3/15 |
1998/2/6 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13630 Activity:nil 61%like:13639 |
2/05 The roguelike game omega has been installed in /csua/bin for your enlight^H^H^H^H^Hjoyment. Report bugs to cmlee. -- cm1ee |
1998/2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13629 Activity:nil |
2/5 Boredcast Message from soda!setol (ttysq) at 14:36 ... i liked Satan's dive after he got tapped on the arm. Boredcast Message from soda!shac (ttypf) at 14:36 ... so it is mae-west not best? Boredcast Message from soda!nevman (ttypt) at 14:37 ... stk <-> alternet is sucking hard Boredcast Message from soda!lwall () at 14:40 ... From: asteffes@ucdavis.edu i want to run my own isp so i get like OC-12 to my own house ,. Boredcast Message from soda!agee (ttypl) at 14:40 ... is there a do-nothing function in java? or should I just use {}? |
1998/1/29-2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13589 Activity:nil |
01/28 Devin Jones (jones) is the CSUA Treasurer for Spring semester 1998. Minutes of today's Politburo meeting available shortly. --brg |
1998/1/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:13579 Activity:very high |
1/27 identd is running on soda, btw, with some modifications, read manpage \_ it's generating cookies, not returning plain usernames. this means two things: 1) soda admin can still ID people and 2) IRC has problems because it's written by stupid people, for stupid people. we now return you to your regularly scheduled idiocy --aaron \_ does this mean ill have to cut down on my "finger motd@soda" habit :) \_ this is not an identd thing. whether fingerd reverse-queries for ident information is wholly independent of us running an identd. --aaron \_ I read it, but I still don't really get what it does, or how it's used. \_ When you connect to other computers, they can find out which of the 100+ users on soda at that time opened the connection. \_ identd is installed? really? IRC is still generating random user names \_ Read what aaron wrote you moron. \_ f.u. moron, I wrote this before aaron replied. Dumbass \_ I thought it was agreeded a long time ago that soda would NOT run identd. \_ In your dreams. \_ Yeah, and that was written down where exactly and agreed by who? [I said "who", I meant "who". "Whom" is a dead form.] \_ not dead as long as you get flamed for using "who" where people want to hear "whom"... \_ uh huh... what people? a pompous grammarian ass like yourself who still didn't answer my question? \_ yup! grammar stratifies. live with it. \_ Don't stratify me you el8ist prick. \_ The last thing I ever heard was that adork wouldnt run it on the sequent due to problems with Dynix's TCP stack -- clueless |
1998/1/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13566 Activity:high 52%like:13519 55%like:13545 |
1/27 If you are interested in being the CSUA Treasurer, please come to the Politburo meeting at 5:30 PM on Wednesday in 337 Soda Hall. Thanks. --brg \_ Does CSUA treasurer get check-writing power? - starving student \_ Nope, just the power to write up tons of paperwork begging the ASUC to write checks for us. \_ Don't get any funny ideas or you will disapear... \_ Its a felony after the first $400. Kiss your freedom and your diploma goodbye. anal virginity goodbye. \_ You are allowed to use the CSUA phone to accept long distance calls without being an officer, though. |
1998/1/24-26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13558 Activity:nil |
1/24 Where's my dict? No more license? \_ Ask your mom. soda [2] dict dict: Command not found. soda [3] which dict dict: Command not found. soda [4] whereis dict dict: /usr/ports/german/dict soda [5] /usr/ports/german/dict /usr/ports/german/dict: Permission denied. \_ /csua/bin/dict |
1998/1/22-5/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13545 Activity:nil 55%like:13566 66%like:32161 |
01/21 Politburo meetings Wednesdays at 5:30 PM in 337 Soda. --brg |
3/15 |
1998/1/22-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13544 Activity:nil |
01/21 The CSUA needs a treasurer. Please read the minutes for details --brg |
1998/1/21 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13534 Activity:nil |
1/14 gcc 2.8.0 & libstdc++2.8.0 are in /csua/tmp, courtesy of alanc & peterm \_ what are the main improvements? Isit stable? \_ /csua/tmp/gcc-2.8.0.changes |
1998/1/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13528 Activity:nil |
1/20 Does Soda have any sort of book buy/sell list? If not, anyone know of a good one? \_ what happened to /csua/classes? \_ it's in /csua/pub/classes |
1998/1/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13525 Activity:nil |
1/20 I miss Christine. Can someone bring her back to soda? \_ Too late, she's not a virgin anymore \_ So if I read this right, you haveta be a virgin to be on soda? \_ Sometimes the only thing you can say is, "GET A LIFE!" |
1998/1/19-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13519 Activity:nil 52%like:13566 |
01/12 The next Politburo meeting will be the first Wednesday of classes at 5:30PM in 337 Soda, wherein scheduling will be redetermined, so bring your schedules. --brg |
1997/12/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32168 Activity:nil |
12/2 Soda is running an experimental lottery scheduler. Read /csua/share/doc/lottery_info. --dpetrou |
1997/12/3-1998/4/30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13520 Activity:nil |
11/30 Welcome to Soda Mark V. There have been changes from Soda Mark IV. Add /csua/bin to your path. this is where user contrib stuff goes now. A more complete list of changes will be compiled shortly and a pointer to it will be posted here. |
1997/11/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32162 Activity:nil |
It was the dawn of the third decade of the CSUA, ten years after the XCF War. The Server-Talk Project was a dream given form. Its goal: to prevent another disk-space war by creating a place where students and alumni could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of wall, /home away from /home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepeneurs, and wanderers. Files and programs stored in two million, five hundred thousand sectors of spinning metal, all alone in the machine room. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last, best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the soda workstations. The year is 1997. The name of the place is Soda Mark V. |
1997/11/19-12/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32161 Activity:nil 66%like:13545 |
10/1 Politburo meetings are held on Wednesdays at 5pm in 337 Soda Hall. |
1997/11/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32160 Activity:nil |
11/18 HEAR YE, HEAR YE, HEAR YE. THANKS TO DONATIONS FROM ALUMNI, THERE SHALL ARRIVE THE DAWNING OF A NEW SODA, HEREAFTER TO BE KNOWN AS SODA MARK FIVE Therefore, the CSUA servers will be INACCESSIBLE this weekend, as services and user accounts are being moved to the new machine. Mail to root will be flamed silently at the discretion of the CSUA Politburo until the new setup has stabilized. Thank you for your support! |
1997/11/19-2000/5/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13521 Activity:nil 52%like:16720 71%like:16721 50%like:15756 |
**/** Mail root for -administrative- questions. For assistance, mail help. UNAUTHENTICATED, UNCENSORED, SSSSSMOKIN' PUBLIC MESSAGES BELOW THIS LINE [See also: /csua/pub/jobs/* & /csua/pub/housing/* & /csua/pub/recruiting /csua/adm/doc/ssh-howto] |
1997/5/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32143 Activity:nil |
5/02 CSUA T-Shirts have been ordered! Styles are white-on-black and purple-on-white; sizes are L and XL. Quantities are limited. They will cost $6.00 apiece. If you would like to reserve one, send mail to secretary@csua. Shirts are expected to arrive by May 10 or 11; if you reserve one and don't claim it within the week after the shirts get here, don't expect us to to hold it for you. |
1997/5/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32142 Activity:nil |
-- MOTD from http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu |
1997/4/25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32130 Activity:nil |
4/25 Join me in comin' out '97, today noon, on soda wall. \_ What? You're going to leave Soda hall? |
1997/4/25-5/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32128 Activity:nil |
4/10 Depending on your perspective, you may want to congratulate or send your condolences to your Fall 1997 CSUA Politburo: President: Sean Barni (seano) Vice Pres: Ben Scott (scotsman) Treasurer: Debbie Hoo (debbie) Secretary: Jon Kuroda (jon) Librarian: Saar Picker (saarp) Please do not send them sheep, flaming, inflatable, or otherwise. |
