4/11 I have 2 normalized 4D vectors v1 and v2 which are linearly independant
How do I find a length and angle preserving (forgot the terminology)
transformation which maps the vector v1 onto v2? I know the Rodrigues
rotation formula for 3D but that doesn't seem to apply. I looked at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SO(4 but most of it went over my head.
\_ Most of this post went over my head.
\_ If you are talking about projection of v1 onto v2, the forumula
would be ((v1 . v2) / (v2 . v2) )*v2. If this isn't what you are
looking for please clarify, Also, this has no dependance on the
vectors being normalized.
\_ No I don't mean projection. And I know how to use the Graham-
Schmidt process to find basis vectors for the nullspace. What
I am looking for is a matrix which is an isometric transform from
v1 to v2. |