Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 41907
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2006/2/17-19 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf] UID:41907 Activity:nil
2/17    What happened to the WEB in Evans Basement?  Where is the OCF now?
        \_ The WEB is now EMF, a Windows drop-in facility.  The OCF is
           in the MLK student union building.  -tom
           \_ what about 260 evans?
              \_ 260 Evans was subdivided; it was split into a computer
                 training facility and the WSSG office.  Now that IST has
                 moved out, it's probably temporary space for Bancroft
                 Library stuff.  -tom
           \_ thanks for the info.  tom, are you a fan of race street bikes
              or just mountain bikes?  The Tour of California is in town.
              \_ I'll probably be doing rides to see the Tour of California
                 on Monday and Tuesday.  I'm not really into mountain
                 biking at all, just mountain unicycling.  -tom
                 \_ Tom, hat do you think about PGCN stock?
                    \_ I think you should stop looking at "stock tips" which
                       arrive by email from non-existant addresses.  -tom
                       \_ good one tom.
                          \_ That's why I am asking you before I invest.
                          \_ wow, tom has his own #1 Fan.  congrats tom!
                             you've made the big time!  I think I'll be
                             tom's #1 Fan's #1 Fan.  ;-)
        \_ maybe CSUA should occasionally allow alumni to revisit
           Soda and Cory.  (it is badge protected, right?)
           Does CSUA have (board) gaming nights?
           \_ You can get into both those buildings without a card key during
              the day.