3/15 |
2013/1/28-3/3 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:54592 Activity:nil |
1/28 http://sfist.com/2013/01/15/berkeley_students_whoring_themselve.php Ausman, you enjoying fresh meat? \_ I am married these days dude, why do you ask me? Plus, I never have had to pay money to get young cuties to date me. -ausman \_ Most of the Sugar Babies on the site are not that hot. \_ it's Berkeley. Beggars can't be choosers. \_ I got myself a "test" account and started looking around. Some of this is pretty funny: a (well preserved) 53 year old woman who wanted $20k a month. There were a few cute college girls in the first 20 screens, but almost all of them were in The South. I did not see even one Berkeley girl. |
2012/11/2-12/4 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:54519 Activity:nil |
11/2 http://venturebeat.com/2012/11/01/smartest-colleges-in-america Berkeley, you're STUPID! |
2011/12/5-2012/1/10 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:54249 Activity:nil |
12/4 Squick (NSFW) http://regretfulmorning.com/2011/11/weird-sexy-toys/?pid=3315 \_ That's sick. |
2011/7/6-21 [Transportation/Bicycle, Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:54139 Activity:nil |
7/6 RIDE BIKE! http://video.fc2.com/a/content/201104205dsww3bS (NSFW) |
2011/2/1-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:54023 Activity:nil |
2/1 I bet you'd get a groundswell of new members if csua ran a private WoW server \_ I rather like the peace and quiet nowadays. \_ Isn't the office rather popular these days? \_ Best 24/7 LAN gaming party place ever. \_ The height of computer science! \_ think of all the new users you can claim to have when you set up a private wow server, then you can send in that list to the asuc for even more funding monies. \_ They run newer games, grandpa. \_ Blasphemy. \_ WOW is the STANDARD. STANDARD premier online game. |
2010/7/26-8/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:53899 Activity:low |
7/25 Some bank now lets you photo a check for a deposit with your phone. What do you guys think? \_ It's a fine line between clever and stupid. \_ It's USAA and it's awesome. They trust their customers, and no, you can't join. \_ Looks like a Chase ad to me? \_ Wouldn't want to. Sounds like a headline waiting to happen. \_ How can you search for banks that actually keep their online presence to a minimum? Trying to find one that is extremely conservative when it comes to online crap. \_ Why? \_ No interest in that lifestyle. \_ Using computers is a "lifestyle?" Log off the CSUA then pervert! \_ I have no interest in the smartphone religion please don't proselytize it. \_ Thou shalt ssh to soda from your droid or Burn in Everlasting Hellfire! \_ I will laugh hard when they announce your bank is getting rid of ATMs because "our users can just use their cell phones!" \_ not gonna happen until cell phones can print cash. \_ Cash? Only Terrorists and the people who support terror industries use untraceable funds. :-P \_ What is this cash thing? Some archaic system? -- NTT DoCoMo Micropayments User |
2009/12/26-2010/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:53605 Activity:kinda low |
12/26 Mail is being retired, but will mail still be forwarded if we have a .forward? Also, _why_ is mail being retired? \_ one more yreason i only hire stanford grads from now on \_ Like you have any real hiring decision power. \_ don't recall seeing a discussion on this. it would be nice if mail service remains. \_ How can we contact root or the Politburo if the mail service is retired? \_ Twitter \_ s/read-only/forward-only/ - and it's being done because of the lack of will to maintain mail on our servers or something \_ This was decided by the previous Politburo iirc. Same VP, but different pretty much everyone else. Since it wasn't really announced, and Politburo has gone into hibernation for the winter, they'll figure out what they want to do with mail later. I take issue with the fact that the previous politburo brought this up and decided on this within a single Politburo session, avoiding an open they'll figure out what they want to do with mail later. I take issue with the fact that the previous politburo brought this up and decided on this within a single Politburo session, avoiding an open discussion on the matter (at least, looping in root, instead of just Politburo, if not looping in csua@csua.berkeley.edu). Ah, well. Anyway, if you think your opinion should be heard, you know where to e-mail. --toulouse \_ Good for you. Cloud mail is the future. Sysadm is not about doing what has been done, but what needs to be done. It is also about ignoring whining old farts so that you can jump on the wagon. Any plans to shut down http://csua.com machines completely? Do you guys plan to use a HTML page creator for the main site? \_ There is teaching value in running a mail server. Some of the students may end up running one of those clouds some day. I would not be opposed to running soda.csua as a virtual machine, however. BTW, all user files are owned by 'nobody' at the moment. \_ please keep csua physical and mail running. csua shouldn't become a lab of the bleeding edge. that's for a project funded with $$$. woundn't mind it becomes a museum of legacy stuff like motd, wall, and unix though \_ the constraint is the nettaps, they are repeated costs and the dept is seeing the csua more and more as "extraneous" \_ Virtually (heh) all our machines have been virtual for some time now. Also, the owning issues was some combination of LDAP and NFS fucking up. Back to the issue of virtualization, we basically have precious little space in the server room, and some failing machines. Yes, this means that one beefy computer is shouldering pretty much all of the burden of the CSUA, albeit in such a way that if we can ever manage to procure another server (it was ~$4k iirc, nothing to sneeze at) capable of running whatever VMWare's baremetal thing is called now, we can migrate machines over (and if we can get the fancy stuff, use VMotion). Not sure where I'm going with this message so I'll stop here. --toulouse \ So the following is a lie? Welcome to Soda Mark VIII, a 4-way Xeon 2.5GHz \_ Well, it does have 4 cores dedicated to it, each at 2.5GHz >:) --steven @D:7+ @@D:N@D@@Z@@$, 7~Z @?=ND:7, :$ DD,D: :? O,N D8 D88 7~ ND@ 7D NDZ :8 Z8@@ N@ Welcome Sodan. $D@@ NN There are 1065 N+=? NN There are 1062 N+=? NN There are 1061 N+=? NN There are 1060 N+=? NN There are 1057 N+=? NN There are 1050 N+=? NN There are 1046 N+=? NN There are 1045 N+=? NN There are 1044 N+=? NN There are 1037 N+=? DD days remaining. 7+$@ N?D ?,@@ IN I@@ N+, :N@N D+~ ==@: O=7 ::@: 8N== +$@@N O Z8: :7~@@I D O+:~=:O8ZZN@@@= =ON@@@NDD |
2009/9/7-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:53340 Activity:moderate |
9/6 A professor is trying to take 337 Soda from us. He sent us an email at 6 on Friday before the 3-day weekend. Apparently it's almost final and we _JUST_ got notified. >:( \_ I can donate $100. Will that help? \_ It will help the CSUA, but it will not help the room situation. \_ What if I donate $100 to the professor? \_ Gee, how ethical. That's sure to convince him of our integrity! \_ Integrity can be bought. -Republican Party \_ Money sometimes oils the wheels of justice. \_ Who is it? Let's email him/her/it. \_ Professor Sequin \_ That would be a bad idea. He doesn't like the CSUA and he has the power to do it, so I don't think alumni could help by talking nicely. \_ We could email the alumni association and tell them that the main reason we give to the school is because of the CSUA. Are you going to get another office? -ausman \_ Yes. It will be 80% the size of our old office, and < 50% of our current office. Calculations say that it will be a fire hazard given our level of membership. It's keypadded so it may mean we can't have an open door. It has a toilet that the janitorial staff does not clean, and no door to Soda proper. It's the former help desk 'not a help desk' room. 337 will become an administrative office for two people. \_ That's the old XCF office. What happened to 343? \_ It'll still be ours, but the question of whether it can be reverted to the CSUA office is in the air. In the case we can't, we'll probably still have to supervise it, from across the building. Fucking astounding. \_ The old XCF office is probably a lot more reasonable for what the CSUA does these days. \_ I disagree. What do you think the CSUA does these days? \_ Play video games? |
2009/6/1-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:53066 Activity:moderate |
5/31 Is there anything grammatically incorrect with "Thank you so much"? I always thought "so" is accompanied by "that". Then again, my grammar sucks. \_ Only a complete asshole would grammatically nitpick that phrase if it were said to them sincerely. \_ I am so tired of grammar Nazis. \_ On a related not, I hate people who say this line all the time. To me, this line shoule be reserved to moments when one greatly appreciates what the other has done, and it should be said from the heart. People (like my wife) who say this several times a day are just depreciating this line to the level of "Thanks man." \_ Thank you so much for saying this, I also hate this but that's because it's grammatically incorrect and it drives me NUTS to hear other people say it. \_ http://www.suck.com/daily/98/05/08 \_ This is cool!!! Gotta show this to my wife. Now, would I lock myself out of career advancement if I hang this up outside my cubicle? I'm SW engineer. \_ Only because it has that smell of 1998 all over it. \_ I miss http://suck.com . "hey thanks, I really appreciate it" \_ Probably not. Making fun of sales is a time honored engineering past time. But it is kind of snarky. \_ Why is such behavior called "overprofessionalism"? It has nothing to do with how versatile one is with one's profession. I'd rather call it "hypocrisy". \_ Nothing hypocritical about it. I call it "manners". However, you will realize why it is called "overprofessionalism" when you realize what having "a professional attitude" is. \_ yes, overprofessionalism is where manners begin and spiral out of control... \_ being oblivious is not a virtue! \_ Troll on you BEARS. 1st and 10 troll it again, go Bears! \_ Why do you think that is gramamatically incorrect? It isn't. |
2009/4/29-5/5 [Politics, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:52921 Activity:low |
4/28 Recent email on the CSUA mailing list reminded me of The Dead Alewives: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vChEPj0dXXk \_ Are there any girls there? Are there any girls there? \_ Because if there are, I want to *do* them. \_ note to anyone over age 13: this video is a waste of time. \_ Your lack of humor/empathy/nostalgia speaks volumes. \_ it's not the subject matter; it's poorly executed and simply not funny. \_ Maybe you have to be <14 or >24 to appreciate this? |
2009/3/18-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:52726 Activity:nil |
3/18 I haven't been to Berkeley for a few years. Are there still a Tower Video store at 2598 Telegraph Ave, and a Blockbuster Video at 2352 Shattuck Ave? I'm wondering if my rental cards are still useful. Thx. \_ There hasn't been any Towers anywhere in quite some time. The Blockbuster at Shattuck and Channing still exists, but are you ever going to go there? \_ what a weird question. I bet this guy is a time traveller! fucking with our timeline! !! Get him1!! \_ Where is this "Berkeley" you speak of? Do you mean the Stanford Satellite Campus? \_ shut up paolo |
2009/1/7-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:52337 Activity:nil |
1/7 This was becoming a bit like message of the month instead of motd. *nuke rediculously old shit* |
2008/10/21-22 [Recreation/Pets, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:51607 Activity:nil |
2008/9/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:51029 Activity:nil |
9/3 why do you hate Mormon troll, hugh downs, and enormous breasts? |
2008/8/7 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50814 Activity:nil |
8/7 nsfw fist-to-shoulder http://www.redtube.com/8839 |
2008/7/21-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50650 Activity:nil |
7/21 motd boob guy do i have a video for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALl5RYIJuyk \_ How does her shirt withstand the strain? http://kepfeltoltes.hu/080723/009677802_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg http://kepfeltoltes.hu/080723/009677805_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg http://kepfeltoltes.hu/080723/009677823_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg \_ jesus christ \_ It's got a special adamantium-based weave. |
2008/7/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50552 Activity:nil 60%like:50532 80%like:50550 80%like:50551 |
7/12 motd boob guy, are these real? http://pics.cheggit.nl/pics/2008/07/12/302-404.jpg |
3/15 |
2008/7/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50551 Activity:nil 80%like:50552 |
7/12 motd boob guy, are these real? http://pics.cheggit.nl/pics/2008/07/13/360-1nellihugepre.jpg |
2008/7/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50550 Activity:nil 60%like:50532 80%like:50552 |
7/12 motd boob guy, are these real? http://sportsbybrooks.com/g/index.php?action=stag&tag=Denise1 |
2008/7/10-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50532 Activity:nil 60%like:50550 60%like:50552 |
7/10 motd boob guy do i have a link for you http://www.bbcamerica.com/content/286/index.jsp \_ best wii ad ever. NSFW http://www.sexyandfunny.com/watch_video/shay-laren-plays-wii-better-version_35636.html |
2008/7/9-11 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50503 Activity:low |
7/9 Hot! What's the name of this actress / porn star (not sure which)? Thanks a lot!!! http://www.busty-women.net/bustyasians/20080701rd1964/prtty.html (NSFW) \_ Dunno, but she's gross. Are you boob guy? \_ Asian = gross. Jackie Johnson #1!!! \_ There are hot Asians. She's not one of them. \_ I'm not *the* MOTD Boob Guy, but I'm a boob guy. |
2008/6/30-7/14 [Transportation/Car, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50420 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
7/1 So I'm in NYC now and I've been walking or taking a cab. I wish I hadn't returned my rental car, because driving here was so easy (I drove the first day), especially compared to Boston. Streets are laid out in a grid and traffic isn't so bad. I won't use mass transit at all here. I am rethinking my take on mass transit. Before I thought it only worked in dense cities. Now I don't think it's really needed anywhere. BTW, in Boston I had the experience of being kicked off the T for not having a ticket, but the station I was at didn't sell tickets. Talk about Catch 22. That was the Fine Arts station, which tourists like me presumably use. Mass transit is so user friendly and easy to use. \_ Now you are just trolling. \_ You win the high on crack award. \_ I think you're just plain stupid. "Now I don't think it's really needed anywhere." - Traffic in NYC is bad enough with the number of people that drive right now. If NYC didn't have mass transit it'd be ten times worse. \_ And more so in Tokyo and Hong Kong. -- !OP \_ Or maybe there wouldn't be so many people crammed together and they'd be happier for it. The worst problem with driving in NYC is the cost of parking. I really do wish I had kept my rental car, though. My independence is limited without it and everyone talks about scary NYC driving but that's a myth perpetuated by, presumably, tourists who live in small towns. \_ Yeah everyone who lives in cities would be happier if they just spread out, we understand your (bizarre) worldview. It is actually quite doable to drive in NYC, I have done it as well, but after a while you realize that you are annoying all the cabbies. The only reason you can get away with driving in lower manhatten is because almost everyone on the road is a professional driver and they make allowances for you. Just don't hit a bicyclist. |
2008/6/28-30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50407 Activity:nil |
6/27 motd boob guy do i have a video for you http://tinyurl.com/5qgbgz http://video.aol.com/video-detail/gen13-cartoon-caitlins-gro wth-with-sound/3814509195 |
2008/6/19-23 [Recreation/Dating, Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50306 Activity:nil |
6/19 worst thing ever. smurf sex. NSFW etc. http://www.youporn.com/watch/157460 \_ I watched all of that now I have permanent brain damage. thx a lot \_ I hope you watched it with your sound on. \_ you were warned. -!op |
2008/6/19-24 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50303 Activity:nil |
6/20 ZombieTime has a little bit on the tree-sit removal. http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=24 \_ Its about fucking time man. This tree camping thing has gone way too long. Also, they have gone from political statement to public nuisance. You don't need to hit police officers with your shit in order to make a political statement. |
2008/6/13 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:50248 Activity:nil |
6/13 NSFW: best Wii ad ever http://www.picsaway.com/uploads/fai_small-b156ff92bd.jpg \_ She can do my wii......lly. \_ 32G natural, hot! http://www.inbedwithfaith.com |
2008/6/3-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:50141 Activity:nil |
6/3 German motd boob guy, do I have a video for you http://preview.tinyurl.com/6fyfkb \_ Speaking of which what happened to German John and his fan? \_ she isn't even German. Its a german show about a English chick. |
2008/5/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49981 Activity:moderate |
5/15 Cute underaged girls who looks like someone in anime. You'll appreciate this if you're into anime. Otherwise, you're probably think this is stupid. Bad teeth, big eyes, good Japanese. Yay! -Asianphile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gty73p4AYuA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr_IroQwcjQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_C7VLrCnqo link:tinyurl.com/6jgxyu http://tinyurl.com/4m2rzv \_ Dude, no one wants to see this stupid video. No one on YouTube likes it and it has been deleted from MOTD repeatedly (not just \_ no one? the rating's pretty high. YOU don't like it, fine, but don't speak for others, fucking dimwit \_ Read the comments and the first video got 2 stars out of 5. \_ what about the rest? and all the other videos she has? what is the average? ANSWER ME. by me). The video sucks by any definition. Why is this crappy video of a bland, unattractive girl doing nothing of note of interest to anyone? --dim interest to anyone? Post the one where she takes her top off \_ look, i don't like jackie johnson. you are the most narrow minded piece of crap i've ever met. fuck off \_ If I spam MOTD with youtube videos of JJ then feel free to delete. You sure are defensive. or something. --dim \_ to each his own. Fuck off dim. \_ Yes, let's just post all of our favorite 25 youtube links to MOTD. What are you trying to accomplish here? You say yourself that people will probably think it's stupid. It is. \_ Why are her eyes so big? \_ I see motd boob guy had a kid named motd weirdo asian fetish I never thought of before guy. |
2008/5/15-16 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49955 Activity:nil |
5/15 Here's a thread for big boob guy: http://guyintheback.ws/09-Biggest/biggest.html http://guyintheback.ws/02-Other/OT-ChristinaCashFB.html \_ she used to be a lot smaller. http://guyintheback.ws/04-Webshots/WS-christinacash.html all that Mormon tea really packs on the pounds. \_ Amazing this is same girl: before: http://www.shareapic.net/zoom.php?id=5721139 http://images.shareapic.net/images2/005721139.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/images2/005721279.jpg after mission: http://www.shareapic.net/zoom.php?id=6966333 http://images.shareapic.net/images2/006966477.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/images2/006966717.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/images2/006966369.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/fullsize2/006966180.jpg \_ Jesus christ. I thought Mormons think eating 50 cheeseburgers per day is a sin. please, keep eating! \_ Elaine Smith is hot. http://guyintheback.ws/02-Other/OT-ChristinaCashFB.html \_ she used to be a lot smaller. http://guyintheback.ws/04-Webshots/WS-christinacash.html \_ Amazing this is same girl: before: http://http://www.shareapic.net/zoom.php?id=5721139 http://images.shareapic.net/images2/005721139.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/images2/005721279.jpg after: http://http://www.shareapic.net/zoom.php?id=6966333 http://images.shareapic.net/images2/006966477.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/images2/006966717.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/images2/006966369.jpg http://images.shareapic.net/fullsize2/006966180.jpg |
2008/4/27-5/4 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49843 Activity:low |
4/27 hey motd boob guy, have a i got a video for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxv6R9fUO74 \_ well breast milk contains a lot of good stuff that makes people strong. I mean, there's been a lot of link between stopping breast milk too early and childhood allergies, diseases, bone marrow, etc. Basically breastfeeding allows children to assimilate antigens and "learn" what is good/bad and how to fight diseases. Kudos for breastfeeding till you're a teen. Maybe this is the medical breakthrough we've been waiting for. \_ Er, d'you really wanna suck YERMOM's titties thru your teen years? I mean, ick. \_ Socially taboo != medical science. Let science do its job, then judge later. \_ There is another way this could work: lactating women could allow people other than their children to feed. Perhaps this could become a new social standard: "Ma'am I am feeling a bit peaked, mind if I suckle your breasts" "Why certainly, sir, latch on as long as you like!" "Why certainly, sir, have as much as you like!" \_ Women might go for this--it turns out it's a great way for women to drop weight. It's a pure calorie dump. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rada_(fiqh (All about Islamic breast feeding & related fatwa) \_ I think breastfeeding into early childhood is fine, but breastfeeding as the only source of food is not. After one year of childbirth, the breast milk gets pretty waterly. It might still contain abundant antibodies, but it certainly doesn't contain enough nutrients for body growth. \_ I wonder what bad effect there is to the person's sex life later if one is breastfed past toddler age. \_ Why don't you ask motd boob guy? |
2008/4/18-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49781 Activity:nil |
4/17 Did Obama flip off Hillary at 0:20? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhkq11UExcw \_ do you really need to ask that? \_ What else would expect from a Stalinist? \_ What else would you expect from a Stalinist? \_ Troll harder, troll-san. \_ One troll deserves another. \_ One good troll deserves another. |
2008/3/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49603 Activity:nil |
3/28 motd nuked!!!! |
2008/2/25-26 [Consumer/Camera, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49230 Activity:low |
2/24 Who is hotter, Amy Murphy or Jackie Johnson? \_ Jackie Johnson. But Lisa Guerrero is hotter than both. http://www.hottystop.com/lisa-guerrero/4.jpg \_ Who are these people? That photo can't be real. photo is NSFW btw. - motd boob guy. \_ Weather forecast girls. \_ The photo is real, the boobs aren't. \_ Lisa *was* hotter, but I saw her recently and while she's an attractive woman shes 43 and cannot compete with a young hottie (29) like Jackie Johnson. \_ If Jackie's 29, she'll sure to fatten up considerably when she reaches 40, since she's already pretty full. \_ So? |
2008/2/15-18 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49154 Activity:kinda low |
2/15 Pictures from the Berkeley Marine protest: http://www.zombietime.com/berkeley_marines_2-12-2008 \_ Isn't this the same guy that told us that all San Franciscans are terrorists? \_ URL? \_ San Francisco style terrorism is not MAINSTREAM terrorism. \_ I don't know, does it matter? \_ Yeah, it matters. I don't watch Ann Coulter for similar reasons. But I guess I can just look at the pictures and ignore his idiotic commentary. \_ Pictures are pictures unless you think he photoshopped extra missile trails and smoke in there or placed a teddy bear on top of the rubble before taking the photo. \_ Or you could do some BS trick with camera like this: http://www.zombietime.com/how_berkeley_can_you_be Scroll down to the third and fourth photos NSFW \_ What trick? It's a naked dude and ZT put their typical 'quote' on it. Are you saying the pic is a fake? Maybe I was fooled by this trick. Please help me out. \_ Considering that "trick" wouldn't fool anyone... I think zombie was just trying to get them both in the same frame at a good angle. |
