Radical Right Right-Wing Myths About The Leak Investigation Patrick Fitzgerald hasnt even concluded his investigation, but the right -wing is already spinning the truth in anticipation of indictments. This document provides the facts to set the record straight.
FACT THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DELEGATION TO FITZGERALD DIDNT MENTION THE IIDA: By the authority vested in the Attorney General by law, includin g 28 USC 509, 510, and 515, and in my capacity as Acting Attorney Gen eral pursuant to 28 USC 508, I hereby delegate to you all the authori ty of the Attorney General with respect to the Departments investigatio n into the alleged unauthorized disclosure of a CIA employees identity, and I direct you to exercise that authority as Special Counsel independ ent of the supervision or control of any officer of the Department.
Fitzgerald may be looking at other laws barring the disclosure of classified info or the possibility that current or former White House aides made false statements or obstructed justice.
FACT BUSH SAID FITZGERALD WAS CONDUCTING A VERY DIGNIFIED INVESTIGATIO N: The special prosecutor is conducting a very serious investigation - hes doing it in a very dignified way.
Video ***** CLAIM VALERIE WILSON WASNT AN UNDERCOVER AGENT: Now, look, Fitzgerald has had two years, two years to answer a simple question, and that is, was the law violated by someone having willfully exposed a CI an under cover CIA agent? The, Valerie Plame wasn t even an undercover agent at the time.
FACT CIA SAYS WILSON WAS UNDERCOVER: But within the CIA, the exposu re of Ms Plame is now considered an even greater instance of treachery. Ms Plame, a specialist in nonconventional weapons who worked overseas, had nonofficial cover, and was what in CIA parlance is called a No c, the most difficult kind of false identity for the agency to create.
FACT BUSH SAID THE LEAK WAS A CRIME: And, you know, theres a lot of le aking in Washington, DC Its a town famous for it. And if this helps s top leaks of this investigation in finding the truth, it will not only hold someone to account who should not have leaked and this is a seri ous charge, by the way. Were talking about a criminal action, but also hopefully will help set a clear signal we expect other leaks to stop, as well.
US Code FACT OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE IS A FELONY: Whoever willfully endeavors b y means of bribery to obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of i nformation relating to a violation of any criminal statute of the United States by any person to a criminal investigator shall be fined under th is title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
met with Niger president in February 2002 to check the security of the countrys uranium. Fulford reported that he was con vinced it was not an issue, and passed his findings to Gen.
FACT WILSON NEVER SAID CHENEY PERSONALLY SENT HIM TO NIGER: Bloomberg r eported, Wilson never said that Cheney sent him, only that the vice pre sidents office had questions about an intelligence report that referred to the sale of uranium yellowcake to Iraq from Niger. Wilson, in his Ne w York Times article, said CIA officials were informed of Cheneys quest ions. The agency officials asked if I would travel to Niger to check ou t the story so they could provide a response to the vice presidents off ice, Wilson wrote.
FACT WILSONS CLAIMS HAVE HELD UP IN THE FACE OF FIRE: Bloomberg recent ly reported, Two-year old assertions by former ambassador Joseph Wilson regarding Iraq and uranium, which lie at the heart of the controversy o ver who at the White House identified a covert US operative, have held up in the face of attacks by supporters of presidential adviser Karl Ro ve.