Academia Berkeley CSUA Troll Aspolito - Berkeley CSUA MOTD
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Academia:Berkeley:CSUA:Troll:Aspolito:
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2009/5/27-6/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:53051 Activity:nil
5/27  aspo I found you on youtube
        \_ What, like you've never sahved your crotch...
           \_ I tried shaving my crotch once.  The shaving part was fine.  But
              when the hair started growing back, it was itchy as hell because
              the short hair rubbed against the skin.  -- !OP
              \_ That's part of the fun.
2008/9/16-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:51194 Activity:nil
9/16    Really?  There are no recent grads. here looking for a nice, local,
        jr. to mid-level sys admin gig in the sexy world of mobile-location?
        I haven't even told you how little we are paying yet.  Don't let the
        prospect of working with Brain or Aspo frighten you.  They are fine
        in person, really.  Mail me if you have questions.  -crebbs
        \_ recent grads don't read the MOTD.   -tom
           \_ Check your crystal ball again Tom.  Fortunately, I already found
              a job though. -mrauser, recent grad extrodinaire
              \_ That's "recent grad", singular.  -tom
        \_ Sorry what is this about???  -someone out of context
         \_ Crebbs needs a lackey.  WaveMarket has a lot of things going for
            it.  Work for WaveMarket.  Be Tom's lackey. -aspo
        \_ Did you try jobs@csua?
2008/8/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:50860 Activity:moderate
8/13    suck my dick aspolito. btw is your ars ready for serious sodomization?
        \_ You are so not my type honey. -aspo
           \_ Whether you're ready or not, your ars should get ready,
              cuz Imma gonna force you to like it. Imma gonna kidnap
              you to an unknown location uptown where nobody can
              hear us. Fuck you New York City!
              \_ Wow, an anonymous rape threat!  I'm somebody! -aspo
                 \_ I have a CCW permit and I can protect you. Where in
                    NYC do you live?                    -CCW guy
                    \_ Wow, you got a CCW in NYC?  How?
2008/7/18-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:50616 Activity:nil
7/18    At least he knows what he wants (NSFW):
        \_ Hello tawei!
        \_ This is really funny, NSFW though.
           \_ Whoops! You're right, so noted. -op
              \_ aspolito, when did you discover that you liked being
                 sodomized? can i sodomize you?
                 \_ You got the wrong person buddy.  Oh and I'm pretty sure
                    the answer is no, but if you want send me a picture I'll
                    keep the offer in mind. -aspo
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2008/5/19-23 [Science/Battery, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:50009 Activity:nil
5/19    why are you such an ass aspolito? why dont you stick a D battery in
        your ars, dipshit
2008/4/21-5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:49788 Activity:nil
4/21    You'll appreciate this tom holub:
        \_ Target rich environment?
        \_ I missed it (don't want to be a spoiler) completely!  This
           would be a great TV commercial here in the US.
           \_ Except most American don't care about bears.
              \_ I think aspolito cares very much about bears.
                 \_ I think aspolito wants to be sodomized by bears.
        \_ I think it's clever, although I had already read about the research
           this was based on, so I knew what to expect.
           I think the message is actually a bit off.  No amount of telling
           people "look out for cyclists" will make them look out for cyclists.
           Your goal as a cyclist is to put yourself in a position to be the
           expected thing rather than the unexpected one.  -tom
2008/4/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:49722 Activity:nil
4/11    Hey aspolito, you should read this before engaging in anal:
2008/4/2-3 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:49653 Activity:nil
4/2     hmm.
        [A lot of porn with "aspo" in the path removed]
        \_ Nope, that's really not my style of porn.  Out of curiosity where
           did this come from? -aspo
2008/3/19-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:49503 Activity:low
3/19    It always amazes me how people on soda are willing to casually talk
        about hurting people who disagree with them (aspolito on wall today).
        \_ Thanks for your concern.  -- !aspolito
        \_ It always amazes me how much people on soda totally miss the point.
        \_ Hi ilyas.
           \_ Fail. -- ilyas
              \- If richard perle were to be laying in the road bleeding
                 tp death, I'd like to think I'd let him die. I thik I could
                 do that. If he were laying in the road covered with gasoline,
                 I'm not sure I could drop a match on him.
2006/6/4-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:43275 Activity:nil
6/4     aspolito are you
        \_ I'm so not a sysadmin -aspo
           \_ I know. Everyone knows you're a fucking ass.