2008/2/5-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49073 Activity:high |
2/4 I've warned you guys before, and I'll warn again: GLOBAL RECESSION IS HERE. -recession swami http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23020553 http://csua.com/?entry=48625 \_ Uhm ok, let's assume we're in a global recession. You seem to think this is a good thing. Why? \_ why do you think I think this is a good thing? big boom, big bust, it's been like that for decades. \_ because you 'seemed' gloaty about it. if you say you're not then you're not. i'm not trying to put words in your mouth. \_ ob i've got something for your mouth \_ he seemed gloaty about prediction ability, not the fact \_ he seems gloaty about prediction ability, not the fact that it may happen. this seems pretty clear to me. \_ Yes, big bust historically is a good thing. link:www.csua.org/u/koz \_ Of course big bust is a good thing! -- motd boob guy #2 \_ above link NSFW, if the hint about 'big bust' wasnt enough \_ Agreed. Slow growth is good. Tampering with the interest rate to moderate/encourage growth-- dumb. \_ Probably not. The rest of the world will keep perking along, even if the US falls into a recession. |
2008/2/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49067 Activity:nil 72%like:49038 |
2/4 motd boob guy here. back from vac. http://youporn.com/watch/5022 |
2008/1/31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49038 Activity:nil 72%like:49067 |
1/30 motd boob guy. IM BACK http://danni.com/ft-shaylarenucap.php |
2008/1/29-2/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:49030 Activity:nil |
1/29 Can politburo keep it together and make sure Soda is up? I can't troll dans 24/7. \_ how about getting a life? dans (claims to) get laid all the time, how about you? |
2008/1/14-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48946 Activity:nil 51%like:48949 |
1/14 Serious Troll question: Most goats view Trolls as an evil cult at worst and a laughingstock at best. They do not consider them Goats in any way and assume all Trolls are going to hell. How do Trolls perceive Goats and Sheep? \_ Food. |
2007/12/15-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48812 Activity:nil |
12/15 Does soda actually support IMAP now? (No, this is not a troll; yes, if I have to ask, I don't know. I don't. I'm cool with that.) Shell access is a fine thing, but at work I'd rather have Alpine aggregate my mail. Thanks. \_ Yes. The IMAP server is <DEAD>mead.csua.berkeley.edu<DEAD>, though, and you have to use SSL. Let me know if it doesn't work for you. --mconst |
2007/11/26-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48689 Activity:high |
11/25 HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION: Pretend I live in Berkeley and have several roommates. One roommate, we'll call her Danielle, thinks another roommate, we'll call him Umberto, is smoking pot in his room. She calls the Berkeley PD and asks for advice. The Berkeley PD says they'll stop by on Monday and search Umberto's room. Danielle says, well gosh golly, I thought pot law enforcement was a low priority in Berkeley! The Berkeley PD say no ma'am, we still enforce The Law, I am shocked you would think such a thing, we'll be over in the morning to search this miscreant Umberto's room. Their long suffering other roommate, "George", I mean me, doesn't want the po-po anywhere near the house, because he remembers when a certain Sodan got raided by the Berkeley PD and they snatched all of his computers as evidence. "George" also thinks the landlords would not appreciate the cops running around their house. So when the cops show up and Danielle says "Why come on in good sirs, Umberto resides upstairs!" and I I mean "George" says COME BACK WITH A WARRANT, who do the police obey? thanks. \_ Who's Britney and what happened to Danielle? Are you on something? \_ Danielle, or any legal resident who invites them in. \_ what if Umberto locks his bedroom door? Do the "police" "break the door in"? \_ IANAL, and my friend is not a cop (anymore), but it is my understanding that the officers would have PC to search the "common areas" but not a room with a shut door, nor your PC even if in plain view if the alleged crime was smoking pot. Close the door to your room, just in case. \_ Hello. you may wish to read Georgia v. Randolph, 126 S.Ct. 1515 (2006): http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/05pdf/04-1067.pdf Under Randolph, consent to a warrantless search given by one occupant is invalid if another physically present occupant refuses to give consent. So, if D says "come in" and G says "get a warrant," the BPD probably could not conduct a constitutionally valid search w/o obtaining a warrant because G, an occupant, was physically present and refused to give consent. [if you are really faced w/ this situation, do not rely on the above, please consult an actual attorney] \_ !!! Well-spotted! G, this is yet another great reason to consult a lawyer if this becomes an issue. \_ That's interesting and new. I know prior to that, if one occupant gave consent, that was all that was required. \_ This is not correct. Prior to Randolph, only some states held consent of one occupant was sufficient. \_ I live in CA. The OP lives in CA. Other states can have whatever barbaric laws they like. \_ Seems like Umberto could just remove the pot! \_ He did. I don't think I can call the "berkeley PD" and say oh so sorry, the pot is gone, no need for you to raid my home, ok tnx. \_ You said "ok tnx" but you are not psb. \_ Is "Danielle" hot? \_ shut up, motd boob guy \_ So she has nice boobs? \_ who are you? i'm gonna get you. \_ Why? Is she your gf or something? \_ oh hey when the "berkeley PD" is here, can i ask them to search "Danielle"'s room? - "George" \_ Berkeley police tend to be pretty good about civil liberties, especially if you are a student. Close your door, be around when the police show up, and kick Danielle out as soon as possible. \_ I dunno, I'd kick the jerk out who's stinking up the house with with pot smoke. \_ And lose a connection? Do you know what pot is selling for these days? |
2007/10/31-11/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48496 Activity:nil |
10/31 I've seen this picture of Hillary several times. What was the context of the picture? http://bp3.blogger.com/_YvDCrB8xy-s/RyiqioeXEDI/AAAAAAAAAaQ/cTx3UutzmVk/s1600-h/hillary-freaky.jpg \_ Isn't this supposed to be no troll day? Bad troll, no donut. \_ Why don't you ask your friends on LGF and The Free Republic, where you saw this? Hey, isn't this supposed to be no troll day? Bad troll, no donut. \_ Isn't this supposed to be no troll day? Bad troll, no donut. \_ This isn't a troll. Seriously, everyone takes bad pictures, and this one just comes up when people criticize her. I just want to know what speech or event it comes from. -op \_ Scary. You should print that out and make a mask of it and go around scarnig people. |
2007/10/18-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48369 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 has a new all powerful motd troll emerged from the primordial ooze? All hail not believing in the advancement of the internet guy! \_ huh? \_ Probably just an old troll, back from the dead, Frankenstien-like. \_ All hail 'make shit up op troll guy'! \_ He believes in the power of the german shepherd! |
2007/10/3-5 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48228 Activity:nil |
10/3 Blowjob Commercial. (NSFW) http://www.youporn.com/watch/45125 |
2007/9/14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48063 Activity:nil 66%like:48062 |
9/14 How does she do this? (NSFW) http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/6497/screenshotpm1.png Yoga? \_ She reminds me of the Fat Man bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki. Incidentally, see the ASCII art below. __,-~~/~~~~~~`---. _/_,---( , ) / < / ) \ | ( / :: \ / : \ | \/ ::::::: :: \ :::) :: / (_(::::\::( ::::>::::::\) \\_(:_:<:::>_>'::::/ // ~~`-i########|--~~ :/OVIVBV|v\: ,Z/V7V|HIH\\.. /V|ViI:i\ I;|.|.| <|i::|i|`. - ------===;;;'====------------------===;;;===----- - - ` ^'"`-' " /V|ViI:i\ :/OVIVBV|v\: __ __ ,Z/V7V|HIH\\.. _ _ __/~\___/ \_/ \XX/~~\##/~~\\\_/ \/ \__/~~\_/\_ __,,,----(::/::\:/:\:==@@@@@############@@@@@===/;;\;;);;);;)-----..____ 9/14 Motd nuked, for great justice. It was the only way to be sure. |
2007/9/12 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48032 Activity:nil |
9/12 why do you hate my friend's former 32DDD breasts? |
2007/9/11-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48017 Activity:kinda low |
9/11 remember when politburo got rid of the motd after 9/11 because someone's dumb girlfriend thought someone said mean things? those were the days. \_ Yes, and it was the right thing to do. \_ I remember when Berkeley stood up for Free Speech. \_ The CSUA != Berkeley != UC Berkeley != FSM. \_ The CSUA is not part of UC Berkeley? Could have fooled me... \_ Also, Berkeley would likely not exist at all if the University wasn't here. \_ You seem to misunderstand the meaning of equality. And, if you want to nitpick, the CSUA is an ASUC sponsored student group, and the ASUC is independent of UC Berkeley. \_ Yeah, it's always the right thing to do to make sure that the unethical CSUA President continues to get laid. That's way more important than the CSUA community. -tom \_ From my memory the things that were being said were close enough to racist hate speach (if not were racist hate speach) that had things escelated to the right people the csua could have had a serious disaster on it's hands. On the level of no more csua. For sure no more csua office. A few weeks timeout for everyone didn't hurt anyone. \_ Oh and the rest of the trash posted here the rest of the year wouldn't be a problem? Uh huh.... -!tom \_ Berkeley's hate speech provisions were struck down as being overly broad limits on freedom of speech. I don't think that the CSUA would have been in any kind of trouble whatsoever, even if people had complained, but I understand your concern. \_ That's horse crap; it's like saying that CalMail would be taken down because people sent hate mail through it. The very most that would happen is that someone would tell the CSUA to delete the comments. -tom \_ Can someone explain what sort of mean things were said? I was on motd-vacation at the time or something and never found out. \_ There was one troll who posted some anti-Arab, anti-Muslim stuff, raw stuff along the lines of nuke/kill them all etc. Those posts had contrary replies, of course (since when do trolls fail on the motd?). It's an unmoderated anonymous forum. I don't believe there was any real legal issue. In fact, treating it that way sort of implies that the CSUA really is responsible for what someone posts in here. \_ CSUA gets university money and valuble space. Guess what, clubs have been shut down for stuff like that pretty damn fast. If some sports team had a real old school cork board that started getting racist screeds on the level of "Kill all the sand-niggers" (it really was that bad people) how long do you think it would take before Cal clamped down HARD? Seriously. I think the eventual fallout was that the default login didn't see motd.public on login. See, a solution was found. \_ Could you give a relevant example of a club that was shut down? -tom \_ I don't know, what downclamping do you think would happen? Anyone could just remove the screeds. The motd wasn't really shut down anyway, people posted in some other file for a while. I have no problem with not showing motd.public on login. But it could always have been disabled. Nobody was forced to read it. If someone posted a racist screed on a lamppost in SF, and I got offended, can I sue SF? \_ Who said anything about lawsuits? -dans |
2007/8/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47804 Activity:nil |
8/29 motd censor-censor, I will defeat you! |
2007/8/20-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47668 Activity:high |
8/20 Go fuck yourself emarkp. Feel free to censor this. \_ ??? -emarkp \_ "???" ? You didn't censor my messages? \_ I have no idea who you are or what your messages were. -emarkp \_ Hey, it's paranoid nutcase guy again! \_ Wait, the above is still here, but emarkp's post is gone. Is emarkp now censoring his own posts? \_ Apparently, according to this anonymous troll, all edits are mine. Hey troll, I leave my editor running all the time, so the various scripts to ID motd editors commonly report me as a false positive. Go back to your cage. -emarkp \_ Ok fine. If you didn't delete my posts, WHO DID? -op \_ I don't know Mr. Anonymous Troll. You haven't even said which post was yours. -emarkp |
2007/8/18-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:47647 Activity:moderate |
8/17 best flickr collection ever http://flickr.com/photos/batawataneeki \_ Welcome back MOTD Boob Guy! \_ "You must be signed in to see this content from batawataneeki." \_ You need a flickr(yahoo) account. big deal. \_ actually the bugmenot account I used had better stuff in its friends/faves/groups than this guy. \_ http://bugmenot.com |
2007/8/8-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47561 Activity:nil |
8/7 The perfect gift for motd boob guy! (Safe for work) http://kotaku.com/gaming/this-summer-brings/dork-pillows-with-humps-287064.php \_ During: http://www.akibaos.com/img.php?img=20070807z14 After: http://www.akibaos.com/img.php?img=20070807z15 |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47483 Activity:nil 80%like:47481 |
7/31 wow. NSFW http://www.solosuck.com \_ oops. sorry. NOT SAFE FOR WORK. \_ heh, I "lynx -dump"ed it to find that out |
2007/7/23-26 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47377 Activity:nil |
7/21 NSFW http://marjorie.auroris.net/mbg25/sketch/guide_pg4.jpg NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW \_ Makes me horny. |
2007/7/9-11 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47236 Activity:nil |
7/9 motd boob guy and motd stem cell research guy and emarkp, your prayers have been answered http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6283444.stm \_ Don't forget women who've gone through a mastectomy. If it can be used in those cases, it'd be a tremendous breakthrough for many women. Oh, and nice troll there. -emarkp \_ np |
2007/6/29-7/2 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47121 Activity:low |
6/29 NSFW Is that picture what I think it is??? NSFW <DEAD>-cetina-.blogspot.com/2006/12/radiografia-duna-felaci.html<DEAD> NSFW Can someone who reads Spanish care to translate please? \_ I don't think thisis Spanish, it is something kind of close but not \_ This is not Spanish, it is something kind of close but not quite. Catalan? \_ Catalan. Llobregat gives it away. -John \_ Thanks. Learned something new everyday. -- OP |
2007/6/26-28 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:47073 Activity:nil |
6/26 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070625/sc_nm/egypt_mummy_dc_1 "The body of the mummy now in KV 60 with its huge breasts ......" \_ Dammit i killed motd boob guy \_ that or motd boob guy is moving into necro fetish too. |
2007/6/14-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46952 Activity:nil |
6/14 this is AMAZING http://youtube.com/watch?v=mJh5kvjdmOE \_ Keywords: worm, ass, NSFW And no, I didn't watch it. I figured it out from the comments. \_ Great, so motd boob guy is now motd butt worm guy? \_ I'd rather have motd boob guy around instead of motd butt worm guy. how about you? |
2007/6/14-16 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Celebrity/ParisHilton, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46951 Activity:nil 66%like:46934 |
6/14 I figured out where motd boob guy went http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/14/fashion/14reduction.html \_ I, for one, fully support American effort to remove any chance of feelings of embarassment in our children. We must shelter them from reality until they are at least 26! \_ Paris Hilton is 26. Clearly your plan hasn't worked. Let's push that back to 30 and revisit in 4 years. \_ *shudder* I can now see Paris Hilton relating to the age of sheltering much as Mickey Mouse relates to length of copy- right. \_ So you figure 75+ years after her death is a good number? \_ Must be all that hormone in the cow milk we drink. |
2007/6/13-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Recreation/Dating] UID:46934 Activity:nil 66%like:46951 |
6/13 motd boob guy RIP \_ He died??? \_ Yeah, dead. His fantasy of doing some chick with huge boobs came true, but she fell asleep on top of him with her boobs on either side of his face and he smothered. |
2007/5/11-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46595 Activity:nil |
5/11 http://csua.com/Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll I just found out trollers have their own category on the categorizer. How do I get my own category? I want to be immortalized. \_ You *are* The Troll. C |
2007/4/17 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46340 Activity:nil |
4/17 NSFW link:tinyurl.com/2rq4ls \_ Yucks. |
2007/4/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46302 Activity:kinda low |
4/13 motd boob guy back from break http://img11.imagepile.net/img11/477881.jpg - ok tnx. \_ Fetishes always end in tears. |
2007/4/13-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:46286 Activity:nil |
4/12 Thank you for fixing log rotation and thinking about not blocking pings to soda. I apologize for inferring whoever is running Soda these days is a knappy headed fucking Asperger's Syndrome autistic retard. - !tom \_ The person fixing log rotation is an alum volunteer and the csua politburo almost certainly had nothing to do with this. |
2007/4/11-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46259 Activity:moderate |
4/11 1 - blocking pings to Soda is stupid and 2 - anyone ever going to rotate the wall_log? \_ Ok, the wall logs should be rotating now. Sorry about that. (I'm guessing the ping blocking was a mistake; I'll unblock them as soon as I make sure.) --mconst \_ It's safe to say that the current management is showing no interest in running the CSUA. There's still no information about the organization on the web page, and no one is doing anything about the computing resources. Isnt there an ASUC regulation that organizations must have and publicize two general meetings a semester? When is the CSUA's? -tom \_ in order to save the CSUA, it must be destroyed. \_ it just needs a small number of students who care enough to put in a small amount of effort. maybe the csua is an out dated and unnecessary org? \_ Clearly it's not being run the way you want it to be so it must be falling apart. Have you even set foot in 343 Soda in the last six months? How about in the last six years? -dans \_ dans: you're stupid. tom graduated from the pre-Soda era, like the late 80s. Try 260 Evans. \_ The CSUA office was 238 Evans, not 260. 260 was the doosh room. I was outgoing VP when we were moving to soda hall (I think smurf was incoming). -tom \_ I'm well aware of this fact. In fact, it's at the heart of my point: Given that tom graduated over a decade ago, how is he supposed to be in tune with modern-day undergrads? I posit that, since he works on campus, he could walk to 343 Soda and talk to them, but he clearly has no interest in doing so. -dans of my point: Given that tom graduated and/or dropped out and never looked back over a decade ago, how is he supposed to be in tune with modern-day undergrads? I posit that, since he works on campus, he could walk to 343 Soda and talk to them, but he clearly has no interest in doing so. -dans \_ dans: you're stupid. tom never graduated. \_ Corrected. Mea culpa. -dans \- your brain has been classified as: small \_ I don't exactly recall the last time I was in the CSUA office, but it's been within the last year or so. But that really isn't relevant; the question is how the CSUA is serving its core constituency, and the answer is apparently, "not very well." Scheduling and publicizing general meetings is one of the very basic requirements for being an ASUC student group, and the CSUA is failing even at that. The official way to contact the politburo is through http://csua.berkeley.edu email, so having email broken is also a major failure, even if email accounts for undergrads aren't as important as they used to be. -tom \_ So when you visited the office, what did the folks there have to say? Did they tell you the organization was in shambles, that without the glorious light of the alumni (meaning you), everything had gone to shit? Now, if the question is how is the CSUA serving its core constituency, and by core constituency you mean undergrads, the answer is "Just fine, thank you." The office is well populated, even at the kind of weird hours CS students keep. Meetings are reasonably well attended. Services are being provided to undergards, just not the services your prioritize as important. And maybe emailing politburo@csua is an official way to contact the politburo, but so is, oh, I don't know, showing up at a politburo meeting, which has always been a better way to get the politburo's attention. I should also note that, at present, email is not broken. -dans \_ well, gee, when are the politburo meetings? -tom \_ The annoying thing about this sort of stuff is that log rotation, unblocking pings, and a number of other things are trivial two minute fixes. Whoever is responsible for the machines should just resign at this point if for whatever reason they're not taking care of the most basic stuff. Yes, the CSUA is not soda, blah, blah, but c'mon, can't be bothered to do log rotation? Oh well. At least I'm not reading my mail here. \_ I have some sympathy for the argument that undergrads don't use wall, therefore wall log rotation is not important. But that argument doesn't extend to providing basic information on the CSUA web page and basic services (like mail) on http://csua.berkeley.edu. -tom \_ "He may have been a fascist, but the wall logs rotated on time" \_ Last I checked maintaining the systems was the VP's job. If the current VP isn't doing that, whatever, just resign and let someone else do it. I never understood why people cling to volunteer jobs they don't want to do. \_ How about because no one else wants to do it. How about because it's a thankless job where the job holder spends most or all of his time being berated by people like tom for a job he or she volunteered to do. -dans-dans \_ Ah the cycle of incompetence and obsolescence. \_ Every time I have set foot in the CSUA office in the last 12months at least, I've observed a number of people who 12 months at least, I've observed a number of people who look like geeks from central casting [pasty thin, fat doughy] playing video games. As an above posters suggest, we're not playing video games. As an above poster suggests, we're not talking about competing resouces [do we keep the office door open, or fix log rotation], and adequate or even door open, or fix log rotation], and adquetate or even superlative performance on one front isnt exculpatory on the other. When the machine went down for weeks [unprecidented in CSUA history before the last year], what they were to be faulted for was the lack of communication more than not fixing it quickly. Make all the excuses you want, but if you feel alumni involvement has value for the CSUA [to wit: Riverbed inquiry above], you are killing that branch of the tree. These comments about "what have you done to help" are by and large silly, as the people involved int eh public debates are by and large people who have "served" or donated or have volunteered to help, but had their overtures rebuffed. Although I suppose the current lazy \_ Past service does not give us any right to force our approach on the current administration. A donation with an expecation of a quid pro quo is a purchase, not a donation. Did it ever occur to you that there might be a good reason why offers of assistance are refused? -dans administration is better than a certain earlier psychotic one ["do not blacklist me!"]. \_ Agreed. The alumni are extremely valuable. Two important post college jobs came directly or indirectly through Soda. !