Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 42819
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2006/4/24-25 [Computer/HW] UID:42819 Activity:nil
4/24    Cal attire shown a few times in this trailer.
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2009/1/9-13 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:52347 Activity:kinda low
1/9     I want to share maybe 100 photos with close family only. I don't
        want anyone else to be able to see them, not that they are naughty
        or anything. I want to then take them offline and replace with
        more photos in 6-12 months (no need for permanent online storage).
        I use iPhoto for my photos on my Mac. I don't want to pay for this
        service. It would be nice if the s/w could compress images
2008/12/4-10 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:52163 Activity:nil
12/4    A question to you old crufy alumni: So lately we've suggested
        VMs, and been asked why it's necessary. We've suggested top-of-the-line
        hardware and been told we don't need that much power. So I'd like to
        ask -- what exactly do you think the CSUA is supposed to _be_?
        \_ Noone said VMs weren't needed.  They suggested you use the
        \_ No one said VMs weren't needed.  They suggested you use the
2008/9/18-19 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:51217 Activity:low
9/18    My  7 year old Dell laptop is slowly  decending into its death throws.
        I am seriously considering an Mac laptop; but am having a hard time deaa\
        ling with the price. Curious to find out  if people really think that
        the extra $$ upfront was a good investment. a 2K macbook pro with
        standard config can buy a high end dell laptop
        \_ I have both a MacBook Pro (and before that a PowerBook) and a
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:51059 Activity:nil
9/4     Someone asked yesterday about the Obama/Ayers link.  It took me a while
        to find a link I was happy with, this one is ok.  This guy goes into
        excruciating detail about the Annenberg Challenge and CAC over a
        number of blog posts.  The full Annenberg documents were only recently
        released, and this post predates the release.  The documents are still
        being digested, so this is far from the final word.
2008/9/4 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:51062 Activity:nil
9/4     Regarding the Firefox 3 memory usage question that I asked on 8/29,
        here are some new numbers (VM Size in MB reported by Task Manager):
        - Startup, empty the cache.     13              23
        - Go to          17              40
        - Open 6 news pages in          43              69
2008/6/16-20 [Computer/Networking] UID:50272 Activity:nil
6/16    What the minimum you can get away with paying for cable modem,
        in the South Bay?  Slowest available speed should be ok.
        Everythings seems to go to +$40/mo after teaser rates end.
        I need something faster than 56k modem but nothing really fast.
        Wondering if possible to keep under $20, since I'm out of town
        maybe 25% of the time.
2008/6/9-12 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:50203 Activity:nil
6/9     Video RAM question:
        Let's say I need to display a shape model that was ~3 million
        plates that are each 72 bytes (216MB). Do I have to have a video
        card that has more than 216 MB of RAM or can the system dip into
        main RAM in order to display it? As I understand it, the VRAM is
        a buffer but what happens when the buffer fills? In this instance
2008/4/3-9 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:49655 Activity:nil
4/2     Anyone try vmware player and notice that network performance
        becomes terrible? I mean things like webpages timing out, etc.
        This is in NAT mode on a windows XP host running a windows 2K guest.
        \_ I use VM Server on XP Pro running XP Pro guests in NAT mode.  No
           such problem.
        \_ I use VM Server on XP Pro running two XP Pro guests in NAT mode.  No
2007/8/15-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:47612 Activity:nil
8/13    I have a 50 MB .FLV file that I wish to break into smaller
        chunks (let's say 10 MB chunks) and have each chunk be
        separately playable. Is there a tool for Mac or UNIX/Linux
        that can do this? I found a few Windows-based tools, but I don't
        have a Windows box.
        \_ On a related note, how do I play .FLV files on Windows in general?
Cache (527 bytes) ->
system recommendations for the best playback experience. Featurette: * File size: 60 MB * File size: 127 MB Trailer: * File size: 45 MB * File size: 106 MB * File size: 174 MB United 93 Copyright 2005 Universal Pictures United 93 An unflinching drama that tells the story of the passengers and crew, their families on the ground and the flight controllers who watched in dawning horror as United Airlines Flight 93 became the fourth hijacked plane on the day of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil: September 11, 2001.