            \_ Sometimes yah, I can be.  -aspo
           \_ Says you.  -John
            \_ You deny it? -aspo
2006/3/30-4/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:42557 Activity:nil
3/30    Who works at WaveMarket? I'm not going in to ask for anonymous
        sodans. -- jsjacob
        \_ is that homosexual code?
        \_ Brain, aspo, danh, crebbs
           \_ Plenty of sodans work at Google.  WaveMarket is the next
             \_ why dont they help get us jobs there?
                \_ Do you need a job?  /csua/pub/jobs/AvantGo  --dbushong
             \_ WaveMarket is the next CSUA!
2005/7/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:38686 Activity:low
7/18    work with aspo and brain and danh! It will be fun!
                /csua/pub/jobs/WaveMarket                       -brain
        \_ We also need black box qa people!  Know anyone "good with
           computers" but not a coder?  Make them happy, get them jobs! -aspo
        \_ Wait is 'working with danh and aspo' a positive endorsement?
           I mean aspo might try to seduce you, and danh will bury you in
           links involving shit and babies with no faces. -- ilyas
           \_ I don't try to seduce my coworkers.  I'm smarter than that.
           \_ It's not his fault, the lesbians make him do it.  -John
2005/6/1-3 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:37932 Activity:nil
6/1     Received in my Berkeley Online e-mail:
        "Marquesa Lawrence, a UC Berkeley outreach officer, is appearing in a
        new ABC-TV reality show called 'The Scholar,' in which 10 outstanding
        high school students from across the country live together while
        competing to win a full scholarship, valued at $250,000, to the college
        of their choice. Lawrence is one of three judges on a 'scholarship
        committee' that assesses the students' performance."
        (I recommend a new reality show called, "The USCA Co-op":
        Is aspolito hoarding the Oreos?  What is this week's House Manager
        \_ I never horded food!  Co-op food horders suck. -aspo
        \_ ooh!  house manager scandals!  my favorite was when we thought our
           house manager was dead, but it just turned out he was crashing after
           a week-long speed binge, and was sleeping for three days.
           \_ Whiskey-stained buck-toothed Backwards creep
              Grizzly bear motherfucker Never goes to sleep
2005/4/6-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:37094 Activity:nil
4/6     come work with aspo and brain and crebbs.  It will be fun!
        QA job in Emeryville.  See /csua/pub/jobs/WaveMarket . -brain
2004/7/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32298 Activity:nil
7/15    Word association game, you can only add ONE word you associate with
        one CSUA person. I'll start, feel free to augment this list:
        \_ tom: bike
        \_ ilyas: ocaml
        \_ psb: fan, homosexual
        \_ lila: butter
        \_ shac: pegging, black
        \_ kchang: stfu gay
        \_ ax: breasts
        \_ aspolito: masturbation
        \_ jon: tiger balm
        \_ chris: love sponge
        \_ peterm:
        \_ mehlhaff: motd archive
        \_ jsl:
        \_ sodans: nerds
           \_ finger: sodans: no such user
2004/4/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:13460 Activity:high
4/29    Vote for your csua man of the award, I'll start:
        \_ closest to a divinity man: psb
        \_ grouchy old man: tom
        \_ tallest man: erikred
           \_ :) --erikred
        \_ most bitter man: bdg
        \_ most squishable man: kinney, paolo
                \_ paolo made great changes and contributions to csua,
                   why is he the most squishable?               -paolo #1 fan
                   \_ writing a script to delete the MOTD every 3 minutes is
                      a great contribution?
                   \_ being a twat?
        \_ most riced boy: dickylee
        \_ best motd troll: ausman
           \_ how do you know ausman is a troll?
              \_ Ve haff our ways.
           \_ ilyas
              \_ best != most prolific.
              \_ I find this interesting, since the only threads I start are
                 CS puzzle threads.  How can I be a troll if I never start
                 troll threads?  If I should be guilty of anything, it's
                 responding to trolls. -- ilyas
        \_ best mormon: emarkp [restored]
           \_ what makes one qualify as 'best mormon'?
              \_ He's good enough, he's smart enough, and goshdarnit, people
                 like him!
                 \_ Drat.  I was hoping for grouchy old man. -emarkp
           \_ The sad part is, I can't even argue with this award. -jrleek
        \_ most likely to get his ass kicked: dans
           \_ Been there, done that. -dans
        \_ most hoping for grouchy old man: emarkp
           \_ Yes! -emarkp
        \_ cocktease: aspolito
        \_ best motd locker: williamc
           \_ ED!
2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:10652 Activity:nil
10/15   We are taking suggestions as to what may have led aspolito to
        to go completely apeshit and avoid all his friends.  person with
        best suggestion wins dinner with him.