1997/4/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32119 Activity:nil |
3/31 SODA DONATION DRIVE!!!!! Each person donate $100 for a new Linux based Soda machine, and get big quota and unlimited life time access! \_ FreeBSD, you anti-berkeley republican nazi. \_ I might go for it if the Politburo is serious about it. -PeterM \_ Why would we want to replace a stable, 20-processor system with a crappy peecee running a crappy os with crappy disks and half the RAM? Are you some kind of idiot? Or is this just april fool's a day early? (putting all the users & the OS on a single EIDE disk is probably the absolute stupidest part of this idea, besides not having as much disk space as current soda) \_ because linux supports SMP you shithead. \_ Dynix may have problems, but it's multi-processor support is *FAR* *FAR* better than anything on Linux. \_ if you want your account on a linux machine, go join the LUGheads and get an account from them. |
1997/4/1 [Computer/SW/Mail, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32116 Activity:nil |
3/31 HEY MELISSA BRANDT!~ !~~! I just thought I'd tell you that the web page you refer us to on your campaign flier (csua.berkeley.edu/~melissa) is bad publicity, my friend. I mean, you are a lovely looking young woman, BUT... when I follow the link to find out why I should vote for you... well, you just don't....you know, deliver. --maxmcc \_ "Lovely looking young woman" is all the reason I need to vote for her. She's HOT! -horny girlfriendless soda geek. \_ Oh yeah, Melissa, also you should check into the "The requested URL /~action/becs was not found on this server." message on the Autobahn page. PS. BEN COATES FOR PRESIDENT --maxmcc \_ If I were you, melissa, I think I would file for a restraining order -- this max guy's after ya. \_ Everyone knows I'm Seano's. At least now that King Salomon is gone. --maxmcc \_ So your only claim to fame is "I know seano and john?" Lame. \_ I'd do 'er. -- every desperate soda geek \_ Why don't you all grow up and stop acting like a bunch of beavis and buttheads. \_ signed, Melissa ?! \_ Dibs on Beavis. \_ Huh huh, I think we just scored. \_ Learn to chmod before running for the senate. Received: from localhost (jayu@localhost) by http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.12/8.6. 12) with SMTP id TAA26552 for <melissa@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>; Mon, 31 Mar 1997 |
1997/3/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW] UID:32089 Activity:nil |
3/4 For those who didn't sign up on the web page, the CSUA office has been inundated with gazillions of free passes to the exhibit floor at UniForum (3/12-14 in Moscone). Come take one - PLEASE! |
1997/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32076 Activity:nil 50%like:31922 |
2/18 Full/Part time sysadmin job, see /usr/local/csua/jobs/netcorps |
1997/2/13-3/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Recreation/Shopping] UID:32070 Activity:nil |
2/13 Lost in CSUA office - 1 pair gold armani sunglasses. $100 reward. --sky |
1997/2/12 [Transportation/Car, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:32063 Activity:nil |
2/12 Anyone seen my little HP Pen I left in the csua office? I left it there a week ago. -=Aubie |
1997/2/10-3/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32058 Activity:nil |
1/31 As per the minutes of the 1/31 politburo meeting, a draft copy of the CSUA constitution with various changes is available for your reading pleasure in /usr/local/csua/Constitution. |
1997/1/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32054 Activity:nil |
1/28 Student jobs for the 1997-1998 school year available. See /usr/local/csua/jobs/UCB_Residential_Comp for details. -icrew |
1997/1/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32052 Activity:nil |
1/28 There's been talk of starting up the CSUA Donut Run again for CS projects. If anyone wants to get involved in some CSUA events (remember the CSUA?) then send me mail or come to p-buro. -seano \_ Can we just get the donuts? -- H. S. \_ ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD IS ALLOWED IN THE EE(CS) INSTRUCTIONAL LABS. - FRANCISCO LOPEZ, SODA HALL POLICE DEPT \_BAD COP NO DONUT! \_ I AM FRANCISCO LOPEZ I AM GOD \_ Aren't you lucky he's working part time now while he finishes his MBA? (Besides CSUA donut runs have always been OUTSIDE the labs, even when they were in the WEB.) \_ false. i've done donut runs that were marginally in the labs. don't forget the oj, btw. \_ If francisco is god, does that make sowings his high priest? \_ I urge you to consider the Writ of God, ie, /usr/lib/aliases: root-in-charge-of-ass-kicking: sowings \_ sowings is his bitch. \_ no, sowings is his biatch. |
1997/1/27-5/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32040 Activity:nil |
1/25 Politburo meetings will be held on Thursdays at 5:30pm, in 337 Soda. |
1997/1/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32038 Activity:nil |
1/8 thread rearranged. I have a "solution" the draft says "Eligibility to Use Campus Email" CSUA will just have to restrict /usr/lib/sendmail for use by students only. Alumni cant use email... wheee!!! \_ Members of group "alumni" will also be forbidden from using trn/tin/pine/etc. as newsgroups are defined as a form of e-mail by the policy. \_ YOU LOSE. UCB HAS BANNED ALL ALUMNI ACCOUNTS ON ALL *.BERKELEY.EDU MACHINES EFFECTIVE 1/1/97. (Be prepared to say goodbye to your soda accounts soon.) \_ Perhaps we could push for some kind of precedent that would allow alumni organizations to allow alumnis accounts for the sole purpose of conducting University-related discourse? \_ Don't forget about all the job recommendations and general advice/wisdom to be gotten from alumni. If the CSUA kills my Berkeley account, then I won't have much of a link to current Berkeley students. \_ The CSUA doesn't want to remove alumni accounts. We know alumni are good. If we are forced to it will only be because everything else we've tried, including appeals to the Chancellor have failed. This isn't over yet - it hasn't even started. \_ Darn. I wish I had gone to Stanfurd. The graduates there get accounts at http://alumni.stanford.org. But then again, they give money to the school. If IS&T won't let me have an alumni account, I won't give money to the school. I know at Davis you pay a flat fee of $500 or so to get lifetime alumni library privileges, discounts, and maybe an e-mail account too? Is there something like this from the Cal Alumni Association? --pcjr \_ The alumni association uses the campus net connection and is also prohibited from giving out alumni accounts. They will set you up with a deal with Netcom though. -alanc- \_ What is the deal with Netcom though? Can one choose an ISP? Not having a Berkeley acct kinda defeats the purpose of alumniship, if you ask me. --pcjr \_ For those who think this is a hoax, look at http://uas.berkeley.edu:7355/emailpol/elig.html and see if you can find any way to allow alumni accounts given the limitations there. \_ "Departments may provide email service to contractors, independent consultants, or other qualifying individuals for the sole purpose of conducting their business with the University." How about we all become Brian Harvey's personal consultants. Unspecified tasks to be done, of course. And we would work for free. -- lars \_ we won't have to get rid of soda alumni accounts, we just have to give a timeline for getting rid of them, say 100 years after graduation.. \_ Get a clue, if you do that, IS&T will simplely close the loophole very quickly. \_ What might this mean for majordomo mailing lists run off CSUA? Is this an inappropriate use of "campus email"? -stevie \_ Not as far as anyone can find in the policy. \_Is soda.csua "owned or operated by the University or any of its sub-units"? If not, or if it's not well-defined, I don't see what the fuss is about. It seems like the documents are too vague for IS&T to have a point. -stevie \_ IS&T has stated they consider any and all machines connected to the campus network to be subject to this policy, whether the University "owns" them or not. -alanc- \_ Why? --- yuen \_ Because alumni don't give money to IS&T and they're jealous of all the other places on campus alumni do get money (and they just figured out they can screw over the rest of the campus this way) \_ I thought CSUA is not under IS$T. Maybe they don't even like the fact that non IS$T machines are using campus ethernet. --- yuen \_ IS&T runs the campus network - they make the policies everyone connected to the network (including the CSUA and people's home computers using Home-IP or in-room dorm connections) must follow. -alanc- \_ So I can't allow my alumni friends to use my computer? Golly. hahahhahahahhah \_ Not if they're using UCB's net connection. |
