10/12 Why do numbers in some street addresses have so many digits? There are
only ten houses on the one-block dead-end street in Fremont that I live
on, but the numbers start at 34000. On the other hand, street numbers
in the Bay Farm area in Alameda only have two or three digits.
\_ IIRC, numbers don't repeat in a given "line", so if you find the
next street before/after that cul-de-sac that's roughly in a line
w/ it, the numbers will continue that way. I have a similar deal.
I'm on a relatively long st. w/ a 4 digit address, but the 10 house
cul-de-sac around the corner is 5-digit, because it points the
direction of the rest of the (fairly long) city.
\_ some address numbering trivia. There are a number of long streets
running through Orange County which go through multiple cities,
each with their own numbering scheme. Usually, it's not a source
of much confusion since most cities cooperate. But there are/were
small stretches (like < 6 blocks) in unincorporated areas of the
county which are on the county numbering scheme -- usually 5 digits
instead of the 4 digits that most cities use/used. Yeah, that's
fun trying to find an address -- 3340 3350 3360 27400 27420 3520 ...
\_ In Florence (Italy), numbers run in disjoint blue (residential)
and red (commercial) sequences. So you can have 1 2 3 4 1 5
6 2 7 3 4 8 and so on. -tom
\_ disjoint is not really the right word.
\_ How do you tell which sequence it is from the address on an
envelop? Are people required to write/print with red and blue
\_ Dunno, maybe they just do "R15" or something. -tom
\- on an envelope or otherwise you write ###r if it is
"rosso". Stendahl's famous novel "The Red and the Black"
is about a fight between people with red and blue/black
addresses in Florence, which he wrote after having a
breakdown there trying to find the right address.
YMWTG(stendahl syndrome, florence).
\_ All I gotta say is "Japanese Addressing Schemes" particularly
say in Tokyo or Kyoto. Street numbers are picked on totally
an arbitrary basis many times -- family tradition, good luck,
numerology, whatever. |