Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 39667
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/22 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/9/14-17 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:39667 Activity:nil
        Using shit as a source of renewable energy
        \_ Equipment that burns gas made from manure?  Why not just burn the
           manure directly?  It has been done in the wild for centuries.
2024/11/22 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2012/12/7-18 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:54550 Activity:nil
12/7    Even oil exporters like UAE and Saudi Arabia are embracing solar
        We are so behind.
2012/6/22-7/20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:54420 Activity:nil
6/22    "Study: The U.S. could be powered by 80% green energy in 2050"  (
        \_ How many Republicans does it take to make green energy?
           -150,000,000! Ding ding ding!
           \_ Because having control of the White House and both houses of
              Congress wasn't enough (ie, the do nothing and blame the
2012/6/26-7/20 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:54422 Activity:nil
6/26    WW2 brought us antibiotics, syringe, production capacity,
        excessive petroleum, radar, television, atomic energy,
        rocketry (HEIL VON BRAUN), synthetic rubber, microwave,
        computers (GAY TURING), jets.
        What did the Iraq war bring us?
        \_ HMMWV -> Hummer H1 the gas guzzler.
2011/2/1-19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:54022 Activity:nil
2/1     10 Industries in Which the U.S. Is No Longer No.1" (
        China betas us in 7 out of 10 categories, including high-tech exports
        \_ So, only 3 more to go until we declare war?
        \_ Some of those positions are simply determined by
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12/2    'Starry, starry, starry night: Star count may triple'
        'So the number of stars in the universe "is equal to all the cells in
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        Another coincidence is that 1 mole = 6.02 * 10^23.  So the number of
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2012/12/18-2013/1/24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:54559 Activity:nil
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        \_ Sandy Huricane kills. Sandy Hook kills.
           \_ bitch
2011/5/1-7/30 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:54102 Activity:nil
5/1     Osama bin Ladin is dead.
        \_ So is the CSUA.
           \_ Nope, it's actually really active.
              \_ Are there finally girls in the csua?
              \_ Is there a projects page?
              \_ Funneling slaves -> stanford based corps != "active"
2010/11/8-2011/1/13 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:53998 Activity:nil
11/8    Have you read how Bush says his pro-life stance was influenced
        by his mother keeping one of her miscarriages in a jar, and showing
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2010/11/2-2011/1/13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:54001 Activity:nil
11/2    California Uber Alles is such a great song
        \_ Yes, and it was written about Jerry Brown. I was thinking this
           as I cast my vote for Meg Whitman. I am independent, but I
           typically vote Democrat (e.g., I voted for Boxer). However, I
           can't believe we elected this retread.
           \_ You voted for the billionaire that ran HP into the ground
2010/5/26-6/30 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:53845 Activity:nil
5/26    "China could join moves to sanction North Korea"
        How did Hillary manage to do that when we're also asking China to
        concede on the economic front at the same time?
         \_ China doesn't want NK to implode. NK is a buffer between SK and
            China, or in other words a large buffer between a strong US ally and
2010/4/28-5/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:53808 Activity:nil
4/28    Laura Bush ran a stop sign and killed someone in 1963:
        How come she didn't go to jail?
        \_ Car drivers rarely go to jail for killing people.  -tom
        \_ Ted Kennedy killed a girl. Dick Cheney shot a man.
        \_ Ted Kennedy killed a girl. Hillary and Dick Cheney both shot a man.
2010/2/21-3/9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:53717 Activity:nil
2/18    If not 0 then 1 - wasn't that the basis of the logic of the bush
        administration on torture?  If we do it, it's legal, and since
        torture is illegal, therefore we don't torture?
        \_ Bush is a great computer scientist.
           \_ He must be, given that he defeated the inventor of the Internet
              and AlGorithm.
