Good comment Marked as spam Reply This delivery is near Portland, Maine where, as in the rest of the country, fuel prices have soared. Last year a group of senators asked major oil companies to donate some of their record profits to reduce the heating costs for those in need. The only one to respond was CITGO, a company wholly owned by Venezuela, whose leftist leader Hugo Chavez is no friend of the Bush administration.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply I think she meant narionalization. Personally I think this congress and Senate needs to get of their asses and get some legislation that the Needs of the United States people and Military should get any refined oil and gas at a price that takes into consideration, the cost of Crude oil refining it and a basis say 8% profit.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply There is absolutely no fucking reason that Americans and American business, allowing the extraction of US publicly held oil resources (as offshore and in Alaska) should authorize private corporations, working strictly for their own profits, to extract it and then sell it at world market prices.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply Hofmeister guarantees higher prices due to Congressional inaction--there's a corporate Fascist for you. Let us do what we want with public property or you are screwed. The better idea is simply to nationalize the fuckers as an independent energy entity serving all economic interests.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply Maxine Waters is not well spoken at times, but she is very sharp. Compared to morons like Bush and Cheney she is an off the scale genius.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply Maxinde Waters is not well spoken at times, but she is very sarp. Compared to morons like Bush and Cheney she is an off the scale genius.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply So you kneejerk Right Wingers who have brought the US to the verge of economic collapse in a mere eight years keep screaming. If the US got out of Iraq tomorrow the money already borrowed to pay for this murderous idiocy is minimally $7 trillion over the next decade and a half so, perhaps, if everything is counted, as high as $20 trillion.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply Hofmeister is lying: as private companies they drill new wells and the price is stillthe world market price. Most energy and oil around the world is nationalized or partly nationalized for exactly this reason.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply 2002 oil - $29 per barrel 2008 oil $132+ per barrel There is no shortage of supplies. Bush and Cheney have presided over the collapse of the dollar.
Good comment Marked as spam Reply This isn't even scary. The woman can't string together two words and she thinks she can run a vital major corporation? We'd be sure to be back to horse and carriage -- or make that jackass democrat liberals.
Less info) The gas executive told her the truth, that Congress' inactivity regarding allowing oil companies to drill domestically is driving the price of gasoline steadily up. Waters didn't like that and threatened the gas exec with the government controlling his companies.