1997/1/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32035 Activity:nil |
1/8 So when is CSUA going to remove all alumni accounts, or do I have to mail to IS&T to tell on the CSUA? \_ The policy has not yet been implemented, in any case. \_ Look at the policy VERY carefully. Notice something written in big letters? IT'S JUST A DRAFT YOU MORON, NOT ACTUAL POLICY YET. \_ Duh, "draft" = "will be policy unless someone changes it" \_ But it's not policy yet, so telling IS&T the CSUA isn't following it is pointless. \_ The policy allows the CSUA as much time as we need to implement it. If IS&T can tell everyone that the UCLinks will take 4 years to come into full compliance, so can we. \_ What! No alumni accounts??? That's it...UCB, don't expect any alumni donation. To all UCB alumnus, do not donate $$$ to UCB unless UCB removes this policy. \_ The alumni they care about donating don't give a shit about free accounts - if you can give $100,000 to Cal, you don't worry about having to pay $14.95 a month for e-mail. Nice try, but don't think it matters one bit. \_ Like you'd donate money to this place anyway. |
1997/1/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32033 Activity:nil |
1/6 TSHIRTS AHOY -- The illustrious Fall '96 CSUA tshirt is available to be purchased for a mere $3. Since it is currently vacation, the way to get yours now is to mail lila, since who knows when there will be appropriate bodies in the office. (description of shirt in /usr/local/csua/tshirt) |
1997/1/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32031 Activity:nil |
01/03 Can outdated files in /usr/local/csua/housing/ be cleaned out? --chris \_ thanks, scotsman! --chris \_ how about $csua/jobs... |
1996/12/18 [Science/GlobalWarming, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32012 Activity:nil |
12/17 News flash, Berkeley team wins world netrek championship. \_ You know it! You tell the story! You tell the whole damned world this is bear territory!!! \_ Many thanks to the CSUA for supporting netrek for all these years. We couldn't have done it without you. -tom |
1996/12/18-1997/1/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32011 Activity:nil |
12/5 The CSUA sends out heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of those who were condemned to service in the name of the CSUA tonight: President: seano Vice-President: jon Treasurer: yaroslav Secretary: tmonroe Librarian: saarp |
1996/12/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32010 Activity:nil |
12/16 The Politburo will be having another meeting this Tuesday, 12/17, at 6:00pm, 337 Soda. ASUC Sponsored, Wheelchair Accessible, and Announced On Very Short Notice(tm). |
1996/11/16 [Academia/GradSchool/MBA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32004 Activity:nil |
11/15 Haas business school is looking for HTML coder type person with good PR skills. See /usr/local/csua/jobs/Haas -dbushong |
1996/11/13 [Industry/Jobs, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32002 Activity:nil |
11/11 Shameless job advertising in /usr/local/csua/jobs/NetForce At the moment we need sysadmin-types, but there are many positions available. - pmcnab \ chmod it! \_ Done. Been a long week already. - pmcnab |
1996/11/13-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31994 Activity:nil |
11/13 The CSUA tshirt for the fall 96 semester has been designed. The design and price will be posted soon. Watch for more info. To reserve a shirt, mail tshirt-request@csua |
1996/11/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW] UID:31978 Activity:nil |
11/1 Jobs for geeks at NetSource, a web site builder. See /usr/local/csua/jobs/netsource and don't mail me --dpassage \_ chmod it |
1996/10/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31967 Activity:nil |
10/31 Due to lack of interest in organizing one, the 3rd Annual CSUA Halloween Party has been cancelled in favor of watching the B5 Season Finale at Nick's Place. (You can still wear a costume there if you like though.) \_ Someone should probably warn Nick about this... |
1996/10/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31963 Activity:nil |
10/26 Pager found in the office -- it's a black Motorola/PageNet model. Stickers on the back say "800 087 4831" and "313 9046". Alphanumeric display, arrow keys, and a little belt-clip holster thingie. Claim it in the CSUA office before I go to dinner (~6:00pm) or contact me if it's yours. -- tmonroe |
1996/10/17-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31943 Activity:high |
10/16 Anyone with suggestions about social activies they'd like to see come to fruition; email me about them. --anitac \_ CSUA orgy. CSUA strip joint. \_ We should at least make it a demonstration of safer sexual practices. What scares me is that this may actually improve the department's view of us. -- tmonroe \_ How about a dunk tank for the politburo, only we use HCl instead of H2O \_ H2SO4 \_ Who are you, bitch? --politburo mafia thug \_ Co-ed naked programming contest. \_ Collaborative authoring of interactive science fictions. -- cmlee \_ Lets hold a "Lynch the Politburo" Halloween Party! Blood, guts, and dead idiots from the politburo everywhere! |
1996/10/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31932 Activity:nil |
10/8 Casual 1-year P/A I appointment for a WWW project manager for the Biosciences Division of L&S available. See /usr/local/csua/jobs/LSCR. |
1996/10/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31927 Activity:nil |
10/9 Up there it says: Pot luck so bring real food or expect to chip in $. Why should people have to pay when the CSUA has tons of money? I'm sure you could get smurf to send up money in time... \_ are you joking? i think it would be silly for CSUA to use the $ it has to pay for PHREEPHOOD for members when it could use the $ on things like hardware and buying books for the library --oj |
1996/10/9-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31924 Activity:nil |
10/9 The networks in Soda Hall that the CSUA computers are connected to will be down at times between 6am & 8am Sunday morning October 13. |
1996/10/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Industry/Jobs, Computer/SW] UID:31922 Activity:nil 50%like:32076 |
10/2 Sysadmin position available at Active Software, inc. See: /usr/local/csua/jobs/Active -eric \_ I checked with our chairman, and the position includes equity in the company -eric |
1996/10/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31918 Activity:nil |
10/5 Geoworks Info Session Wed 10/9 5-7pm at 120A Bechtel. Lots of different positions. See /usr/local/csua/jobs/Geoworks or http://www.geoworks.com --- yuen |
1996/10/6-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31910 Activity:nil |
10/4 The CSUA has been asked to nominate undergraduate students for various CS department committees, including Computer Resources, Student Awards, and Undergraduate Study/Curriculum. If you are a CS student (regardless of official major) interested in serving on any of these committees, send mail to politburo for more info. |
1996/9/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31901 Activity:nil |
9/27 If you spend time in the CSUA office, you are under obligation to clean up after yourself; i.e., THROW YOUR TRASH AWAY. |
1996/9/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31887 Activity:nil |
9/14 Please don't forget to return library books back to the CSUA |
1996/9/15-11/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31883 Activity:nil |
9/9 Politburo meetings are Tuesdays, 6:00pm, in 337 Soda. When we're not busy having general meetings, of course. Whether it's a general meeting or a politburo meeting, it is ASUC sponsored and wheelchair accessible. |
1996/8/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:49804 Activity:nil |
1/17 Mail root for -administrative- questions. For assistance, mail help. PUBLIC MESSAGES BELOW THIS LINE [See also: /usr/local/csua/jobs/* & /usr/local/csua/housing/*] |
1996/7/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:31870 Activity:nil |