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Reuters Town to turn stinking hog manure into power Tue Sep 13,12:00 PM ET CHICAGO (Reuters) - They cannot escape the stench, but residents of tiny Reynolds, Indiana, hope the oceans of hog manure produced nearby will po wer their homes and businesses some day soon. Click Here "We're very excited," town president Charlie Van Voorst. Mitch Daniels will take his eth anol-powered recreational vehicle to Reynolds on Tuesday to designate th e single stoplight town the world's first "Biotown." Initially, the 500 townspeople will lease or buy vehicles that run on hig h concentrations of corn-based ethanol or soy diesel from soybeans. The second phase will install power-generating equipment that burns gas m ade from manure, said Deborah Abbott of the state agriculture department said. The electricity generated will power homes and businesses. "The goal is to create a new use for the manure that's surrounding the to wn -- as a biofuel," Abbott said. We're used to that smell -- something w e live with," Van Voorst said. He added: "And they're talking about using our own (human) waste as a ren ewable resource." Republication or r edistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the pri or written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any error s or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon .
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Ronald Reagan sold us his belief that the sick, poor and unlucky should no longer count on "big government" to help them, but should rather live and die at the whim of contributors to private charities. The Katrina disaster, whose total damage estimate has risen from $100 to $125 billion, marks the cul mination of Reagan's privatization of despair. American Red Cross leads the post-Katrina sweepstakes, quickly closing in on the $534 millio n it took in just after 9/11. But Red Cross spokeswoman Sheila Graham to ld the AP it needs another half billion "to provide emergency relief ove r the coming weeks for thousands of evacuees who have scattered among 67 5 of its shelters in 23 states." Shelley Borysiewicz of Catholic Charities USA, which has raised $7 millio n thus far, also continues to solicit donations: "We don't want people t o lose sight of the fact that this is going to take years of recovery, a nd we're going to be there to help the people who fall through the crack s" What "cracks"? Why should New Orleans' dispossessed have to live in priva te shelters? There's only one re ason flood victims aren't getting help from the government: because the government refuses to help them. The Red Cross and its cohorts are letti ng lazy, incompetent and corrupt politicians off the hook, and so are th eir donors. It's ridiculous, but people evidently need to be reminded that the United States is not only the world's wealthiest nation but the wealthiest soc iety that has existed anywhere, ever. The US government can easily pic k up the tab for people inconvenienced by bad weather--if helping them i s a priority. That goes double for Katrina, a disaster caused by the gov ernment's conscious decision to eliminate the $50 million pittance neede d to improve New Orleans' levees. Congressional Budget Office expects to cost $600 billion by 2010. So worried are our public servants about the tax burden placed on the rich that they're looking out for rich dead people. This is why t hey've gutted the estate tax that, at a cost of $75 billion annually, wi ll run half a Katrina a year. Trickle-down economists beginning with Mil ton Friedman shout "starve the beast," but while the social programs are put on a diet, the mean and powerful pig out more than ever. Disaster relief is too important to be left to private fundraisers, with their self-sustaining fundraising expenses, administrative overhead (nin e percent for the Red Cross) and their parochial, often religious, agend as. In the final analysis, after the floodw aters have receded and the poor neighborhoods of New Orleans have been r azed under eminent domain, major charities will be lucky if they've mana ged to raise one percent of the total cost of Katrina. Congress, recogni zing the reality that only the federal government possesses the means to deal with the calamity, has already allocated $58 billion--over 70 time s the amount raised by charities--to flood relief along the Gulf of Mexi co. Cutting a check to the Red Cross isn't just a vote for irresponsible gove rnment. It's a drop in the bucket compared to what you'll end up paying for Katrina in increased taxes. Granted, in terms of popularity of likelihood of success, trying to make a case against giving money to charities compares to lobbying against pu ppies. The impulse to donate, after all, is rooted in our best human tra its. As we watched New Orleanians die of thirst, disease and anarchic vi olence in the face of Bush Administration disinterest and local governme nt incompetence, millions of us did the only thing we thought we could t o do to help: cut a check or click a PayPal button. Tragically, that gen erosity feeds into the mindset of the sinister ideologues who argue that government shouldn't help people--the very mindset that caused the leve e break that turned Katrina into a holocaust and led to official unrespo nsiveness. And it is already setting the stage for the next avoidable di saster. It's time to "starve the beast": private charities used by the government to justify the abdication of its duties to its citizens.