Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 50291
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2008/6/18-22 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:50291 Activity:nil
6/18    "June 19 is a Free Transit Day!"
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2012/7/29-9/24 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:54446 Activity:nil
7/29    Is it really true that we subsidize auto driving to the tune of
        $5k/yr? Shit I could probably hire a private driver for less...
        \_ You might have missed the point.  Hiring a chauffeur to drive your
           private vehicle won't change the amount of gasoline your private
           vehicle use or the amount of real estate it uses on freeways and
2012/7/9-8/19 [Transportation/Car] UID:54433 Activity:nil
        A study at the Berkeley Marina intersection shows that people
        with nice asshole-cars break the law more frequently.
        \_ Alpha animals.
            \_ sense of entitlement coupled with willingness to pay fines.
               One of the better Freakonomics chapters was about a study
2011/12/5-2012/1/10 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:54250 Activity:nil
12/5    "Eight Ferraris wrecked in million-dollar pileup" (
        "Police and video reports say the wreck began when a 60-year-old
        businessman from Fukushima driving a Ferrari F430 attempted to pass a
        Toyota Prius, but instead hit the guardrail.  That set off a chain
        reaction among the cars driving in a tight formation behind the lead
2011/7/10-8/2 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:54141 Activity:nil
7/8     Is there some reason we can't have mass market nat gas cars?
        \_ Not enough infrastructure for refuing.  Chicken and egg.
        \_ Not enough infrastructure for refueling.  Chicken and egg.
        \_ It has less than half the energy density of gasoline.  -tom
           \_ So you have to compress it, which results in huge explosions
              during a crash. Same for flywheel tech.
2010/8/23-9/7 [Transportation/Car] UID:53931 Activity:nil
8/23    "China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km"
        "... the jam between Beijing and Jining city had given birth to a
        mini-economy ..."
        And we think traffic in L.A. is bad.
        \_ Actually those of us who have travelled don't.
2010/8/4-25 [Transportation/Car] UID:53909 Activity:nil
8/4     "China Plans Huge Buses That Can DRIVE OVER Cars (PHOTOS)"
2010/1/8-29 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:53617 Activity:nil
        Car driver gets 5 years for assualting bicylists with car.
        \_ How many years do cyclists get when they run red lights?  I almost
           hit one last week when a cyclist ran a red light in front of me
           while I was about to start moving on my green light in Fremont.
           \_ How many years do motorists get when they run red lights? I
2013/7/1-8/23 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:54700 Activity:nil
7/1     BART labor union holding the transit infrastructure hostage.
        \_ Yesterday's SFGate poll showed that 11% of the readers sympathize
           with the workers, 17% with the management, and 72% with the riders.
           \_ The millions the Koch Brother's spent are paying off. Workers
              now sympathize more with their masters than.
              now sympathize more with their masters than their own
2010/2/10-3/9 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53700 Activity:nil
2/10    Does anyone have an authoritative URL that shows the % of people
        in the Bay Area who commute via foot, bike, car, BART, and Caltrains?
        In particular I'd like to look at trend as well.
        \_ has some.  -tom
        \_ Guys, guys, guys, I asked a simple question. What % of Bay Area
           traffic goes to autos, bikes, foot, BART, and Caltrain? I'm
2009/11/23-12/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Reference/RealEstate] UID:53540 Activity:moderate
 11/23  "Warming's impacts sped up, worsened since Kyoto"
        \_ what do you propose we average Joes do about climate warning?
           Oh really? Yeah, exactly.
           \_ Make life choices which reduce your carbon impact.  Communicate
              with your representatives that you consider this an important
2009/10/29-11/3 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53481 Activity:moderate
10/29   "BART customers shatter previous ridership records"
        Here's the Bay Area solution to global warming: just snap a cable on
        the Bay Bridge once a while. :-)
        \_ what about taking a chem e class and see how stupid you sound?
           \_ Not as stupid as someone who couldn't tell that OP was obviously
2009/8/13-9/1 [Reference/BayArea, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53269 Activity:nil
8/13    One greedy BART union going on strike next Monday:
        \_ No, not really. It is just a negotiating tactic.
        \_ You know what, BART's troubles do have a little to do with union pay,
           but its mostly BARTs expansion mission instead of dealing with
           the stations its has.  The airport extension is not as popular as
2009/8/6-19 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53251 Activity:nil
8/5     Bart vs. MTA NSFW
        \_ Guess MTA doesn't stop running huh.
           \_ Yup.
        \_ Looks like they art more SRS over there.
        \_ I'd give bart the win,  except that it is a photoshop job.
           \_ nah, I'd give MTA the definite win.
2009/7/12-24 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53130 Activity:moderate
7/12    Turns out that BART management has been lying to the public and
        the press about salaries, whoops!
        \_ Why do the janitors make $28.09 per hour in California where
           there is plenty of cheap labor and at those prices why are
           the BART restrooms almost always nasty? To me that's ridiculous.
2009/6/30-7/15 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53094 Activity:nil
        "The average (BART) union worker makes $114,000 a year in wages and
        And they're demanding a 3% raise.  Geez.
        \_ This is called negotiation by press release. What does the average
           worker who is not in management make?
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Links Transportation News Spare the Air Retools for Climate Change -- June 19 is a Free Transit Day! List Of Participating Transit Operators * AC Transit * ACE * AirBART * Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service * Alameda/Harbor Bay Ferry Service * Amtrak Capitol Corridor * BART * Benicia Breeze * Caltrain * Cloverdale Transit * County Connection * Dumbarton Express * Fairfield/Suisun Transit * Golden Gate Transit * Healdsburg Transit * Wheels/LAVTA * Marin County Transit District * Muni * Petaluma Transit * Rio Vista Delta Breeze * SamTrans * Santa Rosa CityBus * Sonoma County Transit * Tri Delta Transit * Union City Transit * Vacaville City Coach * Vallejo Transit * VINE * VTA * WestCAT Bay Area commuters can circle Thursday, June 19 on their calendars and get ready to plan their free trip on transit. June 19 is the only day this year that the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) will provide free rides on the region's 30 transit systems. Transit will be free all day on Bay Area bus and light-rail systems, and until 12 noon on AirBART, BART, Caltrain, the ACE train, Amtrak Capitol Corridor trains, and on the Golden Gate, Alameda-Oakland, Alameda-Harbor Bay and Vallejo ferries. This marks the first year that Amtrak Capitol Corridor has participated in the Bay Area's free transit day campaigns. The June 19 date for free Bay Area transit coincides with the third annual "Dump the Pump" day, a national promotion sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association to encourage the use of transit. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer are often called greenhouse gases. An average increase in the Earth's temperature causes changes in the climate such as changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. About 50 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the Bay Area is attributable to transportation. Help the Bay Area protect its air quality by sparing the air every day by changing the way you travel to get to work, school, medical appointments, recreation, and other daily activities. Save the gas in your car or truck by taking transit for your daily trips. Every gallon of gas you save is equal to 20 pounds of carbon dioxide reduced. Use public transit, carpool or walk or bike whenever possible to avoid using your car. Leaving your car at home just two days a week will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1,600 pounds per year. For every dollar earned, the average US household spends 18 cents per dollar on transportation. The 18 cents are spent on buying, maintaining and operating cars or trucks - which is the largest source of household debt after home mortgages.