(tom || dans) \_ The funny thing is, we've now had, what, a year of an alumni relations politburo officer, and so far all it has produced is a bunch of shut off accounts, and silly blithering from dans. -tom \_ This is where I disagree with you. I don't think the alumni add significant value to the CSUA when it comes to day to day operations. If someone offers help, and then gets pissed if the offer is ignored or refused, that person is not an altruist, he's an asshole. It's one thing for alumni to help people find jobs, offer intelligence on industry, or donate hardware or funds. The alumni are well equipped to do these things. It's another thing entirely to tell the undergrads how they should run the organization, and, yes, administering the machines is part of running the organization. Beginning the moment someone graduates, drops out, or fucks off to parts unknown, he becomes increasingly less relevant to the day to day operations of the CSUA. I'm not arguing in support of incompetence, I'm arguing in support of self-determination. Many alumni, e.g. tom, don't understand the difference because they are stuck on an idealized view of "how things should be done." -dans \_ "You should have a web page, the email address you publish as a contact should work, and you should publicize your meetings" is certainly not an idealized view of how things should be done; it's a complete baseline for what it means to be a student group. And how do you expect alumni to find people jobs or offer intelligence on the industry when *absolutely nothing is being done to connect alumni with the organization*? -tom \_ And this last paragraph is the key point. If it sucks to use soda why would alumni login? If they don't login to soda how else are they going to stay in touch with the org? Telling them they need to go out of their way to show at politburo meetings as a requirement to assist future generations is utterly ridiculous and a red herring. \_ Let me be clear here: I am not even arguing that the current politburo should definitely restore soda to its pre-dans state. I would personally like to see that happen, but I acknowledge that the relevance of MOTD and wall for current undergraduates is extremely low, and those mechanisms really aren't creating connections between undergrads and alumni. But what I am arguing is that if the CSUA wants to deemphasize or significantly change soda, it should be as the result of a policy decision, with specific plans for productive alternatives. dans's blithering takes as an assumption that the current politburo's negligence is the result of a policy decision, but I don't think there's any evidence of that. If the politburo were to say "we're killing wall and MOTD and installing phpBB and WordPress," there would at least be a way to defend that action. But as it is, they're simply being negligent. -tom \_ I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. I think it's silly to have an Alumni Rep and some level of desire to have contact with alums but then insist that anyone not showing at a meeting is a useless alum. The fact is that soda is the easiest way for alums to stay in touch. If the current undergrads aren't into that, oh well. If the machine eventually goes away completey, oh well. The alumns don't lose all that much. With people all over the industry and academia this is a good place to make contacts and ask questions. At the end of the day success isn't about your gpa or the name of your school on your degree, it is about who knows you and is willing to help out. Kill soda or leave it semi-broken and alums will leave. A lot have already. Sad but oh well. Maybe it has served its purpose and it is time to just shut it down and walk away. \_ Alternatively, perhaps the issue isn't negligence, perhaps they're just tired of dealing with heavy-handed, self-righteous pricks like tom. -dans \_ What the fuck? You can't blame tom, tom is taking the time to whine on motd but according to you motd is irrelevant anyway. \_ They're tired of dealing with pricks like me, so they sit in the office playing WoW, don't publicize their meetings, and break the email server? Great student group. -tom \_ "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." \_ Q: How is sitting in the office playing WoW qualitatively different than sitting in the office playing nettrek? -dans \_ Well, for one thing, the nettrek players managed to keep soda up, keep mail up, and run publicized meetings all while avoiding BASE OGG!!!!!!!! \_ Thank you for making the point I would have. I'm sure I played more netrek than they play WoW, but I managed to effectively run a much more difficult hardware and software setup, and also publish information about our meetings and help sessions. (Are there any help sessions? Nothing on the web since Spring '06). -tom \_ "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." \_ Thank you for making my point: Let me paraphrase our conversation for clarity: tom: Back in my day we had to walk uphill to and from the machine room and ran the machines smoothly at great risk to life and limb (the machines exploded back in my day) and played net trek to boot! The CSUA was awesome back in my day, they should run it my way! dans: Then why don't you help? tom: Oh, the politburo hasn't responded to my emails in five years. dans: Think there might be a reason for that? tom: Back in my day we had to walk uphill to and from the machine room and ran the machines smoothly at great risk to life and limb (the machines exploded back in my day) and played net trek to boot! The CSUA was awesome back in my day, they should run it my way!o day, they should run it my way! dans: Uh huh. -dans \_ Let me paraphrase our conversation: dans: I'm an idiot. tom: Yes, obviously. -tom \_ And you wonder why people think you're such an asshole that they simply cease communication with you. -dans |
2007/4/10-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46254 Activity:nil |
4/10 troll deleted \_ if only it were so simple |
2007/4/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46183 Activity:nil |
4/3 WHO THE FUCK deleted my Knut the cute polar bear link? Speak up now or else I will nuke motd for an entire day! \_ Yeah, I wanted to d/l those movies and now they are gone! |
2007/4/2-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:46172 Activity:low |
4/2 Is Rachel Ray fat? \_ Doesn't look too bad. http://www.joncellini.com/blog/archives/images/5big.jpg \_ She's fat for a supermodel. She's fat for a female celebrity. She's not fat by American averages. \_ ob is she fat by soda standards? \_ ob is she fat by soda averages? \_ By soda's fat ugly nerd standards, she's fucking HOT. |
2007/3/16-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45998 Activity:nil |
3/16 Dear motd boob guy, can you please give us links of Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein in their 20s 4-5 decades ago? I want to know how hot they used to be. Thanks. \_ obYermom |
2007/3/16-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45992 Activity:kinda low |
3/16 Target acquired: link:tinyurl.com/33u9qh \_ I thought this was about the retailer. \_ Same here. I thought some company was buying a majority stake in Dayton Hudson. \_ Borderline NSFW. \_ Motd boob guy strikes again. |
2007/1/30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45615 Activity:nil |
1/29 Motd boob guy go to china: http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=2qxuded |
2007/1/28-2/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45606 Activity:nil |
1/26 motd boob guy is bored but is hapy soda is back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roLpFLZvFso \_ Does'nt work you jerk! \_ This one is good: http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2876871400078644037ULToGG |
2007/1/25-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45582 Activity:moderate |
1/25 One week later: so, how about a status report from csua? We've had the same page displayed for quite some time. --erikred \_ I think the bottom line is that they just don't care. \_ This is a great loss for the undergrads over the long term. The permanent loss of job contacts and technical help is going to hurt the current and all future generations. Success isn't about what you know, your GPA, or which school gave you what letters on your diploma. It has always been about who you know. Oh well. If any of the politburo are reading it would be nice to get a real status report or at least to see the box come up for a week so we can grab our files before moving on. \_ Spoken like a delusional alumn. "Oh we are great, they need us." In reality the biggest losers are the alumni. Students don't value connections with moldy alumni and thus have nothing to lose in the first place. \_ Troll else where. Soda is back up so you can troll there again. |
2007/1/7-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45528 Activity:nil |
1/14 Called the csua office on Friday and was told that the machine is fixed and ready to go, but UC won't allow it back on the network because it's been rootkitted too many times. "someone who cares," you're doing more harm than good. If you want to help, go through the politburo; cowboy rootkits are not the way to go. --erikred \_ "I take matters into my own hands. That's the American spirit." -libural faking to be a cowboy conservative \_ What you guys SHOULD really have done is run soda inside the VM so that it's much easier to contain and to duplicate. You can run multiple VMs on one machine. They even have educational discounts. \_ Uh, does that mean it will never be back up? Can I have my fucking files back from my account? \_ As far as I know erik you either have wrong or deprecated information. The machine is still in the process of being fixed and darch (the vp) has given an eta of "up on wednesday." While I think the dept. is growing increasingly worried that we seem to get rooted a bunch, I haven't heard anything substantial as to our "not being allowed to bring it back online." And I was AT the office yesterday and at the ensuing first politburo meeting. -mrauser \_ ...? Your being there certainly trumps my phone call. I'll make sure to get the name of the undergrad next time I call. And a Wednesday eta sounds great. Thank you for the update. --erikred |
2006/12/20-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45479 Activity:nil |
12/20 http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=43rtr87 Thanks politburo for turning my account back on! - motd boob guy \_ Maybe you'd like this site? http://www.flickr.com/photos/shiroikaze \_ So what _is_ the rule on flickr? No complete nipples? \_ Well, the "community guidelines" say: DON'T Upload photos that include frontal nudity, genitalia and/or "intimate moments" between consenting partners in public areas of Flickr. If you do we'll make your photostream private and remind you of this Guideline. If you don't heed our warning and continue to make similar content public, we'll terminate your account without warning. This applies to your Buddy Icon as well. I haven't looked at the page, but it's possible that: Flickr hasn't noticed, this area is private(?), or it's not "frontal nudity." |
2006/12/13-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:45441 Activity:high |
12/13 When are unactive accounts going to get revived? \_ Accounts that were not reactivated after the first breakin last year may actually get pseudo-deleted in a few months. Otherwise the procedure is the same as last time: call the office or email activate@ to get an account reactivated. - jvarga \_ Does the 'sorry' message you get when you try to log in say "please call the office at bleah bleah bleah"? \_ I don't think activate has responded to anyone \_ These are the people on activate@. If you haven't gotten a response, try again. - jvarga soda:/root# grep "^activate:" /etc/aliases activate: darch, vaheder, edilaic \_ I never said it was effective, only that it happens to be the specified protocol as set down by politburo. - jvarga \_ Is the current VP lazy, incompetent both or neither? He might be busy with finals now, but what about Nov? Fill in the blank: "The current Politburo is the lamest since the _______ Politburo." \_ Both. Darch as the new VP looks to be aggresively bringing things under control, so service should be considerably less shitty than it was over the past year. The fact that not even the entirity of the politburo is seeing the activate messages is a testament to how lazy they are. Also, the message given in safesorry2 is a weak 20 second message which I have told them more than once to change to give more information. Unfortunately, at the moment, its finals time so you really shouldn't be looking for any impromement in service... or even service at all for a little bit. -mrauser \- you know part of leadership is "delegation" unfortunately we seem to have a case of "lame delegation". --psb \_ It is sad that they decide to implement a policy and then decide not to do the work to support it. Minghay has done about 90+% of the re-activation in the most recent round of it. Him not getting activate@ emails makes me wonder if the emails will even be read. -mrauser \_ Well would you rather have a politburo that ruled with an iron fist and squished people and turned off login for saying shit on wall/motd, like in the fascist paolo/pollux/amckee era? Or do you prefer a completely free-market politburo like now where they just let people do whatever the fuck they want, and letting the unix system run its own course? I guess both extremes suck big time. Actually I liked it more when politburo ruled with an iron fist. Fascism rules, esp on unix. \_ fascism rules in any situation because there's always someone you can blame at, whereas you can't blame anyone for things that happen in the free-market. \_ Fuck the iron fist, it gets in the way of writing code. -dans \_ ^code^hacks and r007ki7 |
2006/11/24-28 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45366 Activity:very high |
11/23 Happy Thanksgiving! I miss my soda account. I guess no one cares about soda anymore. Actually, I don't really need it. I have gmail, IM, youtube, and my cellphone. Who really needs soda these days? \_ Happy FUCKING Thanksgiving and FUCKING every single holiday out there. I don't understand why people need a FUCKING holiday just to be thankful of their lives. I don't understand why every single day, I have to fucking spend 25-45 hours each way to/from the day care to drop off my kid and esp. during the holiday waste 4 hours driving my mother who is too old to drive to get her to/from my house (1 hour to her place, 1 hour to my place, then repeat when I take her back). I don't understand why this fucking society is so dependent on the fucking automobile and I don't understand why Thanksgiving is so fucking important that everyone's synchronized to be in the traffic jam at the exact same time. Holidays are the most FUCKING STRESSFUL times esp dealing with so many useless family members who are too fucking young or old to drive and to take care of themselves. It is stressful because they are DEPENDENT on YOU. HAPPY FUCKING THANKSGIVING. FUCK YOU ALL. \_ have your mom live with you. live-in daycare. it takes a village to raise a child. \_ have your mom live with you. live-in daycare. it takes a village to raise a child. \_ I would except she nags and nags and nags and can barely take care of herself. She refuses to go to a convalecense home and refuses to wear glasses and hearing aide because she says she is as healthy as a 30 year old (totally untrue) and everytime I watch her drive to the market 2 miles away I cringe because she drives like George Weller. The only thing I'm thankful is that she doesn't drive on the freeway because she only goes up to 15MPH on the surface street. I'm a slave to my mother and my kids. Did I tell you I spend a good part of my life driving them around? Actually I'm really a slave to my wife. I just wasted a day with the inlaws I don't even enjoy being with. At dinner time I explained the stress of being a sandwich generation (parents too old, kids too young and they all depend on YOU) and how American suburbia creates unnecessary stress on drivers like me and how wasteful it is to drive a SUV and the huge energy and natural resources a suburbia home requires. It turns out that everyone thought I was a weirdo liberal because everyone else loves driving their big FUCKING American made SUVs and living in a McMansion in the suburbia. No one seems to give a damn about wasted gasoline, oil dependency, pollution, and time wasted on the road. The average American is beyond STUPID. Oh and I wasted a fucking black Friday carrying lots of useless shit my wife bought and listening to all the contradictory non-sense she says and she gets mad at me for not remembering the conversation. Um, can anyone tell me why women like to fill the bathroom with 100 barely used bath bottles from Bed Bath and Beyond? GOD. I AM IN HELL. Fuck Thanksgiving. Fuck all Republicans, fuck commercialism, and fuck all holidays. -pp \_ Hey, it's future BDG! \_ Aahahah. Your wife sounds like my mom. My mom is one of the reasons I'm scared of marriage. I have a certain biological desire for kids too but other times I'm so glad I'm FREE! I'm not financially free yet though so fuck that. How old are you? I'm not looking forward to worrying about my parents. Maybe I will just move far away like they did. It's not like they took care of their old parents they left on another continent. Families are like clinging parasites forcing you into a life of obligation fulfillment. \_ Why did you chose this life if you hate it so much? |
2006/11/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45194 Activity:nil |
11/6 MOTD boob guy strikes again: Can anyone read the small prints below "Goals" on the poster at link:www.csua.org/u/hdx (NSFW)? Serious answers please. Does anyone know where I can get such a poster? Thanks in advance. \_ "Focus on your goals...just don't get caught focusing." http://tinyurl.com/ylzugq but hurry, auction only lasts until Nov. 8. You're welcome, I love a challenge. Next? -John \_ Damn that'd look good in the office. Might be a lil too non-PC though, sadly. |
2006/10/31-11/2 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45060 Activity:moderate |
10/31 motd boob guy says Happy Halloween: link:www.dailymotion.com/swf/3EA96xGDJWpn834gX \_ NSFW (did I really need to add that???) \_ Gee, she's nice. Slender, sexy, and seemingly natural. \_ seemingly? It's kinda weird. Is that some soldier's wife sending him a 'reminder' video? \_ Seemingly, as in I can't say for sure whether she has had implants. However, if I had to guess I'd say she has not. If they are, then they were done very well. \_ Either they are real or they are implants done in Japan. Only Japanese implants look so realistic. American ones are hemisphere-shaped. \_ "Honey, I'll keep posting videos like this on the internet until you come home. Tomorrow's will feature a dildo." \_ HOT! \_ Is there a URL for a parent page that contains this video? I want to read the description, if any. \_ I'm willing to trade five years of my lifespan for a wife with a body like this. \_ Are you married now? \_ Go sign up for one of those $300k/yr jobs in Iraq and when you come back, you will be able to acquire one. |
2006/10/30-11/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:45043 Activity:moderate |
10/30 Is the CSUA Lottery Scheduling still being used on soda? \_ What software cannot solve, hardware does. \_ Thankfully, no. It's a stupid project that needed a big sucker (csua) to experiment on so that the author can brag about it in his publication. \_ God forbid the CSUA get involved in computer science. -tom \_ Why is it stupid? From what I understand, it tries to allot the same amount of CPU time to each user instead of each process. Sounds like a more fair scheduling policy to me. \_ Lottery scheduling is useful in theory, in publications such as the the one from dpetrou. It is like adding 0.1 PSI to your tire pressure to make it run more effectively. In reality one can spend much more effective efforts optimizing a system. \_ No. \_ Is the fuctionality now provided by Linux without modification? \_ I guess people didn't feel the need for it after we went SMP on soda.... I don't know though, I wasn't involved in the decision. decision. Honestly, I haven't noticed any trouble. \_ I noticed slow-downs and CPU hogging with Mark VII, whereas with VI the vast majority of slow-downs was random net bottlenecks. Anyway, I don't see the VII slow-downs as often now as during the first several months. \- The LOTTERY SCHEDULER has been replace by the ERGODIC SCHEDULER. |
2006/10/25-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44979 Activity:nil |
10/25 How far is 1 lap around Martin Luther King Junior High track in Berkeley? thanks. - danh \_ Trust no one. Measure straight sections with laser rangefinder measure radii also, compute distances. \_ if it's a standard track, it should be a quarter mile (400m) \_ This is what I have been told. How do I know if it's a standard track? - danh \- the dwight derby track is THE STANDARD ... you can calibrate to it. \_ It is a standard high school track. Likely 440yds, not 400m (high school track events are by/large still in yds/miles) \_ 440 yards = 402 meters. \_ Having attended MLKJr.H.S. I can tell you it is *not* a standard size, due to issues with the size of the available space. When we would run a mile, we were supposed to do 4 laps, plus about 2/3 the length of a straightaway. |
2006/10/12-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44795 Activity:nil 50%like:44747 66%like:44758 |
10/12 motd boob guy says http://www.imagebeaver.com/view.php?mode=gallery&g=62047 |
2006/10/11-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44770 Activity:nil |
10/11 http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Hans_Reiser \_ This is a scurrilous rag. \_ Marked as NSFW by my company's firewall. YMMV. \_ It is NSFW \_ OP should have told us that. I haven't seen it yet since I'm blocked from here. \_ Is this real or a joke? -- clueless \_ this is what she actually looks like: http://a.abclocal.go.com/images/kgo/cms_exf_2005/news/local/nina_reiser_billboard2_100606_485x227.jpg link:tinyurl.com/f3d7p (abclocal.go.com) \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/computing/hardware/soda-mark-i.html Yes, the same Hans Reiser helped start the soda tradition. |
2006/10/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44758 Activity:nil 50%like:44662 66%like:44795 |
10/10 motd boob guy has a new mission for you http://tinyurl.com/r2qrd |
2006/10/10-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44747 Activity:low 50%like:44795 |
10/10 MOTD Boob guy, meet MOTD tongue guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOuALNuWkc0 \_ Sadly this was a lot more exciting than any of the large girl pics posted previously. \_ The MOTD boob guy really needs to be renamed the MOTD chubby chaser freak. \_ Wow! The two would drive me wild if they give me oral. |
2006/10/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44729 Activity:nil |
10/8 Sorry for this nerdy question in the midst of N.Korea nuke debate. Soda has webdav installed, right? can i in theory use soda as my personal calendar server? |
2006/10/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44662 Activity:nil 60%like:44653 50%like:44758 |
10/3 Attn: motd boob guy - Hi Honey, I'm huge! http://image30.webshots.com/31/7/74/91/2381774910066501007KtqyhH_fs.jpg \_ too bad her face is ugly as fuck \_ boob guy never looks at their faces anyway. --boob guy #2 fan \_ I am bigger. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAzx7dAFuJc |
2006/10/3-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44653 Activity:moderate 60%like:44662 |
10/3 Hi Honey, I'm huge! http://image30.webshots.com/31/7/74/91/2381774910066501007KtqyhH_fs.jpg \_ Please to marking these with "Attn: motd boob guy" |
2006/9/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44572 Activity:nil |
9/27 Hey leftist guy, motd boob guy was a lot more fun than you are. \_ Um, no. The boob guy kept posting pictures of fugly phat women and was getting more and more hardcore, in a disgustingly way. |
2006/9/12-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44352 Activity:nil |
9/12 I got bored, so I decided to run the huge mailqueue on soda which had messages back from fucking forever. enjoy getting email from May/June (as reported below) --Jon, Evil Alumni \_ Just out of curiosity, why is it queueing stuff up? -John \_ hell if I know. I'm sure the undergrads know better than I do. --Jon |
2006/9/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44227 Activity:low |
9/1 motd boob guy, i have gift for you http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l72/dubracks/Britt/407e5218.jpg \_ Scary troll! \_ I think she's appeared on http://bustywebshots.blogspot.com before. |
2006/8/24-25 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:44127 Activity:nil |
