www.csua.org/u/s1d -> news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theticket/20101119/ts_yblog_theticket/millionaires-to-obama-tax-us
rachel Rose Hartman - Fri Nov 19, 12:30 pm ET Ben Cohen Anti-tax activists everywhere have been loudly arguing for an extension of George W Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans in the United States.
"We make this request as loyal citizens who now or in the past earned an income of $1,000,000 per year or more." The group includes many big-time Democratic donors such as Gail Furman, trial lawyer Guy Saperstein and Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's ice cream (pictured). The list remains open to millionaires who want to sign on.
Lottery winners give away millions Republicans in Congress argue that a failure to extend tax cuts for individuals making over $250,000 would be detrimental to the economy. Michele Bachmann said this week on ABC's "Good Morning America." Most Democrats in Congress are opposed to extending cuts for the wealthiest Americans--but they're treading carefully about how to proceed with the issue.
extending Bush-era cuts for the middle class, but Democrats are divided over whether to vote only on middle-class cuts or to include a vote on cuts for those making $250,000. It doesn't appear that the Senate can muster the votes to pass a measure that would extend only middle-class cuts. "I think there's a reality here, which is that while it might be best to continue the middle-class tax cuts and raise taxes on higher-income people, the votes are not there to do that," Sen.
Republicans continue to call for immediate action, saying they fear business owners will be less likely to hire workers and spend money as they remain uncertain about future tax liabilities.
Report Abuse It is about time that real patriots tell the water boy that the robber barons need to be jailed for putting us in the shape we're in rather than rewarding them with more public money that should go to pay for all the jails they are building for the out of work blue collar boys who vote republican becuause they do not think. Of course since Obama is a stealth Republican, maybe Dems don't think either.
The point is letting the tax cuts expire so that ALL Millionaires and Billionaires pay up! I have seen this stupid comment every where must be a FAUX NEWS talking point or something and stupid poor ignorant wanna be millionaires (some day) repeat this like sheep. They should be praising these PATRIOTIC people not attacking them because this is something JESUS would do, this is so christian and patriotic like if you ask me.
Their willingness to pay extra only if they are forced to by the tax code. Every one of these hypocrits hires a tax attorney to do his (and her) taxes in order to pay the minimum amount possible. There is no law against overpaying taxes now, or in the past. If these low-lifes really think they are under-taxes, just send it in. Here is a suggestion: Whatever amount you believe you can afford, extra, increase that figure by 15% to make up for the years that you gamed the system and send it in. Continue to do that every year until the deficit is $0 (I'm not talking about the annual deficit, I'm talking about the total deficit). PS Now that I know what a cheap-skate Ben Cohen actually is, I will never buy anymore Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
Report Abuse This should prove the existence of rich Democrats. It also proves that the Rich who are Republicans are just plain more intelligent than their liberal brothers and sisters. Bet these people who say they want taxes to increase still get as many deductions as they can on their tax returns. If they really believed in this hypocritical cause of theirs, they wouldn't do that.
Report Abuse I don't really understand why people would want to give what will amount to 850 billion dollars to the wealth via tax welfare. We will have to borrow this money from China and will continue to weaken the dollar, and may well contribute the insolvency of our American currency. Do those republicans realize that the recklessness of their actions have consequences? They often infer that the monies will help produce a smaller government. The government's job is to protect its citizens and ensure that the constitution is upheld for every American citizen. The government steps in when the individual cannot fend for him/herself, ie, natural disasters, international terrorist, organized crime, unfair business practices, etc. It is also responsible for the viability of the American version of capitalism and should have a moral Christian obligation to treat each citizen as a viable and valuable asset in our market economy. When there are unethical behavior, then the Government should regulate, ie, prisons for murders and criminals, fines and censure for unethical business practices, etc. These are issues only 'Big Government' can address and handle. The well being of each American citizen is the business of 'Big Government' and each citizen should be obligated to be a productive asset for this once great country. If we stand alone and ignore our contractual obligations to this once great country, then we are doomed to failure.
Several ommissions though: Anyone who believes this, just google the words 'double irish' and Google together. It's an offshore tax scheme that enabled Google last year to evade $60 billion in income taxes last year (and sanctioned by the Federal Government). Same goes for Microsoft and other big companies run by preachers such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffett.
Report Abuse I have happily paid my taxes all of my life; don't mind a bit paying for things that are better financed by the collective of society's members. I am very unhappy at financing wars of aggression and other items and would rather pay for things that support peace, health, and success for all. I am not a millionaire, but if I were, I would not complain about paying my fair share, which I'd perceive to be *more* than the percentage paid by someone making much less than I How much do you need to survive well, anyway? Am quite puzzled by the argument that millionaires are "the job creators" and so should be taxed less. There are many tax loopholes and shelters available for businesses, and besides, I've seen them send our high-paying jobs overseas so they can save money on their end, while prices to consumers have often gone up, and quality has gone down. rich people without workers who show up and keep the doors open would just be people with big ideas! Pay the taxes, those who are wealthy, and be very grateful that you have the income and wealth to share!
I'd right the government a check tomorrow if I no longer had to pay the percentage of Tax dedicated to servicing the debt. Since I decided to get an education, work 60+ hours a week for all of my adult life, saved money instead of lived beyond my means, and yes, got a little lucky: I get to pay my fair share and the fair share of 10 other Americans.