7/23 If you would like to see the CSUA not give away a nice new machine that would make a *MUCH* better and *MUCH* more reliable web server than the current very broken machine being used for these services, mail politburo@csua and say "Don't give the new web server away!" \_ I think the csua has plenty of machines, but most of them are crap I wouldn't inflict on anyone. -danh \_Or, consider actually finding out what's going on before doing something you really don't know much about. \_ so post the mail to http://ucb.org.csua or a /usr/local/csua file so people CAN find out about it \_ Better yet, attend the sunday politburo meeting. \_ Maybe it should be announced so people know about it (and people are much more likely to show up if you tell them what's going to be discussed so they know it's not just a "sit around and waste time" meeting) \_ but all politburo meetings are a waste of time! \_ I've been reading the Motd for years, and in all that time I've never read anything that has pissed me off enough to waste other peoples time by adding to the Motd. The proposed alternate use of the computer in question is a good one, worthy of CSUA support. If somone feels that CSUA members should not support this position there are appropriate forums (as explained above). Asking CSUA members to mail politburo in support of a position without even attempting to explain it is insulting to us all. WE ARE NOT SHEEP! -diran \_ baaaaa \_ And mail stoptien@asucb.org while you're at it!!!!1!!!!1!!! WE SHALL NOT BE OPPRESSED!!1!!! \_ I find it really weird that the CSUA wouldn't want to have such a nice solid machine for their own use. I can throw in an extra 6 gigs of disk and have the machine at the CSUA anytime you're ready for it. We used to use it as a file server and as a CPU server at a different time. It should easily handle all the ftp, DNS, www, and file serving functions of the csua. Why is the csua trying to bite the hands that feed it? This is the third donation from us, if you don't need this machine, then you won't need the 4th, 5th, 6th, etc donations either, I'd guess. Maybe its just because this is summer, but this isn't the sort of reaction I expected. (I certainly did *not* intend for this to turn into a csua flame war, sorry about that.) -reiffin \_ never underestimate the shortsightedness & stupidity of the csua |
1996/6/30 [Transportation/Bicycle, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31854 Activity:nil |
6/29 The next CSUA Bike Ride will be Sunday, 7/7. Mail ride-bike-request for details, or to be placed on the mailing list. |
1996/6/30-7/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31852 Activity:nil |
6/19 If you know someone who should be added to /usr/local/csua/people, please mail secretary@csua about it. |
1996/6/30-7/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31851 Activity:nil |
6/21 If you have a key to the CSUA office, please add your name to /usr/local/csua/office_keys |
1996/6/30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31850 Activity:nil |
6/28 The next CSUA Politburo meeting will be Saturday, July 6, at 8:00pm, in 337 Soda. (Unless something else comes up.) |
1996/5/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31839 Activity:nil |
5/4 New system administrator job open at LucasArts. Look in /usr/local/csua/jobs/LucasArts. -mogul |
1996/5/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31835 Activity:nil |
5/6 If you'd like to be on the new CSUA racquetball mailing list, send mail to hinder-request. --agee |
1996/5/7-6/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31828 Activity:nil |
4/30 meet the new Fall 1996 CSUA politburo: president: Julie S. Lin (jsl@csua) vice-president: Rachel Yotter (raytrace@csua) treasurer: Lila Tene (lolly@csua) secretary: Tony Monroe (tmonroe@csua) librarian: Ben Scott (scotsman@csua) |
1996/2/12 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31810 Activity:nil |
2/12 CSUA BAGG run, this wednesday (St. Valentine's Day) Be there or be a right-angled rhombus! |
1996/2/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31805 Activity:nil |
1/17 Looking for a job? Check out /usr/local/csua/job. Need a lab partner? Want to switch sections? See who is taking what in /usr/local/csua/classes |
1996/2/12 [Politics/Domestic, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31802 Activity:nil |
2/07 The CSUA President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer have resigned. danh is now Acting President and will be holding a General Meeting next week to confirm or deny new politburo appointments. The nominees are: president: jwang vice-president: lila secretary: ryan treasurer: lolly See http://ucb.org.csua for details. |
1996/2/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31801 Activity:nil |
2/08 CSUA Meeting, February 13th, Tuesday, 7pm, 343 Soda Hall lounge, I couldn't reserve the auditorium. -- danh |
1995/3/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31783 Activity:nil |
3/4 /usr/local/csua/antique now has some old old CSUA historical files... (I moved them over from the csua@cory account) -boss |
1995/3/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31782 Activity:nil |
3/4 can whoever took the 2nd csua office wristpad please return it? Thanks -- The people who use the office machines \_chill, it's on the monitor near the lightsw -aaron |
1995/3/1 [Recreation/Computer, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31775 Activity:nil |
3/1 Anyone want to go to qzar tonight? I remember playing that one time the whole CSUA got together and played, it was very neat and I want to try it again. Mail me. -mlee |
1995/3/1-6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31769 Activity:nil |
2/11 Mail ron if you are interested in the CSUA Racquetball Tournament. |
1995/3/1-6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31766 Activity:nil 54%like:31728 |
2/21 Politburo meetings are Tuesdays at 5 PM in the CS Undergrad Lounge. |
1995/2/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31760 Activity:nil |
2/11 After last semester's CSUA Racquetball Tournament debacle, we are trying to organize a more structured tourny. Anyone who is interested in taking part, please mail ron@csua. |
1995/2/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31754 Activity:nil |
2/9 bh came into the CSUA office today to tell us that there have been complaints about lots of noise coming from the CSUA office. He wants us to keep it down. |
1995/2/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31746 Activity:nil |
2/9 bh came into the CSUA office today, and wanted to tell me that there have been complaints about lots of noise coming from the CSUA office. I think he was referring to the screaming and cursing that was happening here earlier during a doosh fest, and the fact that Zep was blared quite loudly as well. He wants us to keep it down, which I think we should. I asked him to go to Q-Zar, and he said he gets enough exercise walking up and down Hearst. --mogul |
1995/2/9-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31741 Activity:nil |
2/7 Add your t-shirt ideas to /usr/local/csua/t-shirt. |
1995/2/1-3/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31730 Activity:nil |
1/22 See the files in /usr/local/adm/policies for info on CSUA policies. |
1995/2/1-3/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31729 Activity:nil 52%like:31723 |
1/22 If you'd like to help work on the CSUA mud, send mail to fl-request. |
1995/2/1-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31728 Activity:moderate 54%like:31766 |
1/24 Politburo meetings are now on Tuesdays @ 5pm in the CSUA office. - Except this Tuesday, 2/14, because of the upcoming General Meeting. |
1995/1/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31723 Activity:nil 52%like:31729 |
1/20 If you are interested in helping develop the CSUA mud, then mail fl-request. --mlee |
1995/1/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31719 Activity:nil |
1/16 Anyone who is interested in helping develop the unofficial CSUA mud, then please mail: fl-request with your real life name, mud name, experience with muds/role-playing systems, and experience developping muds. This is slightly based off of RO, which is based off of Silly, which is based off of Diku. Anyone and everyone is welcome, even those who are inexperienced. -mlee \_ If it's sactioned to run on a CSUA machine, how is it not official? \_ figlet runs on a CSUA machine...does that make it official? \_ It has only been sanctioned to be developped on a CSUA machine, not actually run. -mlee |
1995/1/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31716 Activity:nil |
1/16 Politburo meetings are Tuesdays, 4-5 PM. The first politburo meeting will be Tuesday, 1/17. |
1995/1/16-2/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31700 Activity:nil |
1/14 If you would be interested in holding CSUA office hours, send mail to office-hours-request@soda. |
1994/12/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:31668 Activity:nil |
