csua.org/u/gg1 -> www.doyourownpestcontrol.com/termites/difference_ants_termites.htm
Click on image to enlarge Drawing- a courtesy of University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Do I have ants or termites ? Some of the flying winged ants can resemble the winged-swarming termite. The swarming of small, dark insects near or inside a building may worry people who believe their home is infested by termites. There is a difference between ant and termite reproductives(swarmers). Termites go through a gradual metamorphosis Termites go through the egg, nymph and adult stages. Ants will go from a egg, to a larvae, then pupa and finally to the adult stage in what is called complete metamorphosis. The adult ant worker is an adult and looks like an adult ant. Here are some ways do identify the difference between the physical resemblance.
Carpenter ant queen Subterrearean Termite 1 While both species have four wings, the termite wings are all the same size and the ant wings have noticeably larger wings in the front as compared to the hind pair. Often ants have a black dot near the tip of the front wings, and dark wing veins can be seen. You may see the broken wings from the swarming termites in a area they have been crawling. Unlike termites they have pinched waists and elbowed antennae. Carpenter ants can do significant structural damage, but are more a nuisance than a structural problem. Investigation: There are several ways to recognize a carpenter ant infestation: * Swarmers: Winged form of the carpenter ant in a great number * Sawdust: If you see sawdust(frass) raining from your ceiling or from any indoor cracks.