        \_ Missed his period?
        \_ lost job, lost girlfriend, dog ran away?
                          \_ unlikely
                                \_ he definitely had a girlfriend at one point
                                   \_ I find that frightening.
        \_ I heard he and PSB are on a church retreat in South Korea,
           learning how to serve God.
        \_ crack?
        \_ Someone said he had been without sleep for a couple of days.
           \_ sounds like crack to me....
        \_ maybe he read that article about the Golden Gate Bridge
        \_ How about danh, being danh, was totally unbearable to aspo,
           annoyed aspo somehow beyond endurance, and got dumped in Seattle
           for being intolerable?  I think that's more likely than anything
           \_ i'm really not that annoying.  really. - danh
              \_ Dan, are you really telling us that you did *nothing* to
                 provoke aspo's behavior?  We've only heard your side of it
                 after all.
              \_ nah, nah.  not annoying in a general sense, just...
                 annoying *to aspo*.  dig?
           \_ if that's the case, then everyone is unbearable to aspo.
        \_ Frankly, who cares?  It's just another childish acting out phase.
           Only one of many he's had over the years.  Or just the same one
           going on for a really long time depending on how you look at it.
2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10648 Activity:nil
10/15   Who is psb, danh, and aspolito? Someone please describe each person
        in one sentence or less. Thanks.                        -newbie
        \_ psb: cross Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons with one of the alien
           goths from Dark City.
           danh: a magnet for chaos, knows where all the weirdest shows are
           and has a terrible relationship with money.  The CSUA mascot, he
           was once the entire politburo because everyone else resigned.
           aspolito:  the reason your mom didn't want you to go to Berkeley.
           Like one of the Cenobites from Hellraiser.  Except with scat porn.
        \_ newbie, contact me and I will show you The Way.    -brain
        \_ They are all great guys, super smart and nice and handsome.
           \_ except danh
           \_ So, why didn't any one of them run for Governor?
              \_ They knew they couldn't compete with Georgy
        \_ Believe everything you read on the motd.  Everything you read
           on the motd is guaranteed by the University of California and the
           Regents to be The Truth.
        \_ It is not important that psb.  Rather, it is crucial that !psb.
2003/3/18 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:27731 Activity:high
3/17    What's better, 10 years in a Turkish prison or sex
        with aspolito?
        \_ With, or without a condom?
2002/7/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:25403 Activity:insanely high 50%like:26400
7/22    motd poll:  how many sodans have you had sex with.  Please be honest
        here. And don't turn this poll into a big troll:
        1: .
        \_ Does that CSUA meeting in 1997 that turned into a giant
           orgy count?
        \_ So, um, just to be clear, what's your definition of "sex"?
           \_ you ain't clinton and this ain't a congressional hearing.
        0: .....
        1: ...
        2: ...
        3-5: ...
        >5: ..
        \_ Do i count one if i pleasured myself?
           \_ No.
        \_ For numbers greated than one, is it enough to have sex with one
              \_ Oh well, back to virginhood again.
        \_ what about cybersex?
           \_ No.
        \_ For numbers greater than one, is it enough to have sex with one
           sodan at a time or does it have to be a group orgy?
           \_ I'm having trouble imaging sodans having orgies together.
              Who should I picture this happening with?
                \_ I am sodan orgy free thank you very much -aspo
                \_ do not pick on aspolito!  --chris
              \_ jsl
                 \_ Does it count if you have sex with them before they become
        \_ how about if they left the CSUA before you had sex with them?
           \_ how do you leave the CSUA?  the politburo comes
              over to your house and chialea rips off your arms?
           How about if you didn't know they were in the CSUA until afterward?
           \_ yes and yes.
              \_ How about if they didn't know you're having sex with them
                 until afterwards (ie. rape)?
        \_ Do lustful gazes and impure thoughts count?
               \_ Well no, I'm just asking so as to better interpret the results.
                  Actually, I wasn't aware there were as many females in CSUA as
                  there are dots on the poll. I never saw 'em anyway. Or does
                  CSUA embrace homosexuality in addition to Godless communism?
            \_ soda people inspire you to do this??
               \_ Well no, I'm just asking so as to better interpret the
                  results. Actually, I wasn't aware there were as many
                  females in CSUA as there are dots on the poll. I never saw
                  'em anyway. Or does CSUA embrace homosexuality in addition
                  to Godless communism?
                  \_ Don't be stupid.
                  \_ This is the motd, everyone lies on the motd
                     \_ OBnextthread: how much do you make?  more lies.
        \_ Does yermom count?