12/9 The Unofficial Computer Science Undergraduate Association Adam Glass Memorial End of Semester Beer Bash is currently scheduled for Wednesday at 7:00 pm in/around the office. (Not ASUC or CSUA sponsored, but is wheelchair-accessable). - danh \_ someone get the csua cory account password so we can all DOOSH \_ 5 player griljor, dude. -danh |
1994/12/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31666 Activity:nil |
12/11 Mr. Ali, have you done ANYTHING immature since you've been elected??? I'm really getting sick of your behaviour. - danh \_ Actually I'm sure he has, but he still hasn't given me Doom.-danh \_ I will squish you. - danh \_ what's wrong with immature behavior, or should we sit around and watch 60 minutes all day? - danh \_ he's not vp until next semester, let him get it out of his system \_ I dunno, don't think he's posting all the "I will squish you"s \_ danh \_ people are such whiners around these here parts - danh \_ its part of a long CSUA tradition. - danh \_ Ali is FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE. - danh \_ 1. Sign your name. - danh 2. Name what I've done that hasn't pleased you. - danh *3* Prepare to be squished. - danh - danh |
1994/12/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31659 Activity:nil 66%like:31644 |
All I have by way of response is this: http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU |
1994/12/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:31658 Activity:nil |
How about a motd-poll: == Which motd is better? A) http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU B) http://colnet.cmhnet.org == Where can you go for con-wall-sations? A) http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU (telnet port 9255 or finger lwall) B) http://colnet.cmhnet.org == Who has danh? A) http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU B) http://colnet.cmhnet.org == Who has a proper name record? A) Server: http://nexus.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU Address: B) Server: http://nexus.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Address: *** No address (A) records available for http://colnet.cmhnet.org == Which is the most abused program at colnet? A) fortune | pnews B) gcc == Which is the most abused program at soda? A) wallall B) sed == ? A) psb B) !psb == foodP A) #t B) #f == Which is more GNAR, SHORT FOR GNARLY? A) http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU B) colnet Score: 1 point for each A answer, -1 for each B answer, 0 for each left blank. Scale: >9 : you need a remedial math course =9 : WALL_WARRIOR! WALL_WARRIOR! =8 : echo `whoami` is abusing root\! =7 : Dynix Object Oriented SHell =6 : spam? =5 : mlee has a hot and inflamed bootie =4 : try again, bchoi =3 : What? Soda's down again? =2 : coganman. `nuff said. =1 : ronk ronk ronk =0 : bitter, dour old naysayer. "Doosh" =-1 : twink =-2 : twink++ =-3 : achoi =-4 : dickyleeP =-5 : ObYerMom =-6 : Do not pass go, do not recieve fin. aid. =-7 : cs150 =-8 : finals =-9 : IS&T All scores > 5 get a free packet of SECRET SAUCE. Contact dennisc for more info. |
1994/11/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31657 Activity:nil |
11/12 I set up a Help Sessions home page on http://xcf/help-sessions.html; I'd appreciate it if people could look at it and give me any suggestions/corrections they may have. -boss \-well, without looking at it i have one suggestion: put it on www.csua. since i have to assume that the reason to do this was not self-evident, i shall spell it out: in the future, it is not clear that the person who will run the help sessions will be a xcf memeber, or even if the xcf will exist by then. however, it is almost certain that the help director will be a csua member and that the csua will still exist. so unless the xcf is willing to give access to the help directory, member or not, to avoid changing the help session url, you should "fix" it at www.csua. --psb \_ The page was put on the XCF and not the CSUA for the simple reason that at the time when I was writing the page, soda was down and the XCF was not. Now that the page is on the XCF, I feel no especial urge to move it until it becomes a problem. Since it's not very likely that either the XCF or myself will disapear suddenly, it shouldn't be a problem to move it if and when it becomes an issue. At the moment, however, I don't consider it an issue. -boss \_ I 100% guarantee that, barring significant disaster, the XCF will be here for YEARS to come. -- Marco \-psb == significant disaster for the XCF \_ No, you misunderstand - there would have to be a significant disaster to ME before the XCF will stop existing. -- Marco \_ that can be arranged \_ But it won't be, so STFU. -- Marco \_ So how long _do_ you plan to be an undegrad, marco? |
1994/11/11-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31648 Activity:nil |
9/26 Politburo Meetings are Mondays at 2 P.M. in 343 Soda Hall. |
1994/11/11-1995/3/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31644 Activity:nil 66%like:31659 |
http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU |
1994/7/25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31640 Activity:nil 52%like:31637 |
7/26 The fateful LAST DAY of the CSUA's occupancy of Evans Hell! Soda is going down TODAY, this afternoon, maybe this evening. If you have any important files, we suggest you get them backed up elsewhere NOW. We don't plan on losing anything, but we can't guarantee against some disaster during the move. ("Um, sorry, we knocked over your refrigerator when 'Big Ed' was pulling it from the truck" "You Did WHAT??! That was our computer!!! AUGGH!!!") THIS WEEK, the week of July 26th, http://soda.berkeley.edu will be taken down and moved to the new Soda Hall building. This means that the machine could possibly be down for about a week. Mail will not bounce. We've made arrangements for our mail to be handled. When we come back, we'll be known as : http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu (w/ a new IP address yet to be determined) http://soda.berkeley.edu will only be around for 6 months after the move. And remember, if you plan on receiving important or time critical mail during the time soda's down, have the sender send it somewhere else! .forward files won't work! |
1994/7/22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31637 Activity:nil 52%like:31640 |
7/5 **********READ THIS********** (or else you lose) ***THE MOVE HAS BEEN MOVED*** On the week of July 26th, http://soda.berkeley.edu will be taken down and moved to the new Soda Hall building. This means that the machine could possibly be down for about a week. Mail will not bounce. We've made arrangements for our mail to be handled. When we come back, we'll be known as : http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu (w/ a new IP address yet to be determined) http://soda.berkeley.edu will only be around for 6 months after the move. |
1994/7/22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31635 Activity:nil |
7/20 soda is going down monday morning-afternoon, possibly evening if things work out that way. Expect it to be down until at least Friday. The CSUA machines are going down sunday evening. Dont send mail to root asking when soda is going to come back up. |
1994/6/14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31632 Activity:nil |
6/13 I'm rlogin'ing to soda and get rlogind: Host address mismatch. Did soda change its IP address or hostname or what? This didn't happen on Friday. \_ yes. soda did change its hostname. try: rlogin http://i-am-a-stupid-pansy.berkeley.edu in the future \_ Not http://zuul.berkeley.edu? \_You guys make a good case against anarchal democracy. |
1994/6/14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31631 Activity:nil |
6/13 Anyone interested in a CSUA | beach party? It's time to head out to Stinson!!! Let's go, it's summer!!! \-what happend to vball? i thought there was some interest in playing in front of bechtel. \_ Coed naked volleyball...haven't I seen that on a t-shirt somewhere before? |
1994/6/12 [Transportation/Bicycle, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31625 Activity:nil |
6/10 The next CSUA Bike Ride is Sunday, 6/12, leaving evans at 11AM. Mail ride-bike-request for more info. |
1994/6/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31624 Activity:nil |
6/10 Are there two CSUA machines? Sorry, don't go to meetings \_ No, there are only the five machines. |
1994/5/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31605 Activity:nil |
