2009/11/11-30 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:53518 Activity:low | 11/11 Watch the History Channel today! It's got Oppenheimer and the atomic
bomb history. Did you know at one time 10% of the entire electricity
in the U.S. was used to refine U235 and weapon grade plutonium?
Holy jesus! I wonder how much energy is used to get plutonium fuel
that generates today's nuclear powered electric plant
\_ it talks about the 2 different methods for getting U235. So
2008/7/16-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50593 Activity:nil | 7/16 China burned 1.9 billion metric tons of coal in 2004. By 2020, predicts
the China Coal Industry Development Research Center, it will burn 2.9
billion tons a year. That increment alone will send as much carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere as 3 billion Ford Expeditions, each driven
15,000 miles a year. This puts into sobering perspective the meager
efforts of the U.S. to stave off global warming by improving gas
2012/6/26-7/20 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:54422 Activity:nil | 6/26 WW2 brought us antibiotics, syringe, production capacity,
excessive petroleum, radar, television, atomic energy,
rocketry (HEIL VON BRAUN), synthetic rubber, microwave,
computers (GAY TURING), jets.
What did the Iraq war bring us?
\_ HMMWV -> Hummer H1 the gas guzzler.