8/24 Hey John how did you get around not getting identified by the identifier? \_ ? Is this in relation to the tasteful nekkid gurl pics link I posted that some prude keeps deleting? Why would I need to get around anything? I sign all my posts... -John \_ Deleting stuff sucks, and deleters are asshole...BUT, maybe you should post NSFW stuff when the western hemisphere is not stuck at work. \_ Uh, I kind of clearly said "naked girls" and "NSFW". I don't force people to click on links :-) -John \_ I wasn't implying that people would click on youre NSFW links and then get pissed off. I was impying that they(we) would sit at our terminals, see your clearly marked NSFW links, not click on them because we're at work, and *then* get pissed off. \_ ...this is the kind of thinking that gets people climbing clocktowers with high powered rifles. \_ Yes. \_ That's why we need to pass the anti-clocktower law. |
2006/7/28-30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43834 Activity:nil |
7/28 A friendly reminder that this is CSUA, not PSUA (Political Sci). \_ What?!? Educated intellectuals discussing things other than the newest Linux kernel release or quirkiest new hardware innovation?!? OMGWTFBBQ!! Say it ain't so!! \_ That's why the political debate is better here. \_ Ya, a bunch of bored morons talking about politics. Why don't we talk about something EXCITING, like E6600?!?!?!?? \_ E6600 is almost as irrelevant to "CS" as Hizbollah. It's not like something different for software. \_ Ths is CSUA, not Soviet Union. Take your censorship and shove it. |
2006/7/25-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43793 Activity:low |
7/25 Who the fuck is German John and why is he special? \_ What the fuck is an archive, and why the fuck do people search it before asking questions on the motd? \_ Who the fuck are you, and why don't you sign your name? --erikred \_ German John is a persona cooked up by one of my two favorite trolls (the other being chicom troll.) Occasionally, they appear so similar that they almost appear to merge into one troll meta-consciousness. -John \_ ...and therefore never send to know for whom the bell trolls; it trolls for thee. No poster is an island, entire of itself _/ every poster is a part of the continent, a part of the main If a clod (ilyas) be driven driven away by the trolls, motd is If a clod (ilyas) be driven away by the trolls, motd is the less, as well as if thy friend were, or thy self were Any poster's death diminishes me, because i am involved in the posts And therefore never send to know for whom the troll trolls; he trolls for thee. \_ Are you quite Donne? \_ You poe bastard. You have no idea what you've unleashed \_ Sure I do. Enjoy it! Sit back, relax, have a glass of Marlowe. |
2006/7/18-20 [Reference/Religion, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43709 Activity:nil |
7/18 John may be an idiot but I enjoy trolling him. Thank God for stupid people like him who provide hours of free entertainment. Heil. \_ i liked the swedish chef version better \_ The troll farm flourishes! Troll-Gro worked! Awesome. -John \_ Your chicom troll pen has really blossomed into a best-in-show gallery! Very impressive! |
2006/7/17-18 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43697 Activity:moderate |
7/17 Pardon me, but what the fuck? Is average CSUA member not command ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ English basics language no more? I thought ESL was a fundamental ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ requirement for acceptance to Cal? Free tip: your point, whatever it is, will not be ridiculed or ignored as much if it's not written in orc. -John \_ Wow, you're a judgemental Nazi. No wonder people hate you on motd. Fuck you Heil German John. I'm watching you. -German John Hater #3 \_ Free tip: don't give advice when it is not asked for. Go fuck yourself. \_ Free tip #1: Stop plagiarizing from the USGA etiquette "do not give advice to others on the course unless they ask you for it" and "Never coach or give unsolicited advice.") http:/ http://www.waggle.com/etiquette.htm http://www.sideroad.com/Business_Etiquette/business-golf-etiquette.html Free tip #2: "Go fuck yourself" isn't one of the USGA's etiquettes. Free tip #3: Go fuck yourself. \_ This would've been a great troll except for the fact that you got back-trolled big time. \- you may want to re-evaluate your original intent vs. the actual result of what you're trying to say. this is from me as an observer's point of view: -what you wanted to convey: "i am a nice person and i want to help you poor immigrants. i think that if you guys want to communicate effectively you should take some time to learn english , otherwise you will be ignored." -what a few heard: "you are all guests on my land and if you want to live here you need to learn my language or else get the fuck out of here." -what pissed-off immigrants heard: "i am a white male and even though i speak poorer asian languages than you speak english, you still need to learn my language because i belong to the white race with bigger penises. we are righteous and you are not. you must respect our authority and learn english" -what the overall intent is: "John is a jerk" please re-evaluate your method of communication. your reply is not necessary. ok thx. \_ From this post I read: "I like to fuck my mother and drink pee." \_ Does not parse. I am a jerk. I don't give a rat's ass what immigrants, psb or anyone reads into this. I posted a very \- leave me out of this. but i do think you are sort of ratcheting and in some cases may not be able to tell ignorance from apathy. --psb \_ If you sound like an ignoramus, you are judged like one, period. -John \- my point is: if you are judging based on the sloda wall or motd, people may not be bothering to write well, rather than being unable to do so. even native speakers are sloppy here, not unreasonably so. and i think if you are coming to the US to study say engineering, there may be a diminishing marginal return calculation for how much you invest in grammar. so are you going to take on ebonics so are you going to taken on ebonics speakers next? i'd be curious how many of your native english speaking friends could explain the difference between say "compared to" and "compared with". if an ESL speaker gets further and farther confused, i'd cut them [sic] some slack. if a non-engineer native speaker cant tell you the diff cut them some slack. a lot of non-engineer native speakers cant tell you the diff between precision and accuracy ... probably not a disaster. a foreign speaker isnt a lawyer, not knowing the diff between "that" and "which" is also probably not a big deal. i'm not very careful about those usually. i'm not very careful with those usually. i think a lot of grammar nazis 1. worry about dumb things like "data is plural" or "dont use hopefully" 2. have pretty shallow knowledge [they know easy rules like it's vs its, but drown in slightly deeper waters]. deeper waters. a good example is that cow who wrote the Eat Shoot Leave book]. \_ I think there's a pretty big difference between "not knowing data is plural" and "completely incoherent". I suspect John is mostly complaining about the latter, and you're criticizing (at least in part) John on the basis that he's speaking about the previous. clear point about students at what is supposedly one of the best schools in the world seemingly not having a basic command of that school's language. If you want to interpret that as being an anti-immigrant rant, or some sort of belittling of other cultures/countries, that's your problem. Your reply is not necessary. ok thx. -John \_ psb: your coworkers asian stupid "oh psb immigrants THE MAN! He knows Greek mythology asian stupid lila. He immigrants god." "we asian stupid immigrants, we can't understand his circumlocutory speech!" \_ I'm sorry but WHAT THE HELL are you talking about? \_ This is a sublime "If you have to ask, you don't know" moment. \_ I'm multi-lingual and my observation is that Westerners in general have a much more difficult time learning non-Western languages than the other way around. How would you personally feel if you tried your best to learn in a completely different language system in a completely different culture but still get ridiculed in the process? Oh, you wouldn't know, because you're a Westerner who can't see from the other side's point of view. No wonder the rest of the world hates you and is eager to see 911 again, over and over again. Go fuck yourself. \_ 1) Go fuck yourself as well. 2) Part of the reason people give you shit is that your politics are repellant to anyone living in a free society and you defend one of the most loathesome governments on the planet on a regular basis. 3) I'm a white guy who was thrown into a school of all Mandarin speaking kids who knew no English when I was 10, and I'm damn well not about to whine if someone gives me shit about not knowing the difference between, say, different measure words, in spite of the fact that my native language has no measure words in the sense that Mandarin does. 4) I don't have a college degree from a Chinese university. 5) Did I mention go fuck yourself? Oh, yeah, go fuck yourself. \_ Blow me, I'm going through that right now, starting from zero, and making a reasonable go of it. This is language #4, by the way. But I don't presume to go to their top school with my crappy understanding and grammar. And what the fuck is it with you and "Westerners"? What does that have to do with anything? I guess that makes us deserve 911 over and over again, and I've been (badly) trolled. Cretin. -John my crappy understanding and grammar. I guess that makes me as a "Westerner" deserve 911. Touchy, aren't we. -John \_ then, should US Education restore the policy of given IQ test in English to those immigrants and dump them into retard classes based upon the IQ test result? \_ I don't know what it is with you Swiss but I've had similar experiences with another pedantic Swiss in Berkeley who seems to enjoy correcting every little grammatical mistake people make. Eventually most of us in the company grew resentful of him (including the CEO who was a minority) and eventually drove him out of our company. Perhaps you should ask why immigrants don't like to conform, as understanding the root of the problem may help you find constructive measures. One of the root causes is western resentment. If it weren't for you westerners, our motherlands would still be glorious and our ethnicity would still be portrayed kindly. But instead your predecessors and your elected leaders continually harrass, rape, and pillage nations like Vietnam and Iraq and made us into worthless refugees into your land, only to be ridiculed for every little tradition we hold dearly in our heart because whatever it is, rarely comform to your western standard. Personally, most of us are sick and tired of your unyielding, dominating western ways, and we just don't like you people, period. We will continue doing whatever it is we please, and if it annoys you, great! -foreigner, proud of it \_ "Every little grammatical mistake"? No, I'm castigating UC Berkeley students who're supposed to have a firm command of the English language but instead sound like they learned the language from the villains of bad war movies (or who're doing it on purpose to troll more effectively.) You seem to have a (reasonably) firm command of the English language. You're still a troll and an idiot, but do you notice how well that comes across? -John \_ John, there is a structural problems here in our public education system (see my post below). Not everything is the fault of these individuals. This is one of the reason why problems are a lot more widespread. I can assure you that *MAJORITY* of otherwise bright and qualified immigrants DID NOT end up at top Universities due to the fact that there isn't much incentive in our public school system to teach them English. Those few who defeated the odds and made here is either very lucky (i.e. my case) or he/she is extra-ordinary in some way. Blame this squarely on individual is going to cause a lot more resentment and you see all sort of defensive postures. As for stereo types and Asian being "looked down upon." Let me share this with you. When I was in high school, I can barely communicate my thoughts and most people don't have the patience to talk to me. At the same time, we got this ethnic Vietnamese who raised in Paris, native French speaker, speak worse English than I am, but he get a lot more attention and slack than I do. It's not the color of skin thing, but, there is a real differences on how average American treats Europeans immigrants differently than those from Asia. \_ I don't know who you are and why you've recently dominated most of the posts on motd but I'm starting to realize that you probably need something as simple as medications or therapies. But then again that is not unique to most of the weirdos who post on motd. Troll on. \_ first of all, it's just me, not "average CSUA member." I happened to be a slow language learner and amused by average Europeans that can speak more than 3 language without effort. Secondly, since you bought up, ESL *IS* the problem. To make a long story short, issue with ESL is that 1. UC requires 2 or 3 years of non-ESL (regular English) class, 2. ESL is funded by number of headcounts; thus, there isn't much of an incentive for those who is running ESL program to make people "graduate" to regular English classes. 3. As consequences, most people who stuck in ESL program are dumb fucks who has no real chance to go to college in UC system; 4. Since the pace of ESL classes mostly determined by the peers, and the fact that most students in ESL classes has no college ambition, you don't learn any English as result (Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish was more common in those classes). In my personal case, it took cheat (smuggle to ESL office and tweak the official record on language proficiency), and bribe to for me to get out of ESL in-time just to be UC eligable. But by that time, I was thrust into classes on Virginia Wolfe / Nathaniel Hawthorne without any knowledge of basic sentence and grammar. I am not blaming the system for my failure. But the sheer fact that you can comprehen what I am trying to say is considered a huge personal achievement given the circumstances I was in. \_ Well, congrats on making it -- but feel comforted by the fact that it's not just you. There are plenty of people here that have no excuse and, as John puts it, sound as though they're speaking orc.... Seriously, though, unless you plan on going back to your country of origin I strongly suggest that you work on your language proficiency. It may not be the official language of the country, but it's still one of the things your intelligence will be judged by. It can harder to things your intelligence will be judged by. It can be harder to land a tech job (or any job, really) if you're unable to coherently communicate your ideas. (and man, this thread is just begging for someone to run jive or valspeak, on it, isn't it?) coherently communicate your ideas. (and man, dis dread be plum beggin' fo' someone t'run JIBE o' valspeak, on it, isn't it?) \_ Maybe you should consider the possibility that most foreigners look at Westerners as people who judge easily by the way others look or talk. Maybe foreigners think that Westerners are superficial, thus don't really care to conform to the Western standards. Whatever. Go fuck yourself \_ You pretty good looking for a HU-MAHN! \_ racist white imperialist oppressing brown people! \_ How to get started? I am going to get a tutor eventually, but I think I can start with some highschool level grammar book. Any recommendation? book. Any recommendation? \- you can probably get a used copy of BASIC ENGLISH REVISITED (it's kinda of a weird book) for <$5. it's not all grammar but a reference book. the actual textbook i used is pretty expensive now and probably not worth it. --psb \_ if it is a good book and worth recommending, do you remember the title of the book? \_ Unless you have a need to infiltrate or become part of the dirty bi ren culture, I'm sure you have a much better use of your time than to follow bi ren's advice. You should be proud of who you are and what you are, and don't give in. Don't listen to bi ren John. He is a verbal bully and a total jerk. Look. If someone judges you by the way you talk or look, that person is shallow and full of shit and is a total jerk and does not deserve your respect. That goes with 90% of the bi ren trash I've met in my life. BI REN ZHUAY TAO YAN GAN TA MA DI. \_ He didn't judge on it. He pointed out that others would. It's a fact and you're just being stupid. Of course people judge on the way people talk and look. Chinese do that as much... actually I'd say a lot more in my experience. The diversity of the USA far exceeds any Asian country. Who's superficial? Nobody owes you anything. \_ You may be able to find a tutor interested in helping you with English in exchange for help with your native language. \_ thanks. But being a native speaker is by no mean a commander of my own native language. I am planning on getting a native language tutor as well :D |
2006/6/26-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43500 Activity:nil |
6/26 Searching for the term intentional pluralisation, I came across http://www.bigbreastarchive.com/alphabetical/ashleyjuggs/ashleyjuggs.html \_ where is motd boob guy when you need him? that link sucks. |
2006/6/19-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43431 Activity:low |
6/19 The motd is just not the same after account reactivation. So boring, where did all the troller's go? How am I supposed to get through my workday??!! \_ They didn't let certain people come back. \_ Don't worry, with the latest hack, there are lots of new people on! \_ The motd isn't here to entertain you. You want trolls? Start trolling. The motd is what we all make of it. I know you're kidding. I'm not. \_ There's a difference between knowing the troll, and walking the troll. \_ Dere's some difference between knowin' de troll, an' walkin' de troll. What it is, Mama! \_ The ratio of interesting poster to idiot is at a 5 year low. \_ You sure you don't have it backwards? Trolling seems down to me. \_ Sorry, too busy to do my usual muckracking/trolling. -Great Swami \_ Let's see.. Guns are good. Guns are bad. Drivers' license for illegals violates Article 1, Section 10. |
2006/6/15-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43397 Activity:nil |
6/15 MOTD boob guy apprentice here, I got my account turned on again. Sorry I've been away. http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/6cd20bd009.gif \_ http://www.aminaked.com is all you need -scottyg \_ This woman is freakish. That's all i can say. \_ http://weakgame.com/media_10547_Sexy_Soccer.html \_ These are worse: link:tinyurl.com/mv94v |
2006/6/10-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43345 Activity:low 83%like:43343 |
6/9 name your favorite CSUA meme(s) or meme-like things: PLAYOFFS. Removed all non-two vote postings. _________________________ < Anything in a cow: ..... > ------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || tell about the stars (ilyas): .. foodP: .... \_ I thought it was /mnt/mexico? -John tamtam: . "if you have to ask, you don't know": . _______________________ < Anything in a cow: .. > ----------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || CSUA meme poetry of minerals spread zinc through the world: . slap marco: . phillip nunez: . GOMD: . tell about the stars (ilyas): .. foodP: .. elevatorP: DOOSH: drink-themed machines: Please do not wash hair (or whatever it was): XCF tiles: kick him in the nuts: . bchoi: yermom:. urlP:. Major Fucking Twink: . IWTFYITA: . vahmifqy: . !psb: . DING!: FBI Raid: Go Stick Your Head in a Pig: hh's cat: I Partied with Nick Weaver: . RICE: Secret Cabal of Daves: ok tnx (psb): . |
2006/5/26-31 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43199 Activity:nil |
5/26 I keep getting the Forefront magazine from the College of Engineering as well as massive desperate spam mails asking me to donate money to college of engineering, as well as to the general Berkeley campus itself. I'd like to 1) stop getting all useless publications that fill my mail box, 2) stop getting spam mails from the College of Engineering, 3) stop getting spam mails from Berkeley itself. How did they track my real address, and how do I do make them stop? Thanks. \_ Why don't you donate, just to the Gold fund (the one where they want 1000 alumni to donate $25). y they want 1000 alumni to donate $25). \_ I am not the op. But every time I get these, the fact that Berkeley disapproved my in-state recidency 3 times on the ground that I went home for Xmas and Thanksgiving always makes me think twice about donating. \_ probably rejected u cuz you can't spell or write english or figure out how to properly work the system like many others have easily done to get residency. \_ Well, if you "went home" then I guess they were right. You realize what residency means, right? You realize what residency means, right? -dim \_ None of this home/not-home shit has anything to do with him donating or not. If he hated UC he shouldn't donate. If he liked it and had a great time, he should consider donating. -- paid in-state, hated UC, won't ever donate \_ Don't be an ass. "Going home" does not mean "having your residency there", and as an out of state student, his tuition difference was a lot more than $25. -John \_ If his home wasn't here then he's not a resident. Period. \_ If his home wasn't here then he's not a resident. Period. -dim \_ dim wit \_ moron, my mother still says she went "home" (to the midwest) for christmas. She has lived in california for over 30 years, do you think she is not a resident? \_ She might say that, but it's not technically true. If it was, then she's not a resident either. My mom says she goes 'home' to Holland, because she grew up there, but it's just a figure of speech. \_ dim wit \_ I've not lived in CA since 1997. I'm not legally a resident anymore. My home, however, is there, capisce? Also, UC admissions disagrees with you: http://tinyurl.com/fycbf -John \_ How can your home be in CA when you haven't lived here for 10 years? Also, I read the UC page and you'll have to point out there UC page and you'll have to point out where it disagrees. I don't see it. \_ fucking dim wit \_ My mom lives there. I grew up there. I can always go back there. Ergo, it is home. And the UC definition lays out the conditions pretty clearly. Visiting your family over the holidays does not contradict "relinquish(ing) residence in other states." It's not that difficult to understand. -John \_ And, yet, the guy above says that's what UC told him. My guess is that it's because he didn't merely "visit family over the holidays" like he says. \_ Well then that's a different story and not what we're discussing :-) -John \_ I just think the use of the phrase "went home" is telling. That phrase is often not used literally and can mean "visited my family" but in context (guy is applying for and then denied residency) I think it's to be taken literally. He never intended to establish residency. I wonder if he still lives in CA. \_ Jesus Christ dim wit, you must have the the word don't you? Just admit you're an idiot and move on. \_ Yes, I must have "the the word". \_ You think donating will encourage them to stop? \_ Why don't you write them to tell them to stop? The address is in the spam mail. Then they will stop. Give them 4-8 weeks to update records though. Also remember that engineering dept and alumni house might have different databases, so if you continue to get spam, then just write another letter or call. Be patient. Finally, don't be a fucking cheapskate and donate something, give something back, make UCB better, you can specify what fund/program you want to donate to. As for how they track you: they got your SSN, DOB, last known addresses and more. Figure it out, college graduate. |
2006/5/20-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:43121 Activity:nil |
5/20 for motd boob guy(s) http://www.animatedboobs.com \_ wtf's up w/ this one?: http://www.animatedboobs.com:81/animated_boobs_images/032.gif |
2006/5/9 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42991 Activity:nil |
5/9 motd boob guy apprentice wonders if ax got his account turned on. http://tinyurl.com/orrby \_ Broken link. \_ works for me, might be filtered at your office \_ From TinyURL: Error: Unable to find site's URL to redirect to. |
2006/5/1-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42871 Activity:nil |
