Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 44132
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2006/8/24-25 [Computer/HW] UID:44132 Activity:high
8/24    Server naming schemes for the 21st Century:
        \_ A coworker used ex-gf names.
           \_ "We need a new server provisioned"
              "Damn it, and I really liked my current gf, too..."
        \_ Name of room, type of computer, and main use of server, separated
           by underscores?
           \_ How psychotically lame can you get..
              \_ Yeah, imagine how totally lame it would be if IT people
                 valued usefullnes above cuteness.  What a fucking concept.
           \_ kitchen_uwave_pr0n
              \_ kitchen pr0n??  Oh HELL yes!  BRING IT ON!
                 \_ let's just say rotating food won't be the only display
                    option on your microwave anymore
           \_ That's what cnames are for.  (Prefer Culture ship names, myself)
        \_ racial slurs
           \_ how many are there in English?

              nm wikipedia is way ahead of me:
        \_ terrorist organizations
        \_ guilty celebrities who beat the rap
           \- Nick Byram and I came up with Lebanese Factions as an
              OCF Nomenclature Proposal ... we might have been slightly
              short of 20.
        \_ guilty celebrities who beat the rapa
        \_ guilty celebrities who beat the rap
           \_ Go Juice!
        \_ Planet names.  If you have nine servers, sorry, one of them will no
           longer be supported after the next scheduled Automatic Update.
           \_ That's no...oh.
           \_ You can just supplement with fictional planet names. Coruscant
        \_ Mountains (tame, management-compatible), drinks, porn stars,
           countries (tame, MC), elements (t, MC), drugs, common words
           off urbandictionary, something vaguely logical (OS, function,
           location code)  -John
                    \- the best names are sort of sui generis. like
                       kim and ernie in old berkeley days. i also thought
                       the central-sparc, gg-sparc names were clever ...
                       my old machine was jurassic-sparc.
                       for the youth: EECS really did have a p0rn star
                       name scheme a while ago. the most bizarre nameing
                       name scheme a while ago. the most bizarre naming
                       scheme i can think of was Cimarron's "system calls
                       common to SysV and BSD" nomenclature. --psb
                       \_ We have a demo server that used to crash much too
                          often.  It's named demolition.
                          \- not
           \_ Yeah the most logical is boring old sequentially-numbered
              codes involving machine location and type. My company scrapped
              our old "fun" names (the Linux boxes were all something to do
              with cold/winter/penguins, the Suns were things involving
              suns/stars/hot, although we also had fish like halibut, not sure
              what that referenced. But with blade servers they wanted the name
              to tell the location. They are incompetent anyway though.
              \_ The problem with the location in the name is what happens
                 when it moves? I cannot stand names like: sparc34_b202_eng24
        \_ Four-letter words.
           \_ Four-letter dirty words for body parts: cunt, dick, cock, boob.
              What else?
        \_ My first company used element names, and they let the engineers pick
           the elements.  So people usually pick names or symbols that were
           close to their names.
        \_ server location / OS / function and a number.  For sites with
           zillions of non-unique systems.  E.g   sfouxsvr00123
           \_ use DNS delegation properly.
              \_ A "good" naming scheme will use this AND have loc codes
                 in the hostname, so it's also visible in NIS and ADS.  Most
                 sensible name setups use a combination of "logical" names
                 and CNAMEs.  -John
        \_ I kind of like D&D monster names. Lots there to choose from.
        \_ Famous drag queens and transvestites.
        \_ Sci-Fi character names. I still have fond memories of an
           Indigo 2 named jadzia and my dual headed ss10 named zaphod.
           Nobel laureates and fields medalists work too, but they are
           not as much fun.
        \_ For a group of Sun boxes, members of Sun Ra's Arkestra.
        \_ Our sysadmins are currently running though old video game-related
           names for our servers.  My favorite is CongoBongo.
        \_ I tend to name my home machines after Japanese monsters.  Gamera,
           Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, etc.
        \_ Vegetables
           \_ % finger -m dquayle@potatoe
              finger: unknown host: potatoe
ERROR, url_link recursive (eces.Colorado.EDU/secure/mindterm2) 2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2012/8/29-11/7 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:54467 Activity:nil
8/29    There was once a CSUA web page which runs an SSH client for logging
        on to soda.  Does that page still exist?  Can someone remind me of the
        URL please?  Thx.
        \_ what do you mean? instruction on how to ssh into soda?
           \_ No I think he means the ssh applet, which, iirc, was an applet
              that implemented an ssh v1 client.  I think this page went away
2012/3/15-6/1 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:54340 Activity:nil
3/15    Why does MS put double-quotes around the '8' in Windows Server 8, like
        the following?
