Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 40395
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/11/1-4 [Health/Eyes] UID:40395 Activity:nil
11/1    Finally, bionic eyes:
        \_ But if you implant it, you lose a little bit of your humanity.
        \_ W00t!  I want the little gold Zeiss-Ikon writing around the edge
           of the cornea.  -John
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The company, about its technology: The prosthetic telescope, together with the cornea, acts as a telephoto system to enlarge images 3X or 22X, depending on the device model used . The telephoto effect allows images in the central visual field ('stra ight ahead vision') to not be focused directly on the damaged macula, b ut over other healthy areas of the central and peripheral retina. This generally helps reduce the 'blind spot' impairing vision in patients wi th AMD, hopefully improving their ability to recognize images that were either difficult or impossible to see. The prosthetic telescope is implanted by an ophthalmic surgeon in an out patient surgical procedure. The device is implanted in one eye, which p rovides central vision as described above, while the non-implanted eye provides peripheral vision for mobility and navigation. After the surgi cal procedure, the patient participates in a structured vision rehabili tation program to maximize their ability to perform daily activities. S ituated in the eye, the device allows patients to use natural eye movem ents to scan the environment and reading materials. Small World 2005 replies: 0 comments Open comments are not moderated, although abusive and vulgar remarks may be deleted. add a comment html tags: <b>, <i>, and <a> examples: <b>Bold</b> <i>Italic</i> Name: Email Address (will not be published): URL: Remember personal info? Enter the above anti-spambot Turing code: Preview Post Click the "Post" button only once! Nixie Vacuum Tubes Limited Edition Nixie Tube Desk Clock Functional art that mixes a little bit of history with modern electronics to create a clock design combining both the ultra modern 1960s with cur rent retro trends.