4/30 hello. i do not think the wall logs should be on the web so easily. what do you think? \_ Wasn't it always on the web in a txt file before? \_ Can we get motd in RSS too? \_ Couple problems with that: 1) It's more like a message board than a feed 2) All it takes is one person to booch the formatting (unlike wall.log, which is consistent enough) and the whole the whole thing stops working mrauser's working on a message board anyway, stay tuned \_ Actually, someone did roll a motd -> rss feed script, but I don't know what's become of it. If it's lost and I find some time, I'll do it as an excuse to learn RSS/Atom. -dans \_ I wrote one, but cgi scripts still are not working in my cgi-bin directory. I get "Access forbidden" when I try to run them. -peterl \_ looks like there's a bug in the httpd.conf: <Directory /home/*/*/public_html> AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Options Indexes IncludesNoExec SymLinksIfOwnerMatch ExecCGI </Directory> (note the "ExecCGI not on the same line as "Options") If it were on the same line, you'd be able to put an executable .cgi file anywhere under ~/public_html and it would work. --dbushong \_ Yeah, I built an RSS feed of http://csua.org/motd but it just sends you an entire thread every time there's a change to any part of it. Meh. --dbushong \_ It's WALL! It's not like you're posting trade secrets or steamy sex tapes. And if you're walling such things, I think you want \_ Or tax returns. Oh, wait... them to be found.... mostly it's inane chatter, but it's our inane chatter, and we can track it now -- and to outsiders, it reads like what it is. Inane chatter. --michener \_ It's already tracked (or at least was before Soda got paved) in /csua/lib/wall . Or did you not know that already? Why do you want to make wall so easily crawlable by Google? \_ I think there's a realistic concern for expectation of privacy. Lots of people wall things like "my boss is an idiot," which are not trade secrets but which would not be walled if the expectation were that it would wind up on Google. -tom \_ Which is why you have the choice of whether or not to log your walls. \_ I think that's stupid. How would you feel if all of your IRC and AIM and Yahoo IM and Google Chat conversations appeared when someone searches or stumbles on your name in Google? \_ Ah, but they don't. And wall doesn't have to if you don't want it to. \_ Are you a retard? I am making up a situation to illustrate my point. If you start archiving the wall log on google, this stuff will happen. I have some pretty funny wall logs saved from years ago where someone on soda accidentally walls about some horrible things that I will not mention because you will be scarred for life. I would never ever put this somewhere google would find it. Making everyone not log their walls is stupid. \_ Erm. Some people don't care whether what they say is available to the public. Wall has been \_ maybe you should start caring. I think arbitrarily sticking soda walls on google when soda walls predate google by like 10 years is not the correct way to do things. \_ Uh, we've always done it this way so we should keep doing it this way? That's idiotic. -dans public for a long time. The non-logging option was put in for those who _were_ concerned. If you want to use it, use it. If you're worried about someone saving your non-logged walls, don't wall. Who said anything about "making everyone not log their walls"? btw, RealClimate guy, you just overwrote me. merge your changes. \_ That's not a reasonable response. -tom \_ That's not a reasonable response. -tom, arbiter of all things reasonable \_ IIRC, that's exactly why that functionality was written into wallall. Also when lwall/walld was still running, walls were publicly read/write available \_ "publicly readable" is not the same as "indexed by Google." And it is quite annoying when people don't log their walls. -tom don't log their walls. -tom hasn't attended a politubro meeting or csua event in years despite working on the Berkeley campus, but still feels the politburo and the undergrads should do what he wants, when he wants it. tom commands the politburo to give him a blow job! \_ Logging walls is so you can do a tail -whatever !* wall_log when you log in and see the context of an ongoing conversation, not to make it public ("public" in this case being visible and indexed on the great big Internet.) Meditate briefly on the difference, young padawan--great truths may be revealed. -John \_ Oh, look, an undergrad wrote some code to do something new, and it messes with the little sandbox we've been playing in for the last decade! Wah Wah! Let's lynch the upstart prick! Seriously though, I am disgusted by how certain alums treat soda and the CSUA as their personal pissing ground, expect that *nothing* will ever change, and abuse undergrads who actually write interesting software. The situation is fucked up. It needs to stop. -dans \_ Take a chill pill, dans. This is about a specific feature that would have undesirable consequences for both undergrads and alumns. Don't turn it into some battle of the ages between us evil alumns and the poor oppressed undergrads we're constantly shitting on. -John \_ Um I don't think disagreeing with an idea counts as abuse. The root post of this thread is just someone expressing an opinion. Get over yourself. The RSS thing is kind of cool but personally, I don't think wall fits what RSS is for. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. But I hardly even use wall anyway so it doesn't really matter to me. What actually is the point of wall going out as an RSS feed? wall is more of a real time conversation mechanism, not a news feed thing. Having motd.[official and/or unofficial] on it would make more sense. \_ No, disagreeing with an idea is not abuse, but when specific alumni repeatedly gang up against the undergrads, flame the politburo and root, and troll the motd, it adds up to abuse. What's so fucked about this situation \_ Well you know, geeks sometimes don't have the best social skills. They attack \_ Then maybe we should go back to beating social skills into them. everything because this is how they function in their engineering jobs. But they might not be wrong. is that there is a technological solution for enabling wallrss while stopping Google from spidering it, but none of the alums who bitch so loudly are stepping up with code or configs to solve the problem. Why the hell should the alumni get to decide what the undergrads can and can't do? That's stupid. -dans to solve the problem. Just becaus you can do \_ I'm still waiting for action on the last two things I've "stepped up" with. \_ Namely? Maybe the ugrads are more interested in rolling new functionality than trying to recreate soda exactly the way it has been for the last decade? Maybe they're busy kids doing this in their spare time, not treating CSUA root work as a paid job. -dans \_ perhaps they (or you) shouldn't suggest mailing root and stepping up then \_ Hey, if they (or I) can con you into doing free work, but pick and choose what we implement when, more power to us. -dans \_ yes, it's always better to jerk people around. this is why people bitch instead of doing stuff. --------------------------------------/ \_ Actually, I find a mixture of jerking people around and rewarding them works best. It simulates gambling, which causes people to work like madmen. -dans \_ I hope this is a feeble attempt at humor.... \_ No, I find it's a legitimate management technique of last resort. Works nicely with ornery, lazy teams, but isn't really necessary for teams of smart folks who get things done. -dans something doesn't mean you should, but if you use that as an excuse never to do anything, nothing would ever change. -dans |
2006/4/18-20 [Recreation/Activities, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42774 Activity:low |
4/17 Rootstaff: You guys fucking ROCK! Thank you so much for putting in all the extra time and effort necessary to get soda back up running especially after all the disasters! -mice \_ seconded! \_ Good job, thanks. -John \_ Excellent work. --erikred \_ thanks. kngharv |
2006/4/12-24 [Politics/Domestic/911, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42737 Activity:low |
4/12 Not soda-related: Can anyone name services used by the general public which have 'five nines' uptime? That is, unavailable for less than 5 minutes in any year. One of our potential clients is requesting this level of reliability and it seems extreme to me. I was wondering who actually hits this level. \- helo, "the phone system" is the standard place to talk about 5 9s. i think in many cases it boils down to "how much $ to invest in backup power" and maybe being able to cut a service over quickly [automatically] in the event of failure or downtime for patching etc. i think you are probably right the person you are talking to is a dumbass. i dunno if you are in the position to do this but you might ask "how many minutes of downtime per year is acceptable" ... ask this question in real time [face to face or over the phone]. most stupid people dont know. assuming the pass that test and realize the difference between 4 and 5 9s is 50min, you might ask what 50min of total or partial failure is worth [keep in mind if a WEEB site says they do $100k of transactions per hour, you really have to measure how much of that is gone for good and wont just be executed later or cant be buffered somehow in the case of a partial failure]. but you are right that at this point you have to start spending serious money on things like 24x7 engineering staff who can replace failed blades in cisco routers at 3am and such, or can diagnose weirg BGP problems on easter sunday ... let alone deliberate attacks on the system. i'm not sure what the reliability tagets for 911 and ATC are but you might do some research on those. oktnx. \_ I thought credit card processors and financial exchanges were the standard. When you refer to the phone system, do you mean POTS, or do you include the cellular network? If it's both, then it definitely doesn't have five nines. What about when I call a land line from a land line, and the system cannot complete it because of too much traffic? Does that count as down time? -dans \_ I nominate lesser-bloviator: tom@soda, greater-bloviator: dans \_ You're a moron. -dans \_ Right, and name calling in retaliation for random anonymous trolls is the earmark of an intellectual giant. Isn't it past due for you to pointlessly insult tom or something? \_ I'm sorry, since I lack your intellectual stature and slick post-modern tools for deconstruction I fail to see how the sentence, ``You're a moron,'' states or implies that I am a genius. Perhaps you could clarify for lesser intellects like mine. -dans \_ Oh the irony! You're fun to play with, dans. \_ Oh, touch my monkey! Touch it! http://csua.org/u/fke -dans P.S. You don't seem to understand the meaning of the word irony. Please consult a dictionary, or Dave Eggers' handy guide in ``A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.'' \_ Actually I understand it quite well, thanks. \- the std reference on irony is ARISTOTLE not EGGERS \_ Your usage suggests otherwise. How does your use of the term irony actually match the definition? -dans \_ Actually, my usage is bang on. \_ No. Really, it's not. You might describe my language as sarcasm, but not irony. Irony is when the opposite of what is expected happens. Nothing more. There is absolutely no way you can correctly describe my comment as ironic. -dans \_ You're wrong. \_ Eh. Are you enjoying trolling? -dans \_ Since it's so easy...not really. I find this whole conversation absurd since I know what relationship I'm referring to and you clearly have no clue. It if makes you feel smart then by all means, keep trying...but you'll still very wrong. be very wrong. \- are you enjoying being a fool? if you look at a roman source like quintillian if you look at roman sources, e.g. quintillian, they will commonly emphasize the idea of opposite meaning but in the older greek conception [as exemplified by socrates "know nothing" attitude, or as discussed formally in aristotle with examples mostly from homer and attic drama] it often better character- ized as "understatement" or dissembled meaning rather than opposite. often defeinition talk about a "contrary" meaning to what is stated, but contary has a different sense than opposite. 1. some what ironically \_ Do you mean somewhat? -dans \_ OOhh!! Face! Face!! You got him!!!1!one UCB DEAD PROFESSOR and MACARTHUR GENIUS was one of the main modern scholars on IRONY. see: http://csua.org/u/fko 2. the wikipedia entry on irony is pretty decent and more importantly a lot more readable than some formal discussions. \_ That's nice. I always quote the wikipedia as a reliable source on scholarly literary topics. -dans \- you referenced "a dict" and dave eggers. i cited: 1. quintillian 2. aristotle 3. vlastos 4. wikipedia wikip is probably the only one accessible to you. i assume you didnt see the Nature study comparing the EB and Wikip. it did pretty well. a key to using the wikip is to know enough about the subject to be able to tell if it is trustworthy on factual points. keep digging buddy. --------------------------------------------------/ \ \_ You're right. -tom ... Now that \ would be ironic, no? -!tom \_ So, in other words, since you clearly have no idea what the hell you're talking, you are incapable of judging whether or not the wikipedia entry on irony is accurate, and you were just pulling a source out of your ass! Awesome! Please tell me oh great and mighty master of irony, were my previous two sentences ironic; is this one? -dans \_ So, rather than admit you can't read my mind and are therefore probably wrong, you flip out and resort to ad hominem red herrings. I'm beginning to see a pattern in your behavior here... You can have this thread, btw -- I won my bet. =) \_ Little Dan, this is your Mother. Please stop embarassing us. \_ Fuck you. If you had any knowledge of my mother's condition, you'd realize that's in remarkably poor taste. -dans \_ Now that's ironic. Little Dan, did you cry? \_ No. Properly speaking, if you wanted to mock me by insinuating that I am a baby, you would call me Danny, but it doesn't really work unless you knew me when I was called that. -dans \_ Why would he? \_ Now that's ironic. \_ I think dans is the self appointed expert irony mind reader guy around here -- let's see what he says, first. \_ she's on the cover of Crack Ho Magazine? \_ yermom \_ the motd: delivering idiotic banter with 5 9s reliability |
2006/4/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42672 Activity:kinda low |
4/4 If you're going to wipe the motd, nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure: __/~*##$%@@@******~\-__ /f=r/~_-~ _-_ --_.^-~--\=b\ 4fF / */ .o ._-__.__/~-. \*R\ /fF./ . /- /' /|/| \_ * *\ *\R\ (iC.I+ '| - *-/00 |- \ ) ) )|RB (I| ( [ / -|/^^\ | ) /_/ | *)B (I(. \ `` \ \m_m_|~__/ )_ .-~ F/ \b\\=_.\_b`-+-~x-_/ .. ,._/ , F/ ~\_\= = =-*###%#x==-# *=- =/ ~\**U/~ | i i | ~~~\===~ You know, we totoro | I I \\ do not appreciate this. / // i\ \\ ( [ (( I@) ))) ) / \_\_VYVU_/ || * | |\|\ /* /I\ *~~\ | OO\ /~-/* / \ \ ~~M~\ | /^^\| ____----=~ // /WVW\* \|\ ***===--___ |_m_m/ /-------\/ || * | |\|\ / | || /* /I\ *~~\ | OO\ * ||W---|| /~-/* / \ \ ~~M~\ | /^^\| ~~ ~~ ____----=~ // /WVW\* \|\ ***===--___ |_m_m/ \_ Yes!!!! |
2006/4/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42648 Activity:nil |
4/4 pervo dans 19 year old fancier, fob motd guy, motd boob guy have primitive love child: http://tinyurl.com/z5r5l link:tinyurl.com/kejz5 http://tinyurl.com/zrnau http://tinyurl.com/k94xb http://tinyurl.com/j99pe http://tinyurl.com/z5r5l http://tinyurl.com/kyr9j |
2006/4/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42600 Activity:moderate |
4/1 Whoa! I was gonna delete stupid drivels but someone's been doing it for me while I was gone. I don't know who you are but you're doing a great job. Team work rules! \_ You can't keep the motd censored for several reasons: 1) there *is* a class of people with more time than the moronic self-proclaimed grad student: the multiple government employees here who all have scripts that can undo the damage caused with a button press who want the motd free of your ugliness. 2) there are dozens of others who will never stop posting new political topics to the motd and restoring censored threads when they notice censorship (with their own detect/restore) scripts. 3) they all care about this way more than you do. 4) you're way outnumbered. 5) censorship has been tried many times in the past and always failed for the above reasons, you're nothing special. Good luck with your petty and childish plan to force other people to talk about only what you want them to talk about. If you go too far and auto-script it, you *will* get caught and then we'll be debating squishing you. You won't be missed. \_ Please don't underestimate the power of super bored grad students. We will ILYAS your crap for as long as it is necessary. We have the time, and we have the number. There is no way you can match our power. Bring it on. -op \_ There's nothing to bring and that's where your plan falls down. We're just going to keep restoring censored items and adding new ones, business as usual. You have to go out of your way to censor. I find it ironic that in order to selectively kill political posts you're going to have to read them. Welcome to the old world order. \_ You have presented the stick, which will win in the end. Let me also introduce the carrot. OP may not be able to understand why some people are interested in what he thinks is "drivel", but that "drivel" is part of what keeps dozens of old, experienced software and IT professionals reading and posting to the motd for years and years. Those people can answer questions that would have taken a lot of work to answer on one's own, and can help one find a job. Think of the politics trolls as a fee you have to pay for the service of having this technical forum which experienced technical people read and post to. \_ All true but I doubt the op cares. He's going to hide in academia forever where he'll get kudos for spending time re-solving solved problems. \_ It's disingenuous to call cleaning up the motd censorship, and demeans the damage done by genuine acts of censorship. The motd is a private community resource. When members of this community nuke threads they feel are drivel, it's not censorship, it's a speech act that expresses their opinion, namely that those threads are a waste of time. If you so desire, you may express your opinion by putting the threads back. Seriously, if you really care about censorship and want to fight it, there are *far* more important battles to be fought than on the motd, which, when you get right down to it is basically a playground. -dans |
2006/3/28 [Science/GlobalWarming, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42487 Activity:kinda low |
3/28 A day or two later and the motd doesn't look much like the dans vs the world show anymore does it? Now it looks like the right-wing political trolls vs. the left-wing political trolls show. -dans \_ That must mean that you're overdue for a "snipe at tom" session or something. You sure you're feeling okay, dans? :P -mice \_ Point taken. \_ Please support your statement with facts. \_ The facts are self-evident. Please get a clue. -dans |
2006/3/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Recreation/Media] UID:42469 Activity:nil |
3/27 Wait, what if motd boob guy, star trek movie guy, and movie critic guy were all the same person? Wouldn't that be like some sort of stereotypical geek trifecta? Or would he need to be Asian, too? \_ I think that person exists and his name is Roger Ebert. \_ I thought Russ Meyer was the boob guy. \_ You are of course aware Roger Ebert cowrote "Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls" with Russ Meyer \_ Roger Ebert lives with boobs 24/7 \_ Anyway, when did Ebert get a CSUA account and start posting URLs from bustywebshots? \_ "I thought the acting was wooden, there was no character development, and the ending was predictable, but check out the chick's boobs! Two thumbs up!" \_ I don't watch enough movies to be the mmc. And I'm not much into boobs. Though I would not turn down the opportunity to watch Jadzia running around DS9 shooting people w/ a concussion phaser rifle. -stmg |
2006/3/27-28 [Politics/Domestic/President, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42464 Activity:nil |
3/27 hybrid motd boob guy / movie critic says Inside Man has it all: guns, Jews, New Jersey boobs, Denzel Washington being The Man, lesbians, cool shots of NYC, National Socialists fans, hot Albanians, racial politics, humor... please see this movie instead of fucking V FOR VENDETTA or give your money to a deserving homeless person outside of the theater. \_ See both. \_ take the $20 you save from not seeing these, and go buy the V for Vendetta collection at your local bookstore. So much better. |
2006/3/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42328 Activity:nil |
3/20 If you're going to troll the motd today, please make that extra effort and at least try to use proper grammar. I know you like to pretend that you are an angry immigrant troll who just moved to Berkeley but I know you had to take the TOEFL before being admitted so I know you're not a moron. Thank you. |
2006/3/10-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42171 Activity:nil |
3/10 DISCLAIMER: Dear current csua students-- the bickering between tom and dans is NOT representative of current alumni and your future, and is certainly NOT typical behaviour from typcial alumni. Most of us have a bit more humour and are much more optimistic, forgiving, and helpful. Most of us understand that what happened in the past, is history and no one really give a damn. What's important is _now_, the present time, because we can do something to make csua a better organization. You [current students] have our support. You certainly have my moral support, but don't count on getting any money from me because I'm a cheapskate alum who can't even afford a typical house, a 60 year old run down house for $800K in San Jose or Santa Clara even with my near 6-digit salary so I'm forced to buy a fucking $600K house out of nowhere north of Gilroy and suffer traffic every single fucking day. FUCK!! !!! Oops, I'm only joking. I'm not bitter. Really. Go Cal. BEAT STANFORD! \_ Thanks a lot for your show of support. Don't worry I realize that most often the silent minority who agree with policy/direction can be drowned out by a vocal minority. With recently getting new soda we are actually ok in regards to the constant need for more money. It sounds like maybe we should go panhandle for change to help you out though. :P I hope you manage to make it to the alumni bbq and can meet some of the current students. -mrauser, president Just so you know, its highly unlikely that more than 1-2 current students ever read the motd (myself included) and thus probably have no idea that tom and dans are bickering. \_ Bingo! \_ 2ded. I personally think that the CSUA is a great student organization and am proud to be an alum member. I have hired several CSUA members as interns and full time employees and will continue to support the CSUA morally and financially. On a side note, I have been greatly impressed by the dedication of the recent politburo members (props to jvarga and mrauser) and hope that the CSUA continues to recruit dedicated ugs. GO BEAH! \_ 3ded. |
2006/3/7-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42132 Activity:high |