        - Windows 8
        - Windows Server "8"
        \_ Because when they didn't do it, code didn't see the '\0'
           and went over?  Looks better than '8','\0' *shrug*
2012/1/4-2/6 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:54281 Activity:nil
1/4     I want to test how my servers behave during a disk failure and
        a RAID reconstruction so I want to simulate a hardware failure.
        How can I do this in Linux without having to physically pull
        a drive? These disks are behind a RAID card and run Linux. -ausman
        \_ According to the Linux RAID wiki, you might be able to use mdadm
           to do this with something like the following:
2011/11/16-12/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/HW] UID:54230 Activity:nil
11/16   We'll be taking all CSUA machines offline in the near future for a Soda
        Hall server room reorganization (we're being moved to a neighboring
        server cabinet).  Downtime will hopefully be minimal.  --jordan
        \_ Thanks for all your work keeping the machines running!  It's
           been awesome having soda actually working again.
        \_ Update:  this is tentatively scheduled for Saturday afternoon.
2011/9/14-10/25 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:54173 Activity:nil
9/13    Thanks to Jordan, our disk server is no longer virtualized. Our long
        nightmare of poor IO performance should hopefully be over. Prepare for
        another long nightmare of poor hardware reliability!
        Just kidding! (I hope)
        In any case, this means that cooler was taken out back and shot, and
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Ajnabii (singular) ajaniib (plural) (Arabic) Term means foreigner. Not generally offensive, but often used in phrases such as, "stupid foreigners" and "they're just foreigners." Ang Mor / Kwee (Singaporean and Malaysian Hokkien speakers) Red Hair (Devil), a white person. Ann A white woman to a black person--or a black woman who acts too much like a white one. Apple (North America) An American Indian (Native American) who is "red on the outside, white on the inside." Used primarily by other American Indians to indicate someone who has lost touch with their cultural identity. Barbarian a (Ancient Greece) any non-Greek b (Ancient China) any non-Chinese, but applied especially upon non-Confucianist cultures c (Ancient Rome) Any non-Roman, derived from the Greek term d (Renaissance Italy) One of a nation outside of Italy. Barbary French barbarien < Latin barbarus < Greek ba'rbaro*s (barbaros) "foreign", "rude", "ignorant" < barbar probably a primary reference to how a foreigner's speech sounded; Jharkhand, often used to denote a person who is illiterate and backward. Black Irish (UK Commonwealth & US) an Irish person with dark features. While the term is largely inoffensive, the distinction between fair and swarthy Irish people is historically baseless and fundamentally racist. Birmingham (Bournville is the location of Cadbury's famous chocolate factory in Birmingham, England) Boy (Southern US and South African whites) a black male Bozgor (Romania) a Hungarian especially living in Romania; Among Brazilians, the term is considered merely slang, not derogatory. Break-Your-Dick (US Military) term applied to Icelandic women, based on their perceived hypersexuality; Briar (Ohio) a person from Kentucky and to a lesser degree West Virginia. This term originated when Appalachians first sought factory jobs in Ohio (amid hostility from native Ohioans); this usage of "Briar" (a rough thorny plant) is akin to "weed". Brother (US) a black male - originally used among blacks, then appropriated by whites as a term for black males. Brown Eye (US) an insulting term for a black person - based on slang for the anus Brown Paper Bag (US) In the mid 18th and 19th century, it was once considered the darkest skin color accepted into African American "high society". Indian Subcontinent who have been heavily influenced by Western (usually British) culture and thinking. Brown Sugar (US & UK) a black woman, sometimes offensive - if used in sexual innuendo; Bumpkin (UK & AUS) white person, usually living in rural area. The word "Bun" is derived from Fei-Lut-Bun (Philippines) and "Lo" means a lowly or unsophisticated male. The proper name is Fei-Lut-Bun-Yan (Filipino) but it is seldom used. Marxist meaning) Buster (North America) Generally used by African Americans, another way of saying; Butter stinker / bataa kusai (Ancient Japan) A European. Derived from the fact that at the time, the traditional Japanese diet was not as rich in dairy prodcts as was the European diet. Portugal) American ("Com'on") Campbell & Bloody Campbell (Scotland, particularly the Highlands) contemptuous term for Scots with English loyalties/sympathies. Campers (US) Jews, residents of concentration camps and also to a supposed predilection of Jewish parents to send their children to