9/6 40-Year Old Virgin-- totally funny, and very different. Go see it!
\_ It could have been modeled after some unnamed sodalites.
\_ It is hilarious. I also recommend it. Question. What does singing
"The Age of Aquarius" have anything to do with getting laid?
My history of the hippy era is pretty bad. Please explain, thx.
\_ It was a poke in the eye to the boomers. That song is their
anthem. That is how I read it, anyway.
\_ Interesting. What year was the zenith of the hippy era?
\_ Depends who you ask. The zenith of its visibility and
influence on the wider culture was probably Woodstock
in 1969. If you ask those who considered themselves the
"true hippies," it was probably the early '60s era in
San Francisco - Diggers, Merry Pranksters, etc...by the
time the "Summer of Love" happened, most of the "true
hippies" felt the whole thing had gone to shit and just
become an excuse to get high and fuck.
-- had hippy parents
\_ lye, did your parents smoke pot? Are they still
liberal or have they become a lot more conservative?
\_ Clearly you don't know me at all if you're asking
what happened to my parents. I'd rather not go into
it on the motd. You can email me if you're really
interested. --lye
\_ Isn't that it was always about? In any case, its
Zenith as a cultural movement was probably '68
"Summer of Love" or soon thereafter.
\_ I've seen what people looked like (especially hippies)
in the 60s ... I'd probably have to be high to fuck
anyone back then.
\_ I dunno. Gogo boots and minidresses are pretty rad.
It's the 70s that make me wanna hurl. Of course,
the above isn't 'hippy' attire. |