Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 41186
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/26 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2006/1/1-4 [Uncategorized] UID:41186 Activity:low
1/1     What do you guys think about McMansions? Great? Bad? No opinion?
        \_ McMansions are usually bought by [single] working people who can
           barely afford them using interest only loans. Statistics show
           that most of the McMansions are quite empty because their owners
           are too busy with work and have no time to decorate them, let
           alone enjoy them. Since McMansions are usually built far away
           from metropolitan areas, their owners also tend to drive huge
           SUVs so that they can load up stuff they need, minimizing the
           time and frequency in which they must travel between their
           McMansions and civilization (eg. Costco).  Young McMansion owners
           are usually shocked at the $500-$1000 utility costs since
           McMansions are usually located in traditionally undesirable
           areas that are over 50-100 miles from big coastal cities, thus
           have huge temperature swings. McMansion owners love their homes
           because their homes allow them to feel like millionaires without
           actually having to be one.
        \_ I think they are fine if you have a big family, an ostentatious
           display of wealth otherwise.
           \_ Why do you think "McMansions" are an ostentatious display of
              wealth and regular (larger and more expensive) mansions are not?
              \_ I don't see how the pp implies this. The question was about
                 McMansions, not mansions in general. Anyway, I think it's a
                 given that mansions are ostentatious. -!pp
        \_ Why would you care what we think?  Is this the Great Question of
           Our Time?