6/26 Details aren't out yet, but SCOTUS has ruled:
Guns are an individual right.
\_ Details are out: http://www.scotusblog.com/wp/heller-opinion
In a nutshell: "you can have a reasonable loaded gun in your house
\_ What is "reasonable loaded"? 8 rounds? 20? 100 round
extender? How about one shell with crazy ass projectiles?
\_ Yes, welcome to the next level of constitutional arguments.
\_ phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range -t101
without a trigger lock, so long as you meet reasonable licensing
It's a remarkably restrained opinion from Scalia. More power to
\- it was a 5-4 decision. the restraint may
say more about "the rule of five"
[BRENNAN J.: "if you get 5, you rule"]
than ASCALIA's "moderation". but yeah, i
agree there were various narrowing
options ... although maybe that's to keep
the guns away from the scary people. --psb
\_ that's fine. i can have my handgun without a trigger lock
and my 50 BMG with a trigger lock. kewl
\_ Given how relatively restrained it is, I'm shocked there are 4
dissenting justices. -emarkp
\_ how many shells do you put in your loaded gun?
\_ In CA I'm only allowed a 10-round magazine. -emarkp
\_ I will reserve judgment on this until I read the dissenting
opinions. Perhaps you should do the same.
\_ Okay, read: Breyer's arguing from a different interpreta-
tion of 2ndA; in the context of his reading, his arguments
hold. In light of the various issues at hand, it's not
that shocking to me that there would be 4 dissenting
Justices; this is a complicated issue and deserves scrutiny
and discussion.
\_ Of course individuals have a Constitutional right to firearms as
both a check against govt tyranny and for self-protection. Legal
disputes are about where you can carry what level of lethal
- On one extreme you can only have a single shotgun in the home with
child locks within a locked safe and for which you need to
re-permit every year
- On the other extreme any 21-year-old can openly carry one fully
automatic weapon with matching handgun and clip extender as long
as the safeties are always engaged. Firearms must be secured
in a locked gun rack in your cube when you're away, of course. |