Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 42472
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2006/3/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:42472 Activity:moderate
        "Due to its size, the protest shocked the American media. A wave of
        500,000 people pouring through Los Angeles is one of the largest
        protests in the history of the whole country. Thus, the protests have
        been reported as an extraordinary reaction to events in American
        politics. But they are not extraordinary at all. They are just the
        typical way that governments are influenced in many Latin American
        "What the protests truly represent is the colonization of America by
        the Latin style of politics. Rally, demonstration, march and protest
        are the tools of the politically dispossessed. They carry with them the
        intrinsic threat that is always associated with the gathering of large
        crowds in acts of political demonstration. And they are standard fair
        in the lopsided politics of many foreign nations, including Mexico."
        \_ props to George Will on this issue:
           "Morality without practicality is immorality."
        \_ The INS shoulda posted up at the protest and started carding people.
           \_ Deine pässe, bitte.
        \_ Why do Republicans hate democracy?
           ...and brown people?
           \_ Why you do troll?
              \_ It's not a troll.  It is, however, rhetorical.  This racist
                 spew is truly disgusting.
                 \_ One guy gets quoted and all people of the same party are
                    evil racist stalinists?  It's a troll.  Sounds, smells,
                    looks, walks and talks like a troll.  It collects tolls
                    at bridges.  It's a troll.
                    \_ _This guy_ is spewing racist crap.  I think you would
                       find more R's than others who would think it sounds
                       reasonable.  I also think there are many other ways
                       that R's dis democracy to a greater extent than others.
                       This columnist has the distinction of crossing both
                       lines.  Republicans == racist was your leap, not mine.
                       \_ Ok, I'll ask out right: do you think Republicans
                          are racist?  Assume that Republican = follows the
                          party line.
                          \_ I think everyone is racist.  Period.  I think
                             many people struggle against it, some more
                             successfully than others.  This columnist is
                             failing his struggle.  Sensenbrenner failed
                             his struggle long ago and gave up.
                          \_ let me see... white can buy American oil company,
                             but yellow can't.  white and yellow can operate
                             sea ports, but brown arab people can't... hmm...
                             i don't know.  it is pretty even so far.
                             \_ Only Republicans were against the Uncol and
                                UAE deals?  Hmm.. maybe you need to take off
                                those blinders.
        \_ Yes, if a country oppresses its poor and powerless, it eventually
           leads to tension and strife.  Protests are exactly that, protests.
           \_ The threatened legislation would do more than oppress poor and
              powerless people.  Just wait till the senior engineer on
              your project who happens to be a German or Korean or Indian
              citizen suddenly turns up in jail with a *felony* arrest
              because he fucked up some paperwork.  This kind of shit will
              destroy American science if it's not turned around.  Regardless
              of how you may feel about poor mexican immigrants, this
              xenophobia represents a clear and present danger to the
              continued technical dominance of the united states.
              I've already seen top European scientists turn down U.S.
              offers partly because they were tired of being treated like
              criminals in the post-911 paranoia.
              \_ 1. Poor Mexican *illegal* immigants. 2. This happened
                 to one of my girlfriend's film students. He went on
                 vacation to Mexico and ended up in jail in Texas (and
                 was later deported). No issues if you immigrate like you
                 should. Both my parents came here from Europe. My dad
                 came illegally and was later deported (and then came back
                 legally). Why do Latin American immigrants think they are
                 so special? --dim
                 \_  You either don't know what you're talking about or are
                     intentionally stating falsehoods.  None of the staff
                     scientists, grad students or post docs I work with are
                     illegal immigrants from Latin America.  But I would say
                     that due to the vile idiocy of U.S. immigration laws
                     and the incompetence and stupidity of the people in the
                     embasies who carry out those laws more than half of the
                     scientists I know have had serious problems with their
                     visa status which caused them to either get stuck outside
                     of the U.S. or to be "illegal" for some number of
                     days/weeks while the paperwork got straightened out.
