8/3 BoxA: "apt-cache search <mybin>" shows me the binary I need
BoxB: "apt-cache search <mybin>" doesn't show the binary.
I copied BoxA:/etc/apt/sources.list to BoxB, did a
"apt-get update" on BoxB, and tried "apt-cache search <mybin>"
on BoxB. However, it still doesn't show the binary I need.
What did I do wrong? -newbie, sorry to bug you guys
\_ Does "dselect update" fix it?
\_ No :( -op
\_ Do A and B and same release version? (/etc/debian-release or
something like it)
\_ BoxA: testing/unstable
BoxB: 3.1
\_ there it is right there. You're running two different
release versions. 3.1 is under stable line. If you look
at the sources.list file, it actually indicates which
release the source is for. If you really want the package
through apt-get, you have to either add a third party soure
(backports.org for example) or upgrade B to testing/unstable.
\_ This is so nerdy that I have no response. -proud American |