3/7 Isn't it squishable to use something like fold to modify motd? \_ maybe. who is doing it? \_ Yes, but no one cares anymore. \_ No. It's theoretically squishable to have something automatically modifying the MOTD every three minutes via fold or some other method, but ever since paolo did it, it seems anything goes. -tom \- What if you are an obsessive compulsary guy like me who checks the motd every 5 minutes _manually_ and do repeated things to motd _manually_? How do you distinguish between changes done via a script that keeps calling fold or just someone like me? Is it squishable because of one's ultimate intent to motd regardless of actual changes, or is it squishable only when the actual changes are made repeatedly, regardless of method? \_ The only cases I know of where someone was squished for modifying the MOTD were when it was being done automatically. Being an idiot is not the same as being a hoser. -tom Being an idiot is not the same as being a hoser. For example I am an idiot and marco was a hoser. -tom \_ The horse is dead tom. Please stop beating it. -dans PS, I'm a little dubious of your standing to bitch about CSUA policy since you've done so since before I got to Berkeley in '97, and continued to do so until I finished in '04, and, to my knowledge, you never once showed up at a politburo meeting. I'm under the impression that you work on the Berkeley campus so it's not like you have distance as an excuse. \_ I've been to general meetings during that time frame. I think the current undergraduates really should be in charge of setting policy and direction for the CSUA, but I also think that it's inappropriate and inexcusable for a CSUA officer to intentionally and deceptively screw up a public CSUA resource. -tom \_ Fair enough. Even so, I can say your knowledge of the so-called paolo motd squishing incident is incomplete. There are facts you don't have that were discussed by the then current undergraduate members of the politburo in closed session, and a policy decision was made based on those facts. Thus, in this case, your hard line stance on the issue is in conflict with your statement that undergrads should set policy and direction. Seriously though, it's been for years. Don't you think it's time to move on? -dans \_ Don't you think the politburo should have responded to the person who brought the complaint? I never heard a single word. And I can't imagine what facts there could be which would mitigate the situation enough that the CSUA President would not have to at least admit wrongdoing and apologize--unless you believed paolo's total BS about how his process really was pine and it was checking mail every three minutes. Closed politburo session for disciplining a politburo member is also total BS. -tom \_ It would mitigate the situation if the President's apparently anti-social act that stomped on your playground actually benefited the greater good of the CSUA. If the University was pressuring the CS department to shut off the CSUA's net taps *permanently* in response to complaints that the motd was in gross violations of campus hate speech/fighting words statutes, then nuking the motd would benefit this greater good. I phrase this as a hypothetical because I can't disclose specifics on the record without betraying the confidence of the politburo members at that time. Refer to question #18 in link:csua.org/u/f69 for more info re: campus hate speech regs (sorry, it's a PDF). And, also hypothetically, perhaps the politburo didn't respond to the person who raised the complaint because they felt that the individual's language and attitude was abusive and demanding, and they felt disinclined to interact with such an individual? If said individual raised his/her complaint in person at a politburo meeting with the same language and attitude, I suspect the politburo would have told him to `Fuck off' in so many words. As is, they let sleeping dogs lie. You can state that ``Closed politburo session for disciplining a politburo member is also total BS,'' but that's your opinion. The undergraduates on the politburo made a policy decision regarding how they wanted to handle the matter. If you truly believe that current undergraduates should set policy and direction, you don't get to pick and choose which policy decisions they do and don't make. -dans \_ chmod 644 /etc/motd.public is how I would solve that problem. No need to run a script to wipe motd. -mrauser \_ oh that's a load of crap and you know it. paolo was deleting the MOTD because people were taking out his postings of kinneydrivel. If he were doing it for the greater good of the CSUA, why did he name his process "pine" and lie about what it did? We're not talking about the MOTD nazi'ing after 9/11, we're talking about while (1) sleep 180 ; cp /dev/null /etc/motd.public And I do think the undergraduates should be allowed to set policy; do you think that if I put the above in a script, called it "pine", and ran it myself, that that would be OK and within CSUA policy? What a crock. -tom \_ I agree that Paolo's implementation left much to be desired, but that's neither here nor there. And yes, if nuking the motd kept us from getting our net tap shut off, while it wouldn't be OK, I'd sincerely hope that it would be forgiven. At this point the dispute is who's facts are correct. Yours run counter to my recollection, but I doubt I'm going to convince you my memory is better than yours or vice versa. But that still begs the question, why are you beating a horse that's been dead for four years? -dans \_ The facts that paolo *claimed at the time* were that he was "running tests using screen to have it run pine in the background and auto-reattach itself to my soda-shell whenever i got new mail" (his words). Apparently, when it became obvious that this was 100% bullshit, he told the politburo that he was on a SOOPER SEKRIT MISSION to SAVE THE CSUA from the EVIL LORD MULLALLY. And apparently he succeeded in his mission, despite only deleting the MOTD for about three hours on one occasion and never running his script again (at least not automatically). What an effective leader he was! I bring it up because I am still dumbfounded, not only that he did it in the first place, but that his credulous cronies let him get away with it. Maybe you believed his bullshit--that would just make you a stooge and a tool. Paolo, on the other hand, was a scumbag. -tom \_ Excuse me? Have you ever sat down and had a beer with me? Or Paolo? Paolo is a good guy and a good friend who's there when he's needed. I can attest to this as will many others. Back when he was on politburo, he worked his ass for the CSUA. So did I. You, on the other hand are a faceless bitter dour naysayer alumni who sees fit to bitch and moan about `those kids these days,' but, in my seven years kicking around Berkeley, I never once saw you lift a finger for this organization. You seem to believe that \_ Excuse me? Have you ever sat down and had a beer with Paolo? Or me? I know he busted his ass for the CSUA when he was on politburo. So did I. You on the other hand seem to be a bitter dour naysayer alumnus who loves to bitch about ``those damned kids these days,'' but, in the seven years I was active in the CSUA, I never once saw you lift a finger for this organization. Basically, you're a parasite. You seem to think the motd is your personal playground, You think Paolo pissed on it once four years ago, and, like a child or a fanatic, you latch onto this tiny perceived slight, blow it way out of proportion, and refuse to move on or let go. Somehow, in the haze of your ongoing childish tantrum, you concluded that people you barely or never interacted with are, in your words, scumbags, stooges, and tools. My first impulse is to revert to your level and call you a wanker, but, on further reflection, I'm simply speechless. -dans and you believe Paolo pissed on it. Like a child or a fanatic, your response to this tiny perceived slight is to blow it completely out of proportion: You hold a grudge over the matter that's lasted four years (and counting). On the basis of incomplete information about a single event, you just labeled a bunch of people you've barely or never interacted with as stooges, tools, and scumbags. I'm tempted to drop to your level and call you a wanker, but, frankly, I'm just speechless. -dans \_ Way to change the subject! First of all, I am quite confident that I have both done more work for the CSUA and donated more money to the CSUA than either of you. Second, how much work any of us have done for the CSUA is completely irrelevant to whether paolo's actions were inappropriate. And it's not just that he munged the MOTD; it's that he threatened me with lawsuits and police action when I reported it. That's appropriate behavior for an officer of an organization? -tom \_ I'm not changing the subject. You called me a tool and a stooge. I can live with that. But you also slapped that label (and scumbag) on several of my friends, something I am considerably less inclined to tolerate. This is the first time you've brought up threats of lawsuits and police action. I know in your world you want us all to bow down and lick your asshole when you champion your righteous views, but a) you refuse to allow for the fact that you may be wrong and b) we live in a civil society where the police and the courts exist to adjudicate disputes between parties. You have a right to raise complaints. But if you harrass people to make your complaints heard, or your complaints are slanderous or libelous, then the wronged parties have a right to seek legal recourse. If Paolo legitimately felt you wronged him, then it is reasonable and appropriate for him to seek remedy from the police or the courts. -dans \_ except he was 100% full of shit, which is why he apparently came up with a totally new story in the SOOPER SEKRIT POLITBURO MEETING where, surprise, his friends decided not to do anything to him. -tom \_ I am ready to fight you Tom. Are you a coward? -dans \_ GUN DUEL!! \_ I did not write this. -dans \_ So you are scared to fight tom too? It is too bad for the CSUA you both lack physical courage. \_ Look tom, if it was such an important issue, and you believe so strongly in your conviction that Paolo is a liar and a `scumbag,' you could have escalated your complaint to the ASUC, the CS department, or the University level. You chose not to do that. Instead, you vent on the motd with cheap shots and low blows at the parties involved four years after the fact. This is just sour grapes over the fact that the politburo decided that you were wrong, and your complaint lacked merit. Apparently you don't like to be reminded that you're not omnipotent, and sometimes this leads to incorrect conclusions. -dans \_ I didn't vent on the MOTD. I reported it to the politburo, courteously and with details. The \_ And then proceeded to vent about it on the motd for the next four years (and counting!) when the politburo decided, based on findings of fact that your complaint was without merit. -dans politburo ignored me except for paolo's reply where he lied about what he was doing, claimed he was placing a restraining order against me, and blamed me for making soda "not a place for undergraduates." (Ignoring, of course, the fact that he was the one trashing the resource). The act itself was not that big a deal, and it would have been a disservice to the CSUA to try to bring it to a higher authority. However, paolo is still a scumbag and you're still a tool. -tom \_ I am thankful I don't see the world through your eyes. -dans \_ The bottom line here is paolo was your friend and anything he did was fine. \_ No. I choose my friends because they behave like honorable human beings I can respect. I can't be friends with someone I don't respect. If he did something genuinely reprehensible, he wouldn't be my friend anymore. -dans \_ It wasn't "reprehensible"; I mean, he didn't murder anyone or steal etc. What he did do was break a CSUA policy that others have been disciplined for, and lied about it. I mean, you \_ To my knowledge, he did not lie about it. Tom accuses him of lying about it, but, as this thread shows, Tom lives in a reality distortion field so I am disinclined to believe Tom's accusation. Honor and honesty are very important to me, and while I don't view them purely in black and white, I would end a friendship over them -dans \_ So, do you believe the following? 1. I have been and was running tests using screen to have it run pine in the background and auto-reattach itself to my soda-shell whenever i got new mail (think of it as biff++). I have been running these test for several days now. I have been checking my screen sessions on soda and the programs I've been running are not only nice'd, but go to sleep awaiting a timer call. I'm using soda because some of my mail goes to soda. ... For this i am contacting the OSC and the Berkeley PD about restraining orders placed against Mr. Holub. The first two paragraphs don't jibe at all with what you claim happened at the SOOPER SEKRIT politburo meeting. And I seriously doubt he ever contact OSC or contacted OSC or the Berkeley PD. -tom --------------------------------------------------/ \_ Did Paolo cc anyone, e.g. the politburo on that mail? That is, if Paolo sent the out of context email excerpt you posted, and the statements therein are untrue, did he lie to you, or did he lie to both you *and* the politburo? I'm willing to believe he sent the email you are excerpting, I don't think your reality distortion field is so warped that you would fabricate old emails. Did it ever occur to you that his purpose was to get you off his back? If he lied to you, then it was bad form and a poor way to accomplish that end. But, apparently, it succeeded. You might feel you deserve an apology. That said, however, you make a pattern of being rude, belligerent, and nasty in your electronic communications, as evinced by your behavior on the motd. Oddly enough, this is something you and I share. The difference is that when someone responds to my nastiness by ignoring me or telling me to fuck off in so many words, I accept the consequences. You, on the other hand, demand an apology, and declare a lifelong (four years, and counting!) vendetta against the party in question. -dans \_ That was his response to my mail to root. He cc:ed root, twohey, ajani, galen, and chialea. He made similar claims on \_ Let's apply Occam's razor here. Which of the following is more plausible: a) Paolo is privately a degenerate scumbag, but his public face is that of a brilliant social engineer who counts the following people in his thrall of tools and stooges: - twohey, ajani, galen, and chialea - all root staff members - all politburo members - everyone reading wall during the time period in question b) You really weren't privy to all the details, and thus your self-righteous black and white assessment is wrong. -dans <<<<<<< /home/sgi/dcs/tms \_ This is great. If paolo sent it just to me, he was just trying to get me to go away, but if he sent it to lots of people, he must have been telling the truth. How's this for a possibility: the politburo was a bunch of paolo's friends, who didn't want to do the right thing (turn off his account and remove him as President), so they decided in "closed session" (so no one else ever knew what happened) to let it slide. Sounds pretty ontologically parsimonious to me. -tom \_ tom, do you need a hug? Maybe a nice puppy or a kitty cat for your apartment? -dans \_ How can you count 'everyone reading wall...'? \_ As tom has made abundantly clear, if you're not with tom, your against tom. Since those reading wall did not rush to tom's defense and aide, they must be part of Paolo's vast scumbag conspiracy of tools and stooges. -dans Also, another possibility is that those 'tools and stooges' in actuality chose to just let it slide, for whatever reason, since that's the easiest thing to do, and they probably had no idea what really happened and don't care much either way about the incident. ======= \_ You are a black bugger. -tom >>>>>>> /etc/motd.public \_ Sounds plausible to me. It also explains why, unlike tom, they're not still bitching about it after the fact. -dans wall. The issue has *nothing to do* with my online personality; \_ Do you have an different online personality because you are worried about getting beaten up in real life? \_ He does run away when someone makes physical threats on the motd. \_ you know, psb, a twerp like you really should stay away from talking about physical conflict. -tom it has to to with paolo trying to come up with a plausible story to dupe the credulous. He failed the first time, so apparently he came up with a totally different story, completely inconsistent with his first one, to tell at the politburo meeting. (By the way, the MOTD that day was http://www.csua.com/2001/07/11; nothing remotely resembling hate speech). -tom know, whatever, but there it is. Your politburo chose to ignore that. That thing had nothing to do with hate speech (that was the 9/11 motd shutdown). I don't think that this incident would be enough to break a friendship over. But it is quite plain that there was dishonesty there; can't you at least admit that it was a wrong thing to do especially for an officer? Anyway I don't really care and nobody else really does either but it remains an item of precedent that tom was perfectly justified in pointing out at the top of this thread. All the rest of this thread is your indignant lashing back. Anyway I don't have anything against y'all I just think it's funny. \_ "hard line stance"? Seriously.. You (by which I mean the last 5 years or so of politburo) only use terms like this because of an inflated sense of importance. I think it's time politburo stops whining about outdated criticism. \_ Um, dude, I'm making an argument. I use language appropriate for the discussion. Sense of importance has nothing to do with it. I think it's time that bitter dour naysayer alumni stop whining about four year old slights. -dans \_ For posterity, what were those facts? -!tom \_ The hypothetical I describe is pretty damn close. I can't disclose specifics without violating others' trust. Yes, it's lame, but it's also how it fell out. -dans \_ trust him, he's only wiretapping bad guys. -tom \_ I agree it's fucked. But I also gave my word. Look tom, I've been way more active in this organization in the last seven years than you have. Is there a reason your word should carry more weight than mine? -dans \_ That makes absolutely no sense. Do you actually believe that? \_ If someone asks for my opinion on a matter in confidence, I give it, in confidence. I don't put a statue of limitations on that. I value my word. -dans \_ I was referring to the hate speech theory of why noble paolo was auto-wiping the motd. \_ Berkeley has pretty strong fighting words/hate speech policies, and they were *really* on the warpath in the weeks following 9/11. -dans \_ yes, nice theory, only problem is, this was two months before 9/11. Oh, and when confronted with the evidence, paolo didn't say anything about hate speech, and there wasn't any hate speech in the MOTD that day. Unless you count kinneydrivel. -tom \_ Tom was scared after some geeks threated to physically assault him. \_ That's moderately amusing, but my point is a serious one. -dans \_ Us old farts do this for a while, then we transcend Politburo meetings for a higher plane of consciousness. You too will realize this when you graduate to old fartness, young padawan. -John \_ John, you live in Europe. I can understand if you don't make it to a single politburo meeting in seven years. Me, I don't want to transcend to a plane where I bitch about things, but make no genuine effort to alter objective reality. -dans \_ Earth to dans. Earth to dans. You already do that. \_ As if you have any standing to judge. Please keep believing that. Social, political, and economic systems share at least one thing with computers: they're easier to hack without someone looking over your shoulder. -dans \_ We're alumni. We don't have to go to meetings anymore. We've earned the right to bitch from the sidelines no matter where you are. Hey, it's the undergrads' organization, we have no business showing up :-) -John |
2006/3/3-6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:42086 Activity:high |
3/3 Has the CSUA considered asking alumni to ccme back and give talks about the cool stuff they are doing? I'm thinking of bz (Cyan), maybe aubie (Pixar)... I'm sure there are plenty of others I'm forgetting (no offense intended). Twohey, lea, myself and others could talk about grad school. Brg could too, but I don't know if you would want that. I bet mconst could put on some kind of freaky variety show (he'll solve an open math problem, patch a critical kernel bug, then kick your ass at any video game in existence). There are distance issues involved for some folks, but if they were asked (well, if I was asked) I bet people would make an effort. I think this could be a huge draw, and take advantage of one of the CSUA's core strengths. I'll leave you with the opening to a talk I was writing for UCB undergrads about going to grad school: "This talk is either going to suck donkey balls, or rock you like an exam written by Hilfinger _and_ Garcia. And I just came from the Super-DC, where they are FRESH OUT OF DONKEY BALLS. As Yoda says, there is no try, only do." -jhs \_ I brought in a guy from work to talk about election security. It was a facinating talk, but, of course, almost no one showed up. -jrleek \_ There hasn't ever been anything resembling serious election security in this country. Probably not in most others either. \_ Umm, no duh? So we can't have a talk on it? -jrleek \_ Of course, but it's such an obscure topic for most \- vertex algebras is an obscure topic. election security is hardly obscure. people, especially the politically unaware freshmen that I'm not surprised it wasn't well attended. Do you think most people are aware elections have been rigged since forever? Most people don't even vote so why would they care if an election is manipulated or not? \_ Well, this was primarily about electronic voting. \_ Erm, isn't that sort of part of the purpose of a university, to expose you to obscure topics? -John \_ No. You're supposed to get a 'higher education' which isn't necessarily the same thing. Anyway, even if it was the point, attending a side lecture or talk like this, no matter how interesting or educational, is still voluntary. How many times were you in class when a prof went off on some side topic and someone asked, "will this be on the exam?" Thus, few people attended something that may have been quite interesting and educational. It wasn't on the midterm. \_ Of course it's voluntary. But let's face it, you could, theoretically, learn all the crap you get from a university from books. I don't know about you, but the most valuable thing I got out of Cal was the sum total of exposure to ideas and people that I would not otherwise have had access to. I think "will this be on the exam" is one of the saddest questions imaginable. -John \_ Of course it is. However Cal probably isn't the best choice for people looking for a classical liberal arts education. After the various admissions and self filtering that goes on to create a freshman class, plus the environment once you get here there isn't a lot of room for that sort of thing. Thus, you get a high percentage of people who won't attend what was probably an interesting, yet entirely voluntary/no credit talk. \_ Why not? I don't know about nowadays, but course catalog when I attended (92-96, to be honest) was jam packed with interesting, esoteric stuff. I had a lot of amazing profs _and_ good TAs, as well as contact with some really funky, smart people who enjoyed attending "interesting", voluntary talks. Same university? -John \_ You're either smart and cynical or just plain dumb. It makes me glad I devoted time and effort to fucking with your kind when they were my peers in classes or students in classes I TAed. -dans \_ Ok since you can't even figure out what "kind" I am.... I'm just glad I was here today to give you the opportunity to post how smart you are and how you abused other people in class. Whatever. I don't know what button of yours I hit with my harmless reply to John, but your response is... interesting. \_ This isn't about smart or dumb. It's about your assertion that the purpose of attending university is to get a `higher education' (whatever that means), a view that I hold to be either cynical and shortsighted or outright stupid. Individuals who approach university classrooms with your attitude water down the university experience for everyone. Every time some selfish or stupid twit asks ``Will this be on the midterm,'' it takes away from class time that could be spent *gasp* learning. Thus, I view it as a duty to encourage others to move away from a fundamentally parasitic and harmful attitude toward the university experience, if necessary, by beating it out of them. Cheers. -dans \_ Unfortunately you didn't do as well in reading comp as you did in nastiness and self righteousness. Go re-read and try again. \_ Unfortunately your composition skills, appear grossly inferior to your apparent selfishness and defensiveness. In particular, your capacity to clearly express your views deserves as C+ at best. Back to English 1A with you. It saddens me that you think it is nasty when people call attention to the, in this case ugly, truth of your words. -dans \_ *laugh* "I know you are but what am I?" You're so funny. \_ I'm someone who has the conviction to sign my name and stand behind my words. Who are you? -dans \_ I don't play that game. You can deal with what I say, who I am is not important. If you can't deal, don't. I don't care and didn't ask you to throw your over wrought spew on the thread in the first place. You chose to join a thread and respond to an anonymous person. No one forced you. \_ Eh. -dans \_ You say I don't understand what you wrote. I say you're backpedalling because your words express a cynical and selfish attitude, and I called you on it. We can't both be right. Personally, I throw my hat in with the guy who signs hist name, but I'm biased. -dans \_ You're an idiot. -gwb \_ No, Mr. President, what you meant to say was ``Fuck off'' -rbc \_ I'll explain slowly for you: I have no reason to backpedal anything. I'm somewhat anonymous, this is only the motd, \_ If it's ``only the motd,'' why do you care so much about your anonymity? -dans \_ Meow! any intelligent person who reads English can understand what I said, \_ I disagree with this assertion. -dans \_ MeOW! I never took back a single word of it, and \_ I disagree with this assertion. -dans \_ meOW! signing your name only means you like seeing your name in lights. \_ If you believe this ridiculous idea, it directly contradicts your statement that ``it's only the motd.'' -dans \_ mEOw! I wouldn't take the signed over the unsigned. I would actually read what two people actually said and decide from that alone who was correct and to what degree. Their name status carries no weight. Again, you \_ Your arguments in this thread are, imprecise, sloppily worded, and, based on some readings, logically flawed. You use the resulting lack of clarity as an excuse to justify backpedalling, and then assert that ``any intelligent person who reads English can understand what [you] said.'' \_ MeOw! voluntarily responded to an anon person. Why bother if you automatically dismiss them on that basic \_ [sic] \_ MEOW! alone? \_ Heh. I *broke* the ASUC election system the first year it was computerized. As in I produced a demonstrably working exploit. I then took my findings to the elections chair and worked with him to secure against my exploit and other avenues of attack. I spoke about this at DefCon and Computers Freedom and Privacy in 2004. The following year the election technical lead didn't test the old code until the eve of the elections, and I led the team that wrote a superior replacement in under 8 hours. If you include time to recruit the team members, it took approx. 12 hours from start to rollout. Last I checked, this code was still in use, albeit with some modifications by OCF members. If folks \_ Oh shit. --team member would like, I'd be happy to do a talk on this. If you time it at the beginning of the ASUC election campaign season and flyer on south side, it would probably be a great way to bring in more members that don't have traditional computing backgrounds. If current CSUA members want to see this happen, email me. -dans \_ I probably would have attended. I think what you need to do is get people excited somehow, and then make sure that the talk delivers (see, for example, the series of talks by Brewer, Karp, etc, last year). The CSUA needs positive buzz. In my mind this means more than flyering - it means people going into classes and being _enthusiastic_ about what they are selling. Does current pburo have the mental energy to pull this off? Not meant as offensive. Also, as alumni, I could be wrong, full of shit, or both. -jhs |