                     Personally, I don't give a rat's ass about illegal
                     mexican immigrants, but when a bunch of flag-waving
                     republican morons decide they're going to start
                     throwing scientists in jail it threatens everyone.
                     \_ Well, I don't know. jblack seems to like it. Less
                        competition with the minorities he despise of.
                     \_ Why are you blaming the laws when it's obvious
                        that the scientists are at fault here? Since I
                        work for NASA, I can concur that 'foreign
                        nationals' are treated poorly here, although not
                        as poorly as when our guys go to, say, France.
                        However, if they end up in jail because their
                        paperwork wasn't in order then whose fault is that?
                        \_  I just don't know what to say to that.  First
                            of all, I'm guessing you're a sysadmin and not
                            a real scientist, which would explain your attitude.
                            Second of all, if you actually bothered to talk to
                            foreign scientists you'd learn that there is a
                            random element to the visa process that goes beyond
                            just doing the paperwork the way you're told,
                            and can lead to month long delays getting back into
                            the U.S. for reasons that are *never* explained.
                            Third of all, our country is number one in the
                            world in science largely because these people
                            *want* to be here.  The losers will always be
                            willing to work here, but the top guys are all
                            turning down offers from other countries when
                            they come here, and if you start throwing absent
                            minded academics in jail for not filling out some
                        \_ I just don't know what to say to that.  First of
                            all, I'm guessing you're a sysadmin and not a
                            real scientist, which would explain your
                            attitude. Second of all, if you actually
                            bothered to talk to foreign scientists you'd
                            learn that there is a random element to the visa
                            process that goes beyond just doing the
                            paperwork the way you're told, and can lead to
                            month long delays getting back into the U.S. for
                            reasons that are *never* explained.  Third of
                            all, our country is number one in the world in
                            science largely because these people *want* to
                            be here.  The losers will always be willing to
                            work here, but the top guys are all turning down
                            offers from other countries when they come here,
                            and if you start throwing absent minded
                            academics in jail for not filling out some
                            \_ maybe we should get rid of traffic laws. those
                               absent minded scientists might be inclined to
                               speed, or drive on the wrong side of the road,
                               or something, which might get their license
                               revoked, interfering with their ability to go
                               to their scientist lab. they might get fed up
                               with it and go home and then we are doomed.
                               Or the dimwits might forget to pay for stuff
                               at the store. Or maybe the retards will drive
                               over some children on the way to work while
                               pondering the frequency of baldness among
                               condom users.
                               \_ I support the death penalty for car drivers.
                                  \_ I support the death penalty for whiny
                                     wanna-be extremists.
                            forms, they're not going to come here, and I can't
                            blame them.  I could say something about what
                            most scientists think about their local sysadmins,
                            but I'll hold my tongue.
                            \_ Maybe they can go do research in Europe. LOL!
                               Having talked to 'real scientists' who are
                               working in Europe (and Japan) I can tell
                               you that if they go there then they get
                               what they deserve. Your complaint is about
                               the process, not about the law. As for the
                               rest of your comments, you're obviously
                               a poseur asshole who thinks much too highly
                               of himself. You should hear what most scientists
                               say about their fellow scientists!
                               \_ And finally, fuck you.  I've had enough
                                  flame wars with your dumb ass over the years
                                  to know when to quit.
                                  \_ I figured that you were full of shit
                                     and didn't know what you were talking
                                     about. Now I don't even have to guess.
                                     I'm going to bet that you have absolutely
                                     no idea what life in academia is like in
                                     Europe. You're just pissed because
                                     your advisor spent the weekend in
                                     jail because he figured that being an
                                     important scientist was enough to
                                     get him back into the USA from Budapest.
                                     \_ Fuck you.
                                  \_ So you insulted an entire segment of the
                                     tech world on a tech message board of a
                                     tech student group and then get all pissy
                                     when you got corrected and the poor dumb
                                     sysadmin/non-scientist didn't bow down to
                                     your superior godly scientistness?  For
                                     someone so snarky you've got a really
                                     thin skin.  Don't dish it out if you
                                     can't take it.  --someone else
                                     \_ And fuck you as well.