motd(5) Soda User's Manual motd(5) NAME motd - Message of the Day DESCRIPTION The file /etc/motd is automatically displayed to users when they log in. The first section consists of official mes- sages from Soda staff & CSUA officers, while the second part is a public forum for messages from any Soda user. Messages in each section are listed in newest to oldest order. An old message is deleted when people decide they no longer want to see it. Responses to a message follow directly after it, and should have "lines" made of charac- ters such as | and \ and intelligent indenting to make it easier to follow which message is responding to which. Entries are often taken more seriously if they are signed, although anonymous messages have their place. EXAMPLES 2/31 Soda will be shut down and sold for parts next week. We hope to use the money to buy a Nintendo for the CSUA. \_ What? What sort of idiots would do this to us? | \_You twink. This is the public motd. | Anyone can make up any lies they want here. \__ If you actually bothered to show up to politburo meetings you'd have a voice in these things. -phillip \_ If they weren't during my physics lab, I would go. 2/30 Philcompress 2.0 installed. There are no bugs, only features, so don't bother mailing me about them. -phillip FILES /etc/motd.official Official announcements from Soda staff & CSUA officers. /etc/motd.public File that any soda user can edit to place a message in the motd. /etc/motd The file actually seen by users - generated from the motd.public and motd.official by the _ m_ t_ d command and automatically regenerated every few minutes by _ c_ r_ o_ n. ~/.hushlogin File that tells many shells not to automatically display the motd on login. Many people use this and add a command like "less /etc/motd" to their .login file. If nothing else you should at least have some- thing in your .login to view the motd.offical if you have a .hushlogin, since the announcements there may be Printed 5/16/94 http://soda.berkeley.edu 1 motd(5) Soda User's Manual motd(5) very important to your account and Soda Staff reserves the right to ignore any question you mail to them for which the answer is in the motd. NOTES This is pretty unique to soda. Most machines have an motd devoted solely to important system announcements. There is no protection against two users editing the motd.public at the same time. If your editor complains the file has changed since it loaded it, the polite thing to do is not save your changes, but change the updated file so you don't delete the other person's message. SEE ALSO alt.motd Usenet newsgroup. |
1994/5/15-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Unix, Recreation/Media] UID:31599 Activity:insanely high |
5/12 The Unofficial CSUA End-of-Semester Adam Glass Memorial Beer Bash & Final Episode of Startrek Party is scheduled to take place on May 23, 7:00 PM, in the 'old' CSUA office. \_ That's 343 Evans, right? \_ Party on, dudes! BBBBBEEEEEEEEYYYYYOOOOOOTTTTCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!111!! |
1994/5/11 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31596 Activity:nil |
5/9 I wanted to thank all the CSUA members that came out to support the CSUA and their ASUC Senators at the Business Management Board meeting tonight. We made a lot of headway with the university, and we have secured the funds which will allow the CSUA and OCF to recieve large increases in their budgets for next year. --bonds |
1994/5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31587 Activity:nil 72%like:31481 |
1/22 Politburo meetings are still Fridays at noon in 238 Evans Hall. ***UNOFFICIAL PUBLIC MESSAGES BELOW*** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ TERI SMITH TYLER, Plaintiff, v. JAMES CARTER, WILLIAM CLINTON, ROSS PEROT, AMERICAN CYANAMID, IRON MOUNTAIN SECURITY CORPORATION, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, IBM, DAVID ROCKERFELLER, ROCKERFELLER FUND, BCCI, NASA, Defendants. 92 Civ. 8658 (CSH) To summarize the facts presented in the Tyler case, the plaintiff asserted that she was a cyborg and received her information through "proteus." Among other things, the plaintiff alleged that former President Jimmy Carter wasthe secret head of the Ku Klux Klan, and that he, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot are responsible for the murder of at least ten million black women in concentration camps. \_What? \_ Pro.teus \'pro--.t(y)u:s, 'pro-t-e--*s\ n [L, fr. Gk Pro-teus] : a sea god in Greek mythology capable of assuming different forms \_ Tell us something we don't know. \_ la la la |
1994/5/2-11 [Politics/Domestic, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31584 Activity:nil |
4/28 All Hail our new CSUA officers! President: chiapet Vice-President: smurf Secretary: alissa Treasurer: rcham Librarian: ekim |
1994/4/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31573 Activity:nil |
4/24 Ron narrowly defeats Hob for the CSUA Racquetball title. Details in http://ucb.org.csua |
1994/4/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31548 Activity:nil |
4/6 Let's see...those of us who DON'T spend thousands of hours around 238 Evans were wondering if there are any terminals wired directly into this soda thing...especially X stations. Heh heh, those are cool. A simple (HONEST) yes or no will suffice. \_ There are two Xterms in the office which can be a term to soda. - M \_ There are NO Xterminals wired directly to soda. There are the CSUA office machines, however, which can function as X terminals to soda. They're just one router-hop away, though. -ERic \_ There are, five color X terminals, but you're too much of a loser to use them. \_ So I don't get to know where they are? How thoughtful of you. \_ Five color Xterms for Soda? HAH! I'll tell you what they are: Tsunami, Cyclone, Bigbang, Headcrash, Monsoon -- Marco \_^flood^cyclone, no? (Whoops, yes - M) |
1994/4/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31541 Activity:nil |
4/4 ph installed on soda as well. Now we just have to get the university to make some useful information available... - norby \- now who's gonna install the help system (or maybe not...RTFM) |
1994/3/20-5/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31530 Activity:nil |
3/14 Office Hours listed in /usr/local/csua/officehours. |
1994/3/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31512 Activity:nil |
BTW --> http://YMCA.NAMBLA.ORG == http://soda.berkeley.edu NAMBLA == CSUA http://soda.berkeley.edu A service of the CSUA |
1994/3/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31511 Activity:nil |
3/6 Hey, what happened to that raquetball racket that used to be in the CSUA??? \-any csua runners? interested in running a few miles maybe 2x a wk? |
1994/3/7-4/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31506 Activity:low 88%like:31498 |
3/4 CSUA T-Shirts are going to happen soon! Suggestions/ideas due by March 11 to social@soda or dropped off in the office. |
1994/3/7-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31505 Activity:moderate |
3/6 CSUA office hours forming now! Mail to smurf if you can put in an hour or two a week. (See http://ucb.org.csua) |
1994/3/6-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31500 Activity:kinda low 61%like:31481 |
1/22 Politburo meetings are Fridays at noon. Anyone can attend, though. Things below this line could be from anyone. Beware and be aware. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Welcome to Soda Mark III |
1994/3/6-6/14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31499 Activity:nil |
2/24 The donations are rolling in, but we could _always_ use more! Read ~dpassage/csua/hardware_fund for the whole scoop. --dpassage ***UNOFFICIAL PUBLIC MESSAGES BELOW*** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ***UNOFFICIAL PUBLIC MESSAGES BELOW*** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ |
1994/3/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31498 Activity:nil 88%like:31506 |
3/4 CSUA T-Shirts are going to happen soon! Suggestions/ideas are due to social@soda or dropped off in 238 Evans by March 11. Read ~amee/csua/tshirts for more info. |
1994/3/6-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31497 Activity:nil 55%like:31478 |
3/5 Deadline for the CSUA resume book for this semester and the Sumer is March 16th. Get them in soon! Send all submissions to: resume-submit@soda |
1994/3/6-4/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31496 Activity:nil |
3/5 If you know a staff/faculty who might have an interesting mini-lecture that they'd be intrested in doing for the CSUA mini-lecture series next semester, get into contact with mini-lecture-series@soda (mls@soda) |
1994/2/14-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Industry/Jobs] UID:31478 Activity:nil 55%like:31497 |
2/10 Please add your resume's to the CSUA resume' book! The sooner you get it in, the more people will see it. Also, you might want to submit one, even if you are not looking for a job, just to get your name out. submissions and questions to resume-submit@soda |