2006/2/15-16 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:41876 Activity:nil |
2/15 Seeing that the "What are your favorite old school computer games?" troll yields a lot more responses than the "What did you give/get for Valentine's Day?" troll really tells you a lot about sodans. |
2006/2/8-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:41765 Activity:moderate |
2/8 linxu, what is it you guys want from us alumni? Many of us are old, disillusioned, lonely, pathetic, and pissed off engineers. Many of us are single, still virgin, and almost 40 years of age! I'm not so sure that hooking up old and pissed off alumni with you happy and optimistic youngin' is actually a good thing for you guys. Seriously, don't do engineering and GET A LIFE outside of Soda! Screw coding, debugging, and sysadm. It's all meaningless and dry, and will get outsourced to India and China anyways. How about ditching your new technical mentoring program and instead concentrate on things that'll make your life to be more fulfilling when you're older. For example get someone from Cal MBA to do tech entrepreneurial talk, or get hooked up with the busadm people, like doing a CSUA+MBA+busadm event. Seriously, there are so many fine opportunities and fine women outside of Soda. You deserve to have a better life than many of us uninformed alumni when we were young and stupid and didn't know what we were doing. -disillusioned virgin, should have done something else \_ I think its much more for those alumni who would be interested in meeting the current politburo and office hosers. I know a few graduated alumns who I think would come and would be nice to see again. This is not necessarily a networking to get current students jobs or ellicit donations, but just to involve the alumni with the club more. When I'm an alum I'd like to go to something occasion- ally to see how the club is currently functioning. This is very much geared to friendly alumns, so if you are just angry and bitter (and don't want to at least act friendly) you probably want to stay home. -mrauser \_ maybe you should move to an asian country where your poor english skills will be less of a barrier to finding eligible women. \_ speak for yourself. I could have learned a lot from alumni when I was in school if I hadn't been too busy playing on MUDs chasing after women--things I had to learn myself after I graduated and had to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Good idea on the MBA entrepreneurial talk, though. That could be pretty useful. \_ But would you have really listened to the bitter old men or dismiss them as, well, old and bitter virgins? \_ Well, I've found the "bitter old virgin" stereotype to be mostly untrue -- except in a few cases where it's more a problem of attitude than geek culture. And yes, I'd have listened to Soda's elder statesmen for general advice about "what happens next", and I'd have looked out for the opportunity to network with people in industry. Maybe you should get some counseling or something, man, since you seem really unhappy and have a pretty self-defeating attitude... unless you're happy being a old bitter virgin. unless you're happy being an old bitter virgin. \_ Nah, I was an arrogant kid in college and didn't listen to any "elder statesmen" who might have showed up (and few did). Lots of others were the same. It makes me wonder if having an alumni meeting is worth it. \_ The purpose of an alumni meeting is for alumni to meet college girls. Maybe you're too old already though. \_ Hey nineteen, that's Aretha Franklin. She don't remember the Queen of Soul. \_ Assuming you're the op, so you were an arrogant in college and now you're a bitter old virgin. Perhaps it's time for a change in strategy? In the mean time, please don't be a bitter dour naysayer of good ideas just because you wouldn't have benefited from them back when you were a young ass. -dans \_ Sorry, !op. The op is obviously trolling. I am expressing the fact that in college, the last thing I wanted to hear is old farts talking about their glorious college days. If it's going talking about the stuff they are doing now, that's better. \_ Then why didn't you say that an alumni meeting where they talk about what they are doing now >> alumni reminiscing about college instead of merely expressing vague, bitter, dour, naysayer misgivings? Seriously though, thanks for the clarification, I think it's important. -dans \_ No agenda mentioned. Assumed it was going bitter, old virgins showing complaining about the motd and their ideas of improving {unix, nethack,BSG} all of which include more full frontal MOTAS nudity. to whatever "elder statesmen" who might have showed up (and none did). Lots of others were the same. It makes me wonder if having an alumni meeting worth it. \_ That's funny. All the CSUA allumni I \_ That's funny. All the CSUA alumni I know personally are a lot of fun, including the above dans. I wanted to go just because it would be fun.-jrleek \_ I like feeding the myth. And I troll too. \_ Speak for yourself. I'm a happy, married, going-on-30-year-old engineer. I've liked every job I've had and can't imagine doing anything else. I got my first few jobs because of all of the time I spent fiddling on the computer instead of { studying, having a life, going outside, etc } while in school. \_ Speak for yourself, I'm a happy mid-twentiesomthing alum. I'm totally into the latest of a string of hot girlfriends that began \_ pixP \_ #t Stop being anal about this, P-guy. ___P _/ was first popularized with foodP, which if people had really only responded with #t and nothing else wouldn't have been a very useful thing. It just means ____? these days, deal with it. \_ I date hot girls because I like them, not so I can parade them around like some sort of trophy for you to ogle. -pp \_ ___P and #t are also mismatched conventions. \_ ___P ==> ___predicate...ie, boolean. You know...#t/#f. \_ I'm referring to mixing LISP vs. Scheme conventions. \_ Okay, this is where we tell the joke about there being 10 kinds of people in the world, those who can count in binary and those who can't, thereby officially consigning this argument to the nerd humor graveyard after killing it, digging it up, and killing the zombie corpse again. -dans \_ Speaking of zombies, I thought Cemetary Man kind of rocked. That was a great film. I've never been as impressed with the Romero Quartet, though. *shrug* \_ I'll have to check that out. Thanks. -dans \_ analP \_ correctP back in my undergrad days. As an undergrad I spent lots of time geeking out, learned a lot, but still made time for a social life (not necessarily out of Soda, but a social life nonetheless). The time spent geeking out definitely led to the jobs I've held. I left my most recent gig in November, took a few months off, and am excited about the prospects for what's next. \_ what about happy old virgins? \_ Ah reminds me of the good old days where CS8 (Pascal) was a Business Admin requirement (logic, you know) and, as a reader or lab aide, the access to cute women was easy... \_ To the lonely 40 year-old virgin sodan, if you are truly depressed, and want to do something about your life before it is too late (or before your sperm all dries up), move out of Silicon Valley, seriously! If I am in your situation, I would seriously consider working in another country (especially Asian country such as China) for a few years instead of rotting in the Silicon Valley waiting for something to happen. You don't have to work I the tech field, teach English, or be a fool and appear in their TV shows! Apply for graduate school there. If you work there for a few years you'll get to know the girl better so you have more to base your decision on. It's an equal playing field. It'll be the opposite of Silicon Valley for you. You get to say "sorry, I am flattered, but I am not interested!". Or you can continue to bitch and moan about being a virgin on soda. \_ That's only if you want to date Asian women, NTTAWWT. I guess it might work also in Latin America, in which case you are an f-ing genius. |
2006/2/7-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:41755 Activity:moderate |
2/7 Dear Alumni, the current politburo is thinking about having an alumni event. We were thinking of having an event here in Berkeley in a couple of months (perhaps near the end of the semester). Here are some options we would like you guys to vote on: * Resturant or Soda-BBQ * Weekend Evening or Weekday Evening? * How far in advance? Thanks all -lin / CSUA Alumni relations \_ ack, this is too much pressure! What is it you want from us alumni? Money? Attention? Job? Companion? Love? Well we can't offer the last one but I can give you an advice. If you don't have a mate and graduating soon, GET ONE. Real life in Silicon Valley is lonely and depressing and unfulfilling. You spend weekdays and weeknights with other lonely geeks like yourself, debugging someone else's code 24x7. I guess this is alright if you're gay. But if you're not, understand that most of the women in Silicon Valley are married, and those that aren't are either old, ugly, or both, and still in high demand. Get mate while you're still in college or forever be doomed to bitching on motd as your only source of sexual relief -pathetic alum, really miss college \_ Actually I really miss multi-day hack sessions, sexual \_ Actually I really miss multiple day hack sessions, sexual frustration, and lonely geekdom. \_ I agree, if I hadn't gotten married right out of college, I don't know how I would've met anyone around here. -happy mar. \_ I met a sexy young caucasian girl who works for a pharmie as a s/w engineer who is single. So it can happen. \_ Are you serious? It is my impression that most of the sodans have Asian fetish. You are not a real Sodan. \_ Err, most != all \_ I won't speak for all alums, but I imagine weeknights are bad for everyone what with work/wife/kids. They are probably also bad for students what with school and/or work. Make it a Friday or Saturday. \_ Soda-BBQ seems much better in terms of miixing and such. \_ Soda-BBQ works better for me. Make is on the weekend before a Cal game and I will show up for sure! -ausman \_ Soda-BBQ + weekend for me. --dbushong \_ Soda-BBQ + weekend works for me. -dans \_ P.S. Two weeks lead time would be great. My February is already completely booked. \_ Soda-BBQ + weekend is the most likely for me. It would be fun to meet some of the people that I've been ridiculing on MOTD for years so I can ridicule them in person. You going to be there John?...I could sure use a good yodel to perk me up. -mice \_ Olay deedle fucking dee. -John \_ Soda-BBQ + weekend for me, too. You know, back in my day, we didn't have BBQ's. Or sodas. Or weekends. We had treebark. And we liked it. We loved it. -geordan \_ *pshaw* In my day, we didn't even have trees. We just had roots. When we got hungry we had to gnaw on the bare, uncooked roots in the sun (since we didn't have trees for shade). Kids these days.... -mice \_ I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Give me five bees for a quarter,' you'd say. Now where were we? Oh yeah - the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones... |
2006/2/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:41723 Activity:kinda low |
2/6 I missed the Superbowl completely. Where can I find archive of all commericals, perferably in anything other than Flash format so I can archive it locally? TIA \_ my gf was looking at it last night. it was probably http://ifilm.com. \_ anyone knows how to capture them from iFilm? the rstp URL is very painful to find. \_ http://video.google.com/superbowl.html \_ flash :( \_ http://nfl.com has them, realplayer format \_ thanks. capturing them now may be convert it to AVI \_ You didn't miss much. Mike Jagger didn't have a wardrobe mulfunction. Darn! \_ You didn't miss much. Mick Jagger didn't have a wardrobe malfunction. Darn! \_ WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH USING ARTICLES? -John \_ easy. Articles in English is very very hard. Don't you think the fact that I managed to go through high school / Berkeley with such disfunc English skill reflect the true state of our public school system? \_ No, I think it reflect the true state of the you're a lazy moron and teh poor troll. I certainly hope you're not seriously this linguistically defective, because if you are not motivated enough or capable of, god forbid, making the slightest fucking effort to form complete sentences with the benefit of a Berkeley education, you should have a sentence diagram shoved up your ass. -John moron and teh poor troll. Don't make me whoopass you with a sentence diagram. -John \_ Woot! Sentence diagram! Yes! \_ Good grief, those were pathetic. I can't believe they paid that much to show that drivel. :P |
2006/2/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Computer/SW] UID:41715 Activity:high |
2/6 Not new, but scary anyway: http://images.google.com/images?q=tiananmen vs. http://images.google.cn/images?q=tiananmen Cue ChiCom Troll. -John \_ too bad google doesn't have any thing interesting when I searched "Bonus Army." \_ do not troll the chicom troll. the chicom troll is not against valid and constructive criticism of the Great and Mighty Middle Kingdom. - chicom troll \_ I knew chicom troll, and you sir are no chicom troll. -John \_ shutup! I am the chicom troll! who is the one who first used the term on the motd?! \_ Right here, yo. -John \_ Whoa, really? So you're part of the motd cultural legacy? As my french foriegn exchange student exroommate Nathalie used to say: "Wouww!" May I touch you? -mice \_ Exactly. And you used it on what I wrote. So I am the official Chicom Troll. I am the official Chicom Troll. Now STFU! \_ Exactly. And you used it on what I wrote, when you lost the argument and got red faced. \_ No, I used it on what you wrote when you were a fucking moron. Fortune cookie says: "close, but \_ No, I used it on what you wrote when you were an utter moron. Fortune cookie says: "close, but no Yichang cigar". And yes, your ex-roommate may touch me. -John \_ Cigars? You have expensive tastes. I prefer cheap Panda brand cigarettes. As for my ex- roommate, I doubt he would be interested, unless he is drunk, and you dress up as a fat swiss milk wench and start yodeling. \_ I'm dressed up as a fat swiss milk wench right now, yodeling this post at my PC. And I meant mice's former roommate, so yours is SOL, sorry. -John \_ Oh John, you tease! You're so cruel! -mice \_ Near the bottom of the .cn page it reads something like "In accordance with local laws, rules and policies, some search results are not displayed." |
2006/1/26 [Science/GlobalWarming, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:41545 Activity:moderate 69%like:41535 |
1/25 [Why is Furious censored? Restored, at the top no less. And you should really learn to delete better. You're wiping out whole chunks of unrelated posts along with this. The odd thing is, the more you censor, the more this gets restored at the top, thus ensuring it will stick around longer.] Furious MOTD guy here again. I only masturbated 3 times today. Oh wait I forgot about #4, in the CEO's office after he went home. I came home and looked at link:tinyurl.com/apac2 \_ It's gonna suck when you're 38 and you're balls are all worn out. \_ your \_ Is that possible? They seem to be working pretty well! \_ Actually, balls are a "if you don't use it you lose it thing", not a "you'll wear it out" thing. \_ I think you should get together with chicom troll and motd boob guy and have a debate. \_ Why would I want to have a debate with him? OTOH I enjoy his URLs. -- motd boob guy \_ You guys could discuss masturbation technique, and whether it is better to masturbate to pictures of western or superior chinese breeding. \_ Seriously, don't you sort of... ache after a while? I call BS on the CEO thing though. \_ gee, you're perceptive. -tom \_ I was working late and he left early. \_ Why would you want to masturbate in a guy's office? I once masturbated outside my busty petite HR's office late night, shot my load on the door handle and let it dry up. The next day she came to work and opened the door with her bare hand. \_ Same reason ass pennies exist. \_ Nice! A slimmer tummy would be even better. \_ Why Furious Masturbator will inherit the earth. 'In bat species noted for female monogamy, males have small testes and big brains; in bat species noted for female promiscuity, males have testicles five times as big, but with smaller brains. Testes in one species are 8.5 percent of the male's body weight. Reason for big testicles: If a female is taking sperm from you and another guy, the best way to pass on your genes instead of his is to deliver more sperm. (This is why chimps have testicles "many times larger than those of gorillas.") Reason for small brains: Male bats that spent their energy making sperm beat out the ones that spent their energy thinking. Researchers' conclusion: "Size does matter."' http://www.slate.com/id/2134651 BTW, testes 8.5% of body weight are some pretty big and dense balls. \_ 17lb balls on a 200lb guy. |
2006/1/26 [Science/GlobalWarming, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:41535 Activity:high 69%like:41545 |
1/25 [Why is Furious censored? Restored, at the top no less.] Furious MOTD guy here again. I only masturbated 3 times today. Oh wait I forgot about #4, in the CEO's office after he went home. I came home and looked at link:tinyurl.com/apac2 \_ It's gonna suck when you're 38 and you're balls are all worn out. \_ Is that possible? They seem to be working pretty well! \_ I think you should get together with chicom troll and motd boob guy and have a debate. \_ Why would I want to have a debate with him? OTOH I enjoy his URLs. -- motd boob guy \_ You guys could discuss masturbation technique, and whether it is better to masturbate to pictures of western or superior chinese breeding. \_ Seriously, don't you sort of... ache after a while? I call BS on the CEO thing though. \_ gee, you're perceptive. -tom \_ I was working late and he left early. \_ Why would you want to masturbate in a guy's office? I once masturbated outside my busty petite HR's office late night, shot my load on the door handle and let it dry up. The next day she came to work and opened the door with her bare hand. \_ Same reason ass pennies exist. \_ Nice! A slimmer tummy would be even better. \_ Why Furious Masturbator will inherit the earth. 'In bat species noted for female monogamy, males have small testes and big brains; in bat species noted for female promiscuity, males have testicles five times as big, but with smaller brains. Testes in one species are 8.5 percent of the male's body weight. Reason for big testicles: If a female is taking sperm from you and another guy, the best way to pass on your genes instead of his is to deliver more sperm. (This is why chimps have testicles "many times larger than those of gorillas.") Reason for small brains: Male bats that spent their energy making sperm beat out the ones that spent their energy thinking. Researchers' conclusion: "Size does matter."' http://www.slate.com/id/2134651 BTW, testes 8.5% of body weight are some pretty big and dense balls. |
2005/12/13-15 [Reference/RealEstate, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40987 Activity:nil |
12/13 Ya'll are boring. Enough with the housing talk. Where's the juicy topics? And I don't mean political flames... \_ Be patient my little cricket. One of the politburo newbies like amckee will do something stupid and comical. \_ my GF insists on getting brazillians even though I'm not that into it. what should i do |
2005/11/23-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40710 Activity:low |
11/23 I haven't been on campus in years. Who's the best group to go through to arrange and advertise an Infosession for a tech company? Thanks. -steve \_ After the newbie amckee/mrauser/brett debacles, I'd avoid csua. Both HKN and UCSEE are well known since the early 90s and have good reputations with industries. My company sends someone to UCSEE every year. The whole point of the existence of CSUA in the early days was that HKN and UCSEE already did serious mentoring and support programs. CSUA filled in the role of making CS more fun. The fact that new politburo members are trying to be more serious and less fun is a sign that these \_ The main problem was amckee's psychological problems \_ The main problem was Amckee's psychological problems and the rest of the poliburo being too weak to to much about it ("oh please dont resign amckee!"). much about it ("Oh please dont resign Amckee!"). Beyond the psychological complex problem, there was a lack of political savvy and socialization ("the csua is not a democracy". "we can censor anybody ("The csua is not a democracy". "We can censor anybody at will.") but those would have been solvable problems if not for the "brain damage" at the top. the problem if not for the "brain damage" at the top. The problem was not their desire to have serious programs like lectures and employeer liaision activities. that is laudible. lectures and employeer liaision activities. That is laudible. It's how seriously Amckee takes himself which is laughable. incompetent gen-Y kids just don't get it. And yes my company's been interviewing people for jobs and I'm a big opponent of hiring gen-Y kids. Spread the word. Just say no to Y. -gen-X \_ What about the Career Center? \_ What about the Career Center? I remember the COE and L&S CS together have their own Career Center which is separate from the rest of the University. |
2005/10/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40304 Activity:nil |
10/27 Dear miserable soda undergrads and the incompetent and stupid politburo members who are out of touch with the real world, you guys seriously need a life. http://secondlife.com/whatis \_ "Millions of Linden Dollars change hands every month for the goods and services Residents create and provide. This currency may then be bought and sold on third party sites for real currency. Many of these sites even offer in-world "ATM" machines to facilitate transactions." Isn't that illegal in the U.S.? \_ not as long as you pay your income taxes |