                                     \_ And fuck you as well.  Let me clarify.
                                        I hate sysadmins, I hate academics,
                                        I hate other scientists, I hate dipshit
                                        net dorks who use the word "snarky",
                                        I hate fat stupid SoCal republicans,
                                        and I hate you.  So fuck off.  If
                                        fuckwits like dim want to destroy
                                        America they can go ahead.  I have
                                        contingency plans for that.
                                        \_ Oh my God! You have a career
                                           in comedy if science doesn't
                                           work out! --dim
                                           \_  My career in science will last
                                               just long enough to earn the
                                               money to buy the
                                               land I need to get off the
                                               grid and away from you fuckers.
                                               You won't take me without a
                                               fight.  In 21 months I'll be
                                               trolling the motd from a
                                               fortified compound in a remote
                                               location via sattelite uplink.
                                               Did I mention fuck
                                               you?  Oh, yeah.  Fuck you.
                                               \_ At first I thought I was
                                                  going to be Thin Skinned
                                                  Guy's #1 Fan, then you
                                                  turned into Weak Troll Guy.
                                                    --sad that Thin Skinned
                                                      Guy was really Weak
                                                      Troll Guy and unworthy
                                                      of fandom
                                                      \_ Fuck you.
        \_ I was thinking something similar when watching the protests
           over high gas prices in SE Asia. It's a very naive and ineffective
           form of influencing government. In many cases (as with gas prices)
           it's not really clear what the government is supposed to do in
           response. I don't see it as very sophisticated, or even
           effective,  politics.
        \_ Did Vincent Fox secretly sponsors the protests?
           \_ i thought Thailand government is at blink of collapse due to
              massive protest, no??
           \_ You can bet when they gather to protest pending legislation,
              that legislators pay attention. Especially in that kind of
              \_ Maybe, but if it was more routine (as in, say, Latin
                 America) it would be less effective.
           \_ really?  didn't people power rid the filipines of Marcos?
        \_ Did Vincent Fox sponsor the protests?
           \_ I was talking to a Mexican guy I know, and I said something about
              Bush being a dumbass.  He said that you can only call Bush a
              dumbass if you've never heard Fox give a speech in Spanish.
              He claimed that Fox raises politician stupidity to new heights.
        \_ So when the Promise Keepers gathered on The Mall, was that
           an intrinsic theat, too?
           \_ No.  The Million Man March, however...
              \_ Which was not even a Million.
                 \_ Estimates ranged from, what 470k to 1.04M?
        \_ fyi, this was the 2nd largest protest in American history, second
           to the pro-choice march in DC in '04 with attendance of ~ 1 mill
           \_ BTW, I live 8 miles from downtown LA and didn't even notice
              anything until I saw the news. In short, who cares about how
              many protested? It all gets the same PR whether it's 8, 80,
              or 800,000.
           \_ Sure it was. But how many were U.S. citizens? This is important
        \_ Having laws that are not enforced is worse than having no
           laws.  I think the best way to stop illegal immigration is to
           \_ How do you feel about the speed limit?
              \_ speed limit is a good example of the above claim.
           punish the employers who hire them, coupled with deportation of
           the illegal immigrants.  I support the protests against stupid
           inhumane ineffective laws targetting exclusively the illegal
           immigrants.  What we have today with a economic carrot asking
           them to come and unenforceable laws that try to prevent them
           from coming is stupid.  We need to take away the carrot, or
           make it only available to those who come legally.
           punish the employers who hire them.
           \_ You can away some carrots, but there's too many rabbits
              and they'll eat anything they can find and they will multiply
              like crazy until they run out of food.
              \_ it's like pigs vs rabbits.  the pigs don't wanna do
                 any work, but just want to eat and get fat.  yet, the
                 pigs are messy and leave leftovers all over the place,
                 and their are too lazy to clean up, so the rabbits
                 come and eat them.