           \_ Yes if she is/was a sodan, no if not.  Sheesh.
        \_ Best MOTD topic in quite awhile, yay!
        \_ Who is the greater than 5 guy, I wanna shake your hand. -5
           \_ "guy"?   it is probably a chick, soda guys don't get laid
              too much.
2002/5/26-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:24951 Activity:high 66%like:24967
5/26    pictures of logout?
        \_ I hear there was some (more) great footage of aspo!
        \_ I hear dans got some. From whom?
           \_ got some pictures or got "some"? from aspo?
              \_ no. yes. no.
           \_ No comment. -dans
              \_ let's hear the story dans.
                 \_ I already told you the story wllm. -dans
              \_ no. no.
        \_ what a lame editing job.  that was as bad as episode I
2001/9/18 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:22513 Activity:high
9/18    I'm tired of all the talk about terrorism. Can we get back to
        aspolito and anal sex and asian chicks discussion?
        \_ no.
        \_ Mmm, Mayu Kiozumi..
           \_ Can't find her in Yahoo.  Who's she?
2001/8/23-24 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:22223 Activity:insanely high
8/23    What is a proper reaction when you bump into an ex-GF with whom you
        had a nasty breakup?  (Or ex-BF).  I pretended that I didn't see her
        and walked right on and did not look at her.  There are probably
        different reactions in different situations:
        a)  I was walking alone and she was with a guy
            \_ I'd look at who she was with but not at her
        b)  I was with a girl and she was alone
            \_ not surprising to see no replies in this section.
               \_ Ask for a threesome.
        c)  I was with a girl and she was with a guy
            \_ same as (a).
        \_ ATTENTION BDG!  What would you do if you bumped into your ex-wife
           on the street?  -bdg's #1 fan
        \_You should grab her breasts instead of shaking her hand.
           \_ Sorry, you're not in Japan.
        \_ Don't be pathetic.  Smile, wave, say hi, get over youself already.
           Sheesh.  Did you learn anything growing up?  -aspo
           \_ There is this old saying: 'Man, to thyself be true.'  It applies
              in this case.  Most people dislike their ex-girlfriends.  I will
              not smile, or wave, or say hi to someone I do not like.  This
              isn't being immature, it is being true to myself.  You, aspolito,
              are a conniving little shit.  You are not true to yourself.
              \_ It's not an old saying, it's your incredibly poor
                 misquotation of Shakespeare, Hamlet Act I, Scene 3,
                        This above all: to thine ownself be true,
                        And it must follow, as the night the day,
                        Thou canst not then be false to any man.
                       are people so afraid to show their true feelings?
                 And, frankly, you seriously missed the point.
           \_ you know he's right. unless you want to remain an immature
              sodan geek with no social skills forever.
              \_ well, if it was a "nasty breakup" why should you smile and
                 wave? that's just being unrealistic.
                 \_ No, that's being cordial. Do you wear your heart on
                    your sleeve for everything?
                    \_ there's a difference between wearing your heart on your
                       sleeve and outright being false. i wouldn't do anything
                       in particular but i sure wouldn't put on some fake act.
                       the whole assumption here was that we're not friends,
                       presumably anti-friends, for some reason. the way people
                       put on fake acts for each other is such bullshit. why
                       are people so afraid to show their true feelings? i have
                       second thoughts about people who act one way in front of
                       someone and then different behind their back. it's kind
                       of like lying, morally.
                       \_ so why don't you sign your name, coward?  -tom
                          \_ why are you so interested in my name, fag?
                             \_ Well it sure is easy to be "honest" and
                                call people names when you hide behind
                                anonymity.  -tom
                       \_ So you'd rather that everyone who dislikes you
                          assaults you when they see you?  I'd prefer the
                          alternative where they pretend that they don't
                          want to beat me up, even though you think that's
                          "lying, morally".
                          \_ Maybe that's because you're a cowardly little shit.
                             If they hate me then yeah I'd like to know, so I
                             know to watch out for them. Nails under my tires,
                             and all that.
                      \_ No, it's called being polite.
                      \_ it isn't about "lying, morally" you whiny little
                         shit.  It is about being a reasonable person and
                         not so self-absorbed you hold onto things forever.
                         You dated this person, you presumably at one point
                         cared about this person.  The least you can do is
                         say hi to them.  It isn't about being polite, it is
                         about having a little respect for people even when
                         you don't get along with them.