1994/2/8-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:31481 Activity:high 75%like:31454 61%like:31500 72%like:31587 |
1/22 Politburo meetings are Fridays at noon. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ welcome to SLODA, mark 0.38 \_ Is everyone invited? \_ What does "public" mean to you? \_ 1. pub.lic: Having easy access to yermom. \_ % grep -i public /etc/motd.official % Welcome to Soda Mark III CSUA Wonder Machine (read: a Pinto without hard disk space) Ali's Daily Quote from Life's Little Insturction Calendar: ---------------------------------------------------------- "Read the ten books nominated each year for the ABBY Award." -Tue, Feb 8. \_ Does anyone have a problem with me doing this? ) Friday February 11 noon lecture, 145 Dwinelle Hall ) ) The Information Highway Has Many Potholes ) by Barbara Simons, Chair, US Public Policy Committee, ACM |
1994/2/8-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31479 Activity:nil |
2/7 Help the CSUA continue its leadership in student-operated computing facilities: Donate to the CSUA Hardware Fund! Read ~dpassage/csua/hardware_fund for more info. |
1994/1/28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Recreation/Sports] UID:31467 Activity:nil |
1/27 Since the CSUA meeting coincides with Da Bearz game, does anyone have an extra ticket to spare? I am looking to buy one for an unexpected visitor from out of town. Thanks. -dim |
1994/1/27 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:31461 Activity:nil |
1/26 G1F H0ZER OF THE HOUR: BLAKE!!! soda 240 /accounts/blake% ls archive/ biglog flux/ mail/ soda 241 /accounts/blake% df . Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on /dev/zd4a 439106 387034 8161 98% /usr4 \_ Looks like his hour is over... \_ locate gif | wc -l 882 |
1994/1/27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31459 Activity:nil |
1/26 Why is soda acting so slow this semester? Everytime I log-on now-a-days, I have to wait for a minute or more to type in "mail" or "ls." What's going on? \_ There's a jerk named 'ho' who the politburo has authorized to screw the machine. \_ I belive he was part of the deal that got us soda. \_ LEARN TO MOPE, YOU PROSTHETIC SPANKER. \_ Use yer "Caps Lock" key correctly, you utter moron. \_ read alt.fan.warlord, you clueless twink |
1994/1/25-2/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31454 Activity:nil 75%like:31481 |
1/22 Politburo meetings are Fridays at noon. |
1994/1/17-2/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31451 Activity:very high |
1/16 The first CSUA General Meeting of the semester will be held Thursday, January 27th at 7:00 PM in 608-7 Evans. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Welcome to Soda - Second Rate Playground of the CS Division "This is not yer mom's old machine." \_ congratulations you can steal jokes from David Letterman \_ congratulations, it's in quotes, dip. |
1993/12/12 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31447 Activity:nil |
11/13 Comments about sexy CSUA members should now be directed here, apparently. Have a nice day. -brought to you by the CSUA Wet T-shirt committee |
1993/10/11-11/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31410 Activity:nil 66%like:31402 |
9/16 Politburo Meetings are now officially at 2PM Thursdays. - seidl +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Welcome to Soda Mark III, Go Soda, Go! |
1993/9/26-12/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31402 Activity:high 66%like:31410 |
9/16 Politburo Meetings are at 2PM Thursdays. - seidl +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ |
1993/8/30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:31387 Activity:nil |
8/28 Will there be any UNIX session for beginner and advance people like previous semester? When and where will be? \_ Most likely. It's not scheduled yet. When it is scheduled, it will be in the motd. \- Cool. Another example of CSUA ineptdness. Has root messed up anything new toady? \_ No, it won't happen. You idiots don't deserve the effort. \- Another brilliant example of soda-user-stupidity. No wonder the CSUA, OCF, & XCF are all haivng problems trying to find enough people willing to put up with this crap and get help seessions put on. Get up there and help or shut up. The politburo is not the CSUA, all of us are. Please come back when you get a clue. \- The CSUA politburo forms are elected representitives, the people that we elect to take care of the activities of the ourganization. Thus, it is their fault that the help sesssions are not ourganized. If they had been efficient enough to actually ask HELP, then you're argument would be valid, if I was not helping, but they did not, so you are not. \- And please note that only now afte rI have made fools of them does the politburo ask for aids. Who are these people we elected? \_ actually, most of them were appointed after prior hozers resigned. Got a problem, run at the next election. CSUA's got a longstanding tradition of whining and whining, but when given the opportunity of doing something about it, silence... |
1993/8/30-9/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31385 Activity:nil |
8/29 People who install stuff on soda no longer need to use a portion of their disk quota to do so. /usr6/build is writable by group bin, and is specifically for building stuff that will be used by the soda populus (not your CS169 project). /usr6/src is for storing copies of soda-specific source (not things you pulled off the net and ran make on). If in doubt, read the READMEs in each directory. Stuff older than 3 days is now cleared out of /tmp by cron. |
1993/8/10 [Consumer/Camera, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31381 Activity:nil |
8/9 Did someone leave a roll of (used)FujiColor 400/24exp film in the csua? I lost a roll a while back and was wondering if this was mine. --psb |
1993/6/25 [Reference/History, Politics/Foreign, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31370 Activity:nil |
3/31 Just a reminder that things which appear below the dotted line could have been written by anyone, regardless of what signature appears on the end, and don't necessarily reflect what actual CSUA policy is. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Cory Notes: If you see an unattended package/backpack/padded envelope in the public computing areas, leave it alone and call the building manager, Aleta Cook. This is at the request of an admin-type-chick from upstairs. There is a rash of mail bombs going off in academic institutions across the country right now ... Cory Hall has been victimized twice in the past (mid 80's). There are rumors that the FBI actually believes this recent wave is in fact related to the same source that caused the two bombings in Cory in the past. |
1993/6/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31365 Activity:nil |
6/17 Dave stepping down is the best thing that happened to the CSUA since Mel graduated. |
1993/6/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31363 Activity:nil |
6/14 Did anyone successfully installed 2.2.7pre1 IRC ? Mine chokes when I try to compile it... \_ I wouldn't use any beta versions if I were u... -nevman (BTW, the latest REAL vershun be 2.2.6+) Tired of soda? Wish soda were more like uclink? This command will make soda behave exactly like uclink: exec rlogin uclink |
1993/5/13 [Computer/SW/Apps, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31318 Activity:nil |
5/12 Announcing the first CSUA Bike Ride Against IRC! It is tentatively planned for June 5th starting at 10:00 AM. There will be 3 routes ranging from an easy 15 miles to a challenging 35. If you are interested, or just want more information, mail tom. \_ Pardon my h0zerness, what's IRC? \_ It stands for Internet Relay Chat. It acutally is good, for what it is, but there is a faction that wants to turn soda into an IRC server, which would be, in the opinion of many soda stalwarts, a Bad Thing. \_ Who the hell wants to run an IRC Server on Soda!!?? \_ IRC Server?!? C'mon... slow down other computers... not ours... --nevman This event was inspired by, and planned over, /bin/wall. Don't let them turn soda into Just Another Unix Machine. \_ Them should be HIM (Adam Glass). The rest are just sheep who follow their fascist leader. \_ Is this against IRC itself, or just the idea of running a server on soda? - norby \_ It's against the idea of changing wall to IRC. \_ It's not going to change to IRC... don't be hysterical. --marco \_ Oh, excuse me, it's going to change to something that looks and works like IRC. \_ You mean another decision was made at the Politburo meeting concerning wallall besides reversing the syntax of the 'S' bit? Why is the elitist Politburo hiding this information? |
