6/14 Look Mr. Urbanite. Many people don't want your urban lifestyle.
I prefer to trade an hour of traffic for 12 hours of country
living serenity. I grew up in Plano TX with strip malls and
office parks and I LIKE IT ok? Stop imposing your beliefs on
others. Fucking communist.
\_ there may have been a time where Plano TX was a sustainable
lifestyle, with its gas guzzling a beautiful mini-malls-
however that time has passed. The rest of us live in the
present and in reality. Won't you join us?
\_ ??? s/Many people/I/g
\_ I realize this is a troll, but wouldn't you rather have
a nice quiet train speedily take you to your country castle?
Or is sitting in a mass of motionless cars filled with toxic
fumes part of your fantasy? Also, you could always go get
a job in Tracy or wherever it is you are thinking.
\_ nice quiet train? like BART? with all the rifraff and homeless
folks making noise and stinking up the place?
\_ You must be riding a very different bart then am I. Oh
wait... you DON'T ride bart.
\_ I've ridden BART on/off to work for about 10 years. Some
days are good days. Other days are far worse than mere
"rifraff and homeless folks making noise" the above person
is complaining about. Maybe you got the special executive
bart car the public isn't allowed to ride?
\_ Maybe I've lived in cities and don't fear the other.
\_ You're a superior form of life. Yawn. Come back to
reality for a bit and you'll see how things really
are. And oh hey, here's a shocker for you: you are
not the only person to have ever lived in a city.
\_ Bart is not a problem. No really, I've had
very few problems with people on Bart being
obnoxious to a point where it bothered me.
Much less so than, say, obnoxious drivers on
the roads I drive. Now the bus systems around
here on the other hand, they can get pretty bad.
There's some bus lines I just refuse to take
because the psycho percentage is just too damn
\_ Maybe I've lived in cities and don't fear the
other. I've never had a problem on the bus.
\_ right... so we need a better transit system... which was the
point. Your prisons are in your mind.
Sitting? crowded trains have most of the folks standing.
Speedily? When theres no traffic, the train is 1/2 to 1/3 as
fast as driving.
The biggest problem with public transit is ... the public ride it.
- Regular Bart Commuter
\_ I ride BART everyday and I usually get a seat. I wish
they were a bit cleaner, but I like sharing the car with
my fellow citizens, many of whom are cute girls. Maybe
I am just not the misanthrope you are.
\_ So you're one of those guys that harasses the girls so
much other people have to intervene?
\_ One time a guy near me spent the entire trip masturbating
through his sweatpants. Maybe it was motd boob guy. There was
a 10yo city kid who found this quite amusing. See, that kid
would never experience that if it weren't for public transit.
\_ I have seen people masturbating and even getting a blowjob
in their cars. At least on the train, you might be able
to complain to someone and get them to stop.
\_ Complain to someone? I'm from Plano TX. I shot his
balls off!
\_ it is quite sad that there many who grow up in urban
areas living like rats in cage. Most of the US's pathologies
can be attributed to the fact that a segment of the
population who are a byproduct of that culture
now has control of the media and government and financial
now has control of the media, government and financial
\_ No, people living in urban environments GET OUT and
talk to people who aren't exactly like them. The cage is
outer suburbia. Yeah it's a big cage, but it is still
a cage.
\_ You are right, those suburban Texans have gotten control
of the government and made a huge mess of things. What is
it about suburban lifestyle that causes people to end up
so violent and selfish??
\_ Live however you like, just stop asking the rest of us to
subsidize your wasteful lifestyle.
\_ But people like him subsidize your precious BART.
\_ they don't, actually
\_ they do, actually. BART cost billions to build and
is subsidized hundreds of millions a year.
\_ And so are freeways. -tom
\_ Plus freeways take up more land than BART tracks.
\_ And they are much more useful. Anyway I never
claimed they weren't subsidized, I responded
to the "wasteful lifestyle" hypocrite.
\_ I am a hypocrite because I use less
resources than you? What??? How is
a freeway "much more useful" than
BART. You know that BART carries
many more passengers per lane than
a freeway does, right?
\_ I don't know that you use less than me.
Your life is wasteful, shouldn't you
kill yourself? Stop having children
if you're so worried about this.
Anyway the hypocrisy was about the
Freeways carry many more people than
BART per day and the roads go
\_ Freeways carry less people per acre
\_ Freeways carry fewer people per acre
of land and per dollar spent and the
roads only "go everywhere" because
ridiculous amounts of money have been
spent on them. It is probably not
possible to live in America without
using something that is subsidized,
so by your logic, we should all just
either kill ourselves, or shut up and
accept the fate determined for us by
our politicians.
\_ Automobile drivers recieve a much larger subsidy than
rapid transit drivers.
rapid transit riders.
\_ So stop subsidizing both and let's see what happens.
BART will collapse and driving will be more expensive.
\_ BART collapsing would be a good thing; then we could
get a decent rail system in the Bay Area. -tom
\_ I doubt it. Since driving a car to work would end
up costing quite a bit more than BART, I doubt
BART would collapse. Home prices in the suburbs
might collapse though.
\_ But see, BART doesn't go to most people's
destinations or start from most people's locations.
People generally drive to and from it in some form.
Sure I'll use BART if it happens to make sense in
instance foo but in general it doesn't. People
could drive much cheaper cars if it came to that.
\_ I walk to BART and then walk to work from BART.
More people could do that. But yeah, cheaper
cars are a start. If everyone drove little
carts that got 100 mpg, that would help, but
those carts don't go so fast, so people would
have to live closer together. Then it wouldn't
be the glorious suburbs anymore, would it?
\_ You can go really fast on little motorbikes
or trikes. I guess the issue is mainly
safety when you have to share the road with
huge trucks. So limiting vehicle weights
in urban areas could help. Commercial
vehicles could be limited also... giant
trucks are often used when smaller ones
would suffice. Smaller ones would have
better performance and efficiency and at
worst you need to hire another driver.
Long haul should use rail a lot more.
Those big trucks damage the roads more
than anyone else anyway. Or maybe they
should use... blimps!
\_ Now you are talking! This is a sci-fi
future I would want to live in...
\_ And they should force all the little
vehicles to be bright safety orange or
yellow. I'm sure it would save a life
now and then, and accidents slow down
everyone else on the road. So allowing
dull colors and blinding chrome bits etc
is pretty pointless for the sake of
vanity. And let's see, since the cars
are so small they could have rail cars
for them pretty easy, for long trips,
just stack them up. And parking could
be designed for them and be much more
dense. You could stack them with
machines, with standardized sizing
and use that on those rail cars too.
And the blimps could carry the same
rail cars. And houses could be built
with much more efficient garages and
such. Oh man.
\_ Did you ever see The Fifth Element?
\_ Didn't it have flying cars?
\_ They promised us flying cars
decades ago and I'm still
\_ I have nice quiet trains... -Smug John |