                         That being said if it was a really ugly breakup you
                         allowed a few months where you can sulk and be an
                         annoying little twit and do tihngs like ignore someone
                         although if you are a big enough man you wouldn't
                         have to.  -aspo
                         \_ oh and it is quite possible to smile, wave, and
                            say hi without actuing like you are buddy-buddy
           \_ Wow.  Aspo giving girlfriend advice.  What do you know about
              women, aspo?  Heck, what do you know about men?
              \_ more than most sodans.  -aspo
                 \_ Stop digging dude.
                  \_ what you want a resume of the people I've dated? -aspo
                     \_ Let me know when you get to China.
        \_ Ask for a quick fuck.
        \_ d) You were with a girl and your ex-GF was with a girl, and your
           ex-GF were trying to approach your girl why she had become a
        e)  I was with yermom and she was with yerdad
        \_ I agree with aspo. -ausman
           \_ Is aspo some religious figure like Paul?
              \_ Yes, Aspo is my Lord and Master.
                 \_ He is when his cock is in your ass.
        \_ I have read that in some cultures (e.g. Japanese culture), the
           more formal and polite the are, the more it indicates your
           dislike for a person (assuming you know them well enough to be
           less formal).  This isn't being false to yourself, but
           demonstrating your dislike in a way that doesn't make you look
           \_ those are fucked-up cultures. anyway, that's different than
              "smile, wave, say hi".
2001/1/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:20260 Activity:moderate
These Twink Points are as determined by the Twink Arbiter (me).  They are
completely non-negotiable.  To compute your Twink Score, subtract the
Amortized Twink Points from the Cumulative Twink Points.  For each week during
which you gain no Twink Points, one Twink Point will be amortized per number of
consecutive twinkless weeks.

Any soda user not listed here has never earned a Twink Point.  Twink Points
are earned primarily by making twinkish statements, be they on wall, in mail
to root, staff, csua, or twink-arbiter, on, or in person at CSUA
events or in the office.  One point is awarded per twinkish statement (note
that a single wall, mail, or post may have more than one twinkish statement).
\_ The fact that anyone even took the time to create this list deserves
   500 twink points in itself.
        \_ +1 for not tabbing motd entry and +1 for not dating.
        \_ soda ~% grep twink /etc/mail/aliases
           twink-arbiter: tom
           twink: twink-arbiter
                \_ notice the twink-arbiter is also a twink
                   \_ no, the twink-arbiter is the master twink.

Login           Cumulative Twink Points  Amortized Twink Points

aaron                     11                      11
abid                      1                       1
acheng                    1                       1
achoi                     177                     177
agee                      8                       8
alexb                     1                       1
alexf                     1                       1
alexlam                   1                       1
ali                       76                      76
alissa                    3                       3
allan                     2                       2
allenp                    1                       1
alvin                     1                       1
amitj                     2                       2
andreas                   1                       1
andychen                  1                       1
anitac                    18                      18
anjlee                    1                       1
annieh                    1                       1
anurag                    1                       1
appel                     13                      13
ari                       16                      16
aspolito                  9                       9
asteffes                  2                       2
aswan                     3                       3
aubie                     12                      12
ausman                    29                      29
ax                        1                       1
benchan                   1                       1
benco                     163                     163
bensonng                  1                       1
berk                      1                       1
bernt                     2                       2
bkong                     2                       2
blojo                     2                       2
bng                       5                       5
bonds                     2                       2
boss                      3                       3
brain                     1                       1
brendal                   1                       1
brg                       4                       4
brianm                    1                       1
calbear                   4                       4
calchung                  1                       1
caos                      3                       3
cathyli                   1                       1
ccytsao                   1                       1
cdaveb                    67                      67
chiapet                   2                       2
choba                     1                       1
chris                     87                      87
chug                      1                       1
clue                      2                       2
cmingyip                  1                       1
cmlee                     440                     440
coganman                  4                       4
corinney                  1                       1
daryl                     1                       1
davecw                    4                       4
daveh                     124                     124
davidf                    3                       3
debbie                    11                      11
denise                    1                       1
dennisc                   1                       1
dickylee                  100                     100
dkmkane                   1                       1
doan                      1                       1
donsw                     1                       1
dpetrou                   1                       1
dsweet                    2                       2
dukie                     1                       1
dwang                     2                       2
ehud                      4                       4
elicheng                  1                       1
elizp                     2                       2
emarkp                    2                       2
eric                      5                       5
erich                     2                       2
ether                     1                       1
etroung                   1                       1
etruong                   2                       2
etse                      1                       1
fchan                     1                       1
genehkan                  5                       5
geoffrey                  1                       1
ghhvi                     1                       1
gmartin                   5                       5
gosha                     2                       2
gupta                     1                       1
hahnak                    1                       1
henryhc                   1                       1
houman                    1                       1
housman                   1                       1
howl                      3                       3
hsingh                    1                       1
htleung                   1                       1
ikiru                     14                      14
indi                      1                       1
ivy                       55                      55
