Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 43677
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2006/7/15-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:43677 Activity:nil
7/14    I am trying to install something for personal use in Soda.  It's
        a converter that converts various Chinese encoding to and from one
        and another (autoconvert).  When I am trying to compile it, I got this
        incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'memcpy'
        error.   Any idea why it can't find memcpy?             kngharv
        \_ As the poster below said, you need to #include <string.h>.
           But this should be a warning, not an error, and it shouldn't
           happen at all with the current version of autoconvert (which
           already includes string.h).  Anyway, I've installed the official
           Debian autoconvert package, which seems to work fine -- please
           let me know if anything goes wrong.  --mconst
           \_ thanks.  --OP
        \_ I don't have an answer but could you tell us what's the best way
           to learn Taiwanese?
           \_ you mean min-nan dialect?  or hekka?
        \_ Because you aren't #include-ing string.h?  The error message
           means you haven't done anything to declare it.
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2011/9/14-10/25 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:54173 Activity:nil
9/13    Thanks to Jordan, our disk server is no longer virtualized. Our long
        nightmare of poor IO performance should hopefully be over. Prepare for
        another long nightmare of poor hardware reliability!
        Just kidding! (I hope)
        In any case, this means that cooler was taken out back and shot, and
2011/2/11-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Security] UID:54036 Activity:nil
2/10    Debian 6.0 squeeze is the new stable.  Do we dare a dist-upgrade?
        \_ the key for has changed btw.
2010/5/26-6/30 [Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:53844 Activity:nil
5/26    anyone use lxde?  supposedly it is less stupid than xfce and
        less bloated than gnome.  thoughts?
        \_ lol, does anyone still use desktop linux?  Get with the times
           buy a mac.  Now.  DO IT.  Go NOW.
           \_ but we prefer herring to Kool-Aid
              \_ "you have to yell, he's hard of herring"
2009/7/8-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53124 Activity:nil
7/7     what happened to our web presence?
        not working
    \_ That would be because we've yet to set them up afaik. Steven *does* have
    a job after all. The idea is that we want a separate computer mounting the
    web directories, so that if an exploit compromises the webserver, the shell
    server (soda) itself will be insulated from the attack.
2009/7/8-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:53125 Activity:nil
7/8     can we install wexus?
        \_ Not a debian package.  Can you install it locally?
2009/6/24-7/3 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53082 Activity:nil
6/24    Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
Ahoy there weary traveler -
This is indeed the brand spanking new Soda.
We'll be enabling logins again soon - just
want to make sure all the infrastructure
is in place and ready for everyone to hammer
2009/4/16-6/29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52852 Activity:low
Linux http://soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:47:08 UTC 2009 x86_64
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
2009/5/4-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:52939 Activity:moderate
5/4     I would appreciate a reliability ranking between:
        1) OpenBSD
        2) OpenSolaris
        3) FreeBSD
        4) Debian-Stable
        5) Suse Linux Enterprise Server
2009/1/15-22 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52387 Activity:nil
1/15    What is the Debian/Ubuntu equivalent of Centos/Redhat PXE booting
        and Anaconda?
         \_ If you mean PXE+Anaconda+kickstart, the answer is PXE+FAI
         \_ Check out System Imager. I much prefer it to kickstart because
            you can get an almost exact image in minutes without a lot of
            effort and it is OS agnostic.
2008/12/5-10 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:52174 Activity:kinda low
12/5    I suggest CSUA buy a Mac and run MacOS on it. Maybe run Linux in
        a VM, too. I think students will get more bang for their buck
        trying to run services on MacOS than with "Just Another Linux Box".
        \_ On what basis? We do have an AppleTV, which we've yet to hack
           so it runs full OS X, but as a OS X user myself, I don't see the
           OS being useful for useful services except if we get OS X server
2008/12/7-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:52189 Activity:low
12/6    I'm running 64bit VMWare 2.0 in debian lenny/testing.  I have 18
        guest VMs running, all in bridged mode.  Works great.  the 19th VM
        I turn on has no working network.  No net, dhcp/tftp doesn't work,
        nothing.  Can anyone think of a network or kernel setting in Linux
        that would prevent any more VMs from getting network access?
        Is there a limit on number of bridge interfaces?  Where is this
2008/8/27-9/3 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:50980 Activity:nil
8/27    I have a rather large linux partition.  I just got a new laptop
        and want to move all my settings and customization to that new
        computer.  how to do this?  I tried remastersys but it seems that it
        get stuck somewhere, and I am hoping it is not really trying to create
        a 26GB iso file.
        any ideas?  is there anyway i can back up my debian package database