Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 46169
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2007/3/31-4/3 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:46169 Activity:nil
3/31    Hack to get Full OS X installed on AppleTV:
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A complete replacement to the Mac OS X kernel has been built which allows the full version of Mac OS X to be run on an Apple TV. Semthex wrote a processor emulation for the kernel, to sidestep the hardware restrictions that previously disallowed Mac OS X from running on the Apple TV. How to install This is the process that was used to turn the Apple TV into a full blown Mac OS X machine: 1) remove the drive from the Apple TV 2) back up your drive! efiwith the same file from your backup of the Apple TV OS drive (OSBoot partition). efi --setBoot 11) Delete all the Nvidia kexts (all beginning with NVD, there should be 5) from the target drive (in /System/Library/Extensions). This hack seriously opens up the doors with what the Apple TV could be used for; and we imagine we are going to see lots of cool hacks, additions and addons. now I just need to know if the MPEG2/4 hardware decoder (I assume this has one) is still functional. I would love to run a mythfrontend on one of these, but only if it can handle playback of high def content. Also, since it is a full OSX os, I assume it supports external DVD drives too? photos, video and a tutorial on how to turn your Apple TV into a full Mac OS X box. X Men legands 2read more | digg story No Comments so far Leave a comment RSS feed for comments on this post. be an April fool but looks like someone has hacked iTV and got OS X up & running on it. Mac OS X running on Apple TV | Apple TV Hacks There seems to be a hack a day for this thing and I'm pretty sure it's as Apple intended. Guru Evi Since the AppleTV is low on resources, it might be a good idea to turn off Dashboard and Spotlight as well as disable other services that might be running standard in OS X I don't think there is a (non-solder) way to upgrade the RAM in those things is there? this really opens the doors of what the appleTV can do... I bet we will see Linux and *shudder* windows running on this box very soon... If is then there isnt much we can do to increase the memory but if it isnt then we can increase it alot depending on how many pins it is... however i will need a lot more spefics on the specs of the RAM to do it properly... Could some one please snap a screen of the RAM specs (System Profiler) so i can see what i can do. I mean, just pop the ATV drive in a external case, attach, make an ISO, load up the Ubuntu live disk, install, tweak for ATV, pull out, put back, and have fun. Preview allows you to take screenshots, and in "fullscreen" mode, the menubar of preview isn't visible. I see nothing in the photos to suggest this was photoshopped. Anyways, after watching the video, I'm not so sure it's a fake anymore - but things like that on April 1st, you got to be suspicious here ... the date in the screenshot also suggests that it's made on purpose for our beloved fools day. Matt @Santon Dumbass, Just because there is a picture1 on the desktop doesn't mean that it's the same screenshot as has been taken, it could be one not used on this site. Not to mention they give you the guide on how to do it - if it was fake they wouldn't show you how to make your appletv boot OSX! Skilled Apple TV tinkerers have been able to get Mac OS X, in its full and uninhibited form, running on an Apple TV. I think this is essentially the tipping point for Apple TV sales as the functionality went from great to infinite less than a week fro... I think that the iTv has a better chance with some people if they learn of an easy way to put X on it. Oh, and I'm sure if adapters and such get made this will make it to the cars :).