2005/10/26-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40277 Activity:moderate 76%like:40271 |
10/25 To Politburo: The next time you decide to limit or modify a feature available to many CSUA users, can you please please please consult motd or a well-populated mailing list first, you know, just to get the popular opinion? Thanks. -soda user \_ Politburo voted to *ask* kchang to turn off the attribution in KAIS MOTD, and specifically said that they weren't going to sorry him or anything if he refused. Read Brett's message carefully: the first paragraph is from politburo, the second is the opinion of one random person on root, and the third is from Brett personally. \_ Nice revisionist history. Politburo and root staff as bodies asked kchang to turn off attribution. One staff member (turns out to be Jon) said adding a disclaimer would be sufficient. (BTW, in my universe, the word of one root staff member is worth much less the the combined opinion of the politburo and the root staff. Perhaps it is different in your universe.) There was a threat of account shut down if kchang does not reply (not clear who the source of the threat is). And then there was a threat from Brett that kchang may violate the not-a-hoser rule. It is only in a *later* email that the hoser threat was removed in a "clarification". \_ even if I was the "*one*" root person who said this, I am of the general impression that others on root felt that it was a reasonable approach to take. --Jon \_ Well, you and others on root may have felt that. However, I don't know that from reading the email kchang posted. In that email, it seems quite clear that it was the request of both the politburo and the root staff (as a body) that the attribution function be turned off. Does kchang have a good enough pulse on the mood of root staff to be able to infer that that position is not final, to be able to infer that that request is not final, despite the letter of the email? Where is Carmac when you need him? \_ It sounds like we agree. Politburo voted to make a non- threatening request. Brett sent out a threatening request, misleadingly presenting jon's and his own opinions (which I agree are worth a lot less than a politburo decision) as official. Politburo is to blame for lots of things, but I don't think this is one of them. -pp \_ no name, no weight. Your post will be ignored. \_ Would you plese show me where in http://csua.com says that the politburo "specifically said that they weren't going to sorry him or anything if he refused" per your original claim? \_ BTW, the time line isn't clear. It is clear that Brett threatened kchang with hoserfication. It is also clear that the hoserfication threat was later removed in a clarification. When did the politburo had the finding that kchang was not being a hoser? Was it before Brett's threat, and therefore Brett had no grounds for his threat? Was it after the threat, so Brett thought he could legitimately threaten? Is misrepresenting the opinion of the politburo in an official communication a sorryable offense? \_ As amckee explained it, "[the CSUA] is not a democracy. We're [the Politburo] democratically elected, but once in office we have near complete authority to implement the policies we see fit. Think communist russia, not democratic greece." They are under no obligation to consider alternative points of view, and apparently they have no inclination to do so in any case. \- ObStarttheOutOfContextTimer \_ Time for another soda alias, keystone-kop@soda: amckee \_ Wouldn't that be kritical-keystone-kasset? \_ I nominate IWillBlackListYou for greatest troll of all time. \_ I dunno, it's got pretty stiff competition: GUN DUEL anyone? \_ Yeah--that one worked perfectly. -John \_ That was brilliant. Did the perpetrator (who should be proud of their handiwork, I think) ever come forward? -- ulysses \_ It was Mark Felt. -John \_ It was I. \_ So besides being ticked off by the tone of the email, what is kchang's reason for not putting up the disclaimer and saving all of us eyestrain from reading an evergrowing motd? \_ kchang is under no obligation to provide the MOTD threading service. He did it as a favor, and I assume he no longer feels a desire to do favors for the current regime. \_ We need a regime change. The current administration is as compentent and likeable as the Bush administration. Oh and if you ever find out who I am, please don't squish me. -scared poster \_ The current regime has not invaded any other campus groups unilaterally for no reason afaik. \_ I predict that if they did that, alumni support would increase, not decrease. \_ Maybe politburo should start drafting these things as a committe instead of delegating people to do it. You guys keep putting your collective foot in your mouth. -jrleek \_ Come back to the five and dime, Kevin Chang, Kevin Chang.... |
2005/10/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40271 Activity:high 76%like:40277 |
10/25 To Politburo: The next time you decide to limit or modify a CSUA-wide feature, can \_ It wasn't a CSUA-wide feature. It was a www-wide feature. -emarkp \_ You are splitting hairs. you please please please consult motd or a well-populated mailing list first, you know, just to get the popular opinion? Thanks. -soda user \_ Politburo voted to *ask* kchang to turn off the attribution in KAIS MOTD, and specifically said that they weren't going to sorry him or anything if he refused. Read Brett's message carefully: the first paragraph is from politburo, the second is the opinion of one random person on root, and the third is from Brett personally. \_ Nice revisionist history. Politburo and root staff as bodies asked kchang to turn off attribution. One staff member (turns out to be Jon) said adding a disclaimer would be sufficient. (BTW, in my universe, the word of one root staff member is worth much less the the combined opinion of the politburo and the root staff. Perhaps it is different in your universe.) There was a threat of account shut down if kchang does not reply (not clear who the source of the threat is). And then there was a threat from Brett that kchang may violate the not-a-hoser rule. It is only in a *later* email that the hoser threat was removed in a "clarification". \_ BTW, the time line isn't clear. It is clear that Brett threatened kchang with hoserfication. It is also clear that the hoserfication threat was later removed in a clarification. When did the politburo had the finding that kchang was not being a hoser? Was it before Brett's threat, and therefore Brett had no grounds for his threat? Was it after the threat, so Brett thought he could legitimately threaten? Is misrepresenting the opinion of the politburo in an official communication a sorryable offense? \_ As amckee explained it, "[the CSUA] is not a democracy. We're [the Politburo] democratically elected, but once in office we have near complete authority to implement the policies we see fit. Think communist russia, not democratic greece." They are under no obligation to consider alternative points of view, and apparently they have no inclination to do so in any case. \- ObStarttheOutOfContextTimer \_ Time for another soda alias, keystone-kop@soda: amckee \_ Wouldn't that be kritical-keystone-kasset? \_ I nominate IWillBlackListYou for greatest troll of all time. \_ I dunno, it's got pretty stiff competition: GUN DUEL anyone? \_ Yeah--that one worked perfectly. -John \_ So besides being ticked off by the tone of the email, what is kchang's reason for not putting up the disclaimer and saving all of us eyestrain from reading an evergrowing motd? \_ kchang is under no obligation to provide the MOTD threading service. He did it as a favor, and I assume he no longer feels a desire to do favors for the current regime. \_ Maybe politburo should start drafting these things as a committe instead of delegating people to do it. You guys keep putting your collective foot in your mouth. -jrleek \_ Come back to the five and dime, Kevin Chang, Kevin Chang.... |
2005/10/25-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40262 Activity:low |
10/25 Did amckee ever apologize to anyone? Is he squished yet? \_ Read the minutes sometime. \_ From the minutes, amckee did not apologize. He resigned. But, according to the minutes, he was persuaded by those at the meeting to un-resign. Personally I still think an apology is in order, but whatever. \_ He was also removed from root, and didn't ask to be reinstated. \_ I'm sorry you're ugly. \_ Did amckee explain why he decided to resign? That's not in the minutes either. Since most CSUA members do not read motd, they have to reply on the minutes for an explanation of what they have to rely on the minutes for an explanation of what happened. \_ Irritating alumni can make kitchen hot. \_ Do not meddle in the affairs of alumni, for they are subtle and quick to anger? \_ Half right. \_ He should apologize to the people he sorried or threatened to sorry. How many people is that? \_ I never intended to sorry that user, Partha S. Banerjee \- who is the "I" here? --psb \_ It's like the CSUA's own Watergate. An Enemies List, the Saturday Night Massacre, the missing email from the psb-politburo exchange, the Vice-Presidential Pardon, and a tainted Imperial Presidency and Cabinet. \_ Why can't it be more like Monicagate, at least that involved a blowjob. \_ No, Watergate was serious. This is just, in the words of a great wise man whose name is lost to the sands of time, "U S0 == TeH GHEI, D0)D." -John \_ Obviously it's not a "national nightmare" of Watergate proportions and perhaps appropriately it ends [although I suppose "end" may be premature] with humiliation rather than a convinction, but there is a "civics lecture" aspect to this, sort of like there is to the other sorry saga of Harriet Miers. Maybe Bushco will suggest character assassinating her is of HARRIET THE JUDGE. Maybe BUSHCO will suggest CHARACTER ASSASSINATING her is like attacking the govt and is akin to terrorism. (re: humiliation ... I assume amckee resigned out of a sense of TERRORISM. (re: humiliation ... I assume mr. amckee resigned out of a sense of shame, rather than needing to spend more time with say Arabian Horses. my apologies if he was really resigned for other personal reasons such as illness.) time with say Arabian Horses. my apologies if he was really resigned for other personal reasons such as illness.) \_ The only lesson in this is about stupid people and small-organization politics. -John of HARRIET THE JUDGE. Maybe BUSHCO will suggest CHARACTER ASSASSINATING her is like attacking the LEAST DANGEROUS BRANCH of the govt and is akin to TERRORISM. personal reasons such as illness.) --psb |
2005/10/17-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Computer/SW] UID:40135 Activity:low |
10/16 Poll for those who purchase home(s), poor students need not respond: the housing boom has been: An American Dream Come True: An American Dream Broken: \_ Yermom is so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house! \_ This is your first and last warning. If I continue to see character assasinations against any mom of any member of the CSUA, myself included, I will sorry your account. If I continue to see defamation against mymom, I will file for a restraining order against you that bars you from your behavior. No friends that you think you have with moms will be able to help you. If you wish to debate the virtues of mymom or yermom, do so as an adult. - !amckee \- there is a clear precedent in english common LAW that states that all citizens shall have the right to post YERMOM jokes to the motd [long excerpt from english common law]. your censorship is much like NAZI persecution of JEWS, and can be summed up by the following obscure latin phrase: [obscure latin PHRASE] \- dont make the pburo MANDAMUS your ass. |
2005/10/16-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40127 Activity:moderate |
10/16 Dear danh, geordan, psb, peterl, tse, lafe, mice, john, and many others who have been posting on motd. I'd suggest you guys stop publicly criticizing amckee because he has no problem squishing all of you. I'd take his threat seriously as he already squished someone who threatened to blacklist him at HRs and headhunters throughout Silicon Valley. I for one will stop saying anything bad on motd because I value my soda account. -fearful alumus \_ Troll troll troll your boat -John \_ funny, these are among the members who have consistently provided the most support when I've ran into horrible technical problems during the course of my work and have turned to the motd or wall for help. -sax \- I have a feeling Mr. Tse will be unavailable when the pburo is looking for HSPICE help or hotel recommendations on the Cote d'Azur. :-) --psb \_ 1 for 2. No Cote d'Azur for me. Even you should remember my dislike of the French. My advice is to go to Valencia, Hotel Ad Hoc Monumental. I can answer most questions spice and verilog related though. -tse \_ I've evolved beyond spice and cote d'azur. - tse \_ You remind me of the grad students who accuse the grad student union people of "intimidation" because they're annoying, and claim that grad students live in fear of "union intimidation tactics". "Union intimidation tactics" means coming by your lab and trying to get you to go drink coffee and hear about their union. You only have to tell them to fuck off and threaten to call the cops on them once, and they *never* come back, and mark your entire department as "anti union", avoiding that whole section of the building. Just as blathering about a union is not "intimidation", threatening to turn off an email account is not a serious threat. Have you also started to self-censor what books you check out from the library because the feds might come after you? \_ Heh, thanks for looking out for me, man. -mice \_ I think you need to relax. Nobody is going to get squished for their motd post without a politburo vote. -mbh, vp \_ Didn't amckee sorry Brett (and then had to unsorry him when it turns out Brett was the wrong guy)? Did amckee manage to sorry the right guy eventually? \_ It is rather amusing that after politburo members pedantically promise to be fair and impartial after they possibly implement motd logging, and after politburo members write, at length, about how reasonable and wise they are... one of them goes off the handle and sorries someone for strange reasons. I guess sorrying someone is a lot easier than emailing someone. Anyway I don't have much of anything useful to add, please don't destroy the CSUA, it's been nice knowing many of you. - danh \_ Yes, that was a mistake and amckee has acknowledged it. That kind of impulsive sorrying is not the regular course of action. -mbh \_ What CSUA policy has the person posting about the "blacklist" violated? \_ None, it was just a troll -mbh \- just for clarification: is the mbh position "the user who posted the blacklist post should not have been sorried because he was just 'trolling'". while the acmkee position is he should have been sorried, but because we do not know who it is we cannot do so, but if we do discover who it is, then we will sorry the user? i inquire because there are a lot of thoughts attributed to "the politburo" and it seems like they are not of one mind here. --psb \_ I apologize I should be more clear when speaking on behalf of the CSUA. psb you stated my opinion clearly. That post should have read "my position would be to ignore it". -mbh \_ Is there an established CSUA process to sorry someone? Is there an established CSUA policy to punish root staff who arbitrarily sorries someone without following the established process? Is there a plan to follow the established policies and punishments in this case? \_ I read through the CSUA constitution and /csua/adm/doc/policies, and it appears that the rules are VERY non-specific, probably intentionally. Now, if you wanted a heavyweight approach to policies ... \_ It seems to be up to the discretion of the politburo. I am guessing nothing will be done. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? \_ Whatever. I'll say whatever the hell I want. I've made backups of my homedir here. Oh noes, amckee might flip out and wield his AWESOME POWER and squish me. It's fine, learn 2 govern. -geordan \_ You go geordan! Go kick ass the same way you kicked Susan Graham's ass in 164... or not. :) \_ Savage Susan is still terrorizing undergrads in 164? Wow. \_ You make a good point. I'm nowhere near as Powerful as amckee. That's probably why I've never been christened as a 'Critical Asset'. -geordan \_ Stop it, your minority voice is gonna cause every single alumni to be squished. There goes 30 years of tradition \_ Yes, and amckee has acknowledged the mistake. And there is no 'right guy' either because the post was a troll. and that kind of impulsive sorrying will not happen. -mbh \_ I'm pretty sure I didn't actually post anything about amckee. --peterl \_ You don't have to actually post anything. amckee just has to think you posted something. And the post doesn't necessarily have to do with amckee; he just has to think it does. - tse \_ Btw, I've told all the opera companies I've sung with not to hire amckee. Yes, he has the voice of an angel, but his diva 'tude and doesn't-play-nice-with-others issues makes him impossible to work with. --not-scotsman \_ that's right kid! you'll never work in Broadway again. \_ Was amckee a Critical Opera Asset too? |
2005/10/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40121 Activity:high |
10/16 C'mon people, stop threatening to not hire anyone, or sorrying people. \_ I agree, that was done in very poor taste. Amckee has put a _lot_ of work into this organization and just because you disagree with him is no justification for the threats. You have also disproved the benefit that the alumni offer, this is like counter-networking, not offering csua members jobs but making sure that a csua member is not hired. You certainly should be ashamed of yourself. -mrauser \_ "Go go mrauser networking skills!" \_ No one guarantees anyone a job. If there is an offer of help, the offer has been to help when a fellow csua-er seems competent and reasonable, or at least doesn't seem incompetent and unreasonable. It's not about the decision to de-anonymize motd; it's about amckee's response to criticism afterwards. Looking dispassionately at his emails wth Partha and his posts on motd, does he seem like a reasonable person to you? Does he seem like someone you would want to work with? Looking dispassionately at his emails and his posts on motd, does he seem like a reasonable person to you? Does he seem like someone you would want to work with? \_ Much of the psb emails were taken out of context, he really was being sort of a pain. He would retort to an argument with a completely sarcastic comment that deserved no response. That said, no matter how I feel about how amckee acts I would never start a "blacklist" campaign. Thats obscene. YOU are welcome to not hire him all you want but its truly not fair to go out of your way to ensure that hes not hired anywhere else. -mrauser \_ Give the grownups a little credit. We're not all that amazingly juvenile. -John \_ do you really think sorrying someone over 'being annoying in email to politburo/root' is valid? you should read my mailspool, it would make you cry. - danh \_ No, I don't think that, nor do I believe I said that. I thought I just said it isn't right to organize a "blacklisting" movement. -mrauser \_ I must be reading The Psb Files in a different language than you. I think you threaten to sorry psb for being annoying. Or maybe it's someone else. I must admit I get the logins of current politburo members confused. Also, you got trolled pretty hard, it happens to most people eventually. \_ I think if you will look at emails that I sent the word sorry does not appear in them at all (although I'm not positive). Please aim your flame more selectively. ;) -mrauser \_ If it had been a flame, you would have noticed real quick. -John >To: amckee@berkeley.edu, psb@ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu >Subject: Re: Character attacks >Cc: politburo@csua.berkeley.edu >From: "Partha S. Banerjee,,," <psb@ucsee.eecs.berkeley.edu> >Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 14:16:47 -0700 >>This is your first and last warning, Partha. If I continue to see character >>assassinations against any member of the politburo, myself included, I will >>sorry your account. If I continue to see defamation against my character, I >>will file for a restraining order against you that bars you from your >>behavior. No friends that you think you have on the 'inside' will be able >>to help you. I have no tolerance for your bullshit and I am keeping a log >>of the things you say which, so far, have been happily easy to attribute to >>you. If you wish to debate an issue or represent a political idea, do so as >>an adult. You're welcome to come to the next Politburo meeting and discuss >>the concerns you have, but you will not be able to hide behind a computer >>screen and cast your vitriol on our servers. \_ It seems to me that a "blacklist" campaign based on a flame war over a text file would have the main result of causing people to think that Berkeley CS grads are raving lunatics. \- look i am getting fed up with this "out of context" comment. i have "released" essentially all the context. at this point you have to claim people lack comprehensio$ at this point you have to claim people lack comprehension or intelligence. because what they are NOT lacking are the bits and the bytes. the only think i didnt make public is mr. mckee last reply to me, because it seems like in that case he sort of asked me not to make it public. is "being a pain" and sarcasm in the evergrowing lists of sorryable offenses? i shall now enjoy my iftar chicken. --psb \_ I only say out of context because not every email was posted there (I'm almost certain I had 2-3 more replies to you than the one I saw). And Some innane comments you made were: *While we respect your right to be a complete troll and to voice your > do you know what troll means? just curious. *there might be an 'easier' solution to them. > we might even call it "the final solution". happy belated yom kippur. There was also another one, but I don't want to bother to find it in my emails. -mrauser \_ Are you saying you *want* Partha to publish every email that passed between him and members of the Politburo concerning the motd policy change? And that would satisfy in your mind the question whether amckee was quoted out of context? Is this an official Politburo position? \_ Thankyou for scewing my words. I said that it was out of context because not all the emails were published, it was not a request for him to publish them. I was the one who originally told him I was fine with him publishing them, but I would prefer he not, just because it will create more and more spam (of which I don't intend to reply) but he is free to post any emails he wishes (unless in that email amckee asked him to not post it). -mr \_ It seems somewhat disingenuous to on one hand not to want psb to publish all the hand to not allow psb to publish all the emails and on the other hand castigate him as "quoting out of context" for not publishing all the emails. \- The above quotes are (already) included at: \- The above quotes are included at: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/CSUA The only psb-pburo email not included there is one sent to me after the above quote [and thus arguably not relevant to assessing my state of mind and intentions writing the above]. I certainly would be happy to reciprocally trade your right to "release" all of my email if I have the same right with the pburo emails. The only email not on the site above is this one: From amckee@berkeley.edu Sat Oct 15 14:39:04 To: "Partha S. Banerjee CC: politburo@csua.berkeley.edu which ends with a post script saying he did not give me persmission to share his emails. which certainly was not my impression and i leave it to the spectators to judge that for themselves. i personally think it was courteous for me to ask. i think i should have unilateral right to share email sent to me about me in his official capacity as the csua president. So if mr. mckee wants to "relese" me w.r.t. to the last email, then we can truely say the record is complete and people can make their own decisions. --psb \_ The decision I've made is that both psb and amckee are idiots and should get a life outside of motd. -neutral guy \- i have a lot of free time during ramadan. khudah hafiz. --psb ramadan. --psb |
3/15 |