2/22 The New Republic prides itself on the fact that each issue includes
articles that are timely and articles that are timeless. Some times
the articles turn out to be both--as, for example, in the current
number of the magazine which fixes on how and why "Identity Goes to
War" and what happens when it does. The proximate framework for the
four articles under this rubric is the round-the-world upheaval
between militant Islamicists and what are mostly secular societies.
It's easy to point fingers. It's much harder to understand the deep
and festering troubles of multicultural polities and the questions
they raise for both the historic majorities and the fast-growing
minorities. Subscribe today for only $9.97 and you'll get all our
commentary on these complex issues.
\_ Please explain why anyone gives a shit about this long, context-
free excerpt or I'm nuking it. You have till 23:59 2/23 -dans
\_ It's more like a long, context-free advertisement. |