Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 53277
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/26 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2009/8/18-9/1 [Uncategorized] UID:53277 Activity:low
8/17    anyone use this? is it good or is there something better?
        \_ It's a 0.1 release, dated October 2006 with no updates.
           \_ is there a better alternative?
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Linux Ext2 file systems to be "mounted" and used on a Microsoft Windows system much like the native FAT/NT file systems available on these platforms. Unlike other Windows apps for the Ext2 file system, Win2fs integrates these file systems well with the Windows OS itself, there by bringing out the best out of both. The problem of sharing files across the Linux and Windows operating systems has been around for quite sometime. With the number of Linux users increasing, users are in need of some mechanism to share files from one operating system to another. A number of solutions (like Samba, NFS, etc) have been put forth for addressing this. But it should be noted that most of these solutions are of no help to the large number casual home users who use a single computing system with both Linux and Windows installed on the same machine. Such users have been forced to rely on third party software and voluntary Windows programs (like Win2fs) to access files stored on their Linux file-systems on Windows. With Win2fs installed, ext2 volumes are assigned drive letters like G:, etc (also called 'mount points') and all running applications can directly access the files on these file-systems. Files and directories appear in all the file open/save dialogs of all applications and user don't have to copy files back and forth between Linux and Windows file-systems. Win2fs had a humble beginning in 2001 when a group of students decided to do a Windows file-system driver as a part of their college under graduate curriculum. Since then, its being maintained by me, Satish kumar Janarthanan. If you would like to contribute to Win2fs or would like to leave me a comment (feedback or anything at all), I'll be glad to hear from you.
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Advertise for $199 This is for all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than google it for themselves. Inspired during a lunch conversation with @coderifous, @tmassing, @rmm5t, @EricStratton, and @methodvon.