summer camps Canadia (US) An intentional misspelling or mispronunciation of Canada. "Canadian" & "Canada" (US) A Mexican or an African-American. Canucklehead (US & CAN) US Slang for a boneheaded Canadian. Caphead (AUS) a Jewish man Cappo or Capo (North American Jews) term for Jews that turn against or exploit their own people (from the name for Jewish guards in the concentration/death camps) Cardboard Nigger (US Blacks) a black person "selling out" to the whites or not acting "black" Carlton (US) a black person who has the mannerisms of a white person; Carpetbagger (US Southerners) a Northerner who moved to the South after the civil war with the intent to plunder the bankrupted southern states. In modern times, a politician seeking office in a state they do not reside in. Carpet Pilot (US) someone of Middle Eastern descent Carrot Cruncher (UK) a rural uneducated person Cashews (US Catholics, Jews) The children of a Jew and a Catholic. Celestial (AUS, Western US, 19th century) Chinese Cetnik, Ceto (Croatia, Bosnia) Croatians and Bosniaks use this term to refer to people of Serbian descent. A chetnik is a Serbian royalist, thus many Serbs do not see this as a derogatory comment. Chankke/Chankola (Korea) a derogatory term for Chinese Chankoro (Japan) Any foreigner, especially Chinese, literally a subhuman, somewhat oldfashioned and mainly used during WWII. Cheeseburger Girl (US): Term used to describe a lower class girl, that when taken to a nice restaurant, always orders a cheeseburger because she doesn't know anything else on the menu. Cheesehead (Canada) a person of Dutch descent, usually retaining Dutch cultural characteristics. In adjacent parts of Washington State to Greater Vancouver, a cheesehead is a Canadian (partly because the Vancouver suburbs adjoining the border have large Dutch populations). In Dutch, the literal equivalent kaaskop is applied by the Dutch-speaking Flemings to inhabitants of the Netherlands proper. Chekwa (Philippines) another derogatory word for people of Chinese descent Chernozhopiy (CHernozhopyj) (Russia) literally means "a person possessing a black ass", used to refer to North Caucasus person, Central Asians, Middle Easterners, and also Africans and Indians. Chicano (US, Mexico) a person of Mexican descent born in the United States. This word is not always a slur, however it is sometimes used by native Mexicans as a derogatory term to insinuate that the person born in the United States is not a true Mexican and, therefore, a "lesser" Mexican. China (Brazil) used to refer to people originally from China or with Chinese/Japanese features. Not necessarily a derogatory term, depending on the use. Chinaman (International) Chinese or generally of Asian descent. Originally from Chinese pidgin and once commonplace in ordinary English in Australia and Western North America. Now considered derogatory but still present in rural dialects "without prejudice". Chinese Pig () (Hong Kong, UK & US) A person having Chinese features or from Mainland China. Chocolate Man (UK) a black male person Chogee (AUS) someone of Asian descent Chogue / Choag (UK) Chinese person Chok-Bari (Korea) a derogatory term used to describe Japanese Cholo (Latin America) half-breed (United States)a. Rajasthan, one that has the lowest literacy rates in India, used typically for North Indians Chon (Japan) a derogatory term used for Korean Chongo/Chango (also "mono") (US Hispanics) a black person ("chongo/chango" is Spanish for "monkey") Choong (AUS) Vietnamese or Cambodian immigrants Chopo (Dominican Republic) a person of humble or low social origins who suddenly becomes of money and can be seen in the use or being the owner of expensive things of rather bad taste. Chunk' (US) an obese Chink (yao czerk) (see above) Chntaro (Mexico, US) a rural Mexican immigrant Churka (chu'rka) (Russia) a Central Asian, an Azeri, an Armenian, a Kazakh, a Turk, sometimes Mongolian: used mostly in reference to Turkic persons. The literal meaning of the word is log of wood ChwiB (chwib) (UK) a Swiss; derived from a misunderstanding of the abbreviation "CH" (Confoederatio Helvetica) and a misapplication of the German s-z , which is not used in Swiss German and in any case would not be applied to the English term "Swiss". Chyorny (chiornyj) (Russia) a Central Asian, a person from Caucasus; sometimes a black man or an Indian, or any person whose skin color is less white than of an average Russian. Coal / Coal Black (UK & North America) referring to people with extremely dark skin Coal (UK) referring to people of Arabic origin, similar to "Paki", coincides with "Coal Mine" which means "Paki Country". Coal Burner (US) a white woman who has sex with black men Coca (Portugal) a Mozambican (usually white), shortened from the word Coca-Cola. "Crocodile" Coconut & Coconut Nigger (UK/AUS/NZ) Term used to refer to Polynesians and Micronesian and Melanesians. ...
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