5/18 To learn ruby, are any books other than the "pickaxe" recommended?
\_ The new pickaxe book is very, very good. If you want something
online and very, very quirky, try:
http://poignantguide.net/ruby/chapter-1.html --dbushong
\_ Do yourself a favor... don't. Ruby makes javascript look fast.
\_ Do you understand there are many cases where prototyping
speed and correctness are more important than execution
\_ Quirky and usless.
\_ Hey, I never said useful. --dbushong
\_ Hmmm... it's interesting that he makes a lot of attempts at
simple explanations a metaphores, but if I wasn't a
programmer already, I would have no idea what he's talking
\_ That is filled with way too much useless verbiage trying
to be clever and failing. |