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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Cache (5248 bytes) ->
To the astonishment and delight of the news media, Saturday saw an unprecedented protest by an estimated 500,000 illegal aliens and their advocates in Los Angeles. Smaller rallies were held in cities across the country, opposing efforts to secure the border and finally crack down on illegal entry into America by millions of unscreened foreigners. Apparently, the protests prove what a "divisive" issue illegal immigration is. To me, they simply prove that criminals dislike the prospect of increased law enforcement. They also prove how ridiculously out of control our federal government has let the problem get. Which is worse -- that a half million immigration criminals and their descendants and sympathizers can be found in a single American city, or that the current immigration enforcement system is such a joke that the half million have nothing to fear from openly entering the public streets and arguing against legislation currently before Congress? It's as if thieves thought they could form a union to lobby for fewer cops. Sadly, many in Congress will actually consider their demands. You know, just like Mexico would consider the wishes of any American criminals in their country for profit. But mostly the throngs showed how poorly we are assimilating the unprecedented numbers of migrants we have received in this generation. The need to limit immigration to numbers that can be properly assimilated has always been one of the main arguments against tolerating illegal immigration, and this weekend's pro-illegal-immigration protests did much, ironically, to support that argument. Many of the symptoms of failure to assimilate were obvious. The colossal crowd, allegedly gathered to tout their pursuit of the "American Dream", held signs in Spanish, waved mostly Mexican flags, and chanted "Mexico! Which is, it seems, an answer to the formerly rhetorical question, "Can the whole world sneak into America?" There was also the predictable invocation of race and ethnicity that is supposed to obligate American Hispanics to side with the illegal aliens, at least in the nationalistic eyes of the illegals themselves. But there was a subtler symptom of how unassimilated the protesters were: the quintessentially foreign form of the protest itself. Due to its size, the protest shocked the American media. A wave of 500,000 people pouring through Los Angeles is one of the largest protests in the history of the whole country. Thus, the protests have been reported as an extraordinary reaction to events in American politics. They are just the typical way that governments are influenced in many Latin American nations. What the protests truly represent is the colonization of America by the Latin style of politics. Rally, demonstration, march and protest are the tools of the politically dispossessed. They carry with them the intrinsic threat that is always associated with the gathering of large crowds in acts of political demonstration. And they are standard fair in the lopsided politics of many foreign nations, including Mexico. " September 13, 2001: "Union leaders in Mexico say they expect thousands of people to take to the streets on Thursday in protest at plans to impose taxes on some foods and medicines." March 17, 2006: "Most of the demonstrations in Mexico City remained peaceful, however, with the violence blamed on a small number of radical youths." March 19, 1999: "Tens of thousands of demonstrators brought the centre of Mexico City to a standstill on Thursday in a protest against government economic policies." June 28, 2004: "Mexican President Vicente Fox has said his government has failed to defeat violent crime, after a protest in Mexico City by over 250,000 people." " August 28, 1999: "Thousands of demonstrators have taken part in a march in Mexico City to protest against government plans to allow private investment in the state-owned electric power industry." Viewed in this light, one can see that the protests are not unusual at all -- for a Latin American nation. And it is an unassimilated colony of Latin America that twenty years of corrupt government inaction on illegal immigration has built in Los Angeles and Phoenix and Chicago and Houston and dozens of other cities and towns across America, both large and small. For demographic reasons, the examples I gave above were drawn exclusively from Mexico, but similar patterns of political protest as the default means of lobbying government can be found in Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, and other Latin American nations. They are standard fare, and institutionalized in the culture of the region. In the United States, we write letters to the editor and vote and debate. In the Latin world, people march and rally and muster their numbers before the eyes of government. It is the predictable and unimpeded flow of the political culture of Latin America into the United States. And unless we address the gaping hole in our border, enforce our laws, deport illegal entrants, and again assimilate legitimate immigrants into our unique culture, you can count on the United States becoming more Latin American, and less American, every day. Mr Johnson, a writer and medical researcher in Cambridge, MA, is a regular contributor to Human Events.