janet                     3                       3
jasonma                   1                       1
javadis                   1                       1
jayson                    1                       1
jbheiman                  1                       1
jef                       1                       1
jefe                      3                       3
jeph                      2                       2
jgwang                    3                       3
jhens                     2                       2
jimjiang                  2                       2
jnat                      7                       7
jng                       2                       2
joeking                   1                       1
johnm                     2                       2
johnsonk                  1                       1
jon                       36                      35
jor                       56                      56
josh                      13                      13
jowens                    1                       1
joy                       1                       1
sl                        81                      81
junokim                   2                       2
jwang                     1                       1
jwtong                    1                       1
kaiya                     1                       1
kane                      5                       5
karenyh                   1                       1
kchang                    114                     114
kenji                     5                       5
kiet                      1                       1
kigordon                  1                       1
kiran                     1                       1
klee                      1                       1
lafe                      4                       4
lars                      1                       1
larson                    1                       1
leslif                    1                       1
lila                      9                       9
lingo                     1                       1
lisha                     3                       3
llee                      1                       1
lleong                    1                       1
lolly                     2                       2
lorinda                   1                       1
magtse                    1                       1
marco                     21                      21
mary                      1                       1
math                      1                       1
maxmcc                    5                       5
mayhuang                  1                       1
mehlhaff                  1                       1
mel                       6                       6
mgeis                     1                       1
mhetrick                  1                       1
minhn                     1                       1
mlee                      69                      69
mooah                     1                       1
moonskim                  1                       1
mrehrer                   1                       1
muchandr                  43                      43
murder                    1                       1
nesim                     2                       2
nevman                    39                      39
nickkral                  15                      15
niki                      4                       4
nweaver                   102                     102
oj                        1                       1
paolo                     4                       3
paulwang                  11                      11
pchen                     1                       1
pcjr                      43                      43
peirong                   1                       1
peterl                    2                       2
peterm                    1                       1
petr                      1                       1
ping                      1                       1
pmcnab                    1                       1
politburo                 1                       1
prithvi                   1                       1
psb                       88                      87
ramberg                   9                       9
ramses                    3                       3
ranga                     1                       1
raytrace                  1                       1
reeser                    12                      12
reiffin                   22                      19
retnuh                    7                       7
revilo                    1                       1
richardc                  6                       6
rida                      2                       2
robertl                   1                       1
rollee                    1                       1
root                      55                      55
rpaw                      3                       3
ryan                      9                       9
saarp                     286                     286
sameer                    2                       2
scotsman                  4                       4
seano                     22                      22
seanus                    1                       1
setol                     2                       2
shac                      11                      11
shyguy                    1                       1
sky                       4                       4
smitty                    3                       3
smurf                     10                      10
sony                      3                       3
stefchoi                  7                       7
stevedo                   1                       1
swings                    1                       1
tarek                     1                       1
tawei                     196                     196
thorn                     4                       4
tkm                       1                       1
tmonroe                   9                       9
toddlee                   1                       1
tom                       1                       1
tomyeh                    1                       1
tony                      85                      85
tpc                       13                      13
tracs                     1                       1
turin                     4                       4
twaung                    2                       2
utsai                     1                       1
wai                       2                       2
wenh                      3                       3
williamc                  1                       1
wliu                      1                       1
xkd                       1                       1
yaroslav                  10                      10
ychang                    1                       1
yingz                     1                       1
yulius                    1                       1
zryan                     1                       1
        with my g/f, thanks.

        50+     ...
2000/6/25-26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Recreation/Dating] UID:18548 Activity:very high
6/24    Comment from my wife on why Cal guys are dating non-Cal ('Furd or
        other) girls: "Who would want to date a Berkeley chick unless you
        want to be abused by her for doing nice things like holding open
        a door or treating her nice in general?"  Nothing ruder than some
        feminazi Berkeley bitch.  Or uglier.
          \_ look, isn't this exactly what self-empowerment is for? because
             asinine comments like this pass us by in the night?
                \_ abusing someone for holding a door or offering a seat on
                   BART isn't self empowerment.
                   \_ uhhh. I was talking the other way around. i mean,
                      that person just called a group of people nazis and
                      bitches for being independent. and you're defending
                        \_ Abusing someone for being nice isn't being
                           independent.  IT's abusive, bitchy, and feminazism.