1993/5/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31309 Activity:nil |
5/12 All CSUA members are encouraged to show up at the ASUC Senate meeting tonight to protest the $100 funding allocated to us. The meeting is at 7 in the Senate Chambers in Eschelman Hall. The Senate Chambers are located on the ground floor of Eschelman. Just walk in to the lobby and you'll see it. If you have questions, mail me. --hh |
1993/5/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:31304 Activity:high |
5/8 Adam Glass is the newest elite who believes that wallall should be deleted. Do you think that it is acceptable for the elite to dictate what programs you may use? wallall will be deleted on Monday after the Politburo meeting unless something is done. \_ no it won't, because adam's solution is extreme and everyone else agreed so, shannon. but people ought to chill out and respect each other a bit while walling. -george \what if i have no respect for someone outside wall-world --psb \_ That's censorship, which is to say restriction of a specific type of speech by those people who control the allocation of the resources for that speech. Is that acceptable? \_ Um, actually, I don't think that's censorship. If they control the resources, then they *control* *the* *resources*, and can do what they want. Censorship is restriction of speech by someone who doesn't control the resource, like the government. If you want soda to be un-managed, say so. \uh how do you censor if you dont have control? --psb \_ Yes. There is no excuse for tolerating electronic harrassment in the name of free speech. -gwh \No, there is no reason for tolerating dumb speech in the name of george. When all you need to do is "electronically close you eyes" [wallall -n], its tough to make the case this is harassment. besides, wallall preserves ample records and witnesses if you want to make the case for harassment. --psb \_If you don't like elites making decisions, then we can throw this to the general membership. Easy. -dpassage \_ RIght....the 20 or so people who attend CSUA general meetings aren't the elite, eh? \what do people think about re-writing the CSUA const to include a machine supervision cmte which will make policies for the machine(s) independent of the politburo, who will continue to run other csua activites. you could maybe have 1 person per 50 or 100 [or whatever] users ... this way this group will be reasonably representative of the membership ... the 5person ex-com certainly is not ... especially when they arbitrarily choose a bunch of their friends to help make policy at the exclusion of orthers. \_ you're just offended because you have no friends. and this group will presmable feel responsive to their "constituency" if they want to be re-relected. please send *me* input on this idea. --psb \_We could take the vote electronically. I'm working on a couple of ideas on how we could do this.-dpassage \-- You don't seem to understand. You elected these bozos. They can do whatever they want. If they voted to turn off soda tonight and never turn it back on, they could do it. A general meeting could overturn, but that's it. [This actually sidesteps the issue that you DID NOT elect Adam Glass - because he is a friend of the politburo, he is CLEARLY getting preferential treatment. That is a problem for another day though]. ^ Adam Glass, the CSUA's Hilary Clinton. What a concept. \_ More like our Stalin \_I don't see how Adam is getting special treatment. He proposed a policy change. I said we'd vote on it, and asked for public input. Any other user is welcome to do the same. And I'm not pretending that a Politburo meeting can be a general meeting; if opinion at the meeting is overwhelmingly one way (which it appears it is), then the status quo will remain. If Adam wants to push it further, which is his right under our const., I'm \_ I am not at all convinced that free speech is more important than the cohesiveness of the Organization. -- Marco \-you're free to leave. i think free speech is more imp than your being a member. |
1993/5/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31303 Activity:nil |
5/8 At the CSUA Politburo meeting this Monday at 7pm in 236 Evans, Mr Glass intends to move that the CSUA shut off the walls on soda. If you have an opinion on the subject either way, please show up. If you can't make it, send your comments to me; I'll print them up and bring them to the meeting. I especially encourage soda users who aren't normally involved in CSUA activities to participate in this decision. --dpassage |
1993/4/30-6/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31281 Activity:nil |
4/29 It is the Official Soda User Policy that you REAL name has to be the first thing in your soda finger info name field. --xxxxx |
1993/4/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31270 Activity:nil |
4/14 CSUA General Meeting on Monday, April 19, at 7:00 pm in Sibley Auditorium. Monday's agenda: voting on the Constitutional amendments. ASUC sponsored and wheelchair accessible. -- xxxxxxx |
1993/4/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31254 Activity:nil |
4/1 Director's cut of The Abyss showing at the UC tomorrow night. Apparently the ending of this one actually makes sense. Starts at 8:30, say meet in CSUA at about 7:30? --xxxxxxx |
1993/4/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31249 Activity:nil |
3/31 In addition to the latest available minutes, check out what the CSUA was doing as far back as 1982! New and old minutes are available in /usr/local/csua/minutes. -- jsjacob \_ wow! the CSUA actually did things! amazing! A midnight Evans stair run sounds interesting.... |
1993/4/1 [Transportation/Car, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:31242 Activity:nil |
4/1 | FBI Raid CSUA Office!!!! See http://ucb.org.csua for more info | \_ Over 70 undergraduate CS students arrested on various charges | of piracy, conspiracy, and electronic theft! List available | later tonight. CSUA is starting a bail drive for them. Send | money to hob@soda, official bail treasurer and csua vacation manager. | |
1993/4/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31236 Activity:nil |
3/28 GENERAL MEETING -- Thursday, April 1, at 6:00 pm in 597 Evans. Topping the agenda: The future of the CSUA. ASUC sponsored and wheelchair accessible. -- jsjacob |
1993/4/1-6/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31235 Activity:moderate |
3/31 Just a reminder that things which appear below the dotted line could have been written by anyone, regardless of what signature appears on the end, and don't necessarily reflect what actual CSUA policy is. --dpassage *********** To turn walls ("Boredcasts") off, but leave *********** *********** writes and talks on, type "wallall -n" *********** *********** To turn talks off, but leave writes and *********** *********** walls on, type "wallall -t" *********** *********** (Doesn't work with older versions of talk) *********** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ \_ Don't you mean "May you snort vivarin"? \-85 hours, 2 midterms, i presentation and 1000mg of caffeine and counting... |
1993/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31228 Activity:nil |
1/22 Politburo meetings are Fridays at noon. Anyone can attend, though. Things below this line could be from anyone. Beware and be aware. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ |
1993/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31227 Activity:nil |
2/24 The donations are rolling in, but we could _always_ use more! Read ~dpassage/csua/hardware_fund for the whole scoop. Share and enjoy. --dpassage |
1993/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31226 Activity:nil |
3/4 CSUA T-Shirts are going to happen soon! Suggestions/ideas due bt March 11 to socal@soda or dropped off in the office. |
1993/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31225 Activity:nil |
3/5 Deadline for the CSUA resume book for this semester and the Sumer is March 16th. resume-submit@soda |
1993/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31224 Activity:nil |
3/5 If you know a staff/faculty who might have an interesting mini-lecture that they'd be intrested in doing for the CSUA mini-lecture series next semester, get into contact with mini-lecture-series@soda (mls@soda) |
1993/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31223 Activity:nil |
3/14 Office hours are on. Check out /usr/local/csua/officehours for the schedule. This week is kinda iffy whether the person will be there or not but next week they should be in full swing. |
3/15 |