Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 47812
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2007/8/29-31 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:47812 Activity:low
8/29    Wed 8/29 and Thu 8/30 are Spare the Air days.  Ride public transit
        \_ Spare the Airbag days.
           \_ That too.  Less driving, fewer accidents.
        \_ Uh, last I heard public transit is only free until 1 or 2 in the
           afternoon, not all day.
           \_ Well, don't give yourself too much credit or sell yourself short.
              Libido can be affected by you not doing the dishes or stress at
              her work, or just about anything. Try communicating, but be
              prepared to be patient; odds are good you're not going to get the
              whole story the first time around, and no good will come of a
              conversation that begins with "Why don't you want to have sex
              anymore?" Last, if it's hormonal, she ought to see a doctor.
              1) It's often treatable, and 2) it can be a precursor to other
              medical conditions. Good look.
           \_ Only BART, Caltrain, ACE and the ferries are not free after 1pm.
              About 30 other transit agencies provide free rides all day.
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2013/7/1-8/23 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:54700 Activity:nil
7/1     BART labor union holding the transit infrastructure hostage.
        \_ Yesterday's SFGate poll showed that 11% of the readers sympathize
           with the workers, 17% with the management, and 72% with the riders.
           \_ The millions the Koch Brother's spent are paying off. Workers
              now sympathize more with their masters than.
              now sympathize more with their masters than their own
2012/7/29-9/24 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:54446 Activity:nil
7/29    Is it really true that we subsidize auto driving to the tune of
        $5k/yr? Shit I could probably hire a private driver for less...
        \_ You might have missed the point.  Hiring a chauffeur to drive your
           private vehicle won't change the amount of gasoline your private
           vehicle use or the amount of real estate it uses on freeways and
2011/10/10-18 [Recreation/Food, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:54191 Activity:nil
10/10   Has anyone heard the CSX Train commercial on the radio?  I wonder why
        a freight railroad company bothers to advertise to individual
        comsumers.  It's not like someone can click "By CSX Train" when
        choosing shipping method on, or someone will choose this
        brand of pasta sauce over that brand at a grocery because it was
        delivered by a CSX Train.
2010/2/10-3/9 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53700 Activity:nil
2/10    Does anyone have an authoritative URL that shows the % of people
        in the Bay Area who commute via foot, bike, car, BART, and Caltrains?
        In particular I'd like to look at trend as well.
        \_ has some.  -tom
        \_ Guys, guys, guys, I asked a simple question. What % of Bay Area
           traffic goes to autos, bikes, foot, BART, and Caltrain? I'm
2009/6/30-7/15 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53094 Activity:nil
        "The average (BART) union worker makes $114,000 a year in wages and
        And they're demanding a 3% raise.  Geez.
        \_ This is called negotiation by press release. What does the average
           worker who is not in management make?
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Other Services Spare the Air Day Thursday August 30th is a Spare the Air Day. Travel free on all participating Bay Area public transportation operators on the first four Spare the Air, non-holiday weekdays. When a Spare the Air Day is called by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, your trip is on us. your preferred bus, light-rail, train or ferry system and board free - there is no need for tickets, passes, or tokens. If you board BART, Caltrain, ACE, or the ferries after 1:00 PM, however, you will need to pay the appropriate fare. You can also call 511 to be directly transferred to any Bay Area transit agency for free. Just say "Transit Agencies" at the Main Menu and then the agency you'd like.