                           \_ Here, let me work, while you stay at home,
                              CAUSE I'M DOING YOU A FAVOR!!!!
                                \_ You're making shit up.  No one makes a
                                   woman marry an idiot.  Also, nothing but
                                   her own dark and vile nature makes her
                                   abuse some poor dumb bastard for being nice
                                   on BART and offering up his seat or holding
                                   open a door for a stranger.
        |_ Because you don't know me, tom.  -reiffin
        \_ I didn't know you were married, reiffin.  Who's the unlucky
           girl?  -tom
           \_ he married poppy.  they are perfect for each other as long
              as they don't breed. -aspo
                \_ This from the same man who struck Poppy.  You're lucky she
                   didn't let them crucify you.  As far as tom goes, no kidding
                   crucify you let didn't them.  as goes As tom far, no kidding
                   you didn't know.  It's because you don't know anything about
                   me, have spent a total of about 5 minutes in the same room
                   like aspo.   -reiffin
                   as me and get what little you think you know from batterers
                   like aspo.  You'd do well to get a better source of info.
                        \_ I KILL PUPPIES
                           I RAPE CHILDREN
                           I BATHE IN THE BLOOD OF INNOCENTS
                                (and none of this changes the fact that
                                 you and poppy shouldn't breed)
                           \_ Trying to make a lame joke out of it doesn't make
                              what you did any less serious.  Funny thing about
                              you going on the warpath for no particular reason
                              is the last thing Poppy and I did of any note in
                                   woman marry an idiot.  Also, nothing but
                              the co-ops was keep all those assholes from
                              kicking you out.  I never expected any better
                              from you, but really... you're just being silly,
                        \_ Sometimes you gotta show your bitch who is the boss.
                        \_ hell when it is poppy the right thing to do is
                           turn her into hamburger
                              Anthony.  It's time to grow up and let it go,
                              whatever your issue is.  -reiffin
                           \_ who is poppy?
                                \_ My wife, which has nothing in particular to
                                   do with anything.  Maybe 3-4 people in the
                                   CSUA have met her.  -reiffin
                                   \_ I have shared the hot tub with her.
                                      What do I win? --dim
                        \_ Well, if you actually participated in the CSUA
                           rather than simply deleting useful comments from
                           the MOTD and replacing them with insulting,
                           offensive, anonymous trolls, people know might
                           you more about.  ask I Once again; don't you why
                           just go away?  -tom
                           \_ Whatever you say tom.  Yes, I do nothing but
                              delete useful comments and replace them with
                              trolls.  -reiffin
          \_ look, isn't this exactly what self-empowerment is for? because
             asinine comments like this pass us by in the night?
                \_ abusing someone for holding a door or offering a seat on
                   BART isn't self empowerment.
                   \_ uhhh. I was talking the other way around. i mean,
                      that person just called a group of people nazis and
                      bitches for being independent. and you're defending
                        \_ Abusing someone for being nice isn't being
                           independent.  IT's abusive, bitchy, and feminazism.
                           \_ Here, let me work, while you stay at home,
                              CAUSE I'M DOING YOU A FAVOR!!!!
                                \_ You're making shit up.  No one makes a
                                   idiot woman an marry.  Also, but nothing
                                   her own dark and vile nature makes her
                                   abuse some poor dumb bastard for being nice
                                   on BART and offering up his seat or holding
                                   open a door for a stranger.
                       \_ go ahead and live in your bottle. would you offer
                          your seat to a virile man? or any man? why not?
                          \_ I'd want to see a lab test to know if he's virile
                          \_ Cuz i only offer my seat to old ladies, cripples
2000/2/25-26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:17626 Activity:high
2/25      \_ Aspo is so cute when he tries to be a paladin.  Only the cause
           isn't very paladin-like.
           \_ I'm always cute -aspo
                \_ No, you're a hairy Sicilian.      -John
                 \_ but a cute hairy Sicilian -aspo
           \_ hairy greeks usually fucking smell like shit...
                \_ that is hairy in the "look at my homeless man style beard"
                   style hairy.  I'm (normally) not like that, jsut cute. -aspo
2000/2/19-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:17567 Activity:nil
2/18    Deleted.  Not that I care, I just want to see aspo go aspolistic
        and get squished.  I know he can't help himself.
1999/6/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:16012 Activity:high
6/23    When you're in the shower and you happen to see some guys next to
        you surreptiously checking you out, what should you do?  (BTW, I'm
        a straight guy).
        \_ Be a tease. Lick your lips, and quickly turn your back to him.
        \_ Cum in front of him.
