wouldn't feel so deprived. \_ You mean deprived of free music and clothing stolen from the local stores? Excuse me, but were you born stupid or did you learn to be stupid over time? |
2000/10/15-16 [Academia/UCLA] UID:19487 Activity:moderate 88%like:19492 |
10/15 (1 am) What's with all the cops around campus and telegraph? \_ homecoming. lots of losers from ucla in addition to our own. \_ I passed that way at 3am, gap had its windows broken, telegraph was cordoned off from channing to bancroft -jones \_ bunch of frat types decided to break windows, at hot topic and footlocker and the gap, someone pulled a gun and shot it off, causing many angry cops to appear with guns drawn, and everyone fled for their lives - danh |
1999/11/19 [Academia/UCLA] UID:16925 Activity:high |
11/18 If you're living in SoCal and are looking to work with academic type people: Part-time coder needed for a UCLA-derived group. /csua/pub/jobs/glomosim. -jctwu \_ so, cleaning my professor's toilet would count eh? |
1999/3/13 [Academia/UCLA] UID:15590 Activity:nil |
3/12 Arizona, UCLA and Washington all got bumped from the tournament. Dare we root on Stanford for Pac-10 pride? |
1999/3/6-9 [Academia/UCLA] UID:15554 Activity:nil |
3/6 Support UCB, play College Jeopardy Online (http://www.jeopardy.com and kick some UCLA and them other schools' asses. Plus win free stuff. \_ UCLA? Has our standards of competition sunk that low? \_ Read the motd lately? Playing against UCB is dragging UCLA down to UCB's level. |
1998/3/11 [Academia/UCLA] UID:13790 Activity:high |
3/10 Does anyone know a David Smallberg in the UCLA area? I believe he either teaches at UCLA. - seidl \_ Either teaches at UCLA or what? If he's teaching, you could http://www.ucla.edu and look in the faculty directory. \_ Either teaches at UCLA or he doesn't. This puts the guy into the union of the set of all people who teach at UCLA and the set of all people who do not teach at UCLA. While this set of people is "valid", it isn't useful for narrowing the search. |
1996/9/25 [Academia/UCLA] UID:31899 Activity:nil |
9/23 Anyone have an extra ticket for the UCLA game they'll sell me? --dpassage \_Have one. How much you willing to pay?? |
1994/4/17 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Academia/UCLA] UID:31568 Activity:nil |
4/16 Do all universities have such lousy campus computing facilities or is it just my luck that I chose the worst possible place in terms of computing resources? EVERYTHING is always slow, crashes, ... (even soda :( ) \_ public computing facilities or just those for EE/CS people? If you are referring to the former, ever checked out ucla? (mvs.oac.ucla.edu) or ucsd (sdcc13.ucsd.edu)? both of them are really lame... ucla is, imho, even worse than uclink -shyguy \_ most of my friends at other universities are jealous of our facilities. The problem is that the campus computing facilites are undergoing SERIOUS growing pains...the number of people with accounts has increased 5- or 6-fold in the past year or so. What with all the media hype, the "common people" are starting to get interested in having net access. However, the campus facilities do seem to be growing almost fast enough...give them time. -boss \_ No, all universities don't have lousy campus computing facilities. Just go to the U. of Illinois for example. I think most people have heard me rave about it enough already - norby \_ My friends at other universities are amazed with UCB's computer department. It is a very good place to study anything and everything. Excellent LIBRARIES and COMPUTER facilities. -ikiru \_ FOOLS. the answer is simple: we were all dumb asses for going to a state school. Anyone at a private university will laugh at UCB's facilities. Even some L.A. only schools. Sad. You are getting what you pay for. \_ FOOL! yourself..then how come we are paying more each year and the resources get more scarce every year? \_ I'd like to know which Cal you people go to! All I see are new machines (uclink and uclink2 spring to mind, as well as numerous labs, including the new HP lab). Soda is a unique environment, and I am happy we have it. Not many schools have a playground like we do (you can file the OCF under that heading, too). Sure, we each don't have a NeXt or SPARC (though some of us do), but I don't think twinks like you deserve any better anyhow! What whiners! As long as you can look at gifs of nekkid gurlz, you should be happy! |
3/15 |