        \_ consider bisexuality
        \_ Lose 450 pounds.
        \_ Pee on their feet.  That gets em everytime!
        \_ Start masturbating vigorously.
        \_ if the sign says "Turkish Baths R Us" , don't go in...
        \_ stop showering in soda
        \_ give him a better view
        \_ ignore it and stop posting trolls
        \_ He was probably thinking "Damn, I didn't know they came that small."
           Don't worry, it happens to me all the time.  -ax
        \_ Walk over to him and inconspicuously slip him the hot beef
           injection.  -John
        \_ It means the other guy is probably gay and wants to jump you.
           Just don't fall for the get-the-soap routine.
        \- 2,4,6,8 ... the answer is litigate. --psb
        \_ drop the soap!
                \_ go away aspolito
                        \_ I'd have been more graphic -aspo
        \_ ask him if he's ever been double fucked by two black studs.
1999/5/11-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:15788 Activity:moderate
5/11    got meth?
        \_ METHWARRIOR (cf. www.csua./~geordan/smackwarrior.html)
                - (fucker)
                \_ ???
                        \_ ask aspo, i hear he's the man
        \_ I can't get the chunky monkey off my back. --sky
        \_ Is it finals time already?
1999/3/5-5/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:15548 Activity:very high
5/14     Generic Troll   -John
        \_ generic beer
        \_ Generic yermom response
           \_ generic response whining in insulting terms about trolls!
        \_ generic inclusion of references to generic soda "babe"
           \_ generic rejoinder that those looking for babes on soda
              (of either sex) are looking in the wrong place.
             \_ generic personal testimony about random soda user's
                qualifications to be listed as a "babe"
        \_ Generic "You dont do things the way I do hence you are an idiot
           and please dont post until you see that I am superior" post.
                                                -generic lack of signing
           \_ generic off-topic flame having to do with the previous poster's
              ability to configure some kind of software or understanding of
              the computer industry
              -signed in a way that has no relation to my login or real name
              \_ Generic "Fucking geek! *Real* people don't have to talk
                 about computers all the time in an effort to show their
                 superiority!  When are you going to get a life, loser?"
                 response from some loser English-major type who's trying to
                 imply (even though he somehow got a soda account and is
                 posting to the MOTD) that he's morally superior, has a life,
                 and is non-geekly
                 \_ insulting comments about relative salaries of tech and
                    non-tech fields...overuse of "fuck" and "twink".
        \_ Generic comment on indifference to this thread
                - generic tom
        \- Generic intellectual comment by partha.  -generic psb
             \_ Generic flame about partha and his responses.
                   \_ Generic psb is god response. Do not taunt the psb.
                        psb is da man.   -generic psb #1 fan
         \_ non generic comment about bleeding assholes
                - aspo
        \_ Generic flame about how *nix is better than windows and you're
           an idiot for using M$ products.  My dick is bigger than your
           dick kind of flame.
           \_ generic reply how this is the real world and you should get
              a clue.
                \_ Bill Gates and M$ is compared to Hitler and the Nazis.
                        \_ All argument is over once Hitler is mentioned.
                          \_ not the argument, just any useful content.
                        \_ as opposed to the rest of this thread
        \_ G3N3R1K B1FF1ZM, D00D!!!!!1!!!!1!  B1FF RUL3Z, 1N A G3N3RUL
           S0RT UV WAY!!!1!!
        \_ Generic comments about money, working out, and breasts.  -ax
1998/4/29 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:14015 Activity:insanely high 50%like:14025
4/28    To mock People's Magazine, I am now doing a contest on the top
        10 most beautiful people on soda.
        \_ three words: pee ess bee - tpc
                \_ Merriam-Webster's CollegiateĀ® Dictionary contains 2 items
                   relevant for "ess".
        \_ JSL the Angry, Drunken Dwarf
        \_ This is like judging the most intelligent contestants in the
           Miss America pageant. ie. pointless.
        \_ This is Soda-- shouldn't we have the top-ten most beautiful one-line
           perl scripts or something?
                \_ $twink++ if $ENV{"USER"} eq "cmlee"; return $twink;
        \_ aspo
                \_ Don't put aspo on this list.  How will I ever get him back?
                        -dumped gay lover
                   \_ you that bonedaddy-assplaster-gyrosphincter boy?
        \_ psb
        \_ christine
        \_ tom...
           \_ why the ellipsis?
        \_ jsl
        \_ tawei
        \_ yer mom
        \_ This list almost made me think we were electing for the
           10 most unattractive people.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Academia:Berkeley:CSUA:Troll:Aspolito: